process the negatives, make a contact sheet, take the contact sheet, find the best image, circle it, find it in my in my and my negatives, put it through the enlarger, put it on a piece of paper, process it, run it through the chemicals, rinse it, dry it, then look at it. That that was like, just to make one photograph that was like a two to three hour process. It's like, we we have no excuse these days because you can put something in Photoshop and if it doesn't work, it was like, oh, delete, oh, next adjustment layer. Nope, next delete. If I were to do that in the darkroom, that would be a six to eight hour process on one photo. you know So i think I think that phrase was was really good for Ansel Adams' time period because he was truly talking about the boreus process of making a photograph. But this day and age, it's, it's