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NXT Invades Smackdown and The Chick Foley Show Invades Full Gear!!! image

NXT Invades Smackdown and The Chick Foley Show Invades Full Gear!!!

The Chick Foley Show
6 Plays5 years ago
A HUGE episode folks! We recap Crown Jewel, the plane debacle in Saudi Arabia, NXT invading Smackdown, Full Gear preview, Popeyes Chicken Sandwich review, and much more! #BigDudeSzn #ThickGirlSzn

Introduction and Host Welcomes

Just remember one thing. We are NXT.

Travel Stories and Halloween Recap

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Chick-Fully Show. We have so much to talk about. This might be a three-hour episode, but I am Phil Gentile, one of your co-hosts. I'm here in the Jimmy's Famous Seafood Studios here in beautiful Baltimore, Maryland. Sheena Phelps has been traveling. I think she's back home now, aka the Queen of Pod Style. How are you doing tonight, Sheena?
I'm good, yes, I am back in Sharpshooter Studios. So I am, I'm stoked to be home at like, oh my gosh, there's no better feeling than when you've been away from your own home for a period of time, like walking through that front door, just like, oh, you know, like just being in your own space. It like feels so good, but we had a great time in Kentucky visiting family. It was awesome, but I am, I am glad to be back in my, my homestead here.
And the wonderful, lovely intern, the MVP, Marco Denton. What's going on, Marco? I am doing swell over here. I made it back safely from the crown jewel. So that's good news. I did travel over there, and I didn't get stuck there for six hours. So that's always a good thing. You must have had a private charter. I did have a private charter, yes. Actually, I left before Vince McMahon did.
clear the runway for him. So it was an all in all good flight, you know? But yeah, back in our guerrilla position here in Boston, Massachusetts. Well, we can probably thank the Saudis for the best episode of SmackDown in quite a while. But we will get to

Community Engagement and Fan Interactions

all of that. We want to thank everyone for listening and downloading our Crown Jewel preview episode last week and kind of previewed Halloween a little bit. How did Halloween go for all you guys?
Oh, it was awesome. It was cold as hell. I guess that's, I mean, it was just, it was like, so it was freezing. Like I, I don't know. It was my first like, um, you know, non Hawaiian Halloween in a long time. And, uh, Oh my gosh, it was bone chilling.
Yeah, we just barely missed this. It was supposed to rain all night, but it held off to like 730 ish. So a little guy was allowed to go out and get some candy. And he was loving life, man. We couldn't even couldn't get him to stop. So that was nice. Yeah. Brett was stoked too. You know, he was like, you know, we don't you don't have a lot of candy around here, but he was like digging in, getting those little bite sized like Snickers and Twix and everything. And he was handing out candy. We didn't go around to a lot of houses or anything like that, because like I said, it was so cold. And I was like, I'm not getting this kid sick before I have to be in a car with him.
for 12 hours headed back to Virginia. But he did love handing out the candy, and it was like the sweetest thing. He would hand them, and he'd be like, bye. And if they had a scary costume, he'd go, bye, scary. So yeah, it was super sweet. What about you, Marco? What did your crew do? We definitely did the trick-or-treating. It wasn't too bad. It started

NXT Women's War Games Excitement

off warm a little bit and windy. But then towards the later hours, it started to get cold and rainy.
got a full bag of candy, actually. And people were complimenting his shirt because he was the kid from The Shining. And we were all actually dressed up in our shining costumes as we were walking around. And people were like, oh, my God, that's my favorite movie. Yeah. We'd be watching every Halloween and all this stuff. We're like, oh, thanks.
Yeah, he's not a fan of the sweet tarts, though. Good. That's a smart key to try it out. Yeah, when there's, like, Twix and all of those things, why would you eat sweet tarts? He wanted to try for some reason. He's seen everything else. And he was like, what's this? And we're like, oh, open it up. And obviously, we know what his facial expression is going to look like. So we have. Did he get any candy corn? No candy corn, thank god.
Did Nash get any candy corn? No, no. We live in a good neighborhood. We don't deal with that. He got zero, he got zero Reese's cups. My favorite Halloween, my favorite candy ever. He got zero. How does that even happen? I don't even know. You didn't get any Reese's products period? No, not a single one. There must be some sort of shortage.
Wow. In Halloween, if that's it. I know. I know. I mean, he had everything else under the sun, you know? And I was like, I was just disappointed. That's what I usually steal.

Seth Rollins Character Debate

That's my go-to. Wow. I was walking around with some Steve Wisers. And it's always fun now as an adult with a kid who's old enough to communicate. And we can go and talk to our neighbors a little bit. It makes the neighborhood feel a little bit more cozy, or everybody's catching up or drinking a little bit. Everybody knows the name. Yeah, we know five or six neighbors were
I feel like my parents didn't know a single fucking neighbor when I was a kid like didn't know people like start across the street. That was it.
Yeah, we could have got a freaking roll of smarties that were tiling all or like razor blades. Like my parents would have never known. They were just like, yeah, go knock on this door, you know, this creep. So, but that's life in the nineties. You know what I mean? You just living on the edge. Living on the edge. Yeah. Before we get into our episode, we're going to recap NXT, AEW, the preview full gear this weekend. I picked up from the dollar store. I don't know why I was there the other day.
I was going to eat this on the Patreon Live episode, but I picked up a bag of bacon flavored cotton candy. That sounds so disgusting. Yes. It's by Charms, the people that make the blow pops. I'm going to pop this open real quick. I didn't even know Charms was still around. I didn't even know that was still the thing. This is probably from 10 years ago. I might throw up because this sounds disgusting.
But I'm going to I don't know why I'm doing this right now. We have like the most packed show we've ever done, but I'm going to try a bite of this bacon cotton. What would possess you to purchase that? Oh, I just get a video of myself eating this. It looks just like pink cotton candy. Well, that's even more disturbing. It should at least be like colored like meat. Oh, God, what are you doing?
Now you're like, okay. So now you've like ruined your palette for the rest of the show. Like, I hope you have a beer there or something. Now you're going to, now you're going to be tasting that for the rest of the show and you might not be able to focus on all of this. Like.
like crazy wrestling crap that we have to cover tonight because that was a poor life choice. Yeah, I should have saved that for the end. Sorry, folks. If you have any questions or you want to have any questions about my bacon flavored cotton candy, hit us up at askchickfoli at You can follow the show on Twitter at chickfoli show. And Sheena is at chickfoli on Instagram.
Check us out there. We appreciate the support. Make sure you leave a nice little five-star review on iTunes. We're also available on Stitcher, Spotify, Podbean, and Google Play, and everywhere you can find podcasts. So be sure to check us out. And of course, Patreon, man. Patreon has been a great source for us. We use it to interact with a lot of you guys out there. And the best part of it, Sheena, is our...
Facebook page now we've been interacting there's like 70 of us there we

WWE Saudi Arabia Travel Issues

find figs there's always somebody selling something or trading something so it's been it's been pretty fun to to have that going up and it's been a good way for us to find figures with each other and save the prices that we usually have to pay from from from scalpers on eBay
Yeah, we, we rolled deep in there. We got, we got a lot of eyes in a lot of different parts of the country. So, um, yeah, it is pretty cool. I love seeing people knock stuff off their list. Like I talked about last week, but this week I saw a lot of people getting figs from the filter and all of our other members, you know, they were posting like thank you notes in the, in the group. And it's just really cool to see like everybody like helping each other out. So, uh, keep it up chick pulley fam. You guys are the best.
I don't know if we talked about last week, we had to kick one person out already for the first person because people were starting to share non-wrestling stuff and pictures of their kids and sports conversations and somebody was reporting the post to me and Sheena who were the administrators or whatever.
We had to boot the guy. I enjoy everyone that's in the group. It's been a cool place. We talk about more than just wrestling on there, so feel free. It's a safe place, unless you're going to be an asshole and then we're going to kick you out.
Yeah, Marco's there. He's sharing all kinds of stuff. So yeah, check it out. slash Chick Foley Show. The tiers go up from a dollar a month and up, and we have some bonus episodes that we put on there. We just posted last week our Best Finishing Moves Bracket, which was a pretty fun thing to do. We'll wrap that up in a couple weeks and do a
final round of that but I think we're gonna do a watch a long episode coming up soon the three of us with some movies and once the holidays get closer so it'll be pretty fun I'm excited about what we got going on over there at patreon all the money that you guys donate to the show goes into giveaways and t-shirts and equipment for the show so all well worth it so with that being said let's go inside the squared circle guys this is probably one of the biggest parts of the show because we have so much to talk about what should we start with here
Oh man, I don't even know where to start.

NXT Takeover and Survivor Series Hype

Let's work our way up to the big topic. So let's just start at NXT. We had a really awesome episode of NXT kickoff last week. We're recording this on Wednesday, so we haven't watched the latest episode of NXT.
It's happening like well, I guess as we as we speak or it's just wrapped up I can't remember which which freaking time zone I'm in but We did find out that we're getting a women's war games match, which I think is gonna be so super awesome It's basically like the whole right now as of right now what I know Unless Marco can add any insight. I don't know if he caught NXT tonight, but
It's gonna be the horse women. So Shana Jessamyn Duke and Maria. No Maria. What's her name? Maria Shafir. Yeah, Maria Shafir. Yeah, it's gonna be those three plus one obviously And then you got like team rear Ripley, which is Ray Ripley Freakin Candice LeRae Candice LeRae Tegan Knox Tegan Knox
And Dakota Kai. And Dakota Kai, yeah. See, my memory is not as bad as I thought it was. You're right there. I'm right there. But regardless, it's going to be such a super awesome, awesome match. And I saw some people being like, oh, god, why do we have to have women's war games and blah, blah, blah? And I'm like, dude, why can't you just enjoy this? This is going to be some badass wrestling. You know what I mean? It's going to be so freaking awesome. So I'm super pumped for that. What do you guys think about women's war games? Of war games.
I think it's actually obviously

AEW Tag Team and Pay-per-view Preview

they're doing a lot of stuff with women's wrestling pushing it forward and stuff like that. So I think that was inevitable having a women's war games match. I'm actually trying to look up Shayna's team because I don't think it's any of the horsewomen. That's Bianca Belair. Yeah.
And, um, um, what do you call it? I can never pronounce the name. Io Shirai. Io Shirai. Io Shirai. I'm carrying you guys on the back here. What's going on there? Oh, it is like some, I mean, it's a bunch of badass chicks, but it's a, it's a couple of random teams. Like, you know, it's, it's not like, it's a bunch of like singular fuse that they're kind of melding into one match, but I think it's going to be fun.
And I think it's kind of showcasing some people on NXT who, they've been there here and there, but it's not like, it's some new faces here. I think there's one spot available on the Rhea Ripley team, which a lot of people are saying maybe Mia Yim will be on. But that was a huge announcement. I think that was gonna be really fun. I'm excited for that for sure. I never really got into the War Games matches as a kid. I was a little too young and I didn't watch WCW until around the NWO times.
Yeah, I mean, they've been killing it with that. Is that the weekend of Survivor Series? It's going to be interesting how that's going to work, because I want to know who's going to be on that card in some of these other matches, because a lot of these NXT folks, as we'll get into later in the show, are going to be in some of these Survivor Series matches. So we'll see what happens there.
For sure, okay, so I just pulled up the graphic since we've like botched that

TV Shows and Streaming Services Discussion

whole thing. It's Ray Ripley, Tegan Knox, and Candice LeRae so far for the women on the face team. And then you got Shana Bianca and Io Shirai on the heel team. And then obviously they're gonna add an additional person, which I'm assuming happened tonight. But we just, I haven't seen it yet. But yeah, so it isn't the horse women, but I'm sure, I mean,
They got to get involved somehow, right? Of course. The one chick from the, I think it's Jessamyn Duke, has maybe the skinniest arms of anyone I've ever seen. She was an MMA competitor. She is like, yeah, she's like freaking olive oil.
Yeah, she's like olive oil, but I bet, you know what, sometimes those like lanky, like kind of like, um, like wiry chicks like that, like, I bet she can fricking wrap you up and like put your ass to sleep. Oh, I bet. Yeah. I mean, I know all these chicks could whoop my ass. I'm not, you know, that's.
That's not even a debate at this point. I mean, this is gonna be a fun match. It's gonna be crazy. I'm excited to see what the rest of this card is gonna be. We had Finn Balor come out and make an announcement as to why he beat the crap out of Johnny Gargano. What was that all about?
Yeah. So, I mean, he, it was just really cool to, cause he, he was alluding to, um, he talked about losing to the fiend, which I thought was really cool that he kind of addressed, he addressed that head on. Um, but he just basically said that, you know, he, he got knocked out by a guy who just put his mask on and became the hottest thing in WWE. So he's taking his mask off and becoming the hottest thing. Um, it was just, it was just a really cool promo. I thought it was very, um, believable and it's the best I've seen Finn
in like on the mic in a very very long time because you know Finn is like face Finn is just kind of like I don't know there's something about him I don't know if it's the accent or what but it's just like it's hard to take him like too seriously when he's trying to be serious you know um but I thought I thought this promo that he cut on NXT was was epic
Love it, I'm excited. We'll get into Survivor Series a little bit. And man, I'm really excited that they're incorporating NXT. We had Triple H in the intro kind of marking his territory on SmackDown last week. But I think that's gonna, we talked about it before the show, the three of us in our group chat. You weren't too high on the prospects of what they're doing with Survivor Series, just because it seems like
And you're right, it seems like just a clash of the champions, a clash of champions type of format. They're not really doing at least as of yet. They don't have any Survivor Series style matches announced yet, but I'm pumped for the incorporation of NXT as a third brand now. I think it's just gonna make so many awesome matches that we haven't seen before. Yeah, and everything I've read says the Survivor Series prediction says,
That there will be more than likely a standard Survivor Series elimination match with Team Raw versus Team SmackDown versus Team NXT. Yeah, that was my only qualm as I'm like, dude, these matches, I'm not gonna complain because this pay-per-view is gonna be lit with all the matchups that we're seeing get put together so far.
I was like, you can't call it survivor series and not have a standard survivor series match. And I know that's, I mean, I don't guess that's nitpicking. I mean, it's the name of the freaking pay-per-view. You know what I mean? Um, because otherwise, like you said, I was like, it's just clash of champions. If it's literally just the top champions versus each other, right? For, for supremacy. So yeah, I anticipate over the next week or so we're going to get our, uh, our survivor series teams kind of like shaping up here.
Let's move right into SmackDown because, well, I don't know, let's go into Crown Jewel because that leads into SmackDown a little bit better now that it was on Friday, right? So Crown Jewel is what we'll spend a lot of this episode on. That was on Halloween and we kind of poo-pooed it before, you know, on last week's episode that it was kind of a throwaway and all this stuff. It ended up being a pretty good show from just the actual show itself, Sheena.
I mean, the biggest news coming out of it is The Fiend winning the Universal title, and I want to get your take. Do you think this was the plan all along, or was this something that they saw the backlash after Hell in the Cell and made the change here to just take the belt off of Seth?
I mean, I feel like this could not have been the plan all along. I can't see that WWE would have made this title change if it wasn't absolutely 100% necessary on Crown Jewel. I feel like they would have waited till one of the American pay reviews, one of the pay reviews that airs on regular WWE network
the on the wdb network so um i feel like it was just in response like it was kind of like a break glass in case of emergency which the the match was awesome i thought you know i mean i don't know what people i haven't really gotten to see what the
I watched it later, like, you know, so I wasn't watching live as everybody was kind of reacting and stuff. I know people were super hyped on the theme actually going over, but, um, I didn't get to see like the reactions on the match and I thought the match was actually really, really good. It was way, way better than their hell in a cell match for sure. Um, obviously Seth Rollins, poor thing, like his, his acting does leave something to be desired. Like when he pulled that, um, whatever that hell of that box was that he pulled off and it like sparked and he was going, ah,
My eyes, my eyes. I was just kind of like, oh Seth, come on. You know? Some of the sounds he makes during these matches are very cringy, but overall, it was a great match. And it's probably what should have happened during Hell on Cell. I mean, it was just a couple of different tweaks. If you were to just let that match keep going, people just didn't like the finish.
I gotta say, and this is gonna be a hot take, but as I'm a wrestling fan, and I have been for a long time, but I fucking hate wrestling fans sometimes, most of the time. Because a year ago, everyone was all over Seth Rollins' nuts, and he could do no wrong as the guy that needs to knock off Brock and blah, blah, blah.
And now, every nerd on the internet in their parents' basement is just crapping all over. Everything he does and says, and it's really irritating me. I mean, and it's happened, and Marco said it perfectly in the group chat we have, it's the same thing that happened, they've seen it, it's the same thing that happened to Roman Reigns. I mean, people forget that. Roman Reigns was like the new hot shit, you know, when the shield was like just coming up, and he was like the guy like, oh man, this guy's gonna be a future world champion. He's like a serious dude.
And, you know, Seth Rollins comes up and, you know, everyone loves him and now it's just been a complete 180. And I don't understand what the deal is. Is it just because people have zero attention span now or what? I don't think it's that they have zero attention span. I do think it is somewhat the Roman Reigns treatment where it's just a matter of like they feel like
They're tired of seeing Seth Rollins right like he's he's been at the top. He's carried the company You know also like I mean just from my perspective like I just hate how he's been booked in like the last year I mean he was hooked up with Baron Corbin for the whole end of last year and the beginning of this year And then it was like the Brock Lesnar thing through through mania and then you know now he's been this very very controversial Fiend angle so it's just kind of like you know
He hasn't had anything like super interesting or amazing happen for him as far as like his storytelling and his booking and stuff. And me personally, you know, I love, I love all things Seth Rollins. Um, but I just feel like Seth Rollins is a natural heel and he's just not a very good baby face. You know what I mean? Like, I don't know what it is about him. Um, that just,
It's just, it doesn't seem natural. You know what I mean? Like, I guess he is a good baby face. I mean, he's one of the best in the company, you know, but it's just, it just doesn't seem like it comes very natural to him. You know what I mean? Yeah. What's your take, Marco? I think part of it is because he's dating someone who, you know, randomly a woman and I think it's great. You know, I think Becky Lynch is, her character is just kind of overtaken everything over the last, you know, six to eight months. And it's kind of hurt him a little bit being associated with her. What do you think?
Um, yeah, I would agree with that. Um, you can't have two people that call themselves a man that are together and claim to be the man that they can only be one man. And I think that's Becky Lynch. Um, but with Seth Rollins, it, I love him. Like everyone else says probably one of the, actually probably one of the top athletes in the world when it comes to like, just like physical sports, like not even in just wrestling, just like
He's crossed with Jesus, obviously. We all know this. I think it's his, I want to go with his character. I don't think he's portraying himself as like a, like, I don't think he's being himself at all. Even obviously it's probably like, you know, you can't be yourself. You have to be Seth Rollins, you know, the beast slayer, the king slayer and.
This is who you are, that type of thing. But like, I think he's not a lot like he's not a, he's not a, he doesn't take, I don't take him as a, like a shit talker at all.
And when he says he's having that thing with Will Ospreay, when he's saying things about Kenny Omega, like that type of stuff, that to me, I don't know him personally. I've never met Seth Rollins. But just looking at him on TV and his mannerisms, the way he carries himself, the way he speaks, doesn't seem like he's a shit talker at all, like behind the scenes. He seems like he's just like a normal dude, just a regular guy, just into staying in shape.
I feel like if Seth Rollins wasn't forced to be on social media by WWE to some extent, I feel like he's not the type of guy to me that seems like he would have a presence very much on social media.
just kind of like low-key kind of guy like drinks his coffee you know what I mean like he doesn't put a lot of air and you know talks about CrossFit and whatever but he's not he's not like one of the big like he's not like KO or anybody like that that's just like on social media but yeah I think I think all that Twitter stuff has a lot to do with people too right because you have like the hardcore like indie
Um, Marx that are just like, you know, I can't believe he would say these things to, you know, like you said, will Osprey and Kenny Omega and all of these things. But to me, I, I personally feel like I don't think WWE poked him to say those type of things. But like, when he's like, he's like a company guy, you know what I mean? And I, and to a certain extent, like I respect that because like, you know, I fully believe like you have to know where your bread is buttered and you can't bite the hand that feeds you. So like, you know, if he's defending WWE, like, you know, WWE has been kind of like,
very polarizing over the last, I mean, year for sure. I mean, longer than that, but just like in its ups and downs and like what they're doing. Um, so when he defends that, even when we all know like we're not stupid, we know like this is crap a lot of times. And then when he steps up and defend it, we're like, Seth,
Like dude don't be a shill, you know, but like I said to a certain extent you have to Understand that this is a company that he works for This is a company that provides him the life that he has the livelihood that he has, you know, that sort of stuff so You know, it's kind of a double-edged sword, right? Like what do you do? You know and I feel like I feel like he's kind of like Vince and Triple H's puppet at the moment where they're just kind of like poking the bear and making him
like say thing, not making him say things, but kind of like getting him riled up to where he does say things that kind of come back and bite him in the ass as far as like, you know, popularity is concerned. Yeah. The same like, yeah. I think the company is kind of using him as their, their media mouthpiece a little bit and their feet, maybe feeding him some of this stuff. Here's what he said at appearance over the weekend. He said, when can somebody asked him at like a convention about Kenny Omega, like maybe having a dream match with him, whatever.
He said when Kenny's done playing in the minor leagues over there that he can come and work at the absolute top professional wrestling company in the world in front of the most people and make the most money and have the biggest matches, which is with me at WrestleMania. So I agree with everything he said. I mean, that's true. There's nothing false about what he's saying.
Yeah, I mean, calling AEW the minor leagues is maybe a little bit of a dig. But I mean, you can't say that AEW doesn't do the same shit to WWE on live television every week. For sure. So I don't see a problem. Jim Ross had a huge problem with this. I don't know if you saw it. He's got a bunch of shirts, like making fun of Seth Rollins, or basically using Seth Rollins' logos as his own shirts, and talked about how he wished he was over as his girlfriend is, and all this stuff. Do you guys listen to the Jim Ross podcast?
I have before, but it's not something I listen to religiously. I've had to stop because he's completely anti-WWE and they shit on everything and anything. Conrad basically throws softballs at him to get him to downplay the competition.
It's just, I don't know if you guys feel the same way, but I've been listening to it every single week and it's been getting worse and worse. I just want to hear more about wrestling pay-per-views and the attitude here. I don't want to hear about current day stuff from him, which is kind of annoying. I know that he obviously works for AEW, wants to support the company and all that kind of stuff. It is what it is.
We'll see. I mean, more and more people will see what they do with Seth Rollins here after the title reign. Now that he's on Raw with Brock as the champion, if they're going to run that back or what, but it's going to be interesting to see. Like you said, I think he's better as a heel. I would love to see him just snap on somebody and just turn a heel and go off and do his own thing.
Well he's got the perfect the perfect storytelling device right like he he carried and this is this is real like he carried Monday Night Raw on his back for I mean the last couple years right like being being the face of the company being the man all those things.
and you know for the fans to just like turn on him and you know because he addressed that on uh monday i believe he was just like you know i know you guys had a lot to say and you guys were happy that the fiend won and the crowd started cheering and he's like but i don't give a crap you know what i mean so he's kind of like already addressing like this like you know fan turn on him so yeah he's got the perfect the perfect storytelling advice just like like flip shit and turn heel
Yeah, I'd love to see it. We'll see what happens going forward, but I think he definitely needs a fresh coat of paint. As for what happened after Crown Jewel, so there was rumors and all kinds of stuff. Sheena and Marco have kept up with it a little bit better than I have, because I remember the initial rumors were
A lot of the wrestlers weren't able to leave Saudi Arabia for several hours, almost like a full day later, because of mechanical issues with the plane. The only people that were able to leave would be Vince and some of the higher up people. And then I think Hogan and Flair and Brock and Roman got out on a private jet. But there's, I guess, more to the story here than we know. What have you guys heard since this whole thing went down?
So the thing about this whole thing is, is we're never going to have like the whole truth. You know what I mean? I mean, maybe one day, I mean, because the superstars who were, who were speaking out, um, they don't even know the whole truth, right? Like they just know what they, what they saw and what they experienced. Um, but they also aren't just going to believe some BS story that they couldn't leave Saudi Arabia for, you know, a day and a half because of mechanical issues. You know what I mean? Like WWE is one of the biggest,
Companies in the world and they can't get a charter for these guys like out of this freaking volatile country You know what I mean? Like I just feel like this this whole thing was just like the communication and the lack of leadership is really what led to Like all of this just becoming like a much bigger issue, right? Like so the original story came out like oh my gosh, you know Superstars are stranded in Saudi Arabia. There's mechanical issues with the plane, you know They sat on the tarmac
For six hours like you guys like I I cannot I've flown from Hawaii to the mainland
a lot. Um, and let me just tell you, I don't even like to be on a plane for six hours when it's moving toward my destination, right? Like I can't imagine just sitting there in that like recycled air, like on the tarmac, not knowing what's going on in this foreign country. And then like be like told, Oh yeah, now you have to get off the plane. Like
That would be terrifying you know what I mean like I don't care who you are. You just start to feel like stranded right and that's exactly what happened with the superstars and then now. The story you know Dave Meltzer was reporting.
that, you know, um, there was money owed to WWE. So Vince had cut the stream. Um, you know, he wasn't going to show it in Saudi Arabia because you know, the, the Saudi government owed WWE millions and millions of dollars from previous shows and all of this stuff. Um, so all of this is coming out and everybody's like, Oh my God, well that makes so much sense, right? Like typically, like if, if it seems like it makes sense, like,
more than likely that's the logical answer. So I'm thinking like, yeah, this is it. Like, you know, they, they owe WWE money. Like now they're pissed off. This isn't going to work out. Like this is about to be a freaking bad situation.
Well, when all those rumors started coming out, guess what else comes out of an official announcement that WWE has expanded its partnership with Saudi Arabia? And now they're adding another mainstream show to their deal, right? So now they've like, they're not just going to do crown jewel, they're going to do crown jewel plus another show.
So insane. Like it just to me, like I'm like, that screams like propaganda. You know what I mean? Like to me, I'm just like, that is like, that is definitely in a direct response to all of this negative publicity that you're like, Oh no, no, no. Everything's fine. Look at us. We're best friends. We love each other so much that we're even going to give you more Saudi shows. You know what I mean? Like I, it just seems suspicious to me. What about you, Marco?
Yeah, he pretty much covered everything there. Yeah, all the stuff that's been coming out has been, like you said, it makes sense if, you know, it was like they were stuck on the Tarmac for six hours because it was like a gas issue or like they said there was like engine issues. And like we talked a lot earlier, we listened to the, I listened to the Corey Graves podcast and he spoke about his account and he said,
You know he he's not a pilot so he isn't under you know understand that it could have been those issues and he's like it's not what you hear on Twitter or read on Twitter or hearing like on all these podcasts and
You know, all that is bull crap Did you not feel like when that when you were when you were hearing these like superstar accounts the ones like defending it like Natalia was on I can't remember if she was on a podcast or what but she was I read that she was saying You know, I can only speak from my experience. Like I don't know like I'm just telling you what I saw Yeah, I'm like I'm like to me that that's like that's like a sketchy way to present something like if I if I felt if I felt
Convicted that like no this wasn't true like that it was truly mechanical issues i'll be like guys you guys are stupid it was totally mechanical issues it happens all the time you know i mean. But it just the way that the superstars were presenting their their sides of the story was very like polished feeling and very like.
Very vague to write like just kind of like well I can only speak from what I saw you know I don't know what so-and-so is gonna say but what I saw is because if it all comes out And it's all a lie. They don't want to be like caught in this lie like oh, well you said it was this right exactly Yeah, you cover yourself in that sense I mean he did a good I even said that to you guys after I listened to it I was like it's it sounds like it's pretty much BS when it comes to like
I'm going oh, I only know what I know and this is what I seen and this is what I experience Like but you were sitting with how many other people what did they experience? Yeah, you only experience that the thing like you talk to somebody yeah, and how can you judge other people's experiences like
If you're gonna say that you sat there and you got the plane in a foreign country and you were supposed to be like flying out of like that you weren't scared like i would be so scared you know i mean like not knowing what's going on knowing that the big here's the biggest issue the biggest thing that i have an issue with.
is Vince McMahon just like, peaced out. Like after the final match, like just peaced out. And I know Corey Graves defended this too. Corey Graves was like, oh, well, if you know anything about Vince McMahon, like as soon as the last bell rings, like he is out and he's to the next city. He has bigger things to worry about and he has to run WWE.
which i totally understand and respect like yeah if you're going from you know memphis to nashville like from raw to smackdown and you gotta like you're just gonna get your ass there and do what you gotta do that's cool but when you're flying like your your like entire company
From a foreign country like you need to make sure that they get off the ground Okay, and that everything is good to go like you're the leader like you're the freaking captain of the ship You know what I mean like it like imagine like if the captain of the Titanic was like alright guys taking this lifeboat peace Good luck. You know what I mean? It was just it was just it's such bullshit You know and like for him to defend that and just be like oh well That's just how Vince McMahon is
I felt like was, was just like such total and utter crap. And, um, I feel like as a leader, he could have communicated better. Um, and also how did he schedule that? Was he, is he, is he like lost his mind? He was like, Oh, we're going to have all these superstars in Saudi Arabia on Thursday.
And then we're going to fly them out to wherever the hell SmackDown was. I can't even remember. Like, and have them there on Friday. Ready, Billy? Yeah, I think it's Buffalo, I think. Buffalo. Oh, Buffalo, dude. Yeah, that's right. Almost. That's almost as bad as Saudi Arabia as far as the shittiness. That is very true. Oh, my gosh.
Sorry. Sorry to any of our Buffalo listeners. Don't listen. Don't listen. Don't listen to these guys. Um, but you know what I mean? Like that was just terrible scheduling. Like why wouldn't you have already had like a contingency plan just in case like something really did happen, like mechanical issues, you know what I mean? Or delays. Um, but then they had to panic and like bring an NXT, which ended up being great. But at the same time, like you picked and picked and choose like 20 people from Saudi Arabia, like, Oh, well, well these people are must have on,
Excuse me, on TV. So we're going to get them out. But the rest of you guys just hang tight and we'll get you out later. You know what I mean? I just feel like the whole thing was just lacking leadership and communication and was just a total cluster F, you know? He actually did mention Randy Orrin was there with them, too. He wasn't one of the people that actually left early. He was there with them. He was like, oh, why don't you ask Randy Orrin? He was there with us. But he just signed a five-year deal. So he's probably just like, I don't give a shit.
I'll hang out for six hours and I have to work. Yeah. Yeah. Randy Orton is not. He's not sweating if he's going to miss Smackdown. You know what I mean? Like he does not. He does not care at all. I don't care about Smackdown or whatever. But even Adam Cole, he even said his he that was even planned. The NXT thing like he said he he because he was on the show as well. And he said he got there like at like
Like a half hour before the show started. And then he had like an hour or so to prepare for the match with him and Daniel Bryan, which we'll talk about later on. But he said that even that whole day was a rush. So if they didn't make it there, they weren't even in Saudi Arabia. And he didn't make it on time. Yeah, exactly. I was expecting everyone to make it there, like he said, on time. That's pretty insane, just to think that way. But you would have to have a.
like an escape plan essentially to make it there on time, which he did and his people didn't.
Yeah, exactly. Well, I mean, you know, they were talking about like, oh, well, why didn't they just like people were getting, um, saying, well, what can you expect? And I'm like, yeah, of course, Vince has a private jet. You know, Hogan and flair had a, had their own private jet. Tyson fury gets perks from WWE because he's like one of the biggest superstars in the world. Um, so he got a private jet from them. Brock obviously is one of the biggest stars in WWE. So he got a private jet, but I'm like, I'm like, that's all well and good. But like at the same time, like if you like,
If this was happening like I get it like you maybe you don't charter private jets for everybody else but like you need to find a way to Get take care of your people. Do you know what I mean? Like if this was going down like you need to figure it out and like
Get them out of there and let them know what's going on because I mean they have families to get back to like they have things that they have to do You know what I mean? And people are like travel delays happen all the time even here in America, especially international travel blah blah blah blah I'm like yeah, but not every day are you flying in and out of a country where like I mean, you know not to get political but I mean like
People get killed, you know, on the regular, like you're in you're in a you're in a volatile country where it wouldn't be completely unheard of for you to just go missing or to be beheaded or something like that. You know what I mean? We saw that like the journalist that was over there. I mean, like, let's let's let's let's get really real for a second. Yeah. And talk about the realness of this shit because everybody's like, oh, well, why would they be scared? Like, uh,
I think it's obvious. You know what I mean? And they had a controversial match. You know, they had a w women wrestling, which, you know, WWE pushed for. I'm sure the Saudi government wasn't like, yeah, let's have women wrestle women wrestling in the ring together. Yeah. Do we throw stones at them? Yeah. So it's so it's yeah, exactly. It's so crazy because like, you know, it's not crazy to think that these people were upset when they really did like push the boundaries a little bit. And now all of a sudden,
It's like, oh yeah, you're not going anywhere. Like, uh, what? Excuse me? What do you mean? I'm not going anywhere. I'm, I'm, I'm afraid that this whole relationship with the Saudi Arabia thing is, is going to end, you know, worse than this. And I really, I really hope it doesn't, but, um, superstars. So they're never going, they're never going back. They're like, I'm not going. They've allowed like, I think Dana Bryan and John Cena said they don't want to go over there and they haven't, you know, they haven't been over there. So I think.
It's one of those things that if you want the payday, I know somebody like Braun Strowman making a million dollars for one match. Hey, it's hard to turn down some money like that. It's life changing. I mean, yeah, it's life changing money. But at the same time, now you know, now WWE has been exposed. If something goes wrong,
Like, are they going to be there to protect you and have your back? You know what I mean? How was my Saudi Arabia impression? It was terrible. It was terrible. It was pretty bad, but don't ever do that again. I'll work on it. Do you have any listeners from Saudi Arabia? Buffalo or Saudi Arabia listeners are both out.
We apologize Saudi Arabia. I treat my wife better than dog and it's just slightly better than that We do have to give props to You know the first one match being over there. We'd be reminiscing if we didn't I mean that was pretty cool to see and Yeah, it was really cool, and I
Yeah, you know, and it was a really cool moment for those two women to, despite what, you know, what we think and what the, you know, Saudi thinks or whatever. Like I'm glad that Natalia, I don't know if any of you guys watch total divas, but Natalia was like talking about on total divas, how she's always wanted to be a part of like one of the history making events. And like, she's never gotten to be a part of it. And so like, I felt good for her. Cause I was like, you know what? She finally got her moment where she got to be like part of WWE history, like the, like in a way. So I thought that was, I thought it was really good. I thought it was cool.
Yeah, I thought it was like a I thought I was kind of like the almost like the main event of that event me because It's the first time that's ever happened in that country is having two women compete Just like it I'm not sure if you guys seem like I know they're gonna cut to the crowd and she like crowd reactions of like like the little girls with the crowd the women and stuff like that and like it was it was really like I'm not gonna I think someone was like cutting onions around but yeah when that was happening, but uh, I'm not gonna say
Dropped any tears, but I'm gonna say that it was a it was a touching moment just seemed like I'm more like I said like the crowd reactions and stuff like that and like You know like people were like genuinely excited that they were seeing women actually Compete yeah that I think that was one of the definitely one of the best parts is just seeing those little girls and seeing like you know the older women and stuff like that and
just support just supporting it and just being so kind of just like drawn into what was going on um and just hopeful you know what i mean i i like i said i can imagine being a woman in a country like that so i you know just to be able to like see something like that and you know see hope and progress hopefully um you know i think it was definitely a feel-good moment
hopefully when our kids are our age they can look back and say like man it's crazy that you know that was like 2019 they still didn't have like what they wouldn't like you know I look back now like god like it would let black people sit on the bus like just register my mind that people were that stupid back then like you know that's the same thing will happen probably 30 years from now with with different stuff but it's just like
you know, some people just need to catch up and hopefully this is the first step toward that. So, you know, props, props to WWE from, I'm sure they had to push to make that happen. You know what I mean? Like, yeah, yeah. And risking like a big time relationship money wise with this country to, you know, well, I would even, why would Saudi Arabia wouldn't want that to happen? Obviously this is something that WWE wanted to have happen. So they can then look back and say, Hey, we know at least we're, at least we're doing this. At least we're trying to,
And they're right. If you're trying to make some sort of, that's the first step to, that's really what they can do. I mean, you can't do much else. You can't change the legislation there or tell the people that live there what to do, but you can give them something they've never seen before and just, oh, this is, what's the big deal about this? Two women can wrestle, just two men can wrestle, whatever. Who cares? Let's move on.
That was cool. And like I alluded to earlier, the crisis with Crown Jewel with the plan and everything led to an awesome episode of SmackDown where we saw NXT take over and basically run rough shot through every single match. And at the end of the show, most of the NXT roster in the ring was Triple H.
Man, it got me excited. I was so down on wrestling last week between all the crap that had happened and just wasn't excited. But between what happened at Crown Jewel and now this, with weaving NXT into these storylines, and that main event with Adam Cole and Daniel Bryan was just fired.
way they just did the whole show was just like sometimes the WWE can make the best products when they're like their back is up against the wall. And that's really what happened here. They had, they had nobody to go with on the show. So they just, I think like you, like Marco said, the, the NXT folks got there a half an hour before the show started. And, um, you know, it was, it was awesome.
Yeah, and it just also goes to show you what what giving the viewers a breath of fresh air can actually do for like the excitement and the ratings and things like that because like seeing these new matchups that we haven't seen before just seeing all like the seeing things that are unexpected was really really super cool and it also lets you know like
NXT is like it's legit. Like, you know, I know it's quote unquote developmental, but like these guys can hang with the main roster any day of the freaking week. You know what I mean? It's just like they're so uber talented that I feel like, you know, sometimes on the main roster, I feel like people can get complacent and, you know, they're just doing the same thing week in and week out. Well, you bring these like, you know, these hungry NXT people up and it really pushes the
the main roster talent to step their game up. You know what I mean? Yeah, I'm loving it. I mean, it was a little predictable when every single match was kind of interrupted or taken over by NXT person, but they had to do it because there was nobody else there. And I mean, we have some awesome matches. We'll get into Survivor Series, which is a little less than three weeks away.
We're getting Becky Lynch versus Bailey versus Shayna Baszler, which is awesome three all three champions in the in one match and then the Viking Raiders revival and undisputed era in a tag team match like I'm disappointed. They're not doing the Brock Lesnar
and with the Fiend. Adam Cole. But I think they have different, I think they're going to do something with the OC and Undisputed Era in a classic Survivor Series style match, which I would be happy with. But I'm even excited for Lesnar versus Mysterio. I love seeing like a David versus Goliath type of match. And those two kind of fit that bill pretty well. So I'm excited for Survivor Series a lot.
Yeah, I'm excited for Survivor Series. We're going to get some more awesome matchups as the card starts to shape up. But I am not as excited as you are about Brock versus Rey. I just don't care. No.
I just like, I literally just can't make myself get into it. I'm sure it'll be, it'll be good. Um, and I might like eat my words after the fact, but right now I'm just like this whole thing where he was like hunting down Ray and Ray beats him up with a chair and I'm just like, okay. Like, I don't know why it's just boring to me. Like I, it's definitely a smacked caliber match. Sorry to interrupt you.
No, you're okay. I just thought it would just be more interesting, way more interesting. Cause I even was listening to, um, I can't remember who mentioned it, but they were like, yeah, how cool would it be if like Finn beat Adam Cole, um, you know, and got the, got the title and then it was like Finn versus, uh, Brock versus the fiend. Like, you know what I mean? Like three like mega stars in there at the, at the same time. You know what I mean?
Our good buddy on Twitter, Peteopolis, you can follow him, Peteopolis on Twitter, asked a question. If you had a AW versus WWE five on five team at Survivor Series, what would your teams be? And I want to get your thoughts on mine. I went all NXT. I went Adam Cole, Finn Balor, Pete Dunn, Champa, Gargano against Jericho, Moxley, Swagger, Omega, and Cody. Jericho, Moxley, Swagger,
Omega and Cody. Yeah.
Um, I like everybody but swagger or hey, yeah, I know. I had to throw him in there just because, you know, he's got the WWE like tie ins, but I mean, I would rather have some like Scorpio sky or, or MJF or somebody in there, but, um, it'd be pretty fun, man, to see, you know, those two go at it. And I would love to see WWE and AEW have a relationship somewhere down the road. I don't think that's ever going to happen, but, uh, how kick ass would that be if they kind of like,
did like a charity show where like once a year they did like every match was WWE versus AEW and all the money went toward like you know kids cancer or something you know you wouldn't raise so much freaking money yeah that would be that would be super cool and it's definitely like one of those fantasy booking situations because yeah I can't I can't imagine a world in which that actually
actually happens, but it would be it would be super cool. But yeah, I totally agree. I mean, that's a fire survivor series team you built there for for NXT for sure. Let's get into a W, which is, you know, happening right now, like you mentioned, but last week on a W, we got new tag team champions. We had a lot of stuff going on as full gear is kind of approaching. What were your thoughts on a W? I completely missed it. I'm going to I'm going to watch tonight's episode a little bit later.
But, um, I haven't watched tonight's, but I was, I was totally out of, um, out of commission last week. Like you saw, I was catching up on everything late, so I didn't get to watch AEW last week. So I'm going to let Marco take over and let us know what, uh, kind of give us the rundown really quickly on AEW dynamite from last week. Like what were the, the couple of high points that took place?
Dang it, I knew it was going to be the AEW. You're the AEW correspondent, dude. Oh, Jesus, horrible. All right, no, no, I'm joking. No, we got to see the, we were both wrong, Sheena and I, on the victors of the inaugural AEW team champs. You guys laughed at me. We ate our words and we swallowed them with pride, I would say.
Yeah, that match was awesome. If you haven't seen it yet, definitely go back and watch that. Obviously Lucha Bros. As he mentioned, Scorpio Sky, he's one of my favorites as well. He's really awesome. I would be hard pressed if they didn't put the AEW title on that guy. Hopefully they do. I mean, he's amazing. He's really good. What else do we see?
Go over, oh, we see the contract side in between Cody and Chris Jericho. Have either one of you seen that? No, I heard it was really good, though. I heard it was. Was it, or was I a misfit? No, it was really good. Jeremy came out with the most obnoxious jacket on. It was like a. Pumpkins, right? Like. Pumpkins all over his sport coat. And he's like, the crowd's like chanting stuff, and he's telling them to shut up, let them talk. And he's like, it wasn't like they obviously, they have to like,
give a jab at WWE saying, this is like the other company where I'm going to flip over the table and we're going to fight and all that type of stuff. So they didn't really have to do that. It was actually a really good signing up until they actually said that. But what they did do was they made it so they added Dustin into the mix. So while he's doing the contract signing, the rest of the inner circle were outside beating the crap out of Dustin Rhodes.
And they actually it was it was like in a limo. So they actually put his arm like in the limo door. They like slammed a little door on it, like hurt his arm. And they're like miraculously for some reason. And JF comes running out of the frame like so like. So what I'm thinking is they're like this slowly. It's a slow build. It's a slow burn. But he's definitely turning at some point. I'm JF because he he seems to be just like after the thing happens, he shows up.
Yeah, there's no doubt yeah, there's no doubt. I love the slow burn though. I think I think they should I don't think they should rush it I really don't I think they should let this thing develop like like through at least the middle of next year like I think it should just be like one of those things that's like super shocking because I feel like with them just starting like TV and like all this stuff like they really need to establish this friendship and
and this loyalty between MJF and Cody so that when it does happen, it's legitimately shocking. Like it's like, it's like Seth turning on the shield level shocking. You know what I mean? Like I feel like if they, if they do it now, it's just going to kind of be like, Oh, well we thought MJF was kind of an asshole anyway. Like who wants to be friends with that guy? You know what I mean? But they, they really need to, they really need to like solidify this like partnership or something. And, you know, yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, exactly. Because I feel like if they do it too quickly, it's not going to have the impact that it could potentially have if they let it build up and do it down the road. Yeah, and we had a... Oh, go ahead. I was going to say, you like this slow burn, but I feel like we're so trained to have a pay-per-view every three weeks that I feel like this full gear pay-per-view has been like
I've been hearing about this Moxley Omega match for like a year now. And I know they were supposed to wrestle and Moxley had the MRSA thing, but I mean, it's good and bad at the same time. I've just kind of like, I don't know. I've just lost a little bit of interest in AEW. I mean, I've been watching it. I didn't watch it last week and I'm going to watch this week's episode after we've done recording here. I'm excited for full gear, but I don't know. It's just like losing a little bit of its like newness for me.
and I think it's mainly because like I can't watch Jimmy Havoc and Joey Janela or some iteration of those two wrestle like every single week like some of the matches on this car like Adam Page and Pac I've seen that before like you need to expand this roster a little bit because six months from now it's gonna be like
Who else is going to compete for this title? It's going to be interesting to see. I like a lot of things about AEW, but I think you need to envelop Ring of Honor or Impact or something and add a whole other roster to this and make it huge because the sky's the limit and I think people are ready for a change.
I don't know. I just haven't seen enough yet and it doesn't help that Rio is facing someone that's the same age as Trish Stratus who's been retired for fucking 16 years. Trish Stratus retired 16 years ago and she's the same age as the person that's getting a shot at Rio's belt. They've butchered the women's division. As well as they've done with the tag name division for AEW, I don't care at all about any of these women.
I think Britt Baker and B. Priestley is going to be a good match. Yeah, that will be a good match. But I think you did yourself a disservice by not having a bigger name as the first women's champion. And Riho, at 98 pounds or whatever she is, is not a believable champion for me. As much as I love her, I'm going to wrap the shirt on Saturday. Yeah.
Yeah. But do you feel like, do you feel like maybe we feel like that because we've been following along AEW even before it aired on television. So like we kind of have this like, um, like this leg up where we're like, well, we've seen a lot of these matches and like we've, we've seen this before and it's getting a little stale versus like the people who are just now learning about AEW and just now learning tuning in on TNT. Like maybe they didn't watch, you know, fight for the fallen or all in or all out or,
You know what I mean like they they haven't seen those things so it's to us we're like Jesus Christ like we've seen the same like 10 people Rotated in and out of these matches, but the the people who are just now like mainstream Viewership they're like oh wow like I've never seen these people before this is awesome. You know yeah, I think the other thing too with the women's Division part of it is where we've been spoiled with oh yeah, we're possibly like the greatest like
Like there's no doubt that WWE is like the greatest women's talent across like Ross, SmackDown, NXT, NXT UK. Like there's no debating that. I mean, if you want to go on Twitter and say otherwise and pick some like random person, we don't know that advice our matches somewhere. Yeah. Yeah. Other than that, you can't deny that. I think it's, I think we're trying to like compare the two divisions and they're not anywhere near.
The talent pool that the women's division is they do have talented women there. Like you said, yeah, not brandy roads, but they have a talented women's division.
But WWE has been grooming their women's division for the past five years in a way that other companies are just not doing. You know what I mean? With the start of Charlotte and Sasha Banks and all of those women that just came up through NXT onto the main roster and Becky Lynch and all of that.
there's just no comparison like you just can't like the level of athleticism and like what what wwe has now and ray rippley and tony storm and all these other chicks that are just like like all the freaking nxt chicks right like bianca belair like it's just it's it's insane right like it's gonna take a long time before any other promotion has the has the level of um
the level of talent that WWE has in its women division. I think if you did a five on five on five women's match with on Survivor Series, the talent you could have in there just for the women's match with the people that are not in the women's title match. I mean, you have Sasha and Charlotte and all the chicks from NXT. If they're in the war games match, Asuka, I mean, it would be like a dream match.
I think the sky's the limit with this Survivor Series. I haven't been this excited for a pay-per-view in a long, long time, so we'll see where all that goes. Do we want to run down full gear? I already conceded the loss to Sheena for the title. I don't think I got any matches right on Crown Jewel.
check I think you did know you both got you with the ones you got right you both got right that's right she just edged you out with the Hogan flair match I got the shorty G match right
Yeah. Um, you know, yeah, we can, we can run down real quick. So what the matches that we have established. So this is, this is on Friday or Saturday. Yeah, Saturday. I will be there in the house. And we were drinking at three 30 at the Pratt street ale house. If you want to drink and have some beers and eat some unhealthy appetizers with your boy before the show, I will be there. Uh, nothing, nothing too crazy, nothing formal, just, uh,
You know, some dudes hanging out. I think it's like a block or two from the arena, so you won't get too winded walking. You know, it's big dude season, but you won't get too winded walking to the arena. But I'm pretty pumped for this, and it's going to be fun. We can run down the card here. Why don't we do it? Should we do an AEW prediction title champion, too, and see if we can be Sheena two belts?
Yeah. Oh, I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready to be shooting the two belts. You know, you know, I'm game. OK. All right. All right. So let's start. We'll start the topic at Moxley. John Moxley versus Kenny Omega. I'm going with I'm going with Moxley on this one. I think I think he's going over.
Wow. I was going to say Omega. Wow. This is, don't forget, this is not sanctioned. There's no sanctions on this match. There are absolutely no sanctions. Yeah. Well, I feel like in an unsanctioned match, unsanctioned match, Jon Moxley has the upper hand. Like this is like his wheelhouse. You know what I mean? Like just told with sanctions, but the unsanctioned matches he does. Yeah. He's not very sanctionable. Um, next we have, okay. So Marco, you taking all this down?
the the
Good problem. I watched. Oh, well that changes that kind of changes everything. I don't know Well, I don't know because they also have don't they also have the stipulation if this man Is this the match that if it goes for 30 minutes an hour? Christ
With eight matches already announced and you don't even have some of your big names on this card Like where's MJF and some of these other guys? I don't know. I mean, I don't know how they're gonna go So why even add that stipulation? They made a big deal about it and there's gonna be a three person challenge
it was it was an official announcement like pinned to the top of the facebook page like hello we're gonna have judges um but yeah uh so chris jericho versus cody man that really makes me rethink because i was definitely just gonna say automatically chris jericho but if i mean i can't see cody not challenging for the aw world championship ever again
So what do you, wait, wait, do you get to pick first or me? I'll let, I'll let you pick first. It's okay. I'm saying, I'm saying Jericho.
Jericho keeps the, I'm saying Jericho keeps the belt. Let's, let's do that because this is going to be wonky as shit this match. I guarantee it. Yeah, true. Because the inner circle is going to get involved. Like there has to be like, and Jericho is just too good. He has to have a successful title defense. Like the man is just like, he's just freaking fire, um, right now. So yeah, I'm going with Jericho too.
So let's do a point for every match, but let's also try to predict who these three judges are going to be. And you get a point for each pick. Who the judges are going to be? Yeah, there's three judges. I don't know if they're even going to be just normal people or what. Has there been any press release on who, like what kind of people these are going to be, Marco? Like whether they're going to be superstars or like, you know,
I haven't even mentioned anything about it. So I'm gonna say maybe DDP. I was thinking that too. That's a good one. That's a good one. As one, what about you? I'll say Telly Blanchard. Hmm. Okay. Um, I would have to say
What about Brandy? Since she's like, you know, she's the chief branding officer, you know, like she, you know, they're going to throw a chicken there. What about I'll say Tony Khan. I'll go Tony Khan. Oh, wow. Yeah. FaceTime. OK, OK. You got one more. And my last one, I'm going to go with. Maybe.
Jim Ross. I was going to say, don't say awesome Kong. I'm going to say, I'm going to say Christopher Daniels. Okay. All right. I just pulled that out of my ass.
Oh, all right. So that match has a lot of points weighing on it. So we'll see how that goes. How about let's do another point. Does MJF turn on Cody on this night? No. I would make a prediction and say yes, but you don't have to use mine at all. I'm going to say no, too. But Marco's prediction has me interested. Just because of the fact that I'm out. No, Marco's the official correspondent. I'm like, oh, wait.
The whole I'll never face. I'll never have a title shot again thing. Well, I think that kind of like, I don't know, it tells me something might happen. Motivate MJF because he's like, OK, well, if I don't have to face Cody. Yeah, that's perfect. I know the whole thing would be like, oh, I did it. I did it. So we'll never have to face each other. We're still best friends. That type of thing. I don't want to sway your ear. I'm still going with no, I'm still going with a slow burn.
All right. Yeah, it would be a mistake if they do it, but that would make sense if they do do it on Saturday. Yeah. Um, okay. Let's go young bucks versus, uh, Santana and Ortiz proud and proud in something. What are they proud in Puerto Rican or something? Or what's their name? It's proud and something. Uh, it's proud and let me get the right names. I don't want, uh, it actually just says Santana and tease on what I'm looking at.
I know, but we're all looking at Wikipedia. Come on, let's not look at ourselves. Isn't it like Proud and Pride or something like that? That would be awful. Proud and Pride? Who cares? Who cares? Whatever it is, if it starts with Proud, it's lame. PNP. We'll call them PNP. Oh, that sounds good.
It's lame. I just rather it be Santana and Ortiz. I'm going to go with, um, I'm going to go with the Bucks on this one. They kind of, they've kind of been laying down a little bit. So I think, I think they're going to like really show out, uh, on this show. So I'm going with the Bucks over Santana and Ortiz. I'm going bucks too. I think, yeah, I think this is going to be their, their kind of coming out party as far as big time matches. And they'll be competing for their super kick party. Yeah. They can be competing for the world tank team titles on the next pay per view.
Yep. What about Paige versus Pac? Hey man, page here. Hey man. Uh, I'm going to go hangman page. Um, he's going to get on the, on the winning side of things here.
I think I'm going to go with. It's a pop pack pack. I think I don't know. I think I say it different every time I go pack or pop. I don't care. It's lame. It is a stupid. It is a stupid name. Yeah. Like, come on. He's the bastard. I like that. Just the bastard. That would be cool. The bastard. Yeah. Yeah.
That would be that would be much better. Be priestly versus Britt Baker. I think this is Britt Baker's time to shine. I think she's gonna I think she's coming out on top. Yeah. Be priestly is going back to Hot Topic after this one. I'm going to say Britt Baker DDS too. Let's go with Reho versus Amy Sakura. This better be a sweep. You know my girl Reho is going over Amy Sakura.
I gotta go with, I gotta go with Riho too, so. I'm not trying to be rude here. Is Emi Zakura, I can't tell if she's the girl that dresses up like, I think she's the one that dresses up like the dude from Queen, but I can't tell.
She wore a mustache to the ring one time, a double or nothing with the outfit.
Oh, that must be so far in the rear that I have blocked that out of my memory. Yeah. Remember when Awesome Kong and the other chick was like a big thing and they totally just went away. What was that? She hasn't been on anything in like months.
She's just a friend of mine and she's going to be there to defend me. She can come and go as she pleases. I'll call in favors as we need her and stuff like that. I think she's doing other things. Yeah, she's been on GLOW. Hey, it's a great show. Hey, listen. You got a Netflix deal. You got that Netflix money.
You don't need to be on AEW, you know what I mean? I am so ready for this Disney thing next week on the 12th. I cannot be more excited. I imagine, Phil, have you guys seen the meme where it's like, you know, what are your plans for November 12th or whatever the day the Disney Plus thing launches? It's like it's like a guy and he's like he's like pointing at the Disney Plus on the TV, pointing at snacks and then pointing at the bed.
That's I just imagine Phil in that meme. It's just going to be great. It's just like I can't find anything to watch on Netflix for the last like three weeks. It's been awful.
Well, that's why you need HBO Go. I know we're going on a tangent here. Remember you said you didn't know there were any good show. There were no good shows on HBO. And I was just like, what the hell are you? I'm sticking by that. There's nothing. If you stick by that, I'm finding a new co-host. Oh, my God. Oh, man. I love HBO shows. It's not TV, right? It's HBO. Yeah, it's HBO, right? It's not TV. No, it's actually good.
You don't like Westworld? Have you watched Westworld at all? I've heard of it. That's not on right now. There's nothing... It doesn't matter. We have HBO. What do you think on demand? Yeah, Westworld's great. Yeah, that's a little confusing. HBO has some of the best television that there is right now. Ballers. Ballers.
And they have all the classic shows. Six in the city, freaking six feet under, freaking sopranos. Get the f out of here. If you can't find something to watch on HBO Go, then you need to really reevaluate what you find entertaining. I've seen a lot of those shows, and I don't think any of the new shows have been up to snuff as far as what they've put out in the past. I'm interested with the Watchmen show. I haven't watched that yet.
Oh, see, that one actually seems like it's a little bit too over my head. I'm like, that seems so heavy. I'm more in the house hunters type of mindset right now. I don't need people with masks killing each other. A whole other world of canon of characters and people to remember.
and stuff. Whatever. Everything that Danny McBride's ever done is on HBO. That's all you ever freaking need to know, right? His whole, his whole freaking career repertoire is like, yeah, maybe I'll just start eastbound and down from the beginning again. Cause that's the kind of show I'm like, yeah, I mean that's, I can't get into like,
Some of the dramas, like my attention span is so bad lately, I am like just a dumb idiot. But I can get into that and Vice Principles I love. Vice Principles, The Righteous Gemstones is the new one. I can't get out. That show is not funny to me. I watched a couple episodes.
True Detective.

Favorite TV Shows and Finding New Content

True Detective is great. True Detective is good. Curb, Curb Enthusiasm is my favorite show on there. Yeah, that is a good show. I've seen all these shows though. I just need something new. I just feel like their new stuff hasn't been great. But let's get back on topic. Let's get back to something that's not as entertaining as

AEW Tag Team Match Predictions

HBO. Yeah.
Actually, this match I didn't know was even on the car, but SCU, Lucha Bros, and Private Party in a three-way match for the AEW World title, tag team title. This might be the most suicide dives in one fucking match, but these six people, no one loves suicide dives more than these motherfuckers. Oh my God. Jesus Christ.
I'm going with SoCal Uncensored to retain in this match. Okay, I'm gonna go... Man, it's tough. We can't have new champs yet. I'm gonna go SoCal Uncensored. Alright.

Joey Janela vs. Sean Spears Predictions

Such a 90 and Joey Janela versus Sean Spears. Yeah. We, we, we really ended with the, one of the best matches on the car. What the hell was that? Okay. I'm going Joey Janela. I don't think Sean Spears is ever going to win a match in AW. He's just, I'm going, I'm going with Sean Spears. Really? Wow. Okay. Yeah. Perfect. 10. Joey Janela has to win at some point. I mean, I've never seen the guy win a, win a match before. So.
Because he doesn't need to win. He just he just likes to fight. Yeah. Like, you know, like I don't know when. Yeah. Winning isn't even in his like he's he doesn't care. He's just like, hey, I just want to get out here and like kick some ass. So I'm going with Sean Spears because winning actually does matter to him. OK. I think you guys may have to do like for the three way. You might have to add some points if you get a both pick as you may have to.
Yeah, I think I'm going to order it just because I'm not doing anything on Saturday night. I have a dad. I don't go out to clubs there. Yeah, we'll be watching. We'll be watching, too. But I don't see myself counting. I'll just hold my phone up so you guys can watch. I'll put it on the Facebook page. On the Facebook? Just go live in there? Yeah, you guys can just watch. They won't kick me out, I'm sure. I'm going to say 45.
decide on how many suicide dyes.
45? Yes, 45. That's all they're gonna do. That's one of the stipulations. The only move they can do is suicide dives. Oh my god. I mean, that's an average of almost eight suicide dives a person. Well, the Lucha Bros. Come on, the Lucha Bros. Do that in a five minute match.
No. Are we, are we counting the suicide dive is between the ropes and also over the ropes, right? Yeah. I think it's good. Okay. Yeah. I think, I think any, I think any diving to the outside of the ring, suicide or homicide dive. Yeah. Um, I'm going to go with, uh, 18. Okay. You're probably going to win this one. I well overshot this. So are doing prices, right? Rules. So if it's like 19 that you don't, you don't win.
Yeah. If it's over, then I, then I'm blessed. So yeah, I'll give it to you. All right. Nice. All right. I'll be, I'll be counting from my seats. I'm going to be, I'm going to be looking for Phil in the audience. He's going to have like little poster board signs of like suicide dives every time. Like, you know how they used to do with Brock with the suplexes? Like it would hold up the signs. Like that's going to be whenever a pitcher gets like a strikeout, you know, you put a little, counting the suicide dives.

WWE Raw and NXT Impact

All right. Is that everything that happened inside the ring? I mean, we've only been talking about inside the ring for like an hour or so. That is everything. Oh, my Jesus Christ. We haven't even talked about raw. OK, let me just pick. Let's just pick the top. Our top one takeaway from raw because we got to move on because we got some hell of freaking figure news happening. Let me find out. Can you find my Rano's? What the hell happened on raw? Phil?
Big show, married Mae Young. Oh my god, not like, Brock in this decade. Oh, okay. I don't know. I didn't even watch this, honestly, last time. No, I know that Brock came back and debuted. I know that Seth had a big announcement that he didn't know what he wanted to do.
now that he has to kind of start from square one and yeah he went he went back and talked to Triple H and was like you know Triple H came out and like you know got him all riled up and told him and brought the undisputed era out and was like you know you're either with me or against me which I thought was kind of weird I'm like this is weird like I feel like Triple H is like
I don't know he's like playing this like God role for for NXT. And I know it's his baby, but it was just kind of like, I don't know. I love it. I think it's great to have like a mouthpiece for NXT and that gives them more. It gives them more legitimacy on Raw and SmackDown, whereas the people that may not watch.
NXT, I'm sure that the ratings for NXT this week are gonna be way up with what they've been doing. Yeah, that's the one thing I was gonna mention is that how awesome it was. I know all this kind of stuff. I don't know if they had what the plans were to bring NXT into the Survivor Series fold eventually or whatever. But if nothing else, this got so much free promotion for NXT for them to get more eyes on the product on Wednesday night. So it was just a win in that way.
Oh, but what I was going to say, one of the best things to happen on raw was the Becky Lynch, Shayna Baszler backstage. It was so good. I mean, I don't know how long you've been, you know, tracking Becky, but like.
Her promos have like gotten so much better.

Daniel Bryan vs. Adam Cole Match Praise

I mean think about back when she was like when she was like PCB and she was like weird awkward Becky with like Paige and Charlotte and you know all those things and like cutting those weird jokey promos like she has just gotten so much better and like the intensity and the ferocity and like I mean like you legitimately feel like she's a freaking
champion. You know what I mean? And same with Shana. Shana did a really awesome job. You know, I know she's not known for like her mic skills, but like she held her own in this in this space off with Becky backstage and it was just amazing. I loved it.
Yeah, I think that they're doing a good job. And I think, I mean, the best thing they did with this NXT kind of crossover is now you're, it's just a whole new group of storylines here. I think you have more people that you can throw into things. And I think I saw that the OC invaded NXT tonight. So we'll talk about that tomorrow on the Facebook page.
Yeah, I mean, it's it's been it's been awesome to see. And I want to go back and watch Seth Rollins versus Adam Cole because Adam Cole, Dana O'Brien match was really good. How was that, Seth Rollins, Adam Cole match? It wasn't wasn't as good. It's good. I don't don't kill me, Shana. It wasn't. I thought it was good. Yeah. Yeah. And I didn't like that. I mean, the finish because it was like a DQ finish. Yeah, it was. It was a big brawl. Yeah.
The SmackDown match I think was way better. Mainly because that was the first time ever Adam Cole actually said this. That was the first time they've ever stepped in the ring with each other. Daniel Bryan and Adam Cole. He said they've always crossed paths when they were in the Indies. Never had a match that night. Whatever, but that match on Friday Night SmackDown was the first time you've ever seen them two in a ring.
So usually when you see Michael Cole go, oh, it's the first time Shinsuke Nakamura and AJ Styles do battle, New Japan will throw up on their YouTube. Hey, here's five matches that they had with us. You can't do that anywhere with the Adam Cole, Daniel Bryan match. And then just Daniel Bryan actually putting over Adam Cole and taking the L. I think that was really huge.
Seth was doing that for Adam Cole, but I don't want to like do can't like pull the curtains back or go fourth wall. But I really don't think that was in the cards for Seth Rollins to lay down for Adam Cole at all. So a DQ finish is probably going to happen.
I give you, yeah, you're definitely, I think that the Adam Cole, Daniel Bryan match was overall like technically better, just like more entertaining and stuff like that. I did, I like that it had like an actual finish versus like this, you know, Schmazzy DQ finish, but yeah, it was still good. I mean, you can't put Seth Rollins and Adam Cole in a ring together and not like, you know, produce some sort of magic, but yeah, I do think that Daniel Bryan, Adam Cole bout was a little bit better.

Wrestling Figure Collecting and Purchases

All right, so that was inside the squared circle. Let's take a quick break. We'll be right back with our favorite segment, which is brought to you in part by Ringside Collectibles. It's our Go Figure segment. Hey, this is ROH star, the man-eater Maria Manik, and you are listening to the Chick Foley show. Not the first, just the best. Here comes the money. Here we go. Money.
Alright, the Major Brothers have their weekly purchases. We have our Go Figure segment and we have a lot to talk about between purchases and some news from Ringside Collectibles who are our sponsor we need to get to real quick. Our sponsor Ringside Collectibles you can use code CHICKFOLY for 10% off your order at checkout and save yourself some nice coin.
They have a huge sale coming up the day after Thanksgiving for their Black Friday sale. There's a bunch of pre-orders right now for some new figures, and I'm sure some of the stuff that we'll talk about today will be getting dropped in the next month or so. So a bunch of cool stuff at Ringside Collectibles. Check them out there. It's Ringside Collectibles. It's is the easiest way to get there. Weekly purchases. I'm going to start real quick.
I received a... I did a little trade ski, guys. We talked about this. I did a trade ski for... I had an actual Liv Morgan that I sent out for a Page Elite Target exclusive, I guess it's called.
So I picked that up. That's been on my wish list. And I still haven't seen those around here. Those are shipping with Elite 71, I believe. So I picked that up, and I'm glad to get that. I just got in the mail from Amazon the Nikki Bella Elite with the Chase with the red outfit, which I've added to my ladies collection. And I think that's about it.
I have something in the works for another figure that I won't get into now. I don't want to mess the deal up. But yeah, I mean, some of these some of these elites are hitting some stores now. I know everyone's kind of found the Brisco elite at Walmart. Everyone's found the Ghostbusters. But now Target is getting in the game with these these two new ones, Cassius Ohno and Paige, which are both highly sought after. So
Oh, I did pick up the Pink Pants Dolph Ziggler Chase figure from Elite 70, so I got that as well. So a pretty good week. I have the shells filled here in the Fig Cave, which my wife isn't super excited about.
You know, I've limited myself. I have like five shelves, IKEA shelves mounted on the walls, like floating shelves. And I'm just going to say this is my spot for figures. This is what I'm going to use. If I get something new, something's got to go. Right. We'll be spilling over into other areas of the house. I say that now, but we'll see. You'll be like, can we hang these figures from the Christmas tree?
Turn him into ornaments to get them displayed Yeah, so I had weekly purchases for me. I pre-ordered I don't have anything in hand yet, but I did order from big bad toy store The other set of gremlins so it said last week Marco so graciously picked up the gremlins the neck of gremlins to pack for me the holiday gremlins with like, you know the little boggins and like scarves and whatnot well the second set has like little caroling and
And they have ear muffs like they're super, super cute. I know they're not wrestling figures, but, um, like I just, I just love the freaking gremlins. And I also picked up ultimate stripe while I was there, which is also a gremlin because I have this like vision in my mind to do like this amazing Christmas display with all of like my Christmas gremlins. Um, so stay, stay tuned for that. I ordered both of those from big bad toy store and I also pre-ordered.
Um, the Luchabros figures, uh, from big, yeah, from big bad toy store. Um, they, it was awesome because, you know, you don't have to pay till they come in. You can cancel your pre-order if you want. Um, but I, I, those figures are going to be so sick and I don't anticipate getting them for. I mean, months, I think they're still in production, but, um, I went ahead and put down the pre-order on those. And then, oh, let me tell you.
This is what happens when you pull the trigger too early folks. Um, I pre-ordered the Jushin thunder Liger storm collectibles figure from storm storm directly from storm collectibles, um, paid international shipping, which was like, no.
was stupid. Yeah. But I was just like, I was like, Oh my God. I didn't know if rings, I was going to get them. And I was like, I'm definitely not going to miss out. Cause this was the figure that I knew that, you know, Seth wanted that like, it's just bad-ass. And I was like, we got to add this to the collection. Um, so I ordered it and then literally the next day, Phil,
ringside posts that they have it in stock. So not only could I have used my 10% off code, like they also had free shipping, so I could have used either or, right, to save and not paid international shipping. And I emailed Storm Collectibles to try to get my pre-order canceled. No, Mike Lanham.
as in the same boat as me because he pulled the trigger like the same time as I did. And- Impatient, mow the focus. Ah, man. Well, I mean, like I said, just, I was like, son of a bitch. Yeah, how would you know? I mean, ringside doesn't always carry that kind of stuff, but it is cool, like, you know, they're branching away from just Mattel stuff, which is good. Yeah. I mean, and they have Storm. I mean, they've got the Hogan, you know, but I mean, I just wasn't for sure that they were going to have the Jushin Thunder Liger.
And I was like, oh my God, what if they stop selling the pre-orders or whatever and pull the trigger. And I even told Ted, I was like, hey, they're up for pre-order. I had messaged him and he was like, order it. So I'm like, listen, that was on YouTube. But I tried to cancel it. I haven't heard back anything from them. I emailed them. I DM them on Instagram and stuff. And I don't know if they just don't have a customer service. They don't have a phone number you can call or anything like that.
it's just literally an email address so I don't really know how otherwise to contact them but if you're if you're listening to this don't order from storm collectibles not because they're a bad company but because like ringside is like literally gonna like save you a lot more money um and you'll get your figure probably quicker than than even I do so
Anyway, um, I re I preordered that. And then when I got home today, I went and checked our mail because I had our mail held because we were going to be gone for two weeks. And I had some amazing care packages from our homie speaking of ringside collectibles over there. Yeah. So we got, um, elite 72, which was, which is, um, you know, buddy Murphy, Becky Lynch, Roderick Strong, go with teen dream.
Ray Mysterio and Batista, um, as well as the, uh, WrestleMania. Elite. So, you know,

Vintage VHS Tapes and Display Plans

yeah. So the, you know, cactus Jack, the, the Kofi, uh, Matt Hardy and Booker T that comes with the build a figure Danny Davis.
And to top it all off, speaking of our friends over at Storm Collectibles, we got the Hogan three-pack. Oh, wow. Yeah. So, dude, I'm going to be doing tons of pictures and live unboxings on IG Live. So make sure you tune into that. You can turn on notifications if you're into that sort of thing. But I'll be posting those IG Live videos on our YouTube as well.
so stay tuned for that but yeah dude it was just it was a good figure haul week because like I said the only thing I picked up in Kentucky was that was the Briscoe fig which was that which was a killer get but you know that was that was all I picked up over the last couple weeks
Very nice. Got to love that ringside collectibles coming through there, man. It's always fun when you go away and you come back and there's a bunch of stuff just waiting for you. I do want to give a shout out to the person that traded me the page lead. He is on Twitter at AJ underscore autograph. And he had an extra page that he sent me for the Liv Morgan. So I appreciate it and good time. It's the best part about the fake community is kind of like,
You have this, I have this, let's make a trade. You know, it saves you from having to like, you know, I don't know if you've seen on eBay or Mercury or any of those websites, but some of these elites are going for like a hundred bucks. Like the cash is so knows like $120 on eBay. It's just insane that people are paying these prices, but you know, people want to pay it. You know, I'm sure people just don't have patience. So, so whatever. Like, like me paying $30 for international shipping. So Storm Factables is an overseas company. I didn't know that.
Yeah, they are. I don't know if these figures are coming from Hong Kong or the UK. I can't remember where they're. Let me look and see real quick where they're where they're located. But yeah, it's definitely international international international international. It's in Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Yeah. Yeah. So.
Yeah, that figure's coming a long way. So I was willing to pay it because like I said, I thought it was gonna just be only limited to Storm Collectibles release, but I should have known better. So like I said, don't make the same mistake I did, order from our friends over at Ringside Collectibles.
Got to, yeah. I also went to a vintage store and bought some, spent way too much money. I bought a VHS copy of Hulkamania Forever, still in the packaging for $10. Do you even have a VCR? No, no, I'm gonna put all these in like a shadow box up on the wall.
I got that and I got an old school VHS of WrestleMania 8. This is the first WrestleMania I really remember watching. I didn't watch it live, but I watched it over a friend's house and that's how I got into wrestling. And then by WrestleMania 9, I was deep into wrestling and was watching everything.
as a kid so but WrestleMania 8 with you know Sid Justice versus Hogan you had Macho versus Flair a great a great event and I picked those those two up for my collection I it's good it's getting crazy over here I got so many VHS's it's like
I would love to see if some of these work, but I want to keep them on the case and put them in like a frame and have like all the rest. You know, I'd have like every paper view from 40 from 94, 95 and 96, except for a couple. So that's going to go put in there. Hopefully I'll get that frame for like Christmas or something and put that up here on the wall in the fig cave. And that'd be pretty cool. All the all the boxes are still like they're worn a little bit, but they don't have, you know, they're not like damaged or not like blockbuster stickers all over them. So.
They all have pretty cool poster art on the front of them, so that was another part of my weekly purchases.
Yeah, we'll see. Next week is my birthday, so I'm sure I'll be getting some figures or some money toward

Holiday Toy Drive Announcement

figures. I actually put the question out on Twitter because I got a eBay gift card for my birthday from the in-laws, and I just posted the question on Twitter. Like, if you were to get a $100 eBay gift card, what would be the first figure that you would get? I think Marco chimed in and said, you said that with the Jax Classic Superstars two pack with the Warrior and Hogan, Marco?
Oh, of course. Yeah, definitely. Press media six. Those are great figures there. I like that answer a lot. I still haven't decided what I want to do with mine. I'm debating about some of the defining moments figures or getting that Carmella fan central and a couple other things. So we'll see. It's nice to have that burning hole in my pocket. And eBay is like a slippery slope. I'm sure anyone listening probably knows. But yeah, what about you, Mark? Do you have any purchases this week?
Nothing too crazy. I've pretty much given up on the all my local targets and Walmarts are just not cooperating with the new stuff at all I just walk in and there's like Elite 65 and like shower flares so like showing up on the shows. I'm like, alright, I'm done with this But uh, so I put my focus on what I spoke about I think a couple weeks ago about the NECA Karate Kid non-related so nice
grab that pack. Then I did the the pre-orders for the for Jushin Thunder Liger as well as the Lucha Bros. But the reason why you guys actually try to cancel the orders is because I posted that in the Facebook group.
I actually, I was the one that brought it to attention. I was like, Hey guys, uh, Marco, Marco was the messenger. I was like, Oh my God. Yeah. Yeah. Michael and ring side collectible. I was like, Oh man, I can't believe they actually, cause I seen they posted that. Oh, we just pre-ordered this. We just pre-ordered that. And I just happened to go on Twitter and Twitter announced that they, they were like, Oh, we're going to be selling the Jewish and thunder lag. And I was like,
Oh boy, they're gonna be pretty upset they paid $500 for shipping across these. I was like, should I post this to them? And I was like, yeah, you know what? I was like, let's do it anyway.
You got to do it for the other people so they don't make the same mistakes. Like I said, it was 30 bucks. It's not going to kill me. But at the same time, I don't even like to pay any shipping on anything. I'm one of those people that I'm like, if it's like, hey, it's $30 of free shipping, or it's $25 of $5 shipping, I'm like, $30 of free shipping. Yeah, that's me. Yeah, let alone something that you're not going to have in your hands for God knows how long. You don't want to pay that much for it. But yeah, so did those. And that's pretty much it.
just shopping around. I did speak to Phil about possibly acquiring the Briscoe and Sonya Deville because they are not going to show up in that area. I'm super convinced that's not happening.
I'm keeping my eyes out. I know there are a few people in our group that are still looking for Briscoe, so I'm checking the Walmarts and the Targets as I'm going through, and I actually visited a badass new ... I don't know if it's new, but I've never been to this Target. It's like the nicest Target that I've been to since I've lived in Virginia, so I'm definitely going to be checking that place out periodically, so I'll keep you guys posted.
Marco well, I have some bad news. I told you I have an announcement on the show here I know that I talked about selling you those that Sonya Deville and Brisco leads, but I'm not gonna be able to sell those to you anymore Yeah, because I'm gonna send those to you
at no cost to you because you're such an awesome person and you've been a great help on the show as the intern extraordinaire. So those are coming to you. Those are going in the mail on Friday and those are coming pro bono, brother. I love you, man. Oh, nice. Thank you very much, man. You didn't have to do that at all. I know. Come on. Who's cutting onions over here? Yeah. I'm all by myself with this.
Seems like there's onions all over the place, like serrated. And you've helped me and Sheena out with a lot of stuff as far as finding figures. So, you know, it's the least we can do, literally. And all the things you do for the show, like I said, the life has been so crazy with me, you know, with Seth being gone and solo parenting and trying to keep up on everything. But I can always count on the MVP to be like, OK, this is what's going on. This is how, you know, send me the link. Send me the video.
So yeah, you deserve it, dude. I do want to touch on if you are out and about, if you're buying figures, if you have some of the extra that you don't want that you're going to get rid of, if you find some good deals from between now and Christmas, we are doing our holiday toy

New WWE Figures Revealed

drive. This is the first time we've ever done this.
and then
Quite a bit on their podcast every single week, so we appreciate them spreading the word. It's Chick Foley Toy Drive, P.O. Box 3203, Catonsville, Maryland, 21228. And if you want to get our PayPal and just send us money, we will buy something for you so you can save on any kind of shipping costs. We can do that too. And not having to go to the post office.
Yes, yes, I tweeted about that the other or put it on Facebook the other day That is the my least favorite part of finding figures for people because it's always a bunch of stinky old people that don't know how to you know mail something and I get caught like a line of like five or six people at the post office the worst thing ever but I
We're doing this through Toys for Tots and our friends at Jimmy's Famous Seafood. They do a big holiday event where they collect toys for the kids here in Baltimore, so it doesn't have to be wrestling figures. Obviously, that's what our podcast is about, so that would make the most sense, but I'm a parent of a four-year-old. We have a bunch of old toys that he's never opened or played with.
and I'm sure I'm going to donate some of those as well. If you have anything like that, feel free to throw it in the box. Anything is accepted, and we appreciate anything and everything. Everyone who donates Sheena, we're going to put their name in a list, and we're going to do a big giveaway at the end of the year for some cool stuff for one of our random donation people, I guess you can call it. So cool giveaway. And I think we're just touching the iceberg, I think, in the next month or so. People will be sending a bunch of stuff. And I'm going to open up every single package. Yeah, what's the cutoff?
what's the cutoff for um donations because i know it's when when is jimmy's uh famously food doing their actual event because it everything will need to be received by that time so yeah i would say that you know between like the 10th and the 13th is the best time to get it here in december is like the latest you want to get it to us but if you order stuff like around black friday the end of february end of november sorry i think it'll get here just in time so cool you'll be fine but uh
Yeah, it's pretty cool. I'm excited to see. I'm going to lay out all the figures out before we donate them to see how many we have. We have a good 50 or 60 right now, and it's just growing every single week. That's awesome. Thank you everybody for donating so far. We appreciate you guys. Ringside Fest was last weekend on Sunday, I believe it was.
And we got a bunch of news for some new stuff coming out. The biggest news, and I'm sure everyone's excited about it, is we are getting a Fiend Elite figure at some point in 2020. This might be the fastest selling figure in, as far as I remember. I mean, I don't go back as far as you do, Sheena, as far as collecting, but I would assume the buzz for this figure is going to be insane. Yeah.
Is there any word, have they said anything about what kind of release it's going to be? I mean, is it going to be like Target exclusive, Walmart exclusive, any of that info available yet? I would assume this is going wide and far. I mean, I'm sure they're going to have it at both stores. It'll be on Pride Ringside Collectibles. I think it's just a normal lead, but the one they showed at Ringside Fest was just
Kind of a piece of paper like glued to a plastic plastic backing And so they just had like a this was like a rendering like a picture like a drawing of it, you know Yeah, I've seen the digital rendering online like they've actually done a digital rendering and it looks I mean it looks phenomenal It's gonna be incredible. I'm like I'm so super curious if it's gonna come with the the Bray Wyatt lamp because I mean that would be freaking mage and
That would be awesome. Yeah. And I'm sure they'll be doing more of these as the time goes by. Maybe they'll do it on an Ultimate Edition with some more, you know, more like, you know, have like all the rambling rabbit and all those kind of things. But I'm excited. I'm excited to get that figure for sure. We saw prototypes of Visera, Pete Dunn and China, which I'm excited about that China figure. That's kind of like an early
Early DX China before like all her enhancements and before you know getting yeah Yeah, that's the version I wanted with like the Choker and like all that like the all black so I think I mean if they were only if they're only gonna do one I mean, I'm sure they'll do more China's in the future but if they're only gonna do one like I'm glad they gave us this this variation of China and
We saw the Royal Rumble figures that are a Target exclusive. We have a Lita dressed in the Royal Rumble 2006 outfit of Rock Royal Rumble 2013. I believe you fought CM Punk on that show. Macho Man from Royal Rumble 91 and Bobby Lashley
from Royal Rumble 2007, which comes with the ECW title, which I don't think we've gotten an ECW title since the Terry Funk figure, which is quite a few

Survivor Series 2014 Recommendation

years ago. So what do you think of this set, Sheena? It's cool. I'm excited for it. I think the
I don't know which figure, I mean The Rock, I'm like okay, you know. Probably Lita, I really like that Lita figure. But yeah, it's just an okay set to me. I mean, it's nothing that I'm like dying to get my hands on.
Yeah, the Macho Man's cool. I like that Royal Romo 91 outfit. I'm still waiting for like kind of the Macho Man 93, where it's just like a bunch of tassels and kind of similar to the Slim Jim outfit, but just like, you know, 5,000 colors. But I'm excited about that. The Bobby Lashley looks really similar to the one that has already come out. Yeah, I was going to say, it looks, I mean, it's like almost identical, right? Like he's wearing all black in the one he has now, right?
Yeah, and Rock's obviously a big name, but it's hard to, I mean, his figures are so similar. I mean, he didn't change his look too much after becoming The Rock, you know, had just kind of the black, tidy whiteys. So, I mean, this set is kind of meh for me, but the network spotlight was the one that I really liked. We got a Kurt Angle, obviously, I'm a huge Kurt Angle guy wearing his retirement outfit from WrestleMania 35. Wendy Richter from WrestleMania 1.
Yeah. What did Noel call her? Wendy Riker or something? She was doing like an interview with someone and she was, she referred to Wendy Richter as like Wendy, Wendy Riker or something. I was like, Oh my God. I was even born when that, when that happened. So, you know, well, I can't, I can't fault her for that shit. There's nothing wrong with being younger.
Matt Hardy from it looks like the ultimate deletion figure that they kind of repackaged as a network spotlight for target and ricochet outfit from stomping grounds 2019 some good figures here I like that we're finally getting a Wendy Richter figure. Yeah, that's cool.
yeah that's a super cool get we'll definitely we'll definitely be getting that one um i'm not sure about the other three i mean we know we're being much more choosy now as far as like what we're keeping in our collection and we have plenty of kurt angles plenty of matt hardy's um you know the ricochet is cool but
I don't know if I told you guys this last week or not, if I did I apologize. I was sending figures out to some people on our Patreon page.
And I was opening a Johnny Gargano figure, like, away from myself. Did I tell you about this? And he like... Yeah, and he said Johnny Gargano. Yeah. I was like, oh my god. So like, he's all in for the NXT. So that's funny. We got the Ultimate Edition Series 4 with Brock Lesnar and Shawn Michaels. And this was kind of a wet fart as much as I hate that term.
Have these ultimate editions that you've taken them out of the box, Sheena? Have they looked like they deserve to be $30 because the face scans on these two do not look, you know, they look like Jack's figures to me.
So yes, the ultimate edition figures are awesome and they do deserve a higher price point. I mean, they do have, um, you know, additional articulation. You get additional head scans and things like that. You know, I've talked about before, which ones are better than others. You know, obviously I was a little bit disappointed in the head scans on the, on the Brett figure, but the Brett figure as a whole is like,
I mean, amazing. You know, you get the official like Bret Hart hands and like, or like, you know, the signature Bret Hart hands and all those things. Um, this, this set is just okay. I mean, this, the Shawn Michaels is okay. The face, like you said, um, maybe it will look better when it's actually like, um,
like all i've seen are prototype images right so like when it's actually refined um and like the finished product but the brock it looks like that brock face scan is exactly um like the meme when he fought fem baller what was it royal rumble yeah when he fought fem baller yeah like and it's like that meme of him with his face all like blood red like if his face was pink
it would be exactly it, but it's just like those crazy eyes. So yeah, I think they'll be a little more polished because surely they can't look like
what the prototype images are looking like. You know what I mean? Yeah, that probably looked a little bit better. We were watching Crown Jewel the other day and my son was like, Daddy, why does Brock Lesnar get so red? I don't know. I don't know, man. He does get like Matt Ryan red in the ring. Oh, he turns a vibrant shade of red by the middle of the match at the latest. He is like completely pink.
but yeah I mean I think it's I was surprised to see Brock Lesnar in the Ultimate Edition I guess I shouldn't be surprised but that's not who I was expecting to see like as the as the modern superstar in this
in this set, but yeah, I'm sure they're gonna be awesome. I mean, I've really liked the Ultimate Editions that we've got so far, the Shinsuke, the Ultimate Warrior, the Triple H, all of them have been awesome. And like I said, I do think they warrant a little bit higher price point just because of the extras and the articulation. I would say a cooler packaging is like, I've mentioned that many times. That's the only thing I think would be better. They need like a NECA style packaging with like a door and a window, like, you know, that sort of thing.
We saw a Sasha Banks ringside exclusive, which features kind of her new look as a heel with the kind of the blue hair. Looks really good. Yeah. Hopefully they do like a cool packaging, like kind of like they did with the Undertaker's cane. I'd like to see like the ringside packages have like a different look to them. It would be pretty cool. Yeah. Yeah. I love the jacket that this comes with, like that black like studded jacket. But the jacket looked like it was
Like it's kind of formed where the hands are up. So she's got like the boss fingers. So yeah, you won't be able to move anything in the jacket, but it does look really cool.
We learned that Peyton Royce is the target exclusive for Elite 73. So you're going to have... May the odds be ever in your favor. Yes. So Elite 72 is going to be at Walmart. It'll be Gorilla Monsoon. 73 will be Peyton Royce. And 74 will be Jim the Anvil Nightheart, which I love that figure. He looks great. And I love the Heart Foundation jacket, man. I thought Jim...
I thought Natalia and Jim Neidhart were coming as an elite two pack. Is that not a thing? I thought so too. Maybe they were just showing the pictures side by side and people just assumed they were. But yeah, because I thought the same thing too. But they are not. She will be part of Elite 74. Elite 74, yeah. Which features Goldberg, Finn Balor with a soft goods jacket. Everybody is geeking at about AJ Styles, Natalia.
Andrade and Lince Dorado, who is the Chase figure. So that's a set that I'm not really excited about. The figures look really nice, but I mean, I don't want Goldberg, Finn I have a ton of, AJ I have a ton of. Andrade we've seen. I'll probably get that. I mean, I'll definitely get that Natalia and I'll definitely get that Jim the info night already has that like open mouth look like kind of how we would do that annoying laugh all the time. So yeah.
I'll you know I part of me is like yes that is exactly like the gym the anvil night heart like you know that I can hear his laugh right now as I'm looking at this face scan but at the same time like I have never been a huge fan of like open mouth face scans I just feel like they never look
Right. I don't know. I'm not the biggest fan. And this set has like four of them. I mean, Goldberg has the open mouth to them. Yeah. Um, we'll see. We'll see how it goes. But yeah, that's the next three sets coming out to 72, 73 and 70. I'm excited about getting a pinata with Lindsay Dorado. Yeah, that'd be cool. You got the whole lucha party going on now.
Yeah, the lucha party is gonna be pretty awesome. Like I don't I mean despite what you may feel about I'm like they're in ring Abilities and performance. I'm excited to get these figures like it's gonna be awesome little three set So yeah, ringside fest was was pretty cool. I know the guys from Mattel have been doing some cool. I definitely action figure attack. What's his name Steve? Ozer? Oh
has been doing some forums on And definitely one of my favorite follows on Twitter is WWE Retro Stars. I mean, this guy's an awesome follow. He definitely needs to be followed by everybody listening because he has
tweets out some news that you're not gonna get from anywhere else. It has a cool, if you look up some of the pictures he's posted, he made kind of like a graphic that has every single elite group with who the chase is, who the exclusive is. It's easy to follow, we'll post it to our Facebook group so everybody can see it. But definitely go give him a follow, WWE Retro Stars on Twitter. And that's all the news that we got from Ringside Fest, but it's a lot.
Yeah, it's burning a hole in my wallet for sure so And it's gonna continue to burn a hole in your wallet throughout the duration of 2022. So just prepare yourself
Let's get into our retro wrestling recommendation of the week. This is brought to you in part by, where you can go and check out our line of Chick-Foli t-shirts. Just search Chick-Foli show and they will come up there. And Marco picked this one out this week. We got Survivor Series 2014. Yeah, the story line goes that the authority isn't
full power right now and, well, not right now, but back then. And it's Stephanie and Triple H against Team Cena. And whoever wins takes full control of the WWE. And spoiler alert, if you haven't seen it already, Team Cena wins. And with a little help of some guy, some new guy from NXT, I think his name is Sting. It appears I don't know where.
and drops the Scorpion death drop. It helps. Dolph Zegler, who was, I was surprised, as I totally forgot about that, that he was the last remaining survivor of Team Cena. And he was chosen to pin Seth Rollins, who was also the surviving member of the Team Authority, to win the event. Overall, I thought it was a really good pay-per-view. Obviously, there's some misses. You have, like, Fandango versus
Justin Gabriel, who I do miss. Justin Gabriel was pretty awesome. He actually looks like AJ Styles. His attire, if you want, if you go back and watch it, it actually looks like AJ Styles facing Fandango, which is kind of funny. Did you know Jake Hager defeated Cesaro in this? Yes. And his AEW superstar, Jake Hager? Yeah, the toughest anime fighter on the planet, made his appearance in WWE back in 2014.
and did beat Cesaro. That was a very short match. The other match you have is Mizdao, or Damien Mizdao and The Miz, defeated two other AEW alumni, which is Dustin Rhodes and Cody Rhodes, who were Goldust and Stardust at the time. They were the actual tag champs walking in, and Mizdao actually won the match, and they were the tag champions.
I loved Ms. and Ms. Dow. I thought that was just such a good, such a good gimmick. And Damien Sandow, like he, he, he was so over. Like you just forget how over that guy was. Um, and yeah, it was, it was so awesome.
Yeah, and Bray Wyatt defeated Dean Ambrose, so you all had AEW guys on the show, John Moxley. So yeah, Jack Hagar. Yeah. You got the bunny, the bunny fighting? Yeah, the bunny with Adam Rose against Slater Gator. He's Slater. Wow. Yeah.
Uh, good, good show, man. You check that survivor series season. We're going to be picking our retro recommendations or until survivor series are probably, probably be these, uh, survivor series matches. So that was, that was a good show. Yeah. It was right when we were kind of getting back in the fold of wrestling, like that was like that first year, 2014 in a 2013, 2014, when the heel husband and I were kind of like coming back into the fold after our, uh, wrestling hiatus. So yeah, it definitely brings back some good memories.
Our good buddy Daris on Twitter, he is Mr. B Ball on Twitter. Put a question out that was really good. Sorry, Mr. B Buck, I'm sorry, B-U-C-K, my bad. He put a question out, which of the Elite packages have been your favorite? And I haven't had that Becky Lynch set in my hand. Have you opened that box up, Sheena? What do those packages look like and how do you compare them?
to the last couple iterations of the elites. Are they similar to the one that was before the more boxy type, where it has the indentation on the bottom of it?
The new, the new 72 packaging? Yeah. Yeah. Is that what you're talking about? Let me go grab it real quick. Give me, give me one second. So literally right here on my bar, I didn't even get to look at the bottom. I'll eat some, I'll eat some more of this bacon, uh, cotton candy. Don't do that on the air. Don't be chewing your bacon on the air. Honestly, all they did with this was just add some liquid smoke to regular cotton candy. I've figured out the sodium on this is probably, oh my God, 59 carbs. Oh my God.
59 carbs in one bag of this. This is disgusting. Oh my God. I just came back to hear 59 carbs. Yeah. And one, and one bag of cotton candy, 59 carbs.
Okay, so I got the packages in hand. I will say, as far as just the feel of them, they feel exactly like Elite packages from the past, but the window, like the front, is much bigger, so you have a much bigger display area, which looks really cool. It definitely opens up the figures a little more than having the stuff on the side and stuff. So I'll say really, that's the only thing I noticed, the top being kind of like,
you know, angled. I don't know. When you turn it, when you turn it sideways, is it still like kind of like come to like a 45 degree angle on the bottom? Kind of like the, uh, we're getting into like geometry and stuff here now. Yeah. Like a rhombus kind of like a rhombus. Um,
Yeah, it's got the little it's got like the little indentation on the you know, the outer right hand corner. You got a little bit of an indentation. But you know, me, I just ripped this shit to shreds. I don't I don't really pay attention to, you know, to packaging. But yeah, to me, it feels I mean, if you weren't paying attention, you probably wouldn't even notice that they change the packaging. You know what I mean? OK, what's good enough?
Yeah, so for all you people who are MOC and you got them all lined up like Phil, you got your like figure library, I don't think you're gonna be like, it's not gonna be something like where you're trying to fit an entrance greats into your display where you're like, holy crap, how am I gonna get this in here?
That's what she said. I totally buried the lead this evening. I had on, I think it was Monday, I had the Popeyes chicken sandwich.

Chicken Sandwich Craze Discussion

Okay. I'm going to let you, I'm going to let you take the lead here, but I have, I have an official take that I have to make on, on the, you've had, but yeah, on the Popeyes chicken sandwich, because things have happened and I have to speak on it. So I'm going to let you go. I'm going to let you start, but
I respect your opinion on a lot of things, but you are, you know, I'm a big fat guy. So I can, I can weigh in on food matters a little bit differently than you. I enjoyed the sandwich. Okay. The best thing about it is the pickles are extra thick, get extra thick pickles.
It's big pickle season. Big pickle season on there. Better than the Chick-fil-A one. A little bit too much, too crunchy, a little bit too bready on the chicken, whereas the Chick-fil-A sandwich, I mean, the breading. Oh, I like the crisp. Yeah, it is. I like the crunch. I like that. But it's almost like it just kind of takes away a little bit from the chicken. The bread is nice. It's a great sandwich. But if I had to pick one, I would probably pick the Chick-fil-A chicken sandwich.
I picked the Chick-fil-A chicken sandwich one hour on our Patreon, but did you get the spicy variety or the regular? I literally bought four of the regular. I was there so fat. I was there at 10.55 before they even opened.
because I was like okay I saw they're coming back and I was like I looking at my clock on my in my car like okay I'm gonna get there early I'm gonna get there early but I'm gonna skip this account and move this around and I had never changed my clock back on my car so it was actually 955 so I was like oh no all right so let me go delay let me go see like one of my accounts and come back
but they opened up early and I was like, yeah, just give me four chicken sandwiches. And I walked into one of my stores and handed it to the guy, this one dude, like this older guy that I always deal with. And you could have thought I gave him like a million dollars. He was like, he just smiled at me like, are you serious? Where'd you get this? And it was, it was, it was a magical moment. It was a great sandwich. And someone actually, there was a, and this is not funny, but there was a stabbing
This is what I'm soon to speak on. Yeah. Okay. Sorry. Sorry to steal your thunder. Yeah. No, no, you didn't steal my thunder. You perfect, perfect segue into my, my take. You guys know, like I am a, I'm a Popeyes lover through and through. I mean, before this chicken sandwich, um, shenanigans took off, like Popeyes fried chicken is like my preferred fried chicken. Right. Um, and I just, I love their food. Okay. That being said,
I can no longer support the Popeyes chicken sandwich movement because y'all, you know, I love my Chick Foley fam. You guys are special to me and I can't be telling y'all to go out in these streets and get these Popeyes chicken sandwiches and risking life and limb because it really ain't worth that. You know what I mean? It's a good chicken sandwich, but
You ain't gonna get stabbed at Chick-fil-A. If anything, you just gonna get a little, you gonna get a bless you and my pleasure and that's gonna be the best part of your day. But yeah, I cannot tell you guys to go out and get these Popeyes chicken sandwich because a 28 year old man was stabbed because he was perceived to have cut in line at Popeyes.
To get this sandwich so somebody somebody stabbed this man over a chicken sandwich And so and he died like he legitimately died And this is not that's not the only instance right like that's the that's the most horrifying and horrible like this this poor guy died over a freaking chicken sandwich but I mean if you go on online and look I mean there was like a
fights breaking out and riots and the workers from Popeyes were fighting with the customers and the cops were called. So listen.
Stay safe, eat Chick-fil-A, and don't get out there and get in all this shenanigans. It's the holiday season, so. Yeah. Popeye employees don't mess around, man. They're not messing around. Oh, no, they're fighting. They're fighting for their chicken. They're going to defend their chicken, so they're just leading to their death. No pun intended. I'm not joking. Have you seen the video of the lady that just destroys her BMW going through the drive-thru?
of a Popeyes because she couldn't get the sandwich so she just like just destroys like she's just crashing into stuff and like oh my god it's it's it's there's a lot of
Pop eyes related violence going on. Yeah, I saw a video where where a lady was like There was two people like trying to go into the drive-thru at the same time They're coming from different angles and the lady on the right was like wedged up against like a retaining barrier It was just like messing her car up like my god people are just insane. Yeah sandwich people just
Yeah, that's that's that's when you have to realize like, okay, like this is total first world problems that we are over here, like killing each other over Popeyes chicken sandwiches. So yeah, that that being said, I'm so glad you brought that up because I wanted because we did do our our chicken sandwich tasting video where I taste tested the Popeyes chicken sandwich against the Chick-fil-A chicken sandwich against the KFC donut chicken sandwich. And even though I love Popeyes,
Like I said, love their fried chicken. I love the Popeyes chicken sandwich. I'm just gonna tell y'all, get your ass to Chick-fil-A. Even if it's Sunday, take your ass to McDonald's, get a sub-par chicken sandwich or just order pizza because I can't in good conscience be sending y'all to Popeyes right now.
What I do in the morning is I get a chicken biscuit, but I do egg and cheese on it. So I get the extra protein on there. Yeah. That's the way, that's the way to do it. You know, that'll fill you up for like 12 hours. You know, you won't be hungry till like dinnertime. Listen to this. The heel husband, he loves a chicken biscuit too. He orders a chicken biscuit, but only eats the chicken. He doesn't eat the biscuit. So he always, so he always hands me his biscuit. So I'm like, thank you.
No, he just takes it off like savage. So it's like a caveman just eats Like out of his hand his bites into it. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah He just like grabs that grabs the piece of chicken off of the biscuit and you know tosses me tosses me the biscuit because he knows like, you know, I'm a
Deep down, I'm a big girl on the inside. You know what I mean? Despite as much as I work out and all that, I love me some carbs and I love to eat and I love me some biscuits. So, yeah. That's how it goes down in our house.
It's not only big dude season, it's big girl season as well. Big girls need love too, man. It's sick chick season. That's our hashtag. Oh, okay. I like that. I like that. That's going to come back with some interesting searches that we use that hashtag. All right. On that note, let's get out of here.
I will next week I will be recapping full gear in all of its glory if you're a member of our patreon I'll be on the Facebook page the night of in my car probably and I'm probably the uber I'll probably I'll probably uber down there and
I'll bottle them up nicely and send them

Upcoming Events and Podcast Preview

to you. Oh, man. Sprinkle a little bit on my neck every morning, just so you know. He's a physical load. Some hatred stairs going. Yeah. So yeah, we'll get more information on Survivor Series. Next week, we'll have a full recap of full gear. We'll get into our favorite.
items for Thanksgiving. It'll be good. We're two hours here. Plus, we appreciate you guys listening. We knew this was going to be a pretty jam packed episode, but we got as much in as we could really jam packed it. So thank you, Marco, for your help. Thank you, Sheena, for everything. We appreciate everybody listening. And we have a bunch of cool stuff planned for the holidays. So keep listening to us here. And if you guys don't have anything else, I'm ready to get get get it going. Let's go.
All right, well, stay classy, Marx. We'll talk to you next week. Appreciate it.
Give me those hands, right? I need those hands. Give me those hands, right? I need those hands.
War Games! War Games!