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All Bashed Out

The Chick Foley Show
10 Plays6 months ago
We give an update on the intro to spooky season before discussing Bash In Berlin and All Out. We discuss thoughts on the preview for the upcoming Vince McMahon documentary on Netflix, do a live review of the WWE Turtles figures, and answer your listener mail! Use code CHICKFOLEY to save 10% at Find all things CHICK at

Introduction and Episode Overview

Welcome to the Chick Foley Show.
What is up foley fam? We are back with another episode of the chick foley show preview and aw all out Going to talk a little bit about the bash in berlin and everything else that's happening this weekend wrestling But first, let me introduce the star of the show shina. How you doing? I'm doing good I can get used to this recording at 3 p.m On a uh on a weekday. This is this is my jam right here Yeah, I do kind of like doing the
When we do it like these, it makes it very easy to button it up and release it within like 20 minutes of finishing also. We told you guys last week that we always go live to tape.
Yeah, full transparency. We had planned on doing this last night, but Brett had a flag football game. We got home a little later. We kicked butt in also. Yeah, we kicked butt 121 to nothing. Anytime you win, you end up hanging out at the field a little bit longer afterwards. Soaking in the victory. Yeah, you got to revel in it a little bit. Then we went out for some celebratory Chick-fil-A. By the time we got home, we got the kids tucked in. We weren't going to be at our best. We're rolling into it today, man. I'm going to give you guys our best. Like I said, this will be out before the sun goes down this evening.
Sheena, tell us what's new on the

Spooky Season at the Phelps Family Compound

farm. So not a whole lot's new in the backyard. But here at the Phelps Family Compound, we have shifted into spooky season. So we started our spooky season cinema series. And so we've been starting to watch more and more scary movies. We've already done two. The Visit was the first one. And then Midsummer. And then Midsummer. And I had never seen either one of those. So those are both first time viewings.
both pretty freaking wild, to be honest, two totally different vibes, but enjoy both the movies. And what'd you think about the Midsummer and the Visit? They're both good. I enjoy both watches. The Visit's probably one I would go back and watch again. It was an M Night Shyamalan film, so you know you got a big twist coming.
Midsommar was good, but one it's like two and a half hours long and it's it was like a one-time watch, you know Yeah, I feel like I would definitely recommend it ever if some of the flies into I would say so much horror movies if you're into weird movies And if you just appreciate like really good cinematography, I would watch it It was an enjoyable watch, but it's definitely a one-time deal
Yeah, it was very visually appealing, which I feel like is kind of a signature of the two Ari Aster films that I saw. Hereditary was very visually interesting, all the dollhouse stuff that was going on there. And then this was just wide shots of nature and the cult and all of them just kind of being still and lined up. And it was neat. I mean, it was freaking nuts, dude. The end picks up and it's just like, what the heck are we doing here? But yeah, it's funny because Jordan, it's one of his favorite
Movies i remember him like going on when we did our watch mid song we did our movie bracket he was do we i can't remember if we let mid summer in or not but he wasn't oh yeah it wasn't but he was fighting hard for mid summer to be and we were like why i mean you know different different strokes for different folks but it's a.
Remember our buddy Dan Turanquist, his wife's a big fan. Remember she dressed up as a May Queen.

Promotions and Social Media

Oh yeah, she made a big May Queen dress, which was awesome. I can appreciate anybody who puts that much time and energy into something, if you love it and if you're interested in it. But I enjoyed it. Like Seth said, it's not something that every Halloween spooky season I'm going to be turning on to watch.
I want to remind you guys this show is brought to you by ringside collectibles use code chick Foley to save 10% on all your ringside purchases. Sheena remind me where they can find you on social media, you can find me on Instagram at chick Foley Marco running the Twitter machine at chick Foley show.
you can join our Foley fam over on Facebook by going to, joining our Patreons two bucks a month to get you into the coolest group of marks on the interwebs. It is a family feel we call them the Foley fam for a reason because you know it's it's an incredible group of guys and gals over there. So join us and got all the info that you need.
Alright, let's get into it. We'll start with some piping hot news from this more. I don't know if it's news, but the topic of discussion.

Netflix's Vince McMahon Documentary Speculation

The Netflix Vince McMahon documentary, Mr. McMahon, dropping September 25th. We saw the trailer for it today. Shane, give us your thoughts on the preview. I thought it looked awesome, dude. I can't wait to watch it.
Sometimes the trailer, I'm a little bit skeptical because I feel like sometimes the trailer, they show you all the good stuff that's going to be said just to try to hook you in. You think you're going to have all these revelations when in reality, I feel like a lot of it could possibly be just rehashing the things that we already know.
I saw a lot of rehash in the trailer. I'm sure it's going to be presented in a compelling way that makes it fun to watch again. Yeah, it's going to be a fun watch. But yeah, I'm more interested in just seeing, because obviously we've seen so many documentaries on the history of WWE and yada, yada. But I'm interested to see the part where the scandal breaks loose and the lawsuit comes to head and just seeing what everybody has to say about that. Because again, we know Raw is going to Netflix, right? So I don't think they're going to paint WWE in a bad light as a whole.
or as a company, right? So I feel like it's going to be this scapegoat situation where it's just kind of like Vince McMahon was the one working by himself to, you know. And this thing, it's been in the works for years, man, before, you know, there were even any rumblings of the scandal. So I'm kind of just from like somebody that watches a lot of documentaries and stuff, I'm interested to see from the filmmaker aspects how they handle it. I think there's definitely a possibility that this almost looks like two different documentaries kind of stitched together.
So it'll be interesting to see just exactly how. I mean, wasn't it like, well, isn't it, didn't it come out that it originally came out the summer of 2022. That's when he originally stepped down and then he came back in January, you know, there's something about hush money, but it sounds like typical, you know,
boss, employee, improper sexual relations type deal. And then we got all the nasty details back in January of this year. So I don't know, it's going to be interesting. We talked about it last week during listener mail. Netflix and The Ringer, who is behind the production, they're both in bed with WWE. So I do think that... I anticipate this thing getting presented as like Vince was just a bad actor in this whole deal and a little bit of that. But who knows? Maybe it'll be a straight up objective documentary and we'll get to see some real dirt. But it's going to be a fun watch. I think it's going to be super compelling.
And, you know, I still crack up that they're dropping it on a Wednesday, the Day of Dynamite. Right. Yeah, definitely not a coincidence. Yeah, which also I think we're down to like 16 episodes of Dynamite right now. Yeah, we should start the countdown every time we do the podcast. I mean, I still feel like a deal's got to get done, but as the days keep taking closer and closer to the end of the year, I'm getting a little bit more nervous about it.

Bash in Berlin Review

We'll couch the AWW talk for now. Let's go back to WWE and let's talk Bash and Berlin and Sheen. What'd you think of the show?
I thought it was awesome. I love the international crowds. I keep saying it every time we have an international show, but they are just so into it. It makes it so fun to watch. I thought Bash in Berlin. I was thoroughly sports entertained throughout Bash in Berlin.
five match card, I'm here for that all day long. I know some people are like, oh, it's not enough matches or whatever. And if I was paying $50 like you do for AEW pay-per-views, I would agree. But the fact that it's already on Peacock, I just feel like five matches is nice, digestible, good length of pay-per-view. It was five matches, and they kept it under three hours, too. We've seen some times where they still try to stretch it out to a three and a half plus hour show. So yeah, it was a pretty easy watch.
My match of the night was definitely Guenther and Randy Orton. I thought, I thought it was just an incredible match and a candidate for probably, if you take it out in bloodline rules from WrestleMania, cause that was just so far beyond, you know, anything, taking that one out of the mix. I think it was probably the best match in WWE this year.
Yeah, for sure. I mean, I'm glad we got this, you know, this blow off to Gunther and Randy Orton. We got to see Randy in red trunks, which is always a treat. Yeah, I can't wait to see that in figure form because you know, Randy, he's pretty, he's pretty standard, you know, for the most part, black trunks, black boots, that's his, that's his MO, but seeing him come out in all red, I was like, Oh, dang, dude. So
Yeah, I totally agree. What about the, uh, the mixed match, the mixed tag team match? I thought that to me, that was the most memorable. Yeah. It was just so much fun. I love a mixed tag match. And, um, the way, the way it all just kind of played out was incredible and getting to see live live has improved so much. I just feel like her moveset has evolved like her as a character. Yeah. She's a believe she's a believable world champ now. It wasn't really believable when she,
you know, cashed in and was beating Rhonda back in 2022. This is believable. Yeah, that was pure grassroots. I think this like that, that whole live movement that got her there, but this is, this is legit. Yeah, I think,

CM Punk vs. Drew McIntyre Strap Match Discussion

uh, yeah, I thought the match was great. It was clearly like, you know, it was a spot fest, not like an AEW style spot fest, but just like,
almost like comedy spots and stuff mixed in and you could tell like they definitely had this match laid out like from going spot to spot. But there was never any time it lagged and it seemed like people were like waiting for like the next cue to make something happen. Everything just flowed together. We got that little tease of I guess it was more than a tease. We got Rhea and Dom getting physical, which again, I feel like that's leading to a one on one match. If they can hold off to a mania, that'd be great. What if we got like Rhea and Dom with Ray as a special guest referee or something like that? That would be cool. That to me that's got like WrestleMania written all over it. Yeah.
I just, I love seeing Damien Priest and Rhea Ripley together, man. The Terror Twins, all of it works for me. I just, while we were watching the show, I told Seth, I was like, dude, they just look so good together. Like, you know, I just feel like as a team, I mean, who could be, I mean, obviously Liv and Dom could beat them, but I mean, when you just see them, you're thinking like, who can beat these two, right? Like they are just freaking incredible looking. And it's also cool and so unique to get the platonic vibes between a dude and a female in wrestling. You never get that, you know?
You're always half-assed expecting at some point like Damien's gonna sweep her off her feet and give her a kiss But it doesn't feel like it with no, it's definitely brother sister. Yeah situation Yeah, and they're kicking ass. So yeah, I think those are the two real good matches What were your thoughts on the strap match? and we know last week we were kind of we didn't know for sure if it was gonna be a four corners match or if it was just gonna be a traditional strap match but uh, I
I hate the lights dude. I hate the lights gimmick. It's one, it didn't really work that well, right? And I think it was a rare miss from WWE production that it just didn't look that good, right? Like I don't know if it was the arena lighting or the lights himself. They weren't bright enough. So you could, you could only half ass tell if the lights were even on or not. And I just felt like it was insulting. Like it's not that difficult to keep up with, right? As long as you listen to the commentary and kind of watching the match, you're going to know who's tapping what corners.
I would rather have commentary fill in the blanks and something like that instead of literally having an apparatus on each corner with the lights. But I like the match, dude. CM Punk got the clean one. CM Punk looked great, man. He's looking really good. I think that's the best match he's had, dude. Yeah, he's definitely hitting the gym. He's leveled up his look a little bit since he's come back.
I thought he looked tough, man. Do you think he's on some juice or something to help him keep from getting injured? It's possible. I mean, it's definitely got to be challenging being your mid to late 40s and suddenly getting the best shape you've been in in 20 years. So I don't know. Let's punk straight edge. Oh, yeah, true. I didn't even think about that. Yeah, I mean, he straight up whipped Drew's ass, dude. We saw Drew got his lip back on Monday night. I think all signs are pointing to a Hell in the Cell match at Bad Blood between these two. And I'm all for it because this was another outstanding match.
Yeah, I totally agree. I'm glad the bracelet is no more. I'm glad the bracelet got broken. You know, that's not even a factor anymore because the bracelet had played itself out. But I'm here for, for seeing Punk Drew. I mean, I know some people are probably getting worn out with it, but I think it's great. I think it's, you know, one of the most meaningful feuds that we've had, especially since the bloodline is kind of just like not taking a back burner, but they're just kind of like, you know, a little bit on hiatus for the moment. Right. So I feel like this is, this has really stepped in and taken the place that this,
And the Judgment Day stuff has done a really great job of filling that gap of the bloodline.
Yeah, agreed, man. It's definitely, you know, I do think they lost a little bit getting their ass kicked by just two people, you know? What? Seeing the Judgment Day coming out. Oh, yeah. I'm going five on two and showing them how good and the ale, but you know, Damien Priest and Rhea Ripley are strong enough that you can kind of, you can kind of just, you know, do the men in black brain like thing and forget about it. Yeah. But yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing how far Finn goes with this solo push now.
for sure. We didn't see a turn. KO did not turn on Cody Rhodes, but we got some little bread crumbs, little inklings of the potential turn. I don't think it's going to happen, dude. I think Randy Orton's going to be the one to turn on Cody, man. I feel like it would muddy it up and would take away from it when Randy turns on him if KO turned first. I think all these KOTs is
Just a little a little distraction little red herring to keep you off the off the sense a little bit for when Randy finally turns on Cody Randy's so over right now, dude I just feel like he's gonna be that hurt that much more when he turns heel. Yeah, true Randy's a great heel He'll find a way to get the crowd to hate him
Yeah. Um, Bianca and Jade defeated the unholy union. No, no surprises

AEW All In and All Out Concerns

there other than, you know, again, just Bianca and Jade look like an absolute powerhouse mutant tag team. So yeah. Love them. Excited to see what's next for them. Yeah, for sure. All right. Final thoughts on Bash in Berlin. It was good. It definitely benefited, like Sheena said, from being an afternoon show that automatically lowers down the, um,
the expectation level a little bit, but it was good. It was a totally fun afternoon of wrestling. All right. We do have another... Well, real quick, do you have any quick thoughts on No Mercy? I don't want to just completely... I thought the main event was good. It kind of was what we expected. Fun match, but it really felt like it was more about Trick Williams than either of you guys.
in the ring. Do you got to give Trick Williams props? If you haven't checked it out, listen to the diss track you put out. Oh yeah. It is pure comedy, but it's actually really good. Yeah. OPD use a butch. So yeah, definitely check out the Trick Williams diss track, man. I think
I think he's getting that belt back first episode of, uh, of NXT on the CW. October 1st is going down. I can totally see that. Talk about it. Um, all right. We do have another pay-per-view on Saturday already. We went from all out to quickly transitioning into all, or sorry, all in to all out. Uh, we get all out coming up on a Saturday.
I still think they need more space between these two weeks between $50 paper views is rough. Yeah. Actually, I think Johnny JB posted that in the listener mail. We'll go ahead and talk about that. He said, what do you think about them being so close together? He said, I just showed out 50 bucks for all in. And he's like, now it feels like I got to show out another 50 bucks for all out.
We've talked about this in years past because it has been an issue. This isn't a new situation. You're asking a lot of your fans, dude. 50 bucks is a lot. Dude, I feel like it should be a... You could either choose to pay the 50 and 50 for one or the other, but you should also have the option to get a package deal where you get both for 75 or something like that. They did a package for 80. They did. Oh, they did? Oh, okay. Trailer TV offered a package for 80. That's still steep, dude. I mean, it is steep. 80 is no chump change, dude, but I'm just like, it's better than 100.
Yeah, true. So I really think there's three matches we need to discuss on this. We'll start with, yeah, I think there's three that actually got a chance to go on last. Probably going to be right in the mix for match of the year before the bell even rings just off the tail release. You guys will Osprey and pack for the international championship. Um, I think Osprey wins, but I cannot wait to see what these two guys do in the ring. I'm not even a big like work rate for the sake of work rate guy, but packs one of the best of the world. Osprey probably is the best of the world right now. Like there's, there's zero chance. This isn't absolute.
You know incredible display of athletic ability in the ring. Yeah, this is gonna be a banger We saw you know pack kind of left osprey, you know in a lump on Wednesday night But uh, I think osprey I mean I don't I don't think pack is the one to take it away from osprey at this moment I feel like osprey is gonna win, but it is gonna be a showcase moment for pack for sure Yeah, we already saw him lose to MJF I think osprey is going on a long run with this belt maybe all the way until he wins the
the world championship. Speaking of which, Bryan Danielson, the first of his career versus title matches that he's putting up is against Jack Perry. I don't see the scapegoat, the jungle man. I don't see him being the one to end Bryan Danielson's career two weeks after he finally wins the belt, but this should be a really fun match. The elite have already said that
they are going to do everything in their power to make sure that Brian Danielson loses. So I see this one being that classic like, you know, four horseman style match where we're going to get a ton of interference and cheating and some, some close calls that absolutely take your breath away. It's just going to overcome the odds. Yeah, but dance is going to find a way to come away with it.
Yeah, I agree. I think this is going to be, again, like we said for Pac, I feel like this is going to be a showcase moment for Jack Perry. I think he's going to have the best match of his singles career for sure. I don't think he's going to lose anything in defeat against Brian Danielson. Yeah, he definitely stands to level up right here with a really good showing.
And I think the fans are behind him, dude. I think eventually we're going to see him lead the elite. I love the scapegoat, dude. I think we're going to see him leave the elite sooner rather than later and end up turning heel on these guys. Because he already shows a lot of babyface tendencies compared to Okada and the Bucks. And lastly, hopefully this match goes on last. They've changed it to an unsanctioned lights out match, which I want to say those have always gone on last at AEW shows. Oh yeah, because they turn the lights out, then they come, Justin Roberts comes in. Just to let you know that this is anything goes. It's not sanctioned.
This is going to be nuts, dude. We know Swerve and Hangman. We remember what they've done before. They had that crazy match last year. Swerve earlier this week made a super heartfelt emotional post about how he went back with some of his money from his new eight of you contract and purchased his childhood home. And then Dynamite ends with Hangman showing up and burning it down. Burning it to the ground. King of KFA. I love it, dude. Like inject this kind of stuff right into my veins, man.
We've seen what these guys have done to each other before. They've taken a few to a whole new level. I don't know what we're gonna see here, but I know it's gonna be vicious. I feel like Hangman's getting that dub, man. Hangman's lost so many times to Swerve. I feel like he's finally gonna come out on top and get the win. Yeah, I don't think it's without shenanigans, though. I feel like there has to be something. You know, I don't think Swerve's just gonna lose clean, right? I mean... No, it's a lights out on Stacey. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I mean, clean is just like... Yeah, he could actually hang Swerve. You know, Swerve did that to Hangman before.
Yeah, I think it's going to be something so brutal. I'm sure he could cheat to get there. I think this is going to be the type of match where neither guy really loses anything, because Hangman didn't really lose anything when he lost that one to Swerve last time, where he ended up getting hung by a chain. Yeah, but he's definitely in Swerve's head. I mean, you saw when he saw his childhood home go up in flames, dude, Swerve was just absolutely inconsolable. Yeah, so I think the hanger is getting the win here, and I think that's going to be the match of the night.
Yeah, it's going to be awesome. All right. Any last thoughts on all out Shane before we hit the beverage break? No, I'm

Beverage Break and Wrestling Figures

excited for it. We're going to have, Brett's having another sleepover. He's had back to back sleepover weekends with a friend coming over. So he's having a, you know, we'll have a friend here for him and we'll all get to watch. We're going to try to create a new wrestling fan. Yeah. We're going to try to create a new wrestling fan while he's here.
All right, it's time for the weekly beverage break where we tell you guys what we're sipping on as we pot. Sheena, what are you drinking tonight? It is only three o'clock in the afternoon, so I went ahead and poured out the remainder of my cold coffee from this morning and churched it up with a little ice and a little maple syrup and goat's milk and I made myself a nice little iced latte for this afternoon pick-me-up.
All right, and I am drinking a Corona and lime. My reflex answer, if somebody were asking me my favorite beer, it's Miller White, but I think if I literally had five minutes live and they're like, you're going to spend a drink and a beer, I think I'd go Corona and lime for my last one. We drank a lot of Corona and limes in our day. They're the best. It's just super refreshing, crisp. It's just a great beer.
I feel like back in the day when we were hosting all, having our party years in Hawaii, you never filled the cooler with Miller Lite. You always filled the cooler with Coronas Lite. Oh yeah, I just feel like the bottle beers, dude, it's just a little classier touch with the lime, just a little bit classier than straight up canned Miller Lite. And it matched the Hawaiian Bible a lot more. That's true, yeah. All right, let's get to figure talk.
All right, it's time for the figure four where we give you guys the latest and greatest in wrestling figure talk. I want to remind you that this segment and this entire podcast is brought to you by Ringside Collectibles use code CHICKFOLY to save 10% there. There is a ton of awesome new pre-orders ups. So go take a look. A lot of Ringside exclusives, some really fun stuff available now. So get it locked down because you don't want to see everybody else getting those awesome figures and you go to order it and it's on like backorder number three.
Not a ton of figure news this week, still a little bit of a dry spell coming off San Diego Comic Con, but we do have an awesome live review that she is going to do right here on the air. Our buddy Sam Rosenthal from the aforementioned Patreon group.
You can join at for two bucks a month. One big feature on there is that we do, you know, we all help each other out hunting figures and he was able to score the series one of the WWE Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles figures for us, the New Day and Roman Reigns. So Sheena is going to give us her thoughts on them right now.
I am loving these. I love the first, you know, like, what do you call collaboration with the turtles where it was like, you know, the actual turtles were dressed in wrestling gear. This is just the opposite. This is wrestlers dressed in turtle gear. We got Kofi dressed as Michelangelo comes with the nunchucks.
I love the paint detailing on these because it's like it's the cartoon turtles, right? So it's like it reminds you of like the NECA cartoon turtle series that they have, which I absolutely love. I just love how like the thick comic book type lines on them.
Yeah, I think that they're great. So Kofi looks amazing. Got like a yellow hair, orange, little bow tie in there. And then I love the little detail on the top of the box where they got like the sewer. Great. And it's like moved over and there's like a little clear spot where you can see down in the in the box.
Next up, we got Xavier as Donatello. With the Mohawk. With the Mohawk, which looks awesome. Got the Bo staff. Cool thing is they've worn this gear to the, you know, in actual matches since these figures came out. Yeah, again, I can't see what's that over there in the corner. Do you know what that is? That little black thing? Let's see here.
It doesn't say. There's like a little accessory over here in the corner that I can't- Well, let me get our Resting Figure database. I can't tell what it is. It's got little, oh, I think it's just a little stand for his bow staff. Oh yeah, that's right. Yeah, they all come with weapon stands. I think they're all modified versions of that one that came with Roman Reigns. Oh yeah, Kofi has it too. I just didn't even see it. I'm pretty sure these are the same ones that came with the Roman Reigns knuckle cruncher. Okay. One cool thing, these work really, really well as belt displays also for your figure belts.
The more you know, uh, yeah, Kofi looks awesome or Kofi and Xavier look awesome. Then we got the shred of the table. We got Roman Reigns as shredder. I mean, they could not have picked a more perfect shredder. He just looks like a million freaking bucks right here. He's got the Ola Fala, the red and black little like wrap around the waist. The detailing on all like the armor and stuff is just epic.
Soft goods, cape. Yeah, this thing is bananas. If we get a Series 3, we absolutely got to get Jimmy and Solo as Rocksteady and Bebop. That is going to be awesome. I would love that. Get them as Rocksteady and Bebop. You could have Jay be like Mondo Gecko or something for the good guys. I hope they keep this going. I hope they like flesh it out as far as they can because... Becky is April O'Neill. Becky is April O'Neill as a Mustang. I mean, you have to have that.
So this is series one series two with Seth as Leonardo Reyes Raphael and Cody Rhodes is Casey Jones. It is hitting right now. I know it's hidden in the Dallas Fort Worth area. Did I call it a year Leonardo? Did I say Donatello? I can't remember. I can't remember if she did. Xavier's Donatello. But yeah, these are cool. Hopefully this line does really well. How do you think these compare to the previous line from 2016, the WWE Ninja Turtles line? Remember where they were turtles? Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Personally, I like this better because these are wrestling action figures that are just smashed up to look like turtles. Whereas like the other ones, there was only so much you could really do with the other ones, right? They were strictly display pieces. Kids could still play with these. Yeah. And I mean, they didn't have a lot of articulation or anything, right? Because they were the turtles, but they were still awesome. We went back and repurchased them for Brett.
I just love these boxes, man. You got a little story on the back. They actually got some backstory on the Eva WrestleMania experiment gone wrong. Yeah, this is freaking really, really cool. This line is epic. Again, I feel like I hope they take it as far as they can before it jumps the shark, right? Yeah. Do you think these are going to... Other than collectors, do you think kids are going to be into this, just bite them off the pegs?
I don't know. I mean, they're a target exclusive, right? So they're kind of in line with the legends. I don't know if I'm a kid. I'm probably, if I was, I'm different. So I don't know. I know Brett was into these. He was really excited to see him. So maybe if I was me being a kid, I probably wouldn't have. I'd rather just have the rest of it. I probably honestly, I think I like this more as a grownup than I would have if I was a kid, I was a kid, I'd be like, why are the wrestlers dressed up as
I mean the good thing is is that that turtles have just made a recent resurgence, right? So it's not like we just got the new turtles Movies and stuff. So I mean, it's not like where we're like Oh my gosh, like these turtles or you know, who the hell are the ninja turtles, right? Like I feel like we've gotten a recent and the other cool thing is you know The new the new day ones are really cool because they wore this gear so those just work is new to if you get rid of the web, right those work as a
As new day figures you know the roman i don't know dc roman coming out of shredder no. But it's like. I don't and like you said like they're not like they're not terrified in any way right like they're not like mutants they don't have like you know the little turtle fingers or anything like that. Yes you know the picture from when you day came out for sure yeah they actually had their figures walk into the ring so funny.
Yeah. Great line. Super excited for it. Yeah. If you see these, definitely pick them up in support because I really, really like these and I want to keep the creativity going with the different fun lines like this. Do we have any listener mail? Oh, yeah.
All right. Our first listener mail comes in from Zach Hertzler. He says, any food or drinks lined up for all out this weekend. What are we going to do this weekend? Because like I said, we got Reed coming over. We got a friend coming over. I'm thinking probably just do maybe hot dogs and s'mores or something, something easy since we're going to be in kids mode. It's

Pay-Per-View Audience Fatigue

nothing big. I honestly, I don't know if we would have done anything big anyways just because I'm not, we didn't really answer it. We kind of just went through the card. My buzz meter is pretty low on this show, dude. I feel like
I feel like they're almost doing the show at a tradition. Even if you look at the matches, we got basically a throwaway world championship match that I really think it's 0.0% chance Jack Prairie wins that match. We got Pac and Osprey, which is going to be incredible, but I feel like it's a match. I think this is one where they said, hey, let's do this match. Then they quickly just crafted a little storyline to go along with it.
Um, and then Swerve and Hangman, that's kind of one of those evergreen matches. That's like Seth and Roman in WWE. You don't really got to heat it up. Just say, throw them out there and it's going to be great. So I think this is, you know, I'm sure it'll deliver because AW paper views always do, but I think it's a little bit of a throwaway show. Yeah, I agree. Um, again, it's going to be, it's going to be awesome. That's what AEW does. But as far as just like, um, significance, I feel like, you know, cause I mean, like what Mercedes, Mercedes is going up against the car sheet who just kind of got thrown in there, right? Like it's not even, I mean, I don't think she's going to win.
And then there's a few other matches that I'm just like, eh, you know, same inconsequential. I mean, there's no way that, I mean, I guess there is a way Daniel Garcia could beat MJF, but I don't see that. I don't see that happening. Right. So anyway, uh, Johnny JB, I told you, he asked about the pay-per-views. Yeah. I think it's kind of whack to expect people to, you know, turn around two weeks and pay 50 bucks for pay-per-view back to back. Uh, Tony Barker, what do you think about the lawsuit that was filed by Kevin Kelly and the Tate twins against AEW and what do you think would come of that?
I don't even know what that is.

AEW Lawsuit and Streaming Speculation

The Tatones were the boys with Dalton Castle. Basically, it's just a wrongful termination suit. I really don't see much coming to this, man. I think this is going to be a blip on the radar. I don't think it's going to be anything that causes any long-term damage for ADW at all.
Yeah, unfortunately, even if it was like wrongful termination, like, you know, by definition, I feel like it's so hard to, you know, be a be an individual and go up against like a megalith, like something like Tony Khan and AW. I'm not gonna call Tony Khan a megalith, but I think it's got enough money that he can do it. I mean,
I think they got a tough, it's going to be a tough road. I mean, they may actually win the lawsuit. I, from the little bit we heard, I think they have a decent, a half decent case against AEW, but I mean, I don't feel like a settlement. Yeah. I don't, I don't think they're going to, you know, they're not going to bankrupt Tony Conner or anything off of this dude. I think if I was Tony Con, I'd just be like, what do you guys want? Just cash the check. Tony Barker, will we ever see one of the TNA talents actually win an NXT championship or vice versa?
Yeah, I think it was totally plausible for Joe Hendry to win or for Jordan Grace to win when she went up against Roxanne earlier this year. So I think, you know, we don't know how long this partnership is going, but it's totally possible. Yeah, I think it's possible. I think we'll see. I would have been stunned if we would have saw Joe Hendry win the belt or if we saw Jordan Grace. I think it seems like all parties are really, really happy. I know there's been a lot of complaining from fans online that, you know, TNA has kind of got the short end of the stick.
I mean, Wesley is one of the biggest stars NXT has, and he lost pretty much clean to Zach Wentz. That was awesome, Matt. And TNA has definitely benefited from this. They've been selling out shows, and there's definitely more buzz. So it seems like all parties involved are really happy with things. So I think it's just a matter of time. Tony also says, how do you feel about Joe Tisator's Raw debut?
It was whatever. I think he was like create a announcer number five. I didn't, it wasn't bad. It wasn't good. He was just there. I don't think he elevated the show, but he also didn't make the show worse. So I'm fine with it. True. I think, I mean, to me, I'm always very just, you know, I take it easy on those guys because there's absolutely no way that I would be able to do that. I think we just underestimate what that job entails. Like how much is going on.
Yeah, I mean, there's literally people talking in your ear as you're talking, right? So you're sitting here trying to like call the match and do stuff. And then there's people in your ear telling you what you're supposed to say next. And it's not like sports commentating, where you're literally just commenting on what you're seeing, like, there's subtext, everything, there's subtext, everything, there's beats that you got to hit, right? There's certain hype stuff happening later in the show.
Yeah, and the talent has come to you earlier and told you what parts of the match are more meaningful than others and what specific things to highlight, dude. So I can't even imagine the amount of moving pieces that people like Michael Cole and now Joe Testatore and all them have to deal with. So yeah, shout out to them. I'm never going to criticize those guys. And what round is, oh, this is from across the pond. Phil Dunnett wants to know, in what round is Seth going to throw away the picks league?
I was talking about this with Matt Russett, the guy I'm tied with for first place right now. So for those that fully pick League is our big thing, where regular season usually lasts about four to five months. We predict all the paper views and keep scoring. We've recently rolled into the playoffs. I had an absolutely generational performance in the regular season this year. I think like half the shows we picked, I just nailed Stone Cold perfect and was basically lapping the field. But we do a score reset, kind of like NASCAR for the playoffs to where I really only have a couple point advantage over folks.
Yeah, I think it's just to make it hurt the worst. I think it'll be the finals. I think I'll make it to the final three and then something I'll lose off like, you know, the most minor of minor picks, but.
Yeah, I mean, I feel like I mean, I'm in the playoffs every year. I've done a good job making the playoffs every year. I'm a former champion. She does a very good job. Yeah, I feel like I'm in the running to win this thing and you know, be the first ever two time fully picks league champion. Zach wants to know if there's any attires from bash in Berlin or no mercy that you want to see him figure for him. Like we said, I definitely want to get that Randy.
in a figure form with the red trunks. Yeah, I think that should be an ultimate edition. I think that'd be cool. I know it was just red trunks with no accessories, but dude, just throw in some belts. Screw it. Throw in a version of the World Heavyweight Championship since that's what the match was for. But yeah, I think that Randy Orton would be cool. Dude, we had the question about the first time a TNA wrestler is getting a championship. Let's go first time TNA wrestler is getting a figure. Give us an elite of Joe Henry. How cool would that be to see Joe Henry pop up?
as either like an elite or like a Mattel creations made to order like figure or something then. Yeah, that would be cool. Brett will be stoked. He believes and he believes in Joe Hendry. Yes, sir.
Zach says, are you sick of this CM Punk Drew McIntyre feud? I know I'm over it, especially involving the stupid bracelet. We kind of touched on it earlier. I'm cool. I mean, I feel like this hell in a cell or whatever we have next is going to be the, the breaking point where it kind of separates, but I don't, I cannot imagine that there's not a world in which this doesn't come back around at some point and you know,
I'm telling you guys, dude, Claire's has infiltrated the pro wrestling world and has, they're doing like some viral marketing, dude. You got the number one story on SmackDown revolves around a necklace. The number one story on Raw revolves around a bracelet and the hottest feud on AEW right now, MJF and Daniel R.C. revolves around a ring, dude. Jewelry is running the wrestling game. We're in a post belt era. It's all about the jewelry and accessories nowadays in wrestling.
I can't believe you brought up Claire's, geez. Is Claire still a thing? Is it even around anymore? All you mall walkers, let us know if Claire's is still out there. Sam Rosenthal, if AEW renews with Warner Brothers, do they get added to Max? Is Rampage in trouble to be cut?
I mean, Rampage, I feel like anybody could take it or leave it. I don't really know the dollars and cents the network's paying, but I think it does okay for Friday night, but I don't know if it's worth it, instead of just throwing up some ruins of a TV show or a movie.
I hope it goes on maxi. We've said it a few times on here. I think a big thing that would help AW a ton is having the entire back catalog of TV and paper views available, readily accessible, man, because that stuff just helps so much with your immersion in the product. It helps being an entry point
for new fans that might catch a little bit, but hey, you know what, let me go back and watch some of the big matches over the years. Instead of having to piece it together across all these different apps, you got a one-stop shop, and a couple of touches of a button, you're watching, you know, Double or Nothing 2022 or something. Yeah, I mean, I know it took WWE, like, what, like, you know, 25, 30 years to get the back catalog online, but... But they were actually ahead of the game, dude. What they did in 2014, it was pretty revolutionary, especially the fact that they did it, like, on their own. It wasn't through another stream, it was their own streamer, yeah, so...
I know what you mean, like it took them a long time to get there, but they were there technology wise. They were at the leading edge of stuff like that. Yeah. I mean, it's criminal that we don't have an AEW back catalog. I agree. I think, yeah, that stuff should have been, it should have already happened by now.
Sam Rosenthal, do you think TNA NXT crossover released anything? We kind of... I think it is, yeah. I mean, it was the main event. It's a thing, yeah. No mercy. I think it has led to something. I mean, even if it stopped, if we didn't see anything else, I think it still would have been a pretty cool thing. I don't think we're getting a full on... I don't think they're going to do the invasion storyline or something like that, which I think is cool because it's been done before. I kind of like this just...
back and forth type

JBL's Wrestling Appearances

deal they got going. I don't see the actual TNA versus NXT storyline going further than this. Maybe if NXT wants to do war games again, maybe we could see it, but I don't know. I don't expect to see that at this point. Yeah, and I didn't have JBL on my male bingo card this week, but Sam Rosenthal wants to know about what's JBL doing appearing everywhere?
I guess he's cashing checks. I don't know if his legends deal is expired or what. I mean, he's still in 2K. I think he's got another figure coming out this year.
But yeah, he's all over the place, dude, showing up down in Mexico. I think he's doing stuff with Alberto Del Rio. He's here. He's there. He's every FM wear. JBL. JBL. No? Why a Ted Lasso? Why an obscure Ted Lasso reference out of nowhere? I have no idea why she just did that. I'm not laughing at him. I'm smiling. I don't know where that came from, dude, or what was even the motivation behind saying that at that point.
All right. Good news is that's the end of listener mail. I want to remind you guys, shows brought to you by Ringside Collectibles. Use Code Chick Foley to save 10% on all your purchases. It's going to be a great weekend of wrestling. Sheena hit us with some closing thoughts and we'll get out of here. If you haven't ever, you should watch Ted Lasso.