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Blood & Guts & Stuff

The Chick Foley Show
8 Plays3 years ago
We welcome special guest John Soileau from the Coming Down The Aisle podcast to the show and discuss all the fall out from AEW Blood & Guts, Daniel Bryan’s contract expiration and go around the horn on everything else that happened in the world of wrestling this week. BONUS: Sheena gives one of her HOTTEST TAKES EVER when we talk about Eva Marie’s return to WWE. We get you caught up on all the latest news on wrestling figures, announce our latest giveaway, and talk about what we added to the collection this week. Plus, Random Merch of the Week where we reveal the existence of a rare Chick Foley Show artifact, Retro Wrestling Recommendations, and listener mailbag to wrap things up! We also announce the winner of the Daniel Bryan Giveaway! Use code CHICKFOLEY for 10% off at Become a premium Foley Fam member at Coming Down The Aisle Podcast Apple: Spotify: Random Merch Of The Week Check out the Pod Foundation Pre-Order The Hasbook Try Verb energy bars! Use code FOLEY20 to save 20% on the softest wrestling tees in the biz at Homage Get your figure clothing at and use code CFS15 to save money! Shop the official Chick Foley Show store at Use code PF10 to save 10% at Chalkline

Introduction & Show Title Joke

Welcome to the Chick Foley Show.
What is up, Foley fam? It is Wednesday night. Blood and Guts just wrapped up and we're back for another episode of the Chick Foley Show. Let me start by introducing the stars of the show, Sheena. How are you doing? I'm doing good. I think the show should have been called Blood and Butts, don't you? Wouldn't that have been a better name for tonight?
Wow. Marco, we're starting on a low point. Take us up, man. How's life in Massachusetts? It's going good. I actually second that. I think we should call it blood and mess. That's right. That's my man. That's my man right there. Yes. I saw parts of DAX and QT that I never knew that I shouldn't be seeing those parts. You know what I mean? Exactly.
So I'm currently accepting applications for two count of two new hosts of the show. These guys are my name. My name's on the building, pal. Yeah. Cornball extraordinaires.

Social Media Success with Cody Rhodes

Go ahead and if they do want some more of you guys, you know, dad jokes, tell them where they can find you on social media. You can find me on Instagram at Chick Foley. Marco running the Twitter machine over at Chick Foley show. And you can always join our Foley fam over on Patreon at We just
We're uploading our Royal Rumble watch along. We did Royal Rumble 1990 this week and it was a lot of fun. We were joined by the Fig God, Jordan Wells. And yeah, it was definitely a step up from the previous two rumbles that we watched because we're starting all the way. We were starting 88, working our way through all the rumbles. So yeah, this was the first like real high point that we've had.
Yeah, we had the iconic showdown, the first showdown between Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior. I literally thought Jordan was going to start crying on air. He was so excited to watch this back, even though he's probably seen it about 35 times. But he has a lot of fun to head over to Patreon to check that out. Speaking of social media news, Marco blew up on Twitter over the weekend. We got to ask Marco, are you like a card carrying member of the Nightmare family now?
I believe so. I think I am now. I think I'm a full-fledged member now. I'm a part of the family. I'm with Faro and Brandy and Cody. Exactly. We have an official new friend of the podcast, friend of the show. Tell them about... For those that didn't see it, tell them about what happened on Sunday. It was Sunday, right? Yes. Yeah. Sunday afternoon on Twitter, Marco. Tell them about how you blew up.
Yeah, so Sunday, I hit up hit up Sheena she did a the night before she did a IG live unboxing of the the new TNT champion Cody Rhodes ringside exclusive figure. It was about I think
It was about 17 minutes long. Obviously, Twitter, they don't let you put a 17-minute video up. It only lets you cut it down to two minutes, essentially. I was like, let me ask her. I guess I said Twitter. Twitter is no man's land. Once you put something out there, you're susceptible to any and all kinds of commons.
Yeah. We ain't scared. We ain't scared of no social media trouble. Yeah. So I was like, I was like, Hey, you cool? If I post this video of you doing the unboxing, she said it was cool. So I uploaded it, but I did like a two minute clip, like right about the time where she was going to unbox it. Yeah.
And then, yeah, so I posted it. And then sure enough, I was like, I think it was obviously it was Sunday. So I was like, I just threw it up there and just didn't think anything about your business. Yeah, went back and went on our Facebook group and seen that I think Jordan, Jordan Wells actually posted that Cody responded to the video. And I was like, what the hell? So you're like, I'm pretty much like a
Yeah, it wasn't even just a retweet. He did a quote tweet. Yeah, he watched it. He thought about it. He actually gave a really thoughtful response. Called the Jake Foley brand out by name. I was like, wow. He popped out of the package on accident. What was the final numbers on the view count and impressions or whatever, Marco? Oh my god. It was the view for the video. I think it's right now 10,300 views. I didn't get to see what the impressions were, but they were close to 100,000 views.
impressions. Dude, we had a big social media week. I thought I was doing the most because I got a comment from Stone Cold Steve Austin. I was like, oh man, I've peaked. This is it. I got a comment from Stone Cold Steve Austin on my broken skull post that I posted on Instagram. And then Marco comes in with the freaking knockout punch. We got freaking AEW coming in knocking out Stone Cold Steve Austin. So yeah, I was like, wow. And then the cherry on top of the sundae was Jeremy Padour. Oh, Jeremy.
coming in. He had some very, very kind words. Yeah, put you over double. He had some very kind words for Sheena on Twitter. So thanks again, Jeremy. We love everything that Jazzverse is doing. And again, thank you guys for the huge contributions to the toy drive

Foley Picks League & Predictions

last year. That was awesome.
So blood and guts ended they would also mark the start of the Foley picks league in our patreon exclusive Facebook groups and it'll be in 15 of us that signed up for this round We're gonna be picking every major show from now till summer slam and we're gonna have running standing So even if you're not participating, you know, definitely keep up with it because it's gonna be a lot of fun Seeing who takes home the prize funnily enough, you know out of the five matches tonight not one person in the group had a perfect you know a perfect card so we're definitely not sitting the world on fire and
Yeah. With our predictions, but that's also a compliment to AEW for how unpredictable their shows can be. I'm cracking up looking at the, we had for like a bonus prediction, guess Britt Baker's opponent for tonight. And there was some serious wishful thinking going on. You know, like me personally, I put Rio, I thought maybe they'd bring back the first AEW champion or AEW women's champion to kind of build her up for her match.
at double or nothing. We had a couple people picking, uh, Tessa Blanchard, you know, of all people, there was some Thea Trinidad picks and obviously, you know, we ended up being the legend in the making Julia Hart, which I don't know about you guys. I didn't even know that she existed before, uh, before that match tonight. Yeah. They made sure to mention that she is not of the, you know, actual heart bloodline, you know, the official heart bloodline, I guess I should say.
But yeah, keep it locked in the Facebook group. And again, follow along if you didn't get a chance to sign up for this round. Season two of the Foley picks league is going to kick off right after SummerSlam. We want to remind you guys to use code chick Foley on all purchases at ringside collectibles. The number one retailer worldwide for wrestling figures and wrestling figure accessories. I think that's about it for housekeeping. You guys ready to get into it? Let's go.

Guest Appearance by John Swallow

All right. So first off, I do want to welcome, we had a special guest with us here tonight. The host of the coming down the aisle podcast, John Swallow. John, how's it going tonight, man? Oh yeah. Freak out, freak out. Nobody freak out. It's not the macho man, Randy Savage. It's the macho man, J-Bone. And I'm here to take Chip Foley straight to the top. Oh yeah. Dig it. What's up folks? Wow. That is, I mean, we can just, we can just end the show there. That was, we peaked, right? Like that was a good time.
Yeah, I think when you start getting John to go back and record all the reads for all of our various ads and stuff. Yeah, he's given Marco a run for his money on his impressions, dude. I'm like, who's going to be the official impressionist of the show now? I know, he had Marco with some gimmick infringement now.
I know, right? Well, you know, I'm not trying to step on anybody's toes, but I am the Cajun dream, J-Bone, if you will. Oh, my gosh. John, welcome to the show, man. So for those that haven't had a chance to listen to your shows, give us a little background info, man. How long have you been a wrestling fan? Oh, man. Since I can remember,
One of my very first memories, I remember watching WrestleMania 5, probably on VHS. Probably sometime after, but my first live pay-per-view, I remember watching, is WrestleMania 6. Same here, man. Same for me. Champion versus champion. Title for title. It's the ultimate challenge. Actually, when I'm watching that,
that intro package on WrestleMania 6, I'm just like, I was hooked. I vividly remember exactly where I was. I was like four years old and vividly remember where I was sitting down just like, oh my God, what am I watching? So I've definitely been going on about
Almost 30 years plus now. Nice. Any breaks there or has it been a constant in your life? Yeah, a couple of breaks. Unfortunately, I had a smart idea when I was 13 years old on vacation to put on Monday Night Raw. This is knee deep in the attitude era. Who pops up on the screen first while we're on vacation as a 13-year-old was Val Venus.
Did your mom see it? Oh, mom did not like it. So unfortunately, it was Nick say on the WWFA. And so I was like, well, can I at least watch WCW? She's like, well, does it have the same kind of stuff? And I was like, no. And WCW that time was taking a downslope. So
That was like my, uh, but like, as I got a little bit older, like probably three, four years later, I was like, I don't care. I'm going back to it. I'm watching it. So I missed about three, four years later. And then I was deep into college a couple of years here and there, but.
I've been locked and loaded. Yeah, I've been locked and loaded since 2011, so I've been in it. Yeah, we took about a 10-year break, and then 2014, we really

Blood and Guts Event Review

came back. We got back into hardcore. It's funny you mentioned about Valvenus. I was going to tell you. Yeah, I've talked about it on the show before. I used to always change the channel any time Valvenus started coming on TV if my parents were around. He was definitely over the top, man, even for the attitude area. So tell us another question we'd like to ask any guests we have. What's your all-time favorite match?
Oh man, I got a couple different ones on top of my head.
Probably the one that, and I know this is one of your favorites, Seth, but kind of going back to where y'all were talking about, Stone Cold, but Stone Cold versus Bret Hart, WrestleMania 13. Best match ever, man. It's just, I mean, you can't beat it, you know? You can't argue that one, yeah. So I have a little fact of my own. So this is, of course, a long time ago, this was when Twitter was going on. I got a little interaction with Stone Cold.
on the Twitter machine way back when. I am responsible for teaching Stone Cold Steve Austin how to hashtag. Oh, I've seen this. I've seen you talk about this before, yeah. Yes, I am responsible. So it was like whenever the Zach Ryder was taken off and he did have the broski headband and I said, you know, you got to hashtag that, you know, hashtag, are you serious bro?
And he said, well, damn kid, I can't do Marco, but I don't, I don't know what the hell the hashtag is. I swear from the next week, he was hashtagging. I even asked him on his, on his podcast. He's like,
Yeah, I didn't know what it was. So anyway, so yes, Steve Austin, though, he's really cool with interacting with his fans. So but yeah, I would have to say Steve Austin versus Bret Hart. You can't beat it, you know, with the with the with the turns and the just the match, just the technical ability. It's it's got it all, man. It's got technical wrestling. They got a brawl. And then you got the drama and the storytelling. So you even got a guest referee, all that stuff, you know.
Yeah, can Shamrock even add a little bit to the match too, man? Yeah, just hell of a match. And then before we get into this week in wrestling, tell us a little bit about the coming down the aisle podcast.
Yeah, so I kind of just started it this just to kind of pass some time, you know, I Kind of what I do is I interview some some of my family members kind of get their reaction to some Stupid wrestling stuff. I remember I had I had my brother on we watched model versus Jake the snake blindfold patching He's just like WrestleMania 7 watching here
Uh, just some random stuff, but I know I'll get, of course, you know, some, some diehard fans on there. I've gotten, I've had a, you know, Georgia Smith on. Yeah. Um, so just a couple, I love, I love the concept of watching along with people who like either don't watch wrestling or have never watched wrestling and just getting their like, you know, knee jerk reactions to what they're seeing on the screen, especially for some of the like more outlandish stuff. Like I would, I would, I think that's just an awesome concept.
I want to get my... So Mother's Day is coming up. I live about an hour away from my mom. So I want to get her on for Mother's Day and have her watch just something ridiculous. I was kind of thinking maybe the kennel from hell match or something stupid like that. So that she could just be like, oh God, I don't get why you watch this. Yeah.
You got the hog pin match with Henry Godwin and Triple H. It's another classic gimmick match. The cry baby match with one, two, three kid. Oh yeah. The possibility is really endless. You can do the dog kennel match as well, don't forget.
Oh, yeah. Yeah. So anyway, but I've got some pretty fun guests kind of lined up. On Monday, I'll be interviewing Russell Botch from Ryan from Russell Botch and a couple of little tidbits, some little things I've got in the fire. But it's mainly like a fan driven podcast where just like, you know, fans can come down the aisle and experience what a podcast is about. Yeah, I love it.
And along with all the rest of our partners, we will have a link right there in the show notes to the Coming Down the Owl podcast. So check it out and subscribe. Me, Sheena, and Marco are all big fans. And yeah, you're gonna have some fun listening to it. You guys ready to talk Blood and Guts? Let's roll.

Daniel Bryan's Future in Wrestling

So Blood and Guts is in the books. I think overall it delivered on the hype, but I'm gonna let you guys get into the details on it. Sheena, just give us your overall thoughts on the show in general and then the last match in particular.
So I mean, I think the show in general was good. I was talking about it like in the middle of the show. I just thought like, you know, this to me, like the build and everything felt like a pay-per-view. I mean, I don't remember the last time that I really felt like this for a weekly episode of, you know, Raw or SmackDown or even NXT for that matter. I just think the fact that they can put on these, you know,
It's like specialized weekly shows and make them feel so big and important. It really shows what AEW is capable of and I thought it was great. I thought I liked the Blood and Guts match. I thought it was a really good match. I know the ending was kind of controversial. I don't know if it was like the same guy who hooked up the pyro at the barbed wire death match, set up the off the cage spot, but yeah, it looked pretty
Pretty ridiculous, honestly. We were all waiting for that spot. We could feel it coming, but then it just did not deliver. I know lumber is expensive right now. You got to cut corn, but I'm like, dude, they got Tony con money. You know what I mean? Why are we cheaping out on this?
Yeah, I would give them I gave them a pass after the exploding barbed wire deathmatch fiasco. But this is twice in a row where the big finish show has been a botch. They definitely need to hire somebody. I'm not I'm not sure who WWE has doing their their effects nowadays. I know back during the attitude. It was Richie Posner. They kind of caught him the magic man that, you know, he put together all those effects.
always came across so well on TV and you know, they were they were safe for the wrestlers for the most part as well. So AW definitely needs to invest in that because it's twice in a row now. They're going to start to get a reputation for kind of just wonky finishes because it was, you know, I try to suspend my disbelief as much as possible. You guys know I'm the self-proclaimed king of kayfabe. But you can't just straight insult people's intelligence. So yeah, it looked like billet steel panels.
Except there was absolutely no sand when he hit and then it just folded up like cardboard. You could even see, you could tell they realized it because they got off the camera shot quickly. It folded up. They could have at least gone with double-sided printing so it still looked like steel on the bottom of it, man. The thing about it, yeah, if it hadn't looked like that billet steel, it would have come off a lot better. I would have rather it just looked like cardboard or like a sign or something and then, oh yeah, he went through this AEW sign that they had. But no, they were trying to make it look like he was going through a steel stage and it just looked ridiculous.
Marco I'll ask you some of the other criticism that we've seen coming in like hot off the presses because again folks We're at about 10 30 Eastern time right now recording this so this this show is still fresh to everyone's minds There was a lot of criticism on that about five to six minute long stretch where inner circle was just basically kicking the shit out of it Like they were totally dominating to where to the point where you're like, why is this match even still going on? You know, this should be over right now What do you think Marco the like the actual structure of the blood and guts match? I
Um, I thought they, I mean, they did kind of hammer it home with all the, with the, with the, uh, the announcer saying it was like a, they weren't saying war games. Obviously they were saying, you know, it was like the blood and guts match of, of yesteryear. Um, you know, the very first one and you know, they're going over the rules and stuff like that. So, um, I mean, I think the difference is, I think when right now we're kind of comparing it

NXT Championship Contenders Discussion

to like what we seen in NXT, um, where it was on, on a pay-per-view, but you got to think this is TV time.
So they're trying to play a TV role as opposed to a pay-per-view show. Obviously, it's billed as this big show, but at the same time, it's on network television where there's advertisers and stuff like that. So they have to play to those advantages, essentially. So I didn't read any of those comments. That's the first time I'm hearing from it. But I mean, that's like a knee-jerk reaction, essentially.
People are being way too hard on the actual show and the actual match I think they I mean they I think people I think it's kind of a they are What's what's the phrase? I'm looking for like they they built it up like to be like a big match But we're forgetting like this is just like a weekly TV show yeah
Like, you know what I'm saying? Like, if this had happened on WWE, people would be like, oh my God, this is the best the WWE has been in months, you know? But like, because it's AEW, everybody's like, oh, this is garbage. Like, you know, I can't believe they did this, you know, the match sucked. And I just, I don't agree that the match was terrible. I thought it was good. Yeah, I thought it was good too. John, did any of the individual performers stand out to you in the match?
Um, I thought, uh, Sammy stood out. I think actually, so we know, I know, uh, uh, Sean Spears was actually was a big stand out. I thought in this match, probably his best showing he's had since. Yeah. Yeah. I thought, I thought he did. I thought he did very well.
You know, I was Sammy I thought hager looked pretty good at two Wardlow I mean, I mean all the inner circle looks great cuz they were like you said they were kicking ass like the all through the middle of the match like Sammy Yeah, Sammy and Wardlow really stuck out to me. They were the two I think we'll pride the MVPs of the match They both came off really well and same. He's really just been on a hot streak the last last six months or so. Yeah Yeah, they did a real good and also
Both teams of gear. Mwah, mwah. Bravo. It did look

Reactions to Eva Marie's WWE Return

good. Oh yeah, we need a Blood and Guts pack, you know what I mean? With two separate packs, we need a Pinnacle pack and an Inner Circle pack. That would be so amazing.
We know how Jeremy rolls. He's probably, you know, drawing up the, you know, one of 200 variants for all of the inner circle and the jumpsuits and everything. You know, that's going to happen. Yeah. Again, I just, I just think we just need to all remember that they gave us this show for free.
Very good. Speaking of which, you know, they're not slowing down. I mean, next week is going to be a badass show as well. We have two championship matches with SCU with their career or their tag team on the line going up against the Young Bucks for the tag belts. Yeah. Darby is going up against Miro for the TNT title.
That's not good. That is not good. Especially after he took that bump on the stairs. Let me just tell you, I've slipped down concrete stairs before. I've slipped down the stairs here in the house before. I've slipped down multiple times. I've slipped down our stairs here multiple times. Carpeted stairs there. Carpeted stairs and socks are not your friend. So yeah, don't do it, folks. You will break your neck. Thankfully, I'm tough and big boned. So I'm okay. But yeah. And then we also have the number one contender match between
Orange Cassidy and Pac to determine who's going to fight Kenny Omega double or nothing. So yeah, big matches. I'm going to give them. I'm going to give one to each of you guys. Marco, you kick us off. Who is going to win the tag team title match with SCUs? You know, I guess partnership on the line going up against the Young Bucks. Who's winning that one? Of course, the Young Bucks are winning this. Who actually thinks that the SCU is going to win that match at all is no way.
They look good tonight, dude. That moonsault was bananas. I mean, it was, but they're not, yeah, they're definitely not being the bucks. The bucks are young and the SCU are old. The bucks are kind of old too. There's quite a few people that are pissed off at the bucks right now, though, that could

Critique of Macho Man Randy Savage Biography

kind of stick their nose in their business and cost them the match, you know? True.
But it does. It does kind of look like maybe we're heading towards a mocks and Eddie Kingston versus the Bucks match after that tonight, which would be awesome. Awesome match for double or nothing for sure. All right. John, we're going to toss to you next. The number one contender match, Pac versus Orange Cassidy. How do you see this one playing out?
Well, had they not done the promo with Orange Cassidy, I would say this would be pretty tight between the two, especially now, but now considering that we've seen Pac and Omega a few times now, I think the fresh matchup, the buy rate match, of course, is going to be Orange.
Yeah, the freshly squeezed man is exactly orange versus Omega I was a little bit surprised I thought maybe hangman would be in that spot but Because really orange hasn't been too much on TV
Yeah, he's been winning, but yeah, he hasn't been in a lot of high profile. Right, right. So I was a little surprised that, yeah, but it looks like my opinion that Orange is going to take that one. Yeah. It definitely looked like that's what they were setting up. Do you guys, you know, Sheena, I'll pass this one to you. Do you guys think, or do you think that Kenny Omega and Orange Cassie could main event the pay-per-view, or if that ends up being the championship match, you think we'll get something else in the final spot?
Something else is going to happen. I mean, I love both of those guys. I love Kenny and I love, um, orange, but something about them is like oil and water to me. Like I don't feel like it's going to be a good mix. You know what I mean? So Kenny's, you know, arguably the best pro wrestler in the world and Orange Cassidy, he's awesome. We love him, but he's a, he's a heavy gimmick wrestler.
Yeah. I mean, maybe you never know. I mean, sometimes in those positions when you're put like pushed up against the corner, like you rise to the occasion. So maybe we don't even know what Orange Cassidy is capable of yet. You know, he could, he could really show out, but for me, just putting it on paper, it just seems like to me, that seems like Kenny's taken a downgrade to, to fight Orange Cassidy. And that's not a, that's not a slide to Orange Cassidy. Like I don't dislike him or not think that he's like a talented wrestler, but
It just doesn't seem like somebody that Kenny should be fighting at this point when he's got all the titles, you know? Yeah. If that ends up being the match, I could see him maybe doing the books versus Mox in Kingston as a main event. I could see that going online. I mean, Orange Cassidy did main event a pay-per-view already, so it's not beneath him to main event another one. True. True.
I think this is just a stepping stone towards all out, to be honest with you. Um, I think they have potentially maybe another opponent in mind for someone to take down Omega. And, uh, I think, you know, we may, we may see that probably an all out. I just think this is just gonna just like, all right, let's, let's kind of brace ourselves for all out. And this is just going to be what is what it is to until then. So you mean double or nothing? Yeah.
Well, right. But, uh, after all, you're saying after. Oh, okay. That's kind of like a filler. He's basically saying, but then you get, you gotta think, you gotta think, Kenny has to appear at all those, um, impact pay reviews as well in the coming months. So, I mean, who knows? He could lose those titles at some point during the summer. Who knows? Um, maybe they're waiting for, I mean, Daniel Bryan to pop up.
Well, I was going to say that, actually. Yeah, we'll get to that next. We'll get to that next. The other big match for Kenny Omega in the meantime is also Kota Obushi. I can see that headline and all out in September. You know, he's the new Japan champ. Yeah, that would be the next. That seems like it would be the next step for the the belt collector. You know, he wants to know. No, he's not the champ. It's it's Will Ospreay. He's the. Oh, you're right. Yeah. Yeah. OK. Yeah. What a what a botch by me. I forgot about Will Ospreay. I forgot to honestly.
I don't think I don't think Kenny see it will Osprey personally, but we'll see that for another. I totally forgot about him beating Kota. But Kota Bushi's run was so short with the belt, you know, it's that's not really what New Japan is known for. They usually had those lengthy runs. But yeah, shout out to Osprey. Big fan. Everything you're doing here. We still got to unbox your figure and set upstairs collecting dust.
All right, so you guys teased it. We'll get to it. Daniel Bryan's contract is expired. It was a little bit murky after last week if the stipulation that he had to leave SmackDown if he lost, if that was part of storyline.
or if it was a shoot hasn't been confirmed by WWE other than them moving Daniel Bryan to the alumni section, which is something that they have done from time to time for storyline purposes. But multiple sources are reporting that Daniel Bryan's contract with WWE has expired, which means that Sheena was lucky enough to kind of watch his last match, quote unquote, live Sheena, tell us about your Thunderdome experience on Friday night.
Okay, so this was my first time in the Thunderdome and it was pretty cool. So it was like, you know, they, they give you a call time and my call time was nine 15 and I kept trying to get in. So, you know, they, they overbook it clearly. So in case people can't show up. Um, and so I was trying to get in, trying to get in and it was like, you know, the arena is full.
Um, but I just kept trying throughout the night and then eventually I was like, well, screw it. Like it looks like I'm not going to get in. And so I just kind of left it pulled up and then it like all of a sudden I hear a producer talking and I'm like, Oh shit, I'm in there. Like I'm in the, I'm in the Thunderdome. And so I clicked over, I, you know, I had my different tabs open. I was watching, I was actually watching it on Hulu. And so then I switched back over to the Thunderdome tab and, uh, closed it out and everything. So basically you're, you're seeing what you're watching on Hulu. You're seeing the match as it plays out on TV. Have any of you guys been in the Thunderdome at all yet?
I have not, I've not been an experienced at Thunderdome. Marco, you haven't either. Have you? No, I was in, I was in the way. I got the same thing that you guys basically just like it's, it's full and I just, it's like, yeah, I'm not waiting. You're the only one that's a pop their Thunderdome cherry. So that's right. Okay. Cool. Cool. So yeah, it was, it was really cool. Basically, you know, it's, it's what you would expect, but it kind of just gave you like this behind the curtain feel because there's a producer talking to you and he's like, you know, we're coming back from commercial break in three.
two, one, yeah, everybody cheer. Oh God, you know, he's got, he's got Roman down. Everybody let's see excitement, get excited, get excited. You know, and he would kind of like keep hyping you up. He was like the best little hype man. And you were like front and center also. Yeah. I got like a really cool spot. I posted it on Instagram. I got like a spot right in the center of the Thunderdome. So there's like this, um,
this shot of like you know Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns up on the on the ring post and then like there's my face like right behind him so yeah it was it was a really cool experience I thought it was just like really neat to kind of be in there and hear all that you know you can't hear anybody else it's just you but I did feel weird when he was like clapping because I didn't know if you could like hear so I wasn't even like clapping like you know like
like that I was just like clapping my hands together silently. It was like the most awkward thing and I was cheering silently so it just looked like I was like doing a silent film you know. So yeah it was it was cool to get to see that and get to be in there and then you know they thanked us all at the end like thank you so much and you know it was cool so if you haven't gotten to do that yet it is a really cool little you know experience to make it watching Raw and SmackDown a little bit more exciting for you.
John, do you think Daniel Bryan's going to be back in WWE in the next couple months or do you think that he's heading off for greener pastures?
So I've got about three different ideas. One idea is not so far fetched. He's just going to go home. He's going to the house. See y'all peace out. Let me get my Hall of Fame ring next year. That's kind of how I feel. So one is a little bit of a stretch and one's a very big stretch. I'll go with a big stretch one. Maybe he possibly
Will this whole thing under the contract expiring? Maybe this is WWE working us and he ends up going somewhere maybe kind of like, and we talked about this on the Turnbuckle Tavern. And we kind of talked about this and the staple kind of talked about this a little bit, but
I kind of feel like he, you know, maybe this is a way of opening the forbidden door, so to speak, and his contract is expiring. That's my big stretch. I could see that them using Daniel Bryan as like the end for a different promotion, like sending him somewhere else and then, you know, being like, and then he'll show back up on WWE programming or win the title in another promotion. And then, you know, it kind of just bring
bring it all together I can see that happening I don't think that's like a huge stretch you know because WWE is already kind of expressed interest in like opening right exactly so I can yeah I don't think it's like out of the realm of possibility and Daniel Bryan like that perfect guy to do it because he is so beloved by you know all the fans I think it's he he's that guy
Yes. And then another idea, which like I said, Thomas Montalto, shout out to him. He kind of put in my head and I'm like, huh, maybe so. Maybe he goes to MLW and he's still under WWE contract that way. So like I said, that's Tom's idea, but I don't know. I mean, I just, I don't see him going to AEW. I mean, I would love it. Don't get me wrong. I just,
I'm leaning more towards the ball. He's just going to the house and let me get my ring next year.
I can see that going to, going to semi-retirement, maybe come back for a couple of matches a year or something. Yeah. I think he's, I think he's just ready to like settle in. You know, he's like, I, like I said before on the show, he's got two kids, got a hall of fame wife. He's a future hall of famer. I just think, you know, I mean, granted, I think sometimes wrestlers we saw with any total divas fans out there, you saw our total Bellas fans. You guys saw that Daniel Bryan had a really hard time when he retired the first time. So I don't know how, you know, how realistic it is that he's just going to like hang up.
his boots and call it quits. But I do think, you know, now that he's got, you know, two kids, I think he's got a lot more to think about and worry about when he's out there every day, like putting his literal neck on the line. So he came back for this last run at WrestleMania 34. So it lasted a little over three years. Marco, what was your favorite highlight from this, this final run for Daniel Bryan, if this is indeed it?
Uh, I would probably say definitely the return that he made at WrestleMania. Um, that was a, like a huge, huge historical moment for, for him anyway. Cause you know, he, if you've watched like total divas and stuff like that, you know, he was like pretty much fighting his way back to get into the ring. Like that wasn't like his, his last hurrah when he had to so-called a quote unquote retire. Um, and you knew there was something.
you know, he was hoping something it would happen after that, you know, that old, uh, talking smack episode with him and him and the biz, um, that infamous, uh, the episode where biz went off and, you know, pretty much like solidified himself as probably one of the best talkers ever. But, um, I would probably say definitely that, uh, uh, WrestleMania return was, um, probably my favorite out of it. Just something that that was something that didn't even seem possible until about a month before mania, you know, there wasn't even a whole lot of rumors about him coming back.
Exactly. To me, my two favorite are probably when you cut the promo unveiling the planets championship belt. That was my moment. That's my moment. Hands down period, drop the mic. When he started talking about being eco-friendly in the environment, I was like, all right, Daniel Bryan, I knew you were my favorite before, but now it's solidified. I'm here for you.
It was such a, yeah, it was such a cool looking belt to begin with, which is what made it work. You know, the belt would have looked whack like it wouldn't have worked, but it was such a cool looking belt. And then his promo was just hilarious. He would just tear the fans up. Like I loved when he would talk about them just like eating their junk food and like, you know,
all their carbon emissions and he would go up into the concession stands and pick up the food and be like, you guys are eating these nitrates and this conventional meat and this hot dog. Oh God, it was amazing. I loved it so much.
And the other one I was going to mention was his match with Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series 2018. That was just a hell of a match. He took Brock to the limit. It's a match that fans didn't want to see for so long. And surprisingly, it actually delivered up to the hype. But yeah, so if that is it, you know, happy trails, Daniel Bryan. But me personally, I got a feeling we're going to see him somewhere sooner rather than later.
Oh baby, it's time for the weekly beverage break. Uh, John, since you're our guest, we're gonna let you go first. What are you sipping on this week?
I am sippin' on a local, from a local brewery, parish brewery over here in Broussard, Louisiana. It's a Dr. Juice IPA. Kind of a very real hoppy kind of tasting. I'm a IPA connoisseur. I love all IPAs. Unfortunately, I can't get a broken skull IPA over around here. But I know, I know. I don't understand it either.
Uh, this will do. This from Paris brewery will do. Make sure you, uh, slide us your address. You know, we would never ever, um, you know, risk the integrity of the U S postal service by, uh, by shipping any beer, you know, in the mail. But, you know, if you have to give us our address, you know, you never know. Maybe, uh, you know, maybe something to show. Yeah. Well, you know, you know, I mean, Hey, I would, I would gladly accept it. It said imaginary beer. Yeah. Uh, Marco, what are you drinking?
Oh man. So I have to, you know, it's Sengo de Mayo, right? So you have to, you have to make a beverage of that, of that day. You have to do the representation of that caliber. So I went ahead and made myself a stone cold margarita.
The broken skull margarita. Yeah. Using the, uh, using the, uh, Taramana, uh, tequila that makes that's a WrestleMania 17, bro. That's a recipe. Yeah. It's the only, it's, uh, it's, it's, it's really good. It's definitely, uh, it's spicy. I'll tell you that much. It's a, uh, it's a spicy drink. It packs a punch. Yeah. It's all bite and no bullshit. I've always said about that recipe. It's definitely something you're not going to drink before making any major life decisions.
No, definitely not. We'll see what happens tonight. Who knows? Shana, what are you drinking? I am drinking the Tangerine Express Hazy IPA from Stone Brewing Company. We've really been fans of the Hazy IPA around here. Seth was an
outward critic of hazy IPAs for the longest. And all of a sudden, they just started showing up in our little beverage center, like nonstop. So I got this tangerine express. It's good. It's citrusy. It's got like, you know, some pineapple, some tangerine. But it's like very, it's very hoppy. So it's not like overly sweet. But yeah, it's really good. So yeah, get your hands on this. It's got my stamp of approval.
Yeah, and for those those listening, that's what we call our beer fridge out in the garage to class it up a little bit. You know, we don't refer to it as the beer fridge. We call it the beverage center. You know, it just makes it a more high class. I'm actually surprisingly keeping it sober tonight. I think this is only the second ever time I've podcasted sober. You know, there I did it. I kept it clean for the mild-mannered Canadian collectors podcast I did a couple weeks ago because those guys like to keep it PG. So I didn't want to, you know, disgrace their airwaves. But you did that first thing in the morning, too, though. Right.
I mean, I could I definitely could have had a Bloody Mary or something like that, you know, but I didn't I actually got to work early tomorrow morning. So I'm going with just the energy drink. I'm drinking a full throttle, which is my energy drink of choice. And yeah, it's it's getting me going. So we'll see how this one goes. You know, I don't know. I may be hyped up and just go for hours and hours on the pod tonight with no alcohol slowing me down. We'll see.
Let's get into some NXT talk. So the main event in the street fight, we saw the way when the women's tag team belts from Ember Moon and Shotzi Blackheart. So they're the third champs we've had in just a very short time that this championship has been around. John, what did you think of the match?
I thought the match was really great. Actually, it really ought to be honest with you. I got a weird vibe with NXT last night, so it kind of saved it for me a little bit. I kind of wish they would have done it during takeover this title turn, but the match was just,
man, it was, it was really great. A ton of great spots. I thought, I thought Andy Hartwell really shined, um, you know, throughout this throughout the whole match. Um, I know the table was insane. Yeah. I'm convinced that shots. He,
wants to end her career like about 10 years earlier than it didn't mind it to. She's very possible between her and Darby Allen for the two like just most reckless workers in the biz, man. Everything they do looks like they're just breaking bones. Yeah. The other big development was, you know, kind of work trying to work out who carry on crosses and defend the NXT championship against next. So you had Kyle O'Reilly, Finn Valor and Pete Dunn, all vying for the honor. Marco, what do you think? Who should be the next contender for the NXT championship?
I think all those guys, I think it should be a four-way, fatal four-way for that title. Why deprive us fans of anything else we've already seen? I mean, the only person I would want to see is Pete Dunne because that's the only
person I think that could actually, you know, probably defeat Karrion Kross just because he's as evil as he is right now anyway. But yeah, just to even it out, I would definitely consider a four-way title match, which they probably will do unless they do some type of three-way match between the other three to see who's the number one contender against Karrion Kross when
I think Karrion Kross would definitely want to face all three of them at once to prove his dominance as a NXT champion. Yeah, they built them up so strong. It's really hard to see who's going to take him out because you know, Finn has beaten Kyle O'Reilly clean twice and he beat Pete Dunn right before fighting Karrion Kross. I don't know if the next NXT champion is even on the roster right now because Kross is, he's a machine. Yeah, he's a dominant.
I have to say, I thought it was, I'm sorry. I thought it was kind of weird how basically carrying cross was on his back. I know they're setting up that match with Austin theory next week, but he's kind of supposed to be a heel, but yet they guard sympathy. That's like the last thing we saw.
I don't know. I feel like he may be starting to just kind of turn babyface, maybe almost like how Drew McIntyre did. Even there's not like one moment where they turn. Like, cause he was talking about giving the fans what they want and stuff like that. Like that stuff that you definitely see it here. Like a baby face, say, yeah. And he's, he's been so, uh, you know, he has been fighting kind of like as the underdog in most matches, even against Finn Valor, you know, Finn dominated for portions of that match.
And came back be it is it is a little unclear what his I think he could be a baby face But it just doesn't align with his character and his gimmick right now like the entrance and all of the things he has going on with just like his whole persona Does not scream baby face to me at all like I would I just want him to come out and just kick ass take names and you know Lee wreck shit and leave like Roman, you know, yeah
somebody else that could be fun for next challenger. He's not another of the guys we mentioned, but Johnny Gargano, you know, he can, uh, you know, he's, he is Mr. NXT and he's got, you know, three different people that can cheat for him on the outside and cause distractions and stuff. So even if he couldn't necessarily be carrying across, I think he could give him a hell of a fight, uh, just with all the extra high jinks that the way could bring to the ring. And
I've actually loved the comedy that they've been doing over the last couple months. I typically don't really like a ton of humor in my wrestling, but I have gotten to kick out all the little skits and stuff that Johnny and Indie Candace and Austin have been putting on.
Yeah, I think, remember we talked about this a lot where AEW has a lot of intertwined storylines happening. I could see that happening now with NXT, with Johnny Gargano and Karrion Kross, and then you have obviously Finn Balor, Pete Dunn. You get Dexter Lumis hanging around the way. Yeah, Dexter Lumis hanging around, so he could get involved. Yeah. I could definitely see Karrion Kross and Dexter Lumis.
match at some point. Like I can see that they're starting to like kind of do like the intricate. Yeah. What if we get Johnny and Candace versus Dexter and Indy? That's what I, yeah. That's what I mean. Yeah. It's a possibility. And I can see that happening now. Cause like I said, we talked about it before and they weren't really doing that. Like in WWE, it's more like everyone has their own bubble. No one interacts with anyone else. Yep. It's very, very secluded. Like each storyline is its own little bubble.
We saw Austin Theories got eyes for Scarlett now also. Yeah, he had eyes for something else. I don't think it was just Scarlett. He was definitely checking out the goods. I know Sheena is very excited for this next story. I'm definitely stoned. This is the best wrestling news I've had in a long time.
All read everything. Eva Marie is back. I didn't believe it for a second. That promo was cringe. She does not have my attention. She's not going to MLW. She's not going to SmackDown. She's going straight to the flagship. Monday Night Raw. All read everything. She's on the red brand. Sheena, give us your thoughts on Eva Marie making her triumphant return after almost five years away. Oh my gosh. Okay.
I don't know. I think even Marie was just like in her wheelhouse, you know, like she was doing her own thing on social media. Like the chick has like 4.5 million followers. I mean, clearly this is just a ratings grab. They're hoping that some of these like, you know, even Marie minions from her Instagram come over and watch raw because they're trying to boost the ratings.
Because that can be all it is because they can't they're not bringing her back because of her in ring talent or her ability to cut a promo. It's literally just trying to get like she's an influencer. She's a model. She's, you know, a fitness goddess of sorts. And I just like
I don't like it. They literally just let go of actual wrestlers like Chelsea and Mickey and they brought in Eve Marie. I feel like it's just kind of a little bit of a smack in the face to those. 4.6 million followers. So she's an influencer gimmick because she was like, I want to influence and tell you that you can be whatever you want to be. I have your attention. I don't know.
It just didn't even in that one minute promo that she had or her little package that she had, it just seemed so scripted and just fake and phony to me. Again, no shade to Eva Marie. She's out there being a business woman and an entrepreneur and selling her brand and doing all the damn things. So props to her for that. I just do not care to see her on my wrestling programming at all.
man that one's that's not the top that's not like a lot of shade yeah i'm excited to see her i want any uh it's proceeds to give a lot of shade is this you know or see them punk like exactly jeez pipe off yeah i think they want to throw even marie up on tv doing i'll watch it so
She's got, you know, it's definitely going to have a, you know, another set of eyes on the product, at least out of, uh, out of this house. So think about the women, like think about all the incredible women that they have sitting backstage at catering right now. And they're going to bring in Eva Marie. Like, I just don't understand. Why don't you just utilize the talent that you do have in a way that makes it compelling for people to want to watch and not just like grab the lowest hanging fruit and bring a couple of freaking melons on the screen for people to look at. You know what I mean? Like it's just like,
You know, user the same way they had. She was getting used in NXT in 2015 and just let her be just a heat magnet. You know, I think, I mean, they're not ready to run it. Yeah, exactly. Look how fired up you are. Look at how, look at how much you want to see even really get her ass kicked.
I think that's what they're going to go for. They're going to go with, yeah, like you said, no, I mean, nobody really likes influencers. Like, even if there are some influencers, they're like, nobody likes that. That's a thing. I think they're going to go with, you know, kind of like a keeping up with the Kardashians vibe for definitely lean on, you know, how she's a star or she was the star of Total Divas. She was like standing on a Lamborghini. I'm like, what are you? What is this? I don't know. Like, I don't care. Like, I just had nothing to do. I was not sports entertained at all.
So it did have heavy vibes of Emelina when Emma, also known as Tenille Dashwood, was getting repackaged back in 2017. We saw Emelina videos for, you know, damn near three or four months before she finally wrestled and then she just came out and didn't even do anything.
Didn't do anything. No, she wrestled Oscar and Oscar's pay-per-view debut at TLC 2017 a couple of weeks later. And then the night after, like two nights after that, she was fired from the company. So Marco, I'll ask you, do you think this is even Marie's return is going to be successful or is she going to be the next Emelina?
No, I think I think it will be successful in a sense that they need whatever they need her to be successful at. I think she'll be successful in it. Obviously, Eva Marie is more popular than Emily. I don't think it will be a repeat of that at all. And like,
I mean, she does have the following, as Sheena said, she does have all the minions over there. 4.6 million. Yeah, so they'll all watch and they'll get a little bit of a rating spike on Raw. I'm not sure what her capacity is going to be. I mean, if you're on social media, you'll see that she is with Parker Burdrow.
Um, the, the guy that basically brought her. Yeah. The Biddy Brock Lesnar. So who knows? She could be, maybe he could be making his way in at some point. So she could be a manager for him. She's married. Well, no, she's not with him. Like they're dating, like they're like, they train together and stuff like that. Okay. Gotcha. Yeah. Photo ops and stuff like that. So I think he's like 15 years younger than her. Awesome. So I don't mean nothing. I mean, look at, look at actual, look at Mrs. Brock Lesnar, you know, she's freaking, you know, true.
true true but yeah so i mean i think she's she's gonna be there for you know development type of stuff i don't think they're putting like all their eggs in her basket essentially and making her like the main flagship star of raw i think she's there to you know put people over and be that heat magnet as uh
She's there. See, I would be insulted. I would be insulted if somebody was like, oh, even Marie's here to put you over. Like, bitch, what? Like, you know, I've been here every freaking week, you know, busting my ass, showing up to TV, you know what I mean? Like, doing all the things, training, and then you're gonna bring in this influencer model who hasn't been here, hasn't been in the ring in five years. Like, to put me over it, like,
I mean, how would you feel if you were somebody like Carmella? I don't know. Again, I'm talking strictly just for WWE. I have no problems with anything that Eva Marie is doing outside of WWE. And maybe I'll be eating my words in a few weeks. I'll be like, damn, I'm here for whatever Eva Marie is doing. Maybe she's changed. I mean, five years is a lot of time to grow and develop and change and all the things.
from I've experienced, I've had the Eva Marie experience in the past, and I don't care to go forward with the Eva Marie experience. Wow. Yeah, I don't think it's much need to much else need to be said on that topic. We will all watch and see how this develops because yeah, I think he was going to be a success.
All right, last but not least, this week, Sunday night, we had the latest anti biography for progressors. This was all about Macho Man. Marco, give me your overall thoughts on the episode, because this one's definitely stirred up a little bit more controversy than the previous episodes. Man, I don't know what they did, but it seemed like they they just threw a bunch of people together to speak on Macho Man. It wasn't I mean, obviously, they had his brother speaking. You know, they had his mom on there for a little bit.
But it just seemed like it seemed really disconnected for me personally. They focused a lot on the, you know, they focus on his career, obviously, in ring and stuff like that. But it seems like towards the end, they just wanted to kind of go with the like the dark side of the ring factor. It seems like they're trying to like,
like compete with Dark Side of the Ring in that sense. And they focused on, you know, like his out of the ring stuff as opposed to in ring stuff. And they really didn't focus on like what he did, as far as like, you know, like charities or anything like that. So yeah, I was I, I didn't really like it. I mean, I'm a huge fan about Jermaine. He's one of my favorite wrestlers of all time. And they kind of did injustice to him with this biography, personally, in my opinion, anyway.
Yeah, I saw somebody from A&E actually spoke out about the criticism they got and said that it has been a different producer for each documentary, so they had a little bit different feel to try to... It was a little bit of a cop out, but yeah, I don't think fans are buying it. Yeah, John, what did you think about it, John?
Um, so everything in wrestling, you know, it gets talked about, you know, that when it's good or bad, you know, usually, okay, I'll have one opinion. Okay. Either I liked it. If I didn't like it, okay. Kind of disappointing. This is the most pissed off.
most upset I've ever been after watching anything. Wow. Oh yeah. Uh, I was like sick to my stomach watching this. I am a huge Macho man fan. I pretty much have all of his elites. Okay. Uh, clearly as you heard, you know, like, yeah, if you didn't remember.
He is in my Mount Rushmore. I know he, you know, maybe that's for some reason that he's not, but I tell you what, to go in there, have somebody like Gorgeous George, who we met, and look, I'm gonna be really hard because you know what, I'm spitting mad fire, okay, right here. We're here for it. I'll join you, don't worry, I'll join you. So to have somebody how he met, now look, I know Macha Man wasn't a saint, okay? Nobody was, nobody was.
But to have someone who was being beat up in a strip club that he knew for two years out of his 56, 57 year old life, to go on and say, well, he was high as a kite.
during a Monday night show. Oh, and yeah, he also tried to videotape me. Oh, but he was kind of a good guy. If you go back and look, you go on the internet, and because I was so pissed off, that's what I did. I went on, I was like, let me see some Gorgeous George interviews. Because I really didn't know much. As I mentioned, I wasn't really watching wrestling at this time, so I didn't know much about Gorgeous George.
So when I went out of solar, I'm like, Oh, here we go. But I like to go on there. She had all nothing but glowing things to say about Macha man. And unless it was like a dirt show, like, so I forget what it was. It was some dirt sheet program, of course. And she was like, Oh, yeah, yeah. No, he told me all about the Stephanie stuff, you know, and all this stuff. And it's like,
She's not credible. In no way is she credible. To have someone that knew Macho Man for two years probably at the worst time of his life, let's face it, and to be like, yep, he's a huge sack of shit. I was pissed off and I saw people on the internet saying this was a great documentary.
How can you say it's great when you don't have the man here to defend himself? Yeah, and you have to wonder like, you know, what, like, what is she, what does she have to gain? Like, you know, what is she trying to achieve right now with, with all of this, you know, and I'm not one to discredit any one stories. I think everybody, you know, there's,
There's true sides to everyone. The truth always lies in the middle of two people's different perspectives of their stories. I just think that it is a shitty thing to do to go on and drag someone like that when they're not here to defend themselves and there's nobody that's going to come and tell you that you're a liar and there's no way to Facebook fact check you.
It's her word against a dead man. You heard the stories of how protective he was with Elizabeth and stuff like that. They almost made him a stalker to gorgeous George. He's videotaping and all this type of stuff. It's just like
Well, it seems like they just took that like story of him like being really protective of Elizabeth. It made that like the last like, like, like the main portion of the biography like the first 20 minutes was his career. Like why start the documentary like, you know, being so, you know, why don't you just like do the whole if you're gonna make it that type of documentary, why not just like be dark from the start? Why like this like fluffy, you know, adulation and then all of a sudden turn it like, you know, oh, but actually he's a he's a big asshole.
Yeah, it's like they talked about his like baseball career and how great he was at baseball and you know how he broke his right arm and he had to learn he learned how to throw with his left arm so he could you know do both he could he could switch he could switch head if he needed to like they they hiked him up with all this like great stuff and then towards the end they just like shot him down and I said to you guys earlier in the group chat I was like if you didn't like Hulk Hogan like after all that other stuff you definitely don't like him even more like
Yeah, the first thing Marco wrote, he messaged me and was like, I frickin' hate Hulk Hogan more than I've been in ever. Yeah, it was a story with, like I said, the story with WrestleMania 3. And, you know, and Hulk Hogan going like, you know, I heard stories of like, you know, Ricky Seaboad and Macho Man, you know, saying they wanted to be like the main attraction and to, you know, take the shine away from, from
Andre and Hulk Hogan and you know he's like I don't believe that you they wouldn't want to do that like I said it cuts right to Ricky see what he's like hell Yeah, we were trying to uh, we're trying to take the shine away from that We want to be that we want to prove we're the smaller guys We want to prove we were the we were the best in that company He's like and we did it like and that's pretty much when you hear WrestleMania 3 obviously here the body slam But obviously you hear more about the greatest match of all time, which is which is Macho Man and Savage but uh, I mean just they
Here's another thing that didn't make that credible. They had Bubba the Love Sponge on there. Oh, God, don't even get started on Bubba the Love Sponge. John is hot. Yeah, when I seen him, I was just like, this documentary is like, I think I said to you guys in the group chat, the documentary was a shit show. And that was pretty much what it was. It was just all the people that they had, like, nothing against, nothing against anyone that was on there. But like, it just seems like they were just pulling, like, personalities and not people that were really a part of his career and just like piecing things together. And it was it.
This is bad. So I got to jump in on the fuck. But with the love sponge train, you know, we won't go into too graphic a detail because we like to stick with the R rating and I go NC 17 on here. But you guys can look it up to figure out exactly where I'm at with this. But with the love sponge is the reason it took us an extra five years to get a Hollywood Hogan figure from Mattel.
Oh, yeah. Yeah. You know, then it ain't all him. You know, there's kind of point that, you know, he was kind of like point A on that when the story ended, like, you know, point G or H. But Bubba, the love sponge is the reason the whole ball got rolling and all the crazy, batshit insane series of events that led to Hulk Hogan's Hollywood Hogan figure getting delayed by about five years. On the on the bright side, he did expose Hulk Hogan as the racist piece of shit that he is. So, yeah, you know, yeah, you want some, you lose some.
Um, so this was definitely a little bit of a change in tone from the first two, you know, Steve Austin and Rodney Piper, they both have some, um, kind of high profile negative aspects that they didn't get lost over. They need to touch them, especially with stone cold, you know, his stuff.
you know again we will go into detail because i think he's redeemed himself since then and he was a different person when that stuff happened but they didn't even mention it not even a passing mention of some of the um stuff that stone cold had going on back in the early 2000s but they dug in on macho man we know that
For whatever reason, again, we'll keep it our way. There are some allegations you can find in dark corners of the wrestling internet for why the McMahon family holds a grudge against macho man. John, do you think this this kind of hit piece has something to do with those old hard feelings kind of, you know, picking the scab on them?
I don't know if this is necessarily fully WWE controlled. I think they sign off on everything. I don't think anything gets just like a blind approval. I don't know. The producer did comment something on Sam Roberts.
uh, tweet and then saying just like, it was like a gift of, uh, Macho men say, you may not like it, but excepted, but, uh, anyway, I just, I just, I, you know, the thing with me is, is I came there to see, to celebrate Macho man's career and his life. And, you know, it's one thing to do a dark side of the ring. I know what I'm getting myself into. This was just, this was just ridiculous.
It may have something to do with that. I mean, I just I can't see you know them doing that because You know, he's in the Hall of Fame. He's obviously signed a legends deal. They have action figures It's like, you know, why bring him down? Yeah, because I mean because that's making money, you know what I mean? And also people love the dark stuff, you know You didn't realize you were signing up for like, you know a version of the self-destruction of the ultimate warrior, you know and
Yeah, that's a good point because warriors is coming up in the next couple weeks now No, Dana war is gonna have her hands all over that. But oh, yeah there I can see them like, you know freaking fluffing warrior all the way up, dude, you know, especially because
WWE has the warrior award and like all this stuff that's like named after warrior so they're not going to like show the dark side of warrior because they had they had this like really philanthropic award that is like named after him for their like WrestleMania weekend Hall of Fame situation
Well you have Dark Side of the Ring to do that, so you don't need WWE to do that this time around, so you have that later in the season three of Dark Side of the Ring. Yeah, but I'm saying WWE is never going to produce anything that is just like a hit piece on the Warrior.
I mean, they already did that. So I mean, but that was like the greatest hit piece in the history of wrestling. I mean, after the reconciliation and the, you know, the freaking tragic death of warrior, I mean, clearly, I mean, going forward, yes, the biggest hit piece of wrestling was definitely was definitely that. But I'm just saying like now it's not going to, you know, they're not going to do a self-destruction of the ultimate warrior.
I have to see this Macho Man doc. I don't know. It seems like they're all gung-ho on tearing people down. I don't know. Maybe they saw how profitable and how many viewers that dark side of the ring is getting, and they're just trying to create their own.
They did it with Steve Austin though, you know what I mean? He was ripe for the picking, especially in today's climate. They really could have started to hold Shitstorm for Stone Cold. They didn't mention anything about his past. I would have been so pissed.
It's weird that they chose to just take the gloves off with Macho Man. Again, it makes you wonder about the troubled history of- The rumors in the new window. Yeah, all the rumors in the new window from the deep dark past. Maybe Triple H had the final approval on the- Oh, God. Oh, God. Listen.
Um, but no, the other thing too is, uh, there was like another comment who would get made about like, uh, not your man, not like not aging well or something like that during the documentary. It was like, dude, you're the, you're literally the one that's still walking around with like hair extensions. Horse hair. You have not, you have not evolved your gimmick since 1992. Exactly. It is literally the same guy.
I remember Macho Man on the WWE All Stars video game promo that he cut. He looked fantastic from what I've seen anyway. You think about all the evolutions of Macho Man. Think about all the different gimmicks and styles and characters that he had within that Macho Man umbrella. Whereas Hulk Hogan, he had Hollywood Hulk Hogan.
Come on, he's he's he's still like he is like his DNA is hulkamania like the other thing too is that they brought up was a they talk about like the merch sales during like the hulkamania run and then like
like how Macho Man was kind of like you know he's kind of like he's playing he's like second fiddle to Hogan when it came to like but he was like close to like like you know overcoming Macho Hogan when it came to merch sales and stuff like that but on the documentary they made it seem like you know that was kind of like a
Kind of like a flash on the pan, like it wasn't supposed to happen. Like, Oh, why is this guy? Yeah. Why is it? Why are fans, you know, clamoring to this guy? He's not even like, he's not Hulk Hogan. Like why are they even buying his merch? But like, even, even knowing that, that he was like kind of like going to knock Hogan off of like the merch sales at that show you how, how popular he was right back then when he, when he was around, but they kind of like undermined that a little bit. So.
Yeah, it was just another hit piece, it seems like, for the old Powers at B. Are those a lot of that too? They focus on that too, is our rap album.
We'll have to get John on here sometime to just do a full live karaoke performance of Macho Man's Rap Hour. Oh my god, yes. Give the word every word. Alright, John, I think that's gonna just about do it for your visit here with us. Remind the folks where they can find you on social media.
Uh, I am at coming down the aisle on Instagram, on Twitter at down underscore aisle, pretty much Facebook. You find me in the Chick Foley show, Patreon group. Thank you so much, John. You were awesome. I loved having you on the show and I hope that everyone out there goes out and checks out coming down the aisle podcast and follows you on all your social media is because we, we, we love you guys.
He's got some sweet teas on pro wrestling teas also. I got the gender mifflin joint. Yeah. Shout out to Alan Day. He helped me out with a bunch of designs that I come to office on. It was handmade by yours truly. I'm not an artist, so I'm pretty proud of that one. Amen. I love it. Awesome.
Yeah. And then reminder, you can find the link to coming down the aisle in the show notes for this episode. So give it a listen, subscribe and let us know what you think. John, thanks again for stopping by. Thank you, guys.
Check out the Pyramid Wrestling Podcast. Each week, we dive deep into all things Wrestling Action Figures. From AEW Unrivaled, WWE Mattel Elite, our childhood WWF, WCW, ECW Collections and more, you can also find Pyramid Wrestling on YouTube. That's Pyramid Wrestling, available everywhere you listen to podcasts.
go figures where we cover the latest and greatest in the world of wrestling figures and talk about what we've each added to our own personal collections reminder this segment is brought to you by our good friends at ringside collectibles the number one worldwide retailer in wrestling figures use code chick foley to save 10 on all your orders at ringside and here we go
All right, it's time for everybody's favorite part of the show. Go figure. We do got a little bit of a lighter week than usual. Thank God. You know, I feel like they've really been just slamming us with figure news for the last couple of months. So we love talking figures as much as anybody, but it is nice to get a little bit of a break every once in a while, just to kind of get, you know, gather your bearings, think about what you've gotten, what you get on preorder and just, you know, kind of make a game plan of where you're going to land.
It really turns you into a hype beast when you just like get like, you know, plumbing, like with freaking news week after week after week, you're like, okay, I got to have this, I got to have this, I got to have this, you know. We do want to remind you guys that the has book is coming soon. Uh, it's available for pre-order now. That link to that will be in the show notes. And this is going to be the definitive book for all things WWF has. Excellent. Yeah. Marco, take us away with figure news.
All right, so like Sessa, it's kind of light this week, so kind of breeze through this one. But more important news, so for UK collectors, the WWE Elite Collection Series 85 Kama, the fighting machine, is now available at Smith's Toys. So I know Phillip Dunnett has been helping out the Facebook group. The man is a saint.
just taking pre-orders and I kind of missed out on that, uh, on that pre-order. So I'll hit them up, uh, hopefully soon, but, but yeah, they're available. We'll get you one for sure. Yeah. He, he's the UK Fig God.

Wrestling Figure Collecting Community

You know, we have our, we have our US Fig God and Jordan Wells. And then we have the UK Fig God that is Philip Dunnett. Yeah. We have to call him Michael, Michael Jordan Wells. Michael Jordan Wells. Yeah. We need to come up with a, with a good, uh, moniker for, um, you know. He's a good British athlete. I mean, who's the Linux Lewis?
Yeah, well, well, I will figure that out, Phil. Yeah, but he's he's got a picture on the way that things really going to kind of shut down the the wrestling figure social media world because he has 50 comma Supreme fighting machines on preorder. Yes. And go to members of the fully fam Facebook group for shipping plus retail. So, you know, really,
If you're at all interested in these collector's edition figures, the Foley fam is worth the price of admission off of that alone. Aside from all the other fun events we're constantly running, a dollar a month gets you access to Phil, who has a direct line to Smith's there in the UK and can get us as many as we need. You know, you saw he had almost a dozen Zelina Vegas and he kind of blew up. We kind of blew up his spot a little bit by publicizing how easy it was for us to get these figs and everybody started opening the floodgates. So that's why, yeah.
you know you got Kama, Colonel Mustafa is coming up soon, there's gonna be the heel sergeant slaughter, the warlord, figures that you do not want to miss. They're really catering to the hardcore figure collectors, you know the adult collectors because they're picking characters from the late 80s and early 90s for you know
for these special editions coming out. So again, you know, you can you can hit your targets and Walmarts 10 times a week. You could pay triple the price on eBay for these things, or you could join up the Foley fam group. And in addition to having an awesome place to talk wrestling, talk wrestling figures and participate in all the crazy activities we always have going on, you can score these figures for, you know, just the price of international shipping. So get it up.
I had a brainchild, so we got Michael Jordan-Wills, and then we have Phil Jackson-Dunnett. Ooh, I like that. I like that. I mean, come on. What's better than that? I don't think Seth likes that. No, that's pretty good. That's good. Okay, all right. Come on. Give me credit for that.
Wipe the brow. Yeah, that's good. It's cool. Jackson done it. Yeah. All right. He's a Phil Jackson of a figure collector. We'll say it'd be Dr. Phil. Oh, no. Catch me outside. How about that? No.
Dr. Phil done it. No. Dr. Phil done it. No, I like that. I like that one better. Dr. Phil done it does sound mage. That does have a good ring to it, but I hate, I think Dr. Phil is kind of repulsive, so I don't like it. He's got Uncle Phil. We go with Fresh Prince, Uncle Phil. Oh, you go Uncle Phil. Yeah, you go Uncle Phil. Uncle Phil's good. Yeah, I like him. He stepped in for Will when he needed him most. We got the Fig God with Jordan. We got the Fig Uncle with Phil.
The fig uncle. Okay. Phil done it. You let us know which version you like best. Yeah. Which moniker. He's got over 50 on pre-order and then he actually found one in the wild at Smith's the other day. Yeah. The figure looks awesome. It's super bright. They really, really captured it. Now we just need nation of domination comma and we'll be all set.
Yeah, I'm leaning towards the Dr. Phil done it actually like that better because you could do like it if you have a good doctor film Yeah, he could be that he could be the good Dr. Phil, you know, there's like the repug Dr. Phil and then there's a good Dr. Phil Yeah, but yeah, not to catch me outside one. But yeah, definitely uh Not Oprah's lackey. Yeah, no, no, definitely not but uh, yeah, definitely uh If you join the group, definitely, I mean you have access to Phil so I mean he hooked me up with the Royal Rumble series
Oh yeah. Which was pretty awesome, like the whole thing. So, I mean, he's a man of his word and he definitely does get the figures that you need. He's the best. Yeah. So yeah, that's worth a price of admission alone. I mean, you can hear us, I mean, read our babbling stuff anyway. Yeah. Myself and Gina and Seth, if he posts something.
You can read that stuff, but you really want to join for Phil and Jordan. Those are the main attractions to the end. Dollar a month, 10 bucks for the year. I mean, Jesus Christ, man, you're not going to get a better deal than that. I feel like we're hyping them up so much I like doing it to join. But they really are like, I mean, so Phil's awesome because he's got the direct line to Smith's and he's so generous because I could tell you from, you know, you guys see we sell a lot of our old figures and then we do a lot of fake hunting ourselves also. Hell yeah.
We're not quite as fruitful as Jordan. It's a pain in the ass getting those figures, boxing them up, address them and everything. Everybody's so willing to just do it. Like that's what I love about our crew is like, they're just like out there figure hunting and they're like, Oh yeah, man, you know, just hit me up, you know, PayPal. And like, they just do it. And it's like, you know, even though it is a pain in the ass to like go to the post office or like box your shit up or whatever. Thank God we got I recommend if you're out there and you're,
shipping a ton of figures, like just invest in And it's definitely, we're not sponsored by them If you want to hit us up, you know, we're here for you, but, um, I, I cannot recommend them enough, but yeah, it's our, our crew is the best. Like we're the, we're the, we're the best in the IWC. I'll take on any other podcasts. Yeah. Zero drama. It's a good vibes only. Like, yeah, it's awesome. And yeah, like you said, Marco, yeah, we are,
Hyping them up a lot, but they deliver, you know, we wouldn't do it. Just let you guys down I don't know how Jordan again. I think Jordan has like got the cartel going to Nebraska Nobody gets figures, you know, nobody's Yeah, you don't buy so much as a cabbage patch doll without going through Jordan first like
He's got it on a lock man because the dude just produces every single weekend he goes out and it's like, you know I've been coming up on them legends like cray-cray. I just sent a box full of legends to Canada, you know, so Yeah, I found a couple I get a I'm gonna post on the Facebook group. So the Vader and John Cena so
They come in your way. It started to be fruitful around here a little bit. That's right. So we'll move on to pre-orders. Ringside obviously use Code Chick Foley when you do pre-order. So basic series 122. Also championship showdown, the two packs. Series five are up for pre-order on Ringside right now. Nice.
I know I haven't seen any. I kind of want the belt like the the actual like championship, championship showdown belt. Yeah, I haven't seen it anywhere. I haven't seen the only place I've seen it to the actual Mattel store in El Segundo, California. Me neither. Yeah, Mike, I kind of want to see that in the wild. That would actually kind of entice me to actually get those two passes. I kind of like the the side plates that they have that you can do the interchangeable side plates. And it's a pretty nice belt. It's just it's a step above like the normal toy belts that they put out. Yeah.
Yeah, so it does look like we are getting the chelsea green even though i was very surprised to see this I just like me and she were actually talking like whenever she got released I was like You know kind of the first thing once I get over the initial shock of like, you know What it's going to mean and I see these people on tv anymore I start running down my checklist like Did we get the figures that we need of this person before they get released and on that last batch chelsea green was the one that I was like shit because you know, she had we'd seen the um
We'd seen like the prototype drawings a long time ago and then didn't hear anything else about it. So I just, I didn't even think that was possible. I assumed that she was done for, but now we're getting her and she's got a chase. So we're getting two Chelsea green figures out of this line. And they did that with, obviously they did that with, uh, with the Trinidad as well with, you know, when you think we were going to get her figure, but lo and behold,
Uh, they did that anyway. So we'll have to keep an eye out for any other elites or basics that are coming out from, from anyone that, uh, that was released recently. Are you going to go with the purple or the black Chelsea green? Oh man. Probably the green.
green. I thought it was purple. I thought it was purple and black. Oh, maybe purple. I'll probably go with a purple one. Yeah, because I think the black one is actually the chase, which is kind of weird because I thought the purple is going to be more exciting, you know, because it's, you know, just a brighter color, something different.
Yeah, but I know definitely that definitely the purple one. But yeah, last but not least is actually the last story actually there's there's one before I didn't put on there. So if you're familiar with Dan housing, I believe they're actually doing a retro figure of him as well.
Yeah, some of those drawings came out. Yeah, I think it's, I'm not sure if it's Zombie Sailor. It looked like it was. Yeah, it's Zombie Sailor. Yeah, it is. So Zombie Sailor is actually doing a Dan Housen retro figure, which is pretty cool. He's probably the most toyetic indie wrestler out there. Oh, yeah, definitely. Yeah. But if you follow him on, he's a great follow on social media as well. So definitely follow him if you haven't already. Yeah, but actually, Jeremy Padau, we have some
good interactions back and forth on twitter they're they're pretty pretty funny but um yeah so that's obviously not going to be in the first series uh they'll probably be in the later series because last week we did announce what was going to be in series one of uh of zombie sailor's uh line so anything he's announcing now is going to be in the other series and not this series so just not be confused but this so the last news which is probably the biggest news which i'm kind of kind of like
psyched about this a little bit sad and psyched at the same time so so the uh wave one of the uh legends of lucha libre uh ray phoenix and pentafigures will not be reproduced at all um so wow once you this is coming straight from once they're gone yeah yeah
coming straight from the source from boss fight shopping you know they tweeted out they said hey this is it once they're gone they're gone they're not reproducing these ever again so if you want the first ever 38 points of articulation loot your figures ever then you get it you get an order of now they they're very limited supply to that they have left I'm not sure if they're still available on ringside but I know their inventory on boss fight is really really low so
Definitely. Are you still MOC right now, Marco? I actually have two sets. Depending on what your definition of MOC is. Yeah. So I have one set that I'm going to open up, obviously, the other set that I ordered that I forgot about that I ordered, because we talked about this last time. That's probably going to go off for sale. So I mean, I'll probably help out the people that miss out on this opportunity if they don't order it right now. Take advantage.
Yeah. Yeah. Take advantage now. Cause yeah, actually like them putting that out, like, so you don't have like the hopes of this coming back out again, or they're reproducing. They're just like, Hey, this is it. You know, in wrestling, everything's a work, right? That is true. But I'd be like.
I mean, I'm going to believe- Give them the benefit of a doubt. They're closing the chapter on this. Yeah. I mean, you have AEW as well making multiple figures of Ray Phoenix and Penta. I think just this one off, keep it as a...
you know, like, you know, hard to get as you can with these ones. So yeah, we did a we did a an unboxing. So we have an unboxing mania episode over on our YouTube. If you are on the fence about getting these go and check it out and look at the pictures because they are incredible figures. So yeah, you will you will regret once the once the door closes on these figures later on down the road, you'll you'll miss them in your collection for sure.
So Pentagon is already gone from ringside. Phoenix is still there. I'm looking to see if Pentagon is still available at boss fight.
Yeah. Yeah. It's yeah. They're, I mean, they're incredible figures. I mean, they're definitely for figures of the year. So really hope we're getting a penta at this point. Phoenix is still available. You missed out. Yeah. That's great. Um, but yeah, that's it. That's it for, uh, for news. What did you add to your collection this week, Marco?
Oh, um, very, very light this week. Um, just, uh, the, like, I think I mentioned earlier, um, ended up finding a, uh, a Vader legends Vader in the wild. Um, just one, that's crazy. I have not seen that in the wild yet. So how are you displaying it? You got the, you got the WCW style mask on or do you got his OG, uh, new Japan mask on how you got him set up? He's still suffocating.
Still suffocating. I haven't decided on- Oh, you haven't freed this guy yet? Yeah, I haven't freed him. But I have two. So I have one from the staple, AKA OG Fig Kid. So I got that one from him, but then I found another one. But that one I'm probably going to give it to somebody or someone that needs one that can't find any of the area. So I'm definitely going to open that one. I'm not sure how I want to display it, though.
Yeah, that's a tough decision. I think we talked about this last week. The helmet is incredible. Yeah, you have the helmet, you have the mask, and then you have the extra head, and then you have the lucha version of data with the lucha mask. There's so many different varieties of
Vader, you could go with it's kind of hard to, you know, your figure out what, what display you want to go with. But yeah, I'm definitely going to crack that open. The only other two figures I got were the two John Cena's from that same series. So I found two John Cena, the, the prototype figures. Yeah. So two of those and one of them to keep and then one is going to go to some lucky person out there that wants one. So some lucky person. Yeah. That's it.
For us, we had the Ringside exclusive Cody with TNT belt. Obviously you can go on Sheena's Instagram. This was the, you know, the video that had the, uh, the, the resting figure community buzzing over the weekend. Go to Sheena's Instagram and check that out. Uh, she, cause she did upload the live that she did unboxing and showing it off really beautiful TV.
Um, so I grabbed some Hasbro Brutus, the barber beefcake scissors. So I know the Hasbro purists are, um, you know, probably gonna be throwing stuff at their, their phone or whatever podcast on, um, because I did kind of break a little bit of the rules. So I, I've loved the, I only needed one Brutus figure in my Hasbro collection and I loved the one with the zebra tights instead of the pink tights.
But for whatever reason, it is damn near impossible to find a zebra Brutus with the black scissors that he came with. Like they just don't exist. I don't know what the deal is. Like he cannot find these scissors or the ones that come with the scissors are going for like damn near 200 bucks.
But the OG Brutus with the red tights, you can find him with his orange scissors, like super easy. So I ended up getting both Brutus figures. I gave the OG one to my son Brett to play with and I took the scissors from that one and paired it with the Zebra print Brutus. So, you know, sue me. It's Brutus with scissors. It's good enough for me. It's our collection. We can collect how we want to, you know.
Yeah, we got a, an amazing custom orange Cassidy so this is from Swankenstein customs on Instagram. He posted it up Sheena reached out and struck a deal with him to get this figure. It's basically so it's the orange Cassidy from the AWN rival line and then this guy.
took a fake orange from Michael's the craft store and painted a painted a mouth and put some sunglasses on it it's there's some famous Orange Cassidy fan art where it's basically him as an orange like his upper body and hands are orange and then
he's got the orange for a head and he recreated it in figure form. So again, check it out on Sheena's IG if you didn't get a chance to see it yet or better yet on Swankenstein Customs IG since he is the artist that made it, but just a really cool piece to add to the collection. Probably the most unique figure we have in our collection now, wouldn't you say Sheena? Oh yeah, it definitely stands out. You're not going to miss that orange Cassidy figure on the figure wall for sure.
And it's cool because, uh, you know, the orange is perfectly weighted enough that he can still stand up, you know, lightweight. It's like hollow, like super hollow plastic, but yeah, the hands are painted. The neck is painted. So like the orange Cassidy body parts are all orange too. So yeah, it looks incredible. I love it so much.
So we did get the New Day Motu figure and shout out to Good Brother Mike for the hookup on that. Marco brokered a deal between Sheena and Good Brother Mike to get us two of those because when I originally kind of made out my game plan for getting caught up on this Motu line, I felt like I needed three of the Motu New Day figures so I could display them with each face.
After getting it in hand, though, I think one's going to suffice. Just they are going to look so because they're like the window or whatever for the face is so small that I just don't think there's going to be a distinct enough between the three of them to really justify having three of the same figure. So yeah.
I'm just going to get one new day. What that means for you guys is that I have a crispy, unpunched, that's something I've learned about for the, uh, the Motu fanatics. So the whole, where like, you know, it would go on the pegs at the store. It's unpunched. I got a super crispy, unpunched, uh, Motu new day figure. And that is going to be our giveaway for this week. So same thing as always, all you guys got to do is send in a screenshot to Marco or Sheena, um, saying that you listen or showing that you listened to this week's show.
and you're entered and we'll announce the winner next week again for an unpunched MOC New Day figure. We'll call this the GBM giveaway. This will be the GBM giveaway for this week.
Yeah, so we won't double check it. We're going to trust you guys to shoot us a screenshot that you listened and then also that that you followed GBM on Twitter, you know, so we will just we'll just hit the trust button on that one though. I also got our cello toys blue mania and that figure is incredible. I love it. I will offer the little bit of criticism. I think the one thing cello still needs to get down pat is the Hasbro sheen.
The figure looks and feels great, but it doesn't got that like final clear coat or whatever that whatever was that Hasbro put to make the figure shine. It sticks out a little bit on that. But as far as scale wise and stuff, it looks great. And the Blue Mini is one of the most underrepresented wrestlers as far as figures go, I think just about ever. You know, aside from the handful of guys that have never gotten a fig, I feel like Blue Mini is toyetic as he is. It's been so far between getting figures of him. I still hope Mattel tackles him someday or maybe AEW if they get their legends line off the ground.
We definitely, definitely need more blue minifigures. The cello one is a great start.
Um, non wrestling related. I finally got the state puffed, uh, marshmallow man figure from the, uh, the Kenner revival line for the old, old style Ghostbusters figures. I had my eye on this line for a long time. Cause these were like the original toys I was playing with, you know, there was LJ and WWF. And then there was the Ghostbusters figures, um, that have re-released at Walmart. Uh, I've looked at the set multiple times of the, of the busters and thought about getting them, but I just can't justify adding another.
line to the stuff that we're collecting, along with all the WWE stuff, AEW and the NECA Ninja Turtles. But I went to Walmart Sunday morning with the kids to run some errands. Our daughter Stella was actually wearing one of Brett's old Ghostbusters hoodies. So it looks like, you know, the Ghostbusters coveralls with the
with the plasma gun and everything, except it's just a hoodie. And, uh, it just so happened that for the first time ever, I saw stay puffed on the pegs. So, uh, you know, I kind of took that as figure fate and I went ahead and got it. So that'll be, I'm, I'm still not going to go full bore and collect in that line, but this will be my one little piece of it. So I'm going to, I'm going to take a sound. I'm going to take a sound bite from this so that in six months when he has like a full shelf of Ghostbusters figures that I can be like, remember when he said that he wasn't going full bore with these ghostbusters figures?
Cause he talks about it all the time. He's like, oh man, I really wish like we could, we could collect these Ghostbusters figures, but it is, it is just opening another rabbit hole, you know, just to go down because I mean, golly, there's, there's so many amazing action figures out there. Like you could really, really get expansive.
Yeah, I still love the Ghostbusters plasma series, you know, like their version of Black Series figures. Those are incredible. And then we got some stuff from our good friends at Stash Pages. They had a recreation of the 1999 Gangrel t-shirt with the brood that was just awesome. And then they also, you know, they occasionally get in some vintage stuff.
He had a vintage New Japan crew neck it's beautiful gray crew neck. It is in Japanese size and so it's a little bit snug but it looks nice you know it's a little fitted, and then the actual the classic New Japan king of sport logo is in camouflage so very very cool. Unfortunately it

Unique Wrestling Merchandise Segment

came in as the weather is finally getting hot so it's probably gonna be a little while before I get a chance to wear it but
Check out Stash Pages on Instagram. They did an awesome drop today for Frontier Martial Arts Wrestling. That's the old, you know, Deathmatch Federation out in Japan from the mid 90s. So he's always dropping some really, really creative stuff from years gone by.
So should I tell people or should I tell people about? Drop by and visit the Turnbuckle Tavern, where every Thursday we give you the most in-depth analysis of all things AEW, as well as dive into impact wrestling, NWA, and all things NDA. If you like heated debates, compelling interviews, and a shot of nostalgia, you'll love the Turnbuckle Tavern, available on Apple and Spotify. Drink it in. It always goes down smooth.
Random Merch of the Week is where we scour the deep recesses of the internet to track down hard to find and never before seen wrestling merchandise and share it with you, the Foley fam. You can find links to purchase our rare finds in the show notes of every episode. This segment is brought to you by Pro Wrestling Tees. Visit the official Chick Foley show store by searching Chick Foley at or hitting the link in our show notes.
All right. So Sheena tried to pull a Tony Shivani on us there and, uh, jump in with a closing thoughts right before the two bad Chad started. I told us how awesome turned vocal tavern is. So what was that you were going to hit us with there? Actually, it actually fits in really perfectly with random merch. Cause I was going to ask if I should tell people about the horse now, or if I should wait until next week when it comes in. Um, but since we're talking about random merch, I'm going to share this quick story.
Go for it. We could have thrown this in weekly purchases, but yeah. I was thinking about weekly purchases, you know, and what we were going to discuss or disclose. Um, but yeah, I get an email notification today from Amazon that my Amazon package is being prepared for shipment. And I was thinking like, you know, I mean, there's, there's, I order a lot of stuff off Amazon, unfortunately, you know, and I'm just like, okay, what did I order? So I look, and it was a, um, you know, essentially a scale horse, like a, you know, a Barbie sized scale.
112 scale horse, um, with a Barbie doll rider, right? It's not, not, not official Barbie, but you know, a, a doll. And I was thinking like, did I order that? So I texted the heel husband and I'm thinking, I said, did you order this? And he sends me this weird emoji and it says, he says maybe. And I was like, for who? And I was thinking my niece's birthday was just recently, you know, and I had already gotten her a gift, but I was thinking maybe Seth, you know, maybe, um,
You know, my brother-in-law had told her something else that he wanted, so he was getting her something else. And I was like, well, for who did you get it for? And he's, all of a sudden, a gif comes through, an Adam Hangman Page gif comes through, and I am just like, wow. So he got his Adam Hangman Page figure, a scale horse to ride.
So every cowboy needs a horse every cat I mean, I can't I can't be mad at it But at the same time I was just like it just kind of like came out of nowhere I mean if you'd be like, hey, I'm gonna order a horse for the Adam hangman page out of my okay, that makes sense But just to like have that discussion, you know, like out of nowhere. I was a little caught off guard So yeah pretty freakin funny to find out that your husband's ordering dolls Amazon for his other dolls, you know, so
They're not dolls, they're action figures. Hey, according to Bret Hart, they're dolls. Bret Hart calls them dolls, so I think dolls is an appropriate name for action figures, right? No. Yeah, they're action figures. What if I say wrestling dolls?
So before we get into the official random merch of the week, I do want to let our fellow Virginians here know that there is another potentially highly valuable piece of random merch available somewhere in the Tidewater area.
For those, the premium Foley fan members in the Patreon group, they've been following along. We've been trying to develop some Chick Foley show snapbacks, been working with a local supplier, trying to get the design just right. And we're in the works on revision two right now. But the prototype, the original Chick Foley show has gone missing. So I retraced my steps this week because I had noticed that I hadn't seen it sitting around the house for like a week or so.
And then I really started thinking and it along with another hat that I, uh, that I took to the designer last time, um, they were both gone. And I believe that I left the original chick Foley show hat inside the cart at a target in, uh, at the Pembroke mall in Virginia beach. So
Um, I'm sure there's somebody that, you know, probably found that cart and was like, what the hell is the chick Foley show? Hell, hopefully they, they looked this up. I'm sure if they gave us a list and they subscribe. So if you're listening right now and you found that hat, please email, uh, chick Foley show at And we'll, you know, we'll come up with some way to, uh,
to reward you and get that hat back in our possession, you know, because you never know with this, we could be featured on, you know, the next WWE greatest treasures. We got the rub from Cody and Stone Cold. So the sky is the limit right now for the Chick Foley show. But for all the Foley fam, just know that the OG Chick Foley show hat is out there lurking around somewhere. So our buddy's shoes up sleeves down. If you're out there, Tristan, you know, scouring the main streets at Target, definitely be on the lookout.
And this is a one of a kind because we changed up the design after that. So it would be obvious if somebody ever does find this if we end up going going world famous on this. But with that, Marco, tell us about the official random merch for this week.
Yeah, so I kind of stumbled upon this one. I'd say this is a bid. You have two days to actually bid for this piece of sports memorabilia. Piece of history. Yeah, it's actually a piece of history. Yeah, I should actually say that. So it is Eric Bischoff's actual AWA blazer.
that he wore when he was in the AWA. The proceeds for this actually is pretty cool. It's benefiting the leukemia and lymphoma society. So if you do bid on this and you do win it, your money is going to a good cause. Right now it's at- Is it Eric Bischoff actually selling it?
No, it's Jim Levitt. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. It's not him actually. So he's actually in the picture. Um, he's actually wearing the blazer in the picture. And, um, you can see obviously like, because the listing picture actually has him with the microphone and the jacket on. Yeah. It's more of like an authentication type of thing. Just him wearing the jacket.
Yeah, it's at $6,000 right now. And the reserves not met. Yeah, not even. You do get free shipping. You know how we like to get free shipping on things. I'll spend an extra $30 just to save $5 on shipping sometimes. Oh, exactly. 23 bids on it. To me, the other thing, I mean, this is obviously a cool piece if you're an Eric Bischoff fan. When I think the AWA jackers for the announcers, I think the red one, like Mean Gene always works. Yeah.
I feel like that one's a little bit more iconic. Definitely pops a little bit more, but definitely a cool piece. You know, I don't know, 6,000 bucks. That seems a little, I mean, what do you think, Marco? That seems a little steep to me for us.
It's for a charity. It's for a charity. It's not really for the... I mean, you're donating to a charity and you get the jacket for free, you know? And it's a Hall of Famers jacket. Yeah, exactly. The value just went up. Yeah, the value just went up. He's a Hall of Famer. He defeated Vince McMahon for 83 weeks. You know the whole story. I mean, yeah, I think it's...
I think it's worth that. All right. I guess I'm just a cheapskate. Yeah. One of these days, Eric Bischoff is going to be gone and it's going to be worth like $20,000. Exactly. Maybe even more. I mean, this jacket could end up in the physical. In the physical time. Yeah.
We'll throw a link to this in the show notes. If anybody's feeling generous and has seven or eight thousand bucks they want to blow, they can definitely bid on this. Well hit me up. Hit me up before you bid on this. If you got seven or eight thousand dollars you're trying to blow, we can work something out. I got some pieces around here that you can buy instead of the...
You know, nice jacket. Yeah. So there is a there is three days left on this auction right now. Two days and 23 hours. Let's make it fun. Let's let's you know, we'll make this a spin off of the Chick Foley show prediction championship. Marcos and she found it. You get to go first. What's the final sale price going to be on this jacket?
Uh, I mean, it did go up. It was at 5,000 earlier, I believe. Um, but I didn't actually know yesterday. So. Who did I go? What's today? It said, well, it's going to be actually, it's Thursday right now. So let's go. I want to go eight. Let's go eight. Eight even. Okay. Sheena, what do you think?
You can go prices right on them and take $7,999. No, I'm gonna go with $8,300 for 83 weeks, you know? Oh, there we go. I'm gonna stick with the theme and I'm gonna say it's gonna go for $8,300. All right, so we'll go with that. So if it's below 8,000, Marco wins. If it's above 83, Sheena wins. If it's in between, I'll take the middle. So if it's in the middle, I win.
But yeah, we'll keep up with that. And we'll try to start doing that anytime we have an auction item up on random merchant week. We usually don't have auctions. I feel like it's almost always been bought now. Yeah, buy it now. Yeah, so interesting piece. But yeah, thanks for digging this one up, Marco. This will be fun to keep up with. I'm clicking the Watch button right now on eBay. Yeah. Hey, everyone. It's Nick, better known as Extra Cooler. Is there anything better than diving back into the Wrestling Archives and watching classic matches from the past?
Yes, there is. It's doing that with your buddies while cracking jokes and enjoying some ice cold beverages. If that sounds like fun to you, then be sure to check out my new podcast, The Extra Cooler Show, where each episode, my Survivor Series team and I review an old school match chosen by you, the listeners. The Extra Cooler Show is available wherever you get your podcasts. Be sure to subscribe and follow us for new episodes every other Thursday morning.
Retro Wrestling Recommendation of the Week is where myself, the heel husband, Chick Foley, and Marco the MVP give you guys a recommendation from a match or event from years gone by to get you through the weekend. This segment is brought to you by our good friends at Chalk Line. Chalk Line specializes in bringing you the absolute best in retro inspired fan wear. They can be found on Instagram at Chalk Line Official or at
All right. We cannot kick off the retro wrestling recommendation of the week without our chalk line check-in. This is where I'm going to ask the heel husband, which of his 60 pair of chalk line shorts he is wearing for tonight's episode. So heel husband, what you rocking over there?
First off, I want to give a shout out to Chalk Line on all the amazing Nickelodeon shorts are going to be dropping. Oh my goodness. Or the next month and a half or so. There's so many good ones. I don't know if I'm going to get every single one of them. If I don't, it's definitely going to be difficult to pick and choose. And reminder guys, use code PF10 to save 10% on all your Chalk Line orders. But tonight I popped some tags on a fresh pair. I got these a long time ago and just have not gotten around to wearing them.
from the Capcom collection that they did last year, the Mega Man shorts. I was a huge Mega Man fan back during the 8-bit NES days. And they had just a beautiful pair of kind of baby blue shorts with some Mega Man artwork on them. So that's what I went with tonight. Awesome. All right. So what is your retro wrestling recommendation of the week, Seth?
So I put mine in honor of all red everything, the evolution, Eva Marie's best match. And Bailey

Retro Wrestling Match Recommendations

is even on record saying this is her funnest match she ever had. Not her best match, but her most fun match. This is from the November 25th, 2015 episode of NXT. And it's Bailey defending her NXT championship against Eva Marie. There's a ton of hijinks. It's really a classic old school match where the in-ring action is secondary to all the booking and ref bumps and just
you know, just shenanigans or bananas, as Pat Patterson would say. So unfortunately, this episode has not been. They haven't gone this far back in on Peacock on NXT, and we would never, ever, ever tell you guys to illegally stream wrestling on the Chick Foley show. But maybe if you Google Bailey versus Eva Marie NXT,
there may be a daily motion link that comes up in the top two or three results on Google. And maybe if you click that link, you can watch the match. I don't know, but maybe that would work. So if you want to... It's a possibility. You can try it. Total shot in the dark.
Yeah, you could try it if you want to watch this match. It's only about 12 minutes long. It really is a fun watch. And, uh, you know, the NXT crowd just hated, hated, hated even Marie so much. This was peak of the full cell era where they were all about the in-ring work. So obviously they hated even Marie. They just blasted her with, you can't wrestle a chance every time she was in the
She was literally the antithesis of everything that NXT had done for the women's revolution and women's wrestling. So yeah, the full sail crowd hated Ivari. Yeah, but they did a great job of really making you think a couple times that she's going to win the freaking championship. So check it out. It's a lot of fun. Sheena, what was your pick?
So I'm going with the 2017 War Games from NXT. I just think, I want you guys to think about what we saw tonight with blood and butts and then go to, this is what I would consider the best of the War Game series for NXT. I love this match. It's the Undisputed Era, which is only Adam Cole, Bobby Fish, and Kyle O'Reilly at this time.
They didn't have Roddy yet, so he was actually paired up with AOP and Roddy Strong were a team and then they took on Sanity, which was Alexander Wolfe, Eric Young, and Killian Dain. Just a hellified match. It's like 40 minutes of just mayhem.
want you to go back and watch this and compare it to what we saw with Blood and Guts and just kind of see what flavor you like, whether you like the War Games from NXT or whether you prefer the kind of a little bit more hardcore style, a little bit more gritty style of the Blood and Guts match for AEW. So that is my retro wrestling recommendation of the week and that's from War Games 2007. It was in November 2017.
That was the that was the first war games match in 17 years when it took place. Yeah. Yeah. Margot was your pick. So I'm taking you way back the way that you back machine. Yeah. July 4th, 1987 in Atlanta, Georgia, the time with men were bad. All right. Yeah. There weren't any gimmicks. These are real life, real life guys is going into a cage and doing battle.
It was the first ever war games that actually, if you watch Blood and Guts tonight, they actually allude to this match, you know, being the first ever Blood and Guts match. They can't call it war games, obviously.
Yeah, so the first match was the Road Warriors, Nikita Koloff, Dusty Rhodes, and Paul Ellering as kind of like their manager. And they went against the four horsemen, Rick Flair, Arne Anderson, Lex Luger, and Telly Blanchard.
Um, and then obviously, uh, JJ Dillon and then, uh, dark journey was their, their valet. Uh, we'll cover up a few, if you don't know who that is, but, um, yeah, so there was a one member of the very first, uh, war games actually on.
Uh, it's 12 o'clock now. So yesterday's episode of Duddy Guts. Um, so Tully Blanchard was actually in the very first match. It was, it was cool. Did you see the artwork that they did where they did like that? They took the original WCW war games poster and they redid it with the AEW and they put Tully in like the same spot. Yeah. Um, yeah, I thought that was a really cool little, you know, paying homage to, uh, to that.
Yeah. So if you want to see some, uh, some blood and guts, uh, I'm not sure if this is up on peacock and I haven't, I haven't, uh, checked actually to see what they have. Check the cock, make sure you check, check, check the cock. I thought we saved

Chick-fil-A vs. Popeye's Debate

that for the, uh, the Patreon exclusive episodes. Oh yeah, that's right. It's late though. So maybe I've been still with us on this episode is a true Foley fan members. Just make sure you check the cocks. See if it's on there. Um, uh, just a quick note. Um, actually this just in.
the godfather posted a picture on his instagram and it looks like he is the next
person to appear on the Broken Skull Sessions. Oh, wow. That'll be cool. That'll be good. Yeah, so. Friend of the show, Steve Austin. Yeah, friend of the show, Steve Austin. Godfather's going to make an appearance on his Broken Skull Sessions. Nice. Look at Marco breaking news. Wow. All right, Shane, do we got some listener mail tonight? We sure do.
All right, this one comes in from one of my fully fam favorites, Johnny JB. He says, Chick-fil-A sandwich or Popeye sandwich. I'm going to go first on this one just because I legitimately did a chicken sandwich tasting on the YouTubes for our Patreons and it
I have a hot take on this. Initially, when the Popeye sandwich came out, it was freaking amazing. Obviously, it set the streets on fire. There were people that, you know, RIP, they died over this sandwich, right? The streets were hot with this Popeye sandwich.
But as the, as the months have gone on and, you know, things like that, I feel like it was kind of like the bait and switch, you know, not that the Popeye sandwich, the Popeye sandwich is still good, but it is not what it was when it originally came out. And I feel like fast food chains do this a lot when they hit you with the premium ingredients.
Yeah, in the beginning when they're launching it, they're going to hit you with the highest quality ingredients that they have, the best presentation that they have just to get you hooked on it so that you'll be talking about it and all those types of things. And then once you're like, oh man, the Popeye sandwich is so good, then they kind of just like, they start pulling away a little bit, cutting a little bit of corners, cutting a little bit of cost.
Yeah, water it down a little bit so it's not what it once was. So the original Popeye's chicken sandwich was primo. The 2021 Popeye's chicken sandwich, still good. Still a very, very, like still a cut above the rest. But I got to go with that Chick-fil-A. Like it is never going to disappoint. You're going to get the same mouthfeel, the same experience.
the same my pleasure every time you leave the Chick-fil-A. It's never changed, man, since the mid-90s when it first started hitting, man. Exactly. The Chick-fil-A has tasted exactly the same. Exactly. It's something that you can count on except on Sundays, which is kind of a bummer, but we'll let it slide. I told you my multi-million dollar idea I got. I'm going to open up a clone of Chick-fil-A. It's going to open up as close to actual Chick-fil-As as possible, and it's only going to be open on Sundays. That's genius.
We'll call it a fillet of chick, man. Dude, I cannot. You should just call it chick-foli, you know? Yeah, operating costs will be low because you only open one day a week and basically like a glorified side hustle. Yeah. You can actually, you can even poach like some of the underlings at the chick fillet stat. Be like, hey, you guys aren't giving that many hours? You need to pick up extra hours? Come over here.
Yeah, I want those people that are trained by Chick-fil-A. Those people are freaking precision trained, dude. We need those people. We need to poach all the Chick-fil-As and get their employees because I'm not trying to train nobody up to that level because people are going to expect a certain level of service. I don't know if we're up to training people like that. Whatever the Chick-fil-A system is, we need to get in there and scoop those people out and bring them to the Chick-fil-A.
restaurant, the Sunday restaurant. And it'd be perfect because it'd be like, you know, paper views. When you get a wrestling paper view, you can still go get your Chick-fil-A goodness, but you know, you'd be at the Chick-fil-A. So yeah, what do you think Marco? Chick-fil-A, Popeyes.
Oh, Chick-fil-A. You can't mess with God's chicken. Yeah, it's just, I don't know. It's sent from heaven, that chicken sandwich. It's just something about it. Every time you have it, it doesn't change. It's always the same. I think you guys mentioned this before. It's consistent.
It's consistency. Consistency, man. Yeah, they don't pull away. They don't water it. They don't step down on it. They don't do anything different. It's the same sandwich. What do you expect? You go there and you're like, you know, you're going to get the same sandwich when you go to check. Yeah, you know, it's going to hit. It's going to hit the gut the way that you want it to hit no matter what. You know what I mean? I was on a nuggets kick for a long time, but yeah, I've gone back. I mean, the nuggets are incredible, but I think the sandwich is the way to go, man. It's just perfect.
The bun perfectly complements the chicken, the pickles perfectly complements the bun. It's just, it's excellent, man. Quick little aside on that. Do you guys put any of the Chick-fil-A sauces on your Chick-fil-A sandwich? I know Seth does not. The most I'll occasionally do is every once in a while, I'll get them to add cheese and bacon on there. Just switched up. It's really tasty, but the chicken's already moist enough, man. I like a little light mayo every once in a while.
No, I don't put any of the Chick-fil-A sauce. I feel like those are more suited for nuggets and sandwiches. I do the sauce all day. Sauce on the bun. On the sauce box too. Squish it down. Yes. What's your preferred sauce?
I do like the Polynesian sauce. Oh baby, that's me too. I love the Polynesian sauce. That stuff is so good. Yeah, it's like eating a giant chicken finger when you put it on there. That's how I equate it to. It is. I will say since you picked the Polynesian sauce, I will go with the, you know, clearly Chick-fil-A sauce is amazing.
I think one of the most underrated sauces in the Chick-fil-A lineup is their honey roasted barbecue sauce. That stuff is bang and it is hitting. So if you get yourself a Chick-fil-A sandwich, get the honey roasted barbecue sauce, throw a packet of that on there and dude, it is so, so good.
Yeah, thank you, Johnny, for that question. Our next one comes in from our buddy Matt Carlos at the Matt Carlos on Instagram. If you want to give him a follow, he's just an incredible dude. He says, on the theme of AEW's Blood and Guts, what are your favorite cage matches? Mine would be SummerSlam 94, WWF Championship between Owen and Brett. I mean, clearly that's a, you know, that's a cut above the rest.
Um, but he also gives us a TNA. So he says TNA final resolution, America's most wanted versus triple X with the cage tightrope

Brian Danielson's Potential in G1 Tournament

Frankenstein or spot. He also says happy mother's day, Sheena. And my birthday is also this Sunday. So happy birthday to our buddy, Matt Carlos. And thank you for the, for the mother's day shout out. So I'm going to start with Marco. What, uh, what, what cage matches do you like, dude?
Oh man, I don't even know. That's a rough one. There's a lot of definitely tons of different cage machines. Ah, geez.
I'll kick it off. I mean, I was going to say SummerSlam. I mean, SummerSlam, Bretton Owen is, you know, a classic, you know, anybody's favorite cage match, but I go with King of the Ring 98. You know, we got, we got taker and mankind, which is just a classic start to finish. There's just so many crazy moments and crazy bumps and spots in that, in that match. So yeah, that's definitely one of my, one of my favorite cage matches. What about you, Seth?
So I'm taking it way back again. SummerSlam 94, Brett Nolan is one, not just my favorite cage match. That's in kind of like my magnificent seven, what I think are the seven best matches in the history of wrestling. So I'm going to take it way back. World-class championship wrestling, Christmas Day, 1982, Kerry Von Erich versus Ric Flair in a steel cage match for the NWA championship. It's a hell of a match. Ric Flair is, you know, just kicking off his prime, Kerry Von Erich's, you know, all time or baby face. And this match actually,
kicked off the world famous feud between the Freebirds and the Von Eric. So the actual show is Christmas Star Wars. It was on the old WWE network. I'm sure it's going to be on Peacock eventually, but just you can either search Ric Flair, Kerry Von Eric Cage match or WCCW Christmas Star Wars. And you know, you can definitely find this on various outlets throughout the Internet, but it's a really, really fun match if you want to see what early 80s Texas wrestling was all about.
No, that is the Wayback Machine. Marco, did you come up with a cage match you like? Yes, so I actually thought of one. It's not really, I mean, it could be considered Wayback. Actually, it's in the 2000s. That's 20 years ago. No, shut up. 2005-ish. So Edge and Matt Hardy, Unforgiven 2005, I believe it was. I'm not sure if that's on the network.
But this was like at the height of their real life beef. You could definitely go back and read about what happened. If you don't, if you're young out there and you're listening, definitely do your research on Edge and Matt Hardy.
what they really were fighting for back in the day. But yeah, this match is actually really, really good. Edge, I think he kind of like dominated most of the match. But you know, Matt Hardy, obviously he was the extreme team extreme. So he had some awesome spots on that as well. So yeah, definitely go back and watch that one.
Yeah, real quick, we got a little shout out. It's not really a question, but it is a funny shout out from our guy, Dr. Phil Dunnett. He says, can it really be a blood and guts match if Jericho didn't get his gut out? He's taking a little shot at Jericho tonight for wearing a jumpsuit.
Um, but our last question for tonight is going to come from our guy, Justin Frank at in ring art on Instagram. If you don't follow

Closing Thoughts & Shoutouts

Justin, you definitely need to. Um, I, I have a few, uh, in ring art exclusives in my Mark cave. So I highly suggest you give him a follow, uh, and support his art. Uh, but he says chances that Brian Danielson is in the G one this year, Seth.
Greater than zero, less than 20%. Wow. Okay. A little, little faith. The G1 is a very grueling event and Daniel Bryan's already talked about how his neck is not even in as good a shape as it was when he came back, back in 2018. Yeah. And I still, I don't think he's up for it. And quite frankly, I think he's kind of above it. You know what I mean? The G1 is kind of like the
almost like the US Open of wrestling tournaments like you know they really anybody can kind of get in it and then it's just a grind to get to the
the final, you know, the kind of like main event of the tournament. So, no, I do not think that Daniel Bryan will be in the G1, Marco. Yeah. Yeah, I'll have to agree with you on that. I don't think he's entering the G1. I think if he does, you know, go to different organizations to wrestle, I think it's just going to be like marquee matches. Yeah, he's going right to the top. Yeah, nothing crazy.
Oh, we didn't even talk about this, actually, before we go. Does this remind of me? Andrade, did you guys see him who he challenged? No, it's Kenny Omega. Yeah, for the for the Omega, the AAA mega championship. So, yeah, just like I think that that just popped in my head, because that's what I think Daniel Bryan would do. Just challenge like the marquee guys. Like, I mean, maybe you might challenge if he goes to New Japan, it might be against Will Ospreay. Yeah, Ospreay, Cody, CSJ. Yeah, Zack Sabre Jr., one of those guys, like,
I mean, Zack Sabert Jr. would probably be the safest out of all of them, because if you watch any of his matches, he's super technical, and that's a safer match for Daniel Bryan if his neck isn't as good as it was a couple years ago. But yeah, he's definitely going to do those big matches, not any type of
And that is something with the current situation of the world that, you know, Daniel Bryan is going to be like flying back and forth to Japan. I don't see that as a realistic possibility, but you know, hey, crazier things have happened. But yeah, that's going to wrap up our listener mail for this evening.
She reminded the listeners where they can find you guys on social media. So you can find me on Instagram at chick Foley. You can find Marco running the Twitter machine over at chick Foley show. And you can join our fully fam at chick Foley Most importantly, though, you guys make sure you support the pod foundation. You heard from them earlier in the show. We have our guys over at turnbuckle tavern with the most comprehensive AEW recaps in the game. So if you want to, um, you know,
Get all things blood and guts. Make sure you tune into them this week. Extra cooler taking you in the Wayback Machine with all of their nostalgia picks and running down old matches. Our guys over at Pyramid Wrestling for all things toy hunts and action figure talk and you can keep up with everything that all of our Pod Foundation brethren are doing over at Pod Foundation on Instagram.
Yeah, that's going to do it. Make sure you use code Chick Foley at ringside collectibles to save 10%. And Marco, you are the reigning, defending, undisputed Chick Foley show prediction champion. Hit us with the closing words for this week.
Yeah. So, uh, I don't want to end this off like on a sad note or a somber note, but you know, uh, you guys heard in the news, you know, Bill, Bill and Melinda Gates, you know, they got divorced. You guys heard that happen, right? Yeah. Yeah. So, uh, you know, Melinda got the house, obviously, you know, who's getting Dr. Fauci? That's all I want to know. Who's getting him in the divorce? Probably, probably Bill, but he's also, he, uh, she got the house. He got the windows. So. Wow.