David Reed
He, he certainly carries diet. Like again, when he's healthy, I still think he'll be a game changer. Um, and yeah, if you're contending or you're in data, we all need running backs and if you need to level up, you can go there. But I just, I don't think I could sell the farm for him. Like earlier in the year, you would have had to, um, you have to be like pretty close and push forward, but you also can't be a team where if he gets hurt, you're screwed. He needs to be like almost like a depth piece upside, uh, because The way I view him is kind of like a, like a three leg par like parlay. Uh, it's not another range. It doesn't hit, but like I'm putting, I'm viewing it it and hitting it like a 30% chance here. Uh, maybe lower. Um, but if it hits, you're going to be in great shape because going forward, like there's just so much risk. And if you are relying on that, like if you were betting and you were betting like at parlay and you were betting your savings, that's too much. I ain't doing that. But if it's like all chump chains and it's on the side, okay, I'll take that shot on him.