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The Chick Foley Show
6 Plays5 years ago
No Sheena tonight so the Heel Husband joins Phil and Marco to discuss some recent WWE releases, TLC matches announced, Gorilla Monsoon elite landing at Walmart, plus Phil and Seth discuss their Sheamus/British Bulldog debate.

Introduction and Upcoming Events

Oh, it's guys night out at the Chick Foley show.
Testosterone is flowing here. Welcome to a brand new episode folks. We are at the, uh, about two weeks away from Christmas. We're almost at the TLC pay-per-view. We're almost at, uh, baby number two for the Phelps

Guest Co-Host Introduction

family. This is a Phil Gentile, the hot take kid coming to you live from the Jimmy seafood studios. And I have a guest co-host tonight. I have, uh, the heel husband, Seth Phelps on the line. What's going on, Seth?
Hey, how's it going, guys? Yeah, so our little guy wasn't really cooperating with Bedtime tonight, and he's all about Mom right now. So Sheena got kind of KO'd right before the match started, and all of a sudden, my music hit. So here I am as the mystery opponent jumping in with Phil and Marco this week. Very nice, man. We're happy to have you. Me and you did a Patreon episode some months back, ranking our favorite wrestling video games, but we've never had you on the actual show. So welcome, man. This is your debut episode.

Anticipation for Debuts and Controversies

Yeah, I feel like I've, you know, I've had a little run on the Indies and now I'm coming up to the main roster here in the big time. So hopefully the show doesn't get canceled after this week. Yeah, I hope not. The man and over to the man who would never be future endeavor, Mr. Marco Denton. What's going on, Marco? Nothing much. Just, you know, just living in the controversy. That is the New England Patriots. We don't talk football up, but there's been a lot of going on around here. I'm not sure if you guys watch ESPN or anything like that. But, uh,
But yeah, so I always tell my friends, I go, if you watch sports and you don't think there's any parallels to wrestling, because I hate that I watch wrestling and everything. I say it's predetermined. They say it's predetermined. I go, sports are predetermined. There's always a gimmick going on. There's always something crazy. There's always a bad guy and a good guy. So this whole thing that's going on is pretty much a wrestling storyline, I like to say. And they get mad at me for that, but whatever. But other than that, just chilling out over here.

Seasonal Challenges and Social Media Engagement

Coming off of a little cold, I know you said you had one too, Phil, right? A little bit, yeah, a little bit woke up with a sore throat. This is a season for all that kind of stuff, so hopefully everybody out there listening is feeling good. We are close to TLC, which happens in a week from Sunday, I guess. We have a couple matches to run down on that we'll get to, and we want to touch on some things from Raw and SmackDown.
First, I want to give a shout out to everybody listening. Make sure you follow us on social media. It's at Chick Foley Show on Twitter. You can follow Sheena on Instagram, at Chick Foley, and you can hit us up with any questions, concerns via email, askchickfolly at

Community and Patreon Support

We want to give a shout out to the Wrestling Legends Alphabet book that we promoted on last week's episode. They sent me three copies. I'm going to send one to the Phelps fam. I'm going to send one over to Marco.
his brood out there but make sure you follow them on Instagram it's alphabet legends and basically they have a book for every single sport you can think of golf legends wrestling legends they obviously they sent us the wrestling legends book and it's like you know A is for Kurt angle C is for John Cena and it has like a little two paragraphs about each wrestler I read to my kid the other night and it's awesome the pictures are great
So check them out on Instagram, it's Alphabet Legends, and like I said, I'll be sending you guys those books very soon. I hope you and the kids enjoy those. And be sure to follow us on Patreon, it's slash Chick Foley Show.
You can start supporting the show there if you like what we do here. There's some extra content on there, bonus episodes. Sheena does some unboxing videos. You can get our show notes emailed to you every single week. And the biggest thing is that added to our Facebook group where we buy and sell and trade figures. I know Seth and Sheena have been clearing out some of the shelves over the last couple months to make room for stuff after moving back here to the mainland.
Now we had one of our Patreon subscribers today was clearing out a entire collection of elites 190 different elites that he posted to our Facebook page first before posting to other spots. So definitely a lot of cool people. He had some good stuff on there. I'm trying to get that Ted DiBiase wrestling buddy from him.
Oh, I saw that, yeah. I don't want to go down that road, because once I buy one of those things, I know it's going to be downhill. But those things look in pretty good condition, so I don't blame you. So it's slash Chick Foley Show. Definitely check it out. And still not too late to get stuff to us for the toy drive, but it's getting close. I think you have about a week or so. So get those into us if you can. The address I will give out a little bit later in the show.
I'll be posting onto our social media sites and everything.

Wrestling Storylines and SmackDown Recap

But let's go inside the squared circle, guys. This is brought to us in part by our friends at Chalkline, who are doing a special now for us. Use code CHICK for 15% off of your order there. And let's run down what happened on SmackDown before we get into Raw. Overall thoughts, Seth, on SmackDown? What did you think?
It was alright. I definitely had flashbacks to the 1997 storyline between Ken Shamrock and the British Bulldog when I saw Corbin pouring the dog food on Roman. I don't know if you guys remember that one, the Bulldog poured
Dog food on ken shamrock and he just snapped so you know just going to show you that pretty much everything in pro wrestling is recycled Other than that is just oh, you know big picture. I just haven't really been digging Friday night at Smackdown so far It's not that it's been a bad show, but I just cannot get my mind fixed to watch wrestling on Friday nights I don't know what it is I feel like I always forget about it until about you know five minutes after it started weeks to house Friday night Smackdown working out for you guys so far since the since the switch back in October and
Yeah, I haven't been keeping up with it too much. I mean, it just makes it hard to kind of, if you miss it Friday night, if I'm out doing something, you know, over the weekend, we're out, especially this time of year, you're out doing things with the family. You don't want to sit down and watch two hours of wrestling. So it's, you know, I don't, it doesn't sound like I've been missing much. I kind of watched some of the highlights. There was also another dog food segment, you know, a couple of years after that between the boss man and Al, I think it was Al Snow maybe. So the,
WWE loves their dog food segments. Well that one that was the that was the literal dog food. Oh, that's right You want some pepper steak remember that led it to that led to the infamous Kittle from hell match where they had the dogs
Yeah that we got to watch that that match one time for patreon because that thing was a hot pile of farts Bray Wyatt wanting to start a new family Somebody somebody suggested that Daniel Bryan is gonna kind

TLC Anticipations and Storyline Speculations

of they're kind of re reduce speaking of redoing storylines The Daniel Bryan, you know getting sucked under the ring and then not showing up on Smackdown this week a lot of people think that he's gonna kind of turn and
and become part of Bray's family. I don't know if I would support that. I think it would be cool, but it's something they've already done before. I don't know if I really think it's going to move the needle too much. Yeah, I can speak on that. If you watch the segment that he had with the Miz when Miz was out in the ring, while Bray was talking, he's basically like, I had a family once. You took this family from me.
They do those flashback things. So they did a quick flash. They actually showed the Wyatt family with Daniel Bryan when he was a part of the Wyatt family. That was a little clip that they showed. So I'm not sure if, I mean, obviously, Luke Harper is gone. We'll talk about that later. But I'm not sure if they're going to have Eric Rowan come back into the fray. But yeah, it seems like my, I mean, the other thing he wants is he wants the business family, it seems like, too. That's the other family he wants.
if you guys see the segment where he attacks the Miz, as the Miz is walking in the back, he sees a room in red light, he goes in there, he sees a picture, his family picture, but instead of him holding his new child, it's Bray Wyatt, Photoshopped and holding his child, and then Bray Wyatt actually gives him the Sister Abigail dress, he's as Bray Wyatt, not as the Fiend, which there's a lot of, everyone's trying to figure out if he's gonna be
The Fiendat TLC. I think he's coming out as Bray Wyatt. That's how they're promoting it. It's Bray Wyatt versus The Miz. They're not promoting it as The Fiend versus The Miz. So I'm kind of interested to see how they're going with that. Did you guys see that it's not a championship match either? It's actually going to be non-title. Really?
Yeah, it's not a championship match. I noticed none of the graphics had said anything about universal championship. And then I actually looked on David B dot com. And yeah, it is not a championship match. So I thought it was interesting that there is actually going to be resting as brain out because I think it definitely gives them out, gives them a way to potentially have Braid drop the belt without totally killing the fiend. So.
I definitely want to see how this new Bray looks in the ring. Yeah, this is probably the first time we've ever seen him get involved physically with anybody as just the Mr. Rogers character. So I like it. I was hoping this would be a title match. He could come out with that blue universal title and just kind of
just have it like both ways. Like you said, it's just a great out for the character. You can protect the fiend a little bit. You can keep the fiend off of the paper views and make them more of an attraction. So I think it's a win-win. I'm surprised it's not a title match. I don't know if we'll have any world title matches if Braka isn't defending on this event. So we'll see. We still have another week for that. If there's ever a glowing red light, I don't know if you want to go into the room
Doesn't really make too much sense, but that is very true if you watch every horror horror movie ever you never go into a room with is like some type of Hue going on when you open the door. I just want to stay out of that
Um, anything else from Smackdown? It looks like, um, the, uh, what is cool is the, uh, the female ref,

WWE Industry Highlights and Podcasts

ref Jess from, uh, from NXT is now back up on to, uh, in prime time. She's on Smackdown now. So I think she's the first full time female referee that WWE has had on one of their internationally televised shows. So pretty cool. Yeah, that's pretty awesome. Yeah. That's, uh, that's, that's, yeah, it's history big. I think they have that on their website. They did like an article on it, but yeah, she's the,
first ever full time woman referee, which is pretty awesome. I don't like people gonna be like, oh, they've already been doing it, but I mean, it's whatever. It's just another feather in the head for women. It's not like it's like this person did it first or this company did it first. It should be just, we should just be thankful that it's actually happening in the WWE right now, which I think they're long overdue for that. And she's not gonna,
I'm not sure if she's in a rough like women's matches or men's matches as well. I think they, I'm totally having a blank on Smackdown line if she even refereed a men's match at all. But if she did awesome, if she didn't, she needs to be.
Yeah, of course. Seth, how many times have we seen the new day versus the revival this year? I feel like it's been like six, seven times. I feel like I've seen it on an endless loop since going back to late 2017.
You know in their Bible got called up. That was the first day the first night was That's right. It was wrestled a new day I was actually in the house in Orlando for raw offer that and it just seems like they've kind of been in the same orbit ever since then It's always good matches So you can't clean on that front be a you're right. They all just kind of run together. It's it's hard to get excited
for another revival and a new day match. If there's one thing that could come out of this, I'm hoping if the revival wins, we get some redesigned tag belts that look a little bit more old school, you know, maybe something closer to what the WWE had in the late 80s and early 90s. If you look really, every other belt has had a redesign here in the last few years, except for the tag belts and the US title. That's the only ones we're waiting on to get kind of a little bit of a refresh.
That would be cool. I'm surprised they haven't done that yet with them because that suits their character so well. Have you guys been listening to the New Day podcast at all? I know we talked about it last week a little bit.
Yeah, I listened to the first one. It was really, really good. You know, I can remember one of the other podcasts talking about, you know, those three guys are like the three best guys to have a podcast. So David to be in it. And it's true. It was it was really, really good. I got a kick out of it. And yeah, I look forward to seeing where they go in the future. And I hope it's I hope it's not super pro wrestling centric. You know, obviously I wanted to
be grounded in pro wrestling, but I think all three of those guys got a lot of good takes on really all kinds of stuff going on in the world, not just wrestling. Yeah, and I want to hear more about their backgrounds and not only wrestling, but just growing up and just kind of personal stories and stuff. I mean, it's cool to hear about wrestlers talk wrestling, but we have tons of podcasts that do that. So yeah, I like them kind of doing more of a pop culture type of thing. Let's move over to Raw from last night.

Seth Rollins’ Heel Turn and Fan Reactions

Let's get into the biggest news. We finally reveal that Seth has gone full heel here. And I was going to play it at the beginning of the show when he kind of gets out. If you haven't seen it yet, he's aligned himself with the AOP. And he's now fully heel turning on or beating the hell out of Kevin Owens. The crowd has no reaction to it, it sounds like. And the announcers don't do anything to kind of hype it up and act shocked.
Do you guys feel like this was done well? Because going back to what we talked about on SmackDown with the Wyatt family thing, I love this for AOP. I think with the rosters and with so many shows and so many people that don't get any airtime, I think you need to do this with some of these guys is make some stables and give them some extra storylines and kind of ancillary characters here. So I think it's great for them. I think it's great for Seth, but I don't know how it came off live on TV for people.
I think it would have been a lot more impactful if they would have done all of this the night after Survivor Series. You know, they did the they milked it out for three weeks. Did the classic David to be storyline where the guy denies, denies, denies that, you know, he's he's working with these guys and then turns around, you know, shocker. He's teamed up with AOP. I think that, you know, everybody pretty much tell from that initial promo after Survivor Series that there's something was going on between Seth and AOP. And I think they just should have closed the loop on it that night. But it's definitely a good direction for Seth.
I think his promo noted it was a ton of truth in his promo. It definitely came across that he was speaking from the heart because a lot of stuff he was saying is true. I think when he said the fans had a self-fulfilling prophecy, I think that's been the case for whatever reason, WWE fans over the past, going back
damn near 15 years now, they just blew the top baby face. If you're gonna be the top baby face in WWE, you're gonna get booed and they're gonna turn you heel. They try to do it to Cena and they try to do it with Roman. And for whatever reason, WWE just never wanna pull the trigger on either one of those guys doing this, but they're finally letting Seth do it. So I'm interested to see where this goes because for so long, the top baby face has just kinda had to sit there and just deal with it when half the crowd is turning against them just for whatever reason.
Yeah, I think it's, I think it's, like you said, I think it was stretched out a little bit too far, but I am glad they're doing it. And I think it's, it just opens up the possibilities here. And the best, the best heels are the best villains in movies are the people that don't know their heels or don't think what they're doing is heels because yeah, you're right. Everything he said, Marco and those promos,
He was spot on. I mean, he was, you know, calling the fans out for all their B.S. and just kind of being fickle, as Dana Bryant would say. And I think it's going to be I think it's going to go over well. I'm excited to see where they go with this. Yeah, I like how they are. Everyone's called them the architects of pain. That's like the name. I hope they don't. I mean, it's good, but I hope they don't use that because it's the I hope they just don't have a name. It's just they're associated with Seth Rollins and it's not like a faction because then everyone's going to like
Compared to the shield and all that stuff and I don't want any of that stuff happening with that. But um, yeah Would you listen to like a lot of like podcasts and they like wrestling podcasts and they talk about like? Like heel turns and stuff like that. You guys are right. They should have pulled the trigger like a lot faster I think there's a lot of I mean you look at like the subtleties like
him, like, obviously denying, denying that, you know, I have nothing to do with AOP, I have nothing to do with AOP, but physically, he did change. I'm not sure if anyone noticed. The last two times he came out, his hair was slicked back in a ponytail. When's the last time you've seen him, like, kind of, like, clean cut like that? True. Yeah, that makes sense. Anyone, yeah, that's just like, they talk about, like, little subtleties and nuances and things like that, just like, you can see that the transition was happening physically, as opposed to, like,
what was happening on screen with him. His whole demeanor was changing. He was getting out of there like, oh, I'm not going to stand in the ring with you. I'm going to get out of the ring and walk away. Kind of like, hellish type of things. So I think maybe the crowd didn't react because they kind of almost knew that it was going to happen. Not in the sense where it's like, he was going to align themselves, but he was going to probably just beat the crap out of KO with AOP, but not really be with them. But I think you guys are right. They should have pulled the trigger a lot faster with that.
Or maybe drag it out a little bit longer way till after TLC. And then, you know, did something on Monday Raw or at TLC. Have that be the main event and have Seth throw out him and that's it. Cause I think the Roman match was supposed to be KO and Seth Rollins against AOP. And I think they probably just scrapped it for some reason. Yeah, I think Seth has a broken finger. So I don't think he's going to be in action for a couple of weeks. I guess he broke his pinky pretty bad.
I saw his hand was taped up during that segment. So I had one really burning question coming out of this whole thing, though, that I still cannot wrap my mind around. I'm hoping maybe you guys can help me out. What in the blue hell would be the purpose of having a swivel chair like that in the back of a van?
Uh, yeah, good point. Unless there was like a Gatling gun on the back of your like rabbit bank or something. Exactly. I guess it is the ultimate bad guy. That is a very awkward seat to have in a van. It's like the Dr. Evil. Why did they just have a limo?
Like, why did they have a blacked out van? It was kind of weird. Yeah, it was kind of... You know, it's wrestling. It's probably cheaper to destroy that or something. What do you think about the Liv Morgan makeover vignettes?

Character Changes and Comedic Segments

What are they going to do with that? I'm hoping some sort of corporate kind of make her buttoned up and trying to make her look more presentable and then it backfiring or something.
But it's been a couple years, but I just as soon as I saw that the first thing I thought was about the whole emmalina Yeah, we saw those for like 12 weeks and then she came out one time and I think she said something the effect of you know emmalina is no more Emma's coming back and Yeah, I don't know so I don't have high hopes, but I am a fan of Liv Morgan. I think she I
I didn't get a lot of press, but if you will, from her time at NXT till the time she got caught up and before she took this recent sabbatical or whatever, she had shown a lot of improvement in the ring. She actually quietly had made a ton of progress on her skills and stuff. So I'm excited to see where it goes. I love to see anybody having something interesting going on, but I am not super optimistic about this one.
Yeah. I mean, I think if you have it like every week, she's like meeting with someone who's trying to like teach her manners and like getting her to like change her hair and then like, you know, I think there's a way you could do it. Marco, do you, I agree with Seth. I think she, she definitely has like shown potential. I think her character before was just kind of too, I dunno, it was just, didn't really stand out to me. So maybe this is something they need to do. I don't, I don't really know. Yeah. I think the character she had, um,
was fitted for like the riot squad. So maybe as like a solo act, it's not the greatest gimmick to have. So maybe they aren't doing that, but I mean, that kind of like kills all the rumors that she was gonna like be aligned with pretty wide at some point. I'm not sure if you guys have read all that like stuff where people thought she was just gonna like disappear and come back as like a sister Abigail or some type of like character. Cause he kind of like teased a new character like a few weeks back, but they never,
jumped on it for some reason. They just stopped talking about the new character. I'm not sure what they were doing with that. But yeah, I think whatever they do, hopefully it's successful. It'd be cool if they do a kind of go way, way back in the way-back machine and pull a right-to-sensor type of character, like an ivory type of... She comes out and just writes the wrongs of all the women out there and all. That'd be pretty cool.
We'll see. We'll see what they're going to do with there. Also, from Raw, we saw a pretty funny segment with the guys from the Street Profits, which was, I don't know, some of the stuff they do is kind of cringe-worthy to me, but this was hilarious. I love that. I'm hoping they do it every single week. Would you guys catch it?
Oh, yeah, that was that was cool. You know, it put me in mind of back there in the early 90s. Remember when me and Gene would come on with like the Royal Rumble report and like the SummerSlam report where he'd run down all the mats to set up for the pay-per-view. Like if they were just did something like that, but, you know, managed to weave in all their comedy and stuff, I could be down for that. I think me and Gina both been on record. We're both, you know, huge fans of Montez Ford. I think I think if the dude
It's a little bit more serious and stuff and changes up the persona a little bit once him and Angelo Dawkins go their separate ways. I legit think he could be a future world champ. But in the meantime, yeah, I think this could be really good. And I wouldn't mind seeing it incorporated if not weekend, if not every single week, you know, maybe every other week. And finally, I guess we can start. We'll go over this Kings Divorce Court. I did not see this, but tell me if it's worth going back and watching.
Uh, no, not really. I'm not a, I'm not a Bobby Lashley fan. I don't know for whatever reason, he just, from the moment he came back, nothing he has done is interested me. I think he had one good match with Roman on pay-per-view that was pretty cool, but I've never been a Lashley fan. Um, Bruce F is just, you know, I was there in the building when he came out on the tank and I think that was the peak for him. He hasn't been the same since then either. I'm a big fan of Bruce F and Lana, but this storyline is just, you know,
It's cringe-worthy. It's the kind of thing that, you know, if I had people that weren't wrestling fans at the house, I have no problem showing, you know, watching wrestling with people who aren't wrestling fans if they're at the head over here for whatever reason, but I would probably change the channel if something related to the storyline came on the TV with non-wrestling fans around.
I always love talking about that. Like the thing from every every week's episode that you would just like be embarrassed to show like your friends that don't watch wrestling. This is probably it. I mean, they love this storyline. They're, you know, they have their their YouTube is all over it. They got a ton of clicks on it. So I guess it's getting it. Yeah, it's definitely getting numbers. I've seen that, you know, that I think I think it was maybe like two weeks straight that I read somewhere that it was the highest rated segment on Raw when it came on. So
Somebody is watching this stuff, which, you know, I feel like it's just going to reinforce to the vents or whoever's calling the shots backstage now to give us more of this kind of stuff. But it's definitely not my cup of tea. And, you know, I do like I like the absurd stuff. I like funny storylines. But this is just it's just cringe. Yeah, hopefully it ends up stopping at TLC so we can run down the card. I thought I thought those two were in a match. Didn't they didn't they announce a match for those two? Yeah, I think they're in a I thought they were in a tables match.
Yeah, they're in a tables match. Hopefully they added on there. But yeah, maybe I was just so distraught that I didn't even want to acknowledge that. I hope it's only a pre-show or something. The show that doesn't matter is the pre-show. Yeah, hopefully that happens. But yeah, that's simply a match.
So we got Roman Reigns versus King Corbin for a TLC match. New Day versus Revival for the SmackDown tag titles. Bray versus Miz in a singles match. Aleister Black and Buddy Murphy in a ladder match, which would be awesome. And Charlotte and Becky, I guess, is that for the tag team titles against the Kabuki Warriors? I think it is. Yes, and it's a TLC match. That's a TLC match, too. OK, cool. I think we still need a Chairs match, so I don't know what that'll be.
And then I don't know if we'll have a stairs match. Remember they had a stairs match one year? Yeah. Yeah. It was, uh, it was, I want to say it was Eric Rowan and the big show. Oh God. No, I forget who it was. Let me look at it. I remember that was 2014 is when it was T tables, ladders, chairs, and stairs. You actually, I think you're right. Cause I was actually going to pick that as the retro, the 2014. Those are the two choices I had was 2014 and 2017.
But yeah, I think you're right about that. Seth, you missed a good Bobby Lashley. Not that I love Bobby Lashley, but that match with him and Braun Strom, I think there was extreme rules where they were just fighting all over the arena. That was pretty good. Yeah, that was actually a really good match. It was a surprisingly good match.
Yeah, I mean, as far as wrestling matches go, it was more of just like kind of beating the shit out of each other, but sometimes those are good. I do have a bone to pick with you, Seth, and I guess we can get into it now.

Debate on Wrestlers’ Careers

Oh, boy. Oh, boy. No, no, no. Here we go. We've already hashed out most of this, but I want to do it for the listeners, too, because our friends over at the Our Vantage Point podcast, which we always love to promote them, they have been doing like a weekly mid-carter of the week kind of thing where they go through their career.
and the
other guys that should get the credit that they deserve so that one week they did British Bulldog and I compared him in our group chat in our group chat to Seamus who I put Seamus you know the returning Seamus over and you would have thought that I told
I told Seth here that his mother was a whore because you just totally went off on me, man. I don't think it's a crazy discussion. I know you put it out to all the Facebook folks and they sided with you, of course, but I ran down the credentials of one Mr. Sheamus, I mean the king of the ring winner. I think he won the
Money in the Bank, he's won the Royal Rumble, he's a world champion. I love British Bulldog as a kid, but he had that one match at SummerSlam 92, and then it was just kind of mid-carter the rest of the way. So what say you? I will give you this. If you look at the stats, the accomplishments, yeah, Seamus has had a much more accomplished career, but I look at
who is a better professional wrestler so to me i go off the moments you know not to sound like michael cole but the the moments are what you remember not the number of title reigns um i go how historically significant they are and it was a different time when bulldog wrestled you know people held the belts even the ic belt the tag team belts people would hold those belts for six seven eight nine months at a time so
They get hot potato around and also as far as the world title goes like there was no There was no such thing as let's give this guy the belt for three or four months and just see how he does With it like if Vince was putting the world title belt on you he was saying you're gonna be my top cash cow and
for the next year i mean look at the guys i had it was hogan who had it for basically five years just a little break and then macho man had it for a year and ultimate warrior had it for about year if you live for about a year so you go from wrestlemania one through seven it was really only three guys that ever had a significant run with the belt and that's a seven-year period um
So I think that's why I don't look so much at the stats. And again, full disclosure, I'm a die-hard Bret Hart fan. So also, I love the Hart Foundation. So all five of those guys have a very special place in my wrestling fandom. But I just go back to that match, the SummerSlam 92. I think if you go back and watch that, watch the Bulldogs entrance, watch the overall quality of the match, the pop when he wins, he reaches a level of overness in that match that very few wrestlers
ever reach at any time. And I just think that that, in addition to his heel run he had, fighting Shawn Michaels for the belt, and then his run with the Hart Foundation, and just his run as one of the great tag teams back in the 80s with Dynamite Kid, I just think all that just makes him, just like I said, just a much more, I think he's gonna end up being a historically more significant wrestler than Sheamus. I don't know if we're gonna be talking about Sheamus this same way 15 years after he's retired.
No, I agree with you on that. I think people just look at the bygone eras with such rose-colored glasses, but I was a Bulldog fan. I'm not going to shit on him, and I thought he could have done bigger things in his career, like you said, that the system wasn't really set up for that, where they had... after what you said, Bret Hart was a champion for a long time, he had Yoko Zun in there for a little bit, Shawn Michaels back and forth.
you know it wasn't uh you know they also only had four pay-per-views it wasn't like now where you know you're defending the title 12 times a year or more so yeah it was definitely a different different world but uh i just don't think shamus gets the do he he deserves and i'm not you know i've never i'd agree with that i've never really thought about shamus but i mean he's great with the bar he just
I think he's maybe a little bit better on promos than the Bulldog was. It's probably close. But I want to hear from everybody listening. And you can tell us which one of us is right, if you think I'm right, or if you think Seth is wrong, either one. One more point in my favor. Bulldog has much better action figures. I think we can figure out that one. Oh, yeah, 100%. Yeah, big time. I mean, the Mattel Legends, the braided one. Hasbro. Yeah, Hasbro. LJEN.
Yeah, that Seamus retro was garbage But I agree with you, you know, I think Seamus run with the bar people forget You know the bar basically ran the tag team scene on raw for a solid two years So I think I think that could end up going down as one of the you know The most impressive things he did in his whole career even aside from the the world title runs Sheena, what do you think? I just don't know
Okay, all right. That was a little preview of the Sheena Tron 5000. We got it queued up for when the baby pops out. Our buddy Zach Eaglehoff has a whole sound board here for me, so you'll be hearing that in the coming weeks, I'm sure, as Sheena's taking a little sabbatical.
Let's get to outside the squared circle here. We had some releases, we had some rumors, we had some suspensions, all kinds of

Superstar Releases and Future Prospects

stuff. Let's start with the people that are no longer with the WWE. We received word, I think it was Sunday or Monday.
that Luke Harper, the Ascension, and Sin Cara are all no longer with the company. They've been granted their release. And of course, everybody on Twitter seems to think whenever someone gets released that their talent was just wasted. Which I'm sure is the case sometimes, but you don't hear about that when a football player sucks and they get released or something. I know it's a different sport.
Which of these guys do you think the WWE really missed on the most? And which one of them, Seth, do you think is going to catch on somewhere else and become a big star? I think Luke Harper. I've been a fan of his since they first came up with the Wyatt's.
I loved his little singles running when they first broke up. I'm not sure what Marcos got queued up for our retro pick of the week, but I know TLC 2014, his ladder match with Dolph for the IC title was awesome.
guys good on the mic, he can go in the ring. I thought he was a crucial part of that storyline leading up to WrestleMania 33 between Bray and Randy. And I think that match ended up being a dud. I think it would have been a whole world better if they would have had Luke Harper in there and made it a three way.
And I just, I think he's excellent. You know, he's, he's really good friends with Marty squirrel, who is probably my favorite non WWE wrestler. So, uh, my fingers are crossed that we see him and Marty squirrel come in AW at the same time together. I think that would be, would be awesome. But yeah, I'm just, I'm a big Luke Harper fan. And I I'm kind of with you, Phil. I kind of roll my eyes a lot when I hear people, you know,
When I hear people say, oh, his talent was wasted, because I feel a lot of Internet fans, they feel like every single wrestler should be a world champ. And that's not the case. You know, some guys, you know, some guys, their peak is being a really interesting mid Carter. And that's what I think Luke Harper could have been. I think he could have been a really interesting upper mid Carter who challenged for, you know, he flirted with the main event scene every once in a while. And obviously, for whatever reason, Debbie did not see him in that light. And I think that's when they must have voted on the ascension.
It's in car. They're cool. Sad to see him go, but I don't think I'm really going to miss those guys as much as I will. Luke Harper. What about you, Marco? I see here. I mean, any one of those guys say things in car, Luke Harper, the ascension, I mean, the ascension could have been like a cool like I think I'm not sure where I mentioned this maybe in the group chat. They could have been like a cool like new age, like demolition or or like road warriors if they like.
did it properly, like a modern day version of them, if they booked them the right way, because they were that in NXT. They're pretty over in NXT, if you guys remember, recall that. But NXT, it was a different time back then when they were in NXT. So if they were in NXT now and they were moving around, I think they probably would have been a lot more successful. Sin Cara, they could literally just put someone else in a mask, because they've done that before. That's not the same Sin Cara.
there actually was a Sin Cara before the Sin Cara. I'm not sure if anyone remembers that as well either, or am I the only one that knows that? Yeah, Sin Cara's been released twice now. Yeah, so they could literally just know someone else and keep that Sin Cara name, because they probably own it. But the other parts of that is, I mean, Luke Harper, I do love Luke Harper. They actually, in that roadblock, was it 2016? That like one-off show that they did with like,
was it a Dean Ambrose and Triple H invented? Yeah, it was a Wyatt family basically versus Brock Lesnar. And he was like one of the main guys in the ring with Brock Lesnar. So I mean, they weren't, I think they were like kind of, kind of like testing the waters with, with Luke Harper. But for some reason, I'm not sure what happened behind the scenes. The only thing I hate about when people get released from WWE is they're automatically going to AEW. And that's just not the case at all. I don't think that,
they're not just going to grab every single WWE person that leaves. Um, I think they actually mentioned that before that like they're not going to do it. Um, they have, if you've read stories like on AEW and how they're booking stuff, it's they're running into like problems, booking all the people that they have now. So just to take on, like these three guys might be a little bit, you know, even more daunting for them. So, um, yeah, anywhere they go, I think they're going to be stars. So I mean, they're going to excel.
just not the WWE. Yeah, Harper's actually mentioned that, you know, he's really interested in going back to Japan for a little bit. So I think we may see him move like a brief New Japan run before he goes down somewhere somewhere here stateside.
It's pretty agile for a big dude. I enjoyed him too. I'm really surprised I never just tried to repackage him or the Ascension to something. Just make him clean cut, make him a corporate cane character for somebody. You could have done something cool with him. You could have just given the Ascension, made them shit on their old gimmick, and just made them two bad ass biker dudes or something. I don't know.
million things you could have done. They didn't do anything. I am surprised that they just announced that they're releasing Sin Cara instead of the actual person under the mask because now you know what I mean? Like why not just say we release like Jose Hernandez or whoever the hell played him and just you know just kept the gimmick going you know because you could just use that. I'm sure kids love it you know kids love the flippy do and like the mask. My son loves any any action figure with a mask on it right now so
Yeah, and that could be the Sin Cara gimmick, just 50 years from now Sin Cara is still in WWE. Keep the gimmick going. The longest tenured superstar ever, Sin Cara. Marco, there's actually two roadblocks. I didn't know this. Roadblock end of the line, which was Kevin Owens was the champion against Roman Reigns. I don't remember this at all. I had to Google it.
Yeah, the first roadblock was one of the coolest shows of

Legends and Hall of Fame Announcements

the year. The second roadblock was probably the worst show of that year. Yeah, that's why we don't remember it. We pretend the second one didn't happen. The first one was amazing.
Very nice. All right. We have in the notes here that I didn't know about this at all. I guess there's going to be a new episode of the Broken Skull Sessions with Goldberg that's going to air after TLC next week. And that should be pretty cool. Him and Stone Cold going one on one. Seth, give me your thoughts and tell me who you think the third guest on this show would be because I like the concept of it for sure. It's similar to the podcast that Stone Cold does, but it's more kind of story driven. It's pretty cool.
Yeah, I definitely enjoy it. You know, Stone Cold is just such a, you know, it's crazy. He was such a good wrestler, but it feels like he was born to be, you know, a podcaster or interviewer. Him and Goldberg actually had it. Goldberg was on his podcast a couple of years ago and it was really good. So I'm looking forward to this. You know, obviously everybody always compared Austin and Goldberg back during the attitude era just because they had such similar looks. So interesting to see, you know, how deep Stone Cold digs into it, you know, with all his questions and everything for the next guest.
Um, that's a tough one. You know, if I had to go, I've said to go somebody modern day, I'd love to see him talk with Roman reigns. You know, I'd like to hear, I'd love to hear no holds barred interview with Roman rain, just to hear, you know, his thoughts on how, uh, you know, his reaction has pushed, you know, and just, uh, all the ups and downs he's had over the last five years where WWE is.
You know, I don't think they force fed him to us, but a lot of people would say that Roman's been force fed to the fans. And I'd like to hear Roman's thoughts on how he's, uh, you know, how he feels about never quite getting the fan reaction that I think he deserved up until his, uh, up until he came out that he had cancer, you know? So I think I'd like to see it go in a different direction. You know, you did Undertaker did Goldberg. Let's get Roman Reigns on there next and get a modern day superstar to, uh, to, you know, kind of lock horn, so to speak with Steve Austin.
I do think that would be cool. I don't think they are going to let a current day superstar, you know, get up and talk about that kind of stuff. I think they're going to stick to former, uh, former athlete, former wrestlers, but I think that would be cool. I think, you know, he has a lot to say and we haven't really ever heard him kind of in a candid forum before because he's been so close to the vest. Um, so yeah, that would be cool. Uh, what about you, Marco? Who do you think would be a good guest on that show? Um, I'm not sure if he's really modern.
But I'd like to see Brock Lesnar actually on the show mainly because that the whole Stone Cold, the whole drop of the ball type of thing where he left the company because they didn't want to do the job for Brock Lesnar back in the day. I think that'd be pretty cool because I'm not sure if they actually had like a one-on-one conversation that I remember anyway. Obviously no Paul Haven in the room just Brock and Stone Cold just going back and forth about that whole ordeal.
I would like to hear about WrestleMania 2, the WrestleMania match between Goldberg and then So Cold as a referee and the thoughts on that and stuff like that. So I think that'd be pretty cool. Cause I think if you've heard Brock Lesnar speak, he's a straight shooter. He doesn't hold anything back. Um, but I think that's the type of interview that So Cold likes and loves. So I think that'd be a really good one. Yeah. He actually had Brock on, um,
the earlier incarnation of Steve Austin's podcast. I mean, he had an episode with Brock, but it wasn't anything close to what you're talking about. They kind of kept, you know, treated him with kid gloves. They're talking more about hunting and stuff than they did actual wrestling stuff. It'd be nice to see him get in there with Brock, a little bit more no holds barred, just be able to ask the kind of stuff that, you know, Steve normally asks his guests. I would actually like a, no, this would never happen, but I would actually like a do over with Dean Ambrose since he's like,
Yeah, that was a disaster. Yeah, that was really bad. I mean, now that he's kind of like a Stone Cold-ish character for AEW, if you guys follow it, even though I'm on the AEW correspondent on the show, so I don't want to watch him other than anyone. But yeah, if you watched, he has a lot of Stone Cold-esque characteristics now, because he's like throwing the middle finger up, and he's on the toughest SOB in this company and all this type of stuff. So I'd like to have that attitude of,
Deed Ambrose or Jon Moxley on the Broken Skull Sessions just to get the real Deed Ambrose, the angry one, the guy that's upset about where he was at the company and things like that. I think that'd be a really good interview. I told you I sat down at my computer tonight thinking I could watch the second hour of AEW Dynamite and then I realized it was Tuesday night. I don't know. I lost all track of days now that I'm working on it, seven days a week. That's been awful.
How about the rumors of NWO and Batista headed to the Hall of Fame? I don't know if WWE's confirmed this or not, I don't think they have, but they're- No, I think they acknowledged it last night on Raw. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. So what do you, I mean, it makes sense. Those are two of the bigger names in the last, you know, 10, 15 years, but I'm sure people are going to be up in arms about Hogan getting back in and having a speech and, you know, with all of,
his status with the company and his racial comments in the past. But I think the group, you know, NWO needs to be in, of course, you know, for sure. So my beef with the NWO is that what they're putting in is Hogan.
Hall, Nash, and then Six, also known as X-Pac, also known as 123Kid or Sean Waltman. My problem with that, Hogan, Hall, and Nash, yeah, that's bulletproof. That's the three guys you think of when you think N.W.O. I don't know how Six got tagged in as the fourth person worthy of being inducted, because I feel like
If you're doing six in, then you're opening up the whole next tier of the N.W.O. Don't get me wrong, six was a cool part of the N.W.O., but he was definitely a solid step below Hogan Hall and Nash. So I feel like, you know, you need to have the giant, AKA the big show, Ted DiBiase, big Papa Pump, Scott Steiner, Hell Buff Bagwell, you know, just a whole host. Basically that whole second tier of N.W.O. members, they should be going in as well if you're letting six roll in there.
Horace Hogan, yeah, all those guys. Horace Hogan, yeah, everybody, you know, Eric Bischoff, I mean, he was probably the next- Eric Bischoff definitely needs to be in there. N.W.O. member, and those guys, Bischoff, yeah, like, I don't know, the N.W.O. roster gets pretty squirrely the further you go down there, but yeah, that was my first thing I said, I was like, cool, I love the N.W.O., you know, I was actually rocking an N.W.O. hat around the house earlier on today, but I just, I don't, you know, I'm a stickler, and I don't see how six deserves
to be on the same level as Hulk and Hall of Nash.
Yeah, he's only with WWE for two years, then goes back to WWE. I mean, they pick and choose how they want to remember history. We've talked about that before on the show. So I mean, he's still involved with the WWE. He's on the documentaries. He's doing the watch along stuff on pay-per-views. So I mean, that's why they throw him in there. But yeah, there's a lot of guys, I'm hoping they at least bring him up and show Scott Norton and Savage and all those guys because that was-
A big part of it. Sorry to interrupt. I got Wikipedia put up. There were 62 members of the NAACP. No. Yes. Oh, my god. So hey, some people we forgot to mention, NWO Sting. Remember that, the fake Sting. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. You had Vincent, AKA Virgil, Miss Elizabeth. AKA Soltray Jones. Yeah. Was this one for no ever in the NAACP? He was a wannabe. He never actually got it. OK, that's what it was. That was the angle, yeah. Summer Macho Man was in there? Yeah, Macho Man. That's right.
Uh, he had Michael Wall Street, also known as IRS, the great Buddha, the great Buddha, Conan, Kurt Hinnig, Mr. Perfect.
Rick rude, you know, which Rick rude. I can't remember. I don't think he got I don't think he was mentioned with DX last year I don't think he was a part of the DX. Yeah, he was a founding like one of the original members Yeah, what about the disciple Brutus the barber beefcake? We had the NWO referee Nick Patrick Steiner was great. Oh, yeah
Hey, hey, what about this? Dennis Rodman? Dennis Rodman? He's one of the most famous members, you know? So I just, I feel like they're, uh, yeah, they're, they're really leaving a lot of people out and they open up that door by just leaving six. If it was just Hogan, Holland, Nash, cool. No problem. I wouldn't say anything about it, but I feel like it's, uh, you know, it's a, it's a plot hole, so to speak by having, having six going with those guys.
Wasn't there like a Japanese wrestler that was in it? I remember as a kid, like. Yeah, the great Muda. No, no. Somebody else. And then Masahiro Chono. Yeah, yeah. I remember watching you. Where did that guy come from? As a kid, I'm like, they've never talked about this guy. How is he even in WO? It's crazy. So, yep. I'm sure they'll not mention any of those people's names ever.
We'll see, but I'm interested to see what other names they're going to have in that Hall of Fame class.

Suspensions and Figure Collecting

Bobby Roode and Primo from the Colons, they were both suspended, I think it was today, came out because of a violation of the wellness policy, which we haven't seen anyone under this since I think Roman Reigns was suspended a couple years ago. Yeah, he was the last one, I think.
I'm surprised that more people, I mean, they have such a big roster. You get 500 baseball players and there's a couple suspended every year for something. So they've been- Yeah, I was browsing through Reddit. They said, I guess somebody that, I don't know if they actually were just talking out of their ass or if they actually know what they're talking about.
Someone said that you could get suspended if you just happen to miss a scheduled test so it could be something as simple as that why these guys are You know getting put on the shelf for a month, but you know Bobby root is you know he's 40 plus years old He's absolutely shredded out there every single week, so I wasn't super shocked to see his name on there I was a little surprised to see primos names because I honestly forgot that they were still employed by the company and
Yeah, I'm surprised they're not out of the chopping block. That could be two catering budgets they could have cut and saved a couple plates. But yeah, we'll see if there's more information on those guys next week. I think we're ready to get into our go figure segment.
It's that time, baby, best time of the week, where we talk about whatever purchases we made, ill-advised purchases for plastic men in their underwear called Go Figure. Other shows try to compete, but they can't. We actually buy things, and we're going to talk about them. Our new guest host go first. Why don't you pick up this week, Mr. Heal Husband?
It was pretty light week for the most part the coolest thing we got was The we had our Brian Christopher Grandmaster sex a custom figure. Oh Yeah, because you know WZ they gave us Rikishi They gave us Scotty to potty obviously, we know Brian Christopher Tragically, you know came to
Okay, we headed up to the big square circle in the sky last year under some suspicious circumstances. So it's going to be a while, if ever, before we get a figure. But I had to complete too cool. I feel like too cool doesn't really get their due. They were one of the most overacts of the- Yeah, they were over. Kind of the late attitude era, I guess. Towards the end of the attitude era, they were one of the most overacts. But yeah, so we ended up getting that. So I had a safe search on eBay.
for Brian Christopher Elite. It finally popped up. It was just a really basic figure. You know, it was just a plain figure and it had the jeans. But it was only like 25 bucks. So I got it. Got custom figure shirts to hook us up with the Too Cool t-shirt. And then I actually found a Jack's Too Cool set for about 15 bucks on eBay and got that to get the boombox and the hat with the fake drag boss on it to kind of.
kind of complete the set and really, really bring that figure to life. So that was it, but it was definitely cool to get a unique pickup like that. Very cool. Marco, anything for you this week? Your Walmarts and targets have been having any luck? Marco, you there? Yeah, I'm here. Yeah. So I did get a notification from the old Walmart saying my WWE Masters of the Universe
I think I could be arriving tomorrow, so that's, I can't wait to give my hands on that, but I'll probably check to see what they have there, but I picked up the, actually my target just started putting out the summer slim elite figure, so. What is the time for Christmas? Yeah, man, right? Yeah, no, because I never, I didn't pick up the Daniel Bryan for some reason, I don't know why, I just skipped over it, so picked him up,
I grabbed Nicky and Brie, because they had both of them, so why not? I never had either one of those, so I grabbed those up as well. Actually, no. And then I posted on our Facebook group. I finished my Elite 70 collection with Seth Rollins. He was the last, because I have a bunch of Seth Rollins, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to do that or not. I was like, for some reason, Elite 70 was my favorite.
So far this year, I don't know why, just like the, I don't know, the figures are amazing. Joey Gargano, freaking Dolph Ziggel looked amazing. Yeah, that was a cool set. Yeah, so like, Vince McMahon with the blue state and all that stuff, so. I figure I rounded out just it, because the collector in me says you have to complete it, so I completed it. The Seth Rollins figure actually is really, I actually like it, I like the all black look to it, stuff like that, it's a shield.
gear that he has on, stuff like that, with the white intercontinental title, which he used to cheer me on at the time.
Yeah, that's pretty much it for my pickups. I might have to pick up that Seth Rounds now, because today at Ollie's, I found Acum and Rezar elites from I think it was 64, 65. And I've always wanted those figures. They were $10. I picked them up. And they will look really cool with that Seth Rounds Elite 70 with the architects of pain look. So I don't know if I'm going to keep this for myself or let the kid unbox them. But I'll probably just be selfish and keep them for myself.
Where's my phone actually got a I got a sage round actually I found the masters of the universe ring at our local Walmart on Sunday also me and Me and and the baby face we went out did some big hunting together and I was gonna give a tip to all the listeners to Make sure you guys check all over the stores because the Walmart we found him at they actually had them like right close to the entrance Just on a pallet there. So I know most of the Walmart slightly there's like stocked up on toys You know, obviously it's not as many elites as we wish they have
but they're definitely bringing it with the toy department so there's toys scattered like throughout the store just like in some of the middle like the big walkways they'll just have random toys out on pallets so so if you know brick seek showed them in stock look all around the store because if we just wouldn't went to the toy section or whatever we definitely would not have found uh that ring but it you know we'd have to pick that up and it was a very cool piece to add to the collection
Very nice. I added those two. I picked up from eBay, the Undertaker 20 and 0 Toys R Us exclusive elite from several years ago. I put this on the Facebook group. I'm trying to build a small collection of my favorite WrestleMania-centric elites. I have the Seth Rollins, Money in the Bank cash-in. I have now this Undertaker one.
Love that figure. Yeah, they're both great. I'm eyeing up the Shawn Michaels Boyhood Dream one. I'm eyeing up obviously the new Kofi Elite, which has a special place in my heart, and that Daniel Bryan WrestleMania 30 Elite. So any other suggestions? Are you keeping these MOC, or are you? Well, I mean, it would be cool to have them all out, but I mean, for the time being. Well, I was going to tell you, for the WrestleMania 12, Shawn Michaels, like a little pro tip, they released
Back in the original series of entrance crates. They released Shawn Michaels with the suit you remember his like white entrance gear that he had oh, yeah Yeah, so they released that with a basic Figure of it. So what I did we had when that elite came about I got the I wouldn't got one of the entrance great so I could take the suit off of it and put it on that elite so you could maybe you could probably get it back in the box like that if you want to do a
really make it next level. We got a bunch of stuff at the PO Box for the toy drive, which as I mentioned, we have a little bit of time left to do that. It's Chick Foley Toy Drive PO Box 3203, Catonsville, Maryland, 21228. I'm going to turn those in in about a week or so. So if you're going to get them in, get them in quick. Let me pull up the list of all the folks that are
I have donated here. Elijah Gonzales sent me some money via PayPal, which we appreciate. And that was put toward some retro figures at Five Below, which the Five Blows around me really do not like to see. Well, I don't know if they like to see me or don't like to see me because I've cleared them out of basically all of the figures that they have as far as wrestlers. But my wife's like, aren't you going to buy some non-wrestling? Sorry, it's Elijah Gomez, I apologize.
Uh, he sent us the money via PayPal. My wife was like, aren't you going to buy some like girl toys for this thing? Like not everybody likes wrestling. And I'm like, there's probably other people donating to this, you know? So, uh, and I don't really call, I really care about anybody else except for wrestling fans. So.
Thank you, Elijah, for your donation. Our buddy Ryan Ferguson sent us some pop vinyls in the mail to the PO Box, so Ryan, we appreciate that. You sent a very nice Christmas card to my house, and we appreciate that. I don't know if you want me to read that on the air or not, but if you do, I can read that next week.
Our buddy Chad Roberts sent a set of Retro Series 9 figures to the house. And our buddy Chef Shane Eby, one of our Patreon subscribers, sent $150 to us via PayPal. And I'm going to go with my son this weekend, get out of the house, do some fig hunt, and just let him go crazy at five below with $150.
and a
Yeah, good shit, man. We have a whole list of about 15 or 20 people who've donated so far. I'm gonna read those names out after Christmas and give you guys some props and we'll announce who the winner is for whatever prize that we pick for that. But it's been going pretty good. Our buddy Bob Zegler sent another box, a second box now of stuff. So it's been crazy. I don't have all of it in front of me. It's all put away. I'm gonna kind of take a big picture of everything. But I think we're close to like 300 figs, man. It's pretty crazy.
Yeah, Sheena showed me the picture. It's pretty awesome to see all the outpouring of support from everybody. It's a fun hobby and it's definitely fun. You can share it with some kids who may be in need this Christmas. Yeah, thank God for Five Below, too, because obviously Ringside has some really good deals. I'm just afraid to order from them now because I don't think it'll get here in a week if you do the free shipping.
Yeah, it's just five blows a great spot for wrestling figures. These kids are gonna appreciate it, I know, because we take for granted how lucky we are to have a lot of the stuff that we do have. And we can take time to talk about wrestling toys once every single week.
Yeah, it's pretty cool. I'm excited to see a picture of everything all together. So that'll be nice I know Marco right now is attending to the kids who have woken up. So that's all my purchases I did pre-order I talked about it last week pre-order Natalia and you and Sheena sent me some elites you sent me the Daniel Bryan Elias and Triple H from I think that's elite 73 and
73 yep, and you guys had opened those up for a unboxing videos on Sheena's Instagram Those are all really cool figures that Elias is really dope, but I wanted to get your take I'm sure in the next couple weeks Sheena myself and Marco will be talking about our kind of our top figures of 2019 I want to hear some of yours Because you've been in this game much longer than me And I think you're one of the the foremost authorities on this so let me hear what you thought have been some of the best figures of 2019 I
Yes, so I got two picks that I think are going to make a lot of year endless. And then I got one that I think is super underrated and kind of a little bit overlooked. So first off, the brood hardy boy set from ringside. Those were just incredible. I love those figures like Mattel just knocked it out of the park.
from the shirts they had, the way Matt Hardy's hair looks, just everything about those two figures was just perfect. I really loved that set and I think it's one of the best, it ranks right up there with some of the best ringside exclusives they've ever released. The other one was Elite 68 King Mabel.
Know that we had between the two. I kind of like the one that had the The lightning bolts on there. It was just you know, it was basically all unique tooling I think all those parts for it were brand new Just an awesome figure. It's it's big the colors really just pop they they actually have like a little bit of a Metallic sheen to them which if there's one thing that Mattel struggled with sometimes it's been kind of with the metallic look on some of the figures But it looks really good
And I'm a sucker for that, dude. As much as people hate it, that 94 to 96 era was really my wheelhouse. That was the last of my time as an innocent wrestling fan before I got smart on the dirt sheets and stuff. 97 is my all-time favorite year of wrestling, but 94 from 96 is right in the nostalgia sweet spot. So any figures from that era, I'm all over them. I hope we get some more. I hope we get an atom bomb.
I'd love to get a most we can complete men on a mission just really really anything from that I'm gonna be all over it So that was much you that I think those are gonna be on a lot of people's year-end lists But one that I think does not get the credit it was due actually just unboxed at last week was the ultimate edition Shinsuke Nakamura
I know when it came out, you know, I know our buddies over on major wf pod They were like, oh wow, you know another shinsuke and red pants and I kind of said the same thing You know when I saw it, I was like geez, you know, we've already got I feel like we've gotten you know four or five Really similar figures to this last year but but the the version of it with the with the jacket on you know with the sleeves the head sculpt just the articulation on the hands like I unboxed it and I had it out sitting on our bar and
And I mean, it just, you know, it's very rare that I would say this about a figure. It literally looked like they took Shinsuke Nakamura and just shrunk him down, you know, into, you know, whatever the height of the Mattel is, you know, six, seven inches or whatever. I tell you guys, get that figure out of the box and it will really wow you, you know.
to the point to which i think you know we're doing our purge in our figures now i think i'm selling my other shins gays and just keeping that is the definitive one but again i was the same thing way i was really underwhelmed when i saw that that was going to be in the the series two of the ultimate editions but i'm telling you that uh the shinsuke ultimate edition is an incredible figure out of the box so anybody that's not an moc collector i definitely recommend getting that out playing around with it doing some posing with it
Because it's one of the most realistic likenesses that Mattel has done this past year. Yeah, and good stuff, man. All good suggestions. I haven't really seen that Nakamura out of the box. I know it's been around at a lot of targets, and they've been dropping the price. I know right after Black Friday, it was like $22. I'm pulling up the price now. On ringside, they've been having some, they got their Cyber Monday 2.0 deal. I know they're going to do a Cyber Black Friday 3.0 this weekend, and probably a Cyber Monday 3.0 on Monday.
Figures are gonna be more discounted. You know even more right? It's the ultimate editions 1399 with damaged packaging on ringside 1499 you know inbox which is you know if you're telling if you're telling me this is that good of a figure That's that's a no-brainer. It's cheaper than an elite right now. Yeah, it's an awesome figure You know if you if you if you're a type of person that you know is only gonna have One or two of every guy in your collection that definitely recommend adding that again. I know it's similar to a lot
of the other Shinsuke's we've gotten, but it is, you know, it's a cut above all the other Shinsuke figures that we've gotten so far. How do the Ultimate editions look? I know scale-wise they're the same with the regular elites, but do they stand out in a good way or a bad way? Like, are they just so much more detailed that they just look like a totally different animal, or do they fit in well in, like, a loose collection?
I think that i mean they look really similar the only big difference the only i mean really the only difference as far as overall look wise is just the chest articulation which they've gotten better. You know the the if you if you notice you know the regular leeches have kind of a hinge where like the chest bends down these ones have like a swivel where like their upper chest can kind of go like you know it gives a more functionality like more more posibility but.
it doesn't necessarily look as good i know the warrior had some issues and the brent from series two like because the gap where the swivel is just a little too big so it's it just looks a little awkward but um the shinsuke was fine the ronda was fine and both the series three figures the triple h and fin they were both
just finding that area. So I think it's something that they kind of improved on as the line is gone through these early stages. And they definitely fit right in though. You would have like if I had like my mom or somebody come through my figure room, I don't think she'd be able to pick out the ultimate editions and the elites, if that's what you're asking.
We did mention at the top of the segment here, but we are sponsored by Ringside Collectibles. If you've been living under a rock and you're listening to us and you collect figures, it's definitely the place to go. You can use code CHICKFOLY for 10% off a checkout or a free ship if you get over $50 this time of year. Obviously, use whatever one is going to get you the most money off of those orders.
Yeah, they've had some cool deals, man. I'm pulling it up here to look at some of them. They're doing their Cyber Monday 2.0 deal right now. Like I said, by the time you guys listen to this, it might even be a Black Friday 3.0 thing. There's a bunch of stuff discounted. Perfect time to jump on anything that you've been missing out on because
I mean, I'm sure you've done it before. I've done it before where I pass on something, pass on it, pass on it. It's in stores and it's on ringside cheap. And then, you know, six months later, a year later, you want it and you have to jump on eBay and you're paying over, you know, over whatever retail prices. So, you know, if you want something, definitely grab it. I passed today. I passed on Roddy, Roderick Strong and the Buddy Murphy elites. I really don't know why. I just don't like, I like both those guys. And I guess I can ask you, Seth. You saw them on the pegs somewhere? Yeah, I saw them on the pegs. Yeah.
Oh, wow. We're at Walmart or what? Walmart. Yeah, I just was able to stop in somewhere real quick. Yeah, Elite72 has not hit anywhere yet. I've been checking near daily, but it is not shut up on a pegs here yet.
Yeah. I mean, they're both great looking figures. I just, uh, I don't know. I just, I got to kind of not weaned down a little bit, but I have, I mean, my bathroom right now down here in the basement, I have 20 figures mental car, just stop, you know, stacked up on the back of the toilet. Just like, I don't have the shelf space for it right now. I don't know if I'm going to weed out or add some more shelves. My wife's not going to like that. The entire basement is now being consumed by wrestling figures, but she's going to have to deal with it.
But yeah, they're both great looking figures and I'll probably end up picking those up again at some point, but hopefully I see them again in the wild. The Roderick Strong especially is a contender for figure of the year for me. It's a really good looking figure. So yeah, those are hitting. I've seen a lot of people land in the
The Gorilla Monsoon, a lot of people right here have found it. Yeah, that's the top on my wish list right now. Me too, me too. I haven't been able to work at this time of year, as you can imagine, selling alcohol during the holidays. I've been 10, 12 hour days, seven days a week until January 1st, so I haven't been able to fig hunt as much as I'd like to. So I'm hoping, I put it on my Christmas list, but I don't know if anybody's going to be able to find it for me, but I'm sure I'll find it at some point. That's a cool looking figure. I want to pair it next to the Bobby Heenan, obviously.
And I like the new box design more and more. I look at it. I think it's really cool. I think it is cool It's not as angled as the the series before the most recent one So I love the box art on the side because that's how I present mine. I have them sideways Marco what's uh, what's your level one to ten on desire for this gorilla monsoon? Probably a ten I'm like a twelve
Yeah, probably. Yeah, because I mean, I want to round out the the the commentary team with the Elite Seven events in the you know, I have I just got the Bobby heated last week for the for the fan central body Bobby heated. So totally right. You have Gorilla there is the to run out the the trio of the announced team there. So yeah, I definitely that's if that's one of the figures that I
We want to get out of any one of that. That would definitely be the one there I could do without any anything right now. That would be the bait one. Yeah, I think. Do you have Meme Gene? Meme Gene with Flashback Elite? Yes. OK. Oh, wow. You're just like me. Yeah. The whole commentator section now, man. You know who we really need next after once we all have this grill with you, our collection, we need a Jesse the body matura. Oh, yes.
Yeah, yeah, I would get it. I would definitely get it. You would have to be like the corniest like thing. Hey, like really good. Hey, that takes me back to being 10 years old on Saturday morning, watching David WF mania. Oh yeah. He was all over the man. He was more animated than anybody else I've ever seen on wrestling man. And like, yeah, I'm still a, but yeah, we're still be even pounding the pavement, hitting targets and Walmart's looking for gorilla and cash. So no, I was psyched.
The other day I went to, so I'm on PopFinder every day and I saw our local Target. It jumped up by eight on the Elite. And all they've had recently is Elite 70. So I thought for sure, okay, this has gotta be a fresh set of 71. So I'm on my way home from work. I stop at Target. I see the case sealed up still on the pegs. So this is like wrestling figure nirvana. I'm about to see this case get cut open. And I just know that the cashstone is gonna be right there at the top of it.
And I find a nice helpful employee, they grab the case off, cut it open, and sure enough, another case of Elite 70. First thing I see is Dolph Ziggler's face looking back at me, I'm just like, oh my god. I've been finding a bunch of Elite 69s in my target, all

Toy Collecting Challenges

of them. I had one point, I had five ricochets in my car. I gave a couple to our buddy Kenny, and he bought them for me, he's got two sons that wanted him. He wasn't able to find him, so I found him one for my son, two for his son.
I've been holding on to a couple, I'll probably have one MOC for myself, but that's a cool figure. And I'm surprised that we're still getting 69 in Targets, man. I'm ready to move on. I still haven't seen the new box in any of the Targets. I know a lot, obviously my Walmarts are starting to get the Monsoon series, 73 or whatever it is, 72.
Yeah, targets have just been a little behind the game here. But I think Monsoon is going to be like Patterson was, where it kind of trickled out at first, especially this time of year. I mean, I'm assuming over the next couple of weeks, you're going to see boxes and boxes and stuff coming to Walmart. Every time I talk to an employee that's, you know, I don't know about you guys, but like the entire center aisle, when you go to the toy section, there's just pallets of stuff that they're like, they just don't have enough people to fill the shelves. I mean, one of them told me, I've got like 20 pallets in the back we have to unload. Like, oh, Jesus Christ.
going to suck work in retail this time of year, so I try not to push it too much, but I'm sure that'll be plentiful, hopefully. Yeah, Una, I had saw that once. It's the only time I ever saw it, grabbed it, and that was it. It's tough, man. I don't know. We've talked about the distribution problems, but I'm just surprised that you just don't see things. It's just crazy. People don't see things at all in their stores, or people see a lot of- Yeah, it's so big or big too, because I know
Like Sheena actually found Gerald Briscoe twice.
and refined patterson two or three times so uh... it's just a lucky and i see people on twitter just saying they need a patterson so it's welcome to draw but uh... you know that's the the joy of the hot man that's what i was tell people to let always chirping me on twitter like uh... as i get a house was why got a collecting is they don't have any of these exclusives like you know it's it is tough man sucks makes it fun though yeah i mean makes it makes it interesting and it's like you know when i look at my wall of all the
the elites I have. I remember which store I got each one of them at and what I had to go through and all that kind of stuff. Worst comes to worst, you can find it on eBay in a couple months for close to retail price. Don't be too impatient out there.

Unique Merch and Historic Invitations

Thanks to everybody for the donations. We appreciate it. Again, follow us on social media. We'll be sure to update. Do you have any kind of deals going on?
through ringside the target through Twitter I'll search through to Walmart and and all those different outlets Let's get on to our random merch of the week. This is usually a Sheena vehicle here, but let's yeah, so she gave me the link So for this week, yeah, this is something I've never seen before. I don't really know a lot about it so this was a
It's an if you guys remember way back summer slam 91 remember that the tagline on that was the match made in hell the match made in heaven which the match made in hell was Hulk Hogan and the ultimate warrior versus versus sergeant slaughtered in his goons and then the match made in heaven was
They just got reunited at WrestleMania 7 and it was macho man and miss Elizabeth getting married and somebody on eBay has actually got a wedding invitation an RSVP to the wedding That's signed by my macho man and miss Elizabeth that they they have for sale on here Pretty cool. Have you guys ever seen this before? Never I didn't know this existed. This is something they did like a promotional promotional thing for the pay-per-view. I
So yeah, I wasn't sure if this was something, I thought it may be something that they just gave to all the fans at the event, or maybe it was just a prop backstage, but I'm reading the description. So it says that only a few of these were made and were given as a very special prize to the winners of a Toys R.S. contest. The guy says he obtained this one from a lucky winner and kept it securely stored since then. So I know nothing about this piece of merch. I don't know if the authenticity of it, I've never heard of
I've never heard that there was a Toys R Us giveaway where they gave out invitations to this. It looks legit, it passes the eyeball test, but I don't know, $4,500 is what he's asking for this, with free shipping though. So he's gonna give you free shipping on this. Yeah, that's a lot of money. I feel like that's what I would pay for the Macho Man's tuxedo from...
From the wedding remember the whole white and gold like suit that he had with the cowboy head. I feel like that's worth 45 I don't know if the invitation is it's definitely a cool piece though, and it's something that uh that I haven't seen before I'll make sure we post the the link to this on the the patreon page on Facebook Get you a half of a feeding belt man, you know I mean I think I said this in the group chat it says it's signed to the
That invitation was signed by Elizabeth and Macho Man. Yeah, it is signed by both of them. And I'd much, I would definitely spend the $4,000, because I'm such a Macho Man Mark, I would definitely buy that if I had the money. I would not question it. I'm not sure if that changes your mind about me at all. You guys out there, but I would definitely drop a dime. I would buy that thing. And then actually, if you look on PayPal, you could actually do a, apply for the PayPal card and do a monthly payments on it. So you can actually, if you do,
That's what I'm actually thinking to do right now, so don't hate me if I actually
I mean, it's probably a one of a kind piece, right? I've never seen that before. I didn't know it existed. So yeah, pretty cool stuff. Good job, Sheena, via Seth.

TLC 2017 Recap and Episode Conclusion

Retro Wrestling Recommendation of the Week, sponsored by our friends at Pro Wrestling Tees. We chose, or Marco chose TLC 2017. Tell me about this event, Marco. Yeah, so let me pull it up real quick, because I think I just lost it.
Yes so I only picked him because I was bouncing back and forth between TLC 2014 and 2015 2014 because Seth actually said it earlier you know Luke Harper was in it had an intercontinental match with Dolph Ziggler ladder match which is really really awesome. But this one featured the shield minus Roman Reigns. If you guys remember
Back in that time, they had done some weird sickness went through. And Bray Wyatt got taken out. Bro, Reigns got taken out. I think that was the same card with, if I'm looking at it now, with AJ Styles and Finn Balor. AJ Styles had to. Yeah, it was the mumps that ran through the locker room. Yeah. Literally like the middle of the week before the pay-per-view. Yeah, so they had to scurry it out. So yeah, so I remember AJ Styles, they used to get South American. You had to fly.
Like it don't like a red-eye flight to to America and do this and have this mattress It was a really good matches as well. But um, yeah, so it actually featured current angle as a member of the shield It is returned to the to the WWE Universe. I only picked him because it was his birthday yesterday It obviously Phil is a huge fan of Kurt angle. So I figured you know what? Let's let's do a current angle featured
Retro recommendation of the week. Yeah, that was I was the first match back after he came back to David to be after his Hall of Fame induction. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, pretty cool. It just goes to show you, sometimes they be at its best when it goes into crisis mode like that. And that's also a, you know, a historically significant figure because we had we, you know, we had a ringside exclusive of the Kurt and shield gear. And then the first of the elite two packs was from AJ and Finn's match. Yeah, yeah, definitely. Yes.
That's the all like comes together in full circle right there. Oh, yeah, but yeah, they had so the the match card Pretty decent. I had Sasha Banks and Alicia Fox at the beginning That was about 11 minutes, which you know, it's I mean is this obviously she bank statement Alicia Fox is out Second match was Oscar and who we spoke about earlier Emma That was his main rescue to be right. Yeah, that was what
But it was like I could beat her I could take her to undefeated streak and then like I'm gonna like five more chances after that and lost every single one of those That was about nine minutes that match with The next match was I totally forgot Cedric Alexander and rich swan against Jack Allahart Brian Kendrick. That was a tag team match They only got eight minutes, which I think they should have went a little bit longer because I love all four of those guys They're great in ring workers Next card Alexa Bliss and Mickey James
That also they actually the women's the raw women's championship They if everyone remembers Mickey James started off as Alexa Bliss is like a cold blessed feeling obviously Turbile happened to baby. They started feuding and stuff like that. So yeah, that's how we got the we got the famous term biscuit, but Yes That's quality content
What an insult to call someone biscuit butt, you know? That really hurt. Enzo winning the Cruiserweight title. We talked about the Finn and AJ match. Jason Jordan winning a match over...
Elias yeah interesting card but yeah if you want to recreate this match you can get that current angle elite on ringside for the low low price of three dollars and ninety nine cents yeah and I mean you can make some little kid real happy I mean that was a
defining moment for every child's life when you get to see Kurt Angle with that derpy face coming down the steps. So excited. If you look up a picture of him coming down the steps, Ambrose and Rollins are looking all serious and they have Kurt Angle looking like a shit-eating grin on his face. What have I done here? I think the tweet I saw that some of that best, it was like Divorce Dad's first night back out with the boys.
Yeah, I know when I was running out my figures I mentioned that my figures of the year I mentioned that I thought the Hardee's the brood hardy boys were some of the best ringside exclusive ever I read agreement that shield Kurt angle was the worst ever ringside exclusive figure No, it's pretty it's pretty bad. I mean it's not it's not a moment that I remember very fondly but
See, I like the match and I was I was I was stoked when I heard that we were getting a a shield Kurt figure because I'm a huge mark for anything related to the shield. But it was so lazy. Like they literally just took one of the old Dean Ambrose and did a head swap. I mean, it was something I could I could have made a figure. You know, it's definitely. Yeah, they didn't do any unique tooling and like the arms and legs were way too long on it. It was just it was legit. It was a Dean Ambrose figure with Kurt Ingalls head on it. Yeah, just yeah. I'm a fan whatsoever.
The match was a it was a three. It was a five or three. I totally forgot about that. Yeah, it was just it was a wild day. I think that was the one where Braun Stroman somehow got thrown into a trash compactor by his own team. OK, I think came through. Yeah, it was.
Yeah, like I said, it was fun. You had to go into that match knowing it was just going to be totally ridiculous. Yeah, that was Engle's first match since 2006, so pretty crazy. I'm trying to think of some worse ringside exclusive elites. I don't know if we should be... I like the Brian Kendrick figure. I thought that was kind of random that that was a ringside exclusive, but I really liked that figure.
the ECW Matt Hardy, that one was kind of like tank top, but it did come up with the, uh, with the updated WWE ECW belt. So there's at least that I'm, if I get a new unique championship belt, I'm loving it a leaf. I could care less what the figure looks like. And that one is on sale for like 4 99 on, uh, on ringside. So, uh, gobble them up. Oh yeah. 4 99. Yeah.
I think outside of those ones that we mentioned, pretty much every other Ringside exclusive has been a banger. Typically one of the best figures in Mattel's whole series. For sure. That's our retro wrestling recommendation of the week. I don't think we have any listener mail. I meant to put a post on the Facebook group, but I didn't because I was so goddamn busy.
So we'll ask you guys, as we do every single week, subscribe to our show, wherever you listen to us, whether it's iTunes or Podbean, Spotify, Stitcher, anywhere else. Give us a nice review. Check us out on Patreon. It starts at $1 a month. All the money goes into supporting our show giveaways and equipment for us and lap dances for Marco. So make sure you do all that. And if you want to support us in other ways, check out our t-shirts on
I am assuming that we will record a show next week, and it might just be me and Marco. It might be me, Marco, and Seth, or I don't know if Sheena will be on two feet, but we will keep you guys updated with what happens with the Phelps fam. Seth, great job tonight. We wish you all the best over the next couple weeks here with the holidays and the new edition coming to the family. Yeah, thank you guys for having me, man. Much appreciated. No problem. Yeah, you're super knowledgeable. This was a blast. You're super knowledgeable. It was awesome.
Super super glad to have you on the show and have a little guys night here, but she the Sheena Tron 5000 is fired up for for the outro here and So next week we will be previewing the entire TLC card We'll get into some Christmas memories and and Christmas kind of preview what we're gonna do for Christmas I guess you can talk about what are you getting Sheena for Christmas? I
I mean, you guys don't need any more figs. God damn, what are you gonna do? She's getting a new daughter. Yeah, you gave that to her nine months ago, man. You gotta keep... I put it on layaway nine months ago. Yeah, that's true. You're gonna have more important things to worry about. Once the baby comes, how many days... I don't know if you're even allowed to say it, but how many days until you have to be back to work? I got about two weeks, yeah, and then I'll be heading out.
I did want to ask you this question. I don't know if you can answer this either. Number one, have you been on a submarine and number two, what's it like to be on a submarine? No, I've never actually been on a submarine. Yeah, that's something I've avoided.
You know, like the plague, man, just because, you know, I mean, you know, on a on a ship, you at least don't have internet. You know, we still have internet stuff. You want to watch football. I've watched WrestleMania out at sea and stuff, but on a sub like you completely cut off from the outside world. So that is not something that I have any interest in experiencing.
Just the feeling of being underwater in like a metal tube would freak the hell out of me. So yeah, I'm the same way. I would not be down for that. But cool, man. So thank you guys for listening. Appreciate it. Be sure to give us a nice review. Thank you, Seth, for joining us. We will be back here next week to preview the TLC 2019 anyway. Thanks for listening. And stay classy, Marx. We'll talk to you soon.
Me personally, I just feel like it's, it's stupid. Does she have that shit in her mouth the whole time?
Lacey Evans