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Nonsense and Chill - The Great Outdoors

Nonsensical Network
21 Plays3 months ago

On this episode Blaze and Jeff review and provides commentary on The Great Outdoors, starring John Candy and Dan Akroyd from 1988.

No Mean.

Introduction and Show Setup

Dude, hit the button!
Fuck yeah. up what I do that to you every week. So I just want everybody to know I go live at nine, 10 specifically. Cause that's why. oh no that's wine And Jeff is always in mid story and I hit go live and I see him down in the garage and he's talking to himself. Hey Benji,
ah welcome to another episode of nonsense and chill.

Social Media Challenges

It's Friday night at nine. How the hell is everybody doing? Jeff, how are you doing? I'm doing excellent. My bad friend from Mexico. Except for the fact that I fucking hate Instagram. I can't post on Instagram because it oh like and always wants to fuck with me. So, I have to play with it long enough to actually post. I can post but when I want to, I can't because I'm retarded.
I feel you man. I feel you.

Jeff's Tutorial Adventure

I uh I mean that so I made a tutorial for all the where some of us uh brain fart people and some are new on borders uh coming onto the network a tutorial and setting up a studio and I was so baked. I was so I got through it. I got through it. We're talking about this. We're talking about this before we go live and you sent it so everybody can see it. I started watching it going what the **** am I watching this?
I know what I'm doing. So I watched like the first three minutes, and I was like, yeah, I don't need to see this. But tonight. Yes, what's on deck tonight, Jeff? What's on deck? Have you been?
excited for this movie tonight? i got I got a teaser. I got a teaser. is she Everybody should know. I put it up on the socials. But before we get into the movie, but before we get into it, Jeff, go ahead and explain what we're watching. And then I'm going to explain a new new edition. Go for it.

Movie Critique: 'The Great Outdoors'

Excellent. So we are watching the great outdoors these cinematic genius and I'm sorry Fuck Cisco. Fuck Ebert. They don't know what they're talking about. You sent me that clip of Cisco Ebert reviewing this movie when it first came out way back in the day and They shit all over it did They did. And I was like, oh man, they were cruel. I know, right? It was me brutal. like great honest thing for john candy and john dan ackroyd i was like I think there was a lot of movies from that era that were really good, but because those two blowhards were fucking criticize people, yeah. you know You know what it is? And and I figured it out.
They were making so much money doing that. They didn't realize that they were so out of touch with humanity. Like they're like, oh, I need my caviar. there Or the common movie goers. Common man, so to speak. They didn't have it anymore. ah But I did do quick quicky, quicky, quicky, quicky research.
The great outdoors, according to IMDB. Now this is out of 10 and this kind of blew my mind. A 6.6. I ah got you. Okay. I was kind of mad at it. Rotten toment or rotten tomatoes that are pop gold meter. 3.8 out of 5, which is not great, which is not terrible. But they gave it a 3.8 out of 10 on the tomato meter.
which is like a pick in the dick once again for Aykroyd and John Candy. And it's 71% popcorn movie. Oh, it's definitely a popcorn movie. I want 100%. I have my munchies that I've already wiped through. I don't know about you, but I've seen this movie more times than I can count. I guarantee you I can pretty much quote this movie the entire way through. Well, we're not going to be doing that.

Interactive Movie Night Plans

but try not Before we get into the movie, I just want to say we do have a Discord channel. Yes. um Yes. So if you guys want to watch the movie with us, um let me know or well, actually, I cannot get my glasses clean. It's driving me nuts. Yeah, we can drop the link in the Discord or in the comments yeah but that somewhere, Josh.
get your shit together. bla I'm so new to discord that I don't know what I'm doing. ah Boom. and i did it Earlier. Yeah, you did it. Great. Even better. So yeah, you can come on to Discord and actually watch the movie with us. Unfortunately, YouTube will not let us watch the movie with you here. But we're going to be talking about it here and watching on Discord. Yeah, this movie. So so there's there's the Discord void so we can watch the movies. And then there's the text channel. We can get chat, share movie recommendations, movie reviews.
anything you guys want, Shaka's gonna be in there with us too. um Roland Hewitt, if I'm um messing your name up, I apologize, my dude. He was up on Glick's house in music last night. He is a movie guy. And I did watch his movie last night, of American vampires, two thumbs up, go watch it. It was pretty- Somebody said move. but Yes, sub bitches to me. Wait, hold up.
No, but uh before we actually start the movie I have a issue with the opening scene Okay And it's the only issue I have with the entire movie How many road trips have you ever taken when you're with your parents when you were a kid a lot?
I'm saying, did you ever do what they do in the beginning of the movie? I don't remember. So here's the thing, guys. I haven't seen this movie in decades. I didn't rewatch it just for tonight. Kind of wanted to feel a little fresh, even though we will be talking through it. But I am going to go ahead and hit that button. Go ahead and play. Oh. ah So this is the first time you went on Discord. I did the same thing. This is on Discord, so we might have to mess with the sound.
I did the same thing you just did. You hit the little tri white triangle instead of one at the bottom. I did the same thing. ah So this is a, oh god, what is his name? He did 16 candles. John John Hughes. This is a John Hughes movie. It wasn't one of his popular ones, obviously. Oh, wait, maybe not.
Can you hear it? I can hear it. I was just saying, i I think it's kind of perfect sound. Okay. So the family in the car, I knew for years, I thought they were going to Canada, but they're not. they're They're in Wisconsin. So, hey, yeah. So the setting of the movie is in a made up town in Wisconsin. It's where they're going from summer vacation. Two things though. one It was actually filmed in Bass Lake, California you area. Yes. And also it was filmed in the fall, not the summer. But well yeah, because I think that comes down to you know less tourism. So and then go ahead. They're in this giant Jeep Wagoneer that I'm kind of in love with. And they're singing along. That never happens.
yeah So I can remember like once or twice in my childhood road trips that we did. But not like that. Yeah. It's it's more like that one song comes on in four hours and you might sing three songs, three words, but they are singing the word of the song. and it's you yeah don't come back It's that song. ni and yak
but yeah I always assumed this was uh that they were in Canada and the only reason I found out they weren't in Canada uh-huh because he calls it the he mentioned something like the Canadian wilderness or

Character Dynamics in 'The Great Outdoors'

something like that but it's actually mentioned Yosemite Yosemite National that's where this is filmed at base Bass Lake Park Yosemite National Park simply under that area But it was also a place that they filmed a couple other movies off the top of my head. I can't remember. But one of them was another ah John Hughes movie. I love a John Hughes movie. As they get out the car. It's nonsense to chill. I got to get talked to. Hit the trees. He just pulled up there like he didn't see them. And he's not even mad about it.
So if, if, if nobody's familiar with this movie, the premise is his family goes on summer vacation and they're there to have a good family, good old time. He's a working class blue collar kind of guy. yeah well And in his law, no, but it's, it's just just to pose to his brother law, which is a rich ah biggest yup white collar Mercedes driving a home. Yeah. I got more money than I can spend.
There is a couple um buffering hiccups because. Dude, if I ever open up a hotel, I'm going to do this. The sign that says for prompt service, blow me.
with the horn. I'm doing that. This this hotel that they're checking into this is this this is part of that Bass Lake area is also the same hotel that they are same hotel the same spot they filmed in the Blues Brothers film where they're playing in that that law cabin area with the cage up and all that. Yeah, Dan Aykroyd crossover reference. There you go.
I did a little bit. I did a little bit of. any On that horn and getting into it. I love it. The dog. This old man, fuck he's running. Here comes my dog, Pepper. Hey, Pepper, did you hear the dog? He says, he says, what's wrong with your dog? and He's like, pork pie and foils. Love pork pie. I hate people. Do bite or not a dog.
The season heat too. Too bad you're not a dog. That's so fucked up. Dan Aykroyd. God, he's such a kid. Driving that S500, too, man. So, dude, so this Jeep wagon here, man, no lie, I have always wanted a wood, a woody like that. I want one. Oh, woody. Give me a woody. Well, that's wood paneling. A real woody actually has wood in it.
so apparently some So apparently when they made this movie, it it only took them like three weeks to record this or film this movie. But they like some of some of the greenery in the trees in the close-up shops are actually wired in leaves because it was fall. They had to give like more green look. Yeah, like I said, I looked in a little bit of trivia. um There's this one YouTube channel that I'm going to give props to. well i love
but you couldn't get the shit from the well. water No, no, he they said they there they had just got it just went back on the market and they had some $300 into it, not including what they spent on Lysol. Oh, because there was a there was a fish. It was a fishing group that was there for the whole week. So when they you see them roaming John Kenny walk around with that fish, the place is disgusting.
So, so, alright, so Chet is John Candy's character's name is Chet. Right. ah Dan Akroyd's character's name is Roman. Roman Craig. Roman Craig's ID. He's got two creepy little twin daughters. ah have you Have you looked up what they look like now? No. They're models now.
i wouldn't know already surprise me and And the other reason I saw that is they're on Tiktok as well. And I was like, wow, these chicks are amazing looking. low and brow yeah lory g So, i I don't, did you watch? All right. So when I sent you that Cisco Niebuhr clip, did you pay attention to it?
um Okay, so i got no did you? ah So there is a technical slip up in this movie. I'm going to point out. I saw it. I did. Yeah. Okay. Okay. and I did. I was like, I've never seen that the fact that they never. Yep. Yeah. That's why I'm like, I want to make sure I look forward in here. Yeah. I want to see it. See the fix. Okay. 2000. What's up, my dude? What is up?
I did drop the discord link in the uh chat if you guys want to watch i love how he's he's trying to get a piece from the wife i love this he's like come on she's like i feel like i'm in this place is filthy he's like come on as he's undressing he wants to role play yeah but they're So, his hair, it looks like his hair, he just woke up. Well, he just got on the shower. He just got on the shower. Oh, fair enough. Because he came in with the fish. He says, I know what's been stinking up the shower. So, that's why it's mildly wet and kind of glossy. I'm going to pause it real quick. Go ahead. And we're going to figure out, can you, so it's in the text channel, Shaka.
Let me go ahead and share this. Yeah, um I don't know if I did that, right? There's the... I got it. Okay, I'm still learning Discord, guys, so please give me... So am I. But that is the the link I just put in the chat. That is the one that goes to the actual voice channel.
Oh, I apologize, everybody. Yeah, you put for the whole channel, there's two, there's a text chat, and then there's a voice chat. um Right next to where it says nonsense and chill, the boy the voice chat, there's a two little people and a plus symbol. That's where you need to copy some people. Oh, okay. Well, well, shit, I'm gonna have to fix that banner. Yeah. That's actually super fast. I can fix that.
I was going to put up the other one anyway for the rest of the shows real quick. i can so Why we have it paused. I'm going to go ahead and run through Friday. Friday. That's tonight. but I don't want to start with Friday. Mondays. Men caring for, wait, no. Speedway stories and cold-blooded conversations with Chris or Wally about what he when he's going by.
He starts off Monday night and then there is Men Caring for Men with Connor. I will be up there this Monday. Glick is off this coming week. Oh my god, guys. It's gonna be a Glick free week. And watch, our numbers will soar. I'm just... Tuesday, Glick's House of Music.
which he won't be there. So I am putting up a toss back Tuesday in an oldie, an oldie, but a goodie. That sounds dirty. Yeah, it does. Toss back Tuesday. That sounds dirty as hell. It is dirty. I like it dirty. Yeah. Wednesdays is what the fuck news with, uh, Blake and Jeffy boy, but, uh, I will be covering Glick in this coming week. So you will see my ugly mug up there.
Oh, let's see. Thursday's open at the time, guys. Well, Thursday is the open, but I am going to be eventually taking over. I'm, you know, like I've been talking about me doing the interview game.

Upcoming Interviews on 'Jeff's Garage'

So if I can get somebody by Thursday, I'm going to go ahead and do a Thursday show. um I put out about 35 different requests to interview hobbyists. And depending on the hobby, each episode will be different.
um from, you know, because the beauty of Jeff's Garage is it's a hobby show, not just cars, even though we mostly do cars, but done yeah. Yeah. Okay, I'm gonna copy. Friday, we come back. The length that, you know, the length that I have is from the channel is different from yours. That's why, because you're copying the wrong one.
I don't know. No, I'm doing the nonsense and chill movie theater. invite to stream down, I go copy. And then I'm gonna post it in the text chat.
<unk> send you some
Now, if you look in the chat, you'll see that's the link I just posted. See that see what I just sent you? See the two little people?
the plus sign? Yeah, that's what I clicked. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I did. Yeah, if you look in the text chat where I just I just sit put the link guys if you guys are listening. um That's the that that's the link. Weird. No, it is super weird. All right, we're gonna go ahead and press on.
yeah We will so figure all this out guys. Don't worry. He's he's trying to get a piece. You know, he' they've been on vacation. He obviously works a lot i will please and I will be a guy named Bert. I love it. Cracks me up. I love the he's like, I gotta get this broad done.
a I've never done that. So this right. Well, you know, it's saying it's age restricted can't get in. Yeah, I have my shit age restricted. Well, wait. Yeah, I have. Yeah, I have. I have all all the rooms age restricted. I thought I shouldn't kick you. No, because I was able to get in.
it was I am. So, the size of that **** VHS camera. That thing was like one of those big **** **** like like a ghetto blaster. I love that they're sitting on the porch. Roman spoke in that weird cigar. is in here now. Well,
would you want to come Yeah, let's do this.
right but The difference between what they see and. I want the boys to have the same memories. um the What's it called? The beautiful country here. When they're looking out off the porch like this, what do you see? Did you turn off the age restriction? No. I see the other development resources. I don't know how.
going to go ahead. He goes full on like I could be a developer here, but I could, you know, you got wait minute doing great the focus part like pull him out oxiant waste waste, IB tubes, body parts in the lake, sealed. for centuries now I ask you, thank you what do you see? I just see trees.
Shaka, I just sent you an invite personally. There you go. You're having a grand vision. and gets all the But I turned off age restriction.
all probably goingnna die and not so see on ah you so You see the glasses he's holding? Those are Star Wars glasses that you would get oh back in the day. Nice. Yep. Here comes one of the best lines in the whole movie. i gets put o gets pun ah Wait a minute.
oh like a hot shit i' gonna no
Hey, this is lips and assholes.
You know, knowing the ending of the movie, I'm curious on how much Roman put on credit cards. You know what I mean? How much how much what? He put everything on a credit card because he ain't got no money. Oh, I think I think they actually I think they kind of touch at that at the at the end of it, if I remember right. Yeah.
So there is talks about a reboot of this movie. so There has been since like 2017. Guess who guess who won one of the one of the stars would be? The Rock and Kevin Hart. You're halfway right. Kevin Hart. Yeah. ah ruin They'll ruin
And there's talks. There was talkxic and talks to and Will Smith doing um doing uh uh uh mama uh throw mama from the train or whatever uh jesus those lobsters look fake as fuck right they look rubbery look ah here comes here he comes lips and assholes lips and assholes more fatal fashion i like lassholes like lips
Dude, Chet does nothing about Roman kissing his wife on the lips.
and not development my dodays all much so It didn't look like they made that many lobster tails. good like a ro alo coin on a kickass track This conversation about the difference between the pontoon boat and the ski boat take momaha beach you know as much as i like going fast i prefer the finentoon mode ru' go way sweats you can just switch from bring the barbecue and you know you didn't even out on the lake
right and to the lake and comfort like some I don't know. I think Shock is having a hard time getting in here ah so weird
and board bernie but do a vote gesture We don't need a boat, all right? You're gonna want a jet boat? You got a jet boat. Buck and I are getting... The jet boat cracks me up, man. Yup, directly from the miles of bitch. Yup. Are you gonna, uh, you know, are you gonna enjoy yourself? Are Jets aren't you? These chicks freakin' out about the fucking fireflies. That's fireflies? Alrighty, they don't like that.
They don't like bugs. Everybody likes bugs. He's slapping himself on the neck. The butts light up. That is the most word those girls say in this whole fucking movie. Oh, I got to put in my laptop because shit goes bad on this. OK, he tells this story. they're They're literally setting up Monopoly and then never play. Good. That fucking game sucks. I hate Monopoly. So apparently you suck at it.
wow No, I just I'm gonna flip the board kind of flip the table kind of guy in my life. She cheats. I always end up **** broke. No, actually my ex wife. She was she is a huge fan fan of Monopoly. She like she had collected well over like close to like 200 different Monopoly boards. Some of my countries and a lot of them. There is but playing her playing her Monopoly was the worst.
It was the worst. Yeah, it brought the worst out there. It seemed it was so fun. Oh, yeah, it's it's not a good look. Yeah. On people when they play Monopoly. You know, the way that game first came out it was called something else, but it was it was supposed to. It was it was actually designed to be a socialist game. Nice.
But it was social it was supposed to, it was supposed to, it plays the way it does, but it's supposed to symbolize capitalism as being back. I see.
So this is where he's telling his family the story about the bear. Oh, this channel said the private only. Only select members can view this channel.
Oh, cause I got a shock is a as a member and I thought I did. Yeah, I just saw that because I was going to send him out the the link again. Okay, we're just too dumb to use this. Fuck yeah, I am way done.
Because I was messing with this earlier. you talk about the movie, I'll figure this shit out. Yeah. So he's the flashbacks of him wearing that suede jacket with the tassels cracks me up every time. this was me out And he's he's, he's got all the lights dimmed. and Okay, shocking. Oh, a member, you should be able to come in. There you go.
i'm sticking on
hear They have to hear this. They might save their life. They might save their life. I love how the girls have matching jammers and everything. Did Shaka send you a message? No, I just asked myself. Okay. All right, Shaka, you're a member now. You should be able to get in. I wanted to restrict it to members only.
So not anybody can just pop in. so And start talking loudly. and Showing dicks and assholes. Yeah. but lips how in there You know, you gotta say John Candy is a good storyteller because he's got everybody locked in.
that ba They're also actors. Yeah, I get that. i oh I'm like, dude, if your heart is pumping that slowly, you're dying. yeah So, this bear, his name is Bart the Bear. It is. That same year, that same year. Okay, I think you got it now. Um good. Good. Cuz II sit you as a member. I figure. There he is. So, um I'm gonna send you the link to the bear. The bear that plays the bear. He also that same
and he also he was the bear during one of the movie movie awards where he passed he and it he carried the envelope over that's okay yeah he was like a very highly shotgun's not going to kill a monster bear like that he says the book shot Shane
So what he's saying is he missed terribly. Apparently John Kennedy, Ted Ripley, is a terrible shot. up the area Because he didn't hit the bear in the body. He shaved his head. The bear of Clow or Clare County. no that bears she may be on She may be out there.
I want to do a story like this for the kids, but they i trying to times they're like, yeah, we don't fucking believe you. You know,
there I i wouldn't know I wouldn't believe you, Jeff. Don't worry. No, the look on fucking Roman's face as he's got a beer like this, like
He says, I'm 25 pounds overweight. I can't take a blast to the ticker like that. and So here's the here's the bear. You tell how he's bowled up top. Of course, that was a makeup weapon. Really inappropriate, Chad.
can i get love the over right Everybody's pissed that he tells this story. And his wife's like, she's mad, too. And he was like, bitch, you were there. you know You could say she was. She was a honeymoon so she could disprove the whole thing right there, but no. So I made the bangs a little bit of Jesus.
He he's it's like a Roman. trend most of The story was right. Roman trying to. Did I pause that? No.
other. Roman trying to explain to his kids that it was just a story and try to relate to his kids is like worst. awkward No, it's awkward because he he says he tells him a story that his uncle told him that's worse than the story they just heard. You know, it's it scares the **** out of him. Yeah. And he's like to set the record straight.
it's he's funny story like he recognize authority and he's all he's all and it all experience you don't have to worry about it your father's here a family that and he goes into detail about this story his uncle told me patients have been subjected to violent hellish torturous behavior modification experiments like it's it's so bad little box is the army metal boxes the army kept them in there the girl's faces it's such a disturbing story it's so graphic um butettes fairy story and he doesn't even go into detail but he it's just enough detail bra what's like i wouldn't sleep all of what uncle jeff was saying was just a yarn spinning for our entertainment even if the worst day out there on the niles it's so fucked up but the bear is real
pleasantly Nobody told him a story about escaped mental patients that ate a family. nice and He's like dream about nice things, family things, and then walks out the door and they are wide awake the rest of the night. And I think we're going to go ahead and take break.
i think it's time Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Let's play those retro ads. Let's see. What did I, some of them, they're not, some, not all of them are as funny as last week. Last week it was hard to follow up, but let's see what we got.
Let's go back here.
Geico makes car insurance easy. enjoy your flight here too As easy as saying the wrong thing. Me too. Really. What? Dad, why would you say that? Why would you say that? did I look like I'm going on vacation, and sir. It's not how airports work, man. You you could. Dad. Are we leaving or? I don't even want to go on vacation anymore. I thought I knew you. She has hair spray that is over the limit. With an app that puts your policy in your pocket, it's easy to guy-co. And you're not wearing socks. Get a grip, man.
There's a new phenomenon sweeping the nation. Kids everywhere are consumed by bouts of uncontrollable and seemingly unprovoked laughter. Why? Let's ask the experts. who funny It's the new marshmallow funny bones in Kellogg special edition Scooby Doo cereal. Sorry guys, I absolutely love Scooby Doo. Just one bite may leave you laughing all day.
Just go ahead and fill this out and we'll get you started. Sounds great. Boom. Bang, bang, bang, bang. Bang, bang, bang. Bang, bang, bang, bang. Do I need to put my email address in here? Bang, bang, bang. Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.
thank go
Cool. and and and um no no no no no no la no no no
Nice muscle shirt, bro. The skin is in, bro. Guys with bice and trice, bro.
Hoke out what you both got, bros.
And that's why I don't like gyms. Matt, we're not a gym. We're plastic. If you And that's why I don't like gyms. Well, we're not a gym. We're planet fitness. So what do you do for a living?
I lift things up and put them down. Excuse me? I lift things up and put them down. OK, here's the strength circle. I lift things up and put them down. Over here, I lift things up and put them down.
And this is our stretching area. I lift things up. Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun deep down in here Did you get your burn on? Um, I guess so. Bros know when they get their burn on. Maybe here? No, bro. Bros know. Burn. And that's why I don't like gyms. Well, we're not a gym. We're Planet Fitness.
Bro, no. I'm just saying, Glick's taking a week off to go to the gym. takes stuff eat i big stuff up put it back down i picked stuff up by but right now like go couple of those i've never seen before oh man and I don't know what kind of scoot up that car is but I want one. I have I have a fun time looking for ads sometimes. A lot. I found one of my most favorite band Walmart commercials and it's I have it. I have it on deck for tonight too.
That reminds me, I got to send you a guy on TikTok. He he goes, guys, I got really high and I fell into the internet. Look at what I found. That's how I imagine you finding these cats. Exactly. So Roman just got to tell his creepy twins a good night story. And they're just fucking awake for the rest of the night. The raccoons. I love the raccoons.
They have Illinois plates, Mom. Oh, we're going to eat good tonight. I love the music that's playing in the background. Lobster tails. Shit, live it a little raw hot dogs. You know what those are made out of? Lips and assholes.
and I love how everybody's sleeping in the morning with the with the nice melody in the background. You know, you see the boys. It's funny when they fall asleep. It's funny or when they fall asleep in the boat and they wake up. No, but like everybody's sleeping peacefully. Roman's laying on top of his wife. The girls are still away because he scared the shit out of them. No wonder they're fucking crazy in the entire goddamn movie. Well, I think that's why they fall asleep during the bear dump. And the only one cleaning up the trash that the raccoons made is Chet.
And he's like, oh god. He's like, that's horrible. That's all your trash. Jesus Christ, that cell phone. That phone, man. From the 80s, dude. that's like eighty s It's a brick. That's a brick. It's not a brick. That's a house.
It's like a bag full without the bag. just you know but The fact that he can do that and trim his nose without lynching i can't i can't do it oh i hate it i have a have one of the electric ones his daughter's just watching him trim his hair his nose hair no which is really weird their mind as he scratches his ass and they're like t they're creepy man they're creepy according to the wife who she's in the shower she just said maybe you spent more time with them they wouldn't
Look at you like you're a rack of yard bulls at Sears. but
fault they don't work um so you hung up on you it't work Why would a minister hang up on me? Oh, yeah, once. OK, is it weird that I want this boat? Suck my way. I wake.
That is a, that's gotta to be a 400 cubic inch motor with a blower on it. So no lie, there's like little coastal towns or towns through the the mountains in Oregon like this, where it's like this, it's just a resort, a log cabin resort area with this like little village market. And dude, I fucking love little places like that when you're traveling through the mountains and shit. It's like, oh, what do we have here?
We got a place like that over here. we Me and my wife go to, it' it's, it's Cambria. We go to a place on yeah and it looks just like this.
you know it, this movie doesn't scream eighties because with the exception of like the kids aren't dressed wild. Oh yeah. They're like preppy kids. You know what I mean?
Well, I mean, you look at the hot dog stand guy right there. Yeah. I heard a, I heard a crazy pickup line joke today. Involved hot dogs.
Look at Rowan, man. He's even got the Rolex, the glasses. the What boat have you ever seen with a gas pedal?
That one. question
He's not even mad. That's an expensive fuck up, too. Yeah. The fact that they didn't put a hole in the boat, running up the fucking concrete like that. that man or one Okay. Why is he that far away from the edge of the dock?
because he's showing his son what to do, but you're right. i mean you do it yes You don't need to do it. 40 feet of Doc first. And then he's just showing him. Why is he on the fucking skis? Why is he on the skis? Yeah. I mean, this is this is just as much his own fault of what happens. It's just a joke. and And I'm sorry. His wife is the blame, too, because she's like, oh, he's going to lose. So I've noticed, like, I think A lot of these jokes is just old dad jokes. Oh, yeah. 100%. This guy. This guy. He's waving. He's waving. He means go. See, the wife's into it. Oh, shit. Oh, no. Oh, no. That hurts my ass. That hurts my ass.
and love I love how he works. And his son, dad, let go of the rope. He drags his ass. He's got to be doing, what, 35, 40 miles an hour?
ah there go There's a reason why you don't go speed through a bunch of boats. It's called a no wake zone. No, he's like suck my wake. Roman doesn't give a fuck. No, he's like suck my wake, bitches. He's that yuppie scum.
that ruins everything and he says, you bastard and they hear go faster.
Once again, let go of the rope. The same thing you told yourself. Is that is that supposed to be an exhaust tube right in the in the fucking. No, right there. Oh, that the in front of the but driver, that's the speedo. Oh, is that the That's one of my favorite lines where he's, uh, John Candy's yelling, you bastard, you bastard. And then Dan was like, what do you say? I think he said, go faster, go faster, go faster. He breaks it down. Nice. He didn't want, you know, the fact that he's held on this long and when he goes, to that looks like it hurts, dude.
Those things are solid. Cat tails are not soft. Dude, you get wrapped in the fucking nuts with a couple of those. Yeah, he's literally, he gets hit. Now he's on one ski and everybody's impressed. It's kind of impressive.
Well, you know, he, he kind of held his own there. I'm just saying. And the soundtracks, the soundtracks of this movie too. I love it. I love the soundtracks. Yeah. Don't talk back.
Oh man. You know, when I watched this, I was watching clips of this the other day. I just now realized watching it this time that they actually show up at the same dock they left at. I didn't catch that the first 400 times I caught that. So they went completely around the lake.
And these' pi ah he's I love he's opening the drawer. like He's still shaking. What happened? you over the conam light how about that for starters like we have put nas yeah His whole this body language, dude. I love John Candy.
fur laughing
She's laughing at him being so mad. He's like, I'm going to be making splinters out of my ass for a week. And she's like, he, he, he, he, he. He's like, what is that? I love him. She's like, what about the kids? And he's talking about, he's like, they're spooky. I mean, our kids, our kids are already. do but miss but um leave your She talks him out of it.
It's been less than a day. I get it. If I was my favorite character, I'd have knocked him out by now. I'd kick him out too. I would have called the cops. John Candy has the best laugh in the history of comedy. Because you believe, ah
like like it's a believable laugh. fair Yeah, like it's not over the top like Jim Perry and it's not it's it's not I love how he's why why why and token his wife and she's just loving it.
snow I don't understand why he gets upset about goat cheese pizza thing. So I don't just because it's a yuppie thing.
see you said so I don't know. Cause she's like, Roman's making, I don think so. He's like, I think so. What did you say? And she's goat cheese. how how he a Pompous and pretentious. that do Yeah, exactly. It's very for for a guy that literally will eat hot dogs. I get it. Well, Rogan, he's a hoity-toity snobbish. He's a yuppie. He's a typical 80s yuppie. He's got to have the nicest clothes. Like he's got the shirt unbuttoned with the gold medallion. And you you wouldn't be surprised if his character back, you know, does a couple bumps in the bathroom every day. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Well, apparently, i in the movie where you see everybody dancing and singing, they were all drunk that night. Like, I'm not surprised. I'm not surprised. Because it was it was literally clips of the rap party. When was um when did John Candy pass away? I think it was 92 or 96. No, it wasn't that early. I thought it was in the early 2000s, at least. No, I remember.
Uh, he died in 94 March 4th. Wow. And that was six years after this movie was made. Yeah. Seven years. He was made in 87 is when they filmed it. I love the owner of the place is still the bartender. He's like that. Yeah. Looks like a Mr. Magoo. Yeah. His face is all scrunched up. Yeah. That's the keystone sour face guy.
Yeah. I mean, I don't think really, okay. This, this scene, the fact the guy is dead is, and Wally didn't say anything. Yeah. That's why, that's why as he's, as Chet's taken the picture, he's like, he's like, girls, give, give the old man a kiss. Cause he's 106. Is this before or after a week in the Bernies?
think it's is more yeah ah Weekend version was 89 I think Really was it? no dying of wow Yeah, I was not a fan of that movie I thought i love that suck i was horrible the sequels not great but a dead one He died on the way over so dancingling party Sorry the dude died he's like I Would have done the same shit He's like, I already spent all his money on decorations. Yeah, this is already paid for. He's already there. Right. The name of that arcade is longer. So, this pool table brings me back. Right. Like, so, there was a, there was an arcade place down here, Radcliffe.
called Merlin's Castle. It was arcade and pool tables. And these pool tables were just like old and stained and ripped up, but it was a good place to go buy weed. You know, that is an amazing shot. I'm just saying. Isn't it? That's cinematic gold right there. God, I was 11 years old when I saw this movie. Yeah, and I... Hmm.
you know, I looked her up today wondering what she looks like today. She's actually a lawyer and she has not held up. Oh, no. Yeah. Well, not everybody can age as well as me. Well, she's only she only did like six movies. She was on a TV show once. So she like she did that. I think this is one of her last movies. Well, these twins, they they only did one other movie too. Yeah, as yeah.
I have a question for you about this scene. As a parent, would you do what he does here? What's he do? Feed the bears? Feed the bears and get them get on the car? That's dumb. No, I would not. it's it's It's typical fat guy entertainment. I get it.
Oh, yeah, I think it's just a typical dunderhead. But look up look up on look up on YouTube. Are there people who do that? There really is people. yeah there's a reason why that's why they' fine not feed the better Yeah, exactly. Yeah, there's a In South Dakota, ah in the Black Hills, I think it's the Black Hills, it's around the Rapid City area, there is a bear preserve. It's a drive-through preserve. Drive-through, and you see the animals. They got bears and all sorts of other kind of animals. And they'll walk up to the car. And of course, there's signs that say, don't do what John King is doing in this movie right now. Right. Exactly.
yeah Now, once again, the I think the reason why the girls were asleep in this was because they didn't sleep the night before. No. So don't feed the bears your soft nugget. Yeah, he he threw like four candy bars at him. And they're on the line. No, that's not a good idea.
Shaka, how you been doing, man? I'll do I'm doing pretty good. He's lucky in that windowsill crack or break. He just wanted to get the ears closer so his kids could see it. Now it's on the roof. Everybody's looking at him. The people next to him. He's like, hey. And you see him performing like.
I've told you I loved you, right? He's now fearing for his life. Yeah, I'll be. He's trying to play it calm as he can. He's probably freaking out on the inside. He's trying to get the fuck out of there. Me too. Me too.
and The bear won't get off the wheel. I was going to get him off. This is licking the windshield. And he's like, we're moving now. I love, I love. He'll jump off real quick. He'll jump off soon. Oh, shit. There's one on top of the roof too. Yeah, there's one on the roof. He's like, isn't it illegal to drive with a bear on your car? like I got him. Yogi and Boo Boo in the flesh. Which Ranger Smith would get off his ass.
I love that. Should have brought Uncle Roman's car. Agreed. Yeah. She's got the biggest 80s bangs ever. Yes. ah You know. Pull on. There was some aspects of the 80s that I i don't. ah i I don't mind. I would like to see come back. Yeah. Yeah. You want to see the bangs come back? Some of them. No, I won't. Some of them are crazy. and Not so much bangs, but. No, but the guys with the weird giant six foot tall mohawks. Yeah.
but I mean, you go to a punk rock concert. Now you still see that. So tell me, there's it tell me. There's a random fair going on right now. Yeah. You know, Buck reminds me of a as a wish version of the the brat pack kid. What's his name? The nerdy one. I have no idea what you're talking about. 16 to 16 candles, kid. Yeah. What's his name? um Oh.
I knew we were talking about weird science. Yeah, the kid from weird science. Yeah. Isn't that the same kid who ended up playing in that Stephen King show on the USA? Anthony Michael Hall. Yeah. Anthony Michael Hall. He looks like a wish version of Anthony Michael Hall. But like Anthony Michael Hall would have ruined this movie because it would have been all about him. You know what I mean? I think I think the guy that plays Buck does an amazing job of just saying he's like a emu version of
This is where I stopped watching the other day. His name is Buck. And then later on, John Candy plays Uncle Buck. Uncle Buck. Actually, Uncle Buck, I think, was before this. No, it was after. Was it? It was made in eight. I think it was 89. I've seen Anthony Michael Hall in shows recently. Never knew it was him until right now, because he looks so different. He looks so different. Yeah. He looks like a villain. Right outdoors, it was 88. Uncle Buck was 89.
um day you gonna be coming up here with And in between the two he did, he did planes planes at automobiles. Yeah. What's his last movie? It was a wagon. He died on set. I was actually thinking about watching that one for the Thanksgiving weekend week. I agree. Yes. I like John Candy. I love John Candy. He gives me a reason for these old movies.
I checked the calendar because I don't know what day that is. I don't either. That would be Thanksgiving's the 28th. He takes about the robot. He's like, and you can row. That'll be fun. and They put rocks on the trash can. It never works. work The raccoons crack me up. We'll just knock them over. Of course we will.
Can I stay up again and watch the big guy rake up all the mess?
Asshole squirrels. Looks like Chris Young retired from acting. He's still alive, just retired from acting. Is he really? Who's Chris Young? Is that the guy that left it? Oh, OK. Yeah, you don't see a lot. He almost got hit by a car there.
There's like a couple actors and actresses in here that you'll see in other stuff later on, like the mom, one of the other ladies, her, the place, Cammie, but you don't really see them much. Cammie, Cammie only did, check the place, Cammie. She only did a couple of movies, actually. um Where is she? Here she is. Lacey Dinkins is her name. She did a total of, she did The Boy Who Could Fly.
Uh, mother's gift. There goes my baby and a little Nikita it's and cheetah and 89. I know the woman who's playing Roman's wife. I forgot her name. This was her for, this was her film debut. Wasn't really
uh, yeah. yeah
I see her bangs aren't like, they're not that terrible they're not the Aquinnet bangs, like all fuck four foot high, trying to fucking slap the top of the door as it walks through. Roman out here playing golf. Of course he's playing fucking golf. By the way, this is riding go-karts. Those go-karts, what is up with the front bumper thing on the front of John Kenny's go-karts? I don't know. That's weird.
But who would put the who would put the go-kart thing at the end of the driving range too? It's not it's little you can see it behind Roman. So Roman is Oh, it is. But oh, yeah it's the tree. It hits John Candy right between the eyes. Have you ever been to one of those go-kart places? They got now like it's the fast fucking go-karts videos the other day.
Dude, it was one in the last place I lived. I love going, man. They got one here now, and I'm waiting to go. Dude, we have one here. We just had an accident and made the news. A lady had got her hair stuck in a motor, and it ripped her skull off.
yeah I'm going to have to look that one up for Wednesday. I love how John Candy's horse runs away from him. Is that supposed to be a fat joke? Interesting. So, you know, hey so I think that's one thing that did kind of plague his career is like he was tight cast. Yeah, his weight. Yeah. And the way Cisco. Have you ever seen him do Delirious, the movie Delirious? Where he knocks himself out and then he's in the soap opera. he He's dreaming he's in the soap opera that he writes for.
That sounds familiar. Excellent movie. It's got the guy that played Perry Mason in it. OK. I do like, ah was it Terry Crumb? Yeah. That's a good one. I'll try with a purebred. Purebred. Purebred mule. He's like, Roman's always got to be the smart ass. like he He's got his little audience.
He's the one upper. He's the one upper, Jeff. Yeah, he's the one upper. They're just in there waiting for Chet to show up. Everybody's like, the the girls are in popcorn. no why i have The younger son there. No, I think he's out on a date.
OK, I got you. Copy that. That's my story for Wednesday, fool.

Reviewing 'Florida Man'

i's right i got I got to rewatch the new episodes of It's Florida Man. oh No, it's not a TV show show though. It's a new show. No, I watch it so they don't have to. That's the point. Do it for the mini reviews. All right.
So she's waiting on, oh no, Buck's looking for her. and we're in the fair That fair is like going on the entire so it is kind of some it's a summer fair
po what yeah po yeah know total i don't know yeah it's it's like forth three letters
Look, even the bartender's like, Roman's so cool as shit. This is, is this the, uh, the, the 96er? Yeah. No, no, no. This is where they meet the guys. Oh, this is the skunk guy. Right here. Yes. He got freaking hit in the head by, uh, what, lightning 66 times and that's by the end of the film. His hair's all like a skunk. Yeah.
Is that what happened to Glick's beard? Yeah. He got tased in the face. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
to make choking up my candy over here okay yeah got going there
hey, I don't know. Oh no. You got the old army jacket on? It's possible. How many times is it now? Who's Danny? You can swish your sweets. Yeah. Probably. sixty I don't even think the sweets are too small. Backwoods. Yeah.
The dude stutters so much. because even and in in in and and okay so in front of dan ackrod he's got bonaca yeah like so kind of i'll see all the medication in front of them just din yeah he's got like a nasal spraysal congestion you got a foot rub like a ah that breaks like that green and that's nice yeah sinus vianca i don't know man
in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in Is it binaka like a fresh breath freshman after after smoking? raly breath great Yeah. OK.
It's so lonely being wealthy. wealthy. Shut the fuck up. Eat the rich. Right. It's just like it's so lonely at the top. Come down off your pedestal. and that shit and sometimes i think the only way i'll get any pleasure is by me against the washer during that work but
You know so they grew up together so telling stories like that I guess is normal so Rowan's wife the sister was telling her sister Chet's wife because I can't remember their fucking names about the spin cycle the washing machine, how it's orgasmic. Apparently.
See, you know, unless you've lived or lived in a touristy town when you're younger, or, you know, single, I get what she's going through. She's like, I don't need another summer playing, because I'll have another one next week kind of thing.
Because for him, it's a thrill. Her, it's just fucking every day. ah another guy He leaves. She doesn't. Yeah, exactly. So I get where she's like, I'm not into that because she's stuck. Yeah. Well, she's like, it's just fucking hole in the wall town. Yet she still goes through making out with him. And the fact that they're on the lake and he doesn't seal the deal. Buck has no game. I'm just saying.
I like that scene. That is pretty. The sun in the back. Oh, shit. I forgot about this.
that you been touching you for twelve years i never mind you did
yes It's a bat. Yeah. this is for all Come on, it's got ears.
They're obviously all city folk. I remember this part. They gear up. time and He's rubbing his hair like making sure it's not in his hair. Dude, have you ever lived places where like bats like swoop down at night at you and shit? I got bats over here, dude. That's raccoons and possums, man. They dive bomb the lights here because the bugs fly around the lights. Dude, there was a species of birds in Guam.
We would be running PT in the morning if we were wearing our hats. If you wore a hat, these birds but would bomb you in the head. It was nuts, assuming that we didn't wear hats very much. I love how he he goes in. John Candy goes in to get his rat mouth. And it buzzes him. And he's out. He's fucking on gone.
All right, guys. Before we get into these shenanigans, when they dress up to go combat the itty bitty bat, I am going to pause. he He makes it out to be the biggest bat on the planet. Go ahead and play a break. It's like this big. Yeah, we're going to go ahead and hit up another break because I got to make the bladder clatter. You and me both. Yes, sir. All right.
Don't look now. Chuck Norris is right behind you. I heard superheroes reach Chuck Norris' comics. I heard at night the boogeyman checks under the bed for Chuck. I heard Chuck Norris' reflection won't even look him in the eye. I heard when cops need cops, they call Chuck Norris. I heard when Chuck gets in the water, sharks get out of the ocean. I heard when Chuck Norris' is hiking grizzlies look out for him.
I heard Chuck Norris rides a motor without the cycle. I heard Chuck Norris wears a hat to protect the sun. I heard medicine takes Chuck Norris to feel better. I heard it would actually kill the dinosaurs with Chuck Norris. I heard cats say they have chug-like reflexes. You think he's still got it? I'll bet you a buck he catches his salt shaker. You're on. Hey, Chuck!
You owe me a buck. You can't always see what's coming. But when you choose UnitedHealthcare, finding an in-network doctor that's close to home is easy. Heard cats have truck-like reflexes. Too soon. Too soon. UnitedHealthcare. Don't look now. Chuck Norris is right behind you.
I heard superheroes read Chuck Norris comics. I heard at night the boogeyman checks under the bed for Chuck. I heard cats say they have chug-like reflexes. Do you think he's still got it? I bet you a buck he catches the salt shaker. You're on.

Chuck Norris Advertisement Humor

Hey, Chuck!
You owe me a buck. You can't always see what's coming. But when you choose UnitedHealthcare, finding an in-network doctor that's close to home is easy. So what happened? I had lunch with Chuck Norris. UnitedHealthcare.
Whoa, whoa, wait, wait. Shouldn't we go with Michael? He's a seven-time world champion. Yes, but Niko got twice as many points last season. It's going to rain. And Michael is a guard on a wet track. Yeah, but Niko got here first, which proves that he's faster. Tell you what, which one of you two's quickest? Me. Niko. That wasn't my thought. Niko. It was clearly Michael. Niko. How was that, Niko? I told you it was Niko. He was definitely faster.
The Fiat 500 Abarth. You'll never forget the first time you see one.
those at i jeff I think yeah I think you missed that Doritos commercial. No, I caught it. um Those Fiat's Abarth edition are stupid fast. They are overpowered for their weight. Dude, the Chuck i like commercial is the funniest f freaking commercial ever, man. I love those classic Chuck Norris jokes. I thought you guys appreciate that.
And I love where he's like, you think he's going to catch this song? He throws it back. He keeps it right in his face. Before we go back to playing the the video here real quick.

Network Show Schedules

Don't forget, everybody go ahead and check us out at bio slash nonsensical network, where you can see all our shows every day of the week. Monday's Speedway stories and cold blooded conversations and men caring for men. Tuesday's Glick's house music. This week is going or this week coming up is going to be a recap.
Wednesday's is what's fuck news with me and Blaze this week. ah Thursday, if I can get somebody, I'm going to do Jeff's garage. Friday's, nonsensical nonsense and chill, which is this show. Saturday morning is going to be cash's corner. And then Saturday night is going to be nonsense, nonsensical nonsense, the open door challenge. And then unnecessary roughness. And yeah, unnecessary roughness because I'm moving to Saturday, Thursday. So there you go.
Back to the movie. That was, I forgot. So wait, hold hold on, hold on, hold on. Go ahead. Don't we have merch? We have merch. Oh, that's right. We have merch. Yeah. Well, that's why it's it's all in the bio link.
As we both fight over the button. Yes. All in the bio link. I'm just saying. Go for it. Go buy some merch. Like I'm not going to say no more. I'm not saying say it because apparently it's creepy. Spread us on you. Um, yeah
so we left off. They were about to go in and combat a bat. And it it's it's got to be, it's, I'm assuming it's like one o'clock in the morning or probably im like that. Yeah. You know, it's, it's obviously late.
You have to do something. Let's go go armor up. and i love how they ask They are seriously dressed to the nines with everything. up Except his neck. Fishing. John Candy's got like a mask on. Nuts all for a bat.
like the world's smallest bat. It's not even that big. I mean, it could have rabies. You don't know. It doesn't have rabies. Yeah, but it doesn't. Okay, so I think Romans weapons a lot better.
He's got that dual action sword. I don't know. I don't know, but the the tennis bo staff. i want say like This is a nod to um ah this is back when the American gladiators were out and they had the right YouTube thing. There you go. I see what you're talking about. oh American glad I think they still do that, don't they? Yeah.
And they destroy destroy everything. And of course, the women and children outside giving instructions.
He just fucking destroyed that lamp. That's why I said the tennis racket. I think that's a better weapon because he's got that. True.
I'm not going to lie. I would probably react the same way with the bat.
I'm telling everybody, just go back to sleep. I can see that. Just leave the windows open. Go back to bed. It'll fly out. Oh, on the face. Oh, and he just clocked him. Hardcore. We got it. John Candy stumbles around because he just got hit in the face. Why does he use the fly swatter to kill it?
Sorry, that was a mistake. I was. ah so yeah My bad. It's like Olympus. Place water on the planet thinks it. There's Kami waiting for him. She's excited to see him. And W root beer, right? Straight from the draft. You know, there are times in the 80s that I miss the shit that we had in the 80s we don't have today so much better.
In my hometown, we had an A&W repair. We did too. We had one. i road Yeah, it was right by our high school. Yep. Remember coming back from drill meets dude, stopping by A&W West Point, grabbing a $5 bag of five burgers. Yep. $5 will get you in the door now. I'll get you a half a drink.
typical summer romance. Yeah, it's really, you know, it's, it's cutesy. And here it is, old 96er. Is it me or am I the only asshole that wants one of these fucking steaks? I think I could take one of these down. No problem. I would not have an issue. I think I could do it. I could not do it. I could not do it. I have a hard time with a 10 ounce steak nowadays. Yeah. I'm good at it. It's the difference. Yeah.
That's too much for me for me to do that a fucking like the way he looks after years the way I would wait just looks familiar Why do I know the waitress? So she this is a cameo or she isn't other movies our show. She was in Malcolm in the middle She was in she was like a teacher I think um Remember i'm trying to find her Here
But so this restaurant, of course this restaurant's in the same place they filmed the movie, Bass Lake, whatever. um This restaurant burned down to a gas fire like shortly after filming this movie, like the next month. It is really. They did.
So when they rebuilt it, of course, she was in Smoky in the Bandit. That's what it was. Pleasantville. The second one. She was in the second Smoky in the Bandit. She was in Malcolm Mills. She was in the Cherokee kid. She's done a lot of stuff that waitress. Yeah. I'm not going to lie, dude. like that attempting ah Like you imagine the price of that state now, though. Oh, good God. Oh, dude. Buy that Jeep Wagoneer cheaper.
That'd be $1,000 steak right now. I yeah t i can take that steak now.
I'm sizing it up right now like I got you. It's really not that big, dude. It's like a sandwich. 96 ounces of corsets weighed before it's cooked. You got the bone in it. I get all that.
I got that. I got that thing. So, the sun, the sun's supposed to be meeting up with his his flame. Cammy. He's like, alright, come on, hurry up, hurry up. but She's waiting. So, at the base shop. Of all places. Dude, that's. ah She's masking that fishy smell. Yeah. I love, he's all like, oh my god. I mean, don't get me wrong, after I finish it, yes, I'll have the meat sweats and I'll want to die.
Dude, I go out and puke. I would puke. Oh, no. I would love it. No. You got the gristle and fat. You got the gristle and fat. He's not gotten yet. I love the gristle and fat. That's my favorite part. It's part of the flavor of the fat is, yeah, don't get me wrong. A lot of the fats were all the... All the juiciness. The flavors kind of like coagulate. This is... Roman's like, if I can get a dessert down him too,
He's negotiating, him eating more food. And apparently he did it because the kids leave with menus that are made out of logs and hats. And t-shirts. He's got that t-shirt on. it I ate the 96er. Oh, man.
ah God, that's harder. Where are the garbage cans, the raccoons? He probably put them in the cabin. i handss in the cabin they're not we sees but just have to break yeah in We can do that. Why do you think we have these?
for scratching our asses. So he shows up. Cammy's obviously gone. You know, granted this is before cell phones and pagers. So it's not like he could've mentioned her. But she left her pop can. Hey, I'm running late. My daddy. She's a litterbug. Meet down his throat. She's a litterbug. What's that? She left her pop can there. And he almost put it in the lake. He did. There's a trash can right there. I'm just saying. Litterbug. Yeah. That's why we have plastic problems now because not everything's made out of aluminum anymore.
All right. Fuck those raccoons. Fuck those raccoons. All right. Try those maggots, he says. Oh, man. Oh, now John's going to go throw up. I get it. I don't blame him.
Fucking Romans an asshole, dude. He's like, I believe that. He's like, there's no filter between his mind and his mouth. Yeah, he doesn't think. Oh, here we go. They're going fishing.
Wait, it's 9 AM and it's that dark out? These are the biggest worms I've ever encountered. I don't know why. They're leeches. They're leeches. Have you ever fished with leeches? No. I haven't.

Fishing Scene Confusion

I haven't. I haven't. I'm not going to lie. You can really see the backdrop in this. You can really tell that that's a painting in the background. like Yeah, that's not the best this studio. Yeah.
god I wonder how long it took them to fill up that water. but
Leech it and bleed a shit ton as you stab it. So it's obviously like later in the day it's starting to rain a little bit. They are puffer leeches.
I've never come, I've never came in contact with leeches. I've seen, like I've been around, like I've been in places where there were leeches. But here's my problem with that scene. They got up at 9 AM to go fishing.
And then they fell asleep. These guys work for a living. And the kids go to school most of the time. Why do they fall asleep after 9 a.m.? 9 a.m.? Why the fuck? I want to know what this machine is that he's talking on some kind of phone that you pay. Yeah, that's weird. And it's attached to. That's true. Tree. Wait, what? Oh, we've never seen one of those. I haven't seen one of those in years.
I'm not gonna lie though, this cabin and they're they're staying in is dope. It's pretty fucking dope. We've stayed at Bass Lake a lot. You gotta- The cabins look like this. Oh, do they really? what yeah what What part of the country you from, Chaka? I'm in California. Okay, so- Bass Lake is like a couple hours away. Yeah, yep this is that's where it was filmed. Hell yeah. I love how Roman's got the answer for everything and Chet's finally had enough.

Family Tensions in 'The Great Outdoors'

and flu meanwhile the human beings in the room are freezing to death. I'm really not cold. Thank you for sharing that. Thank you. Roman's got a face to punch. right I want to punch it. Why don't you come over here and show me how to do that. Show me. Show me, big man. to After all, you know everything. You know everything. The kids are just into it waiting popcorn like, yeah, get it, dad. Maybe even a Haiti or Antarctica or the Dead Sea would have had a lot more fun.
so that's the He's pissed because they're having a bad time because it's raining. remember anybody inviting you And Chet says, I don't remember inviting you. Once again, you fucking just showed up, dude. Fuck you. You're an asshole. He's like, what does that supposed to mean? What do you think it means? He imposes and then bitches about it. Yeah. Yeah.
typical I think I think today's modern buzzword is narcissist. Yeah, he's he's 100%. Now it's all starting to lose out. Especially since we threw aside our plans and we had a Somewhere in this movie, there was supposed to be a reference to Elwood, his character from the Blues Brothers. Oh, really? I think there's a couple songs in the soundtrack, because the Blues Brothers is based off of actual people, from what I understand. Oh, is it really? The band's on the soundtrack. In the universe. No, no, in the world. Oh, OK. Yeah, I think they'll be checking out.
your face and started a
Yes, the Blue Brothers were real, the band, the Blues Brother Band. It's a real band that originated from a Saturday Night Live sketch. during john but Yeah, they actually had a band in there. There's a couple of their songs are on the soundtrack too. I think that's love how he he said we we set aside our vacation to spend time with you. No, you imposed on our vacation. You're such a prick.
big one my but the take a will nobody says that That's like eat my shorts man that's a real eighty s reference and don has She said how did he says blow it out your ass We got stuff ah find yourself a sprint cycle. I love to see shakes herself. Sprint cycle. He's like, what the hell's that supposed to mean? Nevermind. You got to give it to chat. He's, he said, we won't get a Christmas present. He's been pushed to his limit. Yeah. Oh, I know I've been there. Yeah.
I've had family members like that in the past. I don't want to be raised. I don't want to be able to blow anything out their ass. While you're at it, dad, why don't you throw the whole family at your ass, dad? That kid's taking every opportunity he can to be a dick. Blow it all out of your ass. And here it comes. You see old Mr. 60-66-66 times in the head.
This is about 67. Yeah.
Bye bye. Oh, yeah, this is where they have a little heart to heart previously decided not to. I came up here for a reason. Yeah. Talk to you about an investment back, but I'll be quite honest, like I'm up to solicit twenty five thousand dollars for solicit money from them. Yeah.
We got a short little time left here. You want to take another break real quick? Yeah, we can take it on the break. Let me finish. We have so many. Fellas, I got to run. I got to go to work. Appreciate you. Let me. Yeah, I got it. I got it. Anytime. All right. but But yeah, we're going to take a real quick break because we have so many breaks. We kind of want to break it up. um And then we're going to come back. and We got what? How much longer the movie?
About 20 minutes or so. About 20 minutes left. um So we're going to go ahead and play a real quick break. If everybody follows on slash nonsensical network, check out our merch and we'll be right back. Please go ahead. Yeah.
Ralph, I'm home.
Come on, Ralph, let's go out.
for um
um I've got something to tell you. i I'm pregnant. oh If gravy matters, make it bestow. Is it mine?
It's time for daddy to make some funny. Yeah, we got all of this at Walmart. The decorations, the tablecloths, all of the food. And we even saved enough money for the... The, um... For the clown outfit. Unbeatable prices backed by our price match guarantee. Save money, live better. Walmart.
so what
that is so fucked up ah Welcome back everybody ah he says but but ah Time for dad to make some funny. Oh man for I was kind of disappointed with the electric vehicle commercial. I figured you would be. I was fine with it until the electric, you fuck off. Sometimes I'll find, what ooh, this one will annoy Jeff.
But, oh, Jesus. He I'm pregnant. He said, what is it, mine? This motherfucker. That woman is 90. Oh, that's horrible.
Welcome back everybody. We are in the last 20 minutes ah of the great outdoors, John Candy and Dan Aykroyd.

Roman's Financial Struggles

The argument here are the him playing on the harp string saying, I came up here you to help make you some money.
and so sure Yeah, so this is this is this is this the narcissism that I noticed in this character. He comes up, he imposes. He complains that they're reined in. He's complaining they're not having fun. And then, oh, by the way, I'm here to ask you for money. Right. Well, he yeah but he is he' he's asking for money, but he's, quote unquote, offering him a chance to help invest money.
anyone on So, he says. Right. yeah
And then, this sad story. You know, he's a hell of a sad story. Candy Land. Right. I'm sorry. I'm looking at all the board games on the on the back wall. Roulette, Candy Land, Casino, our crosswords. yeah Bingo.
bridgege ah john keyno bridge kino love keynote I love I love Keno. I didn't know Keno was that old. Instant wood fire starter. Yeah, instant wood fire starter and then and they were arguing about startinging the fire. Yeah, exactly. Well, it is not near the fire. So, you gotta to give him that. Son of a bitch. It's right above the mantle.
You may think I'm made out of armor and nails, man, but I'm just like any other human being. You're giving this whole freaking when i get bullshit speech. and Yeah. It turns out completely fucking bullshit. It's like, oh, or poor, poor old me. Hey, I had a lot to drink. And was that it was that his wedding, apparently. Mm. You know, that Roman's wedding, no less. It was a lie.
It has complete fucking fabrication. This is why salespeople get a bad rap. Assholes like this. Jeff. i knew
corruptions i don't have any harm you I am not a salesperson. you remember You remember that time when you called me names, please? I've got a great investment for you, buddy. Well, see, that's the thing. Somebody can call me, but man, remember that one time you fucking told me to fuck myself and blah, blah, blah, blah. You knew you were really high. You probably deserved it. I probably did. yeah yeah Just don't remember it. I'm sure if I said it, I had a reason.
ah got
No. She's like, no. Rob from the kids college funds.
whatever you want to do why we can write a check now for as much as you can cover i'll make up a difference and we'll spread it away What a slime ball he's just Her face her faces like this is the guy you wanted to kill five minutes. ago Yeah, right I Like I do like that his conscience gets the better of him New Roman yeah because his wife's like, you know, it's a real testament that we can argue that bad and he'll still part on good terms. As he tucks the check away. Yeah, but in the visor. And this is where.
The road gets washed out that that's why they can't leave is no no no, but no, this is what he turns around right here. because she's like, I wouldn't be sp surprised if the kid's college fund. And you could see that. I was just joking about that, but you're right. Yeah. That's why he goes back and tells the truth. And then the girls get out of the car. And they get lost in the woods. That's right. Going to those sickles. He does a full 180 at a great drift move.
around a fucking curve in the mountains, too. Yeah. Impressive that he didn't get killed. I did that once in the pasture in the car, if I could have flipped out on me. I was like, these curves are 15 miles. Rips up the check. You see, it got better. This is where his wife sit down. You're going to have to hear this. Oh, we're fucking broke.
Yeah, that's why. used to be Why do they leave the girls in the car anyway? Once again, that's what I don't care ever. They're terrible fucking parents. Yeah.
Bankrupt busted. I started it all up my nose, honey. No. Well, he he he's actually He has been trading for two years.
came off and looked good i got over extended oh see stock stock market journal He lost his seat in the exchange. our blue runners jack what he now hes see So, so in order to back then, in order to buy and sell stocks on the stock market, you had to have a seat and a seat costs 25 grand a year.
we last And he blew his wad on an investment that didn't come out, and he lost everything, including his seat. So now, he's just a runner. He gets guys caught with it. Oh,
oh I didn't know that's the way it used to work. Yeah. That is so weird. Well, you still, in order to be on the floor, you still have to have a seat. Oh, okay.
and 67. That's how you know, it's a bad storm. Cause dude just got hit again. And he takes it like a champ. Yeah. Oh, wait, what about

The Girls' Dangerous Adventure

the little girl? why They still don't realize the girls are not in the car, not in the house.
Where's the flashlight? Remember, A Duracell. Yeah. we You know what? You're an asshole for spending $110 on a lighter. I was just about to say $110 on a lighter. A lighter for $110 in $88 would be probably $300. Well, that's what I was going to check.
Inflation calculator.
Yeah, that's it. 293 dollars. I was close. I said 300. Yeah. I said 300. Yeah. Yeah, but price is right. You would have lost because you went over. This is true. to The price is wrong. The price is wrong, bitch. So, they're going to go look for the girls. And they kind of have an idea where they are, I'm assuming.
because they they were the kid the girls were earlier busted at the mine by the owner of the scamper. Mm.
I'm actually she surprised those girls have enough courage to be running through the dark, rainy forest going for a cave. Yeah. So. She's mildly worried. For the first time.
Oh, I think she just hold up her head. Shit, and I left your fucking kids in the goddamn car, you dumb bitch. You're a fucking dumb whore. And you they why they climb in to scream and holler, um maybe it's to get out of the rain? I don't know, but they go sliding down this fucking mudslide into the puddle of water. It's perfectly smooth, by the way. Yeah. Like it was made. It was made to be a slide.
Yeah. And now they are cold. Are they sitting on a stack of dynamite? I don't know what they're sitting on. I didn't notice. I didn't. I'm afraid of dynamite in the water. So dynamite is dangerous.
Yeah. And I'm not just saying light it and it's dangerous, but dynamite. It's unstable. It's okay. So I worked with munitions in the air force in our dynamite. We, every 90 days, we had to go rotate the box. In other words, rotate it on another side because if it sits too long, it crystallizes and it makes it sensitive. My first duty station, they found some crystallized TNT or dynamite.
And we had to evacuate the bomb dome. The EOD came in and with the robot. Like, this is the first time I saw an EOD robot, dude. It was the coolest fucking thing. but And this is the fucked up... Roman is too chicken shit to go down and save the girls. And Chet... And Chet is a little bit too big. Chet says, be a fucking man. Go fucking save him.
Be a dad. Be a dad. Be a dad and save your children, you dumb, weak, stock market, coffee running, loser. No, I'm joking. Yuppie bitch. I'll be back.
Okay, I'm sorry. Yeah, that is way too smooth. Yeah.
No lie though, if I was a kid, I would go explore shit like that. That's the kind of kid I was though. I was too.
I think he mentions he sees the dynamite. It is. yeah Yeah, those are all dynamite cases. Oh shit. See all that crystallization? That's not good. That is not good. Like you can drop a penny on it. Yeah. And they're sitting on it.
yes He can't get out I get it why he can't get out it's it's obviously steep it's slowly slippery as fuck. I mean, you got those vines you can try or you can stack the boxes up. Yeah, you'll you'll get out of there quick.
ah domino How can you not find a rope? um you're gonna pa Find anything? i and try He's going to try to climb. He does. He gets him out though.
ah ah Because Chet ends up helping a bear out. Like the bear's stuck there.
Apparently, it took them a couple days of takes of reshooting to get that bear. You know how it's bald? Well, it's like a fake, it's like a fake bald thing. Oh, it's like, okay. Yeah, and he kept pawing it off, so it took him a while to get that shot. He used to it. Yeah. That water is pissing down there. How do you get a rope? How do you not carry a rope? And you drag it through the woods like that.
I get it. He's, he's trying to go quick, but there's quick and then there's efficient. and He's failing. And that's neither.
So like they get out of there. They don't worry about, like they don't run into chat on the way back. I get it. It's a big woods, but. Well, you would think they would pass each other. I mean, they're going in the same directions and that rope looks like it was like torn in half. Yeah.
Like it wasn't even long enough. It's all wrapped around. How did they not pass it? It was towards rope like that. Oh my god. He's lucky he didn't hang himself halfway there. That's what I was thinking.
I got a rope and it's all tangled up because I'm a big balloon. Now he's got a big old knot in it. Oh, OK. Well. And nobody responds, but he doesn't realize that.
Here it comes. Here it comes. He pulls the bear up. Yeah, he helps the bear up. I was gonna, that's a, that's a, that's like a 500 pound bear. I had 800 pounds. Oh, easily.
i see How does he not get pulled down by that bear who is playing tug-of-war basically?
That bear gives zero fucks. Watch him. he can He does get pulled back. so What the hell are you doing? Why are you fighting me? You know, once again,
cell phones would have been great back then for them. He wouldn't have found himself in this situation. Oh, that is a big one. I mean, you had to be a rich person to get a cell phone back then. Yeah. Well, they weren't cheap. No, they weren't. Even like when when they did become more affordable to buy, the the cell phone plans were outrageous. It's insane. Every time you use it, it's like $400. And that was just like calling somebody in another state. It wasn't, it's not like, it it wasn't like it is now where it's like, yeah you call, like I call Glick in Ohio and it's like a local call. Yeah. Kind of a modern technology. Just sees the bear for the first time.
Why they have to show the bear gnawing up the, or destroying the entrance. I love how Wally's waking up going, the bear is loose. The bear is loose. Yeah. The bear is loose. Yeah, he, it's almost like he's got a six cents kind of thing. Like he knows the bear lives down there. He's like, the bear is out. Because Wally does kind of technically save the day with showing up with the shotgun lamp. That is a big puffy bear.
I'm going to die. It's like being chased by a Volvo or a Volkswagen Golf, you know? So bears are typically faster than that. Yeah. ah At least at least it's not the cocaine bear. Yeah, I still haven't seen that movie because it looks stupid.
yeah It's funny. It's a stupid. I haven't seen it. No, it's so fucking hilarious. It's fun. So he's okay. This is this is the part you're talking about. You said Cisco neighbor said you see a bear hitting the bear with the stick with a stick to make him bounce. The cocaine bear is funnier in this. Really?
me it's It's a really good movie. I want Connie to make me a sandwich because Jesus. Even though it's based on a true event, it was made totally into a comedy. OK, so this we're we're supposed to be able to see the trainers stick.
Let's see. I see nothing. Let's see. I don't see anything yet either. I don't see anything. we're I don't see it. I don't see anything.
You know, I saw no trainer. I did. Maybe, maybe it was a. Re-edited. Re-edited, yeah. To take that out when it was first released. You know, the fact that John Candy had that bear on top of him.
but I don't think really it was, I don't think the bear was really on the door. No, it was actually, it was a stuntman. It was a stuntman. It was not, oh, maybe the trailer. But the floor is actually cut out. Oh, is it? Yeah. Oh, okay. Yeah. Well, that makes sense. This is where. I love it, John. He puts the door back on. He puts the door back together.
That bear's got to be eight foot tall, dude.

Bear Encounter and Escape

Dude. I'd be stabbing it with that poker. And he's still shocked. Pissing it off. Big bear, chase me. Big bear, chase me. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. That oar. Big bear. And Wally steps on him. And he's got the shotgun lamp from the louse. It's a real shotgun. No shit. Yeah.
He's like, why'd you got to plug it in? Why? Why he plugged it in? Doesn't make sense.
but But now the light bulbs. all Oh, a lot of. paper
it i that looks like it hurt dude
um You hear him whining for counties My god bill white yeah And now it's time to pack up a leaf This is the most these girls have spoke They're scary creepy girls They're less creepy now that they're smiling and talking. You know what I mean? I think it's i think it's because they're gingers and and you know you know collectively they're going to devour your soul. Oh yeah. It's just going to happen. Not in a good way. yeah i mean There's no good way. You know, you it actually kind of drops the whole
relationship between them for a little bit in this movie. he takes it back down Yeah, it kind of picks up where it left off. Well, you actually saw, they kind of got in a fight because he didn't show up after the eating the steak thing. So she, when he was walking through the bear earlier, he saw him, but he didn't see her. Oh, okay. She's, she's now saying, look, I don't want you to go back to Chicago without comparing every girl you see to me.
He's like, oh, little, little, sns little, little, come back and see me, motherfucker. Little sneaky, sneaky. Yeah, a little action. Race your home. Race me home.
yeah so You know what? I would, I would say one more week. No, he's like race your home. Why would he say that?
they twenty you to They're moving in. Oh, we have plenty of room. Oh, he's driving. No, she's going over. Oh, no, she she's going over. Yeah. Chester Buckley.
wait Getting help. Damn, a damn man. <unk>s Sorry, buddy. That Mercedes is going to get you. Apparently, this is the wrap party. They were all fucking hammered. The adults were completely fucking fried. Like they had been drinking since noon. Oh, man. Do the alligator.
Dan Aykroyd doing a so the pelvic thrust. He could beat the chick that was the break dancer from Australia. I'm just saying. Better dancer.
Oh, man. I am stopping and writing me out. Yeah, that is the great outdoors. I love this movie. I really do. I'm going to go ahead and get off his course.
i love this movie oh i just jumped off of this question i love this movie this is my my dad used to do this thing when he'd watch a movie and somebody do something stupid my dad would laugh really weirdly and go my dad will literally do that throughout this entire movie what an asshole ah you know so they're like watching movies like this, I can see my dad just laughing going, back he's pulling the bear up. yeah Well, Jeff, what do you, what's your rating? What what do you, uh, you know, will you because this is one of my favorites, I'm going fully. Full full sorry that's eight. that's um
and say boy yeah Counting's hard. Well, I, I looked at eight and hit hit seven instead. Eight. Well, I remember the movie being funnier. Like there was some funny spots, like all the funny parts that I remember. Like stuck with me, but a lot of the rest of the movie, there's a lot of like the slower parts that I kind of missed. Right. I don't, I, not that I miss that. I don't remember now that I do that. I watch it again, but I think I'm just going to
gonna give it a seven. kevin all I was going into it thinking I was gonna give it like an eight or nine but because it is a John Hughes film and if you line that up with a lot of his other films, it's not one of the best. It is not. However, I think my eight comes from the nostalgia. I love this movie. I've been watching it said I think we got this on VHS When I was a kid, the day it came out on VHS.
what So the nostalgia, like everybody in my family loves John Candy. So like the only problem I have with John Candy is actually Canadian. He's Canadian. Yeah, he's Canadian. He was. You know, canada canada Canada has a lot of great comedians. I'm not going to lie. It is the only problem with Canada. They get all the great comedians.
But you know, they share, they share it. So I think that's fine. Yeah. Um, believe it or not, the funniest John Candy movie is not his best, but the funniest is Canadian bacon because he pays American that hates Canada, which is that much funnier. The short that I'm uploading is pretty fire. I'm curious now, Shaka. Nice.
Jeff, I had an idea for a movie for next Friday and I honestly, I forgot what I wanted to do. I was just gonna ask, what are we watching next week? I don't know. I picked this one. did or Did you have one you wanted to pick? Let me see our list because we do have a lot on the list.
um to do do to do do to do all i i was thinking and I was thinking another comedy. Oh, 100%. I love a good comedy. Ooh, excuse me. I love a good comedy. I'm really used to watch. Here we go. So, you know what? I know you haven't seen it. And it is a comedy. Let's go with Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. How long is that movie? Ooh, that's a good point. It is kind of a long movie.
Let's see. That's not a... It's a little too long. That's not a complete deal breaker. Understood. um However, I'll give you a couple of choices. We can do Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy,
um Happy Texas, which is Steve Zahn, and I love me some Steve Zahn, or Down Periscope.
which is Kelsey Grammer. Oh, that's not terrible. Oh, you heard that. Yeah, let's do Hitchhiker's Guide. I'm not a big fan of Down Periscope. I love that movie. I love it. I'm not a big fan of Kelsey Grammer as a comedian. I agree. I never liked Frasier. However, as his role in Down telescope is perfect. um There are people that could have done it better, but I think one of those things. ah All right. Well, next Friday is going to be Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. You heard it here, folks. It was made in 2005, by the way.
There's actually an older version. I'll send you the link for it because there's two versions. There was one that was made on British television way back when. That is like they... The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a book by Douglas Adams, but he wrote three books. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is the first of the three books and the movie encompasses all three books. Okay. We'll watch the most recent one in 2005. Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
All right, Jeff, you got any last words? Nope. We'll see you all at the movies. And bring your own popcorn. Remember that. Mm-hmm. Don't share.
roson school Well, we tried. Good job, dickhead. Sweet.