In this episode the Semi-Precious sisters share words of wisdom (or thinly veiled regrets) for their 25 year old selves. Amber recalls what a rocking body she had at 25 and how she wish she'd appreciated it more. Whilst Jade struggles to remember where she was at 25! Both agree that they wish they'd been more money savvy (Jade more so) and that they'd drank less (probably Jade again).
Amber wishes she'd worn more sunscreen which inspires Jade to make her podcast singing debut. She thought about deleting it, but given she wished she were braver in her 20's, she leaves the off key signing for you all to enjoy.
Perhaps they could have just played the sunscreen song, and saved the effort of producing this episode, but where would be the fun in that.
This episode semi-precious moments reflect on poor parenting choices regarding slime and not learning lessons from previous household floods.
If you're under 30, grab a note book and learn from our mistakes. Otherwise, grab a cup of tea or glass of wine as you reflect on all of your poor life choices with us.
If you are wanting to understand more about Jade and her counselling practice or ADHD Coaching you can visit Awaken ADHD or on socials Instagram and Facebook
Connect with Amber:
If you’ are curious about Amber and her brand agency you can visit The Edison Agency or follow her on socials LinkedIn or Instagram
Producer: Amber Bonney and Jade Bonney
Hosts: Amber Bonney and Jade Bonney
Sound Editing: Jade Bonney
Social Content Creator: Amber Bonney
Creative Director: Amber Bonney