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Fig Hunting w/ Sheena, Phil, and Marco!!

The Chick Foley Show
5 Plays4 years ago
Sheena, Phil and Marco discuss their purchases for the week plus give their thoughts on Elite 77 MOC photos, Phil finds a new vintage toy store, New Japan Series Two up for preorder on RSC, Legends possibly shipping soon, and much more! Join The Foley Family!

Introduction and Recent Purchases

Here we go.
Oh, ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to our favorite segment on the show. It's our go figure segment. We talk about whatever purchases we made over the last seven days, whether it's wrestling figures, wrestling memorabilia, and everything in between. And I've got some good stuff to talk about. She then Marco do too. I think I've sent stuff to both of you guys the last week.
I've lost track of days and time time is a time is a flat surface right now, but Marco you have anything to to claim on their go figure segment here a Couple things. Yeah. So like you mentioned got the you send me those out of the retros and
I believe it was AJ Styles, Kurt Angle, Shawn Michaels, Seth Rollins, and I believe, I'm probably forgetting somebody. But yeah, definitely the Flofers, the Flofers that have hit home. Oh

Flofers and Promotions

yeah. I showed my wife, she was like, what the hell are those? I was like, that's so comfortable. I was like, I was like, try, obviously her feet are small. I was like, try them on. They're the greatest things ever. She put them on, she was like, oh my god. But yeah, no.
I tried them on. I just want to wear them around all the time. I didn't want to wear sneakers or anything else anymore. Perfect. They're amazing. I can't wait for the rocket during the summer when we lift a little bit of the sanctions and we can actually go to cookouts. But social distance during the cookouts, they show people the flow first. So I can get more sales for those guys because those are pretty amazing. Other than that, I did
I did receive another thing from Phil, which is the Undertaker Hasbro, which is pretty awesome. Still works. Still punches like a champ. So the mechanics are still there. So got that there. Got one of my Owen pieces that I was looking for, which is the Grudge Match. I have it in Triple H. It's a two-pack. Oh, sweet. Yeah, so I'll grab that. It's the same. I believe it's the same figure as the
as one of the other single ones he had in the jacks. But nonetheless, it's a Triple H from way back in the day. So I got that. And that is it, I think. And actually, oh, the shipment for the Owen Hart, I got that confirmation. So pro wrestling tease. I'm not sure if you got your email yet, but there's some. Oh, you did? I haven't got my email, no. Sorry, they're shipping the Owen shirts also. I got that confirmation. So should we get my Owen Hart shirt in really soon?
Super stoked

Wrestling Figure Market Trends

about that. And that's all I have for the purchases. Marco, you were quick to jump on the trigger of the Owen figures like a week before the show here. That was pretty smart, man. Yeah, I knew I could read the sign. Because they talked about the major bros. A lot of wrestling figure people that I follow, they talked about the fact that the blue blazer was legit before that episode. Probably $20, maybe $30.
In some areas, now it's like over $100, the blue blazer. Which is probably one of the, I don't want to say it's the worst figure, but not one of the best figures out there. But it's now in the higher tier range. Hasbro, I think I said in our group chat, I was like, Hasbro's going to jump. And sure enough, it did. So I think it's like $300 or $400 now, Venton card. So yeah, I was early on that. I knew that was going to happen.
And we did talk. I don't think I put this in there. It was Vice's highest rated series ever on their network. Wow. Wow, that is crazy. And I believe that was the highest rated.
Episode of the season. Yeah, it definitely was and I mean I can say I've never watched anything on vice other than Dark Side of the Ring and now they have that they had that that series at the wrestlers But I mean ever like that dark side of the ring brought me to vice I didn't before dark side I never watched anything on vice. I
They got a lot of good shows. They have a show about guys smoking weed, guys making food that has weed in them, guys making food and then smoking weed that has food in them. So a lot of different shows. No, but it is a good channel.
And you didn't sell those loafers enough, man, because those shoes are amazing, and you can use our code on their website. It's Floef10, F-L-O-A-F 10, to get 10% off. I might get the wife up there, because she did the same thing. As soon as she saw them, she wanted them.

Fashion Purchases and Notifications

They're perfect. Like, summertime, you don't want to wear socks and shoes and be all dressed up.
Yeah, so you two definitely picked the worst time to get into the retro and Hasbro game. And I picked the wrong time to sell both of you, my old retros, because they're all jumping up in value. But I'm glad I was able to get you guys some at least for a good price. You've got to keep it in the fam, you know? Of course, of course. I went to you guys first, you know? Yeah. In her circle. Sheena, anything that you purchased over the last week?
Yeah, I picked up, um, I don't think I mentioned this last week, but I picked up the HP. They, they came in this week is why I thought about, um, I got the heel husband, those HBK summer slam chalk line shorts, the blue and black with the broken heart. Logo. I got a pair of Ninja turtle shredder chalk line shorts. Um, and then.
I think I mentioned the outsider shorts last week. I've got the Hill has been has like more shorts than he knows what to do with from from chalk line. And what else did I get? Oh, my pro wrestling tease, hopefully get a shipping notification from those. I got both designs in the pro wrestling tease. Oh, and sure. And then I got this shirt, a couple of shirts from this company called Too Sweet Merch on Instagram. So yeah, Too Sweet Merch. He I tell you about them.
No, I saw him on Wrestling for Sales story and that's where I let him. Did you know? You was holding out on me, dude. That's where I got my own heart shirt from. Yeah. Yeah. That's where they put out this own heart shirt and I was like super stoked because it's like a kind of a vintage logo. I love it. It doesn't have like any like crazy
Like the one thing I don't like about the pro wrestling tease version is it's got the dark side of the ring logo on it. Um, which kind of, you know, it was whatever. I mean, I'm going to support it because one, the proceeds are going to the Owen Hart foundation too. I've been clamoring for some damn Owen Hart merch. So I didn't care what, what it looked like. I was going to get it. Um, and, but then two sweet merch came out with this design that I really, really liked. So I got myself a crew neck sweatshirt and I got the heel husband, a t-shirt.
And I don't think, other than the retros, Phil sent me some retros. I got the New Day, Jeff Hardy. Who else? Jeff Harvey. Jeff Harvey. He sent me that pack. I got my floefers, which were pretty freaking dope. And that's not even my swag. And I was wearing them around the house today, like house shoes. And I didn't get any figures other than buying the figures from you guys. I obviously haven't been figure hunting.
We talked about Elite 76 last week, so that's all for me, Doug. Very nice. I have a homework assignment for everybody. I went to, now that they're finally relaxing some of the requirements here in Maryland, my buddy Daris turned me

Supporting Local Toy Shops

onto this store. It's called Random Treasures here. It's outside of Baltimore, about 10-15 minutes outside of Baltimore.
And I walked up to this place and I was like, oh god, this just looks like any little antique crappy store that you'd ever go to that has one toy and everything else is just old furniture and stuff. I wasn't very excited. I walk in and they have an entire... I posted it on Twitter. It just went like, everybody was retweeting it and like, oh my god, this place looks awesome.
an entire wall of wrestling figures between Hasbro's and leads and loose figures and all kinds of rings and everything. And this is two women that ran the store. They just opened it up in December. So, you know, they were only open for a couple months before COVID started.
Oh, that sucks. We had a whole wall of like Marvel, you know, superhero type toys and Star Wars toys and all that, you know, little girl vintage toys, but it was all toys. And I was like, man, this place is awesome. So I'm suggesting everybody who listens to this show find a random vintage toy store around you over the next weekend or the week and go there, spend some money, take your kid there, take your
significant other there and buy something because now these stores are starting to reopen, they could really use our support and this is a store I'm gonna go check out every week and I let her know like hey I saw your post on Facebook because they were posting on like Facebook Marketplace with some photos and stuff I was like oh man I really need that
that red and yellow Macho Man WCW figure, and we just sold that the other day. I was like, oh, okay, well, I'll take your name and number down, and I'll call you when anything Macho Man stuff comes in. I was like, oh, fuck yeah, that's awesome. Cool. So these little mom and pop shops, there's so much more attention to detail, and you can really become a good customer with them, as opposed to somebody's Walmart and Target where there's nobody that works there in the toy department. It's just how all the packages are beat to shit.
I picked up a WCW, NWO, Macho Madness figure, not the rubber ones, but kind of like the newer ones that they have are more like kind of jacks type of figures, so added that to the Macho Man collection.
Definitely in the Baltimore area. Definitely check this store out. It's really cool. I picked up a Pete Dunn Elite from Allen Day.

Wrestling Collection and Debate

I already have that MOC, but I picked up one loose. And it was in my house for maybe two hours before my son saw it and just stole it. So, you know, it's, Daddy, can I have this, please, please? I was like, what am I going to say? I was like, you know, he's in a tag team, you know? He's like, yeah, with Matt Riddle.
How the hell do you know that? This kid doesn't watch TV without me. He's five years old. He knows he's like, oh, one time he watched NXT and he was teaming up with Matt Riddle. I'm like, oh my God, this kid's like, I can't remember what I had for breakfast this morning. So I was like, you can have it then. Little sponges.
Yeah, exactly. I picked up the Usos, the leads from our buddy in our Facebook group, David, who is a FF football dragon on Twitter. He's a great follow there. Nice. The modern ones, the red and white.
Yep, yeah, yeah, they were like ollies or big lots for like 10 bucks. So he grabbed one of each of those for me there. And that's about it for me. I do have a big, big, big, big, big, big purchase coming in probably next week that I haven't paid for or that it has not been delivered to me or even mailed yet. So I don't want to talk about it yet. I don't want to jinx it. But it's something I've never owned, which a lot of people did as kids. So yeah, yeah.
So did you see that did you see in our Facebook group? The guy that was selling the all the wrestling buddies. Oh, I don't know what you're talking about Sheena What I don't know what you're talking about. Oh my god Remember
I feel bad because I can't remember his name. But he had a complete set of wrestling buddies. And he sold them all on our side. I think LOD and maybe Warrior are left. But I mean, yeah, they went quick. And I was so pissed because there was somebody I needed. And I'm really tempted to get the LOD ones. But man, that's like a chunk of chain. And he's asking a very fair price for them. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like market value. But it's just like, oh, god, should I bite the bullet and get these LODs?
I mean, I can only imagine they're going to go up in value even more. Yeah. Someone tagged me in it because obviously warrior was in that pile and I was like, Oh, I think we're sold, didn't it? No, it didn't sell. No, it didn't sell. No, it's probably gone by now. So I wonder who bought the macho man one.
I actually need that macho man, too.

Community Giveaways and Support

I need D.B.O.C. I need macho man and I need L.O.D. and a handshake snake. And then I'll have a complete set. So I have about half.
That is, the person that was selling it is our good buddy, Jamie Wallace, who is axle underscore foley13 on Twitter. He has just graduated from nursing school. He's headed into the healthcare profession. I said, hey man, appreciate what you do or what you're going to do. I'd like to add you to our Facebook group.
he's been a cool addition and uh just you know figure fate that uh he was selling those uh those wrestling buddies so i jumped on that and uh our buddy jerry padour uh at jeremy com uh was randomly picking people to like just buy things for he had like you know a thousand dollar we talked about it kind of a little bit last week he had like a thousand dollars to spend uh even he was gonna just treat someone to like whatever they wanted and he picked jamie who uh i guess he was he had a really cool story about how he's gonna you know
Be a be a nurse and you know work on the hospitals and stuff. So Jamie is Jamie's his wife's profile. He uses his wife's profile because he didn't remember he was came in for the hassle toy sale and he He doesn't have Facebook but because he wanted to join our Facebook community He used his wife's profile. So his wife is Jamie. Oh
Oh, okay. I don't know what his real name is. Because Jamie is just kind of an ambiguous name, so I just assumed it was him. Yeah, Jamie's a dude's name too. It could totally be a dude's name. And he also is one of those people that, it's a lot of people I know that just have all their pictures or just the two of them in their Facebook pictures. So I'm like, whatever, it's cool. But I remember specifically him being in the hassle toy and he bought something and I remember
He was like jamie jamie's like actually um you know this is my wife's profile or whatever they thought it was a girl that bought something and uh he was like we have another chicken here and he's like no i'm on my wife's account he's like no i'm a dude so yeah yeah gerry padour's been doing all kind i mean every day he picks he's like sends out a tweet uh sheena i don't know if you've been seeing this and he's just like
Hey, what's everybody's like figure that you want right now or like what's something you have on your list? And he's making Pete like somebody under you know her dollars every day picking 35 giveaways every day until July 1st. He's gonna do this. Yeah So he picked today he picked at the Slim James and the other day he picked one of our good buddies and
who does a wrestling podcast at WrestleGettinPod on Twitter. And he bought him a Police Academy Crazy Cruiser, which I didn't know they made Police Academy toys, but it's pretty cool. He's going to do this every single day, like under $100. So if you have something you want, follow Jeremy Padour.
Oh, yeah. Jeremy's COM. Number one, because he's doing these giveaways. Number two, he's the guy behind the new AEW figures. So a double, double plus. And they give it back to the community. So pretty, pretty cool stuff.

Hypothetical AEW Legends Line

Yeah, can't complain about that. I did want to talk about the AW line. They had some commercials on their pay-per-view on Double or Nothing, which is really cool. And they're really getting those out there. And we talked about a little bit about the AW Legends line. If they do an AW Legends line, I want to really quickly fantasy book this and get some ideas from you guys what they should do, who they could.
Let's say it's five people. Who should they put in that line? I'm going to start off first. Selfishly, I don't know if we ever got a Jim Ross figure in the Mattels. He was there for a while during the Mattel after Jax. I don't know if he ever got a really good figure. I'm going to go Jim Ross. I'd love to see a big cowboy hat on him and do it right.
All right. What about you, Marco? Um, I mean, since, since these two guys are there, I think you have to go, uh, Tully and Arne, um, and make a two pack, get them, uh, get them back in the, uh, in the figure hunt, I would say. Cause they're both at opposite ends of the spectrum. Obviously they're enemies, but, uh, when back in the day, they were, uh,
a formidable tag team that was just brain busting everyone if they were in the WWF or they were just, you know, riding along with the four horsemen. So, yeah, I would definitely say those two. I'm not sure if they would be separate, but I would probably say two pack because obviously they're known to be together as a tag team and are really singles wrestlers. But, yeah, definitely those two I would like to see. Well, I don't know if this was the Jim Ross, but I mean, there was a Toys R Us
build a figure, Jim Ross, that it's like in a black suit and the black hat. So, yeah, we have it. That's one reason I know. But yeah, it came like it was like a oh, my God, I can't remember who was in the series, like Curtis Axel and a few other people. But yeah, they were they were Toys R Us exclusive. It was like it was like the yeah, it was like the pay per view pay per view series or network series or something like that. I can't what it was. But
So, yeah, we do have a Jim Ross figure, but I mean, we need like a modern Jim Ross. But maybe what about a Tony figure, you know, Tony Schiavone? Yeah, that means we got to have a Tony. We could do a Jake, Mike Tyson. The possibilities are in there. I'm sure we'll get it. I'm sure we got Dustin Dusty Rhodes, right? Yeah, Dusty Rhodes, probably. Yeah, that's probably going to happen. They own that likeness now. Yeah, Dusty Rhodes would be good.
I'm trying to think who else is a badass Taz figure. Taz is there, yeah. Dean Malenko. Dean Malenko is there. Biggie Guerrero. Biggie Guerrero. Billy Gunn. Billy Gunn is there if you want to throw him in there. Can we just talk about how Billy Gunn really quickly, like he's ginormous. I forgot how big he was. And so he was standing next to Luchasaurus. And I was like, Jesus Christ, Billy Gunn is huge. Yeah, he's as big as Brian Cage, almost, like in size. He's jacked.
But yeah, I think that would make a good series. We finally saw the packaging for Elite 77, which is the SummerSlam series, aka the series with the Fiend.

WWE Elite 77 Series Discussion

So finally, images. I put them on our Twitter. Sheena put them on the Instagram account hours before any other wrestling podcast did. No big deal. But yeah, they're pretty cool. And the Fiend figure looks awesome. I'm really excited about that. A couple people were complaining about a lack of a jacket.
Yeah, I think they'll probably say that for the ultimate edition. But yeah, I was a person who was like, how's this figure not have a jacket? Yeah, I mean, I think it's pretty legit. I mean, they got the lantern, which is cool. I like the multiple hands. But that figure should be out pretty soon. I think my wife just told me, I don't know if this, she's just going through the online banking, got a charge from Target for $26. So I think it might have been for the Bobby Heenan.
Think might be shipping pretty soon. So everyone if you pre-order that I don't know if that's the case for other people or if she maybe just saw like the pending charge or something I don't know. Yeah, you know she she'll see that every once in a while So maybe that's gonna ship soon. Maybe like first or second week of June. That would be pretty cool I'm excited about that second series with that ultimate warrior in the suit That'll be pretty awesome. So
Yeah, a lot of things now with COVID in recession. Hopefully we're getting some more figures and more releases and a lot of cool stuff coming down the pike. So that is good. We have it on here, but Kofi Kingston on his podcast talked about the new day figures. Marco, what was that all about? Yeah, so they had their special guest this week was there.
the person that designs their gear actually.
Oh, I saw a clip of that. Yeah. Where he said they just wanted to do like straight like flesh colored gear with like a trench coat. Yeah. So they look like they're flashing people. Yeah. That's not like that's not what I put this on his floor. So like so they all they all together said the reason the main reason why they picked their gear and how they do it is because they they think of their action figures. They want it. So they said so the idea is like what's going to make a like a person pick my action figure over this person?
So that's what goes into the thinking of it. So the cool thing is they're actually thinking of that. They want new figures with the color by number thing that they have. Oh, I love that. Yeah, I love that gear. So they want to do that, but they started brainstorming ideas.
I was like, oh, what if we have an action figure with that gear? But there's a little color book that comes with it that's colored by numbers. You can actually color with it. And then Xavier Woods is like, oh, maybe we could do the whole packaging. Maybe the whole package is colored by numbers. So we covered this package. And it's like an activity. We could do color by numbers and stuff like that. So I thought it was pretty cool that they actually think of that stuff besides, I'm not sure how many wrestlers actually think about their action. It's stuff like, oh, thank you. Bless you, geez.
Um, but yeah, I'm not sure how many wrestlers actually think about that when they're thinking of gear and like how their looks are going with their, you know, they're putting their action figures. Oh yeah. Well, yeah. He's an exception to the rule, obviously. Yeah. But yeah.
Good bless you. Wow, what's wrong with me? Sorry. Oh, allergy season. I mean, kids, kids would love those with the, you know, like right all over them and all that kinds of stuff. Yeah. Right all over the legs and stuff like that. Get them all. No, I'm joking. That's that probably what happened, actually.
I could make new day wrestling buddies that you can color with the markers. Like you remember there used to be these, um, back in the nineties, there was these things called doodle bears. Oh yeah. Yeah. And it was like, they can't, it was like a, it was like a plane. Like it looked like a little build a bear. Um, but it was made out of cloth that you could like write on and it came with a pack of markers and you could like doodle all over it. They should make the wrestling buddies like that.
I do want to talk about, before we get into more figure stuff, I don't know how we didn't talk about this on Raw. The fact that now we have people in the crowd at Raw, we have NXT trainees and the Performance Center folks standing for three hours, which a lot of people are upset about.
It was a cool idea because we've seen AEW do it first and it worked out for them. But it seems like they're all cheering on the good guys and booing the bad guys. I like what AEW is doing and splitting it half and half, but it is definitely a step in the right direction.
Yeah, I think maybe I mean I think they'll work out the kinks like as the weeks go on But yeah, it was very obvious that like the heels were like boo So I think they'll work that out but yeah the crowd made a huge difference like I just can't even Begin to describe how much more I enjoyed raw just having like a little bit of crowd noise there Yeah, did you guys like the the hockey? like glass like plexiglass around like the
I don't know. I like it, but I have a little bit of PTSD for those things because I played flag football in a in an arena that had that those plexiglass walls. And if you get like slammed up against those walls, like it does not feel good. So every time, like everybody get close to him, I was like, oh.
you know but I do like I do like the look of it I think it's you know I think like I said it's just a little bit of a dig kind of like oh well we're being safer because we're using these plexiglass panels you know yeah can't have anyone sneeze in a coffin yeah it's gonna keep those
Keep those walls up. Mm-hmm. And it looks like the Series 2 of the New Japan figures are available for pre-order on ringside collectables.

New Japan Figures Excitement

You can use our code CHICK for 10% off there. They still haven't shipped Series 1. I think that's going to be, they said July, early July, like the first couple weeks of July. Sheena doesn't remember if she pre-ordered them or not. That's how psychotic she is. I really can't remember. No, the heel husband said, hey, make sure you pre-order.
the new japan series 2 and i was like did we pre-order series 1 and he said yeah but i do not remember i don't i do not remember pre-ordering those figures i i really don't so i'm gonna have to go back into the uh the old email archives and see
Yeah, because it's been a while. So I mean, it's crazy that they haven't even done any kind of shipping yet. And we already have Series 2 coming out. And those are $44.99. But they're pretty sick looking. The packaging looks great. And they have like six or seven different interchangeable hands, a ton of heads, and good stuff. So hopefully those end up working out. There's so many different companies making figures right now. It's a great time for folks to be collecting figures, obviously.
Let's get into our quarantine and chill. Oh, no, no, no. Really quickly, I have two big things I didn't talk about. The man, Brian Baker, one of our Patreon subscribers, sent my son a box of just hodgepodge wrestling stuff, figures, cards, little superhero toys.
And a little ladder, like a stone-cold Steve Austin basic figure. And my son was so happy. I mean, he played with this box of stuff, had him in bed with him and slept with him. And when you're five years old, getting something in the mail is like, I'm not encouraging everybody listening to mail my son something. But it was really cool. So Brian, you've done that before. Thank you so much. And our buddy Tom Sliney.
sent him some Star Wars toys and sent me this beer that I mentioned at the top of the show. So thank you, Tom. Appreciate you guys, man. The Foley family is always giving back and doing cool stuff like that. So we appreciate you guys. Great. Let's get into quarantine and chill. This is sponsored by our really good friends at Homage. You can use code CHICK there for 20% off.
the softest shirts on the internet and they have tons of great wrestling merch. They're always adding new stuff, sports apparel, pop culture, all kinds of good stuff. What are we binge watching or listening to this week, guys?
Um, well, if you haven't watched the newest episode of the last ride, um, that series has been really, really great. I'm very happy with how, with how they've done it. And every week I look forward to it. So, um, if you haven't watched it and if you haven't started watching it, definitely do. It's, it's a must. It's a must see. It's like, it's so great seeing Undertaker kind of like let the, let the fourth wall down. Yeah. It's, uh, this week was more.
Um, it was, it was called end of, end of an era. So focus on like the triple H, uh, Sean Michaels dynamic and the undertaker's career, which is pretty cool. Yeah. Um, I liked it. I thought they, uh, I thought the.
I thought that going over the Saudi matches were pretty. Oh, man. It was hard. It was hard to watch. Yeah, for sure. It was just kind of like, oh, yeah. Then the whole like, you know, like Goldberg thing, like I just everything was everything was bad. Oh, yeah. It's it's it's you get to see all of Undertaker, which you never
I've gotten to see never in his career but then when you get to see like His insane when you get to like you take a step back and you watch those matches and he's narrating what's happening It's like it makes it even worse like you already know watching the matches that they're they're bad like yeah those matches that he's had but like when he's actually Saying that they're bad. You're like, oh you feel so bad for him It was kind of it was just kind of sad like seeing everybody like a lot of like, you know triple H and I
people saying, you know, he's, he's chasing the dragon, you know, he's not, he like, he, I don't think he's ever going to be pleased, like have that last match. You know what I mean? It doesn't matter what match it is. It's never going to be that perfect ride into the sunset moment, you know?
I think they're going to have to do a feed type of cinematic match for him to end his career. I mean, they already did the AJ cinematic. Oh, no. I meant like a firefly funhouse type of like John Cena. Oh, take you on a crazy ride type of thing through undertake his career and all that. So I think that would be a good ending to his. But what do I know? I think everyone's still chasing that sting. Undertaker match, which will never happen. Yeah, they never say never. Yeah.
Yeah, I did. I watched that third episode. It was it was really interesting. I totally forgot he was in a casket match with Rusev Rusev. I didn't. Yeah. When did that happen? Well, that was real rumble, right? Yeah. Also, it was supposed to be Jericho, actually. Oh, but Jericho was still like kind of in between New Japan. Like he finished the match with Kenny Omega at the time. So he was like tied to being with New Japan. They because he was advertised for that match, if you remember.
There was a, there was a, uh, one of the advertisers was how to take it versus Chris Jericho in a casket match. Then they pulled him and put rusev instead and people were like, what the hell happened? And then that's cause his ties are new Japan and all that stuff. I think Jericho talked about it with the phone. He actually talks about it on his podcast. Oh, back when that happened, um, where he got a call from Vince and he was like, yeah, I'll still do it and all that stuff. And he's like, next thing you know, I wasn't on the match. So he's like, I'm not sure what happened there. But as far as I knew, I was going to be in that casket match and
It's going to be like kind of like an end of his like type of like run for a little bit. The WWE. Um, but yeah, so yeah, rusev in that casket match or that he, what year was that? That was 2018. Yeah, I think it was, it was 2008. Yeah. It's 2018. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, weird stuff, but it's been a great show, and if you watch the Michael Jordan documentary, it's very similar to that. Yeah. Starting tomorrow on Netflix is Space Force, which is by the people that did The Office, star Steve Carell, and I haven't seen, obviously it hasn't been out yet, so nobody has any ideas of how good it is or how bad it is.
It's a different show to watch, kind of like a comedy drama type of show, so I'll be watching that this weekend. Anything else you guys have been watching?
I have not been watching much of anything, but I did something that I watched. I mean, you know, back last winter in the wintertime was Castle Rock. If you guys don't watch Castle Rock, it's like Stephen King Anthology. I can't remember if I've talked about this before on quarantine and chill, but it's really, really good. There's two seasons of it out right now and it's on Hulu.
And all of these storylines kind of happening in one world. But like I said, it's like an anthology series. So each season has its own storyline. So that's definitely something you can dive into and watch if you're just looking for something to kill the time. Yeah, Castle Rock is really good. And actually, if you follow Stephen King, it actually ties into a lot of his books. You find a lot of characters and stuff like that. Oh, yeah. There's a lot of Easter eggs in there, for sure.
Um, that's pretty cool. My recommendation would be because I want to tie it back to vice since, um, there was a show on there called actually redo it for a

Show and Match Recommendations

third season. It was kind of in limbo. That's called off a fuck. That's delicious. Have you ever heard of this show before? Yeah. Uh, he, this dude action Bronson, he's a rapper, but he was a chef, um, back in the day. So like he was a chef for the New York Yankees, actually. Oh wow. Yeah. He had a break. He had a break in his leg or something like that. And then he ended up.
not going back to being a chef and you end up becoming a rapper and all that stuff. But now he has a show on Vice where him and his buddies, they go around in different parts of the world, in different parts of the country, and they try out all these crazy foods. But at the same time, they're like, he's on tour, so he's performing all that stuff. It's really entertaining. It's really funny. Yeah, they smoke weed in it. Surprise, surprise. Yeah, chapter. Of course.
Yeah, I actually like it. It's really good if you want to go back and I'm not sure if they have the seasons on demand, but it's it's entertaining. It's pretty funny. I mean, I like I could watch the food channel and any one of those types of channels all day long because I'm fascinated with the different types of foods that people make and stuff like that. So.
It's not even like a fancy food show like him and all those boys will go to like a little like carry out like Chinese restaurant like order Oh, yeah, everything on the menu and just like yeah Yeah, they'll go to like they'll go to like the like a corner and get a hot dog and then by the end of the show that's some like six-star restaurant eating like the Like the finest of food you like what the hell? That's so
How do they do that? But yeah, that's my recommendation. What's our random merch of the week? I told you I was going to continue with the weirdness. So I'm not sure if you guys got to look at this yet. Did you? I haven't gotten to look at it yet now. Yeah, so I made it so you could click the link. So it's an AJ Lee authentic baseball cap. It's out of print, obviously. Wow.
Have you did you get a look at this thing yet? I'm trying to get on the link right now. It's giving me trouble here. My lane don't work either, Marco. You have to shoot us the thing.
I know mine actually works. I'm not sure what you guys are doing. Right. Right. Click it and then I got the option to copy. You got it. OK, I got it. Oh, my gosh. It has a ponytail on it. Yeah. So this is not WWE. This is they made this. It says authentic hat. It says officially licensed merchandise. And it says out of print. So I'm assuming they probably just made it. It was like, yeah, it's a bad idea.
Let's get rid of it. Wow. But so strange, right? It's a creepy shit. Yeah. It has her face on the, on the front of the hat, which wouldn't make any sense, but then it has her has a ponytail. Oh my God. I might have to buy shipping is almost as much. There's seven available. Shipping is almost as much as the hat itself. Yeah. So you get it right away.
Um, it's almost like a Paul Haven type of hat. So remember how Paul Heyman used to wear a baseball hat and he had his small detail sticking out the back. That's exactly what this hat looks like. And it's her face like printed on the front. It's the weirdest thing I've ever seen in my life. I'm surprised I actually made, if they didn't make this, they should have because it probably would have sold a lot. And you probably would see a bunch of AJ Lee fans wearing these hats in the sands. Um, but I'm assuming it's just out of print. So they probably just made it once. And that was it.
Interesting. We have, check it out. Search AJ Lee authentic hat rare on eBay for 1495. And if someone buys this, please take a picture of it. This is amazing. I'm sure, I'm sure a CM Punk owns one of these shirts, one of these hats.
That is, yeah, that's a definition of random merch, because I think it's random as hell. Super random, yeah. Let's get into our retro wrestling recommendation of the week, brought to you in part by Pro Wrestling Tees. I have never watched a single TNA match, but this is one that sounds like it'd be right up my alley. Samoa Joe versus Kurt Angle in a cage fight at TNA for the Impact Championship from Lockdown, 2008, Marco.
Yeah, so I found a link so you don't have to use like the the the impact plus app. Sorry, impact plus, even though it is a really good app because you get to see the whole library of TNA. But just to tie it back to the cage fight. So now I know why they put Kurt Angle in this match because he had a the same exact match at TNA in 2008 with Samoa Joe. So Kurt Angle, if you watch this match, he's actually wearing shorts. He's not wearing his singlet.
So he's dressed like a cage fighter with no shoes on, same thing. And it's just him and Samoa Joe just freaking just going balls to the wall, just like MMA style fighting. It's probably one of the best matches I've ever seen in current. I mean, obviously it's current angle, so it's going to be an awesome match anyway. Um, but then I did a quick search of a current angle because I was like, Oh, I was like, I kind of want to, I was like, I know current angle has been in some type of like MMA style fighting in pro wrestling because they wouldn't just throw him in as a,
referee in that type of match on NXT. So did some research. So I quickly searched like Kurt Angle's top 10 TNA matches. Cause I know he's never done anything like that in the WWE. Sure enough, this was like number two or three as is a top 10 matches. I think this first one was against Jeff Jarrett. I guess I mean, TNA, they had a huge feud, probably one of the best feuds in their TNA's history, which I definitely want to go back and look at. Cause if anyone can make a Jeff Jarrett match good, it's Kurt Angle. Definitely.
Um, but yeah, I watched this match and it was actually, it's pretty entertaining. So if you, if you want to get like a nostalgia feels of what the cage fight looks like and, uh, pro wrestling, definitely check this out with Samoa Joe and Kurt angle. Just be in the living hell out of each other in a cage. And it's great.
I hope Simojo comes back soon. I mean, I feel like he's just been hamstrung with injuries in the last couple of years. But, uh, you know, that's a guy, if he needs some main inventors, he could be easily put in that main event title picture. I hate Simojo. You do. I know you do. We know you do. That's why, I mean, I was kind of like, should I pick this match?
It's Kurt Angle, so I played both sides. You know, Phil's love of Kurt Angle and your hate of Samoa Joe. So it's like Samoa Joe signs with AEW Sheena will be, you know, will be two pigs and shit.
I know. We'll just sit here and have a bitch fest. We'll be carrying out on AEW. Check that match out. Marco has a link for it. I'm going to watch that match right now, actually. Thank you for listening, guys. Check out other friends. Like we said, The Run-In. They're doing their debut episode. They're recording it right now as we're recording. Tomorrow after you listen to our show, listen to their show, too.
Uh, and then listen to our buddies, the wrestle getting podcast and wrestling with reality, uh, for wrestling figure podcast. Now, in addition to the major brothers that you can listen to, uh, while you're outside doing chores, mowing the lawn, driving around, whatever you got to do this weekend. Uh, make sure you listen to us there and, uh,
you know again you can follow us at at chick foley show on twitter at chick foley on instagram the best way to support us is at chick foley show dot com uh chick foley show dot com is the uh the patreon page uh next week we will preview guys in your house which is setting up to be a
Badass card of wrestling.

Upcoming Episode Preview

Hopefully we'll have more figure news. Hopefully we'll have some Prudence maybe some new pre-orders from ringside as Elite 78 maybe is available for pre-order soon. So that'll be fun and Anything else you guys want to add before we get the heck out of here?
Happy birthday to the Monday Night Messiah. Oh, that's right. Yeah. And our buddy at Fig T's on Twitter and at Ringside Art on Twitter, both a busy day. I don't know what was nine months ago, but everyone's parents were getting down, I guess, in the Figs community. Yeah.
I do want to give a shout out to the Mad Reaper on Instagram and at Figure Kingdom on Instagram, the best figure customizer and the best figure photographer who are both doing behind the scenes videos on our Patreon Facebook page. So good. Those two guys alone doing that is worth a dollar to me, much less all the other stuff you get from our Patreon page. I don't want to oversell it.
Both of these guys are super talented and I love watching them see what they do. So that's pretty cool. So next week we'll be back here for another episode. We want to thank you guys for listening. Spread the word. Give us a nice five star review on iTunes and we will be back here next week. Stay classy, Marks.