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Who The Hell Gets Married on Rusev Day?!?!? image

Who The Hell Gets Married on Rusev Day?!?!?

The Chick Foley Show
6 Plays5 years ago
Sheena is still on maternity leave but The Hot Take Kid and The MVP are back after the holiday break to recap possibly the worst segment in RAW history. Plus Xmas hauls, Royal Rumble elites hitting Target soon, the top five matches of 2019, and much more!

Introduction and Host Updates

Hey, this is Fay Jackson, AKA the plus size Pam Grier, and you're listening to the Chick Foley show, not the first show, just the best.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to 2020. Welcome to the chick Foley show. And we have no chick Foley with us. It's big dude season over here. Yep. Big, big and smaller dude over there. You're getting smaller, but you're still, you're still up there. You know, we're

New Year Resolutions and Social Media Engagement

still hanging out. We're hanging and banging. Um, hot take kid here in the Jimmy's famous seafood studios. Phil Gentile. I got the MVP Marco Denton across me. What's going on Marco?
It's going on, man. Just enjoying this new year and trying to stay healthy, stay on my resolutions that I made last year. So we'll see how that goes.
Yeah, we'll get to that. That's a whole different story. We've just learned that Sheena will not be with us tonight, which we expected. She did have the new addition to the family. Stella is with us. If you don't follow Sheena on Instagram at Chick Foley, you probably should.
So yes, Stella Phelps is the new member of the family. So Sheena is pulling double duty over there. And the heel husband is off to sea and back to work until for many months. So she's got a lot on her plate. So we're going to float some people in and out. I think me and Marco will talk about some guest co-hosts for next week, if we can swing it.
Uh, luckily this is a slower time. We're about to get into Royal Rumble season. So, uh, you know, we got some stuff cooking on the, on the back burner, but you know, Sheena has obviously more important things going on right now, some family things. So, uh, she will be back with us here in the coming weeks. So, uh, you have to just hear our beautiful voices until then. Apologize for that. Uh, we do have the Sheena Tron 5,000 that will fill in for her, uh, until, until she returns. But, um, yeah, I also want to thank Faye Jackson for the, uh,
the intro to tonight's show. You didn't hear that, Marco, but you'll be able to hear it when you listen to it. Nice. Yeah, nice little thick chick season, little intro there. Yeah, we're off and running here, guys. Be sure to check us out on social media.

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It's at Chick Foley show on Twitter, at Chick Foley on Instagram, where's where you can hit up Sheena.
And if I sound weird tonight, I have cough drops in my mouth constantly because, Marco, I woke up on the couch in the middle of the night and I could not breathe. I look in the mirror in the bathroom and my, I think it's called the uvula. It's a little hangy thing in your throat. It was about the size of my nut sack.
Um, which is not, not, I mean, that's the only way I could describe it. I mean, he was like, this is not the Lars Sullivan related, but, um, yeah, I could not breathe, um, very well. And I took a couple of Ben and Joe. I didn't know no idea. I had no idea what happened. I don't know if I eat something or like a little reaction. So I went to patient first today. They gave me a bunch of steroids and, uh, I I'll be fine, but that's a, it's still like bothering me. Still having a pretty bad sore throat. I don't really know if it,
What's going on? But I'm feeling better. I'm on the mend. But the show, it's like a horror movie. We're falling apart here, man. We're dropping off flies. Yeah, man. I mean, you sound good, though. You don't sound like you're struggling over there. No, yeah, it's good. I think when I wake up tomorrow, it'll be much better. And I hope nobody isolates that audio of me saying I had balls in my mouth.
Yeah, that's not, yeah, like you said, not with the, uh, immediately regretting that. You don't want that happening. I do want to give a shout out to some of our folks on Patreon and our, our Facebook group. Uh, one of our buddies just posted, uh, an awesome message. Our buddy Alan.
posted a pretty thought felt message like basically wishing us all a happy 2020. He posted a picture of all the figures that he received from people in the group this year, man. Did you see it? It was like an hour ago. Check it out if you haven't. It's like 20 or so figures. He basically talks about how he works a 40 hour job. He does a lot of family stuff. So he misses out on prime time figure hunting. And he was about to quit the hobby.
Until he found our group and he's been able to get a bunch of figures for you know retail price without having to pay scalpers And this is a pretty cool message so Alan. Thank you. We appreciate you. We appreciate all of our patreon subscribers Starts at a dollar a month. It's slash chick Foley show
And upwards from there it starts at $5 a month gets you some extra episodes unboxing videos and all that kind of stuff we did an episode with Chris van Vliet the backstage interviewer from AEW and Marco what I'm doing is posting them to our patreon page, you know this week and then the next week that'll go out to the masses on our normal iTunes feed so
Anything that we get, it'll be posted.

Holiday Experiences and Family Challenges

All the interviews that we're doing with people over the next couple months, they'll all be posted to our normal feed where you get our normal episodes, but the Patreon subscribers will get that stuff a little bit early. On Monday, we're dropping our interview with Stack Guy Greg from Cheap Heat, the ESPN wrestling podcast. He was a great interview. He's a huge fan of Marco. That's weird. You guys have a lot of similarities in your role in the podcast and how you've grown into
now you're co-hosting, and that's the same thing he's doing, so yeah. Yeah, definitely can't wait to listen to that. Yeah, it was pretty cool. So we have a couple other people lined up. I know there's a couple of folks that you want to co-host me with, with some interviews of people we know from social media and stuff, so yeah.
A lot of cool stuff going on there. Like I said, it starts at $1 a month. It's slash Chick Foley show. You can find the link on our social media feed there. And we had a lot of stuff to talk about, man, but how was your Christmas? Let's get into the festivities. How was your holiday? Holiday was good. It's always a weird time for me, personally, because my birthday is like the very next week. And it always falls in line. So it's the, my birthday is New Year's Eve. So usually,
As an adult, it doesn't really matter, because I'm not expecting any gifts or anything like that. But just go back to when I was younger, and my birthday would be the next week, and it'd be like, obviously after Christmas, everyone's dead broke. So there's nothing coming my way at that point. But yeah, no, it's always a fun time around my area. So we celebrate Christmas. We usually head over to my wife's aunt's house. She hosts Christmas all the time.
So we go over there for the festivities and things like that. And then we usually just come back home and usually just watch some Christmas movies or something like that, depending on how the kids feel. They do have a bedtime sale, so we still have to stay with that schedule and things. But yeah, this New Year's Eve, I actually did nothing at all. I ordered some food, drank some beers, and actually went to bed, I think for the first time ever before the

WWE and AEW Wrestling Highlights

ball dropped. I actually did. I woke up at like three in the morning and I was like,
It's 2020. Oh, it went back to sleep. Didn't think anything of it. Was your wife working or? Oh no, she, she was, she was there. It was actually, uh, so we put the kids to bed and, uh, we obviously we got to like hang out, you know, to the ball drop and everything. But obviously my kids don't like to sleep for some reason. They're at night owl. So one of the girls got up. Um, I was, I was chosen, um, to go put her to sleep. Obviously she didn't go to sleep.
So I'm laying there with her and next thing you know, like I say, I wake up, it's three in the morning. I'm like, ah, I miss everything. That's the life of a parent, I guess. That's how it goes. Yeah, for sure. With my job, by the time New Year's Eve rolls around, I don't feel like doing anything. So the last like two or three years, I've just done the same thing. Just hang out, watch Netflix, eat some Chinese food, order some food. We actually had a couple of neighbors over. We had a couple of four, a couple of different couples over.
And then basically as soon as the ball dropped, they left, they were like, you know, and I was like glad. I was like, Oh my God, thank God. I'm ready to go to bed now. Sat around playing some games, drinking some beers. It was pretty low key, but Christmas was good. We'll get into any, uh, figure related, uh, gifts that we received or gave, uh, in our go figure segment in a little bit. And, um,
But first, we need to get inside the squared circle, sponsored by our friends at ChalkLine. You can use code CHICK for 15% off of your order there. They're dropping new stuff almost daily at this point. I can't even run down the list of things that they have on there. It's a ton of wrestling merch. Some really cool stuff. So check out Let's run down. I didn't watch SmackDown. You did. Just give me some of the high points before we get into a very eventful episode of Raw.
Uh, yeah, so nothing too crazy. Obviously it's the end of the year, so they're not going to like push any narratives to like until, you know, Royal Rumble season starts going. But, um, uh, we are getting the, uh, the American dragon Daniel Bryan, um, as he's called now, cause of the, uh, the new look that he has or the old book that he has, um, against the fiend. Um, they didn't say Bray Wyatt, they didn't say the fiend. So it looks like that's happening yet at Royal Rumble. Um, I'm not sure if he's in a win.
I mean, maybe they're priming him to win. I don't think so. But that should be pretty cool. It seemed like they're going to put Roman Reigns into the triple threat match with the Miz and Daniel Bryan because he came out. It was supposed to be the opening match. And Baron Corbin is making his way down to the ring. And as Miz and Daniel Bryan are in the ring waiting for him, Roman Reigns music hits.
He attacks Baron Corbin, and he kind of took him out of the picture. So it looked like they were going to put Roman Reigns in that to me anyway. But that was at the beginning of the show. So maybe they're just like, no, let's just wait. So it seems like they're just going to feud forever or fight forever, which I know a lot of people will be happy about having Roman Reigns and Baron Corbin probably have another matchup where I'm going to rumble, I'm assuming. But other than that, nothing really newsworthy.
I did mention to you earlier that it seems like Lacey Evans is full face now, like she's no longer a heel, doing run-ins, helping out Dana Brooke when she's
when she's getting beat up by the. I thought she was a perfect heel, man. I don't know why they turned her face. I mean, the gimmick, I mean, I know she was a face in NXT and she kind of did the patriotic kind of former military type of gimmick, which was, which worked, but I mean, she, I mean, she's not the best in ranks. She's still green, but I liked her as a heel a lot. I'm surprised they turned her face already. Yeah. I mean, her antagonists are obviously Bailey and Sasha Banks. So they're, they're obviously the heels.
You can't have three hails going at each other. And they did have a spot the week prior on SmackDown, where they had a match and Sasha Banks actually rolled out of the ring and started jarring at Lacey Evans' daughter, which is pretty much prime. You're a babyface now. When you start attacking someone's family, I'll sum up with Joe. You're definitely the hail of that other person who's a babyface. So I'm excited to see what they're gonna do, maybe.
They're definitely priming her, pushing her, and getting her ready for that top spot. I think anyway. But other than that, nothing crazy happened on SmackDown. It was all raw. So are they calling him the American Dragon now? Have they used that nickname on SmackDown? No, no. That's a Twitter name. I mean, that was his ROH name, right? Yeah, his ROH. I mean, they could if they
actually use the library and stuff like that when it comes on the network. But yeah, that'd be pretty cool. But yeah, that's a Twitter name for him there because he looks exactly like how we did 10 years ago, pretty much.
Also, I forgot, later on in the show, we're going to announce our winner of the Slim Jim Macho Man giveaway that Marco is donating to the cause here. So we will do that in our Go Figure segment a little bit later, make you guys wait it out a little bit. Let's get into Raw, because there's quite a bit to get to here. A couple good things that I liked, Andrade winning the US title on a house show over the Christmas break.
Um, which they used to do a little bit more than they do now. I'm, I'm kind of glad they are doing it because it kind of makes you think like, Oh shit, they're coming to Baltimore. Let me go check it out with my brand. The kids, maybe something, you know, maybe the title change hands or something. And you know, it's just anything can happen kind of thing. Exactly. They've gotten away from, away from it. And, uh, I like it. And I think it's a good way to have him just kind of step into the role without having to explain it on TV and just like, okay, he's the champ now. You know, it's not like it's a world title or anything.
No, I mean, I actually like the fact that they did that. Like you said, it's like a nice little surprise if you're at a house show. I mean, it's really not a house show because it was at Madison Square Garden. So that's pretty huge that that happened there. But yeah, the other thing that happened there was the Randy Orton injury, the knee injury that he had there. So that was another
Actually, was that at the Masses Vergara? Yeah, it was. And I wanted to talk about that, because I am completely mind blown that they would make up a fake injury. I mean, it had been fake, right? Yeah. And milk it for just two days. And then the payoff is just that he comes out in RKO's AJ Styles. That was the entire buildup for that.
They couldn't have stretched it a couple weeks or made it a little more eventful. He RKOs people all the time. Why does he need to pretend to be injured, RKO, AJ Styles? I just didn't get it. And I know they've done those fake plan injuries before, but this one just seemed kind of weird to me. I don't know. Yeah, I think they could have. You're definitely right. They could have stretched that out a little bit. It might have been like, we got to get this done before the year's over.
get some excitement going for the, the feud or whatever. But, um, I mean, as a, I mean, I totally thought it was a legit injury. Um, cause things like that happened on house shows. So yeah, they actually got me a little bit on that one. Um, cause of the pictures at their release and we're pretty like, they look pretty legit. And the video that was hosted look like a fan video, but they could have had a plant there recording it on their phone or something like that. Um, which it seems like they did, but like I said, they totally had me on that, but like they definitely could have waited until I
Maybe that's raw, like the new year, like the first raw of the new year, do something like that. Or like maybe the next one after that leading up to, oh, the one week, or the raw before Royal Rumble, maybe maybe stretch the injury. I'll have him come out every week and like give updates on how his knees doing and all that stuff and have like, as soon as AJ came out and like kick the crutch and all that stuff, I was like, all right, I know this is where this is heading.
yeah it was pretty it was pretty obvious but uh... i mean this this guy's just let me guess i guess we're gonna find a wrestle mania unless they fight the world rumble but i think we just saw that i totally forgotten they had thought it wrestle mania felt like it was like a month or two ago but i mean i feel like if these these they're both great they both put on an awesome damn match but
I'm surprised they're putting them together again without even like a title on the line or anything. Yeah. Hopefully it's just a Royal Rumble thing just to kind of fill time before they move on to a bigger program for WrestleMania. We saw Samoa Joe return. He's a face. He's kind of teaming up with Kevin Owens, which is an awesome team. I'm sure those guys would punish a Golden Corral buffet together.
and throw back some beers, too. But yeah, I like that pairing. I guess they're going to have kind of like a little bit of a mini face stable against Seth and the AOP. I'm liking that. Yeah, no. Actually, I'm a Samoa Joe fan. I think I've said this before. I think I brought it up when Sheena was doing her thing against Samoa Joe and hating him so much. And I'm like, why she hates Samoa Joe? He's so awesome in ringing in on the mic.
But yeah, he's a legit, you can see he's a legit tough guy too. Like when he says you can take him seriously, like I do anyway. So he's like the perfect person to put with Kevin Owens against the AOP and Seth Rollins in that sense. So I can't wait to see what they do. And I'm hoping no one does a turn at some point, because that's what WWE likes to do. They like to do this like, oh, we're going to team up and need babyfaces against this stable.
One person just joins a stable at some point, so hopefully it's not Samoa Joe. But yeah, hopefully they keep those two going and they have some awesome like tag matches. I'm hoping they do a third person in that group so they can do like three on threes and stuff like that. As soon as Seth Rollins gets back from his injured hand.
I'm going to put it down right now that Samoa Joe is wrestling Kevin Owens at WrestleMania. Do you think it's not a turn? Yeah. I mean, that's how all these things end. I mean, it would be a great fucking match. I don't know if they'll do it that soon. I mean, that's a pretty quick turnaround in two or three months. But we've seen Kevin Owens turn here. I don't know. Who would make the better heel out of those two guys? Because I love Samoa Joe and Joe's latest heel run. He was great on the mic. But Kevin Owens is always great as a heel. Yeah.
I think that they're two different heels like Kevin Owens is more like a like a you like he's not a tough guy. He's like a like a asshole. He'll basically like he makes you he's a kind of like a Baron Corbin like a Baron Corbin makes makes you hate him. Like you legit hate him. That's what Kevin Owens is good at. I think some old Joe would probably be the heel in that and that's it because he's he's like I said he's he's like a legit tough guy and he he's he's he's a threatening dude. But you see
when he was feuding with Brock Lesnar. And he had that moment of the ring with Paul Heyman, when he choked out Paul Heyman, basically. They did kind of like an off mic type of thing. So that type of stuff,

Wrestling Figure Collecting and Insights

I think he's really good at. Just being a really good, I'm going to kick your ass type of hill where Kevin knows it's more like, I'm just going to make in front of you type of hill. So I think they would go with some Ojo in that sense.
I could be wrong. No, I mean, it's a good way to go. I think in the next couple of weeks, we should start talking about some fantasy booking of WrestleMania because going back to Smackdown and I don't see this happening, but how awesome would it be if you want to make the Fiend over? I mean, I'm assuming they're going to put the Fiend with Roman Reigns. And if you have Roman beat him at WrestleMania, I think the Fiend thing is done. I mean, I don't know how you come back from that.
Yeah. But I mean, how awesome would it be to have the undertaker's final match against the fiend and he loses, goes out on his back and that would just make you could do anything to the fiend at that point. I mean, you're the guy who retired the undertaker. He's basically the reincarnation of the undertaker as far as a character. I think that would be awesome. And that would be, I mean, geez, that would that would put some butts in seats, man. That would be a main event caliber match, whether it was for the title or not.
Yeah, I think that's, I think that's down the line. I'm surprised that they haven't like hinted towards it yet. I thought they were actually doing it when, um, when he attacked Kane. Um, so that was kind of like a, you know, that, that could be a, like a, like a, like a predetermined, like, Hey, this, you did this to my brother. Um, you're not going to do this to me type of thing, but yeah, I think that's a destined like match to happen. Um, I'm hoping I'm going to be like selfish and hope it happens at SummerSlam because it's in Boston.
this year and that would be an awesome summer slam match, Undertaker and the Fiend. That'd be really sick, but yeah. Yeah, we are in the early, early, early, early stages of planning some sort of Chick Foley meetup hangout for summer slam weekend in Boston. So if you're listening to this, get your travel plans ready. I know we got some listeners that are close to us here on the west coast. Sorry, east coast. I don't know where the hell I am right now.
But we'll figure out lodging, we'll make it work even if you come for the day. I don't know if I'm going to go to all the events. I know Marco is going to be able to hit everything up because he lives up there. But if you're down, reach out to us via DM or in the Facebook group. I'm sure we'll post about it. And it'd be cool to have a group of people to go see the show with and hang out and check out Boston. I know from the time I've been there, I've always thought it's a pretty cool city and I haven't really
seen a ton of it, so I'd love to see more. Have you show us around, go to some good places and- Yeah, definitely. Grab some food. So yeah, just keep everybody, keep that in your rearview mirror. All right, we've been positive enough. We've talked about enough good stuff here. We need to talk about this Lana Lashley wedding. So if you've ever accused us of not talking enough crap about the WWE, this is where you're gonna wanna probably take your pants off.
This was one of the worst fucking things they have done on Raw I would say since I've been watching wrestling and in the early 90s I mean I know raw wasn't around back then but yeah, this was so goddamn bad Marco that is almost like Entertainingly bad, but they even messed up like let's just start from the beginning. Okay, I
and chime in here whenever you want because I'm probably gonna miss some things there's fucking 100 chairs on the stage that they never even used I don't even know why they set that up I mean one thing you could have done is just had all the wrestlers out there and making them like forced to come
and have them laughing at the whole situation and that would have added a little bit of something to this whole sketch. If you haven't seen it, you have to go back and watch it. It's on YouTube. It's got like six million hits. But basically, it was the end of Raw, Lashley and Lana were in the ring getting married from some My Cousin Vinny preacher guy who was like, who are you?
Yeah, he was bad. And, you know, of course they get interrupted like every single wedding that's ever happened in professional wrestling. Lana's first husband comes out and, well first, you know, Lana's first husband and Lashley's first wife comes out and, you know, out of the backstage area with microphones. Yeah, all dressed up nice. Dressed up nice, you know.
Like they went, oh, I'm going to a wedding. Might as well dress up, I guess. And then at some point, Lana and Lashley embrace and start making out like monkeys. And they both get like, she gets like his makeup, like his dark makeup on her face. And he gets like white makeup on his face. And they're both trying to like rub it off without either of them saying anything. And oh my god, it was just.
It's one of those things, if you had a friend with you that was like over your house for the holidays and they were watching this, they would just say, what do you watch this for? Yeah, yeah. And even like, of course, at the end, Rusev comes out of the cake and they don't even get the shot right. They don't even have him in the frame. You don't even see him coming out of the cake, which was the whole point of the whole thing. And he didn't even get out of the cake right either. He like kind of struggled getting out of the cake, which it was cringe. That part was even more cringe.
It was like half the cake was an actual cake and half of it was styrofoam or something where you pushed it over. I don't know where they go with this but the biggest complaint people have is they've been working on this Liv Morgan reboot for months now and she has vignettes and everything.
And this is how they bring her back. She comes down the ramp and she says that she has to stop the wedding because she's in love with one of the people in the ring. And of course, at that point, you know, it's Lana. Yep. Pretty obvious. And yeah, they start brawling and there's no, there was no lead up. I don't even know if I've ever seen those two together in my entire life on TV or social media or anything. I don't watch Total Divas. So maybe they're on there. Yeah, they are together on there. I mean, they're all, all the, all the leads are together.
Yeah, but just the two of them like are they I mean it doesn't even matter but I mean they're like they're like buddy I mean they she posted pictures of them together like a few years ago and like And rusa was hanging out with them and stuff like that too So I mean it's they're trying to like plant seeds in that sense But if you if you didn't watch total divas you wouldn't have any clue that they hung out with each other off the camera and
Yeah, it was just, you know, like the the preacher is reading all clearly reading off of a script in the book and like, yeah, Lashley's forgetting the words. Like the preacher just says like a line and Lashley can't even remember it. Yeah, he totally botched that whole like
Sentence that he had to repeat those I usually I've liked the line in the last couple times She's been on TV, but she was just like screaming loud like eating the microphone and just screaming and like It was just bad all around. I don't know where they go with this now I mean these two have wrestled before I guess we're gonna get a mixed tag match at Royal Rumble with the four of them. Yeah, I mean, I Don't even I just don't know especially the lip more. It's a little Morgan's like the factor and it's like why I
Like it's like, oh, we don't have anything for you. We're just going to stick you in this awful feud. And like, but the whole thing is, I guess like that's those segments, I guess those like their highest rated segments on raw, like whenever Lashley and Lana are out in the ring for the past, for whatever they started this, I guess those are the highest rated. I was reading about that, like, which is insane to me, which means I like it's the, it's not just wrestling fans. It's a total diva's audience probably watching it as well. Like.
really getting into it which is insanely that's why they keep on doing that's why i haven't saw the story line yet because actually showing results yes somewhere somebody tweeted it to them and i forget the exact numbers but i think it's got i mean this is just monday today is what thursday so this has been three days i think it has five or six million views and i think all the videos that a w has on their youtube it's like two hundred and some videos yeah has like thirty or forty million views so i mean like
It's just insane. And I can't explain it. I mean, I went back and watched it just, you know, to prep for the show. But I guess if you had to watch one thing from wrong, it's like, well, looking at a car crash, you know, when you're driving. Yes. But I mean, God, man, just see the same entities like the they even alluded to like the announcers. I'm not sure if anyone picked up on it or they probably weren't paying attention. They did allude to the fact that they like invited people to the wedding.
So that was kind of funny that nobody showed up to it. I think that was like the joke. They're like, Oh, they invited all these, all the superstars supposed to show up. And then no one ended up showing up, but they should at least like, put like maybe the street profits have them just show up and like sit there. Like two people, like, like Rowan, like row, for some reason, like early in the show, Rowan really wanted to go to the wedding. Like, what the fuck do you want? Why do you want to go to the wedding for be awful? But yeah, she should have had like two people there, like just sitting like by themselves or something. Oh yeah. What did his cage?
sitting there just like making crackin' jokes like you said, or even laughing at them or something like that. I don't know. If you haven't watched it, go back and check it out. I was so glad I watched Raw for that because, oh my God, it was just, it's unexplainable how bad it was. It was almost like so good it was bad, or so bad it was good. We got that Charlotte was the number one entrant in the Women's Royal Rumble, which isn't too much of a shock, but the announcers really seemed like they were shocked that
Like his little cage at one of the seats. Like him sitting next to that and like this free profit.
the best women's wrestler was going to be in the women's Royal Rumble even though they have they only have like 40 women's wrestlers like I think they're all going to be in it but you know yeah I wish they brought back the days where they're like they you picked out a number as your entrant or like you were given a number now like you walk out there and go I'm number one or yeah yeah anyone can walk will be like I'm number 30 and then I'm gonna win the Royal Rumble because I'm number 30 and I have to waste as much time but I'm assuming she's gonna be number one and probably win
She's going to last the whole time. That's my prediction anyway.
I don't see anyone else winning the Royal Rumble besides her. No, me either. Unless we get a Ronda return or something. But obviously, she's one of the front runners. Back in the day, they would announce on Raw, oh, the head shrinker fat two is in the Royal Rumble. Just build up to the big names. Exactly. Because obviously, Charlotte is going to be probably the favorite to win this thing. But it'll be cool. I do enjoy the women's Royal Rumble in addition to the men's Royal Rumble.
So yeah, that was a pretty eventful episode of Raw, whether you liked it or not. We'll see what happens next week. NXT End of Year Awards, they didn't have an actual show. I watched it for about the first four or five minutes until I saw Pat McAfee in his stupid tuxedo shorts, had to turn it off, but they gave out some End of Year Awards. They showed some highlights of the best NXT matches of the year.
And we got the teams announced for the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, which is cool that they're bringing back. I think it's NXT UK versus NXT. We got Undisputed Era, clearly. Mark Andrews and Flash Morgan Webster, Riddle and Pete Donner, a tag team, which will be cool.
Yeah, forgotten sons imperium grizzled young veterans and Gallus two guys from NXT UK and then Kushida is Tagging up with a mystery partner. So we'll see who that is. But I'm not sure what the I mean, it's cool. They do this I just wish there were some sort of like stakes like I would like I would almost prefer to not have the tag team champions in it and just just do like
then these whoever wins it gets a title shot or you know something because it's right now it just doesn't seem like it has any kind of like I know you got the trophy at the end or whatever but yeah, you know, I thought that that's not that that's what they did before they used to like if you if you want you got a you got a title shot at the at the champions if I'm not mistaken I could be wrong though the previous ones that they did but yeah, it's kind of weird having the champions in there it should be like
another team and then whoever wins they get the trophy and they get to face the undisputed era have like one of the takeovers or whatever it is. That would make sense. Any speculations on who Kushida's partner will be?
I haven't heard anything. I don't really know who it could be. I don't know if it's going to be somebody off the main roster from Raw or SmackDown, or if you're going to do somebody that's debuting. If you're going to do somebody with a similar style, maybe Nakamura. He's not as super similar to Kushida. He's a different style altogether. The only reason I said it is because they're both Asian. I was super racist. I'll cut that out. I totally didn't pick that up at all.
I'm just trying to think of like someone that was used to be an NXT that could like step in that people would know and it would be cool Yeah, maybe is now that'd be aware that'd be a weekday view but yeah, that's something WWE would probably do Dream dream hasn't been around a while. He could be the partner. He hasn't won a he hasn't won any thing in recent number. He lost his uh
North American title so he has he's been gone for a while. I'm not sure how serious his injury is Yeah, I don't read like dirt sheets or anything like that I tried to stay away from that stuff But I'm gonna have to start doing some research and see what kind of injury is cuz he's been gone like he missed the whole like The whole survivor series thing which I thought would that would have been his like his out his coming out party If he was a part of the whole that whole that whole thing there But obviously Keith Lee was the the breakout guy in that
But it has all your major channels, but I get USA and TNT, which is great. And it has, I think it has 10 hours of DVR or something. Nothing crazy, but if you wanna record Raw SmackDown and NXT every week or NXT or AEW, it's pretty good. So that's what I use. This week it didn't record, but it's something that kinda hit the reset button for a couple of these things that they have going on. I'm gonna go back and try to find it on YouTube or something.
That's it, that's fine.
Um, I'm excited for the bill that they're doing for this Jericho and Moxley thing. I think that's, yeah, that's really been well done from what I've seen in previous weeks. Uh, yeah, they had, um, they had, uh, late the champion come out and I, well, he didn't come out easy. He did a video, um, for John Moxley. Basically he's been trying to court him to be in the inner circle, um, as, as a, you know, a member, but now this week he wants him to be an equal sharing leader.
inner circle so he wants a I think he said 49 50 split or something like that so basically a co-leader in the inner circle he offered him like obviously money mansions all that stuff he actually offered him a 4GT with the suicide doors which was pretty sick he actually got in and drove him off so and then obviously Moxley said you know what I don't have an answer I'm gonna give it to you next week in person I'm not gonna do it now
I want to say T face-to-face, so you know what that means. He's having to drop him on his head. That's what I'm assuming anyway. But someone at work, I have to give her credit for this, because I did not even think of this at all. Her name's Jade. She's one of my coworkers. She loves AEW. She actually brought up a good point. So this weekend, you have the Wrestle Kingdom coming up, where Jericho and Moxley are featured in matches.
Um, so they made, she, she's saying they may do something where like, um, Jericho has his match with Ta-Nehisi and Moxley. Cause so basically the stipulation is Ta-Nehisi says, if I beat you, um, um, in this match, I want to shout out your AEW title. Right. I'm not sure if you heard any of this at all. So, uh, basically that's his stipulation. If I beat you, I want to shout out your title. So she was saying it may be something like.
Moxley may come out during that match and like, stop Ta-Nehisi from winning that match so he can get his title shot. And it may look like, oh, he's siding with the inner circle, and then AEW rolls around, he gives his answer, then he drops him on his head, basically, which I didn't even think of. Just to delve into the New Japan world, because we really don't go into that. But yeah, so that's an actual thing. So Jericho and Moxley have matches at Wrestle Kingdom. I'm not sure if they're on the same night. They usually do it in two nights.
Um, so I'm not sure that one's fighting one night, the other one's doing the other night. So, uh, we'll just see. So I think they're going to continue the storyline during the weekend. That actually might be pretty cool. They, they bleed into the new Japan thing and that'll kind of set up like, uh, there's, there's been rumors that, um, AEW and new Japan have been like,
Kind of like talking. I know. Yeah, I was going to say that. I heard that, too. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's the way to go. I mean, we talked about it last week of who they could kind of merge with or steal some talent from. And that would make perfect sense. And I think that would be a great scenario. And I think AEW would be smart to do that. Yeah, definitely. That would definitely further a lot of their storylines. And there's so much talent over there that people, the hardcore AEW fans would love to see.
I'm confused by the hangman, what they're doing with the hangman page stuff with Kenny Omega with the elite. I don't know if they're going to turn him heal or what, but that, I mean, it's, it's given him something to do, which is cool. He's kind of been lost over since he lost the title match to Jericho. Yeah. So yeah, I'm excited. I'm excited for, uh, to, to check out a W dynamite and, uh,
And, uh, once that their pay per view is coming up, isn't it? The revolution thing. Yeah. It's in February. It's late. It's late. It's late in Chicago. Yeah. Did I talk about this last week that I want to be in Chicago that exact weekend for a wedding? Yeah, you did. Yeah. And I, I told you, I wouldn't, I hate it if you actually just.
got some tickets and went there or watched it during them. I have to. It's like one of the freaking odds. When do I ever go to Chicago? Exactly. When does it ever line up for something cool like that? I was like, when is the wedding? She's like, oh, it's like 11 or 12. I was trying to do the math in my head of where it is. I had plenty of time. Yeah, yeah. Just with the wife and kid. I don't know. They're just cool with me just dipping out.
I'm sure I could find some Foley family listeners to go with if I needed to. I know it's sold out, but I'm sure there's tickets to be had on StubHub or something. So let's go outside the squared circle. We touched on a little bit of everything from some of the shows over the last couple of weeks. We're going to get on a pretty regular schedule here going forward. The holidays were tough, me work-wise being sick, and then Sheena having a baby come out of her body and all that stuff.
But we'll definitely be going regularly, at least once a week. And we have, like I said, a bunch of extra stuff. We have a mailbag episode. I put the questions together. We're going to record it. We ask you guys on social media for a bunch of cool questions. And you guys hit us up with a ton. So we're going to read those off and answer those in the next week or so.
Let's go outside the squared circle and talk about some of the things that were wrestling related, and I have a couple here. Before we do that, actually, I had a little piece of trivia for you. How many title matches do you think Roman Reigns had in 2019? Oh, man. Any title? Any title in the WWE? I'm going to say in 2019,
I'm going to say zero. I could be wrong, but I'm going to say I don't remember him having any. Title matches or title contention matches.
He had one. He only had one. So you were close. Really? Yeah. I don't know. I don't know what it was. I didn't, I didn't get that much information. I'm not that good of a podcaster, but I also have another trivia for you. I have the top five people in the WWE with the most wins in 2019. I want to see how many of these names you can guess. Oh my God. The most wins. Yes. Most victories entering victories. Any, is it NXT included?
Or is it just like Raw and SmackDown people? It looks like it's just regular Raw and SmackDown people. It's five of them. Oh, geez. That's rough. In 2019, I have to put Charlotte in there. I think she might be one of the people. Could be wrong about that. Oh, man, this is rough.
Allister Black has to be up there because I don't think he's lost yet in any of his matches. None of those people are on this list. None of those people are on this list. None of those people are on this list. None of those people are on this list. None of those people are on this list. None of those people are on this list.
Actually, no, he didn't wrestle that much. No, yeah, he was out for most of the year, yeah. There's one tag team of these five, and there's one female. I'll give you those hints. Okay, so I'm gonna say AJ Styles. Is he one of them? He is not, no. Wow, okay, all right, so you said big names, let me think. Yeah, yeah. Kofi Kingston wrestled a lot. Kofi, he is number one with 41 victories. Okay, okay, finally got one.
Seth Rollins has to be on that, right? He's number two. All right, you're on a roll now. You're on a roll now, yeah. Okay, Seth Rollins. All right, Baylee? Yep, she's number five. She's the only female. She had 30 wins in 2019. I'm assuming this is just like pay-per-views and Raw and SmackDown. I'm assuming they're not adding in house shows. It would be a lot higher number. I'm channeling the Sheena. I'm not too big with the
with the quizzes. I like giving them. You did pretty good. The other two were kind of hard. Number four was Viking Raiders with 32 victories. They never lost. They won like every match. Ricochet was number three with 38. I was going to say Ricochet, but I was thinking, well, Alistair, then I thought Alistair had sat in a room for like five months and did a wrestle. The entire summary just stayed indoors.
Probably air condition of assuming because she doesn't listen to this and then we can quiz her next week and see if she She gets this part. Yeah Wow, that was uh, why did that's that's actually surprising the ricochet He did wrestle a lot though. That's now that I'm thinking about he was on literally every every week on raw and
Um, so we saw WWE make an appearance. I didn't watch it because, uh, I was not watching TV at the moment, but Fox had a, has a new year's Eve show with Steve Harvey. I believe I'm saying that. And, um, Roman Reigns, I think wrestled, uh, Dolph Ziggler, like in out in times square on the show or something. Yeah, it was pretty cool. Um, was it outdoors? No, it was, it was indoors. I think he was like, it looked like, I'm not sure if it was pre tape on Maria, but Noodles was there. She actually introduced.
The match and everything, so I'm not sure how they went magic. Did she poop her pants? No, not that I know of. She did. I mean, that would be pretty cool if she did. She did that at WrestleMania. Google it. I think it was makeup or something. Yeah, that tanner or bronzer that the ladies wear there. But yeah, they had some superstars show up on the, because it was like the Fox's New Year's bash that they do.
Elias was on there, he showed up, sang a song or two. I think Mojo, R-Truth, they showed up. It was a, you know, it's Fox, it's David Deo now, so you're gonna see a lot more superstars showing up, which was pretty cool. I believe Braun Strowman was on there too, or they brought up the fact that he was, oh, that was the other thing.
He was, did you see the dancing thing that he did? Oh, I wanted to ask you about, what do you think about that? I mean, obviously he's a face, so he's not doing this as a heel, but do you think it's just like, I have no problem with it. People complained about it on the internet, which people always complain about things on the internet, but he's partying with a new day. It doesn't mean he takes anything away from him. What did you think about that? Yeah, a lot of people are like, oh my god, he's turning into a new big show. He's a big man doing funny stuff, and it's like,
I don't think it hurts him at all. Like you said, he's a face. That's what faces do. He's with the new day. When you're with the new day, you're going to dance. You're going to do something goofy. Kevin Owens did it when he was a big O for a little bit. So he did all the swiveling his hips and all that stuff. And so I don't think it really hurts him as much. I mean, I think people just, because he hasn't seen Braun on TV as much. He hasn't been like the killer he's been previously.
So I think they assume that if he comes out dancing, it's like, oh, oh, oh, he's buried. Oh, that's it. He's all done. He's not coming back. But they could easily just have him destroy somebody and put on a serious face, and he'll be back to where he was before. Oh, of course, yeah. Yeah, I think it's a reaction. But yeah, thank you for bringing that up. I completely forgot about that. We did see Arne Anderson signing with AEW. I guess Cody announced he was going to be his coach for the 2020 season or something.
Yeah. They announced him as like the, uh, he actually walked him out to the ring. Um, they announced him as the nightmare family head coach. Um, I'm not sure what that means. Cause Cody's like the only person in that, in the nightmare family. He said, actually, no, Brandy Rose is the nightmare collective. So she's not even associated with Cody anymore, but yeah. So, um, they're different things. They both have some, they both have groups called nightmare or something. Yeah. Well, so like when they were,
before they became like AEW and stuff, they have like a YouTube channel, stuff called the nightmare family. So consists of like Brandy Rhodes, Cody and their dog, having the name of the dog. So that's a family. Yeah, Pharaoh. Yeah. So that's the nightmare family. Right? Sounds like a side thing. But now it's like, now you have Brandy Rhodes with the nightmare collective, which I don't think is, I don't think Cody has anything to do with that. I think it's just like a different, um, like,
like group. Yeah, yeah, I think it's all he's out here. Yeah, awesome Kong. Yeah, so there's like a lot. So I think it's like two separate things. But I just hate how it's like, pretty close like the dark order, which I'm assuming they might join forces. At some point, that's my own, like my own take on it. The Nightmare Collective in the dark group, because they're too close of Yeah, like,
like groups or whatever, but yeah. At Hot Topic, the aisles are right next to each other, you know, where the men's clothes, the women's clothes, or, you know, that's all this is. Yeah, all right, cool. That's happening. I don't understand why the guy who runs the company needs a coach, but I love seeing Arne Anderson on TV, so. Yeah, no, me too. One of my favorites of all time is Arne Anderson. That's a little known fact. I do like the
I just, he's, he's awesome. I watch all, I watch all the stuff. I'm like on the network and stuff like that. When I get a chance to just search, aren't interested in be entertained. That's, that's my little tidbit for you for everyone out there. Yeah. We talked about the new Japan deal. Uh, WWE backstage had their top five matches of the year. Um, yeah. Do you have a list of those? I've seen a bunch of those floating around.
actually do which is I'm kind of let's see if you if you agree with their top five matches of the year I guess some of these like you want to give me a quiz yeah yeah so so top five matches what do you just think back to the year 2019 okay well come up with five matches five definitive matches that define the WWE and the year 2019
Zack Ryder versus, no. That'd be funny, they did like a main event match or something. I'm gonna go Tyler Bate versus Walter from NXT UK Takeover, was that on there? Negative. This list is already bullshit then. Kofi and Daniel Bryan? Yep, that's actually the number one match of the year.
That makes sense. Let's see. Can we go with Gargano and Adam Cole from TakeOver? I'm going to give you a hand. There's no NXT matches whatsoever on this five. That's my only hand I'm going to give you. I can't even name any more. I don't even know other matches that stand out to me that are not NXT. How about Sasha Banks and Ronda at the Royal Rumble?
No, negative. Come on. What is the, tell me these matches. Let's just quiz Sheena from now on. We'll start from five. Okay. We'll start from five. So number five they have, which I actually, actually really love this match. Um, and I definitely recommend you go back and watch it cause it's definitely on the network cause they do take forever to put these matches on. Um, from the Smackdown live, it was in January. Um, it was on dry day versus Raven stereo.
I think it was like the first time they faced each other. And it was like a 20-minute match. Wow, nice. It was a really good match. You definitely go back and watch it. I'm not sure what date. It doesn't say the date of January. It just says January 2019. Number five, Andrade versus Rey Mysterio. Definitely watch that. Number four is AJ Styles versus Seth Rollins for the Universal Championship and Money in the Bank. Oh, that was a good match. Yeah, that was a really good one.
Number three was the Elimination Chamber match, which is really awesome with Styles, Hardy, Kingston, Orin. Oh, yeah. I need to go back and watch that. I feel as if it's been forever for some reason. That was before WrestleMania. Isn't Money in the Bank like the month before WrestleMania? Yeah. It was Kingston and Daniel Bryan. They were the last two. And it looked like Kingston was going to win it. And then that was a really good match.
Number two is, cause I already told you number one, number two is Sasha Banks versus Becky Lynch, Hell in a Cell. Oh, okay. I can see it. Cause they're really, I mean, I mean, it's, it's a good choice. And I thought they were going to put the women's match from WrestleMania, which is wasn't really a good match. Um, but yeah, I don't know that match was really, yeah. Go back and watch the, um, the Hell in a Cell matching. This is a pretty innovative stuff. So there it was.
I mean, it was a second women's Hell in a Cell match, I believe, because Sasha wasn't both of them. So she used her experience to lift Becky up, lift the man up. And they, they actually watching it right now. She did that double D thing into the ladder. Oh yeah. Oh man. Yeah. Yeah. You gotta watch that. So yeah, that's it. That's how they run it out there. Top five. So I mean, I don't hate it.
but they should include is that i see that isn't there i think yes it's not that i don't mean it's what do that won't that won't turn television as so frequently go back and watch that again too i was so good uh... okay you know we're gonna do once she becomes back we're gonna have a uh... episode we'll do our tricky awards i would do the best rest of the year best match the year best figure the year all that kind of stuff so that'll hopefully be an escape before the end of january while things are still fresh in our brain uh...
Cool. Let's go into our go figure segment. You ready, Marco? Let's do it.
everybody. Time to talk about what we purchased, what we received from our Christmas stockings, all that kind of stuff. We call it our Go Figure segment. If you're out fig hunting and you find some good stuff, be sure to post us. Tag us on Twitter. We'd love to see it. Tag Marco, tag myself, tag Sheena, tag everybody in the Foley family. We'd love to see the shelves at Target and Walmart even if they're empty because ours look like that too.
Yeah. Uh, let's start with, uh, let's start with what I got. And I meant to mention this on last week's or last time we recorded, uh, our buddy, Mike Lanham, who's been on the show before, got me one of maybe the best Christmas gifts I've ever gotten. And, um, it's, uh, if you've ever heard of the website,, uh, you can get famous people to record little videos. Have you heard this yet? Have you seen it? Yeah. I was actually going to do that for, uh,
for a friend of mine. But yeah, you can literally get anybody. You pay them whatever their fee is, and they'll send them a personal message, which is pretty awesome. All right. Have you seen the one that Mike made for me? No, I actually haven't seen it. Oh, my god. You must not have been in the group chat. OK, I'm sending you the link now. You can listen to it. I'm going to play it for the people here, but for some reason, you won't be able to hear it on my computer. But I'm going to play it right now. Hold on one second.
All right, so Marco's watched it. I'm going to play it for you guys here. Jordan Grace, my favorite female wrestler in the world, recorded a little video for me. I'm going to play it for you now.
Hey, Phil, it's thick mama pump Jordan Grace here. I just wanted to say Merry Christmas and also wanted to congratulate you on the success of your podcast, The Chick Foley Show. I'm going to try to be on it sometime. I just am a little spazzy sometimes. I'm actually at Russell Cade right now, so I'm in the locker room right now. As you can see, the room is huge, but I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and yes, thick chick season is the best.
That was a kiss at the end there, Marco, if you didn't notice. She doesn't have to do that. That wasn't in the requirements. No, she added that in there because she knew it was me. Yeah, she knew it was the hot take head, man.
So the internet rumors are swirling that she's all about me now. I got to shoot those down. But Mike, awesome gift, man. I owe you big time, brother. Pretty cool stuff. I also received a, from my buddy Canik, who is a friend of the Major Brothers. He's talked about on their show quite a bit. You can follow him on Instagram at K-A-N-I-K 89. He works for
Eagle Moss hero collectibles. He sent me the they do like a little statue of a bunch of wrestlers. I think they'd like to have a subscription where they do one a month or one every couple months. Yeah. He sent me the newest one, which is Kurt Angle because he knew I'm a big Kurt Angle fan in the house. He sent Sheena a Bret Hart one and we have a third Bret Hart one that we're going to give away in the coming weeks, which is they're super detailed. They're great looking. I posted it to our Facebook page when I got it. So really cool stuff. Thank you, Canik, for sending that over to me here.
Yeah, I should follow them on Twitter and Instagram. It's just hero collectibles Eagle Moss. Let me pull it up here. So I'm not sounding like a complete moron. I believe it's at Eagle Moss Eagle Moss collections. Yes, Eagle Moss collections. Yeah, they have a
More than just wrestling, we have all kinds of different stuff. And then if you go to atherocollector underscore is where their pop culture type of figurine things are. So a couple of different spots to check on Instagram, but thank you there. Another brother, good brother sent me a gift too from the boots of the face podcast at a bearded master. The co-host there with our buddy Rucker sent me the stone cold IPA, which we have not gotten down here in Maryland. Now you said you've seen it up in your neck of the woods.
Oh yeah, definitely. I've tasted the sweet nectar of stone-cold IPA and it is... Have you tried it? No, no. I have the one can, so I'm holding off for Raven Super Bowl or something like that. Maybe I'll pop it open. But I do want to do a review on the show of it. But I sent him, one of the local breweries here, Heavy Seas, just came out with a 25th anniversary IPA, which is like 14.5%.
What? Yeah, I know. And one of the guys at one of my stores said it just tastes like a really good IPA. It doesn't even taste super high. So I sent him one of those. It'd be cool if in 2020 we can do a little beer exchange. I know you're not supposed to mail alcohol to people, but it's frowned upon, like masturbating on an airplane.
Exactly. It's not illegal. So yeah, a bunch of cool gifts from people and really good stuff. I bought for Christmas, I got the Shawn Michaels Pop Vinyl and the Ric Flair Pop Vinyl. So I'm up to six now. I'm almost done. I think I'm going to get stone cold in the Undertaker and call it a day. I'm telling myself I'm only going with my Mount Rushmore type of guy.
Hogan, Flair, Bret Hart, Warrior, Savage, and Shawn Michaels, so pretty good. Pretty good six-man team there. I decided I'm doing a Macho Man collection with all the different random Macho Mans I could think of, one from like every era somewhere.
eventually get a ljn i picked up the nWo white and black macho man from the original san francisco toy makers off of ebay because i didn't get if i didn't get any figures per se from for christmas but i got
a couple eBay gift cards and an Amazon gift card. So I've used those. They were burning a hole in my pocket. So I used those real quick. I got some stuff. From Amazon, I got the Kofi Kingston WrestleMania Elite, which I've been hoping to land. And that's all paid for. It was pre-order for the 5th or 6th of January, so it should be here next week.
Other than that, I don't think I bought anything else. We have some news on some other series that are supposed to be coming out soon that I wanted to get, but what did you get for Christmas and what did you pick up over the last couple weeks? Didn't really get any, like, same thing as gift cards for Christmas, which I love because I can go in and control what I buy. But other than that, before that, I did get the WWE Masters of the Universe figures, so not the set with
with John Cena and Triple H, which I already have. But the other figures are like Sting, Finn Balor, Ultimate Warrior, and the other Triple H, that's a part of that. So grab those. Friend of the show. Have you taken those out of the package? Sorry to interrupt. Have you taken them out of the package? Not yet. No, I haven't yet. I actually haven't opened a lot of them. I've been opening things very here and there.
I still have the Ghostbusters still in the boxes. I haven't even opened them up yet. I have stacks of stuff that I haven't even gone to, but I've just been like, I don't know why, just here and there, just like, oh, I wonder what this looks like out of the box and just open it up. But yeah, I'm going to take some time and just have a big trash day and just open everything up and let them fly. But yeah, I haven't opened those yet. I did it. Friend of the show, Mike Lanham, landed me a girl of monsoon.
which I'm very happy about. Still have to get that out of Cascizono. That's the elusive guy right there. Only other thing to do is go on Ringside and start pre-ordering Ultimate Edition 4. It's up for pre-order now, so that's Brock Lesnar and Shawn Michaels. Those two figures there. I am not a joke. I am actually thinking of pre-ordering the Laura Sullivan from Series 105, because I might be a... I think they might have paid that. I think they might have paid that today.
Are you sure? Let me check the website. Hold on. Yeah. Series 105. I'm pulling it up right now. It's still on the bring side. Still on there, yeah. I think that might be a collector's item. Yeah. I'm not sure. I mean, I could be wrong, but it might be. It might be like, hey, you could do your own research on the story at some point, but I think it might be a collector's actually.
I pre-ordered that. The hands are in like an open gripping position, so it's all set. I think that's very ironic that they did that, or maybe they do of the story that happened. But yeah, it's actually really funny. But yeah, so that's pretty much it. Nothing too crazy when it came to Christmas. Actually, you know what? I did get the pre-order. I'm not sure if it's still up.
On Amazon, you can actually pre-order the feed pop. Oh, again? It came back? Yeah, it came back. So it says like a February release, release date if you go on there. I'm not sure if it's still up, but I was able to do that. Um, hopefully it doesn't get canceled, but I went on one night and I was like, I think it was Christmas Eve. I was like, ah, I was like, what's on Amazon? So I went on there and I seen the feed and I was like, oh, let me see if I can pre-order it. It let me do it.
Yeah, it's still on here. Still on there? Yeah. $12.99. Not a better price. So get out there, people. And that's the very first figure of the feed. So definitely get your hands on that. I think it comes in the plastic casing, too, if I'm not mistaken. It could be wrong. But there's a commercial that Bray Wyatt did for the feed and pop at the front house. And it actually had the casing. And it said Amazon exclusive on it. So I'm not sure if it comes shipped like that.
Um, which some collectibles do. Um, uh, I think the, uh, so the one, one of my, one of the, it's not really wrestling related, but I picked up the, um, Star Wars, uh, I forget the artist's name. There's an artist that does like some like wacky like designs and stuff like that. He did like a cross promotion with Star Wars. Um, and he came up with a figure that's like in the casing, like you buy it in the plastic casing and it's not the cardboard casing.
So sometimes they do that if it's a real collector's item, which I'm assuming that the feed will be So we'll see. Yeah, definitely get out there pre-order before they run out of pre-orders or they take it down at some point
Yeah, shout out to our good buddy Bob Zegler in our Facebook group. He pointed out today that the Matt Riddle Basic was up on there on Amazon for pre-order, which was like $9.99, so he's been waiting for that. I didn't want to pay the extra for a basic, so I got that for the Sun.
This is a tough time of year. As a parent, you got Christmas. Well, I mean, for me anyway, Christmas you got, I always do something for Valentine's Day. My son's birthday is then in March and then Easter like the next month. So it's like, you got to have like gifts stocked up for people. So yeah, but I got that and I did want to announce the winner for our Macho Man Slim Gym, which came in last time we recorded. We did a episode, Me, You and the Heal Husband.
and we all gave our top five figures of 2019. And this figure was in our, I think, everybody's top five or so. This is going to go to at JTW4Life. That is one of our followers on Twitter, at JTW4Life.
Jay, you have one week to claim your prize. Slide into the DMs, and we will get that mailed out to you. His name on Twitter is stankyfanger, so awesome. But he retweets all our stuff, so that's good. And if you didn't see it today, we have another giveaway already announced. I wanted to jump on it a little bit early. Our good buddy Dennis Montesano, who just had a young newborn,
in the last couple weeks. We had a lot of full family members having babies in 2019. Geez. Yeah, we're growing the fam. We're brooding. We're getting ready for the future generations of fully fam members. Exactly. Maybe people are listening to our voices and they're getting in the mood or something. I don't know. Maybe there's a connection there. Oh, maybe. Dennis found a Gorilla Monsoon elite figure, MOC, and he's going to donate it to the cause. And all you have to do is go to our Twitter.
tag to the top of our Twitter account. Just retweet the tweet and drop a gif in the comments of your all time at least favorite wrestler. We've got some pretty good, you've been following this today, I've gotten some pretty good suggestions from people. A lot of people hate Brock Lesnar and all your basic people, but I had some good Jeff Gerrits, I had some Lex Levers in there. A lot of great colleagues. Yeah, I see the banter between the brothers there with the Roddy Piper and all that stuff. That was pretty actually really funny.
Yeah, a couple of them really shocked me. It's just people, I guess, it's no right or wrong answer, obviously. But sometimes you just don't connect with a wrestler, and maybe they're before your time. Maybe you just don't like their whole personality. I mean, I can get why people don't like Roddy Piper if you don't like, he wasn't in the ring for much of my childhood. But he had some great matches when he was. And he was one of the best on the mic, but yeah.
Good stuff said at J TW for life. You are the winner for that figure. We will have Marco send it out to you soon Marco I'll hit you up with that shipping whenever we get find out where Jay lives. Hopefully he's not in like Antarctica or something Yeah, I said that it's crazy I said that one beer today to at bearded master was like the shipping was like He's in California. So the shipping was like 14 bucks for like the cheapest shipping possible and like she
It wasn't even that heavy, it's just one beer. Hopefully I'm done with the post office for the next couple weeks unless we find stuff. The good thing about the Facebook is you probably know if you listen to the show, we find stuff in our local stores. There's about 70 of us, so it's easier than Twitter or normal Facebook to weed out some of the noise and just be more of a smaller group. We can find stuff for people. We have a running list of what everybody needs, so we're always trying to help people out, so it's been pretty cool.
Yeah, that's been all of my pickups so far over the last couple weeks. You did want to talk about the Royal Rumble 2020 Elite Series, but before we do, I forgot to mention that the Go Figures segment is sponsored in part by our friends at Ringside Collectibles. They are partnering with us in the new year here going forward, and we love while working with them.
It's If you're listening to this podcast, I'm hoping you know what Ringside Collectibles is if you don't. It's the best place on the internet to buy wrestling figures months before they hit the shelves, if they ever even hit the shelves knowing our stores. But you can use Code Chick Foley for 10% off of your order.
and screenshot us the order and we do a random giveaway for anybody who will put your name in a hat, we'll give you something just to show you, thank you for your support of us and our promo code there. But yeah, the Royal Rumble 2020 figures are coming out pretty soon. We've got some promo images. We have a DPCI number that I can read off to the people here. But you really wanted to talk about this set. What do you like most about it?
Um, so everyone loves obviously the macho man figure. Um, uh, it's, it's actually, I actually can't wait to get my hands on it personally, but everyone's probably going to kill me on this. I actually think the best looking figure there is the Bobby Lashley one.
Yeah, I have been looking at that. And it is a really good figure. I mean, he doesn't have much of a look to him that's changeable from figure to figure. But they hit that one on the head. And the rock one is really good, too. Yeah, the rock one's really good. As much as you can make those two look really different. But I mean, I love the sculpt they use. And I think that was when he beat CM Punk for the title. Yeah, that was at Royal Rumble. He beat CM Punk for that title. And that title is pretty awesome, actually, to have that
But yeah, the Bobby Lashley face scan is like, it looks like him. I mean, his body looks like that anyway.

Post-Holiday Shopping and Figure Auctions

So they really didn't have to do that much sculpting. But yeah, no, it literally looks like you're looking at a miniature Bobby Lashley, which is crazy. And I know that's not probably the favorite among all those figures. And I think most people are just going to go after the Macho Man.
Um, my least favorite is probably the lead. Uh, yeah, I don't want, I'm going to get it, but I don't, I don't really like it. It doesn't really remind me of like her time with like, I don't know if it's like from her, her and edge when they were a couple, like it looks like it is that even the head scans aren't that to be that they're not that
Great. I always remember her with that shirt like basically like it just didn't like her tits were just out and like she had like that black shirt where it just was kind of like the front was open and she was just looked like more like all in black and this one she's like wearing like jeans or something it just doesn't you know
But if you're looking for these figures, they should hit pretty soon, I would say, within this month. Check out It's P-O-P-F-I-N-D-R. Just take out the E, and you can do a search. These are target exclusives. The DPCI number that you want is 087-16-2.
the the
And I got a little tip off the record from our good buddy Unstable1047 on Instagram. He does a lot of figure photography and stuff and posts a bunch of cool stuff. Give him a follow, but I guess he does some YouTube videos. He has some information on what's going on with this Peyton Royce.
that should be shipping with the Elite 73 as well as the Cassius Ono and the Page from the Elite 71. We talked about it last week that they're not showing up in packages, but I think he has an inside scoop. So check out his page and I think he does some YouTube videos. He's putting one up tomorrow with that info. I told him I would not share it with anybody until he made the announcement.
A lot of stuff going on, a lot of cool things, and I've been to, I think today I went to like two Targets, two Walmarts, they were all totally empty. The cupboards are bare after everybody grabbing stuff for their kids for Christmas, so. Yep. Just a lot of Oscars hanging on the pegs there at Target for me anyway. Just a network spot like Oscar.
Yeah, that's been a big peg warmer Let's go into our random merch of the week. You have a good one here. It's Jack's Maven figure from 2005 Yeah, see the Jack's Maven figure from I think yeah from 2005 New Year's Revolution that was a short-lived pay-per-view For the WWE, I think it was 2005 2006 and 2007 they did it if I'm not mistaken
Which ironically, I was talking to you guys about it. I picked New Year's Revolution 2005 as the retro recommendation of the week, which we'll get to after. But yeah, Maven, I'm not sure if everyone remembers who Maven was. He was a tough enough competitor that got a contract to the WWE back in, is it the 90s that happened? I'm super old. Was it 2000s? It's gonna be the 2000s, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, I'm getting old so I'm losing my memory But uh, yeah, it's about it's I mean, it's it's you know, I'm not sure if you guys might break a bank For the price of this but I mean it is up for bid The starting bid is a whopping Six dollars and sixty cents. Oh, so if you are if you want to uh, you know throw a bid on there for the for the maven
New Year's Revolution 2005 figure, you know, had that in a mushroom here and your pockets are ready for the, uh, the cost of this at all. But, um, the ironic thing too, as I was, when I was talking to you guys, they actually, uh, I didn't, one of the, they was on something to wrestle. They actually, uh, David came up and they were talking about like, like his career and what happened with him. And, you know, um, why I was, why I was short-lived and stuff like that. So, um, it all comes down to basically having,
the it factor as they call it so like you know you're not connecting with the audience you have all the you have the look you have the tools move in the ring but personally you're just not doing your thing and I think that's pretty much what they but the end story was with him but yeah so that's the yeah let's see the the random birch of the week for the this week
It's pretty much it. I don't remember much about Maven. I mean, he was like, he had a good look, but yeah, I think he just didn't have the personality, just didn't connect with the fans. But yeah, he debuted in 2001. 2001 again. Yeah, so it was close to, you know, close to the 90s. Just the end of the Attitude Era, I guess you could call it. Yeah.
Alright, so that's a random merch of the week. Let's go to our retro wrestling recommendation of the week, sponsored in part by Pro Wrestling Tees dot com. You can buy some Chick Foley shirts over there. Just type in Chick Foley show on the search bar. We should come up there and we have some shirts available. We should be getting some new designs made as soon as I
Life slows down and I can show our buddy extra cooler about making some new designs for us I guess I got a couple good ideas But you went well you went all in on this maven thing New Year's Revolution 2005 tell me about it. Yeah, so Yeah,

Triple H's Match Analysis and Figure Giveaways

I was kind of weird that at that actually Sheena came up with that figure cuz I was like holy crap I just picked the New Year's Revolution as the the retro recommendation of the week not a great pay-per-view
I'm gonna hit you with some names. There was seven matches. So I'm gonna have you guess what the longest match on this card was. I'm gonna name the matches. I'm gonna have you guess what match you think was the longest one, all right? But this is a quiz show. That's what I'm gonna name this one, the quiz show. So the first match was, I believe it was like a dark match. It was the Hurricane and Rosie.
Versus a lot of resistance. Okay, that was that was a That was actually it was a pretty decent matchup. I'm a fan of that was a fan of the hurricane So he could do no wrong in my eyes in that sense So that the opening match was Eugene if everyone remembers Eugene and William Regal facing Christian in Tyson Tonko
Do you remember Tyson? I know he was bald and had like a bunch of tattoos. That's about all I remember. Yeah. Yeah. About pretty much like a Batista almost. If you want to put it with someone, but Batista is actually on this card. Third match is Trish Stratus versus Alita for the WWE Women's Championship. That had to be a long match, right? Oh yeah. Yeah.
No, it wasn't a long match at all. That was actually three minutes and 46 seconds. Oh, wow. Jeez. Yeah, when they weren't giving the ladies, even though they were tearing it down, they weren't given the proper time to tell a story in that sense. Next match, which is really funny, Sheldon Benjamin versus Maven for the Anticono championship.
You can guess who won that one. Yeah, Shelton Benjamin. Those guys are pretty similar, though. Both those guys were like, I mean, Shelton Benjamin's super athletic, but he has also not been able to really get to that next level or connect with the fans at all, so. Yeah, I mean, he's mainly known for that super kick from Shawn Michaels, pretty much, Shelton Benjamin. You can look it up on YouTube. That's pretty much the most famous thing that he's done. Match number five, Abu Hamid Hassan.
versus Jerry Lawler. It was actually like they had someone in their corner, so Bahamut Hassan had Devari in his corner, and Jerry King Lawler obviously had Jim Ross in his corner. Oh, I remember this now, yeah. And that match was actually the longest, well, the second to the longest match on that card, which is pretty telling. Cobain Event, you have Kane versus
Snitsky, if you remember their feud. Yeah, this is definitely as the attitude era is done. We're not into like the John Cena era yet. And, uh, you know, yeah, no, not yet. Um, main event's not bad. Um, so it's Triple H, um, Batista, Chris Bedwa. Yes. I said his name, um, Chris Jericho. You can probably edit it out if you need to edge and Randy Orton. Um, it was an eliminate. It was the elimination chamber match, actually.
for the vacant World Heavyweight Championship, not the WUE Championship. And that match was obviously the longest match. 35 minutes, that match was. Every other match was probably 10 or five minutes after that. Yeah, even 35 doesn't seem like, you know, for an elimination chamber match. That was, I mean, there's a lot of big names there, too. I think Sean Michaels was the referee for this match. Yeah, he was a special guest referee, yeah.
yep triple h1 i'm sure yeah as always um yeah triple h1 if you look at any so that's that was like my tidbit my takeaway look at any uh pay-per-view in that era like in the mid 2000s or the 2000s and triple h is on it i can guarantee you he has a long match i'm not even joking go to any any any pay-per-view you want to it's at least 20 to 30 minutes long all his matches guaranteed if anyone wants to dispute that
They can, but I challenge you to go look at a 2000th Triple H pay-per-view match and see if it is shorter than 20 minutes.
I mean these cards now I mean I'm looking at like there was like what seven matches the next the next pay review was Royal Rumble and it had not counting the 30-man Royal Rumble was five matches and the triple H didn't have the longest match of course 21 minutes. Yeah Let's keep going here no way out next one was no way out triple agent in five triple age No, he didn't wrestle
Wow, what were they doing? Okay. All right. Maybe it was like a branded thing. Maybe he was on raw. That was a smackdown piece. Yeah, they started to do the splits there. So was it 21 at WrestleMania 21 after that? Yeah. Triple H is definitely on it. You've had Booker T? No. Yeah. No, he fought Batista that year. Oh yeah, Batista. 21, 21 minutes. Yeah, that was a great card, man. I were going way down the rabbit hole here. Yeah. I mean, you got just, you had 21, you had sexy Kurt and, uh,
Sean Michaels facing each other, which is a really good match. Oh, that is a great match. One of my favorite Kurt Angle matches. Yeah. All right. We announced our Slim Jim wrestling figure. So I guess we have some pretty good giveaways in the can. You also have one of the Masters of the Universe, Masters of the WWE Universe rings with the John Cena and the Triple H that we're going to give away pretty soon. Yeah, definitely. So that was like the hot item.
on Walmart. If you're trying to get one, you'd go on there. That was probably available for the most part. But a lot of times you go on there and you just find the ring at some point. But yeah, so that's going to be a giveaway there. So I think we have a lot of giveaways coming up. So that will be obviously after the Google Monsoon or if there's something else after that. But yeah, so that's definitely up for grabs. We'll get that out there and get that in a lucky winner's hands.
Yeah. The figures on, on the Walmart app are a $35. I don't know if it's some sort of mistake or, or what they're shipping from Walmart. They were like 15 bucks. Yeah. Now they're, now they're 35. I mean, that's pretty shitty of Walmart for doing that. I mean, I'm surprised. I usually don't Jack prices up like that. Yeah, that's true. I mean, you either do that or take my advice, go on the right side.
use Kojik Foley and get that a lot of salt with it before they pull it. That's my... I might do that tonight because I got to pre-order that. The only thing is it's a pre-order so they can give you... Well, no, they charge you, don't they? They charge you. I mean, they have to have them in stock if they're ordered. I mean, they have to be made, like if they're already taking pre-orders for them. They at least exist somewhere. Yeah. Back on the website, they haven't pulled it yet, so I mean,
I'm not pun intended by the pulling stuff. Yeah, he's not pulling or anything. Yeah. I don't know if it's on the top or the bottom. Yeah, me neither. You can put a little AEW, A&W root beer t-shirt. Yeah, he used to make a little shirt for us. Yeah, if you see the screen cap, he was actually wearing an AEW shirt, which is kind of cool.
telling so it's pretty that was pretty cool with him now. R Sullivan to AEW? Yeah man, he's all elite I guess. All right well uh that's about it for us tonight I think and we had a pretty jack-full show here next week or whenever we can get back with Sheena we're going to do a a mailbag episode of just questions that you guys sent to us both wrestling and non-wrestling we will do our chicky awards we'll talk more as we get closer to Royal Rumble here
Again, check out our podcast on iTunes, Podbean, Spotify, Stitcher, anywhere you find podcasts. Give us a nice review. We appreciate it. Check us out on Patreon. That's the best place to support us there. And I can't talk highly enough of the group of people that we have on there. It's a really good group of people. Our buddy TJ McHugh, which we seem to talk about every single week,
Oh yeah. I just go onto the page at freaking, um, like Christmas, Christmas night. Yeah. Yeah. I'm just like talking to my family. I'm Tom tired of their asses. And he's, he's given, he's given away like five or six figures, just to random people who have answered like TJ, uh, trivia, like what his favorite movie is and all this stuff. He's given away all kinds of men on card figures, man. Yeah. That's what that's, that those are things I go down on the, uh,
on the Facebook group. Yeah. Yeah. And people just giving away stuff, people finding stuff in the wild and just, you know, hooking people up. So, yeah, it's been it's been pretty fun. But stay tuned. We have a lot of cool stuff coming out. We'll get you an update on Sheena in the next couple of weeks. And she told us she was going on maternity leave. So, you know, hey, it's

Podcast Logistics and Listener Motivation

whatever. Hold on. Let me pull up the Sheena Tron real quick. Yeah. See what she has to say about that. Oh, oh.
Me, personally. I just feel like it's stupid. That was how you really feel. Yeah, I know. She said it's stupid, yeah. Hey, Stella! A little Stella from, oh, I forget that movie with Marlon Brando.
Oh, yeah. I think, uh, what is it? What is that movie? Something about the, the doc, the, uh, along the, along the, oh man. Don't tell me along the, along the water. Oh, it's going to bother me. I don't want to Google it. Yeah. Um, Oh yeah. I know. Yeah. I already googled that I had to, what is it on the water front on the waterfront?
No, a street car named Desire. What am I thinking of? Street car named Desire? Okay. Yeah. And actually you can watch the clip of him yelling the name. Stella! Yeah. Stella!
Lacey Evans, butthole. All right, Sheena Tron, thank you for that. Thank you, Marco, for guest hosting with me here now. You are definitely the MVP. I don't know what I'd do without you. Everybody, have a happy beginning of your 2020 and keep those resolutions. Don't worry about all those assholes at the gym that look at you for showing up for the first time. Just do your thing.
And, you know, do a little bit every day to make yourself better, you know? Exactly. That's what I try to do. You know, take a little couple extra steps, eat another piece of broccoli, go for a walk, put down the remote, pick up a book, you know, work on yourself a little bit. You know, treat yourself. And buy some figures, too. Yeah, live your truth, that's what I say.
Whatever's true to you living. I like that. I like that. All right, so for Marco dent and myself Thank you for listening. We'll be back here next week folks. Stay classy marks And yeah, yeah
Speaking of real hard dicks Does she have that shit in her mouth the whole time? I just don't know You guys just won't give it up
my niggas