Introduction and Episode Overview
Welcome to the Chick Foley Show.
What is up, Foley fam? We are back with another episode of the Chick Foley show. This is the second straight week that we're recording in daylight hours, so this may become the new normal for
Recording Preferences and Energy
us. I don't know. What do you think, Shane?
I'm here for it. You know me, I get tired at the end of the night, so I don't bring my best when we're recording at like, you know, 10 o'clock in the evening after wrestling with the kids all day. So I'm here for an afternoon record sesh. Yeah. I'm going to be talking a little bit of follow-up on All Out. Really going to be discussing the debut of SmackDown on Back on USA last night. I don't know why I got it. It's just like stuck in my brain, but I want to keep saying it's Back on Fox. I feel like that rolls off the tongue better.
Yeah, but but now Smackdown is back on USA. The Fox era is over. So we'd be doing a little review and reflecting. We've got Case Fresh in today, the brand new defining moment set from Ringside Collectibles. So Sheena is going to be giving her live review of those during our figure segment. And then we got some listener mail. So let's start get into it, Sheena. Let us know what's new on the farm. Not a whole lot.
Gardening Plans and Personal Updates
I just got to I'm trying to get the garden ready for
some potential fall planting. You're going to get burned out on the garden by August and then September rolls around. But then when the temperatures cool off, you start to be like, okay, I think I could get back at it. So I'm going to go get some transplants for some broccoli, some cauliflower, some brassicas. I think I may have mentioned this last week, but yeah, I get some brassicas in the garden because they like cold weather, some cabbages, things like that that will grow nicely in this forest.
nice cool fall that we hopefully have. Tennessee is liable to get back up to 100 degrees in the next few weeks, so we'll see. That's it for the farm updates this week? Yeah, pretty much fall garden. Did I talk about myrtle last week? I was going to say ouch, man. No love for myrtle. I couldn't remember. Didn't even get the future endeavor treatment, just released with no fanfare whatsoever. I couldn't remember what I mentioned last week. I didn't want to repeat. But yeah, we rehomed one of our baby goats, our spring dolings. She went to- The first one.
My first one, the first baby goat born here in the backyard. It was sad. I was all emotional, but it's just the nature of breeding livestock and that sort of thing. But she did go to my friend Kelly who has a farm, 10 acres. So Myrtle is out living her best life. She's got a group of baby goats she's hanging out with. So she's doing well and adjusting well. And my friend Kelly is really happy to have her. So I know she's going to be taken care of, but it does feel a little light here on the farm without a Myrtle running around.
For sure. Yeah, she showed me this. She was a sweet... Even though she curbs not my back one time and literally shredded my lower back with her little hoofs. She was really... Yeah, she was really more into the... The twins aren't really into the parkour as much as Myrtle is. She was all about the running around and jumping and stuff. Yeah, Myrtle would... Yeah, she loved to run and jump on you and use you as a platform to bounce off of. The twins are more babyish. They're very sweet and gentle. Very gentle. Yeah.
Promos and Community Engagement
All right. I want to remind you guys, this podcast is brought to you by Ringside Collectibles. Use code CHICKFOLY to save 10% on all your purchases there. Sheeta, remind the listeners where they can find you on social media. You can find me on Instagram at Chick Foley. Marco runs the Twitter machine at Chick Foley Show. Join our Foley fam over on Facebook and all the fun we're having over there by going to It's through Patreon. Two bucks a month gets you into the best group of wrestling fans on the internet.
Uh, so definitely take advantage and, uh, you know, it's worth your two bucks to even just check it out, right? Don't like it after the first month. Get out of there. We'll kick you out and, you know, go on about your merry way, but yeah, you can find two bucks in your cash cushions. Yeah. So it's definitely worth checking out. Uh, we have a group, uh, you know, wonderful group of humans over there on figure hunts, awesome wrestling discussion. We're always doing some fun stuff in there.
For sure. We're going to plan some, you know, once things chill out after Brett's football season, you know, Seth is the coach and I'm the team mom. So we're a full, full youth sports mode right now. Right now undefeated. Get my update on that game Wednesday night. We'd mentioned last time that we had a tough game coming up. We had a tough game against this team called Mount Moriah. We thought it was going to be a tough game.
We were expecting a tough game. We were expecting a tough game, dude. And if you would have walked up and saw this team and us, you'd have been like, eh, the betting favorites probably be Mount Moriah, dude. But our boys came out, played a hell of a game. It was a total team win. And we took the victory 41 to nothing. Shut them out. Basically played a perfect game. Yeah, it was awesome. So love getting to see our guys have a great game like that. And we're rolling into
another game on Wednesday, but after the season ends, we're going to kick up the fully rumbles. Everybody's going to be back inside. There's not going to be a lot of outdoor activities to do in the cold of winter, so we'll be getting the fully rumble game back in the swing.
to give a quick plug to Marco's side project. You can find it right here on this podcast feed open mic. It's a series of long form interviews that he does with various people in and around the wrestling biz. And he's got an exciting one coming up. I know we've got a ton of figure fans that listen to this show. He's going to be doing an interview with Top Rope Collectibles based out of the UK. These are the guys that are trying to bring back the Galoo figures. We've got a ton of
and love letters to the Hasbro line out there. These guys are going to bring back the Galoobs, which I personally love, man. I think the Galoobs are some of the best wrestling figures ever made. So he's going to be doing an interview with the folks behind that project to get all the details and let you guys know what's coming down the pipe from them. And since you're getting your shit in, since we kicked off the NFL season, why don't you go ahead and plug the goal line, let people
Yeah, and if you're a football fan, the other side project, sub show, sub line, whatever you want to call it, of the Chick-Bole Show, this is the flagship, but you can also check out me and Jordan's goal line football show. We cover all things NFL and we sprinkle in a little bit of college football talk too, so definitely recommend you guys check that out. I think it's a pretty good little list and we put it together. We record during halftime of Monday Night Football each week.
Yep. If you want to help them out, you can go sub to their show over on goal line, but it does drop here in the cheek fully feet as well. All right. You ready to get into some programs talk, Shane? Let's go.
AEW All Out Review and Wrestling Violence Debate
So we're a week removed from All Out. Actually got a lot of conversation going in the internet wrestling community about just violence in wrestling and where is the line.
We saw a really, really fun street match between Willow and Chris Statlander, which I think...
That was kind of like safely in like the regular violent wrestling matches we see. Yeah, had some thumb tags, a cool thumb tag split spot. Yeah, all the usual stuff you see. To me, it was actually the match of the night, man. I know it's a little bit of a hot take. I thought that was the best match of the night though. I was really entertained. Then we saw Jon Moxley basically attempt to murder Brian Danielson after his match, putting the plastic bag over his head. Like that was pretty intense. And then in the main event, we had, you know, cinder blocks and then I was kind of good with everything until the-
I was just like, Oh my God. Yeah. And then we had a syringe in the mouth, which I'm still not really clear on. What was that supposed to do? Yeah. Was it just a needle in his mouth and that's what was supposed to hurt so bad? Or was he like, was it some sort of, was it drug? Was this like a dirty needle and he's going to get like hepatitis now? I don't know. I haven't seen a good explanation anywhere, dude. To me, I mainly just thought Isaac Yankum, dude, the wrestling dentist.
Yeah, and there's already a dentist in AEW, you know what I mean? We already have a dentist there. Yeah, you're right. Now that you mentioned it, that would have been awesome for Britt Baker to bust out against Mercedes some days. Yeah, that would have made sense, but Hangman, there was absolutely no reason. It would have made more sense for him to bust out a horse whip or slam him down on a saddle. Hang him, get a freaking rope, get the news. Yeah, but it was just honestly, it was so bizarre to me.
I don't know, I, to me, I don't mind a little bit of violence in wrestling. I think, you know, there's a whole niche and subculture that's dedicated to violent hardcore wrestling. We're just like, you know, no holds barred, like anything goes, you know, the wilder, the better. I just felt like it felt really out of place in this pay-per-view for these specific wrestlers in general, right?
Yeah, not talking Willow instead. I thought they were great. But yeah, the stuff at the end, it wasn't too violent for me. I mean, I watched super violent stuff. To me, it just broke my disbelief from watching wrestling. Like, yeah, like hey, man pulled out that like, you know, shot charred piece of the house and started like stabbing a swerve in the head with it. And then what else did he freakin he slammed him down on the cinder blocks and then the needle. And then there was one more thing that was just like,
I can't remember. I think it was really just the power, the power bombs on the center blocks and stuff. To me, man, I didn't really mind anything in the Hagemats for a match. I thought that was kind of just basically what we expect from like a good cage match or a hell on the cell. Those are really kind of glorified hardcore matches at this point in the evolution of wrestling. I thought the needle at the end was just kind of dumb and added like, I just don't really know what it was even supposed to do.
I mean, yeah, it would hurt, but it's not like anything crazy. You're still just getting a needle. You know what I mean? People get shots in their mouth every time they go to dinner. Yeah. I mean, one thing, if it was like a tranquilizer, right? Like you just hit him in the arm with like a tranquilizer dart, but yeah. Yeah. But to me, the most egregious one where I was just kind of like, what is this? Was Mox. Plastic bag. And I love Mox. That's my favorite wrestler in AEW. But again, it breaks the disbelief because one, if Brian Danielson is really getting like straight up murdered out there, like,
Why is it nobody? We were, we were you to half ass struggling against pack. That's the only thing we can get. Like, where's the acclaim? Where's any other baby face? You know, where's FTR? Yeah. Yeah. Any other good guy in the company, where are they at to come out and help them? And then even further than that, be like, it's, and trust me, when I watch wrestling, it's kayfabe only. So I'd really turn this part of my brain off, but like, where's the security? If, you know, we've seen security come around now just because of Wardlow's power bomb and everybody, but now we got Mox.
literally suffocated. Yeah, suffocated somebody and it's like, yeah, we're just going to let this play out and see what happens. I don't know. I wasn't a fan. It seemed like they didn't make that big a deal about it on Wednesday. They kind of just moved on and it was just, I think again, it was just a little bit of shock factor stuff to make the pay-per-view feel like it was worth it, but I got to give it a thumbs down.
I give it a thumbs down. It's definitely not lost on me that the planet's champion was choked out by a plastic bag. You know what I mean? Yeah, nice touch. Long-term booking. Well, yeah, super long-term booking. But yeah, it gets a thumbs down for me too. I just felt like it was unnecessary, especially for mocks who could just come in and like be violent in a totally different way where it just felt, you know. Yeah, it was just no need. It would have been the same if you just got him down, just started pounding him with elbows and stuff. It wouldn't have been any different from...
I still feel like it added anything and it actually kind of took away a little bit. Overall, I still give all out a big thumbs up. I thought it was a great show on the completely ridiculous scale of AW pay per views. I thought it was closer to the low end, but that's still better than like 85% of wrestling that's ever been televised. Man, they just they don't put on a bad pay per view.
Yeah, I thought it was a good pay-per-view. We were having full-blown like parent mode, sleepover mode. We had a friend over. So I didn't get to watch a lot of the earlier matches, like, you know, sit down and actually enjoy them. I was watching them kind of in passing as the kids were just, you know, wiling out and running around and all that kind of stuff. But the parts that I did see, I thought were great. But yeah, the ending, I was just kind of like, what the heck are we doing here? Yeah, it was weird.
SmackDown's USA Network Return and Roman Reigns Storyline
Let's jump back over to WWE. We have SmackDown back on USA. They came in with just a banger of a show starting off with, I think it was, the first 30 minutes were commercial free. The first 30 minutes were commercial free. And our first match is so low. We had Triple H come out and, you know, introduce SmackDown being back on USA.
Yeah, we had Solo and Cody. What do you think, just first things first, what do you think of the new logo and look and iconography? I mean, it's definitely evolution. It's not like they totally revamped the look. Yeah. I think it's sharp. I think it looks sharp when you can actually see the SmackDown. I don't like when it's just the S. The S just looks strange to me when it's by itself. It looks like a logo for a Division II college football team. Yeah, there was a point where they had that just on the screen, just the S. But when it's all written out, yeah, it looks totally fine.
The S just by itself looks like very, very early 2000s graphic design. Yeah. But overall, I mean, totally unoffensive. Just, I mean, not really inspired either though, you know? Yeah. It feels like they could be like AI generated, right? Yeah. They were like, hey, make a SmackDown logo for 2024. I don't know why they don't just bring back the fist. Everybody's clamoring for it. Even if you're not like bringing back the actual giant physical fist in the entrance stage, like just incorporate into the design somehow. Yeah.
But yeah, so the big angle for the night, Cody and solo go one on one in the cage match. Pretty good match. It was about as far from a swerve and hangman as you can get and still be the same style match, but it was a good fight. We had the return of Roman Reigns. They tried to get one over on us because he was originally openly advertised for this show. And then about three weeks back, they just took him off with no explanation, but it was just to get a little pop, little surprise ski out there for the crowd. Crowd went nuts, dude.
Yeah, it was huge OTC chance big time. They finally clarified that it's not, I don't know if like they finally said, screw it. You know what? This doesn't make sense. Cause remember at first they were just pushing original tribal chief. That was like the big thing they were pushing for OTC. And then they finally like made a, they made a point to be very blunt last night and say, it's the only tribal chief. So at the beginning, and now at the beginning of the show, they were saying original tribal chief.
I know. That's what I'm saying. And then when he came out, Roman came out and got on the mic and said it's for the only tribal chief. When they first debuted that shirt, I thought my first thought was only tribal chief and then they were like, you know, toying around with it being the original tribal chief. But again, when you say original, that implies that like,
solo that like kind of validates solo as a tribal chief. And that also would be like disrespectful for like Afa and Sika and Yokozuna and Umaga. It could be our tribal chief when you're when you're wearing the shirt it could be our tribal chief you know. Yeah we could keep going with all the different things that O could stand for today the old tribal chief. No not the old tribal chief.
All right. But but yeah, so Roma comes out, saves Cody. So we got the class. You know, this story, this is the same story that's been told 100 times in wrestling. The former former rivals are now forced to be uncomfortable allies going up against the bloodline. How'd you feel seeing Roman and Cody on the on the same page?
Um, I liked it. I thought they did it in a way that made it feel like they weren't like buddy, buddy, like teaming up to be like, you know, the Avengers or anything. You know what I mean? It was like simply, no, there was no hugs. There was no love shown. It was simply just a matter of business. And I think they made that clear. And I'm here for it, dude. I mean, I think bad blood is going to be a freaking banger, dude. Like.
I mean, we were led to believe they were about to come to blows until the bloodline came back out at the end of last night. Cody came out and was talking a little bit of trash about beating Roman at WrestleMania. They dropped the belt, dropped the mic, and then the bloodline came back out.
Do you think, is it just wrestling and you just shrug your shoulders and go on with it? Or are you giving WWE some shade for, in this episode, we saw Roman come out and say he's not signing any contract. We saw Cody say he's done with the bloodline and moving on. And by the end of the night, contract signed, Cody's back all in this bloodline shit. Is that just wrestling? I feel like they had enough, I mean,
I kind of like it, but I feel like WWE has been doing so many slow burns over the last four or five months, really over the last year since Triple H took over. He likes a slow moving story that we still got, you know, like three or four episodes of TV before for bad blood. Feels like they could have drawn this out and made a bigger moment out of it.
I don't know how many, you know, how many show dates Roman has, you know what I mean? So maybe it's like, they got to get it in now. But on the kayfabe side of it, I think it kind of solidified that like, we're not here for each other, right? Like we're not, we're not friends. We're not teaming up. I think it kind of set the stage for like, you know, I'm not doing this because I like you or I'm trying to help you. I'm doing this because I have unfinished business, right? And it, I don't, I didn't, I didn't hate it.
Well, I think that's just going to make it hit that much more when I'm assuming after bad blood we do get, you know, again, I don't think they're going to bear hug, but I could see like a fist bump head nod type situation. You know, something similar to like when Undertaker and Roman teamed up at Extreme Rules 2019 where they just give a little head nod. Just a little show of respect. Acknowledgement, if you will. Yeah.
for Cody, man. Obviously, he's still being presented as a huge deal. We wondered how he's going to coexist with just this energy that Roman brings in. Do you think it is starting to be a thing that he cannot get out of this bloodline mess? I almost want to call it the bloodline vortex. Obviously, the bloodline stuff has been really good, but this does seem like one of those storylines that
It feels at this point, it feels like Cody is eternally going to be involved with whatever the bullet is. He's part of their story as opposed to being his own story. True. But I feel like I feel like in the grand scheme of things, right? So like in the big shows, we already know who's going to be at the top of the card. It's going to be Cody. It's going to be Roman. It's going to be rock.
know what I mean? They're keeping those guys together because they're still unfinished business with Cody and Rock and maybe they don't know where they're going to do or what they're going to do as far as booking wise. They've got to keep these guys at least close. They spun it off and they've been doing the KO Cody thing just to keep them heated up and keep them away from Roman. Then he came and snapped right back into the bloodline. He snapped right back in.
Dude, I think there's always going to be a connection, right? Like Cody, Cody getting beat at 39 really set the stage for him. Like truly finishing the story at 40 days. So there, I mean, they are legitimately done yet though. They're connected. I mean, smackdown six months later ends with him in Roman, you know, the biggest episode of smackdown of the year, it ends with him and Roman squared off in the ring, dude. So I mean, he won, but the story still goes on. Like it is,
When I say finish the story, I mean becoming the WWE champion. Obviously, his story is never done. Wrestling is ongoing forever, right? To me, yeah. I guess at some point, finish the story switched from just winning the belt to being done with the bloodline, vanquishing the bloodline.
it is. I never took the finishing the stories like being done with the bloodline. I took finishing the stories like he achieved a dream, wanted to give his mom, let his mom hold the title like that, that whole like, you know, Cody Rhodes, Jesse Rhodes storyline was finished. But I mean, the bloodline needs him though, dude. I mean, like they need Cody because like without being without going after Cody,
I mean like Solo hasn't felt like a huge deal, right? Like he needs like to... Yeah. He needs to be presented as a main of energy. He needs to be presented as a main of energy because the new bloodline could easily fall to the mid card and just be like lost in the freaking sauce. Yeah. I agree. Yeah. Solo is definitely one of those guys. He can rise up to the level of his booking, but he'll also...
He'll also fall to the love of his book. Right. He's done really well. I mean, I'm not, I'm not shading solo, but I feel like he was, when he was with Roman, he was presented as like the guy, the right hand man. Right. And then like, when he got out on his own, it felt like you, you definitely felt the drop in aura whenever he wasn't sitting alongside Roman. Right. So he has to come into his own. And I feel like keeping him
at the top of the card with the best of the best is the best way to do that, right? You can't just have him fight and carry and cross on a random episode of SmackDown. You know what I mean? Yeah, because the bloodline would be like, you know, Final Testament or whatever, carrying crosses, stable looks like. Yeah, I totally agree with you on that. He's a guy that definitely requires a little bit of extra sauce from the
from the booking committee. To me, man, it still cracks me up. The reactions Roman Reigns is getting as a babyface. And I'm proud to say we've been on the, like, dude, doesn't it make you proud to like see everything come full circle? I mean, as a wrestling fan, yes, but talking kayfabe, like it just, it cracks me up. Cause I don't know why, I don't know why, as we sat down to record this today, I kind of put my critical hat on. You guys know, most time I pretty much just love anything they're presenting us in AW or WWE, but I kind of feel like
picking some knits today. Roman has done nothing for this redemption, dude. He lost at WrestleMania after he had all of his friends try to cheat and help him win, okay? And all he did was go away. And this stuff he's dealing with with Solo rising up on him and attacking him. Dude, you raised this dog to be this abusive, mean, attacking, freaking pit bull. And now the dog's biting you, dude. You're getting in,
it straight up, you know, wrestling at its quarter, this immorality play, Roman is getting everything he deserves. This guy manipulated his sweet cuz do you think about the Usos, man, they were like the sweetest guys, dude, like the, you know, they love Roman, dude, he manipulated them for years, mentally abused them.
Physically abused yeah held the held the WWE championship in a chokehold by by cheating and with outside interference for you know basically the last two years of his reign and We're just so quick to just forgive him just because he was gone just as you missed him a little bit You know just because he looks cool and he was gone for a while like he's getting the babyface reactions Which is fine dude fans can cheer who they want to cheer man there's and there's been heels that are there's been beloved heels throughout wrestling but
The fact that Roman's letting them in, you know, like, and again, I'm a lowly podcaster. Far be it for me to say anything to Roman about, you know, how to how to go out and be a wrestling superstar, because I think Roman actually has a claim as the greatest of all time. Like all things considered, he's in the mix. He's in that conversation now, but he's letting the fans in, you know, he's sticking his arms out, like waving them like, you know, bring on the love, all that. I feel like Roman should still be carrying himself the same way, you know, like I feel like
that was a little that was just a small little like appreciation to the fans I feel like overall though he kept his character he wasn't like cutting jokes or like you know like being like you know hello Seattle he's not doing suffering succotash or anything but he's definitely in the crowd when he did that first night at SummerSlam dude he was going wild like responding to the crowd you know like
Go back and look at Steve Austin, dude. When Steve Austin, even at his peak, he rarely let the fans in, dude. He'd go to the buckles and throw his arms up, but you hardly ever saw Steve Austin playing to the crowd, man. Even when he was his babyface, his babyface gets. He still stayed like the Texas Rattlesnake. I guess if I really wanted this to be... I'm talking about stuff to just make it from being really, really great to being perfect.
but I feel like Romans maybe going a little too heavy on. It feels like big dog Roman, you know what I mean? Aside from the stuff on the mic, he's carrying himself like the big dog again instead of the tribal chief. See, I didn't, I didn't get that, dude, because I mean, his whole gimmick has been asking the fans to acknowledge him, dude, a lot like engaging with the fans and being like, you know, like he's expecting you to like,
give in to him whenever he comes into the arena, you know what I mean? Yeah, maybe, maybe. I really need to go back and just put the TV on silent and watch all of his appearances since he came back at SummerSlam. But like I said, I noticed that that first night at SummerSlam, before he hit that spear, he slapped in the ropes, just really playing the crowd. And then he was doing it last night too. I'd maybe tone that down just a little bit, just a degree or two.
So you're thinking we're not going into a full-blown babyface? No, he is. He is. It's funny to me because I guess it's kind of like a lifetime appreciation thing. The fans just love overall the job he did and all the entertaining moments he gave us on that championship run. But there's nothing in kayfabe to justify that he's a good guy. Yes, you make a very, very valid point.
I mean, at the end of the day, dude, yeah, people love to cheer and I mean, he may do something. I mean, he could easily, people could be cheering him at the beginning of the show. He could easily say one thing to get them to boo him again. You know what I mean? I still think this is the best way to go about it because there's been so many times where
Because again, it's just
Future WrestleMania Matches and WWE Storylines Speculation
a thing, right? We saw Triple H had it in 2002. He left as a heel and came back as a huge baby face just because he was gone. Remember when Seth came back from his knee injury in 2016, the fans were going nuts wanting to embrace him and they brought him back as a heel, which led to this just like kind of muddled response for about four or five months until one day he was just a face.
Like he didn't do anything to deserve it. He was just, you know, all of a sudden one day he's being presented as a face. So I do think it's probably for the best that they just lean into it and just, you know, make Roman a good guy. But it's gonna be fun. I think you made a really good point on, you know, the reason for keeping Cody in the bloodline mix, even though he doesn't necessarily have to be at this point is until they figure out what's gonna happen at Mania between him, Roman and Rock. You kind of keep
Keep all those pots simmering on the stove, and then you can always fine tune it and get to whatever the end destination is. I still think it's Roman and Rock. It rests me in a 41. I think so too. I still think you can plant another year. You can't plant another year, dude. Rock is no spring chicken, dude. Roman's not a spring chicken, and he's had his fair share of health scares and stuff. Roman's got a lot of miles on those tires, dude.
I just feel like yeah it's got to be Roman and Rocky because you're really you're really risking this never ever happening if you punt it again you can always do the two night thing again have Roman and rock do night one winter fights Cody night two man so that way you can still hype up Roman and rock but you got some storyline wise in the bag.
for night two. This year, I actually do think it makes more sense to go Cody and Rock, but I don't think for a lot of logistical reasons, dude, I don't think you can punt on Roman and Rock one more year. It really feels like it's got to happen. Do you think for sure they have to do Rock and Cody at a mania?
No, I think that could happen at Rumble, dude. Yeah, that's what I mean. Dude, we're going to Netflix, man. I think you're going to see a lot more events like Bash at Berlin, these one-offs, not necessarily legacy events where you go on Peacock and there's 15 of them. Dude.
There's no reason they couldn't do it like UFC, man. Just make a whole, you know, freaking February 15th, Rock versus Cody, live Netflix special. Throw two or three undercard matches. Final nightmare. Yeah, whatever, dude. Yeah, seriously. Just do a one-off show. I think that would actually be really, really cool. And just like a UFC event, dude, do like I said,
you know, two or three undercard matches, you know, just type up to it, but really, like, don't hide the fact that, like, this is a one-match show, man. Like, you guys are tuning in to watch this one match, and Cody and Rox the match that wouldn't warrant that, dude. I think we're going to see a little bit more experimental stuff because they want to make sure they're giving Netflix their money's worth. Remember, they're getting a truckload of cash. Not even a truckload. They're getting a boatload of cash already, but there's a lot of escalators in this deal based off their performance for Netflix. So I think
Yeah, they get a lot of original programming. We're going to see a lot of incentives for WWE to be getting eyeballs to their product over on Netflix next year. So it's going to be exciting. You start to see WWE superstars in Netflix original movies.
Don't bring back the WWE film. The Marine 9 is going to be a Netflix exclusive. I haven't seen that. Has the movie division been shuttered? I don't remember seeing that news, but I remember when we were first getting back into wrestling in 2014, there was always a movie in the hopper, dude. I think it was like, because there was those little cheap
You know, those movies are actually low key. Yeah, I think the Miz did like 10 movies. Yeah, it's like the Marvel blockbusters, then all those movies like that, like the stuff that you see straight to the DVD bin in Walmart, those are actually like so freaking profitable that, you know, that stuff like that props up all like the mid tier movies, like the stuff that people really love that half the time doesn't even make money, man.
But yeah, so I know that was a big money maker and that's why they had them going for years. But yeah, there was, it seemed like quarterly, there was a new movie. I think COVID shut that down. I haven't seen anything like that since the pandemic era, dude. Yeah, maybe they just haven't been able to get a kick back up. But yeah, you'd always have some sort of B-level movie coming out with different superstars. And they were always promoting it on the show. And it would drive stuff happening in kayfabe. Like when Dean Ambrose, when he got curb stomped through the cinder blocks and was off TV for like two months, it was to go film a WWE movie. I can't remember what it was. It was one of just the randos.
I don't know the name of it, but I don't remember that. All right. Was there anything else in the ring you were wanting to get to this week, Shane? I don't think so. Randy Orton came out for Kevin Owens. It was kind of unclear who was going to come out and tag team with Kevin Owens. Yeah, it was fun. Yeah, we'll get C.K., I'll give a stoner to a jobber. Andrade and Carmelo Hayes had a good match, even though it's, you know, it is what it is. It really had no consequence, but they did have an awesome match. Other than that, yeah, I'm looking down and see what happened. Nijax came out.
We're down to 11 episodes of AEW Dynamite as of right now.
AEW TV Deal Uncertainty and Streaming Future
No new TV deal. Dave Meltzer has come out and said that the deal is done, but I feel like we've been hearing some version of that story for the last year. The deal is done in principle. I still feel like it's going to get done. What are they waiting for? I mean, that's the thing. What are you waiting for? I still feel like the deal is going to get done, but as we get closer and closer to what everybody believes to be the end date of that deal, December 31st, it's kind of weird. I mean, WWE's had their new contracts in place for over a year at this point.
So we'll see. I don't know. I would legit shed wrestling fan tears if they didn't get a deal and AEW dramatically changed as we knew it. Because regardless of what anybody wants to say about it, it's shaped the wrestling landscape as we know it. Between AEW kicking off and Vince McMahon getting kicked to the curb, that's what's got us in this modern golden era of wrestling we have right now. Yeah, for sure. All right, let's get into some figure talk.
Wrestling Figure News and Reviews
Alright, it's the figure four where we bring you guys the latest and greatest in wrestling figure news. This segment is brought to you by ringside collectibles. Make sure you're using code chick Foley to save 10% on all your purchases there. Sheena, what do you want to do first? You want to do news or reviews?
Drop some news on all right so For the news our buddy action figure attack hit us with some new reveals this week, so we'll get some quick reviews on these first off the Headbangers went up for sale on Mattel creations these are great looks awesome everything you know they had their old tag team set and the Jack's Bone Crunchers is one of
the best of the entire Jax line. My son still plays with those little figures. They were great. And these are basically just a modern recreation of those, man. I know some people criticize like the soft goods on soft goods, and I generally don't like that. But for the headbangers, it makes sense. Thank you. You would have lost so much articulation if you went rubber on these. We saw final shots of the Amazon fan takeover, Seth Rollins in the Elton John tribute gear.
This is what Ultimate Edition is supposed to look like, man. This is really, really cool. You know, I was a little bit bummed, even though I voted for this one. I was so sure that Ultimate Edition Shield Seth was going to win that I actually had started looking forward to that. And I was a little bit disappointed to see this one win. But this is a really, really cool figure, man. You know, Seth Sardude, and this is going to be a great addition to the Seth Rollins collection.
Yeah, the feather, like whatever. Flame wings. Flame wings, whatever you want to call that, the Victoria's Secret Angel wings. Yeah, it looks awesome. The flame gear is incredible. The little heart sunglasses, like everything about it is stellar. I'm still going to find a way to like get another set and flip those wings upside down. Maybe just dip them in white paint and use them for Cody's Eagle wings that he had. Oh yeah, that we never got. I'm still pissed we didn't get those, man. That was the number one thing I was excited about. That's a shame.
We saw the updated picks of the Ultimate Edition Ultimate Warrior and Papasango two-pack. This is just a beautiful set, dude. Best Papasango figure ever. A super cool 1992 war. He comes with the chalk line jacket, soft goods. Like this, this set's incredible. Wait, Shane, you're going to see. Look, it's got the Coliseum video inspired cover. I'm all about these Amazon two-packs.
Yeah, these look awesome. Didn't we, what set, didn't we get these two in a different set back in the day? Like it was a two pack? Yeah, there was a Target, a Hall of Fame two pack. It was a different warrior. Hall of Fame, yeah. Yeah, the Pabashango was very similar, obviously much less accessories. And it was the purple Ultimate Warrior from when he returned at WrestleMania 8. But this is from, you know, the episode of Superstars, where they, there's a Colosseum video where they had their match and then it's got a head scan. It's kind of hard to see on here. With the blood, with the black blood. But yeah, we got one with the, yeah, with the ooze, yeah, coming down warrior's face.
That's super cool. Yeah. Pretty freaking cool from just even though it was actually such a short period of time. Like I think that whole thing lasted maybe like five, six weeks in 92. I feel like every single wrestling fan our age remembers that. It never even had a pay-per-view. You know what I mean? Like there was it just ended up fizzling out because the warrior left again, dude. But I feel like that storyline just resonated so much.
Yeah, the black ooze like it's create like it sparked something visceral in our age group of fans, dude, because it just like stuck with us. Like I feel like you could people who aren't even big wrestling fans, if you talk about like warrior papa shango, the big Oh, are they even mentioned papa shango? Oh, yeah, he made warrior made the ooze come out of orders face like they know, dude.
All right, so this is kind of painful to look at because, you know, we made a decision about six months back to really focus on just like elite scale figures, you know, like elite scale, the AW scale. We got out of like the Funko retro Hasbro game, but the latest line of superstars figures, you got CAC, I mean, it's right up our alley, dude. It's Mick Foley and Bret Hart. And these are freaking awesome, dude. The hearts come with the jackets. Well, I mean, we do have a specific Bret Hart.
Collection that we could add this. Yeah, we could justify you could totally justify bringing in the brat But yeah, it's 97 brat 97 anvil and then cactus jack The superstars are so fun Like I said, it really just got to be space man like space and it was just hard keeping up all the extras so we just wanted to you know, we're constantly evolving on our kind of collecting decision-making and just really want to prioritize the elites and stuff but yeah, these uh
Look at the little poncho. Yeah, he's got the poncho over the top and he's got the classic shirt.
The superstars line is so freaking good. I love the head scan on that Mick Foley. Yeah, I encourage you guys. If you haven't tried those out to dive in. All right. Do you want to do Legends or Ultimate Edition next year? Legends. All right. So the upcoming Legends set from Target. We got the recently passed Psycho Sid. Really good timing. I get an upgraded figure for him. You know, his last one came out in 2016. It was decent, but, you know, Sid was doing an upgrade for sure. So very cool to consider figure. We got Bret Hart from WrestleMania 9. I'm bummed no jacket, man.
Yeah. We have so many Bret Hart figures at this time. It's hard for me to justify adding one without a jacket, but I'm still getting this one. I'm going to maybe try to find one on our soft goods guys. We got a WCW, Ravishing Rick Rude. Love the tights dude. Yeah. He actually has a chase too. So he's got those ones and he's got, you know, when he was, he's got some United States champion specific tights also really, really cool.
going to need to get both of these. That's also a new version of the big gold belt without the WWE logo on it. It's the true WCW version. And last, Justin Hawk Bradshaw. So this was another relic from the new gen era. This was JBL's gimmick when he first came in. Big man of Jace. Yeah, very, very cool, man. He comes with this awesome duster with the fringe. I think all the budget for this line went to JBL. For sure. Or Justin Hawk Bradshaw and Rick Rude's tights, man.
Yeah, the Justin Hawk Bradshaw. That's why Brett didn't get a coat. That is, yeah. So think Justin Hawk Bradshaw. There's some similar Brett jackets. The problem is that that jacket that he wore, it was done perfectly in the Ultimate Edition line. The first Ultimate Edition, the black one with the chrome shoulder pads, that's the jacket he wore at WrestleMania IX. And there's just no way to make that work on an elite figure. Trust me, I already asked our buddy Ivy's custom figgies. It was a way too mod.
But yeah, still really great bright figure very rare one with the white outline And then last our next set of ultimate edition figures. This is ultimate edition 23 Look at that Dom Dom with the ray Mysterio mass. This is the true WrestleMania prison Dom He comes with the the ray mask entrance head. Whoa, they got it looking all Rico suave dude that head scan with the really really cool down I think it's the definitive Dom figure for sure
And then we got Ray from the same match. I love that we're getting both guys from the same match. You never need another Ray Mysterio figure, but I need this Ray Mysterio. They've been doing such a freaking great job. I mean, it's really correct to Ray, because he has such colorful gear since he's come back. This one looks awesome. Definitely adding both of these. And then this one's going to be a game time decision.
But LA Knight. Yeah, the LA Knight. I'm not a huge LA Knight fan. This one is cool. Love the Concord boots in the Ultimate Edition. Looks really nice, but like... That head scan looks better than the... It does. Yeah. I mean, it's the best LA Knight we've had so far, but like, dude, that first basic that came out was really, really great. It was one of the first ones in the new style basics with the better articulation. And if you throw the vest on with the... that came with the Elite on that first basic, I don't know if I need another LA Knight figure. You know what I mean? True. Like, how many LA Knights do you need, dude? True.
All right, you're into our review segment. Yeah. All right. So she is going to be reviewing the brand new defining moment set. So this is the second set available from ringside collectibles on the reboot of the line. We love defining moments like this. Definitely arguably the best line of figures ever, especially when MOC is beautiful boxes.
Beautiful boxes. I love the new slim down defining moments boxes too. I think it just, they feel good in hand. I love that they, if you buy the four pack, they come in the other box that you could store them in. The big box. Yeah. Nice display box. Yeah. I recommend just getting the whole set, dude. It's going to, it's going to look better. You can always find, you know, you can always find use for a nice box like that. If you're a figure collector with all the little bits and bobs we have. And also right now on ringside, the only way to get the CM Punk is to order the entire set. He's not available individually. For sure. Who we starting with, Jane?
We'll start with RVD. This looks incredible dude. White Singlet, Red Dragon, just looks incredible. It's a 98 ECW RVD and he's the champ champ. He was the tag team champ with Sabu and the ECW TV champ. Yeah, so it comes with both of those titles. He's in the RVD pose, just an absolutely stellar looking figure.
Yeah, really, really cool. Are these no one of those guys like they could put him in every single series and it'd be a good looking figure. He was always so creative with the, the airbrush singlets man. Yeah, this is, I still think I probably like the tiger stripe print one best. I think this is probably my second favorite Robin Dan figure though.
Yeah, another cool thing about these defining moments is that the backing on the all of the boxes is different It's custom. It's custom to each of the uh of the figure. So like kane has flames rvd was he got a dragon back there in the back of his Uh, yeah rvds got the dragon. They got a nice little buyout Yeah, nice little buyover about the figure about when you know when the specific defining moment is so
These would be beautiful for autograph pieces also because it is a smaller box, the windows tire. But what that means is that the figure is freaking front and center, dude. Like on some of these, you can barely even see any of the accessories. You're not getting it like an ultimate edition where you got, you know, random floating heads, hands and arms in the box with them. Like it's these are just like, yeah, everything that RVD with like a baby boo paint pen across the front.
Yeah, everything is nice and tight in these boxes. I agree 100%. Next, we're going to talk about cane. This is from Unforgiven 1998. The Inferno match. When cane got set on fire. This is super cool. This is a brand new accessory that we've never had before. It is a flame that fits over the arm of cane because he got set on fire.
I think the flame came out great, dude. It's translucent, orange. It looks really, really good. I think we actually made the joke on this pod when we were first seeing these come out. The first concept art we saw this, it looked like a Crunchy Cheeto on his arm. Yeah. Doesn't look like a Crunchy Cheeto, though. It passes for action figure fire, dude.
Yeah, 100%. And I think this is a first aid we have separately but individually boxed accessories and how cool is it that they put the, they put the little defining moment. It's a defining moments branded box just for the, the flames for the ring. The defining moments.
Branded accessories could be a total thing dude. Like, you know that could absolutely be a thing Yeah, but this is really really cool that we tested out the the posts on the current Mattel ultimate edition ring They work great. They fit nice and snug and they look good I think I think these are gonna be fun for play if you let you know if you like to play or if you like to let your littles Play with the figures or I think the the figuratively brothers are gonna go nuts with these. Mm-hmm
Yeah, because we all know like practical effects are better than, you know, digital effects. The actual cane figure, I feel like we've gotten this figure half a dozen times over the years. This one does look really good though. As far as cane head sculpt looks, it looks really nice. Yeah, it comes with a fire extinguisher. I think that's the only... I think MOC, this might be the definitive cane man with the fire and stuff. I think it's probably the coolest MOC cane figure that we've had. But like I said, your mileage may vary depending on, you know, if it's worth it to you. But the flames are nice, man. The flames are really, really cool.
Oh wait, I was like, who am I missing here? They're sitting in the door. We just talked about them. Yeah. We got L, A, Knight. Yeah. Seth doesn't think that this head scan is that bad. I think this is...
Far from the fig homies today was as people started receiving these over the last 24 hours A lot of people aren't like miss heads. Yeah, it's a far cry from LA night I mean my thing is like I told Seth I said, you know on the figure as a whole with the mic and the you know vests and it's very nice gear a lot of good deco hit Yeah, it looks it looks fine But if this were if the head were to get popped off and like into another bucket of heads I would pick this up and not know who it is like I would just like who is this so I
That could be a fun game sometime for the show. Just like get a box full of loose heads and you got to identify who they are. That would be really fun. We should definitely do that. Yeah, we could call it Give Me Head. Wow.
Anyway, back on track. Overall, a good looking figure, not a great face scan. To me, I'll offer a counterpoint. I've been Mr. Critical on the show today. It doesn't look like LA Knight got hit with the honey, I shrunk the kid machine is in the box. I think it's totally passable though, dude. I think it's right in the mix with average Mattel head scans.
It's totally passable, however, with the announcement of an upcoming Ultimate Edition LA Knight, I feel like, you know, if it were me, I would hold off if you were a big LA Knight guy and want the... Yeah, nobody could be blamed to pass waiting on the Ultimate Edition. A little bit of bad timing, but LA Knight's red hot right now.
Yeah, people love L.A. Knight, and kids love L.A. Knight, and that's always a good indicator for figures, right? One other thing, going back to the heart of the defining moment set, I feel like Rob Van Damme, to me, that's just like 98 Rob Van Damme. That's not really a moment.
Kane, I get that one. That's a defining moment, right? He got set on fire for Silver Inferno match. This is when he won the Slim Jim Battle Royale at the SummerSlam 2023. The Slim Jim Battle Royale. But this next figure, it's the absolute, like, you know. It's the epitome of a defining moment, I think. It's the definition of a defining moment.
Yeah, we got, we got pipe bombs, sea and punk wearing the stone cold Steve Austin shirt. On the back, you got the sea and punk in the, you know, crisscross applesauce on the back of the box. I mean, figure looks great. This is, this has been a glaring omission from
the collection. You could kind of piece one together with doing some head scopes and stuff. There was a CM Punk that was in a similar gear in the WWE All-Stars line. It was a Toys R Us exclusive from back in 2011. But yeah, this is the first time you've been able to get, like I said, pipe bomb CM Punk, which some people, I'm not as big of a punk fanatic as it seems to really have struggles with her cell phone over here. I can't get my, I got this picture of CM Punk blowing up and I can't get it taken off.
I'm not as big of a CM Punk disciple as some other wrestling fans are there, but some people, they say that this is really what planted the seed for what became, you know, AEW, man, is this pipe bomb that just spoke to the frustrations that fans had with what modern wrestling had become. I'm not going that far. It is a neat figure, though, because regardless, whether you love Merhatum, it was definitely a historically significant moment in history. And it's really, really well executed. The soft good shirt looks great. It looks, you know, all the gear looks very, very crisp. And the yellow boots pop.
Yeah, if you're a CM Punk fan, this is an absolute must-have. Yeah, this is a must-have. So that wraps up the defining moment. What's your figure of the set? I give it to the RVD. Even though I just shit on it for not even being an actual defining moment, I think that's the best looking figure in the set. Just straight up as the figure, dude.
Yeah, so as a figure, I would tend to agree RVD is the best looking figure. However, I would give the defining moment to CM Punk. I feel like as far as if you're just staying true to the line, CM Punk wins this one. Yeah, I think him with maybe Kane is a close runner up just because it's such a neat accessory. The Kane looks awesome. Yeah, and the fact that we got the ring post, that's bonus points.
I still think it's a cry and shame because remember we got that Ultimate Edition ring that came with the Ultimate Edition cane, the reverse color swapping and black and red. I still think it's absolute highway robbery that we didn't get those flames with that ring because that would have been perfect. I want to set that really sort of top. I wonder, we need to hit up Steve, my little Spidey sense of tingling that maybe that's something they had in the works and just couldn't get the execution down or maybe couldn't make it work.
couldn't make it work for the price point. But I feel like they, I mean, they had to have had that idea, right? When they were releasing a ring with Kane from the Attitude Era. Yeah. All right, let's get into listener mail. All right, our buddy Sean Smith, he says, What figure from the past would you most like to get a rerelease?
So it's one that we had, you know, it was at the two yard line and we, you know, we had a goal line stand. It wasn't even a goal line stand. It was like a pick six run back for a touchdown that WrestleMania seven macho man that was in the defining. It had a great defining moment, but even as great as that figure was from way back in the early days, the Mattel line, there was a ton of room for improvement. And we almost had it. I mean, it was up for pre-order at ringside collectibles. And then, you know, macho man's,
Yeah, you know, Laney Pafo passed away and there was some confusion over the handling on his estate. And next thing you know, his Legends deal expires without getting renewed. And I still believe, you know, I got to believe at some point Macho Man's coming back in the family. I mean, he's there's Macho Man merch available. He's in the video game. So I think it's just a matter of time for
We get the I's dotted and the T's crossed, I get them back in the figures line. And I'm sure that Mattel is going to rush that one out the door. So I'll say that one for a more creative pick. I'd love to see the model Rick Martell's Legends figure. That's one of the best elites Mattel's ever put out to this day. It's one of the best elites. A lot of unique tooling, came loaded with every accessory you wanted.
that jacket was horrible for staining. This was back in the days, you know, WWE somehow figured this out back in 2010, 2011. AEW six years into their line, still can't keep a soft goods on a figure without them staining. But in those early days, the Mattel line, any black soft goods, they would bleed on the figure. So he's got this like, yeah, the Yoko's like that. He's got this like disease. Like I haven't even took the jacket off my Rick Martell figure in years. He probably looks like Roddy Piper from WrestleMania six underneath there. Wow.
But even with the jacket line, it looks great. I'd love to see that get redone with some improved soft goods. Or if you really want to go all out, Mattel, make it an Ultimate Edition and give us the hard goods jacket with the posable arms. But yeah, so I'll go Rick Martell and Macho Man Randy Savage. And you should get an articulated little like perfume mark. The atomizer. Atomizer, yeah. Was that one not articulated? I can't remember. I don't think so. Mattel's usually pretty good on that, yeah. It probably would have broke anyway. I'd rather have it non-articulated, but yeah, that would be neat though.
For me, I would say the SummerSlam 2015 Seth Rollins, all white when he was a, you know, won the United States championship. It was just when he became the champ champ. Great looking figure. We haven't seen that in the greatest hits line. Seth's had two figures in the greatest hits line already.
Yeah, well, we, you know, and we forget because, you know, we, right now we have Seth Rollins. It's just like, he's a freaking maniac, right? Like there's no combination of like fashion that Seth Rollins won't do. But up until that point, we really only seen Seth Rollins in all black, right? Some little, some little hits of like gold or like silver every once in a while. But then when he comes out at SummerSlam and this all white, it was just like, oh my God, like this is going to be incredible. So
That'll be double champ that night. Yeah became the double champ Ultimate edition with the with both belts. I think that'd be money or even if he'd be working the defining moments, too Yeah, that was already a great figure really all you need is just you know, maybe you know updated face scan and the double jointed elbows It don't know we don't even need to in like proof Yeah, I don't there doesn't need a lot of improving but I think you know He said with just the improved articulation and stuff for an updated also elite 28 Brett 28 was it 20?
Yeah, at least 28 Bray Wyatt with the first elite. Yeah, with the Lin pants and the Hawaiian shirt and the hat and everything. That was our very first elite that we ever had. And, you know, I feel like sentimentally, I feel like I want to rerelease of that. And I feel like as you know, as a tribute to Bray, I think it would be a good
a good move. Yeah. And the way that I love that figure. That was our first elite man. Um, it's a really, really great figure as is like they've put it on the shelf right now. It'd be cool. But the way just to kind of get in the nitty gritty of it, the way they did the tooling with guys with that kind of they wore pants like that. And like with that bill, just the tooling on the lower half on that figure is kind of weird. So I think if you just gave us a, you know, basically kind of redid it from the ground up, same look, but rebuild the figure with new parts and stuff, man. I think it's a lot of room for improvement on that one.
Johnny JB, we kind of talked about this already, but he said there's a lot of talk about AEW and their TV deal
AEW's TV Deal and Streaming Speculation
ending soon. Do you think they're going to resign or go to a streaming service like Max? So do you think they're going to hit TV or go to streaming? I mean, I'm hoping both. I'm thinking it's going to be both. I think it's definitely going to get re-signed on Warner Brothers. I really think all these issues really have more to do with Warner Brothers than Discovery also. They're just a mess behind the scenes right now.
I think it's definitely going to be... TV is going to continue as we know it. I don't think we're going to get everything we want just because it's AEW and I feel like I'm always having to settle for some sort of half measure, but I think we're going to get some of their paper views or some sort of... Maybe every paper view going forward will be available on Max for a lower fee. I think it's going to be some kind of muddled blend.
T and T, Tyson Neil Trevino, do you see Motor City Machine Guns showing up on NXT or CW? So they've been rumored to debut for a while. It actually broke today, no joke, 100% confirmed. Motor City Machine Guns, one of the most decorated teams. NTNA history is signed with WWE. Yeah, I don't know if it'll be on the first episode of CW just because as great as they've been and I'm a fan,
I don't really know if they're true needle movers, man. I could see them maybe showing up at a pay-per-view or something and jump with somebody. I feel like it's already going to be a pretty star-studded show. I think we're going to see a lot of big cameos. I think they'd be better off if they debuted on, like I said, either at a PLE or on a random episode.
Do they get to keep the Motor City machine guns? I think so. It feels like they've been better. They literally had Zachary Wentz, who was in NXT as Nash Carter, come back and still reference stuff that happened in NXT when he was Nash Carter, but just have his name be Zachary Wentz and give no explanation whatsoever. I think we're past the rename error.
Thank God. That was, those were dark times.
Wrestler Swaps and Future Stars in Women's Wrestling
Um, Johnny JB, is there a wrestler that you've met before who left you starstruck? I mean, obviously Bret Hart, I thought that was such a cool moment. I got to go meet him and then I sat down with him and I was just going to get a picture, right? Because we're more picture people than autographed people, but I was wearing my, my hit man shades.
And he said, hey, would you like me to sign your shades? Which again, was supposed to be an additional fee. So I was like, heck yeah, man. So he signed my shades, asked me what my name was, told me I had a beautiful name. And so yeah, I was left starstruck by the hit man. And he took his time. I felt like it was just a... I didn't feel rushed. I didn't feel like I was going through where you're at access and they're just kind of feeding you through a cattle line. So I would say Brett Hart.
Medusa. You didn't even meet Medusa. Medusa. You didn't even meet Medusa. If you could pick one top star from WWE and one from AEW and send them to the opposing promotion, who would you pick? What side do you want to take? You want to take WWE or you want to take AEW? I guess I'll take WWE. Okay. Who you sending to the AEW? Who am I sending to AEW? You go first, let me think.
I want to see Hangman, dude. Hangman is my dude. I wouldn't mind seeing Mox come home. I feel like they're with Triple H booking creative, dude, with William Regal whispering in his ear. I feel like there is some beautiful story work they could do between Mox, Roman, and Seth. I mean, it's been five years and a lifetime of stuff has happened between the three of them since the last time they were on the same company. So I think that would be absolute, as the kids say, cinema.
Um, but that's the easy answer, dude. I want to go hang man, man. I was really hoping that when the elite was talking about possibly not re re-upping with AEW and moving over, hangman was the one that I was most excited to see just cause as great as he is in AEW, I feel like he hits like every benchmark WWE looks for in their top guys.
I just want to see what it looks like with him and WWE for a couple of years, man. I think MJF's definitely going to WWE at some point. He's arguably the most WWE guy in AEW. He's a sports entertainer, even though he's great as a wrestler as he is. He's a sports entertainer at his heart, but I'll go hang, man. That's my answer. This doesn't make sense in the current climate of WWE or AEW, and it doesn't
I mean, it's not something that I want to see happen. However, I feel like the Uso is going over to AEW for, you know, just because I feel like AEW has, they focus on tag team wrestling and multi-man wrestling and things like that. Like I feel like I would love to see the Uso's tear it up with like, you know, some of the tag teams that they have over in AEW.
I mean, again, it doesn't make sense that there's no reason for them to go over there. It's not like I'd be like, oh yeah, this is going to be better for them. I don't think it would be better for them. I just think strictly work rate. I feel like, uh, you know, it would be, it would be fun to see what they could do over there. Cause I mean, there was a time when the Usos were literally stuck in this tag team vortex where, but even right before the bloodline stuff, dude, where it was just like new day. And then they had like all these, like, you know, thrown together tag teams, the Viking Raiders. Yeah. Where it was just revival was still hanging around. Yeah. So.
I mean, when AEW was first starting off, I would agree with that whole hard way to me, though. Dude, Jey Uso is so far past that, man. I don't know. That's where I preface my statement. Yeah, I feel like we may see that Uso's get... And like I said, it was a fine answer to you. It's your choice, man.
I felt, but just, I'm kind of going off on a Uso's tangent now, dude. I feel like we're probably see him team up, you know, here and there as, you know, when, when duty calls. I did. I think the days of Jay Uso being in a tag team are done, man. I don't see him ever going back and be like in the tag team division. If he went over to AW, he'd be top four or five biggest star they had, man. For sure.
Let's see where we left off. Zach. He said, Oh, this, so he left us this on Friday. Happy Friday, the 13th. Any spooky movies you've watched recently. I can't remember, um, football's really, you know, we started our spooky season cinema and then now it's like, you know, there's football every freaking night. And so, uh, on TV or we're out coaching football and stuff. And then we got sleepovers, wrestling, pay-per-views, and, uh, my mom's been visiting. So yeah, we haven't had any like one-on-one first half of September has been pretty crowded, but our schedule is looking pretty clear. Second, second part of the
Yeah. So hopefully we get to, I think we talked about Midsomer last episode. That was the last spooky movie that we sat down and watched, but we have, we have a whole list building. So we'll keep you guys updated on what we're watching throughout the spooky season. Um, Zach also says, did the mocks and Brian Anderson spot or hangman swear Strickland spot at all out or all. Yeah. All out shock you the most, which one shocked you the most.
Well, yeah, I mean, we went into it at the start of the show. So I think the, to me, the- The plastic bag. The plastic bag was probably a little bit more shocking. You think the plastic bag was more shocking than the syringe? Yeah, I mean, kind of, dude. I mean, I was like surprised to see that. The syringe was more just like, what are they doing? Yeah, true. Our buddy Matt Carpation says, will we ever get the WWE Four Horseman Fatal Four Way at Mania, or has the time passed? If so, who will replace them?
Four horse women, sorry. Yeah, I think the times pass, man. I think the crop of women's wrestlers NXT has right now is just incredible, dude. Like Roxanne Perez has been awesome. Soul Rucka is really, really great. You got Julia coming in, Stephanie Vaucker coming in. So I think we're going to see some real true blue superstars, like main event level, main roster folks come out of that class, and they'll be the next females to main event at WrestleMania.
All right, and that wraps up listener mail for tonight. All right, so this was a tight less than one hour show as long as we don't belabor the outro too much. I'll remind you guys use code chick Foley to save 10% at ringside collectibles. Be on the look for that open mic episode with top rope collectibles to hear about the Galoo revival. And Sheena hit us with some closing thoughts and we'll put a bow on this episode. We are only eight days away from fall.