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6 Plays3 years ago
Chick Foley, Marco The MVP, and The Heel Husband are back to review Hell In A Cell, talk about Money In The Bank, and much much more! We also have a new edition of How Many Chicks straight from the New Generation and a fresh round of Retro Wrestling Recommendations! And Listener Mail!!! Use code CHICKFOLEY for 10% off at Become a premium Foley Fam member at Check out the Pod Foundation Try Verb energy bars! Use code FOLEY20 to save 20% on the softest wrestling tees in the biz at Homage Get your figure clothing at and use code CFS15 to save money! Shop the official Chick Foley Show store at Use code PF10 to save 10% at Chalkline

Introduction and Episode Overview

to the Chick Foley Show.

Recent Matches and Wins Discussion

what is up foley fam we are back with episode 134 of the chick foley show we're going to be talking hell in a cell all the crazy news from this week of wrestling but first let me introduce the stars of the show sheena how you doing i'm doing good how are you
I'm good. I'm good. Uh, you know, it was an exciting week with a hell in the cell, but I'm ready to talk, wrestle with my two favorite, uh, fellow wrestling fans, Marco. How was life up in Massachusetts? Going good. I'm just, uh, just coming off this, uh, title defense, you know, just by the, just by the skin of my teeth, you know, grab my title, close to my chest and ran up the ramp. Yeah. Yes.
I think you guys are still both like Borderline mid Carter's slash jobbers in the Foley picks league right now Marco Marco. He made us Jefferson's move. He's moving on up. Oh, yeah Yeah, I'll see. Uh, I wasn't I want that whole weekend. Yeah Yeah, I think you're the only person with a perfect card. Yeah freaking Sami Zayn dude that son of a bitch Yes, Sami Zayn
My fellow conspiracy theorists just let me down, dude. He couldn't just roll over and take the L. I don't understand, you know? Yeah, looking back, I should have been paying more attention to that storyline on SmackDown. I kind of took that match as just a last-second throw-in, and typically on those, the babyface goes over. So I didn't put enough thought into it. But yeah, looking back, it was pretty obvious that Sami Zayn was going to win, so I'm kind of pissed I missed that one. That was the only match I missed. Sheena, remind the listeners where they can find you guys on

Social Media and New Content Announcements

social media.
You can find me on Instagram at Chick Foley, Marco over on Twitter at Chick Foley Show, and you can join our Foley fam over at And we'd like to welcome all of our new patrons over there in the Facebook group. Thank you guys so much for all the support. We have new episodes of Unbox of Mania coming up every single week, and we have our Royal Rumble 92 Watch Along coming next week, so stay tuned for

Ric Flair Lost Treasures Episode Reflection

that. It's a good one.
Yeah, it's going to be epic. Perfect timing coming just shortly after the Ric Flair Lost Treasures episode where they were hunting. It was a good episode. I was into it. Seth was like, you know, I love like the drama of reality TV, even though we all know like most of that's like a work, you know, and all that's just kind of staged and whatnot. I was still like so into it. I was like, we were trying to do something together. Like, you know, we were doing a little project we were working on together and I kept stopping Seth like, no, I need to see where they're going to find this robe.
I need to see who they're talking to. And he was like, oh my God, Cheetah, you're getting work so hard. I loved the drama of it. Yeah, that was the highest rated. I think treasure is so far right now. A lot of people were saying that it was like very emotional and a lot of people like it was like.
I didn't think it was, man. I knew the whole show has been a work, but I felt like they just kayfabe the hell at that one. I think another reason why I didn't like it that much is that it came one week after the Andre episode, which was just miles better. Andre should have been the finale 1,000%. Definitely.
It was so much better. And I felt the emotion from the Andre one. I felt like the people who were talking about Andre and the people who looked up to Andre, they genuinely meant it. You know what I mean? And not saying the people that look up and that Ric Flair is not a legend in all aspects of the word, but I just felt like the Andre one had a lot more touchy feelies to it. You know what I mean? And I just, I loved that episode. I thought it was really, really good.
Um, Sheena, it's time to give away our figure for this week.

Giveaway Announcements and Instructions

And it's a perfect timing because Kevin Owens screwed us all. He screwed us all on the picks league. So without further ado, let's announce the winner of elite 79 Kevin Owens.
And the winner is at sam.vialona21. So Sam, make sure you send me your information on Instagram or you can send it to Marco on Twitter. Give us your address and we will get stupid Kevin Owens sent right over to you.
And next week, we're going to keep it rolling. We're going to be giving away the top picks Roman Reigns. This is Wreck It Roman, Thunderdome Rome. Got the Wreck Everyone and Leave shirts. It's a great figure. And same thing as the last few weeks. All you got to do to enter is shoot us a screenshot showing that you listen to this week's podcast and we'll announce the winner at the start of next week's

Promotional Reminders and Discounts

show. We want to remind you guys
to use code chick Foley ringside collectibles, the number one worldwide retailer of wrestling figures. And they got some hot pre-orders that went up this week. We'll talk about that a little bit later on. But yeah, save yourself some cash when you're getting your fix. You guys ready to talk wrestling? Let's go. All

Hell in the Cell Event Recap

right. So hell in the cell is in the books.
It was kind of crazy because it was only about eight months after the last Hell in the Cell show this year. It came very, very early this year. What did you guys think of the event, Sheena?
I mean, it was good. And there was some really, there was some good matches, but there was also some, some stinkers, you know, um, I just felt like, what was the stinker? I mean, Shana versus Alexa was pretty, it was pretty stinky. You know, I mean, it smelled a little bit of BS. Like, I don't know. It just wasn't even executed right. I try it. I've tried so hard, you know, because I love both of those women. I love Alexa and I love Shana.
I've tried hard to suspend my disbelief and like really like try to buy into Shayna's role in all this but it's just it's just not doing it for me like I don't know it's just with with Bray being gone and Alexa kind of taking on this new character and now she's doing tag teams with with Nikki Cross again and Nikki has a whole new gimmick and they didn't even really address the fact that these two were like fighting before like I don't know what's going on with Alexa but
is is not doing it for me i do wanna figure out this so i'll be clear i still want this you know firefly funhouse uh swing set alexa but i just yeah that the character is not really not really for me i agree she she's definitely put her heart into it but i don't think she's quite the strong enough actress to
to really pull it off. I think she worked well as a sidekick to the Fiend, but as her own thing, it just, it comes off as a little like, I don't know if cringy's the right word or not, but I'm just, I don't believe it, you know, I don't believe it. And the other thing is with the physicality part, like Shayna Bazer should be able to snap every bone in Alexa Bliss's body, no matter what kind of, what kind of special power she has. That was the one thing about Bray Wyatt, like yeah, the Fiend was an awesome character and we know he had all kinds of magical powers, but we also saw him kick ass as Bray Wyatt. So we knew that was still in there. You kind of had this base layer of credibility built into it.
Marco, how about you, man? What were kind of some of your key takeaways from Hell in the South?
Um, I thought it was, I mean, I'm still thinking it was kind of weird that, uh, Roman and, uh, Ramiserio were not on this pay-per-view. I don't get it, dude. I really don't understand it. Yeah, it was kind of strange. I think that was a business decision, man. Uh, you know, there were two amazing game sixes going down Friday night. And I think that Fox was looking around and they said, you know what, we're going to, these ratings are going to tank if, uh, if we don't get something hot for, for this week. I think that's why it got moved over. I think it was a direct response to.
the NBA. I haven't seen that confirmed anywhere, but that's the only reason I can think why they did that. It makes sense. I mean, it makes sense, but it's just like you have this whole pay-per-view that is literally built around this hell in a cell, and specifically main event matches. Again, we've talked about it multiple times on this show, like how
Hell in a Cell should be like the end all be all for these big main event feuds. It should be like the big blow off, but now they've made it a pay per view to where they have to do these Hell in a Sales, whether the storyline calls for it or not. And the fact that they are just doing them on weekly television now is just kind of like,
I don't know. It really ruins the mystique. It just kind of makes it feel like not special. Like a hell in a cell, you should be like, oh my God. Like when you see that cell just like drop down on you, it should strike fear. It should strike fear in your heart, you know, but it's just like now we've overplayed it and it's like, ah, we've seen all the spots. We've seen all the gimmicks. We've seen all the things like, and when you just do it like three nights in a row, it's like, uh, you know?
Yeah, I don't know why. I was still shocked that we actually saw the bell ring on Roman and Ray on Friday night. I don't know why they couldn't have just had, you know, do some sort of swear with Paul Heyman to work in the contract and have it be Roman and Dom on Friday. And Ray's got to sit there and watch Roman, you know, beat the shit out of his son inside the cell for 15 minutes. Think about how much more pumped everybody would have been to see Ray and Roman finally going on Sunday. That was the case. But no, they just they straight up had their match and Roman made him tap. And that was that.
I thought it was going to be opposite. I thought he was going to do that, beat Rey Mysterio, and then Dominik was going to face him at Hell in a Cell on Sunday. That would have been pretty interesting if they did that, but they obviously didn't go that route.
just to piggyback off of Sheena was the Alexa Bliss, Shayna Baszler match. I think pretty much every other match was solid. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, from what I see. It's like the main event was awesome. Bobby Lashley drew McIntyre, obviously, we didn't obviously we're kind of sick of seeing them face each other. But that that match was really, really good. Yeah.
I hated this awesome view though, because it has been a great view. It's really been career defining for Bobby Lashley. I hated seeing it end on a freaking distraction roll up though, you know, with MVP, Jeff and Drew's leg, and then Bobby Lashley just hitting the schoolboy. That seemed kind of a, you know, a real weak way, but I suppose they wanted to protect Drew. You know what I mean? They still have high hopes for him. I think we may see him going over to SmackDown sooner or later.
Yeah, I feel the opposite. I feel like if you can just get if like well How does that make drew look good makes drew look like goon? So he's just like oh I can get so distracted that you know He's just gonna like roll me up like I know that's still better than just getting knocked out cold Tapping out to the to the what is it the hurt lock or whatever it is the hurt lock yeah Yeah, so yeah, it saves him from like him wasting his finisher like hitting Bobby Lashley Bobby Lashley kicking out out of it
I, if I was a wrestler, I would, I would so much rather go out to someone's finisher than to be like, you know, Oh, what's that over there? And then just like, Oh no, I'm, I'm caught in this roll up. Like, ah, you know, like, I just feel like that's so lame and it makes you look so weak. You know, like, I mean, if you take a super kick to the jaw or, you know, a freaking tombstone and it's like, Oh, okay. Yeah. Well, you know, he dropped him on his head. Of course he's going to be out, but like getting rolled up. I'm like,
If I'm a wrestler, I'm going the Hulk Hogan route. You never get me down looking at the lights for three seconds. Even if you do, I'm kicking out at 3.01 like Hogan at WrestleMania 6. Yep, exactly. That's how you stay strong.
Everybody, everybody would want to face Sheena. She's like, oh yeah, she'll take your finisher. She'll get knocked out cold. You can be in a last man standing match. She doesn't want to take a roll up. She wants to get beat clean. I want to be knocked out. I want little like stars and birds like flying around my head, you know? But yeah, other than that, I'll probably say for my match of the night is probably the opener. I'm going to go with Bianca Belair and Bailey. Yeah, that's my match of the night too. Yeah, that match was really awesome.
She showed up to Bailey taking that kod onto the ladder man She had an appointment with a chiropractor first thing Monday morning. There's no way that did not hurt dude She's just amazing Bailey is just so incredible and I think her ability to
Elevate Bianca in this match really just showed how talented she is I mean because Bianca is great like don't get don't get it twisted but just having a veteran like Bailey who is so good and so Flexible like to no matter who she works with like she just makes them better. I think yeah, they're they were a good match together I really really enjoyed that match. I think they need to send Bailey over to Ron like smack some sense into the women's division over there because it's
A little haywire, we'll say. You want to see Bailey versus Dewdrop? That's what you're telling me? I mean, if that's what it takes for her to regain some order over on that women's division rather than buy golly. Speaking of Dewdrop, we do got to give credit where credit's due. It looks like it's not going to be a serious name. We saw Piper start to introduce herself on Monday night as Piper and Evan get cut off.
It's definitely the better, the best explanation of that, that could have happened for sure. But I think it's, you know, it is telling that everybody just assumed like, oh yeah, WWE is just naming this person do drop now and that's going to be it. But it looks like we do get to eat a little bit of Crow after shitting on the do drop name, uh, last week. Yeah. It's still bad though. I mean, I don't know.
Well, no, I think it's going to be good because now it's not her name. It's a stupid nickname that Eva Marie just made up for. True. I get that. But also, we still haven't established why these two people are even... Clearly, Piper is already, after their first appearance together, she's already annoyed with Eva Marie. Why is she even hanging out with her? They don't have any long story history. Because Eva Marie is an influencer. Why do people follow influencers on Instagram? Most of those people are the worst.
But, uh, that's a good angle to come from it. Like, you know, they keep watching, keep hanging out, even though they hate these people, you know? Yeah. She's got, it's actually a really, a really cool, unique gimmick for a heel in 2021 is, you know, an annoying social media influencer. And now she's got, you know, this follower that's going to slowly, slowly turn on her. So I'm intrigued to see where it goes, you know, and any, you know, even around my TV, that's never a bad thing.
Wow. Wow. I guess, uh, you guys talking about Bailey, keep her in mind because we're a few weeks away from the end of the, uh, the pandemic era and wrestling. And we're going to give our, our panties. We're going to have to do our, the, the awards for all the best of the pandemic. And I'll give you guys a spoiler alert. Uh, Bailey is going to be one of the nominees for, you know, the best wrestler of the pandemic era. Cause she's definitely been one of the MVPs.
on WWE television. Let's put a bow on Hell in the Cell. I'll leave you guys with this. You guys know where I stand on it. I've spoke about this a few times. Marker, I'll start with you. Should Hell in the Cell be retired as a standalone pay-per-view each year? Yes.
without question. Anything to elaborate on? No, I think Marco, I kind of touched on it earlier, how it should be something special. It should not have to have its own paper. We shouldn't even see Hell in a Cell every year, I don't think. Hell in a Cell should be something you see every 18 to 24 months. Yeah, definitely no more than once a year. It's the hottest of the hot feuds, and it's something that gets bust out, and it should be a big deal.
And think about how freaking awesome it would be if they didn't do this every year and didn't have a Hell in a Cell pay-per-view, if on a random, not a random, I guess, but on a Monday night where they have this feud that's built up, they're like, you know what? We're going to have a Hell in a Cell on Monday Night Raw. That would pull ratings out the ass. People would tune in to see that. And I just feel like there's just such a huge missed opportunity by dragging this sell out, this structure out every year.
Yeah, if they want to and if they want to have a gimmick pay-per-view each year, like, dude, let's bring back the Battle Bowl. I've been saying it for years, man. Bring back the Debbie CW style Battle Bowl. That is one of the best events they ever had. You got tons of storylines that can be built off of this event and it would just be incredible. You know, you guys got any ideas for some pay-per-views you would like to see brought back?
I mean, they already brought back War Games, Halloween Havoc, which I wanted, you know, and I think NXT, as much as I would like to see it on the main roster, a Halloween Havoc pay-per-view, I feel like NXT is definitely going to do it more justice as far as like going all out with the theme and going all out with like, you know, the gimmick matches and whatnot. I feel like it's definitely better served in NXT. But yeah, for an October, Hell in a Cell is typically the October pay-per-view, but for an October pay-per-view, it's definitely Halloween Havoc.
Yeah, I wouldn't mind saying I'm bringing King of the Ring back. You know what I mean? If we need something for the June, I think the only time they did it was the year that Brock Lesnar won it in 2002. But imagine if you had King of the Ring to kind of be the summer version of the Royal Rumble. So you got the Rumble where the winner gets the world title shot at WrestleMania and then the winner of King of the Ring gets a world title shot at SummerSlam. Like that would be awesome. That would be awesome.
Yeah, for every way to build somebody up and then you could, you got tons of different ways you can go with the storylines for the losers. So yeah, I just think there's a better way to do it than I hate the Hell in the Cell and the TLCs and really the elimination chamber too. Elimination chamber makes a little bit more sense as when you have two brands, you can use elimination chamber for whoever did win the rumble. The other brand can crown their number one contender for mania that way. But even that, I like the elimination chamber when it was kind of the same way as the original Hell in the Cell, just something they got busted out when the
when the situation called for it. Yeah. All right, so let's move from a show that has kind of worn out its welcome to a show that is just about to begin. AEW Rampage, we got the details this week. It's going to be kicking off on TNT on August 13th, 10 p.m. on Friday night. If you keep up with the ratings at all, you know, Friday night has not been kind to dynamite since they moved to that during the NBA playoffs. Marco, what do you think, man? Is this time slot going to be a death blow before this thing even gets

AEW Rampage Viability Concerns

Quite possibly, yes. Isn't 205 Live? Isn't that sort of like the 10 o'clock show too? Yeah, because it comes out right after SmackDown. Yeah. It's definitely a... I mean, we'll see, depending on what they're going to have for any marquee matches and stuff like that. But yeah, 10 o'clock's usually definitely a death blow for wrestling. I think you're pretty much tapped out by the 10 o'clock hour, especially if you're watching
a whole week's worth of wrestling. Yeah, and 10 o'clock on a Friday. I mean, how long has SmackDown been on Friday? And I still cannot get it in my battle rhythm. It's like every Friday, I'm like, oh crap, SmackDown's not like, I'll just like get on Instagram or Twitter. And I'm like, oh crap, people are watching SmackDown, you know, like shit. So like, especially at 10 o'clock, it's not going to be good for me. And I have like
had to catch up on Dynamite these last couple of weeks. Like I had not watched it live at 10 o'clock and Dynamite was a show that I watched every single week on Wednesday. And I have not watched it since it's been in that Friday time slot, you know, and just kind of like caught up online. And I always forget, you know, because like, if you don't catch it on Friday, like, you know, the weekends get busy, it's summertime, you know, we're out doing things. So it's like, we're not sitting down to watch Dynamite on like Saturday or Sunday. So it's just kind of like, it gets lost, it gets lost in the shuffle, you know, and then
you know by the next week it's like already time for the next week of wrestling shows so yeah i do not like this 10 pm friday time slot at all sheen what do you think is something that needs to do if it's going to have any chance of succeeding you got any ideas
I mean, I think they're just really gonna have to like bring their A-game and just like make it be, like anything can happen on Rampage. Like I feel like it's gonna have to be like, you show up and watch Rampage and like titles can change hands, like things, like it's gotta be exciting. You know, like they can't just do slow builds like they do a lot of times on Dynamite. Like it's gotta be something that is must watch TV because otherwise, again, it's just gonna get lost in the shuffle.
Yeah, I think a couple things I think they need to have a unique look. It doesn't need to look just like dynamite because then I think people are going to just assume that it's kind of like a second rate show or just the leftovers from dynamite. I think it needs to have something visually to differentiate it in a dynamic way. And then the other thing, it needs to be tied in with dynamite as well. You know, I think dynamite unless
unless I've missed something you know dynamite's always been the a show you need to have storylines carry over I think that's kind of one of the fatal flaws that wrestling companies have had when they've made you know kind of b and c shows over the years is that they want to make the show its own which means you create you craft these unique storylines and push different wrestlers for that which is cool to a point
But if the show's totally self-contained, you're not gonna have any carryover from the Wednesday audience, you know what I mean? From whatever your A-show audience is, you need to have whatever's happening with Kenny and Mox or the Young Bucks and the Lucha Brothers, whatever the case may be, make sure that there's some compelling stuff that people need to see that's happening on that Rampage show also. So they got a reason to tune in because if you make it strictly all unique storylines on the Rampage show,
then there's not going to be any reason for Dynamite fans to tune in if those storylines don't happen to appeal to them. So that's kind of what I think. I think you'll see that a lot more because I mean, Turner owns both TNT and TBS. So it's not like USA and Fox where you have these specific talents. I feel like they're going to be able to talk about it and promote it more. I mean, you never hear them promote SmackDown on Raw and all that kind of stuff. So I think it's just going to be
where they're like talking about, oh, we're going to blow, you know, something's going to happen on rampage. So they're going to be promoting this on, I mean, I would, I would think so that they're going to promote this on dynamite.
Yeah, it's live too. That week, I'm actually looking at it right now because it's in Pittsburgh at the Peterson Event Center. Wednesday of that week, which is August 11th, they'll be doing dynamite. Then Friday, August 13th will be the premier of Rampage. It is Britt Baker's hometown, so they'll definitely have something planned for that night, I'm assuming, on the first night of the
Yeah, I'll definitely be, I'll watch it, you know, the debut because I want to see what they're, what they're bringing to the table. But yeah, it's just, it's just going to be, I mean, Friday, Friday, Friday, it tends a tough, a tough watch, you know? Yeah. Another thing to we're forgetting is that this is, it's in August, so it's going to be well into the swing of like live wrestling crowds back again. So there'll be some excitement in that sense. Like you'll be able to like actually gauge what's going on the ring with, with how the crowd reacts and stuff like that. So.
I'm excited for it. I mean, AEW is doing their thing. I mean, we didn't talk about this last week. They dropped kind of like a trailer or like a making of video of their video game with Darby Allen. Did you guys? Yeah, it looks pretty good. Yeah. Yeah, definitely.
Yeah, so they are doing some things that i'm pretty excited about and you know, I mean It's not another yeah, there's not another wrestling company throwing a show out there. It's aw You have to be careful though because you can be a victim of your own success I think that's where a lot of people run into problems, you know, it's like oh, well, this is doing really well People really like this like let's expand it and go over here and do this and so then once you expand out to wcw Yeah, yeah, you kind of you you can't really focus any like you're not giving all of your
love and attention to one thing, you're spreading it in and then you're not giving 100% to anything and then everything kind of just like falls in and collapses on itself. So you kind of have to be careful with like this. And I guess it's not super quick. I mean, AEW has been around for a little while at this point, but just like all the things they're doing, I mean, they have four shows, you know, they have two internet shows right now, um, dark and dark elevation. And then now they got two TV shows and you know, all the things and I don't know what the plans are for the future, but
Yeah, you get you sometimes you have to be cautious when you just start like blowing shit out of the water, you know. It's time for the weekly beverage break. Let us know how you guys like the remix. I told you guys we ditch future because we plan to continually grow this show.
And we don't want any heat with his lawyers. You know, the future's been in the game for a while. I'm not trying to go back and have our entire bat catalog scrub from the internet. Right when we get our big break, you know. So shout out to the anonymous YouTube user that made this dope, dope remix using the original mask off sample. Let's talk about what we're drinking this week. Marco, we'll start with you, man. What are you sipping on?
I'm sippin' on some Dream Team. Nice. Summer time, Summer Olympics. You gotta... You gotta... Alone Pine, right? Yeah, I think it's Dream Team Summer. Yeah. So, uh, DTS. Dream Team Summer. I'm pointing that phrase right now. So, we're gonna sip on that. But I was actually thinking we could probably use those... You can watch those YouTube videos.

Beverage Highlight and Shoutouts

I'm assuming you guys do with, like, any one of those kids' videos. They have that, like, that free-to-use music where you can just use it. Yeah. You can just do that.
Yeah, the unlicensed music. We're trying to set a vibe here though, man. Yeah, this is definitely the vibe I want for the beverage break, you know. You don't want like any, uh, the wheels on the bus goes round and round. We don't even know, we don't even know bootleg Cocomelon. We need a jazz flute, man. We gotta have a jazz flute. Yeah. So you know, what are you drinking?
So I am drinking a, uh, skinny margarita. And so I got a little spin drift, a little lime spin drift, a little Terra Monica kilo with a little Grand Marnier in there and, uh, some ice and fresh lime juice. Uh, it's, it's hitting. It's delicious. And I'm drinking it out of my hydro flask pint. That's got my turnbuckle tavern sticker on it. Every time Brett sees this sticker, he says turnbuckle that's turnbuckle tavern. Um, so yeah, shout out to those guys. And yeah, this, this skinny margarita is good, good stuff.
Yeah. And I'm keeping the, uh, the summertime vibes going as well. I've had a rough week at work and as much as I love all my fancy craft beers and the different complex brews, uh, the, the quickest thing to get me into relaxation mode is an ice cold, uh, Corona and lime. So I got me a cooler full of Corona and limes right next to me. And that's what I'm going to be sipping on the rest of the show.
Let's keep it moving. We saw the long awaited, I guess maybe. I don't know. I was kind of intrigued. I was intrigued when I thought it was going to be Test of Blanchard. And then when people came out, we're like, no, it's definitely not Test of Blanchard. I was like, well, we'll see what it is. The Diamond Mine debuted at the end of NXT this week. So for those that missed it, this is a faction that apparently is going to be led
by Roderick Strong and it features Tyler Rust and Hideki Suzuki. So Sheena, what's your autism favorite Hideki Suzuki match? You know, that one that he he won that one, remember? And then they got Malcolm Bivens as their manager. Marco, we'll start with you, man. What's kind of what's your prognosis for the diamond mine? Yeah, I feel like they're starting off on shaky ground, man. It seemed like the crowd was just kind of like what when when these guys came out?
Again, you know what? I'm going to cut on some slack because that NXT crowd is still not doing it at all. So we've established this already. Yeah. We can't gauge the impact by the NXT crowd. But were you moved by this?
I mean, I wasn't moved. I was actually excited to see Robert Strong back though. That was one of the bad, good things. I do love Malcolm. I love the fact that hopefully he gets out. He's an awesome manager. He obviously had some subnuses with some other tag teams and stuff like that.
I mean, I love him as a mouthpiece. I see them as a United States version of the- Imperium? Dude, that was my first thought. I was like, dude, they broke up Imperium, so now they need another faction with tracksuits. They really like the look of the tracksuits, but for whatever reason, they just had to bust up Imperium. They brought back the tracksuits.
I mean, I think they have a cool look. And I mean, like I said, the impact wasn't like the greatest of impacts from from a faction. But I mean, I'm excited for Roddy. Yeah, I think this is a really good opportunity for Roddy. I'm not going to crap on it. I'm, you know, I'm going to be open minded. I love a good faction. So I'm definitely not, you know, I'm not trying to put this spark out before it even begins. But yeah, it's just kind of like
I don't know what to expect, but I think with Roddy in charge, I think it could be really interesting. Yeah, I don't know. I'm in wait and see mode on this.
I mean, Tyler Rust and Hideki Suzuki with Roger Strong. I just, I can't, I don't know. I felt like this is something that should be on 205 Live instead of NXT. And you guys know me, I'm typically the optimist when it comes to new debuts. I mean, I was hyping up Dew Drop about 15 minutes ago on the podcast, but I, yeah, I don't know. I'm skeptical, but we'll see where it goes. Like I said, maybe they're, and there's still time, you know, they can still bring in Tessa, which I think that would be awesome. That'd be something to really give NXT some juice. And I think get people tuning in.
on Tuesday nights. Let's keep it moving on to Money in the Bank 2021. This is going to be a huge show. It's going to be the first pay-per-view since WrestleMania that has live fans there and the card is starting to come together.

Kofi Kingston's Potential and Storylines

We'll start with the biggest match so far that's been announced for the WWE Championship. Bobby Lashley is defending against Kofi Kingston. Sheena, do you think we're about to see Kofi mania part two?
I mean, I wouldn't be mad at it. I think Kofi deserves a second chance, you know what I mean? So I'm here for that. But I don't think that's going to happen, but I would be here for it if it did.
I feel like MVP is kind of been planting the seeds for a Kofi heel turn. You know, Kofi's, he's never even been a heel aside from the early like new day months. I really feel like it was only about six or seven months that they were actually heels. Since then he's been the baby face of all baby faces, but MVP, you know, he's had all the backstage clips kind of planting doubt in his head and stuff. Like, you know, why are you still with these guys after all this time? I could see, you know, maybe Kofi comes up short and
that frustration causes them to turn to the dark side, maybe side up with, uh, with MVP and Bobby. But yeah, I agree. I, you know, this isn't my official prediction yet. Cause I want to see what the next few weeks hold, but I have a hard time seeing him taking that strap off of, uh, off Lashley. How about you, Marco? What do you think? Uh, yeah, I agree. Um,
just how the storyline's going, he's definitely going to take a beating. I'm not sure. It's not going to be a Brock Lesnar eight second match. He's going to obviously have some offense in there. The way I'm booking this is I'm thinking Big E's making his way to Raw at some point because they're
They're supposedly doing a, after SummerSlam, another Raw draft, WWE draft. So I'm thinking he moves over to Raw and something happens where he's going to defend his New Day brothers.
Yeah, that could be cool. If we can't, if we can't get Brock for SummerSlam, I would love to see Biggie and Bobby Lashley. That'd be pretty dope. And I think, uh, I mean, a lot of people are going with the, you know, Biggie's in a face Roman Reigns. So the universal title, I think that's that for me, it's dead that idea. But I, him, him winning the WWE championship, I think is
is gonna happen at some point, and I think it takes him moving too raw to either face Bobby Lashley, and if Kofi Kingston, you know, gets out and he turns bad or whatever, he has to, maybe he has to go through Kofi Kingston to get that title shot, you know, with Xavier, like, in the middle, like, hey, what the hell are you guys doing type of thing, so. That's my new day heel turn booking, because a lot of people always sound like, you know, Big E was gonna be the heel, the turn heel, but you're probably right, it probably is gonna be Kofi.
I think it would be a bigger impact if it was Kofi. I don't know why. I just feel like Kofi is like the one who I just feel like he's kind of like the anchor of the group or something. And I just feel like if he does the heel turn, it's definitely going to have a bigger impact than if he did it. And also what I'm thinking is too, another thing is a swerve.
Xavier. Swerve, bro. Swerve, bro. Xavier turns on Kofi Kingston and joins MVP. I can see that. That would hurt. That would really hurt. That would really hurt. He could be like, he could get mad at Kofi. Like, Kofi, you just sat there outside the cell and watched him get my ass kicked. You didn't even try to get in there. You just watched. Well, again, like, if you listen to their podcast, he's like, he always talks about that. Like, he's the forgotten one.
And the new day. The focus is always on Big E. He has a built-in storyline and he would be the perfect one because his just like ability to like talk on the mic. And he's awesome with the ring. He proves it time in and time out.
Yeah, he had an awesome match on Monday. He's amazing, but at the same time, I just feel like he would be so good as I just pissed off, sniveling, chill. It might happen. I think it's going to happen. We'll keep an eye out for the summer, see how the story line unfolds.
See what happens. But yeah, I mean the serve would be Xavier Woods turning heel. Yeah, he could just go full heel and like, you know, just get rid of the trombone and get a trumpet or something, you know, just like to fully, fully change it up. Just get rid of Francisca two or three or whichever one this is. Just like break her down.
Since we're a fantasy booking, I'll go back in time. I still think they missed the opportunity for the ultimate heel turn, not having new day turn on Kofi at WrestleMania 35 against Daniel Bryan. You know, imagine, imagine Kofi, you know, hits trouble in paradise and he's, you know, he gets the two count and all of a sudden Xavier Woods pulls the ref out of the ring. And then while the refs distracted with Xavier Biggie comes in, just lays out Kofi like
It would be nuclear, man. I don't think Big E and Xavier would have made their way out of MetLife Stadium that night. There would be tears in that audience. There would be tears in that audience anyway from him winning. Imagine if that actually happened. Oh my god.
I'm definitely glad to see Kofi back in the main event, man. That's been a big criticism of mine for the last going on almost two years now in WWE is that Kofi, he wins the belt in this awesome moment, one of the best moments of the last six or seven years in WWE. And then he did the impossible, man. He stayed over as a babyface the entire time of his title reign. He never got stale. The fans were behind him the entire time.
And then, unfortunately, he got squashed by Brock Lesnar in eight seconds. That's still one of the most questionable decisions WWE's had the last couple of years, because I get it, man. Brock's going to win, but you could at least have Kofi put up a fight. You know what I mean? Exactly. He's your champion. Kofi earned that. He did. Kofi earned that, man.
But the thing that pissed me off was that I think Kofi was off TV for like a week and then two weeks later he's backstage just clapping it up with Xavier Woods and going back for the tag team belts again, like nothing ever changed. Never even acknowledged it. Yeah, never even really talked about it. That title reign didn't change his character whatsoever and that kind of annoyed me. I thought Kofi, I don't know. It's like it didn't even hurt him. You know what I mean? He tried to play it off like
Oh, yeah, it is what it is. And I'm like, dude, you should be freaking pissed. You know what I mean? Like you should be so upset by that, you know, and he never got his comeuppance. You know, let's see him. Yeah, let's see him seem dejected. You know, if he's not going to be pissed, be sad for a couple of months, you know, and then let's let us go on this comeback story with you. You know, let Xavier and Biggie, you know, have to talk you into going back in for the tag team belts and stuff. So I don't know. That's just my two cents, man. I just I think
Yeah, I'm glad to see Kofi back in the main event. Cause I think it's where he belongs, man. We were on the Kofi train before Kofi mania was even a thing. Like we'd always been saying Kofi mania deserves a shot in the, or Kofi Kingston deserves a shot in the main event. So I'm glad to see him back there and hopefully it's a good match.
Hey, he's local. He's from my neck of the woods, so I'm always room for Kofi. He went to high school. I get town over from me, from where I was. But yeah, you guys actually just brought up an awesome idea that I just thought of. So what if Brock Lesnar does come back?
faces Bobby Lashley at SummerSlam. But by that time, we're not sure if Kofi's gonna turn hail or not. And Brock Lesnar has Bobby Lashley on the ropes. And then someone helps Bobby Lashley retain his title, and that guy is Kofi Kingston. Because of that timing of Squash. That would be awesome. If they do that,
Oh man. That would be some serious long-term storytelling. Retribution. Retribution, if that happens. The history books will be written. I'll be well again in the land if Kofi costs broccolas or that title, if that does happen.
We might see Brock in Money in the Bank. I could totally see that. If you know... Oh no, not another. Bobby gets past Kofi and then Brock's music hits. I could see it. I think Money in the Bank's in Fort Worth. So I don't know if Fort Worth's the kind of town that Brock deems worthy of him showing up and making an appearance. But yeah, if they're going to do Brock and Bobby Lashley at SummerSlam, we got to get this build going. So I know the rumors have been out there that Brock's coming back.
but not the concrete yet. If you guys, we'll go back, let's get out of fantasy booking mode and just go straight into fan mode. Sheena, you can hand pick Mr. Money in the Bank for 2021. Who are you going with? Probably Matt Riddle. I think, yeah, I would like to see Matt Riddle have money in the bank for sure.
I just don't want it to be someone like Randy Orton or Drew McIntyre or you know what I mean? I want those guys, I want this to be something that actually gives someone that needs an opportunity an opportunity versus just giving the same old dogs a bone. I just feel like this should be something that really offers an interesting storyline or a path for someone in the midcard. Marco?
I would agree with you there. I do. I do love to love having a young, a young blood when in that. Also, the arcade has been really, really cool. Yeah, I mean, yeah. I mean, I like the idea of a young, a young guy, you know, taking the reins, but you need someone that's going to, you know, bring some life, bring some personality to that, to that. What are you saying? Oh, boy, you know, I don't know. You're starting to set us up for something.
Hold on. Hold on. Stay with me here. Come on in. Jump in the car. That's fine. Jump in the passenger seat. All right. So what if this guy wins? Seth Rollins.
Oh my gosh, yeah. I would have tears, man. I would have tears. But here's the thing. Here's what I'm hoping if he does win. But we're not even sure if he's in it yet because there's no qualifiers with SmackDown yet. But I'm assuming he's going to make his way into Money in the Bank. And if he does, each week he comes out with a briefcase that matches his suit.
Oh my gosh. That would be the most amazing thing ever. I love it. It's going to be a different briefcase every time he appears on SmackDown. And that would be awesome. I would pop so hard for that. Yeah. Of course. Yeah. I wasn't even, yeah. Rollins is like the exception. Like I was talking about, I don't want the main event guys in there. Yeah. Rollins is always the exception. Like if Rollins could be Mr. Money in the Bank, then absolutely. It's been seven years, man, since Seth Rollins was Money in the Bank. That's crazy that it's been seven freaking years.
Speaking of which we are gonna be making a guest appearance on next week's episode of the extra cooler show and The match we're gonna be watching is money in the bank 2014 so we encourage all the tick Foley listeners to to go and give that match a watch and then jump on over to the extra cooler show to to watch along with us and You know just following all the the discussion and high jinx from from that match Yeah, I like it man Seth Rollins is a crazy pic if I had to
If I had to go with somebody, I would say. I think Jay Uso, man, I don't know how you get him into that match, but yeah, I think Jay Uso, I think that could be really compelling. Imagine Jay Uso at the briefcase and, you know, he could he can maybe be reluctant or whatever. And then he's got Jimmy like egging him on like, hey, go ahead and cash this thing in. I just think there's a ton of storytelling and drama that you could have along with that.
All right. You guys ready to move in to go figure? Oh, wait, we forgot. We have an extra round of the Chick Foley show prediction championship. One match this Saturday. It's the last time before dynamite goes on to a Wednesday and they're in it with a bang. We got jungle boy versus Kenny Omega for the AW championship. She knew I'll go first. What's your prediction?
This is really tough for me because you guys know, I love all things jungle boy. My heart is literally, you know, playing Tarzan boy right now. Um, but my head is telling me that Kenny Omega is going to retain. Um, I just can't, I can't go against Kenny Omega, but, uh,
I even if it even if it loses me points and you know all the things I'm okay with that if jungle boy ends up winning because I will be Marking out the hardest to see jungle boy win. I like it Margo
man, all signs point to a to a to a jungle boy upset, I think. But he had a title match before, right? He faced not an AW World Championship, but he faced Cody Rhodes of the TNT Championship. Correct. Yes. Yes. Yeah. So he has some some experience in a in a title match. So you can give him that that little bit. It's only because his first time stepping in the ring, going after a title. So you give him that that little bit. But
Yeah, yeah, I think you have to go with the I think you have to go with Kenny Omega as he has retaining You know even if I mean it's gonna be a great match. I I don't think it's gonna be a squash by any beans It's gonna be I think it's gonna be a really awesome match probably one of the best of the year But um, yeah, there's so many shenanigans is you know the young bucks a good brothers
um the hidden hand everyone like everyone's involved in these matches obviously he has you know marker son might make an appearance he hasn't hasn't been around so you might see him but you know obviously of luchasaurus and ringside as well to you know keep things neutral we'll say but um yeah it's gonna be kenny omega unfortunately i mean
If it was later on in the year, I would probably say Jungle Boy, but it's too fast for a turnaround. Yeah, the wins are definitely in Kenny's favor right now. It's just hard for me to imagine him losing the AEW title for sure. Yeah, I think Jungle Boy is going to be a world champ someday, but I think we're probably a couple of years away from that. A couple of years.
Yeah, I think it's going to be a couple of years. I don't know about a couple of years. You know, he he fought Jericho for the belt, I thought. Right. Yeah, I think he had one shot at the TNT title and one shot at that was early. Yeah, that was early. I think it was. Yeah, it was. Yeah, I could see him to teach him, but I'm talking him being the world champ. Yeah, I think it's probably like a year or two away. I mean, I think he's going to get the belt.
First couple of people, he's going to earn this and it's going to be awesome because he's an underdog. So I mean, he's he's always going to be the plucky underdog. He's never going to be. I don't think he's going to be, you know, what hangman is. I think I see him being something like almost like a Rey Mysterio type world champ, somebody that gets so close year after year. And then, you know, when they finally win, it's going to be awesome. So it's going to be another kind of another brick in the wall and building that story. But yeah, I don't see any way Kenny Omega drops the AWT of a ship to to Jungle Boy.
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go figures where we cover the latest and greatest in the world of wrestling figures and talk about what we've each added to our own personal collections reminder this segment is brought to you by our good friends at ringside collectibles the number one worldwide retailer in wrestling figures use code chick foley to save 10% on all your orders at ringside and here we go
All right, Marco, take us away with figure news. All righty. So we have the I got that I spoke about this last week, the boy and his dinosaur ringside exclusive two pack variant is in stock at ringside collectibles right now. So yeah, definitely go pick that up. It's I think I said this is kind of like the size of the
The box is huge. It doesn't it doesn't do it just it looks like a yeah, if you look at it, obviously on the website, it looks kind of small. It is a shoe box. Yeah, pretty huge. It's pretty awesome. Like I said, it's it's great for, you know, MOC as well as
not MOC collectors because it has the opening. You can actually see the figures in the window and stuff like that, but either or. I mean, it's definitely a great pickup. I actually got my, I'll just say it now, I got my notification for the original version of it. So the non-variant version of a boy and a dinosaur. So that's coming to my doorstep pretty soon. Nice. Are you keeping an MOC or are you going to bust it out?
I'm going to bust that one open, but I'm going to leave probably the variant one closed. We'll see. We'll see what happens. We'll just let the winds go. Take us away. We'll just open up the sails and see where the winds take us. Yeah, so definitely pick that up.
Oh, yeah. Actually, the other cool thing, too, is AW replica belts are available for pre-order right now on PWTs as well as ShopAW. Did you guys get to take a look at this? I took a look at that price tag, man. 700 bones. Yeah.
I feel like if Pini Omega himself was going to handle every of the belts in my house, I'd still have to stop and think about it for 700 bucks. Yeah, it's about nine pounds, too. It's pretty weighty. Yeah, I'm sure it's going to be high quality, but that's just a lot of money for a collectible that's mostly just going to sit on a shelf somewhere, you know?
Yeah, I mean, for the definitely for the Bell collectors out there, I mean, I only I only have one belt and that's the the WWF winged eagle. That's that's it. That's a replica. But I mean, I mean, if I if I had the money and I would definitely probably pick this up, I mean, it is a beautiful title.

AEW Championship Belt Preorder

I mean, I have the toy version of it. So I mean, that's that's as close as I'll get right now. Yeah. But the the A.W. A.W. title. But
I mean, now that AWW is making, I just literally had this idea just now as you're describing the belt, I don't know how beautiful it was. Now that AWW is getting into the Legends game, starting off with their sting figure, what if AWW gave us an unrivaled figure of Bret Hart from the debut of the AWW belt back at the first double or nothing? Because you guys were the Hitman was the one that...
Oh my god. They brought the belt out. How cool would that be? I totally blocked that out of my memory. I don't know why I wasn't even thinking about that. Yeah, Bret Hart was all elite for one night only, man. Yes, he was. Imagine if we got Bret. I think he was rocking almost like a snakeskin button-up or whatever. Yeah, he was. Yeah, that's right. That would be an awesome game. That would be an awesome game. And Bret with the AW title. I would definitely buy it, man.
Hey, bring side exclusive, Bret Hart. But so you said even if Kenny Omega would deliver, what if Bret Hart delivered this belt? Oh, yeah. I mean, I would definitely buy it, right? He wouldn't even have to bring the belt. If Bret Hart would come and hang out with us for 700 bucks, I would do it. He wouldn't even have to bring the belt. He could just come and have dinner and yeah. So check the group text. I'm about to send you guys a picture, just to refresh your memory of Bret Hart when he debuted.
So yeah, we could get it because it'd be similar to the Amazon exclusive Jericho that's released later on this year. He's rocking like a, it's super loud, man. It's like a black and silver button up. Like the sleeves have like stripes. It looks like there's like a flower print going down it. So it's almost like a Jericho type shirt.
And that fig in that moment really kind of encapsulated like a lot of what we would see still to this day from AW cuz remember Brett like he held the belt up for like, you know, the money shot like showing it off and right as he's going to do it like they cut away was hangman and Joey Janela like brawling in the corner and so we never even got a clear look at the belt, you know, everybody being pissed off that night like we didn't really get to see it, you know, but
I remember that moment, I'm gonna have to go back and watch that because I remember that moment being awkward at me thinking like, oh gosh, this is kind of, I don't know, not smooth as you would want Brett to be. I always want Brett to come off cool and collected and I just feel like, I remember something happening and bitch feeling like, eh.
That wasn't great. Yeah, it was the camera work man. They just they didn't even get like like I said They didn't get the money shot, you know, so yeah. Yeah, we need we need to make this happen man ringside exclusive Bret Hart have him in the packaging have him holding up the belt, you know, like that's Let's we'll let into existence that needs to be the next figure that we make happen if anybody's out there
Right now good friend to the show Jeremy Jeremy I was about to say that yeah Jeremy if you're listening, but so let's get that going That would be a double definite purchase. Yeah Wasn't it was MJF involved in that segment two or no? Yeah, I think he was man. I think it was MJ. I want to say is MJF Joey Janela hangman And I can't remember who else was in the mix
Was that during the Cracker Barrel? No, the Cracker Barrel thing, that was it all in in 2018. This was it double or nothing.
I thought they had another Cracker Barrel match or something like that. It wasn't like the original if they did. They were literally throwing Cracker Barrels at each other during that first match. That was actually pretty entertaining. It was entertaining. We'll move on to the Junk Shop Dog. We rarely talk about the Junk Shop Dog and his figures. He actually has pretty awesome figures.
Definitely go on Instagram, check out Junk Shop Dog, and check out the figures that he has. They're pretty awesome. But he's actually coming out with a Terry Funk, Texas Broncos days version. So they have a prototype of it now. It's leading into his retirement in 83.
During his match in all japan wrestling, uh, so I think it said late 2021 will be the release of it It looks pretty cool. Did you guys get to? Yeah, look at that right now. It is pretty cool. I'm just uh, I don't know Have you uh picked up any of these marco?
No, I actually want to get the. I want to actually want to get this one here for some. And they're based off the old Popey figures, right? Yes. Yeah. And that which were kind of for all intents and purposes, the the original wrestling figure. So, yeah, pretty cool. If I had a Popey collection, I would I would grab these. I really love the the Jishan Liger and the the Bruiser Brody. But yeah, I'm kind of out for now. If anybody, if any of our Foley fan listeners do collect these, shoot us some pics and let us know what you think about them. Let's know what they feel like in hand and stuff.
Very, very cool. I love the carding and everything like these. These would be highly collectible and they would look really great to get signed by some of these guys. So yeah, I'm a fan, even though I don't see myself collecting these anytime in the near future.
Yeah, and I know he's on his, because he had the, like you said, they had the Bruiser Brody. He had a regular version and like a silver version of it as well. I think he said it's like series two. I was reading that they're going to have a dynamite kid and Terry, well, Terry, this Terry Funk here. So dynamite kids are part of that as well. So I think they look pretty cool. I mean, I don't want to jump into another collection.
Right before we went on the air tonight the
the AW ring with Aubrey is up for pre-order now. Yeah, that's right. I was gonna actually, I was gonna add that. Yeah. So that's, that's up. It's 99, 99 up for our pre, I think it's like late November. Yeah. The good thing about those rings, I'll say for anybody that hasn't had one. So it's based on the exact same mold as the old wicked cool toys ring. So if you have any of those, there's a bunch of different event ring aprons and alternate ropes and turnbooks you can get. So you can go on eBay.
And I think there may even be some they're still available to purchase on ringside collectibles but you can go and get like red, white and blue ropes you can get all yellow ropes like you can get NXT ring aprons and W.O. there's a lot of accessories that go along with those rings that'll work really nice so you can really kind of buy that as your base ring that have a few different looks to go with it if that's something that appeals to you.
Yeah, it's pretty cool. Yeah, so I was going to actually say that if you go out as a junk shop dog on his IG page, definitely buyer beware. There's a lot of really cool figures that he posts on there for sale besides the ones that he creates himself. A lot of like vintage figures in that same vein.
So, yeah, just watch out. Your pockets will definitely take a hit if you scroll through his IG page. But yeah, definitely take a look. There's a lot of cool stuff. He also sells autographs and stuff like that, too, of the- Nice. ... those Shikishi boards. So a lot of the wrestlers in Japan, they sell these Shikishi boards, and he sells a lot of those signatures and stuff like that, too. There's something out there for everyone, isn't there?
Yeah, I know definitely people like there's there's something out there people there's somebody that collects it, you know, it's yeah No, that's I mean, that's exactly I mean I was looking I was like, oh, that's pretty cool that like it's just a signature It's not you like frame it or you know, you definitely display that stuff too as well So if you're a collector, not just a figure collector definitely take a look at our jump shop dog Is it some pretty awesome stuff?
We ever talk about this company in a few weeks, I would say, FOCO, WWE Limited Edition, Sasha Banks, Bobblehead. Yeah, I think Brave Mysterio was the last FOCO that we talked about. But yeah, this one, I mean, it's pretty cool. Again, as usual, it's one of those things. It looks really cool, but I don't know how the hell people are storing these things. I think these are really made for the hardcore Bobblehead collectors. Yeah.
I mean, if you're a collector, it's in your DNA. If you're like Sasha Banks specific, you know, I can see that in this. Yeah, we talked about that with something else recently. I was like, you know, because we kind of collect a little bit of everything and we have certain displays in our Mark Cave that are, you know, dedicated. We have a Seth Rollins and we have a, you know, a Bret Hart clearly. But yeah, if you're like just specific, yeah, this would be so cool to add to your Sasha Banks collection or whoever, you know, Roman or Ray.
But, yeah, to get all these, and they're 50 bucks a piece. That's the thing. It's just like, holy frickin' smokes, dude. They're limited too. They're limited pieces, so they're not mass production on these things. This one, I think it's like 288 pieces of this one. It's going to be limited. They're probably going to be numbered as well. They said if you are a collector, or if you're a Sasha Banks fan, or a Sasha Banks collector fan,
This is blue hair, blue hair, Sasha bank. She's wearing purple ring gear with like pink piping on it. Got a gold jacket and she's got her like standard, like, you know, hands out boss pose. Um, and she's on like this little platform. It looks like a stage and it's got the Sasha banks glasses. Um, can you hit a button in here, Michael Colsey? It's boss time. That'd be pretty cool. That would definitely be the icing on the cake for this for sure. Or if you, or if you hit a button and she goes, after she takes a sip out of it.
I don't know why she didn't come with the IPA accessory. It's really on the back and it starts crying. And flowers and flowers pop out of the back. It could be like, you know, tears and flowers. Like she starts crying and then flowers pop out of the back.
We love you, Sasha. Yeah, we love you, Sasha. I know you're listening right now. No hard feelings. It's just joshing you a little bit. Yeah. So move on to one of our friends of the show, Zombie Sailor Toys. The Hails and Faces line, now live on Zombie Sailor for our presenter. Live, pal. Snap these things up, man. You guys are going to regret it if you sleep on these because
It's going to be a little bit. But here in five or six months, when we're all getting these figures, you guys are going to be bummed out seeing how amazing they are. And you're going to be sitting there hitting up eBay and paying these scalper prices.

Preordering Collectible Figures

Yeah, definitely. I think we've talked about Zombie Sailor every week up to this point. I'm not sure there's anything else to add. They look amazing. They're finally here. They're finally live. Don't miss out. Yeah, definitely. They're actually going to open it up for the international market.
Yeah. So, uh, the other was about, you know, we, we initially opened up the, uh, you know, the pre-orders is only for the us, uh, only, but, um, um, he was willing to deal with a little bit and now he has an international, uh, market pre-order. Uh, it's going to be available. God, man. I don't know how many of you guys are on the wrestle figs forums. That's really kind of like the number one place to discuss wrestling posts. Like the, the Brits were freaking pissed that these figures weren't going to be available to order.
in UK man I'm talking like he thought it was gonna be the war of 1812 all over again like they were not messing around like I'm talking like that there's a lot of drama on those message boards anyways like it you know it's pretty humorous to just watch you get spun up but like I'm talking like the mods had to lock like three different posts because people were just fucking slaughtering
poor zombie for not launching it. Zombie has been very transparent with this line. He's not going to make a ton of money for every single figure that sells. The profit margins aren't the widest on these figures. And for anybody that knows, I sell at the extreme, extreme amateur level, but I do sell a fair amount of figures. And I can tell you guys, it's a pain in the ass shipping of the UK.
Not to get super into the geopolitical stuff, but since Brexit, there's this new thing called the VAT system in Britain where basically they're taxing it. Again, it's like the same shit that led to the Revolutionary War. They're taxing everything coming in the carpet. You pay half of what the item costs just in taxes.
Yeah, the last thing I tried to ship to my buddy Phil over in the UK got kicked back because we weren't specific enough on the customs forums because you got to get creative. You want to be as vague as possible because if they think you're shipping like valuable goods at all,
you're gonna have to pay a fucking tax on the, on the inbound shipment and stuff. So it's not easy, specifically with the UK, other countries, nothing's really changed, but specifically with the UK in 2021, it's kind of a pain in the ass. So I felt for zombie because he was catching some serious heat, you know? Yeah. But he's like, he's like, dude, I've already gone through so much trouble getting this line off the ground. Like it just seemed like it was a bridge too far. So shout out to him for making it happen for the fans. I hope, you know, I hope all of our UK figure fans go and pre-order this because
It couldn't have been easy getting everything set up we're gonna again we're gonna have zombie on the show here probably towards the end of July just to really kind of talk us through the whole process and all the headaches and hassles he faced. So I'm really interested to see what what finally clicked to make this happen because for the longest time he was saying it just wasn't going to be an option for series one.
Oh yeah, definitely. I'm on the website now that you can definitely still pre-order the whole set too, so you can actually pre-order all five of the figures that are available. I think in our group chat earlier, maybe earlier in the week, there's just the amount of detail that's going into these figures too.
and who he has on board actually creating these figures. There's a lady called Jennifer Johnson. She does all the paint apps for it. So if you actually go to her Instagram is LuckyJenny3000. If you go on there, you can actually see all these figures that she's painted, pretty much all the designs and all that stuff. She has a lot of different
prototypes for pretty much all your favorite lines that are out right now. So I mean, definitely take a look at her Instagram page to see the process and stuff like that. She has a lot of pictures of a lot of the figures and stuff like that and all the ones that were sent to her and things.
So yeah, definitely. It's a, it's a lot of, uh, a lot of work goes into these figures and like, like, uh, Seth said, you know, he's not getting a lot of kickback off of these figures and they, and supporting them is going to help get other people on board. You know, like when other, when other like talents see how well this line sold and you know how excited people are and the enthusiasm around it, like they're going to be more apt to.
Sign with zombie and yeah, you know make make these deals happen and make these figures happen that we want So we can get the rest of the orange cards like with maybe you can finally get that King Mabel Hasbro, you know We're gonna get that Jeff Jeff Jared soon and his rod rudette
Like a part of this line so like what more could you and it you know like like you spoke about the you know The backlash on on the message boards and stuff like that that just shows that these are in high demand That just shows that they the people that are like they they want these things. They want these figures
And if that doesn't tell you enough that people are upset that he wasn't shipping, then I'm not sure what to tell you. But yeah, definitely go to his website. Definitely pre-order him or pick whatever one you want. It seems like Sabu's the popular of the group from what I've seen. Yeah, he definitely said that he was the fastest selling.
Yeah. I'm thinking about getting a second Earl Hebner just to like maybe strap up some M 80s or some other sort of fireworks to it. I would, you know, I still, I still have to sacrifice an Earl Hebner figure for what he did, uh, you know, swearing on his kids' lives to Brett Hart that he wouldn't, he'd have no part in any funny business at, uh, you know, at the big showdown in Montreal. You need another one anyway, so you can do the famous Dave Hebner spot. You know what I mean? For the plastic surgery. Yeah.
Yeah, so you got to have two anyway for the collection. You got to have one Dave and one Earl. Very good point. That's pretty awesome. Ben, all right, so we'll move on. We'll continue to talk about Zombie Sailor. So he posted a Stilted wax prototype.
for the first ever officially licensed Dan Housen figure. Now, I know we don't talk about Dan Housen a lot on our podcast, but I'm pretty sure most of us are fans. I've never seen this guy wrestle, man. I've seen the social media posts and I've seen the guy's whole persona and his look.
He's cool, man. I'm looking forward to getting a figure out of him, but yeah, I can't even speak to his actual quality as a wrestler, but he's a hell of a character, man, for sure. Yeah, definitely head up the, you know, obviously YouTube is a good place to see him. He's actually really good. He does converse with Jeremy Padour a lot, too.
on uh on twitter for what i've seen anyway so yeah he seems really odd like his his character seems pretty awesome he seems pretty awesome himself so i'm pretty excited like you said any any uh anyone that doesn't have a figure that that has the ability to have a figure made of them right now i think is
is awesome. Just having this platform available because a lot of these guys won't see the light of day or gals, won't see the light of day or have any figure made of them if they're not signed to a WWE or AEW. It's great to have the zombie sailor toys and Chella toys around to get these figures out. It's the golden age of figure collecting, man. You got nerds, you got Chella,
Zombie toys junk shop dog not even you know Mattel jazz wear super seven like yeah The the sky's the limit right now for the figures we're gonna be getting over the next couple years
Yeah, definitely. It's so awesome. Yeah, so jump on board if you're not already. Definitely damage your pockets, jumping into this hobby, but it's worth it if you pick your lane and what you want to do. You know what you want to collect. Set some rules for yourself, man. You got to set some rules to kind of key a chain in your collection. Yeah. And I will say, we used to be
straight up completionist when we were living in Hawaii and when we switched that kind of gave us a natural spot to do some reflecting while you know our entire collection was kind of boxed up for two months. I have enjoyed it so much more now that we've been a little bit more choosy and what we're adding to the collection. It's been a lot more fun.
True. We restarted our collection before we had kids too. It was like a life shift whenever you start having two little people running around. It's like, eh, kind of changes things a little bit. Oh yeah, totally. It makes it more fun because you're grabbing figures. All the stuff I'm adding in my collection now is stuff that's making me happy.
Yeah. Uh, you know, quote Marie Kondo, it's bringing me joy. I'm not just, I'm not driving around, um, you know, hitting three different Walmarts to find my 15th Alexa Bliss figure, because this one has lime green accents on the gear and I got to have it because it's the newest basic Alexa that came out. You know, the drudgery of that definitely kills the, uh, kills the excitement for you. Cause yeah, you're buying figures you don't even really need and or want, you know?
Yeah. I figured who it was on the group page, they were talking about they might even just start purchasing the ultimate line of Metallica. Nothing's going to beat the ultimate line. Obviously, it was a little shaky at the beginning when it was first announced and the first few were sold and stuff like that. But now, you see an ultimate figure now, especially the Hulk Hogan one,
Like, what makes you want to go back and buy an Elite? Unless it's like...

Collector Boundaries and Regretful Purchases

Yeah, you're right. Obviously, that's not everybody. There are people that are going to buy Elites regardless. But if you're that person, it's like, I've seen the best figure of this person. So like, the Fiend, for instance. There's a million Fiend figures. All you need is the Ultimate Fiend. Yeah, all you need is that Ultimate one. Another one can come after this. And that Ultimate Fiend will probably be the best Fiend figure you see. But, you know,
That's, I mean, like I said, it teaches owned, it's, it's a collector's game. So like, it doesn't matter how you collect, if you're a completionist, if you're not, if you only buy exclusives, if you only buy Hasbro's or whatever. I just like to encourage people because I feel like there's a lot of like hype and people get really caught up in it and they get caught up in the FOMO. And I feel like you
are going to be much happier as a collector if you put those boundaries on yourself and you just you can look at things and appreciate things and think that a figure is awesome without having to add it to your collection and you know again this is coming from people who are like hardcore collectors so I'm not trying to discourage anybody from collecting anything but I just feel I what I see a lot of right now is a lot of people unloading a lot of stuff that they've gotten sheerly out of like just like a FOMO you know
like people are like, oh, I'm selling, I'm selling all these and I'm selling all these, you know, just because I don't even know why I got them in the first place, you know, and I don't want, I don't want to feel like that. I don't want to feel like I'm just unloading things because I don't know why I got them in the first place, you know? Exactly. Yeah. That's true. Yeah, definitely. I mean, we're here to help. We're here to help you collect
Yeah, this is the right way to mark those therapy corner. Yeah. And if you have any of, if you're feeling like you need to downsize your collection and you have any of the green card has bros, feel free to slide into my DMS and I will help you out. I will help you guys out. Um, you know, I'll help you get rid of those. Cause that's, that's all we need left for the Hasbro collection. I feel like my Hasbro collection is just going to set on, you know, 96% charged for the rest of my life. Cause I just, there's no way I could bring myself to pull the trigger on those green cards with the prices they're at right now.

Chella Toys and Action Figure Releases

All right, we'll move on to, because I spoke of cello toys, we'll move on to another first time in line figure. So, cello toy sign giant haystacks. Hell yeah.
Yeah, man, for his first ever official action figure. So we'll be joining series two of the wrestling megasauce line. They did have awesome. Some, you know, some not prototypes, but like blueprints of the different color variations. I think one red and one blue. If you guys, did you guys get to see that? Yeah, I saw a very cool looking figure, man. I, I hope we get the Debussy Debbie variant when he was in the dungeon of doom is Loch Ness, man. We need some point also.
I always like seeing the big guys in figure form this dude was a legend man in the
The UK, Irish, Scottish wrestling scene. This dude is a straight up legend. So it's cool that we're getting a figure of him for real. Yeah, so definitely like, obviously this isn't, not to be confused with their other line that are in scale. This is the retro line. Yeah, the uncensored line. This is the Hasbro style. I'm hoping we get an elite of him though. I don't see why we shouldn't if we're getting him in the retro line. An elite would be amazing.

Exploring Wrestling Toy Lines

Yeah, it seems like, I mean, obviously, they only announced the dynamite for Dynamite Kid for the Uncensored line. But when they show the promos for it, they're showing all the other retro-style superstars in that line. So maybe they're just going to transition over to the Uncensored line. So all Eagle, Ethan might have an in-scale figure.
He's probably going to be getting a figure from Jazz. Oh yeah, that's right. He's an AEW. That's right. That's right. So maybe Nick Aldis would be cool with a jacket. I'm hoping for a bull nacano, man. Bull nacano as an elite would be incredible.
They had the, uh, was that ultimate dragon that was in the cello toys line too? Was that really? We're getting a little dragon. I didn't see that man. Who was the ultimate dragon? Uh, was that the retro style one? Or was that something else? I'm thinking of something else actually that I seen scratch that idea.
But let me research. No, I think the Dragon is with Master Republic, man. I think he's got. Yeah. Yeah. So so far they haven't announced. Yeah, I think Master Republic's got the Fanaticos is there. They're like, you know, quote, unquote, basic line. And they have their collector's editions. I think, yeah, Ultimo Dragon has been announced for the Fanaticos, but not for the collector's edition yet. But you got to figure we're going to get a collector's edition of him as well, because he won. He's a legend and he's super toy edit.
Yeah, I definitely have to have all those belts with a thing or two. Yeah, he's the original belt collector, man. Yeah, maybe that famous photo of him just draped in gold. I mean, can't get better than that. But yeah, that's it. That's it for our figure news. What would you add

Recent Toy Pickups and Their Significance

to your collection this week, Marco?
Oh, so I, uh, I'm not sure if I saw this last week. I got the, uh, the Christian, I probably didn't mention this already. So Christian from the fan takeover series. Um, he made his way probably the last ever hit the switch. Yeah. I hit the switch to last, uh, Christian figure, um, from WWE, you know, probably forever. Um, we'll see what happens. Never say never with, uh, we'll be in legend series 27.
I mean, I mean, hopefully that'd be pretty cool. But as as right now, he's a he's a null and void. He's an AEW superstar now. I also picked up for Father's Day, picked up the the Ringside exclusive Montreal Screwjob 2-pack. It was at a local comic book store just hanging there.
That was such a beautiful set, man. Even though I'm not the biggest fan of the classic superstars figures in packaging, I think that's the best ever to do. That black and gold, it pops with the big star. Yeah, I think you need to get that autographed, man.
Yeah, I mean, that was the first thought in my head. I was like, this has to be autographed by both these guys. I mean, while we have the time to do so, definitely, that's definitely going to happen. And obviously, that's what's most significant. I was actually talking to the guy when he was out bringing me out. He was like, oh, man, this is pretty sick. I was like, yeah, if you're not a wrestling fan, you definitely know what the Montreal screw job was.
Even if you're not the hardest of hardcore wrestling fans out there, you know, you know, Bret Hart, you hear Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels, you automatically think of that, that fateful night. It's legendary, man. As much as it pissed me off as a Bret fan, like, I definitely think it helped add to the legend of Bret, you know, that that's what they had to do just to get the belt off of him.
Yeah. We talked about this before. Vince McMahon said himself he's the best champion that they've had in that company. He's the one that carried that championship like a champion more than anyone there. Maybe that says a lot there, but yeah. I picked that up and then by happenstance, I told you guys in the group chat about my missing package. Yeah.
Guess what? Showed up today or yesterday, actually. Awesome. Oh, that's so awesome. I'm so happy. So happy. So what happened? I was bumped out. I still don't know. Don't even know. Tell the listeners. The listeners don't know what you're even missing. Oh, so yeah.
notification, obviously, when you order from ringside, it says, you know, your packages showing up at, you know, it's been shipped. Somebody cool. So I actually ordered that the it was it's the ultimate. Yeah, so I ordered that like, maybe one day after another, I believe.
So around the same time as a variant Jurassic Express figure. So that one came on a Saturday. So that arrived, the variant version of that. So the next day I was supposed to get the series nine, right? For Ultimate Edition. So series nine was supposed to show up the next day. So, you know, it's like maybe like a few days or a week later, I'm like, huh. So I go and check. I'm like, it says it was delivered.
never seen it, never showed up at all. That's the worst feeling. Yeah. So I'm like looking everywhere, like all over the place, check in with neighbors, see if they got, you know, put on there. Did you fight any of your neighbors? No, I did not know. Almost. Almost. I mean, they're pretty, they're elderly, so they're not going to like, you know, it doesn't mean it's 2021, man. Equal rights, equal fights.
That is true. These hands are rated for anybody. They eat for everybody. It's more discriminatory if you don't fight someone, man.
That is true. I had a coworker that said that. He's like, you know what these hands are? Rated E for everybody. So I was like, oh, that's pretty awesome. That's pretty funny. He's like, anyone can get it. But anyway, so no one had it. So I bumped out. I kind of expressed to you guys, I'm like, damn, I wish I had these. Because obviously, FOMO, everyone's posting their pictures. Oh my god, this is the best Ric Flair ever. This is the best Steve Austin ever. I'm like, David, I'm not even going to get that satisfaction.
So basically, a couple days later, I see a box on my doorstep. I'm like, huh, what the hell is this? From ringside, open it up. Lo and behold, it was the ultimate sign. It must be, that's like, I don't even know how the universe works. And if you have good karma on your side, maybe that's what happened. That's how I am. Whatever you put into the universe, you get back to. You put good figure fate out there for yourself. You're always hooking people up. Yeah.
Yeah, all positivity and, you know, just made it so, you know, the power. I'm going

Selling and Focusing Collectibles

to ask how it happened. I'm just going to accept it. And, you know, thank the universe and keep it moving. Yep. So, you know, thank you, ringside. Thank you. The figure gods out there for, for bestowing me the ultimate series nine of my doorstep. So yeah, that's pretty much it for my, uh,
for my, uh, you know, travels. Nice. Uh, we'll, we'll kick off our weekly purchases with weekly, uh, kind of, you know, going aways, uh, thoughts and prayers to the NECA teenage mutant Ninja turtle lines. Speaking of liquidating parts of your collection. You know, I've, uh, so like I said, um, obviously we're all the way cut up on elites. Uh, we got, we got in the game about four years late and it was,
kind of middle of 2020, we had all of our, you know, pandemic books from not doing anything. So the bank account set in fat, we went back and just made the last little push to get all the way cut up on Mattel. And then we also kicked off Hasbro at the same time, and we're all the way caught up on Hasbro's and retros minus the green cards. And just thinking about it, man, what really gets, you know, the passion going for me and Sheena is the wrestling figures, as cool as the NECA Ninja Turtles figure were. And we have a ton of nostalgia for the Turtles movies and cartoon.
and toy line. Um, they just, they just didn't quite hit the same as the wrestling figures. And we kind of want to expand the wrestling collection into some different lines. Like maybe it wasn't even that they didn't even hit the same for me. It was that like, they're just not getting the display love. Like if I could just, if I had the space allocated for like, just like a killer turtle collection, like yes. Those, those figures are
Freaking epic the movie turtles and the cartoon turtles like they just absolutely nail it I love everything about those figures and they're beautiful They just they just deserve better than being like in a bin somewhere like waiting to be on display, you know, I mean we had like
Basically, I got a TV stand in our figure room and the little shelves under the TV stand That's that was the space it was allocated for the turtle. So we would swap and rotate the witch turtles were on display I mean we have like all the wrestling, you know the mash-up turtles with like the wrestling all the cartoon turtles
all the cartoon turtles, all the movie turtles, like arcade turtles. Yeah. Like we, we have, we have a pretty, pretty expansive turtle collection. But it just like, again, it just wasn't getting the love. And those figures are so epic that it's just, it's the same reason I liquidated my,
my neck of horror figures like i love those figures like they're beautiful like there's nothing not to love about those figures but again it just comes down to like what you're prioritizing your space and kinda you know again putting borders on your collection you know because again it's just like we have this wrestling room so it's like are we gonna just clutter it up with.
horror figures and turtle figures and all this other extra stuff. You do have to put those boundaries on your collection, but yeah, for all the people out there that are specific horror collectors or turtle collectors, I'm jealous, but it does feel good to make space for other things. I do want to put a plug out again for the Chick Foley Patreon. You get access to our Facebook group and all the Foley fan members, the premium Foley fan members are going to get a first crack
at buying these, uh, these NECA turtles. Cause we got some pretty

Condition and Price of LJN Figures

majors. We actually have a set of the turtle figures that are signed by Kevin Eastman, the creator of the Ninja Turtles. So some, some unique pieces is going to be going up over the next couple of weeks. Um, sad to see him go again, love the line, but yeah, it's just, uh, it's time to just go even deeper. Like that's the thing about the turtles. They're like, they're, they're digging deep into the turtle verse and like keeping on cranking out these things. So it's just only going to get more and more and more, you know?
Yeah, we're gonna get deeper into the wrestling line. It's going to move into some WCW, Google Lube, maybe some original San Francisco toy makers still got an eye on LJN. But you know, we talked about it before it's it's it's two folds on that one is the actual condition of most of the LJNs that you can find nowadays. And then to the price man, it's just it's hard to justify dropping that for the LJN figures. I have my awesome
wrestling figure retrospective book on the LJNs. And I think that may, that may suffice for, you know, for the LJN representation. Are you open, are you open to painted LJNs? I was talking about that before. Yeah, I got no problem with that. I got no, as long as I figure like the physical condition, like the physical integrity of the figure is good. I'm totally cool with getting that and sending it to somebody like the Reaper or somebody else that can paint these things up. You know, I, I got no problem with a restoration job on the LJN.
You know, maybe that, that may, uh, you know, kind of challenge my collector's integrity, but I'm all about the display anyways. I'm not, I'd never buy these things as some sort of investment or, you know, financial, uh, you know, financial play. I'm getting these just cause I'm having them in my hand and enjoy them. So yeah, I got, I got no problem whatsoever with a, uh, a repaint. I mean, you, if you, I mean, obviously if you want quality, there's only one person you go to, if you want quality, LJ. You got to hit the Z man.
Yeah, he had to hit Zora. The mystery man. He has all the quality ones.
couple, I got a couple of off, off of him and their, their primo. Um, I'm not sure how they're so pristine, but you don't want the answer to that. Yeah, I don't, I don't ask questions. I just, Hey, how is fast shipping? Perfect. I mean, yeah, if you want quality, if you're going to go down that, that rabbit hole, definitely. If there's something you definitely know you want for your collection and you're willing to pay for it and you want, yeah.

Custom Accessories and Anticipation for Releases

hit up Zorro, dude. He, he's the LJN whisperer. He will definitely, uh, it's at Zorro Mendez on Instagram. So yeah, definitely give him a follow if you are in the LJN game or if you just like enjoy LJN content. It was a light week for us on the purchases, um, especially on the figures. So I got a from, this is from at sabotage wrestling on Instagram. We've got a WrestleMania 10 custom on heart and we'll get some pictures up on that in the Facebook group and on IG.
Cool figure that we needed to have Because again, it doesn't look there's gonna be any elite style. Oh, it's coming anytime soon And then I just got a bunch of accessories from our good friend forbidden figurines We grabbed the Bullet Club championship belt that chase Owens was carrying for a while in New Japan we got that and the red strap in WA television championship beautiful belts and again, I
If you haven't picked up a belt from forbidden figurines, go and treat yourself because you definitely need that. And then again, from sabotage wrestling, the one person that we got the old heart from, we got some really, really cool accessories. So they're based in the Philippines, but they do really, really quality custom accessory work. So we got a few custom ring skirts. You know, we talked earlier about that the wicked cool toy style ring, like the new AW scale ring come with rep Aubrey.
We got a classic WrestleMania classic King of the Ring in your house, and Survivor Series ring apron so those are gonna look really great for all the photography that we do. Got some Jurassic Express t shirts to go with the variant.
Jurassic Express figures from ringside collectibles again. And then we got some hockey jerseys to go with the Hitman. We got a Calgary Hitman jersey and a really, really high quality Toronto Maple Leafs jersey to go with that custom WCW Bret Hart Goldberg steel plate moment that we made a few months back.
Yeah, that was really it. It's been a little light. I think it's kind of the calm before the storm. Once we're gonna have San Diego Comic Con coming up in a couple of months or actually should be next month. Yeah, so towards the end of next month, we'll have Comic Con with a ton of figure reveals and then we'll start seeing early releases for all the stuff that's going to be on the pegs for the holiday season. So I think we're in a little bit of a lull right now for figure, you know, figure collectors, but it's, you know, we need to kind of just
embrace it right now, kind of get those bank accounts looking healthy because the figures and stuff is going to start coming fast and furious once we get kind of into September timeframe.
Check out the Pyramid Wrestling Podcast. Each week, we dive deep into all things Wrestling Action Figures. From AEW Unrivaled, WWE Mattel Elite, our childhood WWF, WCW, ECW Collections and more, you can also find Pyramid Wrestling on YouTube. That's Pyramid Wrestling, available everywhere you listen to podcasts.
It's time for How Many Chicks. How Many Chicks is a segment where I, the heel husband, pick out one of our 1000 plus wrestling figures from our collection and present it to Sheena live on the air for an instant rating and review. How Many Chicks is brought to you by our friends at Omage. Omage specializes in bringing vintage inspired designs on the absolute softest tease in the biz because with Omage, comfort is always part of the game plan.
You can visit Amage's online shop at and find all their latest designs on social media at Amage. That's H-O-M-A-G-E. All right, we ready to do this? Let's go. All right, you guys know the drill by now. Sheena has the Undertaker's casket in front of her with a mystery figure inside. And we're going to get a live review and reactions. Without further ado, I'm going to hit the drum roll.

Elite Naomi Figure Review

But the wrong side, it was just the feet. Oh, I'm feeling feeling the glow here. We got elite Naomi with the full on like glow coat, glow belts, paint splattery, tie dye and glow gear. OK. Yeah, this is from Elite 78. This is the regular version, not the chase.
Very cool figure. Naomi was long overdue to get her first Elite. She had a few basics, but this is definitely her best figure. She's had several basics. Well, remember, there was something weird. This figure was supposed to come out at Walgreens or something. Naomi was slotted for an Elite back in, I want to say towards the end of 2016. 2016?
No, no, it was it was 2017. Yeah, because it was after she won the belt, you know, she won the belt in early 2017 and got it for the second time at WrestleMania. And that's when it was during early that summer she was rocking the globe belt. So she was tabbed for a an elite in the Walgreens, like women's wrestling line that ended up kind of going by the wayside. And luckily, you know, shout out to Big Shot Bill. He said he was going to find a way to get that figure released and
we ended up getting two elite Naomi's the original one that was slated for the Walgreens release was the chase in this elite series 78 so it was damn near three years later before we finally got the figure but we got it and we got the glow belt which was very iffy because if you guys remember back in 2017 when she debuted that belt the rumor was that she had some heat
with some of the folks backstage at WWE cuz she kinda just took it upon herself to put that together. Yeah, they documented it on Total Divas like the whole thing like, you know, where she kind of was deciding, you know, again, reality TV is all kind of a work. But yeah, they, they like were all like the camera was on her when she was like telling, you know, her husband like, Hey, I think I'm gonna do a custom built, you know,
And he was like, I don't think that's a good idea. I think that's legit heat because we've never seen that belt released at Access or anywhere else for sale. So yeah, I think that was legit, man, that they didn't, for whatever reason, the powers that be at WWE did not like the glow belt. Sheena just described the look of the figure to the listeners for those that aren't familiar with it.
So again, yeah, she's got this like, you know, electric green yellowish glow coat. Um, and then she's got on her standard tights with like, you know, all the, the lacing and, um, boots that are all like paint splattered up again. Um, yeah, she's got like green tips on her hair. Her hair's like an ombre, like starts out black and then goes down to like a dark gray. We're on episode 134 of the Chick-fil-A show. I think that's the first time that the word ombre has been used.
I know what you mean. You got to educate some of our listeners though. Most pro wrestling fans probably aren't familiar with that term. Tell them what ombre means. Ombre, well, you pull up the actual definition. Ombre just means- You just give it to us in your own, the chick's definition. Yeah. It's a color that works its way down the color scale from, I don't know, dark to light or light to dark, but it's basically like,
People do it with their hair. That's typically where I know the term ombre from is because a lot of women do that technique with their hair color because it allows you to grow your hair out without having to get it touched up as much. So yeah, ombre is just a color pattern, I guess is the best way to describe. It's like a fade, right? Yes. Again, it fades from dark to light. What is it if you go from light to dark?
Uh, from light to, yeah, it's a braille. Okay. Yeah. So yeah, she's got her ombre hair now for the first time for everything. And yeah, she's got the, uh, smackdown women's title with her. And the, the coat is like the, the molded jacket, which I feel like you would, I mean, I guess you could have done a fur coat with this, you know, a soft goods, but you definitely wouldn't have gotten the glow. Yeah.
Yeah, the belt and the coat do glow in the dark. Marco, do you get this figure in your collection? Of course. Did you get the chase as well or you got just the regular? Yeah, both. Both the chase and the regular version. Yeah, I really like Naomi again. I can't remember if we talked about this or if this was something we talked about off the show, but I just feel like she never really got a fair shake because, yeah, I guess it was last week because we talked about when Dewdrop beat her, yeah.
Yeah, we talked about how she was she's kind of just a victim of timing. You know, she very much so. She gets lumped in with the Bellas and the, you know, the divas, Kelly's of the world. Yeah, Marco, I got to ask you, man, because I actually don't own the chase. We just got the regular version. Which one do you prefer out of the chase and the regular? I mean, the chase is pretty cool because it's more I believe that's one that has more of the neon look to it. And it has the the ombre hair has pink in it.
I believe, if I'm... Yeah, it does. It's got pink highlights at the end. Yeah, so it goes from the dark, the black to about... It's not blue, it's kind of like a grayish color almost, and it fades into the green, and then the tips are... The green and then the pink, yeah. She's wearing the...
I forgot about the gear. I thought the gear was the same. For some reason, I thought there was just like slight differences in the face and everything. It's totally different gear. This is like, yeah, it's got field of glow. It's got writing on it. She's got the glow sneakers. Remember how Naomi wears the glow sneakers? She's got blue glow on them. Her hair actually matches her gear.
so it's like it's the green pink uh combination that she has as well so even though yeah the hair is different um from the regular version as well i gotta say man i'm on ebay right now you know she's she's probably gonna get mad at me i'm hitting watch on a couple listings at the time
I was all about the regular elite Naomi, and I never really thought about that, which is weird because this figure has actually been on display in the figure room for like three months. You guys know we keep kind of a rotating display going. We pick a cheese, we get switched out. This Naomi's been up on the shelf for a while, but I'm looking at it now. And man, I'm starting to think maybe the chase really was the superior figure, man. I just kind of like at the time when they dropped this, the regular one really stood out to me with the lab design on the past every day. But now that I'm looking at them, I really kind of dig in the clean look.
the chase man so I'm maybe making a figure purchase over the weekend if I can find a
a price point that I like for this Naomi figure. I like both. I don't know. It's really tough because the ring gear does look tough on this one. Like it, like, you know, the, um, like I said, all of the like glowy paint splatter. Yeah. It's really, really cool. Yeah. It's, it's, it's a, it's a definitely a neat figure. I love the paint apps on this, but yeah, I totally forgot about that being just like a totally different ring gear on there. I never realized that the hair was different too. I guess I just really didn't get, again, you know, I was bitching at everyone last week. We kind of just went off on a tangent.
I think I kind of led the way a little bit on like let's give Naomi some love and Yeah, I gotta I gotta do some soul searching over the weekend and see if maybe I need to go and pick up this chase Naomi because it is a Pretty dope figure Let's get down to it. Let's get into the rankings Marco. We'll start with you man. How many how many chicks do you give? This is we're gonna rate the main the mainline one the regular one How many chicks do you give the mainline elite 78 Naomi?
Oh, let's see. Man, I'm sure if it obviously, if it was the the chase, I'm going five on the chase. Wow. That's that's a high praise. That'd be the first ever perfect score. How many chicks? Then we'll go four point nine five for the. Wow. Yeah, for the figure. They for the chase version, I said. OK, OK, OK. Yeah, for this one. We'll go.
We'll go four with this one here, only because I have both versions and the chase is, to my opinion, better of the two. But we'll go four. I'm going to go four chicks.
Okay, I like it. I am. I'm going to go 3.8. So I think the coming into, I think I would have been a four, but I'm going to downgrade it because I do feel like the chase is the superior figure. The regular one, it does look cool. Like the black, like splatter and like the super bright attires cool.
It gets big points for being glow-in-the-dark. I'm not sure if we've had another glow-in-the-dark figure in the Mattel Elite line. And then the belt's super unique also, but it's still Naomi. As much as we love her, she's not a super important character, and that counts for stuff, too. You're a women's champion. I guess they didn't have women's tag team champions. You're right. She is a two-time women's champ, but what she's been doing in the last three or four years, man, she's kind of just...
She's just there. I hate to say it. What's Hulk Hogan been doing the last, you know, 20 years, dude. I mean, come on. Yeah. I mean, you can't rate figures on what they've done like in the, in recent history. You know what I mean? Like there's some people that are dead. They're not doing nothing, you know?
Well, no, no, no. Yeah. But they if Hogan had just been a, you know, if he had had to kind of nondescript title reigns and that was all they ever did, then yeah, I would say the same thing. But Hulk's a legend. So let's not get crazy and compare Hulk Hogan and Naomi. I'm not. I will give her bonus points for for having the unique title belt. That's a one off. That's the only time we've gotten that title belt was with this this elite line. And it's a really, really cool belt. I was surprised that we actually got that in figure form. But
Yeah, I'm going 3.8. That's my rating on this, Naomi. Yeah, I'm right in line with you. I'm going to go. I had 3.8 on the tip of my tongue, too. Again, like you, I like the unique belt. Again, first time in line, glow belt. I do like the glow coat. I really like this ring gear. I like the chase version as well, but they're just so different that I feel like I'm trying to rate them on their own. But yeah, I really like this ring gear. The thing that kind of drops points for me is the face scan isn't
Spot on you know what I mean like this is kind of before they were really starting to nail down the the women's face scan so I am Yeah, the face can takes it down down a peg for me I do wish she had she the bottoms of her shoes are painted or the bottoms of her boots are painted that yellow color and
I don't know if that's just the color of the molding that they used or if they actually intentionally painted that to make it look like glow sneakers, but I wish she did have a little bit of the glow sneakers on this versus the Chase. I think that's a really cool feature, which I don't even know if these boots actually glowed in this ring gear that she wore, but I do feel like that would be a cool feature.
Yeah, 3.8 for me. I love this

Rare AEW Darby Allin Figure Discovery

Naomi. I feel like this is the definitive Naomi. It's the one that you need for your collection because she's had, like I said earlier, she's had several basics. She's got a handful of basics. She had a battle pack with the Funkadactyls. As far as females go, obviously she's not a Lutz and Bliss who's had like 37 different figures, but aside from her, she's been fairly well represented as far as the figures go. Yeah, she's got the unity.
Yeah, team bad. The team bad, yeah. So yeah, 3.8 for me.
All right, so that puts her second all-time. So we've only done four how many chicks since we kind of rebaseline the rating scale. She's second all-time. She is the number one female figure ever now passing up. She crushes basic 21 Alicia Fox with that 3.9 average. So, but yeah, AEW Darby Allen is still the all-time champ. Speaking of which, I forgot to mention this and go figure. Did you guys see what Chalk Line Chad found this week? Yeah.
It's crazy, man. He found the Chase Darby, but he's in regular packaging with a regular skateboard. So look closely at your pegs when you're going out figure hunting. He went live in our Facebook group and was just hunting for the group and everything and went, and he's like, I think I'm going to pick up this Darby, not even realizing, because he didn't see the Chase packaging. He said afterwards, because I was talking with him afterwards, he realized what he found, but he didn't want to make a big deal out of it because he didn't want everybody
blowing him up because he if you see on the thing he calls out every other figure he's he He was actually pretty smooth about it. He called out every other figure that he saw the Darby He just grabbed it off the pegs and kind of took it I did notice that yeah, I did notice that yeah I talked to him afterwards. We were kind of talking through it He said he knew what he had and he was just kind of like
freaking out. He kept us cool, man. He kayfaded like a motherfucker because I would have been jumping up and down in the aisle and, you know, texting everybody I know that's in the figures, man. He kind of just, he saw it, he snatched it. And yeah, if you watch, he calls out every other figure he sees. He didn't say shit about that Darby. I didn't even realize. He said, I think I'm going to take this Darby just because I like Darby. Like I was just like, okay. Yeah, sure.
I hit up, I hit up, excuse me, Lumberjillville, Aaron Robert. He hit up me afterwards and he was like, dude, I think Chad just found a Chase Darby. And I didn't realize, and I was sitting there watching it live. I'm talking like, I'm literally sitting in my wrestling figure room. Like I saw that I got the notification and I was like, I'll see what Chad finds. And I saw it and it didn't even register to me.
look closely man I know when I'm hunting when I see AW figures I literally just look for the chase sticker and if it's not there I'm like all right screw it it is very easy to miss man that chase figure like it is a lot different from from the regular version but if you just add a glance it's not super apparent like you could easily mix it up because I definitely did and like I said I was watching the live but yeah Chad found it as far as I know that's the only one that's out there I think Sheena tagged Jeremy Padour on
The IG post we made about the fine haven't seen him weigh in on it yet But but yeah check though look at those Darby's closely when you're hitting the peg Did you say that it came with the regular skateboard? Yeah, yeah, there was I mean it for all intents and purposes This was the regular chase there. This was the regular Darby, but they just had the chase figure swapped in there. So

Wrestling Shirts and Nostalgic Apparel

Yeah, it was freaking crazy. Yeah, we're just gonna call that a package variant There you go. It's a one-of-one man. Yeah
Hey everyone, it's Nick, better known as Extra Cooler. Is there anything better than diving back into the wrestling archives and watching classic matches from the past?
Yes, there is. It's doing that with your buddies while cracking jokes and enjoying some ice cold beverages. If that sounds like fun to you, then be sure to check out my new podcast, The Extra Cooler Show, where each episode, my Survivor Series team and I review an old school match chosen by you, the listeners. The Extra Cooler Show is available wherever you get your podcasts. Be sure to subscribe and follow us for new episodes every other Thursday morning.
Retro Wrestling Recommendation of the Week is where myself, the heel husband, Chick Foley, and Marco the MVP give you guys a recommendation from a match or event from years gone by to get you through the weekend. This segment is brought to you by our good friends at Chalk Line. Chalk Line specializes in bringing you the absolute best in retro inspired fan wear. They can be found on Instagram at Chalk Line Official or at
Sheena, you want to get us started? Oh yeah. So we cannot start the retro pick without checking in with our chalk line short wearing heel husband over here. So he's going to let us know which of his 60 pair of chalk line shorts he is rocking for tonight's episode. So heel husband, what you wearing over there?
So we're actually sitting at 60 plus right now because we got a couple of new ones in and haven't thrown anything up for sale yet. We did pick up the USA Ultimate Warrior shorts, which were very, very cool. Those sold out quick, man. Yeah. Real quick, I'm going to interject real quick. The shorts during the winter time and during the colder months and stuff, sometimes they'll
They'll sell out if they're really awesome, but a lot of times they'll set. It is like getting to be summer time. This is peak short season. So these things are going to go a lot quicker. So if you're a shorts collector, if you're trying to get your favorite pair of shorts, you got to be on there, be quick, use PayPal, use code PF10 and all that kind of good stuff. But yeah, don't sleep on these things because they will sell out quick this summer.
Yeah, we picked up the USA Warrior shorts, and then we got the classic Smackdown logo shorts as well. So, you know, Chalk Line is just killing the game right now. They revealed the In Your House shorts that are coming out soon. Oh, they look so good. Yeah, those might be my favorite ever. They just, you know, I don't know, Chef's Kiss, man. Chalk Line is killing the game. Yeah, I don't know if anybody's getting the, they just did Beavis and Butt-Head too. I don't know if we're adding those to the collection, but yeah, they do look really cool for all the Beavis and Butt-Head fans out there. Like, Chalk Line just does it all.
Yeah, and and I kept it with the cartoon theme for tonight. I'm rocking the real monster shorts. These were beautiful Purple and orange. Yeah, I just love them. I think these might actually still be in stock right now I know a lot of the Nickelodeon drop is still available. So hit them up. They had Rocco's Modern Life some Reptar shorts for all of
the Rugrats fans out there. Really, really, really cool shorts. So yeah, hit them up. They're the best thing to rock all summer long. Real quick, I'm gonna look and see if the real monsters are in stock. Marco, were you a fan of real monsters back in the day? Of course. They're actually on that documentary that we watched. Oh, I still haven't watched that. Yeah, I need to do that. Like the orange shears, right? And that's what it's called?
Yeah, so yeah, that and if you have a Paramount Plus streaming service, they literally uploaded like every single old Nickelodeon or yeah, any of everything. The Nicktoons. Yeah, these were some of the later Nicktoons. I feel like they get slept on just because
Um, kids were starting to get into like the Disney channel and other stuff, but there was some really great shit. All real monsters was incredible. Rocco's modern life was kind of like bridging the gap between the original Nicktoons and the newer ones. Um, you had the angry beavers, which is good. The wild thorn berries. So Nicktoons was just great. I mean, all the monsters was later, but it was like 1994. It wasn't like super late. I thought it was, uh, I thought
I didn't realize it was 94. I thought it was a little bit later than that, man. Yeah, let me look it up. Yeah, 94 to 97 is when... Wow. Yeah. For whatever reason, I put Our Real Monsters in like, yeah, 96, 97 timeframe, but... Yeah, Ickes Oblena. Such a great show. They were the early years.
Yeah, I remember my little brother, Tad, had a really cool toy of the dude that holds his eyeballs in his hands. It had real armpit hair and stuff, man. I always thought that was such a neat figure. But yeah, that's a short summer. Yeah, they were actually before Hey Arnold. Hey Arnold didn't come out till 96. Wow, that's crazy. Yeah, because I feel like Hey Arnold's in the all-time pantheon for like 18. Such a classic. Sheena, we'll kick it over to you. Get us started with the retro picture this week.

Retro Wrestling Recommendations

as a reminder, guys, as Seth talked about earlier in the show, we are going to be joining the extracurricular show this week, recording, talking about Money in the Bank 2014. So I do encourage you to watch that so you can listen and get all of our takes on that.
My actual retro wrestling pick is going to be, since we've all done a lot of hell in the cell talking this episode, uh, you got to go back to the OG always. I don't know if this has been a retro pick before, but it's never going to get old, no matter how many times you watch it. So Sean Michaels versus undertaker bad blood, 97 first ever hell in a cell match, probably the best cell match of all time. And, uh, you know, tons of blood, crazy storytelling. And it was the debut of.
So, you know, it's gotta be, it's gotta be. Yeah. So definitely check that out. It'll, uh, it'll, it'll get the blood pumping, you know, it'll get the bad blood pumping. Yeah. It's in my, uh, you know, my magnificent seven of best wrestling matches ever. Um, can't go wrong with that one. I think it's still the best cell match ever. Marco, what's your pick?
Uh, so a little bit later and the, uh, the hell in a cell, uh, time. So I went with bad blood as well. 2003. Uh, but this is a Kevin Nash versus the Triple H for the world heavyweight championship with special guest referee, Nick Foley. Um, were you guys watching at this time? I have never seen, I was, so I was still keeping tabs on what was going on at this time, but I have never seen this match, man. I remember I saw the build for it on Ron stuff, but this was back for all the, uh,
You know, all the youngsters, we weren't yet spoiled with, you know, pay-per-views for five bucks a month. You're having to shell out some serious dough. And yeah, I did not watch. I've never seen this match because I didn't get the pay-per-view live. I was watching all the Raw I was leading up to and following it, but no, I've missed this one. So yeah, I'm probably going to go back and watch this weekend off your recommendation, Marco. So it better be good.
Yeah, no, it's definitely yes. If you if you go on like any of the online things and search like the best Hell in a Cell matches, this is always on on the list. Mainly because obviously you have Mick Foley in their hardcore legend, he's at the at the time they built him as the only one crazy enough to to referee this match in Hell in a Cell. So, you know, it's a really good match. Everything's used chairs, the barbed wire bets,
sledgehammers, the cage itself, anything you can think of is using it. Obviously, it's a Triple H match, so it's 20 plus minutes. That's a running theme on the show. We haven't actually brought that back, but yeah, any Triple H match you watch, definitely you have to set out at least 20 minutes. You need to pop some popcorn.
Yeah, it is the main event. I think it is the longest match on there. There's the second one. Second longest is Rick Flair against Triple H. Shawn Michaels. That's also on the card as well. It's about almost 15 minutes. So and then it's a part of a actually it's like a four four match main event. So you have first Goldberg and Chris Jericho as the first of the main events and you have Rick Flair and Shawn Michaels. Stone Cold Steve Austin.
taking on Eric Bush off of the redneck triathlon. If you haven't seen that, it's pretty entertaining as well. Then it rounds off with the main event, which Triple H and Kevin Nash. Yeah, definitely watch. Yeah. The roster between
like 2001 when WCW sold and up until around like WrestleMania 20 time in 2004 was just so loaded with main event level star power. It was ridiculous, man. The shows didn't actually always deliver quality wise, but just if you just go back during that three year time period and look on paper at some of these shows, you're like, oh my God, this looks like some shit out of WWE 2K universe mode. Oh, yeah.
It's ridiculous, man. Like you said, Steve Austin versus Eric Bischoff, Shawn Michaels versus Rick Flair, Triple H versus Kevin Nash, all in the same show. It's crazy, man.
Yeah, you also had Kane and Rob Van Dam as a tag team. Yeah, ridiculous. So that's like a kind of like a cheat code. That's like the perfect like the personification of, you know, power and speed. Yeah. That's like the indie darling of the wrestling industry, plus like the number one monster in wrestling. Like, yeah, like the the early 2000s were just a wild time for wrestling.
And if you want to see a five-star match, you have Scott Steiner versus Test. So that's a... So as the host, I'm going to invoke my host powers right now. I've rarely ever done this. I'm going to change Marco's retro pick from this one match to just the whole show. I think we all need to go back and watch it.
Bad Blood 2003 over the weekend and we'll report back next week and you know talk about our findings man because yeah it's just it's just a ridiculous show like so many matches that just with no context you're just like how the hell did this even come to be again and not to mention you have a redneck triathlon. I'm keeping it traditional unlike Sheena and Marco I've had my fill of Hell in the Cell matches for for the next year. I'm going back to 1996
This week was the 25th anniversary of the legendary Austin 316 promo at the King of the Ring from that year. But I'm not going with anything Austin related. I'm going to swerve a little bit and go with the actual main event, which was Shawn Michaels defending his world championship against the British Bulldog and just a banger of a match. These guys had an awesome match the month before at In Your House, but were a dog that ended in a tie. There was a classic finish that was used a lot in 90s wrestling where
it'd be a German suplex and you know both men shoulders would be on the mat so the ref would count three and you'd get a tie and that's what happened at uh in your house but we're a dog so the next month we had to have the tiebreaker and this was actually I'd have to go back and double check but I'm pretty sure this was the British Bulldogs last ever solo main event match um
had turned heel at the end of 95 and had a series of a world championship matches that obviously came up short and he fought diesel at in your house in October of 95, fought Brett in December of 95 at seasons beatings, which is a hell of a match. And then he had a couple, he had a feud with Sean Michaels shortly after Sean Michaels became world champ. So go back, watch king of the ring 96. I believe

Favorite Ultimate Edition Figures

the Austin three 16 promo is right before this match. So, you know, you can watch the end of Austin and Jake
and then roll right into the main event. And I promise you guys will be entertained. Sheena, do we got some listener mail for this week? We certainly do. Let's get to it.
All right, our first question comes in from Rob Regina. He says, hey guys, what are your top three favorite Ultimate Edition figs so far? Seth, I'll kick it off with you. All right, so we're saying favorite, not best, right? Because that's two different? What's your top three favorite? Yeah, so personal favorite doesn't have to be necessarily like the best. All right, so one is Brett.
I know this is really sacrilegious to say as a Bret Hart disciple, but two is probably Shawn Michaels. I've always liked Shawn Michaels fans. Yeah, it's a great figure. It's from the screw job, really cool looking attire. And as much as I hated Shawn as a person back then, you can't deny how captivating he was as a wrestling superstar. So he'll be number two. Number three, there's so many good ones, man. It's tough to pick.
I know this is a boring answer. I really want to say Brock, man. I love that Brock Ultimate Edition figure. That's not a bad answer. That was one of the, that was like one of the, him and Sean were like the sold out set. Remember they were like the set that, you know, was like so hard to find there for a while. Yeah. I think the pandemic kind of messed them up and they were, I had some weird distribution. Yeah. I just, I really, really love that figure, man. I think it's, it's just perfect for Brock. You know, you,
Brock's one that even though he doesn't got the most like spectacular in ring style, like the extra articulation really helps for, you know, just getting some really cool poses with the F5 and the German suplexes. So yeah, I'm going to say Brock, Brett and HBK. All right, Marco, I think you're probably going to take a couple of mine too, but I'll let you go next. I know you can go. I'm so thinking.
Okay, I'm going to say warrior. I think warrior is awesome. I love the battle worn paint additional head sculpt. I just think that's like such a cool added feature. I love my only problem with that head sculpt was I just wish they would have had the hair different as well. I get there's always budget limitations, but I feel like you need to have the hair like laying flat, you know, for yeah to really sell it because it kind of I don't know. That always bugged me when they've done. That's been the thing that's missing for me when they do like the battle worn paint.
Yeah, I agree. Same thing with the Ric Flair that we talked about. They really had the opportunity to really go the extra mile and didn't. But on that note, I'm going to say Stone Cold Steve Austin. I love, love, love that figure. And I love the fact that it comes with the double-sided t-shirt. That's really the first time that we've gotten that Soft Goods double-sided t-shirt. So we got the skull in the back and the Austin 316. So yeah, it's
a killer a killer fig action figure attack is on record as saying that when it makes sense to do the t-shirts with that in the future they're gonna keep that going even in the elite line that's not gonna be exclusive to the ultimate editions the the non velcro t-shirts yeah i love that i hope more more of that please um
And I will go with, again, it's so hard. There's no wrong answers here. But since you went ahead and picked Brett, I am going to go with Shinsuke. I just think that Shinsuke figure is just absolutely spot on. Beautiful. I love Shinsuke. Miniatures Shinsuke, man. Yeah, it's literally, yeah, it is a miniature version of Shinsuke. It looks exactly like him. So those are those are my three Ultimate Editions. What about you, Marco?
Dang, you did take two of them. It's fine. I mean, again, there's no wrong answer. Yeah. So definitely the Shinsuke, I was going to say. Definitely the Ultimate Warrior, especially the jacket that he has. Oh, yeah. The soft goods is awesome. But my third, I'm going to go with the Fiend because we spoke about it earlier.
Yeah, that's not to use the term again, but it's literally the ultimate theme figure. You can go with the the entrance jacket version as well as the in-ring persona. You had the the Universal Championship or his custom one in there as well.
And if you grab the, uh, the lantern from, I think it was elite 77 and throw it with them as well, it makes it perfect. It's literally the perfect, uh, feed figure. So, um, I was going to go with Hogan, but I think that was, that was done to death already. Yeah.
Yeah. And I think the feed is that figure is, like I said, it's, that's like the end all be all right now for, for the feed figure, unless they come up with a, a newer version. All the ultimate additions are great. So again, it's just like you, you could, you could make a case for any of them being your favorite. So good question, Rob. Alex Eubank says thoughts on independently created cough, cough or cough bootleg cough teas. What would you like to see events?
moments, specific characters, what type of shirt quality blend, asking for a friend in parentheses, bastion bootleggers. Yeah, so we want Adam. I think those that are in the Foley fam know that Alex has got some stuff going on.
I think one thing you can really do is, and I know nothing about the textile or clothing industry, but if there's a way to kind of get a t-shirt that feels similar to the way shirts were made in the early to mid 90s, I think that's something to really add to it. A lot of the wrestling t-shirts, whether it's pro wrestling tees,
who's been a great partner for us or WWE shop they use that I think a lot of them you're using like the gilden tees, which are like heavyweight so I mean the good you know that they're not the best for comfort they don't feel the best they will stand the test of time with a bunch of washes you know what I mean you can rock those things to show after show.
and they're going to hold up the durability is there but I think finding a way to get that little bit like it's, I don't even know how to describe it it's like it's almost like a lighter feel but it's also kind of like thicker and like, I want to say it's just kind of like a little bit fuzzier like yeah I think that's what you need for the shirts it doesn't need to be super like
soft feel like a, like a, yeah, I'm the, I'm an homage. Like that's what I want my shirts to feel. But that's not what shirts felt like in the early nineties. I want it to feel like he didn't say he wanted his shirts to feel like early nineties. He just said, no, but he's dropping. I mean, Alex is going to be dropping shirts from like the new generation. And I still remember going to a WWE or it was WWF at the time superstars taping in 1995 in Corpus Christi, Texas, and getting the Bret Hart shirt. I can still remember what that shirt felt like.
Um, and if there's a way to kind of recreate just the feel of the shirt, I think that would be awesome. Cause the graphics, I mean, all the, all the graphics, you know, you can find those from the mid nineties. I think the key part is going to be getting the actual feel of the t-shirt. Um, the t-shirt, the material is the most important element. I mean, clearly, yeah, you can put whatever graphic you want on there and a good graphic is going to sell, especially if it's like, I mean, a bootleg graphic, that's, you know, some, it's a repro of a, uh, of an old t-shirt. I mean,

Mount Rushmore of Tag Teams Discussion

cool and all, but yeah, the shirt's got to feel good because just crunchy t-shirts hard. They don't stretch very well. That's not my bag. I don't like that at all. Yeah, so I thought the WWE t-shirts back then were kind of...
They're, they're almost, they're almost gilded like, but a little bit lighter. Yeah. Yeah. They weren't, I mean, it was like, it was thick, but it was still soft. Now it's like, it's just like a, I mean, it feels like some of the shirts feel like cardboard.
Think about what that retro Brett harsher that you have feels like Shane, you know, that's what they need to feel like. Another thing I would say on the design front, like I'm a big fan of the event shirts, you know what I mean? Like where you got the big like the poster graphic on the front and then the actual card like printed on the back. I'm a sucker for those. That's that's that's 2800 studios. Yeah.
But they do have limited though, so they'll put it up for a week and then they're gone forever. You can't go on the website and find a back catalog or any more inventory. I think that's the way to do it. I think they're creating those limited drops. That's where it's at. I think that's the most important thing.
Actually, I'm thinking of it. I actually got one of the shirts that I ordered from them. It was the King of the Ring with Undertaker and Mankind. They did a reprint of that. That's King of the Ring 96 that we were just talking about earlier. They did a King of the Ring 96 with the poster on the front and the whole match card on the back of it. It's pretty sick.
Yeah. So for the premium Volleyfam, keep an eye on what Alex has going on in the group. He's going to market it there first and let's make sure we support him because he's got some cool stuff coming out. All right. Matt Carlos has a very interesting question and I'm really curious as to how you guys are going to respond. It says, who of the three hosts can drop the best John Cena freestyle or John Cena style freestyle rap on things that happened on this week's wrestling shows? Examples.
Who can do that? Yeah. Are you going to do some freestyling here, Marco? I'm going to bow gracefully. Yeah.
Yeah, me too. Come on, nobody's gonna step up to the challenge. I mean, Sheena, you're the names of the show. Yeah, you're the star of the show, Sheena. You're gonna pay the big bucks. Let's hear it. Yeah. Are you kidding me? I'm the worst when I'm put on the spot. I like going to panic mode. I can feel my heart beating out of my freaking chest right now. Just try it. Maybe we'll get Sheena drunk and we'll get Sheena freestyle. Hold on. Next week, Matt. Here, let me take a drink. I'm gonna come up with something real quick on the fly. Oh, God. Yes, I can't wait. It'll be fantastic. I can't listen. Me, me, me, me.
Okay. Okay. I'm going to go Monday night raw. Okay. I'm going to do a rap about Monday night raw. I can't believe it. Give me a little beat. Yeah. Let's see. Oh my God. Okay. My Mondays are vacant because raw is a flop. Don't believe me. That's fine. Just Google do drop.
Uh, no, nobody's going to give me any props for that sick bar. I just dropped. I thought you were going a lot longer, but no. Oh, you, you, do you know how much effort it took to get that one line out? I don't even, uh,
I don't perform well on the spot, on the fly. It takes preparation. You know what I mean? I appreciate it. I don't like, I think Matt Carlos, yeah, I think Matt Carlos liked my rhyme. I mean, I appreciate it. I thought it was- I'm coming correct next week. I'm gonna be practicing, I'm gonna be practicing my raps all weekend. You know what, it was, I mean, for on the spot, I'll give it a...
I'll give it a B. I gotta, I gotta do, I gotta do drop reference in there. Yeah. So I'm going to give myself props. You know what everyone will do this.
When you guys listen to the show, let us know what you think in the comments. No, don't let us know what you think in the comments. Don't leave any comments. We should move on. All right, we will move on from that. This is a better question that I think we can all answer. It's from Zach Hertzler. He said, who would be on your Mount Rushmore of tag teams?
That's a good one man, so obviously I'm going heart foundation. Yeah, that's number one. Yeah I'm one usos for the modern-day representation. Okay. All right. That's to get a legion to doom I'm not the world's biggest Legion to doom fan, but those guys were as over as over gets man like it. Yeah
I have those same three. I'm wondering if you're going to pick the fourth one. I won the Bucks, man. The Young Bucks changed the game. Okay, that's not a bad kick. There's been nobody more influential than the Young Bucks. So yeah, I've won Bucks, Usos, Legion of Doom, and the Heart Foundation. Okay, so I have Heart Foundation, Usos, Road Warriors, and I had Hardy Boys. Okay. Yeah, that's handproof. Wow. Yeah. What do you mean, hell?
And I said, wow, you're dismissing the, uh, so I would, I would want deadlies because they're probably the most decorated out of all of them. Yeah. You can't say anything bad about the deadly. There's so many amazing tag teams. Like, yeah, do you get, there's, uh, all kinds of combinations you could have a four that still works. So let's hear yours Marco. So we got the deadly is on there. I'm not even at the center brothers at all. They're definitely on the Mount Rushmore. Uh,
Definitely the Heart Foundation. I know it's all old teams, so I'll pick a new one. As much as I don't want to put them on the Mount Rushmore, I'll go with the Bucks, because right now, as far as the newer tag teams or the modern tag teams, they're probably the best in the world. Nobody picked the new day, huh?
It's more of a faction than a straight up attack. Yeah, okay. That's like the demolition. You can throw the free birds in too. Yeah, demolition and also the free birds the shield. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like, yeah, I kind of, yeah, not to downgrade anybody. We put on the Mount Rushmore, but I kind of put the new day above just being a regular tag team. I don't even think of them as a tag team, even though they are the, you know, I think they got the most title reigns ever at this point.
You could have, you can't even, you get all that Harlem heat on there cause they're the tag team of the nineties. So yeah, Harlem gets another great, I mean, there's the, the Bulldogs, dude, the British. You can go all the way back and like rock a real express. You know what I mean? We could do a, uh, you know, maybe, maybe we'll set up, maybe we'll do like top 25 tag teams of all time. And, uh, for our Patreon exclusive episode, we can get the Foley fam involved doing some voting. Let's do it. Oh yeah. We got edging Christian, edging Christian.
You know what I'm saying? The rockers? I mean, dude, the rockers were incredible, man. The rockers. They were revolutionary. The wild, wild Samoans. The gold, the gold. Natural disasters. The New Age outlaws. We got the golden role models, Bailey and Sasha Banks. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What were they called before that, the Boston hug connection? Yeah. Yeah. I like the golden role models better. Yeah, you got the rock and sock connection. Yeah. I mean, the. Yeah.
The tags, yeah, there's... Hollywood blondes. You forgot about the... Hollywood blondes, another great pick, man. I'm gonna start... The Outsiders, Hollanesh. Dude, you forgot about the tag team I mentioned, Rob Van Dam and Kane. Yeah. That's like a natural disaster, too. Yeah. Yeah, real quick and typhoon. So yeah, I'll start

Closing Tribute to Stone Cold Steve Austin

cooking up a format and yeah, we're gonna get an episode on best tag teams ever. All right, and that wraps up our listener mail for this week.
All right. Sheena remind everyone where they can find you guys on social media. You can find me on Instagram at chick Foley Marco running the Twitter machine over at chick Foley show. And most importantly, you can join our Foley fam at chick Foley Make sure to follow us and all of our pod foundation brethren that you heard from earlier in the show over at pod foundation on Instagram. All right, Marco, you are the reigning defending undisputed chick Foley show prediction champion. Leave us with our closing words for this week.
Uh, I feel like I feel you should be something like epic. So we'll go with, uh, we didn't, we didn't talk about does it. See, uh, it's been, I think it's 25 years. They're celebrating stone cold Steve Austin, right? Um, the WWE, we didn't actually mention that. So happy anniversary to, uh,
to someone called Steve Austin. They get a bunch of shirts that you can order on right now. There's actually a pretty sick King of the Ring one with the smoking skull with the King of the Ring logo in the middle of it, so definitely go pick that up. So I guess we'll leave it off with a quote from that famous King of the Ring.
You talk about your songs, you talk about your bibles. I forget how it goes. I'm sorry. You talk about your songs, you talk about John 3 16. Austin 3 16 says I just whipped your ass.