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Whats Walter's last name? Where's the Mob Boss and Zeriks? The ugly truth is told...

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Dakota as the PM, DM, GM

Evelyn as Hikaru Hatsumi the Pikachu

Eli as Bruce Flameback the Cyndaquil

Shawn as Sammy Pepperoni the Munchlax

Jake as Walter Fisthands the Riolu


Introduction and Hosts' Banter

Hello everyone and welcome to a Path through Time. My name is Dakota. Your PM, your DM, your GM. Wow, I'm rusty. I haven't recorded this in forever. Sitting to my left is somebody who has a carpeted ceiling. It's me, Evelyn. Yeah, I'm just noticing it right now. There was um there was a huge rainstorm over my um over my apartment and somehow a carpet just sprouted on the ceiling. You should go lick it.
Lick it and What do you think I what am I a cat? No, but the only thing I can exit if I you're talking about mold, right? You said or no. No not mold literally. Oh, I thought i thought you meant like special even like oh Okay, I thought you meant like like it rains so bad like your whole roof got moldy.
No, like and mentality if something pop it wasn't mold. It was like a plant that it was a plant that produces carpets. It just sprouts on your ceiling.
Yeah, we're going with that. Dakota, you were the one that said she had a carpet on her ceiling. I didn't say she had a carpet slinging plant in her house.
Three magic pills. That's not what I said. This looks like where Evelyn works. But sure, Evelyn now has a carpet flinging plant in her house. Cool. Who's next? And sitting to my 45 degrees above me and to my right is a person who recently bought a skyscraper.
Hi down there, Ephlin. Yeah, that's me, e Eli. I'm 45 degrees above her because I'm actually looking down at her out of my skyscraper window and sitting directly across from me. Not sure how he got into my skyscraper, but there's someone who absolutely adores Necco wafers. Yo, hold on a second. They're so good. Wait, are those like the vanilla wafers? Is that what you're talking about?
like i know the neck goes like Yeah, they're like little powdery circles that are if you ever had sweet tarts They're like big versions of those except not tart. Yeah. Oh i love neck wine wordss have happened forever I had no idea what those were but yes that they do look like sweet tarts.
That's all I got for that, because I had- They're so good. I am Sean, and I apparently like those things. I i know. Yeah, I was gonna say, it's not me. And sitting directly ah on my back is somebody who eats bananas with the peel still on.

Game Roles and Past Seasons

Would you get off of me?
To the banana shop. No, not the bananas up again. To the banana shop. Which part of Jake is on Sean's back?
What? What did you say? Which way is... oh Which way is Jake positioned on Sean's back? He's definitely doing push-ups on his back. How? I thought you said what part of of Jake is on Sean's back. See the way it... Oh yeah, he's just hit, hit. Just a tail. but Just a tail. He's hanging up on a tail. The way I pictured it is like back to back. like Literally, he's his back is touching my back. What?
What yeah like his chair is against my chair that kind of thing, you know Like his his chair is sitting on your back or he's like backwards hugging you on your back. I thought he was like sitting like Sitting on his back. and I thought we were talking about just as if you like me No, we're talking about Jake Jay. Oh, no, I do not have a tail. I do not have a tail. Of course it's Jake. I do not have a tail. Yeah, we're introducing you to not Walter. No way, that's the wrong guy. And you can give me on your back and carry me. I'll be surprised, buddy. OK, I need everybody to roll 84. I'm going up to digital roll my D4 this time. I'm hoping the code does it again. I swear to God, if I'm going the right way, I can't put that down.
No, I think I might. All right. The dude who's knocked out is going to have to do the recap. I got a one. I got two. All right. I got a one throwing it behind me, because why not? OK. Evelyn, son, what did you guys get? I got already three. I already said I got a one.
How do you guys manage this? Yeah. What did I tell you? Yeah. How do you guys manage this? Yes. OK. OK, somebody somebody in the discord, I need you to go through the episodes and calculate the odds of me getting this every single time. Because I swear to God, I've done this like eight of our twelve times so far, at least. Yeah. This is ridiculous. Dakota's done it the most in season two. Like, I think he might be accurate in saying eight of twelve times.
I think I cursed you. I i don't know what happened. This is ridiculous. like I remember in season one, it was ah who was it was it? Sean, who did the recap the most? signs of i you were doing I did do it a lot. It's just going to be where next season, one of ah it's going to either be Eli, um Evelyn, or me, who's going to do it the most. Oh, man.

Episode Recap and Editing Struggles

ja okay Jake needs to do it more. I want to hear Jake do the recap more. No, it's up to the dice, not me. yeah yeah X name So last time on a path through time I literally just listened to that episode earlier. Why can't I remember? Oh to but the to The battle the battle happened the Titan battle so you guys walked in on ruggly and let me see if I i remember pronoun name her name was
I just listened to her earlier. Hold on one second. I got this. I know. I know her last name. It was something elite. See, hold on. Oh, Alexa. Gee, I can't. Seven the names of Italian names. See, I can't. See, I can't. Let's see. It was the name of the peregrine. And then there was.
the goose the uh the oh my god no xerix it's xerix yes it's xerix who's that xerix the the the the zenko she said the holy crap are you good no no i i literally just got home from work i'm so tired I just got home from practice, man. Tuck it up. Okay, so last time, when I passed the time, you guys met the Pareidly and these are... Oh my god. I'm not good, guys. I'm not... So you guys met... You might guys met the Pareidly and the other one. And you guys got... Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh,
Transformers robots in disguise Alfred came out the front door put a psychic hold on you guys and Edel I ended up taking control of Alfred and There's a battle that happened You guys went out to the backyard and Alfred released everybody um to go into the basement where Selena and crew found out about the secret base and everyone had fun disclosing that Um, but meanwhile, Alfreda had defeated the Perugly and Xerox, the Zangoose, that's the name of it. And everything went quite well, actually. And then after that. Not for Walter.
What? Oh yeah. And then Walter fucking fainted because the psychocool was too much for him, apparently. And it's definitely not just Jake left halfway through the episode because his family was meeting him. I couldn't stop it. Yeah. Okay. i don't I cut out most of the time. There's my keyboard. Apparently I missed one instance, but literally the whole time Jake was like texting. He's like, I'm trying to get back on or try to get back on for like an hour and a half. He's like, I can't make it on. And I'm just like, my sister would not let me leave.
Like the entire time that episode was going on in the background, I was texting Jake in our private chats and I was like, get the hell back on the episode. And I'm like, so it just didn't happen. But so I guess Walter fainted um and you are, you've been carried back to the, you've been carried back to the, the, the flame back residence and you are now in bed. Yeah, after all, yeah, the crew ended up after I explained,
Did you guys hear that? No. I heard something thump. OK, that was just weird. Sorry, motorcycle was a little bit right outside the building.

Sleep Talk and Strange Dreams

That was really loud. Anyway, that'll get cut. So after that, you guys went to the Flameback residence. And you guys just went to bed, basically. We went to the lab first. Yeah, I saw you revealed to Selena that we had a real orb and fake orb.
Oh, that's right. Yeah, you guys, you guys explained that whole situation. And Selena was not happy. So, but see. Yeah, because you were dead. No, I mean, like, does she sell my guitar? Everyone has what they need. Okay. I was so worried. You have the guitar.
all right g conda your conscious body was clutching the guitar tightly yeah the whole time he was fainted he was just like fetal position like he never let go of it he was like oh my guitar he took when he fell down he and rebel fell with him he just took the hits from the rebel protect his guitar I just had this baby fixed. I'm not breaking it again. That's why he got knocked out. He got hit by rubble, protecting his guitar. Well, there wasn't any rubble, but we'll go with that. OK, there was a giant crater. Do you guys have anything more to add to that?
I will take that as a maybe from Eli. We explained a bunch of the different tech in the the secret base to c Selena and Kel. Oh, yeah and Game Boy Advance texting now exists.
Oh yeah, the Game Boy Advance text thing exists. So that's a thing. and Also, by the way, I completely forgot to put the sound effects on that editing, by the way. yeah So I don't know if I'm gonna go back and do that. This might be out there. Dakota was like, editor, put the GBA sound in here. And and future Dakota's like, no!
I shall not. I edit on three times speed and audacity so I just like go over really quick to see if there's anything I remember I need to cut out and then I just do that real quick and I just like slap audio on top which by the way I will point out when I do the audio leveling for the background music and stuff for some reason it always comes out differently on Spotify. I don't understand it like I'll have things perfectly leveled on audacity And then I got to put it on Spotify. It is just wildly different. The background music's too loud or quiet. Like, like in our two episode 11, like my voice was way too loud and it sounded fine and audacity. I feel you, man. I don't know why that is. I feel you. Does Spotify have like different neutralizer settings?
I have no idea. ah Zencast, or the site I use to upload to Spotify, is does have post-processing, so that might be it, which is what I was thinking of earlier, so I might turn that off and see if that helps. But it's just a pain in the ass, because I have to re-upload it with different audio, and then it's usually fine, but it is a pain in the ass. So yeah, that's fun. Anyway, so that's our recap. Cool. So, and pull us up a random move. All right, today we are...
gear grind we're gonna gear grind on in cool let's grind on in we're grinding in a so you guys are in you love not you like bruce's bedroom right now you guys are all just sleeping on whatever the floor sleeping bags cots whatever oh no you guys have cots yeah i remember um you guys have cots because alfred brought them in that one time Do you guys want to do anything before you guys are going to sleep or you guys just going straight? Oh, we're picking up from going to sleep not waking up. Okay ah Yeah, just in case you guys want to do anything, but if not you guys walta and but's do like quiteit today we'd probablyally be going to sleep lot lot to wake up all right lot to wake up but You guys are trying to go to sleep Let's go to the lab I want to go use the big TV rest
the TV huh huh you think we could like pull up a movie on one of those big screens down there what TV down down in the lab you know they got them all those big screens down there you think we could put on a movie we have well there swear this weapon no we established that movies exist as long as they're Pokemon eyes versions That was the compromise we made and when you guys are talking about this. I got I pretty sure. Is there a TV in our room? Not in this room now. No, sir. Is there one like elsewhere in the house in the secret lab? There's exactly one tag one TV. Is it just the screen that like Bruce's dad's dot is on? Yeah. Yeah, that's what they're talking about. We hijacked the TV and use it to watch a movie. OK.
Sammy, I don't think i've told you before, we're not supposed to watch movies on that screen. Bruce, I really want to watch Detective Pikachu again. It's such a good movie. Like, there's a Pikachu in it. I'm pretty sure Hikaru would love to see it. Oh, oh my God. Yeah, I would. um Like, he's a detective. He's got a magnifying glass. He wears a cool hat. It's really cool. We don't know if there's any more damages and we could do something bad since, you know, we came crashing in here.
Wait, what so I didn't, I don't know that. Question, in this world, is it detective human? Do a mystical creature know what we think is real, but no one believes what's a human yeah yeah what's a heils of whore Yeah Nobody knows what a human is. so Okay. Are you guys attempting to sneak out done? Ask Sammy if he know Do you know how to get the the dot back after you put a movie on that screen? Oh I roll in intelligence or something? I think it's control, I'll delete. ah I'm going to say just straight up no, because it's like fancy technology. Sammy would have absolutely no idea how that works, since he's never seen anything like that before. No, I don't exactly know how to do that. No, what wait, what?
Can we do that tomorrow? I'm really tired. Okay, to be fair, you know what? I don't know what hit me, but I'm so hurt somehow. I don't know what hit me, but I'm so hurt. You know, for whatever reason, I don't understand why. I feel like I just got destroyed. And we didn't even get hurt. I don't know how you've passed out, but you know what? You've hit some sleep. Bruce, what the heck are you doing? Vietnam do flashbacks. It's late. It's the psychics, man. It's the psychics. What's Vietnam? Oh, no.
Alright, okay. So what are you guys doing? Well, I guess we're going to bed because uh, Walter's super tired and Bruce doesn't want me to mess up his his his his screens. So I guess we'll watch. I guess we'll watch detective. He's got a black eye. Yeah. Oh, let's just tell ghost stories. That's an idea.
what bottle Well, now that Walter's asleep. Okay. Walter's just out. Who wants to poke him with a stick?
you guys don dick you go as i say You guys don't have to do anything. Just like going to sleep first at sleep when we get picked on. Yeah, yeah let's just let him sleep. Go get the warm bowl of water. Get the markers.
All right, I guess we'll just go to sleep because Walter's already asleep and no, he doesn't want to do anything fun. OK, cool. So as you guys are all heading to bed, I need all of you guys to roll our Connor except for Jake.
okay roll roll on i don't have my character shoot up that's the thing i this thing to I think our con is smart with disadvantage kind art our card sean if you have access to your character a kanna ah Sorry character sheet is currently loaded aren't i glad i'm disadvantage arent i i got i'm Not rolling I got minus one I Take you're not rolling you weren't I know I'm glad I'm not so wait hang on I have a question gee our movies on DVDs or VHS Wow that's la
Wow, what a question. ah Zen customer. i'll take that up But all I heard was, I have a question. yeah
That was so funny. if reach I would assume DVDs. That was hilarious. They're on Alpha Max. Laserdisc. Alpha Max. Yo, laser. Yes. Oh my god. I haven't heard that name in forever We used to watch them back before CDs remains. We used to watch some movies on laser disc I didn't know they were a thing until like an morning a few times we watched some things on lasers You didn't see it in regular show. Anyway, I got a 12 Now that's the only time I saw the question. I have a question on our laser discs like the really yes, they're huge. Oh Yes okay yeah yeah that is one thing yep yep yeah okay cool yeah I know what you're talking about I've never actually used one of them before but like I like to pay attention to it because I'd love for like retro stuff so I paid I like I literally have cassette tapes on my desk like I love old media so laser discs love it okay anyway uh what's a 12 uh where did everyone else get it I got a 13
I rolled a 30 20 and a 5 because you made me roll disadvantage. Okay, so Evelyn got a 13. So Evelyn, what is what do you would you normally be dreaming of? What would I be normally dreaming of?
Well, this time I'm dreaming about my first um my first day in college. It's like freshman orientation. Evelyn was never in- or Sarah Evelyn. Hikaru never went to college? No, no, she's yeah she's looking forward to college. Oh, you said you were dreaming of your- Oh, ICSE. Okay, sorry. Oh, no. Continue.
Yeah, and um normally, like the the previous times that Hikaru has had this stream, it's sort of like, It just like gets weird. like there's always There's always some weird imagery, something something weird happens. like somebody you know like She goes to goes to her first class, and it's like a it's like a chemistry class, and something like some weird chemical just knocks everybody out. So in this dream is in fact weird. While you're in this class, do you know what tewa class it is? um I'm going to say it's chem.
Okay, so you're in your chemistry class and your teacher, who is going to stay unnamed because it's not an important character at this time, um, you're in, your teacher is saying whatever teachers say in college chemistry class. And yeah, she's talking about, um, okay, go on about assets and basis or something like that. Okay. that is actually the tro we lot about because i won Actually, I actually deal with acids a lot at work.
so she's talking all about the pH levels of acids and bases and all of a sudden like a light switch her root tone just changes completely and this is what you hear no i don't think they notice i don't i don't think they've realized no no no i think it's all good no i i i gotta get uh i i've got all their names but i uh i got to get to the uh the the names of uh ah of him and her, you know, s Schwans I'm talking about, and one of the students in the class is like, yeah, that's, that's that's fine, Alfred. i You got everything taken care of, right? And you hear, ah yes, yeah, I think everything's fine. I'm not gonna bother waking them right now. There's a, I'll ask them in the morning. And your dream goes back to normal.
Well, that was weird. Like who, who said that is, is... Why did my teacher sound familiar? And with that, all three of you guys, all four of you guys wake up. because She's the only one that gets to dream something? She rolled highs with her arcana. Dang, that's, that all right, cool. Oh!
Well, did you sleep? I sleep great. It was kind of hard to sleep since you were like you somehow got into my bed and you were like cuddling me and now you're like right up into my ear. Can you not yell? I had a.
weird dream it's I'm still groggy I'm it's a dream where I was starting it was the first day of my um of my

Morning Chaos and Family Secrets

freshman year in college and I was sitting in my chemistry class and all of a sudden like the professor was talking about acids and bases or something and all of a sudden her voice changed and she started talking about just mentioning random names that sounded vaguely familiar. i Yeah, really weird dream. I don't know if no means anything.
That does sound weird. Do you remember any of the names that were said? That's a good question. No, but she sounded like the voice sounded like your mom's voice. did Was your mom ever a teacher? I don't remember her being a teacher. She might be going to be a teacher.
Maybe it's one of those dreams where you can see the future, but you forget immediately when you wake up. I mean walter's i should clarify. Walter, she had a job, like, as the head of a corporation? I should clarify. The the voice you heard that sounded like Miss Flameback was one of the students. Pretty sure yeah like it still sounded like her voice, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I was just making sure that that was there because I thought Evelyn just said that the teacher was a misremembered voice, which it was not, but that's fine. Yeah, I'm misremembering. Maybe he carves misremembering. No, you're fine.
Maybe you were hearing a conversation that was happening in real life in your dream. Yeah, I totally have had that happen before. Like I'd be dreaming and like my parents would be downstairs cooking like some some breakfast or some pizzas or whatever to get in the restaurant ready. And like I'd be dreaming about like, you know, ah you know how I often dream about chainsaws and stuff? Well, like sometimes it'd be like somebody holding a chainsaw, but also ordering mozzarella sticks and and marinara sauces, you know.
Great callback. Why would your parents use a chainsaw in your bedroom? Hikaru, are they just doing construction while you're sleeping? I have no idea what dreams ever mean, Hikaru. Sometimes they dream about ah surfing Pikachu's, but like they're surfing like not on water, but like on their tail. Wait, no, it's your mom. i've had I've had those kind of dreams, but I don't really want to expect share them.
I just I just had the imagery of one of your one of Sammy's parents waking Sammy up by chainsawing his door and guy It's that us from fairly odd parents where they come in with a battery room
um Pepperoni open up Basically. Oh speaking of pepperoni. Um, I was listening to uh, another podcast called dungeons and daddies There is in season two there is another character called pepperoni tony which I thought was so hilarious Because uh sammy's dad is tony. but That's on my list of things to listen to i'm i gotta get to that It's so good Anyway, so what are you guys doing now?
Um, I want to just talk to Bruce's mom and Alfred to see if, just to corroborate what I heard in my dream to see if there was anything, any reason I heard that. And I would like to raid the kitchen for breakfast.
Okay, I'm going with Sammy ah Okay, plastic Sammy. I take a Bruce is following. Yeah Cool. So as you guys Exit your guys this room and enter the kitchen You can see Alfred and miss flame back are sitting at the table and they look exhausted. They look like they have not been to bed So I need somebody to roll perception. What time is it? Oh it is like i don't know 9 a.m something like that wow i got a 19 so i think i'm gonna approach them okay what's a 19 you can see alfred has a list of paper a list of paper
Sorry, a paper list. Like a paper towel. Paper towel. So this so this list has paper towels. It's got birch paper, it's got toilet paper. It's got a two ply, got the one ply. College rules, five subject notes.
As you guys walk up to the table, you Alfred sees you guys and he's like, hello. goodmorrow Good morning. Good morning. Morning. Hey, how's it going? I'm tired. You're doing okay, Alfred? I'll take it. You guys got some good rest? Well, I haven't gotten any time to actually sleep last night because I have, well, it doesn't matter. Anyway. What happened to you? I mean, I get you. Walter's not keeping me up.
Yeah, he says they're the smallest chuckle. So I have a question to ask you guys. oh And with this, both Veronica and Zekrom enter as well. For reasons.
for For reasons. And since with since you got a 19, Evelyn, you can see Alfred has a list. The list has the names of all of your guys' names.
first and last names. And with your 19 you can see that you can see that Zekrom and Walter's names only have the first names. Damn it. I was like, is this where we get Walter's last name?
Walter, real quick, if you don't mind, I take it your last name is the same as your mother's, correct? Your name is Fist Hands, correct? Oh, yeah. Oh, okay, cool. Just needed to clarify that. And Zekrom. And Zekrom, who looks really tired, is just like, oh, actually, that's a little bit more complicated. We could talk about that later if we want to. Okay, and Alfred's just like, okay, well, that's all I need to do for you guys. Thanks. And he heads out of the room. Why is it important to know my last name?
Also, but like why why'd you like keep it a secret like didn't youin't have i't really keep a secret you never We went to school all this time together for years and you never told us i feel i just know hang it in characterrick sit up In character I would say he car would have already known his last name okay Yeah, I think I would have. Yeah, it's just like out of character. I'm kind of like, whoa, what just I literally muted my mic and yelled one across the house. I don't know what fist hand plus what the big part of this. No, no, we were going to do this last episode, but Jake wasn't here.

Character Revelations and Storytelling

so for those who don't get what's going on um in our parent podcast not a scratch um one of the main characters is ralph fist hands and um ever since the very beginning of the show ever since arc one episode zero or one or whatever the fuck there was uh i have been given an express permission to use walter fist hands who is ralph's dad in any way i can what so so people shipping me with salina Nah, not happening, man. I eventually date him a champ or marry one. Well, Machoke. Machoke at the time, I believe. Right. Yes. Yes. So you knew that. Well, you knew that Walter was going to be Ralph's dad all along. Yes. Yeah. No. Well, that's the entire time. What? What? What? Yep.
Yeah, this is a um me coming out. I'm not talking about ah how Walter was never planned to be a major character. That was kind of a lie. um Walter was always going to be a main main character. You were going to play? yeah Yeah, I was going to play for a while. And then I realized it was too cumbersome. So I tried getting someone to play it.
How hard he tried to push Walter out of the party it wasn't gonna happen so That's funny because like you guys were pushing Walter out of the pot No, no, I wasn't I was trying to make Walter known eli i ignored him i was young may you Part of the main party What's an NPC? yeah You were an NPC. Arc 1 Walter was an NPC. So it's funny. He was not. He's not as clear. Because when we were starting like this whole thing and getting it together, um Dakota was asking Evelyn, like, all right, so you're going to have this music friend. And she's like, oh. But he wouldn't tell us the name. yeah He would not tell us the character's name until we started recording.
nope i gotta to see if i can find it one of you guys correctly guessed it and i it was Eli out of it it was Eli i remember one of you guys correctly guessed it i never i didn't confirm it but i took a screenshot of our chat like yeah we gotta figure out i wanted is the chat did we have a of us because i'm like he's on to us they're on to us they're on to us they knew the whole time yes ever i yeah before second episode roll this one was a sequel between me and him okay whatever let's just keep going we don't have time to keep talking about this
Yep, so I'll see if I can find those chats later, but yeah, one of you guys correctly guessed that a long time ago. Oh. So, ah yeah, so yeah, um cool. So, um yeah, Walter got up, took the list with him and headed out of the room. Walter? Consumingly to bed. No, no, sorry, sorry, Alfred. Oh yeah, I got the list, let's see. ah ah you garden pocket him And Zekrom like puts up the finger guys to say oh wait, but Alfred already left I'm gonna make some pancakes and we you there ah you guitar are yeah Dude I was already starting the waffles. Will you have pancakes too? hold i know i got better and better um' go you make cancakes it'll make cakecon ain't better i will die It is not the same batter because waffles uses this vegetable oil
As opposed to not the only difference with oil? No, pancakes don't have an oil in them. Is that related? Yes, they do. What are you talking about? I put oil in mine. I use both butter and olive oil. Yes, you're right. They do. makingkin pancakes making Making pancakes, pancakes. Bruce will join you in making pancakes. OK. So as you guys, what? Zekrom, are you OK? I feel like I feel like you haven't slept very much the entire time I've known you.
He's, he's like, uh, well, I mean, I, I don't know. Uh, there was a lot of noise last night, but for some reason there was like a metal door in my way. When I tried to go investigate it, I don't know what that was about. I was like locked in my room and there was like a bunch of yelling and samy I don't know this flame back won't explain anything. Those metal doors, they'll get you. Sammy says as he's getting broken, making out of the fridge. We have a very bad history with doors. Um, Zekrom, you know,
All you gotta do is knock, wait for someone to open the slot, and stab him. No. Got me in. Didn't work out afterwards, but it got me in. No, don't do that. I got in, though. I didn't say i it succeeded afterwards, but I got in. At what cost?
So miss by the way miss flame back is still at the table. Oh, I know she's just like actually Wasn't Veronica in the room. I think ah is wrong You said zacharon isron room you know ah Yeah, yeah know and oh did walter' matter sure mother he got kidnapped Wait. Oh, okay.
rollome perception okay She rolled a seven for her perception. So I need, uh, give her advantage. Give her advantage. and some rough is know I'm going to have her distinct role. She said, I want to say against her seven. This makes sense. Not one.
so She picks up on it instantly. Her motherly instincts are like, Walter, you what? we What? ah What do you mean you got fainted in this door? He just runs. Walter, get back here. hold them i didn't want get that though It's like the Scooby Doo chase scene. Yeah, she gets up from her chair where she was sitting and she starts chasing after Walter.
well us full It's like the Scooby-Doo scene where you just go through one door. It's not the other Okay, they both are are running roll roll speed roll D speed. All right. He's used to running away from parents i'm gonna have here all the twenty because you feed didn't All right, what speed oh wait, no, I'm stupid it's on your charactery Just hit f9 Let's see. I know I'm not speed full. Where is it? Speed full? Oh no, I'm not speed full. Someone put that in the quotes channel. I have a speed roll of one. You do not have a speed roll of one. says Oh youre wait, you roll? Oh, you rolled a one? No, I have a speed roll of one. Oh, okay. Well, that's really funny because he rolled a two.
I couldn't run. I gotta get my speed roll checked, because I don't think it's a one. So what happens is you trip over the door frame for some reason. Like you stub your toe on the door frame. Stupid doors! And she also stubs her toe, but she falls on top of you. Thankfully, she turned to the side, so she didn't impale you. But if she falls on top of you, she's like, aha, I got you. Now, you're going to tell me what happened about this. And she's got you in like, not a toe fold, but she's got a hold of you.
She's got me like turned around. She's like shaking it. She's like what what are you doing? We're you're gonna get fainted. What have you been off to? mean Confidential to be fair i told him i and where have you been these last few days? all I didn't want to go near the door and he wouldn't get it anyway. Oh Yeah, I'll let it do its Selena. I'll have to jump over the electric tracks At this Selena crew walk in and Selena's like rubbing her eyes. She clearly just woke up. Oh X-nay, X-nay, X-nay, leave. What the hell? What? No, no, you are my son. If you almost died out there, I need to know about this.
hu It's just a joke. We're just joking around. um Yeah. Disadvantage. I'm making a cannon. Walter is a horrible white when he comes against his mother. What are these rules? Rule the subs with disadvantage anyway. What's your rule?
of the subject okay Okay Okay, what's it under again? dece I You too. Yeah, don't remember. I don't know Mark you two two she rolled a two She knows She looks very suspicious of you since you guys tied I do want this results to roll again. I'll have her roll again. I ah Regular now. What are these rolls? What is this? Nat 20. Three. she's idiot Yeah, with a Nat 20 she's just like, oh, oh, okay. but That's fine. She only gets up and just like, actually yeah never happened. Jake got out of there way too easily.
I rolled a nat 1 and a 2. I felt like I should have got punished way harder. She rolled a 7, a 2, a 2, and a 3. What is this? Jamie's just going to do a face palm after all that. How did that not happen? Hold on. Walter goes up to that door that stubs him and punches it. Stupid door. I can't believe Jake rolled a nat 1 and a nat 20. Definitely roll strength. I want to know if you break this door. What did you roll?
It's tough, right? ah Yeah. Six. You so you stub your finger. You get splinter. Yeah, you smash the front of your, the tip of your finger into the door frame and you get a splinter. the damage I hate doors. Oh my God, it's a door that...
Well, this door is an occupational safety hazard. One. Okay. Well, I think when this is over, we should try to get- Just enough to mock me. Not to actually hurt me mocking you. Well, I think when this is our level, we should kind of like go to the mayor or whoever, whoever's in charge of door manufacturing, just get them to stop. Just stop doors. Yes, the mayor. Who's definitely known for door manufacturing. Oh, it'd been hilarious if Ralph also had trouble with doors.
happy so funny trouble with door i' fighting ti all you door so be known when when walter goes to all these sort of to them maiamp all the doors are always open and never closed I just what I said. I said no. Ralph has never encountered a door. yeah then Ralph is good against doors. I appreciate it. Lock picked one. Something like that. Oh yeah, he broke into a house once.
Pick a lot We're back to this is just a bunch of throwbacks isn't it? Okay, cool. So you're uh, so miss flame back is now at the table and she just looks really tired Are you guys doing anything? wallter's cursing at the door I think we're having breakfast. Okay Yeah, everyone's having a chaotic breakfast pancakes are made pancakes put on the table with boca bacon in them apparently and Yeah, so you guys are all now sitting around the table

Confrontations and Hidden Secrets

And Ms. Flameback's just like, do you guys need anything at the moment? Yeah, Ms. Flameback, were you you look tired. were Were you like up last night doing something? Roll insight. Insight is beauty, right? I believe. I don't have the character shape. I really should have. Yeah, you probably should. I got a 13.
Okay, with a 13, you can notice she seems to look a little bit more alert now. I'm sort of waiting around like a four-person bicycle or something like something better than these feet What are these rules What are these rules? How about some running shoes running? So she rolled deception with a three and she's like what no, I wasn't doing anything last night She says like looking around suspiciously.
Because like I could have sworn that I heard you and Alfred talking in my, just while I was like sleeping. I know it's weird, but like sometimes I hear things when I'm when i'm sleeping or when i'm ah right when I'm about to wake up. like like i'll hear like I'll hear the but sound from outside just as youd like it's the alarm. You know what I mean?
Yeah, you don't need a little insight for this one. You can see she is visibly worried. She's like, uh, well, what did you hear? Did you hear something outside or something? Well, no, i heard I heard you mention a bunch of names. I just... I don't remember what those names were, but they sounded familiar. It was probably nothing. She says rubbing in the back of her head. Nothing? Probably just just dreaming. It's fine. She like hurriedly gets up, like puts her plate in the sink and attempts to leave the room. Are you gonna try and stop her? I am gonna try...
yeah i'm gonna just i'm gonna stand in the way of the door and hopefully not get not also get a splinter roll roll the roll a d20 hey bros can you pass the zero d20 acrobatics <unk> thank yeah sure acrobatics is fine acrobatics is cool right i i think so i probably should pull this why are we asking him he doesn't have a sheet of yes okay Excuse me, can you pass me the bacon? I got a two! Wait, here you go. So you stub your you stub your same finger and you get a splinter. Roll a d4. What? I stub my finger? Yeah, you stub your finger and you got a splinter. Ooh, I got a four. Ouch. You got an extra big splinter. The door claimed another victim. miss Actually, no, no, you got a regular splinter, but you got a splinter under your finger now.
ah o Oh, this hurts. Oh, now I'm thinking of it. I think it's time you guys got a new door. That one it seems like it's ah like kind of dangerous. You hear from the back of the house, I'm trying to sleep. I'll take it out for you. Oh, no. He gets his claws like metal. It just gets sharpened. OK, OK, roll medicine, which I think is smart. Oh, I thought he was talking about the door. Just going to try.
fuck too I'm not i'm not i'm yeah, I'm talking about the door. I'm not gonna try to cut I'm gonna cut a finger off man. I'm not gonna do that Oh, I thought you were trying to remove the splinter with metal. I am I am getting the door but he's going you're going to move to remove the Door with metal claw He's going to the door I feel like if you take out the door frame, like the rest of the like what's left of the door doorway is going to be even more jagged and there will be an even higher risk of getting splinters. OK, so here's what I'm going to do. Instead of rolling an attack, I just need you to roll me a flat d20 to see how well you dismantle this. I love let's that this is what we're doing. Why? What did he get?
shall Don't destroy my house, Walter. 11. OK, 11. Well, I was looking for a DC-15, but that's OK. So you managed to remove the lumber from the, you were managed to remove like the planks that make up the doorframe, but they come off in splinters. They don't come off at the nails. They like break off. So there's just like a bunch of jagged splinters hanging out of the doorway now. That's better. Oh my gosh, I'm scared.
Can he use his metal claws to try to smooth it out? like Sure, roll another d20. Walter, stop. Hey. 17. OK, with 17, you managed to scrape off all of the splinters. And now there's just wood shavings and splinters all over the floor in broken woods. Sammy's going to get the broom.
look so Thank you Sammy for helping me clean that up. Yeah, no problem. What the heck just happened? Walter, you didn't need to do all that for me. I just want to paint a picture of what just happened. It's like he heard Al from a karaoke when a tack dog has jumped at the door. So this is what happened.
Walter got viciously attacked by this door, got so mad he ran away and then Miss Flameback got up from the table. Evelyn rushed in front of Miss Flameback, ran so fast she also got viciously attacked by the door. And then Walter came up and murdered the door and then just absolutely dismantled the entire doorway. And now there's just splinters. And Sam, he's cleaning up the sprinters. It's like the meme when the person runs away. He comes back and he falls and his elbow drops.
Oh my god. OK, so yeah, sir. Bruce, you spent some time cleaning up. And while you're cleaning up, this doorway make door make door face. So as all of this happens, Ms. Blainebeck is just like, OK, that happened. This door needs more regulations. tries to She's trying to sidestep you guys now. And at this point, Bruce is going to go up to his mom and be like, look, OK.
Like clearly something's going on. Like you should tell us what's going on so that we can be prepared for whatever is going to happen. And this is like an adult thing and it's not about business and we can just go about our business, whatever. Like if this is you, do you, you, do you, we'll do us. We won't do it. Whatever. Look, the best, the less you guys know about this, the better. Okay. Okay. But like, I feel like somebody said that to us recently about something and it didn't go well.
She like puts her hand on her face. She's ah very unsure of what to do as me. The DM is very unsure of how to take this because I could take this in one or two ways. And in this sense, literally the less you guys know, probably no better for you guys. But on the other hand, uh, role persuasion. She just says, sorry, me and Alfred are now dating. Five.
With a five, she's like, I want some either one rolling persuasion perception. What whoever was taught? Yeah, Bruce. we going en rolllling Bruce do it. Yeah, I'm talking to her. Sorry. OK, that's cute. So I got 19 minus one 18. Oh, my God. I do this. OK, fine. OK, so Miss Flameback sees your puppy dog, guys, and she's just like closed eyes.
yes you've never seen more beautiful eyes no for once but once they opened oh no oh no they opened it's like a cloudy chance of cindaquil came out it's like a cloudy chance of meatballs with eyebrows raised yeah yeah i know exactly what time we'll take Bruce just opens his eyes a tiniest little bit the old fa from the cuteness it take to like I just thought about the weird irony here is Bruce his line they open their eyes But when Sammy evolves their eyes end up closing. What is the weird irony there?
they saw too much Yeah, they saw sping yeah yeah they sound too much so there's like oh god, I gotta to close them again man this is too this world's too dark I just want to eat and sleep OK, so with this, I actually like above table. I actually don't know how to do this gently. Like who said you need to be gentle? Rip that bandaid off.
<unk> the the So remember remember at the remember the very beginning of urban era before we recorded I said something in our private side sounds like depending on how dice rails go to this can turn So disclaimer there could be some dark In some reason I thought that was about Walter's last name Like someone
So, yeah, she's just like, okay. Do you guys promise? How do I say this? What I'm about to say is not going to make you guys happy, okay? I need you guys to understand that, and I'm giving you guys the opportunity to walk away while you can. Otherwise, what I say might change the perspective of how you see me in Alfred. That's okay. I'm usually not happy a lot. Okay. I mean.
I'm going to give you guys one more chance to walk away from this. Walking is a lot of hard work and stuff. I don't know how to walk. I'm going to love you no matter what. Let's see. What else? could How bad could it be compared to everything in my house burning down?
Silence. If it concerns us, I want to know the truth. I'd rather stay here than actually go two steps over there. That's too much work. I'll carry you. Okay, so she's like, okay, I really wish I was a little bit more rested, but okay, fine.
Hello everyone and welcome to the midsection. Dakota, obviously, ah go check out our Discord, link below, Patreon down below. Question of the episode. LucarioLover17 asks, how much preparation does every section take? I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but if you mean like, how much time do we prepare like before we record? Because we usually have like 20 minutes of pre-show banter we do.
uh but if you mean like how much time do i spend actually like thinking up the episodes the answer is literally zero i just do whatever the hell comes to the mind first and that's what gets put on the episode i don't actually prepare anything I feel like this episode was a little bit different because I did prepare a little bit beforehand. This is one of the things that came out. um This is one of the things that I had planned well before we actually started the show. So in the case of this episode, like... and
It didn't really take any time to prepare it because I prepared this like over a year ago, but yeah. So, I hope that answers your question. Uh, right, music. So we have Time to Get Remix from Pokemon Mr. Dungeon Explorers of Sky, Rescue Team Base from Pokemon Mr. Dungeon Red Rescue Team, Goodnight Alternative Unused Version from Pokemon Mr. Dungeon Explorers of Sky, On the Beach at Dusk Alternative Unused Version from Pokemon Mr. Dungeon Explorers of Sky,
Also, there are three extra songs on here. I don't usually credit at these, but Figured I'd point them out. um We have Pokemon Square, Ragged Mountain, and Treasure Town, which are all re-instrumented by me. I used to do some re-instrumentalizations of some music, specifically Mr. Magic Music, so yeah, I threw those in here. Figured you guys might enjoy that. You're listening to one of them right now, which is Ragged Mountain, so... If you're interested in that, I might actually put a link in the description for like where I used to make those a few years ago. So if you're interested, go check them out. But I'm sure you guys want to get back to the episode, because this episode is pretty monumental. So without further ado, let's get back into this.
And she haulers into the back. Alfred, I need you out here. I could give you my rest to him if you need it. About last night. it Not right now. And she goes back over to the table and waits for Alfred to show up. And Alfred comes by out of his room and they sit down. see He's just like, oh, what? And Miss Flameback's like, they need to know. Alfred takes a deep sigh. He's like, are you sure? Are you sure about this? Because this could be really bad if they take it the wrong way. Yes. I can't keep lying to them like this. like
at least tell them what they need to know and Alfred's you okay I'll tell them about last night is that enough ah he's he's asking you guys looking at you guys I'll tell you about last night but will that be enough for you that's enough I'll never be safe I'll never be content I want all the information you can give me I'm a lord goblin so I don't know if you guys recall but Last night, I took you guys down into the basement and I checked on you guys real quick, correct? And then I went back upstairs. I don't remember. I don't know if you guys realized, but when you guys came back upstairs, the Paregoli and Xerox had not moved from their positions, correct? Did you kill him? I thought we were going to wait. We had confirmation they were not dead. I thought we was going to from the battle. I thought we was going to take them to the police to get it.
Yes! You see, we have settled tides to the good bit, actually. And we decided to take the initiative and just make them not a problem anymore, if you will. Let's just say you guys will not be seeing this proactively anymore if you get my meeting. What about the Zangoos? Yeah, I mean, he was an accomplice. He saw what happened, so... That's all I need to know. I'm good.
I'm happy. Why won't we be seeing them anymore? Did you send them son like a trip or something? Sammy Sammy the dead they killed him He just sits there in silence like letting you guys absorb what he just said where the bodies Alfred I'm not saying anything. I'm sparing you guys the details I've already said to a burgers place i We know what's in the Boca Burgers now. It's like the Krabby Patty formula. But no, the whole thing about Boca Burgers is that they're not made of meat. That we know of. So they say. I want you to think. It's like when they say horse meat is is actually cow meat.
ah hu See, I thought it was going to be more sinister than that. Yeah, me too, honestly. Honestly, Walter has so much more respect.
With this, you guys hear a knock on the door.

Consequences and Moral Dilemmas

No, don't get arrested. Alfred gets up and opens the door, and there's a police officer there. And his badge says, think a bit. Think good it a get bit, man. The police are finally making an appearance after two arcs, they finally come. Oh no, Bruce. Now you're about to lose your parent. Oh no. it's a Ironically, it's a scrafting.
And he says, hi, my name is Officer Frederick. I'm here to follow up on yesterday's report. I take it that you took care of business for us, did you? And Alfred nods his head. And Frederick's like, all right, that is all I need to know. Have a good day. And he walks away. He has a policeman's hat. I love these cops.
and alfred goes back and sits on the table and he's like as you see we have ties with the police okay like this is not the first time i've done something like this this is the first time your mom has done something like this alfred who the hell are you i'm not sure if this will just not someone i wish you knew i wish i was somebody better somebody i could have been more of a father figure of q4 but also like it is not us during the fight yesterday it is us trying to she said it's the my boss like she knows who the boss was like you You know, did did you know her like previously?
We've had to deal with her people before they people getting too, let's say suspicious of our tech business. We have. As you've seen, we have technologies that can do things that no one else can do. And let's just say if those go into the wrong hands, they could, I don't know, oh make them a lot stronger. So sustainable we had somebody break in at one point without us knowing. And a lot of stuff got leaked. So what's a clean up with business? It is not a centret. What? He like gives you a little bit of a weird look. He holds the poster out of this and shit.
I'm still looking for this guy. Walter, Walter, Walter. He's a bounty hunter. Wait, hold on. Are you holding up your kit man contract? Yes. So Veronica is just like, what the fuck? No, this BS. You said she left.
youongar still there and she was still there was popular not um now old man one is there I said c Selena and crew walks in they didn't say anything because you could just destroy the door in front of them and Veronica is just wide-eyed like what the fuck and You just hold up this hit contract in front of your mother and she is freaking out She's just looking around like oh my god. What the hell?
This is dead or alive. Or alive. There's stuff. Hikaru's got the surprised Pikachu face. Veronica just left the building. She runs out the front door. Veronica has left the building. Veronica has left the building. I didn't know she was here. She was there? You might need to go talk to your mom about what you've been up to. But first, have you seen this guy?
oh my god Walter do you have no morals he's just saying as is walking out is like hey do you know this guy by the way is walking toward the door where she ran out ah Alfred takes a look and at it and he's like uh-oh no I cool i imagine Jerome touching its neck all the way across the room don't look at it Yeah, as he's slowly walking, Dramp has to keep extending his neck.
So, yeah, your mom is laying in the fetal position now. What does my son been up to? Who are you, man? Mom? I had to do it.
i had a do it What do you mean you had to do it what have you been doing it was a poster it was only a poster for a She's she attempts to like gets up and attempts to snatch it out of your hand She's gonna dexterity against your dexterity is that tell i think it's this has been such a chaotic day man Breakfast destroying a door murder yep 18 okay she got a 12 so you managed to keep it back so this is the which draw but it it doesn't matter if it's an official job going a ya now you're
What? Why do you have it? What is going on Walter? First your dad dies, now you're a hitman? What? I never said it was a hitman. It was just a poster. no Why do you have this? Because I'm going to capture him and then give him and then um give it to the authorities and get money. Why do I somehow dealt this? After everything Alfred just said, you had no reaction to this.
what what is going on walter why have you not been telling me what is like a head and she just like collapses on the ground and she passes out oh no oh geez are we still in the house i wasn't expecting Everyone is in the house except for Walter. Walter's the only one. I'm gonna say you guys could see it. I'm gonna say you guys can see it. She didn't go very far. It's like the it's like the heads poking out one on top of each other like yeah I'm gonna say everyone saw what happened. Walter left a door but you guys can see out the window doesn't matter. Oh crap.
ah but Walter picks up his mom up and runs to the closest hospital 15 okay, I'm gonna say you can pick her up and you can limp her over i picked amy I could pick her up I Yeah, Alfred comes out and helps you. He has Veronica onto her shoulder. He's like, I take it that you were taken to a hospital and not somewhere else. Yes. It's fine. You guys don't need me anymore. I don't fuck sleep at this point. Like I'm just go, go back inside. And he takes Veronica and just starts walking down the lane. What if he, adam what if he collapses from the lack of sleep? Okay. So he's taking Veronica and leaves.
And as you enter, just like, you can also say, like, like, be good. Who knows? yeah His mom does not know how much he's gone through in a few days. Maybe tell her about how you got kidnapped and... Actually, I hate Selena. That's fine. Who cares? no We need her. for anyway But we need her for now.
We gotta wait for Alpha to sleep. Then we can tell Selena. Then we can tell everything about it. Then we'll have a safeguard. yeah Wait, so is Ms. Flameback here still? Yeah, Ms. Flameback is still at the table.
and Alfred Alfred left, right? Yes. Uh, yeah, Alfred is gone. Oh my gosh Quite surprised at the fact that you have a hit contract, but she does not seem a surprise if Veronica was hold on What does Selena do all of this after I pulled up the everything? do anything Didn't she already know I mean she knew but the she reaction with her and don't think she're knew about the contract no they found me when I was doing the contracts I don't think they knew okay in that case i'm gonna say that selena uh specifically selena because i don't feel like we're playing um abyss and brie abyss and brie i don't feel like i think they would know because you took those jobs while you were staying with them in the tower
You guys found me when I did that job. Yeah. like and way Yeah. I don't think he ever went to the tower. So Selena is definitely like raising an eyebrow. Like she is not a hundred percent opposed to it because he's probably done said like that before. you know But she's like really well term of all people. She doesn't say that. all now But that's the expression on her face. OK. Well, Sammy wants to talk to Bruce. Are we supposed to know? Are we supposed to already know about the hit contract?
and know guess they rollers yeah yeah Yes, when you guys first met him Yeah, when you guys first met him and we'll convert that was the first thing you guys found out is that he had a hit contract for a Sun trick yes yes it and you know i always killed the tankcon Finding Sun trip for some reason I mean What you mean a hot guy right? Yeah. Yeah, sorry hot guy. Yeah little You guys know I was threatening the Kangas coin and he gave me this I Would you guys actually listen to that episode because I'm pretty sure all of Jake's morals just left during that yes He's all the dark side and he liked it
look No. oh How does this how how does Walter possibly actually know? Never mind. Walter's not there for Ralph. So but that's how what Ralph turned out. Oh, no. No. walter Was Walter the dad that like got that went to get milk and never came back? No, I'm saying no no. He would not become his stepdad. He would not do that. Also, I want to point out for anyone else
who probably has this in the back of their mind. Yes, I'm quite certain Ralph's mom was a Machoke, not a Lucario. It was. so yeah makes her so I remember saying... well That is correct, and I acknowledge that. I kept i always keep thinking she's a Machamp, but no, um'm um it's a Machoke. Well, no, she's a Machamp now, but when she was with Walter, she was a Machoke.
something like that yeah yeah yeah the photo right yeah a photo in art for yep okay so sam and wanted to talk to bruce yeah okay bruce you um you seem a little awfully too calm about all this like how did you not have more questions you handled this way better than i expect you to hearing your mom and your in your butler guy do away with their attackers from yesterday well um well I always knew that um Alfred was in a some foreign military before he came into service as our butler so I kind of had a feeling that he wouldn't be above doing things like that to keep peace around here and then like obviously if Alfred was doing it my mom would have to be like
at least know about it and be okay with it uh miss flameback is trying to interject here uh she's just like uh speaking of the fire uh just as an aside um the reason you guys haven't been pulled in for questions with the flyers because i smoothed that all over a bit so you're welcome i guess i've been i've been really wondering about that like how the hell do you get away from that like scat free um is walter back in yet or is he still talking to his mom uh what walter walter wait serve it again you said i walked i since he left i walked back in but is this like during when he went to go talk to his mom you walked in like right after all right so he's like wait so you paid it off the cops to not tell people you burned down my house well your family did essentially yeah i mean we got pretty good ties a bit a bit currently so this is how the world works
yeah money is power in this world it's like what i said when she's when she told me i'm still i'm still wide it's like what i said when she told us she stole the du i'm still wide eyed but i'm like oh she's got money so she gets feels like she'd do whatever shake she wants honestly i don't know how to kind of well he he probably is still wide eyed but but she's she she's like, huh, I feel like I don't know these... I feel like I don't know the people around me anymore. It's like, okay, like I'm... Yeah, MsFlamback's like, well, what did I tell you? I literally said so. Well, I feel like the card wouldn't have known MsFlamback very well anyways to begin with.
I mean like I don't like like Walter you're my you're my friend and I don't I still think you're like I still think you're a good person and but I'm I'm just surprised like I'm not judging I'm not judging you or anything but I'm just surprised that I'm surprised about the hit contract well it's not like I'm gonna actually kill them and they're not good people have we got the contract Have we seen what the no you've seen glimpse and Walter has never let you seen closer I There was like an actual wording on it. I don't remember what that was cuz I was like sort i But I remember just I remember it was take him out people No, because the guy was threatening him something like I had in had Intel on the king is con that and he did not want to get it out and
Like something I don't remember. That's some kind of blackmail I cannot confirm it if you want to confirm it go back to our two episodes There was one that Jake episodes The second one whatever the second half episode was like it the episode before you found me. Yeah. i Yeah, it was episode 2 4.5 or 2 episode 5 Like, in the last week or so that we've been like event that we've been on this mission, I've seen a lot of wild shit. Like, I saw i saw you get i saw you get done in by that Zangoos, Xerox guy. I've seen, you know, we all, well, I didn't see, but we we saw that we saw that weird space-time rift thing.
But I don't know, I'm just i'm just in i'm just kind of shocked. i'm not I'm not judging. I'm just like, I'm trying to make sense of everything now. um And I just need time to process it. Also, just by the way, um I'm so sorry, Kurtos, that I killed your character off. But yeah, sorry about that. Oh, no. What was it again? It was the hazingoose?
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Xerox was Kurdos's submission. just yeah ever making this aguous a meany Just for clarification, at the end of the last episode or at the end of the battle, at least, we did confirm that they were not dead at the time of the battle. However, okay I. However, do you remember when Alfred went down and checked on you guys and then he went back upstairs before coming down again? He doubled. There was a reason for that.
a And he was covered in blood. He was covered in blood. He straight up double tapped. Oh, yeah. Right. It was. We just assumed that it was his own blood because he also was caught up in everything from the fury swipes or whatever it was from the perugly. Yep. There was a reason I mentioned that both when you got hit with the fury swipes or whatever and when he was in the basement.
Like I've said before, everything has a reason. I think we need time to process all this. What does that mean for Walter? Okay, so what are you guys doing? What? What does that mean for Walter? Walter just lost his big ride. Sorry, not Walter. Zekrom. Oh, he's free now, probably.
Sorry, oh for second in the room still yeah zach roams there and she is Not happy. He looks like he does not look happy He he looks very uncomfortable knowing that his new employers are fritters. So oh, yeah, they hired him She he just got out of a mob boss situation and he found himself in yet another like mob boss ish situation Welcome to the family. Hey at least we're running an upstanding tech company that you know yeah and it's actually slightly more the actual buss no i'm kidding Yeah, i was I would probably quit the show if you actually made my mom into a mob boss no No, none at all I'm not doing that. I was right though. My theory from our since I started and there's something going on in this family No, that's not happening
Basically what happened is your mom did all this stuff Her and Alfred did everything that they did should bring your back back. So if they didn't do it for any evil reason I don't know if I made that clear in the explanation. but That was what I was like the Selena argument Right reason is I'm doing the wrong things Basically, this is giving me Dr. Fuji bringing back Amber vibes. From what? From Jurassic Park? No, from a the first movie or the untold story of Mewtwo.
The Dr. Fuji was on the team that was creating Mewtwo and he was also he was part of the experiment because he was trying to bring back his ae daughter who passed on. but i don't remember that it's in It was never translated to English.
oh that'd be why okay so but yeah it goes through uh dr fuji that that's where the the amber two and then the charmander two balbasaur two and squirtle two come from and why mutu ended up how he did okay interesting i think we need to i keep going but yeah so with all of that said now what are you guys doing Going back to bed because we need to sleep on that. Walt's going to the hospital. Okay, okay so is Bruce going to bed then? What? Alright, so Bruce is going to bed, or are you joking about that? No, it was a joke. Unless everyone else just agreed with that, that was just a joke. I think Walter wants to go to the hospital. Yeah, that sounds about right.
I want to go to my mom's house. There we go. I'll let you guys figure this one out. Just literally anything to distract me from whatever, from all this.

Planning Next Steps and Hospital Mishap

Should Sammy and Bruce take Hikaru over to the take her mom to learn surf while Walter goes to the hospital?
No, i'd welcome I mean, I don't really want Walter going alone anywhere anytime soon after what has happened and after what And apparently that's a good now that he's breaking doors and apparently your mom's a murderer Dude, I don't know I'm I'm glad doors came first yes the list of prioritieses remains in The doors, they are the worst. woof Oof, I was in such emotional shock that I forgot that my finger was hurting too.
for the fact that you just remembered your fingers for a day. No, I'm not going to be for damage. She already took four points of damage psychological damage. You're supposed to. No, I'm not making you take more damage. Join the club. Okay. Negative four.
Yeah, negative for you you hurt so bad you go into the negative pain you gained damage weight gained healing either that or she cars a masochist yeah, out and she enjoyed it oh no my body i can take more there so hi carl We found those giant drop-out size band-aids in the bunkers last night we could go down there get you band-aid if you need but it's probably too big and I think we just need to remove the splinter. I think we just need to get the splinter out. like I wouldn't recommend. I wouldn't recommend Walter for that. Oh, maybe ah he's not going to precision things. OK. Oh, wait. Yeah, you're right. It's a piece of the door. Bad luck. OK. I'm going to go to the hospital. Oh, Bruce, maybe you can maybe you can burn it out with a tiny, tiny, tiny ember. Oh, no. Is that any better? That's probably not a good idea. Oh, my God. I just realized that's that users.
We've all had a bad experience with the door. Yeah. Yes, we all have. Yeah, we have. Yeah, we have. We have burnt down the house. I think truce won his battle with the door though. I read came it yeah jay ran into a door and fell down. What do we know? We go to the burnt place and the door still stands. Just the door still there.
Bruce is the only one who took out the door entirely. It's like me on the air, only the worthy can open this door. Okay, so is Walter going to the hospital then? Yes, he's just going there. Okay, okay. I should go with him. And then if you guys are splitting the party, we'll do that. I'll go with Walter.
ah Well, if you go, we have no reason to go to your house. So I guess we all go. You just go on behalf if you go. Hey, you don't know what to unserve by the way. Sammy can learn surf. I mean, I gotta get this dang splinter out of me before I can learn surf.
You guys leave Selena and Abyss and Brie are just like they're they're not going with you because I don't feel like it. You guys should go to our house once. Oh, yeah. No. Yeah. OK, so yeah, I'm going to say the three evolutions turn around and fucking go back to bed. And then oh what's his name? Zekrom is just standing there like petrified and misplaying back season is like, oh, Zekrom, I'm so sorry. I had a year old and I guess ah ah That was probably think terrible now. Uh, don't worry We're gonna get you set up a deployment and this will not affect you in the slightest Don't don't please don't think it's gonna be anything like you were everything is gonna be fine Yeah, I don't remember if we said before but uh, well, I'll explain here. I guess why not. Yeah, miss flamebacks Just like yeah, we're gonna get you shipped over to Volkenberg. Okay, you set up with a don't
Look, whatever happened here, it's not going to affect you. So just you're fine. Okay. I'm not like her. I'm sure hope not. She says, uh, anyway. Um, okay. So, all right. Well, I'm going to get you shipped out there tomorrow and everything's going to be cool. Do you need anything in second? I'm just like, I'm going back to bed and he's just going like 10 o'clock in the morning, man. Nothing happened has happened. Yep.
so it's just you guys and uh miss playing back now oh she's coming s stuybecks don't worry playing backck's like wait she's coming with us uh do you want miss do you want miss fun oh that's what you made it sound like no no i just meant it's you guys standing in the room you guys are the last ones miss don't worry we treat our employees like family
You're part of the family now. You're part of the family now. Sure. Zachary Marty. Zachary Marty wants a bed, but okay. So, as sure. As you guys are leaving, you look back and you see Miss Flame back just like chugging coffee straight from the pot. And that is the last of you the CC of her. You guys get to the hospital, no problem. It's like in downtown Gale Beach.
i Wow, I almost said my own city. That is not good. <unk>s Downtown so many people. We just need the other word. Well, that's just because I used to live in the downtown, so it, like, flows off my tongue, so it's whatever. Anyway, you guys get to downtown Gale Beach, and you guys get to the hospital, and you just, like, it's got automatic doors you guys walk in, and it's like a big lobby, and there's, like, white walls, white ceiling, and everything. There's the front desk there with a feedback floating off the ground um at the front desk. Now these doors know how to show respect.
Roll it, oh fuck it, roll into your tonic. Wait, no we have automatic doors. Don't question it. Oh wait, hold on. Oh, sorry. No, no, don't make them change it. No, what is this? one of us. Okay. run straight into it So the there's like two people who like open doors for you, but this was like a fucking rock or something underneath one of the glass doors because as it opens, it shatters and there's broken glass everywhere. Hold on.
what Oh no! More bad luck with doors. he just I swear this isn't on purpose. What the hell? So, okay. he's making his matthew's back way low and from saro ah Roll a roll ah rule that did 20 for your vacuum wave.
nineteen okay with the 19 you managed to scoop all of it up into like uh it's just like like fucking harry potter cleaning up and sort of just like whatever the spell is and like all of the glasses like it scooped up and put into a garbage bin waltz and that i get the house and i didn't need the i didn't need the broom i didn't need this you could have done this back home well listen very emotional back there so yeah the front door fish is just like orfish
ah sure that how funny you that sounded and so you said it like that point tofish We can't do it make it through the door breaking
um sorry sad people said sorry sorry i specifically love the way you said
high stupid okay must be sad and serious but we can't do it make it through the front door without the door breaking
everywhere we go i cant everywhere we go we must cause minor for super doors why it's go be um watching we're going to the ohious it's gonna be a smooth let's got go magnfo and knock Walter out Wait, did Hikaru end up exploding that coffee maker? Yes. Yeah, I think so. It was not only the doors, unfortunately. It's not living in the door. Oh, my

Hospital Chaos and Dramatic Escape

God. OK, so the front door fish, that's his name now. He looks at you and he's just like, OK, are you here to see someone? ah Yeah, um Veronica Fish Dance.
Uh, let me see if we got veronica fist hands and alfred, um The dr i don't have a last name here no fred off the trampa,
alfred trapha yeah there we go. That's his name What is going on? Oh, that's awesome. I love that. Okay, so it is so scared Okay, so yeah, uh, they're that they're in a building not building. Sorry what they're saying. Oh, they're in room. Wait, what we just brought them here 205. Oh, no. bro Oh, drampa brought them here. Yeah Anyway,
anyway they're on the second story room to alive hope We don't have to go through any doors to get to the second floor guys let go the aevatedator Unrelated unrelated that the fee bass like oh wait up 205 that's ah one of our security rooms. You might have to talk to the guard outside the door Well a good thing that we have both sons of the flame back enterprises and the son of the the rock legend Victor Veronica first hands
Yeah, hold on, yeah like so ba imagine this like fake. I know exactly what you're referencing. but Mr. Feebas, I just I'm I'm here because my I have a psychology front door fish. Thank you very much. Sorry, front door fish, front door fish. I um I'm here to see about my finger.
It's got a splinter in it. Is that family name, by the way? He takes a look at it. Yes, actually, he says. He like stands up proud as much as a front door fish can stand up. And he's like, yes, my mother was proudly front door or back door fish the third. She was a very proud one. So wait. So you know Walter? OK. You got a door in your name? Walter doesn't like you. Yes, he was a bouncer at a bar. He got it. Walter doesn't like you now. You got a door in your name.
oh no oh no if he house is gonna is's guaranteed to die female is gonna actually just slap walter by so my my whoop My question is like how much of that is like is that one whole name or is that like front door your first name and fish is your last name?
What's a fish she says we you said you Yeah, my my name is my name is front D fish well you rapper Anyway, let me take a look at your power real quick. He says I also got one. Oh anyway this lot okay let me tell like let me take ah let me take a look at your pollll real quick he says look are you satisfiedified for that i also got one Oh, you have a paw too? Okay, cool. Anyway, uh... I got a splinter! Smile! Oh, I see. Let me take a look at both of your guys' paws. And as you hold him out, he's like... He's like, hmm, I see. Yes, this will require at least a 10,000 poke deposit. All right. 10,000 poke!
Does like yeah health insurance not exist in this world? What are we, a Unova? What's insurance? Front door fish, are you even a doctor? I thought you were a front door fish. No, I'm a front door fish. I'm not a doctor. Break the door. You charging them to look at their fingers. Wait a minute. Because that's my job, is to charge people as much as possible. Isn't that what everyone does in the American health care system? that's I knew it. We are a Unova. American health care system. I thought this was the LCAS region.
ah what's in america this is the south america this Okay, I gotta I gotta to hurry us along cuz we're running out of recording time So as you guys run up the stairs because you guys are running because you guys gotta to hurry this along you guys get to room to when these are magically And there is a your splinters your splinters are magically cured just somehow lost 100 000 poke magically and fine i'm in debt so you guys get to the doors and there is a there is a there is a flare on guarding the door and he's like hi guys uh i got a radio that you guys are here to visit miss uh fist hands and yeah my mom tea
Oh, that makes sense. Okay. Uh, yeah, sure. Can I see some kind of like identification real quick? Just from one of you guys. We hand them our ID. Pretty sure you guys have. We hand them our ID. We hand them our ID. Identification. We hand them our ID. We have some kind of driver license. It says Walter A. White somehow. Walter. No, Walter O. White because it says Walter. Walter O. White somehow. It's like, oh, oh, sorry. Varminate. Varm1.
Sorry, that's a reference to one of our sideshows. Let's uh, may or may not get released to your nose. Anyway, um, so, that'll probably get cut out. Anyway, so as you uh, as the flare-in opens the door, what you see inside is Veronica fist hands, uh, in a straight jacket on the hospital bed. What? What?
Alfred that looks at you guys who's just standing there like she was really adamant to get out of this hospital home like jeez there was nothing else we could do like she doesn't like needles well I think she wants your head Walter I don't know if it's good for you do we you as Veronica looks at Walter as walton like oh no not again i mean um let me I'm gonna roll strength on Veronica yeah She gets she gets that mom strength she sees Walter and she just rips the straight jacket in all the books it in books is like oh no and She's done. I restrain Walter on the heart again security security
The the flaring on looks at you guys and he uh sticks a foot out and trips built ronika and walter oh And you guys fall flat on your faces and she doesn't inhale him again going anywhere just like yeah scrambling yeahling and and is like Okay, could you get okay look you you're clearly done with your shock and can you guys just get out of the hospital like I'm not dealing with this this What Veronica does is she takes the opportunity to snatch up? with ulter but scru oh no no what what what for Second story the second floor
All right. He's snatching you up by the scruff. He is going to try to get out. He's trying to score him out. She's holding you away from her, and you're just like scrabbling against her. She's like, we are taking this outside right now. She is spitting with fury. All right, let me down, and I'll go out. Let me down, and I'll go out. She just marches down the hallway and outside to the outside of the hospital. She sent me down at all?
uh no see you take it outside of the hospital let me down i won't run i promise no listen you you say young lady i don't even know what to say anymore like i don't i really don't like oh my god
She takes you and she throws you away as far as she can. Like Lulu just throws you 45 degrees in the air. And she rolls a seven and she throws you like two feet. She throws me the garbage can by accident, it's like dumb. Sure. And I'm going to tackle her. She's like, Oh, okay. Roll, roll a d20.
No, no, don't tangle him off. I'll have to choose. Oh, 13. 13? Yeah, that'll hit. It knocks her over and she falls on her face. Wait, does he turn? No, tackle. Quick attack. Isn't that what you use with quick attack? I thought you used quick attack. That's fine. Were you trying to damage her or just knock her over? No, just restrain her. Yeah, she falls on her face. Walter gets out of the trash can. He uses quick attack and just bolts. Okay, Walter is gone. What are you guys doing about Veronica, who is now prone on the bat? I don't know.
You're gonna deal with our mom rage. What? No, I'm letting her go for you. Oh, shit. I thought we were cool, Sammy. Veronica gets up and fucking sprints. And we're going to cut this episode with the visual of Walter being chased down by Veronica into the sunset. That is where we're going to end this episode. I have been to Cody to PM your DM your GM. Wow, that was one hell of an episode. I'm Evelyn and, yeah,
play car yeah i'm woman and yet
friend eli playing bruce I don't even know what to make of this episode but I've been Sean playing ya boy Sammy I'm Jake playing the soon to be dead Walter but probably I'll see you guys next time