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Arc 2- Episode 10 - Fetch Quest image

Arc 2- Episode 10 - Fetch Quest

S2 E99 · Mystery Dungeon: a Path Through Time
70 Plays5 months ago

The crew does a fetch quest for Mr and Mrs Pepperoni. Also Salena gets Angwy, Oh no...

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Dakota as the PM, DM, GM

Evelyn as Hikaru Hatsumi the Pikachu

Eli as Bruce Flameback the Cyndaquil

Shawn as Sammy Pepperoni the Munchlax

Jake as Walter the Riolu


Pokémon Excitement and Evolution Challenges

I just finally hatched a Larvesta. It's the hardest thing to hatch out of an egg, because it's five stars out of every egg.
Well done, son. Well done. And I got a charcadet, but it's going to take a while to evolve that. Congratulations. Congratulations.
yeah you don't go' say only ever a go book one go now just to finding pokemon from the show a name and the exact same name Sorry, just the awkward silence. like yeah good job man
Hello everyone and welcome to a

Peanut Butter and Refrigeration Debates

power time. I am Dakota, your PM, your DM, your GM, and sitting to my left is somebody who prefers peanut butter and powdered more rather than its wet form. It's me, Evelyn. It's my- It's wet form? What? It's powder form! You've never seen powdered peanut butter? I guess I was dehydrated with peanut butter? No! I've never seen it. You guys have never seen powdered peanut butter? Is it like an astronaut food or something? You can't get- I know what powdered is, but he called it wet, and I don't like that. Well, it's supposed to dry powdered for.
I'm like, peanut butter is not a liquid. I thought peanut butter is just peanut butter. It just comes in the jar. How else do you compare it to the... In its regular form. Or regular peanut butter. It's standard. I guess it's not a solid either. Or you could go in its moist form. okay so this Okay anyway I'm up and Sitting to my left is someone who's sweltering in a hundred degree weather by which I mean a hundred degrees Celsius. Oh, yeah Don't don't worry about me. My blood's just boiling right now I'll see if I make it through the episode. I'm e Eli, and sitting across from me is someone who actually liked the idea of ah peanut butter and jelly in the same jar. Well, wait, wait, wait, can you repeat that?
and sitting across from me is someone who actually liked the idea of peanut butter and jelly coming in the same jar okay okay so i'm sorry i had to comment on that because i i thought you just meant like he doesn't and like he believes that this is a thing and i was like wait a minute peanut butter and jelly does come in a jar sometimes you buy it in a special version anyway it's not me I'm not Sean so it's also not me because no they they should not be in the same jar peanut butter does not need to go in the fridge whoever came up with that was a maniac hi I'm Sean I play Sammy Sammy the munchlacks uh on this podcast hello and to my else I also want to point out so I'm sorry I have to point out jelly doesn't have to go in the fridge either it doesn't but you should
I think most people do, but it's not necessary. Kind of like how people usually put butter in the fridge. yeah You really don't have to. Yeah, you do, it's gonna melt. That's from what I don't understand,

Introductions and Humorous Refrigeration Debate

because like- Hello, my bottle says refrigerate after opening. Right here, refrigerate after opening. Okay, okay, okay. But wait, butter has, doesn't, it's, most people put it in the fridge, we don't have to. You know those little dishes that like, they're literally in butter bowls? Oh yeah, butter doesn't need to go in the fridge now. You don't have to put butter in the fridge, you don't have to put jelly in the fridge. So much more to the here. Yes you do! Butter, why would the fridge just go into the wealth?
It's supposed to, it's supposed to be nice and soft and spreadable. Would you rather have a block that you have to put on your toast and wait 10 minutes for it to melt? Yes. Where is the convenience in that? Taste. Taste doesn't change anything. My bottle of jam says refrigerate after opening. great we're talking about jelly not jam here um my grandma's place and she left them out but at my place we put it in and for anna and in my experience the one the one at my house always tasted better I think what this is the most disjointed intro we've had yet but ja yes because it's maniac is trying to defend that apparently
ah I was just going to say, apparently food is just a sore topic between us. Because peanut butter can't be wet. Butter has to go in the fridge, apparently. And jam is better than jelly. No, it does not need to go. Yes. No. Yes. Jelly is better. No. OK, jam is made out of the actual fruit, whereas jelly is just the goo that comes out of it. Yeah, and I don't like solid things in my jelly.

Performance Planning and Errands

I like it. It's nice and smooth. Jelly is better. Exactly. It's basically just natural jello. That's all it is. It's just natural away of jelly. wait, wait. Jelly. Do you use the squirt bottle kind of jelly or the one we get to just spoon out? No, what kind of sadistic person are you? Yeah. bible is that on a square bottle Yeah, I get the bottle. Yes.
No that' you kiss that no you mean get that because it's I don't want to because if you stick a knife in a bar in a in a jar of gel a jam It just falls off. that It's not it's not gonna It doesn't stay on there. You know oh Use a spoon or get better. jump I am not no hang on. I am NOT spreading Jelly on my sandwiches with a spoon I Why not? What am I, so am I a crazy person?
What's so wrong about using a slightly curved item? No Eli, because I haven't introduced Jake yet. No, we have business to finish. I haven't introduced Jake yet, so we can't actually start. no that's why you have to finish the intro explain to me why no explain to me why you can't spread jelly with a spoon because it's a spoon okay and that's not a spreading utensil it's not a knife or a spreader it's a spoon
I wonder how long this would go on for. Jake, you stay quiet. It's not your turn yet. Look, spoons are perfectly capable of spreading stuff. That too. But it's also perfectly capable of spreading jelly. There is nothing wrong with using a spoon. Okay, I think this has gone long enough. It has, but I'm still angry about it. Say your thing, Sean, quick. Let's just go on. I muted Dakota, set your line.
See how long it takes him. And to my left is somebody who's starting the intro over, but doing it his way. Would you unmute me, for God's sake? Can you guys hear me? I can hear you. You're not muted. Oh my god. We never muted you. Oh no. Jake, just do your thing. on
I don't know what's happening here. Jake, answer the question. Is it possible to spread jelly with a spoon? Is it possible to spread jelly with a spoon? Yes or no? It's incredibly hard to do and I hate doing it. No, it's not. That's why I never did it anymore. yeah
Anyway, so last time on a path through time, um we all went shopping roll a d for 90% of the episode. No, you're ruining tradition. Roll the d4. That was the that was the recap. I don't know what you're talking about. That's all we did. I don't know what you're doing. That doesn't count. You need to get moving here, Dakota. All right. Three. What did you guys roll? Nothing. I'm not doing it because we already did the we already did the. Yeah. Great. I

Negotiation and Resolution Over Guitar and Orb

definitely want my union right from this ah from this role union.
where if you united union united u dakota what say Well, I guess I've been defeated. Let's move on with the episode.
Yay. i've gotten What? Pull up your random move generator so we can. Oh, right. Oh, sorry. I'm not so angry. I forgot about that. Yeah, I got it. I can't believe we got upset about that. Why did we have to do that? OK.
Apparently food is just a sore topic. Well, no, it's like you guys want you pent up trauma That's happened. You guys wanted to continue the episode. So I did the I did the previously and he's like, no, that's not acceptable Okay, yeah, let's uh get a random move in here like to jilly save your life or something I Uh, but I spread jelly with a spoon and now I feel like I'm the only person on earth who does it. I've never seen this someone get so mad about how you spread out jelly. that's that's such a know that's ah That's such a bachelor thing to do. You're just living on your own. I'm just not gonna dirty a knife. I'm just gonna use this spoon. Anyway, let's bubble beam on in, guys. All right, bubble beam on in.
As you guys walk out of the general shop. um What? you know where No, you got no one will will wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, what wait, wait, wait, wait. No, I'm sorry. It's been like three weeks since we recorded. You guys already did that. So as you guys are in Sammy's Pepperoni but Pizzeria, at that place, you guys are currently split. Are you guys splitting the team or are you all staying in the store for now? because last time I believe it was Walter and Hikaru wanted to stay and entertain the crowd at the pizzeria and the other two were gonna go get the ingredients from the general shop after wolfing down 1500 poke's worth of mozzarella sticks exactly I think we should all
I think we all go grab the ingredients, whatever we need from this shop and come back and then. Does it need to be the same score? Or can we not have a grocery store? um Okay, so I'm pretty sure Mr. Pepperoni is one of the two. Mr. Pepperoni, i dont I don't remember which one it was. One of them said specifically said they had an order waiting for them at the general shop. Dang. OK. And I also have to clarify, because it seems like Walter Jake had the rolling idea. At the end of last episode, you still do not have your guitar, so you cannot perform with it just yet. No. You will have to talk to Selena about giving it back to the EP performance. Then let's just have Selena play. Hold on. I want to go ask Mr. Pepperoni if he has any instruments that he just has laying around. Just some random stuff.
uh sure okay yeah so uh okay so you're asking this mr pepperoni yes okay so mr pepperoni is just like oh as

Shopping and Past Encounters

far as instruments go i've got oh oh i've got some cooking instruments i got a washboard in the back if you need that i don't know why we have washboard that's for clothes washing i just realized uh so you tell me you don't have any entertainment here ever I mean, no, entertainment's not really the name of our game here. Yeesh. Also, people who do live music bring their own instruments. No, you can hide. He's got a point there.
Well, if this looks at Bruce, like, really? Really, now? I mean, I don't exactly know why you guys need it. It looks like that chick over there, she, like, gestures her thumb over to Selena. He's still at the table. Seems like she has a guitar. If Volta just does that where you put your two hands on top of your nose and it goes... I have pictured that before you even said it.
and just starts walking away to the group. Okay. It goes up to Selena's like, hey, how about if I leave this orb on the table and then, or you can just watch me and I can play at entertaining people. You can watch, I don't know. I just need to borrow my guitar for a second so I can play music for people here so we can get the dead off our back. She puts her hand on her chin and like leans on. She's like, look, you know our deal. If you want the guitar, you gotta to get me the orb. Now, if you want to do puppy dog guys, can you try to do puppy dog guys? Like, please. Sure. But roll with disadvantage because she's very serious with it.
to to um but that work guys sweet That's a five. Yeah. No, five. I got five. Are you sure there's no advantage on there for the whole Walter Salina situation going on? yeah'm serious about this and she see is unfazed as she's just like okay amy pushes wal wow Yeah, Selena's very startled by this. She's no longer- Selena, I understand you. I understand whatever silly little deal you guys have put together, but he's literally a musician and he can't perform without it. He's literally gonna be like five feet away from you. No, shut up. He's gonna be five feet away from you. He's not gonna go anywhere. He's gonna stay in the restaurant. We literally just gotta pay for all these mozzarella sticks. There's no- there's no way- he's not gonna go anywhere. There's- there's no reason for you to not let him borrow it for like five minutes while he plays the song.
She looks kind of ticked off at this point. She's like, look, I can't save my mother without that orb. And she points at Walter. Now, you can't if we're going to keep this deal. You can't save your mother at all with that guitar. Yeah. And that's the only collateral. I don't know. It has nothing to do with your mother right now. We're literally just playing a song that says nothing to do with your mother. See, this is exactly why this guitar makes perfect collateral. Now, it's like how can I just put the orb on the table? Everyone can watch the orb. Why I play. People can watch the orb. Why I play. Are you putting the orb on the table? I'm just saying, can we just do that? This says that just says it to the group. Yeah. Selena's like, as long as I get to hold the orb, why do you need to hold the orb?
because that was our deal that we agreed on. She narrows her eyes at Walter. Yes, I understood. But what he's saying

Avoiding Adversaries and Preparing for Performances

is, what's the orb on the table? And everyone watches the orb. Who's going to take the orb? Oh my god. What's the difference if the orb is on the table as compared to if it's in my hands? Because as much as you feel like you can't trust us with the orb, we also feel the same way about you. So why would we give you the orb for you to potentially run off together? Exactly why we're doing this whole collateral thing. just goes up Walter just goes, it's fine. I don't think she's gonna run off. She needs us more than we need her. Yeah, but like, it's stupid, Walter. Like, we're we're just gonna borrow the guitar for five minutes to play a song. He just looks at it and just says, she can't really run away because we both know that I can detect this orb easily. And she like leans over to you and like gestures towards you like, as if to say like, yeah, what this guy's saying.
She holds her hand out expectantly. Yeah but like, where's she gonna go? She's got nowhere to go. She has no- she has no idea where the other orbs are. So it doesn't even matter. You know I can- you know I can hear you, right? Yes! I'm annoyed, I don't care. Walter just like- Walter just like- this is only like for 10 minutes. He just puts it down like here. Alright, Selena grabs the orb off the table and hands it to the guitar and the guitar's straight and bow. Oh, I see. Oh boy. So at this Selena looks pissed. Yeah, oh you just broke the deal right in the eye Let go of the old Selena. You don't need to hold on to it while he's performing Sammy our deal was that we know I'm the only one could touch it I'm going to give you one more chance. You better let go of this or right now where things are about to get ugly Water just weighs the guys help help help
oh You two should step in because this is not gonna go well if if you don't. Waves up Bruce at knowing that he's he's better friends with Sammy. Help, help, help. Bruce is, I'm just gonna put this out here. Bruce is torn between Redding and Ember and trying to calm Sammy. But he's gonna have a couple moments of indecision and then just be like, Just let her hold the orb. It's like you said will be five minutes and then they can trade back Whatever they need to do if she tries to run we got a couple snorlaxes that can block the door pretty easily and We've got a couple type advantages here. I Just want to point out Sammy as you're holding on to the orb. You could feel the orb getting very cold question what is abyss and Brie doing I
A bit of at this abyss and Bri are kind of like they're not exactly interfering, but they're definitely like you can see they're ready to interfere with Navy as if like they're their body guards. Hold it does not know what to do. He's like a boy. What's saying response to what Bruce was saying there? He's thinking it over real hard.
to just biting his fingers like oh now what's gonna happen is his metal claws basically his metallaw he's just biting his metal fingers

Returns, Arrangements, and Reminiscing

<unk>s biting um as much as this as I don't as much as I you don't need to hold on to it seems you're very persistent As you let go of the orb, she snatched you. I didn't say I was letting go of the orb. Oh, okay, I figured that's what you were doing. Okay, continue. Oh no. Oh my goodness. I didn't say I was letting go. I will let go, but you didn't let me finish. Go on. Sorry. No, you're fine. I understand this is important to you. and I understand you got a lot going on. You've been here for a long time, whatever. We don't need to make a scene at my parents' place. And I don't need you making any ruckus. I just want you to know.
No one's going to take off with it. And I don't and I expect the same from you. And then Sammy takes his hands off. She snatches to her back, but she tilts her head menacingly as she sits down silently. Good. I think it's the same. It is Walter gave the guitar back. She reaches behind her back and gives you both the guitar and the guitars bow. He grabs it and he's like checking everything for any nicks, scratches. As he should! It is exactly as it was before. It is exactly as it was before. Guys, I- He like hugs it. Yeah. Hikaru just like breathes a sigh of relief. I bet some breathe both relax as well.
Guys, I don't want to have to fight over this again. Let's just from now on, whenever we need to do the switcheroo, we'll do the switcheroo. No more arguing. That's it. Anyway, i just I just think she could lighten up a bit. Yeah, she looks pissed right now. I thought I'd have a little advantage doing that since, you know, she has seen her blush at me. So I thought she'd be somewhat trusting or at least thinking she would. It's very clear to Walter at least that she cares more about getting her family back than she cares about being with Walter. Dang. that definite gle from it does I'm not there yet.
Walter is going to be temporary at best in her life. yeah Yeah. No matter what I do, it's going to be temporary. well She's either going to get a race or send back. Sammy's going to walk up to Walter and Hikaru. You guys, go ahead. I'm just going to step out to the kitchen, go get a snack for a second. I'll be right back. OK. So at this, um what exactly is Hikaru and Walter doing? We should have discussed this before Hikaru. We should have discussed this.
yeah um i guess we're gonna perform something for the crowd okay uh so whatever you guys are gonna do i just want each of you individually to roll um a performance excuse me performance checks let's play paces Let's play performances, Q, right? whos I'm checking that right now. Yeah, performance is huge. Yeah, that makes sense. Oh man, Q is my highest bet. I should play something. You could. They've got a washboard on the back. All right. I got a 14.
18 plus one. It's a 19. Okay. For being good at playing, I

Musical Interlude and Character Dynamics

have a zero in Q. Is Sammy hopping in here last second? no but i want to say something that's probably that's so that's hang on i feel like bruce should be more protective of the orb because he now knows what it's going to do it could get his dad back yeah but bruce also thinks that it's the fake orb that's that that was the main reason why It's like but yeah in my opinion Sammy's being protective of it because like he's being protective of his friends and his friends belongings so there's and in his mind he has ah Selena has no real right to be this protective of it because it's Bruce's orb and Walter's guitar
i just thought of something and we got some character uh what's it called character art uh improvement not improvement development yeah character development there you go it's about time we got some character development and it's really showing i don't remember if walter has said about the chance or he just said yep i'm this is the one i can't remember if he specifically said he's unsure but he pretty sure thinks this is as Since I actually reviewed the episode recently, I can't confirm you specifically said to everybody that you were 75% sure that the one on the right was the real one. And that's the one you gave to Sammy. I couldn't remember if I just straight up said, yeah, this is the one or not. Nope. No, you, no, you told them 75% chance. All right. Uh, well, we know what we got, Ned. Wait, did you actually? Yeah, I just, I guess I did.
He actually said that in front of Selena. No, Selena wasn't there. celi No, Selena wasn't in the... We had to go outside when we did it. Selena wasn't in the house at that time. She was outside. Okay, so ah with the... of walter Walter's 14 and Hikaru's 18, what exactly are you guys doing? I had an idea. What would you do? i I want to run it by Evelyn. Do you know Binks and Breeze? Yes. um I don't. It's a one-piece song. Should I actually sing it? I mean, I don't think you have to, guys. I mean, I can't. I know the verse. demands on How much embarrassment you guys want to endure. That is up to you. I don't got to. I i don't got a violin. I don't got a guitar with me. Just mouth the guitar. ah they weird to do Guitar noises. saturday inin
Twang, twang. <unk> a ki maka nami ma cae and for
ah Okay, so well you guys already preemptively rolled for first performance which honestly probably shouldn't have done but that's fine The people who are in the crowd give a small applause and they go back to what they're eating how many people Thank you thank you There's like eight people in a restaurant. Heck yeah, we got some business. Thank you, New York. New York, what's that? yeah What? Yeah, what's that? Thank you, new Pokey. The big Pokey apple.
okay keiser in what even from there we're from gale beach think Thank you Gail Beach people, I don't know people and who are looking very confused New York sounds like something I you come up and do it well i don't

Performance Mishap and Group Reconciliation

know Come up here and do it get off the stage okay me seven here's a card work on my task That's why Sammy went to the kitchen got tomato just throwing us I thats just at Walter oh so okay so you guys have successfully performed in the studio and as that's mr. pepperoni pipes object guys that shipment is due by the end of the day so if you guys wouldn't mind he like taps his wrist as well yeah well'll it's we'll go I just had a couple questions for you I'm gonna I met a and met a cat no I met a sprig of Tito down and what the heck were we
Hawkeye and Hawkeye. Hold on. Yeah. Hold on one second. Real quick. As you're saying this, you hear a thump as something hits the door of the pizzeria. Oh, no. And you see any Moga wearing a satchel slam her face into the door. Oh, geez. And she stumbles to her feet, opens the door, and she's like, ah, uh, I got a, uh, letter for, uh, oh no. And she like drops all of her letters on the ground. Oh no, i've I messed it up. Oh no. And she starts scrambling to pick up all of her letters and she finds it. She's like, oh, this one. Uh, yes. Uh, uh, I got a, uh, I got, I got a letter for Mr. and Mrs. Pepperoni. And Mr. Pepperoni is like, oh yeah, that's.
that's that's me and he w reaches out his hand for the letter and she's like uh all right that's it and she gathers up all her letters the last of the letters off the ground and like skedaddles out the door do a roll see if she drops them while she leaves it doesn't and i want to point out that character was submitted by spirit uh and that was hariza although i never got her name out there been trying to get that character out there for a while but yeah the male carrying emo guy she just did you're just a new pier but That's how we get the mail around. Just all the flying types. Mr. Pepperoni starts opening the letter and it says, he reads out loud, this is about the lawyers of Cheetos from, I forgot the name of it. Cheetos Mar and Grill. ah
Yeah, Tito's Bar and Grill, we serve bread bowls. Tito, we have store me serve Spriga bread bowls, that's it. And we have we're officially sent a cease and desist for all items retaining the... ah Sorry, I never learned to read very well. I was always really good at cooking. Are you saying that in the letter? That's just that's just what it says in the letter. No, that's what message so that's what it just says. Sorry, I didn't learn to read. She said writing is very hard. No, Mr. Pepperoni says this and he's like, ah it seems like it's he scans it like it looks like it's a cease and desist letter for a what's this a bread bowl? I don't know what that is. All right. Whatever.
He wads it up and tosses it into the trash. They're into the fire at the corner of the room. Pretty sure that's illegal.
it's legal important It's not important if they don't serve bread bowls anyways. As I would say, is it illegal if we don't serve bread bowls? We're gonna go to go into the store, come back, and and and Mr. Pepperoni's gonna be in cuffs. or but They don't sell bread bowls as far as I know. We're just we're just wrecking everyone's home. We'll just ask our bird down, Sammy's parents get arrested. You know, I thought of that when Bruce said he was preparing an ember. I'm like, oh, here we go again. no
I want to wait until we got outside. Thank you very much. yeah Mr. Pepperoni is like, uh, did you guys know anything about that? Well, yeah here's the thing. Yes. So that that Tito's barn goes where we were in Hawkeye. And that the I talked to a very rude frigate Tito because she said, I just I just mentioned the idea of like, hey, maybe you could since you sell bread, you're a bakery, maybe you can make bread bowls. And she immediately is like, nope, my idea. And I'm going to send a cease and desist to you because you probably already sell them.
And even though we didn't, she'd still sent it. He did not do a research. What is this bread bowl? It's just, you know, it's just a bowl, but made out of bread, you know, like an edible bowl. Like if you put pizza sauce and cheese in it, we can make a little kind of pizza bowl. That'd be kind of cool, but I guess we can't do that now because we got sent it. Is this like those cone things you were talking about with that ice cream? I mean, I don't know. I still don't fully understand the concept of ice cream. ah Hey, to be fair, though, when we went to Boca McDonald's, they said they had ice cream and they knew what that they knew what it was, but they wouldn't tell me. Well, ah hold on. Wait, wait. ah Where is this Boca McDonald's? You said it was in. Well, I don't think you said I didn't say it was in a Vulcan book. Yeah. I
Uh, I might have to go take a trip there myself someday. ah You'd have to take a very long train ride, but i yeah, it's yeah we could we could totally go sometime. Is there not a vocal McDonald's in Gale Beach? Uh, are you asking this to Mr. Pepperoni? Sure, why not? He's like, uh, uh, no. I've only ever been to one once, and that was in... I don't know how long it's been. It's been a long time. I don't remember. Where was that? But no, we don't have them very often right here. They're not a very popular chain Understand their ice cream their ice cream machines use the broken. Oh, well, I hope there it's fixed when I get there Well, no, walter and it's never fixed. Walter was able to get a milkshake though. So You can get a shake I have serious questions about where this without where it came from
milk so To be fair, I don't really know. Walter got it. He got a chocolate one, so... Walter's gonna be shattered. I just heard about a few things. One, where does the milk come to make the milkshake? Two, he's a dog. He can't have chocolate. Walter should be dead. It's called moonboom milk. Little tanks exist and produce milk. We already said that milk exists because Hikaru got a bowl of cereal. I know, but it just disturbs me thinking about sentient peep things is giving milk. I know. That disturbs me. They need to be milked. But they're serving it to people that they drink and eat. It's literally uncomfortable for them if they don't get milked for a while. You're drinking something that's been inside someone else. I guess, but it's still...
Maybe that's normal the Pokemon world, but I guess from a human's perspective of which sir. What's a human? duy Yeah, exactly as I'm saying this out of character Even though I don't have a character you're the same voice for pepperoni Yeah, to be fair pop a pepperoni is a deeper voice Just slightly slightly by one decibels. No one decibel Wow, I don't think that's how Tomin is measured, but we'll go with it No one One hurts. Even that's inaccurate. Is it ironic that Eli does music, but Walter's the music character? Oh, you want to switch? OK, anyway, ah but this aside, I will keep that to know, but you guys need to get out of there. Oh, the sun's starting to set. You guys should probably take care of us. Yeah, we'll we'll do that. what we getting like I might want to. OK, bye.
All right. And as Bruce says, as he's pulling Sammy by the collar.
Hello everyone, and thank you for listening to this episode. I am Dakota, your PM, your DM, your GM, and if you want to hear more from us, go join our Discord down below. We also have a Patreon that we have started and where you can listen to overall audio from these episodes, along with immediate access to the episodes as soon as they're released. So the link for that should be down in the description, but Also join our patreon because we have people submitting questions for us. We actually have a question this week for the question of the episode. Nathaniel Belifion asks, if you were able to create a new evolution, what would it be called and what type would it be?
I've seen this set online before, but I think it'd be really funny if, like, there there was an e evolution called, like, Spectrion or something like that, where you evolved it with a brick, where it was throwing it off a building or something, and it turned into a ghost type evolution. That'd be kind of funny. I know Game Freak would never do that, but I still think it'd be really funny. Anyway, we've got to thank the music producers for this episode. So this week we have Kecleon Shop, Shaman Village, and Spindus Cafe, all from Pokemon Mr. Dungeon Explorers of Skye. Thank you for listening to this, and let's get back to the chaos.
yes Just pulling Sammy's arm out the door. Bruce, I didn't know you were so strong. Yeah. Walt does non-stop playing his guitar since he's since he feels like it's been ages since he's had it. It's only been like a only been like a day. Roll performance. That's a cute roll. Oh shit. Nat 20? Nat 1! Oh god! Oh it's no! It's been too long! He's so out of practice! what So what happens... to lose it all So what happens is as you bring your your bow up to your guitar, one of the strings snap. Who did this to my baby?
Walth just goes in the defeated anime position. because He has like ah just a dark aura. He just feels nothing now. At least it's a guitar string, not a cello string. Yeah, I thought it would be a lot easier to replace some of those specialty made ones. um At least Walter's not ex it and least while just not getting up in c Selena's space being like, what did you do? Oh, I was tempted to do that. But to be fair, I just did a performance with it so I can't. To be fair, I was tempted to punch Selena in the face when she wouldn't let go of the orb. I don't think that would have ended well.
That's why I told him nothing. Walter, let me try to fix your string. You just hold it like, okay. father weird He does so he's just shaking. Yeah. So get exactly are you yeah what exactly are you attempting to do? So I'm going to use a thunder shock to join the two broken ends of the string back together. Ah, you're all trying to weld it. Now are you doing this while the string is still on the guitar? oh Boy, I don't know how well incident yeah yeah give me the guitar and step away no heing he's just on the ground sobbing Okay, so I'm gonna give you this rule set which is gonna sound a little bit unfair But I will tell you why and I will give you the option to opt out of it If you fry the guitar, we don't have collateral You are aiming
for a spot that is about the size of like five human hairs away from you with a thunderbolt. I am going to have you roll accuracy, but you have to get a 19 or a 20. If you hit, it will be an automatic success. If you miss, I won't say just yet. I was just going to suggest pull a hair out of Sammy's head and just put it on the heckin' guitar. um same like we were here we We could see to see another if they got another string at the store we're going to. Actually, that's a better idea. I am too scared to do this ah based on what the voice looks like. I would say that the relationship would... I'm sorry, he trusted enough to give it to Fixie. If he broke, like, shock and it just got turned into char, he would be shattered. Like, you'd have to just... Best friends no more! Yeah, he would just be on the ground, just not anything with life anymore.
I was literally covering my eyes. I couldn't watch as Dakota was explaining that. That's why I was saying that is extremely harrowing. And please ask that. Walter wouldn't trust him. That's why I was giving the option. Opt out of it because I knew that was extremely unfair, but I couldn't give you just but the um amount of precision you needed. In the amount of destruction this party causes, everywhere we go okay so as you guys are walking down the street you guys passed by a couple people but what caught catches your eye or what's what i should say catches uh
You know what? No, I'm just going to say, you guys notice on the street, a perugally who is talking to a group of people on the side of the street and she seems to be holding up a piece of paper to another group of people who you can't quite see. And the group of people she's talking to shake their head as if to say no, and the perugally moves on down the road. Did we ever learn what Pokemon the, uh, yeah, um, Zekrom did tell us what Pokemon his, uh, boss that he was afraid of was, right? Yes. wear broccoli I need somebody to roll perception. Okay.
Sorry, Volta doesn't perception really. he's giving I'm giving myself disadvantage on anything until this is guitar. bar plus susan check and Okay, with an 11, I'm going to give it to you. You guys also notice Xerox is with her. The from the speakeasy. Oh no! And he knows what to do. Rematch! Tip, you noticed us. Is that what you said? He has not noticed you guys yet, but you noticed him. To be fair, Xerox only knows Walter. Xerox only knows Walter, and we don't know what Xerox looks like. True. Do we know what Xerox looks like now? Walter's going to have to tell us about it then. And this? Yes, he's a Zengers. He's a Zengers, yeah. But yeah, when we went in, there was no bouncer, so Walter went in by himself. Yeah, that's true. I think you got like a quick glimpse of him when the door opened, and then it closed immediately.
Well, no, exactly um tell us about Xerox. Zekrom's not with us. Yeah, but I think he told. Did he tell us about it? Well, we were talking to him at the bar or after any of the other times we were talking. I don't think so. So I know he mentioned Xerox by name. I don't know if he told us the Pokemon. I don't think so. I think what is the only. No, no, no, no. I know what you're talking about, Eli. It was the pan sage that told us about Xerox. Right. Yes. Yes, you're right. Frigotito, the pan sage. Yes. Yes. No, pan seer. Pan seer. Yes, that's right.
Okay. I think that's why I always think he's a pain save. He's still the only one who knows the Pokemon. Yeah. Okay. So I'm going to say Walter notices this and the Progley and Xerox start heading down the road away from you guys, but in the same direction you guys are heading. Wait, can I roll perception? No, nevermind. Nevermind. Okay. It wouldn't make sense in character for me to to to do that. Okay. Walter goes, Oh, great. First my guitar. Now that I can't say what I want to say is back. i mean we hear that sp walter
is them and then keep going wait hand hands just take carra walter do you know those i stab but What yeah, it's about it's a person I stabbed Sorry, just we said that no i'm lovelyly a personally you person you stabbed I Question, do they have an eye patch where I stabbed him in the eye? No. Uh, well they're not facing you. Uh, so you can't quite tell, but it, no, no, no. Darn, I would've loved it. I, I already gave that to you by accident, but it's whatever. No, he doesn't have an eye patch, but also he's facing away from me. So it doesn't matter. Walter, do you, you know that Walter, you know, that's angles. Do you know, do you know, do you know, do you know the other person that was with him?
Hey, I want to point out, when Walter was fighting Xerox, you guys got a brief glimpse of him. So you guys have seen a Zang just before. That's what I thought. That's what I thought. I'm not sure if you guys, if it's the same one. Okay. Okay. Um... I thought you guys saw like a glimpse of it, but... Yeah. Okay. So, uh, wait. If that's the Zengus, then do you think that Perugly is the... Perugly that... The one that kicked my rear! You know, Zekrom did say he worked for a Perugly. How the heck would they have known that we... That's the guy that punched me and I went lights out. How the heck would they know that we came here? I mean, this is kind of their stomping grounds. Their speakeasy was under the train station in Gale Beach.
maybe they want to maybe Maybe he wants a rematch. I'm ready for it. That's true. They'd have to be easy on the ground here. I got some aggression right now to work out. Some frustration. I think we should just avoid them for now. and you and You and me both, Walter, but right now I think the best idea is to just keep walking. like We didn't even see them. As long as they don't see you, we're good. Yeah, we we might need to just like... are we Do we have most people taller than Walter? If we can just, like, encase Walter in a group of people... I think Walter's just throwing in the same four of us. Just throw him in the same his fur. The three evolutions are all taller than Walter. I know its that much. OK, but they don't like us, so they're not going to protect them. Well, they're currently hanging in the back of the group, so they're still with you guys. Walter just goes out to talk to Selena. Who's casual with them? Then they'll walk in front of us instead of behind us.
We'll have to get your girlfriend there to protect you. I'm pretty sure they only know me. They don't know you guys. Also, I just want to point out the group does not know about Walter's relationship. Yep, that's true. OK, so what are you guys doing? Carrying on. I'm putting too much like he doesn't care. He's still moping. He's still pretty sad. He's got aggression. He is just frustrated right now. Frustrated and sad. ah
So now he would have been he would have been he just he's walking by Selena then but he's not saying anything anything He just has caught his claws ready with medical just out like he does not gaze ready for so that guy okay um so If you guys have passed him, I'll give you guys a 50-50 chance of being seen I'll give Walter a 50-50 chance of being seen Alright. Bruce is gonna go up to the Umbrians at least and be like, ah hey, yeah so Walter's got some bad blood with that Zangoose up there. I think you can try to hide him a bit as we walk past them. Wait, wouldn't they know um c Selena and them? Because they rented a room. They rented a room from him briefly. so and then Then they put him in a locker, like they threw Walter to the, like until lock for them.
A best pipes up is like are you talking about them over there? You just want me to rough them up a bit or something? What do you want? No, we we just want to walk by peacefully, preferably. And have them not notice Walter. Wait Bruce, hang on. Bruce, hang on. What if when when we come out of the store they spot us on the way back? Then they're gonna know where your dad works, Sammy. They can figure out where your dad works. Yeah, that's not... Yeah, we don't want... No, I meant the general store. We're gonna go get the the order. Well, we'll just have to hope that they pass by the general store before we leave. I wonder what they're looking for. They're probably looking for Zekrom.
either Zekrom away they're either looking for Zekrom or they're looking for you or they're looking for someone new to hire to replace Zekrom as the bartender I have a bad idea. Walter just gets a like ooh I hope they're looking for me I have a fan i what's your bad idea I'm so scared so I have a warp seat in my bag if I fling this if i flamed the seat at them
probably just told pizzeria Pizzeria if we decide that the seeds don't only work in dungeons if seats ands the seats anywhere is like work is definite is sort true To a different place in the dungeon no I was gonna say it just warps you a different place in gill beach but oh no what do you see do A pure seed would take you to the destination you're trying to get to. So whatever destination you have in mind would basically take you there within the city limits. or the with that Would that count as also if the destination is the finest person, would they pop in front of a person? Oh my god. Well, i guess he I guess it depends on how it's used. Like if they used it on themselves, it would do that. But if I used it on them, it it just says randomly somewhere in Gale Beach.
So if you threw a warp sheet at someone, it would teleport them to them teleport them to somewhere random in Gale Beach. Like one inch away from where they were standing? I mean, I'll roll a d20 for it if you hit. All you have to do is roll higher than a six for hitting seeds, so. But if you miss, then they're going to know something. Does my does my skill factor in because I have power pitcher? What is power pitcher? It says throwing items deal one point five double damage, so that probably wouldn't do anything. No, because worksheet doesn't deal damage. Yeah, one point five times damage. OK, that's for like gravel rocks and steel spikes and stuff.
No, it's not. Yes, it is. But no, it's not. It says does not apply for geopevels and gravel rocks. Oh, well, OK. Yeah, I guess because geopevels and gravel rocks deal fixed damage. I wasn't sure if it would work with the or just add on to the fixed damage. But oh, well, either way. OK, so are you going to throw this warp seed at one of them? I would like the group's input on if we should do that or not.
gives double thumb up problem with that what if only hit one of them and then the other one is probably goingnna be looking around seeing what the heck happened meet bounce hit the bouner hit the bouncer That was my idea if I just hit the bouncer, I don't think the peruglies really like gonna I don't think the peruglies the muscle behind everything, you know, I just want to start throw at the perugly then I get to fight him again. I get to fight Walter's Walt is so ready for a rematch Yeah, because it went so well last time, huh? It's got a new move. It's another rescue arc. You realize that's what you're asking for, right? Well, what are you going to do in versus one this time? Yeah, if you could take him. I could probably take either one honestly, but also do we want to go to have help with one on Shell Beach?
Dakota, you did say that and i knock him to half the way you made Xerox, if the four of us fought him, we could win, but one of us alone couldn't. That is true. I was close. I got him half health. I mean, I wouldn't mind fighting the Perugly, too. We need the experience. m But also, we're going to attack our bean for, um... are the consequences of fighting in the streets of Gale Beach? We could rally the people they're talking to, we could rally up and have them join our side. We could try to bait them into attacking us, so we have a liable deniability. Oh yeah, good question. Is it illegal here? I'm gonna say public fighting is probably illegal, and you'll get the authority's call on you. I have two blessings. But I also want to point out, ah along the same logic, they are not provoking you, and you have no reason to fight them, so the law would not be on your side if you started attacking them. But if we warp them somewhere that's not fighting, they're just, whoo, they're gone.
That's up to you guys. I think throwing a seed at someone is considered an active aggression. So as long as we just don't provoke them, if we get into a fight, we're good. Yeah, but' I guess our best purpose of action is just to try to walk past them. And if they start to fight us, we fight back in self-defense. OK. Walter, let's keep the warp idea until they attack us. Then we can do whatever we want and make and the law can't do anything. Walter, are you talking to yourself?
Oh no. I'm going crazy again. I'm just sad. Don't listen to me. Although psychics to the head plus you make a thought. Dude, you're having a hard time right now. Plus your house. I'm sorry. Okay. So what are you? Okay. So what are you guys doing? I'm trying to walk fast. Yeah. Okay. So with, um, abyss and breeze shielding, oops, I just clicked something. Uh, I'm going to roll a d 20 10 or above and or sorry, uh, above a 10 means they will notice you and below that means they will not. we get advantage so they roll the nine so they do not notice as you guys walk past however the um the perugally walks up to you guys and she says uh g'day i uh i'm looking for this individual have you seen them and she shows a poster of a lucario to um hicaro and she does not notice walter well if she's only talking to you it
She's talking to the group in general, but she's push pushing the ah poster towards Hikaru. Does it say anything about who the Lucario is? Because that's something I could say if if it doesn't. It says Zekrom, reward 10,000. Okay, then my phone captured. I was gonna say, well, I do know Lucario. I know Veronica, the famous singer. Are you saying that? What? Did you say that out loud? No, I'm just I was just jokingly saying out character. No, no, I was saying no. No. Oh, I said I know. I said if if if it didn't say Zekram on it, i so I was going to say that I know a Lucario. I know. that I know Veronica, the famous singer. But since it says it on there, I'm not going to say that.
I see okay well uh hmm all right in that case uh you guys be on your way and we'll be on our way thank you for your patronage and she starts walking off my pleasure thank you if you know what ice cream is i'd love to know but if not good seeing you so she turns back to you and i'm going to have her roll once again why ah she rolled another nine um and she's like and she turns to you to Sam it's just like uh what exact what do you mean what is ice cream obviously everyone what are you crazy no i have no idea what it is like we tried selling it at my pizzeria and i i didn't know what it was i put it in the oven where is your where is your pizzeria what kind of pizza it doesn't know how to make ice cream
I mean, they do. They do specialize in pizza, not frozen desserts. So it's a restaurant. Sammy just points at what Bruce said. ah Whatever. I don't have time for this. Come on, Zarek. So let's get a move on. And she turns away and starts walking down the road as the comically as they turn around and they're gone. You just see it from the the bushel of the. Evie Evolutions, why don't you just see a giant finger of metal to raise? Just a single finger from the crowd. You you can't see his hand or anything, just a metal claw, just just one going in the air. Sami sides and says, boy, that was a close one, wasn't it? huh but let's yeah the At this point, Perugly and Serrets have moved way past down to the end of the road, and they are no longer in sight.
I was expecting Xerx to just have a role for feeling something else. I did have him roll perception to see if he, I don't know if you heard the background roll, but I did do a background roll for Xerx. Oh no, he rolled a four. You guys rolled a four. You have no idea how tempted I was though. You have no idea how tempted I was just for a while to just say, how's the eye? oh Yeah, we're moving on to the shop. We got a time. We we are on a timetable here. so as you guys get to the general shop you guys go in and you see the uh the kangus con is like oh how do you know um what can i help you guys with hey are we here to pick up an order for um tony pepperoni
uh 20 pepperoni ah that's the one sitting outside i see and he walks outside and checks a piece of paper on a uh a large bundle sitting up on the side of the house and he's like yeah this is it it's a uh 10 pounds of pepperoni and 200 mozzarella sticks is that correct yeah that checks out all right here you go i just need your signature all right candle And this has been prepaid for, so here you go. Do you need me to roll for signature? I think you know your own signature. It doesn't have to be... its It doesn't have to be Tony's signature. Okay, good. It also doesn't have to be particularly good. Well, he just wanted to make sure. He has me roll for a lot of stupid things. So you now have about 15-ish pounds of food. Can one ask if they have a guitar string?
I didn't hear what either one of you guys said. Can Walter ask if he has a guitar string? Oh, ah right while you're there. ah Yeah, the shopkeeper is like, uh, guitar strings. No, but I do know where you can get one. Where? Uh, go to the cricketeroons over across the street, literally right there. And he points across the street where you see a cricketeroons guitar shop. Gone. Okay, Walter is gone. Walter doesn't like have extra guitar strings in his guitar case. well They weren't in his house. They were in his house. Well, we know what happened to that. Well, he kept him out of his house, man. You know, where he thought they were safe. Fair enough, I suppose.
All right, I just want to point out, I don't know if it's important or not, but you broke the E string. So, are you guys- Did you scroll for which string he broke? No, the E string's the one on the extreme edge, isn't it? That's why it's called the E string, E for extreme. I don't know music at all. It depends on- Yeah, it depends on what the guitar is. Well, I'm just imagining it's just like a regular, like, I don't know, like a Gibson or something like that. It's an improvised cello. It's an improvised electric cello. Let's say just a random one. Just say it's a random one. We don't need a specific.
Yeah, EA, DGB. Yeah, that is the one else. Oh, there are two E ones on the end. Oh, okay. It's the thinnest one. The higher one. That sense. They're just rushing in. You got one? Do you have a string? a you guys One of mine broke. Uh, the Crooked Toon, who's there, is just like, oh, hello there. I guess we have guitar strings. We have many guitar strings. Which ones are you looking for? Can Walter just, can Walter just hold up the guitar? He hold, you hold up the guitar and he's like, hmm, let me take a little bit. May I? And he holds out his hands. Well, he's just holding his guitar with tears in his eyes. Yeah, he is.
My child, he is sick. but of it okay but As he takes the guitar, he's just like, I see, I see, you need a high E string. Okay, I will be right back. He dashes off across the store, picks up a ah E string, and he's like, I have it right here. Would you like me to install it? I'm only asking 50 poke. Does Walter know how to do it? Like, will you make me roll if I have to do it, put it on? um Indeed, I will. Is it 50 for the- He's like, yeah, sure, put it on. Is it 50 for just a string or a string and installation? Are you guys in the store as well? Oh, I- Walter was gone. You just see- Oh. Okay, as I was gonna say, yeah, Walter dashed off. I kind of imagined him he was on his own. You look, you what look, one way you look back is just the smoke of his area of what it looks like. though Yeah, the little anime silhouette.
yeah what did discuss how much else always be and all it just blinks ah yeah that'll be that's 50 for labor and the string so 100 or 50 50 overall that's all I'm asking for thank you and he takes the uh he takes the guitar string and you just hear like a bunch of tink tink you hear some hammering on an anvil for some reason you hear a can of glob and some gunshots and after Walter is so worried he's like what's happening yes after the big dust cloud settles uh she's like ah here you go and he hands out your guitar it's a dust pile It's It's now an actual guitar. No, it's perfect. It's perfectly fine. So he's like, yeah, that'll be 50. OK. And he holds on his hands. He gives it to him. He gives it to him. Now, Walter's just shooting it. He's like, all right, have a good day. It is already perfectly tuned. Walter's like, thank you. Thank you. unrecognizable As he's slowly walking back, and he just keeps saying thank you as he slowly backs away. it looks like a different guitar now Thank you, Maddy. Thank you, my sire. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You see Walter come out much happier.
All right, so yeah you're us wrote the guitar no just would have He would jump you Walter full-on tackle you Bruce is starting to get dark at this point and Which reminds you guys you should be heading back towards the the the store. I have to ask who's carrying the load. Walter will. He's he's strong enough. figured okay it was no okay If Walter can carry me, he can carry... Yeah, I can carry him. If I can carry him, I can carry a building. Bree pipes up, she's like, I mean, I'll carry it. I mean, I'm literally not carrying anything right now. And she walks up, she's like, yeah, just place it there on my back. That's right, you carried me for most of the trip. Actually, that was this, but yes.
you guys went back and forth they did like they did like shifts i don't know he was yeah and he was awake from i was awake for i was awake from yeah Yeah. I was only knocked out for the beginning of the journey. like We started in the forest and I was up the entire time. when we He barely slept. Oh, right. Yeah. Oh, no, I slept again. That's how I was cheating and not eating. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Because my brain went up every time I slept. Because logic.
Yes, logic. You definitely don't need to eat and you just got to sleep and you get it full. Yeah, so Bree is offering to take the pick the load. he gives it half the load He gives them half the load and just carries the rest. Yeah, there's only one bag, so it seems a whole load or nothing. Walt's like, I got it. Are are you sure? Eh, it's fine. OK. Oh, thank you, Walter. I wanted that. He holds away it away to blocking his vehicle. It's blocking the sight of him, so it's just a big bag and carrying him. That's a good idea. Yeah, actually, c Selena pipes up. She's like, hey, wait a minute. Bree, didn't I ask you to stay by the tower?
Uh, Bri is like, I mean, yeah, you did, but I'm honestly surprised you didn't notice before. Uh, I just didn't want to be by myself. Wait, Bri, do you know how to teleport? What? Do you know how to teleport? She cocks her head at you. She's like, what?
oh Also, Bri's supposed to be staying behind to do missions and get money and you can do that too. Yeah, that's literally what we were talking about. Yeah. what where Yeah, so we can we can do that here. We'll be doing that after we're done with this errand. Yeah, Selena pipes up. She's just like, yeah, I mean, she was supposed to just like passively generate money for us back home, but to be honest, it actually kind of worked out now that we're staying here for now. wait was my dad pointed out because Wait, was my dad not paying us for this errand? No. The errand was the pay for the food that we just ate.
Yes, you guys didn't pay for any of it. That we didn't ask for. I didn't eat any of it. Selena says. Yeah, we ate. It's not our fault you didn't like it. I hate mozzarella sticks. I can't stand them. Selena, I have no idea how you can't stand mozzarella sticks. You live with dried up snakes. Walter. Wait, what? What did you say? Nothing. What about snakes? They look like tiny R, they look like tiny R-buck. What's a snake? You mean an Ekans? Do you, do you mean an Ekans? I think you just got the lettuce mixed up.
Walt is walking. He's like, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope,
nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, It's like the grown-up tribe that stood between the two siblings on a road trip. yeah It's fine. If she knocks me out, I got like six survivor suits. well yeah yeah the journey The journey back to the store is uneventful. And as you guys arrive, it is fully nighttime, and it is dark out. We should have just tried to fight the Peruglia and the Zangoose. We have so many Reviver Seeds. We could have gotten the experience. But we have no reason to fight them that the law would accept. Hey, they beat me up. Yeah, because you attacked them. We already escaped Arson.
Hey, we attacked him because they beat up our friend. Your friend was trying to break in. We escaped. No, we, we melt on the way here. Uh, no, much of those sticks are fine. I think it was in the wrong when he attacked the guy. Shouldn't wait. Shouldn't we have a care? Shouldn't we have a Selena carry them? Cause she's the ice type and the Mozzarella sticks were probably frozen. She'd have to do is probably like get cold. Yeah, so it's like wow. Thanks for being typist geez No, I'm just saying you could have helped out and you know kept my product. You know good First time you've realized I'm a warm-blooded mammal just like the rest of us here. My skin isn't cold It's fact-checking time
I felt what you did earlier. It was just called standing next to you. It's kind of funny because I... Yeah, Eli. Didn't the orb get pulled when Placion touched it? You're right, you got it. It did. Because she readied up an ice beam. Ice beam is overkill. Holy crap. Wait, wait, whoa, what? Alright guys, note that down. We know one of our moves now. Note that down. Jot that down.
She knows ice-cream. All you need is fire blast now and you can do a beam clash. And changed a few words. Jolteon. Really? What generation? It lowers its body heat to freeze its fur. The hairs then become like needles it can fire. Wait a minute. that's What? Yeah. No way. Doesn't surprise me. That is weird. I had to run out of Dias somehow. It freezes its fur into icicles, spiky and sharp. It tackles its prey. It protects itself by freezing its fur into sharp needles. It can drop its body temperature below negative 75 degrees Fahrenheit. It can indeed drop its body temperature to become a refrigerator basically.
it can but whether she's doing that right now is well she's not so it's like Bruce with this his his flames yes but we're here got your order so as you guys enter the store mr. pepperoni is like
Yeah, Mr. Pepperoni hears Walter calling out and he's like, uh, there you guys are. I was about to close up shop. It's just about closing time anyway. Oh, there it is. And Walter was one holding it, right? Yes. Yeah. So he takes it out of your arms. He's like, aha, there's our extra pepperoni and mozzarella sticks. Now we're not completely out anymore. How do you go through that not fast? You don't got much customers. shelas are sarah He says ah under his breath. his breath. Oh, Sammy. All right. Well, where's that Sammy? That's not even fair, Papa. I have not. prove I haven't been here for that kind of moment. Well, just that's not it. You should glad you get your wife over there. She probably needs to know. Yeah. OK. Well, Sammy, if you want to stay.
Woah! Am I able to do that? I don't think I caught in the Zencast. It sounded like he was in fast forward. It's like when you do like a replay and you like go like up by like times three then go down to like negative three. That was so weird. Yeah, so I can say that again. Sorry, you glitched out. I don't actually really want to. I realize what I said and how mean and that sounded. Well, the Zencast caught it, so but the Discord didn't, so. Yeah. We will never know. Except for when I review this episode's raw recording on Monday. And me when I put it on a Patreon. Exactly. But but yeah, Mr. Pepperoni's just like, ah yeah, well Sammy, you can stay the night if you want to. I don't know if you want the guys have places to stay, but I don't think we have enough rooms for everyone. Don't worry, we've been staying at my my place.
Oh, ah okay, that works. Okay, cool. Sammy, are you going with them? Yeah, I think I'll go. I'm just gonna use the bathroom first. You guys think it's weird that we never go to the bathroom? Let's go. I'm gonna go to the bathroom. You guys absorb your guys' energy to use in your moves. You guys just haven't been using very many moves lately. Arceus breaks through the wall. You shut it!
but We had had a budget cut somewhere.
We just okay wait until it's been like forever since I took a shower. I think I might get clean. sam Yeah, Mr. Pepper was like, uh, well, can you drive wherever you think? We're trying to close up shop here. Why are you trying to kick me out? I turned 18 and you're trying to kick me out. You literally said you were staying somewhere else. Welcome to the club. Did they not have a shower? Oh, to be fair. Yeah. ah Bruce's mom's real nice. They have like a bunch of rooms and like a lot of Pokémon. That's nice. They got a lot of Pokémon criddles. Sammy opens up his bag and shows him all the Pokémon criddles that he's got. Whoa. What the? Why do you have? Oh my God. What the?
Why do you have so many burgers? Did you teach him how to throw up and eat his food again? Did you teach him that or did he pick it up on his own? Because he's eating stuff and throwing it up. Also, Sammy, I've got a bone to pick with you. I thought this was a pizza house, so we don't deal with these burgers around here. Burgers are better. ah yeah you're right You know, you know you're right, but Bruce Bruce gets like a bunch of these in all the time and I i will basically do anything Well, you can't say no to free food, but I better not see you with those burgers around here. yet Bingo bongo, papa. and If you put buns on a pizza, does it make it a burger? Wait a minute. Did you say a burger pizza? Yep, copywriting it. You should, you know what? If you make it, I get proceeds. You know what, maybe instead of a- I'd copywrite first.
if you Instead of ice cream, maybe you should put burger pizzas on the menu. Or maybe, even like... You know how they make calzones? Like, where you just flip a pizza inside out? Do that. Sammy, I can't believe I'm saying this. But can I have your burgers? Charge him, charge him. Walter Whispers, charge him, charge him! We need money!
my but Wait, do we need money? Yes! We spent all our money on the store. Not all of us. I did, I'm broke. Dude, we barely spent it. I was the one who had the most money. We barely spent money, remember? You're the only one who spent all of their money. I know, I covered a lot of your guys' money. I spent 18 grand in there. Hey, you covered my buy, and then I sold it back and got you more money. Remember, I recycled a couple PMs and sold those back? Well, either way, you might as well resell it.
Are you guys going to sell your burgers too? I think I understood that. I think kind of your robotting.

Technical Talk and Burger Sales

OK, I heard the gist of what he said. Yeah, we sold TMs to make our money back and then something about bubble tea. I know. No, no, no, I said that. Oh, wow. Yeah, that tells you how much you're robotting. Like it's like compressing and then like speeding up through all your audio and like distorting it. That's hella weird. Discord is not and is happy with you tonight. Yeah, really his son it's rusty. We've not been we've not been in a bit and catch that It's rusty. We've not been in here in a bit I'm gonna pick it up from uh, if I sell my burgers you guys gonna sell yours too?
oh What are you asking? Are you asking if we're buying your burgers? No, I'm not. No, I'm not talking to you, Papa. I'm talking to my friends. Oh, a um sorry as i still looks at it no all 20 of them. How about 25 or so? Yeah, that's a good idea. but We can still give him like 200 Boca Burgers here to test out. We can be the supplier. We get free Boca Burgers from Bruce's mom um bruce's house, and we keep coming back in and selling them. Actually, Papa, why don't you just contact ah Alfred over at at the Flameback household? Oh, the to Flamebacks? Oh, why? I mean, that's where we got all the burgers from. They have a lot.
Why do they have so many burgers? <unk>t Don't know what questions you don't want to know the answers to. Okay, he says rubbing the back of his head. Now you're a competition. Sure. I'll give him a, I'll give him a head. So I'll give him a call with my, uh, well, we don't have fun. I'll give him a mail. They're the reason you don't have many customers. Wait, wait. We have computers, but we don't have lines exist in this universe. We have we have computers. Phones do not exist. Yeah, it's a good. Telegraphs should exist at this point. Right. Pokemon logic. Pokemon logic. No, this is 20 years before the events of the scratch. All right. Less technologically advanced. Yes. This is like 1900. OK. That's right. Yes. Well, yes. But we went to a
oh I just realized something. We have more code, but that's about it. No, no, no, no, no, no. I just realized something.

Flameback Household and GBA Prototype

So Ms. Flameback currently has made the prototype for the GBA. Do you remember that? I think I said that. She said like the GBA was just being produced. ah but fairly exact There was also that clerk in the town hall that had the GBA computer. This, yes, the the that's exactly what we're getting at. The Sylveon had a Game Boy Advance that she is on her computer. Yeah. wait um yeah but I I the fact that you put in the Game Boy Advance startup sound in that. I like that. Yeah, I love that so much. I know. I could literally go get my GPASP real quick and just play that over the mic. Same. Let's do it.
Not really. Do you want me to go grab it? No, there's no reason to. No. so Okay. Uh, but yeah, so... Yeah, Mr. Pepperoni's like, alright, well, uh, I'll come and keep in contact

Night Errands and Past Incidents

with you. You guys should get going before it gets too cold out there. It's already pitch black out. what wow the sun's on overdrive we were just being sunset how long have we been talking i told you i told you when you guys left the general said it was sunset nighttime no i said the sun has set over the horizon by the time we guys left the shop and when you guys arrived at missed at uh pepperoni's pizzeria it was already dark outside
I see people do errands at night who who sends people to do this we were out Literally said he literally said you guys were running out of time He did say that the performance probably took longer than we thought it was going to and also we probably walk slower because we had to avoid the Zangoose I'm gonna say he is proc procrastinating because how long was his order ready? And how do you know that his he was gonna be able to get someone to do it? He was not gonna be able to do it on his own. Like how was he gonna do that? He was just putting it off. He was putting it off. So, are you guys heading out? Wait, hang yes are we yeah were yeah on. I just wanted a question. did Are we selling the burgers or not?
He doesn't need to anymore. You just told Mr. Papros need to go. Just so I know what to do for my... just Just so I know what to do with the character sheet. Okay. Okay, gotcha. He's ruined our source of income. We could have scammed your dad. Wow. Sammy doesn't want to do that because it's, you know, his parents.
What? Sammy is just playing in character.
What is your beef with my parents? Walter, what is your beef with my parents? I don't know. I just had a beef. I don't know. They burned my pizza once. I had a big beef with pepperoni's pizza. So for some reason, with all the all the jabs at not having customers. Yeah. Well, they used to not let me bring my cello in here. Because you would play while we were eating. You wouldn't get on the stage. You just were playing and eating at the same time. You were bothering everyone else. No, no. okay okay so okay so you guys spend the next however long it is to get down to the flame back residence and as you guys arrive you guys see a perugally pounding on the front door of the flame back residence and that is where we're going to leave this episode what I've been Dakota your PMU DMU GM I've been Evelyn playing Hikaru I've been Eli playing Bruce
I like to picture the perugly using her tail, like it's unclassed from her body banging on the wall. Hi, I've been Sean playing Sammy. Sure. Sure. Hey, I'm Jake playing Walter. Thank you guys for listening. We'll see you guys next time.