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Double Or Nothing + Black Wednesday Fallout

The Chick Foley Show
5 Plays3 years ago
Chick Foley, Marco The MVP, and The Heel Husband break down the amazing Double Or Nothing show and discuss all the figure reveals from Double Or Nothing Fan Fest. We talk about all the fall out from the huge WWE releases this week and what it may mean for the future. Plus, we have a new Random Merch Of The Week, offer some Retro Recommendations based on the dearly departed, and answer some listener mail! Use code CHICKFOLEY for 10% off at Become a premium Foley Fam member at Check out the Pod Foundation Pre-Order The Hasbook Try Verb energy bars! Use code FOLEY20 to save 20% on the softest wrestling tees in the biz at Homage Get your figure clothing at and use code CFS15 to save money! Shop the official Chick Foley Show store at Use code PF10 to save 10% at Chalkline Random Merch Of The Week

Welcome & Episode Overview

Welcome to the Chick Foley Show.

Host Updates: Health and Habits

what is up foley fam we are back within action-packed episode 131 of the chick foley show we're going to be recapping the amazing double or nothing weekend and all the crazy figure reveals from double or nothing fan fest plus we're gonna have to get into a little bit of uh bad news with black wednesday and all the wrestler releases from from a couple days ago but first let me start by introducing the stars of the show sheena how you doing
I am doing well, man. Waking up, I finally got the, I got the Red Bull to the veins. So I'm taking, I had my uppers and now I'm cracking open a, uh, a beer. So I'm taking my downers. You know, my body's just not going to know what to do about the end of the show. Marco, how's life up in Massachusetts? Uh, going good. I was just telling you a little bit earlier, just a little, uh, lower back sprain injury or straight as they call it. So, uh, but I want to know how you got this lower back string.
just working out too crazy, not, not, uh, not, uh, doing what the kids are calling it these days. Yeah. Yeah. That's, that's what, that's what they call it is working out, working out too hard. But, uh, yeah, just, uh, been upsets too. Cause I couldn't really sleep. So
Yeah, you'll be, you'll be pushing 24 straight hours. I took a little nap, um, before like in the morning. So, so I should be fine. I think if I, if I, if you don't hear from me, that means I passed out during the show.

Social Media and Community Engagement

We want to give another thanks to Jordan Wells He helped us co-host the show last week and he's fully fan member and longtime friend of me and Sheena He was staying at the the Firefly Phelps house all last weekend for double or nothing and we had a blast with him
Sheena remind the folks where they can find you guys on social media. You can find me on Instagram at chick Foley. You can find Marco over on Twitter at chick Foley show and you can join our Foley fam over on Facebook and get all of our bonus content by going to chick Foley

Chick-Foley Rumble & Giveaway

We actually just had our most controversial
Chick-Fully Rumble ever. We hosted the Royal Rumble 9 on Saturday and oh my gosh, Kane and the Rock really, really created a controversy in that one. They got locked up and yeah, we had to restart. They glitched out with about eight, without eight people left to go. They just got stuck in the Colorado tie up and no one could do anything to them. So we ended up having to do a fatal four way battle royale and Kane ended up sneaking out with the Chick-Fully show championship. Yep.
Our next giveaway is going to be a special one.
We have the decade of domination Undertaker figure from last year remember this is in his debut attire from Survivor Series 1990, and we are giving it away to you guys for free. Now this is a special figure so we got to step it up a little bit from what we usually do. This time we're going to ask you guys to leave a review on iTunes alright so we want to get some fresh reviews help iTunes, you know bump us up in their algorithm.
Expand the platform bring more people into the chick Foley fold So yeah drop us a review if you've already left a review before that's fine if you go in and just update your review It'll bump it up to the top of the feed
And, you know, if you want a couple other entries, grab your girlfriend's phone, grab your boyfriend's phone, your mom, your dad, drop a couple of reviews off their phones as well. You know, I'm not going to be greedy. I just want any reviews. I come from the Eric Bischoff school of thought that, you know, all press is good for us. I know Sheena is going to ask you guys for that. I want that five star frog splash all day long. You know what I mean? I want you to talk about how much you love Marco and I, how you appreciate us showing up for you guys every single week. That's what I'm looking for.
But yeah, drop us a review, screenshot it, send it to Sheena on Instagram, or send it to Marco on Twitter, and we will announce the winner on next week's show.

Pod Foundation Spotlight

Sheena, tell the listeners about the Pod Foundation. So we cannot not plug our Pod brethren, our guys, our Survivor Series team over at The Extra Cooler Show, bringing you all the goodness from back in the day, recapping old paper views.
and wrestling over there. Then we have Pyramid Wrestling bringing you all the action figure content you can possibly handle. And our guys over at the Turnbuckle Tavern giving you the most in-depth AEW coverage. They were actually at Double or Nothing, so they had an awesome weekend. They were, you know, I was watching their stories and stuff. And what's really cool is they have a new spin-off of the Turnbuckle family. The staple, the OG Fig Kid, Thomas Montalto is
Uh, he has a new show called the term buckle sessions and he just interviewed Nick Aldis for his debut pilot episode. He's getting Sam Roberts next week. So yeah, it's freaking, it's freaking awesome that our pod foundation, uh, is growing and we're so excited for the OG fig kid, the staple Thomas Montalto on his new venture. So make sure you go over there and subscribe, subscribe to all of our
pod foundation brethren by going to at pod foundation on Instagram. And you'll always know what the latest is with all of us. And, uh, yeah. Yeah. It looks like those guys had a blast down in Jacksonville. They were in the house for double or nothing. And, you know, thanks to the two bad chats for sharing their weekend with everybody. It would have been amazing to be down there for, you know, WrestleMania was, was back this year, but it still seems a little bit subdued because we used to WrestleMania being like 70,000 people.

AEW Double or Nothing: Event Recap

This felt like a true AEW show.
and the enthusiasm from the fans. It really carried through on screen in a way that I don't think WrestleMania really did. We want to remind you guys to use Code Chick Foley at ringside. We're going to get into a little bit later, but there's a ton of exciting pre-orders that went up live today. So use Code Chick Foley to save 10% on everything you get from ringside. And then I think we're ready to go. You guys ready to dive into the weekend wrestling? Let's get inside the squared circle.
So we have to start with double or nothing. Marco, I'm going to kick it to you first, man. Just give me your kind of, just your general thoughts on the show. Uh, loved it. Top to bottom. Um, for the, uh, for the buy-in all the way to the, uh, to the main event, the state of Stampede, I was thoroughly impressed. Um, you just mentioned it before it felt, um, just cause he, you know, the, they had a full capacity. They weren't joking when they said at capacity, that place was packed to the gills.
Oh, yeah. You could feel the energy. At WrestleMania, obviously, there were people there, but it didn't feel like WrestleMania. There were fans there, but you can still tell it was kind of like, eh. This show right here was... This is what wrestling is supposed to feel like.
definitely show of the year. Earlier in the year, New Japan, they had a capacity too as well, but they had restrictions on what their fans could do. They couldn't yell, they can only clap on something. Don't breathe on people. Yeah, pretty much. But no, the show right here felt like a wrestling pay review.
The crowd was electric. I thought they were just, yeah, it was just, it was just awesome, man. It felt so, it felt so good to see everybody there. One thing I definitely took away from it is the power of using actual licensed music for entrance themes.
Whether it was Orange Cassidy with Jane, Wild Thing by X, and what an upgrade for them. You guys remember the first week that they used it, they had, what is it, the Groggs? Is that the name of the original band that did Wild Things, I think? And it just didn't hit. They switched it up to the version by the band X from the 80s. It was made famous in Major League.
Yeah and it was just perfect for a theme. I really hope that Mox still uses that as his solo theme and that's not just something for him in Eddie Kingston and then most importantly you know Tarzan boy with with Jungle Boy. That was the match of the night but to me that was definitely the moment of the night with him uh you know that that last duel that he had with Christian that ultimately
in the battle. Yeah, we were over here. I mean, you would have thought it was like the main event of the pay-per-view. We were so invested in the, not only was the Chick-fil-A show prediction championship on the line for that match, which was crazy that it came down to Jungle Boy and Christian, which were mine and Marcus' picks. Yeah, both are picks. Yeah, so we were fighting to the death right there at the end. But despite all that, even if it hadn't been for that, just that last little sequence was just
So amazing. And another thing I loved is just the pacing of the show. I never felt like it dragged on. I felt like the matches just... Cody match. Yeah, the Cody match. I mean, there was a couple of matches that I felt like... You needed a break though. Yeah, the Cody match came at just the right time after those

Critiques and Praise of AEW Matches

bangers to start the show.
Yeah, it did. And you know, I'll talk about it here in a little bit, but yeah, I felt like the stadium stampede was a little bit of a misplaced match. But other than that, I just felt like the show was just for such a packed card, including the buy-in show. I thought it was just, I thought it was amazing.
I think yeah stadium stampede didn't really hit it was cool seeing inner circle get their moment at the end of the night I would have booked that a little bit differently I don't know why nobody else has gone back to this format because I really think it worked if you guys remember WrestleMania 12 the Hollywood backlot brawl
between Goldust and Roddy Piper. Remember how, you know, it started off with like a 10 minute segment and then they just spliced it through throughout the night. Different stuff. You know, the match really, it was about an hour and a half at actual showtime from the time the match started to the time it ended. But you're only seeing little snips here and there, especially the way the stadium stampede was done. You could have had to start off and then, you know, have the guys go off careful a bit. Tony Schiavone can scream, you know, whatever he's going to scream to hype it up.
And then just in between matches, you can go back to, you know, you can have your segment where they're fighting in Urban Meyer's office or the segment where, you know, FTR and Santana Ortiz are fighting in the bar scene. There was no need to have all that stuff. Yes, that would have kept it fresh. And it really would have built the anticipation for the end of the night when everybody's back in, you know, the proper arena. One hundred percent. Yeah, this is exactly why they need to hire you, Seth. That would like just hearing you say that I would have enjoyed the stadium stampede so much more because
It wasn't as like weird, you know, as like comedic as last year, you know? I mean, there were some good spots and everything and it was a little bit more brutal, you know, fighting style. But I just felt like there were some things I was just like, come on. Like you said, like the bar scene, I was like, what am I watching right now? And why am I watching this? I just felt like after that amazing triple threat match, it just kind of like really slowed the pace down to a point where it was just like, you had a hard time really staying focused. You were just waiting for that in sequence to see what happened.
And we also, again, we're going to get to the figure talk a little bit later on, but I think we definitely need a chase, like one of 100 figure of old man, Tully Blanchard and the jeans and the sleeveless shirt and the bandana tied around his neck like somebody's freaking golden doodle or something. It was, I could not believe what I was saying. I don't know what.
who got him dressed, but it was amazing and awful at the same time. But yeah, I mean, again, I get why they did it. They wanted to do this, send them home happy, everybody singing Judas as the cameras cut and all of that, which was feel good, right? You still could have got to that. It was a better way you could have gotten to that moment. Yeah, I definitely didn't feel like it was the main event though. I mean, I don't feel like that should have been the main event of the show.
Well, let's dive into that. Sheena, what was your actual match of the night? I don't know. I mean, it was tough because there were so many great matches. Like you said, I think the moment of the night was definitely Jungle Boy. I've been a Jungle Boy and, you know, Luchasaurus, Jurassic Express, day one-ish fan over here. So I was really, really happy to see.
Jungle Boy Jack get his moment and Marco coming out and giving him the hug and you know, Luchasaurus coming out and putting him on his shoulders. Like that was just like a super special moment. As far as overall matches, I think I'm going to go with the triple threat for the championship. I think, you know, it really just showed, you know, we kind of talked about it last week, how
You don't really think of Orange Cassidy as a, you know, as an AEW champion contender, right? Just because of the way that his just whole swagger overall, but he showed that he's like, he's worthy of that spot. You know, he did it in his own way. He didn't compromise his, his Orange Cassidy ways, but he showed like what he can do. And then just the combination of him and Kenny and Pac was just awesome. Yeah. Yeah. Marco, how about you? What was your match of the night?
I was going to go with the triple threat, but I'll go with the bucks. That was excellent. That was my next choice. Yeah, I'll go with that one since you picked that one. That definitely there. If you listen to the show, you know I'm a big critic of the young bucks now as heels. To me, they're not believable.
I can't understand you, Marco. For once in our life, I cannot understand you. Let me explain. But no, not explain that way. But now I get, just seeing what the characters are like now, I get it a little bit more. And I was actually a little bit more entertained watching them again. It's actually Moxley and Eddie Kingston. To me, that might have been my actual match of the night. Obviously, the triple threat match was awesome.
But, uh, no, that, that tag match, what a way to set off the, uh, the pay-per-view that kind of like that, that got the show rolling. It was just awesome. And I mean, how awesome was it to finally see Eddie Kingston get his moment to shine in front of a capacity crowd? Like, I just feel like, you know, he, he's deserved that for a while and it,
He was over like Rover, I mean they popped for Eddie Kingston, because he came in during the pandemic era and he's never really gotten his due in front of a full capacity crowd. So I thought that was a really, really cool moment for him to have. Yeah, the other cool thing too about that show is you got to see like we always talk about these three guys, these three homegrown guys that kind of like shine throughout the night.
which was Jungle Boy, Orange Cassidy, and Sammy Guevara. Those are the three guys right there. I think that they're definitely the future of that company.

Future AEW Stars to Watch

And they all showed out in all their matches at night. So hats off to all three of them. And I definitely think any one of them three, I could definitely see all three of them in the title picture at some point being the AEW champion or in a program heading that way.
Definitely. I think between those three and then Jungle Boy and MJF AW is just, you know, the sky's the limit for them over the next 10 years. Yeah. As a compliment to the show, I actually have a totally different pick. I went back and forth because there were so many good matches, but the match, I think really I enjoyed the most was actually the opener Adam Page versus Brian Cage. I just thought that match was excellent. It was it was, you know, not it was like the perfect, you know, length or whatever. And I think it was about nine to 10 minutes long.
Um, they were just exchanging hard hit moves all the way throughout, you know, you get the tease of the Brian cage face turn with him kind of refusing the, the assistance from team Taz. And then obviously hangman went over and he's as over as anybody in AW right now. So it was awesome seeing him get to kind of bask in the crowd reaction. Also congrats to hangman and his wife on the announcement today that they're expecting to have a hang baby. Yeah.
But also, I got to give an honorable mention. I feel like I got lost in the shuffle because it was such an incredible pay-per-view. Serena Deep and Rio tore it down in the NWA Women's Championship match. I think they definitely outdid Britt Baker and Sheeda in the actual AW Championship match. That match was awesome. It was insane. We were still getting settled in from putting the kids down to bed. Sheena was in the kitchen.
I'm cooking up an amazing, amazing batch of wings. And we were just kind of, like I said, just getting settled in and stuff. So we only kind of had one eye on the match at the start. But by the end of it, all three of us were glued to the TV screen. Vic and Rio was about to take the NWA championship hats off because that was probably my favorite women's match I've seen in AEW. Yeah. And speaking of speaking of Britt Baker, she did end up finally getting her due and she is the new AEW Women's Champion. So I'm super excited for her and to see how she elevates the women's division.
We're going to talk about it in a little bit, but there's potential for some women, some new women, some new blood to come into AEW. It'll be awesome to see, like I said, where the women's division is at this time, make sure I actually don't have to heal off. I was thinking if they don't let Fred Baker win this, I'm going to have to come in here again and just shred the AEW women's division, which I don't like to do.
Thankfully, you know, they, they made the right choice and Dr. Britt Baker is your new women's champion. Sadly between, you know, them presenting the new belt to her on dynamite on Friday night and kind of giving that tribute to her year as champ. And you know, her figure got revealed on Saturday and then she had that amazing match on Sunday. I thought she was more interesting in defeat than she's been at any point in her year long run. Yeah. Yeah.
So yeah, they, it's been definitely the low point for AWW so far, but I think the women are poised to really break out over the rest of this year and start to live up to what the rest of the, of the company's doing. So obviously we all had different picks for match of the night and it was plenty of great choices. I think we're gonna have a little bit more slim pickings on this next one, which is a good thing. But Sheena, did you have any big letdown of the night?
I mean, I wouldn't say let down again. I kind of touched on the stadium stampede. I felt like it was just kind of misplaced. As you said, there was a better way to do it with a capacity crowd in the house instead of just having a complete pre-tape at the beginning and then just kind of finishing in the ring. I thought it was cool that they finished with Sammy.
Sean Spears and I like that moment, especially since Sean Spears had that really lame cringe worthy moment where he's like sitting in this warehouse full of chairs. It was like the most horrible visual. You know, in his mind, he thought like
going to be so cool. This is a moment. Yeah. The chairman is not happening. No, stop trying to make the chairman happen. It's not happening. So sorry, Sean. I just can't, I can't get behind it. That's your trade off with the wrestling gods, dude. You got to marry Peyton Royce, but you will forever beat a jobber to the stars. Yeah. You had your moment with the tin chant. Like that's as high as it's ever going to be.
Yeah. Yeah. You peaked. I would say the letdown of the night, I don't want to say it was a letdown because the match was decent. It was fine. But I definitely was least invested in Cody versus a go-go. You know, we give Cody a hard time on the show, but I just felt like everything else was just really, yeah, that's true. Marco does not give Cody a hard time. I felt like everything else on the show was just like, you know, just captivating. And I just felt like it was just,
just kind of slid in there. It was a pallet cleanser, you know, it was a great time to just like, you know, take a breath for a moment from all the high flying hard hitting false finishes and all that kind of stuff. But Cody's gear was repug. The entrance was repug. I just thought it was, you know, it was a little, it was a little, it was a little Cody. It was a that so Cody, you know.
Yeah, I don't know if you could if I could classify that as a letdown because I had very low expectations and that match coming in and it definitely met those expectations. So I'll leave it at that. Marco, was it anything that didn't quite live up to the hype for you?
No, I mean, only thing I want out of that is that Cody figure with that gear, which is... Ringside exclusive, American Dream Cody Rhodes. Of course, yeah. Jeremy, if you're listening, yeah, make it happen. And didn't they announce him as father to be on... When they were giving him his ring announcement, they were like, the American Dream father to be Cody Rhodes. I was like, yeah.
Father of this great nation. That's what I think they meant to say. Oh my gosh. I'm going to go and put you guys on the spot. We are still about three months and change away from this. Marco, what is going to be the main event of All Out? Oh my God. Ben, that's a tough one. If Kenny saw the title,
I'm going to go Kenny. If you say you're going to go ahead, Kenny, jungle boy. That's okay. Okay. That could be the main event. If they, if they, if he still has it about sure it's going to happen in between time, but actually that's the next pay per view, right? No, that's booked for not the next episode of dynamite, but the one after two weeks from now, we're getting that in two weeks, but there's no reason that, you know, I'm sure Kenny will find some slime ball way out of, uh, you know, and they retain in that night and there's no reason we couldn't see the proper rematch at all out.
Yeah, I think I'm gonna go with Kenny versus Hangman. I think Hangman's gonna finally get his comeuppance from his defeat at Full Gear. I think they're gonna go head to head at All Out. I think that story, it goes further back than Full Gear. Think about the first All Out back in 2019. Yeah. Hangman loses in his quest to become the first AW champ. So this is the redemption story.
two years in the making. I think it'd be awesome. Yeah, that's my pick too, is Hangman and Kenny at all out. So hopefully that comes to pass because that would be a hell of a way to close out this Hangman and Kenny Omega story that we've seen play out over the past year and change.

WWE Wrestler Releases

All right, so let's go from an awesome show or the weekend to some really kind of sad news that happened. We're recording this on Thursday night, so we're a little over 24 hours since this news came out. Black Wednesday, six more WWE wrestlers were released. Sheena, just give us some of your thoughts on the superstars that they got future endeavor yesterday.
So there was a few and I think the biggest surprise to, well, Bronn was a big surprise. I'll talk about him in a minute, but I think Alistair just came as the biggest shock to me because we had been seeing all these vignettes of him. Something had to happen. I feel like this was just some sort of acute thing that happened and they would just let him go. Yeah, he just went through a full repackage and it was two weeks ago where SmackDown, which is their A show, it closed out with him making his return and taking out Big E.
Exactly. Took out Big E, set up Big E for this feud with Aleister Black, which would have been incredible. And then all of a sudden now he's just gone. And clearly you never know if you're getting worked or not, but he acted based on his social media that it kind of came out of left field and it was a surprise too.
I just don't understand why they would have went through all of that trouble and that his character was getting over. It wasn't like everything that I saw was like, oh my God, this is the coolest thing. We were so glad Alistair's back. I mean, we hadn't seen him since October of last year and all of a sudden he gets this brand new repackage, this brand new character and then he's gone. I just, I don't understand it.
I can't make sense of it, but Aleister Black is incredible. He is going to be a success no matter where he goes. I just feel like out of all the people that got released, he definitely has the most potential to just rise in another company to the very top.
Yeah, spoiler alert, I'm going to be on the term vocal debate that's coming out this Monday and we went into a detailed discussion on these guys. Let's let everybody know who all got released. Marco, you had the list in front of you who all got released. I got it right here. It's Alistair Black, Braun Strowman, Buddy Murphy, Lana,
Ruby riot and Santana Garrett, that's the six they got released so obviously Santana Garrett was mostly just use sparingly on NXT and she was in I think she was in both may young classics. But the rest of these guys have been all over our TV screens and various doses over the past year, going back to what you said about Alistair black the thing that was really worried about it is that
He was, he was never buried on the main Ross, you know, obviously he was made a much bigger deal in NXT, but he was consistently winning and in pretty convincing fashion when he was, uh, you know, when he was used on raw, it was just for whatever reason, he went months without being on TV. So I think they just can never really figure out what to do with them. Marco, who were you most surprised to see you get dropped? Um, I mean, after Alistair definitely has to be brought, brought through. I mean, he's kind of been in an O two for the past, like,
Uh, like few months anyway, he hasn't been like obviously really on TV at all. Um, and he just had it. He just had a match at WrestleMania with Shane, you know, for the world. He fought for the world championship at the last pay review.
Did it, did he? Yeah. He was in the triple threat with Bobby Lashley. Oh yeah. That's totally forgetful, baby. That's what he needed. There you go. Yeah, he was in two of the most high profile stories alive. I totally didn't even remember he was in it. You just made Vince McMahon's point for him. Oh, that's what I mean.
It's buried by Chico. Ron's last legacy is getting called stupid by Shane McMahon and bringing his fifth grade report card on Monday Night Raw. They attached him to choo-choo train sounds. I just can't get over it. He's barely been used on TV the last few months.
You said a lot right there Marco, I don't think you're wrong like I still you're it's totally forgivable But yeah the fact that you have to be reminded that somebody was fighting for the championship last month that tells you everything you need to know I just feel like he's
It's just surprising because he's just a WWE homegrown superstar. And he's just been such a prominent part of the company for so many years. I mean, just think about anytime they have celebrity storylines. He was in that storyline with the freaking SNL guys for WrestleMania. He did the whole Nicholas spot. He was flipping ambulances. I mean, they've invested a lot. I mean, he did a swamp match, a cinematic match with Bray.
They've invested a lot in brawn. I mean, he's, he's had, you know, how many action figures has brawn had, you know, I mean, he's like been top picks. I mean, he's, he's the man, but yeah, they just cut him loose. And the sad thing is, you know, it's one of those things where you just think back like, Oh, damn, you shouldn't be burning bridges. Remember when he was like talking so much crap about like the indies and the indie stars and stuff. And it's just like, yikes. Where are you going to go from here, brawn?
Yeah, the other thing, too, is we'll get into this a little bit after. I mean, that's pretty much the next couple of questions now. But Jesse, we talk about this all the time. You can have all the talent of the world in Ring.
But you have to have the other thing too. You have to have star power. You have to be kind of like attractive, not in a physical form, but attractive in the sense where people grasp towards you. And if you look at that list, can you remember any crazy awesome promos that any one of them did in the ring?
not a backstage vignette, not anything like that. They came out, commandeered the crowd with their words, and also got the crowd involved with their matches. I think that's another thing that they look at. Granted, like I said, the next question down or the one after that is we're going to get into the selling part of it, but
just will take that part out of it, just like the share fact that these people got released. They have all the talent of the world in Ring, but you're the WWE, and the WWE is entertainment, and you have to be able to entertain all around. You have to be that full package, and not all of them had it.
Yeah. You're saying that you weren't captivated by get these hands. Over and over and over and over again. Wash those hands. Yeah, he never changed. He's had that slogan for, I mean, how many years now? Think about how other superstars have evolved and Braun's still saying, get these hands.
All right. So obviously the fun thing to do nowadays, it's like the late nineties with WWF and WCW all over again. We immediately want to speculate in fantasy book, these guys going over to the competition, all elite wrestling out of the six people that were released on Wednesday. Sheena, who would you most want to see signed with AEW?
I mean, I think Alistair is definitely the way to go. I just feel like he would be a great fit. You know, he has the ability because, you know, I feel like that AEW crowd, they're kind of like, they put me in the mind of like the NXT crowd. You know, they're like super hardcore. They really help their talents get over. And I feel like he would do really well in AEW.
So, again, like I said, I was on the turnbuckle debate and I have some detailed thoughts on this so I'll leave a little bit of meat on the bone for you guys to listen to that on Monday to hear my explanation but I would love to see Braun Strowman in AEW. I just think he'd be something totally different from anything they have on the roster and especially if you brought him as a heel. You know, AEW's got that very smarky audience that I think they would be predisposed to booing the hell out of this guy and I think he could be really great as a monster heel down there in Jacksonville.
Marco, how about you? Who do you want to be all elite?
Oh, man. You guys took both in both picks already. They're still a really good one, I feel like. Yeah. I mean, I think the go-to is obviously Buddy Murphy, but I'm going to go with Ruby Ryan. I was going to pick Ruby. Yeah. Just to get some more ladies in their division. Obviously, she's super experienced being an NXT than on the main roster as well. I think she can lend a lot definitely to the women's division.
Yeah. She's so young. She's young and she's authentic. I think the cool thing about Ruby is like, yeah, she's different and she really is like who she is. You know, I feel like sometimes like the, uh, oh my gosh, I can't believe I, Jade, the Jade chick, Jade Cargill. I feel like she's like, she's trying to be something that she's not, you know? She's even Marie. She's AWZ even Marie.
Yeah, she's like a powerhouse, looks amazing. She's a fitness model. She's got all the things that look good on TV, but the gimmick just isn't there where she's like, I'm that bitch or whatever. I feel like Ruby is authentic to herself and I feel like that really goes a long way when it comes to getting over on television and really being able to portray your character. Did you guys see Ruby actually got a shout out from The Rock on her Instagram post? No way.
She was kind of wrapping up, you know, her thoughts on her time and experience. And David would be in the rock, left her a comment about, you know, how well he thinks she's going to do. So, wow, not the biggest coach in the entire world right around now. Yeah, I agree. Marco, personally, I do like Buddy Murphy. I probably like Buddy Murphy best at all these guys. Actually, I thought he was awesome. He's got secret. He was awesome with the, you know, the Blake and Murphy factor down at NXT with Alexa. He was awesome as the best kept secret on 205 Live. And obviously we loved him.
as a tag team champion with Seth Rollins and also poor Seth. Two of Seth's tag team partners got released. Yeah. Yeah. Ron and Buddy gone in the same day. But I feel like there's about nine or 10 guys just like him in AEW already. You know, guys that kind of quiet, soft-spoken, but put on hard hitting matches. I feel like he'd be like, you know, kind of, I feel like he could occupy the same kind of spot like Matt Seidel is right now. Like he'd be brought in as a big guy just because, you know, he has a name, but I feel like he would get kind of lost in the shuffle in the midcard within a few months on AEW right now.
So yeah, I think Ruby riot, that would be an awesome player down there. And you know, Sarah Logan, she's a free agent right now. Obviously she's loving her life there in Kentucky, but if she, uh, you know, wanted to get back in the ring, you could get her down there and there's already rumors that live Morgan might be next on the chopping block. Let's bring back the riot squad down in AW and let them raise some hell down there.
So a lot of the speculation on these moves, because they came out of nowhere, especially the ones with Aleister Black and Braun Strowman, there's thoughts out there that WWE is just trying to get their profit sheet looking right for a potential sell to try to just boost up, make it look as good on paper as possible.

WWE's Financial Moves and Speculations

Yeah, I think they've released 70 people since WrestleMania.
Yeah, there's obviously, you know, we hear about the in ring talent, but there's been a lot of shuffling and streamlining behind the scenes, you know, people, you know, a job that may have been spread across three or four people before is now being done by one or two people, consolidating departments, just really getting isn't that the best feeling? It's like, Oh, you know what, we're going to give you all these people's job and probably going to pay you exactly the same. That's always the best thing. Yeah, it's the greatest. Yeah.
Capitalism at its finest, man. But yeah, it's really trying to get that profit sheet exactly where they want it to be for a potential sale. So, you know, I'm not a total gibonie when it comes to this. I am a business major. I don't understand, to me, WWE is such a giant brand. I don't really understand how, you know, a couple of wrestlers' salaries are really making that much of a difference when you're a worldwide monopoly like this. I mean, it wasn't Brah making like $2 million a year.
Yeah. Yeah. But still, I mean, WWE is just raking in the cash. Like, you know, they're not a wrestling company anymore. They're just a content company that puts stuff out for eyeballs that, you know, translate into dollar signs for advertisers. So I don't know. To me, I was thinking like maybe their financials aren't in as good a shape as it might seem like on the surface.
Yeah, that's why they're doing some of this stuff. Or maybe they just really want to say, you know what, we've been running this as a family company for 40 years and we're ready to cash out and we want to maximize our profits. What better way to submit your legacy? You know what I mean? Like, then just go out in a blaze of glory and just be like, you know what, I'm going out as like a, you know, multi-billionaire. Yeah.
Yeah, nobody could hate on Vince. I mean, he's been working harder than probably any CEO out there, regardless of what you think of the actual final results. I don't think there's any CEOs that are as invested day to day as he is. But do you think in his life, do you think he's really going to give it up? It's really hard for me to believe that he is just going to let somebody else just take control
of this that's not in the blue line. It could be a set up like UFC where they sell, but even when they sold to new owners, Dana White was still kind of running the day-to-day operations of it. So I could see it something like that where they sell it, but Vince still has a solid interest in the company and is kept on as Vince, Steph, and Triple H still running the show. Marco, what are your thoughts, man? Is WWE, is there a sale imminent in 2021?
Um, I'm not sure if it's going to be in 2021. Um, but yeah, I've been saying this for like the past couple of years. I probably said on the show to, um, the back of the archives is that they're definitely looking to sell ever since they, uh, had that, that, that, I think it was like maybe last year or the year before, uh, when they started pitching the idea of selling the network, um, to different streaming services and stuff like that. Um, the Fox deal, um, where SmackDown is like Fox owns SmackDown essentially, like.
It's theirs. It's their show. They don't promote Raw on Fox at all. Same thing goes for USA with Raw. USA technically owns Raw. Yeah, they're separate. They're separate entities in the same. Yeah. You can already see that they're selling the properties already. It says networks on Peacock and you have SmackDown on Fox. Now you have Raw has USA. You can see they got everyone.
divide and conquer. They groomed the fans and anyone that's been watching to say, hey, this is a possibility. Seth just said it, WWE is a brand. It's not centered around Hulk Hogan, one person that's raking in all the cash. It's a bunch of talent that's bringing in money for the company.
And they have so many more avenues. I mean, you know, back in the day, like, you know, in the Golden, it was like shows and merch and you know what I mean? Like appearance, like appearances, like that's it, right? And then now, I mean, they have so many avenues to make money and provide content and to give you an experience, you know? So, I mean, who do you think, who do you think if, you know, your fantasy booking, who is going to just freaking roll up the Brings truck and hand Vince McMahon a bag, who's it going to be?
It's definitely it's definitely gonna be I think it's gonna be NBC I said this to you guys before they already have the With peacock They are they already pretty much own WWE's content by all of it It's alive. They pretty much sold the library to to to NBC already. So it's kind of already like USA is Owned by NBC Universal also. Yeah, so it's I mean, I Mean, it's kind of like the writings on the wall of that sentence, you know Yeah, they like to sell it would be you know
We talked about the releases and how many talent they release. Seth brought it up. It's definitely not salary. Vince McMahon, obviously, if you watch WWE, it's sports entertainment. Right now, it's not being treated as a wrestling
company, like an AEW or New Japan or Ring of Honor, where the sole focus is wrestling. It wants to be a reality TV show. Yeah, it's entertainment. It's a TV show, essentially. You don't need a lot of characters or a cast of characters to be on a TV show in order to keep it going. You can have the same recurring
Characters all the time we get like it shows like you're not the you're not the only you know one in town anymore So it's like you know I mean like you have to you also have to consider that if you just keep you know Feeding people cat food while the other people you know are starting to give people steaks. It's like oh well You know what we're gonna go over here. We're gonna go over here and eat. You know this is what I mean That's why I mean they're not they're not treating it at like it's
It's never been about competing with other wrestling companies. It's treated as sports entertainment. It's like a show, essentially. They can go that route without even worrying about anyone jumping over to AEW or watching AEW or Impact or anything like that. They already have their core audience, WWE. They've been around a lot longer than all those companies combined.
So they're not going to lose any fans. Um, people just, you know, grow up and grow with the WWE product and they'll just get used to that. But I think, I think the reason why they have people that are coming up in this generation of watching Raw and Smackdown, they're just going to be like, Oh, so this is what wrestling is.
Right. They don't, they don't have, they don't have a preexisting notion of what you see it in our own house. Look at how much Brett is into Roman reigns. You know what I mean? Well, I mean, he does have good taste. Roman reigns is the best thing in WWE right now. So yeah, Seth Rollins, Bobby Lashley.
I mean, our son, our three-year-old son will do Bobby Lashley's entrance post. And we're as hardcore wrestling fans as it gets. There's nobody from AEW that he knows, besides Cody, which, you know, obviously I'm failing him as a parent. Cody's like the only AEW wrestler that he recognizes him and be like, hey, there's Cody. Like, that's the only one. But, you know, he can run down damn near the whole roster on WWE. So, yeah, I think they're catering towards kids. I think the problem is that us as hardcore adult wrestling fans, that's not who they're marketing to anymore.
They're marketing to the casual fans and the kids because that's the people that will tune in every week just because it's WWE. The same way that there's, you know, a hundred million dollars that will get spent at the box office for anything that's got a Marvel name on it, whether it's, you know, good or bad movie. It's same way WWE is right now. The brand is bigger than, you know, what the actual critical quality of the product is week to week.
Yeah, and it's not a knock on like AW or New Japan or anything like that. It's just their WWE is looked at as an entertainment company, not as a wrestling company. So if you go on that route, as I'm being an entertainment only company, not a wrestling oriented company, like you mentioned that Sheena, they have a different, they have a bunch of different types of shows, documentaries, all types of different content that's put out there besides
a wrestling organization. It's a tough thing to swallow right now. Yeah, well, because you have this crowd. I mean, eventually it's going to, people are going to, like we said, people are going to grow up and they're only going to know this version of WWE. And eventually we're going to be weeded out, you know? And it's just,
We're in this weird place right now where you still have this hardcore audience of like, you know, 30, 40 somethings that are like WTF. They came up in the attitude era, caught the tail into the golden era. Like, yeah. And Sheen, I agree with you 100%. The week-to-week TV is as bad as it's ever been. This has come from a lifelong wrestling fan, you know, outside of the Roman verse. And I think Seth and Cesaro has been pretty good. The rest of the storytelling across the two shows has been awful.
Horrible, you know the pay-per-views still somehow deliver it really kind of defies belief how consistently good the WWE pay-per-views are Because the week-to-week content on Raw and SmackDown has been we just saw it I mean they they built Alistair for weeks and then just chopped his head off. You know what I mean? Yeah, it's like it was just like
It was like, it was like, uh, like I said, like a TV show where, yeah, where does that leave Biggie? Where does that, you know, how are they going to, how are they going to remedy that poor Biggie? He's never getting his revenge. Like Alistair, Alistair kicked his ass and got the hell out of town. You know, it's just, again, it goes to show you, like Marco said, they're just so big. Like, yeah, they spent weeks building up Alistair black, but there's 15 guys that they could get to that level in a couple of weeks in NXT right now. You know what I mean? They could pull the trigger out, bring an Adam Cole.
carry on cross you got Finn bowler who could come back at any time. They, the roster is more talented than it's ever been. So which means that everybody outside of Roman, Seth and Becky Lynch, and I'll throw Charlotte in there to outside of those four, everybody else is replaceable like that, you know, at the snap of a finger, they could have somebody else that does, you know, even if they're not equal to it, they can do 90% of what they do. Like think about what a blue chipper Keith Lee is, you know,
Um, obviously we don't know what kind of health concerns he has, but anywhere in the world that guy is a main event or one of the best people on the roster and as bummed as we've been, I get to see him because of whatever reason they really haven't missed him. You know, they Martin, you know, time marches on in WWE and there's just always somebody else ready to step up and fill those spots. And it always will be because regardless of what anybody says, no matter how mage AW is, there is nothing that is a bigger like milestone for a wrestler than main eventing a WrestleMania.
And it's still going to be that way for a long time.
Jay Z said it on that uninterrupted show that Bad Bunny, it was like Bad Bunny, LeBron J, it's that show on HBO Max that they have where they sit around a barbershop and they just talk stuff and they ask Bad Bunny about wrestling and he talked about the main event, how he moved there for three months and that's all he worked on was wrestling and stuff like that. Even Jay Z said he was bigger than the Super Bowl WrestleMania.
Another thing people forget is that WWE is a public company. It's not like AEW where they're publicly trained. They're shareholders. They have responsibilities to other people outside of the fans. If people get caught, that's the nature of their business, essentially. It sucks for us fans because we've grown attached to all these people. We see them week to week and stuff like that. We have our own personal things that we love about everyone.
It's business, it's not anything personal when it comes to that stuff and it's cut throat, essentially. Like I said, it does suck and it's going to be a thing where it's a hard pill to swallow now for us fans, but the younger generation is like, eh, whatever. We just see new people every week anyway, so it doesn't really matter. Yeah, you get used to whatever you're programmed to see.

Beverage Talk

It is time for the weekly beverage break. Marco, we'll kick it up to you first. What are you sipping on this week? Oh, man. I had to bring it back. It's an oldie but goodie. The broken skull. The broken skull is back. It's back as in the Denton household. Yeah, it's been dream teams for the past couple of weeks.
Um, cause it's just so damn good that, that IPA, but nothing finished our last one the other day. We, we, Seth and I split it. We were out and hanging out in the yard and he's like, you know, if we're going to split that last dream team and yeah, we went, we went habsies on it. This is how I get it.
I had already, so, you know, me, Sheena and Jordan each had one. There was one left in the fridge and on Sunday afternoon, you know, Sunday fundage, doing a little weekend wind down. I, uh, I started pouring it out and I actually, it was already poured. And then all of a sudden Sheena says, Oh, you're just going to drink that last dream team without saying anything.
Just saw casual. He wouldn't even say anything. If I hadn't saw the can, I would have been like, oh, okay. Just going to drink it without me. He just blamed Jordan. He just said, hey, Jordan drank it, man. He took it with him. I was actually going to ask you guys how you're going to split it. If you guys are going to get three straws while he was there, just sip out of the same can. We hit it until Jordan left and then a couple of hours after he flew out, we grabbed it.
It was like that, it wasn't me commercial with Shaggy. It's good to be tasting a Broken Skull IPA. They're stocked up in the area now. Hey, let me ask you something. Do you have the can right there with you? Oh yeah. Yes, I do. We got some research to do. Yeah. We had something just blew my freaking mind. Take a look at the back of the can. Can you tell me where your beer was actually brewed at?
Let's see. Shane, you got your can in there right there. Oh, yeah. Yeah. What does it say? Yeah.
Virginia Beach. Yeah. Isn't that crazy? Yeah, so New Realm is one of our that's actually we're pretty fond of that. They got a beer called Devil's Backbone. We've got some of their their Hayes Fest IPA. So that's a local brewery here. I just happened I was stuck in the beer fridge and just happened. You know, I saw the word Virginia at a corner of my eye and then I started looking. Yes, I apparently El Segundo to help with the distribution. They basically contracted out the recipe for
for broken school IPA. And it's getting, it's for the, I'm assuming this is for basically all the East coast, which is why the distribution got so much better over the last six months. That beer is coming out of, you know, me and Sheena's backyard here in the Tidewater area of Virginia. So that's pretty cool. So that definitely alleviated a lot of my stress. Cause if you guys had noticed on the IG, we had been going for about three weeks. Our kids go to these amazing athletes courses and there just happens to be a total line, like one block over. And we had been hitting that total line every week after a class is just buying out all
Since we've lived here, no place has stocked it. I came across a four pack at Whole Foods just randomly one time and it was the only one on the shelf and I bought it and they never stocked it again. We had never seen it. We were like, oh my God, they're finally stocking. We didn't know when they might just cut it off. But now that we know that they're literally brewing the shit in our backyard,
We should be good to go. And yeah, and for anybody that hears this and is kind of like taking a back like, okay, Elsa Gundo is not even brewing it anymore. I can tell you guys one new realm is an excellent brewery, like all of their individual offerings that we've tried have been really, really good. And Elsa Gundo, they're really, really picky. That's why Broken Skull
for so long wasn't available nationwide because they didn't want to risk cutting any corners on the shipping and people not getting a top notch experience when they try this excellent, excellent beer. So you could trust it. Yeah. And everything is, I'm assuming that it had been like that for at least the last few months. And I hadn't noticed any difference. Exactly. And you know, me and Sheena, we've had a broken skull IPA right there from the source in El Segundo. From the teat, remember? Yeah. Yeah. We made the pilgrimage there just a couple months after it dropped.
and tried it so yeah you can trust it and I think it's a good thing and it's pretty cool that they did that they definitely tried to kayfabe a little bit because I started googling once we realized this and there's like no announcement no nothing anywhere online about like hey you know
We're partnering with new realm in Virginia, you know, probably partnering with new realm to do this. So they're definitely trying to keep it on the, uh, on the low, but you know, at least they throw it on the, on the back of the cans. He still know what you're drinking, but, but yeah, we'll, uh, we'll get something up on the IG story. Maybe we'll need to go visit the actual new realm brewery. Cause we, we drive past it quite a lot. Anytime we're in the Virginia makes me wonder if they have it on tap, dude.
Yeah, I mean they should they're brewing it right there. I don't know why they wouldn't unless, like we said, they're really trying to kayfabe that where this stuff is coming from. But either way, yeah, pretty cool. And it's a good thing for anybody on the East Coast because that means that you're going to have a lot easier time grabbing some broken skull IPA off the shelf. Sheena, what are you drinking?
I am drinking a bougie Belgian Pilsner, a good old Stella Artois, you know what I mean? Awesome. Yeah, I can't go wrong with that. It's going down nice and smooth. How are you liking it? Because you hadn't tried Stella before, right? I have had Stella, but it's been a very long time. I had never had it out of a can. It actually is in these little Red Bull style cans. They're like the little skinny cans.
Um, the only way I've ever had Stella is out of a bottle. So yeah, it's good. I'm enjoying it. It's, it's like a slightly fancier, slightly fizzier version of Bud Light. That's how I've always kind of took it. You know, it's just, uh, still pretty basic here, but it's pretty good. To me, Bud Light has like a bitter flavor to it. And I feel like Stella is very, very smooth. Like it doesn't have that just kind of like, I don't know, like dirty taste. Wow. Shout out to the Bud Light fans out there. Sorry.
So I'm drinking a Mango Go's called It's Electric. This is from Solace Brewing Company again here in Virginia. It's another good thing about being in Virginia, really awesome craft beer scene here. It's just a Go-style sour ale with mango. You guys know we're all under the sours and the Go's is here over the last couple of months. We actually tried an Old Bay Go's over the weekend. Jordan grabbed it as a... It was good. I really liked it. It was actually pretty good though. So if you guys get a chance, I think Dead Rise is the name of the brewery.
And it's just the Old Bay goes his name of the beer. So so check it out if you're somewhere on the East Coast and can get your hands on that. Some of the other big news from wrestling last week, I feel like this news kind of already came and went, but we can still still speculate in fantasy book.

WWE and New Japan Partnership Rumors

There's talks of WWE and New Japan entering into a working relationship. I'm extremely skeptical. Marco, what do you think? Is this actually going to happen?
Yeah. Just based on what you said, it came and went. Obviously, it could have did that because it may happen and people want to keep it hush-hush.
Yeah, I'm kind of skeptical on it, too. It'd be really awesome. And I know a while, maybe a few years back, I know Triple H spoke about opening up NXT Japan, kind of like how they have an NXT UK. So maybe this is kind of like an upgrade from what he was talking about, essentially. Or maybe it may still be happening, and they're looking to get some new Japan guys into the NXT UK when it does open. So
Um, it'd be awesome. I mean, I'd be super, super thrilled because tons, tons and tons of our dream matches to be had. Um, if they do open that forbidden door, um, like the story broke and people were really running wild with speculation. I can't remember if it was yesterday or the day before that I saw it actually come out that a lot of this was based off of
WWE reaching out and seeing if New Japan would be open to allowing Daniel Bryan to work a few shows with him. So I think this was kind of just something that got brought up as a way to get Daniel Bryan to resign. And I'm thinking that somebody got a little kernel of this information and just ran wild with it. Either way, it's still really fun to think about. Sheena, what would be one of your dream matches? Oh, you know me, I'm the biggest New Japan mark out there.
Oh, yeah, there's one you get it. There's one there's a there's a Twitter feud that definitely has to be uh Has to be taken care of you know me. Um, I I rarely frequent the uh, the twitter machine. So you're gonna have to help me out on that one Who's beefing on twitter? Oh man. Well, I'll back it was the uh, it was it was who's the best wrestler in the world out of Seth Rollins and Will Ospreay. Yeah
Oh yeah. That would be a badass match. That would be bad. That would definitely get back healthy. Yeah, that would be awesome. That definitely Okada, John Cena I would assume, or Okada, Roman Reigns. I want to see Okada, Roman Reigns. I've already got the, you know, I put my Pat Patterson hat on. I already got the
The finished book, man, Okada goes for that Rainmaker clothesline and Roman reverses it into the Superman punch, hits the spear, pins Okada and lets the smart hate just rain down on them. Can you imagine? Oh my gosh. I don't know. I just don't see this being the case. I can't imagine WWE just shining a light, especially at this stage of the game where like there are potential talks of them selling it. I can't see them like shining a light on other promotions and you know,
To be completely honest, I don't feel like Vince has been the best at showcasing Japanese talent in WWE over the years. I feel like- You didn't like Jimmy Wayne Yang? I mean, Jimmy Wayne Yang is- I don't know how to feel about that character. He kind of gives me conflicting feels. But like Asuka and Shinsuke, I mean, yeah, they've had title reigns and all of that, but you've seen they just kind of like
I mean, to, to Jerry's pretty over back, back in the attitude era, you know, that's a yoga zoo. Main event at two WrestleMania. It's not even Japanese. He was kayfabe Japanese. Exactly. Yeah.
Let's move on to NXT this week. Not a whole lot to discuss, but we do have a very interesting main event lined up for in your house.

NXT Championship Match Predictions

It's going to be a five way. Yeah, that's right. A five way for the NXT championship. We got Karrion Kross, Kyle O'Reilly, Adam Cole, Finn Balor, and Pete Dunne. Sheena, who has the best chance of taking the belt from Karrion Kross?
I'm going to have to go with my man, the bruiser weight, Pete Dunn. I just feel like he's, the other guys just really, I mean, maybe Kyle O'Reilly. I just feel like Johnny Gargano and Adam Cole don't have anything to gain by taking down Karrion Kross, whereas Kyle O'Reilly and
Um, Pete Dunne really, I mean, that would just give them their moment. You know what I mean? Any of these guys could win. I mean, this is going to be an insane match, but I'm going with, uh, I'm going with the underdogs of this match. I'm going with Kyle Riley or Pete Dunne for mostly Pete Dunne.
Yeah. I can't really see any of these guys. I think the, the most, the most likely taking the belt off cross at this point would be the dreaded vacant, you know, he got hurt in his first title defense letter. Actually he got hurt when he won the title against Keith Lee. You know, Tommaso Ciampa had a, had lost the belt to vacant back in 2019. So it was a bit
It's been a little bit since we've seen it. We know Cross has got a little bit of injury history. I don't see any of these four guys beating Cross right now. He's so strong. Well, yeah. I mean, if you made me pick, I'm picking those guys. I don't think that he's going to lose the bill. I think he's going to retain for sure. But if I had to say somebody that I want to see, if I'm booking it in my own universe, I'm going to go with Pete Dunn.
I mean, after that promo, that Adam Cole cut, I mean, I'm going out of coal on that, uh, on him taking the title off across. I'm not sure if you guys, uh, man, he was saying some real shit to him. Like he was basically, he was the voice of the smarks, man, talking about how this dude's just, you know, overblown muscle head, like all presentation, scarlets, the real stars, not him. Like,
He wasn't wrong. I mean, where's the lie? Where's the lie? He was saying like, you know, you know, you know, you could do whatever you could do in the ring, but everyone knows that you can't do what I do in the ring. And it's true. Like, I think of all the Adam Cole matches that he's had in NXT, even even in ROH. And even before that, in the end, he's like, I mean, Adam Cole is the man that he's I mean, I mean, I mean, obviously he's smaller than Karrion Kross. So you're like, oh, this guy can't beat Karrion Kross. But I mean,
He doesn't got to be carrying across he's just got to be one of them It's true. I agree. I think I think to me I put I put Adam Cole's the number two performer in NXT beside behind Finn Bower I still think Finn's the the best wrestler they have down there and one of the best in the world right now, but I
But yeah, Adam Cole was, yeah, he was spitting facts at Karrion Kross and it's interesting to see if, I don't know if this was like the start of a face turn or what, because he was, it seemed like the fans were kind of agreeing with what Karrion Kross was saying. I don't know if they're, they, they've been kind of having Kross go in this tweener, this tweener role where he's been going back and forth. So I don't know. I don't really know what he's, what the desired fan reaction is for him right now. If they want him to be getting booed, if that's the case though, they need to lean into the stuff Adam Cole was saying on Tuesday night.
Yeah, I can't see him. He does not have a baby face gimmick at all. No. He needs to lean into the heel aspect of this so they need to book him as a heel because the whole entrance and the scarlet and all that stuff is not gonna work if he's a baby face. Yeah.
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AEW Fan Fest Figure Reveals

go figures where we cover the latest and greatest in the world of wrestling figures and talk about what we've each added to our own personal collections reminder this segment is brought to you by our good friends at ringside collectibles the number one worldwide retailer in wrestling figures use code chick Foley to save 10% on all your orders at ringside and here we go
Alright, before we get into the week in wrestling figure news, want to remind you guys to check out the has book on Instagram, he still has a few copies left to go we got ours a couple days ago and this thing is in credible man, it's like I said it's the definitive book we've gotten on Hasbro collection, it's so nice to print quality is great pages are nice and glossy pictures are bright and crisp like
I really kind of I've had to restrain myself from really digging into it. I've just been thumbing through a sample in it because I want to I want to wait till the night where, you know, we got all the housework done. Kids are in bed. You know, I can pour me a nice maker's mark and Coke and really just sit down.
indeed dive on this thing and read about the history of this beloved beloved wrestling line. So again, that's the has book. I encourage you guys to go hit them up because these things are going to be gone soon. And as of right now, there's not going to be any reprint, you know, maybe we can talk them into a hard copy version down the line. But for now, you know, what's there is there and that's going to be it. And you're going to be missing out if you don't get your chance to to get your hands on this. Marco takes away with figure news.
Yeah, I can't wait to get mine. I don't know what to do. I probably won't even open it. You're going to keep it at MOC? Yeah, I'm going to keep it at MOC because I think once you crack it open and start looking at all those figures, you're going to want to do a deep dive on eBay and see what the market's looking like right now with Hasbro. I definitely can't wait to get that. If you definitely get the LJN book too, because they are running the
that probably, you could buy both of them, the LJN. Yeah, so definitely do that if you don't know the LJN book, because that book is awesome as well. So I guess we're diving into the fan fest reveals first. Oh, yes. Do you want to run down the whole line, or how do you want to do this? Maybe talk about the highlights, what we're most excited for. So I'll let you sell it. Go ahead. Maybe the new first time in the line, guys.
All right, so actually, so we'll start off because they kind of started off with this when they announced the first reveals. It was the AEW wrestling buddies, which was pretty cool. So you have Darby Allen, Cody Rhodes, of course, Kenny Omega, and probably the most sought after wrestling buddy, I think, out of this line, Luchasaurus. I think he'll be the top star. Instant cop.
So yeah, so what do you guys, what was their reaction when you see that they're coming out with wrestling buddies? So I was super stoked when they came, when I heard they were coming out with wrestling buddies. Um, I was a little surprised to see that they were kind of more like the bleacher creature size wise. Like they're like the smaller wrestling buddies. Um, still going to get them. I mean, the baby face is going to love these things. I mean, he's going to, you know, he, he will love having these things, but it looks like a Cody.
Yeah, it looks like a Cody. Especially, like I said, Luchasaurus. He's just going to love Luchasaurus. And I mean, Darby, he knows Darby too. Yeah, he does know Darby Allen. Yeah, don't you? That's Darby Allen. But yeah. If they get a sting, he's going to lose his mind. He loves sting, man. Yeah. We had a meltdown the other day because he was wanting to wear his... His sting shirt and it was dirty. His sting shirt. Oh, jeez.
He, so I wish, I'm really, really sad that they went away from like the, it was Jax, right? Didn't Jax make the last set of- Yeah, Jax made the fin, the AJ and the Hardy boys, which were the closest thing we've ever gotten to the OGs. Those were amazing. And I actually really loved the material on those. It was a little bit more stretchy than like the, you know, standard, like whatever the cotton or whatever it is that makes up the original wrestling buddies.
They're like perfect. They're lightweight. They're super durable. So I was hoping to get something more of that style. Like I said, these are more of kind of like that plushy style like Bleacher Creature, but so cool.
Yeah, definitely. Yeah, so we'll go through the unrivaled series and then we'll hit the unmatched, because the unmatched pretty much has like all, mostly all new people. So yeah, unrivaled series seven, we'll just hit up the new people that are, that are in the line. So we have Lance Archer, Nyla Rose, Dax Harwood and Cash Whaler. Obviously, we've had these guys in the Battelle line, but obviously they're in this line. First time in line for unrivaled.
What do you guys thoughts on, uh, on rival series seven? Um, who's your favorite out of this? Super stoked. I'm, I'm hyped to get, um, the murder Hawk, you know, it's funny because we, the last week on the show, we talked about so many, we were kind of fantasy booking what we wanted to see a fan fest. And so many of the ones that we talked about came to fruition. So it was, it was wonderful to see, um, how many figures that we got, but yeah, definitely Lance Archer. He's he's just toyetic. He deserves to be in action figure form. And I'm excited to, to get that.
Yeah, I agree. Yeah, same. Lance Archer. He's been one. I've been one for a while. I think we should have had him already. Maybe instead of the eighth Cody figure, we could have got Lance Archer, but better late than never. Yeah, I think the coolest one out of this too is Nyla Rose.
Yeah, that looks awesome. That's awesome, yeah. She was pretty excited on Twitter. Pretty much anyone that had her figure revealed over the weekend, they all posted about it on their Twitter account. Yeah, that's something really cool that AEW, they're still so small and such a small company that I feel like
It really means a lot to these people to get these figures. You never see Seth Rollins tweeting like, oh yeah, I got a new freaking fan takeover figure. Oh, I'm the new WWE top picks. You know what I mean? It never happens. It's cool to see these people be super into their action figures and their merch and stuff.
Yeah. Um, so we'll move on to, uh, uh, AW on rival series eight. Um, and like I said, I'll just pick out the, the, uh, the new one line. So Trent, so Trent, he locks his, uh, series eight, uh, Chris. I can finally replace my, uh, I can finally replace my basic trim Beretta figure from, uh, the Mattel line.
And awesome you pretty much yeah, you get pretty much got the best friends you have it's pretty much all the best friends So so you get our Chris stat lander as well Chuck Taylor as well as orange Cassidy to another one still I wonder what we're gonna get up with the new orange Cassidy because he really has the same look every single time I
Yeah, I'm kind of curious. Maybe they maybe they've come up with a different way to do the like the mechanics with the hands in the pockets. Maybe we'll get one of these without that. I'd be cool to get one with just a regular straight molded jeans. I thought that was cool as a gimmick. But I don't know. I don't know how well that figure is going to age, especially with that kind of soft rubber. I worry about that rubber deteriorating over time. Yeah. Who's your who's your picks out of the unrivaled series eight? Are you looking forward to?
So I'm gonna just speak this into existence that the Chase figure is gonna be Sue. And then we get Sue's van as like a ringside club. So yeah, even though that wasn't revealed, I know Jeremy, I know you've listened to the show, man. I know you're cooking it up for us and it's gonna be awesome. So yeah, let's, I'm thinking that the Chase one of 150 Sue figure that's gonna be coming out. Yeah, with breakaway like graffiti panels for the van.
I think you should be able to have the van intact and then completely destroyed breakaway panels.
Yeah. I think that's going to be a ringside exclusive that's going to happen. I don't think it's going to be inline. I think it's going to be... That would be so amazing if that actually happens. Maybe it'll be a four-pack with the best friends and Proud and Powerful because they had that whole match and everything like that. A whole set would be pretty awesome.
Um, so we'll go into the, uh, the much talked about, uh, new line that they've, that they've been speaking about. So the, uh, AW unmatched series. Um, we're getting some bangers in this dude. Yeah. So the unmatched series one, I mean, I mean, we've had some of these figures before, but like I said, we'll go over the ones that weren't, that weren't in the first line. So we have Britt Baker. Finally, Britt Baker is kind of long overdue. She's the, she's the chase for that with the coat. Yeah.
Yeah, with the coat and the Pittsburgh Steelers gear. Did you see that, the paint? Yeah, they actually released. And so if you go on our ringside, they actually released some pictures of the unmatched series one. And you can see like Mero's figure and all that stuff. Oh, nice.
Yeah, the Britt Baker chase is actually the Pittsburgh inspired Pittsburgh sales inspired gear. So it's red and yellow with the with the logo and everything like that. So it's pretty awesome. You have marrow marrow day is a part of the unmatched series one.
Um, the Darby Allen might beat that chase Darby Allen. Did you see that? Darby Allen is sick with like the tree of life or whatever, like on there, the paint might be better than the, than the actual chase figure that's out there. Um, and we'll go with, we'll, we'll skip over. That's it. And Kenny, we'll go right to the, uh, to the new, I'm not sure how they're going to do this. So in this line, there's going to be an LJN.
made by actually LJN, like they partnered with LJN, and it's gonna be Cody Rhodes. Shocker. Cody Rhodes, LJN, can't wait. Super excited about that. That's right. You would even have to ask me. That's my favorite out of this, out of the unmatched series one.
What are you guys looking forward to? I'm definitely looking forward, not the LJN Cody. I am curious to see if it is the full on LJN style rubber, if it's going to be more of like San Francisco toy makers or like when Chalk Line did the bucks with the LJN re-release and it was more of like a hard statue plastic.
Those are definitely San Francisco style. So yeah, maybe they've learned though. That was their first release. I don't know. We'll have to reach out to our friends at Chalk Line. I don't know if Chalk Line sold the LJN trademark to somebody or not.
because you got chocolate and we definitely owned it. And I know they had some plans on bringing it back kind of full time. Yeah, they had like some merchant stuff. I think they did like a jacket and everything for the LJM. But yeah, but that might get a little sticky because we know chalk lines, you know, deep in bed with WWE. So yeah, true. I don't know. Interesting. Well, we'll, we'll, we'll dive into this one and we'll get back to you guys with an update for next week's show. It's what we call a tease here in the industry.
Yeah, definitely. So we'll go to unmatched series two. We'll go with the with the do there's actually this three do with this one. So you have Tay Conti Wardlow, which is pretty awesome. Yeah, that's very cool. And it looks like it's a legends line that they're throwing in there with it's called luminaries. Yeah, different style packaging.
Yeah, so we get Sting, Sting figure. I'm excited about this one. That's probably my favorite one out of all the curious to see what a jazzwares version of Sting looks like. Yeah.
Yeah, I'm really comfortable for that. I've been I like Sting's look since he's been back with the t-shirt. So I'm hoping we get the look that he had for the the cinematic match against against Brian Cage and Ricky Starks with the you know, you could do the painted on the long black sleeves underneath and then throw the cloth t-shirt over the top. I think that would be a pretty dope look and something a little bit different from
what we got because Mattel, even though, you know, they didn't necessarily get every single look of sting that we wanted to, I thought Mattel did a pretty damn good job on the steam figures, especially with the crow look. So hopefully we get something a little bit unique. Sting's one of my all time favorite wrestlers. So without a shadow of a doubt, I'm most excited to see Sting and I'm really pumped that
The fact that they've created a whole different branding for his figure lets me know that this is going to be a one-off. Give me some AWJ figures. Let's get Taz out there. We haven't had Taz in Mattel's line at all, so he's much needed. Let's get an Arne Anderson figure. The sky's the limit with what they can do with this. You saw the pictures of the Sting figure, right?
Yeah, but I wasn't sure it wasn't clear to me if that was like molded on whatever like the t-shirt underneath the whatever. Yes, I'm hoping. Yeah, I'm hoping for soft goods trench coat cloth t-shirt and then painted on sleeves on the arms. That's my my dream figure again. Jeremy, if you take a note, it's just, you know, you don't you don't have to pay me for that idea on the design. Just make it happen, man.
Yeah, I'm hoping this, uh, luminaries line gives you, it gives them like the, the ability to do like, I like, like kind of like the odd figures. I do like a Tony Shavani, um, Jim Ross X caliber. We'd be pretty cool. We haven't got Tony yet as criminal. We need to, we need to tell you. I think he, I'd have to give us some thought. I think Tony is my most wanted AW figure right now though.
Yeah. Tony Chobani's a man. Yeah. And we got Drew Baker, so now we naturally need Tony, you know, to go along. Yeah. They're the real, they're the best friends. They're the real best friends of AEW. Um, so, uh, so we got to move on to, this is the, uh, actually not the last announcement, but the last of the unmatched series, unmatched series three, which I predicted last week. Yeah. Um, sort of, I kind of like do it into existence. Um, a full line of dark order.
Which is what we got we had a full the whole series three of unmatched is all dark order Yeah, it's all people which is awesome. So Stu Grayson evil uno Brody Lee, which is awesome and there's a silver and Anna J and there's a TBA for this for this line as well
Well, yeah, so there's a TBA, but then they also announced that Darby Allen, LJN will be in this match series three. Bummer. I was thinking in my mind, I was fantasy booking that we would get a negative one action figure. I thought that would just be like the perfect rounding out of that, of that set, you know? Because then if we got him, you could get, uh, you could get two of them and finally make the custom Nicholas to go with, uh, with Braun Strowman.
I never got my Nicholas figured that I wanted. I know. Oh, man. When I seen that, I was like, holy crap, I said that on the show that they should do a whole series of Dark Order. Yeah, makes sense. They did it. That's pretty awesome that they would do something like that.
They should. I mean, like Mattel should do like a whole like NWO line and have like a whole bunch of NWO. I think we talked about this before. Bagwell, Scott Norton. Oh man, tons. Yeah, everyone. Who else? Yeah, Kevin Nash. Million Dollar Man. Everyone in there. Just Virgil. Just do a whole line of NWO. Yeah, that's what the kids are clamoring for.
I can't imagine that those Virgil figures are going to last long on the pegs. Hey, you never know. I'm excited for all these figures because they're all pretty much first time in line.
Yeah. What about, what about Ref Aubrey? We're finally getting an actual success. Yeah. That's my most excited figure for everything that got revealed. I don't know why. I just, I can't wait to get that. Yeah. Friend of the show, Ref. Oh yeah. That's right. New friend of the show. New friend of the show. Yeah.
Yeah, I posted the I posted the on Twitter, the the the picture of her with her figure and stuff like that. And she actually liked to retweeted it. So, yeah, so she's now a friend of the show. Yeah, the show. Yeah, but I'm super excited. She's actually come with with the scale ring to as well. Yeah, it's a ringside exclusive, which is even better. That gives it more value. That's cool. I mean, I mean, you definitely have the now you have a referee to referee all your your fantasy matches and stuff like that. So
Yeah. Referee figures have just been so few and far between throughout the years. I think the Jax BCA generic ref that they gave us was still the best one we ever had. So it's going to be a, it's going to be a big year now with zombie sailor releasing that Earl Hebner and then jazz was releasing this. We're getting grow Hebner.
Yeah, they actually have a yeah, so if you go on ringside, there's there's actually photos of About well ringside on Twitter. Yeah, they actually see photos of the her figure as well like the actual figure Yeah, she has yeah with it. It's pretty cool
Yeah. I like how it has an extra set of hands with the two. Yeah. Very cool. It's pretty awesome. One that got glossed over was the Amazon exclusive Chris Jericho. It looks like with the pink suit jacket. Did you guys see that? Yeah, it's a pretty cool figure. I don't know if I'm going to go out of my way to get it, but Amazon exclusives have typically been pretty easy to get. If that's the case, maybe I'll go and grab it and maybe it'll be worth something someday, but I wasn't super stoked on it.
Yeah, I guess I was kind of glossed over in that sense, but...
Yeah, that rounds out the, uh, AW fan fest. That was, that was a lot. We still have some, uh, so some, some other figure news to go through as well. And we didn't even cover all the fan reveals like that. We only like scratched surface, you know, we didn't even cover most of the people that had already had figures and there's, there's some great figures that are coming out that are, you know, characters that we've seen before. So yeah, definitely go to, you can go to a, at AW unrivaled on Instagram and check out all the, all the figure reveals and then, you know, see it in its entirety.
You'll see everything. So we'll kind of like speed around through this one. So actually, follower of the Chick-Fully show, Twitter account, Adam Balm. I would show that if I told you guys that. But yeah, he actually follows our Twitter account. He's actually kind of with a figure with cello toys. So he's also getting Adam Balm cello toys retro figure coming soon. He actually posted about it, stuff like that. It looks pretty, I mean,
I was Adam, I can't lie, I was an Adam Bob fan when we used around, so I mean you look cool.
Yeah, he should have been he should have been used so much more. He had a great look. He was awesome in the ring. Like, I don't know. I don't know why Adam Baum didn't connect. He seemed like he would be right up at Superman's alley. So maybe he had stuff going on behind the scenes. I was very excited. I was I was very excited to see this figure because it's going to save me a lot of money. I'm down. We'll get to it in weekly purchases, but I'm down to just the green cards left for Hasbro. And obviously Adam Baum was one of those. So Chella, if you're listening,
go ahead and crank out everybody. Let's get the smokey guns. Let's get Marco's buddy. One, two, three kid. Yeah. Let's just, let's just go ahead and flood the market. Let's yeah. Let's kill the resale value of all of those Hasbro's. You already got Adam bomb, grab evil crush. You know, you can have your chronic set from late era.
And then yeah, go ahead and get Ludwig Borga as well. Let's do the whole green cards and save me some money because I'm not above getting Chella's version of them and calling it a day for my Hasbro collection. Yeah. Keep that money in the bank.
Actually, I forgot to add, they kind of came up with this later in the day. Final packaging designs, I should say designs for the heels and faces line. They had Sabu, they posted that one, as well as Matt Cardona. Did you see that one as well? Yeah, I saw it in their Facebook group today. Yeah.
I think it looks pretty awesome. I can't, I mean, the anticipation is growing for this, for this line. Just seeing them all together, like the kind of like the ad, that zombie sailor headset with all the with the figures all together. It's
It's gonna be pretty amazing. It's gonna be a special day with those pre-orders drop, I think.

Limited Edition Collectibles and Figures

Yeah. He said he's expecting that they don't have a 100% accurate number, but he's expecting around 2,000 of each figure being made. So these aren't going to be crazy limited, but it's not going to be a whole lot of these to go around. So if you want them, don't waste any time going get these pre-ordered when they drop because they're putting so much TLC into the line. I have very, very high confidence that these things are going to deliver and they're going to be awesome.
Oh yeah, definitely. And speaking of which, a new signee to the heels and faces line. Paul Roma is now a part of the heels and faces line. We gotta get Hercules, man. We need power and glory. You can't have just glory, man. We gotta have Hercules also. So hopefully he's working on that as well. Yeah, did you see the promo video that he made? I did. I did. It's pretty goofy. I mean, yeah, it was goofy in an awesome way.
But yeah, like you said, anyone that's doing retro figures, just remake everyone. Just help us out, the people that want to jump into the Hasbros. Pockets are pretty thin. You need help. If you will, just make them all.
from series one all the way till. Got it. Got to make them all. Yeah. Even do the even do the Battelle retros. Do those as well. Because those are those are climbing up. No, there would definitely not be a cease and assist issue for those. No, definitely not.
Yeah, so we'll continue on with the I'll skip down a little bit and so the pre-orders are announced for June 17th on zombie sailor calm and they actually He made a post actually revamped the website a little bit. You can actually sign up for You know alerts when it does what it does drop and stuff like that. So
drop it in your email and you'll get to learn. It's going to be a special day. It's going to be something big. I can already feel it with this line as well. There's a lot of positive feedback from what I've seen on social media about these.
It's looking good, especially the final, like the paint jobs and stuff like that. And, you know, just seeing Sabu and they look sick. Yeah. They're going to be, they're going to be good. Uh, we haven't talked about these in a while. The FOCO, uh, bobbleheads, I kind of like dropped off of these for a little bit. So they have a very mysterious, um, FOCO, uh, limited bobblehead. Yeah. 144. Yep. It's just an odd number. Like they're going to have 144 pieces.
It doesn't. True. 50 bucks. You can pre-order now. It looks pretty cool. You guys have to take a look at it. Yeah, he's flying through there. There's some serious craftsmanship going on with these. If any of our Foley fam has purchased these, hit us up, man. Let's get some video up in the Facebook group because I kind of want to see them. I want to see them too. They do look nice, but to me, 50 bucks is a little steep for a bobblehead. Well, I'm assuming they like porcelain or something like that, right?
Yeah, I'm sure they're, I'm sure they're like, you know, like resin or whatever, like that high quality, like, you know, heavy resin and stuff. And they come on those- High quality bobblehead. It's a high quality bobblehead, you know? Yeah. Like Dwight Schrute's. They're on like, they're not even just like little standalone bobbleheads. They have their own little like scenes that they're flying through, you know, like he's got like a stand and he's got like the Titan Trons, his Rey Mysterio and all of that.
Yeah, they're, they're cool, but they, we just don't have room for them in the collection for sure. And yeah, 50 bucks is a little steep for, for a bobblehead, but I would love to see anybody who does have a collection of these. Yeah. Yeah. I'm kind of curious to see if anyone in our, like the, the Facebook group actually collects. I feel like if you had a favorite wrestler, like if Rey Mysterio was your favorite wrestler and you just had like a, like a, um, just a Rey Mysterio collection, you would have to have this, you know? Um, but to collect all of them that would take up some serious shelf space.
Yeah, definitely. Another company we haven't talked about in a while, Eagle Boss, they actually came out with a... They're coming out with a Jim Nighthart in Italian. I saw this set, man. It looks very nice. A set, which is pretty awesome. Yeah, I mean... It's got the anvil with the pink beret.
Yeah. Yeah. And, uh, it's, I mean, I, I, I mean, I haven't picked up any ego boss personally, but we don't. Yeah. We had an ego Moss Brit heart. Um, but we gave it away. Yeah. We ended up giving it away. And, uh, uh, Patreon group.
Yeah, they are pretty awesome. And I think this one would probably be one of the ones I would get. I believe they have, they, I think it was, was there a rock, a rock and mankind one too? Yeah, there was. Like a rock and star connection one. Yeah, like those ones, I would probably get like the sets, not the single ones if I was to do it. But yeah, this one's actually pretty cool. Just the, just the significance of it is, is pretty awesome. Yeah. And it's cool. Like she's wearing, you know, she's wearing the Ambles jacket. You know, I think that's really cool. She has got the Ambles and his, you know,
You know, pink, pink tights, his jacket and the pink beret. And then you have Natalia wearing the anvils jacket like she did when she came out on raw after he passed away. Yeah. Again, if, if anyone asks back to Ruby, right. Yeah. Oh my God. Putting the handle through a table. Like, you know, my little cardboard cut out on it. Yeah. His stand. Yes. That was, that was one of the most heel things that Ruby riot has ever done.
And then, then she also like, she broke the glasses. Yeah. Natty had a pair of Jim Nighthart's glasses. Yeah, Jim Nighthart's glasses. I think Natty was in the middle of a match, middle of a match with Sasha Banks. If I remember this correctly, you know, emails list. No, I think she was in the middle of a match with Sasha Banks. Ruby Riot came out, broke the glasses in half and then the match between Sasha and Natty just ended. You know, Sasha just started comforting Natty and you know, the match ended with Natty just crying.
Yeah, it went to commercial break. Then when they came back, the match was just over. Yeah, I just remember feeling so conflicted about that storyline. Like, really? Are we really bringing her real life, deceased father, former legend? They did it in such a goofy way. I mean, I think you could do stuff like that, but you need to make it serious and dark. The way they did it, it was just corny. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
I mean, they did it with they did it with Paul Bear, like right when he right after he died. Yeah, that was. Yeah, he was still, you know, that was that was fresh. So that was within months of him passing away. But I feel like they did that right. You know, I feel like that was like the right way to do it as compared to compared to Ruby, right. Yeah. Yeah, that's pretty. That was pretty bad. Yeah. Again, anyone that collects any like eagle mouse, definitely see. Let's see those collections. If you do, definitely the Facebook group.
I think our buddies Jeff and Scott have really posed well. I think they got a pretty deep ECOMUS collection. Yes, they do. Yeah, they should. Yeah, definitely. Definitely display them on out. Just take some pictures. Let us see them just to see what they are, just to see what they look like. But next to the list for Funko Pops, I'm actually kind of excited about this because it's one of my favorite movies ever. They Live.
Roddy Roddy Piper or John Nada as his character is and how they live. There's a fungal pop coming You can pre-order it on Actually here for this character. He had the neck of figure and I have that figure. Yep. I have that I have the other two I have the aliens as well. I pretty much had that whole they live set
That movie's just great. If you haven't seen it, definitely we're not doing any recommendations, but yeah, definitely go watch that. It's a campy 80s movie, but- The best. It's super woke. Love campy 80s movies. It's a woke movie though, at the same time. The best of jiggers is- By John Carpenter, right? Yeah. Nice. It's pretty woke. I won't spoil it for you, even though it's like,
35 years old. The statute of limitations is passed for spoilers, but yeah, we won't spoil it here on the show for you. But yeah, definitely go watch it. It's pretty cool. Remember we were talking about this before with Sasha Banks, having a figure other than a wrestling figure. She's at the Star Wars line. John Cena
Because he's in the Suicide Squad movie. Rick Farley and toys are actually making the Suicide Squad figures. And John Cena is actually getting a figure in the line. If you get the name of his character, that's going to bother me now that he's playing. Is it like Killshot or something? No, it's going to bother me.
Nobody cares. I'm firing up the Google machine. Peacemaker. Peacemaker? Peacemaker, yes. He's getting a figure in the line. I think we had this conversation who, besides Sasha Banks, had a wrestling figure as well as a mainstream or a figure other than a wrestling figure.
Yeah, you had, uh, yeah. So obviously you got Kevin Nash's, he had his neck ultimate super. Yeah. And we got rowdy, rowdy Piper with, uh, they live with the neck up and then you have the rock with the scorpion King way back in the day. He's got all kinds of Maui toys. Yeah.
Yeah, that would be a cool if you were going for a niche collection that would be pretty cool like non wrestler wrestling figures, you know, yeah movies you gotta This would be pricey. I know there's a Hulk Hogan Thunder lips figure from back in the early 80s It goes for a pretty penny if you can track it down I don't think there were any suburban commando figures. I don't know. I don't remember seeing suburban commando toys about you Marco. I
No, I don't think so. But I think I want to say I want to say that Zorro Mendez actually had the Rocky three line like he was selling that like maybe if maybe last year or the few months back. Nice. Maybe so there is a there is a figure.
of Hulk Hogan as Thunderlips. I think they're like mint too. Because obviously everything from Zorro is mint. He's the LJ and Whisper as well as Rocky figure Whisper too.
We don't have any stone cold Steve Austin figures from one of his mini from like The Condemned or something, you know? Oh my god, is that the B-movies? Yeah, I'm never going to actually figure it out. Oh my god, jeez. Or Batista. That was Drax, that was the other one that we found out. Yeah. A Drax figure.
Yeah, that's it. That's if a figure dues. One thing to mention real quick before we get into weekly purchases, they live is currently streaming on peacock. So you can, you know, go watch some class, go watch Roddy Piper versus Bret Hart from WrestleMania eight and then chase that with what they live, you know, watch the whole movie. So yeah, that's right there to make it convenient for the wrestling fans. Marco, what all did you add to your collection this week?
Nothing too crazy this week. Got the combat, the fighting machine from Uncle Phil sent that to me. Interesting. Our store hasn't shown up yet, man. I may have some heat with Phil. I've been checking that mailbox every day. How does it look in person, man?
It looks great. I mean, he has a melted down urn chain or the necklace on. That looks pretty awesome. I'm not going to lie. I'm sorry that you didn't get it yet, but thank you, Uncle Phil, for sending mine before them. That was gracious of you. Yeah. Our good buddy, Phil in the UK, he's a machine dude. Yeah.
Tell you, him and Jordan, they're the allied powers of figure hunting, you know? Yeah, definitely. Oh, I got my sloot girl all over again. You get a lot of people asking, like, how do you get all these figures? I'm like, man, it's the allied powers. I mean, do you get to join the Facebook groups and find out I can't divulge any more information? I know. You just got to join the group.
See for yourself. We're going to have to just keep, we're going to have to keep expanding. Like if other, if other countries are getting, you know, we got, we got our Canadian brothers, we got, you know, our, uh, guy over in the UK, we got all our, all of our American fan. Like if things start getting some exclusives over in Japan or something, we're going to have to like expand. You know what I mean? Chick Foley, Chick Foley fan worldwide.
I know we're worldwide. We talk about these for a lot of different countries listening to the show. If you're a figure collector and you get all these exclusives in your country, definitely hit us up. Hit us up. We are PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, whatever you need. We're ready. The CheckFully International is ready.
Yeah, other than that, so I picked up a shirt from from kayfabe clothing. They they have like a like a line that's like heels and faces or baby face stuff like that. But they have a shirt that says wrestling is real and people are fake, which is pretty cool. So
pick that up. It is true. I always tell people, obviously you don't talk about real world stuff on here. You don't talk about politics or anything, but when people are watching the news and all this stuff, it's a work. If you're a wrestling fan, you look at everything as a work. That's how I always looked at- Yeah, what's the angle?
Yeah. What's the, what's going on here? This guy kind of good promo. What is it? What's his, uh, what's his, uh, character about that, that type of stuff. So yeah. So that, that's, that shirt just spoke to me, which is, it's true. Wrestling room is real and people are fake. I mean, those are words to live by and that's what I'm going to rock. So thank you, uh, kayfabe clothing for, for the awesome shirt. That's a, that rounds out my week.
Hell yeah, for me, I actually made some big purchases in two different lines for the motives. Again, Jordan had come out here last week and he picked me up a bunch of stuff there in the Midwest because their department stores are just in much better shape than ours as far as distribution goes. And then the last figure I needed to get all caught up was Mr. T. I'd gotten the rest of the set or the rest of the series is MOC.
And for pretty fair prices, but for whatever reason, the Mr. T Motu has skyrocketed. He was going for like a hundred bucks. Yellow C for whatever reason. Yeah, it's crazy. I ended up finding one loose with all the accessories for like 40 bucks. So that's a little bit more than I was wanting to spend, but I just wanted to be done and be all the way caught up. So now I can just get the hunting when the new series start to drop.
So got that. And then for Hasbro, I got two very big pieces. I actually found the Razor Ramon and Dusty Rhodes Hasbro at Yestertoys, our local vintage toy shop. So like I mentioned earlier, I'm down to just the green cards now and I'll have a complete set of Hasbro.
Razor Ramon was some serious figure fate. So it was Friday night. We were, uh, we were chilling out watching dynamite and I was just kind of scrolling eBay. I was checking to see if there were any razors out there, um, and for a halfway decent price or in good condition and there were none. But one thing you'll notice, if you, if you do go on the hunt for this figure, remember he came with the gold chain. It's damn near impossible to find a good razor figure that still has the gold chain with it.
I didn't have the figure yet. And I didn't see anything promising on eBay, but I saw somebody had listed the gold chain by itself for about 15 bucks. And I said, you know what, screw it, let me go ahead and just get this. And then when I do find the razor Ramon, you know, five, six, seven months down the road, I'll already have the chain in hand. Sure enough, the very next day I go to yester toys and sitting inside a glass case is a fresh razor Ramon figure. So I, you know, I kind of spoken into existence a little bit made it happen. I got the I put the cart before the horse, if you will,
and got the chain first and then the figure showed up so very happy to have those and again now I'm down to just a green card so Chella if you're out there keep pumping them out man save me some money I'll buy every figure you guys put out from that set.
Check out the Pyramid Wrestling Podcast. Each week, we dive deep into all things Wrestling Action Figures. From AEW Unrivaled, WWE Mattel Elite, our childhood WWF, WCW, ECW Collections and more, you can also find Pyramid Wrestling on YouTube. That's Pyramid Wrestling, available everywhere you listen to podcasts.
Random Merch of the Week is where we scour the deep recesses of the internet to track down hard to find and never before seen wrestling merchandise and share it with you, the Foley fam. You can find links to purchase our rare finds in the show notes of every episode. This segment is brought to you by Pro Wrestling Tees. Visit the official Chick Foley show store by searching Chick Foley at or hitting the link in our show notes.
All right, it's time for random merch of the week. Marco, tell us about this Sting coin cup. Yeah, so try to keep it aligned with AEW and the in-ring return of Sting. I found this a couple of weeks ago, but kind of put it on the watch list. Not that I've really watched it. The only things about doing that is you get offers for it.
Yeah, he's like, if you take 10% off of this item today. Yeah. It's like, I pulled the trigger on a couple of things off of that before, man. Cause uh, yeah, you're like, Oh, they're cutting, they're cutting me a deal. You know, let me go and just grab this. So yeah, that's, I've fallen for that before.
But I originally thought this was a, like a, uh, like a koozie. Does it not double as a koozie? Cause it looks like if you take the coin, it's got the hole in the bottom, like for like condensation to come out of it. So I don't know. It doesn't look like it's big enough. I mean, it might be big enough for like a, like we said, like one of the slim cans, like a Red Bull can or something, but it looks like it's way too like small for, for an actual like, you know, beer can, but yeah, it's, it's,
It's actually pretty neat. I'm not going to lie. I would not pay 50 bucks for it with the asking prices. It's OBO or best offer. It is pretty cool and it's still got the little coin slot. I would feel like you would normally find this thing and it would just be like the open cup, but it's still got the little coin slot into it.
Pretty neat little item. So totally random, so totally 90s for sure. Yeah, it's kind of creepy. If you had a hardcore steam collection, you definitely would need it. But yeah, I don't know. I don't know if it's doing anything for me.
Yeah, no, it's I mean, the face looks kind of creepy to me as well. See, I like I keep I keep change, too. Maybe that's why I'm attracted to it. So they'll just throw change in the trash. He's like, no, I don't want to change. Oh, I would keep this in my car. You put it like you were there. Yeah. It will stick. Yeah. But you put your toll money in there. You know what I mean? Like your meter money. Yeah. How freaking awesome that there is. There is none of the
There's no sold listings coming up for this. Well, then it popped up. Shane, do you remember our WrestleMania 31 souvenir cup we had? Yes. That one of those sold back in April for $34. Shut your mouth. Are you serious? I think ours cracked, didn't it? No, I think I just, I think I finally just ditched it, dude. I thought I remember that cracking, man. Maybe it did crack. I think maybe we put in a dishwasher where you're just worn out. 34 bucks, yeah. Well, I mean, we at least got our money back from the Coke that we drank out of it.
Yeah, I don't know. San Francisco is pretty high. I think it was like 45 bucks for one of those at the stadium that day. I think it was like nine or 10 bucks. It was probably like eight bucks, nine bucks for a freaking souvenir cup. But I think you got free refills, which obviously we never took advantage of because we were way down. I was not trying to walk my ass back up there to get another Coke.
So, as always, we will put the eBay link to this in the show notes. And if you guys pick it up, let us know. Let us know if it does double as a koozie, because I think that's going to be the most controversial piece of info on this particular piece of merch. Hey, everyone. It's Nick, better known as Extra Cooler. Is there anything better than diving back into the Wrestling Archives and watching classic matches from the past?
Yes, there is. It's doing that with your buddies while cracking jokes and enjoying some ice cold beverages. If that sounds like fun to you, then be sure to check out my new podcast, The Extra Cooler Show, where each episode, my Survivor Series team and I review an old school match chosen by you, the listeners. The Extra Cooler Show is available wherever you get your podcasts. Be sure to subscribe and follow us for new episodes every other Thursday morning.
Retro Wrestling Recommendation of the Week is where myself, the heel husband, Chick Foley, and Marco the MVP give you guys a recommendation from a match or event from years gone by to get you through the weekend. This segment is brought to you by our good friends at Chalk Line. Chalk Line specializes in bringing you the absolute best in retro inspired fan wear. They can be found on Instagram at Chalk Line Official or at
All right, guys, you know, we cannot kick off the retro wrestling recommendation of the week without our chalk line check-in. This is where I am gonna ask the heel husband, which of his 65 pair of chalk line shorts he is rocking tonight? And who knows what it could be? Because he just added some new ones to the collection, one of which being our exclusive Chick Foley show shorts. So I'm curious to see what he's wearing. I wasn't even paying attention when he came downstairs. So heel husband, what you rocking over there?
So I did grab some new ones. We got the official shorts of the Chick Foley show. And I grabbed a few from the Nick Coons collection that recently dropped, but I'm going with some of my old favorites. I think this is one of the absolute best pairs of shorts that Chocolate has done. These are the Ace Ventura shorts. They got the blue and orange floor print all over them. And they got the Hula Dancer that you guys remember Ace had on the dash of his car. That was a collaboration with Mache, right?
It was, it was. Yeah. And very cool pair of shorts. And obviously if you haven't go watch Ace Ventura. That's just, it's a classic. Some of the best comedy from the early nineties and it's peak Jim Carrey. So you will laugh your ass off guaranteed. Marco, I think we all kind of centered our retro picks around the, the dearly departed from WWE this week. Why don't you kick us off with your retro recommendation.
All right. So it's really not super retro. It's a couple of years back. It feels like a lifetime ago. Yeah, it does actually feel, I mean, I didn't even remember Braun Strowman was a title contender at one point. A couple of weeks ago.
It could have been a couple of weeks ago, and I probably wouldn't even remember it either. But yeah, so I'm going with Alistair Black versus Buddy Murphy at TLC 2019. They had a couple of matches on Raw. I think that first match on Raw was probably one of my favorite matches in recent memory. They kicked their living crap out of each other. They both hired him. Didn't this all lead into Buddy Murphy becoming Seth's disciple?
Yes. Yes, it did because I think it wasn't, um, he lost. I think he lost to Alistair and that's what kind of made him like snap and decided to start following the Messiah. Yeah. He was like, they, they, they, they follow a few times that he lost pretty much every time they fought. So I think it was just like, you know, Seth came and was like,
Yeah, what are you gonna stop losing in the one? Hence the disciple, but yeah, those matches as well. It's about 15-16 minutes long. Really awesome match. Definitely got any way to watch it. Two amazing talents, both those guys.
I mean, they both hit hard, but obviously Murphy would like more of like the high fire type of sound, but he still hits hard. And you know, weird, Alice in Black has like the ground, ground based fighting. So it makes for a great match. I definitely, definitely check it out if you have the time.
I went with Braun Strowman versus Roman Reigns in the ambulance match from the incredibly named Great Balls of Fire 2017. This was going to be my pick. This is an excellent choice for Braun. It actually ended up being a pretty badass PPV and everybody was clown on the name. This is one that was main evented by Samojo and Brock Lesnar.
But yeah, really great match. This was the height of, you know, bronze, I'm not finished with you era when him and Roman and that really elevated Braun to the main event scene where he would stay on and off for the next few years. Uh, it, Braun gets the wind, but I think this is mostly remembered for, for Roman kind of, you know, hijacking the ambulance and ramming it into the, I can't remember if he drove like straight into the wall or one of like the concrete pillars in the parking garage. And
You know, it, it was, it was cool. It was a pretty well executed stunt. They were selling it on WWE as if like, you know, Braun Strowman had died, which I think that was maybe a little over dramatic, but they really were hyping it up like crazy. If you guys remember, um, as Heath Slater and Curtis Axel went out and actually had to have an impromptu match in the ring where they only show like, I think 10 seconds of it. Cause they were just focusing on the jaws of life freaking coming back and extracting.
Braun Strowman from his predicament. But I think that was his most memorable moment in WWE, even more so than beating Goldberg at WrestleMania and some of the big matches he had with Brock. I think it was Braun having to use the jaws of life to escape great balls of fire.
Marco, what's, uh, Eric, excuse me, Sheena, what's your pick? So I'm going to go with, um, one of the riot squads, most memorable moments in, in my opinion was, uh, right squad versus iconics. It was on the pre-show of payback, uh, 2020. So you can go back and watch that. It was a really great match. It was like, you know, right after, uh, you know, live and Ruby kind of like reunited and went ahead to head with the, uh,
with the Iconics who also are dearly departed from WWE. So this is a great vintage match that you will not be disappointed in. All right, Sheena, do you have some listener mail for us this week? I do.
All right, so I want to give a shout out to Steven because he did send us some listener mail, but he just said, which of the release would you like to see go to AEW over the next few months? We talked about that earlier in the show, but I did want to say thanks to Steven for sending in that question. Next, we have our buddy Zach Hertzler. He says, if Chalk Line had AEW shorts or jackets, which superstars would you like to see in this line? He says, Seth, we already know you want to have Cody shorts and matching jacket. He's your favorite.
Unless they drop some stardust shorts. Yeah, I'm not I'm not getting any Cody I would I think we could do some awesome, you know chalk lines messed around with some of the Macho man entrance jackets where they really try to mimic the gear I think you could do a young bucks jackets with like the tassels and stuff Yeah, not so much the heel bucks we got right now, but maybe the old-school baby face books that would be cool for shorts I love to see some hangman shorts just do the like his ring gear but do that print on the shorts I think that would be really really cool since he's one of my favorites
probably be the direction I would go. Let me get some Young Bucks jackets and some Hangman shorts. All right. What about you, Marco? I think you have to go. The person that has the gear fit for a chalk line would probably be Eddie Kingston, like the tank top of the shorts. Yeah. That'd be perfect. He could do the jersey. The chalk line does have the line of jerseys. That's what I'm saying. Yeah.
You have the jersey, you have the shorts, you pretty much have the- You could put together like a legit ring gear for- Yeah, it's perfect. Well, perfect's a little strong, but if we could get Eddie to change his ring gear, I wouldn't be mad at that. I have to go with Jungle Express. Here I go, I call him Jungle Express every time, Jurassic Express. I feel like some Luchasaurus,
like some reptile print jacket and shorts could really really be cool or like just super jungly like planty that's like right that's right in my wheelhouse it's right in my vibe so I think some really cool Jurassic Express gear would uh would really be awesome.
Sam Rosenthal says, do you think any promotion can ever get back to 3.0 to 5.0 ratings in today's age? No, I don't. Maybe if they threw WrestleMania or SummerSlam or the Royal Rumble on regular TV, but there's just too many options. We've covered this a few times on the show. Back in the day, you had what was on TV or you had something going to the video store. That was your choices for entertainment.
Wrestling and every not even just wrestling anything on TV It's competing with literally any movie or TV show that's ever been released because it's all out there for us within The touch of a few buttons and it's competing with

Wrestling Ratings and Entertainment Options

the internet. Yeah, you have you You're literally competing with YouTube tick-tock Instagram like there's people's attention after literally everywhere video games way more popular since the attitude era like yeah, I just
Yeah, that was an awful never happened. Because remember, think about the attitude here. Our parents, they really weren't gamers. We came up on video games, so people our age are still playing video games. We'll own to their 30s and 40s, whereas I think that was much more rare back in the day. Yeah, our parents were like, gather around the radio, children. Yeah, they were playing with their ball and a cup or whatever. That's what they were playing with.
Yeah, I agree. I agree. I don't think there's any ways we're going to beat the glory days of the ratings in today's day and age. I think Marco agrees as well. Our good buddy from the Coming Down the Isle podcast, John Swallow says, if you were to start a wrestling themed food truck, what would your top three menu items be and what would their names be?
Do you guys have any food truck recommendations? I love a good food truck. Like some of the best food that I've ever had in my life has come off of a truck. So I'm here for a food truck. I mean, I'm thinking you got like the Val Venus foot long hot dog. Like that's gotta be there, you know, choppy choppy.
I think, because we spoke about him earlier, Adam Baum. You have the Adam Steak Baum sub, which would be pretty awesome. My other one would be Brett the Hitburger.
See, my whole thing is going to be, my whole thing would be like a hit man hamburgers, like food truck. Like that'd be my overarching theme. I would have like a heart attack burger, which is like your classic over the top, like, you know, bacon and drippy double cheeseburger with like all the, all the fixings. You know what I mean? And then you could have like, um, like a five moves of shroom. You can have a portobello burger. It's got a mushroom blend on top and like trough Mayo, you know? So you like totally, totally shroomed out.
Um, and then I had another one, it would be the dungeon burger. So it's like a dry aged burger. So it's kind of old, you know, like stew. And it's loaded with like peppers and spicy sauce. And it's just going to like tear your ass up, you know? So I think, yeah, the, what is it?
The Shark Shooter. The Shark Shooter. I don't think anyone wants any of their food called Sharked. I mean, you just told that one about tearing your ass up, man. I mean, not necessarily your ass. It could be your stomach, like tearing your stomach up. I mean, it usually kind of leads to one place. That's true. It's true. It's all got to come out somewhere. But yeah, I love that idea. We'll have to come up. If you have any more in the Facebook group, let us know. Or if you're listening to this, hit us up on Instagram with all of your
food truck ideas for your wrestling named food truck. Last one comes in from Jason Cook. He says, so I collect a lot of different things and have a lot of my old toys, wrestling, transformers, uh, mask, et cetera. What higher end line would you collect and why? So like, you know, something, something that's a little more, you know,
I guess I don't know if I don't know if neck is considered higher. I was going to say neck. Oh, because those are those are kind of me like the entry level to the high end. I've seen the stuff like Hot Toys does like their Michael Jordan figures. Those are really, really awesome. Just a little bit rich for my blood. So maybe stuff like that, you know, those like the.
Those are like little baby sculptures. Yeah, like the one six scale figures. There's some people out there that do, I think RF customs is one of them that do some really cool wrestling figures in the one six scales. So they're about a foot tall, um, with like all cloth accessories, like seamless joints and stuff. So, but the price is really high. Like I actually like reached out to him about recreate. He did a really cool WrestleMania eight Bret Hart.
And, you know, I was willing to drop, you know, a decent amount of change on this thing. But when he started quoting, he's like, yeah, you know, I think we could probably get it done for like 700 bucks. I'm like, OK, thanks, man. Yeah, just stop right there. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I mean, I don't know what the line would be. I don't know who makes these things because I've never really looked into it. But you know me, I'm a huge horror junkie and I follow a bunch of like horror collectors.
and some of them have like the most incredible collection of like masks you know like they have our Freddy Krueger mask and a Jason mask and they'll have like you know, a child's play Chucky mask and all this. I mean, Shane, you have a $400 Oogie Boogie mask upstairs. That's true. That's true. And I have locked up. Some of those collectors might be following you.
Yeah, lock shock and barrel too. Yeah, they were all like handmade, hand painted, handcrafted, like resin mold. Like I'll take a picture for you guys. But yeah, there's some really cool memorabilia out there. I would love to have just like the way we have a Mark cave, I would love to have like a horror themed cave and just like have all that kind of stuff, you know, a Freddy glove and just
full, full like a mannequins dressed in like, you know, jumpsuits, like a Michael Myers jumpsuit. Like, I just feel like that would just be so rad. So I would get into, I would get into collecting that kind of stuff. That guy's releasing their full scale, uh, Chuckie figure or Chuckie. That's going to be pretty sweet. Yeah. Let's see that kind of stuff. I would just, I would love to just have a, uh, a spooky cave.
The only problem I would see with the horror collection is although they license their stuff out to so many different companies, it'd be really hard to kind of like cage it in as to what you're going to collect or not because there's our like neck is dropping there is obviously we're pretty loyal to neck up but there's already some really really awesome chucky dolls out there as well so yeah it would just be tough picking and choosing like
what you're actually going to buy. It is tough, but I mean, the cool thing about that is you can curate a really cool collection because you have so many people making different things. I mean, you can really pick and choose what you want. I mean, you don't, you don't have to be a complete, you're clearly not going to be a completionist because there's just no way to collect all the stuff that's out there. And there's some really cool, just like artists that aren't even like companies that are pumping out just some amazing stuff. Like I said, that the lady that I bought my Oogie Boogie and my lock shock and barrel mask from,
Like she's just an independent like little small shop and she just sells on, you know, Instagram and stuff and you just order through her. I mean, she's just an independent artist. Um, and I mean, there's so many out there that are making just incredible stuff. So, you know, yeah, the possibilities are endless when you open up that can of worms. Again, I, I, I couldn't even commit because I was like the, the NECA collection was getting too big and it wasn't getting the love. So I, you know, I liquidated my NECA horror collection, which I still, you know, I still have a soft spot in my heart for, but,
Yeah i can't imagine like if i was opening it up to like all the horror things because she's so much good stuff out there.
Definitely. Um, that's going to wrap it up for episode one 31 of the chick Foley show. Sheena remind everyone where they can find you guys on social media. So you can find me on Instagram at chick Foley Marco over on Twitter at chick Foley show. You can follow us along with all of our pod foundation brethren over at pod foundation. And you can join our Foley fam at chick Foley Remember,
Leave a review subscribe to the podcast and if you do leave a review or update your review Make sure you send it to myself or Marco on social media and girl friends boyfriends Yeah, mom dad brother sister cousins get your friends phones and leave reviews as well and you'll get more entrance Yeah, it's the Undertaker giveaway. Absolutely strangers phone. Yeah Snipes somebody's phones. Good to go. Yeah, that totally wouldn't get you in trouble
Sheena, you have regained for the first time in the year 2021, you've regained the Chick Foley Show Prediction Championship, which means you get to leave us with the closing words. So I want to wish fair winds, following seas to all of our fan that left the WWE family today, and I hope they don't overstuff your garbage bags.