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Fullyposeable Invasion GIVEAWAY

The Chick Foley Show
6 Plays9 months ago
We are guests on Fully Poseable! Listen to us join up with the Toon Boys to record the latest episode of the longest running wrestling figure podcast in the biz today Details on the Jazwares Vault Malakai Black Giveaway are available at the start of the show Use code CHICKFOLEY to save 10% at Find all things CHICK at

Special Episode Introduction

Hey, what's up, Foley fam? This is Seth here. Wanted to throw a quick stinger on before this very special episode. We teamed up with the Toon Brothers, Jeff and Scott from the Fully Poseable show to record a joint episode with them. And we're doing a giveaway in honor of this occasion. All you got to do is DM a screenshot to either at Chick Foley on Instagram or at Fully Poseable on Twitter within the next week, showing that you listen to this podcast and you'll be entered to win
a jazz wears bald Malachi black really sick figure one of the best of the year. So hope you guys enjoy the episode and make sure you guys DM that that screenshot over to Sheena on Instagram or Jeff and Scott on on Twitter and you'll be entered to win. We'll do the drawing next week. Thanks guys.

Podcast Collaboration Memories

Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Scott. Hey, yo. Is that his younger brother? It's gonna be- Jeff. The Queen. Rise to the top, oh yeah. And you're listening to- All the great action figures from our good friends at Hasbro. The Fully Postable. Have your own WrestleMania with all your favorite figures. Wrestling figures. They throw a separate leg from LJN. Podcast. And we are the Mount Rushmore
Hey, welcome to Episode 433 of the Fully Poseable Wrestling Figure Podcast, the longest running episodic wrestling figure podcast going today. My name is Jeff C, alongside and next to me is my real life brother, not storyline brother Scott Scott say hello.
Hello. All right. Scott, enough about you. It's all about our guests. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Kick rocks kid. I'm out and joining us this week, as mentioned last week, Seth and Sheena from the chick fully show. Seth Sheena, how are you guys doing? We're doing good. We are so honored to be back on the fully opposable wrestling figure podcast. Like, you know, we're, we're day one fanners. So, uh, you know, anytime we get to jump on with you guys, it's been way too long, but anytime we get to jump on, we get excited.
Yeah, you guys were the soundtrack. We did our, we were at a thousand miles in a year when we lived out in Hawaii and we caught, we picked up on you guys like four months late. So catching up on like that first four months of episodes was really like the big soundtrack to get us through that summer. No, it was great though. It's so funny how your show, like how the shows evolve. You know, we have our own show and like, yes, when you go back and listen to those episodes from like five years ago, you're like, Oh my God.
Yeah. Yeah. You're still finding your voice. Yes. My first episode of a podcast, I was listening, I was wearing Apple headphones, just using the microphone. So like the headphone microphone. So trust me, we know all about that, but dude, we thought it was like, Oh my God, there is a rest. There's a podcast for wrestling figures. So we were so stoked to find you guys. We didn't, I mean, it didn't sound cringe at the time to us.
Well, thank you. Thank you. Uh, Seth, how are you doing, man? You're letting that mange grow up top, man. You know, I, I'm going to be getting out of the military here in a couple of years. So I'm, I'm, I'm really trying to get set up to grow a mullet to rival. Uh, you know, the Brett man's rival, our son said that that's what I'm working on to get it started.
Oh yeah. He's going to have full beard mullet. He's just going to go wild. I'm going years without shaving or cutting my hair. Once I get out of the Navy, wait, Brett's going full beard and mullet or both. Once Brett hits puberty, I'm sure mullet and everything too. And Brett's five, six.
Yeah. He'll be seven in August going on seven. So even at five or six, he's going to grow a better beard than you. Oh, that is true. Yeah. I look like Beavis when Beavis was patching all the hair. Yeah. Yeah. Even dad came to me after we did the toys at Macy's all, you guys did good. But Jeff, that beard, I was like, I know.
I was like, dad, that was so a year and a half ago. And we recorded that. Come on now. At least try it. You know what I mean? Give it a try. So you know what? You gave it a good try and you know, you look good as a smooth baby face. You know, I can go as baby face. I cannot grow that beer. Scott is like one of the blessed ones of the family. Cause our three other brothers do have, uh, the baby faces going on. Scott was one of the blessed facial hair. He got all of it going.
From dad. Our dad grew out of beard forever. And yeah, that's it. I was blessed. You know what? I can't grow it here under my lip. I've got like the W on the chin. The old Michael Cole soul patch. Can't get that going. Yeah. You know, I thought about doing a little Bautista soul patch like right down the middle. Like why not? See what happens. The soul patch is a statement. The soul patch is a real statement. You got to commit and just be like live the gimmick when you got a soul patch to you. I'll do that, but I won't do the belly button tattoo.
dude, a belly button tattoo would be epic. I think when you guys reach like, you know, uh, a thousand episodes, I think Scott should get a belly button tattoo. I agree with this. Jeff gets a matching one. No, no, no. Only Scott. Jeff, are you a tattoo virgin? Uh, no, actually I have a couple of tattoos. Uh, hopefully our dad is listening to this one specifically. He knows about Scott, but, uh, me, he, that's different story, but anyways. Yeah. Jeff has to stay the favorite. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. I got it.
I got to remain the top of the rung, you know, I got to remain their champion. But anyways, uh, you guys mentioned that you go back and you listen to some of your earlier episodes and you talk about, you know, finding your voice and you know, the formats and everything. What were some of the things that you guys realized, like, as you were going through, you're like, Oh, I got to stop this.
So for, for, I mean, we've had so many evolutions in the show over the freaking five years that we've been doing the show. Um, but I think really just sometimes less is more, you know, I think so, like, especially there was a time when, you know, WWE was, it was like every freaking night. There was a pay-per-view every month. There was AW kicking off. Like there was so much content. And when you really try to dive into all of it, sometimes it can be too much, right? And it wears you out.
you feel like the episodes are like so long that it's just like, God, like, what, like, what were we even talking about three hours ago? You know what I mean? So I think sometimes just simplifying and niching down a little bit, I think really helps, you know, helps you stay excited about it and it helps your audience really stay engaged as well.
Yeah, for a while we were trying to do like best of both worlds and do like wrestling and figures and really trying to have like a fully formatted show on each of them on every episode. And it got to be exhausting, man, to the point where we're starting to dread it, you know, and you guys know, man, like, yeah, that's doing figures as a whole. I mean, you guys do a whole podcast, just a figure. Yeah. Right. Right. That's the labor of love. You really got to be into it to to want to make it happen. And it could just it could just worry out, man. So if it starts to feel like a choice, when it's time to start, you know, changing things up and that's what we did.
Yeah, Scott says I'm a chore in his life. So anyways, we've been doing this for almost 10 years now. Come on. You're going to be a painting in my ass over there were some time. I mean, well, 45 years, I've been a pay your ass, dude. But specifically the last 10. Well, it's like, okay, whatever, dude. Anyways, Seth, why don't you get the plugs out of the way?
Uh, yeah, so please, you know, I, I keep my social media, uh, kayfabe only as far as the podcasting life goes. I just keep those parts of my life separate, but follow Sheena at chick Foley, uh, to keep you up on all of the wrestling content. You can find, uh, links there at honor, Instagram profile to everything that we have going on.
And the big thing we wanted to mention is that one of our awesome, uh, you know, a fan of both of our shows has contributed a donation for a giveaway this week. We're going to be giving away a AW vault, uh, Malachai black, one of the best figures of the year so far, uh, by far. And.
All you got to do is just listen to the show. Do what you're already doing. You know, if you're hearing this right now, you're entered. Just snap the screenshot and either send it over to at fully posable on Twitter slash X or send it to at chick Foley on Instagram and you'll be entered to win the drawing. Are you guys calling it Twitter? You have you guys fully switched over to calling it X.
We call it Twitter X. I always go back and forth, man. I try not to like, you know, I try to be flexible and roll the changes, but I just feel like Twitter was just such a better brand and it just feels weird saying X. I know it's just, it's so weird, you know, but Elon wanted his thumb prints on it. So.
You know, that's, that's what he wanted to do. But anyways, uh, yeah, Brian is awesome for doing this, uh, doing this giveaway. I mean, this is just amazing. A Malachi black Supreme figure, the fig, uh, the jazz wears vault figure. So which a lot of people say could be figure of the year.
Yeah, I'm making a burner account just to enter for myself. I want to open that thing. It's the figures at my house right now. I'm hoping this thing doesn't leave, man. So, you know, yeah. Feth Selps. We're going to ask any questions. This theft. How do you say it? That felt like totally. I got to get a Mike Tyson list going on.
Well, thank you, Brian, for doing this. And as Seth said, just message us on Twitter X or message Chick-Fully on Instagram. However, just show us that you're listening and then you guys are going to do a randomizer or you guys. Yeah. Yeah. We use our method of choice. We'll use that and then we'll time it up. So we announced the winners on both our feeds at the same time.
Cool. Nice. Right on. I know Scott's going to have his daughter's enter as well to get there. Yeah. Both of them. I may even just make up a couple as well. So I may have like 10 kids by the time this is done. All right. Well, that Phelps is already a session. What do you guys picked up lately?
Uh, the biggest things we got is the, we got the Monday night war ultimates, the Roddy Piper and Brett Hart. Those are incredible. And then I went out last Sunday, got to get props to target there. You know, at the complete opposite into the spectrum from Walmart and how easy it is to get these figures with being able to go in the app and individually see what's in stock at stores. I was able to go and grab the Yoko Zuna ultimate and all that legend set with a captain, Lou Hulk and the Sultan in one, one trip, man, one trip, one shop.
He didn't actually get into his car. And like last week, when you guys were talking about the Instacarting, the, you know, he did, he did put place the order in the app and he did drive and go get it. Bring it to him. We're out here at the sticks now. So we're about 40 ish minutes away from the closest target. So you can't play around on going and just, you know, hoping, you know, coming up with empty pegs gases too. Exactly. Yeah, exactly.
Yeah. Norm placed seven different orders, Scott, or six different orders or got nine Yoko, whatever it was, but it was ridiculous. He got like nine Yoko Zunas. So what I did, I went, so I knew because I did a similar strategy with the legends drop back in January with the, uh, the, the ultimate edition, ultimate warrior. I think there was a legend, Andre, Jimmy Hart and Hulk.
did the same thing. Yeah, what I did, I knew there were four ultimates in each case. So I just at the closest target as I ordered all four Yoko's and I kept the chase and then the three red and black ones I just flipped to people in the Facebook group.
Nice. So anybody in this round area, that was one Yoko Zuna was just totally screwed over by me. Damn it. We drove 40 minutes for nothing. I didn't scalpel though. They all ended up into good collector's hands for shipping. So I got, I got a clear conscience fan. You guys know some of my adventures in fig honey over the years. Yeah. This had some dodgy, some dodgy experiences and big orally questionable.
So outside of wrestling figures, what else are you guys collecting? Like any other, like maybe super seven or anything like that. She is collecting animals now. Yeah. I'm collecting livestock. Yeah. I have about a 20, 23 chickens, four goats. Um, you know, one more goat on the way next week, one more goat on the way next week. Yeah. A full garden of, uh, of bugs and worms and all the things. And so yeah.
Yeah, I really haven't. We, we kind of, we got out of the neck, uh, you know, since the last time we did this, we sold the turtles. Whenever we were, we probably could have ended up keeping them, man. But when we were moving from, uh, Virginia to Tennessee, our original plan was to downsize on houses for a little bit. And it ended up, we ended up getting a place actually is a little bit bigger than our place in Virginia. Uh, but in the meantime, I'd already gotten rid of all the turtles because I was going to focus on just wrestling. So we've been sticking with just the wrestling for now. I haven't missed.
We got the wrestling turtles though. We had, we had the, the Nickelodeon. Yeah. Went back and got the, WWE, WWE mashup. But yeah, the neck of line also, it's so cool. But dude, I still keep up with it. Like what's coming out. And I look every time I go to target, they got some deep cuts, man. Like I thought I knew turtles, but they're making amazing figures of characters. I didn't even know existed.
Yeah. Breaker says that same thing. He says he'll go to Target and it's just like, there's this character that he's like, who the hell is that? And that's, that's the whole reason you got to simplify, man. Cause now like the lines have been out for so long that they're really like, like you said, getting the deep cuts, which is great. If you're just solely collecting that line. Cause you're like, Oh wow. Like, you know, I totally get to round out my collection.
You're doing NECA and wrestling figures and Star Wars and Transformers and all the thing. You're just like, it's too, it's too much. You know, it is. Yeah. How do you fit that into your budget with as expensive as the figures are now too? It's almost impossible. Yeah. Well, it's like collecting Batman for you, Scott.
Exactly. Yeah. So I have to really like you guys just kind of narrow it down and really focus in on on the cool ones to me. Right. Like I'm not trying like I'm not in big into the turtles, but even like McFarland is doing some deep cuts with Batman and I have to draw the line like I'm not going to get involved with that one. It's it's actually funny. I don't know if you guys saw the new Batman figures that got released by McFarland, the Batman 1966 ones. Yeah. Oh, those are awesome. So he did a Robin that is supposed to be covered in wax.
but it looks... Not great. We're trying to stay kind of family-oriented here. Oh, it's semen. Okay, well, there you go. You got a Bukaki Robin? It's Bukaki Robin, right? Or it's like the first time Batman saw Robin in his costume. Like, this is that figure. So that's where I draw the line, things like that. I'm like, I'm not buying that. And I'm not displaying that in my room. So sometimes he makes it real easy.
Even, yes, exactly. Sometimes it's really easy, but sometimes there are things that like, I just have to know because I was collecting neck of horror figures for a while and dude, they're so cool and they have so many awesome accessories, but I have to just like, when we started to simplify, I was like, I can enjoy and appreciate these figures without owning them and having to find a space for them. You know what I mean? Like I can just be like, this is a freaking awesome figure, but I don't have to have it. You know, so yeah, cause those figures are big and like,
It's a ton of accessories that come with it. Yeah, I like big ass shoe boxes. They're just random turtles and turtle villains accessories because it's great. They give you so much bang for your buck, but it's just it's like a full time job. Just cataloging and keeping up with all that stuff. Absolutely. Yeah.
That's like the owl figure. Oh, gosh. Yeah. That's so it was so awesome. I like consider getting it. And I was like, Gina, you do not need it. No, Sheena, you do need it. Yeah. I had to add it to my like, yeah, I had to have it. It was awesome, dude. It was such an incredible figure, man.
When it comes to 80s kid had to have that in the collection when it comes with lucky the cat. Come on. Yeah, that hit me right in the fields, you know? Yes, I had a when I was a little kid, I had an elf plushy like for years and years and years and just I wish I still had it. But yeah, I don't think it's talked about enough that elf ended with straight up the authorities just like getting him dude like
How does that have it ended? I don't remember. Seth with the. I thought, yeah, I thought it ended with like a bad ending because they were originally going to bring it back for another season, but I'm pretty sure it ended with just the whatever the authorities that were after the aliens got out. And that's how the story ended. Yeah, I think you're right. Yeah, that sucks. So, yeah, he was dissected and we didn't get to see it. He was probed. Yeah.
Well, that's like the dinosaurs TV show. Oh, dinosaurs are awesome too. How that ended was so dark. And you're like, really? That's how you guys are going out. All right. You know, you'd bury your own grave. But Scott, I don't know if you remember that show dinosaurs. That was on TGIA. TGIA. I remember it. I never watched it, but NECA did figures of those too. Yes, they did. They're excellent. But the ending, the ending was, is basically the end of the dinosaurs was coming. Yeah. When the meteor, you know,
Yeah, and that's how they ended that it was depressing dude dude like this little, this little baby like not the mama, you know, just, you're right. So here I got, I got it pulled up to make sure I wasn't just misremembering it. So yeah, the show ends with Alf getting surrounded by the military.
And he tries to break a joke and he's like, hey, guys, you want to grab a brewski? And then they surround him. And that's the credits hit, man. That's how Alf wins. And it was because there was always supposed to be another season. But, you know, it was back in the day, they were just they didn't give a shit. There was no Internet outrage. If a show canceled, it kind of disappeared. And you were like, damn, it's gone. And so, yeah, we never got to see it, man. So I think we need like Netflix needs to bring it back for like, you know, 12 episode limited series or something. Yeah. Wrap it up. I think Alf could kill. Yeah.
I would love that, man. Agree. Yeah, yeah. Because that NECA figure was super popular. So yeah, I think that that would do really well. At least one season to put a nice little bow on that series. Well, on top of that, they're coming out with another NECA figure. It's him as a rocker. Oh, wow. That's awesome. Yeah. I'm so excited for that one. Anyways. Love it. Scott, have you picked up anything recently?
Uh, no, uh, passed on that Robin. Um, but no, I didn't, didn't pick anything up. It's been, uh, kind of dry after I did the, the Bushwhacker order last week. Um, yeah, no pickups. You know, it wasn't dry that Robin anyways.
See what I did there, Scott? You like that? Yeah, thanks, dude. Got it. Actually, I did get the Bret Hart from the Ultimate Monday Night Wars, and I wanted to tie this back into Seth and Sheena. What did you guys think of it? Because notoriously, Mattel is not hitting on Bret faces. I mean, it's well known.
Mm hmm. They still didn't. But I think with the glasses on, I think that's my favorite Bret Hart figure they've ever done, dude. You got to leave the glasses on. I got to throw that caveat out there. But I think like the way the jackets done and just the way the gear looks and everything. And, you know, they actually got the hair looking pretty good as long as you got the glasses on it. I think it's excellent. But, you know, without the glasses, it looks like, you know, Howard Stern dressed up as Bret Hart for Halloween. That's so they pulled a toy biz. Yeah.
I agree with you. The face is not good yet again, you know, it's, it's, it's just the thing now. Like we just have to come to accept that. I think Mattel is never going to, I think Bill was an HBK fan, man. And he's just had to be, because there's some figures that you're just like, wow. Like you literally captured this person on this head scan, you know, and then there's Brett Hart who's like, I mean,
He's the best there is. Yeah, the best there is. The best there was. And you can't like there's no likeness. Like it's just like they've gone backwards. So I got the I get the original defining moments out and put it on my display because they do like a rotating display. I put out a couple of nights ago and I feel like the head sculpt on it was better than just about anything that they've done, you know, in the last, you know, the last five or six years. That one looks good. The old ringside, the old ringside collectibles, the all pink one, the one that Target redid with the ultimate.
That one looked good. And the old man, Brett, I feel like for whatever reason, they've been able to capture old man, old man, Brett really well. The two, the two figures they did him, those look pretty good, but yeah, young Brett, they just can't do it, man.
1993 to 97, Brett, they just can't do. It's so far off. And it's like, and like you guys said, it's almost like Mattel is regressing on that. And you keep thinking their next one's got to be better. And they keep releasing the next one. And it's not better. It's getting worse. Like, what's happening here? It's got to be something about his face, man, because everybody else, they nailed it. Like, did Jax have any good ones? I remember Jax, I don't remember Jax being as bad as Mattel, but I don't really remember them hitting any, like, home runs on Brett either.
The deluxe classic I thought was really good. Well, the deluxe, even with the mouth open, it still kind of looked like Brett from 1994, 95 at that era. I thought they did well on the faces. I didn't think they crushed it, but it was one of those they did well on the faces. Yeah. And it always looks better with the sunglasses on, like you were saying, Seth, those sunglasses add a lot to the look.
I don't know. I'm still wondering why Mattel, especially with the Ultimates, why they haven't just done a a molded with the sunglasses. I feel like that would look so much better, too, instead of messing with this little accessory that you got to worry about. Yes, stuff like this ahead with molded sunglasses on like that might be part of the problem. Maybe there's something that they're having a tweak on the design to make it work with the removable sunglasses. Like, you know, I'm just throwing out. Good point. Yeah. But yeah, that may be something that like it's just causing them issues to make his face look 100 percent accurate if they know it's still got to be molded to be able to
Have these glasses sit on there. So yeah, i'd be a fan if they did some molded glasses before because Hasbro Brett still probably that's still my sentimental favorite And you know those glasses are forever

Wrestling Figures Discussion

on dude. Yep. Yeah ljn too Yeah, the first uh, the first couple bone crunchers, you know had the glasses just molded on it It works man. So and the air of removable heads. I don't know why we haven't done that yet. Good point. Yeah Well, we may be talking about brett later on in the show. Um, I also want to bring up a retros. Are you guys into the retro Friends that you going on right now?
I said, I'll answer. I'll tell you one statement and I'll, I'll, you know, I'll let you deduce it. I have the Diana heart, British bulldog, retro two pack on pre-orders from Grapplers and gimmicks. So you tell me, yeah, we're all in on them, dude. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Well, we just received our KWK, uh, Mantar figures. Mine'll be here. I think tomorrow. Am I supposed to be here, man? Oh, you dig it. Yeah. Oh yeah. I got, I got allocated to K I got, I got the, uh, the, the max moon, AKA the kid comet.
Um, and, and the PM news. Yeah. I got that preordered so far. So it's, it's really good, man. The, uh, as Sean said on the show, the bubble is a little messed up from the factory. So he's not too happy about that. Cause he's a perfectionist, but at the same time, the figure is awesome. A lot of people just love the figure, the way it is, you know, the way the bull head, the bull head is just what puts it over the top. So.
Did you open yours yet or you're still on what? Exactly. I want to know how much it weighs. I want to know what it feels like in here. I want to know what it smells like, man. Well, we have that that approved sample.
that we gave away in Philly. And so we actually did get to hold it, put the accessory on and everything. It fits so well. It was- I've seen nothing but good reviews online so far from it, man. Everybody said it fits in perfect with it. So yeah, I'm a big fan of all this. I really like what Mitch Hassell's doing with Grapplers & Gimmicks, because- He's a good guy.
Yeah, he's a great guy. I think his figures are, you know, they're probably a half step down as far as the other ones, as far as the detail of what he's trying to do, but the speed on getting them out. And then I feel like out of all the ones doing it, he's the most, it feels like if Hasbro just didn't stop, like what's some of the next series would look like, right? Like Duke Drosi, Savio Vega, Ahmed Johnson, maybe not so much the T.O. Hopper he's got coming out, but you know, the, uh,
Whelan Mercy, I think he's got the best character selection out of anybody doing it, but I'm all in on it, man. I say the more figures, the better. So with that said, are you honing in on more stuff that would fit into the Hasbro era, or are you collecting anything and everything in the retro game?
I'm getting anything and everything, dude. As long as it's a cool figure, I'd probably pass on the Yoshitatsu's and stuff. I know Sean and Gee's coming out with those. I don't know if I'm gonna get every single Bulldog. I know there's a ton of Bulldogs coming out here in the next future, in the next couple months between Epic Toys and Mitch. And I can't remember, I think Zombie may even have a Bulldog coming out. It's impossible to keep up with all these releases and stuff. Yes, a lot of players in the game.
Yeah, if if if it's like somebody's first figure or you know, they're first in that form, I usually get it. If it's just like a variant, then I'm a little bit more cheesy, but I'm definitely trying to support them all because, again, the more figures, the better. And I really want to see these guys expand into the the elite scale. You know, that's really where my my bread and butter is at as a collector. So I know we're going to talk about grapplers and gimmicks first. I can't wait to see zombies zombies actually in my hands that Jeff Jarrett and Brian Tillman just look incredible that he had at WrestleCon.
We were, when we were staring at him, man, he, those things looked great. Now the six inch line, they looked fantastic. So they do all of his stuff upcoming. It's just, it blew me away. Like the power and glory. I'm like, holy crap. Like these completely fit into the Hasbro era. They look amazing. Like this just, man, I I'm out on the retros. I just, I don't have the budget to do all of it as we kind of discussed earlier. But man, if I could have one, I think even over the big rubber guys, it would be jumping back into the retros.
Yeah. So you guys saw them in person. What did you guys think of the scale on zombies bigger figures? Because to me, they looked maybe a little closer to power town than like the elite or like jazz wear scale. Like what did you guys think from just seeing them there, you know, in person?
Um, to be honest, I was more focused on his retro stuff. I kind of glossed over on a six inch scale just because I mean, I'm a Mattel kid. That's just yeah. So I kind of glossed over and was focused more on the restos to be perfectly honest. But just at a glance, I dug them. I thought that they were cool. Yeah.
Yeah, they did look really good. Um, and you kind of hit it on the head. It was a little bit closer to a seven inch scale. Um, at least that's just kind of the way it looked from our angle and stuff. They just looked like a little bit thicker and sturdier than Mattel's, you know, there's one critique on like Mattel that the figures can be like a little like thin, you know what I mean? Like a little slight. Yeah. Well, Abdullah definitely had the moves going on, you know, most accurate boobs in wrestling.
Yeah. Yeah. The move's like Jagger, you know, he's going to come to the soft goods bra. That'd be an amazing accessory. Holy. I know. Right. Right. Um, and it would, the Pillman looked really good too in person. That one, I was pretty stoked for. So yeah, it looks like it's going to be the best Brian Pillman figure, at least since the WCW glue blind pretty much, pretty much.
If you guys are ready, we jump into the news. Let's do it. New wrestling figure line. Yes. Another one. Scott, go ahead and talk about it, dude. Oh, perfect. So look at you just throwing curve balls at me. Well, yeah, Pete, Pete behind the curtain. I was in the same boat, man. I had not heard about this till till Jeff put me on. So he's digging deep on this one. There was a deep cut in the news.
So this just literally popped up. So it is from a place called Top Rope Collectibles. And if you look at their artwork, the card art or the art is very gloob-esque. In the upper left-hand corner, it says just another toy company coming soon,, T-R-C for short. So stay tuned for more announcements.
All right. So maybe we are going to go into glue style. Who knows? I mean, this is what we've been waiting for. Right. It's the one, not one, but I mean, it's there's a few that haven't been tapped into yet. Gloob's definitely been one that we've been just waiting for somebody to jump into.
I feel like it's like Galub and like maximum sweat, man. Like, what else have we not seen it? Like the, uh, vibrators, you know, maybe the stretch guys, dude, like, yeah, I'm with you, man. I love the ending. The thing about Galub. That line was so freaking great, man. It's crazy because it was really only one series. They had one series and then they had a series two of, you know, mostly repaints with a couple new guys. It was only available in the UK. Yeah.
Those sculpts still hold up. Like I said, go look at that Brian Pillman. Look at the Tom Zing. Look at that Sting. That Sting. Sting. Yeah. I think you could make a case for it being top 10 wrestling figure of all time, the Galoob Sting. Whoever they had that was doing those sculpts was just so ahead of their time because those things look like they're, I mean, they really are because there's no articulation, but they're like little sculptures, right? That's like the level of detail and everything. So if somebody can capture that, I'd be all about it, man. I absolutely love the Galoob figures. I put together a whole collection a couple of years ago and it was really fun piecing that back together.
Oh, hell yeah. Yeah. The only miss for me was doom and sweats. And that's not even Galoob's fault. That was the shot that they had to go off of. That one street fight. That's the reference photos they got. Yeah. Yeah. So, hey, that's as bad as Galoob got. That's still a win. So let's do it. Did you guys see... Sorry to interrupt. There's some potential Galoob news that they found reference photos for Teddy Wong. Like, nobody's seen if they ever got to be a prototype, but they found Galoob
shot reference photos of Teddy Long from that match with Doom. Like he's in the same suit that Doom had on when they were in the sweatpants. So you never know, man. It's, you know, we've seen crazier things come up, man. Maybe there's a prototype of a Teddy Long galoupe bigger floating out there. So that'd be insane. It also makes you think like how far down the road did they plan this line? Were they talking like three, four series? Were they going to do a managers only series? That would have been bad-ass. That's what I was about to ask. There wasn't a manager in the galoupe series. No, no.
needed a missy Hyatt, man. The first manager. Oh yeah. A little Jason Hervey as well. Hey, so let's do a little wish list. So hypothetically, let's say they do go go lube who from 1990, 91 WCW would you guys like to see?
I think it'd be a little bit of a reach. I'd love to see a Vader, like, you know, you probably had to go 90 to you, but I feel like the lube didn't really give us any, uh, any like heavyset guys. You know what I mean? Like Sid was probably the biggest dude that they made. And you know, he's just big and Jack. They never, they didn't give us any of the true heavyweights. So I'd love to see what Vader would look like in that one.
Hell, yeah. Well, I mean, I can hear a breaker yelling Van Hammer or Rachna man, like all of the crazy gimmick stuff like the pod champion fire breaker chip like those guys. Like I could hear him screaming for those. But I would love to see Rick Rude in there as well. Yeah. Short hair. W.C. W. Rude would be cool. Ricky Steamboat.
Dude, you took the words out of my mouth and said he had a nice little run there in, you know, early 90s, WCW. Yeah. So she got Texas Jack pulled up. That'd be another cool man. Oh, Max Payne, if you want to go big guys, too, then you get another big guy in there.
Scott, when you said fire breaker chip, I think I heard Shannon yell from the other room. She did. I thought so. She did. Yeah. A little siren goes off. So anyways, another wrestling figure line. Now is this overkill?
More figures are always better, man. I mean, I think it's, it's because there's going to be something for everybody, right? You're nobody's going to be a completionist anymore. I don't think unless you just like win the lottery, but I feel like it's cool because it's opening up niches for people who they may not have what they're looking for right now. You know, I mean, there may be just like a hardcore glue collector and now they're like, hell yeah, dude. Like we're getting to extend our line. So I'm always for it, man. And I hope all these guys succeed. Um, I'm always cheering for them. So I mean, too much is never enough, you know?
And it's going to generate interest in the old lines, which is going to drive the value up. And even though that's not what I collect, that tends to just get a lot of interest and buzz going around wrestling figures as a whole. Stuff starts spiking in value. You saw it with sports cards back a couple of years ago. Oh, yeah. So yeah, I think it's all good stuff if we can get a little revival out of the Lube line.
For sure. Agree. Yep. Larry Zabisco would be another good one in there. Larry Z would be cool. Oh, yeah. Yeah, for sure. That's the Paul Heyman. Dangerous Alliance. That's what I was trying to find. Bobby Eaton would be cool. Yeah. If you can stretch it to like 93, 94, you know, you really open up because then you can get like into like the Diamond Dallas page, the Diamond Stud. You got
Who else am I thinking of, man? You could do Johnny Be Bad. That'd be another cool one. Like, we had some really colorful characters. Well, if we get Oz, you know, that's the one we've never gotten to figure out, dude. Give us a galoo Oz. Or the Yeti. The Yeti. The Yeti. Van Hammer with guitar accessory. I think that would be so badass. All right. Dude, what are the odds? Speaking of Oz, what are the odds that you think that we get Oz and Diamond Stud as a two pack?
It's totally in the mix, man, with the deep cuts they're doing in the Legends line. Yeah, they got to be, yeah, Diamond Stud, Vinny Vegas. The only one we got to get now, dude, we need making a difference, Fatu. You know, we have every single one of Fatu slash Rikishi to set making a difference. That would be so toyetic, man, with those tights and that blue leather jacket, like, make it to us, man.
It's the perfect line to drop it to. The bloodline is so hot right now, dude. And the thing is, dude, you could do it. You could put it in a set. The only time they gave us Greenwich Snob, Triple H, was in that Toys R Us network spotlight exclusive back in 2015. Triple H's first pay-per-view match was against making a difference far too. So you could put both of those in a legend set to kind of go with each other, man. I think it would work.
You know, when I woke up this morning, I did not think we'd be talking about making a difference. Uh, so yes, that is top of collectibles. Their website, uh, is up, but it doesn't have any information. So stay tuned to that. You guys mentioned them earlier, grapplers and gimmicks with Mitch over there. He's going to be making a Kurt Fuller, AKA the speaking of things we didn't think we would be talking about, you know, random, the Bingo.
Kurt Fuller from no holes barred. He'll be making them in a retro scale, which we already knew about and a six inch scale. All right. I know you guys are loving Mitch's stuff. Are you guys going to jump in on both of those figures?
Dude, I said I love the deep cuts. This is like beyond deep. Yeah, I think it was my Wayne's world selection. It is cool. I like that actor, dude. Yeah. Yes. Like Tina said, I know him from No Holds Barred, but I feel like Wayne's World is really like, that's the movie that pops up when I see that guy's face. I mean, it's cool, dude. It would definitely look good on display with Rip and Zeus from that No Holds Barred set. Yes. So I love that he's doing it. I probably need to see what that price tag is going to be before I make a final decision. But it is cool, man.
You know, I want to see who else he does. If he's got the rights to do any, everybody that he made retro figures of, I think we could be in for some really cool stuff. Cause it looks like a nice figure. We did ask a zombie at Russell con, how much his six inch scale figures are going to be. And, uh, he did not have a price point, which scares me. So, yeah. Yeah. Cause it's hard. Cause when you put something out there too, like if for whatever reason, something happens and it has to go up, then people are pissed. You know what I mean? So it's really hard to like say it nowadays, everything goes up by the minute. So it's like, yeah, exactly. Yep.
Chad young actually sent over photos They had this figure and that both the six inch and the the retro style on display at a calm this past weekend and Chad young sent over pictures of it It looks fantastic. So good next to the rip in the Zeus. It's like it's perfect. He scaled it perfectly
But yeah, we'll get an IG right now. It's really cool. And I saw Mitch had a video with the actual Kurt Fuller. I don't know where he dug him up from. He's got a video on his IG with Kurt. So it's pretty neat. Well, he was actually doing a con this past weekend. Wait, this past one or the weekend? Yeah. So Kurt, Kurt Fuller was doing a con and so too bad he didn't have the figure out at that time. A lot of the wrestling nerds would be getting that side. Oh, hell yeah. I'd be one of those wrestling nerds. Excuse me.
So actually, now that I'm thinking about it, we have not had any clues or tips or anything of what this year's San Diego Comic Con is going to be. Nothing. Usually by this time, we kind of start to hear inklings. We start to hear something. So let's just do another wish list real quick ideas on what will be this year's San Diego Comic Con.
My most wanted figure I've been trying to speak it into existence for years. I want chef Ramsey from suburban commando. Give me a suburban commando dude. That would be freaking awesome. I don't think that's out of the realm of possibility considering they did a no holds barred set.
I don't see why not. You know, Undertaker was in there as one of the bounty hunters. You can do a cool. Yeah. Taker mean Mark bounty hunter figure. If you, if you have, if you feel like you got to do a two pack, but I thought that'd be neat. Muhammad Ali was a cool figure. I was definitely a little bit underwhelmed last year. I would just like something a little bit more wrestling centric. Um, Captain Lou, I feel like we need Cindy Lauper, dude. We need a, we need a Cindy Lauper figure. So have it come in like a record case or something like that. That would, yes, that would be epic.
Cause they've gone away from kind of like the ridiculous, like the whole Isaac Yankum, you know, the version thing. Yeah. Exactly. And they've gone into more like.
stuff that they know the collectors want, like really, really want. So it's got to be something along those lines. So I mean, Suburban Commando, Cindy Lauper, that all totally fits the bill. I mean, we had Mr. T a few years ago. So yeah, why not Cindy Lauper? Ridiculous. And Isaac Yankov does not go together, Scott. Sorry, dude. I didn't mean to insult your favorite. Thank you. The other thing is things have been so quiet on the macho man front. I'm I'm wondering if maybe he is back on a deal and they're just keeping it secret for a big surprise for Comic Con. You know, maybe we get like a
a shock drop of a macho man release. I know it'd be hard to keep something like that secret, but he's got merch back on WWE shop and stuff. So you got to imagine that I mean, I'd be willing to bet that he's back under a WWE deal, you know, but and it includes figures. Is he in the video game, too?
Yep. He's in the video game and that's always like the telltale, you know, if they're in the game, they're typically got a figure deal also. So I wouldn't be surprised. You know, you can do, uh, we we've been wanting for a few years, a macho man and miss Elizabeth WrestleMania seven set, you know, that sweater and they'd already put up that ultimate edition macho man. So, you know, that's, they just need to push go on that and it's ready. So all you need to do is whip up a, you know, a little easy peasy Elizabeth to go with it. That'd be pretty cool.
How do we not have a Luna figure, a Luna Vachon? It's like, you know what I mean? Like, how do we not have an elite of Luna? That's, it's just- Totally agree. She's got a classic, I think classic superstars was, or no, she had that, was that Chella did the retro- Chella did the retro. No, he had the Chella. That was the last one. More of a Jax mini than a retro figure. It was so tiny.
Yeah, I can't I keep you know, I tried to for years I was wishing the Gooker into existence and we finally got the Gooker. Got him. Yeah, we got the Gooker. And so now now my big thing is like, you know, we need we need a Luna. But she could go with Goldust, Marlena. We need a Marlena. Yeah, you can make one Luna and it could pretty much go with Goldust, Bambam and Sean. She had kind of the same look with three of them. Yeah. So it would totally work.
Also moving along, AEW and YouTus. Are you guys familiar with YouTus? I'm not until today. I saw them today. So are they bobbleheads or are they just some sort of like vinyl figure kind of like Funkos? Vinyl statuesque figures that are really nice looking. They make a lot of South Park ones. So watching a lot of South Park, I end up...
I may have purchased Talley, so anyways. Allegedly. Allegedly. I may or may not have, but I definitely did. Do you like it? Is it good quality? Yeah. I mean, I kept it in the package because I have nowhere to put Talley, you know? Because of course you did, but what's the price point on it? Just to kind of guess where we're going to be at on these?
Oh, good question. Cause I bought that a while back. So I don't remember exactly the price point. Okay. Sorry about that. I've got the YouTube's IG page pulled over now. Let's go to some of the ones where you actually see the figures they've made. Cause I haven't seen these before. Yeah. Well, they showed off a black and white photo today. Okay. It was cool. It was four silhouettes of AEW figures. And if you zoom in, it's, you can tell it's MJF. You can tell it's tiny storm. You can tell it's, um, orange Cassidy.
And on the one on the right, I'm oh, it is Orange Cassidy. Yeah. Yeah. Because you can see. Right. I think it's Jericho because you can also see on Orange Cassidy, you can see the hand, the hands in the pocket. Yeah. That's I didn't notice that at first glance. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's true. Possibly hangman. But I think it's Jericho. I think it's Jericho, too, is a safe bet. Yeah.
But yeah, they're cool, man. I would definitely, I'm all about, like I said, I'm all about more figures coming out. These, they look pretty nice. You know, show me some pictures, some of the other stuff they've done. They look almost like a, like the bear brick statues you see from Japan. Really, really like high quality vinyl. This isn't like a Funko. This is almost like an art piece.
Yes, exactly. That's the best way to put it is an art piece. So AEW will be getting four figures in that. No time release just yet, but keep paying attention to U2's IG page. Nice. You guys get any of those? If they do a sting, man, I probably got to get a sting. Oh, that thing would sell out so fast.
Yeah, I don't know if any of these first four are enough because it's definitely something I'm going to be all in on. But like Sting and Sting, Hangman and Mox, that's kind of like my three. It's like my holy trinity of AW guys. So if they put out any of those three, I'll definitely definitely be considered in making a purchase.
Scott, I know you're not into AEW, but who would be the one that you would be willing to pull the trigger on? Probably Sting. Sting. OK. Yeah. Or if they did like the Briscoes. Oh, yeah. Good point. Good point. If they could do those, probably be in on those. Speaking of Sting, how long do you think he's under a deal with AEW for? To continue to make Sting merch.
I don't know. I'm not sure if they've been. I don't know if they even do. They don't even really have like a legends thing. So I don't know. I know he's on extremely good terms with AEW because they showed him such a good time. But you got to know that you know, Triple H is itching to to bring Sting back in the fold. Like, come on. Oh, absolutely. He's a mercy. And I do.
If, if nothing else, man, from what AWS has been around his first five years, I'm so grateful. They gave us that last run from stink. Cause it was so freaking awesome, dude. Like everything up to and through the last match was just perfectly done. But I want some WWE merch, dude. I want some Mattel figures. I want to stay back in my WWE video game. Like selfishly, I want it back. So I'm hoping that that's already in the works. And you know, I know sting's a business guy. I don't think there's really any bad blood between him and WWE. I know it didn't go exactly how he wanted to, but
I can't imagine that, you know, if Nick Khan shows up and backs the Brinks truck up to his house, that he wouldn't be back on a deal on a heartbeat. Like, dude, think of the ultimate additions we got. Like, Mattel did some really good stings, but they've gotten so much better on the figures over the last five or six years that I'd love to see them. You know, you got the greatest hits line, so we can get some of those old ones back out, and then some new stings they didn't get a chance to do. Like, yeah, let's make it happen, man.
I thought he was doing, I thought he was doing some sort of like, um, instructing or creative, like at AEW. As far as I know, I think I don't think there's been any context since revolution. Like, yeah, he hasn't, he, he left it open. They, they asked him if he'd ever be back on TV and he said maybe he would, but it sounded like, you know, that deal is done.
Well, I know a lot of people want that Legends figure. A lot of people were crushed when that figure got canned, so... Yeah, but how much would you rather have like an Ultimate Edition Crow Sting or Ultimate Edition Surfer Sting? Oh, absolutely, dude. It would be incredible. But you know that if that name came up on Mattel's list, hey, you know, feel free. You know that they would just start pumping everything out like right away because they probably still have all the molds and all the renderings and, you know, whatever they need. They can just get that out and like...
You could put a surfer sting in like every other Elite series or every other Legends series. You'd be like the new Hogan. There's so many different colors and stuff. Exactly. You're like OSFTM did with the big rubber ones, man. Just put them in every single series with a different color combo. Exactly. I mean, I'm thinking three ultimates right off the bat. You got crow sting, you got surfer sting, you got great American bash sting. All of those would make amazing ultimates. So, yeah, like you, Seth, selfishly, I'm hoping Sting ends up back in the Mattel fold and more video games, more shirts, more figures, like bring it on.
Are you wanting him to, like, have more matches in WWE? No. No. Okay. You just want him back under, like, legends. I don't even need to see him on TV. Yes. Give us the merch. Because I was like, yeah, sting merch. Exactly. It's such a nice bow that he put on his, like, career. Oh, it's done. Yeah. He had the real perfect ending in wrestling. Yeah, just let it go. Yeah, exactly. He got the duke. So, yeah, let him ride off into the sunset. But we want to buy more sting shit. So, bring it. Sting shit.
I mean, not literally his, you know, I bet it would sell somebody out there would be into it. There is there is a caca collector out there. I'll buy jars of it. There's KVW. I was more than happy to let that guy go. I'm going to need a certificate of authenticity, though.
Yeah. You have to send the picture with the, you know, I want to see Grutton in a vein popping out. Damn it. Oh my God. All right. Stuff of that Jeff. Stop it. What did I do? Come on. You knock it off over there. I need to see him eating corn and then I will stop it there. I'm sorry. We're talking Taco Bell.

Humor and Announcements

That might open the wallet a little bit. Talk about a stinger splash.
Jokes are always welcome here
I love a good poop joke. Exactly. We have, we have a six year old. So poop jokes are basically our, uh, the best life, you know? Yeah, absolutely. Well, my finger never gets old. Yeah. Toilet, toilet humor is, as always welcome here too. Uh, Mattel, the WWE seventies four pack goes on sale on Mattel creations this Wednesday, May 15th at 12 PM Eastern standard time, 9 AM Pacific standard time. That's the one with gorilla monsoon superstar, Billy Graham Muhammad Ali.
And oh, I put gorilla monsoon twice. Whoopsie. You sure did. You forgot Harley race. Harley race. Thank you. I put monsoon twice. I was like last week when I put Harley Quinn twice on the top 10 thing for the toy fair. Yes, you did. Yes, you did. Apparently you really want that gorilla monsoon figure, Jeff. Either that, or I'm starting to get to mention, I forgot that I put monsoon on there or whatever.
Well, in your defense, you put monsoon and then gorilla monsoon. Gorilla monsoon, yeah. So it's basically, it's two totally different things, you know? That's actually the one I'm most excited for, that entering gorilla monsoon, man. That's such a cool figure, you know? Yes. That's probably my number one most wanted out of that set. I think it's really cool the belts we're getting, too. You know, we're getting the old school, like, WWWFL, and then the freaking NWA title. I still don't understand exactly how they pulled that off, that we're getting the NWA championship. Shocked. Yeah.
And then to get your mind going, what other belts do they have available to them? You know, there's so many other belts that they can just start diving into and putting on figures. Is that going to be some of the theme to San Diego Comic Con is more new belts? Oh, I hope so. I hope so. There's still a ton of WCW belts we haven't gotten done. You know, they were... WCW was kind of bad about updating their belts like every 12 to 18 months. So there's a ton of, you know, US championship and tag team championship designs. We still haven't gotten yet from them.
Yeah, that's why on that Power Town figure of Magnum TA, I went batshit crazy because that US title that, you know, we grew up with in the late 80s. Yeah. Oh my god. Yeah, anyways. So, Jeff, I have a prediction for the next four-pack. Oh. On this territory set. Okay, please do. Lawler Kaufman. Zabisco Bruno. Lawler's deal just ended with WWE.
Still on a Legends deal. It was just his commentary deal. Yeah. Oh, OK. They came back and corrected it when that report was going out. They said he's still on a Legends deal for merch. They just his commentary deal just wasn't. OK. Oh, OK. Well, there you go, Scott.
That'd be cool. Just throwing it out. I mean, it looks like they're trying to go for like older matches and like two and two that make sense for match. So that's kind of my prediction. Bruno and Zabisco was one of the biggest matches of all time back in the day. I could see Lawler and Kaufman being a hot seller, you know, because they always want to put the big names in there as well. So I think that would do pretty well. Well, they would have to get Kaufman and Zabisco under a deal, obviously. Do we know that Zabisco isn't?
Dude, when was the last, the last time they made a Zabisco was that four pack, right? Yeah. Zabisco was under the rush collectibles line. You know, that, that banger of a figure line that came out. So, but that may be, I doubt, I doubt Russia's signing folks to like exclusive deals and law. So you can totally have that, but yeah, probably like just signed it on the notes app on there.
I feel like Kauffman could be a San Diego Comic Con exclusive to man. Like that's a yes, that's a hardcore one, dude. And I feel like they would knock it out of that figure. You know, they kind of already got the template with that Johnny Knoxville they put out. I feel like they could reuse a lot of parts from that totally elite because he kind of got more ring gear. I'm pretty sure his ring gear was a little bit inspired by, you know, the stuff Andy Kauffman was wearing. So that would worry. That would be a really, really neat figure because like
It's hard. I mean, it was before my time, you know, but that was like one of the all time like most famous wrestling angles as far as crossing over to the mainstream. And like I feel like actually because it didn't happen like under a WWF banner, I feel like it really doesn't get the credit it actually deserves for just how like much nationwide attention that got when they were having their, you know, their big angle.
Yeah, yeah, I think the Dr. D slap on Stossel got more coverage than the Kaufman and Lawler thing did. Yeah. But yeah, and if it happened in the WWF ring, you're absolutely right. Would have gotten huge coverage would still be talked about today, like big time. But I think that'd just be a cool callback set. I'm just trying to think of like territory matches that happened that WWF or WWE could literally go get those guys and make figures of them. That's just those four guys make sense to me.
Yeah, there's a lot. There's a lot of meat on the bone for that late 70s because they've just they've barely even touched it, man. Give us like a young Bob Backlund. We've never had that Pedro Morales. You know, he's one of the most decorated champions in wrestling history. He doesn't got it totally yet. And I can't imagine that they'd really have to break the bank to get those guys signed to, you know, legends deals because they're just there's not a ton of market for him. Why do you think that is? Why do you just just because I mean, think about I mean, I'm going to be honest, I'm like.
I know, I don't, I know like maybe four people who watch more wrestling than I do. I've never sat down and watched a Pedro Morales match. You know, I mean, I know who he is from like hearing about him and stuff on like the documentaries and you know, he kind of got him and Bob Becklin kind of got new life. Cause for a while there, they were getting mentioned on every single Roman Reigns entrance on like the handful of people that held the belt longer than Roman.
Um, I just, it's just extremely niche. I think it would have to be something like what Scott and Jeff are talking about. That exists just on Mattel creations, like a small batch, you know, cause do you know anybody that's, when was the last time you heard somebody besides just now mentioned, Hey, I want a Pedro Morales figure.
They might have shot their water a little early with that Hogan figure that they put out in the legends, because they could have saved it for this, but they put it out in the legends, the one where he was in the white and he had the robe when he was managed by Blassie, Scott. Yeah. Oh, OK. So you're thinking they could have put Blassie and Hogan in this set, you mean? Yeah, why not?
Yeah, you could do a Antonio Anoki would work in this set. I know he's kind of more Japan than like territories, but I still think he kind of fits in that era. Give us an updated like old school Andre. You know, it's been a while since you got a good old. Yes. With the big, big blown out fro. That would work. I think they might be saving that one for the Coliseum collection. Yeah. Like the series one Andre. That'd be. Yeah. Yeah. Big for Andre. Dumpster Fireface. Oh, God. Horrible, horrible figure.
So next year, WrestleMania is in Vegas. How are you guys going?
We got some friends already trying to talk us into it. I'm open to it. I don't know. It's, it's going to be expensive though, man. And Vegas is kind of like opposite Sheena's vibe. You know, Sheena's, you know, the Titans got a new stadium opening up just a couple hours up the road from us in a couple of years. And it's rumored that it's going to be in Nashville. So we'll definitely be at that one. I don't know if we'll be at one before then or not. I've never been to Vegas. I just like, I mean, I don't know. It's like, it's way too, way too much for me. Have you guys ever been like, you've been to get the whole Vegas thing? Oh yeah.
I'm going almost every year now. I guess California. Yeah, it's like, you know, it's eight hours away. Jump driving. Yeah. Yeah. Flight is like 45 minutes. It's like super fast. You're there in a heartbeat. It's crazy. I don't know if the Airbnb market didn't like pick up on mania yet because our friend Jordan that does a show with us sometimes he was he was one that was hitting us up about going and you can get like really nice Airbnb's for still like two seventy five a night right now, which I was surprised. I figured
The moment that many of the news dropped, they'd be jacking the prices up sky high. So that kind of surprised me. But I just I feel like the ticket, you know, the tickets are going up so much for these big times. Yeah. Like, yeah. And it's not just one ticket in you. It's like, you know, there's two nights. Yeah. Yeah. I don't even think it's all the extra shows. You know, if we would be like, there was like a next year or whatever.
I don't even think we do raw after. I think if we if we do go, I think we'll probably do the two nights of mania and then probably like GCW or some of the other big indie shows, man. I don't even think I try to do stand and deliver or or the raw after mania. Oh, how times changed before when we went to mania, we were all like, you know, all of an access console con. A lot of tickets have just exploded the last couple of years, man. Oh, yeah. Big time. Big time. When TKO took over, man, the dollar signs went up. Yeah. Yeah.
Well, that is it for the news. Let's just go right into nostalgia if you guys are cool with it. Let's do it. We got some digital aids. Nice. We're going to be talking about Jack's mini slam action, which you can find on Seth, you want to talk about these? Please go into it. Why do you want to talk about these? So I love these figures, man. These are like just a straight up nostalgia blast. So as a kid, my FigFed started off, it was big time with
Hasbro and in go lubes, right? I had those mixed in along with like some toy biz x-men and marble Those are kind of like supplementary characters in my pig fed and then I switched over to the BCA But you know the BCA is a little bit bigger and the ring for the BCA is absolutely gigantic You know, it was the remolded ljn ring like it was way too big
Yeah, you're not playing with that in the backseat of the car, right? Like, it's just not, you know, and but then I remember going to toy address one day and I saw that first four pack of the Jax Minis came with a ring and stuff came with four figures. And dude, it's perfect to just sit like in the middle of the backseat, have matches and stuff. You know, she is showing it off here.
And the cool thing was that these were just like mini BCA figures, man. Like they totally matched up with the bigger guys. So they were perfect figures to go on the on the go to the point to where like I would have my fig fed. I would set up the matches with my BCA's at home. And if we were going on a trip, I would just do the matches with the little mini guys on the way. So I just love the playability of these. They were super cheap, too. Right. So last year we went back because again, I was feeling the nostalgia. It's actually put together basically a complete set of these things.
Because we grabbed some at Music City Toys, right? Yeah, we grabbed some at Music City Toys, SummerSlam, 22 in Nashville. If you're in the Nashville area, Music City Toys is a really great toy shop. So we grabbed some of those. That kind of got the itch going. And I ended up going back and picking up a few sets. And a couple of these that we're going to talk about, they're really hard to find. So I ended up having to just get the box set and putting together the ring and everything was just so much fun. I just think they were such a neat set and the value for them was crazy, right? Like we're looking at, they still had the KB's price tag on there.
20 bucks, you're getting six figures, a ring, like steel cage, all kinds of accessories. And the ring comes with a ring bell. Yeah, you know, you get that beautiful, you know, Ricky Steamboat, macho man, eat your heart out, dude, so. I just thought it was a really, really neat line of figures. It's kind of just, it doesn't get a lot of shine though, man. You don't see these popping up a lot. There's not a super high. You got like a little mini ladder. A mini dumpster. Literally everything they made for the BCAs, they made for these guys. Crash fans, chairs. They did titles too.
Yeah, I see and a world title. I think it's a really, really cool line and it doesn't get the love that it deserves. It's deserved over the years. You got a lot of bang for your buck.

Mini Figures Nostalgia

That was really what I saw with these and I loved them too. I thought they were great.
Again, you can find these on wrestling figure database. Just go up into the magnifying glass type in Jack's mini slamming action. And you can see all the sets that Scott is about to talk about. You know what it is. It's like real quick, the triple H, I mean, he's got a metallic paint, right? So think about how, how like Mattel for years has not been able to nail a metallic paint. And yet this guy has like perfect purple type. It's like, come to life. Yeah. Yep. Yeah. It's a great point. Incredible dude.
Uh, Scott, I know you also love these as well. Yeah. And as we start running down the list here, I was, I think I maybe had like three or four of these. Yeah. You had quite a few of those, dude. Yeah. I would pick them up and just display them on shelves. They were, I mean, super easy to display. They're small. Um, I love these things. They were great. They were travel size. Yeah.
Yeah, that's like at school. You know what I mean? You take these things in your backpack. You got the perfect little like school bus like, you know, sitting at your desk, wrestling match, you know, the pen pouch on your backpack. You're good to go. One thousand percent. And to point out how much fun these are. So I got them kind of out of nostalgia to display and just have some fun with this stuff. Our son, you know, he's six. He all he's known is, you know, elite figures, which we didn't have anything like that when we were kids. Right. We have like LJNs.
no articulation glue, no articulations Hasbro, you were kind of stuck with whatever pose they gave you. But as soon as he got these, these were all he played with for weeks, man. Like he'd fire up some pay-per-view on TV and just sit down and do matches with these. So like, there's a lot of, there's just a lot of, it's just something about like something like this, like scale. It just makes you want to pick them up and like mess with them and play and have matches and stuff. Like I said, I'm all about the little minifigures. Yeah, same.
And they don't articulate at the head, right? It's just the arms and the legs. That's it. The arms and the legs. And it's basic articulation. I mean, it's like back and forth. Yeah, that's it. Don't try to do four points of articulation. And they're absolutely beautiful. Four points of articulation. So Scott, why don't you go over these sets? Yep. So these were released between like 97, 98. I believe that was one from 99, according to your notes here, Jeff. That was the No Mercy set. That was with TLC and hardcore match accessories.
came with the New Age Outlaws, Undertaker, Mankind, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and Triple H.
Austin had a couple releases in this one. The one, the Austin I ended up getting was the one with the, uh, the SCU, uh, you know, classic three 16 shirt. That's the one I got Austin. I think he had one with the regular Austin three 16. He had one in the trunks. And then he had the one randomly that you heard that Steve Austin shirt where his arms were rattlesnakes. Yes. There's a mini figure. One of these sets had that as the mini figure.
Well, also I want to point out the box art on this stuff was excellent as well, especially for the Ross war just had that.
black and red accents to it that just made it pop. And that's what I loved about it is the artwork on the box, the figures were, you know, they did a good job for what they were going for, you know, on them. Yeah, they were fine. But the way you were, they were displayed on the box too, Jeff, to your point, they were in a clear plastic window. You saw all six figures. If it had a title belt or in the king of the ring case, it had a crown. They displayed that underneath the figures. And then to the right was the box art that you mentioned and showed all the figures and your plan.
In action, it just looks so good. Yes. You don't have 90s box art where it's just it's in action. You know what I mean? Like it just makes you want to open up that toy and play with it so bad. Yeah. Yeah. Let's see the false advertising on the launcher. You know, it shows these guys looking like Jimmy Snooker coming off the top of the cage. I've literally karate chop that thing. They go like two millimeters in the air and just like it's not it's not it's a tipper. It's not a launcher. Exactly. Yeah.
Don't get your hopes up to that, but I'm telling you, it was so much fun putting these, these play sets together, man. When we, when we opened them up, Jeff, we opened up some, yeah, they sealed 90 second. I'm taking this out of my ear right now. Just editing this part out of the show. We released these things from their plastic prisons after 25 years.
to get the whole set than it was to try to piece them all together with like shipping and everything. Yeah, I'll mention them when we go through in the set. There were three that are damn near impossible to get in complete form that I'll mention as we go through. OK, Scott, go for it. Next up, we have the raw is war set. This was released in ninety seven. Came with a cage for the ring and the I.C. title. Came with Stone Cold Steve Austin, Ahmed Johnson, Farooq, Triple H, gold dust with removable wig, I might add, and mankind.
How cool is that and a removable wig on a figure that small?
Yeah, an accessory on a little minifig. Yeah, the the Ahmed. So if he was in, they tried, you know, they tried to do these basically to mimic the BCA figure. So he's in that same pose with the arms permanently bent. But in the smaller scale, when with the like, you know, the tighter like, you know, figure form, it really looks like he's just taking a power dump, dude. He's got the elbows tucked in tight, legs squatted, 45 degree angle. Like it's about to be a pearl were plunged in like the face is just straining.
The way you're holding it, the figure actually just got injured. Just like Ahmed did back in the 90s, too. Yeah, his ACL's gone now. Next up, we got Sudden Threat. This is from 1998. Came with, again, a cage for the ring. Dubster, a world title, and the figures included were the Headbangers. Kane, Cactus Jack. Jeff, you have Cactus Jacks on the notes. Yeah, Cactus Jacks. Cactus Jacks was J-A-K-K-S. Thank you. I was wondering if anybody was going to get that.
Had to shoot you out on that one. The rock and stone called Steve Austin. Okay, and up next, Survivor Series. This is from 98. Ring had a cage again. Trash can and chainsaw accessories, which is insane. That's amazing. This is one of the two that I got, MOC, because you cannot, you can't find that chainsaw, Charlie, with the chainsaw. We had it. The chainsaw is microscopic, yeah. So we had it in that batch that we got from Music City Toys. We had the chainsaw, Charlie, with the little chainsaw.
My son lost the chainsaw. Yeah, the chainsaw. We were just like, aw. We actually put him up for adoption for like two weeks, man, before we changed our minds. Luckily there's not, you know, the five and six year olds, they're usually on the market a little bit longer. So we had a change of heart, but yeah, he lost the chainsaw. So I ended up having to go at, you know, I got this, I got that one in a baggie with like eight of them for 10 bucks. Ended up having to go back and spend like 60 bucks to get this thing MOC.
Oh, you got to have the chainsaw. You can't have Jack's mini chainsaw Charlie without the chainsaw. I completely agree with you. Yeah. So only two weeks on the market, huh? For me, it would have been a little bit longer. I think 60 bucks. Yeah. Yeah. He felt really bad. So we, we took that of course, Scott wanted to put me up for adoption after I destroyed his kiss figures, but, uh, Oh, actually you were talking to mom and dad about that just a couple of weeks ago too.
You're like, why did you not just take me up on what I said? Exactly. I could have been an only child that would have been amazing. I loved it so much. Survivor Series set with the missing chainsaw. Pain. Cactus Jacks. Chainsaw Charlie. Stone Cold Steve Austin. This is his SCU t-shirt and jeans set and the New Age Outlaws.
Love that Cactus Jack too, man. Such a cool little figure. It is cool. And the New Age Outlaws, if this was the one I was thinking of, Road Dog was wearing the white DX shirt on this one. Road Dog was known so much for rocking the white DX shirt. There he is. There he was.
That's right. Yep. I don't know why. I always liked it when they put the white DX shirt. I know it wasn't the normal DX shirt, but I think his first VCA was in the white DX shirt. Yeah. I think that's where they got that off of. Yeah. Was this first one, the signature series, or did they do one before that?
I don't remember. Jack, it's impossible, man, to keep up with the Jack. There were so many series. So many different offshoots of sets, man. Like, it's, yeah, it's really freaking tricky keeping up with them. Well, that's insane. That was like the Brock Lesnar. We all thought the ruthless aggression was the very first one to come out, but technically two months prior, there was some two pack or something like that where Brock slipped in at the last second. Was it a two pack or was it a king of the ring?
Was it King of the Ring or was it? Yeah, I can't remember. Maybe it wasn't too back. I don't know. This was so prolific on the releases, dude, like they put out. They were like the Nick Cannon of freaking like wrestling. Just spreading so much and so much random stuff like there's like a there's like a WrestleMania 14 three pack. It's like Steve Austin, the big show and like thrasher from the headbangers. It's like, what the hell, dude? Like what?
The sets are pretty wild. I remember they would have they would do like 10 packs also. Do you remember when they were released the 10 packs of BCA's? Like if you're a kid, that's freaking awesome, dude. Like Christmas morning, you open up, you got a whole 10 pack of figures, dude. And I'm sure it probably made a lot of sense, too, man. But yeah, if you go back and like piece together like a Jax BCA collection, especially if you're going to be a completionist, like that's that's going to end up being a full time job.
Yeah, it would be impossible. Almost you would think. I mean, there were so many figures, especially if you go for all like the different packaging variants and stuff also, because they released the same, they released the same figure across like six different lines. Yep. Yep. Well, that's like when we're doing the two packs in our nostalgia segment, it's, they would start with one and they would jump over to two tough and then they wouldn't continue with this one, but it was still had another two pack. It's like,
Jesus Christ, just keep one. Bad blood was one set of two packs. I think they had one that was just called like tag teams. Yeah, it was always something different with the Jax two packs. And then Rick Flair comes out with black hair. It's like, what the hell is this? I love the Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett. It was the same figure. They just literally just painted different gear on them. It's the exact same figure from head to toe. Was that? Was that? Wait, that was the same two pack, right?
I don't think it was a two pack. I think it was in like two. It was in a separate series, but it was the same figure. They released it once exact same head scope with Dolan Hart, and then they repainted it with Jeff Jarrett. I'll try to I'll dig it up on database to shoot over some pics. Oh, my gosh. I love Jax for that. God, I love Jax. It was it was the best man, like just because they gave you so much stuff and they were quick as hell. Yeah, figures out to you. Oh, you're right. Yep. All right, Scott, what you got up next?
Royal Rumble, this was from 1997, came with a ladder and a chair. Figures included were Paul Bearer, Jerry the King Lawler, the Road Warriors, who had black shoulder pads on in this one, Mark Marrow, and the British Bulldog.
Thankfully, Paul Bearer's urn is attached. You don't have to worry about keeping up with the little microscopic urn. Okay. Yep. Yep. Could you imagine Anna Lynn as well? Yeah.

Emotional Value of Collecting

That was another one that I, that was the other one that I bought MOC cause Legion of doom. They're almost impossible to find with the shoulder pads anymore than that. Something about the.
the way they did the deco on their faces, like it's really hard to get those faces with the face paint intact. They all look like they just got done in a, uh, you know, got out of a 25 minute match with like the midnight express, like pretty much every single set that you see on eBay. Yeah. I mean, those are the ones we unboxed back in December. Oh, nice.
And Scott, do you still have your road warriors with shoulder pads? I do. I've got, man, let me go back through real quick and I'll tell you. So we've still got two more to go through. I have the next two. I have the raw rumble and I had the survivor series. Didn't you have the Ross war one too, just cause of Ahmed.
I'm pretty sure I did. Let me see. Let me go back through. Hold on. I'm a fan, Scott. Oh, I loved Ahmed Johnson. He was a man, dude. He was. I was convinced he was the next World Heavyweight Champion. And he was going to be there. He made that debut on Raw and Bodyslam, Yoko Zuna. And he was rolling with Shawn Michaels. Yeah, he seemed like he was going to be the biggest deal. And then he's going to stay healthy, man. That was the biggest thing with him, man. You take those injuries away. I don't know what his career trajectory is. And that's 100 percent honesty.
You know, if you take the injuries out of the equation, he is no doubt heavyweight champion. Literally like no doubt in my mind, he would have been heavyweight champion. He had everything Vince was looking for in a superstar. Even the promos, like you couldn't really tell what he was saying, but you could still tell he had charisma, right? Like, yes, it just worked, man, even though like it just sound like just gibberish.
Every, but I bought every word of it. Damn it. Every king of the ring, every, uh, WrestleMania, everything Scott was like, Ahmed's winning. He's my dude. He's going to win. When we used to have our friends over, we do a king of the ring, uh, pool, like we had pool money and you pick a winner, blah, blah, blah. Every single time Scott's all Ahmed.
I mean, I mean, who's beaten on it? Do you know what I mean? Like who? Right. If you're just like you're just like a kid watching out, you're like, who's going to beat this guy? I remember I think it was Royal Rumble 97. He had the whole he did a promo. He had the whole crowd on Frugi and whole crowd. You're going down. You're going down.
Was that where we put Dilo through a table at ringside? There's like no regard for his well-being just like hawked him. Dude, if they... It's so awesome. If WWE ever gets them back on a deal, dude, my most wanted Ahmed. You remember WrestleMania 13, the Chicago Street Fight, where he came out with the LOD shoulder pads just looking like the freaking man, dude. That's like one of the hardest pictures in wrestling history, like Ahmed rolling with the Legion of Doom with the shoulder pads.
That was and again, you look at him like nobody's beating him. No, nobody's like you give it up. Don't even come to the ring. Don't have a chance. Yeah. If you guys look, Scott, I sent you on Facebook Messenger and Jeff, I texted you. I found that the Jeff and Owen, the the duplicate man, it's the same figure just repainted as two different guys. Like, I don't think anybody has ever done that in the history. I mean, it kind of works. It does kind of work.
if you just saw one or the other you'd be like okay cool but yeah the fact that you can switch back and forth and see both of them like you're like this is or if you're like in your fig fed just going through him you're like wait a second this is the same guy yeah oh wow that's insane yeah the multi shades of blonde i've been drago
God, yes. If he dies, he dies. Shout out to Jax. Shout out to Ahmed too. Oh, by the way, that picture of Ahmed in the Road Warriors shoulder gear he was selling at his table at WrestleCon.
Nice. And if you got a picture in an auto, you got a free photo and he would sign that, too. And that was the one I chose. It's funny. You mentioned that. Yeah, that's a good match, too, man. That's beside from Brett and Austin. That's probably the next best thing from that WrestleMania. Oh, hands down, hands down. And I loved it. I mean, a huge Road Warriors fan, huge Ahmed fan. I was like, this is amazing. Best WrestleMania ever. Just kidding. Whoa, whoa. Just kidding. Calm down over there. So, yeah, Jeff, to answer your question, I have the Roz Wars set.
I had the Survivor Series, I had the next one we're gonna talk about, the WrestleMania set and the Royal Rumble. I did not have the King of the Ring or the Sudden Threat. So I basically had four of these. Did you just stop collecting them or? Yeah, I didn't need this many of them. I was literally just leaving almost in the box.
And then I would open them later and I was like, man, I just I'm going to stop collecting. I don't need this many, many figures, you know, just as and as the line went on, kind of like just a recurring theme with Jax, we've been talking about throughout the episode. There was a lot of rereleases, right? Like it'd be the news. Yeah. But out of the six figures, you know, it'd be four repaints and maybe two new guys. So, yeah, exactly.
the line went on. I kind of saw that because at first I was thinking about getting every single ring when I was piecing together this collection last year. And I was like, dude, that's going to be such a waste of money. Like, because I was really just going to have, you know, one of each at least one of each character and one ring. So I ended up able to get it done, get done with buying two rings. Yeah. And you're right. That was a staple of Jax. Things just got kind of repetitive after a while. That's how you make money, though, you know. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Slap a different coat of paint on it and ship it up. Charge the same price. Yeah. Yeah. See Mattel topics.
Next set, we got WrestleMania. And I believe, correct me if I'm wrong, this was the first one they did, right? So there was a four. There was a four pack that came out first. I want to say the four pack came out first is OK. Proof of concept or what? And then there was the six pack, which was basically the same thing, just added in some additional accessories and stuff. OK, because they did like a separate ring and then the four pack of figures. Yeah. Yeah. OK. So this was the WrestleMania set. 1997 came with the world title.
This came with Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, Psycho Sid, Owen Hart, and Vader. If you're only getting one, this is like the one to get, right? Like if you just want to have a piece of this line in your collection, I think this is between the character selection and the WrestleMania ring. I think it's the best one. Yeah. You put Austin in there and that's a home run.
It ain't really coming through, but yeah, there was, there was a four pack that came out slightly before that, that it just had, it had undertaker Vader, Brett and Sid and the ring is what it came with. And then they re-released it with the additional figures. Yeah. They went to the six packs after that. So I don't know. We need, we need to get, we need to track down somebody that was like in charge of like product development with Jax at the time and like run through exactly what the thought process was behind the way some of these lines rolled out. Cause it was just, yeah.
Stuff would just show up. Every time we went to Toys R Us, you'd see a new Jack's product that you had no idea was even a thing. I think they just used the randomizer, dude. I think they literally just went to and, you know. But that was kind of the fun of that Jack's line back in the day, is that you didn't know what to expect when you went to the toy store.
Yeah, you're just like, what am I going to see? Yeah, seeing something new, it was especially when it first dropped, it was just mind blowing, like seeing these new figures because we were in the the figure desert, dude, between Hasbro and and Jax, like the bendams were doing the best they could, but it just wasn't the same day. The bendams were, for whatever reason, like it wasn't the same as getting a Hasbro or like a Jax BCA. And you did have the WCW SFTM.
Yeah, those were cool, but those are always more in line with the LJNs. Exactly. Yeah, exactly. If we found anybody from Jackson came onto either of our shows, he would be like.
I don't know what the hell we were thinking. It'd be the shortest interview ever. I really do think that. I think that they would just be like, we don't freaking know. They were just like, pump it out as fast as you can, dude. Like, you know, they had just some guy, like a graphic designer, creating new boxes and just putting those same ass figures in there, you know?
Why Ric Flair had dark hair? We don't know. We don't know. We don't know. It was a mistake and we couldn't go back and fix it. You know what I mean? The Undertaker in series one of classic superstars. He's got like the gray boots and like the purple gloves. Andre's got two straps on the... Oh yeah.
Didn't take her have like our three tech legs or something like that. Yeah. He had that. I think Andre had Andre was like a mix and match on the parts also like for such an iconic line and being like series one like the end all be all dude. It's really such a hodgepodge. But then you also got that ultimate warrior, which is one of the best figures ever made. Like I love that series one classic superstars warrior. It's just iconic.
It is. It's so great. And the last one, Scott. King of the Ring from 1998 came with a crown and what they called cloak accessory. Rocky Maivia, the headbangers, Brian Pillman, Savio Vega and Sunny. And our first mini chick we got. There she is. Sunny. Can't believe Sable didn't find a way to get in this line somehow, man. Right. And we got Marrow, but no Sable.
The other thing that was weird about this is literally everything else is just like the BCAs. Like even the dumpsters modeled off that Jax dumpster that they released on those playsets. We never got the robe, like the king of the ring robe in the BCA line or the crown. Cause the crown is not like the crown that came with Jerry Lawler. It's a separate little mold. So that was just, that was weird to me that out of all these sets, that was the one that they were like, you know what, let's do like some unique stuff for this one, but pretty cool little accessories.
Yeah, overall, just like you said, Seth, just fun. Just you could totally play with this back in the day. It wasn't overbearing like the big monster ring that you had to play with your Jackson. You could just throw these like you said in the car, just easy to play with, fun to play with, limited articulation. But, you know, when you're a kid, what do you care? Your mom didn't have to leave half her luggage out of the back of the Volkswagen to fit your rings and all your figures. That's right.
And over the course of the, of the line, they had enough different characters that you could have like a whole ass fig fed man with, uh, with these guys. So it was just, just a really, really cool line, man. I encourage people, if they haven't checked it out to go and pick some of these up, if you got any vintage toy stores around, a lot of times you can find grab bags of small figures loose for like, you know, 12 to 15 kids having like a WWE birthday. Like these are perfect cake toppers. You know what I mean?
Absolutely. Just make sure they don't eat the figure. Yeah, all bad. Don't let your children chew on the figures. What was the price point on these back in the day? What was like 15, 20 bucks? 20 bucks for a ring, accessories and six toys. They're six figures. That's the most time you go into KB's and get get markdowns and stuff, too. But I know the ones ones we picked up back in December, they still had the 1997 price tags on there. So, yeah, when he held you for 20 bucks, man.
Absolutely. Yep. I did pull some eBay auctions, sold auctions, I should say from this. I was blown away, Jeff. Honestly, I saw your, I was like, what? Damn it. I shouldn't have opened them. See guys. In a couple of years we'll be like, damn it. Why did we open those? Jeff was right all along.
Let's not get carried away. 1F. 1F Jeff was correct. The no mercy set from 1999. Last sold eBay listing was on April 20th for $49 on nine bids. Ross war set from 1997 with Ahmed Johnson. Last sold eBay listing may six seller one.
This is so funny. Seller wanted $129.95, but accepted $129.95. When I got that, yeah, I told them to say, I was like, that's like the seller wanted $129.95, but they accepted $129.95.
those sold listings and actually show you what it's sold for. Because if you go into eBay, it's got a line. Well, on 130, it says wanted 129.95 and sold 129.95. I was like, why even just put that on there? Did he include shipping or something? I was going to say, yeah, maybe scratch shipping. Yeah, there had to be some sort of like, yeah, some catch. Yeah. Yeah.
The Sudden Threat set from 1998. Last sold eBay listing was also April 20th for $102.50 on 18 bids. 18 bids. It got a lot of action over there on eBay. Survivor Series set from 1998. Last sold eBay listing was February 13th. Seller wanted $69.99 but accepted $69.99.
Hard to go again. Yeah. What was, what set am I on now? From 1997, last sold eBay listening also April 20th seller wanted one 19, but accepted $100. Dude, somebody, somebody was freaking tearing up the weed that day because it was four 20. They got, they got high as a mofo went on eBay and just bought all these mini figures. I remember these figures from when I was a kid, they didn't get the munchies. They just jumped on eBay.
It's not a coincidence that all of these happened on 4 22. Right. You know, the guy was sitting there. He's like, dude.
I, you know, remember those little mini figures from like back in the day. That's exactly how it went. Yeah, exactly. I'm going to go onto eBay and buy all of them. Last, uh, sorry. WrestleMania set from 1997 last little eBay listing also April 20th for $107 and 50 cents on 23 bits. Holy crap. Wow. Yeah. And the king of the ring set. There was none available on the eBay sold listing.
Wow, I want that little cloak man. I know I'm actually now hanging on to it. I want to see what the accessories are going for on these. I should have pulled the listings on those. Good point. Yeah, there's got to be. I didn't find it because I had it. I because I still had the chainsaw Charlie. I had a save search on eBay for like two months for Jax Mini chainsaw and it never popped up. So it's you know, that's like a niche of a niche, man.
I feel like you almost have to have a MOC for the key. Cause like, there's no way that if you play with these as kids, I got all the accessories. Gold dust wig, the shoulder pads, the belts and chainsaw, Charlie's chainsaw. I got those in a little baggie in a safe location in my office. We don't let those.
They're too tiny. Yeah, we've got Brett playing with figures wherever he wants to pretty much in the house, you know? And he's gotten to where he only wants to play with Seth's figures. Like, you know, he has tons of figures of his own, but he wants to play with the collectible, the collectible, you know? And so, you know, he's, he's gotten really responsible. Yes. He doesn't just smash. He's not like the old Hasbro commercial, just smashed them together. He's actually, you know, working matches and stuff. So you can trust him with them. But the Cape from that King of the Rings set is on eBay right now for 17 bucks or best offer. So.
OK, that's not too bad. Maybe he'll accept 17 bucks. Just the cape, but no crown. You can get the only way to get the crown right now. You can get the King of the Ring ring with the crown, Road Warrior Hawk, or no, Road Warrior Animal, and Brian Pillman for 50 bucks plus shipping. Wow. Yeah. So if you're trying to get the cape and the crown, yeah, you're going to have to crack open that wallet.
That's like back in the day when, uh, you know, big boss man's nightstick and the mounting shock stick was the mounting that thing. It was so, I feel like the shock stick was the easiest of all the Hasbro accessories to lose a big Josh's ax handle from the UK series. That doesn't, that's another one. It doesn't even fit in his hand, dude. It just like slides right through, man. Yep. Yeah. These things were designed to be lost the moment that you freaking totally. Yep. Yep.
Well, Seth, thank you for mentioning this for the nostalgia saving. This is a lot of fun. And actually it was, I pop in on how much they were going for on the eBay. Blown away, dude. Like those values are insane to me. Like I did not think they'd be going for that much. I figured 40, 50 bucks. Cause people, people played with these, dude. I feel like, I feel like for a lot of people, they probably, I mean, dude, I played with my BCAs a lot, but I know I played with these Jacks. I mean, he's a ton as a kid. And I think that's kind of just, it's the stuff that we love, man. That's what, I think what really drives the value of these up is you, you know, 20 years later, you go back and try to try to try to refine them.
Mm hmm. I'd be interested to see what the values were four years ago. Yeah, everything went crazy during covid. Like what were these sets going for? Oh, like in the box. I was wondering. I don't know. You can you can scroll back, right? For like you could go on. I know worth point. You go back pretty far and find stuff. OK. Yeah, that'd be interesting to see. Which website is that?
worth point. Okay. It's just, it's what, you know, there's a handful of the ones you can go back to kind of get like the deep, you know, the really detailed eBay information worth points. The main one that I've used over the years. I mean, they do everything, not just toys. I mean, worth point does. It's anything off. Yeah. Anything off eBay. Yeah. Okay.
We are going to round out the show with who did it better. And this one's for you, Sheena. We're going to play Brett Hart, which, which one is the best. And if you say any of the Mattels, I'm cutting the episode right now. No, I'm just kidding. You know, I'm looking, I'm looking at the defining moments right now because we talked about it, the original like defining moments.
dude. It's such, it's such a good figure. I'm still very, very, very partial to the ringside exclusive,

Wrestling Figures Deep Dive

like pink and black attack, Brett Hart, dude. I just, the packaging on that was spectacular. The, the, the, the all pink was just incredible. We actually upgraded ours because we opened it. We upgraded ours and got a soft goods, a pink jacket to go with it. And, uh,
Yeah. It's like X-9 studio, something like that. It's a lady out of Taiwan that does custom figure clothing. And yeah, it was awesome. It was cool until we've got the Ultimate Edition. They redid it target last year to upgrade it. But yeah.
I, uh, I love the defining moments when the ring cyclic was last year. Cause that's my favorite Brett jacket, the jacket with like the, the skull with like a nail going through it on the back. But dude, after, after getting the ultimate additions, man, I almost hate soft goods jackets. Yeah. Like I feel like the definition.
I feel like like the the plastic with like the the poseable arms just looks so much better, man. Like to me, technically, the most recent ultimate though, the Monday Night Wars, Brett, as long as you keep the glasses on, huge caveat, don't take those glasses off. You take those glasses off. It's a shitty Halloween costume version of Brett. But usually the glasses on, I think that's technically the best Brett figure ever. For me, the original Hasbro Brett will always be my number one. That's my all time favorite toy of any line. That might be my all time favorite, like
physical object, right? Like outside of my family and loved ones, as far as like things go, I think the original Hasbro, Bret Hart might be my favorite thing of all time, dude. It was in the room when I was, um, you know, having the giving birth to Brett, my, my. It was kind of like a good omen, you know, you're supposed to surround yourself with things that make you like happy and you know, like, and also we had the little Bret Hart, uh, Hasbro in there. So yeah.
Yeah. That's awesome. So much as a kid, I think it still holds up as a great figure. Obviously, the red card Brett was, you know, a little bit more Toyota. He's got the more detailed gear from Brett's solo run. But I think that original Hasbro Brett is an absolutely outstanding version. And so I'm still going to go Hasbro, man. I'll go nostalgia on this one. And I say the original Hasbro, Brett Hart was the best.
So Scott, do you have a list of all the ones, all Bret Hart figures or just kind of like, uh, I've got three, we'll be here until next week if we list every, right. Yeah. All right. Can you break down the three Scott? Yes. First off, my number one is LJN.
And we talked about molded on glasses earlier. It does a lot for that figure. I even think the likeness on that one is better than a lot of the Mattels that have come out. And it was killing it. We always talk about how it's unreal how good LG and sculpts were actually young bread. You know, he's got, he's got the shorter hair and his face was a little bit round. It's a really, it's like a distinct, like it for Brett and I'm thinking it was like an 87 breath that they captured. Like, yeah, it's pretty much perfect.
Yeah, I love the gear choice on it. The pose is good because you can put them with anvil and they could do the heart attack together. Because like you had mentioned earlier with LJNs, you were kind of stuck with the pose they were in. You had to kind of pretend, right? But you could do that heart attack, no problem with those two guys. So the Brett pose, everything about that, the molded on sunglasses, I absolutely love that Brett. My two honorable mentions, we've been talking about him a lot. The first defining moments with the Canadian flag and the ringside exclusive all pink. Oh yeah, baby.
Those are my two honorable mentions and that rounds out Brett for me. You weren't the biggest Brett fans. So no, I mean, don't try to qualify his opinion. Okay. I've been doing that for eight years on this show.
But that's the beauty of the hobby. We've always said it's totally subjective. Right. It's what makes you happy. It's what very subjective. It's like food tastes. Right. Like what you like, other people won't. So that's what's kind of. But we've been talking about the defining moment in the the pink bread almost all night. And it's just funny that here they are. They're coming up again in our favorite breads.
That LJ and I'll never forget getting it. So like you with the Hasbro Seth, there's a lot of nostalgia in that. How much I played with that figure when I first got it. Like I was so happy to have the heart found it. They were one of the most badass teams WWF ever had. And when I was a kid, I had to have figures of them when I finally got them. Dude, the matches, the playtime was just incredible. So I'll never forget getting that Brett and that's always gonna be my favorite Brett.
One thing to mention too, because you guys both mentioned that the Defining Moments and that Pink and Black Brett from Ringside, those had been re-released in the Ultimate Edition line, but the packaging on the OG's was so much better. That original Defining Moments packaging was some of the best hotels ever done, and the packaging on that Ringside Brett was just crazy. It was beautiful, all pink.
The ultimate edition packaging is fine, but it's very sterile, right? It doesn't. I don't feel like packaging. It never adds anything to the figures. It's just a nice clean look. Whereas, you know, MOC, those other two, they look miles better in those boxes than they do in the ultimate edition boxes. So if anybody's like questioning, like, you know, didn't these just get re-released this last year? Like, yeah, but there's more, you know, the packaging is a big part of it.
And we're, we're loose collectors and the packaging still means a lot. You know what I mean? Like I remember getting those figures in the packaging and just being like, just looking at them. Open, open them up. Still a big part of the experience, man. So, okay. Least favorite Bret Hart figure. Oh, probably old man, Brett, for me, the, uh, the, the jorts and the, um, you know, gray hair. I just, and I love a good old man, Brett, but yeah, that's just, was that the, uh, toys are us exclusive one?
They had a there was a Toys R Us exclusive one from SummerSlam 2010 and then a couple years ago they did it in the WrestleMania line from his there was a big tag. Yeah, and there was one in the WrestleMania set from when he fought Vince McMahon. To me, I don't necessarily love those figures, but I think they were still pretty well executed.
The worst Bret Hart figure of all time to me is definitely the, uh, toy biz where he's like a real hit man. He's in like the mafia, like pinstripe suit and stuff. That wasn't even on my radar. Yeah. That's that's far. No, I remember like, I already hated Brett and Debussy Debbie. And I remember as a kid, like seeing that figure and I was just like,
What happened? Or what was the Jax, um, read that I always took around the Island where he had the five o'clock was his classic. So you had the beard or five o'clock shadow. What are we doing here? No, he always had, he always had that baby face going on. Yeah. Yeah. Smooth as a baby's butt.
Um, another honorable mention for the worst. Do you remember there was only like two or maybe four figures in this whole line, but when they had, when just toys had, or no, uh, yeah, it was just toys. They did stretch Armstrong style wrestlers. There was a Bret Hart in that line and it had like almost zero detail to it whatsoever, man.
If I'm not mistaken, he didn't even have a singlet up top. It was just all pink down below, right? Yeah. It was just, it was like a dog toy, man. I remember I think I ordered, I think I ordered that from, I had to have ordered it from a catalog or something. Cause I don't think I wouldn't have bought it if I saw it. I think I just heard or saw like a listing for like a stretch Armstrong, Brett Hart figure and remember getting it. And then once I had it in hand, I was like, what the hell is this? And I gave it to our golden retriever at the time and it like, it was like,
It was because I thought it was going to be filled with sand, like stretch Armstrong, but the WWE stretch homes have like a black goo inside of them, dude. So it was, uh, yeah, I think I ended up getting like cussed out by my parents for that one. Yeah, I was going to say that's not a good dog toy. Very toxic. Yeah. Well, we remember the stretch Armstrong figures from LJN back in the day, Scott.
Yeah, so we had Ricky Steamboat and I think one other I can't remember who it was. Oh, we had. Sorry, we had Bundy. We had Savage. We had. Did we have all those? Oh, yeah, we got them all for Christmas. OK, the one I was left with was Ricky Steamboat. So I'm going through an old tote in the garage. And I don't know why I did it, but I have stuck them in a Ziploc bag.
And I pulled out the Ziploc bag out of the tote. Oh, the figure itself had like exploded or melted or something. And it was like it was a true 80s wrestling figure. There was white powder everywhere. It was insane. So if you ever wondered what's inside those things, it's OK. No, it's OK. Yeah.
It's full of white powder. That's strong. I love those toys, dude. Stretch Armstrong is one of the best toys ever. You know, growing up as a, uh, you know, kid of the eighties, you know, kid of the early nineties to stretch Armstrong was mage. Like I just think he just, yeah, such a cool toy. And then it was Armstrong. And then what was the villain's name? They, he, he was made out of a totally different. Strong until just now.
He was the coolest. He was a wiener dog, dude. Yeah. Yeah. And then they had the back man. He was made out of like beads and you like suck the air out of him. Yeah. That's right. That's right. Big stretch Armstrong. She was about to start the fully stretchable podcast. I've been with her 20 years. I never, she knows like all the lore and everything.
This is when it happened to a whole new market. They made mini versions. So there was like the big versions. And then I also had the mini versions of stretch and fetch and, you know, vac man. Please do. Please do a quick segment on the next show. Yes. History of the stretch Armstrong line. Yeah. But that was one of the fun things about the eighties is those toys was, I mean, just from top to bottom from boys toys to girls toys. I mean, we encompassed everything under the sun.
And they're still making more creativity, dude. Yeah. Like just original figures. Like now everything has a license, right? So everything, all toys pretty much are based off of some sort of license or TV show or movie or something. Like in the eighties and nineties, there was just original toys, right? Like toys that came out for the sake of toys. Yeah. The toy line would usually lead off and then you would build like the comic books and cartoons off the toy line. Exactly. Yeah.
Yeah, that well, that's what G.I. Joe mask and he basically it was a 30 minute infomercial just for the toys. Yeah. G.I. Joe kind of made the made the prototype and then everybody else was trying to have their own G.I. Joe. Yeah. Yeah. The other big thing, dude, that we miss out on, I think that from Toys R Us 100 is the play sets, man, like, you

Toy Collecting Challenges

know, any of the big elaborate sets we had as kids, there's one out now and it really stuck out to me because you don't see anything like it. There's a beautiful Ninja Turtles playset. I don't know if you guys need that. Why you've been doing a toy spotty next time? I haven't seen it.
Yeah, next time you hit up a target, check out the turtles section. It's based off the new movie line from the movie that came out last summer. But this thing is awesome, dude. Like I made me like want to try to like get the kids sparked into like some turtles figures just so I can have it in my house. Man, it's got like the sewer. It's got like it's got like a bunch of different scenes on one big play set. And it's it was something that you see for like every single toy line when we were kids. But I feel like you never see none of the really big items like that. No, it needs to be a couple more years. Our kids like they do the play sets. The pieces get everywhere, dude, and get all over the place. And I'm just like.
It's mixed in. You got like Minecraft. Yeah. So I'm like, maybe when he's like eight or nine, like it'll be more like, you know, small role play. Cause he plays well, but yeah, playing inside the little play structures and I'm picking them up, backing them up. Yep. Refresh my memory. Cause I remember listening to you guys on the Chick-fil-A show. Did you guys back the nitro stage?
Because I remember you guys were kind of going back and forth if you were going to, or if you weren't going to, I was lukewarm on it, but I started backing it just cause there was, you know, it was still cool enough. And I was just like, my big thing was like, dude, if we don't back this.
it's been a kind of it could end up killing this thing off dude we it'll probably be a long time before we get something else like it dude yes i still wish man like i indeed i know that they're extremely smart people there man i feel like there were so many missteps on like the rollout and just like the order of the figures and stuff like
I feel like they should have just done it, pick out a number and you get all five figures at once, man. I think that Ray kind of killed it, dude. I don't think anybody was excited to get that ultimate Ray. And those things, you got to have the momentum going out the gate, dude. It seemed like that thing kind of came out stumbling. Because dude, at the end of the day, you could end up spending almost 500 bucks after shipping and stuff for a Scott Steiner and a Ray Mysterio figure. They don't think anybody really
The Steiner was cool, but nobody wanted that Ray. But the thing was, dude, I was watching it, man, because I was rooting hard. We was pushing it in the Facebook group. We had Gina pushing it on Instagram. The night of, dude, it picked up, man. I wish they just would have extended it to Monday morning. It had some momentum going that last eight hours, but there just wasn't enough time left. I think we could have won the game, man, but the fourth quarter ended too soon on that one.
Yeah, hopefully they bring it back sometime. Have you guys heard any rumblings? If they may try to do it in a different format or is that thing just mothballed in the, in the, the warehouse? It's pretty much, it's pretty much mothballed into a vault at Mattel, man. I was talking to the packaging guy at a WrestleMania this past year and he goes, yeah, he goes, I was like, Hey, how far did you get into the packaging? And he goes, we were just doing the dimensions and unfortunately it didn't fund and there's, there's no more talk of it. And I was like,
I was afraid you were going to say that part. If ever I wanted the second chance in life, like that would be it. Like if I could have one more go around, like give us another opportunity. Dude, especially now we got the Monday Night Wars line, dude. And I feel like, yes, yes, I feel like the Legends line has really hit its stride in the last couple of years. Like it was it was cool when they first brought it back. But I feel like the last year and a half, two years, the Legends line has been smoking hot. The Monday Night Wars line is red hot. It just yeah, dude.
I don't know, man, I think it was just some strategic errors, man, on the rollout on that, because the product was freaking incredible, man. Like, we've never seen anything like that. Like that old toy biz that was just like, you know, the little $40 plastic joint stage, that thing is still really cool. And this thing was going to be like the, you know, the ultimate version of that. So I'm still bummed when I think about that. The problem is now is if they try to roll it out now, it's going to be $700. You know, like it's going to be exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. To have to create that again and get that momentum is going to be tough.
Do you think it would help if they advertised it during their shows like Ross, Smackdown, they gave it a bump doing. What are we doing? Not have advertising this stuff during television time. You have paid for a lot of people. Yeah, same team does. Yeah, I'm going to bet there's a lot of people that didn't even know that it was a thing. You know what I mean? Like, yeah.
Yeah. If you're not in the niche, like collector groups and like collector Instagram, like you're not going to know about these things, right? Like if you're not seeking out the information, there's a lot of little kids and a lot of collectors out there that just collect, you know, go to the store. They don't really dive in and like, look at all the different websites and podcasts and all that kind of stuff. Right. If you want to show that crap on Monday Night Raw or what the PLE or smack down
throw a QR code on there. People can just scan it and they're, you know, two taps of their phone away from back in this thing. Like, yeah, man, let's go. Have a really cool like promo video, like a sizzle reel for it. You know what I mean? Like, Exactly. Yeah. It just seems so easy and we got none of that, but there's no doubt in my mind if they mentioned it a few more times on TV, it would have funded no problem.
I think that in the figures, man, I think the figure choice was it could have been better, man, because ultimately, I think that doing in that macho man are really what sold the new gen set. You know, I think people have to have that doing. And then, you know, when they put that that that kind of like self-imposed deadline on getting the macho man figure, that's when that thing got funded. Right. That last that last two days before.
the macho man was going to expire. That's when you saw that flood come in there. So I would have had, you know, DDP, they should have done DDP and jeans, right? We got DDP and ring gear that Ray, that was just like a throw in. I'm assuming that was just for like budgetary reasons. Like what's the cheapest figure we could throw in? Yeah. Uh, that in the Hulk, man, we had just gotten that Hulk in the Amazon line too. Very, very similar Hulk to that. So.
Yeah, just a weird setup all the way around, man. I know those guys are very smart, and I'm sure there were valid reasons for every single decision they made along the way, but she was a crack at it, dude. Let me and Sheena, the two brothers, let us get together. Give us a couple... Let us workshop it. Yeah, give us about a mil and a half marketing budget. We can get this thing off the ground and make it work, man.
And it stings even worse when you've seen it in person. Yeah, you guys got to see and you guys got to see the raw stage that was going to be like the sequel to that was. Oh, that's the kicker. The thing is incredible, dude. That raw stage is amazing, man. Like that would have been enough sweetener, I think, for a lot of people to jump in if they could have seen a picture of that and been like, if you guys do this, this will be next year. Yeah, that would have been enough sweetener, I think, to at least hit that minimum number to fund.
You know, in a couple of mentions on TV, you're off to the races. But like you said, Seth, it just stumbles, you know, just misfires. And it's it's now what could have been kind of thing. And it sucks because it was so amazing in person. It looked like a lot of fun just to put together like to take out of the box and to construct this thing. Look like it would be so much fun.
Yeah. And I was looking at the backside of it where all the wires are and stuff. And there was a lot of crap going on. You plug in and, you know, you're you're threading these wires through and it just it looked like so much fun to just dig in. But, you know, we'll never I mean, figures aside, the set itself was worth the money to me.
Yeah. That's what we said. You could, you could, yeah, they would have been some good figures. You could have at least got the set and then like, you know, sold the figures off after the, after the fact, but I get the stretch goal model too, but I feel like something like that, when you're getting that high for toys, I feel like just give us an all or nothing. Even if it meant just two figures, right? Give us two bad-ass figures. I think the value proposition, I think that was a real issue because people were like, what was, what was it? 4.40 or was it 4.50? What the price ended up being? Do you guys remember on that?
I thought it was like $499, dude. Was it $500? I thought it was $470. It was $450 or $500 somewhere. Anyways, but yeah, but you're getting that and you're potentially just getting the set with two figures. You don't even know it. I feel like that kind of turned people off too because they don't know what they're actually getting for their money.
Right. When you invest up front, you're like, I'm $3,500. Yeah. And then you have people setting back waiting because they're like, well, you know, I'll fund it if it hits this market when it gets this number. And if everybody's doing that, the thing never gets any momentum. And with these crowd funds, there's like a viral part of it that people want to like be a part of something when they see it start picking up steam. You know, like I still remember on the first one, dude, like when we hit the $5,000 to
to guarantee that we were going to get that new gen set. People are like, all right, let's go get that clown, you know. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That was it. Yeah. Let's go get that clown is what you say. They got you pumped up, right? At least you're like refreshing it, watching the ticker go up. Absolutely. There was really the closest they ever got to get capturing that buzz was on the last night of it. And yeah, I still remember sitting there Friday night watching SmackDown is like, yeah, the minutes are just draining on this thing. And I'm like, yeah, there's no happening, man. Yeah.
and they got that uh uptick when they posted on to nxt they got a huge bump that night and then when they posted it to smackdown you saw that uptick again but it was just so far behind the a-ball it just couldn't catch up yeah they would have gave us till like i said to maybe give us till like the end of monday night so you can get another bump on raw dude exactly bingo but because it did feel like it was starting to gather a little bit of steam at the end but it was just too little too late
I know. And I wonder why they couldn't just like, be like, you know what bonus we're going to extend the deadline. You know what I mean? When you see that momentum happening, like what's the, what's the. The drawback of just giving it a couple extra days. I don't see a downside. Yeah. Yeah. Give it an extra week or two. Who cares? Yeah. Yeah, exactly. That'll get people pumped up. Like, dude, you know, we're going to extend this deadline. You know, people are coming in. Let's, let's do this.
If you, uh, yeah, we'll give a quick plug for our show. If you want to go back, if you know, if you're not a, if you're a fully poseable listener and had not a chick fully show subscriber, you can go back in the archives. We actually did a whole episode on like the rise and fall of the site. You guys really kind of picking the scab. I was really, I finally started to put it in the rear view and then you guys were like making me, you know, re-experience all this trauma for that thing going away, man. I'm going to go drink after the show, actually.
Cause I just, uh, I feel like about everything else we get, obviously there's a raw stage, but dude, like there's so many cool things that could exist in this like crowdfund world. Like the thing about like Piper's pit, like I thought about doing like, you know, a big set. Yeah. We maybe get like

Toy Collecting Community

a three and one, like make it swappable. We can do like the barbershop, like brother love funeral parlor parlor. Yeah. All of that kind of stuff, man. Like.
Yeah, I don't know. I think that, I think they're moving away towards that. We're just gonna get more of these like small batch items like the, like the LWO said, or like this territory said, I think that's what Mattel creation is gonna be more for than the- Which I think is cool. Which I think is cool. I also think that doing intermittently, have a big crowdfund, like the $500 crowdfund, and then doing a few smaller crowdfunds, and then having a big crowdfund, and then doing a few smaller. Because if you're thinking like every time this thing comes out, I'm gonna be dropping $500 dude. It's a little hard to digest. Whereas like, you know,
You could do one, like a smaller, like set, like the barber shop or something like that for like, you know, one 75 or something, you know? So, yeah, I don't know. Yep. Or prime time desk prime time desk. Take my money and banana phone. Hell yeah. Oh yeah. Well, that's rounds out the show a session. Thank you very much for joining us. Why'd you guys get your plugs out of the way? One more time.
You can find me on Instagram, at Chick Foley. Our buddy Marco runs the Twitter machine or the X machine. I can't call it X. The X machine is too close to sounding like something adult. He's joining the X machine. He's joining the Twitter machine over at Chick Foley show. And we have a fabulous group over on Facebook. So if you want to check that out and join our private community, it's go to
Reminder, we got the giveaway guys. So just shoot a screenshot to, uh, to Jeff and Scott on Twitter at on X at fully posable, or you can have Sheena at cheek full on Instagram. Just send us a screenshot at some point, uh, the week after this releases showing that you listened to the show and, uh, you'll be entered to win that, that jazz words, bought Malachi. Yeah.
Yeah, thank you, Brian, for putting that on, too. That's amazing. Special shout out to Brian, dude. And shout out to Brian for giving us the motivation to make this happen. It had been way too long since we all got together. Yeah, we got to make this a year we think from now on, dude. We'll start doing it post-Wrestlemania from now on. Perfect. Especially when we're all in Vegas and we can tell stories. That's right. Listen, if we end up going to Vegas, we're going to hit you guys up. Oh, hell yeah, you are. Absolutely, yes. We'll do a collaborative live pod there in Vegas.
I'm actually curious how many people are going to show up to the meetup next year. Because I can see quite a big crowd, dude. That was a really big crowd. Yeah. It was a lot of fun. It was a lot of fun. If it happens next year and you guys are able to make it, we'd love to have you guys there, obviously. We did that at SummerSlam was in Nashville, 2022. We did that. And it's so much fun. Because, dude, as an adult, dude, it's hard to make a lot of new friends. But through online, you really can't. You can find people with a shared interest and connect with the people in person. It's a really great experience.
You know, you feel like you know these people because you talk to them on social media so much, you know, online for years and you finally get to meet up and like hug. It's just the best. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was so much fun at our meetup. I remember like I'm thinking, OK, it might be awkward conversation at first, like people. But like you said, you've talked to these people so much online. You see them and you're like, oh, you're so and so. And then boom, the conversation starts up. There's no awkward. It's just it's fun. You've got a mutual shared interest and it's just it's easy and it's such a good group of people. And big shout out to your guys as Facebook
group, everybody on there. There's no hate. It's not toxic. It's just fun. It's a bunch of good people. So I highly recommend you guys as Facebook group to everyone listening. Yeah, it's good vibes only. So there's definitely corners of the of the figure collecting world. It's like gang warfare, man. So yeah, we've seen it. We've seen it. So yeah, I agree. That's why it's such a fun place to visit and be a part of. So yeah, big shout out to you guys for creating that community. It's a lot of fun.
I'm curious how many people are going to show up next year in Vegas, because I can see a few people being drunk. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. It's going to be. It's going to be party, dude. Oh, and everything in walking distance to get Billy. Billy is a little bit. Everything was kind of spread out. Right. It's a little bit of a sprawling city. Oh, yeah. It's kind of dependent on where you were staying, too. If you were in like the hub, you were pretty good.
Yeah. Well, we went to Philly to a football game. I just felt like the stadium was so far away. Like I was just like, you know, golly, that's the far part. Like no, you know, I like the stadium. Yeah. Yeah. You got to take the train from downtown to the stadium and stuff like that. So yeah. But like WrestleCon, where the wrestlers were staying, where the Super Bowl was like, it was all kind of in one spot. Yeah. So that worked out really well. So we'll see how Vegas goes. But yeah, it's.
Rise and shine. Vegas is Vegas is going to be lit, dude. Oh, wake up. It's going to be insane. People aren't even going to go to bed. People are going to be on there like four straight days. I stopped being awake. People on X were like, man, I feel so bad for the fans in Minneapolis. I'm like, dude, as soon as I heard Vegas was in the mix, like no offense to the fine people of Minnesota. Why the hell would you want mania in Minneapolis instead of Las Vegas?
Yeah. What's what's there? You got the Mall of America. That's it. Yeah. What do you even spend five days there? Yeah. I had to go to Minneapolis for work last year, man. And like, yeah, it was just it was fine, but it was like the most generic like city. There's nothing to it, dude. Like the Mall of America was like the only like attraction. Yeah. I think plus it might still be cold. Like, dude, Vegas is going to be a vibe. Yes. And, you know, I mean, WWE is WWE is going to lean into the Vegas theme. You know what I mean? Oh, 100 percent. Yeah. Gambling and like the whole thing.
So yeah, it's going to be awesome, man. Oh yeah. I can't wait. You guys gotta go. So we're telling you just like Jordan did, you guys gotta go. We're, we're tossing it around, but yeah, it's good. It's it's far, but man, you know, maybe.
Speaking of football, I'm behind on the George yours and Jordan show, but panics, huh? I don't know. Do you get? Yeah. So our most recent episode, we just, we went deep on the draft. So yeah, check out the goal line. You can find it on the chick Foley show feed, or it's got its own fee. If you search the goal line football show, but yeah.

Sports Fandom and Collecting

Uh, that was a puzzling one, man. You know, there was, I think the GM forgot that they signed Kirk Cousins. Oh, there's a QB there.
And the thing is, if it was any other franchise besides the Falcons, I feel like maybe they would have, you know, if the Chiefs or, you know, the 49ers did something like that, I feel like they got enough goodwill that people would kind of roll with it. But the Falcons have been such just a poverty franchise for the last couple of years that they don't get any benefit of the doubt. It just looks like a boneheaded move. Yeah. Yeah. We'll see if you're an Atlanta guy.
I was. Now I'm kind of keeping arms back. Again, caveat. Yeah, for the most part, I'm not a football agnostic. There were just so many times they burnt me over the years. We got our heart broken, really. I'm like, why am I letting this affect me so much? So obviously, I still keep up with them. And Jordan's a diehard Falcons fan. That's how me and Jordan came to be friends. Jordan's a glutton for punishment. Yeah, I think he's just, yeah, he's like a save to steal. Bring on whatever the most painful loss I can experience as a fan. Let me have it.
But yeah, I, you know, I still keep up with the Falcons. Obviously we kind of adopted the Titans being local here in Tennessee. I really just, I'm just a lover of the game of football, man. I don't, I'm not a diehard for any team anymore, which, you know, I think I was, I was cracking up because when I was sending you guys some pictures of that Jeff Jarrett knowing heart, I saw the last
message I'd sent to Scott on Facebook was, is Jeff okay? This was right after the bill blew that game in the playoffs, dude. I didn't have the heart to text Jeff directly, dude. I was like, I need to go like, Hey man, make sure Jeff's not alone tonight.
I have watched him suffer so much over the years since the early nineties with the wide left and oh, wide right. Sorry, Jeff. Yeah. Scott Norwood. And then we had another wide right this past season with Tyler Bass. Brutal. Yeah. At least my other teams have won the Giants warriors and a avalanche. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. With those. The ball always counts the most. So dude, you know, I know, I know, I know the same. Yeah. I know.
Yeah. Once you start letting it affect your emotions, you know, you gotta, you gotta keep it arm's length, you know? Exactly. Exactly. Also check out our other podcast and buddies, uh, Scott, do you want to take a guess at what breaker and I talked about on TV toy cast stretch Armstrong. We did not talk about stretch arm. Sorry. Actually I told you last week, we talked about hot shot basketball.
Oh yeah. Oh yeah. You get, you get in a rhythm, dude, knock down like 15 straight. Yeah. But you know what the bad thing was is, uh, the counter didn't always count the baskets. So you kind of had to keep for your own running tally along with the counter on the counter display on the base of it.
Yeah. If you were going hardcore for like, you know, who's getting to go first on like the super Nintendo and stuff like that. Like you weren't counting on that electronic scoreboard. You had, you had a, an independent person, like ref tallied it up and impartial person to come in. The other bad part about it is you only got three basketballs with the game. And those are one of those is lost by the end of the first day. It's like chainsaw Charlie's, uh, it's gone. Yeah.

Podcast Collaborations and Closing

Also check out the positively pro wrestling podcast, stolen gimmicks in the marbles pod with soda and Ethan legendary wrestling figures with Brian Scott. We've got to jump on a show with him and discuss LJN series two, by the way. I can't wait. It's a lot of fun talking to him. I'll talk to you. I'll send you a list of open dates and you have my information. So yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I've got your phone.
Shout out super bad. Work the arm podcast. Pod's up just to change. Ryan Buds doing trivia at Buds. RJ with ringside rant. Boots of the face. Pulling up a chair. And Marty and Sarah love wrestling. Scott, roll call. Yep. Gonna throw it out to Jason Wolf. If you need artwork, Jason is your guy. That's Jason Wolf. W-U-L-F. His social media is The Art of Jason Wolf. And of course, T Public Search.
store name, Starman and Jay. That is Steve Hoker's store. All proceeds go to a different charity every month. And Jeff, that rounds out roll call.
Sashina, thank you again. I know it kind of blew me away. You guys said it was been three years since we last. No, it really didn't. So that's good. We did a back and forth. We did it like in your house. Yeah. Where it was like, you guys came to our show and we talked about wrestling and we came over to your show to talk about figures and exactly. That's right. That's right. God, three years. That's insane.
Well, that's going to change because I think Scott and I are going to try to do the summer saying do love every year. We missed last year, but I think we're going to try to start doing it. So I think you guys are going to be penciled in each year for being on. Well, we feel honored. Yeah. We'll have you guys back on maybe after, maybe after summer slam. That's like our next big super show. So maybe after summer slam, why do you guys come on and talk about the state of a WWE?
I'm going to just kind of forewarn you guys, the guy over there, he kind of marks out big. So you might kind of want to tone him down a bit. I'm a Mark man. Thank you.
I keep up with all the dirt sheets and stuff. But when I sit down to watch wrestling, I'm an eight-year-old kid, man. Like, I try to just because I try to block out all like the, you know, all my smart knowledge, all my like criticism stuff. I try to just enjoy what they're giving me. Enjoy the ride. That makes me a mark. So be it. And don't go on any social media during the show. Just sit there and enjoy it just like we used to when we were kids back in the day. Absolutely. Absolutely. Sashina, thank you again, Scott, for episode 433. Anything else?
stay safe stay healthy big license 2016 happy toy hunting and thank you Seth and Sheena love the chick foley show thank you guys hashtag big life adios
Let's go! Jeff and Scott, the two brothers busting out the ring But we don't take it out the box, M-O-C Happy toy hunting, we'll see you next week We're the OG's, the W-F-P Fully posable, thank you all for listening It ain't no storyline, we're life siblings So everybody go and do your toy spotting Hashtag Fig Life Adios from the Kings