Nonsense and Chill Ep 4 - The Ministry of Ungentlemenly Warfare image

Nonsense and Chill Ep 4 - The Ministry of Ungentlemenly Warfare

Nonsensical Network
10 Plays7 hours ago

Blaze and Jay review and discuss the 2024 Guy Ritchie film, The Ministry of Ungentlemenly Warfare. Based on the true story of Operation Post Master. 

Dude, hit the button.
you love this I that. We're dorks. We're dorks, but I love it. Yes, that intro definitely fucking kills dorks. Well, Jeff, how are you?
I'm doing good, sir. How are you? I'm doing uploading one pretty good, too. yeah Right before we went live, we both reminded each other there's still things we needed to do. We forgot the movie poster. So I know we had mentioned that we were going to watch Ellen Keller versus Night Wolves.
Unfortunately, I could not find that movie streaming anywhere. Yeah, it's it's you know, and as soon as I said it, I granted for for good reasons, we we jumped off quickly. um
It was its it's very much like Range 15. It's like very well unknown. Yes. But. Maybe one day down the road, we'll find it, but. ah Tonight. We're doing got to say it. This is Jeff's pick. This is this was just 100% my pick. 100% my pick this I wasn't mad about it. I know.
Well, let's go ahead and name them let just show him the movie poster. Yeah, here's the movie poster. It's ah the mis Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare. Um,
So this movie being based on a true story, and this is where you have issues with it. I do not necessarily. When I watch a movie, the fact that something similar happened in real life, I'm okay with it. I don't, one maybe one day I'll do some research like you did and be like, wow, that movie is completely inaccurate.
what it For me, it doesn't take away from the acting, it doesn't take away from the awesomeness of the movie. ay Because it's a Guy Ritchie movie, let's be honest. So you can't name a bad Guy Ritchie movie. The inaccuracies of the movie isn't the only thing that really got that really got to me. it Was it the Nazis? No. no and I'm always down i'm always down with with ah with a movie about killing Nazis. And by the way, the ah body count in this movie
uh, was like comparably to inglorious bastards. Well, okay. So that is one, that is one inaccuracy of the movie that gun cause they show that gun, they, that gun fight at the end was so fucking fictionally fabricated that it did not happen that way at all. But for Hollywood magic, they went ahead and made it that way.
But I don't want to like talk about the ending first. ruy But so when it comes to movies that depicts military operations, i tend i lot of there a lot of them I don't like because they're just really bad. Because some of them are some of them portray themselves as historical fact that a lot of times like Hollywood embellishes the stories. right oh This film isn't like this. This film is purposely over the top.
Oh, yeah, 100%. Absolutely. guy richie movie on it Very, very important. So I don't I don't hold it against that because the movie is not portraying itself as historically fact. So I I'm close to that. So well, and you know, and I'm not going to impress play while we chi yeah go ahead. So we are watching this live, folks. And, ah you know, we're seeing the sign where it says based on true story.
um You know what I like about it? is Guy Ritchie does this great thing. So this was taken from Winston Churchill's confidential files declassified in 2016. 2016, yes. I'm not sure how accurate that part is, but... Well, and that's the thing. It's like, you know, those files were, like, they were classified, you know. I don't think they're, you know, step-for-step accurate.
yeah Um, the, can we talk about the dialogue for a second? Yeah. Genius. I love the witty repartee throughout the entire film. Yes. i You know, and real quick. So on screen, we're seeing Harvey Keitel and Alan Richardson. Uh, that is, uh, you know, the w the cavalry. And, and, um,
I find it funny that he played Superman longer, but he's more mostly known now for the Calvary for like a minute. He's got a brilliant beard and mustache. I love his mustache in this with the girls. He's got the little girl going to it. I'm mildly jealous about it.
go with um like I'm going to look up the, uh, the original postmaster, uh, crew because the way he picked it on the screen. Well, yeah, they they that's what they tend to do with these these movies. they They give action sequences to a person that didn't do the actual action sequence in real life my to to make it a little bit more movie friendly.
um just cut your hats all For the greatest example of what something like that happening, you want to pause it? Yeah, I do want to pause it. I don't want to pause it. I want to get some context of the story to the audience. that That's not familiar with Operation Postmaster. That's not familiar with this movie. up So the movie is based on a British operation, a secret ah Black Ops operation with the British SOE, the Special Operations Executive or something like that. I did a little ah did a little scratch digging on the surface research-wise after I got to watch this movie so I would have a better understanding of the backstory. Anyway, because I didn't know and didn't know anything about it going into. It's not a very well-known
movie Anyway, so the operation is during World War II around 1941, 1942 I think is when this place The operation itself started the planning five months before this movie actually says it takes place. It says it 25 days, like it took three weeks if I can plan to do all this shit. When in reality, it was five months. And what it was, was Britain was worried that the Spanish was going to join the Axis, not the Allies, Axis allies, you know, the Nazis, so. The Nazis.
So the plan was to have this special ops crew team and go down and steal three of the vessels. One of the vessels, the more important ones. So that was the original, they were supposed to steal it?
they were supposed to steal it. The movie has the same thing that they were of ah were we're going to destroy them. But no, originally it was to steal those ships. And one was a tug, one was a merchantile boat, which is the primary ah primary one they wanted because that one had it the the had the supply, the carbonate, uh, carbonation filters or whatnot, the carbon dioxide filters for, for the U-boats. Um, so that's what they were trying to do. They were trying to disrupt the, the U-boats supply chain or put a damper. Yeah. And it was successful. It was actually more successful than they originally thought it was going to be. It was actually so successful that, that not only do they
It was a successful mission, but they did it with very low actual casualties. like the In the movie, it depicts them getting shot. In real life, they never got shot at. There was a few shots on the on the coast inland because they thought it was a ah bombing raid when they heard the explosions of the anchor chains being blown. That's true.
They thought it was an air raid. So they were out popping shots up in the sky while the SOE team was in the dark taking the boats away. So anyway, let's go ahead and play. Yeah. Yeah. Operation Postmaster. And I like how they show them mid, not mid, but at the beginning of their mission. And then they say back, backtrack like weeks earlier, according to the movie. Yes. When they say enough to work.
For the rest of the film, we will be talking about the film, not the actual operation. But so it says, you know, after this, good Alan Richardson's Swedish cracks me up. He does too, man. So he plays this. He goes full out, like he goes full stereotype.
So I was, he did an interview about this movie and he did a lot of research on the character he played. And the guy was some pro archer. No, they didn't really let him use the art his bow and arrow in the wharf during, but he was allowed to take it with him and he use it for training. But that, that actual real person was so fucking hated Nazi so much that when, uh, what's his name, uh, um, Adam, Adam Allen, Allen, Rick Anderson. Listen, Lisa know the actual actor. Oh, Alan Richardson.
Yeah. Allard. Anyway, he wanted to, he wanted to portray the hate that the original guy had for the Nazis. oh yeah like So that's why he goes in this movie, he goes full bore, just pulling out the, the knife. just I mean, he goes freaking crazy in the movie. Oh yeah. And he wouldn't, like I said, he wanted to portray um how much, how much, uh, yeah, the actor wanted to portray accuracy of hate. Yes. Yes.
So the Nazis are on the boat right now. The movie opens up, you have the team on the boat, ah which is a fishing yacht, and they're pretending to be fishermen. when The Nazis don't believe them, of course, so they're swedish dumping yeah Swedish fishermen. They're off the coast of Africa.
or or pain. Po for Fernando Po, I believe, is where it takes place. And yes, I'm going to break down the inaccuracies in this movie as we go along. If you don't like that, give me would please give me a big fuck you in the middle. That's fine. I will give you that big fuck you. as guy right there just slides and okay so the the titles you know the the ministry of ungentlemanly warfare that is like if you didn't know this is guy ritchie movie as soon as you see those titles pop up it screams guy ritchie or uh Quentin Tarantino
so if you'd never seen this movie and that If you've never seen this movie before and didn't look anything up, I could see how you can confuse it for a Quentin Tarantino movie. right because yeah they have They have a similar style. it the But I think Guy Ritchie does it better in this the style of this display.
It's funny. the The guy that Cavell is portraying, if you see a real picture of him, and if you want to go ahead and describe the scene, Jeff, I'm going to look up the picture. So so they're they're waving at Nazis on on the boat, and I'm actually going to grab a screenshot.
um Because they're on what you would consider a, it's not a schooner, but it's slightly bigger than a schooner. so I'm trying to get a good picture here.
waiting for it to pop up. Oh, and that's all right. Yeah, it's it's going to do that. Yeah, unfortunately, that's what happens. Yeah. But like this, is this is like um you can probably put what maybe 10 people on this boat at a time comfortably. Yeah. You know, it's not. massive on it it It does look like a personal craft. It doesn't stop military craft.
Yeah, it's um so and even in the original, like the the actual real life story, they were on a fishing yacht. Right. So, yeah, it does it we're playing a fishing controller. too So it looks like a pleasure, pleasure cruiser. So here's a picture of of here's a picture of Cavell. And then here's a picture of the gentleman he is portraying. Like the I start to read very, very, very British.
yeah yes so when so even like when the roles were cast there was a lot of um conver embellishment very you know a lot of embellishment yeah well yeah i mean you're it's like even a guy that plays Churchill uh who plays Churchill in this Uh, we're about to, um, absolutely. Here's, here's the trick show right here. Ronnie. So what had happened was, um, while the Nazis were threatening to burn down their yacht, one of the dudes, the, their bomb guy fucking paddled around in a, uh, little like, uh, I forgot what they were calling the like, uh, like a lifeboat or something. Yeah. Yes. And put a shape chart, the gunpowder room, no less.
Uh, I love that. Um, my man is in this movie. Uh, dude from princess bride. Yes. For men and tights. Yeah. Uh, his name is, uh, uh, Carrie. I can never pronounce his name. Eloise. Um, you know, I'm horrible at remembering. asking carrie ellie I'm put it in the chat. I remember the, the name. I typically.
I don't remember the face more uh uh he's on record hi hill yeah ah lose or whatever. Anyway, he was in um yeah one of my favorite movies. Oh, that's right. He was in Saul. yeah I forgot he was in Saul. Oh, thank you, Glick. as he's sharing it out Oh, no, I put that there. I put that there. Oh, okay. Yeah, I thought it was in the chat. No, I put it there cuz I couldn't pronounce du's name um
i So this clip right here, they're showing a bunch of old videos from actual World War II. Right. Ally propaganda videos. Yeah, news reels, journalism reels and stuff, which I thought, honestly, I thought it took a little bit too much time, but it also helps sets the mood. It sets up the the mood and the fear that, you you know, at at one point, they're Different military leaders come in and say we should fucking surrender to Churchill. yeah yeah like I wonder how accurate that was. So but so this opera okay so in the movie, they they make it sound like the operation was never approved and it was disregarded as ah off the books, so to say, which it kind of was. But in the movie, they portrayed as their breaking command.
and they're doing the mission regardless of what right yeah well Admiral says. it The way they but it set it up is is that Robin Hood men and tights, dude. Churchill. I forgot this character. There's like five people. Brigadier Gubbins, and yeah which which in real life. so in so good robert Robert Fleming, he served in World War II under Churchill. And he wrote a lot of, he wrote, he's the one who, correct me if I'm wrong, I think it's Fleming's, he did James Bond. And the gentleman who plays Cavell's character, that gentleman was the inspiration for James Bond. james bond yeah him which i thought and
And Brigadier Gubbins, the guy that Men in Tight guy plays, his real nickname was M. And that was all right inspiration. Yeah, they they brought M on there. And I thought that was kind of, that's kind of really cool. I mean, you get that, what the origins are of some of our favorite characters. To the point where, where one of these guys that, um,
they were on the mission. They got so many medals from the king that when he got his last medal, the king was like, you again? There was one of them. Which one was that? I can't remember which one, but they they mentioned it at the end credits. And I was like, Holy shit, you imagine.
I think it's the guy who played Appleyard. Yeah. The guy that they had to go rescue the prison break. Alan Richardson. Oh, it's Apple. Okay. It's Apple. Yeah. Appleyard. Appleyard. It's like, it's, it's like, um, I lost my train of thought. You're good. Cause I'm, I'm hearing the movie too. No, but it's like,
the dude, it it's a real Forrest Gump moment where he's like, I met the king again, you know, kind of thing. Okay, so Henry Cavill's character is in the meeting with with Churchill, Breeder, Gubbins, and a couple of the military guys. Well, Churchill's not there, is he? Oh, so okay. Yeah, he's not there. It's just Gubbins and the other guy. All right, SOA. SOE is the SOE. Thank you.
Yeah, Roy. I love that Carmel. Anyway, so it's okay. Yeah, i wanted i wanted I wanted to talk about this scene. So I'm gonna pause it real quick. Now I'm gonna keep it going. yeah So they're in the meeting to discuss with Cavell's character about the mission, what's in Tails and all that. Anyway, he's asked if he wants some tea. So he goes over and he's looking at the tea and he looks over his expensive bottle of scotch and he shows it over. He's like, yeah, okay. Yeah. and also scotch Then he finds the cigars. He's like, okay. And he grabs like five. It's fills his pockets up with them. And then he grabs, he feels the matches and then this slide, dude's lighter cracked me up. Then when he likes the lighter, dude's like, dude, this is my lighter. And M's like, calm down.
we're asked this guy a lot need some but their tell whiskey drinking he's being told that if If you get caught by the Nazis, you'll be tortured and killed. If you get caught by the British, they're going to put you in jail. Yeah, remember they are working for the bri for the British. But in the and in the real story though, at first the operation was disapproved of. They they were told no.
and if Then some time went through and it turned out that there was a real possibility that Spain was going to ally with the Axis, with the enemies, with the Nazis. So they did go ahead and approve the mission. So that's kind of where we're at right now is where they're explaining the mission. And it looks like Jeff has some technical difficulties.
hundred OK, so they're asking him, he's going to accept a mission and on know his conditions as he gets to select his own team. Now, in the real the real operation, he actually did get to choose parts of his team. um In this scene, though, they go through and in his picks. All of them are part of the SOE, the Special Operations Executive.
However, there's one guy in the movie that they have to go break out of prison, which originally um was never actually part of the operation in real life. It was never actually written down anywhere. They haven't found any actual record, although it is a special op. So it's possible that that prison break operation actually did happen.
And then but in real life, again, there was no real prison breaking the guy that they used in reference to the guy in the prison. God, this is so confusing when it's inaccurate. The gentlemen that they break out of prison in this movie did not exist in the actual real operation. Thank you. So that was another embellishment. He grew up resting bears and having health on his family's stake. He's a legend for the first time
and bow Legend with the Bowie knife and bow and arrow. torture is
then turned up on Now I can't even pause the movie. I'm going to pause a moment, give Jeff a little bit of time. Oh, I think he, here he is. Ah, he's back. I'm having issues with my internet. Oh, you're fine, dude. I honestly, I looked over and I got rambling on about an inaccuracy of the movie. I was boring the audience.
That's okay. no like like I have this weird thing. My internet likes to just drop for a minute. Well, I know where your location is. I'm sure the hurricanes isn't helping or anything. Yeah, exactly. and I think that's the main issue. I love i love um and one home mission for that ah want to say Harvey Keitel. It's not his name. It's ah Henry Cabell. I love his obsession with coats.
Oh, yes. He's like, I got to have that coat. and He walks out. He walks out with it, walks out with it. And then he does the same thing when he sees the Nazis. And he's like, I got to get a coat on. So while you were gone on your technical difficulty situation, this gentleman right here that they're portraying that they have to break out of prison.
Yeah, that that was never actually part of the real operation. Oh, really? That's that's yes. It's played by Alex Petri Petri. Yeah, you secret that that's Apple. That's Apple Yard. Now, we are was a real guy that participated in the operation. But this story of having to break him out was all fictional.
oh um Unless, of course less course, it was part of another operation that we just don't. They might have been. Yeah, I might have been prior. yeah I love this. He, he offers the, he walks out with, with the M's coat after saying, I need to get one of those coats, offers the guard a cigar. And then the cigar is like, the guy's like, okay. He's like, ha yeah, good luck.
that takes it takes it away from him. He laughs at him. I love it. I'll tell you. curiosity is easy But he's got to he's got a great that they're calm the entire movie. They never get heated. They never get scared or you know, they're just and nobody you're damn near. it the So, okay, this is a movie.
It is they absolutely are and funny you should mention that because the way they rate the way these characters were written We're like What's that? They're overpowered. Let's say we' we're talking about a video game. They're fucking overpowered like Yeah, considering close to the end and I'm sure we'll get to it yeah was Superman here is literally standing up being shot at and there's like 50 people shoot never nobody can hit him Yeah i want to Well see cuz in in the real world Operation they never got shot either because they were never shot at borring movie though that would have made a very boring movie but seeing that but you know
The story itself is actually a pretty interesting story, but to put the story itself on the big screen would be boring. Yeah, it'd be like, why are we watching this boring ass documentary?
Yeah. The slide of hand on the train with... This whole scene is fiction. These two characters... I cannot pronounce this dude's name. His name is Babs in real life. I'm going to ruin this movie for people watching. All right, so that gentleman right there, his character is completely fictional. Is it really? Yes. The lady... She's real. She existed.
But she started working at the SOE as a lift operator by pushing the elevator button and made it up to secretary. So she would never, she never actually had field time or anything of that. oh no shit So even though she's real and she does actually end up marrying one of the guys, the main character in real life too, which he only, he dies like two years after this operation. Anyway, yeah, but her written into this movie like this is totally fictional.
Oh, that's terrible. Yeah, it's a plot point. It is. it It does make the movie. It gives it gives a ah a minute cut away from from our main characters. I'm not ah I'm not mad at that. It's filler for the movie. It it's like it it interjects that more because they do some secret squirrel shit with that but briefcase and stuff. Yeah, it's to the secret operations. The the the sleight of hand here where they're they steal the briefcase and and um
this is how i This is Guy Ritchie right here. what they they said something like two minutes yeah That's a full-on Guy Ritchie thing where it's like you're going into detail and stuff we don't need to get into detail but that's Guy Ritchie style that's that's that's certain styles well it's his it's Yes, but also the way he sets up the scene and the breakdown of how they still the briefcase, how they still the the the front page of the manifest, that's that's what it was they were looking for, is the manifest for that book. What was going to be on the book? Yeah, because in ah in I guess in real life,
The manifest was available, but the front page was ripped off. And that's when they thought, oh, they got something secret on that boat. And that's, yeah. I see. Yeah. I'm not, you know, I don't know what else she's played in, but she's a good actress. I don't either. She's she's great. she's She's gorgeous. Her name is Isa Gonzalez.
What else has she played in? She was a baby driver. She was a fast and furious, uh, hopper and shop. She's got, I haven't seen baby driver. I haven't seen, I watched the first fast and the furious movie. That was really it. Um, nothing really, I'm looking for, I'm not, I'm not seeing her. She was in the TV show, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, which I haven't seen. I seen the first couple of episodes. I just couldn't get into it. Oh, she was in bloodshot. Yeah.
has's been That's huge. It's probably one of her biggest, bigger movies. she got That's a great job. yeah she doesn Stay tuned, guys. You'll see her in the MCU eventually. Yeah, give were give her a minute. Give her a moment. Give James Gunn some time. It's about everybody in Hollywood. But she's she's beautiful. and she she she she plays the part of she's the she's the distraction so to speak she is she is and but she does it in a great way and her character is her character is part Jewish so okay yes in the movie she's spanish and jewish right which however in the real world she was neither oh really
Yeah. She was just some white woman. No, but like, it's the the the issue arises later on in the movie while it's loading. um ah Very similar to the way it did in, in what was what was the guy, what was the,
Brad Pitt, killing Nazis, Inglorious ba Bastards. The MacGuffin of her mistake is what jeopardizes the mission in the movie. Very much like in in Inglorious Bastards dude says three instead of three.
yeah showing the thumb which is the way german do it in in this she speaks yiddish instead of full-on german yes that's that's how the uh nazi commander guy figures out he figures out part it's yeah it's he's like wait a minute and he he even says we got ourselves a little jew yeah but knowing knowing that that whole part is fictional now Yeah, I know that really fucking business. And also, okay, I'll wait till I wait till we get to the party part and then I'll i'll explain what other parts is wrong with that. yeah Oh, I have a problem with that party scene because she's wearing something so revealing. Oh, I don't know. It's the forties. It's nobody walks around like that. But I didn't have any problems with that. Oh, I had no problem with it. but
For accuracy reasons, I was like, yeah, you're not going to get away with that. I don't want to objectify, but she's a very attractive woman. She is. I'm not objectifying. I'm stating a fact. She's gorgeous. Well, I mean, I don't want to just say, oh, she's just sexy. That's the best part. But I can say that about Alan Richardson. And I can say that about Alan Richardson. Oh, Alan Richardson is a fucking god. He's a dude carved out of fucking chisel. He's chiseled out of stone. Jesus.
God, I'd like to see him out of bed. I was like, how you doing, daddy? Like like when it comes to these yeah younger people trying to take on the roles of these old action movie heroes like Stallone and out and Schwarzenegger and stuff, like Alan Richardson or Richard Richardson or whatever his name is, is definitely up there to fucking like take the action, almost action hero fucking crime. He's not, he's not too pretty. Yes, sir.
You know what I mean? You look at some actors, like you're way too pretty to be beating somebody's ass like that. Fair. i But I think he has he has the acting chops to take on a role that he wouldn't mind getting beat up doing. it Right. like i I literally just started watching a movie with Kylie Coco in it, and she's a spy or or an assassin or something like that. And I was like, yeah, I'm not buying it.
So, so, but like Richardson and, and, and, and have, you can buy, you, you, you, you give it that. Okay. Yeah. If you put the, yes, they are good looking dudes. If you put them out there in in the real world, they're going to be noticed because they're too good looking, but they can, they can definitely take the punch and throw the punch. The way the guy Richie goes for the sexy fucking drip on this, on this. Yeah.
I love the, I love, I want a briefcase like that, dude. Go to JamesVon.com. I bet bet you can find it. Well, no, actually. you ever Put him in a code double. that save you What's that? percent What's that Baywatch movie? They did the cooler in the movie Baywatch movie with the the rock. They made a cooler that did the same thing. I didn't watch that.
They made it cool. there They they confiscated the cooler that did the same thing. It was people stealing coolers off the beach. I never watched the show. I never watched the movie. Baywatch was never a movie. It's not terrible. The movie's not terrible. Why is it not terrible?
it's you you It's one of those movies just like this, where you have to take it with a grain of salt. Like, you're taking it with a grain of salt of its inaccuracies. Well, Baywatch is a fictional story altogether. It's so bad, but it's good. Well, I mean, this movie isn't bad for those reasons, though. No. like Because Baywatch has ultimately always been a fictional fucking story. Right.
more I do like the guy they, they, they got play Churchill in this. I do too. I mean, they put him um put him in a big voice. So the best Churchill was a lift cow. Oh, John Lithgow. Yes. on lusow as Churchill did an amazing job. Uh, playing Churchill on here is Rory, Rory, Rory, R O R Y. Can you, uh, Kenner.
Yeah, I don't I've never seen him in any he's a small looking dude, too I know he doesn't like they got a ton of makeup on on on him But it's not sometimes it looks like it's CGI too right some of the shots
You know, if I ever get a chance to play a role, I want to play Churchill. Not that I can pull it off, but he gets to smoke the entire time. Oh, that guy woke up fucking, and god he had it.
He had a whiskey, like a whiskey and a cigar, like every couple of hours or every hour or some shit like that. end the day um'm hit He was, uh, that was the time when like like, like living, like that was okay. um You know, somebody does that. No, but like, again, you know, it was, it.
You can understand it because the dude was under immense pressure. already a bit be yeah It was a world war. I don't think it was just stress. I just think it was the type of person it was. yeah like as much i know much Like could you go like willingly? Could you go a month without smoking?
money Yeah. Yeah, I can do it. Yeah. But under that much stress when you want to be blasted. Not all the time. not Not if I'm if I got a job like that. No. Oh, dude. I'd be like being being a photographer and being stones a lot easier. They'd be in a fucking prime. Let's see like being in stone the the addiction of tobacco that he's using too. oh yeah i I'm that guy too. So.
I have no room to talk. I'm just saying you says if i ever get his hidden like until I'm in so I could smoke the entire movie. He just doesn't. I mean, Churchill seems like one of those guys that never shook under pressure. Like he, like he was never, yeah the dude's a rock. Yeah.
Like like he's he's a good good example of stoicism. Yeah, he's he's very stoic. And even and and you know as the guy that portrays him, he said they're talking to the the head of SOE M and in his second, which is, I think he's the SSA, or was was it's the the the other guy is the head of another ah government.
Uh, like CIA kind of version. Yeah. we in essay Freddy Fox. He plays Ian Fleming. He's yeah. He plays Fleming. He's the one who ends up writing James Bond movies. or Right. so Oh, is it really? Yeah. That's Ian. Yeah. He's, he, Freddy Fox playing Ian Fleming. So Ian Fleming um ian fleming ian fleming and and Churchill and, and M are meeting and they're, they're like, Hey, we might not be able to pull this off.
And they're like, you you can't fail. Because if you do, we're fucked. Basically fucked up. This,
this catching, getting Apple up again out of this ah Nazi compound. It was funny. I laughed so hard. It was so funny.
and and from the minute you see Apple in in person on this movie till they actually, till he says it. You don't realize that he's hooked to a battery. I mean, you realize that because his nipples are bleeding. It's another nipple movie, guys. He says, can you turn off the battery? It's still on.
He's just standing there all cool and calm and collected. Yeah, whatever. But wasn't he eventually, one of these guys was eventually captured by the Germans close to the end of the war and never broke. So yeah, one of I believe it was Appleyard that was captured. so and and And then he was executed. And he never broke. He you know he was pulling to the ground, so to speak. Yeah. So is it me?
Or does this boat seem way bigger than it is when they're down in the depths of it? Yeah, it doesn't look like there's a lot of standing room down there. Right? and And it also looks like that table has got to be four feet wide, and they're leaning up against walls next to it like it's nothing. Like, it looks like that that the hull is like 20 feet wide, and it's not. It's maybe 15. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh.
lets get Oh, yeah. Good for you. Man, Wednesday night, I don't remember us even ending the stream. Oh, yeah. You were out of it, dude. You were fuck you were literally laughing at everything.
You might have to restart that because it's it's oh, no, there it goes. Yeah, I um i had Wednesday nights in between my medicine alarm went off and I had already been drinking. I wasn't thinking about it. So I took my Seroquel or whatever the fuck it's called and It hit me like I woke up the next morning. The light was on. I'm lying in bed with my laptop on my lap. I'm like, what the fuck happened?
nice Yeah, I was not happy. I wasn't hungover or anything. It just... So I just noticed good as the movie's loading, I didn't notice until just now that Richardson, when you see them go up on shore in this scene, you don't see Richardson carrying the bow and arrow.
But then he comes out shooting. na You see it. You see it right here. You see it there. Yeah. Yeah. But I didn't notice it when I first watched it. He comes. He shows up with it, but you don't. Yeah. So again, you really didn't use a bow and arrow in real life, but dude, these Tommy guns, like they all got silencers on. They go through this. they So lummy quiet. Yeah. It's like a whisper going through there and as as.
both veterans were like, yeah, not going to happen, not going to be that quiet. Maybe if you have nine silencers in a row. But yeah, it is whisper quiet, like ghost in the darkness quiet. This dude rescaled that wall. du He takes all these fucking gate guard tower guards down with the bow and arrow. The bow and arrow dude.
And each of them, they fall just on the platform. They don't fall off. Yeah, they don't fall off, which is kind of lucky. It's kind of lucky on his part. But in real life, that's how it happens. You don't fall off a building if you get shot. You know what? No offense to Tom Hardy. No offense to Tom Hardy. But I think Alan Richardson would play a better venom. Oh. The only thing about Richardson is he's more stoic.
like, dude, I don't know. Yeah. But he, look at the different characters. He's already played in his career. That's true. um mean didnt right Did you see the Reacher show? It's changed. I love that show. Like the Reacher movies, the Tom Cruise, I've never watched because I don't like Tom Cruise. I know I'm not a big Tom Cruise guy, but, but I did like them. Before what I understand when it comes to that, that original character being written,
Alan Richardson does' not characters fits He's like 622. He's a fucking passive dude. He's just jacked.
So okay, this scene right here where he shoots the arrow and it goes through the guy and hits the tree. So apparently the the the guy, the original guy in real life was so good at the bow and arrow because he had been doing it since he was a kid. Like he can make his own bow and arrows. Like when he shot deer for hunting, like it would go through the deer and hit trees like that. That's why they put that in the movie. I see it. Yeah.
kind of like, like, I love the commentary like by, by, by calorine here. He's like, go ahead. Just go off by yourself. Don't listen to me. I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. And then Richardson just takes these dudes out. Like it's nothing.
That's what he's good at. That's awesome. That's through one guy into another. into a fucking box into a box is a dude just hey Brian what's up man I just noticed you there Brian if you want I'll send you the link you can come up and watch the movie with us but you have to hook him up to zoom yeah well that's what I'm saying so I'm gonna send Brian the link for the movie remember gentlemen try to have fun
I like how he walks in at one fucking place expecting a lot of people and there's like two. He kind of just laughs and goes, fuck off. I love how slow and steady they take it. Like no fuck's given. Nobody's paying attention. They're all just like focused on their duties. Well, this one guy sees it is and he's he gets yelled at for steep speaking up.
He's fucking Tommy Guns, dude. And it's whisper quiet. They have fucking silencers for Tommy Guns back then? I'm sure they were made for it, but I don't see why not. I think Brian's up for coming up. That's what he said. I sent you a link in your what's up, Brian, for your... Did you send him a link for this? I'm sending the link right now for this. Okay. Send that in what's up as well.
That guy in the turish is like, come on in here. What's up, Ryan? He's in the middle spinning around. He doesn't know the shit going on and he dies. Right? Yeah. Here he goes. The guy. So this dude sees him and he's in a briefing and he goes to say something and he's told, shut the fuck off in German. Nice. That's when I speak German. Shut your face. He's like, shut up. Oh, fuck a grenade.
He just, it goes off and Richardson's just kind of leaning up against the wall reloading like nothing. Oh, there goes Hayes. And that was sound. So this guy, the last name is Hayes. Right? Yes. He was the, he's the explosive guy. Okay. Frogman. I think that's Hayes. Or no. No, the other one. No, no, no. Yeah.
That dude right there. Yeah, he's with the, there it is. He's stealing the jacket. He steals the jacket and he uses it to go undercover and he keeps the hat. I think he wears that for the the rest of the entire movie. Yeah, pretty much. Maybe not the hat, but he keeps the jacket. Dude, dude's just wearing like a t-shirt and blue jeans. He doesn't even look like he's dressed.
but what He doesn't even look like he's dressed in the 40s. If you see Alan Richardson coming up with a fucking Tommy gun, what are you going to do? You're going to shit yourself. and I'll probably pee myself too. I'll definitely need a diaper. Yeah. Ooh. Anybody that headbutt is nobody to be fucked with. If you've ever tried to headbutt somebody, you know that. He just fucking shoved that dude's neck through broken planes of glass.
Look, Apple, the whole time, nipples bleeding just like being electrocuted doesn't care. It's just bloody nipples too, man.
That dude screams like he's just looked at Alan Richardson and he screamed. That's how I would do if I saw Alan Richardson try to kick my ass in real life before he stabbed me. Oh my god, this giant motherfucker's gonna stab me. I'd say, dude, I'm not a Star Wars fan. Hey, Leggy. Hey, Leggy. How you doing? How you doing, young'un? I'm not a Star Wars fan, but if Alan, if you was if he was playing a Star Wars movie, I'd probably watch it because i it'd probably be a good a good role. Leggy, if you'd like, I'm going to send you a link as well so you can actually see the movie. I just got to open up my Instagram.
Insta-insta god. I have not logged onto my Instagram in weeks. I only log on when I'm on the show And I'll send you the link so you can actually see the movie like if you want. yeah I Mean we are What the hell just happened You're right. No one of that. Oh We're about a quarter of the movie through that's not bad.
Oh So for those joining us, we are watching the Ministry of Ungentimally Warfare and talking about it, discussing it, reviewing it. Unfortunately, we can't show it on. I'm sitting here everything, but being a pedantic and I'm i'm i'm tearing apart. You're ruining my movie. I'm ruining it up. It's rated R for ruin the fuck up. All right, they're back in Fernando Pote.
God, you know, I would love to visit a port like that. It just looks so fucking awesome. It does look fun. Yeah. I mean, I've been on some the coast of Oregon and they got like Newport, Oregon. They have a port. Of course, it's more modernized, but it's got a similar kind of feel to it. You're on the coast of the ocean. I need a head to bed, so you can really start smiling, I think. Understood. I sent it to you anyways, just in case you want to watch a little bit. Yeah.
go That way you can kind of see the movie. um Hi, Brian. I'm going to mute you on on Zoom so that that way if you want to come up on StreamYard as well. Excuse me. You know, it it there's a part here where they're coming up and they're going to look through the window and see what this Nazi was doing.
Oh, yes. And it's kind of it's like no one notices that they're staring from a window. nice They're blatantly outside looking through the window and nobody's like, hey, what look are you doing? no Yeah, it's kind of weird. Followed me a little bit because they are in broad fucking daylight. Yeah. Dude is up those elbows in blood. This dude is psychotic.
He's a good actor. The actor played is played by, I have to look him up. He's played in a lot of movies. He's usually a bad guy. You know him. Till Schwitter? Yeah, Till Schwitter. Excellent actor. He plays Heimlich Lier.
la Excellent actor. he was ah He played a Nazi in The Glorious Basterds, too. He's always playing a Nazi. Yeah, he's also German. So well, typecast sucks to be typecast as a Nazi. ah Right. like Thanks, Leggy. I, uh, well, our original intent is to do this live as much as possible. So yes.
ah take yeah ah If you know what you're look, wait, if you know, looking for out of copyright, fillys you should watch, you should do gaslight from the police.
It's actually not a bad one. That's not a bad one. There's a there's a couple of movies like I want to I want us to watch Reefer, Reefer Madness because we are playing. So, I Reefer Madness is on deck but that is for April. That's going to be around April. Hi, Brian. Of next year. Um matter of fact, what's up, Brian?
the So yeah, that's that's where I like this is my movie pic for this month. Well, this week, but but it was one of those things I started watching it the other day and I sent plays a message is like, dude, I got the movie for this week. That's because we couldn't find Helen Keller versus we couldn't find Helen Keller versus you would have loved last week's movie range 15.
Oh, Brian, I never laughed so hard on a lie because I had never seen it now and in, in, in know fairness.
uh Blaze and I never saw this movie before we decided to watch it but we don't want to do a reaction because we can't show it all right so we both watched it this week and then we're re-watching on the the episode so we can actually talk about because when we were watching range 15 I was watching the movie and I couldn't comment because a movie just goes so fast so this right we could kind of do so I love this scene where they're kind of the riddling back and forth and figuring out if she's, if she's a threat to him. Is that Anna the Armist? No, her name is a Elisa. we weren Gomez. Ramirez. It's Gomez. Gonzalez.
far elia gonza he hasn't been in anything that i've seen what yeah but she's she's beautiful as we said um i would talk to my people and down oh approve Yeah, the uh The guy that was walking with him he's a really good actor he plays the ah medic on a star trek Star Trek strange new worlds but those who lived on treasure Which guy? The black dude? The black dude, yeah. He's a really good actor. Oh, okay. Yeah. And I've seen him and I've seen him in other stuff. Yeah. He's a good actor. Yeah. Like on, on, yeah. Star on a Star Trek stage, Strangely Worlds. He's the, he's the doctor. God damn it, Jim. I'm not a dog. Oh fuck. I am a doctor.
So have you seen this movie yet, Brian? No, I haven't. Um, I, soon as I turned on my, uh, my fire stick, that was like one of the things that was advertised. and I do want to see. It's good. It's good. Are you familiar with Operation Postmaster? No. Um, watch the movie first and then do just watch a couple. There's like a couple of small documentaries on YouTube about it.
this this movie isn't completely historically accurate but uh enough of it enough of it is though to uh tell tell the general story i guess but uh like his character is totally fictional in this movie are those old lighters like that man i see him all over the place around here flea markets and yard sales those old 40s and 50s lighters yeah
There he is. he that He's back. Sorry about that. You're good. We're going to have to, I'm going to pause here in a moment and start doing a break. Actually, I'm going to do that right now. Pause. And, um, I hate this site. My flicks here. Surprise. No corn popped up that time. So, uh,
that's another reason why we can't show it on here. There's a lot of porn on it. Why am I doing this? And there's an echo. Yeah. I think you need to mute something, Jeff, when you came back, someone muted. There he goes. So before we go into a... I just want to give the weekly rundown. Monday nights, men caring for men. Tuesday is Glick's house of music and he has been on a roll. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Last week, not last week, Wednesdays is...
Oh my, what's oh my, what with what's oh my, what's she oh my-ing about? um We were talking about porn popping up. Oh, yeah, it's the it's the it's the website. The only site we can actually all watch it at the same time. Yeah. Yeah. If we do it through a crime or something like that, it won't show up on. It gets blocked. Yeah. So we have to get a little shifty. Let's get shifty with it. And Wednesday nights is what the fuck news, although this past Wednesday was more of a paranormal ghost story. Well, we did we did, you know, being being that
Glick wanted to do the collab with another shot. It was almost more of the argument show, the ruler argument as in any way, because it was skeptics versus true believers. But you guys, not you, but Glick and them set it up that way. Yeah, well, it wasn't meant to be a argument, but it somehow became it.
probably because I was drinking it on my medicine. So, and Thursday nights is is Cash's Corner. yeah um Wrestling updates. Friday is of course this now. Movies with Jeff and I and and whoever else pops up. Nonsense and chill. um And then Saturdays. um Is there anything during the day Saturday now? Saturday, no. Saturday's just had the normal nonsense. More flagship show, Open Door Challenge. And Sunday during the early time is Unnecessary Roughness, the football show with Glick and a couple other dudes. Cam and DJ Pill. And then me. And then me. And Brian. Now that I'm home. I'm home now. Yeah.
where they sit there and jerk each other's puds off to football lyrics. hey not I talked to Glick yesterday when I was on the road coming back, coming back into Texas and everything. And I told him like, yeah. So, so yeah, like for like tomorrow, all the next week and then all the way up to like next Monday or the following Monday, I'll be home. Cool.
and then after that tuesday tuesday i'm back on the road and back out to the damn desert well and you like a breeze on i mean but i mean but yeah but that's my job though it's like it's yeah my new job it's like fourteen days on fourteen days off okay yeah so so yeah but but but the cool thing about it though was like ah you know i get relieved at midnight so like what that wednesday night on my last shift i only work four hours and then my relief comes in and I'm there to you know, a' clock out at midnight and then I go straight from the job site straight on home and you know, if I if I if I need to, I'll I'll pull over take a nap at a rest stop or something like that but. Yeah, same thing only I just turn off my computer for three hours. Just **** a joint **** roll over and then uh Sunday Jeff, is there Jeff's garage this Sunday?
Uh, this Sunday, probably not. Uh, I, I, I have an idea of a, a singular show where I might come up for an hour. And, uh, I want to do, I literally just thought of the day I want to do the origins. Um, I think I'm gonna go the origins or, or why it's that way. Uh, things like why do we say cheese when, uh, somebody take a picture.
I guess because you go cheese, it's like you smile when you speak. It's because it makes you smile. In Mexico, they say whiskey. Yeah. Oh, not tequila. Because if you say it is whiskey, it's just Mexican whiskey. Yes, Mexican whiskey. But yeah, um I'm contemplating doing a back and forth until I get Jeff's garage with guests and all that fun stuff. I'm contemplating doing a show where I just come up and say, you know, do you know this is the origins of this, this, and this? Because I find that stuff weirdly interesting. Yeah. I mean, I still watch the the TV show from time to time, the How It's Made. No, I love that show. I love like that show. It's like ASMR for my brain. Yeah. So so you can also find this at our various links on BioLink.
Backslash. Yeah. network Nonsense School Network and even got merch. merch You guys don't know. go spread us on to you and on that note, so guys, but I just spread it. It's spread shop is the name of the website. So, yeah. Place came up to spread us on you. Jeff tries to say. pervy Jeff says in his **** cringy as **** though. Yeah. So, I didn't know. I didn't know. I did not update the commercial breaks, guys. So, you're gonna have to **** go with the old
forty s and fifty s The 40s and 50s, no, it's 50s and 60s commercials like I did last year. so elizabeth well right Here is a report that every smoker in America ought to know about. In a recent decision, the federal trade commission says of brand X cigarettes. That the use of diethylene glycol is a hygroscopic agent in the manufacture of X brand of cigarettes.
does not render such cigarettes non-irritating or less irritating than other leading brands of cigarettes using hygroscopic agents other than diethylene glycol. Now if the federal trade decision has made you wonder about the contents of your cigarette, you can be glad if you're smoking Chesterfield. Chesterfield gives you scientific facts and names its ingredients.
Chesterfield uses tobacco as pre-tested by laboratory instruments for the most desirable smoking qualities and kept tasty and fresh by the only tried and tested hygroscopic or moistening agents proven by over 40 years of continuous use in USA tobacco products as entirely safe for use in the mouth. Pure natural sugars and chemically pure, harmless, far more costly glycerol, nothing else.
Chesterfield has the newest and most modern research laboratories and factories staffed by experts. Outside independent consultants include many eminent scientists from leading universities. Believe me, friends, Chesterfield has for your smoking pleasure and protection. Every advantage known to modern science. For you, that means Chesterfields are much milder with an extraordinarily good taste and no unpleasant aftertaste.
Clean and bright as the sun on the sand. The kind of clean you like best next to those you love.
That's because new tide has extra cleaning power. With Tide, things always come out clean and fresh as a sea breeze. More than white, more than bright, really clean.
Come and get it. A big surprise. Do you have the surprise for me? Yes, sir. It's a new breakfast cereal called maple. From now on, you're really going to like oatmeal. Take go off your hat. The hat. I cowboy hat. After breakfast. I want it now. Like maple sugar candy? That's oatmeal. Right.
But it says here it's maple flavored, old man. I want my hat. Tell you what, I'll be an aeroplane. You be the hanger. Open the door. Here it comes. ah Loaded with delicious, maple flavored, maple. Cowboys love maple. Yeah, cowboy.
I want mine.
When it comes to crackerjack, some kids never grow up. Don't fuck with my crackerjacks, bitch. know i was I was singing the whole seventh inning stretch. I'm like, take me up to the ball game. Take me up with field cigarettes. I used to smoke tester field cigarettes until they stopped making them here. Now they're called marble crafted.
Marvel yeah. Buy me some peanuts and cracker Jack. Welcome back everyone. Yeah. Who's ever still with us? We are continuing on with the movie. This is what? Ah, the Calvarene. I told you the Calvarene's in this. Calvarene. He's just so massive.
do that the guy that plays applewood He's so familiar. Uh he's played by Alex. and for I don't know what he's in. I've seen him before. Uh he was a magic Mike. He plays apple yard. Yeah. Elvis and Nixon. Uh he's been in a bunch of **** and nothing like of, I mean, a lot of these actors, I think are British actors. I think all of them are. Yeah. Cause Henry Cavill, he's from the small island of Jersey. That's on the outskirts of, uh, UK. Oh, is it really? Yeah. that's small island You know what fucking, like I noticed, I, I came to a realization that last two Spider-Man Tom Holland and Andrew Garfield were both British actors. Yeah. Yeah.
Although when I see Garfield, I don't, it doesn't scream British to me. What's really funny. It's really funny. Like one of my, one of my actors that I like, one of the actors, I really, really am a big fan of his guy Pierce.
When I first came across him, he was doing um Rules of Engagement with Samuel L. Jackson and Tom Lee Jones. right He actually sounded like he was from New York, but the motherfucker's from Australia. I was like, what? right He nailed that New Yorker accent to the T, man.
so So he's showing her the Now, this is the, this is his, this is his bar slash casino, this guy. Yes, yes. And he owns it, he he is part of the, the S.A, S.O, S.O.E. S.O.E. The, he's not on screen, the guy with the hat on, Brian.
um he He owns it as part of the S.O.E., but he's kind of undercover, so to speak. This guy that you have on screen his name is Fernando. He's he's actually the head of The he's like the captain of the port Yes, okay. So yeah the Nazi guy is captain of the port the gentleman the hat I keep against his name black gentleman his role is he is a plant on this coast and he owns like he had said the casino the bar and something else and
But he, oh, some illegal smuggling business, but he works for the Nazis quote, ah quote unquote, kind of like a double agent. Uh, the, the guy that plays the, the head of the, the um,
the poor, his name is Enrique Zaga. He's, he was in new mutants, 13 reasons why he's got some serious, uh, chops behind him. Mm-hmm.
Here's a Nancy Drew movie with what's her name? Julia Roberts' niece. Julia Roberts. Emma Roberts, that's her name. Emma Roberts. I'm always like Julia Roberts, Sprinkle Magic Mike. That's where you have seen him. Oh, I agree. I love that movie. I lived it. So, Leggy, what'd you think of the commercial break? I'm curious.
made you want to go do some laundry. there end against commercials I love old commercials. that remind me I have to find the the page I found on my Roku. I'm going to send it to you buddy, because it's literally littered with old commercials like that. Some of them. So I still have to use common creative commons commercials. Yeah. That's the problem.
Yeah, that's all right. There's a lot of old commercials that fit that bill. This guy, the... Right? Exactly. Retro ads are the shit. He plays this part so well because he knows how to play to his opponent's weakness. You know, the head of the port here, he's kind of a luck and kind of angry and... Oh, he sees a buffoon.
Well, no,
he well no the thing is, he is he is um born and raised in the region. The Nazis have taken over and it's, you know, he kind of has to roll over and go with the Nazis and he's pissed off about it. yeah He can't be, ah you can't be a one man army. So he just has to play his part and not get killed. Not that that works out for him. but So he he spends his time drinking. I kind of feel for the guy. I mean, yeah, he's kind of an asshole, but for good reason.
And yeah, the answer to her riddle, she gave him a riddle, the the the Nazi. Oh yeah, they're playing like, intelligent. Yeah, and they're they're playing this like, who's who's smarter.
who's smarter um And he's he's actually, I would say because he finds her out, he outsmarted her throughout this book. He outsmarted her. believe Or she outsmarted outsmarted him. He outsmarted her.
Oh, wow. That's cool. Chepo. Now, the reason why I say she he outsmarted her is because the the the ultimate game of West throughout the movie is her cover not being blown. Yeah. And she's her cover gets blown because she slept with the Yiddish. She slept with the Yiddish. But by then it was by then it was too late to do anything. But she came really close to being cuffed up.
Yeah, she did. She did. you like like I mean, I'm not gonna lie. If she would let me cuff her up, let me. I wouldn't i wouldn't say i wouldn't disagree. She holds this lighter way too long. Like he does his power play. Like, yeah, he fucking did that shit on purpose. That's straight up power position. He was like, I'm good. I can light my own cigarette. I do like that. They're sitting across from each other. They never stop playing this game of wits throughout the whole movie.
And he and she holds up her lighter and he just sits there and stares at it for a moment. She pulled it up there long. Yeah, it sounds squeaky as fuck. It is. It can be kinky. You've seen her. If it's consensual, it's not consensual, it's not kinky. No, it's just wrong. It's just downright wrong. So unless he wants to cuff me up, because then I'm OK with it.
Does that make it consensual if she does it against my will, but then I'm okay with it? I hate the streaming service. Yeah, perfect. I hate the streaming service. I hate you too. So like we tried doing Amazon Prime, Brian, and doing through Zoom, but Zoom or Prime, one of the two won't let you do that. Yeah, because it automatically reads where it's coming from. Yeah, it's the same thing with Peacock. yeah Yeah. I don't know if I can do, I might be able to do it in Discord.
probably we've talked about trying that but we didn't because I so i mean but I mean like like if if I if I was to share anything it's like I would have to turn my webcam to my TV right away everybody could watch it off of my TV that's one way to do it yeah a little bit old school but effective well I'm I'm stream yarding on one and then I got the movie playing on the other lab I what I would prefer to do
Well, we have that other program, uh, that but unfortunately you can't at your prime, which is where this movie is playing. You, you said you had to pay for the movie. It was six bucks. And I didn't feel like I'm trying to, I'm not, where I'm scraping, I'm scraping. it's not worth we um I'm waiting the next weekend, next Saturday, not tomorrow, Saturday, but next Saturday is going to be on on the 19th. It's the, uh,
the Halloween glow party at that place. Buckeye. Buckeye axe throwing. I'm going to be live and click again. See, see, this is where she alludes.
This is where I think she failed in this movie in this scene. Oh, good point. legy hit Helen has a good point. but is like I don't know. You can you can screen you can screen share and re-stream and just watch it off to the side or in a smaller window. What is re-stream? Is that something like streaming? Yeah. Well, yeah, it's like another streaming live streaming service. Yeah. It works like MyFlixer.
um but like she slips here the the the the double agent that's talking to the nazi she slips here and she makes a joke but i don't think she was actually joking she was testing him and she said she likes the juice she likes he he kind of he kind of he's kind of like whoa and she's like ha i got you but in reality since her character is part jewish That's where he's constantly on guard for the rest of the movie, which is how she calls her, how he calls her out when she speaks Yiddish, when she's s singing Mack the Nice. And, and I think that's where she screwed up and her character am one first time under cover, so to speak, from my understanding. Excuse me. Oh, wow. I'm starting to sound like click. Right.
Yes, I said that. You can come at me, I don't care.
So I'm going to show okay, the guy who plays apple yard. I'm going to show a picture of what a real life person is. But look at this guy. The guy on the right is the real live guy. Right? but Who does he but who does he look like? That's a modern day actor? I don't know.
The guy who plays in the Walking Dead. The guy who plays in the Walking Dead. Yes. The original guy, Rick. Rick Ryan. Yeah. Yeah. Why didn't they give him to play Apple? Because he's not British. Plus he's busy filming the. He's Australian in me. I always on American. He's not American. He is British. Is he? Yeah.
Andrew. Well, he's probably he was probably busy because he's filming that the spin off of Walking Dead. Oh, yeah. It's still not done. Mr. Michonne. No, because they got Darryl Dixon. He's in Paris or he's in France. They're the good luck at the hospital tomorrow. I hope it's bad. Good night. Let us know how it goes. Speaking of which, I need to check in with Connor. That reminds me, too. Yeah.
So is this this isn't when okay this is when they find out they there the ship's going to be leaving three days early and they got to speed it up. And they didn't want to do the shortcut previously because A, they had time and B, that would put them close closer to the Nazi U-books.
Not just that, it puts them in also close to other British fucking warships too. So they were going to be in the screen. If they're caught by the British, they go to jail. If they get caught by the Nazis, they're going to die. The Nazis. Damn if you do, damn if you don't. The Nazis. And they figure out how to cut three days off. Why is he wearing a chef's hat? I just noticed. I just caught that myself. I was just about to say the same thing. I was like, why is he wearing a chef's hat? I'm assuming he'd give the cooking.
arrive I mean, this guy works with explosives, so he would know how to be a better cook, I guess. and oh I like the split screen here. The use of split screen is kind of genius because it saves you camera work of going back and forth. and And you get the exposition as well. Yeah.
They are in, what is it, mid-Africa? U-boats, ladies and gentlemen. It means submarine. Yes. Now, Nazis call their submarines U-boats for underwater boats or some shit. I can't remember. That was a reason for it. Oh, I gotta send you guys a video I found last time. I fell in love with a new show that I can't find, but I found it on YouTube. I'm loving it.
that turco Yes. Yeah, that's that's Churchill. Dude, the Churchill Museum in London is pretty cool. The the Churchill Museum bunker, it's pretty cool. Well, like I said, I got to send you guys a link to this show. I started watching on YouTube. So you boat is short for undersea boot, which would be the German pronunciation. Undersea boat, yeah. Yeah.
i was close well the Nazis had some weird vehicles they had a swim bargain a swim bargain was a Volkswagen that would go it was amphibious I've seen that I've seen videos of those yes I want one but they're like 200 grand now oh if you could find one without holes in it I remember this is this in the in in real life the operation was actually um approved steel oh right here yeah right here there you know this is like a secret message you know do well that's the thing is churchill speaking over the radio radio or is he actually speaking directly to them it's never really confirmed or i i took it as he was talking directly to them i thought i thought that as well but i also the way he worded things
It could have been one of those things like he didn't want the transmission intercepted, but it almost sounded like he was doing a radio address because he's sitting at his desk. So in this scene, they're of course going through the ocean and they run into that. It's the British destroyer. destroyer.
And of course they see them, they, you know, see them, they see you. So they try, they try to play the whole, this is, oh, we're just Swedish fishermen and Alan Richardson character tries to speak up, but the Admiral already knows, the Admiral already knows the. Yep.
We're fishing. It's very, I love it. It is genius. because he gives the the He gives it the Muppet treatment where he's like, right?
the seek um mupe i love it He goes He leans into the Muppet voice so well. Oh man.
where where it could be almost offensive if I was Swedish. But it's so good. I don't care if I'm not Swedish. Welcome. Fuck it. I love it. It cracks me up.
be satisfied in holding most of your all impressive Oh, You know, and they get called out. They're basically busted.
um um um bull you know they get they they takely my but but because the Nazis do their thing. It's the Nazis. The Nazis. I like to say it like that. So you want to kill the Nazis? I use the Brad Pitt version of Nazis. They do it in a way where um They get lucky, and the Nazi U-boats come near. present So they have to let them go. um sparing one six drink Which is mildly disturbing, because as you said, this they never it was a broom. So this is all done for movie magic. Movie magic.
fire up job we need that
man one of my dogs just farted nice no actually it's not nice that's a good oh man
is' very wo de be chicken yeah there is ruy shiary dooy do do dodoodoooo very love it that's what it sounds like we we reach bill we we were board or did you you cru to chicken did you here do individual two well on richardson right yeah now I love the the prince guy that they meet here. He's not actually a Prince. He just called himself Prince. So, was you you know, in in the movie, he is a prince in this place but when he was younger, he had went to a
very high level boarding school in Britain and England. He's very well educated and and all that. And then he come back and then he, of course, he's the prince of this area. I just sent you guys both a link on WhatsApp for a show that I started watching ah on YouTube. It's G. What's it called? And does it have movies? It's called Operation ah World War I and rare finds. It's combat, combat dealer. It's about this British dude that goes around all over Europe buying World War II items and then selling. Oh, OK. And he finds some amazing things. He finds a swim bargain, a famous one.
thirty e I love the ascot. I want an ascot. Oh, he's all like proper. and I can't pull off an ascot. I don't think anybody can, but that dude That dude is red. So, Fernando Poe, that's located in South Africa? Well, it's mid-Africa. Africa does that weird shape and it's a that that it's in the elbow of Africa.
and love Yeah, I'm bringing it up right now on a map. I have like 14 things open. This dude can't shoot for shit, but he thinks he shoots really well. Google can't find Fernando Poe. What's the real name for it? Fernando Poe is an island.
bioco oh I think that's the real name, by Oko.
Because they're gauche. Yes. Because they're gauche. Yeah, it is an island, isn't it? Yeah, it says it's an island. So I think they changed the name. Yeah, over time. Or they changed the location for the movie? That's possible.
i mean That's what I would do. But I'm going to, I'm going to quickly make a, uh, for the audience to show where this is. I'm going to quickly make something here on. Yeah, go for it. Uh, I just, she, so they portrayed her like this, like this sharp shooter, bad-ass chick that filled operator secret freaking. She's not.
she's not old Not in real life, no. But I mean, it's still pretty fucking cool. I mean, it makes her look badass. Oh, yeah. It makes her look like a badass.
Oh, I'm going to draw one here. Oh, yeah, I love that part, dude. The prince made made it sound like he was the best shot. She's like, no, fuck that. Starts pulling out every fucking gun from the arms trade and starts shooting it like dead on. Oh, and then she pulls out. At the end, she pulls out their grenade like, no, stop. You've proven your point. Like they freak out when she pulls out grenade.
do Oops. OK, so wrong button. I found, this is ah the red line here, and I'll show it here in a second, is the path did these gentlemen take and the little weird circle thing is where Fernando Poe is supposed to be, according to the movie. Fernando Poe, according to Google, is an actual island. says its trustee Yeah, it's weird.
ben myself crazy They all have great mustaches. except for um Richard um that little dude no he's got that real pencil thin mustache which it would be the one i would try to pull up i wouldn't try to pull off the curly one like gavel's got and like yeah i would look silly but it has more of a i don't mean i like to see him in a fucking western movie right that'd be he'd be a good fucking family kind of kind of mustache yeah yeah
It's gorgeous. That snapshot of gavel's face here.
next to the It turns out they went to the same boarding school and played fucking cricket. They played cricket. That that shows how close they are. They played fucking cricket. That's a aristocratic snob shit. crick What is cricket? Cricket's fake baseball. It's weird baseball. It's a weird baseball.
It's based on hunter titles. Yeah. I don't understand. See, if you get a strike, you get paddled in the ass. But I do like that there.
He recognizes him and then he tells him, he does the stance that he did back in the day. And he's like, he's like what one one eye on the pitch, one eye on the pump. I like that. yeah to find us like he was like He only gave him about half a shit about the game. or yeah He was more it was even even again it gives him the compliment of that he was just as good on the playing field as he was hanging out in the bar.
That's the way to be. Right? You know, and that's that's the kind of friend you want. God, you know, have you ever been to a pub in England? No. Oh, do the pub life in ne England is so amazing. It's pubs and compared to American bars. One thing and one thing only. I went and saw Top Gear.
know You went some saw what top gear top gear. I had black market tickets because it's it was at the time that it was showing that they were doing it. It was booked for like three years in advance.
I got lucky and I bought tickets off a guy that couldn't go to the weekend he bought. So my buddy- Yeah, look at that mustache. Look at that handlebar. I told you to get that great handlebar curly mustache. Gorgeous. Gorgeous. I want to go up to him and just be like, yeah. Yeah. No fighting. Have you guys ever tried smoking a pipe like a tobacco pipe? I have. I have. I have. I have probably a pipe like that but with something else.
I bought corn cob pipes at a tobacco store and, and pipe tobacco. And my cousin and I for like three weeks, we thought we were cool as shit until my uncle. I tried, I tried switching to a pipe from cigarettes, but it was so inconvenient during my smoke breaks.
right? Like I didn't have an issue I had too. I have a five minute smoke break, but it took me five minutes just to get that fucking thing all tamped and loaded. And yeah, it's like, ah, fuck this. I'm gonna give me a cigarette. No, I didn't. I do. I do. like the cornop i I do too. It's I think it's a nice sweet smell. Um, that reminds me, I need to reach out to that candle company. We'll see if they'll sponsor us because they got some cool candles.
Oh, that reminds me, I got a picture of the boat here. This is for the audience. One of the reasons why they went to the Prince of ah Fernando Poe is so they can recruit some help. They need backup. They need backup because there's a there's there's more Nazis there than originally thought, um which It wasn't really an oversight. It was like more of a. It just kind of happened to be that way. They never explained why there was extra Nazis there. There was just they were there. They were just there. It was just it was turns out they were wrong. Initially, that happens. Well, dude was away for a while. This this guy that's on screen.
Oh, this is where he gets caught setting the bomb in the yeah, and you know what? This dude tried he he does though the whole gun up my sleeve trick here and Gets two shots off then his his gun stops working any chap trying and by the Nazis sitting there trying fight to get his his gun out and shit yeah like Because they catch him and surprise him, there's three of them and he's like, what are you doing here? They don't see the bomb that he sent. They don't see the bomb. Which is, which is... They just saw the bomb and they just shot him. They just saw him, found him somewhere he's not supposed to be. Oh yeah, this is a Guy Ritchie film. Yeah. Yeah, just remembered.
yeah So there's like a lot of those, a lot of those like slow slow kind of face offs before the action pops off. Yeah. There's no such thing as a bad guy Richie movie. Let's be honest. Yeah. I mean, you know, I don't think it's a great movie. It's definitely not a bad movie. It's definitely not a one or a two. He's still trying.
The thing is, this Nazi can't even fucking get his gun out in time after all that motherfucking time. Yeah, exactly. That was a good, like, 30 seconds. 30 full devices. Yeah. Yeah. He's like, fuck, I was pulling a knife out and stabbed the naps. But his knife is set up just like his gun, just on the other arm. No, I think he got it out of, I don't know. No, he literally pulls it out. He shoots it out. He does the whole, uh... Shit. ... gavel... ... punch in the air to...
Wow. That's way too revealing for the time of age, for for the forties. She's just like Cleopatra. And she's so like, it is a seriously skimpy outfit for that era. So part of the story, and this is true in the real life operation, there was a party used to distract the Nazis and Spaniards and the Italians. Right. The thing was,
It wasn't really a costume party. It was a dinner party. Okay. So in real life, it was a dinner party. In the movie, it's a costume party. Yeah. and But I mean... But once again, for the 40s, to be walking around like that in the 40s, in the 40s, bikinis weren't even invented yet. Despite what Pearl Harbor makes everybody think. They weren't invented yet. They weren't invented until 48.
So during the time of World War II, Bikini's weren't invented. So she's wearing almost, with the exception of the dress part that is ankle length, she's showing a lot more than anybody else in the time period. I'm not mad at it. I'm just saying. You're right. She's like the only woman that's dressed that scantily. Yeah. Which, I mean, once again, I'm not mad at it. It is a guy, it's a Guy Ritchie movie.
But, and she looks, she she pulls it off, but it's like, she would have been called crazy. You got that fucking jazzy mute music in the back. Yeah. I like, I like when she starts, when she's, she knows the distractions coming. They, the, you know, there's two parties going on. There's one for the officers and there's one for the enlisted men. They call it beer fest. The soldier beer fest.
um They do call it beer fest october fest. I think that's probably what it is. I think this does happen i don't know In i your september timeframe, I think this operation happened like around in september, but it it shows you the difference between off september 41 Yeah, it was it was very early on in work because right after this is when us 1942 january Special 1942. So they it happened in 1942. They started planning it in September 40. OK. Yeah, that's what it was.
I know ah like the dude suit. I'm not mad at that suit. No, it's pimping, dude. Like straight up fucking almost zoot suit. yeah he's He's got the zoot suit. It's pinstripe. And then he he paid off a bunch of chicks to keep certain people distracted. Oh, yeah. Prostitutes. Show that little flashback. Well, I there. I'm assuming they are, but I don't want to. Prostitutes. Prostitutes. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't want to be that guy. I mean, I mean, he's a
he He does a guy owns a casino at a bar and he does illegal fucking brokering deals. I mean, it's positive. Yeah. 100%. He's talking about how the lights are about to blow in 30 minutes. Yeah. Yeah. Right. So like off the operation, you know, how far are we through this? I have I have an issue.
You guys just see what I just saw. Yeah. That told you this fucking myle yes so youre fucking ad pops up on this website and a lot of it's porn. When they're setting. that four A lot of it is porn. Dude, one night fucking chatter bait shit started popping up. Yeah. Last week. So the guy is dressed like Frankenstein. He's he's part of the Italian military. He's the owner of the the boat the the tug but not the tug but the the boat the storage boat yeah he's part of he's part of the italian military and he's he's letting he's he's telling the nazi that hey i did what you asked and i reinforced the boat it is now unsinkable and this is when she finds out yeah she hears this and she's like oh shit
The mission is going to fail. Yeah. And then so this is when they'll they'll decide to go ahead and steal the boats instead of destroying it. Right. Although real world operation, they never they actually actually intended to just plan this feeling. firstly yeah I seriously thought this dude was going to go back and and delay the ah bomb from exploding from the the lights.
and wasn't gonna make it when I first watched this movie. Then you realize he's going to the lighthouse to let the guys know, hold up, we got an issue. The issue is the boat's been reinforced. Yeah, they go back and then they, yeah, they go send them a meeting. And they have a little- Oh no, no, he does Morris Cove in a flashlight, gets their attention. There's Morris Cove in a flashlight after getting their attention. Yeah, yes, yes. And basically lets them know, hey, we got an issue.
um that the boat is now unsinkable. We need to plan it for him. There's someone else. Yeah. And boom. There it goes. Boom. There goes the lights. Now, what he did were the party. All right, so there's two parties going on. There's a party for all the officers, which is a costume party. Then all the other Navy guys, it's a beer party. But each party, so they don't know the lights. Doesn't lose their lights.
He turns on the oil lamps. He makes a reference that he wants that. He keeps the tips to light on inside the party. So so nobody realizes? Yeah. So that's pretty smart. the off The officer's room, I think he set up a separate generator. For the simple fact that it there when you when you see the interior, when the lights go out, there are regular lights on still.
Yeah. Either way, he makes it. Yeah.
yeah This is where he's selling Carville, uh, Cavill. This guy, this motherfucker, this double cross right here again, it's all fictional, but yeah, it's really fucked up. Oh, that's right. because It was approved.
so Yeah, the this admiral comes in and he's like, oh carry on good actor. Yeah carry la that's his name ls This is Didn't really happen in real life, but I like the the fact that they're It's highly inconceivable. and They're they're being told to stand down It was a fucking narc Yeah, you fucking narc him out by the The sergeant is working the radio is actually working more closely with the admiral than he is with the SOA or s SOE. I always get a problem.
and He sits here and pretends that he didn't hear it. Yeah, I love it. and He's like, what? I'm breaking up. Fuck off.
He literally, he makes sure the fuck off is clear today, but he pretends everything else. I can't hear you. I fuck off. Please fuck off. I mean, but at the end of the day, these guys,
even though they're supposedly on a black ops mission, what are you gonna do? We're going up against a couple of hundred Nazis. We're gonna, we're basically, if we get caught by the Nazis, we're gonna die. You think jail scares us? Please, at least I get to live, you know? Yeah. At that point, I'm not- You can fuck off, Sergeant. Yeah. And Ian Fleming takes it. The guy that plays Ian Fleming,
Um, his name is in swimming, the creator bond. Yeah. that Yeah. He served in the military. That's his character in the, the, the main guy that Cabelle's playing. He was an inspiration for James Bond. Yeah.
So without this initiative or without that guy being in the military, we wouldn't have James Bond. I'm just saying. And then, uh, Gubber right there in the red phone, he's the inspiration for M. His, his real nickname in real life was M. And he was, yeah. And, and Carville actually called him M. Every time he was around him, he calls him M. remind reason you chose They never said why they call him M. Cause his name doesn't have an M in it.
I don't know why I I heard it when I was here. Yeah. Govins. Govins. Like, have you ever seen The Crown? Yes. John Lithgow plays phenomenal Winston Churchill. That's what I said. I said that earlier. jefferson i Yeah. church Best Churchill ever was Lithgow. I don't care about the prisons. I do care about finishing what we've started. But this guy does a really close second.
just free there's no mistake hay lost about how in when sex Once again, the interior of this boat is way bigger than the exterior. It bothers me. It looks like they're in a house. Because they're they're in the center of the hull and they're talking around what looks to be a four by eight table and then behind them on the side of the ship, our boat, our beds.
make man that Yeah, it doesn't make sense. Hollywood Magic. Yeah. The interior of this boat is like, who are those boats? I'm gonna have to make a Hollywood Magic fucking gift for some shit. Yeah. We need something.
kind television
that That guy, the guy that plays Apple, he he does such a good job. We don't want it. so he He comes up with the a plan of let's steal it. And they're all like, what are you **** nuts? Which like you said was the original plan in the in real life. What they ended up doing is in in the in IRL is what they when they towed the boats, they towed it into IRL. I said IRL in real life. ah They said IRL. I'm like man you going all ah
military social media but social media yeah they aren all real yeah we are li yeah but yeah in irl they and they towed the boats they towed it into waters and they made it seem like they were Abandoned or they were hijacked by their own like Nazis and shit that like defected or some shit. They played it off like it was Yeah, like they found them in the water. That's why that's why they're dressed as Nazis. Yeah So they can yeah, well a they can sneak up onto the boat faster and be They could if they get caught they'd be like, yeah, where's where's these Nazis?
we's the nazi see germans yeah but we sound like swedish sound like a sweet sweetest knowledge swedish nausey And now he's telling, he's telling the, the prince, he says, he says, you know, so here's the plan. Are you in or out? He's like, fuck it. I'm in.
because these guys have a trust. They have a trust between them because they both went to the same school. They got that same um mentality. And they both think Nazis are just gauche. Well, agree. Nazis are just gauche. Nazis Did we miss the line of of Richardson when he says as long as I get to go home with a barrel full of Nazi hearts? I i Didn't did miss the part where okay. There was a part where he cut out a Nazis cut out the Nazis heart that was embellished as well. I Think he's saying it right now. Oh Okay, so Richardson's character
his nickname in the movie is the Dutch Hammer. Right. In real life, in real life, his nickname was Viking. Ah, nice. Yeah. Well, if you would have called him Viking and those people were like, that's goofy. i they I think that's why, yeah. Dutch Hammer sounds pretty badass. And now once again, he wears something even more, almost more revealing. I know. Oh man, Dutch Hammer. She's wearing like a dress like Marilyn Monroe wore. Yeah.
And she wears it rather well. Yes, she does. um But Dutch Hammer also sounds like a Swedish porn name. It does. If I ever do porn, and that's going to be my name, the Dutch Hammer. Wooten golden tick my dick in it. I don't know. Wooten tick in it. I love the way that the Nazis and Richard comes in with his bow and arrow again. He has got to be 200 yards.
So, but see the thing is like the character he's playing the person. and like interview virus Yes. Brian IRL. He was really, he was actually that good with the bow and arrow. He was like, yeah, he had the nickname of some like like Robin, hood like general Robin. That is a dress. Right? That is a dress. The green one's sexy too, but man, that is a dress.
The white one looks good. I'm not mad at it. Once again, she like she would be ostracized for wearing it in the 40s. No, of course not. I'm not sure that Ashley's getting He is pissed. This is when he realizes that she's fucking lying. He's about to, but right now he's mostly jealous because she's not paying him attention. And then when she starts speaking, she starts singing in German, but it's actually a Yiddish version of German. He's like, oh, German?
Now, I have a problem with the way this dude sets up these these depth charges. He just twists them. And he's... Like, he gives them a shorter turn to activate them. Like, that's going to last the... what It's got to be a good 45 minutes to an hour before they go up.
And he's like, they're set to go on. I remember dealt with munitions like that. I only dealt with munitions that dropped from aircraft. measure Well, I've only done with C4, but at the end of the day, these are World War II style mines. but But at the end of the day, he he turned it what I would ah assume was a 15 minute charge.
So as they're walking through the port, dressed like Nazis, they come up with some other Nazis and they thought they were Nazis and they just killed them. And then he calls them now he gettinglies in German. Yeah, this is what, yeah, right there. yeah He's saying and he is. That's where he's like, that's the, he leaves over and he tells this guy's, I think we caught ourselves a little Jew. See, yeah, there he's realized.
she's but She said it in Yiddish, not your actual German. Yeah. But wouldn't they know that? They're Germans. We've caught ourselves a little little Jew, he says.
You know what? i If we ever go back to 1942, I expect all Germans to look like that guy. yeah Like if I go if I go back to the future it back to 1942 and I see a German it doesn't look like that I'm gonna be seriously disappointed and all sweetest guys look like Just like I'm showing my key Swedish men
Richardson is a badass dude and he's a good looking cat. He's almost too good looking to be as big as he is. He's like 16 foot. He's huge. Like you look at like big people like Arnold Schwarzenegger like they're huge back in the day but they weren't like camera. Alan Richardson's is both.
Yeah, he's, he's, he's cut like, okay. So I was mad at this. He crushes his cigarette and I was like, don't waste it. this smoker But I was watching, when I was watching that, I don't had like three cigarettes left. I was like, don't waste the cigarette, you prick. Those lazy Spaniards. and And I'm sorry. The, the inaccuracy of how quietly silencers are pissed me off. Like you read it out.
All movies do that to silencers though, man. Yeah, I get that. But it's like, oh, it's so annoying. The silencers just take down the freaking, the the harm to your ears. That's basically all they do. They're still loud. Yeah. You're still going to hear it pop off in the middle of the freaking. Yeah. They're hiding from the other Nazis. it hit Well, it's kind of of a table to come around the corner wearing a Nazi uniform.
And then fuck thanksgiving and he says, no feeling can I see your paper?
He even comes up with a German accent in the spot. I love it. papers paper See, this is where he wins in the battle of wits, but she wins because he gets to pop him in the head. So I'm not mad. Yeah.
and he walks her into that **** **** sneak right up behind the guy. Oh, man. No, that's another thing like they take all these Nazis out like very silently. Yeah. So, oh, so when they um yeah, black up, there it's like nineteen. Yeah. Or in the early, the early stages of the black ops. Yeah. And in ah in the IRL, when they took over these boats, there was no casualties.
Oh, really? Yeah, they the people they win that would make a boring people, the people they weren't able to just like silently walk up and capture. They had to like fisticuffs, you know, beat the shit out of some people. But there was no casualties. There were no shots fired. Not no shots fired with them. But it was shot across the top of the across the top of the boat. Just think, think, think.
James Gunn, I think you found your new green arrow. Right? Hey, Arliss. What's up, dude? Arliss, how you doing, buddy? We are slow on the chats. Yeah. ah We are watching the Ministry of Ungentimally Warfare tonight. Well, this is this is the the beginning of that whole Black Ops um ah
So yeah, so historically wise, this was one of, this this whole ah special operations was sort of was new. It wasn't something that was being done when it come to warfare.
Which when you think about it, it's kind of weird because nobody thought about it before that. i'm sure I'm sure it's happened just not as organized and like an actual like,
Battalion operation squads. yeah Yeah, it's like one or two rare cases, but not an entire team. The actual whole, the whole detachment of special ops guys.
There's a list of cuffs and then the shot. So, and the thing is with with this s SOE group, I know in the movie, it only shows like four guys. well Dude, he punched that dude in the throat so bad, so hard, if it hurt me.
and the other two like so like total of six people but this actual operation involved on the boat minimum I think it was like 11 people but in the whole entire like detachment of the s SOE there was like upwards to like almost a thousand people assigned to that SOE. Oh wow. Yeah. So there was a lot more people behind the scenes making sure the shit got done. I see. Yeah. Well it's a team effort. you Yeah, it is. But in the movie, the team's smaller and more. Yeah, well, and once again, it it's it makes for a better movie. Because you've got 1000 people on screen, you're just like, I don't know who's who. I've actually raised my my joint rating up.
since I'm watching it again. Right? And that's what, that's the beauty of this. Like you can't judge it on the first reaction. You gotta watch it on the second, which, even though range 15 was perfect for what it was, but. Range 15, I enjoyed, I had to let go of a lot of my... Well, you had to take it for a silly movie. Yes. It's a silly movie, it's a silly movie.
It's not something, Range 15 is one of those movies that brought me back to the bomb though. Yeah. The humor. Yeah. it's It's literally the humor. and And as a military person, you're like, hu I remember a guy like that. I know a guy like that. I remember those jokes. Yeah. Oh, and it's going to load for a second. It is loading for a moment. Brian, you so no no still there? Yeah, he's watching. Oh, okay.
ah I love the the fact that Richardson is knifing everybody and then he stops and grabs an axe to go in the room with like 40 guys in the room. The way he knifes people though is so brutal. so I would not go against this guy with and in an in any fight. Well you know he, Allen Richardson, you know he practiced with the bow and arrow so he could get kind of good at it.
Yeah, so he did he did practice with the bow so he'd make it. Yeah, like he he did make it realistic Yeah, he did. He did his homework on the on the actual dude Fucking dude is just he just took out he just took out like 15 guys with an axe Why isn't he in more movies cuz he's that good of an actor I think yeah you know, I think it is is he's new to the scene Like he hasn't I don't think he's been acting that long first thing I ever saw him was in Blue Mountain State right and then I hadn't seen anything in a while that I saw him in he did so before he did bloom he was in wow I don't see where Blue Mountain State is so his first movie he ever did
So I thought that was pretty cool. So he's on the boat and he's killed all these Nazis. Then, and when I say him, I mean, uh, Phillips, the main character. He's only been acting since 2006.
Yeah, he comes, he comes, he runs into a Nazi sailor that's a kid, like a young, young kid. Yeah, like, you like, light on his, yeah light about his age to get into the military kind of thing. Yeah. The kid's like 15 if he's... So, so the kid jumps off the boat and swims away.
And he's the one that lets the, it's cool, but it kind of fucks him a little bit because that kid you notice later on is the one that lets the, the enlisted men out of their party. I did. Yes, I do notice that. And I was like, still, I know it sucks, but I couldn't kill a kid either, man. Unless the kid was about to kill me in that kind of situation. He's still a Nancy. He's still a Nancy, but he's still a kid. Like.
I have a hard time. I didn't know my ass for my elbow, so I get it. Yeah. Yeah. But at the same time, that that nasty kid could have just tied the kid up. Yeah. Oh, yeah. There's all things. But but I think in that moment, it was like, I don't want to kill a kid.
don't want to be there that know the guy that killed the kid yeah Yeah, but the kid is a true Nazi because he flips and not flips but well he rats them out some sneeze so love this new Yeah i love the dudes authentic you do are you do do you know you know uh you know the the of the the their their helpers the princess guys i love that they speak you do i think it's called you do i don't know i i'm not sure i can't remember it whatever it is it's their native it's an african dire lily they make this fucking costume party look like a raging 20s party right
too the fuel don't a large monster to me cut you up It's winding down to the end now. Yeah, it's getting close. This movie goes a lot faster. Like it's a quick movie. It doesn't feel as long as it is. I'm talking about last night when I watched this initially, they're here toward the end.
Guys, I'm on a new medicine and I take it at night and it really impacts me wanting to sleep. It could some crash. your data Y-O-R-U-B-A is the language. is that Oh, interesting. yeah So this is when the Nazi commander has has heard kind of captured.
Get it, go get it, Pepper. Go get it, Pepper. Go get it. Get the bug. Get the bug. Yeah, this is where she realized, oh, fuck. I'm fucked. But she doesn't freak out. She doesn't know she's been had until she sees the cuffs. She sees those cuffs. She's like, ah, fuck. She got it in her head that this dude was like, oh, he wants to bang.
Yeah, this is when she realized, like you were saying, she lost the battle of wits. Yeah, she lost the battle of wits. Yeah. And she gets lucky that the, the, the club casino and club owner, bar owner saves her. Yeah. That's what I said. As smart as she is, technically he's smarter. Do you want to take another break before we roll? Yeah, let's go ahead. Yes. Let's do another break. I'm gonna pause it.
and I'm going to try to fog it. I'm right now. When the porn shows up, we start giggling like the boys. We're like, yeah, I thought movies. Oh, my flicks. Heat of the block, folks. d We have to have the movie. All right. I was going to run through this real quick. Monday nights, we got men for men caring for men. And I'm starting to hear Connor's getting some mu some guests on there starting here soon.
tuesday night clicks house some music wednesday nights what the fuck news and i think i'm gonna might i might actually be coming up on wednesdays more often but i'm not i'm but i i think i i think i have an idea as a guest as a guest everyone i yeah yeah i'm gonna do like what the facts there's some good pretty cool historical facts that are weird as fuck that i want to share there's one in one one in particular that's like historically known here in kentucky um Thursday nights is Cassius Corner and which is wrestling. Friday nights is nonsense and chill here with Jeff and I and Saturday is flagship show, nonsensical nonsense, open door challenge. Sundays in the early part of the day, we have unnecessary roughness football with Glick and the crew, whoever does football, because sorry guys, I just don't do the sports ball. and then
Yeah. And then Sunday, Sunday, usually we have Jeff's garage. This Sunday won't be ah Jeff's garage, but as far as I know, stay tuned. Yeah. Then again, remember all our links, bio link, backslash, nonsensical nonsense or nonsensical network. Boy, I fuck this shit up all the time. And we also have merch. So please go to nonsensical nonsense.myspreadshot.com and spread us onto you.
And with that being said, let's oh how turn these banners off, guys. Jeff, how are you liking the movie so far? You know, once again, I'm not I'm never mad at the Guy Ritchie movies. I love Guy Ritchie.
Say who gets to make the coffee in your house? Well, you know, more often than not, when it's coffee time in this household, I get to make it. Of course, the fact that my wife lets me make the coffee tells you how amazing instant Maxwell House must be. And believe me, this really is amazing. It's a completely different kind of coffee. Here, take a look for yourself underneath this magnifying glass. Now you can see it's not a powder, not a grind either, but millions of tiny hollow flavor buds of real coffee formed this way to capture and preserve that famous Maxwell House flavor.
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What's more, with this large jar you save money, you know. Up to 75 cents compared to three pounds of ground coffee means that Instant Maxwell House costs you less per cup. So this is Rex Marshall reminding you, no matter who makes the coffee in your house, the secret of coffee that's good to the very last drop is right in this jar with the stars on top. Instant Maxwell House, the amazing coffee discovery.
are um
You make me feel very unwisely, McNaughton. Go barbecue. I still say don't serve your awful coffee with my steaks. Oh, Mrs. Olsen, he's always crabbing about my coffee. I could cry.
Good thing I didn't come empty handed. This'll help. She should make better coffee. Oh, I don't want to wash out. Problem solved. Why is there two coffee commercials in this place? This is weird. What the fuck? Who drinks coffee with steak?
um This is the richest coffee, especially the way Folger's blends it. Make some. Okay? I hope it's not in notices. Honey, you surprised me. Your coffee's terrific. No more complaints? You can make coffee for all my barbecues.
triolder As long as you're real food and coffee. mountain grown for better flavor
Black Label Beer on hand. What a happy thought! Hey, Navel, a great idea, black label. Nothing you good for, good company, Carlene's black label beer. The quality brew at the popular price. Enjoy the best, take our advice. Get Carlene's black label, Carlene's black label beer. Navel's black label, Carlene's black label beer.
That was mostly for you coffee lovers and beer drinkers. no And then the old Texans of color rush. What am I hearing? What is Brian doing? Brian's talking booty football. He's talking football.
So now all the Nazis are coming out because the the the um explosion at the the fuel the fuel area exploded. Yes, yes. and And this is where that little kid that was, he should be fucking grateful. So, you know, we didn't point out that during the night when everybody was partying, they locked the doors.
like from the outsides or they couldn't get out. So, and yes, that kid Nazi that Phillips let go ends up going back in letting all the the Nazis out because he's a little brick. Maybe he should have been shot. um so I'm just saying.
Here's the thing, like, okay, so in IRL, they weren't caught taking the boats at this time. Like, they got away scot-free. Like, they weren't found out yet. Like, this whole gunfight wasn't really a threat. It never happened. But once again, the problem I have with this... For the movie. For the movie. But once again, the problem I have with this fight is Carvel is standing there just in the line of fire shooting and he'd never get shot. and But there's like 70, 80 guys shooting at him. Well, this is what Clark Kent did. He still didn't reveal that Superman was a thing. So I mean, he's like, I'm still playing Superman in all my movies. You can't shoot me.
yeah and get that bug pepper There's this little stink bug crawling crawling across the wall because they're everywhere in this state. And my dog Pepper is just staring at it like, I'm going to get that little fucker.
um oh
But yeah, this fight, I mean, don't be wrong, it's kind of a amazing. So okay, he gets shot in the arm, Hazy does. I think that's Haze. He was the same guy that was on the turret yeah earlier. He gets shot in the arm, but later on when they get back and you know Churchill's giving them a pardon, quote unquote, right um his fucking arm is fine. Yeah.
Well, it it was it was supposedly four weeks later, but if you get shot in the arm in four weeks, you are not your arm still in a sling. Yeah, you're you're still paid. That's that's like one of the things I meant by these characters were written to be fucking invincible. There's like, yeah, like they're a yeah even though The real people ended up dying within like a couple of years, some ah only like five months or six months after the fact of this operation, because there were other operations. These characters specifically in this movie written, the written the way they were are bad ass fucking like legendary status, like Paul Bunyan type fucking legends. Yeah. This way it was written to be a, to be a modern legend story of a World War II operation.
Right. Yeah. Dude, one of the things that us humans do the best is tell stories. Agreed. Let me do it well. Brian, I did mute you if you're not aware. Sorry, I'm working on something here for the end. i Oh, no, i was just letting I was just letting Brian know that I muted him. So he can unmute himself when he wants to come back. Yeah.
I just I forgot to I'm updating our ratings on our spreadsheet. So okay, while we're doing it. i I haven't looked at that spreadsheet like a week man. I'm bad at that. That's okay. I got it updated. It's like my ship is gone.
So the ships are gone. The Nazis are fucking arguing with the Italian fascists. Right. And then the Nazi commander just shoots them. Yeah, he's they're bitching about it. They're like, what are we going to do about this? And he's like, and he even he warns them, though, he does say, you guys need to learn what to shut the fuck up. And then they keep talking and he shoots them. So, yeah you know,
I wish I could do that. I tell somebody they need to watch what they say and then shoot them when they keep talking. Yeah, that yeah, the boat, those bombs that were on the SS boats just now blew up on a quarter turn. Yeah, it's been a good half hour. 45 minutes. So he takes yeah he takes out the whatever whatever ships can go after them. They they ripe down they they took those out. um He's still wearing a Nazi hat. Because you have, you have what, three boats being tugged?
Three boats plus their boat. Yeah. So, I mean, it's not like they can get away fast. So they yeah they do what they can to slow the enemy down. Right. Now, this is where she gets her ultimate. Fuck you. Yeah. by no She kind of flashes in a little bit of thigh. I'm not mad at it. She does. She does. Why wouldn't you be mad at it?
Oh no, check this out. like Watch your screen. She's got a gun hidden in her holster and her garter belt. yeah And she's all flirty with him. And he's he's mildly distracted by it, but he's basically saying, I'm smarter than you. She's like, you're not smart enough to fucking search me. He's like, your pussy ain't that golden.
I mean, it probably is, though. that I ain't mad. I got objectifying. Sorry. Not really. It's funny. And she pulls a gun again. A little derringer out, man. Right in the fucking head. And he just stands there for a second. Boom. That's a hell of a shot yeah from the quote unquote, from the hill. That's when the bar owner kind forgot it's a yeah comes up rescues her and drives off.
coming i heron like have that must hurt Like they added her to the story for like, you know, it helps the distraction. Yeah. No, and and and i'm I'm okay with that. And she's an excellent actress and she does technically married, uh, Yeah. Gus Phillips. Yeah. I'm starting to remember their names now. And you know, this is this is the the weird part. They're waiting on the actress and and the bar owner because she technically is her character was an actress. She actually did a couple of movies too. I'm gonna go look them up. Um and
They see the boat coming and they're like, and Cavill's the only one like, no, don't shoot yet. Don't shoot yet. I had to blow that boat out of the water but because you couldn't tell it was them. It just looked like a boat coming. So this part, this part is technically real. Right. They turned it over to the, to the British fleet.
And then there are no prisoners because and like bretin yeah this really didn't happen. This really didn't happen. like okay yeah The part that didn't happen was the fact that what they did was fine. It was already approved. They didn't actually get arrested. Right.
but he like scene like bri arrest them see seems like this, the makeup doesn't look like makeup, looks like it looks like or looks altered somehow. I see what you're saying. yeah it looks It does look like like somebody photoshopped the shit out. When it comes to like the editing photo and film, like that's my only real hiccup is how they did Churchill.
It just seemed like it was CGI and it didn't work. Well, if the lighting was off or something. I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. a I bought his head. What's up, b Brian? Hey, I know like if you look at that. mean it or cg churchill church of does look weird I'm just saying,
I think this Admiral arresting them is more his feelings were hurt when a dude told him to fuck off. Yeah. He was told to fuck off and then the mission was successful. And now he's quite looks like an asshole. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So he's getting them back and everybody in in the original in in IRL Apple yard did not make it off the island. No, it wasn't it was lipid the pulled or whatever the guy that the black guy's supposed to be playing was actually another dude, but as part of SOE No, not the prince. Anyway, I was part of the SOE the original guy That they didn't really depict in here all that well. Um, He didn't make it off island. There was one person that didn't make it off and he stayed there. He was questioned by the Spaniards and the Nazis and because they thought maybe he said it set up the parties as a distraction. Well.
They decided they believed him, but they wouldn't let him leave the island. But what he ended up doing is taking the canoe and escaping. And when he escaped, yeah, he escaped, caught back up with the SOE, went on another operation, in the and ended up dying. So this is Glasshouse Military Prison, four weeks later. And therere I love the dude yelling, and then Cavill's like, you don't have to yell, we're in the same room.
See, he doesn't even look like he was shot. Yeah. And why is she there? I get it. She was arrested too, but why did she be in the same prison? Because she was true, female. They wouldn't put the female with the male prisoners. No. But this this whole part is total fiction anyway. Yeah. And Churchill doesn't even take off his bowler hat. Still smoking. I love it. a co That's the only way you did a picture chill, man. isn't Right? arm But this is the first time you see him with a cane in this movie. no cost though but there The lighting looks weird, man. Yeah, it's almost like like he was CGI'd into their background, like he wasn't on set.
Yeah, yeah like like it's it's two films overlaid over top of each other to make it look like he's there because he looks bigger than richardson taller Maybe it's the hat because it looks fine there where he's just Staring at the camera and the cattle staring at him. But when you see him In the same shot together it looks weird They get lobster You fucking meet mincemeat pie. It's pies and lobster. Yes. He brings them a meal boy. They brought so they're brought into the prison handcuff thinking that they're going to be executed eventually or whatnot. Turns out everything's fine. They're heroes now basically, but they're like special ops. Yeah. Now they're like some special tactical force. Yeah.
The only thing that upsets me is you don't see them tearing into that food because they had four weeks of prison food. They're staring at it though, at least a couple of them. Yeah, they are. Okay, we get it. That dude is, the frog man was licking his lips practically. He was like, I'm gonna fuckin' turn into that fuckin' lobster like you read about, son. He was like... I couldn't tell what was in the basket. Was that two more mince pies?
guys get you picking is your
and that goes into the backstory if you want to read these out or we can leave it off So now I'm going to see your posse to fuck it up, but it goes through each actual person shows them the real, the real picture, real photo, their awards. Yeah. Kind of like a portrait. Where are they now? Kind of thing. Yeah. Yeah. I love, I love that. You know, this guy, in Apple yard was presented with receiving multiple work in the last, in myable missions. And, and, and, and.
the king was like you again. I love that. Now that's um that's harem or Hayes. Hayes. He never that's the one that ended up getting executed. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He did escape but he never broke. This was the guy that uh Allen Richardson played. Okay. Yeah. Captain. He promoted the captain. Uh-huh. Not long after.
They're all highly decorated soldiers. oh yeah Marjorie Stewart, she was the one that, what's her face play? Yeah. Well, obviously she's the only female in the movie. went on is she She ended up becoming a movie star is yeah herself. There's three films there that she was in. It's interesting. not None of them I've seen, but but and I think that's it.
yeah hey absolutely
I'm to end the Zoom because we don't need that no more. um so
Brian, we we we have a rating system we do out of 10, and we can do 0.5s if you wish. Being that you're the guest, 10 being the best thing you've ever seen, one being the biggest piece of dog shit in the history of the planet, where do you rank this out of 10? I give it an eight. An eight. So b Brian's given it eight Blaze and Jayce.
and and and and the and the reason when And the reason why I say is because like A, i mean Guy Ritchie does his homework, B, the cast was great, C, and then overall like the story, even though I have not seen it in in its whole entirety other than what I'm seeing so far, I enjoy it. I like movie styles like that, like ah like The Man from Uncle. Right?
Yeah. So I do like that. Um, so yeah, I, I do look the whole overall of the story is good. I like it overall. Yeah. Um, Jeff, what about you, man? Well, I, well, me, I, you know, so previously my show, I go last. Okay. Well, previously I did seven point five. I gave range 15 and ah eight point five, but this, I really enjoyed this. I'm giving this a nine.
nine okay going big go but Yeah, but I mean I I want to see it all in this full entirety but from what I see so far first impression I give it a eight Right. It's a you know, like I said and Brian you kind of hit the nail on the head there the casting's great ah alan richardson I would not want to run into in a dark alley because he would fucking kill me say they were cattle cail cail Yeah, but Cavill, I could distract with some like Dungeons and Dragons dice. He'd be like, whoa. Because he was kind of a nerd. He is. he yes so Yeah, I saw the club where he built his own computer. what But he's got that badass mustache.
um um I love there the guy that plays Churchill. I think he did. You know, he's got Churchill's mannerisms down. ah Once again, if I ever get a chance to play a character in a movie, I want to play Churchill so I can smoke the entire thing. ah Oh, dude, like when I went to the Churchill Museum, the underground bunker, because they converted to the museum, dude,
there's so much stuff on him. I'm just said i like, I felt like I was being lied to. I'm like, whoa, how come this isn't in him the history book? I mean, give it Jeff, an eight. I give it a night i gave it at a i gave it a and up nine. Nine. It's your show.
his my around um I'm be harsh. So yeah you said you had the inaccuracy. Yeah, so the aesthetics are great. The writing was pretty good. um the the casting like The casting was great. there was a lot like Every one of those characters for what they did in that movie, the entertainment value there was 100%. Because I did the thing and went down the real life tunnel after I watched the movie and figured out what was inaccurate about it,
it did ruin it for me. So I was originally gonna say a five. Then I watched it again tonight. And I don't know, just parts of it, just like, okay, that was just fun to watch. Like entertainment value. Because I know it's a Hollywood movie and it's been embellished. I'm gonna go ahead and up it to a seven. I'm gonna give it a seven. I was originally going to go for it. It's kind of on par. You gave Furiosa a 7.5.
i did um we if We both detracted from for late on that one. I have the ratings from... ah here Previously, ah we did not do the IMDB rating only because I didn't know it was there until I found it today. Furioso was 7.5 from IMDB. Range 15 was a 4. And this was a 6.8.
I don't know why they got me. Wow. As for rotten tomatoes, rotten tomatoes. Why? Man, I'm pretty on par with fucking mainstream shit. Yes, you are. You are. I might need to rethink how I'm doing. Well, here's where I'm kind of weirded out. So rotten tomatoes has three different ratings, technically.
They have the popcorn meter that does a percentage and then a ah five, one out of, one out of, or one to five. Furiosa, they did a 4.5. Range 15, they did a 4.5. And this, they did a 5.7. Oh, wow. Wow. Whoa. Right. So it, you know, like or sorry, 4.7. 4.7. I mean, I'm not surprised about range 15. I only gave that high scores because of nostalgia value to it.
But wow. um As for the tomato meter, they get they they do out of 10 like we do. They gave Furios an eight. They didn't give range 15 a rating. And this got a 5.7.
Wow. Right? I was kind of like, wow. Now the the tomato meter is is done by participation. So it is not the rating of raw tomatoes. It is the rating of people that actually write in and leave comments. I see what you mean. But the popcorn meter also does a percentage. ah And it's ah percentage out of 100. Furios was 89. Range 15 was an 83. And this was a 93. I would say out of the, the first three movies we've done, I would say like, okay, realistically putting a nostalgia aside, I would say this was me personally, I like this better than range 15 when it comes to entertainment value. Okay.
not better than Furios. Well, I'm going to disagree with you. I think as much as I love Furiosa and you know, I can watch Aunty and Taylor Joy read a book. I did love this movie. I think this is better than Furiosa. All right. Range 15 is one of those movies like but like we said when we watched Range 15. You can't compare it to other movies. This movie, it that movie is a movie for the guys to sit around and laugh our asses off while we watch it. I'm not gonna watch it by myself. I'm gonna watch it with a group. So range 15, range 15, it's target audiences, people like you and I, veterans, it really is, or active duty or people that are are familiar with natural sense of humor. Or military sense of humor, just different types of humor. Let's give credit where credit's due.
Well, we are going to go ahead and start ah you know wrapping this up. I know. Man, two yeah and a half hours. This one went really fast. It did. it is It's a fun movie to watch. It really is. That's the beauty of this movie. Furiosa Bell.
Long long. Oh my yeah, that's a bunch of slow buts and it felt even longer for blaze and I because we did edit it after That four hours for each section. Yes Do second we did and we know we needed it for eight hours three four different times Oh, yeah one week to the point where where as much as I love Anya Taylor joy I can't watch Ferriosa no more because we ruined it for ourselves. I don't want to watch that movie yes I'm not mad. I might actually watch this again. I Um, I'm not, I'm not as hurt by it as I as sure about of the have to rewatch it multiple times. Yeah. Um, so Brian, do you have anything you want to, uh, uh, it was good. Um, I'm going to check out the movie and it's full entirety. Um, you know, appreciate you guys inviting me on.
Yeah, now it's a um every yeah not mean that one a never yeah now that now that I'm home for a few days, it's like I have to catch up on everybody. Right? Because already already like the invites are the invites are being sent. And I'm like, OK, give me a second. That reminds me, um for anybody that wants to see this movie, you can watch it on Prime. Blaze, you said it's it's six bucks.
yeah watch it on brian with that Yeah. There are other ways to watch a movie. For oddly enough, it's free for me here. hu It didn't cost me a dime to watch it. All right. But that's a they that's a region thing. like obviously true I'm sure there's conspiracy theory to to to explain that. Yeah, but I get a lot of Bollywood movies that I will never watch. So there's that.
We will have this discussion. you know what this I think this is a good good discussion for another night when it comes to streaming movies from different countries. There's Korean, there's Bollywood like you said, there's Italian movies. I would like to have this discussion, just not right now. I think this is understood.
yeah um Jeff, any final words? ah I think everybody should go out and see this movie. I do too. I agree. I think anybody who does watch this movie, I think it's also a good idea to look in the actual role of Operation Postmaster. The historical accuracy of it. I would wait until after you see the movie to do it.
Exactly, yes. And that's exactly the way I did it, because I wanted to watch the movie unfiltered. And then I looked into, but they didn't really, I guess for me, because. Before you looked up the original story, were you disappointed in the movie?
No, no. But after you looked it up, you're like, this is all bullshit. I still I but it like I love the movie. I wasn't, I wasn't. But I know it's it's for for for me, it's a pet peeve when it comes to movies that depict real list or real world or historical military operations. And but it is a Guy Ritchie movie. And I know the way he does this stuff is Very embellished in Hollywood magic and that's that's great Stories are supposed to be that way So that's why I don't want to get too harsh. That's why I upped it to seven I was originally gonna do a five
It is harsh. It is harsh. Especially for a Guy Ritchie movie. Yeah. I agree. Once again, nobody can name me a bad Guy Ritchie movie. I love them all. One of my favorite Guy Ritchie movies is The Gentlemen. I love that movie. I think sometimes when you watch a movie, it depends on how you watch it. Not just if you're sitting on a couch or in a movie theater, but who you're with, I think, were the moods you're in.
yeah yeah Yeah, yeah, so I mean I was a little bit more harsh last time maybe in a critical view last time I watched it but all in all I give it a 7 Jeff gives it 9 9 9 gives it in a 8 I think I think average would be an 8 thing that sounds about on par for Yeah, you know out of 10 I You know, like I said, with the popcorn meter, you know, it is, it is considered a popcorn movie that, you know, 93% out of a hundred. That is huge praise. Uh, and you know, it's not the, the, the, the, the killing is not gory. Like you can watch this with the kids. You're right. It's not, it's definitely, a trip out but it's not yeah you're right. It's not gory.
Yeah, it's not like but that's like, whoa. See that's that's the thing about Guy Ritchie like he'll have like kill scenes and all that but when it comes to like The bloody gore disgusting aspect of it He doesn't really have that in like like when the Nazi commander got shot there at the end It could have been you couldve ball right in the head. It was a stream of blood and then boom he falls. That was it and but Guy Ritchie, I think he relies more on the dialogue for his movies. He doesn't he does the action
Like he's not like, thank God. He dialogue and this you know the cinematography is his yeah huge thing. Yes, he does do explosions, but he doesn't do Michael Bay explosions. Had he done a Michael Bay explosion, the whole entire your fucking city would have been leveled. Yeah, it was a transformer and thousands of gasoline explosion. So. ah So unlike a lot of the other shows on the network, once I hit the end stream, that is it. It'll roll the credits and we're done, baby. We do not come back after the credits. Right. Right. So Brian, what are you going to say to the people as we leave? Guys, check it out. um Check out the movies and then, yeah, you know, hop up here on Fridays and, you know, have fun. oh Honest takes. yeah Jeff, before before I hit end stream, you got anything?
um see at the movies. See at the movies. Fuck yes. Next week is going to be Terrifier one or two. I haven't decided. Oh, Terrifier three is already out. I have not seen I have not seen I have not seen Terrifier one or two.
video has been brought to you by the nonsense good network Well, we tried. Good job, dickhead. Sweet.