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From "The Man" to "The Mom" image

From "The Man" to "The Mom"

The Chick Foley Show
7 Plays4 years ago
This week the crew recaps MITB, discusses Becky Lynch's future, the return of In Your House, Legends elite preorders on Target, and much more! Join the Foley Family!

Introduction and Show Setup

The man. Barefoot. Fat. On the couch eating bon bons. Yeah, that kid's gonna suck. You know who the father is? I rest my case. All right, technical difficulties aside, we're here.
I hate you Skype, but it's okay. We're powering through. It's a Chick Foley show. Money in the bank recap edition live here in the Jimmy's famous seafood studios. I'm your host. One of your hosts, Phil Gentile, the hot take kid, Dan Marley of wrestling figure collecting, and I have the lovely talented
Sheena Phelps, the queen of pod style on the line. What's up Sheena? Oh my God, talented. Thank you. I'm sitting over here sipping on the new drink of the summer. I got some high noon, this watermelon addition. So yeah, that's pretty, pretty delish. Thanks for the recommendation, Phil. No problem. Drinking the same. And I got a couple in the mail to you. The new flavors, lime and peach, head your way. Yeah, I'm excited about that, that peach. I think that's Otis's favorite flavor too.
Oh, lady, what's up, Marco? What you doing, man? Oh, nothing much. It's sipping on the other official drink. That's about some Miller lights over here. Yeah. And I am my macho man bug that I have. It's a giant ass bug to get like three bears in it. So. Oh, that's sweet. I'm ready to go. Don't forget. Yeah. The Miller the Miller light is the year round beverage of Chick Foley. But, you know, these high news, we got to keep our summer bodies in check. You know what I mean?
Keep our, keep our spritzes. I miss the whole, the whole, uh, whatever you call these things, the sparkling seltzes. Yeah. The seltzer. I miss the whole seltzer thing. Granted. I mean, like usually when I'm out somewhere, like I would order, you know, a seltzer and tequila or something like that, right? With a little bit of lime. Um, but when they all became canned, I was like pregnant and everybody was drinking all the, you know, the other ones that, you know, shall not be named, but, um, yeah, Phil, Phil's pimping these high noons and he did not steer us in the, in the wrong direction.
for sure. Uh, for sure. They are delicious and it's going to be like 80 supposed to be 89 tomorrow here or no 79 79. So, uh, still the top. That's, yeah, it's nice. The summer is on the way folks. So we have at least if we're going to keep being quarantined, at least we have some nice weather coming

Supporting the Show and Community

up soon. So we have a jam pack show here. We got a recap.
talk about all the things that happened on Raw, the news that dropped on Wednesday from NXT, the new matches added to Double or Nothing for AEW. We got some figure pre-orders and some things that weren't able to be pre-ordered that we need to get to. But yeah, let's start from the top here, guys. I want to let everyone know,
you can the best way to support our show to if you like what we do is to go to slash chick Foley show or just go to chick Foley show comm If you go there, you can sign up for our patreon. It starts at a dollar per month
With that, you get access to our Facebook group to buy, sell, and trade figures with us. Instant access to all of our giveaways, unboxing videos, fig hunting videos. Myself, Marco, and Shane have been writing articles. We each write about an article a week, so you get, you know,
three dozen articles a month or so about wrestling and wrestling figures. A good group of people in there, Sheena, it's been pretty fun to interact with everybody, and it's probably been the best part of what we do, just because people are supporting what we do, and we love interacting with them, especially during the quarantine times right now.
Yeah, you get to be you get to be homies with me, Phil Marco. I mean, what's better than that? I mean, that's that's the best. That's the gift that keeps on giving. And our good buddy has tell toy. If you follow him on Instagram, he has a store in beautiful New Jersey, which is shut down at the moment. I don't know if it's about to reopen, but we get to go into the store.
Exclusively on Saturday night at 7 p.m. He's doing a live video in our Facebook group, a live sales key video where he's just gonna sell retros and Mattels and Hasbros and LJNs and all kinds of cool stuff, exclusive for us. So we try to do a bunch of cool stuff for you guys. It's Sign up. It starts at $1 per month. $5 per month gets you all of our bonus episodes and a bunch of good stuff. So whatever you can do, we appreciate.
We have three new Patreons this month. Our good buddy, Dustin Sadek, is back on the wagon. You can find him at Qstown underscore collector, one of my favorite follows on Instagram. Ken Nutter is a new Patreon subscriber and Stutzy. So we have a bunch of fun names. Stutzy Nutter and Qstown collector, you know. Sadek. Sadek, Sadek. Man, I think if I butcher your name, you've made it on our podcast, right?
Yeah, it's officially like a term of endearment. If he butchers your name, it's a good sign. So if you have a name like Jones, you probably not fit. Yeah, you're screwed. So let's get into the pay-per-view from Sunday Money in the Bank. Get your thoughts overall, Sheena, before we get our results on our predictions. What did you think of Money in the Bank?

Wrestling Events and Commentary

Uh, okay. So I don't want to be harsh on it because I enjoyed it. Let me just say that the positive, I enjoyed that it was a short show. Like I can't remember the last time we've had like a three hour pay-per-view, but I, it was amazing. We were in and out of there. I think the pay-per-view ended at nine 30 and I was like, or maybe it wasn't even nine 30 and I was very confused. I was expecting to go late, late into the night. I mean, I knew what the card was and.
uh it still it still caught me off guard the but it was kind of a forgettable show to be honest with you i mean there was some good matches but nothing that i think we're going to look back on in you know two three five years and be like oh my gosh do you remember money in the bank 2020 like that shit was legit i think it's just kind of one of those things it was a little bit forgettable obviously the money in the bank match is going to stand alone it's going to kind of go down in history for the type of match that it was but even that i feel like
had some misses. It had some wins, but it definitely had some misses for me. What about you guys? A hundred percent forgettable. I couldn't tell you anything that happened in any of these title matches that I'm going to remember, I would say six months from now. It was pretty just nothing bad, nothing good. I mean, it wasn't like I was like dreading sitting through it. It was just like, you know, I was like, if I was folding laundry, I would have like been fine just like sitting there and like listening to in the background. Nothing really happened.
And I know they're in quarantine times. They don't have a full array of superstars to use. I mean, Tamina got a goddamn title shot. It was out of breath like 30 seconds into it, which I can't really talk. I'm out of breath going upstairs. So I can't have any room to talk. But I mean, she's a pro athlete. And that was a bad match. And even I put the ladder match on for my son because I thought, oh, man, he'll probably love this.
and and could not even like was like not even really entertained by it like he sat through it it was fine but like he didn't really like think it was that cool I thought it was just you know I guess I know what they were trying to do with it Marco but it just I don't know it was just kind of like super force number one and just you know the funny parts weren't funny the the action just wasn't really that there was just nothing about it that I like the idea of it but I don't think the execution really rang true
Yeah, I think it was like I think they were just going for different genres of like cinematic. So like you take like the the Boneyard was kind of like an action movie. Like we said before, it's like a kind of like a B action movie, kind of crazy. And to take a beat up like guys wearing hoods and all that stuff. And it was just kind of like camping in that sense. Then you jump over to the Firefly Funhouse, which is kind of like almost like a horror movie, like a kind of like a thriller type of movie.
And then you jump over to the money of the bank if you look at elements of if you watch it again It's the comedy. Yeah, so I think they're like that's what they're shooting for it's like they're shooting for a different type of genres of like Cinematic and I think that's where the like money in the bank came in. It was it was the funny It was trying to like, you know, take what they did before those other two matches, but make it more light-hearted and
Yeah, it brought a little bit of levity, but I think they were like the the even the cameo spots though That's kind of what I was alluding to earlier is that the cameo spots for me were a little bit forgettable I mean, you know Daniel Bryan AJ Styles bust into Vince's office and you know put the chairs back and it was a little bit funny but then you had brother love coming out of the toilet and I
Who who else John Lauren itis rolls up on a freakin? Scooter or whatever you couple things rascals. Yeah He looked like he was wearing the same thing as brother love did he always wear a white suit? Yeah, he wore a white suit. I've surely blocked him out of like out of like my restaurant Mr. Mr. Bella now
Yeah, I just thought I thought I don't know. I was expecting more out of it. You know, and of course we had the Undertaker wasn't there, but we had the illusion of the Undertaker cameo with the AJ Styles getting kicked in there with the coffin. But I just felt like there could have been more spots. I mean, off the top of my head, I don't know what I would have done. But looking back on the match, I was like, those were the I guess is the lowest hanging fruit. I guess you have to go with what you have.
at hand. They're not going to fly people in just to be a cameo in this Money in the Bank match considered circumstances. So I totally get that. But again, I guess my expectations were a little bit higher considering what we had seen with the Boneyard match and the Firefly Funhouse match.
I wouldn't have minded if like they kind of were like almost like a horror movie where they were just getting knocked off one at a time like if we never saw AJ Styles again after that like he gets sucked into that room or pulled into that room that would have been fine like like you don't need to bring him back just like that's how you write him out of the match you know what I mean like you throw somebody off the roof or you have you have Otis like you know Otis is just throwing him off the roof
That way they the way they sum that up on raw that first of all you're like, oh they threw him off the roof I mean we kind of expected somebody to get thrown off the roof But then their explanation was like there was a littler roof on the underneath, you know, and I was like I was like what?
I gotta find that clip of them saying, oh, they were just a little over. All right, down to the next match now. He was, he was totally fine. There was a roof that was six feet below the roof that I threw him off of. I'm like, I just was like, are you kidding me? Like that's how you're sewing all this together is that there was a smaller roof. Like Ray Mysterio is alive, you know?
but yeah it was okay I didn't mind it that the outcome was definitely not what I predicted speaking you know so we'll get to the prediction championship in a little bit but I I would not have been a million years predicted that
uh, Otis was going to be Mr. Mr. Money in the bank. You know, Oscar was, Oscar was probably my third pick. Uh, you know, I, I, or I think, I don't know who else was the title? It'd been Shana. I picked Shana to win. Yeah. We talked about Lacey is kind of being content. Like the three, the three chicks from, uh, from raw were the ones that they were really talking about. So Naya, I think I picked Naya.
Yeah, I forgot I forgot about Naya and she got knocked out so yeah, there was some good spots It just was not it didn't live up to the cinematic
experience that we had at WrestleMania. I'll just put it that way. Yeah, that was a high bar to kind of reach, but I will say that Carmella kind of made it for me. She was looking, but they're right. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, she had those cheese greased up and pushed up, man. They were
on high alert. Yeah. She looked like she was holding some Texas Roadhouse, uh, dinner rolls and them things, but, um, yeah, it just wasn't like, you know, the ending was, was, was kind of different. I mean, seeing Otis when, when was like unpredictable and how, how they did, it was kind of interesting having like just kind of fall into his hands. Right. It wasn't like he was a dominating force. He just, he just like fell into his lap. I liked, I liked that too.
Elias coming out of nowhere and hitting Corbin with the guitar. I guess their feud is going to keep going and going and going. Yeah, but I mean, I like that they had both of them at the same time, too. I will say that, you know, I know some people were saying, why are they doing it all at once? But can you imagine having to have set through with an awful the men's match and then go through like the same basically the same thing with the women's match? Yeah, it would have been terrible. So I'm really glad that we that we had that so.
Yep. That's pretty much it. Yeah. For the money in the bank match. No, I mean, I can't, I can't even like, I can't think of one thing. I liked the kind of the, the, the Strowman tease about like putting the mass back on, you know, and still turning on Bray. Yeah. You know, I like this. I think they're going to take this, this, this feud into WWE backlash. I don't know what's going to happen. I don't know if we're going to get the fiend versus Braun. I don't know if that's what they're leading up to.
He kind of had me, though. I'm not going to lie. I got worked because I was thinking, oh, God, Braun is like back with the fiend. Like, how is this going to work, you know, and the way that
Bray played it off saying, I told him I would find you. I told him I would find you. And the puppets were like, you did it. You did it. You know, I got worked. I was I was thinking that that's how it was going to be. Then obviously he power slammed him. And I was like, oh, yeah, I just got totally I just got totally worked here. So I don't know. I don't know where this is going that match.
It was what it was. I mean, Braun totally dominated, uh, dominated brave as we expected. And then the whole, the whole swerve happened. So that's pretty much all there is to say about that. I think the best match of the night was definitely McIntyre and Rollins thoughts.
Yeah, that definitely was. I have a homework assignment for you, Sheena. After we finish recording, I want you to go find the video of the Fiend's debut on Raw and see what he looked like and then look at, remember that match from the other night.
Speaking of dinner rolls. I mean, yeah, I mean, he came back in probably the best shape we'd ever seen. Ray Wyatt before. And, you know, yeah, I don't know. It's hard, you know, he's a big dude, you know, like we were we were talking about this in our in our group chat that.
Obviously, Bray, when you're not on the road, it's easy to work out all day, every day, find the motivation, eat right, all that kind of stuff. Then you get back on the road, and obviously there's the anomalies, like the Seth Rollinses and the Finn Bowers and the stuff that literally have 36 abs no matter what time of day it is. Seth was rocking a little bit of the dad bod, and it kind of makes sense now. We'll get to that a little bit later.
It's harder when you're driving city to city obviously they're not traveling right now but I mean over the course of the last several months they've been traveling and then you're eating at freaking whatever WWE caters which I'm sure isn't like the healthiest food in the world you know and then you're probably stopping on the road at 7-eleven and getting hot dogs right so you know it's yeah totally keto take the bun off
Um, just ask Zach. Um, or Tom, Tom likes Tom or buddy Tom, like some dirty keto. He's like, yeah, let's just eat a McDonald's cheeseburger. I'll just take the bun off. You know, like totally healthy Tom. But yeah, I think, um, braids just a big dude. I don't, I don't think he's ever going to be a lean mean fighting machine. He's just meant to be a little bit huggable.
Yeah, it doesn't help that you're putting them in like a Mr. Rogers sweater and the sweater that's like, yeah, riding up on them. But yeah, I mean, like you said, the show's never I'm never going to go back and watch this or anything. There was some moments here and there, but overall, it's whatever. I just want to know if I have to relinquish this title to the former champion.
Hold on. There's one big thing that we have to talk about that happened on Money in the Bank that was actually more important or more devastating, I think, than Ray getting thrown off the roof. And that is the fact that Seth Rollins has new entrance music.
Oh, yeah. And I and I am and I am upset. I am pretty awful. I am. I am not well, you guys. I when he came out to that, I was thinking, I was like, oh, my God, they hit the wrong track. Bailey, they hit Bailey's music. What's happening? And then he comes out to his like Messiah gimmick and he's got new entrance music. And I get it. Like Second Coming is kind of a
It's a it's even if it's a heel theme. It's like a heel theme you want to like cheer for and Bob your head Bob your head. Yeah, and then of course you can't you definitely can't do the burn it down because that's you can't get a crowd of your heel. You don't want the crowd shouting burn it down. Obviously there's no crowd, but I mean it'll come back. I guess I'm hoping it'll make a return like the curb stomp did, but I just I don't know. I was really upset that that was his new that was his new theme music.
I'm surprised it took this long with, you know, he's had this gimmick for, you know, several months now. It's like six years. Like the song is like six years old, I think at this point. Yeah. Um, you know, so I mean, it's, it's surprising that he's, he's had it that long, but at the same time I, it's one of my favorite WWE themes and it, I was really sad to see it go. So hopefully it makes, it makes a reappearance and I guess I would just deal with it up until
Ah, he has another character term, but yeah. Who's doing the wrestling theme songs now? I know the CFOs are out, out the door. I don't know if they replace them with somebody and I mean, that's, you know, maybe that's what, that's what, uh, Roman's doing right now on his lead. He's just like a keyboard. Yeah. He's just mixing all of the, uh, WWE songs. Yeah, that's cool. All right, Marco, hit us with the good or bad news here. All right. So,
You guys are pretty much. Yeah. So here's a here's a here's the issue. You're both one and one. What? You both got one thing, right? Everything else is wrong. Oh, my God. So it's a tie like we have to we have to figure out the next loser. Yeah, like, yeah, we have to figure out a sudden death. It's like a Bautista seed. And when they both fell out of the they were both went over the ropes at the same time. Yeah. And they weren't supposed to. We got to figure out a tiebreaker. This this can't go to the next.
pay-per-view Yeah, so basically you got the fatal four way right cheetah with the new day Retaining which I did say I mean they weren't just pick drew like I knew I should have yeah You would have won. Yeah, I would have won. Yeah, and then so that's that those are the those are the breakers Everything else is wrong. What did I get right? Well not wrong. It was basically just I
You got the the seven. OK, yeah, I should have wanted to pick the forgotten. So it was it wasn't that you guys got the like only matches you got really wrong was like the money in the bank matches. The other ones were just even because you both take Bailey to win. Right. And then you take Bronwyn. So it's like, right. But yeah, so the only real like you got to figure something out. I'm not sure if you want to like.
move on to the net. Do you want to do devil or nothing? Do you guys want to predict that? Or do you want to just like do a tiebreaker? Like I was trying to figure out a way to do it. I'm going to say we need to take it to social media. Stay tuned, folks. We're going to take this. We're going to take this to social media and we are going to find a way to decide who is the Chick-Fully Prediction Championship winner. Maybe a high noon chugging contest. Maybe we'll figure something out. Totally. Yeah. Yeah. We do have a pay-per-view in like six days.
True. TBD on the prediction championship. Just know that I'm going to win it back. That's all you need to know. My confidence isn't very high right now because I've just totally bombed that whole pay-per-view. But let's head over to Raw. Pretty eventful Raw. I wouldn't say it was a great episode of Raw, but I will say that a lot happened. Yeah. So that's good. A lot happened.
The biggest news of probably the year is, Sheena can relate to this two times. Becky Lynch is with child and she will be on the indefinite leave of absence from the WWE. Sheena, your thoughts as a mother of two.
Yeah, she went from the man to the mom. That's the new WWE. They're pushing that on the merch. They're trying to squeeze every last dime out of Becky Lynch right now, getting those merch checks.
I thought so the moment let me first speak to just like the moment she came out and gave a promo that I thought was probably some of her best work even though it was very emotional and it was very real and I felt it like in my heart I didn't feel like it was scripted I didn't feel like it was
to over the top to ooey gooey or gushy i just felt like she was literally out there just spilling her guts and when she gave the title to oscar and i i don't know i mean i don't know if oscar like worked me but it felt like oscar did not know that that knew like did not know the news and she literally found out the news right there on live television and if
you did not feel that in your soul when she was like you're gonna be a mother and then she starts chanting Becky and Becky gets all emotional and they hug even though like for a moment we just kind of like broke kayfabe right there on TV and it was really great and I loved it some people probably hated it but I as a mom I know how awesome it is to be a mom and yeah it really it really resonated with me and I loved it
I agree. I thought it was great. I teared up a little bit because there was just some, you know, you very rarely see genuine emotion in professional wrestling. It's just, you know, a lot of acting going on, but that felt pretty real to me. And I feel kind of sad for Becky. I mean, I'm super happy for her, but I would assume that I don't think it's guaranteed that we see her back. And if we do see her back, it's got to be
over a year. I mean, oh, yeah, definitely. At least I mean, the baby is not due until December. And then, you know, then I mean, who knows how long it's going to be until she's able to come back. Yeah. You know, yeah. Well, that's when everybody always comes back. But yeah, it's.
It's it's crazy and it makes me wonder like what's gonna happen with Seth, you know, it's that's gonna be on the I guess they're not on the road But says gonna be recording and all that stuff. She's gonna be off TV I mean, maybe who knows what happens when Florida opens back up if they'll if they'll actually start having live audiences, you know at full sale I don't know but I just feel like
This is going to change the whole trajectory of the WWE at the moment. We're missing a lot of people because of this, right? We're missing Roman. We're missing Becky. Seth's future is kind of uncertain, depending on what happens with Becky. This pandemic thing keeps on escalating. He can't just leave his pregnant wife home alone, you know what I mean?
Yeah, it's pretty crazy when you sit down and think about it, but I am happy for Becky. I thought the segment was well done. I think her genuine, like you could really feel how much she loves wrestling and how much she is
It's hard as a first time mom, like you you're so happy and you're so excited to be a mom. And then the other part of you is like, holy shit, what the hell have I done? This is crazy. Like, oh, my God, I've lost my freaking mind. But then, you know, then when you obviously when you have your kid, you're like, oh, my God, this is the greatest thing ever.
So, yeah, I could see that in her face. Like, you know, she's like, oh, my God, like this is I'm saying bye to wrestling, but I'm opening this whole new chapter. And like I said, as a mom, I felt I felt it. So, yeah, good stuff. Yeah, she worked her ass off to get where she was. And it wasn't just kind of handed to her. I mean, she came into NXT as just kind of a nobody dancing, like dancing like some Irish dance and, you know, being some goofy character and and rose up to do something cool.
There's a couple ideas that were floating around. These are not my ideas, and I want to run them through you and see what you would have thought. What if she would have said, OK, I'm going to give you this belt, but you're going to give me that Money in the Bank briefcase because when I'm coming back and I'm going to take that title back,
I mean, that would have been that would have been kind of cool. And some people are saying that Oscar should have gone full heel. And this would have been an opportunity to just make her a full the biggest heel in wrestling. Yeah. And just just lay lay out Becky very, very, very gentle.
I know. I know. These are not my ideas, but there is some merit to that because I mean, yes, I totally get it. Like, you know, as a, as a wrestling fan, I'm like, Oh hell yeah. Like if you knock down a pregnant lady, like that's like, that's like real heat right there. You know? Um, but yeah, I'm sure, I'm sure, you know, uh,
Legally, they're not gonna they're not gonna put hands on on a pregnant on a pregnant chick But um, you know, I think we saw you know Oscar didn't take that opportunity But we saw Shana take that opportunity when she cut like the heel promo of the century. Oh my god I mean she literally just said the worst things when she was talking I was just my mouth my jaw was oh and you know, it's it's that kind of thing where it was I
It didn't make me... I thought it was so good, even though it was so bad. You know, a lot of times, like, people are saying things and you're like, oh my God, like, shut up. You know, like, if you're cutting a Baron Corbin heel promo, sometimes you're just like, shut up. But I was like hanging on every word that Shana was saying because I was like, oh, shit. You know, I mean, she literally called Seth and Becky's child a parasite.
You know, and she said it ruined her career. She's like, 10 out of 10 mothers will try to try to convince themselves that having a baby did not ruin their career. And I was just like, yeah, the best part is like, the kid's going to suck. Yeah. Well, yeah, the father is the father's kids going to suck. Yeah. The only she could deliver something like that. That's why if anyone else said like they try to throw like a not to throw your girl, they had like a Dana Brooke or like a
or a natty or something like that, you wouldn't believe any word that they said at all. But you know, Shayna in there? Yeah, she's going to get that believability. Speaking of natty, she went in on natty too. She was like, you're never going to have a child. What was this? It was right after.
After the promo, Nattie came up and was like, you know, I'm going to teach you some manners, you know, does her like, you know, robotic promo. And then Shayna comes back at her and says something to the effect of, you know, what do you know about being a mom? You know, you're never going to have a child. And it was just like, oh, my God. Yeah.
that's what daddy said she was like she said something like uh she's like how could you how could you dare say that about becky she's going to be a mother to be and yeah mothers and stuff that's why she was like who do you know about being a mother i was like what the what the hell's going on shane is mine right now i love it i love it um i have maybe a sexist question i don't know if it's sexist but it's just a an honest like what no no it's not no no it's not it's not
In the history of women's wrestling, or at least in the last several years when we've had a pretty big roster of women wrestlers, how has this not happened? Obviously, there's birth control and things like that. I'm not an idiot. I would think this would happen once a year, maybe. Maybe it happens and we don't hear about it.
I don't know, just the odds of it. Yeah, the top stars in the company, I mean, they're not gonna risk their, if they're not ready to have a child, there's ways to not get pregnant, so they're not going to risk their career on a chance, you know what I mean? So they're gonna take the proper precautions not to get pregnant. I can't see Charlotte Flair, I mean, she might, I mean, her and Andrade, they're doing their thing,
You know, it would I think women as a whole, like we're we're capable of handling that and not and not just being like victims of circumstance, like, oops, sorry. So.
Makes sense. That's just something I thought about. Like, you know, this is a new territory as a wrestling fan because... I think a lot of women call it, when they're ready, they call it quits. You know, we saw it with Rhonda. Supposedly, I mean, I don't know if that was her legitimate reason. You know, that's always what people say. She wanted to start a family, so she, you know, pulled out of wrestling. We saw it with Brie Bella when Brie was ready to start a family. She pulled out of wrestling. And I think... Stop saying pulled out, please.
Pulled out, yeah. That is a 75% effective method of birth control, just in case you're wondering. 50% chance. 50% chance, you will get 50% chance. That's AJ Lee, 50%. Yeah, exactly.
Well, congrats to Becky and to Seth Rollins. Hopefully, everything works out with them and, you know, I'm sure. Oh, really quickly, I also, yeah, since you brought up Seth and we're talking about this whole pregnancy scandal. It's not a scandal, I'm just kidding. I thought it was weird, first of all, that they just, they did the whole Becky thing, which I thought was really feel good. And then, Rey Mysterio acknowledges Seth Rollins
that he's the father of the baby which i thought was really awkward considering like ses character right now and that
I don't know. I just thought it was like a really awkward interaction when he's like, yo, man, being a father is the best, you know, blah, blah, blah. And then Seth just like stares at him with these like dead shark's eyes. And I'm like, we probably should have not of acknowledged that on TV. We haven't acknowledged Seth and Becky as a couple in like a year or so. You know what? I don't know. I see that. I didn't really get like shocked by it because they did a whole storyline with them too as a power couple.
I know, but they have been totally separate. Which is good. I think it's good. I mean, with his current character, you don't want any kind of sympathy for him. Sympathy, yeah. I don't want him to feel good. Like, oh, Seth's going to be a dad. You know what I mean? I think we should have, if anything, just been like, oh, well, it was immaculate conception. There was no love there. It was just, you know, Becky just got pregnant by osmosis.
There you go, there you go. Before we get too deep into Inside the Squared Circle, which is brought to you in part by our friends at Chalk Line, you can use code CHICK there for 15% off of your order.

Listener Engagement and Community Support

I do want to give a shout out to a couple of people. Our good buddy, MyDamnToys, had a birthday over the last week or so. He's a good listener. Happy birthday to you. He has a brand new baby over the last couple months, so he's been
He's been posing more than I thought he would be, so he's still on the grind. And our good buddies, two of our fully family members, are starting their own podcast. Tom Sliny and Darryl Jones are starting a podcast called The Run-In, and it has not started yet. We will give you guys all the details, and it's going to be wrestling-related, pop culture-related.
I told them I'm here for them if they need any kind of insight on equipment and on music and on whatever they need. How to use a mouse? Yeah, how to use a mouse. Best mouse pad, ergonomic mouse pad. Yeah, got your little wrist, your little wrist rest.
Yeah, so a lot of cool stuff going on with friends of ours. And our buddy who's now a new Patreon subscriber, Qstown collector, he's doing a pretty cool thing on Instagram. Give him a follow.
Keustown underscore collector. He's doing like a Hasbro like bracket, like a March Madness type of bracket with a kind of crown the best Hasbro figure. It's been pretty cool and everybody's been voting on. He's been getting a bunch of votes. So, so, so yeah, some cool stuff going on. People were getting creative as a quarantine gets deeper and deeper into our brain cells. So, um,
back to raw we of course yeah and somebody on twitter was like uh he posted a screenshot of like he he came up with the mom t-shirt like before they put it up on ww shop like dude of course that's like the most obvious thing i could ever think of you you you invented that jesus christ come on people are ridiculous yeah that's insane i mean they they definitely had that
Like, as soon as she announced it, they were like, oh, the mom, this is good shit. Which was what was not good shit is the street profits playing a basketball game against the Viking Raiders. Oh, my God. What was that?
This is some sort of conspiracy to make the Viking Raiders quit. I don't know what they're trying to do with them right now, but the fact that they are dressed like the baddest asses in WWE look like they could just eat you for lunch and then they come out and just act
Ridiculous like a comedy act like no, these are Vikings. These are badasses. These are people that you are you are scared of.
And you got freaking Eric or Ivar, whichever freaking one was like poking the basketball like, look at these basketball. It was just, my God, it was so bad. And have you ever, has there ever in the history of WWE been a basketball match? And I mean, that's saying something because there's been some serious.
Garbage out there. There was a Marco's gonna say it but it was a Matt Hardy versus MVP Yeah on Smackdown, but Nevertheless, this is they've gone from doing the the karaoke in the car to then having like a heel promo to now playing bat like just come on man He's like, why would they challenge us to basketball?
like the whole thing was garbage I could not I was like I thought I was dreaming when this was announced we saw Drew McIntyre against Andrade again and what do you think about drew being on I guess they're kind of limited
Marco, myself, Marco and Mike Lanham have been doing these Monday night retro episodes where we're going back and watching every episode of Raw from 96. And we're three episodes in. Bret Hart has not wrestled on one show. He's the champion.
And Drew McIntyre is on every episode of Raw. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, but I mean, maybe we're just, I'm just used to Brock not ever being there and it being kind of special when he shows up. Like, I feel like Drew McIntyre just wrestled Andrade like a week or two ago.
Well, it's because it's because he did. But I agree with you. I think we're conditioned to not have the champion on Raw because Brock has given us that preconceived notion that, oh, no, the champion is not going to be here. We might just see like a video package of him or something, if anything.
Um, but I like this I think you know, it's something that we've been bitching about clamoring for is that you know We need the title on raw and I think drew is a has been awesome so far I just I think he's so charming and so endearing and just like And it doesn't take away from the fact that he's a legitimate badass, you know, I think he's like a nice guy I just he's somebody that you feel like I
I don't know like you go out and just like have a have lunch or have a beer with and he'd be like so cool and then if somebody like said something cross to you he would like Claymore kick their face off. Yeah, I never thought he would work as a face, but he does and our buddy Chris Rucker on Twitter brought up a good point that like that belt looks like it was just made to be on him. You know he looks like so I mean I have no hate against Drew McIntyre just I don't know if maybe we're just getting too much of him right now and maybe you know make him feel a little more special because he
Because he seems like he is special, you know, I'd say it's tough. It's tough. They got to pull out. They got to pull out all the stops for these shows. Viewership is down. The quarantine is lingering on. They're having to make these shows with no audiences. They're going to they're going to keep the titles on the shows because they want you to believe that anything can happen. Right. Any moment there could be a match that could cost the champion their title. Right.
Yeah, you don't have it here on the script, Marco. And they barely mentioned it, but it was something Drew McIntyre said about a brand, some sort of brand like basically bringing the wild card. Basically, he's he's going to be wrestling. Frickin Baron. Yeah, that was the answer. They're doing some type of like.
I forget the name they use, so it's basically like. They didn't call it, they didn't call it the wild card. No, it's like a brand trade or something, or you know. Yeah, you could invite somebody from another brand to face it. Yeah, brand on brand invitation or something. Yeah, brand on brand, yeah, something like that. But yeah, that's, I mean, they like, so the funny thing is they didn't even like mention it. Like, he's the one that mentioned it. So it wasn't like a theme throughout the whole show, like, oh, you know, does anyone else? Yeah, we have an announcement.
nothing at all. It's just him going, hey, there's going to be some like, you're like, what the hell? I didn't know it was going to be a brand on brand, whatever it is. Yeah. Let me give Drew some credit though. He made me feel like he was going to be wrestling.
Mike Tyson or something, you know what I mean? Like he made it seem like it was going to be important. Yeah. The way he talked about it and the way that he hyped it up was very, very much like he has that ability, which is super cool, considering he's going to be fighting Baron Corbin, which may be like it immediately like gave me, you know.
I needed some Bluetooth after that, because I was like, oh, hell no. Wow. I mean, they can't do these brand splits for more than like three months without changing their mind. How many times now have we... That's what this is. The floodgates are opening. Yeah, we've set up multiple times on the show. We're in difficult times, whatever, the quarantine, the coronavirus, all this stuff.
they're doing whatever they have to do but they probably would have done this no matter what like they just can never just keep the brand separate like it's not going to help ratings to have him fighting Baron Corbin like we've probably saw that when they're on the same brand that we probably saw that like five weeks in a row and I don't know well no they were in the freaking mid-card of doom with Shane for a while remember yeah so they were like they were like riding Shane's coattails for like ever so yeah they've been together before but
Yeah, this is not something. If it's a one-off, I think it could be okay, but I just don't want it to be something that we... You know how they do Baron Corbin? They hitch his wagon to the champion and just drag it out. They did it with Seth Rollins. Oh, man. He fought Rollins on four straight pay-per-views. Yes, exactly. They were just like, oh, this time we're going to add Lacey and Becky. This time we're going to have this. It was just a different stipulation. I was, oh, God. So yeah, the Baron Corbin effect is real.
I hope Drew doesn't get sucked up into it. We did see Orton challenging Edge to a quote unquote wrestling match. I don't know if that's going to happen at SummerSlam or what, but that's interesting. I like to see Edge in a more traditional wrestling match than what we saw at WrestleMania.
Yeah, I'm curious about that. I thought their work in the, like, you know, Edge again was like, you know, I'm trying to quit. I'm trying to quit. And then Randy Horton comes out and like foils his plan to quit. And he said, you know, the better man won, but the better wrestler didn't. So now they're just doing like a straight up wrestling match. I don't think there's any stipulation. I think it's just like, mano y mano, may the best man win. So that that's what I mean. I'm excited for that. I think it could be really good. Is it sanctioned or unsanctioned?
I think it's going to be sanctioned. I think there's going to be sanctions in place. Okay, a couple of sanctions. You've got to have at least two sanctions on there. Marco wrote a really good article about Randy Orton today on the website about how he's
I wouldn't say underrated. A lot of people took it that way, but like, you know, and obviously he's going to be a Hall of Famer if Coco B. Wears in the Hall of Fame, thinking Randy Orton's going to be in the Hall of Fame the day after he retires. But like, you know, he's one of those guys just like Cena that we just don't appreciate. He's just been around so long and just so good that you just kind of take him for granted. But, you know, this is kind of bringing out the best in both of those guys. So I'm sure they love working with each other.
Probably the next biggest news, and we saw the Iconics come back too, which was cool on Raw. Yeah, that was cool. The next biggest news after Otis winning and after Becky is NXT. We saw the rest of DX announcing that we were getting in your house back.
Yeah, he might be. He might have. I hope he at least does the intro. If he does the intro to that pay-per-view, I'll be happy. He doesn't have to be on the whole thing interviewing people like he did on the old pay-per-views. But if he just does the intro part, I'll be so excited. And then you get the people that are doing like, they better bring the whole stage back. And yeah, everyone's really upset about like all the things like a queen. Come on, Jesus. They're not going to. OK, listen, I'm not I'm not even going to front. I do love the in your house set. Oh, yeah.
I cannot wait
It is one of my favorite things, so I would legitimately pop hard for that. If they're not gonna give me an audience, they can definitely give me the in-your-house set. You know it's somewhere back there in the damn WWE warehouse. They just gotta chop off the F, you know what I mean? And make it WWE and just keep going. Yeah, give me what I want.
Yeah, I would like to see them do something cool like that in the performance center. I mean, if they didn't do anything cool for WrestleMania, I don't know if they'll do something cool like that for in your house, but we will. We will see today. I think today was the 20, they had a little bit more time to like figure things out at this point, though, like WrestleMania. Vince was taking it to the wire, you know what I mean? And he and they already had all their shit for the set.
like ordered for Lucas James Stadium, you know what I mean? You're not gonna be able to fit whatever the hell they had planned for Lucas James Stadium inside the performance center. So I feel like maybe with a little bit more time to map this thing out, they could give us a little bit more production value. I think you just combined the Buccaneer Stadium and the Titan Stadium into one thing. What did I say? I said Lucas James. I think it's Lucas Oilfield. Did I say Lucas James? And Raymond James.
Listen, these high noons, buddy. They just give me all the note of their names. Slow down on the hydrants. Get you confused in stadiums over there. We saw a couple more people advance in the NXT Cruiserweight Championship Tournament, Jake Atlas and Jack Gallagher.
Imperium win the tag team titles the bruiser weights breaking up Which I didn't see you know that Timothy Thatcher dude just looks like a scary Like he does not look like he would be a good guy so him turning on Matt Riddle was not not on unexpected, but those two guys Are gonna be in some stiff matches together to go on for because those guys can lay the pipe down
Lay the pipe. Lay the wood. I'm sorry. What? Lay the wood? Lay the wood. What's the saying? Isn't there a saying? There's a saying. It's definitely not lay the pipe or lay the wood. No, I know. These high nudes have got me all messed up here. OK. OK, Phil. I got you. That's the excuse. Whenever you butcher a saying, you just say, ah, these high nudes, that's a lay the wood. That's going to be the new thing.
All right, urban dictionary, lay the wood means to attack or threaten physical aggressiveness toward another person. So yeah, I was thinking of lay the wood. I'm sorry, lay the pipe is a different type of aggressiveness, I guess. Yeah. You know, I thought those two were probably interchangeable. I've never heard, I've never heard anybody lay the wood to anybody. So that's a new one for me. It's like a Guerrilla Monsoon type of thing to say, yeah.
Maybe that's why Hacksaw carries that 2x4. You just lay it in the wood to people. There you go. OK. So yeah, what do you think about new tag team champions and the bruiser weights, the broser weights, whatever you want to call them, exploding, and now Imperium holding the tag team titles? I'll throw that one over to Marco.
Actually, I like it. We were just talking earlier before the show started that I like the fact that they got to kind of be like the undisputed error with the hold and all the gold. So you still have Walter with the UK championship and you have the other Imperium guys at the NXT titles and stuff like that. So I'm all for it. I think it's time to take the titles off of the bros or weights anyway, because yeah, obviously Pete doesn't around. So I mean, they're just kind of like hanging like.
Yeah, it did its justice. The Broserweights did their thing, and I feel like it ran its course, and it was definitely time to switch. Yeah, I think I like having a heel tag team with somebody chasing them. We'll see who steps up there. We saw Cameron Grimes defeat Finn Balor. I'll say that again. Cameron Grimes defeating Finn Balor. I know. A little bit shocked about that.
Was that before or after Damian Priest came out? That was during. He calls the app. OK. Yeah. Because this Cameron Grimes guy looks just like a dirty dude at a music festival or something. He's like Chris Stapleton and Jace. Yeah. Yeah. I kind of have him into him. Really? With the top hat? Yeah, I'm down with the Grimes. It's not a top hat.
It's I don't know. It's something. He rubs me the wrong way. It's a move. He's got those big pepperoni nipples. I don't know. I just, it's just weird. AEW, is the nickname of Lance Archer really the murder Hawk monster? That can't, that has to be a typo here, Marco. That's not a real thing.
No, they call him a murder hawk, but they call him a boxer as well, but I just do the murder hawk monster. That's my name, because I hate when they just give them separate names, but I just do it all under one. They're both shady. Yeah, they're horrible names. So we still have another week until that pay-per-view, so we'll do a full preview of all the matches and the rundown of that.
Um, it's shaping up to be pretty decent. We talked about it last week that I don't know if, you know, right now we're in the position to pay $50 for a, for a pay-per-view and it, you know, there's nothing really huge jumping off at us, but, uh, I guess, um, Brody Lee has the, uh, the AW title. He stole it from, from, uh, Jon Moxley at some point. I don't know. That's kind of an old school wrestle. That's like an undertaker, uh, type of thing.
Everyone stole that member like four years in a row people were just stealing his urn from him all the time Yeah, yeah, they did that. Uh, it was last week. Um Yeah, he you know from jama He's like basically he stole it they kicked the crap out of him and then took his title and um But he posted on social media saying it's like nine tenths of the log because he owns it now but then he brought it out with him last night as he was a champion he had um, uh, what's her name
Dasha, is that her name? I figured her name the announcer. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Get her announce him as the champion. And, um, and he had a match with, um, one of the SCU guys. I figured his name, um, like I can't, I'm horrible. Her name's right now. Anyway, um, John Moxley comes out, uh, trying to get his belt back is unsuccessful, uh, because the dark order goons, uh, were in his way before they literally look like the putties from power.
It's insane. They, that's what they remind me of. They're like, they just run at him and they're like, he just knocks them down. It's, it's, it's kind of stupid. I don't want to get on. I don't want to make it for an AEW at all. So let's move on to the next. Speaking of AEW though, and speaking of double or nothing, we have, they announced that, um, Mike Tyson is going to present the TNT championship.
Yeah, pretty crazy. A lot of people were thinking it was going to be Sting. We'll get to that a little bit later in the show. Dang. But Mike Tyson, obviously a pretty big get. We saw him involved with WWE and go back 21 years ago. 20 years ago? Yeah, 21 years ago. What was that? WrestleMania 14 or something? Yeah.
So yeah, another WWE veteran at AEW. I do want to get to some comments from Vince Russo. So I turned on the show right when Jurassic Express was fighting the best friends. And it was probably a 20 minute match. It was like three commercial breaks long. And it was just, you know, it was a decent match, but it was like the same things we've seen. And he just went off.
And I kind of agree with him. He's just saying, basically, long matches with predictable endings are not how you're going to bring in new viewers. They need to hire writers and storylines. And it hasn't really worked too well for WWE having that. It just gets kind of too cartoony. But I think there is something to be said for like, I just can't watch these same people
They're roster is smaller than what the WWE is working with right now. So it's just tough. I think six months from now, a year from now, they're saving graces. They're just not doing as many pay per views. So you're not eating through these matches as fast as possible.
At some point it's going to get to, you know, we just need to have a reason why these guys are wrestling. Like, you know, there's no real storyline. It's just like, no, none of the matches really had anything besides the women's four way for the title match and any kind of stake or anything going on. So it was just kind of like, I kind of agree with what Vince, Vince Russo said. I had to take a shower after I said that. So.
Oh, wow. So do you agree with that Marco? I'm you know, I'm behind on AEW because Wednesday nights are tough for me with the kids and stuff. But like, what do you agree with what Phil said as far as like their storylines and stuff lacking?

Critiques and Controversies in Wrestling

Yeah, I agree. Yeah, that's I mean, so it's a lot of the same recycled stuff over and over again, when it comes to the matches that they have on there, not really storylines, because
Those who like like factions don't have storylines at all going like Jurassic Express isn't feuding with the best friends It was kind of like they had that on the death triangle. They were feeding with the best friends But they don't need they're not even on TV anymore. Actually he did show up last night Ray Phoenix, but uh like they were off TV for a while so that like that storyline kind of disappeared and they just moved on so like I
And it seems like they just like, if something disappears, they just go back to what they know, which is like the Young Bucks versus the SCU or SCU versus like, they do a lot of the same stuff. So I do agree with that. Um, again, they are still in the beginning stages. Um, and they are in a weird time where they probably can't get a lot of the guys that they had before on TV. Um,
And, uh, just to move on to like the, even with like the women's fatal forward, they do a lot of that. Like if they can get women on like a single, a singles matches, they do a lot of those tag team matches with women or they do fatal four ways just to get them all there. And you see that a lot too. Right. And I know a lot of people who are very upset at the Canadian destroyer.
Segment you I think Phil you commented on that right as well. It was it was it was pretty bad like Yeah Britt Baker does a Canadian destroyer to Penelope Ford and then like just kind of waits just stands like waiting for for someone to stun her give her the stunner like For like 10 seconds like she was just bent over like someone's gonna hit me with the move now like I
And, I mean, we've talked about the women's division AEW just kind of getting stuck in place here. Penelope Ford was one that actually surprised me in this match. She has a good look and she can actually wrestle pretty well. We know about some of the other ones here. Britt Baker is just, I don't know, I don't really see the appeal with her.
She's Mrs. Adam Cole, that's the appeal. And she's a dentist. She's a Bret Hart of wrestling. She's a Bret Hart of wrestling dentists, yeah. Yeah, I remember, yeah. True. If she was in WWE or NXT, she'd probably be the 10th best person they had, you know, so.
Well, let me just say, if she can fix that grill of Mick Foley's, she is the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be when it comes to wrestling dentists. So, you know, let's give her a little bit of credit. True, true. Yeah, yeah. So Sheeda wins that. She gets the title match against Nyla Rose. It's more of what we've seen before. Nyla Rose against a small.
a smaller contender, so we'll see. Again, we'll preview that whole double or nothing pay-per-view, which would've been cool to have that from Vegas. It's just gonna be from wherever in Jacksonville, Florida, wherever they've been recording their stuff. I do like the setup they have. They're recording, kind of had like an outside, I don't know if they just didn't show this angle, because it was like now daylight savings time and everything is like, it's been lighter when they record now, so like it starts daytime basically when the show starts.
They have kind of an open-air arena, Marco. And one of the sizes is just kind of open outside. I don't know why WWE can't do something cool. Why does it have to be in the performance center is basically set up for fans, just fans of ring and that's it. Why not just build something outside, especially within your house thing coming up. Just build something cool. Build a cool set outside. That would be the thing.
People would pop you think to like those guys are owned like the family owns those that field Yeah, they own that that's their that's theirs so they could do that type of stuff Vince McMahon would have to like going like obviously Do his deals and like right down like an arena and all that stuff So that's probably not gonna happen But and they do have a better set as much as we like harp on they're like entering stuff and like storylines They're doing the TV part, right?
But the having people like having like people actually react to moves and like having people chairing stuff on and like you can hear people in the background doing stuff. It's like they're doing that part. Right. I actually like, I enjoy watching AW more because of that. Cause there's interaction. Like Chris don't go like walk by and yell at like Billy Gunn and then Billy Gunn's son is standing next to him.
Like, is there like the cheering on the other guy? Like they're not really fans, but it brings a different element. Yeah, I agree. I agree. Uh, we saw Kenny Omega team with, uh, Matt Hardy against Santana Ortiz. What, what do you, what have you seen from Matt Hardy since he's, since he's been here? I mean, do you think it's been a good, like, are they using him properly? Is it like, I feel like Kenny Omega, he's, I think he's half of the tag team champions, but he, I feel like he teams with somebody different every single week.
Yeah, hangman's like gone. So they they've been having him team up with other people, but I think they use a bad hardy correctly. He's I mean, he looks good in the rank. He doesn't look bad at all. Like he's been doing like his old Jeff, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy of old moves like jumping off ladders and crashing through tables and all that stuff. Like for some reason he looked in WWE, he looked slower or something like that. He didn't look as well. Maybe he just didn't want to be there or they weren't using him properly, whatever. But like,
It seems like an AEW seems a lot faster and a lot more alert when it comes in his matches and stuff like that, so I like it. I'm a fan of Matt Hardy, always been, so I'm not gonna speak any wrong of him. I don't like his character exchanging much. I feel like they're trying to copy the feed and the Bray Wyatt alter ego type thing going on, but other than that, the stuff with him and Jericho and the Vanguard one, that was pretty awesome where Vanguard one came and made an appearance.
And they they proceed to kick the shit out of Vanguard. I was going to say, yeah, we need to say a little have a little moment of silence for our guard. Yeah. Those are tough to watch. I was like watching like I can't even describe it. It was it was brutal. Yeah. That I had to turn away. I had to turn my TV off. Yeah. Very unnecessary. And I gratuitous violence. All right. Very, very bad.
And then the ratings came out for NXT and AEW. They were hovering around a million viewers, and they're both selling about 600,000 viewers. So something's not working for either of those shows, not selling one or the others doing better, which is pretty crazy with where we are with society right now.
We'll see what happens. AEW seems to be holding on. We'll see how many buys they get for the pay-per-view next weekend. Let's go outside of the squared circle. This is brought to you in part by our friends at Omage, who I just did an unboxing video on our Twitter account, at Chick Foley Show. Has a thousand views already, no big deal. No big deal. Just pushing the brand, just making money, helping sponsors out.
Yeah. Use code CHICK for 20% off there. I don't think I've ever seen any other website or podcast or show get a code from this company. They did do some great shit. It's H-O-M-A-G-E dot com. Homage. Homage.
Sheena's right, Marco's right. I'm wearing a shirt right now, a little Seattle Mariner shirt. It's super soft. Love it. And I tweeted out, the double X is like a true double X. It's not one of those form-fitting, Abercrombie, tight little baby shirts from Baby Gap. It fits well. So check them out and get that 20% off of anything on their website. They have more than just wrestling, so check them out.
You talked about Ashina before we started recording, Stone Cold getting chastised on social media for wearing a mask, went on a beer run wearing an Alabama Crimson Tide mask and was getting shit from some pencil neck geek. Oh my God, yeah. Somebody was accusing him of being a communist. Of course, Stone Cold just told me, he said, shut up, dude. He just replied and was like, shut up, dude.
As he should, I mean, I was expecting it to get it, you know, STFU, you know, but he kept it, he kept it a PG and just said, shut up. But this whole, I don't know, I don't even want to get political on this podcast. We're not going to do it, but.
If people are wearing masks, and you don't want to wear a mask, cool. Just mind your own effing business. You know what I mean? And keep on going about your day. It literally has zero impact on your life. And the fact that you would step up to Stone Cold in his comment section, when I know good and gosh damn well, if you saw Stone Cold grocery store buying some beer, wearing a mask, you would not say that to his face. Hell no. Hell no.
No, you know what I mean? So it is so ridiculous that somebody was trying to rip him apart for wearing a mask. And I'm proud of Stone Cold because I'm a mask wearer. I think that we should do our part. And if that's what the experts are telling us to do, that's what I'm going to freaking do. It's the least I can freaking do.
Well, we have to, I mean, do you guys not have to wear masks for a year? It's not required yet. I know in Kentucky, I'm pretty sure starting like next week or something, it's going to be like a requirement to go into stores and stuff like that. It's not a requirement here in Virginia yet, but I mean, there's, you know, cases on the rise in little hotspots here in Virginia. So who knows, you know, we're going into phase one on
Friday so that you know as you're listening to this Virginia will be going into phase one So we'll see we'll see how everything plays out as we start to kind of like open this thing back up But I know I know I'm wearing a damn mask I don't care what y'all doing do you do you I'm not gonna criticize you I might shoot you some judgy eyes, and I might not walk by you, but Wear a damn mask. Yeah, we yeah here where we have to wear a mask. It's a Massachusetts. It's $300 fine and a lot of stores and yeah a lot of the stores around
in our area have like signs that mascot required before entering. Um, the other part of that too, is if you look at like, like you said, again, not to get political. Um, if you look at the top, like in the country, it goes New York, obviously New Jersey, Massachusetts with third, the highest number of, uh, COVID outbreak. So we're, we're top five.
So we have to do that stuff. So we have to wear masks. Gross. Gross. Stop fun. Yeah, thank you. Thank you. Thank you, word. Trying to stay up at the Tom Brady left, but we got to say number one. That's right. Something. AEW coronavirus. And we're doing our best. Undertaker was at UFC 21 to pick a fight with Brock Lesnar. Did this come out in the Last Ride documentary? No, it did not actually. Oh, yeah. Go ahead. Go ahead, Marco. Yeah. So Ariel Hawwani.
He said he does interviews hard. He was like a freelance guy, but now he's like signed. Yeah. Back in the day, like 10 years ago when this happened, he was just like, he was like, he was like a no name, you know, like reporter. Like you said freelance guy. Yeah. So they like, so they're at UFC 121 where Brock Lesnar faced Cade Velazquez the first time.
I know. Two WWE veterans. Yeah, two veterans just going at it in the UFC back in the day. But I don't think it was there in attendance. I remember seeing this because I remember watching it with my friends. And I remember I was the only wrestling fan out of my friends at the time. So I'm like, oh, I'm like, holy shit, I don't think it was there. That's sick. And then I remember him. I remember Brock walking back, like not even walking like down the aisle. He walked through the crowd, like which was kind of way like he walked a different way.
Which I thought was getting rather odd, but then I got to take our proceed to say you ready to do this like Like basically you want to fight type of thing but you have to brockless and got the living shit kicked out of him So like that's the last thing you want is some is undertaking going hey you want to fight after I just got my ass kicked That's something I know I don't want to hear but I undertake it came on revealed like he didn't he he was sent there to do that He wasn't like yeah
Yeah, he was, he revealed that he was like, I was sent there. He was like, but I didn't know that no one else knew. He's like, I didn't know that Dana White wasn't in on this. They sent me there to pick a fight and then, you know, I picked a fight and everybody was just kind of like, whoa, what the hell is happening? You know? Yeah, it was all a work, which was really hilarious. But I think it's so cool that Undertaker is like taking down all the walls. No, no play on words intended, but yeah, all the walls are getting taken down and I just,
I'm here for it. I love it. I think this is, as fans, this is what we want and what we deserve. And I'm stoked for the last ride and all the interviews and stuff that Taker's doing. Oh, bless you. Bless you, future running champion. Oh, Stella. I know. Stella, Stella's making, yeah, she's making her podcast appearance for the night. Got a little sneeze. Sneasel poo.
So before we get into it get outside of the squared circle here We have some names announced for the casino ladder match at double or nothing This is gonna be for a future AW world title match This is way different than the money in the bank that gets you a future WWE title match Not really because it's a casino ladder match Would you like me to read you the rules sure yes, please
OK, so so the casino ladder match. Well, it actually is a little bit different. OK, so it's basically like the Royal Rumble and the Money in the Bank ladder match had a baby like Seth Rollins and Becky. OK, so two entrants will start the bout with another entering every 90 seconds. The winner is decided when one wrestler takes the casino chip, earning himself a future AEW World Championship match. The chip can be grabbed at any time.
So it's possible that a winner can be decided before all nine entrants get involved in the match. And we have, I think we have Darby Allen, Colt Cabana,
I think Orange Cassidy, and who else? Ray Phoenix, Scorpio Sky. Ray Phoenix, Ray Phoenix, and Scorpio Sky. OK, yeah, so that's who is announced so far. So yeah, it's going to be a timed thing. Every 90 seconds, a new entrance is going to come. And I'm wondering if this, is this casino chip going to be on a pole? Is it going to be like above the ring, like floating above the ring? Whoa, that's a ladder match. It must be pretty high up, right? That's what I was thinking. Where's it going to be? But yeah, it has to be somewhere.
Do you not remember the coal miners glove on a pole match? I mean, literally, like, that thing was like 20 feet in the air. It was like the highest thing I've ever seen. It was pretty incredible. Do you remember the battle royal match that they had at the first? I think it must have been the first double or nothing, because it was like the rules were just so, there was, oh, I guess it was a battle. I guess it was kind of like a royal rumble, but like people came down to like groups of five. Well, it's just, oh my god. Yes, yes. So shitty.
And it was so convoluted. It was just kind of like, I don't know. When they were reading the rules, you're like, what? What is happening here? Why are these guys just coming down? Nobody got entrances. Like, five jabrones just came walking down the aisle together. So anyway.
It seems like they're getting things ironed out with this, with this chip chip on a pole match. Yep. Chip on a hole. Frito lays chip on a pole, a Tostitos bowl chips. Um, yeah. On a pole. Casino battle. Royal ladders. Uh, so let's get into our next, our next segment. This is our go figure segment.
It's my favorite segment. It's our Go Figure segment where we tell you about what things we purchased over the last week. Wrestling figures, wrestling memorabilia, and all that good stuff. This is sponsored by our good friends at Ringside Collectibles. You can go there at and use our code CHICKFOLY for 10% off.
And we would appreciate that. It's the best place on the internet to get wrestling figures. And right now with quarantine, Walmarts and Targets don't have anything. So you're not really missing anything by going out fake hunting. Just stay home on the couch. Pop open at high noon and pull up They have a bunch of cool stuff on there for some pre-orders and all kinds of stuff. So check it out.
I have a couple big purchases, some big boy purchases, and I want to get to those, but let me, I'll do ladies first here, and I'm a gentleman.
So this week we're doing weekly purchases. Yeah, that's what we're doing. Sorry. I got the women's champion in my lap. I'm making sure she's settled. Yes.

Merchandise and Collectibles Discussion

Oh word. Okay. So cool. Cool. So, um, I got myself, uh, the Halloween havoc ultimate warrior chalk line jacket that, uh, that dropped. It was,
So freaking mage. I also got the Brett and Sean WrestleMania rivalry jacket from chalk line. Yeah, pretty pretty sick I was holding off on that one and then I was just like screw it man Like let's just let's just do this damn thing. And so I got the Brett and Sean rivalry jacket today. I got Seth some of the fiend shorts the fiend shorts drop today They're so sick if you haven't seen the chalk line fiend shorts. They have the brave face on one side I think I want to say I don't want to
credit the wrong artist, but I think MiG's media at MiG's media drew the Fiend drawing. I'll look it up real quick, but yeah, those shorts are pretty awesome. And then we got some HBK blue shorts that are coming out. If you, if you didn't know, uh, the heel has been as much to be loved. He has every single pair of a chalk line, HBK shorts. I know. I'm like, I'm like, man, you're really repping the heartbreak kid, uh, for, you know, as, as big of a Brett Mark as you are.
wow that's awesome yeah they make some cool stuff for sure and you got the roots of fight stuff i saw too oh my god see phil you keep me on track you keep me on track here oh my god so yeah so i got some roots of fight um here this is my first purchase from them i've followed them for a long time and i've been eyeballing their stuff and
I missed out on some things now that I'm looking back. I'm like, why didn't I just grab like, they've had Bret Hart since the, since the beginning. Like, you know, now that they've introduced a lot more fighters and things like that to their line, but yeah, they've had Bret Hart since day one. And, uh, I got a Hitman white sweatshirt. It guys, it feels like it's the softest thing. You guys know a pop for, for soft clothing. Like I love comfortable t-shirts and sweatshirts and all of that. Um,
And I wouldn't lie to you guys, I only promote the shit that's good stuff, right? This thing feels like, like I said, you just step into a cloud. And the quality is top notch. The T-shirts are like a lightweight material. They're beautiful. The quality is on point. I mean, they have everybody. I mean, Ray Mysterio, Mike Tyson, Bret Hart. And it's not your average mark gear. It looks really, really nice. So check out Rootsify if you're looking for it. So there's a lot of stuff on sale right now.
And then I got two shirts from homage. I got an Undertaker and Paul bear shirt and then a Ultimate warrior shirt. So yeah grab those again super soft. So I gotta go check Well, duh, of course I did yeah
Oh, and I got some retros. I haven't gotten them. Um, I haven't technically paid for them yet, but I have some retros coming from, from Phil. I got the new day coming from Phil. I got Seamus and Jeff Hardy on the way. Uh, we have, if you haven't been following along, we're scratching that figure itch with, uh, the heel husband wants to start a Hasbro collection. It's something he's wanted to do for a while, but I think now being on this chip, he's had a lot of time to think.
And really do some deep thinking about life. And he's like, you know what? No time like the present to go ahead and start that Hasbro collection. We're going to be doing Lucy's and we're going to be doing retros. I don't know if we're going to do the full line of retros. I think like if we have, you know, come on. I know. Who am I kidding? What am I talking about here?
Once you dive in, you and Mark, Marco's got some too. You guys are both purchasing some of mine. We're joining the dark side. You and Mike Lanham have really done some serious rubbing off on us. I don't know what's going on here. Yeah, Marco, what else you got for us? As he said, go with the retros. I got some coming from the one Phil, so that's going to be awesome.
Grab one on my own. It was the Ultimate Warrior Retro. All the Warrior figures are really expensive, but that one was actually not too bad. It was a good price on that one. I thought that one was in that lot you got from Phil. No, I actually actually. I have it, but I guess he's already bought it, yeah. He already got it. I had one to reply. Oh, OK. Gotcha. The following was the sale and all that stuff. So I jumped on that. So I didn't need that one.
but could have an extra one. Oh no, we'll see. Anyway, no, we'll stick with the one I just have. Other than that, been just shopping, trying to find like other like warrior stuff. Cause since in quarantine, just like shopping for my trying to figure out the warrior collection I got going on and see what I need and what I don't need. I found some stuff on eBay that I've been looking at that I have on the watch list. But the main thing, the hugest thing, the biggest thing that I got
You know, super excited for huge, really huge, huge, huge, without the H, just huge, UGE. Um, the, uh, the new ultimate warrior chocolate jacket, the one fashioned after his duster, when he was going against the NWO, when he was the, oh, and that was sent to me by, um, by Sheena. Um,
Yeah. So a great gift. I actually opened up today and it is in person. It is probably one of the greatest jackets ever. It's a, it's seemingly detailed.
Listen, Marco does so much for our show. Like I just I cannot appreciate him more. I mean, with everything that's going on in my life right now, like, you know, stuff being gone and being here with the kids and sometimes not being able to jump on the show and not being able to do the format and stuff like Marco just like stepped up and was like,
No, I got this and like that's like that's like just scratching the surface like he keeps Phil and I organized like he's like our our Manager like our business manager Yeah, he like does all the things, you know, and I just I cannot thank him enough and I knew he would love I knew he would love that jacket and I got to give Marco a nice gift and support our friends over at chocolate and so it was a total win-win and
Man, I hope the children of the Chalk Line owners, when they get their college tuition all paid for by YouTube, motherfuckers. They know where that money came from, because you guys are dropping some coin on that website. I love it. I love it. All right, good stuff. I made a couple purchases. I put it on the Facebook group. Two holy grail figures in one week.
The first one is super special to me. I, of course, have the Macho Man collection. I have a little bit of everything. I got all the Hasbros, all the Retros. I got a bunch of Mattel leads. I have the Masters of the Universe. I got probably 30 or so.
So I was like, I need to get an LJN. I've never had an LJN before. I've been talking to Zorro Mendez for months about it, and just haven't pulled the trigger. And he's the one to go to. You've never had a personal, like you've never had an LJN? Never. Ever. Never. As a kid, never. I mean, when I started becoming like, I remember going over, I remember vividly where I was. I was at a friend's house, and he had all the Hasbros. And I was like, what the hell is this? What is wrestling?
And that was like right when WrestleMania 8 was about to happen. And I just like got balls deep into wrestling from that. And I haven't like let up since, but- Yeah, you laid the pipe to wrestling. Yeah, laid the wood, laid the wood and the pipe. But yeah, never was like, Intel Jans never had them. So like, I was like, man, I need to get this one. And it's like, that's super expensive. But just like, I just money, I just didn't want to be spending.
So our good buddy Alan Day, one of our Philly family members, knows that I was looking for this. And he's like, oh dude, I just bought a lot of LJNs and I'm going to send you this macho man, just pay for the shipping. I'm actually going to, and he even like painted, I'm going to post a picture on social media tomorrow.
He painted it and he touched it up. It looks like it's fresh out of the box, like LJN Macho Man, and I was blown away by it. It cost me 10 bucks. Is this the first LJN that you've ever had your hands on? Never. Have you ever felt like you were hit? Maybe at one of those conventions where I just picked it up for a second, but I've never played with it.
ljns are a little bit before our time you know what i mean like i feel like i feel like i feel like we're like children of hasbro's you know what i mean i feel like that's kind of more our podcast the older those older people that they like those but we were younger we're in our 30s so yeah i mean you know i can't say i mean the heel husband has like a metric boatload of ljns i mean he's you know he's one of the guys yeah he's a he's a freak of nature um but yeah i i definitely think if you asked him straight up he would say you know hasbro's were his primary
primary toys, uh, you know, as far as figures are concerned, but he does have a lot of L J N's. Um, what did you, what did you think once you got, once you got it in your hand, like, can you imagine like playing with this object that could literally cause blunt force trauma to the head? I can see why they're hard to get because they're probably like, you just like want to smash it into things and like, it just gets scuffed up. So like getting one that's like in mint condition is probably super tough. So, uh,
It is, yeah. I've been to lots of toy conventions and you see these giant boxes of like LJNs that are just like beat all to hell. I mean, like the paint is missing everywhere. But I mean, you know, you look at those figures too and you think about how much fun, like, you know, it's a
bittersweet moment, because you're like, holy shit, I found this LG in. And at the same time, you're like, oh, god, it's all scuffed up. But then you think about the poor little, the kid that had so much fun just smashing these figures together, throwing it in their sandbox and doing all the things. The one he sent me has, he's like, oh, dude, I'm almost going to send it out, but I need the paint dry, because some kid wrote his initials on the bottom of the feet. I was like, dude, do not get rid of that. I love that. That is awesome. Yeah, I love that kind of stuff.
That's Toy Story shit right there. Andy would do that. So that was a big addition. And he also sent me five or six Ravens football cards and little protectors too as a little gift. So I was like, dude, this is awesome. So Alan, thank you so much, man.
Michael Anna was in my ear. So now I have one Hasbro left to get the 123 kid Hasbro. I'm ready to pay for it. I'm ready to drop the money. If anyone knows of one for sale, I don't need anyone to send it to me. I just need to know where to buy it so I can get this crossed off my bucket list. So that should be here pretty soon. So that was a nice little pickup. What else?
Pre-order that tell you guys last week real quick that I got the wrestling figure retrospective that Mike yeah recommended Yeah, so yeah, I got that It's pretty cool that the so if you're wanting that just so you know, it's WWF Hasbro book on Instagram and the link will be in the bio to actually get the book But I don't know like I said how many of these he has or how many he's gonna make in the future So if you are Hasbro mark since we're talking about it, the book is beautiful. It's like 400 pages of just loaded with
Goodness like pictures of the figures, you know loose mints on card prototype photos it you know concept art and all that kind of Oh Stella doesn't like sorry Yeah, but I would definitely recommend getting that collectors guys That's something that you're into because it is he put a lot a lot of work into that thing. So I
Yeah, I owe that dude an apology. We're going to get him on the podcast to talk about the book. But he was like, I messaged him back and forth all the time on Twitter. And he would ask me a question or like he would respond to something. I'm like, what is this guy talking about? Like he's

Behind-the-Scenes Wrestling Insights

like answering a question I didn't even ask him. But like, I guess he thought I was you. Like he thought like you were like you posted about the book conversation. Yeah. So like I was like, OK, it's just like there was a disconnect because it was like he was talking to two people at once and thought we were both the same person. So.
Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, I've been talking to I've been talking to him in the DMS I would like to have him on the show just like talk about you know what how that got started and how it came to be kind of I want to know the process because it took two years for that book yeah, and I think a lot I think a lot of people don't know what kind of work goes into a project like that whenever you're doing something on Kickstarter and like all the hurdles that you have to overcome and like the things that you're gonna run into that you have absolutely no idea, you know when you're putting this thing together that are gonna happen, so Yeah, I'm excited to talk to that guy
All right, those are our pickups from the week, but we did have some pre-orders that were supposed to be coming up on Target's website on Mother's Day on Sunday. It was the Greg the Hammer Valentine, Bobby the Brain Heenan, Sting, and the one I'm forgetting because my brain is mush. Oh my gosh. Oh, raise your own.
bad terms with WWE or it didn't resign a legends deal or what. But now the legends line up looks a little bit weak without a fourth member there. And I'm wondering like people were buying these things up. I know a lot of the people in our group are buying multiple ones to get the him or Valentine chase.
and they're gonna be like limited whatever but I don't know what they're gonna do so so they haven't started production on these yet they're not but it's also too late in the process to add a fourth figure to the collection so are they gonna do less figures in the box or they're gonna you know
I think, no, usually they just overpack, you know what I mean? Like when that happened with Hogan, I cannot remember who- Tito, the Tito Hogan. Tito Santana, yes, yes, freaking Tito. They're just gonna overpack somebody. I don't know who it's gonna be. Probably Razor Ramon. That Razor Ramon will probably be a peg warmer, you know, for the next five years because they're gonna overpack it on this Legends line.
Yeah, so we will see those should hit stores. I don't know, but I know that the second wave is going to hit stores in the fall, the legends line. So they said we should have two lines of the legends, two series of legends this year in stores. So this one I would assume would be probably June or July.
But without Sting, I don't know what you guys think of this. I don't know if we've gotten our last Sting figures for a while. The last one we got was the Masters of the Universe figure, which is not groundbreaking or anything, but was a pretty cool fake. But hopefully they reach an agreement with him because I'd love to see more Sting stuff come down the pike. Yeah.
Yeah, it's crazy because they didn't announce it, but I wonder how long they knew because there is that graphic that just has Bobby Heenan, Razor, and Greg Valentine on it without Stan. Yeah, we should have known something was up at that point. Yeah, when we saw that graphic, we should have been questioning.
what the hell uh what the hell was going on but i mean we have some we have some really dope sting figures yeah it would have been awesome to get that crow sting but i mean well if you have the defining moments you basically have that figure anyway you know but i know i know a lot of people don't have that defining moments and they were looking forward to actually adding this to their collection for that reason so yeah that does suck
I think a lot of these figures, Sheena, are going to now be available on Target's website, especially with the quarantine, the coronavirus situation. They're going to put these up and try to sell them before they hit stores because they're so hard to get out and people can't get to stores.
Definitely recommend signing up for that Target. They have so many different Target cards. It's like the Target Circle or something or whatever. They have their credit card. They have a debit card and a credit card. So you don't have to actually get the credit card. You can get the debit card. It'll come right out of your check. But I think you get 5% off anything you buy with it and you get free shipping.
Yeah, and you get on other stuff other than big I mean you get it on figures But I mean most people aren't gonna be returning figures But you also get a 90-day instead of a 30-day return policy you get a policy so yeah pretty pretty rad Yeah, I love my target red card save a little bit of money with that if you're gonna be buying I mean of course that's no there in Walmart is where you're gonna be buying figs for the foreseeable future unless Toys R Us comes back so
Elite 76 has started shipping this week and next week. So I think someone on Twitter, and I'm going to pull it up here while I'm talking slowly to extend this. Stalling, stalling, stalling. At Michael Grid said he got an email last night about heavy machinery shipping from Ringside. So those should be out, I would say, in the next, you know, depending on, maybe he was one of the first people to preorder, I don't know.
I would say in the next week or two those should start shipping out which has been you know I feel like it's been three months since an elite line shipped out from ringside. I mean Elite 75 was what that was? It's been a while. Was that the Natty series?
Yeah, because it was Amble, right? Oh my gosh. Amble, Natty, and that whole crew. Yeah, Pete Dunne, Mandy Rose, yeah. Yes, Pete Dunne, Mandy Rose, Hurricane. Was Hurricane in 75? Yeah, he was, with Jeff Hardy, Kalisto, and Seth Rollins, yeah. So it's been a while, been a minute. But it sounds like we've got things back up to normal as far as ringside is going. And they also have
the Ghostbusters figures, Marco, I know you are a big fan of those. Those have started shipping from Ringside, so if you missed them at Walmart, you can get them now at, and you can get 10% off with Code Chick Foley. So, do that up, do that thing.
of the
Jake the Snake Roberts about the Drake Maverick figure was basically saying you know those are all you know good to go they're still on so that's right that's good to know as far as we know those are still gonna happen so yeah he's a good follow on Instagram and Twitter and stuff because he
That'll be cool. We'll get our AEW Jake figure, and we'll get our, you know, WWF Jake figure. He said the Decade of Domination line is just going to have two waves. It'll have 10 figures celebrating the 10 years of Mattel having the line. So the first line is already available for pre-order on Walmart. The second line, I would assume, is coming pretty soon. And he said the Hollywood Hogan,
That's a good Baltimore accent. Hollywood Hagenhorn, Ultimate Edition, should be available in time for the holidays. So Ringside should have him available in time for the holidays. I don't know if that means he's going to be available for purchase or it's going to ship by then, but that means... Can we not talk about the holidays right now? Dude, it's right around the corner.
It's right around the corner. It's earlier and earlier every year. But that means we have the scene in the Becky Lynch that should be coming out soon and in the Rock Charlotte before Hogan. So that means we have three lines of Ultimate Editions coming out between now and the end of the year. That Hollywood Hogan is going to be hard to get. So I would definitely pre-order that bad boy from ringside because
for sure. It's going to be dope as hell. Yeah, I'm excited for that. Cool. That is it for our Go Figures segment. Let's get into our quarantine and chill that is brought to us by Collar and Elbow. You can use code CHICK for 10% off on their awesome website. We had the founder, Al Snow, on an episode of the Chick Foley Lounge. If you're a Patreon subscriber, he did a cool interview with us, as did
Conrad Thompson as did smart Mark Sterling as did stat guy Greg So Kim. Yeah, big names. Yeah, we're just you know, we're just changing the game, you know, that's So quarantine chill we're gonna give you some ideas of what to watch while you're home, especially this weekend And Marco you can start it off with the Undertaker last ride episode one. What'd you think? Did you guys get to watch it? Oh, yeah
Oh, yeah. Yeah, it was really good. It's almost like they. Oh, Phil, what are you doing with you? You're doing yourself a disservice. I know. And I watching this. Yeah, buddy. It's really good. Yeah. So it's like almost like a it's a five part series, but like it's almost like give you like cliffhangers at the end of the like the first episode you like.
Oh my God, I have to say, and they give you like a little preview. Well, if the Undertaker, yeah, if the Undertaker had never came back for the Saudi show, it would have been a one episode, one off series, but now it's going to be, it's going to be a five part series. So yeah, I'm super freaking stoked for it. It starts off with like WrestleMania 33 weekend. Um, and the cool thing about it is like.
You can tell like the undertaker like how beloved he is in the wwe because they brought out like heavy hitters for this in episode one. I mean we had um, there was mick bully rick flayer brett hart sean micha's patista edge stone cold triple h kart angle mark henry uh scott hall all these people coming out and like, you know what I mean talking about the undertaker and they had like randy orton roman reines wyatt big show like
Can we get out of it a w zone Jim Ross and Chris Jericho around? Yeah exactly yeah a w a w zone so I mean like these people were all saying the praises of oh and Vince even made an appearance which he doesn't do very often actually never yeah these network specials you know what I mean so
For Vince to like take the time to do this, it really shows like how much respect he has for Taker. But one of my favorite moments, and this was just such a small moment, but it just like made me kind of like lol is when Undertaker is checking into his hotel.
And this is WrestleMania 33 when he fought Roman and so he's checking in and then Roman comes up like right beside him to like check into his room and Undertaker just looks at him like kind of like semi annoyed but not really and he's like dude you couldn't kayfabe for 10 minutes?
You know, and it was just a really, it was just a really funny interaction. I think the funniest part was that the people that were checking in, like the concierge or whatever those people are called, um, they were, they started laughing as if they knew like what kayfabe actually meant, which I'm sure they had no idea. They were just like, ha ha ha. You know, like Undertaker made it funny. The other, the other cool part about that was this episode too. I'm not sure if they're going to do it on every single episode, but they kind of like, they do like a Quentin Tarantino type of thing. So.
the beginning of it is WrestleMania 33. That's the beginning of the episode, but it's, it's, that comes at the end of the episode. That's how it ends. So like WrestleMania 30 and all that stuff too, which is like you get to hear his thoughts on like what happened with like the Brock Lesnar thing and like the streak and it's
It's just it's really good. It's him talking about him talking about his concussion was pretty eye-opening when he said you know He didn't he didn't remember when he got concussed in the match and you know that his last memory of that day Was it like 330 in the afternoon? Yeah, it was it was so yeah, it was so insane and I think one of the biggest takeaways is just like I
that we had, you know, we've all known, you know, and I've been on the record to say like, Undertaker, please just go away right off into the sunset. But it really just kind of like brings it back like that. Undertaker is human, you know, and he is getting older and
this is just kind of like his his like swan song you know like it's kind of like his like riding off into the sunset like doing this all right after 30 years he's opening opening the undertakers book he's opening the urn if you will yeah and letting us all letting us all peek inside and uh i'm so here for it i cannot wait for for the future episodes yeah the other the other cool thing they brought it to was like about the fact that like you would think like
He's like, the first thing he says on the show is like, you know what? He's like, I can't, I can't work a full schedule. I have to work part time. Yeah. Yeah. Happy with that. Like, you can tell he, it's hard for him to say that. You can tell it like it pangs him.
To say that there was one, there was one part where he talks about like five years in a row. He literally just came back to work the, for the streak, you know, work WrestleMania. And he said it, it was just like he would work WrestleMania. Then he would have surgery to repair whatever he screwed up at WrestleMania. And then he would rehab and then he would train to get back in the ring for next WrestleMania. And it was just like a five year period where he was just doing that like nonstop.
I feel like I've seen this. Did they show this episode after WrestleMania? Okay, okay. It was like maybe 10 or 15 minutes of it, but it was like an hour more. Okay. Some of the stuff you're saying, I was like, I've seen this before. Yeah. Yeah. Cool. Yeah. I'm excited to check it out.
Yeah, a lot of big names on there. I did see the Dark Side of the Ring, Road Warriors, another Last Ride, Road Warriors Last Ride. That is called the Last Ride. This was a good episode as well, but basically just told me how much of a badass the Road Warriors were and just like kicking the shit out of people. Yeah, yeah. And there's the drug problems that Hawke had.
through his career. And the final episode is next week, guys. It's going to be Owen Hart. That's going to be a tear-jerker. I suggest that the three of us jump on to Facebook Live and our Facebook group. Afterwards, we need to kind of do an instant reaction because it's going to be, you know, it's something that we know all the details about or we think we do. Maybe we'll get some new info from, I think Martha Hart is going to be on there. Oh, really? Yeah, I think so. Oh, wow.
They have they so if you have a real they must have rolled the Brinks truck up to her to her back door Okay, you'd be surprised how like if you listen to like the the the show that Conrad does the the dark side So yeah, he doesn't he doesn't podcast with those guys the guys I do the Jim Ross Grill and Jim Ross like to feed the feed for his podcast with Jim Ross, but Jim Ross isn't on it at all, but uh
they you'd be surprised like what they do to get the people they just like don't pay nothing at all for the most part they just like have really good contacts or they just get a really good rapport they do it they don't get a lot of people obviously a lot of people don't like to show up and like talk about stuff but like the people that they can't get and some people that they can't get and she was one of the people
I think she just wanted to tell a story. They're not affiliated with WWE. So that was probably a plus for her. Oh, that was the biggest plus for her. Yeah. Oh, yeah. They were like, screw you, WWE. Like, yeah. Yeah. You could tell like they've been clamoring for Martha's, you know, store and approval for years. And then all of a sudden, like these guys come in and she's like, screw you. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, you got to think, like, if she wanted to do stuff for money, she'd give WWE a full raid on Owen Hart. So like you could tell she doesn't care about money.
And like I said, they're not affiliated with WWE, so that's even like a double plus for her. So like any way for her to tell the story without any interference from any outside, I could see that definitely happening. Yeah, I'm looking forward to this episode for sure. Back to the Red Wars. It was a good episode. Did you watch it, Sheena?
Yeah, yeah, I did. I thought it was, yeah, I thought it was really good. The one thing that I thought was so ironic though is that they talked about, oh, let me get the future women's champion settled. The one thing I thought was funny is they talked about SummerSlam 92 and they talked about how Hawk was just like so effed up that he like legitimately, like this was at Wembley, right? They legitimately couldn't like do the match that they had intended. And that is the exact same match
that Brett fought Bulldog and Bulldog was so effed up that he could not like he did not remember anything that that they had laid out for the match and like Brett carried the whole match because he had said like you know him and Jim Nighthard had been out like smoking crack all night you know and like I'm like oh my god SummerSlam92 was like a freaking drug fest man like these guys were like you know
on the next level, but I thought it was pretty funny that like it was just kind of like a parallel between the Road Warriors and Bretton Bulldog. Like how they injected the the Visic Man story. It had really nothing to do with it about him taking the finisher. Oh, yeah. Road Warriors. Yeah.
the strip club like that had nothing to do with the story. It was just like you come back from commercial and that was the story that he just moved on to like the actual things. Yeah, you can tell they interviewed him about something completely different. He just happened to have that story. Right, right. The fuck was this man taking that that's a dangerous finisher to take like on like in like a building like on like not on like a mat or something like anywhere. Yeah. Yeah. Shit.
Yeah, so it pulled it pulled really good ratings. I think obviously the Chris Benoit has been like the top rated episode of the entire. I think it's of the entire series, to be honest. I think the Chris Benoit had the had the highest ratings. But I think, oh, I will be curious to see what Owen draws next week as compared to to Chris Benwansi. I mean, I think I think it could be their most popular episode ever. You guys been watching that?
Um, I have a recommendation for it's wrestling related. So, um, I know we don't talk about like other wrestling organizations at all. Really? It's not much as besides like AWW, but, um, so impact, they have an app called impact plus, and they're doing like a 30 day free trial. Um, and you can like go back to the beginning of the T and A days and watch all that stuff. Oh, wow. Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, Booker T.
AJ Styles, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, all that stuff. So I did, I did the 30 day trial. And then we go back and watch like the old like paper views and stuff like that, mainly because Eric Bischoff is there starting to do that stuff on his podcast. I started to talk about the TNA paper views and stuff like that. And like, I was like, huh, I was like, maybe, I was like, maybe I go on YouTube and find something. And then I was just like, search around. It was like, they're doing a 30 day free trial. I was like, I'll do that for 30 days if I watch it. I need to
That's pretty awesome. They were stacked back in the day. Angle and Nash and all those guys. Yeah, that's pretty cool stuff. My wife and me watched Dead to Me, Sheena. Oh nice. I watched a little bit of the first season and I didn't get to finish it because just life. What did you think?
We watched the first the second season in like two days, and she was a Mother's Day. I just took the kid and Just left the house and just let her kind of chill and hang out and lay in bed And she watched like the last four episodes without me so I wasn't wow and I wasn't I mean I wasn't too sad about because it's not it's not like a show like I watched it with her, but it's not like Sopranos Yeah
Well, there's a new special. I haven't gotten to watch it yet, but there's a new Seth Rollins special on the network. It's a compilation of Seth Rollins. Best ever matches. So I'm looking forward to like, yeah, to checking that out this weekend. And I don't know, I know they had advertised a WWE 24 with Becky Lynch, but I don't think it's out yet. Or I haven't seen it when I like log into the network or maybe I'm just missing it, but.
If that's on there, I'd really be interested to watch that too. I'm probably trying to add to it at the last minute with... Yeah, I know. I think so. Yeah.

Nostalgia and Reflections on Current Events

I do want to say this is not TV related, but one of my favorite video games of all time, Tony Hawk Pro Skater, is coming back. They're redoing number one and two in one game, and in September it's dropping on PlayStation. I don't know if it's just PlayStation or maybe Xbox too.
I'm gonna be buying that the first day comes out. That was one of my games I would just play like with buddies buddies Like hours and hours and hours and hours and I still remember the soundtrack everything about it It was you know, great. So I'm excited about that Marco. What do you been watching? Nothing much I did to be my wife got me into that so Watching dead to me. Well, I didn't watch the first season she I was like
She's like, oh, you want to watch the second season of Dead to Me? And I was like, I didn't see the first season. She's like, oh, they have that three-minute recap. I was like, perfect. I just watched a three-minute recap, and I got the whole story. But yeah, I like it. I love the actresses that are on the show as well. I like the storyline. It's pretty new. That's a weird storyline. But I'm intrigued by it, so I've been watching that. Other than that,
Nothing too crazy, just my usual just trying to find crazy movies on Netflix to watch some crazy horror movie or crazy action movie. There's tons of them if you guys don't know that. Just search, go into one of those genres, get away from that main menu and just go into an actual horror genre and there's some crazy movies out there that you never thought existed. Same thing with action movies. You just scroll for hours just reading the descriptions. You're like, oh my god, I want to watch this. Oh my god, I want to watch this.
I miss, I miss being able to watch movies. It's much easier when Seth is here and we can like tag team, you know, the bedtime routine. And then, um, you know, like watch, watch something. We have like, you know, our chill time wind down time after, you know, it was just Brett whenever he was here before, but now we have, now we have two, we're like the man on man office. We used to run the zone on our kid, but now it's like, you know, we're.
running a man defense. We were trying to, for the first time, just let my son play and let us actually watch TV, which worked for a couple minutes because he was into something. And we tried to watch Dead to Me. And it was just like, Christina Applegate was just saying the F word every two seconds. Like, we can't watch this. This is their favorite word. This is not going to work, you know? As much as I love that word.
He was like, he's definitely going to pick this up. It's not like a random one-off F bomb. Yeah, he's definitely going to pick this up. Did I tell you what I did for my wife on Mother's Day? I know I texted you guys about it, but I left. Yeah, I think you told us on the show you were going to go and do a food run, right, and do her top five favorite food items. How'd that go? Yeah, pretty good. I mean, we devoured it, and I was the benefactor of some of it. We got our pizza, some of her favorite tacos.
some spring rolls and totally forget the fourth thing. Oh, five guys cheeseburger. So, you know, we had it for like two meals, like all that stuff. And then we went over to my parents' house and like did like an outside like social distancing type of barbecue afterwards. We didn't really eat too much while we were there because we'd already eaten so much. But it was cool to see some family and stuff. So yeah, I'm,
I'm ready for life to get back to normal. You know, I'm just like, you know, I don't want to get into, into the weeds on everything, but I just feel like, you know, it's like we've, we've, we've done this, this far as far as like quarantining. It's like, you know, like how, how much longer can we do this for? Like, are we going to do this until there's a cure or something? Like, I don't know, dude, it's, it's crazy. It's crazy. It's a crazy world out there. We're, we're in uncharted territories and you know, you got people that are,
taking it very seriously, people that are not taking it seriously at all and crying conspiracy, and then you get the people that are somewhere in the middle. And it's tough, man. It's really tough to know what life's going to look like going forward. But all we can do is just take a day today, keep a positive mindset, and just don't be a cynical asshole about everything. I think there's a lot of people out there that are just like, just turds. Just like turds.
Turns to society. And I'm just I'm just tired of hearing from those folks. A lot of doctors on Facebook. I didn't know I had no idea how many of my high school friends went on to get their degree in epidemiology and immunology and all those things. I'm like shook. Butler County High School is like pumping them out.
Facebook was a university, FBU, Facebook University. That's where you get your degree. So that's what we've been watching this week. We encourage you to let us know what you've been watching for quarantine and chill, and we appreciate it. Let's get into a random merch of the week. Marco, this is a fine of yours, huh? This is a game I remember fondly from my PlayStation One days.
Yeah, the funny thing is I totally forgot about this game because I remember the the it's the WWF in your house video game by a claim. But I remember that the arcade game that they had, which was a different one. Oh, that's what I'm thinking of. What do you see when you can like hit people with like a mallet and shit? Yeah. See, this is a total. This is it. It's kind of the same vein, but it is. I think it's the same game, but they just put it in your house over it. And then they really says the arcade game. But it looks a little bit more cartoony.
for some reason, I put the link to the trailer, the actual commercial of the game. But yeah, same idea, Ultimate Warriors in it, I don't remember him being in the arcade game. Do you remember him being in that one? I don't think he was. Yeah, so he's in this game, Vader, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, and I forget who else, but same idea, they have like powers and stuff like that, so like Undertaker's sort of like Green Goop or Ghost or whatever it is, and like Vader's in it,
Destroying people like it is it's pretty cool. I literally totally because I was like Oh, we go on eBay or go on YouTube and see if there's I get in your house like weird like thing So I went on I was like, holy crap and it was on like it was on Genesis the 32-bit one It was on Sega Saturn. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I see that. There's one on here PlayStation for $199 PlayStation green green cast as well. Yeah. Yeah, it was a port over and stuff like that. So yeah
So definitely it's like 15 bucks on eBay if anyone wants to buy it, or maybe even cheaper. That's what I see in it. Anyway, but pretty cool. I thought I'd keep it in your house themed. Yeah, love it.
Yeah. How about the, uh, our retro wrestling recommendation of the week, sponsored in part by pro wrestling tees. We didn't talk about this at the beginning of the show. We have a bunch of shirts at slash chick Foley show. Uh, go there and check it out. And we have an in your house design, by the way. Oh, true. Yeah, people were buying that boy. It looks, it looks beautiful in sky blue and black. I have both and they are mage.
Very nice. This is, in your house, May 14th, 1995, the premiere. That was yesterday. Yeah, so it's 25 years. God, Marco, stop making me feel ancient. I'm sorry. I actually started watching it earlier before we started the show. And I was telling she was watching Bret Hart, just a lay waste to Hakushi, which is pretty cool. The main event is Diesel and Sid.
love both of those guys back in the day. Probably Sid Moore. I was a, I was a Sid Mark. Cause they like to say, that's my name for us. Sid fans out there instead of skid Mark. It's Sid Mark. Yeah. Um, but yeah, yeah. So it's the first, if you want to get an idea, you youngins out there, if you've never seen it in your house, pay-per-view, uh, definitely watch this one. This was the first, they actually gave away a house as well. Um, you get to see who Todd Pattengale is. If you've seen his name float around on
I think he was trending actually on Twitter when he was on the bump. So that's a bit of nostalgia there. So it was a decent pay-per-view. That wasn't obviously the greatest. You do get to see a Razorbone take on Jeff Jarrett and the roadie. And it was a handicap match because the one, two, three kid had a neck injury and he was out of commission. He's supposed to be Razorbone's partner.
so Reza Ramon went in and took care of business by himself. I enjoy it. I love nostalgia and pay-per-views. I loved all the in-your-houses as well. Those are probably my favorite pay-per-views in the 90s. Yeah, they're awesome. Yeah, that's so good. That's so weird. It's almost like watching a house show, but on a pay-per-view. Yeah.
mankind and Shawn Michaels. Love, love, love that. Yeah. And then obviously bad blood. I mean, I think that's up there and like, you know, definitely the top one or two, like the first ever hell in a cell with, uh, you know, Shawn Michaels and undertaker. So yeah, good, good shit has gone down at the, in your house, pay-per-views, Canadian stampede. How can I freaking Canadian? Oh man. The first hell in the cell match too. Right. Did you say that? Yeah. That's what I just said. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The undertaker and a Shawn Michaels. So yeah.
Really freaking good stuff. So I'm pumped. I'm pumped for them to bring it back. And I'm curious to see what they do with it. I mean, I hope they do it justice, is all I can say. I hope they don't just slap the name on it and then just give us what we're used to, like the same old NXT takeovers, which are usually great. But you know what I mean? I want it to be something special. Well, the good thing is you have a lot of guys that were young enough where they see
these things happening. So they hope to make it happen. You have the guys that were actually in it running the show. So you have Shawn Michaels, you have you have Triple H. You have the road dog there. So like, hopefully, maybe they'll just get together and you just go all out and just make it an actual in your house pay review, which is which would be that will redeem them for the money in the bank.
So, yeah, she and me and Marco and Mike have been doing these Monday night retro episodes like going back and watching old 1996 Monday night Rawls. And we've already seen the debut of the ringmaster who will become Stone Cold Steve Austin. We've seen vignettes for Vader and later in the year we get the debut of mankind.
96 is a pretty cool year because you have like, not the attitude area yet, but you have a lot of these guys, you know, Triple H is there. He's still Hunter Hearst Helmsley, but you kind of getting like people like the, the, the core of what they're going to be building over the next couple of years is like, is there. So it's pretty cool. The fall, the fall of 96 to like the
the obviously November 97 is probably one of my favorite like complete years like you know it doesn't have to be like now I'm not talking about like 96 my favorite year 97 but like if you go from like November 96 to November 97 like that's probably one of the best years in in like wrestling it's so it's so damn good so so much good shit
Check that out on WWE Network, and that's it for us here. If you guys want to find us, we didn't talk about this at the beginning, but I run the Twitter account at Chick Foley Show, Sheena is on Instagram at Chick Foley, and Marco is at IngloriousGent on all social media.
If you want to hit us up, it's ask at We're trying to hit 300 five-star reviews by the end of the year on Apple Podcasts. So if you have an iPhone or your coworker or your mom or your dad or your boyfriend, your girlfriend, or somebody has an Apple iPhone, grab it from them and give us a nice five-star review. It definitely helps us out. We're pretty close to 200. We're looking to get to 300 by the end of the year.
Check out and if you don't buy one of our shirts, that's okay. Buy one of the other folks that are on there, some independent wrestlers. Our buddy Brian Myers and Matt Cardona are up there with some cool new shirts. Next week we will be here to preview
Double or nothing. Hopefully we'll have more clarification about the card at that point and Hopefully we will be you know, we will be close to Memorial Day. Memorial Day is a week from this week. Oh my gosh, that's crazy. I know man. I cannot wait man. That's like that's like beer drinking porch porch sittin season, you know Yeah, I'm here for it. You have to do social distancing barbecues. It's almost June so she got like two months two months left and
Yeah, maybe. Well, hopefully you never know about the those things get moved up and back all all the time. So, you know, yeah, I hang on to hope that, you know, there's like the end of the tunnel. But, you know, who knows? But we're in this thing. We're in it to win. And aren't we still a bill? We're going to make it either way.
Yeah, you've made it this far, so that's all that matters. Check us out at is where you can hit us up and support us. We have an awesome giveaway once we reach 150 Patreon subscribers, and of course, Hastell Toy is jumping into the Facebook group.
on Saturday evening. I'll have a couple cold beverages and I'm going to probably spend some money that I shouldn't be spending. So send me that money for those retros so I can then give that money to to Hastell Toy. But thank you guys for listening. We appreciate the support. We'll be back here next week for Marco and Sheena. This is Phil Gentile signing off. Stay classy, Marx. We'll talk to you next week.
It's gonna be funky. How come all the pretty girls like you are taken, baby? I've been looking for someone like you to save me. Life's too easy to be so damn complicated.
Take your time and I'll be waiting Keep me in mind Somewhere down the road you might get lonely Keep me in mind And I pray someday that you will love me only Think about you some days And the way I would lay you wasted day after day with you
We always go our separate ways But no one can love you baby the way I do Keep me in mind Somewhere down the road you might get lonely Keep me in mind And I pray someday that you will love me only
Well the world can be real tough If I shelter me If there's no one else to love
Chick Foley Show is sponsored in part by Founded in 2007, Omage turns back the clock with shout outs to eclectic moments and personalities in sports, music, and pop culture. From Billie Jean King to Larry Bird, their clothing tells stories of triumph, individualism, and hustle preserving the old school and creating new legacies. Pay homage. Use code CHICK for 20% off.
I'd give it all up just to have you for myself Keep me in mind Somewhere down the road you might get lonely