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Arc 1 - Episode 6 - I'm Gonna Nab Ya! image

Arc 1 - Episode 6 - I'm Gonna Nab Ya!

S1 E6 · Mystery Dungeon: a Path Through Time
145 Plays1 year ago

The crew deals with the consequences of their actions, and definitely don't try to kidnap anyone. Sammy reveals a history with staircases that definitely makes sense...

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Dakota as the PM, DM, GM

Evelyn as Hikaru Hatsumi the Pikachu

Eli as Bruce Flameback the Cyndaquil

Shawn as Sammy Pepperoni the Munchlax

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Technical Setup: Microphone Noise Gate

We've got a couple minutes to start the recording. I need to test the noise gate on my mic, because I don't know who caught this, but there might be a little bit of yelling in this episode from me, and I need to make sure my mic's not going to cut off in the recording. Well, according to the Zencaster, you're the one that doesn't have audio. Well, I don't know if I think my mic has a built-in noise gate, and I might have to disable that. Or a volume gate or whatever the hell it's called.
All right, have fun. So if I just like yell into the mic, does that cut me off or anything? We heard you. OK, it didn't cut off at all. It sounded a little bit clips to me, I'm not sure. I mean, I heard you clear. If I back away from the mic and do it like, I am yelling, because I had actually. I heard you clear. I heard you perfectly normal.
I just for context I just want to say my brother and cousin is downstairs. They probably just heard me up here like talking to myself and all of a sudden I am yelling.

Podcast Introduction: Meet the Hosts

Hello everyone, welcome to Path Through Time, the only podcast that believes that Pound is also an overpowered move. I'm Dakota, your PM, your DM, your GM, and second to my left is someone who owns 35 Xboxes, 27 Playstations, 117 PCs of varying companies, and one can of Dr. Pepper Cherry Coke. That's me, Evelyn.
I have to find out where they all are. They're like in my house somewhere, but they're under all this other clutter that I have around my house. With that. And to my left is someone who can disease. Who can what? Yeah, that's what I said. He can what? Cut out.
All I heard was he can't Z's. What's a Z? I said roll his Z's. Oh. Roll his Z's. Like R's. I can't even roll my R's. Someone needs to try rolling my Z's, but hey, I'm Eli. And sitting across from me, someone who's trying to buy a car off Etsy. That'd be cheaper? Is that just a custom car?
I'll take one. Hi, I'm Sean.
It's probably like a little toy model car. Yeah, you can get a little toy model car.

Deciding Recap Duty: Dice Roll

Alright, so, because we are actually remembering to do recaps this episode, unlike that one time, I want you all to roll me a D4 and tell me what you guys get. That was two or three episodes ago, my guy. Something like that. If you guys roll the same number that I just rolled, you'll get a recap. If not, then I will do the recap. Which is, I really hope not, because I only have to remember what happened. I got a nat 4.
I also got a nat 4. Evelyn? I got a 1. Alright, so this is going to be interesting. Both Sean and Eli have to give the recap together. Because I too rolled a 4. Eli rock, paper, scissors for the recap. You guys are going to do rock, paper, scissors if you want. What happened? I rolled a 4, so both you and Sean have to give the recap, or you guys have to decide who's doing the recap. Between you two. Eli, have you done a recap yet?
I have not done the recap yet. I was thinking of the recap because I also do not remember half of what happened last episode. That makes it funny. Eli's the best candidate for this. He remembers everything. Yeah, we, yeah, totally. We'll go with that. He remembers the most important plot point of the episode. I remember. Yeah, I remember. Okay. I do remember everything. Committed arson.
Yeah, that's not important. Don't worry about that. I'll get to that.

Recap of Previous Episode: Chaos and Comedy

So we started out the episode right after graduation, found out Bruce's mom was actually there just in a tree in the distance watching because she didn't want to be awkward being the only one, only parent in the audience.
And then she invited the entire party over for a graduation party at Bruce's house, where we all got gifts. I do not remember what any of the gifts are, except Bruce. I got a rock. Yeah. He said we got a rock. I think I got a yellow gummy. No, you did. You got the yelly gummy. Yelly gummy. Huh.
And Bruce got a sweet chocolate and the family jewels. Oh yeah. A blue orb or something. It's just the jewels. A blue orb. It's not going to be important later or anything. It's just an orb, you know? Yeah, just a blue orb.
casual blue orb. We all got backpacks. Yeah, nothing suspicious about that orb. Don't worry about it. Ah, of course not. And then we decided to go to the other people's homes in the order that they are like between the school and the beach because we decided that the train station was in the beach, like a watery part of the beach.
I think that's called the ocean. I think that's known as the ocean. Yeah, the ocean. Yeah, so we went to the pizzeria, Sami pissed off his mom because he refused to help. I refused to pay for pizzas that we ordered.
You mean you don't get lifetime free pizzas? I thought that was the case. And Bruce nailed yet another role to describe how to make ice cream. So apparently everybody just doesn't know how to make ice cream. And yeah, then we went to Charu's house where her mother was kind of concerned about
I'm sending recent high school graduates on what should probably be adult errands because I think she put it something like that. And then we went to Walter's house where we found that there was a note on the door saying, hey, I got your teacher's note. You're no longer part of the family. And then Bruce sent an ember at the door and lit the house on fire.
Yeah, recap done. Yeah, done. And Sammy did a backflip. Yeah. Nobody was impressed by. I think it was funny or just that Sammy like got a perfectly average backflip and just was like, yeah, yep, yep, that happened. Okay, moving on.
We had time to kill between that time and the train. I'm like, I'm going to do a backflip. And then it worked and nobody said anything. I'm like, all right, cool. Well, if I remember right, you did like a perfectly average bet. I think I rolled like a 17 or 15. So from everyone's perspective, you just did the most average backflip they've ever seen. All right. You guys ready to to give me a move?

Roleplay Begins: Pokemon Adventure

Backflip on in. That's not a move. Let's electro ball on it. I don't know. Oh, that means like a Pokemon move. Vote tackle. Yes, I did in fact get a Pokemon move. 10 million. I happen to be the only one that can use vote tackle, so I will vote tackle on in. The rest of you can, I don't know. OK, I'll tackle on in.
And Bruce can flame charge on him. And I can do nothing because I am the god of this universe. What will Walter do? Oh, not technically. Not technically. I guess Andrew is technically the god of this world. I am the sub-god of this world. Yes, that is me, Dakota, the sub-god. What will Walter do?
Yeah, you said at the right hand. Yes, I am the right hand man of Anerud. I feel like I should not be saying that because it's not true at all. Anyways, let's just jump on to the most generic saying ever.
So as you guys are staring at this house, the flames are growing higher and higher. Do you remember what you rolled in life for your attack? Because you did hit, I don't remember if it was a full success or a mixed success.
It was a Nat 1. That's why it lit the house. Oh, that's right. Okay, so never mind. The house is an inferno. So the entire house is just up in flames. And from inside, you can hear Walter's dad just screaming. I'm not gonna do that. I'm not gonna start screaming.
so how did one little ember from a cindaquil light an entire house in a blaze i don't know maybe and i almost had an airplane uh maybe someone accidentally dumped gasoline on your house i don't know accidentally in quotes i don't know you got a nat one what can i say interesting that a nat one led to all that
I think he's looking at it as another one will give you the worst possible result and that was it. Yeah, basically. So, Walter starts walking down the road, holding his guitar, cheers down on his eyes, and he just glances back over you guys and says, come on guys, let's get out of here before we're spotted. What do you mean get out of here? The house is on fire!
no no you listen to me look I have spent the last what 10 years with this guy and this is the rubber the number one opportunity I actually get get away from this dude and you're gonna try and save him you do you have any idea what I've been through this last few years like I and he just started sprinting down the road
Yeah, and I follow along because like, you know, I have a heavy heart seeing this, but like I understand that this is how he's feeling and I just I don't want to I don't want to go around him. I mean, I don't want to invalidate his feelings. So I just follow. OK. You if Sammy's approaching Bruce. It's going to say you have a plan.
Or any idea how we can save him? This guy? No. Okay. No, not at all. I wanted to come ask you, what were you thinking? You just lit the man's house on fire. I didn't think I would light the entire house on fire. I just wanted to like burn up the note a little bit. It's some sort of message. All right. I think you got a little over. Oh, I think you did it a little bit.
it may be maybe a little bit of blind rage that's all flames of it did you take any damage i didn't take any damage i don't know uh you did not receive any damage no you guys are not inside the house so you guys are not receiving any damage you guys can feel the warmth from the house but wait a minute Bruce has the ability flash fire okay Bruce gets more strong just looking at these inferno so can i go into the house to try to get this guy out
Um, I'm not, I'm gonna say your ability does not a hundred percent make you resistant to heat, only fire type moves. So if you walked into lava, you would not survive because you had flash fire. So if you attempted to walk into this house, you would receive fire damage as if it was regular, maybe just a little less. Okay. I think I'm just going to walk away then as well. I can't think of anything to do.
If Sammy's also gonna walk away. Does Sammy walk away? Yeah. I guess we just start running after them then. Since they've got a bit of a head start and they're also running.

Prank Aftermath: Handling Arson

As you guys walk down the road, I believe, yeah, it was Hikaru who left first, correct? Walter left first. Walter left first. Yeah, I followed Walter.
Oh, sorry. Sorry, I meant after Walter. Yes. Oh, yes. OK, so I want you to roll. I know you don't have to roll for that. You see Walter sprinting down the road. You see him turn the corner. It is pretty clear to you that he is just heading towards the train station. As for Bruce and OK, I'm going to say, yeah, because Bruce left left next and Sammy left shortly after Bruce. Roll me perception. Just regular perception roll.
Sammy or Bruce? Bruce, you left before Sami-hood. I ain't seeing nothing, I got a three. Okay, so you saw, basically what you saw is you saw Hikaru run off and you don't see Walter, but you can just barely see a yellow shape in the distance, heading down the road. And Sammy just basically sees Walter. Sorry, Sammy sees Bruce, since you haven't gone very far.
I think Sammy was just really conflicted, like, looking at his friends, looking at the house, looking at his friends. What the heck? What do we do? And I guess, yeah, I'll just follow this after, because there's nothing he can really do. Quick note, for those who actually saw Walter's dad, I think it was just Hikaru, or maybe it was Walter, I don't remember, but I forgot to mention that Walter's dad is a Vigoroth. So, yeah, just an FYI.
We're going to head over to Evelin. We're gonna cut to Evelin first. What are you doing? Er, Hikaru. Hikaru, yeah. Yeah. So... I'm going to just appear in the world. So where am I now? Just like a few hundred meters ahead? Uh, you're ahead of Bruce and Sammy, but you are behind Walter and you just saw him dash around the corner a little distance ahead of you. Mmm. Uh, I'm following Walter.
Okay, Walter is going at a sprint currently, so to keep up with him you will also have to sprint. Which I can do pretty easily, I have good speed. Okay, so Bruce and Sammy, basically what you see is you see a yellow shape in the distance and it very quickly disappears. Can I look to see if anyone is coming, you know, due to the flames? Are the authorities on their way?
At this exact moment, since it happened moments ago, nobody has seemed to have... There's no... Okay, there's no fire trucks in this universe. There's no one coming to stop the flames yet, no. Okay. So, what are you and Spruce doing? I guess we're just... catching up. Trying to catch up to the Pikachu ahead of us.
Okay. Unless Hikaru notices and slows down, you guys will gradually, uh, lose her because you, I believe you were slower than both Walter and Hikaru. Oh, I'm slower than everyone. So yes, you, yes, you have a speed of six. Right. All right. So you want to have to roll like.
Cool or tough?
Walters and actually I actually spent some time and reorganized everything all of my excel sheets So I've got all my characters. I even have every single NPC with their voices Their Pokemon their location and the description of them here in an Excel sheet So if you guys have any questions, I have that but on top of that. I also have Walters and
Character sheet, very nicely placed here. Key, I'm going to roll out. You're organized and prepared? Oh yeah, for once I'm actually prepared. I'm going to roll... Do you guys think I should roll Constitution or Performance for this? For his, like, uh, how long can he run? His stamina. Probably Constitution. Athletics? Yeah. Oh no, you're right, you're right. Athletics, yeah, that's... Constitution or Athletics would make more sense? Yeah, yeah, Athletics makes sense.
So he's going to go ahead and roll for athletics, which is a tough roll. The only tough roll, and he, oh, he got a nat one. As soon as he turned that corner, he stopped, and as Hikaru sees in just a second, since you were pursuing him, Hikaru turns the corner and basically runs into Walter, because he's right there after the turn. So I'm not even going to make Hikaru roll for that. You caught up to him in no time.
Then by extension I'm guessing we catch up. I'm gonna say so yeah. Yeah, as soon as you guys start waddling down the road you guys can basically see Hikaru turn the corner and stop. I'm assuming Hikaru's stopping, I don't know why he would keep running. Yeah, but I just crashed into Walter.
Yeah. Okay, he doesn't have spikes yet. But he does stumble forward a little bit. Yeah. Well, I'm already on all fours, so I guess... Does Cyndaquil have four legs or two nubs? Two legs and two nubs. Cyndaquil technically has four legs. I feel like... I think when they're running, they're usually on all fours. It's really only when they're like walking that they're on their back legs.
I believe so because both Quilava and Typhlosion... Excuse me. Typhlosion are watcherpeds, so it would make sense if Cinderquill was as well. Oh. Typhlosion is probably the most bipedal. I think it still runs longer. When it runs, it's still on all fours. Yeah, because I have a hard time picturing it running on two legs. Yeah, it's running technically long enough to run.
Yeah, I'm looking at a picture of that. I don't see that thing running on two legs. Maybe the Hsuian form, but that's a stretch. Imagine, you know, if you had, like, a shirt covering your legs and you'd try to waddle, that's what it would be like if Typhlosion tried to run. Yeah. Yeah. So, yep. You two have run down the road, you see Ishikara stop right after the corner. Why'd we stop? Shouldn't we get a little further?
I think at this point Walter would have seen all you guys, and he's just panting. Yeah, sorry. Sorry guys, I... Jeez, I guess I'm not good at sprinting. And he just shakes his head because he's still got tears in his eyes, and he's like... I thought I knocked him over.
He did, he stumbled, but he didn't fall on the ground. See, he just... He's just... Let's just keep going guys. Come before someone sees us and he just starts like walking slash jogging. I guess walking down the road. Skipping. He's not... Joyfully skipping. Oh no.
No, he is not joyfully skipping down the road. Yeah, my house is on fire. No, he's speed walking down the road because he's tired, but he also wants to get out of there. Skipping is a quick mode of transportation that not enough people use. Doesn't seem any efficient and it looks kind of stupid if you're doing any public. Do we at least want to like find a water type Pokemon to put out the fire? Yes.
Yeah, can we, like, do you want us to roll perception or something to see if there's any water types or anything around? I mean, maybe when we get to the beach, we'll see a bunch of water types, right? Yeah, probably. But there could be some inland. I mean, so there's closer to the fire.
I'm gonna roll a post. I'm just gonna roll straight luck, a post perception for any of you guys. Trying to make us just burn the house to hell. I feel like Roost should try to not be seen when you guys are asking someone about putting out a fire because, you know. Yeah, fire boy. As you know, he's the fire boy. Yeah. No, I've got flames on my back.
Okay, roll perception. I'll just roll luck against you to see if there's generally anyone out there. Hold an eight. Eight plus two, ten. Okay, so I've rolled a six. You see a Totodile walking down the street, and he is just about to turn the corner where the burning house is. Hey, excuse me, Mr. Totodile! Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah, what's up? Just beyond the corner, there is a burning house. Can you please put it out?
Uh, oh, uh, uh, he peeks around the corner. He's like, oh my God, holy. Uh, uh, I, I, holy. I can't, I can't do that. But, uh, and he starts sprinting in the opposite direction, seemingly to find help.
uh seemingly that went pretty well you guys can roll inside if you really want to but it's just the logical should we find someone else um that's the only person you guys saw in this area okay inside is also beauty rolled a nine seven okay uh there's no one in this area if you want to find someone else you guys are gonna have to go to a different area there's nobody other than the turtle dove running down the road what about the fire department uh is there a fire department
And Gale Beach is surprisingly not busy today. Where is everybody? I do believe it's a Friday. Remind me, it is like 9 o'clock at night. Damn, shoot. I do believe that's accurate. I kind of forgot about that. Yeah, we were taking a night train. What time's our train, anyway? 8 o'clock. You look down at your tickets and you see it says, day after graduation, 10 p.m.
That's exactly what it says, day after graduation. This is day after graduation. We should be at the train station now, like five minutes ago. Getting there as soon as possible would probably be best. Yeah, maybe once we get there we can call the fire department.
There's weight on the train to get to the Volkenburg Fire Department. Who's just yelling? Fire! No, the Gale Beach Fire Department. I thought you meant, I thought you meant wait till you get to Volkenburg. How are we gonna call them from the train station? Fire, fire, fire, pour on water, pour on water. Okay. So, uh... Wait, we're going to the train station. It's in the water. There should be a lot of water types around.
If you guys go to the beach, I will give you advantage on perception for water types against my straight up luck rule. Alright. Okay, so shall we go to the beach? Let's go to the beach.

Journey to the Beach and Train Encounter

Yeah, beach episode! Except train episode. We're only going to the beach for the train. Anybody bring the beach balls?
So you guys arrive at the beach. It is a sandy beach. It's just on the cusp of nighttime. The sunset is going over the horizon. There's sandy beaches, blue waters with red sun. There are some trees on the outskirts of the beaches. It's very nice.
Oh, and I forgot to mention the big looming train station that's just jutting out into the ocean. There's that too, but there's Pokemon scattered around, having fun in the water, and there's a lifeguard that seems to have just blown the whistle to call everyone off the beach. Ah, perfect, we can call the lifeguard over, and he can help with us. Yeah, what species is the lifeguard? Alright. I imagine a shark for some reason, like a shark man, so I'm gonna say... The cowboy.
I do want to say it's a it's a I can't I think what's the evolved form of gabite
Yes, it's a Garchomp with a life preserver around his neck. I almost said life candy. No, he's got a life candy, just a giant piece of life on his neck and he sees you guys approaching him. You guys are heading towards him, correct?
yeah he should if he isn't he's a lifeguard he should know some first responders okay so should you have you want bruce to roll anything to like not be suspected of anything um i mean are you trying to hide something or are you just acting casual acting casual okay i'm not gonna you don't need to roll for that unless you are actively trying to hide something that they need to
Uh, so, you go up to the lifeguard, the guard trump looks at you and says, outta there, my name's Harold, how could I help ya? The beach is off limit at the moment, just called the whistle, or uh, it is time for people to come off, so, you know, gettin' dark and all. Uh, what can I do you guys for? Well, if you're not busy, up that way, turn the corner, there's a house on fire.
There's a there's a you realize I fight water not fire, right? Okay. Oh, that's right, actually. And he as you say this, he starts running in the opposite direction towards the house. So he's headed off in that direction. He's going to attempt to punch the fire. Punch the fire with the sand to. All right. That could work.
sand tomb. Um, maybe. Indeed it would. Uh, let's see if there's anybody else around here. No, I think we're late for our train. Uh, at this point it's like 9 15. So you do see, um, I'm just going to roll straight. Look, cause there are people around. I rolled a 15. So you guys see there's like a Sharpedo and a bathing suit because I don't know how that works, but it's there. Uh, there's a crabby thought nobody was wearing clothes.
uh crabby there's a crabby there's a regular crab but you can't tell the difference because they're the exact same um there's a crabrawler not in the water yes there's a crabominable he's a chill dude and then you see mutu you know no
Arceus comes down Arceus comes down. I shall relax at the beach So no those are basically the Pokemon you see a bunch of low-ish level water types just out there having fun That are currently heading home Okay, do we nap the sharp heater then? You say nab like you're gonna kidnap him like ask
Ask the Sharpedo for help. Oh, sure. We're kidnapping now. First Arson, then kidnapping. You guys are just speedrunning your way to jail, are you? Who said we were the heroes? I'm starting to question that.
Alright, so I run up to the Sharpedo and I go like, excuse me, Mr. Sharpedo, there's up that way, there's a house on fire, we need your help, can you help us? Yeah, what do you want me to do about it? It's...
VOMIT SOME WATER ON IT! I don't know, use like hydro pump or something? I don't know, I mean, I guess I can head over there for a bit of- Don't tell me you don't know any water type moves. Uh, I do, and he hits you with a hydro pump.
Well, I'm going to roll for that. He rolled a two. So he says, uh, yeah, I could do some water moves. And he shoots a hydro pump into the sky and it starts raining for like a couple seconds. He's just like, and he just pushes past you and starts heading back up to beach. Okay. I'll just assume that our problem is solved and we can head to the train station.
Hello everyone, I'm Dakota, here to thank you for listening to our episode. Our show comes out every other week, Sunday morning. Go follow us on Instagram at pmdpathortime, Twitter at pmdpathortime, that's a through spelled by the U, and our Discord where you can receive updates on the show, and talk to us and give us ideas, such as the question of the episode submissions.
Speaking of which, this week our submission comes in from Sean, actually one of our players because believe it or not, we're actually running out of questions. Go submit more questions, we need them. We need lots of questions. If you have any questions about anything, show related, personal questions, if you want my social security number, I'll gladly give it to you. Yeah, go to the Discord and ask questions because I need more questions and I'm actually pulling from our players now. He asks,
Are all apples canonically red? And the answer to that is sure, why not? I'm glad we're asking important questions here. Apples are now all canonically red, just like the sprite in the Mr. Dungeon games. So yeah, let's thank the music producers that we used the music from in this episode. Thank you for Murustoke from Pokemon Sword and Shield.
Heihei City from Pokemon Sun and Moon. Ikky Town theme from Pokemon Sun and Moon. I don't know how to pronounce that. It might be Ikky. It might be Ikky. I have no clue. Monster House from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue from CMGX. Pottsley Heights from Paper Mario to Thousand-Year Door. And Pokemon Center theme Lo-Fi Remix by Glitch X City. And with that out of the way, let's get back to the episode.
Alright, so you guys go to the giant industrial train station that was definitely supposed to be there and definitely fits with the surrounding area.

Boarding the Underwater Train

And you guys go up there and there's some stairs downstairs into the ocean basically. It's a concrete staircase that heads downwards into the ocean. Not like into the water, but like under the ocean.
Oh, so it's like in the middle. It's the staircase starts in the sand. Yes. Yeah. It's an underwater train. Okay. I don't know. And then we find that someone tried to bomb the underwater portion of the tracks. It's a good thing there's a lot of water there. Exactly. Hey, little bros, keep your flames under control, okay?
I honestly did not know that I had that much power to do that in the first place. That is not what I intended at all. Bruce is in trouble waiting for you. You guys head down these stairs. I'm just huffing and puffing and puffing. You're huffing and puffing!
You're huffing and puffing. Think how Sammy is. Oh my god. There's too many stairs. What the? Why is there so many stairs? What? It's only one flight of stairs. Bruce, you'll have to carry me. It's like 20 stairs at night. I don't think I can carry you. You're like twice my height. Well, there's a fighting type. You could probably do it. Uh, yeah, uh, yeah, I pass.
At this point, he has- And I'll just slide down the stairs! He just tumbled down the stairs! I'm too tired for this! So... Uh, yeah, at this point, Walter has his guitar slung on his back. Uh, the magical guitar that does not need an amplifier, or electricity for some reason. Uh... And no, it's not acoustic, it's just an electric guitar. So... You guys hide down the stage- It's less my electricity. Uh, what's that song?
that it was blessed by a toxicity. It was blessed by a toxicity. How did you guess? So you guys get to the bottom of the stairs and there's a there's a station with some gates and to the left there's you can see a shadowy figure behind some blurry glass and there's a loudspeaker and he just says, can I hold your tickets please? And then we just go up and present our tickets.
I don't know, guys, should we trust them? They're kind of shadowy. I think that's just so we can't tell what Pokémon it is. Aye, aye, aye, aye. Yeah, seems trustworthy. I think it's like, you know, like some sort of security thing. I just want to say it's perfectly in character for Hikaru to look at a shadowy figure behind blurry glass in a dimly lit area and just like, ah, that's trustworthy.
Uh, right, you hand him, uh, you all hand him his tickets and he's like... We'll do like that, so, for tickets for Volcovark, uh, we've sent you on, uh, you guys are good to go. And he stamps your tickets, and the gates swing open. Ooh. Okay. Go on the train. Which, uh, track do we have to go to? Go on the C-Train. Um, there's only one track here, and you want to... The C-Train? Uh, just go downstairs and you'll see it.
Okay. Well what's this? I'm honestly surprised you guys understood that. I hate this place. It wasn't quite as understandable as Adirud's is. Well that's good because that was my intent. You were using real words so we could understand. I'm pretty sure everyone used real words.
It was at least one or two times. I'm just gonna complain the entire time about all the stairs. Yes, so as some point Bruce is just gonna push him down the stairs. I hope you realize that. I'm sick of you. This is spot time! He needs to be down the stairs. Bruce is still getting down the stairs faster. Bruce is a villain, man. He's just getting more and more violent.
Yeah, Bruce is showing his true colors here. He's burnt down a house, tried to kidnap a Sharpedo, and he's threatening to kill him. Hey, Bruce, thank you very much. I said no part in the Sharpedo incident at all. Hey, it was in your head, apparently. Or no, that was Evelyn that said that, but still. That was Evelyn. Yeah, I said by nab, I meant, like, go talk to him. By nab, that means kidnap. I'm on nab, this guy.
So you guys are presented with stairs. Normally I would have you guys just walk down the stairs, but Sammy seems to have something to say about these stairs. What are you doing with these stairs, Sammy? All right, so without complaint, Sammy runs down the stairs. Wait, I have a question. Can I defense curl down the stairs and just roll? Roll for, I know it's not a defense curl, it doesn't have an accuracy, but roll me an attack.
Actually hold on, are you committed to this? Absolutely, I don't want to walk down the stairs. So you throw yourself down the stairs. Now roll a d20 for accuracy to see if you actually put up a defense curl. 19. Alright yeah you do it.
you find out the hard way that just by increasing your defense by plus one or plus two or whatever it is it does not negate all fall damage and you are very banged at her when you get to the bottom of the stairs from everyone else's perspective let me just look at these stairs and goes limp and throws himself down the stairs
Yeah guys, I'm going down the easy way. Walter looks at you guys, he's like, what is up with this guy? I mean, do you think this would be something that Bruce has seen you do before? Depends, how many times have we gone down flights of stairs this big? Uh, your school?
I mean, I assume the school is multiple stores. It is, yes. The school is a three-storey building. The cafeteria being its own floor. Then yes. Then yes. Is this how Sammy normally gets around the school? Bruce just sort of looks at Sammy, shakes his head. Not again. How long has Sammy been doing this? Like, has he been doing this ever since he's been to school?
I want to feel like no, like he tried the stairs for a while and then it's what we were in senior year. Probably around this time he just kind of got tired of it and he's just like not going down the stairs going up too much effort so I'll go so you know going down I'll make it easier on myself.
I just sort of thought... A terrible thought. You know in like spiral staircases how you have that area in the middle that you can like drop? Does Sammy jump up over the railing and jump... Just the bowling ball being dropped? A giant bouncy ball is what I'm picturing. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm just picturing Sammy just at the top of a spiral staircase, hopping over, going into a ball, and just bouncing at the bottom like halfway back up the staircase again. Oh, man on the meter. Oh my gosh. Sammy just gets to the top of the stairs and says, nope. So for all staircase tumbling related incidents, you will get plus two to accuracy.
for whatever that means, hell.
That means he got a 21 on these stairs. I got a 21 on these stairs. Yes, that means you would have had a 21 for the Defense Curl. So, yes, your defense does in fact increase by, I believe, two is what Defense Curl does, but it does not negate damage completely. So you are very binged and bonged. What's up? Bonked. Ding. Atered up. Dinged and danged. What's the word? I don't know. Like having a stroke. We'll just go with danged up.
There you go, banged up. I think I'm having a stroke. So you get to the bottom, you're all banged up, roll a d6 of damage from that. Good, I have one of those. One. Alright, you take one damage. Lucky. Alright, does anyone else want to go down these stairs in an interesting fashion? No. No.
We saw Bruce's reaction to this. He's walking down the stairs like a normal person. Yeah, Walter's definitely giving you a weird look, like, what the heck? So you guys get to the bottom of the stairs, Sammy, somewhat forcefully, and you arrive down there, and I'm basically... Have you guys ever played Night in the Woods? No. Yes! Oh, there you go. Do you know the subway section? I love that game. What the pierogi stand is?
Yeah, yeah! That's basically what I'm imagining. There's a pierogi stand. Do you steal the pierogies? Do you want to try? There's a pierogi stand on one side of the tracks and there's another pierogi stand on the other side. One says a pierogies one and done and the other one says pierogies two electric boogaloo. Does pierogi one and done only sell one pierogi?
uh you only get one pierogi per purchase so if you want multiple you have to make multiple purchases got it all right so did people come check on me after i fell down the stairs i mean bruce will go over and like double check make sure you're okay but you again he's seen you do this before so yeah that's fair yeah once
Once Hikaru gets to the bottom of the stairs, she's gonna check on him. Um, if we ever get popular enough for people to make animatics about this, I absolutely need one to be made of likes. That is just awesome. Of just like Sammy jumping down the middle of the staircase? Is Sammy just throwing himself down the staircase? I'm laziness. I'm a month-likes. Sam is a month-likes. Do you expect him to go downstairs? He already doesn't walk that fast?
Oh, that's awesome. So, um, right. Well, get him a skateboard. There you go. Sammy, you can be a skateboard dude. Skate, Sammy. So you guys are at, uh,

Train Ride Experience and Interactions

right. You guys are at the subway now. Uh, ooh, actually that's fun. I'm going to say the ceiling is glass dome. So you can see the ocean above you. Even though you guys have only gone down two flights of stairs, you can't see the surface from where you are. Oh.
It is very pretty. It looks really cool. It's so cool. This has always been wary of this place. Bruce, look at all the water out there. And look, let's just get on the train nice and quick. It is currently 9.30. But hey, I'm kind of hungry after all those stairs. I think I might go get a pierogi. Cool. Shouldn't take too long. All right. Sammy, roll me perception.
Nat 20. At Nat 20, you can see with perfect clear vision. There's a group of proteins at the other end. When it comes to food, that's not ice cream. What? Again, if you've played Night in the Woods, you probably know what I'm talking about. It's one of the things you see down in the subway in Night in the Woods is sometimes there'll just be a group of quote unquote, cool teens at one end of the subway station. Yeah. And they are currently graffitiing the wall.
Heck yeah. Oh, you did get an at 20, so I guess I have to create these characters. It won a spinda. It won is... What's a cool... A miracle? A what? A miracle? A miracle. Actually, yeah, I like that. A miracle. Her name is... I spelled it... Smealer-gol. Oops. That was staying in. Oh, we have her name now. My name is Smealer-gol.
Smear a little. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal. Smear legal
I just rolled general perception. Do I want to confront them or do I want my food? Good question. Yeah, I want food. Do you ignore them? Yeah, let's just go. You just completely ignore them. Okay, so you go up to the pierogi stand and there is... What's a good possum Pokemon? Um, possum Pokemon?
You know any Gen 9 ones? Oh, what's that? Uh, Graphi-I. It's not a possum, but I like that. There's a Graphi-I. Okay, it's not a Graphi-I. It's not a Graphi-I. I mean, it can be. I just want to put my thoughts out there. What's it called? Uh, Graphi-I? Graphi-I? Like, G-R-A-F-I? It's an I-I.
It's, yeah, it's based on AI. It's a gruff, I don't know how to spell that being a part, but it's AI, apostrophe, AI. I think another apostrophe. I don't think there's an apostrophe, I think it's... Oh, no apostrophes! Oh, and T-R-A-F-A-I-A-I. Oh, okay. Gross. Oh, that's a... Okay, I like this, actually. It's a beware. Giant stuffed bear. Beware. So there's a beware, and she is in the back making...
pierogies. There's a bell on the counter and you can ring it if you want service. Are there pierogies on the counter? There are. Okay, yeah, let's take it. Alright, roll me, roll me stuff. Which is cruel, I think. I'm not taking my pierogi. What did you roll? I think you just cut out for a second. I got a six.
Okay, so as you try and take the pierogi, um, you realize as you are touching them, um, and with unknown strength to you, uh, the pierogi snaps, which is very confusing to you. And it turns out they are, um, what's the word I'm looking for? They are so pierogies. They're not real. They're made of plastic and you just- They're displays. Display. Yeah, they're displays.
you just ripped one off of the table that was glued there and with a lot of crack of the uh dry glue snapping the the wearer turns around is like hey hey sorry it's uh she hey uh quit what are you doing get back and she has her spatula she's uh flinging it at you is sammy doing anything do they just say hey
That's all I got. I just want to make sure. So I know what to roll with. Yes. Sammy puts on his shades and says, hey.
Oh, I would have just bought one. What are you doing? He's... They're not even real. Look, and she... I was just testing. I wanted to see if they're real or not. Well, obviously they're not. She tries picking one up, forgetting it's not real, and breaks the glue on the bottom of that one, too. It was like, oh crap. And she sets it back down. Hey, what are you doing? Alright, cool. Thanks. I'll see you later. Hey, where do you think you're going? I guess you didn't technically steal anything. Get out of here. I'm gonna take the pierogi. This one's fake. Why do I gotta... I don't have to pay for it.
It is. It's still my object. You can't just steal my plastic pierogi. Put it back. All right. And I put it back. Do you want me to buy you some pierogi, Sammy? Can I not just eat the food? Can I not just eat the fake one? Oh, you cannot just eat the fake one. Give it back. She saved us and she like hawks her head like what? How much would it cost for
Piori is for my friend over here. Uh, there are only 10 poke a piece. I generally don't know why you'd want a skill base. Okay, I'll take four of them then. Uh, you can only buy one at a time. Sorry. I'll wear that one. I'll take... Alright, so we will each buy one. Alright, that'll be 10 poke for you, Mr. Munchlax. Hey.
Yeah, by the way, my money got messed up so I don't actually know how much money I had. How much money do you guys have otherwise? Could we base these off? I currently have 215. I have 90. I think me and Sammy should have the same amount of money because when we were going through the dungeon, we found basically all the money spots.
Yes, but your sorrow bought bubble tea for us the bubble tea and waters that we got and but the initial starting amount of money was based off of the dice roll So it's I don't think it's the same. Um, right here. We'll just do this. Give me all your amounts again I'm gonna average it and that's how much you can put on the sheets since it should be close enough So how much 215 215
I have 90 now. 90. And what about Sammy? Or not Sammy, uh, Burch. No, I love, uh, he has a version of my sheet that I have as an auto recovered one because my laptop updated on me and deleted something from my sheet. So neither you or Sammy have your money amounts? I have, I have 215. Sammy has it. Oh.
I think I started with $10 more than Sammy did. OK. Sammy has $2.15. You saw them? Yeah. Sammy's got $2.15. All right. I might have this wrong, but my thing's coming up because I think I just typed in the wrong number. But it's close enough. You can have 173 poke. So round that up to 175. OK.
so each of us subtracts 10? uh nope we have to do this one at a time uh so sammy's already at the front and she's asking for your 10 poke and i'll give her 10 yeah sammy gives her 10 poke yeah all right she hands you a pearl reluctantly yep it is not fake but she squints her eyes like you do how fake is it it i already said it's not fake
how big is it? Oh how big is the pierogi? Oh it's just regular pierogi size like maybe the size of the palm of your hand a little bit smaller maybe or about a foot each oh that's right it's not yeah it's like two millimeters
Now, it's like... I don't know, Bruce has tiny hands, so it's probably the size of his face. That is true. A regular pierogi, Bruce would probably have to hold it in both hands. Alright, so let me put it in American terms. It is about half the size of a cheeseburger.
Okay. I like how that's actually... I love how that's American terms. I'm gonna use that from now on. Let's compare everything to a cheeseburger. I thought you were gonna give us something like in inches or something. No, it's cheeseburgers. So, all right, it is now Evelyn's turn. I mean, Yukara's turn. Okay, yeah, so I'll have one, please. All right, that's 10, okay. And she hands... Money goes to 80.
She hands you a pierogi and you can tell this one is slightly bigger than Sammy's. Slightly bigger! Thank you so much!
uh yep i guess and uh what about you i just realized my voice for her is getting deeper and deeper and so yeah and uh what about she's going through puberty as we speak oh no oh no second puberty's hitting
Oh no. And as you say that she runs to the back and she's like rummaging through the cupboard for something to stop her second puberty. So Bruce goes over to the Purgeese 2 electric boogaloo. Oh no. And there is a... it's also a beware.
and this one is a this one says oh how did her uh... welcome to pierogies 2 electric boogaloo but we saw two pierogies only and two at a time i still get that catchphrase down okay cool how much does it cost? it costs exactly two for two so hand me two okay i will hand him two poke thank you for two now here's your two pierogies
Nice. I take my two pierogies and walk over to Sammy and hand them the sand.
Bruce, you got me two more? Why am I southern now? It's like we've got an opportunity for pierogi arbitrage, so I'm also going to go over there and buy two. Well, how do there? Would you like two pierogies for the price of two? Yes, please. All right. And he hands you two pierogies. I'd like two, please.
Is that two poke? Uh, two running sand, two teeth, two toenails. Uh, give it two of those rocks over there. I just really like the number two. Okay, two poke then. Alright, that'll do. I'm crying. That'll be it. And then I'm gonna turn around and give one to Walter.
And Walter takes these like, oh, oh, thank you, Hokkaido. Uh, I've had pierogies in a while. I haven't been here forever. Uh, yeah, thank you. And he takes- You deserve it, Walter. I think, I think they all do. Yeah. He's, uh, at this point you can tell that the tears have gone. His, his face is, uh, not red anymore if it was red. Okay. Hey. Is it time to get on the train yet?
It is 9 45, but I'm just going to say, as you say, as, as I say, it's 9 45. The clocks immediately fast forward to 10 PM. The train shows up as zoom into the station. Big white train, uh, with wheels. How do I describe a train? We're underwater.
Well, it's not in contact with water. It's like the underwater channel between England and Europe. So it's just a big glass tube connecting the stations? Yeah, basically. The one that goes underneath the English channel is not clear, but for funsies, this one's clear. It's so cool. I don't think I'm the right channel. They've got some very experienced glass workers in the Alcast region.
what was the name of that uh channel not the english channel i think it's the one between england and ireland let's google maps good question this is a question that needs answered now i will not wait for flavor as soon as sammy got his first pierogi he just sat on the floor and just ate it okay it is and then Bruce handed him two more so okay
So, yep, Train shows up in front of you, it says... So he's in Perogi Heaven. Hey, Perogi Heaven. I actually gotta pull up the map for this. The Train has a sign on that says Team Volkenburg and Etc. And Etc. So there's more than one stop. Guys, can we go to Etc? Yeah. I think we're trying to go to Volkenburg here, and also our ticket's trying to send to Volkenburg, so they might kick us off there anyways.
I think Vulcanberg's the final stop, so... Is this like a one-way trip? Is there a stop in between? Will there be food on the train? There may be food. I mean, you can find out if you get on before the train leaves. Yeah. Let's, uh, let's get on. Okay, so you guys board the train. It is actually a pretty decent train. I haven't been on a train in years. I've just been on a train. Oh, cool. Well, maybe you can describe to me what this train is like. Alright, uh, okay.
My turn is the DM, I guess. So there's how many cars are there? There's cars. I'm going to say this. I'm going to say there's five cars, just like the one with the train bombing for no specific reason. All right. Five cars. And, um, we are, we just boarded at the back of the train. So this is the, like, this is the regular cabin. Um, there's just like rows and rows and rows of seats and
Um, they all face forward. Um, cause it's a. Essenger train. This is the, uh, fast, the forward facing train company. Yeah. Forward facing train company. Okay. So, um, and above, above our seats is like, there's like a rack where you can put your baggage if you want. And there's also like spaces. Um, there's also like another rack where people, where people put their bags and.
And the sticks of dynamite, why? No, I'm kidding. There's a bathroom at each end of the train car. And then, so, and then this... Sorry, is there really a bathroom at each end of every train car? Well, I think there's usually a bathroom at least one end. Huh. Okay. So, and then like the fourth car is, we're in the fifth car, right? So the fourth car is just like, is just like that. Um, and then the third car is a dining car.
There you go. And then is that it? Yeah. And then the second car is just like the, just like the fourth and fifth cars. And then the first car is like business class. So the seats have a lot. The seats are a little bit bigger, a little bit more floofier and they have more space around them for the posh people. I think we're in the business class. Yeah.
You can see through the glass there is a... I don't know any posh Pokemon. You see Bruce's mom back there. There's Alfred back there. I don't know. Anywho, what? So the train takes off. And as you take off, like almost immediately after... I'm assuming you're sitting down, right, Sammy? Sammy sitting down, sorry? By standing in the train? Yeah, I'm sitting.
Okay. Okay. That's right. Why would you ever stand? That's too much work. You get, you sit down at the train and as soon as you're, as soon as you hit the seat, you have like this weird fuzzy feeling in your head and you just have this slight urge to punch the window for some reason. I want you to roll me constitution with advantage. 13.
Okay, yeah, you managed to resist the urge to punch the window, but you definitely feel like that was very strange. That was weird. Anywho, the train takes off. That's all I got. I'm sorry, I just love- Good idea. Nobody commented on that.
I didn't punch the window, I resisted. That is true, absolutely. Nobody else saw the thought to punch the window. Yes. Sorry, one more thing. What's up? Do we have to roll to see if we all get seats together? No, I'm going to say this train's empty enough that you can easily get seats together. There's one other person and it's a jiggly puff, I don't know.
That's the sleeper part of the sleeper train. They're actually employed so that they're as a jigglypuff to sing everyone to sleep in every time. There you go. And his name is Centauran. No, I'm kidding.
Fan service alert! Yup. So, you guys head off. I'm not gonna bore you with the details. Nothing happens on the train ride. But the train ride takes a good 12 hours. And you get there and it is like 10am, 9, 10am about. I want you all, just for fun, I want you all to roll me a constitution throne. Which is wisdom, which is... Which is beauty.
I didn't have to see the whole modifier now. Hey. 11. 15. 17 plus 2. 19. Alright. None of you guys fall asleep. You guys do not find the train very alluring at all. I don't know if that's the right word. You guys do not find it comforting at all. You guys are stock awake. None of you guys fall asleep. I just wanted to sleep anyway. So we're just dead tired when we get there.
Yes. Yeah, none of you guys fell asleep the entire 12 hours of night. Did Walter fall asleep? Yeah, he fell asleep. Do you get to choose whether or not the Constitution means we fall asleep or not? No, I realize that's probably what it should have been to begin with, but I'm dedicated to it now. You guys did not fall asleep, period. Walter fell asleep. He fell asleep the entire right. He rolled a seven.
Yikes. For him. He deserves a break. Yeah, none of you guys do though. You guys burnt down as hell most. I'm just kidding with you guys. Sami didn't do stuff. Didn't do anything.
You guys arrive in Volkenburg. You see the... I'm gonna say there's like a voice over the PA system if there is one. I don't know if that exists. You know what? There's a Game Boy Advance strapped to the ceiling with a speaker on Mac volume. And it says, now arriving at Volkenburg. And you arrive at Volkenburg. The doors open and all of you except for Walter are extremely tired.

Arrival in Volkenburg: Seeking Shelter

Oh, I thought- okay, nevermind. Uh, yeah, Walter's like, I don't know about you guys, but I got some really great sleep last night. You guys ready to go to the bookstore? I mean, we gotta get this thing all figured out, right? And he starts, uh, walking towards the exit. What? And... You guys just turned into zombies! So tired. Okay.
If you want to, there are hotels in the area if that is something you guys are interested in. There is a variety of hotels in the area ranging from one star all the way up to five star hotels and they are very accessible. They are dotted around the train station for tourist attraction or for tourists to stay at. Alright, I guess the three of us can get a hotel room. Alright, what hotel room are you guys getting?
uh probably the one or two star because we kind of poor right now okay yeah let's go for mmm let's go for the three star okay so you we need stuff you guys head out uh what you guys see is basically including what i just described there's hotels like all over the place but there's the whole buildings you guys are in like the uh skyscraper district whatever it's called
The central business district? Yup, that, the skyscraper district. It's what I'm calling it now. I've called it that before. It's what I'm calling it now. So you guys are in this skyscraper district and there are skyscrapers. There's people milling about. The streets are actually kind of busy because people are heading towards work at this time. It's about, I'm just going to say it's only 9 30. Oh, it's 9 30. So you guys reached the staircase that goes upwards. How is Sammy dealing with the staircase?
slowly one step at a time got all the complaining out because i'm dead tired so i'm rmr i'm just sammy's just gonna deal with it okay all right about half an hour later when sammy gets to the top
not literally you guys see you know skyscrapers there's hotels everywhere uh there's people milling about seems pretty busy uh it's about the time people usually usually have to work at this time so it's just like 9 30 ish but i haven't said that already um
And yeah, you guys see an assortment of hotels around you. There's a one star all the way through five star. And, but you also notice that right next to you is a decrepit old thrift store called the three monkeys that looks like it's been boarded up for years. Okay. Oh, I'm tired, but I wonder what's in there. Maybe when we get up.
So which one of these hotels are you guys going to? If any, maybe you guys just want to sleep on the streets. Are they all just labeled like one star, two star, three star? I'm going to come up with a name for everyone. Like the building. I'm just imagining a bunch of hotels with just a number of stars on the front of the building for three of them. Have you guys ever played Mario Party 8? No. OK.
the game
uh the person who pays the highest amount of money gets to keep the specific building and the buildings are arranged in large buildings with like giant yellow stars on them one that says one star one that says three stars one says five stars it might be one two and three it's been a few years since i've played the game but that's basically what you see is it's big buildings
One that just has a big one star, one that has a big two star, one that has a big three star, you know, four star, four star. So they all have names. It's like the one star hotel just like advertises that it's a one star hotel. That is the entire purpose of it. It just advertises itself, but it's not actually in that building. So I will come up with names if you guys go up to each individually. But which one are you guys going to?
I honestly think it matters. I think it's as long as we get somewhere to sleep. I vote for the 3 star. 3 starts walking toward the 4 star, and then remembers, oh wait, the money, and starts walking towards the 2 star. 2 star? I vote for the 3 star, but I'll be okay with the 2 star hotel. What does Sammy say? I don't think it matters. Alright, so you guys- Oh my god, that wasn't that much.
you guys head over to the two star and you guys basically see a moonlight motel uh... it's a very small building it's got two big gold stars on it and uh...

Hotel Debate: Where to Stay?

it's you know your general you know motel it's got like ten rooms arranged in a u-shape and it is not called the moonlight motel it is called uh... it's called the crap hole hotel please
The name brings in lots of customers, don't worry. This Bruce turns toward Hikaru. Yeah, let's go to the 3-star.
Alright. So, as you guys go to the- We started. It's basically your Holiday Inn. It's a, uh, tallish building, uh, that's an actual hotel, you know, with rooms, as you can see from the outside. Well, I sure hope it has rooms. It's called, heh. Uh, what's a good name for an average hotel? It's called... Oh, it's called the Has- It's called Has-Been Hotel.
husband hotel okay so you guys go to husband hotel and as you guys you guys are walking into the husband hotel mm-hmm yeah so you guys head in and it is full of impedance and grim snarls running around doing like laundry and stuff and there's a impotent at the desk that sees you guys like oh hi guys uh you guys here for a room
Our current rates are going 150 per room and that's that one room, please. Thank you. Yeah. All right. That's just one. Yeah. Yeah. Just one room for all for you. So tired. I got his accent. Yep. Forgot his wife. 150 a room. It'll be pretty expensive if we don't split it four ways.
Just one room please. Can we hurry it up? I'm only just gonna fall asleep on this couch. We've been on the train for 12 hours. I'm real tired. Alright guys. No funny business. Here I need 450 poke and I'll give you a key. So we each put in 37 poke. Or 38 I suppose. Great. Yeah. I guess.
150 divided by 4 is 75. Yeah, it should be 7.5, so... So some of us need to deduct 37, and other- some of us need to deduct 38. I'll let you guys- Or we can just include a gratuity of like two cents. Or two poke- Sorry! This is a, uh, high establishment. We ain't- we ain't do with that kind of stuff. That'll be 150, no more, no less. I mean, if you want to give us more, we won't say no, but...
Alright. So, I'll put in 38. Okay. I'll put in 38. 38. And Walter puts in 37. I'll subtract that. Which means I am down to 40, okay. Oh, 38. Um, one second. Sorry, 37. Oh, I can't do math.
Alright, so all of you guys have paid? I put in the amount that got me back onto an even 5. Oh, there you go. 135, okay. Ah, so he looks at this and he counts it up, he's like, hmm, actually I'm gonna have him roll perception to see if he notices that you guys paid 2 less. She rolled a 9. We paid 1 extra. We paid 151 total. You paid, you said you paid 35.
Oh 37, we, three of us paid 38, one paid 37. Uh, no, Walter paid. My total is 135. Okay, Walter paid 37. So you guys are on even 150. Alright, so he counts up your money, sees that it's correct, and he's like, alright, here you go, that'll be room one. And he just points at the door, that's actually like right really close to you guys, and it's just right there.

Episode Wrap-Up and Sign-Offs

OK, we go to the room and we sleep. All right. And you guys sleep. And I just we're going to end this episode. I've been Dakota, your PM, your DM, your GM. I'm Evelyn, playing Hikaru. And Eli, playing Bruce. And are we missing someone? Walter. Oh, no. I think Sean died again. I'm Sean Plancy. Hey, and.