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Arc 2 - Episode 6 - Stockholm Syndrome image

Arc 2 - Episode 6 - Stockholm Syndrome

S2 E8 · Mystery Dungeon: a Path Through Time
75 Plays8 months ago

The crew finally meets up with Walter. He seems a little too buddy-buddy with his captors though...

Discord -

Dakota as the PM, DM, GM

Evelyn as Hikaru Hatsumi the Pikachu

Eli as Bruce Flameback the Cyndaquil

Shawn as Sammy Pepperoni the Munchlax

Jake as Walter the Riolu


Introduction and Character Setup

Wait, was that, hold on, wait, wait, was that actually the sound of you sprinting across the room? Sounds sloppy, right? Yeah, we heard, like, a doll for folklore, like, we heard, like, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on, oh, come on,
I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm good.
Hello, everyone, and welcome to A Path Through Time. I'm Dakota, your PM, your DM, your GM, and soon to my left is somebody who likes to switch. What a general opinion. It's me, Evelyn. And to my left is someone who has forgotten everything. Who am I again? What are we doing here? Someone might have to tell me.

Gaming Discussion: Wii U Defense

but I hear across from me there's someone who really loves the Wii U okay the Wii U was not as bad as everyone said I actually do really like the Wii U okay it had some really good games and it had some really cool features that were kind of ahead of its time that didn't get appreciated and while it was around hi I'm Sean
I got the Wii U for my birthday, uh, one year. Actually, like, the year it came out, and it was like, oh my gosh, it was so cool. I got the white one. Yeah, Sean, Sean, Sean. Anyway, uh... Are you forgetting someone?

Humor and Recaps

No, I was just... I was just doing... I was just talking! Hang on, you guys didn't even let me! Wow, I was about to! No, look, look, I'm in go mode, okay? We just spent, like, over half an hour. They were like, go, go, go, go, go! That's... no, that's my bad.
I was about you, I was going along with the thing. Dang. Dang, okay. Go with the bit to put it in line. It's somewhere in the universe, across the world, somewhere, sitting on the toilet upside down. Why is everything upside down? How'd I get here? You're in Australia, what are you doing there? Cracky. It's me, Jake. Good night, Jake. Is it so?
Are you, you're finally back from your imprisonment? There's no war in Ba Sing Se. Where's Ba Sing Se? It's just right over the mountain, you know. I think it's in the Ventus State. I think it's in the Ventus State. I think it's in the Ventus State. Imagine if I just made a town called Ba Sing Se. No, no. Ba Sing Se is an, is an Earthbender thing. Yeah. It's like the Earthbender. It should be in pets now. So that's it. Okay, let me pull them up.
i actually get to use this because android actually sent me the full detailed map so i actually get to use that this time let me pull up the big boy map uh give me one second it's just a city full of ground type i opened a new tab and didn't need to oops okay good job this is gonna be a bossing site in this universe oh wow holy crap i just opened this for the first time uh
what the okay i'm gonna have to take a look at this my own time uh well never mind i'm not looking at the map uh okay never mind i just got overwhelmed uh in order if you're listening to this thank you that is way more than i asked for uh so so uh i'll have to take a look at that in my own time um moving swiftly along
Alright guys, this is what I do for, I am to get to roll.

Mission Recap and Experience System Discussion

Also Jake, I'm gonna have to, I'm gonna have to, uh, Daphne, I'm sorry. That is a one. Okay. Four? Well Jake, you don't get to roll, you don't know what the crew did last time. Yeah, it's a roll. Nope, Jake has to do the recap.
Jake, it's on you. He's deafened. OK, so I got a one from Sean. Sorry, 150 life four from Sean. No, four from Jake. It doesn't matter. And I said that you two. I said I had I wrote them while you guys were talking, I got a three.
Okay, I got a one also. Okay, I also wrote a one. Eli and Evelyn do something. I don't care. Some one of you guys do it. Okay, I don't usually do recaps, so I guess I can do this one. Alright guys, Evelyn's doing a recap this time. Bro, I thought you was gonna say, I don't usually do recaps, so I won't.
nah i can do this one so we basically just we wasted a couple days we we saw we went back to the mission board saw hey there's three missions let's go do these missions if you want to know what the missions were go listen to the last episode we got them all done uh we got them we started off with a fourth mission
that was 10,000 poke for finding this glaceon that was stealing from a bakery that matched the description of the glaceon that abducted Walter. And we staked out on the night that we thought the captors would be ringing in Walter, found nothing, woke up the next morning and saw Walter walking out of a shop as we were walking out of the inn.
Yep, that is pretty much

Walter's Mysterious Disappearance and Return

it. I had so many questions about that. And we are about to find out because I am bringing Jake back. I almost muted Sean, sorry. Hey. Wait, hold on. I don't have control of it. Wait, Jake deafened himself. I can't un-deafened him. Hold on, I've got to put a message in our brain. Do you have to deafen the rest of us?
No, no, no, because the other ball trips it doesn't get a recap Please on deafen yourself. Oh boy Add friend you can't hear me. I can't tell them down deafen. I can't there is oh my gosh Jake. Can you hear me? Are you back on the mortal realm? Oh?
I'm back. Did he die? Okay, great. Yeah, he died. We took him out back while we were doing the recap. I had to put me down like old yeller. Okay, you're so wrong with me. So Jake, how would you rate that recap? Pitiful. Wow, Jake, I see how it is. You have made an enemy today. It's treason then.
if this if this ember misses this glaceon it might be hitting walter that's good i don't want to hurt him too much let's say i counted the ember but i don't got counter anymore it's also a special move you can't counter special moves just watch me oh that's true actually i know you're right i think that's yeah i never thought about that
Can't use counter on a special move, only physical move. No, it's my one weakness. My one weakness. Things I can't do. Out of thousands.
His one weakness the man got himself kidnapped. How did you know my weakness was kidnapping? My weakness was giant doors. I had to know what was behind it. Yeah, we're slowly unveiling everyone's weakness. All of you guys are weak to doors. Sammy is weak to stairs.
Salina can only get creaking doors apparently. Salina can't hear anything but a creaking door because she didn't hear a giant snow like slam into a door until a creak. Okay so um I guess we should brick break on in.

Leveling Up and Stats Adjustments

Now, before we actually get into this episode, I forgot this was part of the mission board thing. I actually have to implement it because I completely forgot when I was making it. But the missions are supposed to give you experience. I was wondering about that. I was like, we just got money. So was I.
See, yeah, I literally just forgot to implement it into the mission. So hold on tight, the 3.4 version will be coming out eventually. But in the meantime, I want everybody to get 100 experience, which should bring everyone up to level 11. That's it. 570. OK. Wait, what? 570. You might actually be level 12. I have 555.
No, 550 or 550 is ever 11. 660 is level 12. I see. Okay. I can't find where it's. Oh, it doesn't, it doesn't auto change. I have to change it to 11. Yeah. Yep. Okay. Actually, I posted a formula in the chat where if you, it will automatically do the level.
Yeah, I'm going to do some slight changes on the mission board calculation, not calculation, the adding XP to the mission board. And on top of that, I'm going to add that as well. So that way, I'm going to put out a new version at some point. I don't know when. I used this one to sell B6. OK. So hang on tight for 3.4. It'll come out eventually. Hang on. Now I've got to find out if I learned anything. B6. But don't worry about that now. I'll do that later.
Okay, but like that just made my stats not right now it says must change must add stats to offense defense Yeah, because every time you level up you're allowed to select where you put one offensive set and one defensive step So you made me remove it for nothing
Well, now you get to put it back now that you guys are actually level 11. So because everyone gets to change work with one offensive stat and one defensive stat. I added one to defense and one to speed so I can actually have a die for my speed instead of having to use a random number generator. I'm going to add one to my special attack and one to my special defense. That's what I did. I added one to my attack and one to special defense.

Walter's Odd Behavior and Group's Reactions

I did that because my special defense was literally two. If this is a right or not, if the points are good enough, it just says legal check. That's it.
Next to it. I should say true or whatever it changed the box for the level to black. Is that okay? The box that has the 11 is now black after I copy pasted that thing in I think did you did you copy with formatting? I Literally just copied what she wrote. I had to change it to match destination formatting in the
Tastes thing. I was up. I wasn't given that option. I don't know Okay, well I'll have to do with that later something's going on if you guys just add one to offensive one to defense if you guys should be fine I'm just confused. I want my cells black
i am wondering as long as your level bonus total is 20 you're good assuming you have the same number in defenses and offenses oh yeah oh yeah jake i think when we did uh the revisions you weren't there uh so yeah um
because the way the formula works is it takes your level multiplies it by two and subtracts two because you level up based you level up starting at level one not level zero oh so i'll just go back i'll just go back away to add anything then yeah so you were actually a little bit overpowered we just forgot about that uh it didn't help zero okay it doesn't do do any of you guys need to know if you've if you've gained any moves
I love you. I didn't even look at that. I'm going to look it up for everyone. So if you want to look up your own, let me know. I already looked up mine. Yeah. I don't think I've learned any. I believe Walter does. Why does my team want to have a tuned speed and level up bonus? Because base stats exist.
Jacob's gonna be really mad when he looks up his level up bonuses or his learn set Just look up real agenda and learn set oh You just straight us want it straight up want us to look it up. Okay. Got it. Yeah, there's yeah, it's not in the yeah, yeah, I
Yeah, don't do this to me man. Don't do this. Yeah. Walter's still a level away from learning counter One level away it's just dangling over your head. Hey good news much like Now as soon as you revitalize everything because I was doing stuff I can't say stuff but I
We are going to start with the, uh, I keep, I keep, I keep calling it the crew, but we see we're going to start with, uh, why can't I remember names? Eli, Chicago, and Sammy. You guys are walking out of the inn when across the street, you guys spot Walter just walking out of the general shop and he's carrying like a couple items in his arms. It seems like he has just purchased. Uh, the floor is yours.
Hey Walter, is that you? Wait, what's Walter doing over there at the store? Yeah, what? Yeah, I'm not gonna make you laugh like you can hear that. Walter, what are you doing over there? We've been looking for you for like three days. Do I see them? Yes, you see them. Yes, we're right across the road.
It's like when it's a giant mirror in front of me. Do I see him? Do I see them? He's like, oh, I was wondering when you guys catch up. Just walks over. Catch up. We've been here for three days already. Wait, you beat me here. Yeah, we we took the we took the subway over here. So you're telling me, oh, never mind. Never mind. No, no.
Wasted a lot of stuff for no reason. That left a trail. But what? We overheard one of the Umbrians say that they were taking you here, so we took the train here so that we could meet you guys here and, like, ambush your captors. Where are your captors? How did you escape? What is going on here? Oh, they're getting dinner ready. What?
What are the great cooks? Oh my gosh. I have been so worried about you, Walter. You have? Oh, no. Does he have Stockholm syndrome? Oh, no. I didn't even think of that possibility. Oh, no. We got dinner together.

Walter's Wealth and Complicated Relationships

Oh, no. I didn't even think of that possibility. Oh, this is going to make it so much worse. Dakota, can you can you send me the the other umbre? I'm not a business name, but the other one.
Uh, yeah, yeah, I'll send you the NDM. Give me one second. Sorry, that might, uh... Oh no. I always forget this one's name. Guys, I think he has Stockholm Syndrome. He's, uh, he's friendly with his captors. He thinks they're family now. We gotta save him. What's Stockholm Syndrome? Walter, I'd like you to meet our new friend. This is Zekrom, the Lucario.
Stockholm Syndrome is when the, uh, the someone who's captured has been there long enough and starts to bond with their captor. Bond? No. I mean, what's a Stockholm? Yes. It's like that one movie, Beauty, Fly, and the Beast, you know? The kitty, fly, and the beast. Nice one. Beauty, fly, and the beast. But what's a Stockholm? You're asking too many questions.
It's a place that works somewhere. I don't know. Icaro, now's not the time for questions, Icaro. We got other things going on, all right? Oh, surprise. By the way, I might need to refill in those Boca burgers. I left a giant trail for you guys and wasted it now that knowing you went did took a train. You know, I left marks, left rope, left pieces of my equipment. So you guys can follow. What were you telling me? You wasted all those burgers instead of giving them to me? Dude, I would have eaten those.
We chose the get ahead and ambush strategy.
You know, we even brought a new friend along with us. Yeah, who's that? As you say that I take that with the crew. Walter also sees a Lucario and he's he's just where he's like, hey, you're Walter. That would be I at this moment.
Well, uh, Sammy goes up to Walter and whispers in his ear. I, uh, I told him that your mom's like the police commissioner, cause like he was really in a bad position and he really needed to get out of his job. So I just kind of lied to him. I forgot about that. Oh my goodness. So yeah, as he said that, uh, as you say that Zecharov looks at you and he's like, uh, uh, so you're the, you're the son of the police commissioner, right? Um,
yes that didn't sound very convincing may i ask you to roll deception
19 oh You don't look very law-abiding of me What no I definitely didn't I definitely didn't just take a hit hit contract Don't worry. Well, there's not a house What
Don't look at Bruce. It was my house. It was my house. It was my house. You burnt down his house. Guys, guys, nothing happened. Nothing, nothing happened. Nobody's house got burned down. We're just, they're just, they're just me. Don't worry. You know, the company flame back, uh,
What? What would we call it? Flameback Enterprises? Are you trying- Are you trying to say he's important? Are you trying to use your family name to get out of a criminal act you did? I'm too- No! I'm saying, hey, you get- I'm gonna try to pull some strings to get you a job at Flameback Enterprises that'll be slowly, like, leaks better than your past job and we can get you that new identity so that you don't have to worry about being found.
And there'll be plenty of food, because Flame Black Enterprises, they got like the top shareholder in the Boca Burga company, so you get plenty of food. I mean, that's all fine and dandy, but I thought you started as... Mom, whatever, was the commissioner? I mean, it is... is it not? I don't know, she's a rock star.
That's less important than you think. Why are you guys lying to me? I mean, come on. That's not even something you like. That doesn't even matter that much. I'm already out of there. You need to tell me. Oh, by the way, did you guys find a sentrant? Are you way here? I have business. I have something for him.
What I say that as something falls on my pocket from what I got the shop owner You're are you voluntarily making the full of your pocket then yeah Okay, so on the ground you see the crew you guys see a piece of paper followed of Walter's pockets.
I want the three of you guys to

Concerning Revelations about Walter

roll in perception. Which is beauty. Woo, Bruce is perceiving today, finally. 16 plus two is 18. I open my bag, they see all the money I got now. I got 21.
oh god okay what Eli and Hikaru see i don't remember word for word but basically what the paper reads is um oh crap what did it read i know what the problem was i know what it was okay i can tell you i can tell you start do you want me to tell you a story of how we got there
Hold on. Okay, so first of all, what you guys see is a note instigating a hit on a centret. I can tell you the whole story if you want them to know as well. So yeah, you guys see a request for a hitman for a centret that fell into Walter's pocket. And also on top of that, how much money do you have, Walter?
Let me check my logs of the bank. 18,918. You guys see Walter's focus overflowing with money. Walter's the richest party member again. What the heck? Did you become a hit man for your captors? Walter, what happened? What are you doing here, Walter?
I just did some missions on the board. For some reason, they were like six times what they should be. Huh. What boards have you been going to? What mission board were you going to on the road in the middle of nowhere? It's like there should have been six members who'd done them missions with me. But no. You did all that by yourself and you got all the money. Also, I think we're gonna glaze in past the fact that you escaped your captors and you're not even like...
What? Are you okay? Wait, what? Yeah. Selena, they're pretty chill. Abyss and Brie are pretty chill. Selena's all right, I guess. We're gonna need some stories here. We've got a glace on the apprehend here. Oh wait, before anything. Okay, but they took you out. Like, we saw you passed out on the backs of the two Umbrians.
Well, I'm going to say something in the defense. I did tried breaking into the place. And I was trying breaking into your place. A giant door. Remember, I tried. He broke into the bar. We went into. Yeah. That's my fault. They thought I was an enemy. Yeah. But still, they hurt you. They knocked you out in one hit. I did. I would not want it. Oh, well, the does the Zango's knocked them out.
yeah oh yeah i owe that i owe that guy an apology um oh the umbrions are fine they're a little into the torturing gonna be it but who became friends okay yeah yeah this definitely sounds like textbook stockholm syndrome after the few psychics i've painted well i think we need to have a serious talk about what happened here if you want yeah oh yeah before anything he hands you guys items back they got stolen besides
Besides bruises, huh? But I don't have any item slots anymore. Oh, no. What did you get? Just chuck it if you. Yeah, so to recap what it is, Sammy has one rock named Jennifer.
Yeah, it is Jennifer. I didn't know if you would remember, but yes, it is Jennifer. That's great, but I don't have any slots in my items. Hikaru had a yellow gummy. No, Hikaru had a yelly gummy. Yeah, you got one yelly gummy. Yelly gummy. Okay. Yup. Oh wait, can I see all the other items I have since I looked at my back? Only if you deliberately show them. Yeah. Okay, quick question though. What do I do? I don't have any slots.
You can put it in your, you can hold it in your held item slot. Well, you can't hold it, so you're going to have to drop it on the ground. Is it still the same orangeberry you threw out? It is the, yes. So yeah, in your hand, you're just holding a puddle of puke. Just been carrying it around with you. Hang on, I'll role play this out. I might throw up. Sammy, I've got two extra item slots. You want to hand me one? You want to hand me something?
Hikaru, I'm not entirely sure what an item slot is, but I'll just hold on to it and I'll just throw this gross orangeberry away. Yeah, okay, I don't want that. My held item is now Jennifer. You guys wanna meet them?
Oh, Walter, did you get any intel on the blue orb? Oh, buddy, did I? Bruce, that's a really good question, but I think we gotta address the fact that he just asked us to meet them.

Debate on Glaceon's Identity and Trust Issues

Well... I don't know what that's supposed to mean. Are they... you guys are like friends now? What's going on? You wanna see the tower? Does it have a tower? You wanna see the giant tower? Is that what that is over there?
He points to the giant obvious tower that looks abandoned. Wait, hang on, Walter, hang on, hang on, hang on. Wait, Bruce, shut up for a second. We took a job on the mission board from this really nice, well, she's not too nice, she's kind of mean, actually. This sprigotito is named Tito. And she wanted us to apprehend a Glaceon. You guys think it's the same one?
I mean, not all Glaceans are exactly the same. Yeah, I think it's the same one. The descriptions fit the same one. Oh, so all Glaceans look alike, huh? No, but it's a Glacean with a red scarf. Oh, she has the same clothes on. The one identifying feature on this Glacean is the same. Do we still have the notice, Dakota? Yes, you guys still have the contract. Can I inspect the contract to see if that's what it says?
sure i don't remember word for word but it's basically as you guys just described it is a not not it is a request to capture or bring to justice a one x glace on with a right band okay i rolled a 10 signed teacher i rolled a 10 so i guess that's what i get you did you did yeah you didn't need it well okay does it say y
Well, we talked to her for stealing. Yeah. That a sprig of teetos. She said, yeah, stealing from her bakery. That that's what the guys are going to be on her side in no time. Once you hear this, you should meet them. You should really meet them. Do it. I don't know if I trust them. They knocked you out. They took you away from. Yeah, I don't know. They took you from us. Well, we were looking for anything before any before. Are you about to tell us why she stole the bread or whatever it was?
Oh, yeah, she does have that. Well, not my story to tell. You are going to change your opinion once you hear her. Walter, are you like are you guys like Dayton? What's going on here? What happened? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Oh, that's funny. Walter fell in love with Selena. Yeah. We got another pairing to ship here.
I mean, you never know, but no. Watch is like, no, uh, no. If you guys want to meet them, they're pretty friends. They have a good cook. Okay. Although they do not know how to clean silverware. Well, I had to do that. Hmm. That's pretty good. Tito's a good baker. Is she though? She stole my idea for bread. Yeah, but still, you know.
I don't know, the inside, the aroma inside the restaurant smelled so nice. You guys want to meet them? I will say that, Walter, you did have me when you said they had a good cook. You guys can stay here and I can bring them to you if you want. Need an undisclosed location.
No, no, I don't want you leaving us again. I don't want you going off on your own. That's not that does not sound like a good idea. Yeah. Oh, it's fine. As far as we know, these people just kidnapped you, took you away to someplace where they thought you'd be hidden away.
and really they're hoping you're a friend of my friend so therefore i will be protecting you and to be fair you said you got hit with psychic a few times so i don't even know if that like if they like brainwashed you or something you know it's also a good point okay guys we're like we can't we can't control walter
We're gonna have to just let him do what he wants, and you know, if he gets himself into more trouble, so be it. He can take us too with him, but... I trust Walter. It's just these other people I don't trust. Bruce, pat him down. See if he's got any weapons on him or something. Hey, get away from me. No, no, no, no. No. Stay away. Your flames have done enough damage. If I was patting you down, I wouldn't have my flames out anyways.
Who knows with you and fire, who knows you? You know that was an accident all along, come on now. I can't believe you're still holding this over me. Shut up and start burning a paper on a wooden dry house. What do you think that was going to happen? On a cracked door? I forgot the door was cracked, you're right. Shh! The tech realm is still here. We don't need to be talking about this.
Even if he did not miss, he would have caught the house on fire. Although my although he might have my dad might be alive. But anyway, if you think it's a good idea for us to meet them, I think I trust you.

Communication Mishaps and Friendship Challenges

Maybe we should just go. Perhaps they're not as bad as we think they are. Oh, by the way, did you guys hear me singing? I was on top of the tower, like singing my lungs that way for you guys. No. Nope. We heard some shrieking at one point.
We heard an ear-piercing shriek. And we tried to get to the tower, but the woods were too thick. It was late at night. We couldn't get through to the tower. So we went back to get to some sleep. That's how you think about my singing. Ult is all sad now. I don't know. What time of night was it? Let's go. He's not.
Walter just starts walking to the tower. Can I roll for hug? Is that what it was? That is what it was, yes. I rolled pretty high, too. Can I roll for hug? I couldn't remember what it was. It was above a 15, I know that, because I was really hot that day. I'm sorry, I didn't remember what it was. Wow. It was Beevillevita. Come on, Dakota. That's something you should note down.
That totally would have changed how we played that if we had known that it was singing instead of shrieking. These two would have changed how I would play. That is actually true, but it is what it is. Are you rolling for hugs, Sean? I rolled a three for the hug check. Oh, you slip and just slap me. Sammy attempts to hook Walter, but Walter does not notice. Walter just walk into like straight and they're like, come on.
Somehow they've treated me better than you guys have yet. Besides the torture. Hikaru's going to go in for a long overdue hug. At least Abyss and Brie like my singing. They even joined in. Oh, come on. Come on, Walter. You're like... We had a shindig. You're pretty good. I'm sure that I didn't notice your singing, but I'm sure it was pretty good. And if you want, I can, you know,
I can give you some pointers on how to improve your singing in the future. But I've been singing longer than his mom's a rock star. I'm pretty sure he sings like all the time. I get pointers from her all the time when she's home from your mom. Oh, man, I want to say something, but I really can't. It's too mean for Bruce to say.
Careful with your words, you're gonna bruce on thin ice cream. Bruce is not gonna say this, but I immediately thought, and how often was that? Wow! Bruce does not say that. I thought that above board, I thought that Hikaru was supposed to be the one that sings a lot, and Walter plays the guitar.
I mean, yeah, but I guess Walter can see if he wants it's fine. Oh, I think with the shrieking just be me playing was that was it just me being bad? I'm pretty sure in the moment my thought was it was you playing your improvised electric solo I'm pretty sure that's what I Said this I remember what I rolled. I rolled like an 18 I'm pretty sure at least above a 15 Yeah, cuz you rolled nothing but like above 15 the entire session. Oh, I was rolling hot that day
Are you guys heading up to the tower? Or what are you guys doing? Did Evelyn roll for hug? Walter is. He's just walking up the trail. Yeah. Okay, so Walter's heading up the trail. Did you want T-card to roll for that hug at all?
Uh, did Walter accept it? It seems like Walter was walking away at that point. He's too sad. He doesn't even notice anybody right now. He's sitting in his own mind. Beginning to think that all his life work was nothing. You made the man question his life choices. Well, on the one hand, we got the quad squad not together. I was just giving off what we were told. The quad squad. Yeah, I remember that was a name you gave us in the subway station. Yeah, it was. It's a quad squad.
i like you walter i thought we were best friends i met like my singing i heard you guys like heard shrieking now dakota just destroyed friendship that's all dakota's fault right there it's all my fault i'm pretty sure
i don't know i think just in the moment i i was thinking it was the guitar and you guys just heard like a shrieking sound that's

Journey to the Tower and Meeting Abyss

how i imagined i didn't think it was an electric cello wouldn't sound like a shrieking sound though well to be fair it's an electric guitar with a violin bow so but i would imagine what that would sound like
He did play perfectly. But there were also like three miles away. Well, to be fair, we weren't actually in town. We were in the woods. And I probably didn't sound too good from a distance. I don't know. I'm sorry, man. I really am. That's what happens when music rubs against rose thorns.
in the woods okay so as you guys head up the trail it takes you guys a couple hours but eventually after following this what seems to be hiking trails through the woods but somehow you guys missed completely i'm pretty sure you guys roll for investigation at some point you guys just failed to find this trail but yeah we all failed our investigation roles to uh find anything in the woods
Yeah, yeah, there's a hiking trail like right next to the end but after a couple hours I'll get to that on that as you guys get to the top you guys come to what seems to be a large tower almost like a collection of rocks It is a very large tower and it is clear that it is an abandoned An abandoned why can't I think torch towards tourist attraction? There we go
And there's a big wooden door what goes hold on it takes a secret knock to get this open That wasn't very secretive you just kind of like punch the door a couple of times I
Oh no, they know it's me. I didn't even roll to the roll strength. Which is tough. Oh, tough. Let's see my tough. Let's see my tough. All right, 17. There is now a hole in the door. Whoops. Whoops, he says. How about this horn? Abyss, who put this hole here?
Walter, did you even see how hard you punched the door? You did, Walter. I swear, us and doors were not good. The door of Walter's house. I had enough of doors. The big metal door. The door I ran into. This door. There's too many doors. Oh my gosh. We're sick and tired of doors. We should just get rid of any door we find. I'm tired of all these freaking doors on this freaking plane.
This freaking plane of existence. Well, is that a movie I haven't seen yet? If it is, you definitely gotta recommend it to me. Yeah, it's snakes. It's snakes and planes. What's a snake? It's a plane. What's a plane? It's a viper and plane. Is that a cobra on a plane? What's a plane? What is a plane?
It's just a viper on the waylord. It's the closest thing we got to a beer. I was thinking Drifblim. I was thinking Drifblim, but okay. Yeah. Whatever. The waylord's supposed to float anyways. It's less dense than air. Getting us back on track, you guys, not you guys, as Walter punches the door, it actually swings open a little bit revealing it was unlocked the entire time.
Of course it was. Oh wow. I hate doors. We really gotta start checking doors before we go banging. You guys can hear a voice coming from upstairs and there goes, guys, I think Walter's home. Walter's home? I think we got termites. Walter's home? You live here now? What? What are termites? I left the last two days. I've been sleeping here. I mean, to be fair, you don't really have a house because
Wait a second, do you live here? With whom? Dude, we bought- we took a room at the hotel, you couldn't have invited us? Selena, my friend found me. Selena and the Umbrians?
yeah as you say that uh you see abyss come down the stairs he's like uh hey walter whoa that's a large group uh yeah it's my it's the people you took me from remember you you you guys are the ones you've been looking for right yeah they beat us by your train you guys didn't think of taking a train just uh no obviously i mean imagine if someone saw us on the train that'd be kind of with a knocked out walter of course we're not gonna take the train
by the way you guys are really bad at hiding your trail and also telling people where you're going what do you mean by that they heard you you were coming here oh yeah sorry that was my bad yeah i uh oops yeah that's my bad well it all worked out and then uh sam is going to approach this right now
As you walk up, Abyss looks down at you and is like, uh, hi there, I'm Abyss. Is he taller than me? What do you mean he looks down at me? How tall is Umbreon? I am looking at him right now. I'm pretty sure you guys are about the same height. Umbreon's like the size of a kit. Umbreon is three foot three. Oh my gosh. Yeah, like this is like two foot something. It's like two something.
munchlax is two foot on the dot hey ah okay excuse me sorry munchlax is smaller than i thought uh say yes abyss pulls out his microscope and he looks at you okay um abyss meet sammy sammy goes for a handshake sammy meet sanny pamperoni nice to meet you hi
Why don't you guys just come upstairs and she starts walking up to be fair if he ignored my hand Because I rolled a three
i know i said he didn't notice i'm just picturing this sammy sammy looking up my old enemy stairs bruce is looking on apprehensively but like the whole time basically like very very suspicious looking miss how many how many flaws with a very suspicious look uh three
Yeah, I believe so. Why do you understand? He rolls his eyes and continues up the stairs. Can Walter just pick up Sammy just to start picking up Walter? Oh my gosh, if you can't do it, I want to do it. Yes, try. Good luck. Hope you were getting a good touch roll. Yeah, I was going to say, if you're going to do it, roll strength with disadvantage, which is tough.
Why'd you have to be disobeyed I've gotten that 20 my first 15 Lift them over your head and you guys head up the stairs. I Take it everyone's heading upstairs. Yep, Bruce has an eye raised Eyegrow raised The gorillas picking up the
Bruce, look at me. What does carrying me? I've always wanted someone to carry me. Hold the chip. You just fall down. You just fall straight down. Hello, everyone, and welcome to the midsection. I'm Dakota, your PMRDM Museum. And thank you for listening to our episode. Make sure you go join our Discord, which is linked down below where you can join our amazing community that we've got going on.

Community Engagement and Future Missions

In the discord you can also submit a question or the episode which we are going to go over right now and sword and buckler Says what is to blows most adorable habit and what is his most annoying habit? So this is a two-part question. I'll answer them one after the other two pillows most adorable habit is probably the fact that Because I'm at work for 10 hours a day five days a week every time I come home he is extremely cuddly because he gets extremely lonely since he's
Home alone all the time, but his most annoying habit has got to be the fact that he won't stop screaming every time I recording I'm surprised he's not screaming right now. He just jumped off my desk and He's always knocking my mouth off of my desk and it always ends up under my bed or somewhere inaccessible and half the time I want to throw him up the window so There you go more to a little lower
Also, we must thank the music producers for this episode and it looks like it's gonna be pretty short this time. So we got Artisan and Zapopico from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet and Goomba Village and Toad Town for Paper Mario 64 Also Pokemon Center same lo-fi remix by glitch x city. Thank you. And let's get back to whatever this is. Oh
Okay, so as you guys head up you guys see a kit an open planned kitchen with a Glaceon stirring a pot at the kitchen and she looks over she's like oh hey Walter Oh, oh you guys found them. Oh, they found me honestly if she hops down from the stove and she's like
uh hi uh i'm so sorry about earlier things did not go the way i wanted them to you never believe it they beat us here well i i mean yeah we kind of took the long way here on purpose they heard one of us talking they heard one of you guys talking about it about this place yeah because abyss and she like glares over at him can't keep his stupid mouth shut for good his sake
But in the end, it actually ended up working. I'm assuming Walter told you everything. Oh, no, no. Absolutely nothing. You say. You say. No, no, I am so confused. We asked him a lot of questions. Why is Walter with you guys again? I'm trying very hard to hold back an ember right now. Walter just gets a chair and just sits there just enjoying the drama. Because he's like, this is about to be interesting.
Okay, Walter, I wanna see how much you remember, actually. I want you to tell the story. Why? Why? I was trying my best to make you have to do it. Not gonna happen. Because I don't remember every single thing. All right, so Selene here is from the future. She was aboard a train that exploded.
Selby felt bad for her, tried to send her back in time where she could have saved her mom that was on explosion with her while she was an Eevee. Uh, Dockry stopped her. What? Um, sends her back here. Selena holds up her plot. It would evolve tall, but yes. I'm sorry, you want to explain it? You told me to go. You want it? And you're not doing the greatest job right now, she says in a sing-song voice.
Oh, I'm so sorry, not like you just dropped the A-bomb on me with this. Anyway, continue. All right. Wyvelto sent her back here. She spent the last three years trying to figure out a way to go home without dying because Wyvelto told her if she went back in time, well, not back in time, but back where she was,
she would die instantly so she's been trying for the past three years trying she's got 20 years left i'm pretty sure left i think until the bombing happens and she thinks these orbs with the power of the gods is going to change anything and she's being super optimistic
That's about it. Walter, I have no idea. I'm guessing you just... I have no idea who Yveltal or Stelzia are. I'm just guessing it looks like you in, like, size. Oh, apparently they're powerful gods that can destroy us at any time. Sammy just stares. That's a good point too. Any of us know about legends and the legendaries and the secrets? I had to be told about it. I was so sorry. That was a question from Dakota.
Sorry, one second. All I heard out of that kerfuffle was, hubububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububububub
especially not at this point in the timeline okay okay so who had a question nobody just answered my question i'm just confused like wait wait a second you're from the future can i roll insight on walter sure i am sure um i guess walter roll nothing yeah roll insight i'm not doing great today i rolled a nine
Yeah, he seems to be telling the truth So Selena like sighs and like rolls her eyes. He's like Okay, why don't you all just take a seat real quick? I'll give you I'll give go give you all the rundown. Just take a seat I'm gonna get breakfast turn a bit I'm gonna go make some more cuz I wasn't expecting a million people in my kitchen. But here we are Wait, hang on before we continue Yeah, I was literally gonna ask before we continue is that I'm still here can we dismiss him
Uh, Zekrom is still there.

Selena's Story and Authority Assertion

He's been silently sitting in the back. Can we send him back to the hotel? Has Selena noticed him? If you guys want to, yeah, I mean, she's like, uh, just looking around like, what? Yeah, has Selena noticed him? Is there any reason to? Yeah, Selena has noticed him. She assumed that he was part of your group. Uh, okay. That's, that's fine though. Well, he worked at the bar that we went through, which is
And he was not happy there. He was not happy, no. So does he work under Selena then? Hold on. Actually, as he says that, Selena's like, oh, wait. You're the barkeep from that one bar I rented the room at. And the bartender's like, oh, the bartender. Zekrom's like, I don't quite remember you when I was working. I was like, going without like 24 hours of sleep or whatever. I don't think we've met, but maybe. So she's not even your boss?
Okay, so we do still need to do the whole identity change, get you a new identity, hide you away somewhere.
i think we made a big mistake at the bar i don't i don't know what you guys are talking about you vote halls or whatnots but don't worry we don't know either i have no idea what he's talking about okay um right well i'm just going to sit here and he like pulls up a chair at the table
Shouldn't even be here for this conversation. Well, he's here now. We're gonna have to find another new player for Zekrom now. We're gonna add another member to the party. No. Look, I'm gonna be- I'm gonna be brutally honest. If you guys pull Zekrom into this, he's gonna- I'm gonna kill off this character, okay? Aww, okay. We're not doing this again. We can stay here. We can keep our promise and just get him a new identity then. Well, just like here. Gives him like 20 poke. There's a bar down there. Just go...
walk at the door and walk a mile down right a mile down north we're not sending him away we made a promise to this man we're gonna keep it Bruce to be fair they're not nobody's chasing after him the people we thought were chasing after him are not the same people apparently
yeah but there could be other people chasing after him we did kind of uh weld that hole shut so uh that the manhole covered so well i guess i did and what you're saying is they're not gonna come get us we stopped them in their tracks i would assume they have other ways out
they could find another way out of the out of the uh through what oh wait so you trapped someone to die you trap someone with this selena clears her throat and she's like um excuse me from what i'm gathering here this man here pointing towards zekram does not know anything about the orbs does he no no i don't think so you she points to zekram get out of here and she's like he's like uh
Pardon me? There are things we need to discuss here that you are not a part of. I'm asking you to leave as owner of this building. Please get out. He's like, fine. Jeez, okay. Okay, fine. He like grumbles this way. Will you own this tower? Don't worry, Zakram. I'll still get you that job. I'll be at the inn. Wait, hold on. Actually, he comes back up the stairs. We don't have any more nights at the inn. I have some money.
The general shop is opening for a new person, for hire. Xplow just got extorted over there and apparently he got fired because he got ripped off. I think we have some other plans in store, but uh, do you mind giving me like 15 or whatever? Well uh, he can't, sorry, not he can't.
Hikaru says, Zekran, we'll get in touch with you later. I'll give you the money you need, and then just after we're done here, I'll meet you by the end. Will that be all right? Okay, I'll be there. And he heads out. Right, so, Selena says, put that out of the way. I take it all of you guys know what's going on, right? You guys know what the orbs are, and we can finally get things underway.
well you don't know exactly what the orbs are we'll just we just know that the orbs might be able to help me find my dad who i thought was dead eight years ago
Okay, so let's start from the very beginning. I'm going to quickly retell the story since I've already told it to Walter. And he did a pretty much abysmal job telling me the story, but uh... What did you do to the door? It's all like you broke it down.
He just punched a hole in it. Classic Walter activities. Just sit down at the table for goodness sake. I'm gonna get some breakfast for everyone. Before you start, what's for breakfast?
We got porridge. And after some time, she comes back to the table and like pours everyone like a bowl of porridge. Is Sammy gonna pull out one of his book McGriddles? He's got food straight in front of him. So Selena sits down at the head of the table. Abyss and Bree sit down as well. And she's like, so it all began. And that is where we're going to end this episode. I've been Dakota, your PM, your DM, your jam.
I've been Evelyn playing Hikaru. I've been Eli playing Bruce. I've been Sean playing Sammy who's waiting for his porridge. I've been Jake playing Walter. Listen to this next time.