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The Rise & Fall Of The Nitro Crowdfund + Backlash Review image

The Rise & Fall Of The Nitro Crowdfund + Backlash Review

The Chick Foley Show
5 Plays1 year ago
We kick off the show with an autopsy on the WCW Nitro Crowdfund before rolling into our thoughts on Saturday’s banger of a Backlash from Puerto Rico. Plus, How Many Chicks and Listener Mail! Use code CHICKFOLEY to save 10% at Find all things CHICK at

Welcome and Show Introduction

Welcome to the Chick Foley Show.

WWE Puerto Rico Event Preview

What is up, Foley fam? We are back from back last weekend. I think the showdown in Puerto Rico exceeded all of our expectations, and we're going to discuss every match and where we go from here in the WWE, along with some discussion of our duly departed Nitro stage. But before we go any further, let me introduce the star of the show, Sheena. How you doing?
Doing good. I'm a little bit worn out. We just came home from what was arguably our hardest fought. It wasn't arguably. It was by far. The closest game we had for this was a 7-4. It wasn't even really that close. Definitely our hardest fought soccer victory of the year. It was a close call. We were outmanned because we had some
absences on our team sickness took us down and uh it was hot but the kids fought through the kids fought through yeah and coach coach hill has been here freaking uh i was coaching my ass off most of the time i can just roll the ball out there but we were making adjustments we were being real tactical on our our water breaks and our subs and
Last four minutes. It was tied up. I was just I had the boys around me had him ready to go Yeah, I was the ballet down at the goal just freaking, you know cheering him on cheering the victory like come on go get them guys You know, this is like five and six year old soccer But uh, yeah, it was it was great. We won kept the streak alive. Yeah, I'm a happy girl two more games a season It'll be back-to-back undefeated seasons, but enough about that Marco what's going on up in the
I mean nothing but losing that's pretty much it Over here, but now other than that everything's good, man I know we haven't done this in a while weathers weathers getting great over here 70 degree weather nice
True, I guess we could talk about the weather every once in a while now that we're fully blown into spring. We're not having more of those cold days. I feel like we went from a little bit of a rainy season to straight up summertime. Yeah, it's 85 today where I'm just like holy cow. Yeah, other than the Celtics eating assonate.
We're doing good over here. I call, I call the Celtics to win. So hopefully they, uh, you know, James Harden somehow transport hit the time machine back to 2018. So yeah, he did. Uh, Jordan, man, what is going on out in the cornfields of Nebraska?
Oh, you know, just, uh, like Sheena said, I, or Seth said, we went straight from whatever winter slash spring right into summer. Cause yeah, it's been like 80 to 85 here, like every day for the past week. And I am not ready for summer. I just did not, man. Big, big dude season in summer. No, no, no, they don't like, dude, once the temperature hits like 70, I'm just sweating all the time. Like his.
get you a nice little butt sweat, you know, get some. Jordan, do you remember when we went fishing after we got back from NWA always ready last year and it was like standing on the surface of the sun?
That was, that may be the hottest I've ever felt, the outside temperature. That was not enjoyable at all, dude. And we got down there and touched the grass and it was like the grass was even on fire. It wasn't very much fun. We were cooking, dude. Luckily the fish were biting that day. We each caught a fish in like a 90 second fishing trip. Sheena, let the listeners know what's new on the farm.
Um, so, you know, the garden, again, it's, it's like May. So this is like full blown, like seedling season. So the garden's bumping. Um, I'm trying to think what else, uh, what else happened on the farm? It's been a quiet week for the last part. We lost Marty. Yeah. That was sad. Um, yeah, that's it. All right. Remind the listeners that they can find you on social media.

Community Engagement and Partnerships

You can find me on Instagram at Chick Foley, Marco running the Twitter machine at Chick Foley show.
Most importantly, you can join our Facebook group and all the fun that we have over there at Follow our Pod Foundation brethren over on Instagram at Pod Foundation. That's coming down the aisle, Extra Cooler Show and the Turnbuckle Tavern. Yeah, it's an easy way to... Between me and Marco, we kind of stopped updating that account, but that's still the easiest way to quickly connect to all the
various pages. I still like the hub. We'll blame the two bad chads, man, and the rest of the tab recruiter. They just crank out the content too much, man. It's impossible to keep up with, right, Marco? Yes, that is very true. Plus, I wasn't able to get in with the password for some odd reason, so... Marco got locked out. He got hacked on the bot foundation account. We don't even hack. I guess if you attempt too many times, it pretty much just locks you out, and I didn't want to go and change the password on anyone.
Yeah, I was running it at first and I honestly like you I didn't ever want to you know And we love the tavern man. Like it's it's kind of like their
just the overwhelming amount of content they're cranking out. It's kind of like their trademark

WWE Crowdfunding and Fan Engagement

at this point. Doing a post every show they put out. Yeah, it was just, it got to be too much. And this was like right in the time we were moving last year. So I pitched the ball to Marco and he kept it running for a little bit. But like I said, it's still definitely the best hub for just connecting to all the different shows and all the amazing content that we're putting out.
Does anybody got anything they need to express feelings on before we get into the meat and potatoes of the show? I don't think I'm good. Let's go. Alright, we're gonna pull a swerve this week.
We're going to kick off the weekend with the show with the figure four, since really this kind of put a black cloud over the start of the wrestling weekend. I don't know about you guys. I felt like I was going to crawl into bed and just stay there for the next two days when Friday night came and went and the nitro stage did not get funded. I'll be the first to admit, you guys were all right. I was wrong. From the jump, all three of you guys said this thing wasn't getting funded.
And I was holding out on hope and it just didn't happen. Were you guys keeping up with this on Friday as the day progressed? I was keeping up with it via, via you, you know, you were giving me the update. So yeah, I was technically keeping up with it. Yeah. I think me and Seth had a, was that Thursday or Friday? That me and you had a long conversation. I'm pretty sure it was Friday, um, on the phone. Just, yeah, man. I, like Seth said, I did not have a good feeling about this from the start is just.
I mean, it's a good effort. The, the stage was incredible. We, we all raved about that. It's just, dude, when you're asking someone to spend $400, you got to bring the heat for the figures. And yeah, I mean, so they've done two of these so far and they've had to change things on both of them. Um, I feel like they got to get a little bit more, um,
crowd participation in these as far as like, let us maybe vote for some figures or something like that. I mean, even if it ends up not being the figures we want, at least we had some kind of participation in it. I just feel like you feel a little bit of ownership. I mean, even with the new gen stage, like we all kind of had a problem with diesel being just the plain diesel being the first figure announced, right?
Yeah. Um, and everybody wanted the doing so bad. And that wasn't one of the first figures that they rolled out with it. That wasn't one of the first goals. I just, I feel like they're doing great work on these, but man, me and Seth talked about it the other day out of these five figures that they, that they put in this. I mean, honestly, if I would have just got the warrior and Steiner,
I really wouldn't have been that mad about not getting the rest of them. I just, and then that sucks because those are ultimate edition figures and they take a lot of work, but I don't know. I just, there's gotta be a better way.
I don't remember with the new gen arena there being like such a negative feeling about it. Even though it was like taking a little while to get funded and it took a while to get the ball rolling before it really just kind of like rolled across the finish line. People were generally digging. People were generally upbeat and happy about it, you know, and like, you know, people were either like, hey, I'm going to fund it or I'm not. But there wasn't like the negativity like, you know, what the heck is happening here. And I feel like
That negative vibe right from the jump when people are just kind of not excited about the figures and the tears and stuff really really really hurt the momentum going forward cuz I mean you know how it is dude you read one bad review like if a restaurant you're gonna go you're like ask we're not gonna go there right so when you see all these people chiming in about how this isn't a good value or how it's too expensive or how the figures suck or whatever.
There's probably a lot of people out there that may have, you know, just been like, yeah, screw it. I'll go ahead and fund it. But because of like, you know, groupthink, they just kind of were like, I'm not going to do it. You know, so I think the negative, I think the negativity really took a hit on this.
Yeah, totally agree. Like I said before, just the announcement of it during all the other announcements that they had as well with all the other figures coming out down the line, especially with this being WCW oriented.
and them announcing separate lines for WCW or the Monday Night Wars anyway. They have the Elite line that's coming out as well as the Ultimate Edition line. You would think that the figures that are in those lines, you would put those with this.
Um, you know, the denim, denim, uh, uh, Scott Hall, uh, maybe the whole Colgan and all black, the, you know, the paper, um, like, you know, I mean, obviously we have a, they have another paper coming out, um, with the, the Coliseum collection and stuff like that. But I mean, it.
It would behoove them to think of the consumer in a sense and make those changes and make those pivots.
Well, even though people weren't super stoked about the diesel, there's not a million diesel figures out there. There's a million Hulk Hogan figures. There's a million Rey Mysterio figures. And that diesel was a pleasant surprise. I think once everybody got it in hand, they were like, dude, this is a really, really nice figure, even if it's in a plane engine tire. Yeah, exactly. Even with the Piper.
You know, the icon, the icon Piper, like, yeah, you just, there hasn't been an ultimate edition. So that's, that's something that's a get right there that, uh, the Steiner cause Steiner, you know, he's, he's new in the game, essentially. So him, the one, like maybe ones that you haven't seen, like the first time around doing, you had doing as the ultimate edition yet. Uh, we are.
I think Doink single-handedly saved the new generation. Yeah, that macho man they rolled out. Yeah, the macho man. Doink set the hook, macho man. I think this time around was, you know, I think when they're doing these, they should consider doing something different other than a stage or some type of set.
When it comes to wrestling. I said that too. I said they should alternate. They should do like a set and they should do like a set of figures. They should do a vehicle and then go back to doing a set. I mean, the set was cool. I mean, there's no denying that the actual stage was awesome. But yeah, I think, you know, back to back and then just having a stage with figures was...
If they wanted to take another stab at this down the line, I saw somebody on the Wrestle Fix forums had a really creative idea that maybe you piecemeal this out on Mattel Creation. So you could have the actual entrance with the LEDs, drop that for whatever the price is, 100 bucks. And then the rest is set up with the ramp and the WCW letters and the backdrop.
you compare those with figures right so like hey we're gonna do a new you know metal creations exclusive hollywood hogan and when you get it you'll get this piece right yeah spread out of the stage a while back with like the summer yeah yeah you do like the uh the the oh yeah they had the heartbreak yeah so yeah that'd be that's a good idea i mean i guess but yeah they definitely need to go back to the drawing board
Um for the next like big one and not even that just like stay like don't announce any figures like don't I know it's hard to do just keeping the item Yeah, you can't it's it's asking a lot like especially like or maybe do one one can't miss figure is like the stretch exactly Yeah, you know like yeah Yeah, I uh i'm with you guys man. I think the lack of a doink type figure is what really kind of just
It really made this thing slow out of the gates and just never really recovered. I will say, I know it probably wasn't palatable to them to make more changes after they've already shifted a bunch of stuff around. I think if they would have ran it through midnight on Sunday, I think this thing would have funded because
we never got the big tidal wave like we got on the last day of the early bird special with the new gen arena but you know I was checking it every 20 minutes on Friday around around about 8 30 central time things started ticking up right it had steady momentum every time I was refreshing there was another another 10 another 12 people backing it but it was just it was too little too late at that point but I think if they would have been running it throughout the weekend
Um, you know, people got a little bit more free time and stuff. Maybe we could have, could have gotten across the finish line. True. But I mean, a lot of those same people that would have waited till the very last minute would have waited till the very last minute, you know, like, there's a point to that too. Yeah, that's a fair point. But I think it, it sucks. Cause it was, I feel like we were a little bit closer than what the, I think the final number was like 38 94. I think we were a little bit closer than that number showed, but this thing was still kind of just saw it's a lot of issues from the start. And a lot of people did a lot of people were like, um,
like unback it over the course of- There was a little bit of that, but not much. I don't think that was a big factor. I think really the ultimate factor was the foreign collectors. The way Mattel Creations is set up with foreign orders, they put the tax and duty fee on the front end of it. I know I saw people in Canada posting that they were having to pay almost 800 bucks for their tax. UK, yeah. Tax is shipping, UK was crazy, so that one made a big difference. What were you going to say though?
I just wish this thing would have come out, man. I really think they could have made it work. But that being said, you guys were right. That joint figure was the one that I'd still be thinking about if the new gen arena wouldn't have got funded as much as I wanted this. And I think I was a little bit more hyped on this than most people. To be honest, I haven't really lost any sleep or spent too much time thinking about it since the week's coming on. I am a little bit...
I'm bummed just that I feel like this is really going to hurt some of the momentum for projects like this in the future. And so then I'll pose the question to you guys. Where do you think we go from here with crowd funds?

Wrestling Collections and New Additions

Do you think there's any chance that my $1,000 Ultimate Edition 30-Man World War I 1992 figure set is going to go?
I'm not really sure about that, but I'm with Jordan on the fact that they need to get some buy-in, right? I don't think they should just throw it out there and let all the marks just start throwing ideas out there, but I think they should narrow it down and at least get some buy-in, like I said, because when you feel like you've contributed to something or you've got some skin in the game, I think people take a little bit more ownership over it and they'll be a little less critical. And when you take a little bit of ownership, you defend it a little bit more vehemently.
what's up to people who may be naysayers. So do the, yeah, they need to do like the ballot card. Don't do like fan choice where you're voting on like specific tires. Just give us a list of like, you know, four or five potential projects and just click the ones you'd be interested in. If you're interested in all five, click all five. There's only one click one and they can use that to craft that. And then once you identify the project, same thing, what type of, you know, accessories or figures would you want to come with this set? And just like I said, it's crowdfunding, let the crowd get implanted and
Please just share it with the Russell figs forms and and I'm like, you know action figure attack IG Do not put it on debbie major marks group and stuff. Yeah
Yeah. is the absolute worst place to, uh, to share that kind of stuff. So it was two years, a little less than two years between the new gen arena being announced and the nitro stage being announced. Do you guys, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll put a bow on this thing. We'll quickly go around. Do you guys think it's going to take two, it'll be two years before we get another crowdfund option? Uh, yeah. Uh, I think it'll be next year at San Diego Comic Con. We'll get another one.
I'm going to go I'm going to go two years. Yeah, I think I'm with Jordan. I think at some point in 2024 we get another option, but we'll see. It's definitely back to the drawing board because yeah, this one just it just didn't connect.
All right, uh, real quick. Did anybody add anything interesting to their collection this week? I did not. I was completely dry this week. I don't think I, I got a, uh, the, I picked up the dual plated winged Eagles that forbid figurines, uh, release, but other than that, um, nothing for me this week. How about you guys? Dry dry over here as well. Yeah, it's been, it's a little bit of a dead period right now. All right. Anybody got any other, uh, figure related, uh,
News items of conversation they want to bring up before we move into backlash. I think so. All

Crowd and Production Insights at WWE Puerto Rico

right. Sheena Tia Saf. What was the first vote? Let's just start off with the vibe first. What did you guys think of a Puerto Rico? I love the crowd that dude, that drone shot that they figured out, they did it on smack down and then they did it again to start off backlash. That just set the tone, man. I don't know who came up with that.
how they got there. That was fucking awesome. Yeah. Puerto Rico was freaking lit, dude. Like I just, man, that crowd was hot the entire night. They were hot for everything. Like they were singing along. It was just, it just felt good, dude. It felt good to see people that into wrestling. You know what I mean? Like it just, I don't know. It really added to the show and enhanced. So what, what could have just been like a, you know, B C level pay-per-view, you know?
Yeah, the production of it was fantastic. The entrance.
I think the minimalized entrance is awesome for pay-per-views because you can just pack more people into the arena. I felt like that was an awesome, awesome thing to do. Kind of like what they used to do at the garden where it was just like a really small entrance. I feel like you just get more from that because the crowd can be all over the arena. They don't have to block off a bunch of sections for the entrance. So I thought the presentation of it was really cool.
And it makes it different, man. Yeah, it's not the same as those big, creative, event-specific sets we would get back in the attitude and ruthless aggression era, but it's still better than just seeing the Raw and SmackDown stage set up for the pay-per-view, you know? Yeah, and I felt like that made this pay-per-view special, too, was they just did their own thing. I mean, we obviously understand why they did it this way. They didn't want to fly all that stuff to Puerto Rico, but... Yeah.
Yeah, I just, I don't know. Sometimes less is more. To me, it just made it feel way more special. Like we're all used to the huge arena or the huge stage and all that stuff. To me, this made it feel way more special. Like it, it just felt like a way more intimate environment. Yeah, I liked it a lot. I thought it was really cool.
Jordan it ended up being a pretty big hot topic of conversation within the uh the the premium foley fam member facebook group we got to ask the we need a report how was the grad party uh the grad party was good i mean um yeah this was just kind of a weird weekend for me i mean we'll talk about it later but uh it's just jordan jordan had a rough jordan had a rough week yeah it just but you didn't go straight no i did not go streaking but i mean
Uh, we did have a good time. Um, Ari got drunk enough to the point where she passed out on the couch at nine o'clock at night. Um, and yeah, it was a, it was a solid night. That's, that's what I'll say, but I did watch backlash. So, um, yeah, we can, we can definitely discuss. All right. Sheena run us through the card.
So we opened up with Bianca Belair versus EO Sky. And I thought, dude, the crowd was super hot for both women, but they- I thought they were, I didn't think they were hot for EO Sky. No, no, no, no, no, no. Listen, when she came out, she got a big pop when she came out, and so did EO Sky. But you could clearly see that the crowd was behind EO, dude. They wanted EO to win that match. They were chanting her name.
The match was awesome, as we expected, dude. That press up overhead where Bianca had EO up above, and then she went one-handed with it. Granted, she did drop her on her face, but it was still impressive while it was happening. Made it look more real. Yeah, it had a little grit to it. It had a little botchery, sometimes it's good, but yeah, it was an awesome match. Obviously, Bianca retained, but yeah, it was awesome seeing good old-fashioned EO Sky with her music back in the whole

Match Highlights and Crowd Reactions

Yeah, EO is awesome. I think she's right up there, top three or four women's wrestlers in the world, and this match was crazy. I knew Puerto Rico was a heel territory, but yeah, they were definitely on fire for EO all night. And in kayfabe, if it wasn't for damage control, kind of mucking it up, I think she may have beat Bianca for the belt.
Yeah, and you know what's cool? Bianca here in the States, she's just like a white meat baby face, right? Just so over and kid friendly and the whole nine. So feel good. But she was kind of working a little bit heel there at the arena because I think she could just feel how the crowd was going. So I think it kind of just changed her whole attitude. And even though she wasn't doing straight up heel tactics, she was giving the crowd what they wanted.
Jordan, you're the women's wrestling expert. What did you think of the match? It was really good.
I thought this was just such a good start for the show. Um, they put it down and like you said, dude, it's, it's weird here in Bianca, not get the cheers from the crowd during a match at this point. Um, but yeah, they, uh, they just let them go out there and they do their thing. And I mean, that's kind of what, what happened. They just put on a banger of a match, but, uh, let's discuss the star of this match. Uh, Bailey's pants.
Bailey's Bailey's whatever you want to call those pants Wowzers Bailey's got a freaking way I Mean it's funny because you guys act like you're just She never dresses sexy like you could always tell though you could tell but it's yeah, you could tell but she never had it flown and she was looked like she was wearing some of Shawn Michael Vincent's gear from like 1990
Yeah, that was a, has a special moment. So she, she saw, she's, she's heard us talk about Ria's, you know, booty halters and stuff, dude, she's getting a little jealous. So she's breaking out the, the ass gear. If those pants came with the nitro stays, we would have hit 11. We would have gotten all five figures. Eric Bischoff would have been hand delivering all of those sets to all of our houses and Bailey with those pants could have been included.
She kind of alluded to it man. I would love to see them run back the Oscar like Oscars run that she had with the NXT belt where you know, she had that long ended up lasting like a little over a year and a half run with the title and she kind of turned heel during it right like once she got to the point where she was facing Ember Moon she couldn't quite beat her and she had to start doing some low-key cheating and stuff to where she was getting booed and
Bianca's done everything there is to do as a babyface at this point. I think that'd be cool to kind of see her just do a slow heel turn where she's just using desperation to...
to hang on to the belt, but they're gonna have to build up some better challengers at this point. She's been such a performer and so consistent that she's almost like at that Roman Reigns point, dude, where like, how are you gonna beat this shit? I know, I think we forget though that Bianca was a heel in NXT. Yeah. I mean, she was straight up like, you know, sassy ass, like, you know, talking shit. Sam Roberts turned her baby face. That pre-show, she was gonna be in a fatal four-way for the championship, and I still never got a good answer if
Part of me thinks that Sam was told to say this stuff. No. Because it organically turned her baby face. But Sam got on there. Friend of the show, he got on there and just dogged out Bianca. He said she's not worthy of being just thought out. Yeah, it just stood out. It was like, man, that was like really fucking mean to say. And it made everybody sympathetic for it. Because Sam's not typically a mean person. Because she went out there and tore the house down, man. She had probably her best performance so far, which that's why I don't know. You know me, I think everything's a work until proven beyond a shadow of it out otherwise. So I think somebody...
gave him
some heel street profits with her. I think that'd be a perfect way to freshen up that edge. That would be awesome, dude. Especially, you know, I mean, she was heel in NXT, but she wasn't on the caliber that she is now. No, she was just like an annoying mid-court heel. Yeah, I think she has the potential to be like an insane heel on the main roster, dude. I think, like you said, her with a heel Montez, like, God, I would love that so much. All right, what we got next, Jean?
We got Seth and the Nigerian giant Omos. Seth called it. He said he was going to give Omos the best match of his career. I think it was. I think this was what the Brock match was supposed to be, man. Omos looked good in defeat, had some cool counters we've never seen before, doing like a back body drop to get out of the pedigree, like from on one knee. And then he straight up just stuffed the Stomp attempt. You know, Seth goes for the Stomp and Omos just doesn't budge. Like we've never seen that before.
And then it took a move that we haven't, we've never seen before to finish them off with the top road stomp. So hats off to both guys. I thought Omos gained a little something to defeat. And I think it gave Seth all the steam in the world to, to head into night. Yeah. And you know, on a real level, that just goes to show you how freaking. Incredible that Seth freaking Rollins is like that. He made Omos look that good, right? And carry that match and just, I think, you know, hats off to Seth Rollins, dude.
Does that, does anybody have any, may have any thoughts on Seth versus? I mean, I thought it was great. I want to hear someone else's thoughts on this match. That was naysay again. Oh, I mean, I was naysaying it out. I mean, not as much as someone else. So we get it. We're not going to pretend we're building Omos into like something that he's not like, let's just relax for a minute. Let's let's all.
Let's all just take a step back. Like Marco, what do you want me to say? This was like a five star match. Like let's, let's all relax and let's, I'll give Omos a little bit of love here, but let's relax. We're talking like this was like some new Japan five star classic. Like let's just chill out for a second here.
think they're grooming him to be like the next like late era big show not like prime big show like where he was like a legit world championship threat I think Omos is just good you know they gave him the free agent status right so he can go back and forth between both shows I think he's just gonna be like you know the special attraction I think he's I don't think he's gonna be great Kali I think he's gonna be the big show man where he just floats back and forth between baby face and heel and
We're all going to pretend that it's a big deal anytime he's coming to fight somebody. I don't know. I mean, right now he's just playing the biggest loser. The guy cannot win. I mean, there's no shame in losing to Brock Lesnar and Seth Rollins, dude. I mean, there's no shame in it, but it's like...
What are, what are we doing here? I don't know. He's just established himself as a big dude that can go. And he still gets, he's a dude still super green, man. Like he's, he wrestled his first match barely two years ago. Yeah. He's given, he's given off more great colleague vibes and he has big show vibes. Let's, let's relax for a minute. I mean, at one point in big shows career, he was doing drop kicks and stuff. Like we're, we're nowhere near that with Omar. Yeah, you're right. We are going way too far, dude. Like,
Let's remember, big show as the giant was like one of the coolest things ever. Omos is nowhere near that level. I think you guys are overselling Omos a little bit. Sheen brought it back to the group a little bit. I'm going for the fact that he actually had a good match. That match was actually really good.
And that's attributed to Seth Rollins being able to be the modern day Brit Hart just carrying everybody on his fucking back, you know? Omos did his part, though. You're right. He did do his part. The credit goes to Seth, but Omos did his part in it. How old is Omos? Does anybody know off the top of the phone? You got the Google machine right there. I know. Well, I'm just trying. Let's go down that big show. 28, right?
let's go down that uh that big show rabbit hole so you guys remember uh saint valentine's day massacre february 1999 dude when big show debuted like that was a huge huge signing for debbie debbie you know x-pock had come over the night after us made the night before but still for the most part at that time talent was kind of going from debbie debbie to wcw and there weren't he was
One of the first big stars to come over and he was a homegrown WCW guy, man I think his his longevity ended up saving it But I think he was kind of a disappointment for what they thought they were getting they thought they were getting like, you know This huge main event when he came over and I don't think that's really what he was What are you guys classified man? Like would you guys say big shows overall? Ten year in WWE was a success or a failure? Hmm
Uh, I'm going to say it was still a success. I mean, dude, he won the WWE F E championship twice, the world heavyweight championship twice. Yep. ECW world title once hardcore three times us intercontinental title tag teams. Like I don't really know how that would be considered a failure. Yeah. To be, I mean, he was, he was a grand slam champion, triple crown champion. Like I'm not real sure how you can consider that in it.
Damn, Jordan coming in with the big show facts. I think maybe he never really reached the peaks, like the absolute highest peak that was possible. But I don't think anybody could have expected that he'd be there basically 20 years, man. You know what I mean? For 20 years, he kept it going. Wow. It was always at least somewhat relevant. He kind of had a little bit of a renaissance there towards the very end where he's put on some pretty good matches. I'm actually reading this. He actually won rookie of the year, 96.
WCW and wrestler of the year at 96 from PWI. So really, I mean, he got to remember too, at one point in there, he gained a ton of weight. Like, yeah, he was, he was a spry like 380 when he was in, uh, in WCW, he put on a lot of weight in WWE. So his moveset went from this agile big dude to more of a slow plotting big dude. So yeah.
Oh yeah. I definitely don't think, I definitely don't think big shows. WWF WWF run was a failure. I mean, he, he did his thing, but you're right. He was never the top star in WWF.
Yeah. I just, I just remember as you know, a young naive 14 year old thinking like he was going to be like a straight up game changer. Instead he's ended up being one of the most consistent performers they had over the next 20 years, which like you said, Jordan, no shame whatsoever in that. But I just, you know, we don't make sure we don't get brought up a whole lot around here, man. So I thought maybe we'd go to that rabbit hole. So Sheena, you got Omos age set up.
Yeah, Omos is 28. And as I was looking that up, I unlocked a horrible core memory from a dark time in wrestling when he was a bodyguard from Raw Underground. You were gone during Raw Underground. No, I was back from Raw Underground. You were? Yeah, I was there for Raw Underground with Shane McMahon. Yes. Doing the Fight Club. Yeah. That was so repug, dude. I mean, I think it could have been cool, but it was. But it wasn't. It was anything but. It was just weird, dude.
Wasn't that right after the McMahon stood in the ring too and told everybody that they were going to give the fans what they wanted and then like No, that was back in like 2016 No, that was the end of 2018 when they said that we were the we were the we were the authority It was uh, that was during the pandemic Yeah, we're all underground hit during the pandemic. Yeah, I completely wiped that from my memory
Oh, that was the ice maker. Oh, shit, dude. Dude, our fucking ice maker just went off and I thought somebody was knocking on our fucking door like stranger status. The way the ice cubes hit, it sounded just like knocks on doors. Holy shit, dude. I thought I was about to be in a fucking Blumhouse film, dude. Wow.
All right Let's get on with the show. What's our next match? We got a triple threat Austin theory versus Bronson Reed versus Bobby freakin Lashley Bobby Lashley This was like Bobby who I mean, this was fine. It didn't stink up the joint I feel like this match could happen on any episode of our Smackdown any 52 weeks. Yeah only only feelings I really have about this freaking match is I'm really pissed off about the Foley picks Lee because I let my son my five-year-old son and
Influence me because I was I was I was given I was given my pics to Seth
And he was like, who's going to take the pin for the bonus point? And I said, Brett said, please pick Bobby Lashley, please pick Bobby Lashley. And I said, all right, I'm going to pick Bobby Lashley. And I knew it was going to be Bronson Reed. I knew it. And that put me in second place in the picks lead. I would have been tied for first right now with the freaking OG Fig kid. But now I'm in second place. Still had one of the best cards of the night. But yeah, I was pissed that I didn't get that extra bonus point because I let my son influence me.
I think we're interested in this match. Bobby Lashley and Austin Theory are both going to be on the SmackDown side of the tournament to see who's going to be facing Seth for the belt at Night of Champions. We'll do a two-parter. Who do you guys think is going to be fighting Seth? And then who do you guys think is leaving with that belt at Night of Champions? Dang.
I definitely think Seth is leaving with the belt, dude. That's my, my gut instinct is telling me that Seth is, Seth is winning this thing. You don't, you don't think, uh, since there's something's going to happen on SmackDown where Roman Reigns finagled his way into the tournament. I mean, that's always a possibility. I was thinking Jay Uso was going to be entered in the tournament and Jay was going to win and Roman was going to take his spot somehow. But without, I, you know, it would be a huge stretch for him to get involved at this point. Yeah. If there was a bloodline member in there, sure. But yeah, I don't, I think Rome was going to have to
Yeah. I mean, just for the sheer wrestling, I want AJ Styles to be that last person. So be AJ and Rollins, but I have a feeling it's going to be like, you know, Lashley or some, some shit like that. Nah, I think you're right, dude. I'm going to AJ also, man. I think they want to really establish this as like the wrestler's belt.
I think AJ wins Friday night on Smackdown and I think Seth and AJ, no, no interference. I think they're, you know, the OC is going to get the night off. I think Seth and AJ are just going to go out there and tear the house down at night of champions and Seth's going to grab that belt. So yeah, I'm picking Seth versus AJ and just a straight up classic wrestling match. That triple threat match on Friday night. It's going to be awesome with AJ edge and Ray Mysterio.
Yeah, that should be good. I'm going to pick edge. Honestly. I think edge verse, um, Rollins at night of champions would be interesting. Um, I feel like we're winding down the edge career. So it'd be cool to give him a title match and, um, that'd be a good person. They fought in Saudi last year too in hell in the cell. So nice, uh, a nice kind of throwback. It was at the end of 2021 when they bought in the cell.
end of 2021 but yeah they fought in Saudi in the cell so this would be a nice a nice throwback for the fans there but yeah I think is everybody on board with Seth winning this thing yeah yeah yeah my only fear as a huge Seth fan is just that it's becoming too obvious and I feel like maybe they're gonna swerve us but I don't know I feel like we know Seth is one of Triple H's guys and that's a great way to
to establish this. And the other thing is, if you want this thing to not be seen as a consolation prize for people that couldn't be Roman, you got to have either Seth or AJ win it. They're like the only two. Seth, AJ, or Bobby Lashley are the only two that haven't been put in their place by Roman. Yeah, I don't think we're going to see another though, where it's so obvious. I mean, and they do swerve like Cody, you know what I mean? We were all just like, oh yeah, Cody's going to win. And then they swerve this. So I don't think they're going to do that again. But yeah, I think Seth's taking it.
All right, what's our next match? We got mommy, Rhea Ripley versus Zelina Vega. Uh, I thought it was, I thought, I mean, of course Rhea came out in the white gear looking like a million freaking bucks, dude, just awesome. And then Zelina came out and dripping in Puerto Rican pride. This match was weird to me because Zelina Vega, awesome entrance, dude. Awesome entrance and awesome gear. Like, you know, Steve O's are actually figure tag here. Listen, we need that as a figure ASAP. Yeah.
They gave her the big emotional moment, soaking it in with the crowd and stuff, and then she still got squashed in five minutes. I never thought she was going to win, but I was like, okay, I think we're about to get some crazy near falls, man. We're going to get some never stay die underdog story. No, it was just a die story, dude. Well, because I don't think that that had anything to do with WWE production, that was just organic. I think just Zelina,
You know like her coming out with the Puerto Rican flag and like all of that I don't think that that was like something that we're like oh yeah we're gonna get her out there and get her her big moment like I don't know they really planned this stuff that if it was an AW I'd agree with you but WWE they planned this stuff down to a Nat's ass.
They know all the camera shots are gonna do they, you know, they're smart back there. I don't think it surprised them that that was the whole reason she was in this match dude like the I know that's what I'm saying so I don't think it surprised them that they she got this big emotional moment of applause before the match just to go get stomped out it was just kind of
I don't know. I mean, I don't got any issue with it, right? I'm not saying Zelina Vega should beat Rhea Ripley. I'm just saying after that entrance, I was kind of keyed up for a big emotional match and we didn't get that. Rhea Ripley just kicked ass like she almost does. Yeah. I mean, but I wouldn't expect anything different. I mean, like we said, we just, they kind of just threw this match together with Zelina Vega. And you know, as much as I think Zelina Vega is freaking awesome and super cool. She don't stand a chance against mommy, dude. Like it's just, it's not even in the cards for her.
See, and, and this was when I was kind of ripping this to shreds last week, this was my problem is the, the outcomes were pretty much known what was going to happen here. I mean, it, there wasn't a whole lot of surprises. The only real tossup match was bloodline verse, uh, KO Sam and Riddle. The rest of the matches we knew who was winning those matches. And that's kind of why,
I'm not saying it was a bad show. I'm definitely not saying that. It was definitely way better than I thought it was going to be. But this was the problem. Like Seth said, Zelina got that huge moment and stuff came out and still got her ass kicked in seven minutes. I don't know, man. To me, that comes off kind of weird. I'm with Seth on this. Yeah, but at the same time, it's not WrestleMania, dude. This is backlash. It's a mid-grade pay-per-view. I don't think
I don't think that matters. I don't know if Zelina Vega is getting a moment like that again. I think it did matter. I think that moment mattered and she got stomped out. I think that moment mattered, but I think that it, like, don't be sad because it's over. Be glad that it happened, right? But what happened was she got this big applause and just got her ass kicked. I mean, she could have came out there with no applause and still got her ass kicked. You know what I mean? Right. And that would have made sense. That wouldn't have been as deflating as it was. Like I said, hats off to the Puerto Rican crowd for
I feel like if something like that happened in the States, right? Let's say Seth, dude. Seth went out and was wrestling in wherever in Iowa. What's the biggest city in Iowa? Sioux City. If he's wrestling in Sioux City, Iowa. No, that is not the biggest city. Des Moines is the biggest city. What's the biggest... Okay, Seth's wrong. Sorry for my Iowa fans out here. Sweetest city. Seth's wrestling in Des Moines and Iowa.
And he, you know, gets this huge applause, man. He's rocking the black and yellow Iowa colors. And then comes out and gets his ass kicked by Brock in four minutes. That crowd's not recovering from that. So hats off to the Puerto Rican crowd for not letting that just straight up butt whoop in Zelina to take the wind out of their sails. They're like Ted Lasso, dude. It's just goldfish, dude. It's over. They're going on to the next fucking match, dude, you know? Yeah, like I said, I just think, like me and Jordan said, dude, the pre-match didn't match what happened once the bell rang.
Which is fine, it doesn't have to, it doesn't have to, but I was just saying that I was expecting something. Rhea doesn't owe the Puerto Rican crowd shit, you know what I mean? She's coming out there to kick ass, take names, and defend her title. I'll say this too, just to bring it back to what we said earlier, it takes two to tango. Were you guys really expecting Zelina Vega to hold like a 20-minute Broadway?
Fair point. Not for one second. Fair point, but I thought maybe they bust out the shenanigans, you know what I mean? Maybe a turnbuckle package took off. Obviously, we saw that in the main event, but there's ways you could do it, man. We've seen that story before. I always go back to that Eva Marie and Bailey NXT Women's Tag Team Championship match. That was the reverse. This was the time when a heel who had no business being competitive
almost wins the match. Yeah, but yeah, I would say I would say Zelina, you have to go back to watch her matches and see if you can actually put like put those pieces together and just, you know, just thinking back like I'm not expecting anything less than a squash match after.
I thought it was going to be a squash match. Like I thought it was going to be even more of a squash than it actually ended up being. She was presented as like a main card, main event talent for women's division and then gets to the ring and is presented as a dark match wrestler. Like that, that's basically what happened for me. She looks like a million dollars. Like she looks like she'd be at the top of the card. Just kidding.
Dude, and then they started talking about you know how her dad passed away They said that I started thinking like oh shit, dude Maybe we're just gonna get like some some sort of hot. She said they didn't just mention that she dedicated Yeah, they said she dedicated the message to her dad They gave her the bit the moment to soak in the applause I mean it got to the point where I was like, dude Maybe they're about to like hotshot this belt to her and you know, I'm sure real get it back in a week or two Yeah
I mean, the Cody negative one moment where we were like, oh shit. Yeah, exactly. That was the same as Cody giving the belt to negative one and then getting his ass kicked out. You guys know WWE and the hometown wins. They're not big fans of the winning in the hometown. You should have known that. Look what they did to Bayley when she was in her hometown. I forget, Alexa Bliss had just destroyed her and took her title, so come on.
Yeah, so it was still a great moment. Like I said, you know, six months from now, I will not remember the match, but I'll still remember Zelina's big entrance. So still pretty cool. Let before we get into the big three matches of the night, let's take our beverage break. All right, the beverage break is where we tell you guys what we are sipping on as we pause, you know, get us started this week.
I'm keeping it simple with a simply spiked lemonade, just the signature lemonade flavor. Super crispy, super tart, always hits the spot. I'm drinking something special I picked up on my most recent adventure down to Texas. So this is by Ingenious Brewing Company. They are out of somewhere in Texas. I can't see where it's at, but... Oh, Humble Texas, Bruton Canyon Humble Texas. So this is Double Galaxy, Hazy India Pale Ale.
Anybody that's known me for a while knows I'm a sucker for Galaxy print. I just love it. The Galaxy Nike foams are one of my favorite pairs of shoes ever. It's a mouthful, dude. It's 8.2% and it's in a pint can. Imagine a world full of hops, hops, and even more hops. Now imagine that world is inhabited by you and only you. Enjoy your personal Galaxy friends. We love a good hazy IPA over here. This one's definitely hitting the spot. Like I said, it's 8.2 pint, so I'll probably be buzzing a little bit by the time we get the listener mail.
Jordan, what are you drinking, man? I'm just keeping it simple tonight, doing Bushlight again. I think this is the third show in a row. I've been doing Bushlight, so we're just going to keep the good times rolling over here with the Bushlights. That's right. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Yeah, my mom and dad's coming to town this weekend. That's my dad's favorite beer, so I'm probably going to pick me up a 30 rack of some Bushlight sometimes between now and Friday. Solid choice.
Marco, what are you drinking man? I'm drinking a what I what I like to call America's favorite couple some some Jack and ginger So Jack Daniels and ginger ale so Oh nice ginger a wagon after our discussion. Well, what what flavor didn't or what branded? No, I had that I had that I had the proper 12 last week. Yeah, that's how I get back. Oh, that's right. You're right It's just regular candy. Yeah, I wasn't able to find the because you said the the bold Not around these parts so
I have to try to order it, uh, on like Amazon or something like that. Cause I might be drinking some expired shit. Cause like I said, this was right when I got back from my last deployment overseas. When I came back, I was seeing it in stores.
And I got on a kick of, you know, that was my go-to mixer for a few months and it disappeared. And then all of a sudden, at one random grocery store here in Tennessee, it popped back up. So I don't know. You got caught in the pandemic. They may have just rolled out some expired stock and that's what I've been drinking the last couple of weeks. No, they still got it. It's on Amazon, but it ain't cheap. Yeah, no, it's expensive. It is good, dude. It definitely stands out, you know, in the world of soft drinks. Is it $15 for a six-pack good?
No, no, no, I'm getting it. I'll stock up some. I'll ship some out because it's in the little eight ounce can. So I'll find a way to get some out to you guys. You can try it in your cocktails.
All right, Sheena, let's get into the big three matches of Backlash. All right, so we're gonna go with what was probably my favorite match of the night, Big Bunny versus Damien Priest. Dude, first off, Bad Bunny's entrance, dude. That was one of the hardest entrances I've ever seen. I was so fucking high, dude. I was like... The vibe, just the overall vibe and then the camera work, man. Definitely go download that and add it to your playlist.
I was listening to Maskman, I can't remember if it was yesterday or I don't even remember, but I was listening to Maskman talk about backlash and Kaz was talking about what the lyrics of that song are. He's like, you had kids and everybody, he's like, that song is such a fucking banger that the contents of the lyrics are so kind of just hard, hardcore. But he's like, you had women, children, everybody was just fucking singing out. That was his first big hit, man.
But that drone shot, they had that narrow tunnel, like Jordan said, man, that narrow minimalist tunnel, and the drone shot behind him, and you could just see it in his body. I could feel the electricity running through him, and then he starts walking out and you get the wide shot of the crowd. Dude, the pop was just like, it gave me goosebumps, man. We, along with the rest of the IWC, have been very critical of some of the camera work WWE has done over the last really 10 to 15 years, man. It's been the same direction, but
dude it's been on point the last couple months man and like I just I was so and I was kind of like I was lukewarm on this match because it was whatever but after seeing that entrance I was really really excited and I love the tribute to new Jack pushing the shopping cart full of weapons down to the ring the reason why they upgrade is because they get that endeavor money now
so they can do some better camera angles. That's true. That's true. Yeah, this match was so much fun. And then there was so much shenanigans. We saw Finn and Dom come out. Freakin' Ray came out. Savio Vega. Savio Vega and Carlito. T.O. Savio. Yeah, as the New Jim podcast, Quang came out. Quang. This really put me, it had a happy ending, but the match this much reminded me of was Sting and Triple H from WrestleMania 31.
How so? With all the running. It was a street fight match, so you're expecting that stuff to happen. I don't think that match was really billed as like a no. I did not have Savio Vega coming out. Yeah, he wasn't on my bingo card. Yeah, I did. I was not expecting to see him now. We saw him earlier in the show. They kind of spoiled the surprise a little bit, but Carlito was a big surprise too, man. I don't know. I just thought this was, for what this kind of match was, this was the absolute best way to execute it. Yeah, I thought it was a lot of fun. Bunny is just
Freaking dude, he's so good man. Like we're in the golden era of part-time wrestlers dude him Logan Paul and Pat McAfee like I don't know what we did all this is you know, the people like like Floyd Mayweather and
and like Snooki and like Lawrence Taylor that, you know, they walked, so these guys... Yeah. Well, I mean, you know, the thing about the WWE, historically, their celebrities are like, you know, five to 10 years past their like peace moments. We're getting bad bunny at the peak of his career. I mean, Logan Paul is one of, you know, the most famous people out there.
Even Pat McAfee is that one of the proper podcasts out there? Yeah, exactly. And Pat McAfee, dude. So we're getting these people at their prime and they're outside wrestling, outside of wrestling businesses. And so, yeah, super cool. They had Bad Bunny. They chronicled that whole month. He headlined Coachella.
Like a couple weeks before that, then he was at the Met Gala on May 1st, and then he ended up at WWE Backlash on May 6th. Oh yeah, we're definitely getting a fucking bunny 24. You know what I mean? A big bunny 24. Yeah, him just being like the mega, I mean they repeated it the whole night. He literally is a
Global like a star and he's in a A lot of times they'll overhype celebrities until oh, yeah He's such-and-such and put all these accolades on him. But like no they really mean it when they say like he's a global Phenomenal just an echo Mark Henry what he said on a busted open. He's like he thinks
Bad Bunny's the greatest celebrity wrestler in WWE history. That's what I was just about to say. We were talking about Logan Paul and everybody last week. Dude, there is nobody touching Bad Bunny for celebrity wrestlers. Nope. This dude cleared $88 million in his music career last year.
and is out there doing Canadian destroyers. Like this dude in his ass. Like Sheena just said it like these dudes are at the peak of their life. This dude is at the tippy top of like the music world and the world in general. And this dude's out here risking his life to do a street fight in WWE. He just loves wrestling. Yeah, he Yeah, bad bunny is that dude is not to be messed with and
watching him come out in Puerto Rico, that was one of the loudest crowd reactions I think I've ever heard. Him singing his song. It was like a bad bunny concert, dude. Him singing that song all the way to the ring, dude. I'm still getting goosebumps just thinking about it, because Sheena loves her. That was a moment, but that is something literally that I'll never forget. And for wrestling now, I mean, a lot of it's forgettable.
forgettable, that was an entrance to be the thing that we're going to remember for a really long time. I mean, that really says something. I'll go back and watch that match. That's definitely one that, you know, when I'm drunk and I'm doing the wind down at the end of the night, dude, that's definitely going to go on, man. I think the thing about bad bunny, man, like, you know, Logan Paul is an awesome athlete, right? It has an awesome buckshot, Larry and stuff. Like you can teach anybody to anybody to do these moves. If they got a little bit of ability.
To me, the thing about bad money is the selling and the facial expressions and stuff. You just buy in and you sympathize. Dude is just an awesome babyface wrestler. We set it back at WrestleMania 37 when he had that first match and he's only improved since then. He's just got a way of making you buy in. I'm not a fan of this guy's music at all. I just don't listen to it. I'm ignorant to his actual music.
But I love seeing this dude Wrestleman and to the point where like he's up there for my most wanted figures right now Do you like I want like dude give us some Intel Creations ultimate edition of bad bunny from you know Saturday night with all the weapon that'll happen I think it might be the WrestleMania one. I think this this year when they announced it
But he uh, if you watch any of his the set the sad thing is that was bad bunny so popular like it's gonna be fucking hard Oh, yeah, because all the all the all the bad bunny marks are gonna cuz remember when he had that shirt. Yeah, it's sold out like in all that merch They had sold out dude. He may end up being like the San Diego Comic Con exclusive Yeah, if you watch any of his interviews like he's a obviously obviously, I mean he steps in the rent. He's a huge and
huge wrestling fan like he's always been a wrestling fan season since the kid obviously you know the brookatee Song that he has and then there was a video. I forget the name of the song another video He actually has stone cold Steve Austin in his video like fighting and stuff like that like legit stone cold and
Yeah. I mean, he's definitely of wrestling. I mean, there's no other reason he would do this. I mean, he has no reason to do this for the absolute love of professional wrestling. And just like, you know, as a childhood dream, the bunny, the bunny, the big bunny dream.
Another thing that carries a lot of weight for me is we know Randy Orton is like an all-timer of just like a hard ass like curmudgeon and he's given this guy his cosign. He's the Roycant of WWE. We've just started watching Ted Lasso last couple of weeks. If you guys are wondering why Sheena somehow managed to drop like three Ted Lasso references in the first
55 minutes of the show, that's why. Listen, it does tie into the show because it was one of Jordan's recommendations. I actually took Jordan's recommendation, his Tranquilo and Chill recommendation, and Ted Lasso is a great show. If you're out there and you haven't watched it, I highly recommend watching it.
But yeah, Randy Orton gave him a cosign, which that occurs on weight. And dude's just awesome. How about how over the L.W.O is? Oh, yeah. I'm like, I love the the Puerto Rican remake. The Puerto Rican shirt sold out. I mean, it like sold out immediately. The L.W.O is like legit, like quickly rising up the fashion ranks of WWE.
Yeah, didn't have that on my 2023 bingo card. Do you think, do you think it'll carry on even though like the, you know, the Puerto Rican show and stuff like that is like, do you think, Oh, it caught fire before. Yeah, it was already, it was the number one selling show even before WrestleMania. I think, uh, I think at first people thought it was just something they were doing for like a one off to pop the crowd and stuff, man. But I, they're, I think they're going to legit be a faction and get a little bit of a run, man. It's cool. What's got to happen.
You know, I see the stories got to come full circle and Ray and Dom got to make up and Dom takes over for Ray being the leader. I thought I thought for sure this was going into another fucking Seth Hologram fucking drawn out 25 minute thing. Like they got to have the Eddie Hologram in the ring and then they got to bring up in Mexico's on lawnmowers.
I think we're past that. I don't think that's going back, dude. We need to have Chavo Grove come in and feud with him, dude. He's been chirping up and stuff on social media, dude, so Chavo needs to go in. He's trying to get in on some of this smoke, dude. He wants it. Oh, my gosh, for me. All right. Are we done talking about Big Bugs Bunny and the Archer? All right. The Usos and Solosakoa versus Riddle, Zane, and Owens.

Event Outcomes and Future Matches

I don't got a whole lot on this one, just, you know, never bet against the bloodline, dude. That's what I said. I was one of the very few people, not to bring up the picks league again, I was one of like maybe four people. Six people out of 35 pick the bloodline, she knows one of them. You know, to keep the sitcom references going, you know, on Arrested,
development. So I say there's always money in the banana stand. There's always money in the bloodline. There's always money in the bloodline. Yeah, there's always money in the bloodline. Jordan mentioned earlier, this was the only match that was kind of a coin flip on the predictions. It shouldn't have been though, dude. When in doubt.
Bet on the bloodline. Bet on the bloodline, dude. It hasn't served me wrong yet, man. Yeah, it should be a fun Friday night. See, Roman's going to be back on SmackDown for the first time since Mania, so we'll see if he can get so low to kind of turn on his brothers. That's what they've been hitting at, but I've only got a whole lot on this one today. Jay is awesome. We will add that Jay's acting and Jay's performance.
He's the foundation this whole story is built on obviously Roman's the guy with a thousand-day reign He's the guy that gets all the glory but Jey Uso is the heart and soul of the story is the catalyst Yeah, he's the heart and soul and he's the he's the thread that has continued to Today one Romans first title defense was against Jey Uso man
Yeah. So yeah, shout out to main event. But yeah, I thought this match similar to that triple threat us title match. This could have been a raw smacking main event. And I was going to know the difference. Not saying it wasn't a good match, but this was just, this was kind of looking a little bit of a palate cleanser before the problem is, is it followed bad bunny and Damien priest. That was
Yeah, that's what you said. That's a terrible spot for that match. Hell of a come down match. I think they, you know, Triple H is really smart because I think in the past you maybe would have either seen Rhea Ripley and Zelina Vega get put in that spot or that United States Championship triple threat. And I think either one of those matches would have just straight up died in that spot. You know what I mean? I don't think they, you know, even with- They still wanted to keep the energy up a little bit, but not, you know.
If you got the bloodline and Sammy and KO out there, you're at least gonna be able to maintain the vibe. I don't know. I don't know if you could have killed that Puerto Rican crowd, dude. It would have took, you know, a lot of extinction. They do do a better job. I feel like in the past, a lot of times on the paper views, there would be matches that were just straight up set up for death. And I feel like we haven't seen that in the last few months.
Yeah. Moving on to our main event of the night. We got Brock Lesnar versus Cody Rhodes. Make me earn it. Make me earn it. Yeah. We give Cody shit for being such a cornball dude. Just to let you know how goofy that was dude, our five-year-old son Brett, who's turned into a pretty damn little hardcore wrestling fan.
He saw that when it first happened and he was saying it all front, you know all week, you know, make me heard And then when that ended up being like the closing shot of the montage is just face lit up every time you heard it. Yeah And now that's what sometimes when he's like, you know, we're getting incentivized and stuff around the house, you know Like hey, you know if you if you're nice to your sister, you know, we'll we'll let you play games Nintendo switch for an hour. He'll say, you know As Cody Rhodes penetrated the Phelps household
Oh, he likes Cody kingdom we were bumping Kingdom on the way the soccer game today. That's one of his hype ups Cody Rhodes theme song. Yeah Yeah, and you know, he loves I think I don't think it's so much Cody I think he loves he's all on the spooky stuff and he knows Cody's the American nightmare So that was kind of like Cody's in for you know getting over with our five-year-old being called the nightmare. I
Let it be known though, that on the way to the soccer game, I definitely heard Seth go, whoa, I always do that. Make fun of him. I was just about to say, I'm shocked that the kingdom has made it into your phone. That's, that's the most shocking thing of this whole thing. You actually downloaded and paid for that song.
Well, you also have no idea how our five-year-old like every every song he hears that he like even Partially likes he's like can we download the playlist the playlist on the way to soccer game today was solo Sakoa's theme song Then we did Cody evil doing then Becky Lynch then doing heel thing. He loves joints heel fish is how hardcore of a wrestling He doesn't want that. He doesn't want babyface doing
He wants to heal. No, it's got to be Heel Doink. So we had Heel Doink's theme. Then we had the Uso's OG theme, right? Like, I'm on top. And the old one, dude, like, with the face thing. Yeah. And then Roman Reigns. That was the playlist on the way to the start game. That's the downside to when your kid gets into wrestling, because not the first music they hear, but the most music they hear is all wrestling theme songs. So that's pretty much what you're going to be listening to for pretty much forever.
Sometimes we have to tell, we tell him like, you know, the request line is closed. He'll be like, movies like saying, Hey, can you play solo Sakoa song? Hey, can you get a lot of the stuff that he knows on YouTube? And we're like, no, dude, we're not pulling that up. And you know, most of the WWE themes are like 45 second loop. Yes. Oh yeah. Another favorite of his is a Gunther song. Yeah, he loves Gunther song. Yeah. Gunther second song is what he calls it because he doesn't want the Walter theme.
No, he did. That's the other thing. We did Walter's OG theme, the classical song. That was on the way to the soccer game today, too. Yeah, that's all I hear all day long. Alexa, play this. Alexa, play. Alexa, play. Oh, Brett has asked for an Alexa because one of his friends has one. And I'm like, absolutely not. Not on my watch.
I thought this match was pretty cool. Not a whole lot to say. Obviously, we know after Monday night, it was really just setting up the rematch. I will say, though, that this is the benefit of using blood sparingly, man. It seemed like such a big deal when Brock got busted open. And we love AEW, but they overdo it so much. You wouldn't even bat an eye if somebody got busted open like this in AEW.
Yeah, and dude when you see a bleeding Brock, you know, he's like a fucking bull that's been just like poked dude Like that's like the one thing I'm like, dude, if I busted Brock's head open I would be like running my ass out that stadium as fast as I could dude I don't know how hard he hit that turnbuckle because I watched in super slow-mo. He did not blade I think he bladed man. I was like, yeah, I Thought he I thought he did a real quick blade job right before he hit it But I went back afterwards and watched it. No
unless there's some sort of camera magic that we just missed, man. I think he straight up got busted with her way. And that was, he was bleeding like a stock dig. He did hard way at 31 too, right? As far as we can tell, yeah. Brock is freaking. Cause even when you saw his face on Monday, like you could definitely tell that was not a boy job. Oh yeah. Cause he had a black, cause he had a black eye and everything. Yeah. So I think he just like totally messed his face up. He went full fucking diesel into that top rope.
Think about what a badass you got to be to just straight up headbutt a steel turnbuckle, do you? No, I feel bad for the turnbuckle. Dude, you'd have to give me five bucks to headbutt the armrest of my couch is hard to believe. Well, at least we know where the starting point is now. Five bucks. We'll work our way up.
Yeah, he he hit hard man. I'm not not surprising that Cody Cody won. I mean, I know we thought we thought Cody was gonna either steal it by some sort of smudge or something. What I want to know is
What are they doing for the rematch? Because nothing's ever mentioned by accident on WWE. And on Monday Night Raw, Brock challenged him to a fight. And then Cody said, I accept Brock's challenge to a fight in Night of Champions. So are we going to get the fight pit? Is it going to be like a Saudi street fight? What are we doing here, man? I was thinking Hell in a Cell or Steel Stage, but they definitely said it's going to be a capital F fight. Lions, Dan. Lions. That would be cool.
Fight people would be cool. I don't know if they'd ship the fight pit over to Saudi though. Yeah, they would, dude, because they would ship. I mean, they didn't spare no expense on those Saudi. Just build a fight. Yeah, they just build a fucking. They should just do a fight in the streets of Saudi and like the hood of Saudi. Oh, man. The Saudi street fight. Escape with your life. The Arabian night street fight. Oh, my God.
I don't know. I don't know. I'm interested to see, like I said, there's definitely some sort of gimmick coming up. We've never had a straight up just fight match. It's probably going to be like an unsanctioned or something like that. That's what I'm thinking, dude. Yeah, unsanctioned match. I can see something like that. I think Brock gets the win. They stretch this to Money in the Bank, man. I think Brock's going to get his win back, and then we see them go to Money in the Bank. How crazy is it going to be that we're going to go three straight pay-per-views outside of the continental United States?
Yeah, we had we had Puerto Rico, which you know, it's US territory, but still it's outside of the you know, the lower 48 and then we're going to Saudi and then the next show after that is in the UK. Yeah.
I can burn it up to Maryland miles, dude. WWE ain't very climate conscious. No, that's good though. Because that'll give us three different crowds other than the US crowds for pay-per-views. Because dude, depending on the city they're in, sometimes the crowds for the pay-per-views suck. Yeah. Bankers. The London crowd is going to be insane. The Ukraine crowd is going to be freaking awesome, man.
Yeah, unless I'm mistaken, dude, the next US crowd for a premium live event is going to be SummerSlam in Detroit. And that's going to be in the football stadium. You know, that's going to be correct. Be some stabbings in that bitch. Oh, man.
All right, before we move on to our, so let's, let's go, you know, we'll do a thumbs up, thumbs down.

Show Quality Review and Feedback

I, I give backlash to enthusiastic thumbs up, man. I thought it was excellent. I gave it to enthusiastic thumbs up too. I felt like the pacing, I said, then we didn't talk about, I felt like the pacing of the show was really good. It didn't stretch out too long. Like it was just a, a well planned out show. Two thumbs up.
All right, Jordan, you shit all over this last week, man. We're waiting with the, with beta breath. I'm not going to give it a full two thumbs up for the reasons I just wait for the reasons that I said, I, I did the things that I did not like about it going into it were the things I did not like coming out of it. The fact that almost every match was predictable that I did not like that board. So it definitely gets a thumbs up. Like I said, the presentation was awesome. Crowd was insane. Um, the bad bunny match alone.
Makes me want to go back and watch the pay-per-view. So it definitely gets a thumbs up I just wish the matches weren't also predictable So you're one thumbs up one thumb sideways. Yep. Yeah, that's one

WrestleMania 43 Excitement and Planning

and a half thumbs for Jordan All right one more little Nugget of news before we move on it looks like at least preliminary planning is in place for WrestleMania 43
to be in Nashville, man. So I just want to make sure Jordan and Marco, you guys are, you got plenty of time to plan for this. Start sending some cash aside because it's going to be the biggest celebration of all things Chick-Fully we've ever had. We need to take over the Wild Horse Saloon again. I'm just going to rent a fucking bus, dude. I'm going to drive, you know, instead of just taking the van. You're going to drive it? My mom runs a charter bus company, dude. So we got the hookup on a charter bus, dude. Everybody come to Morgantown, Kentucky.
and we'll take a luxury charter bus to uh to wrestle mania and nashville you're gonna you're gonna drive the bus i'm gonna drive i'm gonna drive the bus after drivers i'm gonna get it i'm gonna get a cdo between now and uh 2025 or whatever the feed after the story staff told us that's 27 you're gonna drive the bus sheen is she is gonna drive the actual bang bus
I'm gonna drive an actual bang bus. Yeah, it's gonna be super in the bus We know we'll be on we'll come in on top of any like head-on collisions. Oh Yeah, she was just pulls into oncoming traffic on the interstate Wow
Can you guys, can you imagine Jordan, who's somebody who has written with me multiple, and I hate to talk shit about myself because I feel like I am a good driver. Used to be a good driver. Can you imagine me trying to like pull into like a mall somewhere and like park that bus? You can barely park the van. Remember I missed the turn for the mall and I ended up having to go down the back alley. And then you drove by like 10 empty parking spots and then somehow parked in the parking spot where the car next to us was inside your line. Like it was just a whole thing.
I was telling Sheena the other day, I was bitching about it, dude. We used to pretty much separate driving responsibilities 50-50. It's very rare that I don't just immediately go to the driver's seat. What do you think it is, dude? Why has my driving deteriorated over the years? I think it's got to be something with the kids, man. I think the focus, if this RPG, your focus skill has gone down and your jitteriness skill has gone up, dude. Those two things in combination of just...
Made you more erratic, driver. Plus, I never drive at night anymore, dude. I'm like an old lady. Yeah. Sometimes, there'll be something we need from the grocery store or Walmart or something. She wants to go and she's like, well, if I leave now, it's going to be like 5.30 by the time I get home.
I'm like, okay, and. But dude, you, but yeah, you, you say that and it sounds funny, but you also don't have to realize like when you are a mom, like you're like, okay, well, I got to start dinner at this time. I got to set this out. I got to do this. You know what I mean? Like there's

'How Many Chicks' Wrestling Figure Review

certain like, like notes that you have to hit throughout your day. So even in time, if you get off script, it can be rough. If you get off script and you miss like your freaking dinner window, like, especially with little kids, they end up being up too freaking late. You're, you're worn out. You're ready to just go to fucking bed. And yeah, it's.
too much. All right. Let's get on to our next segment. It's going to be the latest edition of how many chicks. All right. How many chicks is a segment where I have randomly selected one of our over
1400 wrestling figures in our collection. Sheena is going to be, uh, don't open it yet. She patients, uh, we'll, we'll roll it out as a surprise. And then we're all go around and do a, uh, a live review on it. So Sheena, you ready to reveal? Let's go.
Oh, it looks like we have a... Emma. Is this not a basic right? It is a basic. Oh, nice. This is nice. Loki banger right here. Tell me you guys aren't dancing right now hearing Emma's OG theme. I'm not dancing right now hearing Emma's OG theme.
Wow. Marco, I know you're busting out the old bushwhackers and Jayce dance moves. All right, so we have, if you guys want to pull it up on a wrestling figure database, Jordan and Marco, we have Basic65. This is Heal Emma. So, Sheena, take us through your thoughts on this one. So, I like this figure. I forgot how good the old women's basics
used to be, dude, like got lots of articulation. I like, um, she's got the painted gloves on. The one thing I've always hated about women's basic is instead of just like molding new stuff, they just paint the titties and, uh, silver titties. Yeah. She's got silver titties. And it's like, you can see where the, you know, the sculpt for the, the bra or the, you know, halter top is, but then she's got like all the other start. So I've always hated that aspect of it just as a woman. I'm like, that's so annoying. Um, but, uh, yeah, painted titties.
Face a little half gloves. Yeah, that's what says you got the little half gloves lots of detailing on this for a basic lots of you know paint apps and I Think it's a good big. Yeah, so she has two figures in the Mattel line. So this was basic 65 released towards the late 2016 Yeah, and then she had basic 49 that That was her her baby face figure. That was like baby face in my first time in the line with the the pink gear Yeah, and stuff cities and painted belly on that one. I
Yeah. We actually, do you remember where we got this figure out, Shane? I don't remember. So we got this from the Walgreens in Hawaii in Hawaii. So this was from that period of time. I remember when we used to go to that Walgreens. Yeah. There was a period of time where Walgreens was the spot to get new resting figures, basic families in Hawaii. This was BC for me and Seth before kids. We used to just go on dates and we would stop at every Walgreens along the way. We did the Walmarts and the Targets and the Walgreens. Remember, Jordan, you picked up some figures at Walgreens in Hawaii. I did, yeah.
I'm still trying to get over the fact that she just said BC and then said before kids right after it. I don't know how you spoke kids. Oh man, BK. Before children. Before children. Her brain no worse. She's getting different thoughts after talking about painted titties. Jordan, Marco, do you guys have Emma in your feed? No. I do not.
Shame on you guys. Shame. Seth loves Emma. I love Emma, dude. I remember, so not to get super pervy, dude, but you guys remember we went into detail how pissed off we were about Starcast at Nashville this past summer, how we got gypped on Meeting Brett Hart.
The overall setup was, yeah, like Sheena said, just clusterfuck. I still would just about say I damn near got my Monday's worth because I got to see Emma in person and she's stunning, man. Like really, like she is a, she's a beaut dude. So yeah. All right, let's get into it. So Sheena, we need your rating from a 0.0 being the least to 5.0 being the best. What do you give basic 65 Emma?
I'm going to give it a 3.5. I think it's a good figure, especially for a basic. Again, it loses a little bit of points because it's got the basic paint job and all that. It's got the elite articulation though. It does have the elite articulation. That's how women's figures were dope back in the day. It was kind of deep into the basic line. I think it was into like, this is one of the last ones, but it was into like the early 70s.
Before a series number before they switch to the basic articulation on the female suit up to that That's why it took me a minute when I pulled her when I pulled her I was like wait a minute I thought she only had basics and then I'm like basically for pretty much any Female figure you got in basic series 70 and before it's actually got our T our ultimate Arctic. Excuse me I told you guys double galaxy starting to get to me, man All right
She gave it three point five. Marco, what do you give basic sixty five? I don't have it in hand, obviously, but just looking at the pics, I'm going to go. I'm going to go three. Definitely with Sheena about the you know, the paint, the painted breast, this is area. Not a big fan of that. Resticles, the head skin, chesticles, chesticles. That's always a funny word.
I think the head scan is really good. She has the scowl and stuff like that. Yeah. This is when Mattel wasn't doing great female scans a lot. Yeah, really good. It's cool. Like I said, Sheena knew exactly who it was when she took it out. That's not always a lock with some of the female figures. Other than that, I think it's a pretty decent fig for a basic.
Jordan. Yeah. I think this is a really good figure for a basic outside of the paint. I mean, which isn't great, but yeah, her head scans phenomenal in this figure. It does have a lead articulation. I'm actually going to go high on this one. I'm going to go. I'm gonna go a three nine. That's a good score.
Yeah, I'm kind of right there with Jordan. I give it 3.8. I think this is a really great figure. Basically a perfect Emma figure, man. The only reason it's not higher is because it is a basic. She needs some glasses. Yeah, some sunglasses or some sort of entrance gear would have set it off, man. But as far as a basic goes, like this is definitely one of the better ones. I love the little half gloves. And like Marco said, the head sculpt's on point. This really makes me miss the elite articulation or the ultimate articulate... What am I saying? Elite articulation on basics.
Yeah, it was a lot of bang for your buck. That was kind of like a nice little value hustle there for a while that we had going. We were picking up all the women's fakes back then. Yeah, I think the thing was, it was kind of a product of the women not getting the love they really deserved in the line because there weren't that many of them, so they can afford to do it, right? But then they kind of started putting basically one female in just about every line, so I think it just didn't make sense cost-wise.
Alright, so she comes up with three 3.55 was her average we always round up so we'll give her a 3.6. So since we reset the scale for how many chicks, because you know she and I just totally messed up our ratings before.

Food Preferences and Personal Anecdotes

done 14 of these and Emma ranks number nine. So a little bit towards the low end, but I think that's more just the issue of her being a basic. And we've had some really good figures that we've looked at since we've done that. Yeah. Elite Tatanka remains the all-time benchmark for a Elite 47 Tatanka. It's the all-time benchmark for, uh, for how many chicks, man. So, all right, Sheena, we got listener meal. You know, we do.
All right guys, our first listener mail comes in from Zach Hertzler. He says, you have a choice between Mexican food or barbecue food. What are you going with? Easy Mexican, yeah. I like Mexican food better.
And I feel like it's way harder to screw up, man. Me and Sheena was just talking about this the other day. I can't remember having a bad experience at a Mexican restaurant. Yeah. I feel like Mexican food is just always good. It always hits the spot. I've had really excellent barbecue food that was just like... I've had some life-changing barbecue food, but also I've had some really mediocre... Mid. Yeah. Some

Bad Bunny Match Analysis

totally mid barbecue food that was just like, eh. So I think...
you know, definitely Mexican all day long. Jordan, what about you Mexican or barbecue? I'm gonna go barbecue. I just Oh, man. So Kansas City is only a short two and a half hour drive. I mean, that's some of the best barbecue you can get. Don't get me wrong. I love Mexican food. My wife is Hispanic. So we eat Mexican food a lot. But man, it's pretty tough to beat really good barbecue for me.
See, we're in Memphis, which it's a barbecue capital, but they're all about the dry rub here. And I like a little bit of a saucy barbecue. I like sauce. Yeah, like I can appreciate a dry rub barbecue. And we went to Baby Jack's from Georgia. They got a pretty good barbecue. But as far as the straight up authentic Memphis barbecue, that's not really my style, man. I like Carolina barbecue, the more like not the super sweet sauce, the more like vinegary sauce and stuff.
But I don't like it to be, I like it to have a little bit of body to it. I don't want it to be just a straight vinegar sauce. I want it to have a little bit of like thickness. Yeah. I like a little bit of goop. It doesn't have to, I like sweet barbecue sauce too. Don't get it twisted. I love barbecue sauce all across the board, but I do like a sweet heat type of, you know, barbecue. Good barbecue is good. But like I said, if I'm walking up and there's a Mexican restaurant on one side and barbecue under there, I'm hitting Mexican on it. Exactly. Cause you know, you know, you're going to, it's going to hit. Marco, what about you?
Uh, barbecue with Jordan on this one. Uh, that's surprising. I thought it was going to be across the board. I mean, it's, it's, I don't know. It's something about, uh, I mean, especially if you have really good barbecue, uh,
What's your guys' favorite barbecue? Are you like brisket people? Are you like pork people, like pull pork, or like ribs? Like what's your barbecue go to? Smells sausage, brisket, brisket and ribs are my go to. Brisket ribs. Brisket stand good. Straight up, dude, I know this is like probably going to offend a lot of barbecue people out there, but Seth brought me a brisket sandwich from Bucky's when he was on his way back and dude, that was freaking...
Awesome, dude. Bucky, I mean, Bucky's is legit barbecue. That's just no joke, dude. I don't think that, I don't think anybody, anybody that's just getting offended by that's just being a snob. Yeah, it was, it was so good, dude. Like, and it had been in a car for like five hours. Yeah, it probably made it better, dude. All the flavors are kind of like still in development and stuff. Meet each other in the, in the wrapper. But yeah, it was, it was so freaking good. Everybody said that the brisket was good and they were not lying. So if you gave me the Bucky's brisket recommendation, mahalo.
Aaron Kokomo says, do you think Bad Bunny versus Damien Priest is the match of the year so far? I thought it

Lifestyle Choices and Personalities

was just excellent and that crowd was something special, which I hadn't seen in a long time. I was thoroughly sports entertained, but it's not in my conversation for match of the year, man. Match of the year, I look for something different. Like I said, this straight up.
Popcorn fun match that was great. Yeah, we talked about before that that match was like a summer blockbuster, right? That was like a big like Marvel MCU Like smash hit but it wasn't like an Oscar award winner for best picture, you know if I'm using like the movie Yeah, we're so not in the match of the year category for me, but I got you know wrestling's up to everybody's individual tastes I got no beef with it if somebody said it was her favorite match. Yeah, it's objective Mm-hmm
Sambro says, Sheena, what's one thing you can't go all natural on? I don't know why. I feel like that's like that question deserves some giggles. Because it does. So here's what I'll say.
Personally, I don't think there is anything that I couldn't go all natural on that I just feel like, oh, that would be impossible for me to make that switch or change or whatever. I feel like being married to Seth has kept me grounded for the most part because there's no telling how off the freaking walls, holistic. Should be living in a house made of sticks like this. Like a hike. Yeah. An adobe. A pueblo.
Exactly. I fully believe in living a healthier lifestyle, but I do try to stay balanced. As much as I drink raw milk and buy like- Coffee clinics. Yeah, bougie coffee and get organic coffee for enemas and all the things. I still like
I mean, we ordered Domino's pizza. I'm getting, I'm getting there. The one, I think the one thing that's probably the hardest like in my life right now, like I would love to go like all natural, like clothing, like natural materials, but that shit is so expensive. Well, I mean, dude, there's all kinds of like PFAs. They wear like sheepskins. Yeah. Like fucking wool and like, you know, cotton linen, linen, you wear linen in the summertime. So it keeps you nice and you know, the temperature you want to be at.
Yeah, I think but the problem with that is is like those materials are so freaking expensive that companies who make those types of clothing like charge out the ask for again because they're not using like slave labor to make them, you know, so it's like It that's why they they cost a lot more and whatever anyway, I won't go down that rabbit hole But that's been the the hearted the hardest challenge. I wish I could like, you know have a full like linen wool wardrobe, but uh, you know It's just not it's just not in the job. So keeps you on somewhat of a straight and narrow
Cause what you're saying now would make me instantly be like, Hey Sheen, uh, we can be friends from afar, but that's about it. Bitch, you would be hugging me all the time. Can you imagine if I was wearing like a sheepskin, like, you know, clothes, because I just told you, I started sweating when it's 70. You think that's going to help them.
Hey, listen, I mean, I still wear like, you know, repurpose clothing. I have a very hippie, dippy wardrobe. It's like, you know, repurpose saris from India and stuff. So anyway, uh, Sambro also says, what's one wrestler each of you identify the most with? I'm going to have to go with planet's champion, Daniel Bryan, since we're on the topic, you know, what about you, Jordan?
I don't know, it'd have to be...
I mean, I am a little bit out there and off my rocker sometimes. So I'll go with Bray. I just, and he loses all the time and I lose all the time. So it's just, it's just, it's the story of my life. No laughter. He smiled. He smiled really big. I actually never thought of that. Who, who do I identify with the most? Uh,
Probably Vic Foley, Mankind, Cactus Jack, Dude Love. All the multiple personalities. All the multiple personalities. Yeah. Yeah. I feel that. Seth? I think I'll probably go Mox, man. Just kind of like meat and potatoes. Put your head down and just keep plowing through life, dude. Okay. Bleed every five minutes. Bleed a lot. Just keep

Beachwear Preferences

plowing through life.
Sam bro you guys wearing board shorts or speedos to the beach this summer? Speedos is a brand twos and they do make Yeah, it's like, you know
like tissues is the Kleenex is the generic word for tissues. I wear the one like Borat to the beach. No, you don't. Nice. Dude, I get uncomfortable when I see somebody like a 70 year old man in a speedo at the pool. I'm like, come on. I'm 70. If I'm 70, I'm going to wear a damn speedo. He don't want no freaking tan lines on his legs, dude. And he's 70. He may just want to know what it feels like to be out in public in trunks, dude. I mean, so what's the difference? You don't get uncomfortable watching fucking Gunther out there in fucking trunks.
first off wrestling trunks cover up a lot more than speedos do speedos are super skimpy dude like wrestling trunks like yeah they're in the same general shape as underwear but if you really look they cover up a lot of ground like look at somebody wearing a pair of just regular like
fucking BBD briefs and somebody wearing wrestling trunks. They cover a lot more real estate. Exactly. Yeah. I mean, there's different types. There's some that are a lot more like more of a tight cut. Aren't Adam Coles like super small too? I think he wears like the little, the teeny tiny. Yeah. But in general, go back and look at Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior. Their trunks are covering up a lot of real estate.
Yeah, I feel like in a speedo, you're one wrong move away from a ball being out. A ball popping out. Whatever. It's not like 11 feet long before. I think you should just live and let live. If you want to wear a speedo to the beach. Yeah, wear whatever you want. But for me, and anybody I'm rolling to, if I was going with a group of friends to the beach, and when I'm showed up in the speedo, I'd be like, you're not fucking wearing that, dude. Show up to me. That's how passionately I feel about it. I would tell them straight up, go fucking change.
Speaking of that, we are in tarps off season. So if you're, if you're mowing with the tarp on, take the tarp off, who gives a shit with your neighbor? Seth, Seth Mose with the tarp off. And then even Brett, Brett came out the other day while Seth was mowing. He said, can I take my shirt off like you? And then he ended, then Brett ended up going over to the neighbor's house to play basketball and he had his shirt off. He looked like a little, you know,
It's just so funny seeing Brett over there shirtless playing basketballs like shirts and skins, you know, it just weirds me out. Like how many people like go to the pool and like bigger dudes that just don't want to take their shirt off. I'm like, bro, like, bro, who are you worried about getting judged by? Like, dude,
There's like two people in here that could probably pass as like super model frames. Like, let's relax here, man. We're not all built on their own skin. Yeah, you don't have to. This is your permission. If you're listening to this and you're thinking about wearing a shirt at the pool or the beach this summer, this is your sign. This is permission to just take that shit off. Ain't nobody, ain't nobody worried about what anybody's

Dream Autographed Wrestling Figures

body looks like. And if they do,
F them. Yeah, bro. If you need me to post some shirtless pictures in the group, I will to give you some confidence. I don't have a problem. Don't say that. People are going to start bugging you. This is the start to my only shot. Yeah, we're going to hear the Shawn Michaels pose with the yeah. So we're not doing the trick fully show calendar.
Oh, we are. I think that's going to happen. It's going to be a Seth, Seth, Marco, and Jordan in the chick bully show calendar. Just a bunch of pictures out in the yard mowing, drinking a mowing beer.
Yes, that's going to be collecting eggs out of the nesting box. There's going to be a picture of him up in the attic, you know, shirtless in his speedo. Setting up the arena. Setting up the figures, shirtless. Just looking back at the camera.
Sam Bro says, you guys wearing... Oh, no. He says, what's the dream autographed figure you'd want for your personal collection? A Stone Cold Steve Austin autograph has eluded me. So I would love to have... And I'm not a big autographed person. Autographs don't really do it for me. I'm more of a selfie or an us-y person as it were. But I want a Stone Cold Steve Austin autograph.
I would, if I could, I don't say machina, like I'm, I'm a loose collector. So they mostly autographs and do a lot for me. If I had to pick one, I think I'd want to get at LJN MOC ultimate warrior signed. Yeah. Yeah. Anything warrior signed would be awesome, which obviously ain't happening now, but I mean, we're going dream. So yeah. Yeah.
Jordan just said something. Yeah. Oh, you said the same thing. All right, Marco. So it's already said warrior. Probably probably the rock. If I could swing it. Yeah, it'd be cool. It's becoming a really tough signature to get. And it's been a while since he's done any kind of signing.
Yeah, I can't imagine The Rock doing like any sort of WWE signing. Can you imagine? That would be freaking bananas. Yeah, I think you got to catch him just, you know, at the airport or something. He doesn't even go to airports at this point. You got to catch him wherever. Just get lucky. Yeah. Samber also says, do you bite or lick your ice cream cones?
I mean, you lick the ice cream and you bite the cone. I don't bite the ice cream. I don't bite the ice cream. Yeah, you got to lick the ice cream bite the cone. Jordan? Are you guys cone people or are you a bull people? Oh, in summer bull because that shit just melts so goddamn fast. Like if you have a big cone, it's going to be melted everywhere. So I'm definitely a bull person when it gets warm up. Same hair. Yeah.
Fuck that. If I see somebody eating ice cream out of a bowl, I just assume we got different philosophies towards life. You know, this is really going to freaking mess you up, dude. I eat ice cream out of a coffee mug. It's got to do something different. Jordan saw it in person, dude. Jordan saw the, it's the perfect vehicle for ice cream. You get to hold the handle. Yeah. And guess what? I used to, actually I still have it, but I haven't bought Ben and Jerry's pints in a long time. I have a mug.
that is the perfect size that you can drop the whole pint into the coffee mug and you can just like eat the ice cream out of the coffee mug in the pint. The ceramic might be cool enough to actually keep it colder a little bit longer. It keeps it colder and it keeps your hands off of it so your hands aren't warming up and melting the ice cream and it keeps your hands warm. It's the perfect solution. So if you're out there, yeah. It's pretty genius. Ditch the bowl and

Wrestling Figure Line Debates

get your ass a big ass coffee mug and fill it with ice cream.
Sambro, what's the most overrated wrestling figure line and what's the most underrated? Overrated? I don't know if there's anything really that overrated, man. I feel like they're either properly rated or underrated, man. I can't really think of an overrated one off the top of my head, man.
Yeah, no, fuck it. I'll say it, dude. Over it, I think Ultimate Edition, man. And I say that because I hate the edge articulation. The more it comes out, I don't like the butterfly shoulders. I don't like the dropdown hips, man. So I love Ultimate Edition figures for the most part because we're generally getting really, really awesome attires and paint apps and accessories. But I feel like the people that are just like, oh, give us more, give us more, give us more articulation are kind of driving in the ground.
Yeah for underrated I still feel like Jack's bone crunching action doesn't get the love it deserves man like those figures Yeah, some of them haven't aged as well, but I feel like that was just a really really fun line
All right, that's funny that you say that because that'll lead us into our next question from our man Brett Sharrow. What's your favorite Jack's figure line? I always preferred the deluxe aggression line and it largely influenced the articulation adopted by Mattel in the elite line. I was also a fan of ring giants. I find myself tempted to go back and start a collection of the old Jack's figures.
Jordan, what's your favorite Jack's figure line? Funny enough, I was looking on eBay the other day for Jack's figures and I'm like, maybe I should just collect the whole maximum sweat line. I think that line is kind of cool, honestly. I mean, I don't know. It's literally cool. It's sweating. Yeah, it's definitely creative. Maybe I'll go back and do that. Maybe that'll be my next collection.
Seth, Marco, either you got a favorite Jack's figure line. I love the minis, man. Like those minis that came out in like 1997 and early 98, they'd all come with a ring, like a steel cage. I saw those were really, really cool, man. Like we, you know, when we were to music city collectibles on SummerSlam weekend, I got a couple of bags of those for Brett.
Those are really cool. Yeah, they're just really cool. So I'm definitely going to go back and it wasn't a big line either. I think there's only about 25, 26 different characters in that. So I'm going to go ahead and grab all those. And those are like perfect collectible. Like if you have like a desk or like, you know, an office, like they're not taking up much real estate, you can create a whole collection and they're just super fun. Like, you know, they're just, they're fun to have in your hand. Uh, she said, uh, what about you, Mark? What about you, Marco?
favorite Jax figure. I go with the Jax classic superstars only because you can literally find every single wrestler that ever wrestled ever in the history of wrestling in that line because they just, everyone has a figure. Everyone that does that beautiful boxes. I think that's the most influential wrestling figure line ever, man, because we had had, it was really, really rare before that you had any kind of like legends or like nostalgia or wrestling figures made, man. And that showed that.
Not only was there a thirst for that kind of thing in the market, that would really come to drive the adult collector market going forward. Obviously,

Concert Experiences and Wishlist Artists

we like getting our current guys, but if Mattel came out and just said, hey, we're not making any more legends or nostalgia acts, I think you'd see the collector market just totally dry up for the Mattel line.
Sambro, what is your favorite little Debbie cake? I gotta go with oatmeal cream pie, dude. That's my classic favorite. My grandpa always used to have them at his house. They're not too sweet. Excuse me, like a zebra cake or something like that. But yeah, oatmeal cream pie. There's none that I care for now. As a kid, I love fudge rounds, but something I'm sure, is that little Debbie or is that hostess or something?
I think fudge rounds might be hostess. The Swiss rolls are hostess for sure. Nope, you're good. Little Debbie. Yep.
Makes fudge rounds, yeah. I used to love fudge rounds as a kid, but I don't know. They're the same texture, yeah, they're the same texture as like a, as an oatmeal cream pie, but they're chocolate. Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of it. I'm not a snack cake eater now, yeah. They all, they're way too sweet. Those little, it was like chocolate chip cookies with like the whipped cream in the middle. Those were pretty good too, dude. Oh yeah, yeah, they're kind of like soft batch cookies. Yeah, those were, I don't know what those were called, but they were really good. What about you, Marco? Favorite little Debbie K? I was, yeah, my go-to was the oatmeal cream pies.
Yeah, it's so good, man. This ice cream shop, since we talked about ice cream, this ice cream shop in Virginia that I really liked, they made an oatmeal cream pie ice cream, and it was spot on. I mean, they literally just mixed oatmeal cream pies into the ice cream, and it was everything I could have imagined. It was amazing. So if you're out there and you want to make an oatmeal cream pie milkshake, it's a good idea. It works well.
Jordan, I was always a fan of nutty bars. I just, for some reason, my mom, my mom loved the nutty bars. Yeah. I mean, you don't even have to imagine the little Debbie thing because they made all the little Debbie cakes into ice cream. Now you like you can find them at every store now. I remember Mike Lanham was tagging me and all those because we had talked about, you know, all the our love for little Debbie.
Yeah. It's just, it's just such a childhood. Like I said, I don't eat snack cakes now, but my mom, you know, we used to go, she, there was this like day old bread store and they would always like unload their cakes for like super cheap. And she would like load us up. Cause we always had our cousins over and shit in the summer. And yeah, they were like the perfect snack. Sambro, what's the next concert you'd like to go to?
I don't see myself going to a concert again, man. It's not my thing. Like I said, I think next time I'm going to get set up for a concert, I'm just buying some Ticketmaster stock instead. Yeah. We thought about going to Morgan Wallin. Thank God we didn't, dude. That whole fiasco from the Morgan Wallin concert and the last one in Oxford kind of turned me off ever even doing that again. You would go to Taylor Swift though.
Yeah, I mean, someone got me the tickets I would, man. I mean, I wouldn't pay the price, but if you could just go, like just taking money out of it. Yeah, taking the financial out of it, I'd love to go see Taylor Swift on the errors too. Dang. She's actually around here. I think next week she's at Gillette Stadium.
She was in Nashville last weekend. Only for a mere $1,000 you can sit on the roof. Yes, exactly. I would rather freaking... No, not for me. Jordan Marco, what's the next concert you'd like to go to? Well, I wanted to go to Drake and 21 Savage this summer, but I ain't paying that kind of money for a concert.
Concerts are insane. The price for concerts has just gotten so ridiculous that I'm just like, I don't know in what world. I mean, I'm not shitting on anybody that likes to go to concerts, but I'm just like, no. And a lot of times I'm just like standing room only and shit. And I'm like, no, absolutely not.

AEW Roster Split Speculations

I definitely what do you call it? 50 Cent's doing his 20-year anniversary of. Oh, my God. Well, I feel like me and Seth have to go to that. Is he doing stadiums? He legit has like a million dates. So if you go on his Instagram, it's like I think he's just he's just doing like venues, not like super large venues. I'd love to see 50 Cent doing that album in like a small theater, man. Like I'm thinking like two thousand people or something like that.
Yeah, they're all like small like venues like the one he's coming to in August. Like the like the Blaisdell Center or something. No, not even the Blaisdell. I'm thinking like that place where we saw Amos Lee at in Richmond. Oh, yeah. National. Yeah. It sounds like 10,000 people. Blaisdell holds 10,000 people. Oh, my closest to you guys is Nashville. What for 50? Yeah. July 28th in Nashville. Yep. I don't think I'll be gone, but it was it was a good thought.
Yeah, it was a good thought. Brett Sharrow, so Cody isn't winning the consolation prize. You think we get a long build to finish his story and eventually circles back to Roman to finish the story at next year's WrestleMania, or do we get a shorter version at the SummerSlam? I think if it's done right, they can pull this off. I just hope it doesn't get too drawn out. I don't think Cody's getting that belt, man. He was never going to be harder than he was going into Mania. I just think it's not going to happen for him. I'm not saying he's never going to get it. I don't think he's going to be the guy to take it from Roman.
All right. Well, yeah, I was just trying, I'm just trying to go through list. I'm going to pass this next one to, uh, Jordan. Yeah. Uh, Sambro, who realistically do you think will take the belt off MJF Jordan? I'm still going to go with Adam Cole until he doesn't do it. I just, I think that's, that's the money for taking it off him is Adam Cole.
All right. Marco, Tony Barker wants to know who do you think the best Batman is? The best Batman. Geez. Let me think. Man, I can't go nostalgia because everyone, you know, I grew up in the Michael Keaton days. I like Michael Keaton. You can go nostalgia. But I mean, Christian, yeah, Michael Keaton is awesome. I mean, Christian Bale is dope. Christian Bale is, it's just two different characters, I think. Like Michael Keaton, they both play it kind of like dark and like not super comic booky, if you will. Like I think,
I don't know. So it's one of those two. Yeah, there's a whole other discussion that you have to get into because you have to throw in Ben Affleck in there as the Bruce Wayne because his Bruce Wayne is probably the best Bruce Wayne out of all of them. Yeah, I'm going to I'll get I'll play it safe and go Michael Keaton because obviously he's coming back. You can't go wrong. And I think that's hater. We're getting him back this summer. I think Adam West is a really good Batman to in the OG show. I love that. Wow, dude, you know who I think
was a good Batman in a bad movie was Val Kilmer, dude. He was in Batman Robin. I think if the cards were different and they cast Val Kilmer in those first two Tim Burton Batmans and Batman Batman Returns, I think it totally would have worked, man. But he was almost playing it too serious in that super campy Batman forever that we got. Yeah. George Clooney is still the worst one, though. Yeah, George Clooney was just... That's not even Batman. Yeah.
Tony Barker, how do you feel regarding the rumored AEW roster split? Do you feel this is necessary to placate CM Punk or the elite or just childish at this point?
If this is really true, man, like I said, we're not in the inner workings of AW, so who knows? But if it really is true that they're doing this roster split, do a PCM Punk, I think it's the absolute worst thing AW could do. Yeah, that could honestly be the demise of AW. I think if they really are doing it to placate CM Punk, then I think that could be the crux of the fall of AW. I don't know why they're trying to act like a Saturday show is going to be equal to Dynamite. Who the fuck is watching wrestling at 6.05 on a Saturday other than more people?
This guy. And I don't even think old people, I don't even think old people are like watching AEW, dude. Like that's not an, I don't think that's an old person wrestling show. This whole Saturday show. I've been seeing, you know, everybody seems to be trying to make a big deal out of it. I see this Saturday thing just being a brick. Yeah. I think it's, I don't think it's going to last, dude. I say, I say it goes less than a year, dude, before they cut that show. Any other thoughts on AEW Saturday show?
Next. Sambro, who's each of your favorite comedians? Oh, that's easy. It's definitely Ricky Gervais. I bet it is. No, I mean, I got to go Michael Scott, dude. I got to go with... He's a TV character. He's funny though. He's not a comedian. I think he means like a comedian. Like a standup comedian. Like a standup comedian.
I'll go Mitch Hedberg, man. Mitch Hedberg, dude's a legend. He's hilarious. Everything he says just tickles my funny bones. Mitch Hedberg's my guy. Sheena said Michael's good. I'll go Stavros. He does improv, come in. I'm going to go Stavros. Alkias. I know I butchered his name, but he's awesome. He's a fat Greek dude and he's fucking hilarious. Then Matt Rife is awesome too. He's really funny.
I don't know what you think I'm going to go. Look them up. They're both funny. I'm going to go R.I.P. Patrice O'Neil. That dude was a killer dude. He was on his way after that elephant in the room. If anyone hasn't seen that, definitely go watch it.
Yeah, he was so good. Nobody picks Dave Chappelle. I think that's a freaking surprise to me. I like Dave Chappelle too. I feel it's just like a go-to by now. Yeah.
Drew McIntyre really leaves, uh, if Drew McIntyre really leaves a or WWE at the end of his deal, where do you think would be the best landing spot? I would just say go to new Japan for a year, man. I think you'd stick out a lot more over new Japan and he wouldn't AW and that's built a stock up for a year and then come back to, uh, come back to David if you get even bigger paycheck. Do you guys really, do you think, do you believe that he will leave?
Nah, he's a he's a Vince McMahon guy. I think Vince will end up opening up. Yeah. Name your price. I'd be shocked if you left. All right, Sam, bro. So Roman is really going to hold these titles until next year's WrestleMania. It's looking like it, dude. I can't see him lose. I mean, yeah, we don't even have a challenger lined up for night of champions or money in the bank. It's kind of hard to really see who he's going to fight at SummerSlam. Let's just run Cody back.
Um, I'm not, I don't think it's a lock, but at this point, that's what all signs are looking like. Zach Hertzler, not sure if it's been asked before or not, but, um, if you could bring back any past pay-per-view, what pay-per-view would it be? Example, king of the ring, unforgiven, et cetera, et cetera. Jordan.
We've talked about this on the show before, but it's been a while. It's been a long time ago. Yeah. I mean, World War III is always the one that I'm always going to bring up. If they did that endeavor to be, I'd mark the fuck out for that. I think it'd be awesome. So yeah, that's always going to be my answer for this one.
Hey, what if they did World War 3, but instead of it just being a 60-man battle royal, it was three royal rumbles happening. Oh my god. And then a triple threat match at the end of the night to determine the winner of the night. Oh my god. You're freaking paying me. I don't know how I've never thought about that until now. That thought literally just came to me. But yeah, three rings, so every single, you know, every minute and a half, you got three more people coming out, going to the three rings at the same time.
Oh, yeah, I think that could be that'd be a great way to bring it back or do like a do a raw one an NXT one and a Smackdown one and the winners of all those the title shots at mania Yeah, that'd be cool too, dude
I was today, Brett Sharrow, I was today years old when I found out Ricky the Dragon Steamboat shoot name is Dick Blood. How about you? The rare occasion where a guy's KFit era where a guy's shoot name is better than his old Dick Blood. I don't know, I feel like Dick Blood would be a pretty powerful wrestling name. And out of the rings, Dick Blood. Dick Blood. Dick Blood.
Zach Hertzler is ending us on a stinker talking about NHL, but with the NHL playoffs going on, who do you have winning the Stanley Cup? Side note, if you don't watch hockey, why the hell do you not watch hockey? This almost offends me as much as the ranch.
When Sheena made those NBA picks last week, that was actually a lot more educated than any NHL prediction I could make. So I'm going to defer this one to Jordan and Marco. So before the playoffs started, I picked Boston. They just had a historic season and then they collapsed. So go on the team to beat them. I'm going to go with the Florida Panthers.
Wow. Marco, do you know anything about NHL? I do not. Isn't there a penguins team? No, the Boston Bruins. She was right, there is a penguins team and that's my favorite team. There is a penguins team. Oh, maybe that's why I know that. That's why I know that. Thanks for the NHL talk, Zach. I don't think we're going to start any NHL segments on the show anytime soon. Unless we're talking about the goon. We appreciate the variety of question.
All right. Thanks everybody for chiming in with the questions this week. I want to remind you guys, this show has been brought to you by ringside collectibles use code chick Foley to save 10% on all of your figure purchases. Sheena remind the listeners that they can find you guys on social media. You can find me on Instagram at chick Foley Marco running a Twitter machine at chick Foley show.
Join all the foley fam fun over on facebook at chick foley comm and be sure to check out our brothers and podcasting over at pod foundation on Instagram. All right Marco is going for two consecutive trivia questions, correct? I I got a preview of this question and it is a doozy. Yeah hit him with it Shane at the 1991 survivor series one team was Db Aussie and
The Mountie, Flair, and Who. Oh, man. Why do I want to say, is it Dino Bravo? Not Dino Bravo, it is Warlord. That was one of those just random. The team had no theme. It was just like, here's four heels. Throw them together, see if they stick.
Yeah, if it makes you feel any better, Seth was, when I showed him the preview, he was just like, this would be a total guess if I was getting this question. And Seth is our show historian here. That was a tough one, man. I remember that match, but I cannot remember. That was one of those survivors who's messaged in a straight up schmaz, where I think everybody just got count out of the ring.
Tougher pick out, you know, which one those 1991 heels was in there. All right, we're closing on two hours. Jordan mentioned earlier, it was a little bit of a rough week for him and his family. We're going to kick it over to him for the closing words for this week's podcast.
Um, so yeah, like I said, my weekend didn't start off the best. Um, my stepsister had been fighting breast cancer for about five years and she actually passed away last Friday. Um, so just a really sad deal. Um, she was a month away from her 50th birthday. When things like this happens, uh, it just, it kind of puts things in perspective and it makes you realize that tomorrow's not promised to live every day like it's your last.
Yeah, I mean, it sucks that a tragedy has to do that to you. But it really is. I mean, that that's what I'm gonna leave you guys with just live every day like it's your last because you never know when it is.