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What The Hell In A Cell?!?

The Chick Foley Show
6 Plays5 years ago
It's officially #SpookySzn at The Chick Foley Show! We discuss the worst Hell in a Cell match in recent memory, Phil's experience at AEW Dynamite, news from New York Comic Con, our epic fig haul from Sears, and much more!

Introduction and Hosts' Stories

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Chick-Fully Show. Is there ever such a thing as too much wrestling? We'll find out. This is Phil Gentile, aka the Hotay Kid, aka the Tom Gugliata of Wrestling Figure Collecting. I'm here in the Jimmy's Famous Seafood Studios. Welcome in. Thank you for having us into your radios this evening or whenever you're listening to us. I have the lovely Sheena Phelps in Virginia. What's going on Sheena?
Not a whole lot, man. I had a little scare there for a second. The baby face revived himself. I thought I thought I had him down for the count TKO. And then all of a sudden right at call time, it was like, mama, I was like, oh, hell, I got it. I got to go back up and, you know, put the put the smack down on him again. Yeah, I had the same exact situation, except my son's been wanting to watch Halloween movies and he's scared shitless of Hocus Pocus, which is, you know, for a four year old, probably like watching Hostel.
Yeah, true. Billy, Billy's pretty terrifying. I'm not going to lie. Like, you know, I like Billy because I know, like, you know, I've watched Hocus Pocus probably no less than like eight million times, but, um, to a little kid who doesn't really understand. Yeah. He's a, he's a pretty scary, pretty scary guy. For sure.

Marco Denton, the MVP, Joins the Discussion

Yeah. We have the MVP, uh, the intern Marco Denton on the line as well. What's going on, Marco? Uh, nothing much over here. Um, just, uh, no, keeping an arrow for my, uh, for the faction. Hopefully they don't, uh,
Do any scares and wake up right now, so I'm just a little paranoid You guys got me scared, but other than that are doing great. It's a nice night over here Just get it's getting pumped for some another week of
Wrestling hoo-wee

Show's New Schedule and Community Engagement

man. Yeah What a week it was this past week. Yes, you've had quite a quite a jam-packed week So we are now recording on Tuesday evenings as we told you guys last week just because it makes things Much easier as far as scheduling goes we have you know wrestling almost every single night of the week now So Tuesday is kind of the best way to recap it but we're we've started to go live on our patreon Facebook page and
Thursday is kind of to recap NXT a little bit and AEW was really fun. Me and Sheena jumped on there on Thursday around noon. We'll try to do that every week and the schedules aren't gonna be able to allow us to do that every week probably with everything we have going on. But we're gonna do as much as we can, Sheena. It was a lot of fun and gives us time so we don't have to wait a whole week before we recap those two shows.
Yeah. Definitely. I feel like sometimes it's just, there's so much real time news to like, you know, cover and things that happened the night before. And it's like, Oh my gosh, if we don't record until Tuesday, like a whole week is going to go by. So we definitely want to give our chick Foley fam, um, you know, our thoughts and, you know, get their, get their opinions and see what their feedback is from, you know, whatever we've seen, uh, in the previous days of wrestling. So yeah, it was really cool to start going live in there. And you know, you guys, um, have shown some love and it's been pretty freaking funny.
you guys can sign up for it at slash chick foley show it starts at a dollar a month all the money that we receive from that goes into fund the show with giveaways and t-shirts and all that kind of stuff it goes up from there with bonus episodes and unboxing videos but a dollar a month gets you into our facebook group gets you those uh those live videos as we recap uh nxt and aew and uh
Yeah, just be able to top figures with us and sell and trade and get some cool stuff from the Foley family. So it's slash Chick Foley show. Hit us up there. We would love to have you. And yeah, let's jump right into it, guys.

Wednesday Night Wars: NXT vs AEW

We can talk about it because it's happened now. The first now Wednesday Night Wars is in the book. We can start with NXT. This is inside the squared circle as it's sponsored by Chalk Line. You can use code CHICK to get 15% off there on anything that you buy.
the coupon code chick at checkout. Let's start with NXT. I was live at AEW, so I didn't get to watch it live as much. But give me both of your thoughts, kind of watching it head to head with AEW and how it differed, how it was better, worse, whatever.
Well, I'll kick it off. You know me. I'm an NXT mark through and through. I just love the NXT product. But I've sat on the show multiple times. I'm so open minded. I've done nothing but support AEW. I mean, sometimes I get my honest thoughts on them just like I do WWE. But we were watching dual screen because they do
An immediate showing afterwards. I can't I think they do a replay but I'm like dude That's too late for me like I can't watch one show and then watch the other so it was kind of like the old Monday night wars where you're kind of like not flipping back a channel, but I was like looking at one screen and then looking back down at the other screen, so We had NXT up on the TV and then we had a ew playing on one of our laptops
We were able to watch both shows simultaneously. And to me personally, NXT just looked more polished, which it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. I kind of talked about it after the show went off the air and there was all the chatter and people were overly hyped and acting like
This was like the greatest night of wrestling that they'd ever seen and all this stuff, which is cool But there was some like overblown opinions But NXT was more polished and I thought it like just delivered a better show overall I mean the match the card was excellent. The matches were excellent AEW it still looked about the same. I didn't feel like it looked I mean they had a bigger arena it felt like then NXT like NXT felt a little bit smaller and more intimate and
But overall, I just thought, I mean, NXT looks like a more professional TV ready product. AEW was giving me a little bit of like WCW vibes, which is not a bad thing. It's not an insult, but it's just different, you know? What do you think Marco? Yeah, NXT, they're still, you know, in full sale university. So I think at some point they're gonna have to
start making the rounds around the country just to see how it performs in that sense. But other than that, definitely way produced. The cameras are a lot better than previous NXT shows. I'm not sure if anyone noticed that. Everything looks a lot smoother and more movie-like. I think they're using movie-quality cameras now or something like that. The dimming of the crowd is really good. I like that so you can focus on
on the superstars at hand. That's pretty awesome. The card was top notch up and down, especially the surprises that they had in the middle. Actually, no. Towards the middle. In the end of it, I would note spoiler alert if anyone hasn't seen it yet. I don't think it's any spoiler alert at this point. Yes, we got the return of Finn and Tommaso Ciampa. They're back in the NXT, which is really great.
As far as AEW, didn't hate it at all. I thought it was a good show. They didn't really focus on storylines. We spoke about this a little bit earlier. They focused more on the wrestling product, because that's their thing. It's more sports-oriented. There's wins and losses and stuff like that. The commentators really hit home. I did like hearing Tony Schiavone. I'll tell you that much. That was pretty awesome, hearing him back on the commentary.

AEW and NXT: Audience and Production Perspectives

He used some profane words. I'm not sure if anyone picked that up.
He called MJFA a prick. I actually giggled because that word always makes me laugh anyway. But yeah, I thought their card wasn't as good as NXT's, but I thought they performed pretty well. The end of the show I thought was a little, they could have did a little bit better with that. I think they mess up a good main event.
I think it should have cleaned.
big scrum of like jabronis like everybody out there like giving you total like nitro vibes you know what I mean it was just kind of like and then and then their big reveal for the night was former WWE superstar Jack Swagger current AEW superstar Jake Hager um and it just I mean the thing that was like so irritating to me um
But it's because like you Marco, I did not hate the show. I did not, um, I did not think it was a bad show. It's just, it's about what they put on so far. And they're like, I talked about this in a live that I did post Wednesday night. It's.
They have a huge learning curve. You can't expect them to be up at the same level as NXT because NXT has done hundreds of shows. They've put a lot of work and effort and money and energy into NXT. It was already a TV-ready product whenever it had established storylines. It looks good. So it was ready to go.
from the jump. You know what I mean? And AEW is still finding its footing. It's still finding its storylines. It's still figuring out like this weekly TV thing, right? So the fact that people are putting it head to head and just being like, Oh, you know, one is better than the other, or this is a Wednesday night war. I'm like, but is it really like, I don't, I don't think so. You know? And the fact that they had Jake Hager be their, their biggest reveal, um, is, is, um, you know,
To me, that's very, very telling. Phil was actually at AEW, so I'm interested to hear Phil's take on the environment and all of that.
Yeah, it was great. There wasn't too much that I would complain about. I like the setup look great in the arena. Marco touched on it really well. You're going to have to take NXT on the road. Maybe we've got some new wrestling fans now with all this boom of TV time, but if you've never watched wrestling since the Attitude Era and you turn it on and there's NXT and AEW,
which one looks more, you know, one's a 400 seat arena, the other one is, you know, they're playing in like an NHL stadium. Like it's a totally different, you know, to someone brand new, it just looks like AEW is the bigger product. So they're going to have to take that show on the road. As much as I love the small intimate look of NXT,
I think you're kind of stunting your growth there. I think I'd like to see them take it on the road. But to your point, Sheena, AEW is great. I mean, I've tweeted about this. They did a really great job of limiting. I didn't know when the commercial breaks happened. There wasn't like a spot where there was a rest hold for 10 minutes or something like that.
I don't know where they fit them in. I haven't gone back and watched the show on DVR or anything, but they really did a nice service to the people there live in the arena that I didn't know maybe they stretched out during intros. I know they did a box and screen type of thing where they show commercials during matches, but they did a great job with that. I mean, the presentation looks great. I like the separate entryways for the heels and the faces.
in the
had was a couple people coming out, a couple tag teams saying, I'm the best tag team. I'm the better tag team. OK, well, that's a feud now. And now, just at the end, it just seems like a thrown together stable of random guys that have no, I mean, maybe they're clearing that up this week and they all kind of are against Cody or something. But I don't know what you're going to do with Jack Swagger or whatever his real name is. It doesn't seem like the guy you want to debut on the first episode of your TV show.
If you're going to use him properly, you can't have him talk with his awful fucking lisp. You have to just have him as almost like a Brock Lesnar, just kind of the right-hand diesel type of guy for kind of backing up Jericho and being like that silent muscle type of thing. And that could probably work.
He but is he even big enough for that? I feel like there's nobody on that show that is over six two. I mean That's kind of true. That's kind of true. But yeah, he just doesn't have that like no that like presence, you know to be like that big brooding silent Brock Lesnar type um, and I mean and let me just comment really quickly when you're making like your
you know televised debut on the debut inaugural inaugural show of you know all elite wrestling and like this is like the biggest deal that they've ever put on and you're gonna wear like your jake from state farm like clothes you know what i mean like he was wearing like a collared ringer which whatever i like if you're a if you're a high school history teacher like that's cool swag you know what i mean but if you are
a wrestler who's presenting yourself as a badass and you're going to close out the inaugural show on television. Is that what you choose to wear? Like that tells me everything I need to know about you. You're not a star.
You know, I'm sorry. You're just you're just not ring gear matters. People hashtag ring gear. I agree with that. Because it absolutely does. It totally complements your look, your character. And when you look like you just left, you know, like I said, a high school history class, like it just doesn't does nothing for me. But somebody who did do something for me
was Tommaso freaking Champa coming out at the end of NXT. And it had been speculated. And I think that was like a big, a big issue to people were like, well, we knew Champa was coming back. We didn't know Jake Hager. I'm like, but so like that's your argument is that you knew Champa was coming back. It's still a big fucking deal. Do you know? Like it is still a huge deal. Tommaso Champa is the champion that never lost like 237 days as champion. You know, we, we haven't seen him in the ring.
since March and he just shows up and challenges the champion for Goldie right then and there. I was so there for that. And I'm super, super excited to see the return of Tommaso Ciampa.
Yeah. That main event picture looks really nice now on NXT. I don't know who gets another shot now that, uh, that Finn's there or, or Champa or, or what I'm assuming Champa is clear to for in-ring competition. If he's going to be on the show, you know, they're not going to just put him out there and then have not be a hundred percent, but it is crazy that, you know, that was what like February or March like March. Yeah. March was when he announced that he was not a triple H announced that he was not coming back.
Yeah, I mean, for a serious neck injury, what a turnaround. That's insane. I think they're doing one of those docs on the network, the Chronicle docs on him coming up. I think it's maybe next week after Raw or something, but that'll be pretty awesome, because I'm sure it's a pretty rigorous recovery. Going back to AEW real quick, the crowd was interesting. And one of the podcasts I listened to touched on this. There was no kids. There was no women.
it was
And another thing is like the concession stands, this other podcast I listened to talked about it. They might have a problem because there was no line. They sold merch. They sold, you know, the people were buying t-shirts like, you know, like it was water, but there was no line for beer, no line for food. There was, you know, I didn't see anybody drinking. So I was like, Oh, this is like, is no one drinking here? Like I got one beer for 15 bucks. So I wasn't going to have more than a couple, but, uh,
you're not going to get called a call back from Capital One arena. If you're not selling, I mean, that's why they get people in there. That's why they book shows is to sell as much, you know, when, when the circus comes to town or into that bullshit, it's to sell as much food and, and, you know, swag and all that kind of stuff. So, uh, I don't know if it's just the, the, you know, you see that at the wrestling events, all the WWE events all the time, they're, they're selling food and sodas and beer. People are drinking.
It was just a weird scene. Everyone was super cool. It was clearly some AEW fanboys with the neckbeards and the black t-shirts. But it was a good crowd. It was a good time. And I'm probably going to make NXT my show of choice going forward. But I'm definitely watching both, or at least watching the second one the next day or something. It's going to be fun to see how this rivalry goes. Yeah, I think Wednesday night is definitely going to be my NXT
Primary night and then I'll if I feel like it I'll have it pulled up dual screen Or I'll just watch I'll just catch AEW on Thursday since there's really nothing of note that like, you know happens on Thursday I'll watch AEW on Thursday that way

Patreon Community and Listener Engagement

it'll space it out. We'll just have wrestling every damn night. You know what I mean? Yeah, my wife will love that
I'm sure she'll be stoked. I mean, the heel husband actually, he actually does love that, but he's gone right now. So yeah, I'll be here watching solo, drinking my weight in non-alcoholic beverages.
and sweet sweet popcorn flavored whatever your whatever those things are you're eating sound yo don't don't hate on my boom chicka pop okay you guys i got some uh first of all i have i love boom chicka pop it's a kettle it's a kettle corn for all you guys who don't know it's freaking delicious a little bit of salty a little bit sweet perfect amount of crunch well now they got one that's drizzled in like candy corn drizzle and since we talked about how repug
candy corn was last week, I was like, oh, I got to get this. It's going to be good. Oh, and man, it was so good. I ate the whole bag. Not even going to not even going to front. You get boom chicka pop to to sponsor the show. You know, we get to get you got more followers on Instagram than they do, I think. So let's let's make this happen.
I'm gonna reach out to boom chicka pop and just be like that's that's gonna be my my official You know what pay-per-view snack of choice is as boom chicka pop is the official snack of the chickbully show They have lots of different flavors. So don't count out. It's not just candy corn. They have regular kettle corn and like white cheddar They got normal normal people flavors to you know, don't worry. Yeah, they also have a pumpkin spice variety, but I have I
I have not committed to doing that yet because I'm like, eh, that may be a bridge too far even for me. That's pretty basic, yeah. I don't know about that. But OK, yeah, let's reach out to them. But yeah, the AWNXT stuff, like I said, we'll be doing that on our Patreon page. And we have five new Patreon subscribers this week. We have Jeff Paul Macchio, Rob Wilson,
Ethan Deck, Jason Martin, and Chad Roberts. So welcome, guys. We appreciate your support. Thank you so much. I forgot to mention that in the intro. So let's move on to the premiere of SmackDown. And you and Marco did a little SmackDown recap video. I was at my work holiday party, and I was the nerd that had them throw wrestling on the TV while everyone was
Drinking and eating their faces off and I watched like the last maybe 45 minutes half hour What was your thoughts on the on the on the the presence of Smackdown on

SmackDown on Fox: Premiere and Critiques

Fox? I love that. I love the stage. I love the look of it I think it looked you know, pretty pretty mainstream. So that's cool
Yeah. I thought, I thought it looked really freaking awesome. I mean, the set first of all was like so striking. It was just a total, like it looked totally different than it's looked before. It just looked bigger. It looked, I mean, it looked like something you would see like ESPN produced, you know, like it was, it was just very shiny and very, um, sporty. I don't know if that's the, that's the proper, um, you know, verbs to describe it, but at the same time, um, so it looks so freaking good.
Yeah, like everybody seemed to be pretty high on it until the very end when Cain Velasquez came out. Can we start with something good? Yeah, let's start with something good. That's what started the weekend on a steep decline. So let's start with the positives of Friday Night SmackDown. Okay, so the rock came out.
Open open the show big big huge pop for the rock. No freaking surprise It's always special when you see the rock. I mean, he's he's not just a huge WWE star I mean, he's like the one of the biggest stars in the world So I mean he demands your attention your presence So it was really cool to see him come out and he came out and
with Becky Lynch. They were confronting Baron Corbin. Or did Baron Corbin come out after? I can't remember what the order was, but anyway, all three of them ended up in the ring together and Becky and The Rock just like basically demolished Baron Corbin, which was awesome, you know?
That's the rock's typical spiel. He picks like, you know, a heel and just like completely annihilates them verbally. Yeah, verbally and otherwise. But it was cool to see Becky Lynch just kind of hang in there with him. I thought she did a really good job holding her star power along someone that is so just electric, you know?
Yeah, yeah, that's what he's great for. And I would love to see him put over one of these young guys at WrestleMania or something if he does want to have one more match. But I think he has retired. He got called out by Randy Orton. Did you kind of follow on that? Oh, I did see that. Yeah, on Twitter or something? Yeah, Randy Orton tweeted him. And then The Rock replied. And The Rock was super, super chill about it. He was making light of it. He didn't insult Randy or anything, but basically just saying,
This not gonna happen but you know like he put Randy over which I thought was kind of cool if you haven't seen those tweets definitely check them out I don't know what they said verbatim maybe the MVP has better quotes but yeah it was it was funny to see Randy call him out and then him reply did we were promised stone cold and Hulk Hogan and stained it any of them make an appearance on this show?
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Nope. Why were we promised that? That was, I think, probably what drove the viewership up to 4 million people, but then they never showed up. Ratings, pal. Ratings, pal. Good shit. You can promise whatever the hell you want. You don't have to deliver on it. Yeah, I don't know what ended up, like why they didn't end up coming to the show. I haven't heard anything as to why, like, they promised it and then didn't deliver.
Yeah, they weren't there, but I mean, I thought, I mean, it was okay. I didn't feel like it needed that much like legend power. If you will, I thought the rock was a good, the rock is, I think he's more fitting presence for Fox. Does that make sense? You know? No, I definitely do. Yeah. I mean, he, he seems more.
in place there. And it seems like we're always quickly becoming the kind of little brother show now that it'd be interesting to see how this draft is going to go. We recorded a Patreon special episode where we did kind of a mock draft, myself and Sheena, and let the people on our Facebook group pick who had the better draft. Everyone picked me. That's beside the point. I don't keep track of that kind of stuff. Yeah. Wins and losses do matter here on the Chick-Fully show. I just feel like you
Our audience, obviously, we need more people who can recognize up and coming talent. Recognize greatness. Yeah, they can recognize greatness from afar. So if you're interested, if you feel like that's you, definitely join us over on Patreon because I need you on my squad, okay? I have two quick things that I don't want to forget about. Did you see the video of MJF on Rosie O'Donnell when he was like six or seven years old?
No, I have not seen this. If you, when, since we're done with this, watch that. If you're listening to this show, pause it and, and go find that video. I think it's on Conrad, Conrad Thompson's Twitter, but he was literally on there like, uh, you know, when they had little kids come on there and Rosie, I would talk to them and all that, whatever. But it was like, it looks just like him, but it's like a six year old version of him. It's, it's hilarious. And he's like, if I'm not, if he wants to be an opera singer, singer, when he, when he grows up, but if he's not an opera singer, he's going to be a wrestler.
Oh wow I love stuff like that so much like I just love like even as corny as like the Bailey stuff is you know like how they kind of overplayed it like that she's like this superfan turned WWE superstar like that kind of stuff just like warms my heart when people like have these have these dreams from such a small like young age and then like it actually ends up coming to fruition like you know when you see the Seth Rollins
um video with him with the wrestling buddies and like doing his like entrance promos like the ultimate warrior and stuff like that stuff is just like the best like i love wwe for like finding all that footage of people and then i'm excited to see this mjf thing because it is cool when you see people like i mean you know this has been a lifelong dream because there's legitimate like vhs proof that this has been a lifelong dream so
Super cool. The other thing is, I guess, well, now Darby Allen and Jimmy Havoc are fighting to see who's going to face again. Yeah, again. Yeah. But they're going to fight to see who's going to face Jericho for a title shot at the Philadelphia show. Must be like the next dynamite show.
but I don't know what what happened the wins and losses things were they showing that during the broadcast on Wednesday last week like the wins and losses because now I think it's either Dustin Rhodes or Tony Khan came out and said well it's not about wins and losses about quality of wins and like
Dude, you're just digging. We're a one week into this thing and it's like, could this get more fucking confusing? It was a great idea in theory, but it just doesn't work for a scripted sport where people in their underwear are fighting. It doesn't. I mean, no, WWE has tried to do it before. It doesn't work. There's too much to be done for wins and losses to matter. You can't let that dictate.
like who gets a championship run and things like that. So it's like, oh, so Darby Allen hit the, the coffin drop. So now he gets a championship run. You know what I mean? Like, I don't know. Um, yeah, who knows? I'm just here to be sports entertained. You know what I mean? I try, I try not to, uh, nitpick, but I will, I will call some shit out when I see it and I will call people out for their BS and everybody's entitled to your opinion, even if it's wrong.
Yeah, but you can't, you know, there's so many things that happen in wrestling from injuries to contract disputes to like filling time and like, you know, it's not all going to make sense if you go with a strictly win-loss like record theory type, especially when you have a roster of like 20 people that could like legitimately contend for the title, you know, it's there's going to be more losses than wins eventually.
But yeah, the end of SmackDown, we saw Kane Velasquez come out. That's the WTF moment of the week, we thought, but it gets topped in a couple days. But- Yeah. Kane Velasquez, I don't really know too much about, but he does not look very impressive physique wise, as opposed to a Brock Lesnar, who I know he beat the shit out of Brock in the octagon. But I don't know why we should really care about this. Is he even signed to the WWE?
I don't think he signed to WWE. Apparently it's going to be something that goes down at crown jewel. Am I, am I right? That Marco, that it's going to, you know, pop off at crown jewel. I just, to me, I just do not care. Like I just don't, when it, when he came out, I thought it was Dominic and I was like, okay, cool. Like Ray Dominick or here, this, this makes, this makes sense because you know, Brock beat up both of them the other night.
and then it took me a moment and the heel has been had to tell me who it was and i was like oh like that was my reaction was
Okay. Like they, like they literally squashed Kofi to bring this guy into the fold. Like who's not even a wrestler, you know, apparently. Okay. So I guess I shouldn't say he's not a wrestler because somebody corrected me via Instagram the other day saying that he has been wrestling, um, you know, somewhere in some promotion for a while and he's really good. But how do I know that? I don't care. You know what I mean? Like I don't, that's as a casual viewer, if I was a casual viewer, I'd be like, who the fuck is this guy?
You know? Yeah, they didn't make any mention of him. They just want to harp on the fact that he's an MMA superstar. They didn't talk about he. I think he's been wrestling in some Mexican promotion. But I don't think it's been for very long. I remember seeing the highlights of one match. So I don't know how long it's been. But yeah, I mean, if it's a book for Crown Jewel, that's great, because I'm not going to. If we get to 1,000 Patreon subscribers, I'll watch that show. But other than that, I'm not going to watch that. I'm not going to put myself through it. It's on fucking Halloween, first off.
Definitely not going to watch it live. Crown Jewel is on Halloween. Yes, it's on the 31st. Marco, check that for me. I might be wrong. It's either the 30th or the 31st. I think it's on the 31st. Oh, wow. Yeah, you're correct. Is that like a week two? Is that a weekday? Yeah, it's on a Thursday at 1 PM Eastern time. You don't even want people to watch this. Why am I? What the hell?
Oh my god, wow, okay. Did not realize it was on Halloween. I mean, I'll probably watch it just because, you know, I'm a shill like that, I guess. But yeah, I don't think I'll be watching it on Halloween for damn sure. Yeah, that's a buzzkill.
But anyway, yeah, getting back to Kane, the people who are hardcore in MMA, I like UFC. I don't follow it super closely. When there's a big fight, when Conor McGregor would fight, cool, I'm gonna buy the fight. Ronda Rousey's fighting, gonna buy the fight. But it's just like, I don't follow MMA close enough to care about every MMA fighter. And I feel like WWE is really trying to put over MMA.
Talent and I'm like, why aren't you putting your own talent over? Like you literally squashed your champion that you've had for six months. Just to put this guy over that nobody fucking cares about. Like it just, it just irritates me to no end.
And I don't understand it, I'll get it. Kofi deserved better. I mean, he had a great run. He had one of the best builds and natural organic builds to a title reign that we've seen in a long time. And I had a six month run, which in today's WWE is not too common. So I think it was getting time for him to move on to something else, but not for this unknown factor.
It was time. I didn't think it was any surprise that I was prepared for Kofi to drop the title. Like, you know, I knew it was coming. I didn't think there was any way that they were letting Brock leave TV without that title.
But he can't, like he can't freaking kick out of one move. He gets in zero offense. Like this is your champion. Are you freaking kidding me? Like, I don't know. It just, it just pissed me off for one because I was like, whatever. And then there was still time left in the show and I was like, well, what's going to happen here? You know, and then they bring out Cain Velasquez and I was like, all right, what did you think about it, Marco? You, maybe you have a little bit more, um, more even opinion on it than I do.
Um, so just to run it back a little bit on the Kane Brock, uh, fight in the UFC. I forget which number it was. Um, what pay-per-view they had it, but that was the same pay-per-view where undertakers in attendance watching the, the fight. And if there's a video of Brock walking back after the fight and undertaker standing up and asking him if he wanted to come back and do the match, that would happen to be the, the infamous, yeah, the infamous, uh,
taking your streak away. Yeah. So yeah. So that's, that's a little tidbit there. So it was a little, uh, little WWE storyline intertwined in that real life situation. I mean, if I'm Brock Lesnar, probably I'm getting, I got my face punched in and I just lost my title and probably not going to want to think about going back to fight in the WWE right away. But, um, as far as the Kofi Brock match goes, so what I've been reading,
I don't really agree with it, but I get why they did it. So it's on Fox Sports, right? Yeah. Um, so the way they have the WWE build or the Smackdown brand build on Fox Sports one is Thursday night football W uh, Friday night Smackdown, uh, Thursday, NCAA Sunday football. Right. So it's, it's being billed as a sports themed show.
Um, so if you ever watch, uh, if you ever seen like a UFC fight that ends very quickly, that's what they're going for. So, uh, for an example, um, bell rings guy runs at somebody, um, tries to do a take down. The other guy throws a knee and just knocks a guy out completely. And that's the end of the fight. So if you notice Kofi actually runs at Brock and tries to do a flying maneuver and Brock, Brock catches a midair and counters it.
and hits them with the F5. And that's fine in MMA. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Like that's not, that's not fine in wrestling. Like, I mean, and I know there are moments like that. I mean, shit, Goldberg squashed Brock, you know what I mean? Like he, you know, but it was just like, I feel like those moments are more rare unless you're a jobber, right? Kofi's not a jobber. Like you, you use the squash matches to establish dominance. You don't use those squash matches just to like,
Diminish a title reign for your former champion. You know what I mean? Like I just feel like I feel like stop trying to make WWE real sports. It's not real sports. You know, it's sports entertainment. Like not taking away anything that these guys do athletically. Like these guys are some of the most the greatest athletes in the world.
But it's not real sports, you know? Fox knew what they were getting into. I don't want to see Fox be like, you know, I mean, they had like, you know, Aaron Andrews and like all these sports personalities like there, which was cool to see like the crossover. But at the same time, I'm like, no, give me my wrestling people. Like, you know what I mean? Give me people who actually care about this and follow this week to week and like care about the storylines and the characters. Like, Aaron Andrews doesn't give two shits about wrestling, you know?
Yeah, it was awkward and it seems like both companies are trying to do that I don't know if that's just their way of appealing to them a wider audience But it's definitely not rubbing the actual wrestling fans the right way, but we'll see I'm excited about Smackdown

Hell in a Cell: Reactions and Controversy

going forward. I think they're gonna put a lot of emphasis on it I got an email today about a presale for a show in DC in like November and it looked I don't know if they've already like you know, they just put through random people on this email, but I think it was like I
Roman, it was Charlotte, it was Nakamura, Kofi, New Day. So I don't know if they're, those are going to be like kind of the names and faces on SmackDown or Raw or what, but we'll see. They're doing the draft this Friday, right? They're starting it and then they're going to move it over to the second part of it's going to be on Raw somehow. Yes. Yeah. Interesting. Very interesting. Yeah. It'll be, it'll be interesting to see how it plays out.
But let's get on to the biggest talk of the week. And that was a pay-per-view that literally
had no talk about it until Sunday when it actually happened. Like I feel like most people probably didn't even know this paper, this pay-per-view existed on Sunday. And then they woke up Monday and they were like, what's the hell in a cell? You know, like there were, there were headlines like everywhere, like not just wrestling site headlines, like there was headlines everywhere. And it's pretty, it was pretty wild to see the outcry and like the response and the backlash to
the ending to Hell in a Cell. But once again, we'll start on a high note. What did you think was the highlight of Hell in a Cell? I think the highlight was hopefully me getting my prediction title back. Marco, who won this thing? Because when we did the predictions, there was only four matches. Four matches, yeah. We didn't have a ton to pick from. Do you have the numbers, Marco?
I do have the numbers, but I want to keep everyone in suspense. So let's go with the... Son of a gun. Let's hear everyone's review of it, and then we'll... It wasn't a terrible show. I mean, the ending was bad. We'll get to the ending. We'll spend some time on the ending, obviously. But overall, it wasn't a bad show. It wasn't, no. You're never going to remember for any of the matches that were on this card, obviously.
But I enjoyed watching it. I think the Hell in a Cell can't be in its own event anymore. I think it needs to be a blow off for big feuds like it used to be. You can do one at WrestleMania or you can do one just to end like a huge blood feud between guys I've been wrestling for three or four paper views. I liked seeing the Kabuki Warriors win the women's tag team belts. That was probably one of my favorite parts.
Other than that, it was a lot of pretty good matches. The women's Hell in the Cell match was a banger, man. I saw Marco tweeting about it. It was really good. It sounds like Sasha's banged up now and she's going to miss some time. I don't know if those are just rumors or what or if she's mad that she lost and was crying or something.
But it was a great match. Those two always wrestle well together. So that was fun. Some of the matches they added in just were, you know, Gable versus Corbin was awful and Natalia versus Lacey Evans. It's like, you know, just adding. It was just some of these matches were very raw-esque. You talked about it, Sheena. But there were some highlights.
Yeah, there was definitely some highlights. I mean, the four matches that were advertised outside of the main event, which we'll get to, I thought they all delivered and I thought they were all really good, especially like you said, the Becky Lynch and Sasha Banks match.
I thought those women like laid it all out there. They were pulling out stuff. I had never seen before. I had never seen um a kendo stick like crammed in the corner with a chair on top of it someone doing a drop kick off the apron like it was just like Amazing. I thought they I thought they all did an amazing like both those women did an amazing job to me. That is the superior
women's hell in a cell match out of the the two that we've seen I thought this one was is definitely like definitely took the took the gold from the previous Sasha and Charlotte and
Hell in a cell. But yeah, it was, it was awesome. I loved it. Um, Sasha, yeah, I did read that she is banged up. They haven't come out and said exactly what's wrong with her. There was a lot of speculation that it was possibly a concussion, but apparently Sasha came out and like debunked that it was a concussion. But the reason why people were concerned is because WWE is usually pretty open with what's going on, like what the injuries are and that sort of thing. And they haven't really released what's going on with Sasha yet. So.
to be determined. We'll, we'll keep our ears to the ground for that one, but, um, hopefully it's nothing serious. I never liked to see anyone get, um, get injured. But Roman Reigns was apparently injured in his match too, but I think he just tweaked his knee. I don't think it was anything, anything serious, but him and Daniel Bryan fought Eric Rowan and Luke Harper. And this was actually a really good match too. I mean, I thought, I thought it was, I thought it was well done, especially for a match that I was kind of like,
What the hell? Why did we get this match in the first place? How did we get here? But you know, I think Rowan and Harper together are just, they're a force. They're meant to be together. They've been together for a very long time. And I kind of like, I don't know. I like the re-facing of Daniel Bryan, making him a face again for Fox.
Let's get into the main event, because we're going to spend a lot of time on this. This is 17 minutes and 30 seconds. Seth Rollins and The Fiend go to a no contest, so no one wins this one. It wasn't even a win for Bray Wyatt. So many things wrong with this match. First off, I hate that the cell is red. It's stupid.
And this match was with a weird red light, which was also stupid. They clearly were just trying to make this a horror attraction. This was not even like a wrestling match. This was the match itself was lame. We saw Bray Wyatt kick out of like 15 curb stomps, which is when the next time.
We've tried to see Seth Rollins win a match with a curb stomp and we see Bray Wyatt taking 15 of them in a row and kicking out Like yeah, you know, I mean I understand you're trying to build them like into an undertaker type character. I Don't know why I mean Shawn Waltman said it best He was on that watch long show like how can a freaking hell in a cell match end in a no contest like what was it? what's the point like why even have this type of match and
Yeah, there was a lot of discussion because it was really unclear when the match ended what had actually happened. Looking back, it was a ref stoppage, which is totally fine, right? That's why the ref is there. If the ref had absolutely no authority in a Hell in a Cell match, what's the point of him even being there, right? Make the pin. But I mean, honestly, that's it. He has to have some authority to like,
call the match and I mean and if he deems it fit right it's not a DQ it's a ref stoppage. I'm okay with that like I that's not what I'm that's not what I'm upset about. I'm upset that like you mentioned it was essentially the death of the curb stomp which is one of my absolute favorite finishing moves. I freaking love the curb stomp and it was just like it
When he was just delivering like four corner curb stomps, like going to each corner and coming back and like hitting the curb stomp, I was like, why are you doing this? Seth Rollins has an arsenal, a mile deep of moves that he could have done, right? Why 15 curb stomps in a row? Like it just didn't make sense to me and it just looked corny and the curb stomps just kept getting less and less like realistic and effective.
And I hated that spot so much, you know, and then that's when the crowd really started to turn was because Seth Rollins is getting all this offense in on, on the feed. And it was just, it was just awful. I don't know. I mean,
Well, he was getting offensive and then like we would still see Bray Wyatt kicking out. So I was like, oh, this is cool. Like, you know, I mean, at least they're like making him look like unbeatable or something. And then he pulls out like a toolbox from under the ring and slams it on him. And what did he hit? He hit him with a there was a it was a ladder on top of him.
A chair and then he hit, he stacked the chair on top of him and then he got the ladder, he hit him with the ladder and he stacked that on top of him and then he started beating him with the toolbox. Um, and then he went and got the sledgehammer and I guess that was a bridge too far for the ref and he was like, you know, don't do this. Don't do this. Seth Rollins did it, um, called the match and it was just like, I mean, they just couldn't have booked a more.
Yeah, what was the purpose? I mean, who you're making looks strong? I mean, people have totally turned on Seth Rollins at this point now. I mean, the crowd was booing him feverishly. And it's not like he made the match. And I hate all the people that voice their opinions and say they're going to cancel the network.
over one bad match. I mean, it's ridiculous. I mean, this was stupid. We're going to spend 10 minutes here criticizing it. But the fact that you think your opinion matters, that you should affect it and make any kind of change. When an episode of a TV show sucks, it's not like, okay, well, that wasn't cool. But there's going to be a new one another one next week. Like, okay.
You know, whatever. It's not the end of the world. There's been a lot of stupid matches. There's been a lot of great matches. And you've got to sit through some to get to the other. So it's just the world that we live in that everyone thinks that whatever they think is the best opinion to have. But that's a different story. Yeah.
It was just and then if they ended that that would be fine But then you know Bray white pops up like two seconds later and gives them the man of a claw And throws them around on the outside and the fans are just you know at this point You just got to go home. Just just leave just battle to the back or fight to the back. Yeah the AEW chance and the refund chance and Restart the match chance all that was like ringing out throughout the entire arena so there was like there was no
There was no coming back from that. It didn't matter what happened from that point on. It was like it was over. Yeah, I don't know. Marco, can you put a positive spin on anything that happened here? I know you're more glass half full than I am. Not really. Yeah, I mean, I didn't hate the pay review. I thought it was all good until the end, obviously.
I'm not like the type of person I got super mad at the ending. It was, I was just more like disappointed than anything. It was just like, it was just so weird. Like it was, everyone was all hung up on the, what are the rules of hell in a cell? I don't think anyone actually knows the rules of hell in the cell at all. Cause it was like, technically there are, do we know that a referee could stop the match? I never heard of that rule, but I mean, I don't think anyone knew that a referee could do that. So it wasn't a disqualification. It was a ref stoppage.
And, um, that's how they build it. Um, a lot of people thought it was a DQ by Seth Rollins, but I was like, it's hell in a cell. There's no way there's a DQ. Um, but, um, yeah, I did. I go, I'm going with Phil on the, uh, the horror. I think it went for a horror movie vibe. It was red lights. It was the whole match was like set. It was kind of like a horror scene. It was like Seth was the, the, the female or male protagonist running away from the scary killer guy.
doing all he can to, you know, you know, pulling out all the tricks. Yeah. Yeah. Like dumping, like everything on him, like a toolbox, a whole house, if he could have to keep them down and then, you know, miraculously at the end, um, the killer pops up and, you know, I know what they're going for. It's just, it doesn't execute well in wrestling, I don't think.
It doesn't because nobody cares about that kind of stuff anymore. You know what I mean? Like we are beyond That as a fan base like this like spooky like supernatural like, you know, like the fiend is cool But like it's it would be really easy to make him uncool and I feel like they made him uncool You know, I mean like they they tried to they tried to book him into this like campy Michael Myers
Type role like where you said we're like literally Seth Rollins is standing over him like an idiot like you know what we all know like oh he's about to pop back up just like you know we're in a horror movie when they go to like you know tap the killer to see if he's dead and he's like you know like that that's exactly the moment that we got with with this and it just doesn't it just doesn't work you know and I will say
Like you Marco, I didn't get mad. Like some people were like, like you said, cancel, I'm going to cancel the network. This is why AEW is like, you know, smash WWE, like AEW should be worried. And I'm like, okay. Like I was, I was irritated by it because I was like, there was no, the reason why this match should have even been booked in the first place.
But like now you're making me want to defend it because you guys are just acting so Overblown in the in the other direction, you know what I mean? It's one thing to be like that was a shitty finish like this was a shitty match You know what I mean? Like it didn't it didn't live up to the hype. It didn't live up to the expectation But to just like be be like so offended that you're like I'm gonna cancel my network WWE is the worst. This is why the product's been shit for 10 years and like
just saying like all this outlandish stuff I'm like okay now now you've taken it overboard you know what I mean there's one thing to be irritated and there's another just to be like a complete freaking mark you know
Yeah, that was the worst part of the whole night. I did tweet out, and you liked this. You know, I don't know if you saw it. I put a poll on Twitter right after the match. I said, what did everyone think about the ending of the Fiend-Relins match? And my four options were great, really great, awesome, look better than awesome. And everyone was like, what? Where's the option for the stunk? I was like, yeah, the point, the mess. But people thought it was great. 42% said it was great. So I don't know what people are talking about.
Yeah, some people liked it. I was not one of them. I feel like there was a lot better ending. People were like, well, how would you have it end? Personally, I would have had it end where Rollins, I mean, the Fiend comes in, like, you know, they could have the same fight, right? Put up, like, have Rollins or the Fiend start off strong, Rollins come back, and then ultimately the Fiend gets the better of him, beats him down, right? Maybe doesn't pin him and just breaks out of the cage and leaves.
You know what I mean? Like, like you wouldn't have to take the belt off of Seth Rollins and you still make Bray look like a badass. Or even if Bray pins him, have Bray pin him, um, win the match and then just leave the belt like laying there besides Seth Rollins. You know what I mean? Like you could still like deepen this character and like establish him as like this just like unbeatable force. Um, who's just a wrecking ball through WWE without like having him just like not lose by having a ref stoppage, you know?
Yeah, I do like that idea of him just leaving the belt, and then the next night on Raw they try to hand it to the Mr. Rogers Bray Wyatt. He's like, oh, no, no, that's not mine. That's Seth Rollins. It's just like playing dumb. So yeah, anything besides what they did was probably been a better way to book it.
And then they just didn't even acknowledge it on Raw. I don't really want to talk too much about Raw. I have somebody wrestling figure news and notes and things that I want to talk about that I just skip over Raw. That's pretty awful. Yeah, Raw was okay. We'll put a bow on Hell in a Cell and just call it what it is.
There was some really great moments and there were some really crappy moments and there was a lot of gray moments in between that Nobody's gonna remember right so that that's your that's your Helen Estelle cliff notes And we got that we had the draft on Friday, but since we were talking about since we were talking about Seth Rollins really quickly I cannot not go ahead and give away this elite 70 Seth Rollins figure so I have a little trivia for you guys and
And you guys know how this works. If you've been listening the last two weeks, all you have to do is the first person to DM the answer to the Chick Foley Instagram at Chick Foley is going to win an elite 70 Seth Rollins figure. So here is your trivia this week. It is who is the only other wrestler besides Seth Rollins to lose a match at WrestleMania and win the world championship in the same night?
May the odds ever in your favor. I know this. I'm going to message you and see if I have it. I know. I already know what it is because it's, it's a, it's a good question though. It's a very good question. Yeah. Yeah. So, um, like I said, who's the only other wrestler besides Seth to lose a match at WrestleMania and win a world championship in the same night. So first person to DM chick Foley with the answer is going to win that elite 70 Seth Rollins.
Um, and with that being said, let's go, um, let's move ahead. We'll, we'll touch on raw really quickly. Tyson fury. You really want to find out who wins this, this belt, huh? You're scared. I think you know, it's been a scare. We've, it's been a scary night. We've talked about the fiend. We've talked about hocus pocus. Um, yeah, we've talked about our kids waking up. It's been very, very scary around here. So,
You know what? I'll face my fear and let the MVP deliver his news that I'm still the champion. Oh, man. Oh, my God. Did the Fiend come in and kill Marco? Marco, you there? He's taking a pee. Oh, no. The twin magic must have woken up.
Yeah, I got a situation. I'll be right back. No problem. No problem. I'm going to keep everybody in suspense. All three, all three of our kids have just been jerks this evening. This is great. Oh man, this is awesome. Uh, so we will. So we will with that being said, with twin magic being over, uh, you fighting over in, uh, the gorilla position with Marco, we are going to move on touch on raw real quick. Uh, Tyson fury. We all saw
came in bra and get into it. Um, supposedly they're having a match at, uh, at crown jewels as well. I don't care about this at all. No offense to Tyson fury, but the same thing we kind of talked about with Cain Velasquez, like stop making these like
real fighters look better than your foe fighters. You know, like I just, I don't, I'm not down with it every once in a while. Like, you know, Brock Lesnar, I feel like he's gained enough respect in, in WWE that like we can, we can claim Brock, Brock Lesnar as a WWE superstar. But all these guys, all of a sudden just coming in, like, I'm like, no, not, not here for it. Not here for it.
I was just going to say Tyson Fury, one of my favorite wrestlers of the last couple of years, man, he's had some great matches and I'm happy to see him in this position on top. Yeah, yeah, it's awesome. We did see Lana like a very, very, very attitude era clip of Lana and Bobby Lashley in a hotel room surrounded by flowers and rose petals and like nakedness.
again, Rusev just standing there with his thumb up his butt like, you know, do my wife is in bed with another man. Like, I'm just I'm just going to sit here. So, yeah, that was that was fun. Pete, does this man think people only have sex when there's like you have like a bunch of flowers around the beds?
Who does this? Watch any of the 24-7 scenes with Drake Maverick. There's always flowers all over the bed. That's not like something people do. No. I mean, I'm sure some people do it. Well, for your anniversary when you get married, but not for just randomly hooking up with Bobby Lashley.
Maybe they're still in like the honeymoon phase. I don't know. I can't, I can't remember a time like, you know, making love on top of a bed of rose petals. Like, I don't think it's, I don't think it's ever happened, but you know, but I visit man saw one movie once and then just shaped all his like images of sex from that, I guess. Exactly. He's watched a lot of days of our lives, like with the crystal vases and the background and the candles lit.
Um, yeah, so Yeah, that's a that's a funny observation because I never even paid attention to that other than it just looking super corny But you're right like all wwe scenes are like like that, you know, they always like hotel room lit uh flowers everywhere Hey, I mean it's nice. I mean, I guess there there's worse There's worse positions to be in whenever you're in those kind of situations. So
The Kabuki warriors, they defeated Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair who were paired up together. Asuka has this new great mooda, like poison, like mist that she's been using. That's actually pretty cool. I hope they don't do it every week because it's kind of, it's like really cool and I kind of like it, but I feel like it could be one of those things. Like if she pulls it out every week, I'm going to be like, all right, Asuka, like enough with the green mist. Like, you know,
Does she keep that in her mouth like the entire match like from when she walks out of the back? This is something that I've been thinking about ever since she did it because I was like wait a minute like there's got to be a vial right like there's got to be something I don't know how she does it like I'm sure there's somebody out there that who is a wrestler who knows how this technique is done but I was thinking to myself like does she have that shit in her mouth the whole time because she couldn't have she couldn't have because she
She came out and cut a promo, you know, so like, did she like put it in her mouth like on the way to the ring? I don't know. But anyway, they had a good they had a good match. I thought it was a good showing. She spit in Becky Lynch's face to get the win. And then other than that, they kind of glossed over.
Uh, the fiend and Rollins, no surprise there. Like they weren't gonna, they weren't gonna make that a big, a big conversation piece. Um, they just kind of like showed a recap in the video and they actually not gonna lie. The, the video recap was made the match look way more entertaining and way more like not as controversial as it actually was. So.
They did do a good job. They're just kind of like glossing over it. And then again, Tyson Fury and Braun Strowman got into it at the end of the show and, you know, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. We'll see what happens. We'll see what happens after that. Yeah. Natalia versus Lacey Evan for the second time in 24 hours. So, I mean, yeah, the last one. Yeah. Last woman standing match. If you follow at a wrestling. Yeah. At wrestling posts. He had the like the best seat in the house, like, you know, right there at the end of the
into the ramp corner by the steps. Um, he was there for both, uh, hell in a cell and, uh, raw the next night. And then, so Lacey did that moonsault off of the, the barricade right there. And he was literally, she was like, she was like literally right in his face and he got some really epic footage, um, on his Instagram. So it's at wrasslin post W R a S S L I N.
P.O.S.T.S. He goes to he goes to a lot of shows and it was yeah I was pretty epic to like see his like first hand footage of like Lacey telling him like you move you know and then like doing the moon the moonsault on to Natalia so to me that was probably the most entertaining thing that happened on raw
For sure. OK, last thing inside the squared circle before we move on. Who do you think is going to be number one pick in the draft? Or who should be number one pick in the draft? Oh my god, it's tough. I'm going to say Brock just goes, well, I mean, are they going to do? I don't know if they're going to do champions or what. I'm going to say they're going to go with Brock and then all hell is going to break loose or something. But probably Brock or Roman.
Yeah. Well, are they doing so? Are they doing it like they did the last draft? They're doing it like they did the last draft, I'm assuming, right? Like they're going to, but it was like, they're wrong. They won't know until 10 minutes before. But that's right. Vince McMahon's going to tear up the script. Um, and then just wing it. Um, but are they going to, they're going to draft for raw and smack down on the show, right? It's not just going to be just the smack down draft taking place on smack down and then just the raw draft.
it wouldn't make any sense, but we haven't seen, we haven't seen the draft go down on two different networks either. You know? Yeah. We once, once SmackDown was all they're picking. Like wouldn't, wouldn't Raw just like, why would they even have a draft or just, or we got everybody that's left, I guess. Yeah. I think they're going to just, I would hope they go back and forth. It's not setting up nicely, but, uh, I got, I'm a Patreon, not to brag, but a Patreon subscriber of the, uh, the major brothers
and they're trying to figure out their toy drive, but they, uh, they're like, yeah, we don't know what show we're going to end up on. So we don't know when, what days we're going to be available. So it sounds, you know, it sounds like, you know, non kayfabe that, uh, you know, the guys that the, the superstars don't know where they're going to be, you know, what show they're going to be on. So interesting. Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to go with, um, I say maybe
Roman or Becky I mean Seth Seth should be there but after this week I doubt that he'll be the top pick in the draft but Becky could potentially be a top pick or I Think Roman would be a good top pick just because he's just such a such a baby face at the moment, you know Marco is back Marco. Thank you. I hope everything's okay over there in gorilla position Yeah, we're good over here You
Poor poor Marco. All right, Marco. So who who won the hell in a cell title? So it was only you guys only did three matches. The only three. Yeah. So it was the Charlotte, Charlotte and Bailey, Sasha and Becky, and then the tag match was only announced at the time. So you just did those three and didn't do Seth and the Fiend.
Oh yeah, Seth on the Fiend. Yeah, so Seth on the Fiend, Charlotte, Becky. Yeah, it's OK. So yeah. The tag match had not been announced yet. That's right. You did actually announce, like, you guys were talking about the Pledging Brothers and saying that there was going to be a match there or something like that. But yeah. But OK, so all right. Do you want to know who won? Of course. It's over here. So you both picked a wonky finish for the Fiend match, which everyone knew it wasn't happening.
So you're both even on that one. Who's the other match, the Becky and? Becky and the Sasha. Sasha. So someone got one right and someone got the other one right. Get to it, Marco. So Chick Foley, you are the winner. You picked Becky. Sasha.
Two time defending. Boom. Man, this is not a good day. Gonna win the chick fully titled back to back. I think it's tough with only the four matches. I don't make excuses. But I wasn't feeling good that day when we were doing the picks. And I'm not going to make excuses, though. It's OK. It's all right. That's what losers say. Exactly. Let's get into our go figure segment. Here comes the money. Here we go.
Alright folks, this is Go Figure, a weekly segment here on the show where Sheena, myself and Marco let you guys know which wrestling memorabilia we have picked up, whether it's wrestling figures or wrestling swag or shirts or furniture or, you know, old gold dust outfits or whatever, coffee mugs.

Toy Drive and Collectibles Discussion

We have a lot to talk about today. We've gotten some
cool stuff from from our patreon subscribers we've gotten a couple packages of toys for the toy drive which we can I guess announce the details to people were asking me Sheena I guess our buddy Charlie Messing was asking us the last day to get them
to us. December 12th or 13th is probably the best, the latest you want to be able to get this out to us. That still gives you time after Black Friday deals and all that, but it's Chick Foley, Chick Foley Toy Drive, PO Box,
3203 Catonsville, Maryland, that's C-A-T-O-N-S-V-I-L-L-E, Maryland, 21228. And a couple people have sent us some packages here, and they sent us, and I think we just need to break it down and tell people the cheapest and easiest way to ship things to us, because
our buddy Skyler here sent me three priority packages like the thin rectangular boxes and he paid postage on all three of these so I would get a big box if you can and send it the cheapest way possible or
You can plug that address into Amazon or Ringside and save the ship. Amazon, obviously you can get some figures for free if you have Prime. And if you can't send to a PO Box, just message me. I'll give you my home address to send it here. But I'm trying to get everyone to be able to do this the cheapest way possible.
Sheena because I know that people are doing this out of the you know out of their pocket And this is for you know for us here to for the for the kids here in Baltimore for the toys We're taught so I want to make it as easy as I can for people to donate
for sure for sure and you know we've had a lot of people ask if we have you know if we accept cash donations and of course we have PayPal that you can definitely send donations to as well and we if you want that information we can definitely hook you up with that information and then Phil will go and buy you know toys and everything with with everything that we receive from PayPal so 100% of everything you guys give is going to
Going to the toy drive, thank you all so much for contributing and to give back to you guys who are giving it out of the kindness of your heart. We're putting together a nice little giveaway package and we're gonna draw someone at the end of the season.
to start off their new year with a nice little Chick Foley giveaway package for taking the time and spending the money to donate to our Toys for Tots drive because we love making kids Christmases a little more joyful around here and you guys who have contributed, you're definitely doing that.
Yeah, it's been pretty cool, and I'm sure as the holidays get closer as some deals pop up on different websites, people are going to send in some more stuff. I know with the biggest news of the week was I was walking my son, he was riding his little scooter around the neighborhood, giving my wife a break, and I get a message from our good buddy. I got two messages actually on Instagram from a couple people. DoubleClick Figs, who's a good friend of mine here locally in Baltimore.
And then an OG supporter of the show, Qstown underscore collector, both of them sent me a message on Instagram like, dude, hop on the Sears website. There's a bunch of figures for sale. So I'm like, okay, Sears, come on, man. It's probably a bunch of junk that nobody wants.
They had some fire deals that people jumped on immediately insane. Like, I mean, I can, I can walk through my order here because I have it pulled up because I'm hoping these don't get canceled. It doesn't sound like they're going to hopefully. Um, but, uh, yeah, have you ever seen anything like this? Sheena? I mean, I don't know if it was a glitch or a mistake or something, but, uh, I mean, pretty, pretty new elites to the streets getting discounted, like, you know, 50%. Yeah. There was like,
entire Elite 70 series going for like half price. I mean, Elites that had just come out going for like $5.99, $6.99. We had, you know, Milkomania sets and like accessory sets. And I mean, it was just insane. Like you could get basics for $2.99. It was, it was like, I don't, I've never seen anything like that before. And then you got free shipping on any order over 35 bucks. So you spend 35 bucks in,
action figures, which is not hard to do when you're buying them that cheap. You know what I mean? Yeah.
It was, it was awesome. We bought several elites for the, for the toy driving had upset. Yeah. Directly to Phil. Yeah. So, so yeah, we got lots of stuff. Yeah. We got lots of stuff coming your way, Phil. Um, and, uh, it was, it was cool. Like by the time, like, so we, we bought a bunch of stuff and I went on Instagram stories and like told all the marks about it. And then when I checked back like a few minutes later, like tons of the stuff was sold out. The heel has been called Sears because he was afraid of the same thing, like that it was going to get canceled or whatever.
But they had his order confirmation and everything and they said everything looked good, you know So I mean we I don't know if he's received shipping confirmation or anything like that so far But I mean it seemed like everything was legit. So I don't know if they glitched and just like, you know Stopped like or they discounted all figures that weren't supposed to be discounted or maybe they're just stopping carrying WWE I have no idea what the deal was, but I was happy to take advantage of
Yeah, as long as I get the stuff, I don't care what the problem was or what the solution is, but just to give you an example, I got the Brie Bella Elite 68 and the Nikki Bella from the latest one, thinks that's 71, a package deal of $21.99 for the both of those. That's basically, you can get one of those for 20 bucks and Target or Walmart.
I got the the bludgeon brothers, which I've been saying on the show I was gonna buy for like six months now for the two of them total for $12.99 Wow, I got Lexa bliss survivor series 18 for $7.49 I got the king of the ring Bret Hart for $13.99 and maybe my best purchase a ten pack five ten packs of display stands for my new generation collection and
They were $1.99 each for $10 of the stands. Wow. So all of that came to less than $70. When is your saying it's going to arrive? Because I did it in-store. I guess there's still a Sears near me about 30 minutes away that I'm near for work a little bit. So that's kind of, it says on Monday. Do you remember when yours is arriving? I'm assuming shipping is probably a little bit quicker. No, I haven't. I need to ask the heel husband. Obviously, he's been gone today.
I'll ask him I'll email him and see if he got an order conference or a shipping confirmation because like I said they had all the information when he called when he called the Sears hotline or whatever the customer service but he they hadn't shipped it yet so I don't know if he's gotten anything via his email because he placed the order so everything came to his email so okay
Yeah, I have no idea when it's supposed to get here, but I mean, apparently it's legit. Yeah. Somebody named John Pomai Calla from the the Major Brothers Facebook group posted yesterday. Yeah. So my buddy who works in Sears corporate is having a meeting about what the hell happened with sales yesterday and why there was a giant spike. He said no one gets why all of these figures sold. He's a huge wrestling fan, so he's going to have to explain how crazy wrestling fans are about figures.
And in the comments, he went on to say that they increased their sales by like 300% or something in like two hours. And somebody had asked, are the orders going through? And he's like, yeah, nothing led me to believe from anything that he's told me that the orders are not going to get put through. Which will be pretty shitty if you have a ton of wrestling fans and collectors that have bought this.
not our fault that the prices are really good. We just took advantage of, you know, we're not scamming anybody. We're just, you know, when you see a good deal, you take advantage of it. So I'm sure a lot of people we talk to on Instagram, I know Michael Allen was buying some stuff too for the charity, the toy drive. So
Overall, we're going to help a lot of people out and help our collection. So I'm hoping a lot of people jumped on that. We tried to post it on social media as quick as we could to get the word out there for people. So yeah, that was a pretty nice little haul. Do you have anything else that you bought this week, Sheena?
Yeah, so this week we had quite a few new figs in the Phelps house. We got that Elite two-pack ringside over that Elite AJ and Finn two-pack. Super awesome. We actually did a figure mashup with the Finn. We took the top talent
Body and put the elite head or the the two-pack head on it and then put the two sweet hands on it with the two-pack shirt And kind of just made like a mashup because I really loved the head scan. I like the body of the Of the top talent figure but the head scan on the elite two-pack was like so freaking off smiling Yeah, it looks like a like you took a photo of Finn. It's just awesome. So I
We did a mashup with that. Um, we got that and then we got the dead man's revenge. I actually, excuse me, that's the undertaker as Cain.
I unboxed it on Instagram live and I posted it on IGTV so you can go to my feed and check it out. It's on there. You just click it and then you can go keep watching it. It'll take you to the full unboxing over on IGTV. That figure is dope. Like it is just so sick. Like the cane, it's basically a two in one figure. Like I kind of alluded or talked about it on the unboxing. It's just like
That packaging is so mage like that should be the elite or the ultimate edition packaging like I feel like it's just much more Individualized and unique and like cool-looking So yeah, definitely check that figure out if you have it and then we got Sonya Deville with a skirt so I was happy that we were able to pick up Sonya Deville with a skirt and What the hell? Oh, we got a custom Hideo Itami figure the heel has been
got that hooked up. And yeah, cause you know, Hideo got canceled and we're never going to get a Hideo. We got live and elite 70 Dolph. So with the pink pants. So that was all of our figure pickups for, for this week. I'm thinking about getting that Dolph. That Dolph is pretty legit looking. Yeah. The one with the pink pants is awesome too. Like, uh, you know, we had the other one, um, but I was like, Hey, we really need that, that one in the pink pants. Cause it looks bad ass.
very nice. It's a pretty epic haul. Besides the Sears order, I picked up from our good buddy Eric at doing the favor podcast, the Bailey NXT Elite because I'm still trying to build my women's mint on card collection.
I purchased that from him. He sent it Lickety Split and I don't know why I just said Lickety Split. I haven't said that since like 1957. He said that Lickety Split, but also he put it on Twitter. He sent me a bunch of cool swag. He made like a grab bag in there. He put like a bunch of little wrestling figures and little football figures that my son just loves. He sent me like 10 different DVDs of different wrestler shoot interviews.
Oh wow. It's like a belt buckle that looks like the world title belt that I could probably get Nash to wear. I would probably look like a crazy person if I wore it, but put that in there. He put a signed Kevin Nash TNA DVD and a Marquise Brown rookie card, which he plays for the Ravens if you don't know.
But yeah, a ton of stuff. So shout out to him. I gave him mad props on Twitter because that was pretty cool. And I'm gonna start doing that randomly when we send out some of these figures. I sent out like six or seven packages today of just some of those network spotlight figures that I found and some of the ones that I've sold from around the house that I just wanted to get rid of. But I'm gonna start doing that randomly for some people that just throwing in some cool stuff that I have. I have so much different wrestling related swag sitting around.
I bought the series nine the the all four of them from Megalopolis. They had a sale on them for like $33.
and I picked those up and those are the last four I needed and I'm so close on my loose collection I picked up the Macho Man Retro Series 9 loose from good brother Kevin Harrison locally here he put it on a
on an order from ringside and it was like discounted a dollar or two because it was a I was going to take it out of the package anyway but you know how they have the discounted packaging because the the packaging messed up or whatever but yeah it was barely the corner was like bent a little bit which you know if I was like a mint on card collector I would have maybe been able to salvage it but I was opening it anyway but you know the fact that they consider that damaged is you know shows you ringside is on top of their game
Uh, so I am now one wrestler away from having both, uh, mint on card and loose for the retro series. And I've, I've purchased the last one. The Samoa Joe series nine is not here yet, but when it does, I got it from our buddy, uh, Tyler Cintron.
Off our patreon page he was selling that so I have another couple Collections check marked and I was bummed about the retros ending Sheena, but it's nice to like have a collection that okay It's this many figures you know how many it is you can kind of there's a finite number you know how to display it I was wanting to get you and Marco's take because I have a detail off right now of all my Hasbro's obviously that's pretty You know there's a ton of them, so it's pretty full
But if I put up my Mattel retros, it's probably going to fill one or two shelves. And I obviously would do them on the top too. I don't know what I would want to put on the bottom too. It's like stuff down there is hardly visible. So I don't want to put stuff that I have really important to me. I don't know if I'd just use it for storage. What's your thoughts? Should I spread them out and make only 10 per level? I think that would look kind of stupid. Because I think there's 40 total retros.
How many, how many are you putting on each shelf? You know what I mean? Like, are you trying to make it like, I mean, what's your display look like right now with the two shelves? How many you got on there? I have like a three tiered riser and then I have a row of guys just standing on the actual shelf and there's like six, six by four. So like 24 on each, each level of the, of the detail shelf.
Well, you could put your retro ring down there. That would be a cool little display piece. And then on that bottom shelf, I would have to look at it to see. But yeah, you definitely want to have, it's got to be loose figures. You can't be putting boxed up figures in the detail. No, go ahead and let them breathe a little bit before they get their glass prison. Their glass prison, they got upgraded to minimum security prison.
So yeah, I'm excited to have that collection all finished up. I picked up, for some reason, I was on a spree. I picked up a TNA PlayStation video game that just happened to have Kurt Angle on the cover. I'm going to add to my Kurt Angle collection. And I'm highly debating driving to Atlantic City on Saturday. I got the blessing from the wife already, because Kurt Angle is going to be at something called HorrorCon in New Jersey, which I have really no interest in going to.
But he's signing autographs on Saturday. It's like a three-hour drive each way, which I don't really mind. I don't really want to be away from the family for the combined 10 hours or whatever it's going to take me to get this done. But I've never been a big autograph guy. I know you dabble a little bit. I know some of the other podcasts do more than we do. Even when I was a big baseball fan as a kid, I never really got into autographs. So this is new for me. I asked some people on Twitter what brand of
Paint pens would be good, so I'm thinking about doing that. But if I had these all displayed up, I think it would be cool to have a couple, two or three different elites signed by Kurt Engel as kind of the centerpiece of the collection.
true it would be cool but i also feel like you need to if you have to upgrade to get the selfie or a picture like you need to get the picture too because that's me like i you know we have a couple autographs like from like brett har you know we have um a bobby the brain heenan autograph um but i mean very very select view the heel has been an iron war about the the picture you know we like the picture memory
Excuse me, versus the autograph memory. So obviously, we're loose collectors, so we don't get a ton of autographs. But it would be cool to have those in your collection with the card angle. And then you need to have a picture of yourself, obviously, with card angle as a centerpiece to that as well. And that is everything I have. Marco, do you have any purchases? Are the Bella twins still asleep? Yeah, they're sleeping now. The good over here.
I knew you guys would jinx me earlier with your, with your elbows, but, uh, kids at a big meeting, I guess. Yeah. They're like, there's telekinetically linked. They're like, let's do it. Invasion. Um, but yeah, so, um, got the, uh, the K in slash undertaker fig in the mail.
That was pretty sweet. I'm not sure if I want to open that because much like Phil, Kane will be in my area in November doing a signing and pitcher combo. And there's a Chokeslam package. I'm not sure what that means. I'm assuming he Chokeslams you on the pitcher, which would be pretty damn awesome. Awesome. So I'm thinking I might.
Have that signed, even though it isn't him, but it technically is him. I don't know. It does come with a cane head scan. You know what I mean? So technically it is a two to one figure and it's the first cane figure that we've had with both long sleeves, like the double sleeved bodysuit cane.
You know, which is like such a freaking awesome look, you know I love that cane look with both with like the double sleeves And it does have the cane head scan. So like I said, essentially that that's a two-in-one figure You can have Undertaker as cane or you can pop the head off and freaking just have cane, you know Yeah, maybe they are brother. So it's
It's the same thing. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, that would be a cool figure to get to get autographed for sure. And the cool thing about that figure, I don't know if you saw me unbox. I know I know Marco saw me. I don't know Phil got to watch it or not. But we you can easily take it out and put it back in. And even if you take the figure out, like the box alone is a display piece is really cool because it has those flames back there. So it's like a mask on the front. And then you see the flames through the little peephole through the little windows. And it's still a really cool display piece, even if the figure is not inside.
Yeah, so I'm a little undecided on that, but still no luck on the live.
Yes, we didn't find them in store. Yeah, we didn't find them in store. We found them like through through other avenues. But yeah, so we still haven't seen them in store here in Hawaii. Oh my God. Oh, RIP Hawaii here in Virginia. Yeah. Oh, geez. That was a slip. That was a throwback. Yeah. But yeah, so
My story, I didn't end up picking up some spotlight figs or the network spotlight. Off of a Czech brick seag one day, I was at work, seeing a rise at one of my targets. I obviously went there and go to the toy aisle, and you can probably guess there was nothing on the floor at all. I'm like, what the heck? I'm walking around, I'm trying to find people. I end up seeing this dude that works at
that used to work at a target that I used to go to a lot. So he kind of remembered me. So I was like, oh, it looks familiar. I'll just bring my number up there and see if he can punch it in and see if they have it. So I go up to him and he's like, oh, he's like, hey, how's it going, man? I'm like, yeah, it's going good. He's like, I remember you worked at the other target. I'm like, yeah, I did work at the other target. That's right. Can you check to see if there's something in stock here? It says it is.
It really isn't. And so he's like, yeah, I'll check it out. So he's looking and he can't find it. So he calls a manager over and she's like, she puts, she puts the number and she's like, yeah, it looks like we just got the truck. And so I'm not sure if we have it all yet, but I can definitely check another store for you. And I was like, yeah, it's fine. Yeah, do that. It's great. So they ended up calling another store for me, right? The guy answers and long story short, he's like, he's like, yeah, we have the box back there. I'll tell him to come here and I'll bring the box out for him. And I was like,
This is the greatest thing ever, because they think I'm a target employee, which is probably against the law, but I got my fix out of the deal. That's pretty awesome. Yeah, I impersonated a target employee to get figures. Well, after we slandered all the target employees last week. I did. Yeah, straight up. And I did as well. They were my good grace again, the great people. They're hardworking.
individuals. They probably are. Listen, I would not want to be a target employee this time of year for sure. You know, with the holidays right around the corner. So I wish my best to all the target employees regardless of how shitty you are at managing your action figure in toy sections.
Yeah, well, that needed to be said, I think. Let me announce the winner.

Giveaways and Toy Donations

So we did a Twitter contest with TJ McHugh, who we've mentioned several times on this show. He donated his time. Are you sure that's how you say his last name? I don't think that's how you say it. He corrected me. No, he corrected me. Yeah, I didn't think so. It was like, I thought it was McHugh. Yeah, that's what I call him. Exactly. I think it's McHugh. I think he corrected me, yeah.
Um, so he's TJ, TJ, can we get, can we get the phonetic spelling of your name? Uh, I need you to post that in the, in the chick fully show Facebook group. I need the phonetic, um, spelling so that we don't botch your name, uh, anymore because I've been calling you.
Wait, I don't even know what I call you. Yeah, what do you call him? Yeah, I definitely don't call him McHugh. McHugh. That's like the ricochet song. He donated the AEW ticket to me. He's also donating a minton card or minton box. Slim Jim Macho Man. We tweeted it out. We got like 300 retweets to the tweet. He got a bunch of new followers.
and we're going to make somebody happy. At Mike Onofrio. Mike Onofrio. O-N-O-F-R-I-O. He's a Patriots fan, so I was debating not giving him this, but he seems to be a follower of Chick Foley show, and he tweets this every so often. So Mike, if you're listening, you win. Just send me your address, and we will get TJ to send it out to you.
So congrats there. We'll be doing some more giveaways. Sheen is doing giveaways on the show. So we try to at least have one or two every week or so. So check back, check our social media platforms there. TJ McHugh also sent a giant box of toys for the toy drive.
Let's open those up right now. I told anybody who donates, we're going to open up whatever you have live here on the show, which is going to be my favorite part of this whole thing. So this came in two separate boxes. He got a Big E Elite 61 for the kids, Toys for Todd Kids, and a Kevin Owens Elite 61. Looks like somebody did some shopping at Good Old GameStop. Let me open up the box here. Hold on. This is great radio.
I haven't seen anything. I didn't look at any of these boxes. I wanted to be surprised. There's a Harley racing here or something. Okay. Uh, we got an Elias, a Woken Matt Hardy basic WrestleMania. Those are from, I believe five below, which is a good spot. If you're looking for toys for the toy drive $5 basics. Oh, the undertaker 93 basic, which is a nice figure kind of that early ministry look. Jeff Hardy basic 92. All right. The green sleeves. My son loves that toy.
Oh, a Callisto, a basic 89. Callisto with like the scary black and red mask there.
Oh man, this thing is jock full of fucking basics here. Samoa Joe, no, he slammed these in here, but it's okay. Samoa Joe, 92 Basic, another Jeff Hardy, 92 Basic. TJ, man, you shouldn't have, dude. Did you guys see the kid dressed as Orange Cassidy in the crowd at AEW? No. Oh my god, you missed everything. There's a kid like cosplaying as Orange Cassidy. It was amazing. He looked just like him. He was like a 10 year old, 11 year old kid.
Kevin Nash Fabio WrestleMania Basic, which is nice. Jesus, man, TJ, he went all out, dude. A Mandy Rose, 92 Basic. Mandy, a Bayley, 93 Basic. Man, is this good listening or what? Trish Stratus, WrestleMania Basic, great figure.
John Cena dad dad jeans basic I got a feeling we're gonna get a lot of those donated those are those are popular at the five blows and a Seth Rollins Kingslayer basic 92
Awesome. Dude, that was awesome of you. Thank you so much for donating all that. So cool. Thank you, TJ. Thank you for everything. Thank you for being a great listener. And like I said, if you guys donate, we'll read off what you donate here on the show. Let's get to our good buddy, Skyler Doke Davis. I'm going to read off both of these guys' Twitter handles in a second. So I want to give them props.
Scholar sent us a Roman Reigns Elite 65. Nice figure. Oh, a Macho Man Retro Fest. That's a good figure. Yeah, that's cool. Very patriotic. Oh, man. What's this? These Extreme Bendoms. I've seen these at, like, Ollie's and stuff. Kids will probably like these things. You got Roman Reigns, Finn Balor, The Rock, and John Cena, little bendom figures. That's cool.
Yeah. Kids love all the stuff. That's like, just like the random stuff that we're like, what the hell is this? Like that's the stuff that like kids go crazy for. You know, we think they love, we think they're like, you know, we're like, Oh my God, they're going to love this elite. It's like the coolest elite ever. And then they want like, yeah, the little like bindums or like the, the trash talkums or whatever those things are called the tough talkers.
Eric from doing the favor sent me a couple little like, I don't know, little pop funcos or little figures of like, one was Jerry Rice and one was Steve Young. And like, Nash just slept with them like three nights in a row. Obviously, he doesn't know who the hell Jerry Rice is. But like, OK, it's like, you know. For sure. He sent a, speaking of kids, tough talkers, Roman Reigns. You just talked to him. I nailed it. Wow. How'd you know? You got a camera over here?
I just I have a little boy and I know I know what the kind of crap that he was into. He's got a Transformers, a little Transformers toy here and a Star Wars color, your own star color, your own like, I guess, a little coloring, a Star Wars coloring book here. Oh, sweet. And just padding. There's one more box. He sent three different boxes here.
This is my favorite thing. I saw this earlier. They created WWE Superstar. I don't know how these didn't do well. Remember these where you can make the arms and legs all came apart? They came with a bunch of accessories. Kids will love these. The head comes off. This is a Roman Reigns one, so that's pretty cool.
He said a Kevin Owens retro and a bunch of baseball cards. So Skyler, thank you. TJ, thank you. I'll read off. It's just TJ McHugh on Twitter. I know that. Let me pull that up here. I just had it.
My house is going to be overrun with wrestling figures by Christmas Day. TJ is TJMCKEOUGH on Twitter, and he's a great follow there. And our buddy Skyler is a great follow on Instagram. It's Skyler underscore Doke, D-O-A-K underscore Davis.
So give both of those guys a follow. They're awesome members of the Foley family, and we appreciate everything. And I've talked to a lot of people. They have a lot of more stuff coming in. So yeah, it's going to be fun, man. I can't wait to have it. Hopefully we can videotape this and have a giant box of wrestling figures donated. We can drop them off at a giant huge U-Haul or something.
Yeah, it's a pretty cool haul. I want to get into some of the news, Sheena.

Figures and Merchandise Revealed at Comic Con

You said you weren't up on anything from New York Comic Con. I saw some stuff, but I wasn't following it as closely as SDCC this week. It's just been kind of crazy. And I was like following some stuff, getting tagged in a lot of stuff. But I know there was stuff that I missed along the way. So yeah, catch me up on you and Marco. I think you guys were following a lot closer than I was. All the New York Comic Con reveals.
Yeah, it's crazy. So we still are just getting out. Elite 71 is the one that's on for pre-order right now from Ringside. So we got Elite 76, so that's still five series away. Otis and Tucker from Heavy Machinery, which look really cool.
Yeah, the pictures are really detailed I'm liking that and then Elite 78 are truth with the 24-7 title I'm sure they want to get that out there as soon as possible, but that's you know seven series away What what is that cuz I mean how many what do they do six or seven series a year? So what's that? We're looking at like this time next year
Yeah. And you know, the thing about that is, I mean, people will buy it just because like, you know, it's a new title. Like, you know, people, people pop for that kind of thing. Um, but yeah, I feel like it, they, they should have gotten that out in a much more timely manner. You know what I mean? Like they, they needed to pump that out while the 24 seven title was still somewhat relevant, but you know, Hey, what, what can you do? Right? I'm sure, I'm sure it's a lot more difficult than I'm making it sound.
Yeah, I mean, they have, yeah, true. But they have, I mean, all these series, they have nothing spoken for 75 or 76 or 77. I don't know why it's waiting all the way till 78, but we'll see. There is rumors now about Elite 72 and 73. 72 is going to be Rey Mysterio, Velveteen Dream, Batista, Roderick Strong, Becky Lynch, and Buddy Murphy. Those are the ones that are up for pre-order right now. That's 72. I thought it was 71. I'm sorry.
73 is going to be Dan O'Brien with that Eco title. They showed that at New York Comic Con. Triple H with his gear from a WrestleMania entrance gear. Another Elias Elite, another Aleister Black Elite, a Grand Metalik Elite. Oh, that's tough to say. Metalik Elite. Metalik Elite. And he'll have the Chase figure, so he'll have two different versions of that. And Kyrie Sane, which will be, I'm sure, a cool-looking figure too. That's Elite 73.
And Elite 74 is going to be Goldberg, kind of early WWE debut Goldberg, you know, early 2000s. Another Finn Balor, another AJ Styles, another Andrade Elite, and then Natalya, which we've seen pictures of from SDCC, and Lince Dorado. So you got all the House Party guys in there now.
I'm not too stoked. I posted the pictures onto our Facebook group and nobody seemed really overly excited about either of these series. Is there anybody that you hear their name and your ears perk up a little? I mean, a couple of the guys we've got, I mean, we have a ton of Finn Balor and Age of Styles elites. I don't know if anyone's going to be excited about those.
There was nobody that I was like, I mean, I'm super excited to get the Daniel Bryan eco title. I mean, we have like a custom eco title that we had someone make for us. But like, you know, I need a legit Mattel Mattel eco title. And I mean, you know, even as even as kind of like not.
Not over the top as the House party guys are man. I feel like I need them in in my collection. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah for sure I'm wondering when we get so many pictures from San Diego comic-con Like the the China when are we getting that when we get in Lacey Evans the Rick Rude? I know there's a Ronda Rousey somewhere coming out, but I gotta think 73 and 74 out of
Do you think they get dropped in the next, I would assume before the holidays, before like Thanksgiving, I'm sure those two are probably gonna get dropped on SDC, on ringside. Yeah, for sure. I think they'll drop and pre-order and all that stuff will go. I mean, cause they gotta drop a couple more before the end of the year. You know what I mean? We still have a couple months left and it's like the prime buying season. So I think they're definitely going to give us some, some good stuff and we may get some surprises. You know, you never know.
Yeah. Any other wrestling figure news that we should talk about?

Reviving Toys R Us and Nostalgic Finds

Yeah. Did you see where I posted in the group that Target is trying to revive Toys R Us? I do. I did. I actually have their website pulled up right now. And it just kind of redirects to Target. So there's nothing really for sale on there. So do they own Toys R Us? What's the connection?
So the article states back in February, CBS learned that former Toys R Us executive, they plan to relaunch Toys R Us. The original report was that they're bringing back the chain during this year's holiday season with hopes of establishing a strong e-commerce presence
and opening multiple 10,000 square foot stores. Now as multiple outlets are revealing, Toys R Us is taking a major step in bringing back its former glory by teaming up with Target to help resurrect its website. So it's basically like they're partnering up with Target
Um, I guess just to like, you know, have more eyeballs, right? Like people are shopping at Target for, I mean, everything these days, Jesus, I go to Target like multiple times a week, um, and check their website multiple times a week. So I think it's just a great way to get people back knowing that like, Oh, Hey, Toys R Us. Like I remember Toys R Us, you know, um, and kind of like reviving, reviving the brand a little bit before they try to make any huge moves to bring it back like full time.
There's no way in hell they're having retail stores open before the holidays. I mean, it's already almost middle of October. Listen, listen, listen. Think about it logistically. How are they going to build new stores within them? I mean, they have to be open within a month.
no, what's going to happen is all the spirit halloween's are going to clear out and all, cause you know what? They, they, they put a lot of those spirit halloween's in the old empty shells of old toys or us's. So then the toys or us's are just going to move right back in. Right. Um, I think it'll just be like, like little pop-up shops. They're not going to be like fully operational toys or us's like they're going to have those wire rack shelves, like those little pop-up shelves and things like that. It's not going to be the toys or us's that we know and love.
But I do think there will be some locations available, you know? I sure hope so. I miss Toys R Us with the passion because they always had stuff on the shelves, they always had new stuff to look at, mainly because it was specifically stored just for toys, so they could do that. But we've just seen a lot of problems with the Walmarts and the Turkeys and having to hunt stuff down. It'd be nice to have
another option to get wrestling figures at. So yeah, I'm all I'm all for it. I just don't know if it's going to happen. But that does make sense because those stores are I mean, those are the stores are empty. They were probably old empty Toys R Us is that they just put into spirit stores for two months a year. And they're yeah, they're empty the rest of the year after that. I mean.
Yeah, for sure. So I mean, it would be really super easy for them to put them back in. And I don't know if that's what they'll do, but, um, you know, that's what the article says and everything you read on the internet is true. So, um, so, you know, we can expect to see toys or us popping up all around.
The globe this holiday season But is there any more figure news because I'm ready to move on to this random merch because I'm like seriously considering buying this random merch I'm gonna post it in the patreon group and see if anybody buys it Yeah, because we have the
the Lucha House Party. I saw Party House on this eBay listening and it made me think of Lucha House Party. So it's a listing for these little lunch bags. They're paper lunch bags by this company called Party House and they are Hulk Hogan. They appear to be from, I mean they're from, they're vintage definitely because they have the WWF logo. So, oh, this is 1991.
so it's twenty five like little party bags are like little goodie bags but they say this lunch belongs to and there's like an actual little name plate where you can write your name um and i'm like i don't take my lunch anywhere but for some reason i feel like
I need these little paper bags, you know, and I'm all about using reusable lunch bags and plates and spoons and all that stuff. But like these are just like they kind of like hit me right in the nostalgia fields. I can imagine like being a little kid and having like these at your birthday party or like taking your lunch to school in these. Um, they're super, super freaking cute. Um, and I don't know how they've managed to stay in the package.
if you if these things could talk like you just wonder like where the hell have these things been you know yeah i mean it's just amazing me and michael annum were talking about this before the show it just amazed me that people these these are almost 30 years old it's made and someone's kept these these paper bags in the plastic somewhere and now are deciding to sell them like what like you've held onto them this long like yeah it's cool that you still have them but why are you selling them now and then also like it's just like i have a
I would never do this, but it would be awesome to have. I think Zach Ryder has a Hulk Hogan collection, but there's so much different Hulk Hogan stuff. You wouldn't even have to touch the wrestling figures. They have lunch boxes and shirts and wallets and toothbrushes and all kinds. You could go broke. Watches and shoes and everything.
everything yeah hulk hogan was over as over could be um and he was on i mean he's like the face of wrestling like we said if you don't know any other wrestler like if you've never watched a day of wrestling in your life you still know who hulk hogan is you know um but these are going for 599

Retro Wrestling Highlights and Upcoming Releases

is the starting bid there's five days left um and then they have 566
shipping so yeah pretty pretty affordable little piece of random merch here and they're pretty cool like if your kid you know if you guys are having a wrestling party and you do little goody treat bags for like all the the party attendees like these would be super super cute not the kids would appreciate them you probably appreciate them more than the little shits they're gonna just like tear them up
I would not open these. That would be criminal. But that's a good price. Yeah, this would be for an adult only party. Put put little those little miniatures of tequila and, you know,
back in there as party favors but yeah super super cute i'll post a picture of it on the instagram and then i'll actually post the listing in the patreon group so if any of you guys want to snag these up before i like you know impulsively buy them one night at like midnight like maybe tonight then um then i'll post them in there for you guys but
next we're gonna talk about our freaking wrestling retro wrestling recommendation of the week um sponsored by pro wrestling tees you can find all your favorite chick pulley merch over at pro wrestling tea so go over there support us support the show and rock yourself a badass t-shirt but since we've talked about a lot of shitty finishes and like wonky finishes uh to matches and things like that we were talking about it in the in the patreon group you know somebody was like why didn't
hate the ending and we were talking about all the all the different matches over the years that had like crazy wonky endings and how it's just so different now being in the internet era where you can like immediately sound off and you don't really have time to let things like digest but one that immediately came to mind as a wonky ending was Royal Rumble 1994 it was a Yokozuna versus the Undertaker in a casket match do you remember this match Phil? Yes I 100% cried after this match
Well, why did you cry? What was it that struck the emotion in you? I was a kid and I thought the undertaker was dying I mean he was like, you know ascending to heaven or you know, all the bad guys came out and helped the help of Yoko Zuna Put undertaker in the casket and then he was gone for some I mean he was gone told summer slam the next year or that same year so from January to like, you know August or something he was he was off TV for you know, what seemed like forever as a kid, so I
Yeah, so they they beat him up all like you said all the heels came out and beat him up put him in the casket closed it They were wheeling it out lights went down smoke started coming out of the casket the video package started playing on the on the Titan Tron and was like, you know Undertaker giving this like farewell speech saying, you know, he's going gone. He's going for now, but he'll be back blah blah blah and then all of a sudden he the video package
Undertaker starts to like rise up from the screen and then all of a sudden a real Undertaker starts to fly over the arena and ascends to the heavens so very very strange wonky ending to to a match definitely not something you would see in today's in today's WWE but it's definitely memorable because it's like you said you you cried because you thought like oh my god this is really Undertaker's really dying like this is the end you know and
Yeah, that was like, you know, that was prime time wrestling for me as like, what was that, 12? You know, that was, you know. Yeah. I remember waking up Saturday mornings and my mom would make me breakfast and I'd watch WWE Superstars, you know, every every week. And that's all we had. I mean, this was like right before Raw. I think Raw had just started or maybe hadn't started yet. But yeah, this was this is my prime wrestling watching age when I really developed the hunger for wrestling. So
Uh, not, not the best match, but definitely, uh, you know, Definitely memorable and wonky. Yeah, for sure. It finished, it fits in, it fits in well with the, uh, the finish we saw a couple of nights ago. Um, for sure. It also was, um, you know, if you're looking for something a little more, um, you know, on par with just like regular wrestling, this was when Brett Hart and, uh, Lex Luger like co-won the Royal Rumble. Um, so.
that also happened at the same event. So if you're watching that card, that's definitely an interesting ending to a match as well.
Love it. Nice. Good call. I did want to let you know that I just had a beer, not to make you jealous, but a local brewery around here is making a cream ale that has apple cider, cinnamon, vanilla beans and allspice. And it's basically like the ultimate. Oh my God. It's by Dogfish Head. It's in, I think it's there in Delaware, but yeah, it's called Suddenly Comfy. It's like the perfect
I'm a little tired of the pumpkin beers, but this is one of the first podcasts we've done that I haven't had a single sip of alcohol, but I'm thinking about drinking one of these before I go to bed because it's like fall in a bottle. It's just delicious.
Yeah, that's not that's like right up my alley like it sounds so freaking good Especially right now with like the fall. Yeah save me one I already told Marco because broken school IPA is coming too I think they were doing our release in like Boston and I was like dude if you see these If you see these in your area you have to get them because we we got some from the brewery when we went to el Segundo
And they were so good and we obviously we had them on tap there too But we brought so we brought several back to Hawaii and then it's I mean it's like sold out Everywhere all the time and so we haven't we've never been able to get any because we could never get them shipped to Hawaii So I'm like dude that want to be I want to be cracking open Broken-school IPAs like as soon like in the hospital whenever you know whenever the the new babyface is born like that's how we're gonna celebrate like crashing beers together, you know and
That would be awesome like as soon as soon as you're like as soon as you like walk out the doors of the hospital Yeah, we're gonna have us a frickin beer bash Child protective services, but love that Have a beer bash and then get into a car with your brand-new infant. Yeah, that's that's a recipe for that. That's a Jeff Hardy move right there I'm sorry
Marco, yeah, grab us some of those stone cold beers if you see them up there, man. PayPal, right here. I have seen them. They are around, and I'm looking into it. I know it's a touchy subject dealing with that type of stuff, but I'm actually looking into it. Are they bottles or cans? I think we lost them again. I think we lost them again. Man, it's been a spooky night here.
This has been, yeah, this has been a strange, a strange night. They're the cans. Oh, awesome. Yeah. So if you're, if you're still with us at this point, like we love you, we appreciate you. Thanks for listening and supporting this spooky show of ours.
Check us out on social media. It's at Chick Foley on Instagram to follow Sheena. The show is at Chick Foley show on Twitter and I am I hate JJ Redick on Twitter. And our good buddy Marco is Inglorious Gent on Twitter as well. All good follows for different reasons. We all love to talk wrestling figures for sure.
And if you need to send us an email, if you want to sponsor the show, if you just want to tell us how great we are, it's askchickfoli at You can find our shirts on We will have a new design coming up hopefully before the holidays. I have the
I'd be in mind every time I go to pay extra cooler for the design to get it all started. I start buying more wrestling figures and my PayPal dwindles down to nothing. So we'll get on that very soon. Don't worry. I have something cool in mind for that. But anything we missed, Marco, you said something about the Gorilla Monsoon figure that we didn't talk about for some reason, which I feel bad about because it looks awesome. Yeah, it does. Yeah, it's going to be a Walmart exclusive.
Um, along with the 72, I believe. Yeah. And then they, and then they rumored Freddie Blassie down the line as well as a, um, an exclusive. So watch out for those. That one's seven. That one's coming out and the Freddie Blassie is 78. So we still have a way. That's what they are truth, but, uh, wow. Yeah. Yeah. We'll see. Uh,
Yeah, it was a it was an interesting week of wrestling and I'm excited for fall to be here. We have I think our our anniversary show Sheena is like in the next couple weeks or one October, October 19th was the was the inaugural chick Foley
show our episode number one I actually saw it in my memories like not too long ago I was going back and like I was like oh my god like this was the first night I posted about the Chick-fil-a show so yeah our one-year anniversary is October 19th so we'll be filming our filming we'll be recording our one-year episode I guess I guess it depends on whether you want to consider it the before or the after or it'll be either that 15th or the 22nd
But yeah, happy one-year anniversary to us. Yeah, I can't believe it. That year has really flown by, man. I was thinking about it. We must have started before Halloween because we definitely had a special Halloween episode. So yeah, that works out great, man. It's been a fun year. We'll have a cool recap show or something lined up in the next. We'll probably do that on the 22nd.
For sure. If I don't die of this call soon, I still have these allergies. Subscribe to us, please, on iTunes and leave us a nice five-star review. We appreciate that. Again, the Patreon page is slash Chick Foley Show. We will be doing those Wednesday or those Thursday morning recaps of the AEW Dynamite
and NXT shows, so that's one of the perks there, and also being able to get in on our giveaways, and when we sell figures, when we find figures out in the wild, you'll be one of the first to hear about it. So a lot of cool stuff going on there on our Facebook page. Anything else, guys, before we get out of here? Nah, man. Good night. Good night, Marks. Hope you get a nice night of rest. I hope your kids sleep well, and we'll talk to you next time.
If there's anything you don't like about wrestling this week, just tweet about it and that'll fix all the problems. That's true. From Marco and Sheena, this is the Hot Take It. We appreciate you guys listening and stay classy. Marks, we'll talk to you next week.