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Open Mic 28: The OG Fig Kid 2 image

Open Mic 28: The OG Fig Kid 2

The Chick Foley Show
7 Plays9 months ago
The OG Fig Kid makes his return to Open Mic as he and The MVP discuss…EVERYTHING! Literally. That's the description. Enjoy the show!

Introduction and Guest Appearance

Welcome everyone to another episode of Open mic with the MVP Marco item, of course your hosts the MVP Marco and
I'm back again with another, another exciting guest to bring to you. But before we get to that, obviously I always get a big up the part foundation. Um, you know, the greatest group of people known to man, I say it every single week. It's the chick Foley show. It's the extra cooler show. It's the coming down the aisle with J bone as well.
As you know, last but not least, the turnbuckle tavern, which I am a part of. Also, I do a show called The Rawdown every Tuesday, 9 o'clock EST on Patreon. Definitely check it out. It's myself and J-Bone from coming down the aisle. You can listen to our musings about WWE and the WWE universe. All the ins and outs, all the ups and downs. We talk about everything, so definitely check us out. But let's get to our guest.

Improvisational Style and Repeat Guests

Uh, this gentleman has been on my show before. It's been a while actually. I think he's like one of the first, one of the first guests that I've, that I've had on the show. Um, he really needs no introduction. I think anyways, you know, a man about town, kind of like, uh, you know, like a socialite, those, a lot of different people, mover and shaker in the world of, uh, you know, wrestling as well as figure collecting as well. Um, let's bring them on the OG Fig kid.
Tom, how are you? Dude, what an introduction. I was hoping I wasn't going to stop. I wish everybody saw me the way you did.
I try. I think, you know, I'm on a good streak of every episode. I have pretty good intros. So everybody's been liking the intro so far. So that's good. My favorite one was the macho verse one I just did when I did the Tower of Power, Too Sweet to Be Sour, which is pretty awesome. So I had to memorize that whole thing before I went in. But usually I just go in and
I don't have anything written down. I just, you know, talk, speak from the heart, Tom. That's what I do when I'm also a two time, two time. Yes. That are to open mic. How many of those are there? I know Sheena did it. I think Sheena and I think who else I feel like.
Actually, no, there's another one. There's a Queen G. She was on twice. And I think, yeah, no, it's an exclusive club. Cause I think the next time I think I had over the moonsault, but she was with Sheena. So technically doesn't count as a one-on-one. It was more like a special episode just to get them together. But you like it in a lead. It's just you Sheena and the Queen G that have like your own ultimate ambitions, baby. Yeah.
Actually, no, not even because she was with Seth that time. So I'm the first guy to get two solos. Yeah, I think so. Yeah. Sweet. Look at that. And you're crushing it. The show is great. I love listening. So great job. Well, thank you. I always like to hear good feedback, especially with not sure how it does, really, as far as that type of stuff. But yeah, I mean, people that I talk to that are actually on the show, they have a really good time.
I like, like I said, I like to, uh, I like to do the show to like, yo, obviously, you know, make new friends, you know, and, you know, find out how people tech, like with, uh, I mean, like you see, I mean, if you listen to the show, it's a wider range of guests. It's not just limited to wrestling. It's, you know,
Horror, it's music, tons of other things. Like I just said on the raw down, my next episode gets a little deep. It gets a little, you know, gets a little serious at times. It's I interviewed the Black Black Dahlia. She's a you know, she was trained to be a wrestler and to get injured. And, you know, that we talk about her story, her, you know, her coming back to or trying to get back into, you know, wrestling and stuff like that. So I'm not going to give away
Uh, you know the injury and what happened afterwards because that's, that's where he gets serious. So you got to tune it. Yeah, you definitely got to tune it. It's actually a really good episode. She was awesome. But like I said, I just love doing this because I said, I meet new people and, uh, you know, but usually, I mean, like I said, it's, you know, we usually become friends and stuff like that afterwards and, you know, chat from time to time, but obviously with you, I mean, you're, you're, you're all over the place.

Changes in Shows and Exclusive Content

So it's not really, it's like I see you every week.
You're you like the they said you have that you have the fig night, you know, you're like the lead in for us on on Tuesday. Yes. How's it? How's that? Like, how's that going with like, as far as, you know, obviously there's a lot a lot of changes that happened with the Turbocal Tavern with, you know, a lot of the shows moving to Patreon. Your show obviously is still, you know, you can still watch it. You don't have to pay to see it. But like, how's that? Like, how's that dynamic? How do you how are you taking to this new
Cause I never actually really, I don't think they asked J-bone about this. Like, how do you, how do you like the new format of, you know, having the Facebook group, having the Patreon page? I think it's fun offering the people extras that they don't have. So like we're offering a bunch of that. We have a bunch of ideas in the works. Um, we got some fake night stuff coming up. I'm going to give you a little spoiler. I think it's out there yet, but coming soon, a Patreon exclusive.
the return of the Turnbuckle sessions. Ooh. Yeah. So like maybe once in a month, you know, when there's one do and there's something fun going on in a, uh, I'm gonna give a little, you know, we're going to be recording the first one tomorrow night. So if you are not part of the Patreon for the Turnbuckle Tavern, you're going to want to sign up because it's going to be an exclusive podcast. I'm sure we'll stream it in video as well, but, uh, yeah.
But there'll be a little link in the Patreon where you could get a feed for podcasts only available if you are a member of our Patreon. And let me tell you this first episode, I'm not going to give too much away, but we're going to break down. I'm not even going to tell you who my, should I tell you who my co-host is going to be?
All right, I'll tell you tell me is gonna be Hawk no knows about wrestling It's gonna be Matt from the extra cooler show we're gonna be talking about uh We're gonna really nice right into the whole rock return the whole Cody thing and we're gonna break it down So it's gonna be
I like it. So check that out. That's awesome. So it's going to be only

ADHD and Personal Challenges

on Patreon. You're not going to release it as a as a as a podcast for the you know, for the free. Just you have to sign up to Patreon. That's I like that. I like that. It's like I said, it's a it's a new thing. It's it's definitely something to get used to. Yes. I mean, we've been kind of adjusting to it because usually, you know, you want to say YouTube and all that stuff, but it's really, you know,
Yeah, you kind of be a little bit more free on patreon as well if you want to I mean you can't because you're not you know releasing it to the to the public But we still have to kind of tow the line because yeah, you know the conversations me and jaybo would have after the show Probably the funniest. Oh my god I love it in the group chat because I don't know why people don't know how to respond to your humor But you have friggin such great humor and wit and you just shut the whole group down with a comment. Yeah
I do that with a, I kind of do it to, you know, at first I, I did it to, to kind of like, would Hawk would like go crazy? I would kind of like, you know, I would kind of like really sit back, think and like how to, how to respond to him specifically. And then like, and I would respond and then they'd be nothing back and I'm like, Oh, it worked. But yeah, like I said, I like to drop it every, every once in a while and, you know, have a quick comment.
Um, what was it? What was it? What do we actually have anything we could probably say it on here? That should never be said. Oh, yeah. No, no, definitely not. There was one actually. Yeah. No, it was more recent too. It was like, I know exactly which one. Yeah. Yeah. No, no, no, no. Yeah, exactly. The funnyest freaking guys in there. I just love it. Oh man. But yeah, no, it's a, like I said, it's a, it's a fun group. I guess it's kind of become more or less like, you know,
You know, I feel like at first I was like, eh, am I really like, uh, you know, you'll be with, obviously with Sheena and Chick Foley and stuff like that. And like, am I really like a, you know, tavern guy and technically, I mean, you are doing the show for like, I don't even how, like almost like a couple of years now. Right. So like, it's like, yeah.
It's like I'm like doing, I'm like dual citizenship right now. I'm like freaking. RIP young Anthony too. I don't know what ever happened to that guy. Yeah, that's, that's a, that's a tragedy. It is. Yeah. He's in our, he's in our thoughts and prayers that he, he used to pop in while you're on YouTube. You like, you know, go to the comment section, but he doesn't like us anymore, I guess. He's on to bigger and better things. You know what? I love young Anthony.
is a little bit of a snowflake. But I feel like I'm holding back on his face. He gets so worried with the jokes we got. I'm like, stop. Yeah. Especially like the, you know, I think it's probably safer now with like, you know, him not being in the show with the, with the Vince stuff. Cause me and, me and Jaybo were going like, kind of like in depth with it a little bit. And he probably would have wanted to edit that whole part out.
Yeah, that's the other part of it. But yeah, that's whatever. Well, I mean, we've been doing fine with two. I mean, we were kind of knocking around the idea of like, you know, bringing in a third person here and there. But yeah, you do great. I don't think we really need it. But other than that, like I said, with the fig, like, what's going on? Like, what do you what's going on with fig night? Is it like, you know,
Do you, is it going to be ever a point where you do transition over to Patreon and make it an exclusive or maybe do like an exclusive, you know, fig night on Patreon? It's like definitely do exclusive content for the Patreon. Yeah. But fig night's going to stay free because we're like.
It's influential at us. It brings us eyes. There's so many fake things out there, but people just expect us to be there. Yeah. But exclusive content. Yes, I have plenty of ideas. I keep running past Mike. We're working on things. So just crazy with my work schedule and everything. So yeah, I think I think another thing too is with the
with, I was going to say with like, cause I was actually talking to J-bone about this with like, with, with Tik TOK and stuff like that. Do you like, I always knock around the idea of like, you know, hopping on there and do like, you know, do like quick takes and all that type of stuff. Cause you see that a lot, but it's like, do I want to,
Give away that for free. Or do I want to like hold on to it? And then obviously would, you know, Tuesday rolls around. I have all my ideas to give to, you know, give to, you know, the Patreon subscribers and with, you know, they're watching raw down. Um, but other than that, like it's, I feel like.
I feel like that's being underutilized for all of us, essentially, like hopping on TikTok and doing quick takes or like kind of like using that as a tool to like, like free advertisement, like trying to like draw more viewers in. So I mean, that's an idea I've been knocking around. I know, dude, that's a great idea. And I've done a couple on my Instagram. Yeah. A couple of months ago and stuff. But let's I'm just going to like open up to you right here. Like, let's just be honest, you're talking about since the last time I came on the show,
Yeah. So weird because, um, my birthday's March 8th, so that's coming up. I don't know when this is going to drop, but whenever it does, it's right around my birthday at 48 years old. I just discovered I have severe ADHD.
Really? I went to doctors. I did two days worth of testing. And afterwards, they're like, how have you never known this before? Because you are severely, I have severely high ADHD, both. There's two different kinds. Yeah. And I rated really high on one of the scales and medium, a little above average on the other scale. And it's been like an eye opener to me. Like, it's kind of frustrating. Like, it's like, I could sit here all day and talk to you about this because like,
I started Adderall. When I take the Adderall, it makes me feel like a normal human being. But the day after, I hate the way I take. So I've already been through two battles where I stopped taking it.
And then like, like, it's just, I've also gone through this thing where I'm battling with myself because it frustrates me that I, I'm just not normal. Like not not normal. I'm not normal. Nobody's normal. The most abnormal person is the person who asked you, they're normal. Yeah, exactly. They're normal. They have the most problems, but what frustrates me is like, and now I'm trying to fight this whole ADHD thing because I don't want to give into it. Yeah.
But now I'm not taking the medicine again. So a lot of times I'll just have shit to do and I can't motivate myself. And I always just thought I was lazy. Like I didn't know why and now I know why. And I have a list of things I want to do and I'm not motivated to do anything. So I have another doctor's appointment coming up to figure out what can I do besides Adderall? Yeah. Look at this, because I don't, like it's a terrible feeling the day after. Your brain feels weird, you're drained.
And I don't want to take this medicine, but when I take it, I'm motivated. I do the shit I'm supposed to do. I have like, listen, I'll, I'll be just going to come out and say shit. I've never said before right here, but there's shit I want to do on social media for me, for the tavern. It just gets stuck in the ADHD world of me feeling lazy and not being able to get off my couch some days. And you know how frustrating that is? Like to just discover this at 40, like, and I think back and I've read so much about it and I go back to like things I did in elementary school.
Yeah, I used to chew the shit out of my pencils and pens and one of the things I read that's uh One of the biggest sign for little kids today if they see kids chewing their pencils and pens That's why it's done dude. I used to chew my shirt in school Just sit there with my shirt in my mouth sucking on it and chewing it and I remember staring Staring at the clock the whole day with my head on my shoulder just watching it waiting to be done because I couldn't take it and
Wow. So as an adult, and I see things like I remember doing assignments in school, you had to do a reading assignment in school, right? You get to the back and then you have to answer the questions. I would get to the questions and have no idea what I just read. And my parents, my parents as a kid tell me like, cause you're not focused and you're not paying attention. But I'm like, no, I read it. And I did. And to this day, I could read, get to the end of the page and I had no idea anything of what I read. Wow.
Yeah, so like imagine discovering this at 48. I think if I knew this in elementary school and I could have focused right my life would be so much different right now. Oh, yeah, definitely. Like, I was right. I was right. Wife was down here because she she actually suffers from that too. So I kind of feel like secondhand experience of it stuff like that. Not really firsthand experience. But yeah, it's it's
She's pretty much told me the same thing you're telling me as far as like, you know, trying to stay focused on things and, you know, stuff's all over the place. And it's like you want to do stuff, but I think you could be doing one thing and then like completely switch to another thing. And I just it's just yeah, it's yeah, it's it's it doesn't seem like it's a fun thing to ask me all these questions. And I'm like, I feel like you should be asking my wife because I feel like you're going to think I'm only answering this way because I want Adderall.
But the truth is, I hate the Adderall. I don't like it. Oh, yeah. That's almost like a, was that like a last resort thing? Or was that just like, nope, you're too far gone. You're going to go this round. Was there any other, did they have any other ways of maybe you could do this? There's other medicines and stuff. And that's why, again, I called my doctor and I made an appointment to go for a follow up because I want to try something else.
You know, I started taking a natural supplement from Amazon, which is like, got all sorts of mushrooms in it that's supposed to help your brain. Not real mushrooms, the good kind, but. Yeah, not the hallucinogenic mushrooms. I haven't used them because I'm afraid because it's going to be bad things about them and I don't want to use them. Somebody gave them to me.
Like and then you know what else I'm not so you know, I like to gamble right like there's a strong tie-in between ADH gambling problems and people who have ADHD Oh Wow, how crazy is that? Like I've okay, so I've quit gambling now I haven't actually I'm gonna sound like a drug addict here because I Haven't played a table game. I haven't done any gambling, but I will play poker. Yeah team skill. I
So it's like the person who's a drug addict or an outlet, and they're like, oh, I'm sober, but I still smoke weed. Yeah. I don't gamble, but I'll play poker. And you know what? I've done really well because I've learned how to play. But since I found out the ADHD is tied to the gambling thing, I look at the shit in the casino. I'm like, I don't want to do anything. I don't want to have anything to do with you. And it's like, flip the switch of me that I won't gamble there. I could walk and go play poker and not look at anything else.
That's like a thing with a lot of types of different addictions and stuff like that. If you think about, obviously, with all of us, we all collect things and stuff like that. There comes to a point where it's like, we've seen conversations like that within our groups and stuff like that going like, when's the end? When do you just go like,
Hey, I'm going to stop doing it. Or do you come to the point where it's like, all right, I got to like, I'm at a crossroads where I don't want to collect every single thing. Do I like, you know, kind of pivot and just do certain things? Like, all that stuff kind of like plays into whether or not, obviously, whether or not it turns into the hits.
It's a part of ADHD that's kind of different, but like everyone comes to those crosswords where it's like you come to a realization when you're in the middle of some type of like addiction that you have, whatever it is. We'll see what the positive addiction's not the bad ones, but like the positive ones like the collecting and stuff like, it's like, all right, I have all these figures. What the hell do I do now? It's like, where do I put them? I can't have any place to put them, but I'm still collecting them.

Nostalgia and Collecting

Like I've thought about quitting all the time. Like, it's just like, how much more money would I have if I just quit? Like, yeah, I've limited myself really to like, you know, right now it's mainly just like the, uh, maybe here or there, like, you know, if it's like, uh, something I find interesting, like, uh, you know, like the, um, I think it was like the, like the legends iron cheek from, you know,
The birth of Hulkamania that that figure I thought was pretty cool Yeah, but other than that I've been trying to like limit it to like, you know, like maybe like just like Mattel creations Yeah, you know like sticking with my Coliseum collection. I've been really into that I pretty much have all the pretty much actually don't have all of all the Coliseum collections included the sergeant slaughter one
But like, you know, obviously of the upcoming, um, uh, hard foundation, um, sets, I'll definitely be getting that. So, but like, other than that, I've been really not, you know, go with the main line stuff. Like if it's something cool and I want to like, you know, grab it, I will. But other than that, I've been like, you know, I gotta, I gotta like plan for, you know, obviously for the future. Um, but you gotta do adult stuff as well. But at the same time, it's like,
you know, I really enjoy all these things. And I kind of felt like I was really more into the nostalgia, not the nostalgia, like the older, like my, where I grew up on, like those types of figures, like the, like the older, the older generation, golden era, new gen, that type of stuff. And not really the newer stuff. Like I'll pick it up for my son because he loves, you know, he loves wrestling. So I'll get him like, you know, all the newer figures. But I find myself like really going back to the older ones.
Like that's awesome. You could share that with your son. Like you could get the new figures and so look at them because he has them. Yeah, that's it. And that's I think that's what one of the things I kind of like helped me was like realize I wasn't really into the newer guys. Not that obviously, you know, like the Roman Reigns figures are cool with that type of stuff. But like it was more or less like, you know what, I was like, I'm more into the, you know, and I know he's the other part of it. I know he's not going to really touch the older figures. He knows how most of those guys, he knows big boss man.
That's like big boss man, Andre the Giant. He loves big boss man because of the 2K game. He just uses them all the time. And he's always playing hard times on Alexa. He always asks like, Alexa, play big boss man. And it plays a hard time. I like all these stories like you and your kid. And I see Seth and Sheena with their kids and to the Russell and Mike with his kids and Matt.
And it like, we don't have kids. Truth is we couldn't have kids. So that's why we don't have kids. And the first time it really bums me out is seeing all you guys with your kids sharing wrestling with them. Like the other thing that always bummed me out is like, oh great, I'm not going to have anybody take care of me when I'm old. But it's the same reason why I wanted kids. Like, you know, I take care of my parents and I don't like somebody. But I see all you guys and I'm like, that's such a cool thing to share with them. Like it's so awesome.
Yeah, it is a cool thing to do. It's a cool thing to have. But who knows how long they're going to be? That's the other thing. They can wake up one day and be like, I'm not into it anymore. So it's one of those things where, oh, I spent all this money for nothing, and now you're not into it. Which kids, that's always a thing. They're always into one thing.
I was 11 years younger than me and she would love something and then like three months later be totally over it and as a kid everything I loved as a kid I could still sit there and watch the Dukes of Hazzard like I love that show that was my favorite show yeah I could still watch it and laugh at it like like I've kept all my toys from when I was a kid
Uh, I just recently was at my parents' house. My mom's like, I found a couple of boxes in the attic. Do you want to take them home today? I'm like, what's in them? And she's like, I don't know. Just wrestling stuff. And like, I went through the boxes and it was like, I didn't even go through the mall yet. Cause I was saving it to do for the Patreon. Um, but I found all my LJM posters that came with it. Like I have the hot Roddy Roddy Piper poster, um, which is a rare one because it has the leopard on the shirt and they had to change it to the hot rod because they didn't have the rights to use it.
But I got to check my poster now. I think I, I think mine has a hot rod on it. Yeah. Like I found, I found all my old WWF magazines. I haven't gone. I found all the wrestling books I had as a kid, like, and it's funny because I found this one book.
And I look at it and I instantly, as soon as I see it, I know the book and I'm like, Oh my God, I opened it up and there it is front page. I had got that book in the Staten Island mall. My dad took me when I was a kid to meet Sergeant Slaughter and he was there. It was a book by Vern Ganya and Sergeant Slaughter helped with it and he was there to sign it.
So here I was 11 year old kid meeting Sergeant Slaughter in the Staten Island wall. As soon as I seen the book, the memory came right back to me. I knew the autograph was in there and it's still in mint condition. Wow. Now I want to go to my mom's house and go through her photo album because there's a picture of me with Sergeant Slaughter holding me above his head power.
I'm thinking about going to find that picture and getting it blown up to have them sign it. I think that you should do. No, that's something you definitely should do. Yeah, that's awesome. Yeah, man. That's like that stuff. Like, you know, like I said, with just talk about collecting and stuff like that, and you know,
And just like I said, it's more like nostalgia, just like seeing, you know, certain, certain things, like you said, bring back memories. Like, uh, like I was thinking of, uh, you know, the Hulk Hogan figure that they came out with with the, uh, when he's wearing like the, you know, the army fatigues and stuff like that, when he's doing the desert storm matches and all that stuff. And that's something that's kind of near and dear to me. Cause I actually seen him and, uh, yep. Um, I actually seen, uh, when they, they came to Boston when they were doing that tour. They don't call me the OG fake kid for nothing. You mentioned a figure I haven't.
He had it ready right on tap. And when you watch the video, actually he has it. But, uh, no, it's, uh, it actually went, uh, Boston garden. Um, they had the match. It was a, uh, desert storm match. It was called with him and Sergeant slaughter. He came dressed like just like that with the.
you know he had the vest on the fatigues uh they think sergeant salata had his you know had his uh iraqi sympathizer uh gear on and it was it was an awesome match uh and i just having that figure and actually having all actually ended up getting both the uh
Pretty much all four of the figures a warrior when they had that match to the tag match With with sergeant slaughter and iron cheek and stuff like that So I am actually have them on display that like I said that just brought back memories because I actually seen you know Obviously watch that match happen on pay-per-view, but then I see the singles match with sergeant slaughter and uh That was one of the things my uncle he passed away if actually a month ago
Uh, he used to take us all the time to like all the, you know, he was a huge wrestling fan. So he said every, every time back in the eighties, WWF at the time was always, you know, that was their route. They would always like, they'd be like in Boston, like at least like, I mean, at least six times a year, if any, it was always in a loop.
So we were always there. Back in the day, the house show loop, MSG, Philadelphia Spectrum, Boston Gardens, it was there once a month. It was there for live events because the stories on TV were settled at the house shows because there were no paid reviews.
So the E was to set up to get you to buy tickets to go see these shows. So funny how the models have changed now that the house shows don't really mean much anymore. They're fun, sure. But it's like back in the day, you would go and you'd probably see, you could see a title change. You never knew like how many times you just happened to intercontinental title used to change hands at the house shows all the time.
Yeah, no, definitely. It's crazy how it's changed. Yeah. Like the other, the other cool thing is who like, obviously if you go on a, on peacock and you watch all the, uh, the call seem collection that they have all the, all the, you know, they uploaded most of those tapes there. A lot of it, a lot of the loops are, you know, Boston garden, you'll see like at the bottom, uh, like you said, MSG, like a lot of those like big matches happened in those arenas back in the eight, like.
So like, and I was there for like a lot of those, which is like, like I said, it's, it's more nostalgia, like I said, and I kind of realized that like, I'm like, Oh, I'm really into like the, you know, uh, collected the older wrestlers because that's what I grew up on. And those are the most of the memories I have. Um, especially like with my father, like watching, you know, watching Monday night, watching the first episode of Monday Night Raw when it first, you know, first aired and, you know, uh, being with him and then, you know, um, started, I started like a little collection of all, like, you know, a lot of the, you know, older.
Uh, but the new gen guys and that type of stuff. So yeah, like I said, it's, it's, for me, it's more, you know, when I collect, it's more nostalgia based than anything. You just try to keep those memories alive as far as, uh, as far as that's concerned. So as far as my collecting habits, I've changed them lately. Like I'm all in on the big rubber guys. Like,
Did you ever think at this time in our lives we'd be getting new LJN style figures that are the closest thing we've ever seen to LJN? They are, you know, nothing against, you know, nothing against jazzwares or, you know, what they try to do. But yeah, the big rubber guys are.
Yeah, they're close to the closest thing that you could get to to an LJ and it's it's pretty pretty wild Yeah, I'm like you. I'm collecting a big rubber guys. I'm all in on them. I'm doing all ultimate editions Like I'm a yeah on the ultimate edition. Although like I was just talking about this on fig night and
That Ultimate Edition 20 taker is the exact same taker that came out in a cane set. And now if I'm a completist, do I need that one? I don't think I do. No. All right. Cool. I'm not getting it. Yeah. Like I said, that's the other thing about a completist either. So like, obviously the Oscar figure is like pretty amazing. That's amazing.
Get legends I'll buy the legends and I'll buy ultimate editions and then I'll fill in if it's somebody I don't have that I really like or if it's a really cool updated figure something
then maybe I'll get that, but I'm cutting back on elites, like I said, unless it's legends or somebody new, I like to have one of everybody still. I'm trying to be more picky and I'm trying not to buy two of everything because that's expensive. Oh yeah, definitely. When I had Kyle Peterson on here too as well,
Obviously he's an extended, like an extended collector of every, a lot of things, a lot of figures. He's on a different level. And obviously actually, you know, he has that book coming out too, which I'm pretty excited about. Yeah. How cool is that? Yeah. It's classic book, which is going to be awesome. Obviously that's a good, great companion piece to the, uh, if you have the has book, the, uh, the LJN book, that's a great, like Valentine. Is that the one you're talking about?
Yeah. No, there was like, wasn't it? There was like a controversy. Remember, there was like, there's two different Hasbro books. Remember? Yeah. It was a Hasbro book and then there was a Hasbook. Yeah. I think the Hasbook was a good one, like the legit one. And then the Hasbro book was like the, you know, mired and, you know, pictures that would belong to the person and all. We won't get into that, but yeah. As far as, uh, you know, would you ever consider doing anything like that? You know,
like creating like a book on like collecting or anything like that. Has that crossed your mind? It has. And I saw his book and I'm like, Oh, how great would that be? And you know what? The first thing is like, I think of is shit. Can I curse? Yeah, good. I was like, shit, man. If I didn't have this ADHD and I could really focus, I could do something amazing. And really that's the key as to why I want to go and get better help.
Yeah. I want to be a better version of me. I don't want to be, and my wife's like, Oh, you're a good husband. I'm like, yeah, you think I'm a good husband. I feel like I could be better. I could be a better friend. I could be a better this if I'm not being lazy. Yeah. And again, mentally I'm fighting it now and I'm doing more than I've done in the past, but still, it's still a frigging battle.
Yeah, I can battle like it's still annoying. So yeah, that's why I do want to do something like that. I feel like I could do I feel like I'm dropping the ball on so much like I feel like I could do so much more with social media and this influencing shit. Yeah. And I feel like I could do it and help the tavern and it pisses me off that. That I can't sometimes, you know, yeah. And I can go into and I'm going to begin beat this thing.
Yeah, I feel I feel the same way. Not I mean, obviously, you know, about like I'm just more or less like, you know,

Anxiety and Creative Motivation

I'm more of mine. There's always more anxiety written than anything. Yeah. Like, you know, do you have panic? Do you like it? I do, actually, not frequently. Not like I used to. But yeah, I've had in the past. I just heard there's a cure for panic attacks and it's something so easy. You know, the arrowhead candy.
Yes, it's really sour Yeah, it said if you feel a panic attack coming on and you eat an arrowhead the sourness does something that distracts your brain from the panic attack fully coming on Really? Yeah, like that makes kind of makes sense because it's so sour
That's true. I never thought of that. But yeah, and I'm like, oh, man, I bet the kids keep some of those handy. Some too, because I was trying to have one at work the other day because I've got I mean, I've got a lot better with like, you know, you know, obviously, you go to see my doctor and then obviously get diagnosed with like, you know, things are hyper. Was it called like hyper tension? That's pretty much it. But yeah, just like.
That probably doesn't help when I'm trying to like, oh, man, I should hop on, do this. I have ideas. I'm like an idea what I want to do. Tonight, when I was like, hey, I'll just record this interview right after the raw down, which helps. I always think after the raw down, maybe I'll hop on Instagram or TikTok and do a quick video.
kind of do like a hype video. Hey, you know, you know, check out the pod foundation, but I don't know, something stupid, just something that's like a minute long that I could throw out there just to get out there. But then I don't know what the heck happens. It's just it's more or less like I don't know if I'm scared or like, I don't know what the hell it is. But like I've done it. I've done a couple of those. I've done it for the tavern. I've done it for and like they usually get good numbers.
Yeah, it's it's one of those things. So it's like you you just got to do it. Especially this shows a perfect example. Like I took it took me like almost like a almost a year to like actually do like actually actually start the show because I was like.
I was obviously doubting myself and then going, I don't know what the hell the show's going to be about, where's it going to go? And then I was just like, you know what? I just got to do it, see where it takes me and see what the hell happens. And then it obviously worked out. But then same thing with social media. Recently I started, I kind of took credit for it jokingly in the Facebook group, but doing collaborations on Instagram.
You know, because they have a section, they have a, before you post something, you can invite somebody to collaborate with your posts and it goes on both accounts. And if someone obviously has a larger, you know, um, uh, place that you and, and social media, it'll, you'll, you'll start getting recognition. You know, you'll start getting like the numbers and you kind of helping each other out. And, uh, you know, Chad actually brought that up. He's like, Oh, he's like, this is awesome that everyone's doing that. And you get eyeballs on everything. That's the other thing too, like with, um,
I did the first time I did I think I did it with a macho verse actually, where I posted I did like a mock up of the, the Apple
the goggle, the VR goggles that they have. And I put them on Macho Man as like an advertisement. And I invited him to collaborate. Didn't think he was actually going to like you accept it. And he was like, hey, did you do this yourself? And I was like, yeah, I was just messing around. And I was like, I thought they kind of looked like Macho Man's glasses. I was like, so I just created this picture. And he was like, oh, he's like, let's try it. And he collaborated. And it went on his. It just freaking blew up, dude. It went crazy.
So like, and then I was like, you know what, maybe someone else would do it. So like right now I have a gold bars and hooks who I had him on a couple of shows ago.
Um, he posts a lot of wrestling clips and stuff like that. So like, you know, I, I, you know, I asked him, I was like, Hey, I, I, I actually just went out and you know, messaged him and said, Hey, I was like, I'm looking at like, you know, collaborate a lot more. Like, you know, maybe if I send you a video, I'll add you, I'll add you to it. And you can, he was like, yeah, sure thing. He's like, I've been looking to do that too. So he's been, he's been doing it. We've been like, you know, sharing wrestling videos. If he, he had to do it. So like, it, it, it helps out. Like it, I did, uh, I was watching, uh, I figured I was watching.
It was something like business dude, he was actually talking about like nowadays with, uh, you know, trying to like make ground and obviously in social media and trying to be like doing whatever you're trying to do with social media. It's really hard nowadays. Like do everything by yourself. Like you kind of need.
uh, someone to like, you know, if someone has a bigger platform than you, um, you know, when you can make a case for it, you can, the best thing to do is like partner up with that person or persons and kind of like make your way that way. Like, you know, and then obviously, you know, you know, one hand washes the other type type deal. So it's almost like you have to do that now. It's like, you get lost in the shuffle. Like wrestling content wasn't as crazy as it is now. Like obviously when COVID hit, it just went,
Everyone's doing like wrestling, you know videos and your podcast and all that stuff and now it's like even it's even more Relevant like it's more prevalent. Obviously wrestling is really huge now. It's like, you know breaking Everywhere so you think about all those podcasts that like came out there in a pandemic and how many disappeared but yet we're still yeah, we're still here. Yeah, it's true strong like
It's been how many years now? We're slowly still growing and we're working on making the world more. So it's really, really cool that we survived it. And people know us, you know, go to shows and people recognize you. That's kind of weird. Like, you know? Yeah, it's crazy. Like I've noticed that, especially like the, you know, the AEW crowd and obviously with the flagship show.
stuff like that. It's like, you know, the people know, turnbuckle tavern. I mean, recognized in West Virginia, some guy stopped the new me from the the AW wrap up show. He's like, aren't you Tom from the wrap up? Yeah, that's awesome. Like, how does that like, does that make you feel weird at all? And like, people do recognize you or
Yeah, like it's cool and weird. It's like, whoa, because we're not used to that. We're just normal people. We're just wrestling fans like them. But yeah, it's awesome group of people to chat with. Like we're just how cool is it that in this day and age, because of technology, we have this group of guys we could just sit around, like sit around, sit around, not sit around, sit around and just talk shit about wrestling. Like with these guys, like, yeah, I mean, like I had a couple of friends who kind of watched wrestling.
Yeah, me and Micah texting all the time I'm you know text with the guys in this group and we do these podcasts and the debate show Like it's just so friggin cool and we could like shit on each other's takes or we could like make fun of Hawk and Yes Really cool. Oh man. Did you ever think like uh? Like back then with this first like when you this first start did you ever think that it would get like this like uh, I
I don't wanna say big, but get that traction going. I remember when we first started the Power Foundation and stuff, and she and Seth were like, oh, we gotta bring out the Turbocal Tavern and all that stuff.

Community Growth and Recognition

Even seeing the follower count on the Turbocal Tavern IG page, going from
hundreds to like, was it like double digits, like double digits now? Like it's like, yeah. Yeah. I mean, I don't even know how many visitors we have, but our tick tock was exploding too. So it was cool. Yeah. It's like, did you ever like you ever, you know, obviously, you know, it's not like something we're like making like multi-million dollars off it, but like, did you ever think like you'd be in a place where it just be this easy to like, you know, like, like we're doing now just jumping on and
No, I mean, I never really thought about it. I was just having fun when I first called into the tavern show and then I got to do the debate show with them. And it's like, you know what? Listen, if nothing else comes of it, we're having fun talking about wrestling. Like, yeah. And if nothing else comes, who cares what we're still talking about. And if something comes of it, it's a bonus.
It's a great bonus, but hard work. I think our devotion and like we don't miss shows. Like fig night is awesome because we have that live aspect. And if I can't make one, I always say to Mike, you want to pre-record, but he's like, we got so much interaction. I'll just go on solo and open something that way. You know, like we feel like we disappoint people if we're not live because the interactive chat for fig night is so important to the show. Yeah, definitely. Like we really love the interaction with, and that's another reason why we don't want to put it behind a paywall.
Yeah. Cause you kind of lose that. Yeah. So, um, actually let's, let's, let's go this, right. So we'll continue with fig night. Yeah. Uh, how do you feel about like the, would you have like, cause I see this a few times, you know, you'll have guests on and stuff like that. They'll drop exclusives for the most part. And then they just like, you know, just fly all over the place.
Do you ever, I know there's probably a few times they're like, you don't get credit and stuff like that. Or even obviously it was on your show where they heard that news. Do you ever feel like, how do you feel in those moments where it's just like, you know, this could have been like really good for us, but now, you know, someone else took it and kind of.
his life listen I'm also I used to be photographer for magazines and Used to see people post my photos and not give me credit and it's the same type of thing So that's why whenever we do anything we always give credit like it's not hard to say like we the thing that kind of like That you're referring to one of the major things was the major pod Talked about Steve Ozer being on our show talked about the Ria for exclusive things he jumped in Oh, he just said this on some podcast
Like, really? We advertise your major bendies. We support your big rubber guys. I've been a fan of yours since the beginning. I've been to the live shows. I'm part of the Patreon. And I know it was mostly that D Freedom kid. Like, the following week he came on and he actually, I tried messaging him after he didn't credit us. And he just blew it off. But the following week, he's like, oh yeah, Ozur was on. He goes, I think he actually said it was either on Fig Night or the Nick Storm show. I'm like,
Okay. We both just got shot up. We support our friends here. Like we're not against anybody. Nick Storm, you know, he used to do a fig night with us. His schedule made it hard for him to continue doing it with us. So we started his own show and good for him. You can't have too many figgy shows.
Yeah. I mean, there aren't many. If you think about it, like it's like, it's not like saturated all over the place. It's legit. Like fig night, Nick, the major bros and who else's podcast fully posable, fully, obviously fully posable, the articulation, something about the articulation podcast.
Yeah, like I said, it's a handful, essentially. So it's not like an oversaturated... It's like people who hate one wrestling company because they like the other. Okay, watch what you like, but you don't have to hate on the other just because you prefer a different one.
Yeah, yeah, exactly. Like I said, it goes back to like the collaboration thing, like being able to, you know, help each other out and give each other credit for things. It's like, you know, especially like I said, with the Instagram thing, it's your both of your names are on when you when you share that invite and they accept it. It's not like
You know, when I said something like, you know, the chads and they posted them on a turnbuckle tavern, it's all like, it's their name on it. It's like, it's both of our names. And they're like, Oh, who the hell is this? And they'll click on my name. Oh, here's some cool stuff. Vice versa. They're like, Oh, what is turnbuckle tavern? Oh, click on that. Oh, that's pretty cool. And like the other, the other cool thing too is like.
Um, when I, uh, interviewed, uh, uh, sassy sledgehammer, the, uh, the people's episode where they, we talked about like, you know, neighbor and up street and stuff, you know, she was really into like, you know, fought like following different accounts of like,
find a note about different collectors and all that type of stuff. And I think that's something that's kind of missing if you try to give people that shine that they deserve or highlight something that you think is pretty cool. I wouldn't expect the people that I have on the show
for everyone. It's not for everybody. It's gonna be for somebody. Somebody might find them interesting. But I only find, I only put people on that that I find interesting. I don't really think about anybody else's feelings. But that's it. And you know what, if you see a guest you like, and you want to listen, that's fine.
Yeah. If you don't want to listen because it's something you're not interested in, that's fine. Don't start hating on it. And I haven't seen that happen to you, but that's just the whole society of the internet. But you know, I'm kind of shocked, Mark, and you probably agree. At the tavern, we have received very little hate. Like, even on my post, even on the YouTube videos, we don't really get a lot of the hate that people get.
Yeah, I know on the instagram chad likes to poke the bear a little bit with some of his posts That's fun, but as far as our content we really don't get hate for our content of what we make Yeah, I didn't I notice it. Yeah, it's not it There's no reason to that's the other part of it like what's it? You know, unless you're just looking for something to you know complain about or you know, I think you know, it's one of those things are I think people can recognize like the
like the genuine part of it. It's like everyone's, no one's playing up anything. We're not, no one's playing a character of, you know, I'd be the biggest heel or be the biggest baby face or the, you know, I'm just going to shit on this thing. Just, you know, just a shit on it. Like everyone, I think when you listen to all these shows, um, the pot foundation included, everyone is, like I said, it's more, it's coming from
Like a genuine place where we're giving our takes on stuff. It's not, and I think you can, if you pick that up, there's nothing negative to say about it. It's like, you know, it could be thought provoking more than anything. Like it's not, we're not trying to put, I think like one of the things I always thought I loved about J-Bone was that he told me was like, he was like, he was like, I like, I like listening to you on Chick Foley's show. He's like, cause he's like, you, he's like, you were very good at like, you know, playing both sides. Not like, not that I'm like playing both sides, but like he's like, you're really good at like, you know,
you know, articulating what you're saying, but not like, you know, shitting on the other thing. Yeah. Like you kind of like, I think that's how everyone's takes are pretty much. We're not like completely shitting on something like, you know, full heel at some point that you could definitely, there are times where like, you know, we're just like, fuck this, we're sick of this. And then you just go full, you know, shit house on something. But for the most part, it's pretty genuine. That's why you don't get those negative comments.
yeah i think honestly like the group we have at the tavern and the whole pod foundation it's really crazy it's just a group of good guys we really don't have many assholes in there sorry hawk um yeah he's like the only one really probably the only one and i kind of i mean i hide it too about like not that i am would but like i um
I'm only like, I'm less provoked. I'm really not. I mean, I'm very, uh, in condescending. Well, let's be, I mean, I mean, if you're, if you're born in the Northeast, yeah, you're automatically going to have some type of attitude. But like I said, I, I don't, I shouldn't say I hide it. I should say, I don't feel the need to bring it out unless it's actually, you know, something happens. Like in that case,
The years I've been doing this, I haven't had any negative, like, you know.
things, except if it was on the show or anything like that. But other than that, no, never no negative. Look at our groups like the Facebook groups are not even no negative vibes in either one of them. There's always been picked out before a few people have been like kind of like banned by Facebook for some of the things they say sometimes. But other than no one's been kicked out of a group that hasn't been any drama. And I think that's what we attract is we don't attract negativity. It's and again, it's like I believe in the
the power what the hell is the word uh the power of positivity power of attraction what yes what you're going to get back the law of attraction i the law of attraction that's it thank you uh back to my movie the secret uh which if you haven't read the book i highly suggest you should um but
Yeah. Like we don't have assholes in the group. We have a genuinely good group of people there. And I think that's why we don't have any of that negativity shit. Like it's, you know, and if you do have a problem with it, then, you know, go scratch. But like you said, like you ever see those people that you're around and you just see, wow, this guy is an asshole. Like, and he just acts like an asshole all the time. And you wonder, like, does this guy know he's the asshole? Like, does he know that people just cannot tolerate him? Like, I wonder that when I see a guy acting like that, like,
Yeah, there I mean, I mean we've yeah, I mean we I was gonna say something but yeah, we we know we know of one person that was like that that's no longer no longer with us but uh Yeah, it's most of those those of those guys or girls don't even notice it. You're right. They don't notice that they're That's so easy because there's no everybody thinks. Oh my god, that person's the asshole Yeah, that person doesn't know
Yeah, it's uh And then the other part of that is like telling them too. It's like Do you know you're the asshole? Yeah, do you? And then sometimes you know what they might not know it they might not You know know that they're coming across that way. They might be like, holy I didn't even I didn't even think of that like but other times are just like So what and then you just gotta you know, I guess deal with it I like am I the asshole ever And then sometimes i'll do something and walk away i'm like wow
I was a dick there. Yeah. Yeah. That's, I mean, that's a walk away and you're like, whoa, it happens. That happens to all of us. We're not all perfect when it comes to, uh, you know, sometimes we treat people, you know,
It's like trying to stick to them to the old motto, like cheat people how you would like to be treated. And yeah, exactly. Yes. And that's that's how it should be. Hope. I mean, especially, I mean, with wrestling, you know, people, it's kind of different with that. I mean, not with us, but like, you know, wrestling fans in general. Yeah. Yeah. I love it because everywhere I go, people are watching

Wrestling's Current Era and Future

wrestling out. People want to talk about it. And now. Yeah.
I'm like, Oh, you're back, but I never left. So. Oh, exactly. Yeah. I mean, what do you actually do it? I could let that let's ask you because I think I've asked a few people this before that, you know, Watcher Wilson. Do you I mean, maybe J-Bone actually talked about this as far as, you know, this moment in time with wrestling. Do you think it's better than the attitude error?
I'm going to answer it. Let me, let me just take one step back because I had told people the day of the press conference that happened in Vegas for a WrestleMania. Yep. Okay. I was talking to people. I said, and you will probably agree with this, but to me, I could only really remember two other moments that felt like that in wrestling.
Uh, number one would probably be, well, number, no particular order stone cold and Mike Tyson on raw like that. And I, it felt real again. Yep. And look what that whole thing went to. Okay. Yep.
Then the other time that felt like that to me was back in the eighties with, uh, mr. T jumping a guardrail at MSG ring. And look what that led to talking about two of the biggest booms in wrestling. Now we get this press conference that seemed real, had people talk and my wife's watching it with me. And she's like, no, that seemed real. That wasn't fake. And I'm like.
Yes. It's best. And this is the beginning of the next boom. And it's, it's like, listen, we've been in something that's been growing for the last couple of years. Yeah. But now we're here.
Like this is the, like WWE is on fire again. We've got real competition in AW and people could say there, oh, they're not competition, blah, blah, blah, blah. They're competition. When you have stars jumping back and forth majorly between these two companies, you have companies booking, they do things against each other. This is competition. WWE would not be where it is today without AW. Like it wouldn't have gotten this good because they didn't feel the need to.
When you have a billion dollar company behind another wrestling promotion, you got to be careful because all of a sudden somebody else has the pocketbook to start writing out checks to your major stars. And it's a great time to be a wrestler because now there's more people making a living at wrestling. And not only that, because of AW, I feel like MLW and all these other companies are growing.
Like more wrestling than I've ever remembered in my life. So, um, I don't, is this going to be better than the attitude era? Like living through the attitude era was great. Um, it could be as far as cause me and Jaybo talk about as far as like the talent is concerned, like just look at the roster.
Like the current roster in WWE versus the roster in, in, uh, you know, the attitude hour or even ruthless aggression. Let's even throw that in there. Like, Hey, this is the best talent we've ever seen in wrestling. I think so. I mean, not only is their roster the best, but AWS roster is probably better than the attitude areas roster. Yeah. That's why I'd be like, it's very like, I don't want to, yeah, I don't want to live in just the WWE, but as far as like his talent is concerned, like looking at it now and like compared it back to it, it's like,
as much as we want to hold on to nostalgia and we'd be like, Oh man, this is the greatest time, you know, Hulk Hogan. It's just like now it's like, you're watching this now and you're like, I can't even.
I can't even, I can't be, I gotta be real with myself and say like, you know, the Robins and the Cody's and the Seth Rollins and the, the Drew McIntyre's and Kevin Owens. Those, these guys are leaps, leaps and bounds ahead of what I was watching when I was a kid, as far as like, you know, like star power, athletic ability, uh,
just look and feel, it's like, it's kind of hard to like, you know, say goodbye to that, like, you know, like I said, like your childhood and stuff, but just looking at it now, it's like, holy shit, it was like living in like a, like a Renaissance almost of a professional wrestling again. And whoever, who would have ever thought that something like this would happen with like, you know, Endeavor purchasing WWE, like, you know, us, you know, me in my forties, you in your forties, did you ever think you would see a,
world without a big band at the home of crazy world. And he did. Yeah. Here's the thing is honestly, like when I used to think of a WWE without a McMahon, it was kind of scary. Like what's going to happen? Here we are. And we're on a cruise ship and it's beautiful. Almost better, you know? Yeah. So it's crazy. It is absolutely crazy. Uh,
Man, I don't even know. What was the question again? I totally forgot. Oh, no. I was saying like, as far as like, did you ever, was there ever time in your life, like, you know, that you would ever think that you'd be watching like wrestling, but there wouldn't be any, a McMahon name attached to the product you're watching. That's like, we're almost living like a new, a new age, like a new, like an alternate universe.
Yeah, it's very, very crazy. And all those rumors about Steph coming out helping Vince cover the shit up pretty much. Yeah.
If that's true, if it's true, first of all, I'm not even getting into it. That's just sick. And that's all I'm going to say. Yeah, exactly. We don't know if it's true. It's a leg. Actually, yeah. I got another question for you after you do that. I don't know if it's true, but you know, there's a good chance we never see another McMahon help running WWE. I think we probably see Shane pop up at this WrestleMania. Makes me wonder why Shane kind of disappeared for like
20 years was where he knew what was going on and he didn't want to be part of it. So maybe, yeah, early, that was early on in his, uh, he's the one man was frigging respect and dignity. Yeah. Not many of them. So no, it's funny. We probably get to the question. No, so I did someone played a clip of, uh, it was when Shavek may have returned and, uh,
He, he said something to the fat. I was like, you know, Shane, Vincent, Stephanie and the rank. And he said, said he's basically saying something like, you know, he was like, did you, did your dad tell you all the stuff that, uh, that, you know, I had to cover up and all this stuff? Like it was just like, you're going to go back and watch the clip. It's so weird seeing him say that.
Like, did you tell your daughter about all, you know, all the stuff that, uh, you know, I took care of that I, uh, you know, wow. But this was like, obviously before this is like, this is like when they started the, um,
Really a split, really split Rod Smackdown. It was like Stephanie was in charge of raw. Shane was in charge of Smackdown. And he had, um, what'd he advise, uh, Daniel Bryan or Brian Danielson as it's like, you know, you know, Co or GM and stuff like that. It was, it was, it was weird seeing that, but I gotta ask you a question. So what are your thoughts on, um, you know, with this allegation stuff, not about the allegations, but like, what are your thoughts on talent being asked the question about it?
What are your thoughts on like them answering it? Like, how would you want them to answer it? That's my question. Because you see a lot of people go like, you know, you see like Kevin Owens said something, Becky said something, and they every time so they, oh, they just stick it up for them. Oh, blah, blah, blah. It's like, what are your thoughts on like talent? Like, do they, do you think they have to say anything? Like, do you think they're obligated to give their actual thoughts on
What's going on? Or do you think just something like, Hey, this is sick. This is disgusting. I hate it. You know, this is stupid. I wish it never happened. And then move on. Like, do you think we should have anything else said from, uh, from them or any other words of wisdom in that sense? Let's just say someone, me or you are really close to somebody that we love this happened to.
Yeah, we want to really go answer questions from reporters. Exactly. Like, yeah, is he the abortion? Yeah. But some of them, the relationship went far beyond that. You know, how many guys have we heard that he was a father figure to that? He helped, you know, a lot, a lot of them. Yeah. So like I get where they're from and coming from. And I can't shit on someone for that because, yeah, difficult situation. Like, is it a shitty thing? Yes. I think I think what I read was seen as comments the other day.
where he was very perplexed and I felt like he was being very honest there. I felt like he kind of wore his heart on his sleeve and he kind of got criticized for that. But he's just saying something that's true. It's somebody that he loved and it's like
It's a hard situation. Like the fact that they're answering at all, I think like they could just say next question and then they're going to get criticized for that. So there's never, there's no right way to answer it. Like I thought Cena's answer was the best because it seemed the most honest out of, you know, Cena was honest. Like I think a lot of people who have come out and slammed him, like, you know, I don't want to start calling names, but there's somebody who worked for this company, quit, came back, got fired, or maybe she got, well, I just gave it away, I think.
They left, then they came back, and then she criticized him after, you know, just recently. And I'm like, if you knew about this the first time and then you came back to work for him, what does that make you?
Yeah, who was it? How do you know who you're talking about? Uh, I don't I'll tell you off here. Okay, I don't want to. It's just like I just found that very hypocritical if they knew the first time and it sounded like they did like you're going back to that person that you're so against. It's just weird. It's just I don't know. Just shut up. Sometimes it's just better. You sound better when you shut up. That's that is very true. The other the other thing too is like, you know, I see like Becky Lynch, like they asked her about and she said, you know,
You know, obviously same thing is awful. It's awful. This is, you know, all, all the stuff to say, like, Hey, this, we don't, I don't condone it. This is not, you know, but then, you know, she said, you know, I can only speak to my experience, you know, working for this company and my experience is nothing but like, you know, you know, good. I had a good experience. I have a good experience working here. So like, obviously the people come in, Oh, of course you're going to cover up all the while. It's like,
Here's my thing about it. No one was with him after hours. He wasn't doing this stuff. I mean, obviously there might have been some stuff happening in the offices. But other than that, it seems like a lot of this stuff is happening outside of the company. Obviously, there's probably stuff happening within the company and harassment and all that stuff. But the stuff he was actually doing
Like, do you think Becky Lynch is hanging out with Vince McMahon? You've heard stories of like people not even be able to speak to the dude. Not even be able to get in touch with them, but they work for the guy. Like, how do you expect these people to actually know what he's doing behind closed doors? Like, that's the other part of it. And like I said, not sticking up with Vince McMahon or anything like that. I'm sticking up for like the
the people that when they get asked these questions, and they're just like, like you said, speaking it, speaking to their, you know, the best of their abilities, their knowledge of what they experience. And like, you get criticized for it. It's like, it's awful. It's like,
You know, if someone said something about J-Bone or something like that, something bad happened with him. And like, you know, someone asked me like, oh, hey, what do you think about this stuff? I'm like, you know what? I mean, we do a show together. I mean, obviously I don't condone anything he's done, but you know, I only had great experience. That's what I, that's how I'd answer it. I've only had great experience with John. He's, he's a good guy to be. And that's pretty much all I, all I can tell you. I love J-Bone. We do have to forgive him for being an Astros fan. You know, that is very, that is very true. Yeah.
that is that is very true like it the good thing is like you know he came up and he visited you know visited uh be up here in bosses stuff like that kind of in a bad situation
But it was nothing but

Family, Allegations, and Justice

good things. You know, when you hit it off, it was great. It was fun. But other than that, it was, he could have came back and been like, you know, I could have done something that he'd like, you know, he could have done something that I didn't like, but you know, it is someone asked him like, Oh, I heard rumors of blah, blah, blah. But he has that knowledge of, Oh my God, I did meet him and he did do this. Like what, you know, would you expect him to say like, that's it? I just, I just get annoyed at sometimes. I like the, you know, the amount of, uh, you know,
how do you say like it's like the amount of like knowledge that we as fans think we need to have or like we feed we like kind of like feed more into like the you know obviously we see these people every week we feel connected blah blah blah like you know I feel like if they say something that's like you know opposite of what you're thinking it's like you know oh I mean I try to cut that connection
and try not to like, yo, they're people too. They're humans. They go through shit every day. I've been thinking that way about Vince. Like, listen, I know what's happening right now, but honestly, right now, it's only allegations. Yeah. I mean, maybe it's 100% true. And of course, obviously, I would lean more towards it's true or it's not. They made it seem like all this shit was about to break. So much more has happened. And we haven't heard anything in weeks.
Like we're never going to get the full truth. I'm, I know for a fact, some of what she said, I don't know for a fact, but like some of what she said has to be true, right? Like, Oh yeah. I mean, yeah. But we just don't know the details. We don't know anything. Like was she knowing she's getting paid off? So was she willingly going along to make all this money? Like, we just don't know the facts. Like how come more women haven't come out and spoken out against it? If he did this to so many women. Yeah.
I don't know. Like look what happened with Bill Cosby. Look what happened with, with the movie guy. Uh, I can't think of his name. Oh, uh, Harvey Weinstein. Like those people came, people came out of the woodworks. That's like, I kind of wonder why, like why is the floodgates not, unless he just did it with a couple of people.
Yeah. Let me say this. It's shitty. Whether you do it to one person, five people. Yeah. Oh, so don't get me wrong on that. But I I'm just like, listen, he and the fact that he's so adamant to fight against it and prove that he's innocent, like.
Yeah, that is true. If he was really guilty, this guy has enough money to go buy a private island somewhere and go live there and never have to be seen from again. That's what he's probably doing right now. That's why you don't hear anything. He probably just moved out of the country at this point.
I hope he gets what's due to him for if he did it then he deserves Everything he did listen. I had I have a family member who went to jail They did and like my whole family was writing letters to try and get them out on parole and everything Yeah, my dad's like you're gonna write a letter and I'm like no and he's like why I'm like because they belong in jail for what they did
This family member has since gotten out. They've cleaned up their act and I'm fine with them now, but whether it was my family or not, they deserve to be punished. So why like, yeah, just because you love somebody doesn't mean they don't deserve to be punished. Yeah. Yeah. That's true. I think that's, that's a perfect lesson right there. It's like, you know, you could love somebody, but then if they did the, they did whatever they did. It's, I mean, I've had family members who that have, you know, done bad once in jail and stuff like that. It's just like,
You know, you want to show sympathy, but at the same time, it's like, do I still love you? Of course I love you. Like, I'm not going to love you, but listen, you did something very, very wrong. Yeah. Yeah. My love isn't changing the fact that you did a crime. You did a crime. You go to jail. Yeah. I might even snitch on you. I don't even care. They come to my door. They come knocking at my door and say, you know what? Yeah. I do all about it because I'm not going to jail with you. Exactly. I'm not being accepted.
Exactly. Like listen, you can't like put your own family in jeopardy for something like that. Listen. Oh, yeah, definitely. Yeah, we went on a crazy tangent there. So what else?

Content Creation Plans and Challenges

Yeah, we went through like the anxiety went through all this stuff. As far as you know, what else? What do you have like?
When you have like coming down the pike, is there, obviously you spoke about the, uh, you know, sessions, make it a return, um, anything else going on in the world of, uh, like I said, you're like a mover and a shaker. You're like a socialite. You know, a lot of people.
Like I said, what do you have going on? Is there anything new coming down the pike for the OG Fig Kid? Yeah, WrestleMania in my backyard coming up in about one month. So I'm looking forward to that. Are you going to WrestleMania? I don't know if I'm going to the show. I'm going to be doing a lot of the side events. Yeah. I'm looking at tickets. And to sit up in a nosebleeds, it's 200 bucks.
I could sit in my basement and watch it in my studio, my little theater in my basement on a 75 inch TV and not have to worry about getting out of the parking lot. If I could find decent tickets, I think it would be cool. I've never been to a mania. So it would be cool to go like Saturday night. Um, and I'm talking about me and Matt are talking about going to it. So it might happen, but I'm looking forward to a lot of the side events. I'll be doing a lot of videos and photos, and I'm sure I'll be doing a vlog for the Patreon over at the tavern.
So just, yeah, that's what I got going on. I'm always thinking of ideas, but dude, like, again, I'm just getting frustrated as I talk to you because I always have ideas and I don't follow through on them. And it's the ADHD. And I know that now. So my goal in 2024 specifically is to come up with these ideas and follow through with them and not sit around with my thumb up my ass and feeling like I'm a lazy piece of poop.
I mean that's Stuff it's like the videos on it's like like you said, let's do the videos. I want to start doing more figure photography I said things up for political photography and I don't do it because I just Can't motivate myself to get off the couch some days some days. Yeah
It's just frustrating. Do you know how frustrating it is? Like, yeah, like I said, probably not as like bad, like as bad as you, but like, it's just like you want to, like I said, I want to do stuff so bad. Like it's just like, it's just actually just doing it. Like I just feel like.
I feel like this has to be like prep going into something where it's easy, where it's basically just like opening an app and then record and talking. That's literally all you have to do. But it's like for me, in my mind, it's like more goes into it. It's like, oh, I got to do this. And then I get it set this up and it's like, no, that's not what you have to do. It's just.
just open up the app and just start talking. Just do something and put it out there and see what happens. It's literally all you have to do. It's just like a block. It's weird. It's just like a mental block. Like I said, it could be my hypertension, my anxiety that pops up and that's what I meant to say. It kind of went on a tangent.
You know, I do have like, you know, methods that I go by, um, you know, there's like, you know, just talking to my doctor and stuff, you know, like breathe, do like breathing exercises. If you do like, you know, I'll wake up sometimes like even recently, like I woke up one morning.
panic attack.
Luckily, she's cancer free, but she has to stay on a chemo forever. They said it'll come right back. Yeah, she's on chemo forever. Her immune is low. And then last week, my dad had COVID and went in the hospital for a few days. So I was trying to take care of them because she can't be like they basically told my mom, if you get a cold, go to the emergency room because your immune cannot fight it. Oh, yeah. Yes.
So like I had to go and separate him. I had to take care of, well, she could take care of herself. She can move. She's fine. But my dad, I had to make sure like I had to do everything with him. And then I had to like disinfect myself every time I was near him. So that way I wouldn't bring it to my mom because they was, I had wanted my mom to come stay in a house with me, but she didn't want to. It was like, yeah. All right. So I was there for a few days and it just, you feel that stress. You feel the panic. It's like, but I've learned breathing like in through my nose, out through my mouth, very slow.
Yeah, calm me down I could usually hold off the panic attacks except for when you wake up with them in the middle of the night Which that only happened when my mom was in the hospital But I was burning the candle of both hands because I was working every day. I didn't work. I live in Flemington, New Jersey I would drive an hour to Staten Island to take my dad to see my mom in the hospital in New York Which was another hour so like I run myself down those few months. It was terrible. Yeah Yeah, I think it kind of like yeah
same hair I think it was like for me like back when I was at 20 was it 2018 or 20 yeah like 2018 2019 it really didn't kick in but now like you thinking back of you know how like
I think kind of like all built up like the anxiety and stuff like that. I was doing the same thing with like, you know, leave work. My mom was in Boston in Mass General. So like every time I would like leave work and drive, you know, be five o'clock rush hour.
traffic and take like an hour to get from like from you know where I live to you know to Boston and stuff like that and doing it pretty much like you know if every not every other day pretty much every day going up and you know visiting her because she's a cobra at the time and stuff like that so like wow just thinking of just thinking of that stuff of like you know putting all that into perspective and at some point you know when I actually had my first full blow like anxiety which is around like 20 to 20 and I think everyone pretty much
I think a lot of people are diagnosed with anxiety at that, about that time. But like, I think like just, you know, as you like recollect and you think it's like, how, how have I never like noticed that, that I had this type of like condition, like, because it just doesn't have, like you have it. It just, it just, you know, it's like a landmine. It's basically something has to like hit it and it just explodes. That's what pretty much happened to me. You know, I was out one day doing errands and it just, just snapped.
I was just like full-blown, thought I was having a heart attack, but it wasn't. That was my first panic attack. I was at the vet with my last dog. You thought you were going to die, right? My dog was paralyzed. He couldn't move his back legs. And the vet's telling us that all the different options we could have for him. And all of a sudden, I felt like I started getting cold, but yet sweat was coming out. I look up and the lights are coming down at me. And my wife looks at me. She goes, are you all right? And I go, yeah. She goes, your knees are shaking.
And I'm like, I'm fine. And all of a sudden, like 10 seconds later, I'm like, can you take, can you take the dog? I had to go sit down. I'm like, call an ambulance, call an ambulance. It's having a panic attack. Hold on. Let us get you a drink. They're like, what do you want to drink? I'm like, I need a Coke now. They brought me a Coke.
Dude, it was the scariest. The first one was the scariest thing I've ever experienced. Yeah, same thing. The first one, there's like aftershocks too. You get through that one, and then obviously, if you don't take care of yourself and you don't know what's going to happen, and the next couple of days or the next day, it can
And that's what my doctor told me. He was like, you can have aftershocks. Basically, you can get through it. You'll get through your first episode. And then the next day, it's like an earthquake. You get those aftershocks, and it can happen. Then I was like, I remember, I'll never forget the second worst one I had was on Father's Day. It was 2020, I think.
Yeah, Father's Day 2020 was the worst one. We were supposed to go out, you know, celebrate Father's Day. And just like, you know, I think my wife was out doing something and then when she's gonna come back, you know, get us all together and we're gonna go out. Don't know what the hell happened. I was just like, you know, watching something and it just freaking out of nowhere, just full blown.
You know, couldn't even move running around the house. Like it's like, Oh, like, Oh my God. Oh, what the hell's happened to throw water on my face? Cold water. And it was bad. It was real bad. Ruined, ruined out the father's day plans. But it was, uh, you know, you have to go through those things are like, yo, I guess he like, yes, get tested. I guess you have to go through those type of episodes to kind of like, you know,
You know what you're facing. So later on when it does come, you know, like, okay, this isn't real. I can kind of like curb it or whatever, but yeah, I've had them. Yeah. They're real bad. I think this is the first time actually even set them on here. But yeah, it was real bad. Those two, those are the two main ones. The very first one and that father's day one where like the, those are like the worst. I remember those vividly. Yeah. And not fun. And like people out there, like.
Nothing to be ashamed of just oh, yeah, no definitely not now, you know a mental health crazy serious thing We learned that more and more and more so do what you have to do to take care of your mental health I'm gonna I'm in the process of looking for a new therapist. Luckily. I have good friends when I need to call somebody J-bone has been a great help for me Mike's help for me like all the J bones just reach out any time he goes if you need to talk and he's let me get things off my chest and I feel bad going to him but like
Yeah, he's so cool like he's a great friend So like and there's other people like like if the whole tavern is just supportive of everything that we do Like it's just amazing last year when my mom was sick. Like just go do what you gotta do. Everybody's just great That's oh, yeah. Yeah, definitely. Yes Yeah, yeah, that's like like I said, it's a cool thing. You have it like a support system Especially when you go with do like any type of uh, you know mental crisis, but yeah Yeah, your mental health is definitely Important and obviously like the stuff, you know
the stuff we're doing right now with you know we're doing you know podcasts and content creation it can that can be overwhelming too okay you know oh they didn't like my post or you know this is to do with this or so like that it like it messes with you but sometimes you get to like remember you and sometimes you just put something stupid in your head and you know it's not true but yet you think it is and you can make yourself believe it even though you know it's not true
Yeah, oh my god. Oh my god. What is it? That's that's that's literally me every time I like reach out to somebody like it's like Somebody for an interview. Oh, why doesn't push her? Why didn't they like it? Oh, yeah. What do they do? Oh, they're not it like it I gotta know that like, you know, I'm reaching out to just like random people that don't know the hell I am so I
That I remember that I'm like, Oh, if I reach out to them and they don't answer back, it's whatever. But like, it's, it's one of those things where it's like, you know, if I do, you know, especially when they do with this show, I reach out to somebody and they accept. Then it starts to kick it. It's like, Oh my God, what am I going to talk to them about? Oh my God, this is going to suck. Uh, how am I going to go about doing this? Luckily they've been pretty good, but like, yeah, that, that anxiety kicks in. You know, Oh, thank God. They actually, you know, they're going to do the show.
But then after that, I'm like, Oh my God. Oh, what am I going to talk about? Oh no. I want to be questions for him. Oh, are we even going to click? Is it going to be awkward? Is it going to be weird? Um, and yeah, it just like flames up even more, but he has to learn to, you know, figure out ways to like comment down, whether it be, I don't know, like I said, like, you know, working out or, you know, watching wrestling, that definitely helps me out too. Just throw on like peacock and, you know,
watch a match and it like, that definitely, like, that definitely calms me down. Just watch it. Like any, you know, happy to like, and I talk about stop it, collect them. But when I walk into my figure room and just like look around, yeah, yeah. And it's like, I love it. So why would I stop? Just cut back and do what you want to do. I don't have to be a completist on anything.
Yeah, I make my own rules up. I could break my own rules. Like if I don't want to buy the Undertaker Ultimate Edition and somebody else says I'm not complete, then fine, whatever. Yeah. And I'm sure that Undertaker figure, since it's already been released, it'll be dirt cheap anyway. So I'll pick it up when it's half price and I can put it in my collection. Yeah, actually, you brought up

Emotional Outlets in Collecting

a good point. Like, you know, you'll go into like it in your figure or whatever you
You want to do your collector's room or whatever you have set up and actually just like going in there. And like you said, just like, obviously if you're a mid-time card person, probably doesn't help because you can't really, you know, take the figure and like, you know, mess around with it. So that usually helps like grabbing your favorite figure or like looking at it and stuff like that. Like, yo.
Focusing on like right now like for me the the one that kind of like I've been focusing on a lot is the the ultimate warrior The ultimate edition that just came out with the the color scheme on it is freaking insane like they you know that they you know the Duster the sleeveless duster the you know the American flag you know it has like the green like the green neon and the pink neon and just like You know that that like just focusing on that and like that that thing has been like helping me just like fidgeting around and all stuff You know
I don't know why that that I just that figure just attracts to be more than any that any figure that I have just like like it's a just a colorway and I think we're figure right now is still the Piper Colosseum collection line. Oh my god such a that's that's yeah well like after all these years Piper finally got a good figure. Oh so awesome and you could like I would what I did with mine was I actually did the poster you could do the poster pose the LDA and poster pose he's like pointing with the microphone and I have a pose with the arms out.
Um, Georgiana will steal. That was another, uh, you know, that's another figure that I'm, you know, you know, when I'm like, you know, sitting in my office or whatever and, you know, trying to like calm my brain. Never thought I'd see like, uh, you know, Georgiana with his, with his buddy, with his little, uh, you know, his stuffy as my daughter would call it. I think about it this way. Like this one is an escape for us. Yes. Going back to what I said earlier.
We now get to discuss and have fun with each other. And that's great. Like, you know how many I would say, not that I didn't tell people, because I watched Russell in my whole life, somebody came to my house, they're going to know I'm a wrestling fan. So I never, I never hit, but just to have people who are as passionate as you, it's just an amazing, great, great frigging thing. And like having talking to fellow collectors and Mike and Sneed Collects, it's just awesome. So yeah, no, it's like somebody like it's fun when you get a new figure and you get to text someone. Look what I just found. Like, cool.
Oh yeah, that's a good thing too. Someone said they don't have a lot of real life wrestling friends. That's true with a lot of people, especially people our age and a lot of people watching.
A lot of older people watching wrestling, that you know personally. I realize it is more and more and people just don't discuss it. Yeah. You would think nowadays where it's like, you know, this huge thing, especially because of the tavern, like I said, is why I'm more public with it now. And I don't even care anymore. If you have a problem with me, like, in wrestling or you're going to make a comment, you're going to tell me it's fake. Well, tell me, idiot, what TV show do you watch is real? Blue Bloods. Is that real?
No, there's not a show on television that's real. Even unscripted reality shows are fake. Scripted, they're scripted, yeah. I've watched them filmed. I watched a girl from General Hospital talking about the breakup and now she couldn't get over her ex-boyfriend with her fiancé, her new fiancé standing right there. That's all I need to know.
Yeah, like, you know, my wife watches all the like the you know, the Real Housewives of Insert City, whatever. And they're all literally just it's like watching.
It's like watching wrestling pretty much. It's like there's scales, there's faces, there's, uh, you know, there's, there's feuds. There's, uh, people, there's people kept promos on each other. Watch it. Wrestling has always been a soap opera for men. Yeah. It was in the pudding that AW just hired the writer from WWE that came from daytime soap operas, Jen Pepperman.
I used to work with her and knew her when I worked on soap operas and took photos. Oh, you did? Yes. And now her. Yeah. Well, I haven't spoken to her in God knows how many years I've seen her. But yes. And now she's working for AEW. That's that's just how soap operas and wrestling intertwine back in the 80s. Hulk Hogan and Don Morocco did a three week arc on search for tomorrow. Yeah, it's true. Yeah.
Yeah. Who do you not know in the wrestling world? Oh, I don't know a lot. You make me sound like I know a lot more people than I do.
Yeah. But you're always like, it's always like, Oh, this person, but yeah, I used to work with them. It's like, how do you know every, all these people take photos and I'd be on a set of soap operas all day long. That's right. Yeah. You did say that. That's right. That's crazy. Yeah. You ever watch any of the, um, any of like the, you ever see any of the housewives show and like, like, Oh yeah, I used to know her. Well, no, I know there's a couple of soap bars on there. Uh, Tracy Bregman.
Yeah. Yeah. The wrestlers is on one of them. I think Lisa Rinna who used to be on days of our lives is one of them. So yeah. Did you know, do you, have you, have you spoken? Oh, well back then, did you like interact with them at all? Or Tracy Bregman, I had taken photos of Lisa Rinna. I don't think I ever met her. No. Uh, and I feel like there's somebody else that's on one of the shows, but I don't remember who it is right now. There's a couple of soap stars that are on those like housewives. Yeah. Yeah. Like I said, my wife watched so many,
versions of it's like it's like a Miami one or freaking like there's a more good one. That's like yeah, it's like insane. I never really got into reality TV much. I never even watched like the WWE based reality shows. I just like total divas and all that type of stuff. Yeah. I have no interest in the one that's on Hulu now like
They just don't interest me.

Engagement and Outreach in Wrestling

Yeah, no. I mean, it was it was good at the time when they're trying to get like, you know, more female audience and stuff like that. I had that deal with E. And there's plenty of females watching wrestling now. Oh, yeah. No, let's go to go to a live show. Yeah, exactly. They're all over the place. Yeah. Old, young. Like it's it's insane. But yeah, I even got my wife watching wrestling again back. It's not like fully into it like I am, but like
I always say, if you want your girlfriend, your wife, or whoever, if they're not really interested in wrestling, you are. All you gotta do is just get them a dude.
I don't find a guy on there that they find attractive, you know, watch it. That's luckily my work. Luckily, I didn't need to get my wife to do it. And she watched wrestling before we met. So that's it. That's how I get it. That's all. That's all you really got to do. Like I've been trying to get a moment means. Yeah. Like my one of my my son's friends, like his father's really into wrestling. But the his wife isn't. She's not. She doesn't know anything. All that stuff. And like I'm telling him, like, all you can do is just
Put it on one day and just find a woman or a dude that you like, and just follow that person, then you'll gradually get into it. My wife has no problem saying she thinks freaking LA night is good looking, or she loves Drew McIntyre. She loves Roman. She loves Hangman. She likes all the people I don't like. Oh, really?
She couldn't get into it because she didn't know anybody. And then you get to know people. And then after watching her, she's like, this is better than WWE. And I'm like, yeah, it's more adult than they don't have stories. And now WWE is getting rid of the corny shit and doing better. So yeah. Yep. He said Ricochet. There was another one with his being a big ads that he has. No, I'm the only person I can't stand Samantha. Urban.
Really? She's from New Bedford, Massachusetts. Oh, really? Yeah, I just found that out. I don't like her screaming. People love her. You don't like her announcing skills? She overdoes it. I think she just does too much. I like the way she says Chelsea Green. I do. I like the twist of the Chelsea Green. That's actually... But I just like tone it down just a little. You don't have to scream as much.
I like the fact that she, everyone has their own individual, like, I mean, it's few and far from, you know, the fake do it as a problem. I grew up with the thing. So yeah, me too. I have the figure. I do too. I think like everything else pales in comparison to Howard Finkel. Sorry.
Oh, man, he's great. What for? He's a weber. My favorite part of the MSG cards used to be when he would read the next month's card. Oh, you walk for the whole like three minutes reading down the card. No, it was inside of a 15 steel cage. He's the reason why WrestleMania exists. So yeah, he's the one that named it.
Yeah. Uh, but they had, uh, the one thing I loved with, with fake was, uh, when they did the, uh, was it, was it called the, was it the greatest wrestling match ever? Yeah. Uh, when they had him announced at the beginning, that was awesome. Yeah. I'm not sure how the hell they did it, but.
Yeah, they had to announce edge and Randy Orton do those. Well, I mean, I guess he was around. He was around back then. So he could have announced it at some edge and Randy Orton were around a long time too. That is true. Yeah. But that was awesome that they had the microphone come down. MSG microphone come down. So awesome. I saw Jordan was in MSG the other day, posted a picture. I'm like, wait a minute. He's in New York.
Because I saw the roof like I do is look at the roof at the garden and you know, it's Madison Square Garden Oh, yeah, that's right. Yeah, I see the pose. He posts some pictures there. Yeah. Yeah, I was like bastard. You didn't tell me you and I Tell me when you're you're in He was like, I'm not telling anybody Yeah What was that have you ever been to MSG yeah actually went to uh the It was WrestleMania
29 I went to the Hall of Fame ceremony. Oh nice. It's seen I was big Foley She was that below underneath like was that in the garden was that in the farm? That's a garden I'm not sure what part of the garden was the big garden Now you gotta be wondering now I think so you
What the hell did we want? We went in there because it was confusing as hell to get in there. I think you had the one downstairs, the forum probably. Maybe, yeah, maybe. But it was like, I think it was Trish Stratus.
was inducted. Was it Trish? Yeah, Trish Stratus, Bruno Sammartino. Bruno. Thank you, Bruno. There's a lot of that happening. No better place for him to go in. Yeah, because I remember Trish Stratus was a, you know, everyone was like, yo, chair for obviously, but then she announced her husband was there. That's when she announced her segment, right? They proceeded to boo. Yeah.
So maybe I wasn't in there fully is there a sector separate section where they do that then there's another section inside It's like a whole theater underneath it
Underneath Madison Square Garden. Yeah I'm just curious now because I don't know. I mean, wait, hold on. It'd be very easy. I have the internet right in front of me Yeah, cuz I remember walking it. I remember like actually be like holy shit. It's actually Madison Square Garden Whether or not I was in there. I mean what part I was in that's a different story Everybody had to take the bus there
because we say to New Jersey. It says 2000. Was that what that would have been 2013? 2013. Yeah. Yep. That was a rock seed. A second time. Second time for the first time. I mean, it says venue, Madison Square Garden. So I'm going to assume that would be Madison Square Garden now to farm. Yeah. We had to take the party bus there. That's right. Yeah.
And then we were, the other thing I remember was we left, right. And it was like, I figured what time it got over. We go outside, obviously to get like, you know, head back there. It was like, it was like, obviously, you know, they say it's a city that never sleeps. Yeah, it's very true. Cause it looked exactly how it did during the day and night. The same amount of people on the street walking around. You go to Times Square at night.
I don't think we went to. Did we go to Times Square? Oh, dude, is it all lit up? It's beautiful. No, but it's like it was like it was it was like at least like I mean, it wasn't really late. It was like, you know, almost like twelve thirty one of the board. But it was just like just busy as hell, busy as it would be during the day. It was just just surreal to see. I was like, holy shit, it is the city that ever sees. It's like there's people out everywhere just like, you know, walk it all over the place. And it's going back to the way it was before the pandemic. Well, it is back.
No, no, I haven't.

Travel Experiences and Reflections

OK, we're going to Carmine's. I'll sell it. I was like, I was like, you know, the great thing about doing like I said, doing this like doing podcast stuff like that is like you actually meet people and there's people all over the country that I don't know. It's like you, you there, you know, J-Bo down south, you know, Sheena down south. Yeah. You can Bellcaster Midwest. Like it's like it's like we know people. So if you like decide to go to like you can possibly meet and they can do.
I gotta go back there. It's a point. You tell me when I'll meet you. We'll go for a day. It was fine. Yeah, definitely. Be the wife. Definitely want to do more like your car lines.
take us around and stuff like that, which is pretty awesome. And she was like, yeah, she's like, actually, did you think of that? I was like, I never thought I would like know people all over the country. Anyway, it's funny between that and dealing poker. I told like, like to Mike, when I went to Mike, two years ago, we went to the casino by his house because they just opened a poker room. And I said to Mike, let's go in the poker room. I said, just because I guarantee you, I probably know somebody. He's like, how? Sure enough, there was a guy that used to work at the casino. I worked.
See, I told you, you know, everybody. Not everybody. Not everybody. But it's like how connected it could be, like one little industry like that. Yeah, it's it's it's weird. It's like, you know, I always say like when people from Massachusetts travel, like across the country or or even like in other countries, we always find somebody. Do you ever do that? You always find somebody from where you're from?
Yeah, the worst thing is now I could pick up the Staten Island accent because I don't have it as much as I used to nearly, but I could pick, if I'm out somewhere and I hear somebody with that Staten Island accent, I'm like, you're from Staten Island. I'm like, how did you know? You just can't beat that. That accent is unmistakable. Like Staten Island accent has a very unique New York accent. Dude, it's funny. Like you can be the most obscure, like part of whatever city
He did like, oh, you'll be talking to your friends or whatever. They'll be like, so we'll look at you like, Hey, are you from, are you from Boston? Are you from Massachusetts? And be like, yeah, like, Hey, I'm from there too. You're like, how the hell, like, how does that happen? He's in Ireland now. He, I don't know. He's in some country like in the UK.
And he posted on Facebook today. He goes, he was standing in a line somewhere and somebody tapped him on the shoulder and said, are you this guy? And he knew him because his girl, he went to, he went to high school with this guy's girlfriend and he saw his picture on Facebook. And this guy bumps into him overseas and he's like, he doesn't have a scare. This guy's asking me, are you this guy? I'm overseas. He goes, how does he know who I am? What a small world it is. Like it's so crazy. That's the craziest thing ever. Oh man.
Oh, man. All right. Well, we wouldn't you're only like four hours for me 20. That is true. Yeah, I'm not too far away. Yeah. We're getting together this year. No, we definitely have to. Yeah. So badly. I've never been to Fenway. Never on my bucket list. I got to go to Wrigley. So now I got to go to Fenway. Yeah. So it's so nice. You got any connections? That's not free. I'll pay for them.
Actually, yeah, I mean, there's a there's always someone that's, you know, here to know tickets or get rid of tickets and shit like that. So yeah, I should say I shouldn't say no, there's always there's always someone that's like, no, I can't send my park. Well, yeah, like my wife's sister works. I think she works for
Claire channel. Oh, she's like that. So she usually gets like discounts or like that. So we figure something out. Yeah. Yeah. No, definitely. That'd be awesome. You know, it's a J-bone came up here. I didn't go to the game with him, but it was like it was because it was like a family thing. But yeah.
It was uh, yeah, no, it's it's it's fun. You get to you know, there's a restaurant. That's like right. I mean it's on lands down the street It's like all one long strip of like, you know restaurants and bars and all that stuff and then right across the street is uh, it's Fenway I've just never been inside. Yeah, it's uh, it's it's it's it's it's a nice stadium. It's a nice little uh, nice little nice little park there A little piece of history. Yeah, dude. I've been I mean I've been there for concerts a bit there for games. It's uh
I want to see Billy Joel there a few years back all by himself. Billy Joel finally got a new song from him after all these years. It sounds like his music too. I haven't heard it yet. Oh, it's really good. He sang it at the Grammys. They're saying it's the first new Billy Joel song in like 30 years. Not true. He released a song like 10 years ago, but it was terrible. So they're just forgetting about it.
I remember, yeah, I remember at his concert, he did say, you know, he's like, you know, he's like, you know, is that his piano played? He's like, you know, he's like, I'm going to do one of these songs. He's like, it's for my first album. It sucked. Nobody really liked it. But I'm just going to do it anyway. He's like, I didn't really sell that well. Nobody really liked it. But he ended up doing I think what song it was. But I mean, at least he acknowledges that, you know,
He wasn't really good at the beginning of his career. One day at MSG, he was doing, we didn't start to fire and he messed it up about 30 seconds in. And then he goes, Oh, that's because that song sucks anyway. So he's like, he goes, you guys like that song? Really? Over then. And he started. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. It's like crazy. Yeah. He, uh, he did, he did the whole show by himself. There was no openers. It was like, it was almost like three hours soon. Yeah.
Dude, the only thing easier to me than seeing Billy Joel still doing that is you could go watch an 80 something year old Paul McCartney do it for three hours out in the heat. And I don't know how the hell he does it. That is true. Yeah. Like this guy's in his eighties. He does outdoor, outdoor shows in the summer. I saw him at Yankee stadium like five years ago, he performed for three hours sweating through his shirt, totally sweating, but he, but you know why he's able to do it? Cause he never stopped and he doesn't realize he's as old as he is and he shouldn't be doing that.
Yeah. So it's just, that's, that's what happens when you continually do something, you think you could still do it. That is true. Hopefully we can continue to do this when we're in our eighties. I'm only a year away from the five zero. So a year and a week. How's it before I let you go? How was that? Like, you know, what are your thoughts on that?

Health, Aging, and Self-Care

The, uh,
It's really weird because I never I don't know. I never thought I'd be 50 and Mentally, I still feel like I'm young but old wise. My body's like now you're old. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's yeah I don't feel any different than I did when I was say 13 and maybe that's part of my problem. I don't get anything I Still love everything I still have fun like you know and I never had to grow up cuz I never had kids I
Like when you have kids, I think they're kind of like, that's a whole new responsibility. Like, Oh yeah. So I just got a dog and I feed him twice a day. I take him for his walks. It's all good. Yeah. I mean, that's, you know, that's, they say having a, you know, having a dog is just like having a kid. It's actually very true. So you got to feed him, be able to teach him, be able to do whatever, learn to talk back. That is, that is, that is, that's one thing I am jealous of that they don't, that animals don't talk back to you.
Yeah, so I just I got in today. I gotta get into the best shape of my life. I'm looking to do that this year I want to get super healthy fix my mentalness and get into a really good mental state and Really like it's gonna be the year of me. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. That's that's that's the yeah, that's the lesson maybe she has ended there That's actually the lesson, you know make it make this year about you because it's a obviously, you know There's a lot of a lot of craziness going on in the world
Nobody else is going to take care of you. So make sure you put you first and take care of what you have to do for your mentalness, for everything. You want to make first thing I do every day. And this is no joke. I hear people say this nowadays and I just started this. I wake up every day and thank God like, okay, thank you for blessing me with another day. And believe it or not, this little stuff helps. I feel like it really helps.
Yeah, I'll give it. I'll give it tidbit. I said this in Sheena to achieve. She was on the show. One of the things I remember when she used to do a lot of her like fitness stuff back in the early days about her separate page or Sheena Phelps page and she was doing like a lot of her fitness things and exercise and all that stuff. One of the things I always remember that she posted was, you know, right when you wake up in the morning,
Obviously you're obligated, you think you want to go check your phone, obviously you want to like, you know, scroll through social media. But she was like, you know, what you should do is keep your phone far away from you. Like, you know, across the room if you have to. So when your alarm goes off, obviously you have to get up, you have to shut it off, all that stuff. But the next thing you should be doing, as she said, is drinking water right when you get up. Because like, you know, you're dehydrated all night. You haven't drunked anything, you haven't eaten anything.
So the first thing you should do in the morning is, you know, down like a bottle of water and that'll like set you right for the rest of the day. And I've always, I've always remembered that and always, because that helps you wake up in the morning. I feel like when I drink water in the morning, I feel like refreshed.
after that, then I drink coffee afterwards. But you know, when you drink that first like, swig of water, and it's like, you know, it feels like your insides get cleared out. And, you know, you just feel like rejuvenated. I drink so much water a day. It's crazy. But the first thing I do in the morning is when I get up is I go into open refrigerator, take out a nice bottle of water, and it's usually gone within
10 minutes. I've just felt that. But Sheena's tips, I love watching her reels and her stories and stuff, because she's always learning something from her. A lot of times I have questions, and I'm like, Oh, I should ask her this, but I feel like I bother her, so I've stopped asking her.
She does, she's become a very busy lady. Oh my god, she's got so bad, how she does it. I get tired just seeing her do all that stuff. Yeah, farming, teaching. Again, that makes me jealous, not in a bad way, that because of this stupid thing I have, I wish I could accomplish so much, but I am going to accomplish so much because it's never too late.
Yeah, no, definitely. You actually, you just, you actually, you know, just speaking to you actually helped, you actually helped me understand, you know, you know, what my wife is going through as far as like, you know, her, her, you know, ADHD and like, because I never, I could never grasp like why she would be like, I can't, you know,
do this or I can't like, you know, I don't have any passion to do this or like that type of thing. And I'm like, I don't get why you just don't have it. But now like, just talking to you, I don't get it. You kind of explaining like your thing. You're like, that kind of makes sense now. It's like, it's not that she doesn't, you know, doesn't have a passion for anything. It's like,
She doesn't know what, like, what to do. It's like, what, how do I, like, I just get to do it. I just don't know what, what to do. That type of thing. How many times I say like, Oh, I'm going to come down and clean up my wrestling figures. I'm going to know, organize everything. And 10 minutes in, I'm tapped out because I mentally cannot do it anymore. Yeah. It's in and I'm like, but I want to do this and this is never going to get done. Now, when I take my Adderall and I come down here, I'm just like, wow, like my chemicals are off so much.
that like I get mad at myself. Like I just frustrating. It's just frustrating. Well, hopefully, you know, the end result is, you know, you get, you know, you get mentally fit as well as physically fit. I'd say I'm gonna get fit all around, baby. And then you don't need, you don't need the, the extra medicine to help out or anything like that. You just, you know, do the mental gymnastics and
should be good to go. And I, for me the same thing, just like, you know, trying to keep the, you know, exact anxiety at bay, not, uh, you know, not think about

Support Systems and Gratitude

that. Think things, you know, too thoroughly and, you know, just do it. Just don't, you know, cause once you start pondering, that's when all the doubts pop up and you're like, Oh, I can't do this. I can't do that.
So lucky I have such a supportive wife and she never gets mad and she never like we don't fight at all really but uh, like literally We've been together for 22 years and I could count on one hand how many fights we had I only think we had one bad fight and I was like 15 years ago. Yeah I mean
Yeah. You always remember that as one blow up fight. Yeah. Yeah. And she's supportive and I say, I want to get rid of this so I could do more and be better. And she's like, you're fine. You're perfect. I'm like, I'm not perfect. Let's not, let's not say that, but I want to do it for me. I want to do it for you guys, but it'll make me happy to do it for me, for you guys. Yeah. Any sense. Yeah. Battles. It's like up and down, like, like some days I'm in a great mood and in other days it gets me down and it's like, okay.
Yeah, you definitely need the support system. Like you said, especially like you said with your wife, my wife is the same way. She's very supportive, especially with like, you know, doing, doing this, you know, you know, doing the podcast and stuff like that. She listens to everything, you know, yeah, she listens to everything. She, you know, more iPad when we're live, like on fig night or something and stuff. Yeah. But she'll listen to it and, you know, she'll give you your thoughts and stuff like that and tell me if she likes it or not. Or, you know, like,
We all, we all seem to be very blessed with amazing spouses because Nicole is amazing. Like with Mike, she is great. I know, uh, Jay bones wife. I know her, uh, Lindsay, she's amazing with him. Like we're so lucky that our spouses are so frigging supportive. Yeah. My wife will go do a fig run for me if I have to go to work or something. And I see target just got something in.
tell me from Walmart, hey, they got new figures. Do you need so and so? So like just amazing. Just that's awesome. An amazing thing. So they said support, support means so much. So yeah, support. Yeah. Support all around, especially like you said, if you go through anything, uh, it doesn't have to, if you don't have a way for your girlfriend, boyfriend, whatever it is, obviously you'll reach out to a friend or hopefully there's a friend there that could help support you.
And if not, definitely, uh, like you said, they, uh, see there's a lot of things that you can call and stuff like that for, you know, all different types of support. And yes, you know, reach out on social media. If you're in the middle of the night and you have nobody there, I'm usually reach out to us. You just don't DM us. If you want, you can shoot me a DM. I'll, I'll try to answer you back. If anything, I'll talk like, listen, I can't turn my back on anybody.
Yeah, definitely. If you're a listener and you're like, Hey, Facebook, message us, whatever. If you shoot us a message. And the same thing one night, I was having a breakdown online because of a whole gambling thing. This was months ago. And I randomly reached out to somebody on Twitter who did this anonymous, like, Oh, ask me anything. So I put like, I was so desperate. And, um, it was a wrestling person.
I'm not going to say who, because I don't want to give away their anonymity. They wrote me back in a DM and told me, guess what? I have a gambling problem, too. And they spoke to me.
Like a half hour through chat and I'm like, wow. That's awesome. Yeah. So that's just like, I just was so desperate that night. It was like two, three in the morning and they did that. I'm like, okay. That's, that's it. People that were sleeping. He said, if you need help, you could definitely find it. It's, it's, it's out there. Someone's going through the same thing you're going through. I know the demons of addiction from the gambling shit.
And I've known people who are alcoholics and shit and it's it's terrible So I'll never turn my back on somebody that needs a hand to like talk or whatever to try and help point them I've done it in a major pod group I've seen people make those posts and I'll answer them and send them a DM and like hey you need to talk whatever listen I've done it on Facebook and and stuff like I'll help whatever like listen all fucking human beings Yeah, be there for another person and you're a real shithead. Yeah, I
I think that's what the great thing about all of us and the community that we have is you could definitely reach out to somebody within the group. Obviously, a lot of people become close friends and stuff like that, not just us, but even the people in our Facebook groups.
Um, you know, he definitely reached out to anyone of them. I'm pretty sure they'll, you know, dude, when I was going through my stuff last year, I would go on chick Foley in the middle of the night and make posts. Oh yeah. No, I've seen, I've seen a few of them and I, everyone responded back myself included. Yes. And when you're desperate, like that's desperation and you really want to help at that point. And I did some people like Aaron from the
Mayor of Lumberjillville. Yeah, it's Lumberjillville. I couldn't think of the name of it. Another great dude that helped a lot. Awesome, awesome guy. Really nice guy. Yeah, definitely gave me his phone number. He's like, you can call me anytime. You can text me whatever you need.
It's always gonna get him back on too.

Therapeutic Aspects of Podcasting

He's a good guy gonna get back on the show My goal is to be the first three-time guest You put you put you might you wait they will because I may have to have you back on again because this is uh, this is easy This is like it's almost going on two hours. Geez conversation, but we just I was like that was like that was like that felt effortless right there Wasn't like struggling at all. I'm a patreon as well. Oh, yeah. No, definitely. Yeah, like I said, we'll we'll we'll end it off here Yeah, definitely. I want to
Definitely want to do some type of like, you know, you know, something where we talk about like nostalgia or, you know, grumpy old bed type of thing. I think we kind of talked about this before. Yeah, definitely something for all the turnbuckle patron where we just, you know, you know, just talk about the old, old times, maybe.
you know, maybe get real in depth with stuff. Let's do it. I'm all for it. That'd be fun. But I'll let you go, Tom. This is fun. This is great. You'll definitely, I think I'll definitely have you on as the first third time. I guess we'll see. Thanks so much. This is so much fun.
Yeah, there's a nice little therapy session we had here that hopefully. You're good, actually. I'm glad you feel good. And the good thing is, like, if you listen to this, if you made it this far anyway, hopefully you feel good as well. Yeah, listen to our our musings. We're here to help. That's one of the things. One of the reasons why I do the show is, you know, hopefully you'll spark some conversation and, you know,
You know, try to, you know, pick out the people that are, you know, that are in need of some, uh, some guidance and stuff like that. Hopefully you get some gems or some type of, uh, everybody has a story. Yeah, definitely. Somehow that could help somebody else. And that's all I want to do. Like, listen, I always say my favorite thing in the world is to make people laugh. Like I love making people smile and laugh. I love telling jokes or doing, being funny and doing his podcast gives us, you know, opportunity to do that. So, yep. Yeah, definitely. I agree.
And we'll end it on that note. Uh, thank you again, Tom. Actually tell everyone where they can find you before we go. The OG fit kid on Twitter, Instagram, tick tock, I think maybe I have a tick tock, uh, join the Patreon head to the term buckle and come chat with us in the Facebook group. If you haven't done so already, there's lots of bonus stuff there. There's going to be more coming. We're still coming up with ideas of what else we can do. We're coming up with ideas for fig night and other stuff. So just tune in.
We're all there. Everyone, everyone, myself included. Tom's there. The Chads, Mike, Hawk, of course. J-Bone. Yeah. Even the even the Chick Foley show alumni are there. Seth, Sheena, myself again. We're all there. Yeah. Definitely joining. It's a good time. But Tom, thank you again. And we'll end it here.