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Kash's Korner: WWE Crown Jewel recap

Nonsensical Network
17 Plays3 months ago

Kash and Dad Glick were joined by Wally from Speedway Stories and Cold Blooded Conversations as they recapped the most recent WWE PLE Crown Jewel and gave opinions on the show.



Episode Introduction and Crown Jewel Recap

Welcome back to cash corner wrestling top Today we're gonna be doing our the recap of crown jewel. I'm cash. This is dad Glick um Like I said, we're gonna be doing our recap and saying who won and What up Wally As he said welcome to Cassius corner I It's part of the nonsensical

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Crown Jewel Event Overview

right there. Yep Yeah, it's a little ticker so people can find stuff easily say you just click and bring you Yeah um ah but He's ah as about a fake champ is all you other losers out there yeah and So This past weekend was the crown jewel of it in Saudi Arabia.

Grading Crown Jewel Matches

i'll be out backll Um, all in all, before we get into the matches for me, compared to other crown jewel events and a little subpar, a little, there was, I think all the matches were good except one. I'm going to check that one.
I would give it, so we'd like to do our grading system here. I'd give it like a, like a, so maybe a C plus low B.
I wasn't that impressed. Yeah. I think they could have done better with one match. Yes. One match was very disappointing. Yeah. It was okay. Not great. Yeah. Like some.
Some parts of, like some match parts, um, you kind of lost entrance and then it kicked back in like, Oh, except for one match.

Bloodline Match Analysis

Like we keep saying totally boring, like disappointing. Yeah. One match was just. yeah And if I was wearing WWE, everybody would be on their edges and seats. People would be getting their butt flopped. It would be super great. Super great. Yeah. The greatest, the greatest paper you ever. Yeah. Okay. All right. So where are you going to start at tonight? What are we doing? How are we doing? How are we, how are we recapping the matches? You had an idea. We're going to go from boring a smash to the match of the night.
And the matches that we're going to start off with, um let the most disappointing match, the match that just kind of like everybody thought, expected it to be like the match of the night. OG Bloodline versus Fake Bloodline. And the OG Bloodline was Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso, and Roman Reigns. And the Fake Bloodline, it was Jik Fatu, Tama Tanga, and Sosa Kolo. It was one of those. It was so boring.
And they kicked it off. Yeah. They kicked off the pay-per-view with that match. Really? important It was like cash in extremely boring. Um, so but it kind of got interesting at the end. It got a little interesting, like something that kind of, we kind of said it would happen. Um, then we did come out at the end to help them.
before they got beat down. I went to go hug Solo, but gave him a sluplex. Solo was in the middle of the ring. Everybody was in a corner. Roman went for the Superman punch. Jamie went for a kick, but I like got out of the way, and Sam kept Roman. Then he left, because you got the strong by Jimmy. yeah ah But it was a really boring moment. Yeah. Kind of lackluster. You know, you got this, you got this massive storyline looming with the bloodlines and it's just yeah and the most excitement came ah after the match was over. And that was when Sami did come out and and he did come out and helped Jay. I think he came out to help Jay more than anything else, but because they, they've pretty tried two times to put, to take Jay out.
Cause they put them both in the corner. They've done this twice, put them in the corner with a chair around his neck. war games war games Yeah. You know, I'm not even upset that the bloodline 2.0 fake bloodline. I'm not even upset that they've won. It was just, just kind of a, like a really, the match felt phoned in. And then, I mean, the most excitement out of the match came afterwards.
With the beat down at the fake bloodline was putting on the OG and then when they had Jay in the corner getting ready to Take him out ah but Sammy came out for the save man So they're definitely they're definitely adding fuel to the fire for that for that war games Technically the roman
they've it's a one and a one take up Yeah. yeah because roman pi solo and solopo and roman so yeah So, I mean, they're doing the, uh, going to build up for the, the big confrontation. Yeah. But, uh, I was not impressed with that match. That match could have been so much better. You got so many talented guys. Uh, let's give us something a little bit more. Yeah. The hype definitely fizzled for that match. 100%.
Um, actually, Wally, if you're free and you want to feel free to pop in here, you should be able to pop right in, uh, with your, with your admin stuff.

Women's Match Discussion

If you're free. Yeah, you should pop in because ah kind talking to this man. kind Um, no offense.
What do you want to go with? I don't know. You, you picked them. These, these, these from worst to best are in the opinion. The rest of them kind of got good. Okay. Well, where do you want to go next? The next boring match, it was Nia versus Liv Morgan. Um, it was an all right match. I can say that it was all right. I mean, it wasn't like kind of expected it. Um,
Tiffy would come out, try to cash in, and I would tell her not the time. Dominic and Jade Cock... Raquel. Raquel would come out and interfere. Liv would get the win. Yeah, I was looking... I was really hoping to see... Tiffy cash in. Yeah, I'm...
alright i think I think everything that we expected to happen happened. We expected Tiffany to come out. We expected Dirty Dom and Raquel to be out there and interfering and and everything else. and And now you got that hole. But something something I want to say at the end,
I want to say something at the this, something about when we started doing our plow or what picks and recaps. What are you about? Not tipping the fence and you cannot know till the end. At the end of the show. Yeah. Oh my God. here You're such a pain opinion in the ass. Um, and for me, I think, I think after that match, not really much to say about that. Congratulations to live first ever inaugural, uh, crown jewel, uh, champion.
one there um It's kind of a cool honor to have so henry um jo henry and and The belt was damn near bigger than live For anybody who watched crowd jewel that was another that man them goddamn belts were so fucking big and unnecessary and It lived with her belt and I think it was damn near bigger than she was. So, uh, they're definitely awkward, but the rings look, the rings that they gave them look pretty cool. i big older and yeah cause that's well Great big super bowl looking ring thing is big old thing. Uh, I'd say after that back, uh, I agree with you for the first two, but I would say the third one, you know, kind of as we work our way up from the bottom to the top.

Triple Threat Match Review

would probably be the triple threat match for the US title. Should be the third one. Yeah. I mean, for me, it was a decent match, but you got three really good in-ring guys. I think it could have went a little bit longer. And, uh, we all knew LA Knight was going to win. He's not going to drop the title yet.
so I'm sorry. It was pretty good to my opinion, but I would say it should also go to three. Well, you would say it goes to three. Yeah. So we both got that one, right? So it's one to two now. You're in the lead. I don't like this. You might take out my streak. It was two, two, one. And every time in those two ones, those two wins, I got them all correct. Um,
But LA and I did retain still your United States champion. L.N. Night. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, what up, man? Oh, he's frozen. Yeah. um What's going on, guys? What up, Bubba? Hello. What's up, Cash?
We're talking the triple threat match for the U S title. We kind of put that as the there third, third from, from worst to best match. We kind of put that at three. Um, yeah, I don't think l LA night's gonna, I think he's going to have ah his runs going to go a little bit longer. Cause I think, like I said, at the end of the day, I wouldn't mind seeing LA make a, get a run for the, uh, title against Cody.
Could be a good match. Um, what do you, what do you think? What do you think next? Um,
let' do wait, you've done only night original bloodline. You've done three. So we have to do three more. So ah what I have to give number four.
is Randy Orton versus Kevin Owens. Oh, we're Rollins Reed. Yeah. That Rollins Reed match would have been the next one ah that me personally, not to jump the gun, unexpected twist for that Randy Orton and Kevin Owens match. That was like my all time favorite match on that card personally.
Well, I don't know which one should I do? Well, you do whatever you want in your opinion. We're just adding our opinions. I didn't like how they like. I want to see an actual magic. Well, yeah, I think that. Well, that's that's part of the storytelling in the build up. I think that Rollins Reed just was just we we mean we called it. We said that he was going to hit him with like three or four stomps. It was three made him bleed. Well, you hit him with four total, but it was three in a row. Yeah. It was a super stomp off the top rope.
Um, but like I said, you know, unfortunately for Bronson for as big as he is, can't blow in he I don't, I think he needs more character development. He's not really the greatest on the mic. And as far as the in ring goes, he's just another big animal that just uses the size. He really doesn't have he's like Brock Lesnar who had three, four moves tops that he used in a match.
actually look Bronson read up on the indie circuit. g like there he was a monster He was the skillset. He has WWE, Triple H and them are handcuffing this fool. I mean, he can do all kinds of shit for that. Most big men shouldn't be doing it. I agree. And that's what I'm kind of disappointed in because you look at, uh,
You're talking about big guys doing what big guys shouldn't be doing. Look what happened with, you know, with Keith Lee, when he was in WWE, then he leaves and goes to AW or was he at now TNA or something like that? Yeah, with the TNA. And they're cutting him loose. And it's like, why wouldn't, why wouldn't you let them do that? And that's what they're doing to de Bronson Reed. I mean, right now he's, he's in mid-card purgatory and that's where he's going to stay for a while until they decide what they're going to do to him with him.
Yeah, it's kind of like a repeat of Vince McMahon. Again, when you actually got to talent there, let them let let them let them show it. Let them show why they you've signed them. Yeah, exactly. What you going to say, bud? I forgot. How did you forget that past? He is your son. Oh.
because but Not drawing swastikas. OK, it's. He's not drawing swaths because calm down people.

Rollins vs Reed Analysis

I gotta be careful. I already upset a lot of people in the last day or so. I don't even know what's going on. This is all I've drawn. I really can't see it. So I drew Brian as a little person. So who's your fifth match now out of all these cash? Who's your fifth match? You said Rollins and Reed was number four for you? No, I said Randy Orton. Did you switch to Randy Orton?
Yeah, that's what I said. Oh, you said Randy Orton. you opinion like ra Yeah. Well, why was your opinion for Owens and RKO for because like I wanted to see a match, but like, the like, you know, you don't even know like what's going on now. like They're going to continue to beat the hell out of each other. But now, now we can't really say who wants like to eat that to say. No, because and that's you know, they just wanted to beat the hell out of each other. And that's what they did. And see, and explanation, I just feel like um rollins for says
um chris reid was better And pin once his name caught a stunner ah Adam Pierce, yeah, yeah, that was awesome to see that I was I was excited over that Okay out of nowhere on Adam Pierce um So so with number five what what would number five be for you?
um if Do you want to go with, um, I want to say Randy Orton. Well, I would put, I would put, I would put Randy Orton and Kevin Owens at five in my opinion. Um, from my but a fifth match, um, um, Rollins versus Reed at number five, cause he didn't even get to the, it was kind of, um, like,
Um, Randy Orton versus Owens match, but they actually got a match. They both attack them in the middle of their, um, workout. Like when they're still getting ready for their match, like they came out and tapped them. yeah Um, but it was a good match. Cause like they were giving them each other, like, um, like, like they've been building it up. But what I would, it would have been cool to see, um,
Ron Strowman to come out and help Seth when he was getting beat down.
Yeah. Yeah, the real Crown Joel champ, Ron Strowman. Yeah, right. One big SOB. But we were both right about that. Rollins would win. yeah Yeah. Yeah, we can't really we don't really have a winner from the RKO.
Because they didn't even have a match Give me a point. Well, what about next? What about your so what about the second best match of the night for you?
Yeah, we got two left never forgot about Okay, we're switching the um I forgot about the tag team un match we're switching um We have to switch on we have to put Oh, you could put whatever you want. I'm keeping my opinion. I have to change some stuff because I forgot about the tag team match.

Surprising Women's Tag Match

And number four, um and it's the women's tag team match. Oh, OK. I'm switching. Then at number five is Randy Oran versus Kevin.
kevin Then my sixth match would be Rollins. You put the women's championship tag team shot at four. See. ah got two i i well Well, I would say in my opinion, the women's tag team match for being an impromptu match that they threw together. I think in my opinion, that turned out to be the match of the night. I didn't have high expectations or high hopes for that match. I thought it was going to be kind of a.
Get in, get it, get, it get, get it done. Jade and Bianca walk away with the titles, but it turned out to be a really good match with those eight women involved. That was my my opinion. That was my second favorite, but beside behind the Kevin Owens, Randy Orton was that match. Yeah. Yeah. Shout out to Jade and Bianca for retaining their titles. and going no it was like very nice more i was kind a little boring yeah i dont think that typical boys versus one
um i really ah you know i think good last session find What's her partner's name twice said he was staying over love you
love you I'll kiss my ass. that What is that? What is a lash legends tag team partner's name? Who's that? The women lash legend and. I can't remember her. And then X.T. Oh, annex excuse girl I can't remember right off the top of my head either. Yeah, let's see. I'm going to figure it out real quick. I know as soon as I hear it, I'm going to feel like a jackass.
Dakar Jackson and Lash Legend.

Cody vs Gunther Praise

ah I like those two. And and like I said, i you know for me, I'll put Cody and Gunther at number two for the night. I think that was a really good match. Gunther, I think this has been the best quote unquote championship match outside of WrestleMania, the two WrestleMania matches with Roman Reigns that Cody's had. I think Gunther pushed him to the limit.
well Obviously, Cody pushed Gunther to the limit and it came down to a mistake. Cody versus Gunther. That's my match with them, right? I get, yeah. Because they put off a really good match. What were you going to say?
I was going to say, and for them not having really no hardly any hype for that match, it was those, the way those two work together. It was fricking amazing. Yeah. Yeah. They, they, they definitely work really well in the ring together. Um, it was, it was definitely one of the, you know, it was number two for me, uh, match of the night. Um, it was, um, but like,
You saw Cody was about to tap out and he like refers dad to a pen. Yeah. I was confused like who was Penny. That's all. It looked like Cody was getting pinned, but also Gunther was getting passed like, wait, who's getting pinned? And he got to see a little bit more personality out of Cody in the ring.
Um, as then you've got to see as of late little, when he, when he left and started doing the Indies and was in AW and new Japan and ROH and all that, you know, he, his in-ring crowd work was really good. and And it was really good when he first came back, but it's kinda fallen off a little bit. So it was, it was good to see a really good match talk to him with, um,
Cody involved and Cody, you know, obviously I think we all knew that Cody was going to, uh, was going to, uh, walk away with the inaugural crown jewel title. Like I said earlier, Braun Strom is the true first crown jewel champ.

Bloodline Storyline Speculation

Really? You know, that shark. and oh My goodness cash just more What else you got to say about the crown jewel event All right, it goes good and bad real quick fly-through recap Now like I said, I think I think the bloodline thing obviously they're They're building it up
Uh, you know, they're adding fuel to the fire. They're, they're building up for war games, which hopefully they let the new bloodline show their true talents during war games against the vets. You know what I mean? Actually see show the people why this family is the legit family. Yeah. I'm curious to see if, uh,
If they introduce any more, uh, siblings, uh, before war games, because I mean, I think there's still, uh, like 375, four, uh, more, uh, thought two brothers out there. something mean Wherever Jacob batil was before he joined in.
why What's going on, brother? How you been? Long time no see. Hands of seeds. And I just want to add that Cash is amazing as a host of a show. He's going to be a star. Keep it up, Cash. um pale there wherever But I'm curious to see if they're going to, if they're going to introduce any more family members. time fra Before he was in WWE, he had a feud with somebody.
Like who hated him? So I wonder if he will make his debut. Well, I mean, Oh, Tonga still got to his one son that they're hyping up all over the indie circuit. He's no longer signed with a lot of promotions and they believe he's in the NXT development right now. I'm going to jump in for survivor series for this war games and take room inside is what the rumors are going around on dirt sheets and stuff. I've been reading them. So and And I want to, and I still want to know how long are you they going to drag out this stupid final boss rock bullshit where you came out ah blood block ah at the end of what was that? Bad, bad, bad, bad blood. Yeah, it was bad blood. Yeah. He comes out at the end of it. And then there's been nothing since like, what are we doing?
Like I think they're building that up at I'd see they're gonna be like a Royal Rumble deal or Something where the storyline really picks up the first of the year with them going to Netflix and shit like that I mean who knows though the way the boss he is the boss so I mean Yeah wait is that and't he like related to roman like if he yeah they Yeah, it's Romans cousin Yeah, he can he can be the final person into the bloodline. ah he He could be or what is he going to create his own bloodline faction and all these other family members? Yeah. The annoying family is huge on that side. Yeah. You know, like there's so many options with this family and so many they can keep this bloodline feud going for four years, killed and.
wait their aunt daughter
Yup. General manager. Talk about being put into a position because of who your daddy is. Yeah. That was, that was because she couldn't wrestle. So let's just, let's give her higher up power. like can't She wrestle she's just not good in the ring. Yeah. She just doesn't have the ring talent. Like majority of the.
rest of them. So, but I mean, still I get it, but she's done all right under Shawn Michaels running that show. I mean, NXT still one of my favorite parts of WWE anyways. So we don't really watch NXT. I watch, i'll I'll catch highlights and recap clips and stuff like that, but I'm pretty sure Joe Henry's in there. Yeah, we don't. Yeah. He, while they signed to deal with, uh, TNA, so they share talent now or to help deal with them. So they,
They share talent because I seen that um a whole bunch of people from TNA has been popping up on NXT and vice versa. Well, just do you see the big thing where they ah are doing their own indie series now that they're signing indie talent for the keep them like they're like below NXT now before they move up.
Yeah, they're doing it. It's a YouTube show or something like that. Yeah. Yeah. I just seen that the other day. I was like, this is going to be crazy. It's basically, they're trying to, in my opinion, it's almost like a Vinny Mac ordeal. We're going to control the wrestling business again and make it boring. love Well, but but that i um he was NXT. Like, like that's where he is now. Cause I saw.
that he became an NXT champion. He is, but they share talent with TNA. Yeah. Yeah. Joe Henry's in NXT, but he's also before they did sign the contract. I'm pretty sure the only way John Henry could show up if people, if they said his name or say his name and he'll appear.
We keep saying it. Hoping, it hoping he'll appear on the show one time.

Future Plans and Schedule Changes

He just thought through the roof lands on the desktop. What if Sharky is Joe Henry? That would be pretty damn impressive.
Sharky McShark's face was Joe Henry. That would be cool. That would be cool to see him out in the Walmart.
but chimawaana WWE figures. Joe Henry? Yeah. Give her time. a i think Anything else you want to talk about? Anything else you want to add? What I was talking about how I want to add the new rule for me, when we're doing our recaps and while we're watching it, if somebody gets help to interfere,
We're starting this next pay-per-view. If somebody has is having a match against somebody else, and one of them has an interfere, and they get that win, when we do our recap, I'm not counting that as a win. I will count that as a lose to them. Oh, so yeah you're trying to stack the count so that you... No, I'm just saying, because and Sounds like he's stacking the deck there on your daddy Glick yeah are getting that to like like doing that's my show to thank actual w w yeah cause What match was it
live Oh, yeah, because I actually I would the only match that we pick differently on on this paper view was live and Nia Jax and live had outside interference. So I beat him in this this in our picks this time. So now he wants to change the rules.
exactly You only know you've only won time I won twice in a row in those two times. I've got every single match correct this and not be talked this This is why you'll never be a true champion of my caliber oh fire you yeah i You can fire me but I don't know who's gonna build the studio for you I Beat you in summer slam pics. Yeah, I said you've won twice now. I'll be sure the summer slam pics. I
I paid Jim. You beat me in bloodline. You beat me in Basha Berlin by one.
Yeah, we're two and two. Yeah, that's right. Pedro. that So yeah, but yeah, he wants to change the change the game around now that you guys are tied. Yeah, you know what wells no fine. You're not getting cut off. Hire Brian. You know, I hate him. Oh, well where did you? I beat you there. Hold on. How did you beat me here? Bad blood. I got every single match correct. I got every single match correct. Well, that's only because I almost didn't have one match correct. Now it's for the women's title. But I did win that because. Oh, no, that don't count because she got outside interference. I say get away.
yeah get um yeah no no yeah these are your rules yeah i say person loses thank you can watch the show after ah Okay, whatever you need to do to make it count in your favor.
um can i actually go yeah I call you Eddie Guerrero.
I don't know. You're starting to act like the, like li the judgment day. Let's just interfere and change the rules when we want. Yeah. i know like like ah Like old school NWO. Oh yeah. That match don't count. Oh yeah. that one I didn't lose my belt. Eric Bischoff give me my belt back. I'm to hit you with it. I'm going to hit you.
I'm going to take that guitar and you and I'm going to smash your over the head like the honky tonk man. Do it like Jeff Jarrett does to keep it in style. yeah He don't know either one of those references. Now you got homework. Now you got to get on YouTube and look at the honky tonk man and double J Jeff Jarrett.
What else you got? What else are you going to change in your favor? and
um'm gonna It might be your show, but it's my network. yeah Yeah. Hey, Cash. I got a question for you. What? On the Bronson Reed and Seth Rollins line, where do you think this story is going to go now, in your opinion?
I think it might go to war games. I think they might have the last match at war games.
I don't know. You think that'll end up being that way? They'll finish it in the cage? Maybe. Maybe. I feel like they should definitely have a match in a cage. Oh, yeah. war and yeah It'd be interesting to see that. yeah So another question for you there, big guy. Who's Cody Roach's next challenger? Who you think's got a shot in line for the champ?
really um think it might could be
think it could be maybe it would be a corner to have ellen night ah go against staport they are Yeah, that would be kind of a nice push, but I own honestly too, I kind of think there's
What do you, do you think they might be pushing the Randy Orton, Kevin Owens to kind of lead to that Cody Rhodes ordeal or not? I don't know. Well, like it could also be done for Nick. Maybe they get a little cute. Yeah, true. Didn't think about that after, after the crown Joel match they had. Yeah. Um, it would be good, but like after a while when Ellie night gets a long run.
It'd be cool to see him against Cody or whoever wins gets the titles both of them. but Yeah. Do the double champ thing. That'd be cool. Cause Cody has spot Logan Paul and he was the title champion. Yeah. And, but Logan Paul knew he would beat him. So he didn't put his title online, but maybe, uh, and I will get the confidence and go against him.
Do the title for title thing. It'd be nice to see a title for title match like that again, especially with those two. Cause they're both really good in the ring. Oh, they're, they're good in the ring and they're good on the mic. I mean, it's one of those deals that it could go either way.
oh Hey, don't care. Listen here. Don't kick the real champ out of his chair. Yeah.
as he changes the rules. Oh, ah we'renna we're going to have ourselves an issue like Shawn Michaels and Marty Gennady. Who's that? but YouTube. YouTube Shawn Michaels and Marty Gennady, the rockers. Yeah. And what Shawn Michaels did to him to solidify himself as an actual superstar. Yeah. OK. What else you got?
Nothing. Yeah. Nothing else. Yeah. I got, um I got nothing. I was picking, him I was picking his brain a little bit and asking him where some of the storylines were going to go. sorry I to, just that question as you know, it's not the easiest to keep an 11 year old's attention for an hour now, but he's done pretty, he he's been doing a lot better since you guys have started this. I will give him that. Oh yeah. Well, we're going to, we were talking tonight.
Cause I could tell that he'd rather be outside, would have rather been outside with his friends. But I, I think after this show, we're going to switch it from Thursdays to set the Saturdays that he's with, with us or when he's here, um, doing it in the afternoon, like early morning, early or late morning, early afternoon. Nice. Um, that way he can still have plenty of outside time with his friends or running around with his friends and it doesn't disrupt them.
Then we don't have to feel so rushed when we get home. Yeah. That better work. That'd be awesome. And we'll do it on Saturday. I definitely, I definitely be there when I can to support no matter what. So, well, I mean, I'm sure cash won't mind you as you're a wrestling fan. If you want to, when you're available, just come on in. I mean, you've got the admin, right? You don't even need an invite. You just you roll on in and and come and hang out.
um i got nothing else to um got you got anything i got nothing yeah anything while like Well, we're gonna me personally I'm waiting to see where The bloodline thing leads up to war games and how that's gonna play out when it comes to war games at survivor series I mean it's gonna be That's the one I'm actually waiting to see how this plays out ah I think Cody They're going to hold off till probably Royal Rumble for him to have another match. Maybe, I don't know. We'll see what's going on because of everything affiliated around Cody roads is they're all in their little thing right now. So we'll see how that plays out. but they're gonna need They're going to need time. I think it's going to be a couple months before we see a title defense.
Well, they did do the number one contenders match on Monday night, but that was for Gunther's man. That was for Gunther's title. So yeah, they're going to be time to develop a real storyline because, as I said, as I said, last, last week and the week before, there's no outside of Randy Orton. There's no real contender for Cody's championship right now on smack. Now, I think Randy and Kevin Owens are going to be wrapped up.
with this feud at least through war games. It'll be it'll be it'll be till probably the Royal Rumble. So, you know, and I don't want to just throw a match together for a championship with Cody. Just throw it together. I want to see a storyline build up. I want to I want to see him and I want to see him and Randy. I mean, personally, besides like Cash said, give L.A. night after a good run. But I'd like to actually see Cody and Seth go on it.
um if They weren't on two different brands. Yeah, I would love to see LA night here in a few months. I lose this US title and get a push for the championship. Well, it'd be nice. Yeah. Yes. So it's still what we need to do. What? Our chop off. Okay. You ready?
but You got to put your hand down. You got to take the shot. which Hey, remember, he makes his own rules. It's his show. you School. Well, that's because of the. Yeah, we're going to do our chop off. OK. See, he made his own rules again.
You got you got like you got like little tiny Rey Mysterio hands compared to my big show hands and a chop off. Although my chest is probably red from him chopping me. Oh, I wouldn't doubt it. In the mouth. What if I just chopped you in the mouth? I have a new signature and the top is over. Oh, it's over. So what's the next pay-per-view survivor series? When is the next pay-per-view? You know who the next pay-per-view is? Pedro Morales.
number one It should be Survivor Series because it's the it's so and November. Thanksgiving was always Survivor Series. That's when we're going to see the war games. Yeah. Survive you getting it. But don let's see. We've got Crown Jewel just happened. Right. ah Yeah. November 30th is Survivor Series War Games.
Yeah. Listen, if they keep the hype up, but like I said, with the whole bloodline thing, they got to let the new bloodline, let their talent fly in this even and went, even though they're going to let the OGs probably win it, but they got to show the talent of for two and all them because ah he's fricking amazing. Yeah. They, they really are. They're a talented open group of individuals. where we at there's kingling and battleground climate heat wave so
tab and going and nice crown jewel So we got survivor series on the 30th. Yeah. British Columbia. Then we got NXT deadline in the early December. Oh, nice. They're bringing back Saturday night main event. When's that starting? And they're bringing it back December 14th. So I wonder if it's going to be like a one off a PLE or Wait, next year, that would that would be sick to have Saturday night main event again. Yeah, that's the big. That's the big. That's the big December pay per view is Saturday night main event. Nice. Then but January, you've got NXT's New Year's Evil and then the Royal Rumble. Yeah, February Royal Rumble, which is it NXT Vengeance Day elimination chamber in February and actually roadblocks.
Got the Hall of Fame and then WrestleMania at the end of April. And we can't. WrestleMania is now at the end of April and sit in the middle of May. Well, it's probably the end of April beginning. I can't remember when it is exactly. I was going to say I was like, wait a minute. What? They moved it up. I know it's in Vegas. I rather rumble on what? WrestleMania. The road to WrestleMania begins in January.
ah Yeah, it's ah it's Saturday, April 19th, because all that's Saturday and Sunday, April 19th and 20th. It's going to be usually it's at the end of the month. Yeah. Oh, shoot. That's going to that's going to roll right over top of our potential charity show, our 24 hour charity show we're going to do here on the network. Oh, nice. Yeah.
on The ro rumble picks is going to be really interesting for like the actual raw rumble matches because like you never need to come out like our return a debut. you know I honestly look for this year's Royal Rumble coming up. There's going to be a lot of NXT talent possibly be in this a lot, especially on the women's side in the women. dude Yeah, go ahead.
um It'll be cool to see a jiggly tree turn in the ra rumble. yeah Yeah, that would be neat Dude look at the NXT's women Ross women's roster. They are that compared to raw on SmackDown. Yeah Shawn Michaels has got his hands full with trying to do a storylines with all the with the talent that's on that NXT roster. It's insane I did see this week that well i have
Nunzio is back. um Yeah. Yeah. Hi, baby. I want to see Big Vito make a return, man. That'd be nice. He's been begging for it and pushing for it for years. I follow him on social media. I've been trying to get him on one of the shows for the last year and a half, two years. But did he's begging for it like he wants it so bad and he wants to be on NXT with Oh, what's his name? Oh, what's his nuts? Uh, Tommy, Tony Marmo, Mama Luca or whatever the hell. Yeah, Tony. Yeah, he's back and.
Um, and I would love to see it. Just give us like, uh, like a two month run with big veto and, and they and then Italians. And I'll tell you what, if you get the chance to watch the highlights of it, it was nice to see the Dudley boys back last night in the ECW arena with trick Williams. That was sick. Oh, did divine come back to? Yes, he sure did, buddy. It was awesome. It was at the end of the match, but it was fricking amazing. It was awesome. I want to check out the highlights. What? What?
eleven you Ready to wrap it up cash wrap it up wrap her up, but I gotta get ready for another show yeah sure cause you still got to get ready Yeah, you got your special music night tonight, don't you? thirty minutes Yeah, we're anybody watching this or anybody seeing this coming up here in about 40 minutes ish or so. I'll be doing a special Thursday night edition of Glick's house of music hanging out with Roland Joette do it ah
Singer, songwriter, screenwriter, writer, actor, model. I don't think there's much he hasn't done. but Nice. Heck yeah. Since you know, if you're not busy, you should pop spin in like in the comics and watch it in the comments and the comments and watch it. He usually is in the comments. Oh, yeah.
i haven It's very it's very rare that I miss a show unless I'm working or something's going on I'm usually giving everybody shit in the show yeah love them but yeah especially this one give them lots of it Anyways, you got anything else you want to say before we hit the music and motor on down the road On to the next stop So we'll be coming back next time with our new day and time. Saturday, Saturday, new time, new day, new everything, new rules, new rules. just Let me know what, just let me know what day, what time on Saturdays guys. And I'll make sure to try to tune in. Yeah, I'll let you know. and New talk, and and about new talk, cash changing the rules.
peter honest Little Eddie Guerrero. Yeah, bought a Roddy Piper on us. Just yeah, there you go. as I changed the question. Old school man, I tell you outside, you got to get on the WWE w network and start watching the old. sport stuff Yeah, you got time. You know, there's always time, especially when you're a wrestling fan, you make time, buddy.
too busyy listen eminem Yeah, you're in there listening and singing Colt 45.
thank Yeah, old school yeah and so Well, like maybe in the morning if you could put that We'll have to see what to wait and see what happens but All right. Well Wally appreciate seeing you man. I Appreciate it guys. Thanks for having me on you guys. Take it easy. I'll catch you on your show Glick see you Cash bye All right yeah
non-sensical network different flavor rubber craze football
the stories we embrace tune
nature's arrangement cars with
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but always on repeat