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July 4th Documentary Special

Mystery Dungeon: a Path Through Time
72 Plays8 months ago

A documentary about the war of 1775 between the Lux and Tennebris Regions told by Eli and Evelyn.


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Evelyn as Hikaru Hatsumi the Pikachu

Eli as Bruce Flameback the Cyndaquil


Introduction to the 4th of July Special

Welcome to a special episode of Mystery Dungeon A Path Through Time. I'm Eli, and sitting to my right is someone who is 100% ready for the fireworks. Uh, what fireworks? Oh, uh, yeah. Hi, it's me, Evelyn. This is a 4th of July special minisode of the podcast.

Historical Context of the War of Light and Darkness

It's a documentary about the War of Light and Darkness, an event in the history of the Alcast region that was briefly discussed in Arc 1 of Not a Scratch, in which the state of Lux won its independence from Tenebris. For the real-world Independence Day,
We felt that it would be nice to expand on the lore for this historical event, which bears absolutely no resemblance whatsoever to the American Revolution.
Now for a quick disclaimer, this is of course entirely our own headcanon and is not at all canon to the Not A Scratch universe. However, we have made our own version of the Not A Scratch map with some city names added to the Lux and Tenebris states. So we've stuck that map in the show notes so you can follow along with the battles.

Conflict Over Lux and Tenebrous

Now without further ado, let's blast Vernon in.
Lux was originally an independent state, but at some point, like 200 to 300 years ago, I guess, it was conquered by Tenerus, which was a kingdom at the time, because Tenerus wanted exclusive access to Lux's natural resources, particularly their zinc deposits, because as you know, the vitamins in the Pokémon world are very expensive. So after Lux was under Tenebrian rule for over a hundred years, the tensions built up and the Luxians decided that they wanted to become independent again.
The main reason was the trade. The fact that luxians were not easily able to trade with Matori and Petrum because the Tenevrian government heavily taxed their imports and exports to those areas.

Escalation and Rebellion in Lux

So the merchants of Lux were very mad. And because of this, They worked with pirates to try to smuggle zinc out of Lux as well as other resources. Some of the main pirates that they used were Manky D. Fluffy, an Annihilate and Captain of the Vital Spirit, and Wavy Jones the Actillery, Captain of the Sniper. The Luxians also wanted more autonomy and the ability to create their own laws, which the Temebrian government had not allowed them to do.
Things came to a head in December 1775 when Mankey D. Fluffie's pirate ship was sailing out from Sunbeam City on the way to Thundertree City, smuggling 20 tons of zinc. Fluffie was accompanied by a crew of 15 luxeans, including he the Empoleon. They had sailed about two units out from Sunbeam City Harbor when the ship was stopped by a Tenebrian Coast Guard ship. One of the officers onboard the ship, a Bisharp, boarded the pirate ship and asked to inspect its contents.
Now, Fluffie was a known pirate, so the ship had to pose as a regular merchant ship, not a pirate ship. So they had He the Empoleon pose as its captain. He the Empoleon cooperated with the officer, but the officer discovered the zinc and ordered them to pay the export duty. He the Empoleon refused and threw the zinc overboard instead. And in the kerfuffle, The Bisharq was also thrown

Formation of Alliances and Battles

overboard. The resulting scandal led to a riot in Sunbeam City, where the trade restrictions that it symbolized were quite unpopular among the public. The Tenebrian army quickly came in and violently quashed the rebellion.
Now this led to Clyde the Zibstrika heading down from Sunbeam City to Amfort, which was at that point the capital of Lux, and also the headquarters for the Lux Freedom Congress, which was the leading organization pushing for autonomy and independence in Lux. Clyde the Zebstrika brought the news of the scandal to them, and the very next day, Cassandra the Absol came from Granny Breeze Island to tell the Lux Freedom Congress of her premonition of an impending war, which corroborated Clyde's story that the Tenebrians would be coming soon to Lux.
And so the Lux Freedom Congress decided they needed a militia and appointed Chaco Zappington, the Lux Ray, as the head of the militia as he was the vice president of the LFC. The first battle of the War of Light and Darkness took place in Faridale, a small town southwest of Amport, in January 1776. Tenebrous already had a few soldiers stationed in Lux, but not enough, so they sent reinforcements from mainland Tenebrous to head towards Amport and crush the rebels. General Zappington foresaw the army reinforcements coming in from mainland Tenebrous, so he brought his troops to meet the army at Faridale.
Clyde the Zebstrika fought alongside Zappington as a Lieutenant General in the Luxe militia. The leaders on the Tenebrous side were Major Picard the Centisquatch and Major Waldo the Dusknore. Ultimately, the Tenebrians were forced to retreat west to Jewelville. and that leads us to the Battle of Jewelville in January of 1776. Jewelville is west of Faradale near the Tenebrian border, and the Tenebrian army was joined by General Page the Zorwark, who managed to force the Lux army to retreat back to Amport after a battle with heavy losses on both sides.
The Lux militia were down for the count, at least for now, but they had friends to the east. Notori and Petrum were the most important trading partners of Lux, and had a vested interest in Lux breaking free from Tenebrous' trade restrictions. So in February, the Lux Freedom Congress secretly sent some of its representatives to the heads of state of Notori and Petrum to ask them to join forces with the Luxians. They did, sending their armies and navies along with hundreds of mercenaries. This included Vegeta of the Hatsumi clan, Hikaru's great-great-grandfather and infernate. Originally from Flama, he was a mercenary on the Notori side. And then came the first naval battle of this war, the Battle of Vespara Sea, which is the sea north of Tenebrous, which has a little bit over north of

Victory and Independence of Lux

Lux as well. This was in March of 1776.
The luck side was led by Admiral Golf the Electros, who was joined by the Petrum, Captain Louisa, the Barbaracle, the Naturae Veer Admiral, Charles the Blossom, and many pirate ships, including Mankie D. Fluffie's Vital Spirit and Wavy Jones' Sniper. However, they were faced by Admiral Iyer the Sharpedo, Captain Klaus the Crawdaunt, and Vice Admiral Hook the Delmize from the Tenerus side, and Hook was able to take out enemy ships with just a single blow from his anger. That is how Wavy Jones and his ships were lost in the battle. You could say he went down to Wavy Jones' locker. Sure could.
Vegeta Hatsumi managed to set fire to three Tenebrian ships and captured all of their soldiers. He was also able to defeat Vice Admiral Hook with his powerful flamethrower attack. Lux eventually won forcing the remaining Tenebrian ships nerian ship land and pursuing them all the way to Nightville with several smaller skirmishes along the way. The final battle of the War of Light and Darkness was the Battle of Nightville in June 1776. The Tenebrenians suffered a crushing defeat, owing in large part to Chaco Zaphington's military tactics and the mercenary Vegeta Hatsumi's skill in fighting techniques.

Post-War Celebrations and Reflections

Within a few hours, Tenebres surrendered just outside the town of Nightville.
Which takes us to July 4th, 1776, Lux's Independence Day. This is the day that King George of Teneres, a Tyranitar, formally recognized Lux as an independent state, and soon after, Shaco Zappington was elected the first governor. Shaco then appointed Manki D. Fluffey as the Minister of Trade. a courtesy to his valiant efforts throughout the war and even before
trying to bring their luxian goods to the places without having to pay all the export taxes. Vegeta went back to Flama to start a family, Cassandra went back to Branny Breeze Island, and a new capital was established in New Shimmer City, which was then just a small village slowly being built up into the vibrant city it is today.

Conclusion and Farewell

Thank you for listening to this 4th of July special episode of A Path Through Time. I have been Evelyn. And I've been Eli. Thank you for listening. And until next time, enjoy the fireworks.