Glcik's House of Music: Katrina Bree image

Glcik's House of Music: Katrina Bree

Nonsensical Network
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Glick welcomed the charismatic Katrina Bree to the house of Music we talked about her music, moving to Vega from L.A. road rage food and so much more

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Um, we are here on Glick's house of music tonight. And as always, we got a kick-ass musician in the building. We have miss Katrina Brie hanging out with us. And I gotta say right as she comes up, fantastic cover. and that was a good one i like that one and ah And a brave cover because that's not, and I wouldn't imagine that's an easy song to do. I mean,
Well, and yeah, no, no, no. And then after, well, well what was crazy about it is this um specific venue, it's where all the the cool, like all the cool cats, like all the musicians that are big bigger time in Vegas, they all chill there. It's like the hang. So ah I chose to have this crazy wild set list, like heart. I had heart. i had um ah scorpions and like no one you know, no one like you I had all these like piece of my heart by janice and so by the time I got to that song which I really love that song because it's kind of like how my music is my original is like a little soul a little rock little blues and so by the time I got to that song it just was like Yeah, it was uh, I was nervous, you know, I probably could have sang it better in hindsight But you know, we delivered we delivered
Yeah, yeah, it's it's definitely not a great job with the light up of songs that you just that you just rattled off. I mean, you were not holding back any punches in that show. you You weren't afraid to go for it. Just say the hell of it was. sure Yeah, my band was like, yeah. Yeah, no, you did an amazing job on it. Yeah, thank you.
Um, but yeah, sorry, I just brought that in. How are you doing tonight? How's that? How things are things going out there? And you're out in Vegas, correct? Yeah, yep, we're out here in Vegas. I've lived here like two and a half years. I love it. It's a great, it's a great city. All the sports, you know, um happening over here and I'm the house singer for the, for the, the aviators, the baseball team out here. um So hopefully when we get the A's, I'll be able to sing. But yeah, just a lot, there's always a lot going on in Vegas, you know, there's never, it's very difficult.
Let me put it this way. It's very difficult if you're trying to be you know good and not not have any type of like party lifestyle because like it's a lot for everybody. But yeah, I guess it's great. I love it. Yeah. it was good are you are you ah Are you a big sports fan or are you just digging the scene? Well, I am for like music and all of that, of course, um because ah like the Raiders have a house band out here that play during their their games you know so there's like a lot of um as far as like entertainment and how they intertwine everything is kind of in the same realm i would say like you could go to a game and you're gonna see some musicians or you know you can go out to eat and you're most likely gonna see a musician somewhere like on your way there you know it's like playing so yeah it's just um it's an entertainment town so but yeah i do like sports i was gonna wear my yankees cap but i was afraid everyone was gonna
since I'm from L.A. Rizali, take to the that shit off.
i might I might have, not to the part. I might have. i have a I can't get the TV to click. Who is um who's your team?
i'm ah I'm actually, I'm kind of embarrassed to say in the last couple of years, I'm a big Reds fan. So I would have probably yelled at you for having Yankees gear. Take it off. I know people who are aren't into it. The Yankees fans get it the worst, man. People are like, and I could wear literally any other hat. But as soon as I wear the Yankee cap, people are like either, oh, you're from New York or you like the Yankees or You know, me too, or it's like any other teams, like take it off. But you know, they're getting close to the World Series. So we'll see. That would be cool if it was the Dodgers and the Yankees.
Are you still there? I think we have a glitch.
You're back. I apologize. I left you hanging. I apologize for that. I was right in the middle. My internet is, it's giving me fits tonight and we're currently in the process of fixing that. So I was like, let me jump on my phone here real quick. And I apologize for that. Uh, it never fails every, every time. Uh, I have a guest. It's like, Hey, let's, let's decide to crap out on you right at, right at the very beginning. So so I do apologize.
um But yeah, ah being at beingnna i was saying being born in Ohio, I'm i'm both a Reds and Indians fan. The great thing about it is once American League, once a National League.
so okay yeah yeah ah they you know Potentially, the downfall is neither one of them are good at the same time, but potentially we could ah have an Ohio World Series. but Potentially, that's the keywor potentially ah but yeah, like I said, the the biggest downfall is neither one of them are good at the same time. So ah yeah, but I seen and you brought it up before I had a chance to you said you're the house singer for the aviators. That's the minor league team there.
ah What is it? Was that like you do the national anthem or do you perform there regularly and just kind of do like the seven and instruction stuff like that?
Yeah, so I think for the, um like the VIPs, ah they they have a clubhouse, you know, where there's people on the start. Oh, I'm sorry, but not owned, but rent the suites. They're really gorgeous suites. It's kind of a newer field. I don't remember exactly the date or the year that it was made, but it's pretty new and they do a lot of events there. um And so I think for their like clubhouse,
VIP kind of guests. I do like private events. I've done their sponsors stuff. And I do sing the anthem once once a season. Oh, nice. so It's really cool. Nice. i that I wouldn't be mad at it. That's it. That would be a really cool gig, especially if you're if you're into the if you're into sports, that would be a sweet gig.
it's it's It's an hour and something minutes. They take care of me and they're they they really, you know, it's cool. I go and hang ah hang out with the you know the corporate team and everybody's just super nice. And I made a lot of good friends there. So all of those people are really into sports. So, you know, when you're going out, then all bit they're into sports, you know, and then like a couple of my girlfriends, you know, they do like the ticketing. And so they're really into like the fantasy football. They made me do it. I'm like, I was the last one. I was like, do I have to?
Because I'm just, I mean, I don't, all I really do is music, you know? So there's not a lot of time for other things, but yeah, I like sport. I like, I definitely, and you know, Vegas, it's like a huge thing with the sport. So like everybody will go to one place for, to watch a game over here. I live in an area called Summerland. um So it's by the Red Rock Canyon. Yeah. So I don't live like near the strip necessarily. I live like 20 minutes away, 30 minutes, but yeah, sports are a big deal out here.
I was going to say, yeah, the last couple of years, they're, they're really, uh, they're coming on strong with, with, uh, with, uh, with, with, with everybody and, and, and, and everything. I mean, got the football team, got the hockey team, the A's are, the A's are are moving there. yeah And, um, I know they've been talking for the last couple of years that they want to.
revive the Seattle Supersonics to move the Supersonics to Vegas and have a basketball team there. So I mean, and's it's it's hard about get it's yeah it's hard not to get wrapped up into the into the whole inner workings and want to be involved. you know I mean, shoot, if I had the four majors in my backyard, I'd be a half. I mean, i I do kind of sort of.
call one yeah Cleveland's two hours away. Cincinnati's two hours away. And then I i work down where the right across the street from where the Columbus Blue Jackets play hockey. So I mean, um okay we got a little bit of everything here, but not all.
kind of centralized and in one area. and I'm a big sports fan. I love it all. So ah it's funny you said that your friends made you do the fantasy football. I made my my fiance ah get into my league because we were down a member and I was like, I'll help you. At the end of the day, I'll help you. I'm gonna help you. We're on the same team. yeah She's like, I only like the Pittsburgh Steelers. And that's about all I know. like Don't worry, we'll help you. Being in Vegas, so i mean I was listening to your social media, you kind of and to get to do a little bit of everything. I do want to ask you, how cool was the Mob, what is it, the Mob Museum? or yeah You performed there a while back. How cool was that?
Hey, you know what? I'm half Italian, so I'm all about it. It's really cool because um I have been singing there for... a while like actually it's a newer gig for me but the underground is the speakeasy um you have to go down and it's like a very serious like you have to know the code and all this stuff it's really really cool but i got a private tour of the mob museum and um i keep messing with my hair because i got a new hat today and i'm like i should have wore this to see how it looked before i wore it on a filming session yeah so um
They were basically, um they they gave me a private tour um of the of the museum finally. And it's really cool. They have the old courthouse where they used to get all these people, um keep all the mobsters and try them and all that. So I feel like the speakeasy, I'm not sure, don't quote me, but I feel like the speakeasy is like the, um where they kept the prisoners or something. I don't know. That's just what I like. I like something, but it's, it's awesome there. If you, if you get a chance to go, how do you been to, how many times have you been to Vegas? I have, it is on my bucket list. I have never been there. Uh, I have a friend of mine who, uh, who is there all the time. He lives down in Texas. I have a huge fear of flying, so that kind of works against me. Yeah. So, um, but I would love to get out there. I'm hoping, um,
I'm hoping here in the next two to three years, maybe, i want I want to get out there, but. You got to, you'd love it. I don't even want to, yeah, I don't even want to come out to gamble. I just want to come out for everything else. I want to come out and catch, I want to catch some sports. I want to go to the spear. I want to, I want to eat. You know, I want to, I want to check out some of the historical stuff. I'll gamble a little bit and and I want to check out the music scene there. um um Yeah, it's pretty good.
One of the guys I just interviewed a couple of weeks ago, he was he was out there for a week, and then he was just out there again for another week performing. I can't remember where he was. um oh he was He was playing out here? Yeah, he was playing out there. he He was out there. Nice. So I can't remember where he was, though. I'd have to look at his social media. Yeah, we're all so close. Yeah.
I'm sure he played with somebody that I know or somebody that's in one of my bands. or you know what where all All the musicians are so tight over here. It's kind of insane. um So it's a good thing and a bad thing because if you get a bad name, everybody knows. But if you have a good name, then everyone knows too and you get other opportunities. so you know he's gotta you know it's it's ah It's a lot about how you treat people out here. That's that's what I like about it. but we're so Everybody knows each other. it's kind of insane ah how connected everybody is. Once you're in like a certain group of musicians, it's like that.
Yeah, know it almost, I mean, and not not in a bad way. I know it kind of comes kind of comes sounds bad, but it's not. In a way, it's it almost becomes incestual. Everybody knows everybody. Everybody's probably, where I know, it sounds bad, but it's not bad. But the funny thing about what you just said is one of my, so I have a female bass player. and She's really great. I'm not going to say her name just because I don't know if she would be. but Um, she said the same thing. She said is we were talking about We were talking about, you know, how musicians, who hooks up with who and how I don't like, personally don't like to date people I work with. But it's hard because there's so many hot, like hot male musicians out here. um But she was saying the same thing. She's like, yeah, that's actually smart because she's been out here for a while. um And she's an incredible bass player. She's just amazing. But yeah, she was like, she mentors me a little bit. So she's like, yeah, it's probably better that way. Yeah.
ah Yeah, no, it is. It's gotta it's gotta be tough and you know, especially I mean, at the end of the day, there's a lot of attractive people in Vegas, yeah you know, and it it's hard not to interact with whether be another musician or some form of entertainer because there's a lot of different things going on. It's kind of like Nashville. You know, everybody is doing something, you know, except I think we get paid better. I think Vegas musicians get paid.
paid more because there's so many shows and um I was just talking to a friend about he went to Austin for this. But it seemed like a festival but Dua Lipa was there so I thought that was kind of weird because you know she's a bigger artist so I was wondering what tour it was but I don't know. um And he was saying the same thing he's like I don't think the musicians get get paid a lot out you know like they you know, it's out here in Vegas, we do so, you know, it's nice that we can all have like, we we don't have a lot of us don't have side hustles and not that there's anything to that but we don't we don't have to because we, you know, we make a living and actually, the ones that you really want the musicians a lot of times, that you know, they're just doing it for helping you out, if they believe in you, they're going to try to make a way to do it for you, right? Like, yeah, my band really like tries to come through for me and like, do the most they can. um But
Yeah. Like they're all working all the time. That's almost like the downfall, but it's also a good thing. You know, as a, as a musician, it's like you, you want your people to, you want all the musicians to make money, but it's hard to say yeah get some of them done. Yeah. At the end of the day, if you're making money, you're making money and you're doing what you enjoy to do, you know? some Yeah. And some, like some of the, it's crazy too, because a lot of these,
Musicians like some that I play with they play for other like big artists when they're in town. It's just like insane um To think that you're playing with somebody that way, you know, I get a little gassed up about that i yeah that i' would be That'd be cool, you know they They were just they were just playing with you know, Jason Aldean or something like that the few days before they're on stage with you or something I think I actually seriously might know somebody who did play with him that is hilarious yeah so you know what I mean it's just kind of like yeah it's cool though it's cool it's ah it's it's such a great environment I mean I moved here from LA and ah like about two and a half years ago I think I was telling you that earlier
yeah But the thing that's cool out here is like if people say they'll help you, they will. like If they believe in you, they'll help you out. And you don't really find that in a lot of different places, not just l LA. I mean, I love LA. I have great friends there and great musician friends there. But you know this city, I feel like, embraced me. So I you know it's like i haven't had to push, like, hey, I'm You know, talented or this and that. And it's just kind of like, if you work hard and you're a good person, people will help you out here. So that's kind of nice. That's, that's nice. It sounds, I was going to ask you where you're from. Cause I was curious, like I was waiting for you to be like, Oh, I'm from.
Oh, don't Milwaukee, you know, Wisconsin or something like that. Many moved to Vegas and it was like a huge massive a change. Yeah. but It doesn't, you know, Vegas, ah Los Angeles doesn't seem like it's too much of a difference ah no with everything going on. ah Do you, do you like Vegas better than, than LA? I hear California is not like the easiest place in the world to live these days. yeah yeah I was going to say something like, you try to get me to talk about politics, I'm not even famous yet. No, I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. Yeah, I love Vegas. Like I said, it's hard to not love a city that has so much entertainment. Everybody, as soon as you start missing... In fact, I don't feel like I miss any of my friends because there's always somebody that's coming in to visit.
know There's always somebody visiting or hey, are you gonna be there? Which is cool because I get to play for a lot of my friends that like didn't even really hadn't really heard me like Really heard me sing live a lot of family and it's cool like people make trips out of it And I think it's awesome. So yeah, yeah but you know it gets a little wild Thanks. How long have you been singing? I've been singing my whole life really ah but I um like like professionally, like making money off of it and gigs. Um, I want to say two years. Okay. So when you came to Vegas, did you, did you move to Vegas strictly for the, for the music or was, was it, were you just going just to get, get out of town? Yeah, I got, I got really, I got really sick of LA. Um, and you know, I,
I got sick of it. A lot of people were moving, leaving anyway, but I think it was more like I just was really unhappy with how things were going in the city. And I lived, you know, I literally lived in um midtown. So I lived like, you know, Jason to West Hollywood. I've lived in West Hollywood too, but they, I don't know, it's just, you start to get like jaded about it. And then I'm like, why am I, you know, I didn't really move here for music. um It just kind of happened. And I think that those are the cool things when you kind of know what you're
You know what I mean? What you, what you're meant to do. And yeah, I think, I think, I think it was meant to be, I really do. So, um, but I live in a great part of town. They call, you know, they call this LA of the, uh, where I live, um, I'm like, great, ah great, except with better roads and no in state income tax. So yeah, we go on there there you go. Hey, you got yeah you get to take the the wins where you can get them at the end of the day. Right.
Yeah. So, you know, it's the city's been good to me and there's a lot of great people here. And, you know, you always have those, those people who, you know, you say that and they're like, Oh yeah, we'll just wait. You know, there's, there's crazy people out here too, or people that are toxic out here. I'm like, well, yeah, that's like any place. Yeah. And it doesn't matter. either that I live in, I live in Ohio and there's toxic people, you know, it's just, it's, it's all about surrounding yourself with the proper people, you know?
yeah and and and yeah we can we can avoid the toxic people. That's not, it's easier said than done in some cases, but yeah, I mean, just avoid the right, you know, the wrong circles and stay in the right, so and it sounds like you are. oh Well, I think if you're doing your thing the way you're supposed to, and I think if you're like a person that respects other people, then it's just,
it's kind of what you draw in or even if you don't you have people to say like hey like let me let me help you out let me protect you like this person is that way and it's not you and it makes you feel better you know yeah thanks that's get my excuse me um have you have you always done a lot of songwriting or or is that something new to you i know your your song that just came out was your is that your first original I know I have I mean released original yes, but I have a I mean I have a ton of um I have songs that i've written um that I really like and that You know, like i'm really good at melodies. So that I would say that's kind of my thing um, but No, I have so many songs and now that it's crazy because now that I released that one which I was kind of like
not sure about how I wanted to release it or I did it independently but I wasn't sure um if I wanted to release it because I wanted a more big band type of feel and I think it may have and so it did it did it came out well um but the whole thing that makes us sound catchy is the melody and so that's what I'm like good at but I kind of almost wish that I had put out like you know like a like ah um an album or an EP with like acoustics. so So, you know, that was like deep, but maybe not so catchy. Cause now what am I going to do ah for that? You you know just do your thing. It's catchy. Yeah. Yeah. You you just, ah you just do whatever feels right to you and you know, the musical hit the musical hit. I mean, if people like it, they ain't got nothing to worry about. Just stay, you know, stay true to yourself at the end of the day. Yeah, for sure.
Well, like I said, the the the new song caught my attention. i was I was just kind of doing my normal scrolling through Instagram. Yeah. How did you find it? I'm curious about that. um Well, i my algorithm on on Instagram is amazing ah because since I started doing this this show in particular um and started following a lot of local or up and coming artists and stuff, that's all my algorithm is.
So I'll just kind of scroll and and i'll I'll be cat-ass scrolling while I'm doing whatever and somebody's voice will catch my ear. and And then I got to scroll back and find it. And that's kind of what happened. Pretty much everybody I've had on here, that's that's how it's happened. I'm scrolling and and your voice caught my ear and I was like, hold on a second.
Let me, let me find that. And then I went and I listened to the song and I was like, wow, I actually, I liked this song. And then of course that I went to YouTube and I was like, okay, she's got it. And one of the covers you did, I would love to see you do a full version of, um, is, uh, uh, Tennessee, uh, she's, I lost my turn of thought now. Tennessee whiskey or not? Yeah. Uh, yeah. Tennessee, Tennessee whiskey.
And like a little like 45 second clip on YouTube. And I would love to hear you do the full version. Yeah, I think I I have a bigger one on um not a bigger one, a longer one on YouTube. I mean, on Instagram.
But it's harder to pull videos from there, you know, because then you can't save them down. But yeah, yeah, I'll put ah upload a full one out. I probably probably already have one that I recorded, but I do it a lot. That's it. It's a very popular song in in Vegas. People like it for as far as the cover stuff. I think it's very popular anywhere. and And again, like I said, it was like I think I i seen that and I was like, oh, man.
Like I want to hear the whole thing because again, you've got it. You've got an amazing voice and that's, and that's another one. It does. Uh, when it comes to artists, for me, it's it's about the voice, um, because if it doesn't click with me, I mean, you can put an absolute killer song out and it's like, yeah. But then you hear somebody else do it. It's like, oh, there it is because yeah it's not weird how it is. Isn't that weird?
Yeah, because i'm I remember when I kind of realized that is I used to sing back when I was with a different agent and I just started. I used to sing at this ah the link promenade. It's like a promenade and so many people walk past. So you see all different like walks of life. um And I never forget that. like I was kind of newer to to it, but I've been singing my whole life. like I would gig in LA, but just not as not as much and not full time.
um So I turn around, right? Cause there's like seats behind me. I turn around and there's like a dude at every bar top, like some literally almost all of them were by themselves waiting for their like plane. They're going to go take off soon, but getting the last drink or something to eat.
Like someone that has Grateful Dead, somebody has like Pantera on their shirt, you know, like all different types of dudes. And i ah I thought that was like strange. And I kind of don't like it when people make a joke like, Oh, well, or it's because you're pretty or because they're whatever they they say, because I'm like, that's not, that's not why. Like they talk to me and they tell me, they're like, yeah, I mean, like, I don't, yeah I'm not usually in the chicks voices. You know, everybody has their preferences. Like, I'm the sound. I'll be honest with you. I'm the same way. I like there's not a lot of yeah artists that that that I really like. I have noticed since I started doing this show, there's a lot of upcoming females, a female singers that i I really love. But I also think because when a lot of you know, you see these girls on like TikTok and and and and YouTube and and Instagram. And then as soon as they blow up, they become
to manufacture. yeah Oh yeah because they don't have the talent I don't think a lot of times. Yeah yeah the new thing is it which drives me crazy and I'm a country music fan but this I'm I'm just as tough as any man and and it's like but I listen to your early stuff and you're so good and now you just sound like garbage you know you sound like the 50 other girls that got famous on TikTok, like stay true to yourself. Yeah, for sure. No, and I get that too. Like, I think um it there's always going to be trends. That's what I think. But I believe that if you're talented enough, like everybody, it's kind of daunting sometimes because you don't, there's some people that want to be famous and that's why they sing.
Yeah, but I think it's different if you don't you're not chasing fame. You're just chasing The opportunities to get to like have a bigger presence right because you're an artist like most artists don't want to keep their Art tucked away in their closet They're gonna go and try to sell it or they're gonna you know Take pictures of it and try to see if anybody would display it so they could get Just recognition for your art, you know, it's like nobody works for free right and it's kind of like But it it is really hard because I think that there's so much, I wanna say pollution. um Like I have a friend, she's on TikTok all the time, like all the time. And I, she's older than me, right? So I always tell her, I'm like, you know, and she loves music, like she's awesome. She's like one of my best friends here. But she, I'm like, you know that that that's not live, right?
And she's like, yeah, yeah, it is. And I'm like, no, it's not. And she's like, yeah, look, she's playing it live. And I'm like, no, no, no, that's a recorded. This girl even went through the trouble of putting in the key ah key piano keys, like noises, a little click because she's playing a little plastic, like, you know, ah hard she went as far as to like, because that part was live. She just overdubbed, like she added a different sound to it. It was just ridiculous. I was like, this is not, but, because you, maybe you do sing that good, but maybe you don't, like, and that's not really live. And you can, as an artist, you can tell that that's not alive, but and nobody else that, you know, doesn't, so I guess, does it matter?
Yeah. Well, but does it really matter? Yeah, yeah it does. ah You know, cause I, that's, that's the thing. I agree with you. You know, the people that are out there that are truly doing it because they, they, you know, love the, love the art, love, love the music. I think for me personally, I enjoy them as artists more than somebody you can tell that, Oh, I just want to, I just want to make a million dollars and you know, like, okay, well you can still make that million dollars.
and still put out good music and and still be a good artist. You don't have to do what everybody else is doing because that as ah as a fan, that turns me off quick. And artists who will do covers and try to sound just like the original performer, like just be yourself. Like, ah you know, yeah it's not interesting. Yeah. um I have a buddy of mine who's a musician and And he he did a cover. He does everything, but he did a cover of Teddy swim song lose control. I love that one. And and he did an amazing job. It was more of a, of a rock sound. And then I had a valor on here a couple of weeks ago, who's, who's out there playing in Vegas. And he did a cover of it and it was more country. And I was like.
ah These two the I personally like your guys's versions better and nothing against Teddy because Teddy's an amazing musician, right? But I personally I like your guys's covers better than than I like there's Yeah, it's crazy Chaka asking that in the chat. I see you there brother ah Who are your earliest influences growing up? Oh My gosh, um well, i yeah My dad played a bunch of 80s music when I was young. So like by the time I was you know a teenager or like kind of old enough to like have my own taste, I really loved, so I like really, really loved those like scents.
um that like kind of Billie Eilish is using now, which is funny because I had already made a song like that and I'm like, is this too, you know, you know yeah. So, I mean, it was a little like, eight it felt a little eighties because it was like contemporary, but we did, you know, I don't know, it was synthy a little bit, but not over overly. um But I loved like all, it's going to be funny because obviously everyone's going to make fun of me, but Christina Aguilera because she was the one that had the most vocal power and she was still a pop star where you know right next to like Britney Spears and who wasn't I wouldn't say a powerhouse like vocalist um and and you know like
Yeah, Justin Timberlake. But they were in my face, right? Because I but i was a 90s kid. So um i kind you kind of had to listen to it. I mean, that's just what they kind of like marketed to us. But um i like I love Shopicon. I didn't really care for um Fleetwood Mac when I was younger. But my mom's like, you you should sing you know at karaoke or whatever when I was a kid. You should sing.
Stevie Nicks. And I'm like, I'm not singing Stevie Nicks, it's so old for me. And it's so crazy that now everybody, as soon as I sing Dreams, everybody like turns, right? Like if I sing any Stevie Nicks, because I have a raspy voice, you know, so. yeah Yeah, it's good. I mean, I've had a lot of a lot of influences. To be honest with you, a lot of hip hop. um I like the I like the hip hop that would use um sample very old songs like the common words and like sample the real and I think that's what I really loved. And I love because back then that was a kind of newer thing. I think Kanye ended up like, you know, that's astro is in so good. at yeah
yeah So yeah, there's a there were there but um eighty I would say a lot of 80s and 70s, because my dad would just, I mean, you could never call my dad and he's not i like, hold on one second and turn down the music, you know? And I i actually actually wrote this, my song, my dad passed in February and I wrote this song about him because we were like best friends and I felt like, and he was just a cool dude. I mean, my dad was like, I've never met a man Like anybody everybody liked my dad. like My dad was so charismatic and handsome and he was like, just like sharp, funny. like you know And I get that from him. And so sometimes I look in the mirror and I see him and it like it's like, how do I, when I was first grieving him, you know how do I get past this or how do I... yeah
So I kind of wrote that about him, so because he was such a musical influence. It was extremely difficult for me to... He passed in LA, where I'm from. And it was very hard to like listen to... like We created a playlist for for his you know his memorial.
And it was like all of a sudden everybody wanted to add because anybody that knew my dad knew the songs he liked or he would call you and he would Elvis, you know, like old Kentucky, right? I don't even know what the song is. And then I had to go listen. And and oh that's a real song. He didn't just make that up, right? He was just a funny dude like that. so Yeah, I'm influenced by his influences. So I guess I wish we could ask him because he put all those on me. Yeah.
he had He had great taste. Sorry for your loss. and stuff it's It's tough to lose a parent, especially in New York. I've been there. yeah's all be sure so He sounds like he had a great taste in music. I mean, geez, I love the 80s. I love the 70s music. and And I shock a lot of people because I'm an old school hip hop head. Oh, yeah. Okay.
Yeah, and I love what was coming from the 90s. Right around the time I was getting ready to graduate high school and then I mean just everything that was coming out of the out of the West Coast, the guys that were down south that were doing things that it wasn't until like five years, 10 years later, all of a sudden like outcast and you know, oh yeah we're just like that really blew up. I'm like,
I've been listening to these guys for like five years, you know, and everything. With all the samples, and I mean, the the West Coast was good for that, you know, Snoop and Dre and Nate Dogg and Warren G. they they They would sample the hell out of some classic songs. That's true, but also the reason I wear a yankee, this is so bad, I actually shouldn't say it in front of people. The reason I wear the yankees.
The Yankees captains because all my favorite rappers were from the East Coast I was like I was living I grew up and you know, I was born and raised in California But all of my influence all of my favorite hip-hop artists were all East Coast and I was living in California right like where all the great But I mean, I like I love I love Kendrick. I love, you know, because I've been on those dudes when they were like back like, like rattling in the streets, you know, like literally, there'd be like ah one YouTube video of Kendrick Lamar, you know, like battling with Compton. And I'm in like, yeah. So I still I do love LA. But I do where all the rappers were the Yankee cat, like,
So duh, that's what I did. and So I've been wearing it forever and every time. like I have my LA hat just in case like shit goes down and I got to like swap real quick before I get get my ass beat. but um yeah know like ah So that's why it's so funny to me when everyone's like, tick that shit off. I mean, I literally can't go out with a hat and somebody doesn't say something to me. I'm like, dude,
It's just, a hair that's my head yeah yeah is it really, is it really affecting your life? i know I can't name, I can't name one player on the team. So why do you care? I'm just kidding. I, I, I've only, I felt, I felt victim of this when I, when they, when they first came out, I've only ever owned one yeah New York Yankees hat in my life.
And it was it it was a red one because I was a lip biscuit man. Dude, I went in solid. Yeah. You're like, and then I burned it after that. Yeah. i am Yeah. I went to, I actually had VIP. It was so super cool. I went, I think it was at Virgin, um which they're changing so many of the hotels. It's kind of, I mean, the casinos and hotels, they're like,
I guess Virgin's, I don't know, going to going to be the hard rock or it was and then now it's going to be something else. I don't know. I'm sorry. It's confusing to me, but, um, yeah, he was really good. And I swear I've never seen so many red hats, like backward, like <unk>m like is this ah is this Halloween. Like I'm so confused. Why is everyone dressed like him? Like if I go to see Gwen Stefani, for instance, which I have, I'm not going to be wearing.
ah look alike. I know that some people do do that. for taylor They do that for Taylor Swift. It's it's it's mind boggling. I like I never dress like him because I was from I was from Podunk, Ohio. I grew up in the country. I'm a country bumpkin. But I had the red hat. It stand out because yeah like we when they were big, we went to Oh, Lord. What was it? um I can't even remember the name of the tour.
But it was them and stained and I can't remember half the bands that were there. um I know it's and and and i'm I'm like. I love the music, but I'm not I don't don't I don't dress like these guys. I've got Wranglers and cowboy boots on and they're just like a like a plain white T-shirt, but I got my red ball cap on backwards. Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure, for sure.
but They were good. I mean, you know, say what you will. Yeah, I was a douchebag that went out and bought a red New York Yankees hat because of Fred Durst. But they were good, man. They made good music. Say what you want about Fred Durst or anything like that. The music was good at the end of the day. I agree with you. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, I know. But it was just funny to see all these like dudes.
Because you would think that they would say to each other, yeah, we're going to wear the same exact outfit, because you're dudes. like yeah I don't even like matching, and I'm a chick. you know like My friends are like, let's wear matching, like unless it's something something special for somebody. But like yeah I'm not going to go out of my way, but just a sea of red see of red hats every backwards. And like I don't know, whatever wherever else you wear is a white white, big white t-shirt. What is it?
What's his style? Two certain khaki pants or something like that. I don't know what he's doing nowadays. Now he's got like the white hair and the white beard. I don't know what he's doing. Well, you know what was weird? When I went to see him, I saw this, the girl that opened for him. um If I'm not mistaken, she was like a death metal, like the whole, it was a weird type of, I wasn't expecting that.
It wasn't like some other hip hop, like, you know, it was like some so like chick that was like a serious like sounded like a real death metal, not like a wannabe death metal, like a yeah real death metal. And I was like, really? Like to open for Limp Bizkit? But hey, like, you know what? That's awesome. I mean, who would turn down? It just didn't seem to fit, I guess, his aesthetic.
Yeah, I think, you know, they they their music was and Limp Bizkit's music was so weird because you would hear him do a song with the Wu Tang Clan and then turn her turn around and do a song with Korn, which, you know, Korn was considered a heavy metal band. And it's just like an all on the same album. So they they just kind of just did whatever, whatever made them happy. I get it. I get it. They were all over the place. um Yeah, it's just but. I mean, good for him, you know, giving giving artists like, you know, a chance to perform with you is awesome.
Yeah, no, no, when you're at that statue. Yeah. I love when the big names come, like when they come to town, like the big, big artists, when they come to town and they'll have, um, one or two local bands open up. I think it's really cool because you've already got a packed house and then you're introducing this house to people that they may never heard of before. And then all of a sudden,
you know, these these bands or these artists are playing, you know, the big dog room or whatever down at Nationwide Arena. And yeah before they would play in front of 10 people and now all of a sudden there's a hundred people in there because they saw them at a Limp Biscuit concert or something. Yeah, I know exactly. And that's how like,
That's the difference, what we were talking about before, between blowing up on like a tikok TikTok because of one video or something. It's like, people shouldn't ask. In my opinion, you shouldn't ask, like aspire to to blow up that way. I mean, that you should just, because,
the people that are getting put on these tours, like you're just saying he did with the local bands, those are usually the people that deserve it, that have worked really hard, that are really trying to like, they're making real music for real people. Not to say social media is bad or TikTok is bad or whatever for, you know, that's how you found me, right, IG? But I just don't just strive to be like a one hit, like, you know, to get your one hit, it just... Yeah.
I feel like it's exhausting, but maybe some people like it. I mean, I personally, I find the social stuff like really exhausting sometimes, like just cause it's another job. It's very tiring. I can agree with you. You know, I do everything here. Yeah. excuse me and Unless that's what you do, like what you do, this is, you know, it's, you couldn't, you can enjoy this part, but yeah.
Yeah, it's ah social media is exhausting and and and and i'll I'll admit I'm not very good at it. I slack a little bit, but it's just like, you know, And I try to, I'm i'm trying to get away from TikTok, but every time I try to get away from TikTok, somebody pulls me back. let's you back in Yeah. And I'll constantly get friends. They're like, Oh, Hey, check this guy out. I'm like, all right. And then I'll go and I'm like, well, send me his info or, you know, check this person out. And they send me their info and it's just, they're just tick. And I'm like, I don't know because then they don't have anything else. Like they they don't have any substance. It's just them on TikTok. There was nothing, and nothing against doing somebody else's song, but
you You blew up by doing somebody else's song and now you're just on repeat. You're doing the same thing. You're doing the same song. You you have no substance. like Yeah, you sound great, but what else can you do? you know Do you write songs? Do you have originals or you know whatever?
um But I love Instagram because the the people who are the artists who are on Instagram and and use Instagram on a regular basis, you get so much stuff. And yeah, yeah and it's like deeper stuff sometimes. Yeah. Yeah. But it forces you to go find them on Spotify or YouTube. And then they're like, all right, now you've got a catalog of stuff. Let me see what else you're doing and see what else is going on, you know? Um, but yeah, no, social media or social media is, uh,
it's it's it's ah It's a necessary evil if you if you're exactly if you' doing some kind of entertainment. You know ah you have to yeah you have to utilize it. if be it's i mean if i had i mean Since I've been singing here, I think I probably got my following up. you know
to, I would say like ah even a thousand. I think when I moved here, I literally didn't care and I had like 700 followers and I was like, eh, whatever is social media. And then it clicked in my head. Like this is a disadvantage for me not to like, I should, you know, I need to do it.
So now I have like, I don't know, you know, almost 2300 or whatever, but like organically, but like if I actually avidly tried, which I'm going to, I have a whole like marketing thing. Like once I put my song out, then I had investors, I had people giving me like even thousands.
um just people who believe in me and really want to hear after, okay, so you are a real artist because you talk and talk and talk and talk and talk. But I was talking and walking. I was doing, oh, I was being so picky that I was like, you know what, this is as good as it's going to get. that's And I don't care how good the song is, that's how every artist is. yeah You know, you like, you yeah, like,
It's you always think you could have done it better. You could have gotten a better vocal or like the guitar could have sounded different or what about that one take that one dude did like would it have sound but then once I put it out I got such good like I mean just from everybody like people that are like people that I don't even know know me like through other people would be like oh my god I heard your song like the Raiders house band guy I've been trying to get on his radar forever because I respect him a lot and he does a lot of cool He does a lot of big rooms. He leads the house band at the Raiders games. But I met him in person for the first time at a game this couple days ago. And he was like, hey, your song is good. So it surprised me because you just think, OK, I'm going to put this out. And then there's so much that goes behind it, like the promoting it.
you know the like and And like my manager now, she's like, kind of was like, I told you to, I'm like, well, this one's before we were working together. So I felt like I'm just gonna release it. But i it's an important thing too for original artists. I wanna like point out that in case there's anybody on here that could gain from this wisdom, when you go to, I'm sure, and a lot of people know this already, but like when you go to post a song on, to release it, if you're distributing it yourself,
um You have to be careful because if you release, you can get it on it like a Spotify playlist that has that they curate. like that The people that work for Spotify, they you know they curate those certain playlists. And it's a big deal because if they if you release it right away and you don't change that date for a week out, then it goes on live and then you can't submit it to them.
but you have to submit it to them a week before you actually release it. And I just thought when I uploaded it to the distribution website that it wasn't going to release it. I didn't see that. I thought I would have to go to Spotify cause I hadn't done it before. And I really think if I had done that, it could have been on like a, you know, maybe it could have, you know, it's that maybe I just don't like that, that feeling. boom But well, and that's, yeah you know, that's the other thing, you know, now you know,
So, and you've you've already said you've got more songs in the work, so now you know for the next one. and And the great thing about, you know, and this is just, again, me being a fan, one of the things that I love that artists do is they'll really, you know, a song comes out on an album and then they'll do like an acoustic cover, or you know, of their song or or they'll tinker with it and remix it a little bit. I'm old.
But i I grew up in the era of MTV when they actually played music videos and there was actual videos on there. And then i of course the whole reality TV era. One of my favorite shows on MTV was Unplugged. And I'm not even a Nirvana fan. I do not like Nirvana. I never did, never will, not a fan of Kurt Cobain, but I watched there Unplugged and I thought it was great.
You know, just see that's what I'm telling. Mm hmm. Yeah. Just stripped down a guitar and a singer. There's there's no computers. There's no nothing to fix their voice. It's just raw. It's gritty. And I love that. and there And we and and people still love that. But the problem is, is that that's what I was saying, going back to it being polluted like by people thinking that all these singers are so it's like even if you're a great singer live and you're actually live.
Yeah. No. you know, now it doesn't matter because Joe is like doing this and Gina or whoever, like auto tuning their voice, people aren't understand, they do it just enough so that the average person doesn't get it. But then real musicians can completely, yeah and we hear everything, you know, like, you're experienced enough. So yeah, it's, um it's cool, but it's also like to get to actually get notoriety from something that is an actual good piece of art and like a good project, you know, piece of work, like it's,
It's harder, but um, I think if you have talent and I think if you're driven I think Things kind of plan out because you know, like it's not like i'm like the I don't have a celebrity parent I have a lot of celebrity friends from living in la but it's like even so even so, you know Unless you're blood with somebody people don't want to help. They don't want to help you. They don't want to Have you still they're shy and sometimes like people here do though in vegas have been like that's what I was saying people have been very um they They're like always wanting to share like, yeah, man, if you can get it, you know, go do that bigger and better. Um, but yeah, and I probably went off topic, but yet, um, unplugged was the shit. Let's just say that. And you're not old. So you must not be either. I'm old as well. And I'm in denial or you're not that old because I, I love unplugged man. That was, that was awesome.
I mean, that's how MTV blew up, right? I mean, that's how they really got their footing. Or is it not? I don't know. Like the all the music stuff, the actual music. Yeah, all all the music, playing the music videos, um you know, and being a kid, you know, and being a fan of music. And it was cool when I could turn on the TV and be like, oh, there's Eric Clapton or, you know, yeah you know Michael Jackson and his 10 minute long movie, music videos, and and whatnot. So it it kind of added a new level of the music experience. And then when they started introducing like Unplugged, and again, you get to see, you know, artists that you only hear their studio stuff, unless you get to go see them live. And again, you never know
who's singing and you can tell if somebody's singing, especially an artist that moves around a lot and runs dances around, you can you can hear the difference. and and you know Like I was shocked a few years back, one of my bucket list bands that I thought I would never get to see was Guns N' Roses. And they were they were at a music festival about about five, six years ago out in Kentucky. And there was there was a lot of other acts there that I wanted to go see, but it was Guns N' Roses that got me to buy the three day tickets. and And I was like, man,
I don't know how Axel's going to sound, you know, he's older, he's a little, but, and I was like, maybe he won't be singing first song. And he was the same old Axel that you seen back in the day.
all over the stage you could hear him breathing but he sounded great. you He sounded phenomenal singing but you knew he was really singing and it was like okay this was this was everything I've ever wanted when I and it was the original Guns N Roses lineup that you never thought you would see again because Axl and Slash having their differences and other band members but it was just like this is everything I wanted it to be as a kid and here I am now as a full grown adult and I'm like flash forward back to my My teenage years watching one of my favorite bands growing up and and they sound phenomenal. So yeah yeah, it's a different level, you know, and then MTV, like I said, they just went way off the rails with freaking the the I don't even even remember the name of the show. is Oh, my gosh. The Jersey Shore.
and real world and road. war Yeah, that's it. Yeah, that's that's it. Real world. yeah i Yeah. Now we're now we're going to now we're going to make a bunch of 13 year old little girls who are pregnant famous and we're going to glorify pregnancy. And it's just like, oh, God. OK, MTV, you you're you're done. You're done with and the Kardashians came through and just clean, clean, clean up, cleaned up. man They they took don't even start on the Kardashian. I have opinions about how that entire family became famous and not very nice opinions on a certain video shape that came out that made that really made them famous.
ah yeah like It's wild, right? Like it's wild how how some people gain notoriety and fame and like why you do it. And for yeah for me, those things are, I mean, I kind of feel like I'm a very like old soul. So I'm a very,
I'm not like a prude or anything. I'm just like, cause I have a mouth. Okay. And I'm very like, I joke around a lot. If I really know you, like all my, all my guy friends are like, damn, you are like way too quick. I can't keep up, but I'm kind of old school in a way that I don't um particularly want to like I take myself my reputation seriously. I guess that's probably the best way to say it. Where there are a lot of women and men that don't care. It's like whatever if as long as I can get it and sometimes I wonder if that's like should I you know is it would it be better if I could just
I don't know, for instance, have a sugar debt. If I could even get myself to be that type of person, which I couldn't because I'm not that like like you know slick those ways but with men. but like you know yeah I don't know. but yeah so I don't know if it's like, take my reputation seriously. where I don't want to be known for my own self, not for other people. Like I don't want to be someone to say, well, she slept her way to the top or like, there's some famous people who have admitted, who have admitted that women. And I'm like, how could you, then how do you know if you're talented? How do you know that you're there because you are actually talented? That would just like, don't me. I don't know. I took me myself too serious, but yeah you know, we, we live in a society where there's no shame any anymore at the end of the day. And, and it's,
It's all about the, it's all about the views and the clicks, man. What, you know, it's like, uh, uh, there's, there's been some, there's been some female athletes or, uh, actors or, or whatever comedians or whatever. And I was like, Oh yeah, I like them. And then. Then you find out, Oh man, nothing against, you know, if you want to have an only fans having only fans, but you know, then to come to find out while the other reason you're doing this standup special is because.
you were doing things with produce on your OnlyFans that really you should have kept to yourself at the end of the day. Oh my God. Oh my God. Wait, I need to know who this is now. No, it's nobody in particular. i I'm just saying. That's funny then. I was like, are you serious?
Yeah, no, nobody in particular just yeah like the whole Kim Kardashian thing. yeah The whole reason she got famous was because she she she did it, her mom recorded a sex tape with Brandi's less talented, less famous little brother. And it's just like, it wasn't that great though at the end of the day. Like you like I watched it like 10 times to make sure I was right. Yeah, well, no, but I mean, I think things, I think I have a few I have to be careful in what I say. I have a few friends that are some would call famous. They're famous. And I've heard some stories, and I have some friends that could have easily been famous as far as like well known. I hate the whole famous, famous, kid event but could but was already there and has told me stories. And there's some and from living in a LA, there's some weird workings.
um oh yeah There's a lot of bizarre, like look at Diddy, you know, whole thing with Diddy. There's a lot of bizarre, very, and I have, I have friends that would go to those white party, those, you know, I have friends that like girlfriends that were just innocently thought that they were going to Diddy's party through, you know, somebody they knew that were like on the club or whatever. And, you know,
It's so it's, there's a lot of bizarre stuff that like everybody's like, there's no way that, so I mean, we don't have proof. And I was already in my head thinking if they already know that, if they already have this type of information, it's fully believable. If you've met some of these people, it's like a God complex. A lot of them have it. Yeah. No, I never been a big fan of Diddy. Uh, I always thought he's kind of a douche and he has that God complex. So like when all this stuff started coming out, I'm like,
I'm not going to jump to conclusions. Right. That's smart. Yeah. and but I'm going to kind of sit back, but I mean, there's a lot of things in a, a lot of people that real quick started jumping ship. And it's like, there might be some truth behind some of this stuff. And now the more and more info that's coming out, it's just like, okay, uh, Diddy, you are screwed. Yeah. But you know, what's so funny is Kat Williams, you know,
You saw that, right? Count Williams. So he was saying the same thing. And fearless fearlessly, you know, too, because these these are big people. These aren't people that these are people that could literally take. There's so people just don't understand. So it's like when people so when people chase fame, it's like,
But you don't, if you if you're not okay with, cause I have a friend that literally turned, it's the most bizarre story and I believe him. He is the most honest person and would never like tell a lie, never says anything bad about people. Even if you, he knows that person, like he'll never talk shit about anybody unless you ask him for advice, kind of like a big brother to me. So, and he, he has a lot. So anyways, I'm not going to get into it, but there there are bizarre stories out there um where, I mean,
it's not really bizarre though when you see it and then it's like oh i guess that exists so yeah i mean it and i think the people that you know pass away from being famous and can't handle it so they start doing drugs and alcohol because that's a big thing i think those are the people that are kind of you know they they they weren't chasing fame.
it happens to them and like once you're famous, you can never become unfame. There's no way to ever shut shut that off unless, even if you fall out, people are still going to treat you certain way or come after you. I've been close to people like this, so I know it firsthand. A lot of problems that come with that. and so I don't know. so It's a weird. Music industry has a lot of different aspects of it. but Oh yeah, the entertainment industry is wild. And like I said, some people will do whatever it takes. Other people, they're like, you know what, I'll do it on my own accord. Like I said, you're not a prude, but you're not out there trying to get a sugar daddy or anything like that. Yeah, music to me is very
I mean, I'm not a super religious person, but i'm so and it's a very spiritual thing for me. like it's ah it's my it's like I don't want anyone in that area. That's that's for me. like you know like I sing from my heart. like I deliver emotion. Believable when I sing. It might not be perfect, like that Lenny Kravitz one. My voice was already fucked up from the night before. I had like four gigs in a row, which I don't really do that that often because it's not good for me. But my voice. and But it's like it's believable. you know And yeah, like my showmanship, I'm still working on some of those things because I get like i was nervous because there were a lot of my like
you know, the whole shoulder thing. I'm like, why don't I move my shoulders? I'm going to take that video down as soon as we're done. and i'm just goingnna um But that's what i' I'm saying. It's like, I like that believable thing. You know, like, I like, I'm not a very, I'm not a, like a Vegas performer and I have a lot of talented friends that are, I'm just not, I don't have that. Like, I'm not going to run up and down a stage and like hold a snake and like do like, no while I sing, I just,
just say yeah it's there's there's it's It's genuine and authentic. you know it's not yeah and and And I think a lot of times the people who are doing all the the extracurricular stuff and the snakes and swinging from the ceiling, like Why are you doing all that? You know, just, just say yourself, just dance around the stage, whatever you're comfortable with. What are you making up for now? Yeah, exactly. What do you, what do you severely overcompensating for here? You know, uh, that's why I drive a big truck, you know, I do actually. say that i You know what I, I say it all the time when my youngest one graduates.
I'm buying a brand new, I already know the truck I want. It's a big 2500 Chevy and it'll be lifted. It is four by four and and on the back window. yeah I'm going to put on the back. Yes, I'm ever compensating. I love that. and this is my This is my little gift to myself once my three kids are raised and grown and graduated. I love that. That's hilarious. yeah You know what I mean? People are going to be taking pictures of your truck and posting them on social. like Look at this guy's truck. But I do drive a Chevy. I like Chevys a lot. Nice. I've never been like,
ah Super brand loyal growing up. I only ever had boards and i had but I had several Ford pickup trucks, big ones, small ones, you know, um, ultimately I'd like to have my dream truck down the road, but I'm going to have to get rich and famous before I can ever get that again. Uh, okay. does any what is that When I was in high school, I had a, uh, 79 full size Bronco and.
Of course, I had a big motor and and it was lifted. and i yeah and My best friend just got one and I'm so mad. I i know. But they drive smooth. I'll tell you what, they drive smooth. But then her husband, they take me they drive me to my gigs. I don't like to say that because all all my musicians make fun of me like, oh, she's a driver. She's that good. yeah And I'm like, yeah, I am that damn good. Thank you. But they're my friends. They're actually like my, but they own businesses. They don't have to like,
get up and go to work, you know, but like, yeah, they can, so so they can come to my shows late and like whatever. And they're just really great people, especially after my dad passed, but like, she got a, my friend got a Bronco, a red one, like a cherry, which I love, right? It's like my favorite color. So immediately her husband is like,
We're going to throw some wheels on that. I mean, the thing is going to be the fucking way. And then she's like, why do I always have to overcompensate? I swear it's fine as it is. Like, they got like the top level one, like the most. It's so like, you know, luxurious and stuff. But I know what you mean. There's a girl here. She has the one. It's all decked out. raids It's it's black and silver. Oh, it's so sick. I bet. I had one when I was in high school and I i fell in love with it.
Um, but I was dumb. I was 16 year old stupid kid and I wound up tearing it up, but I had a big engine and it was lifted and it was loud. And you know color was of color it was, it was the original Ford blue. So it was like, uh,
Not a light blue, but not a dark blue. It was like somewhere in between. Yeah. Oh my gosh. It had a black removable top. The interior was all blue. The interior was actually ugly, but it was the original interior. So I loved it. Yeah. Dude, that's so sick. I love Broncos. Yeah. I want another one just like it one day, but I'll be happy. I mean, what's it into? Yeah, go. Well, now you're going to have to pay 150,000.
I know. Trust me. I looked at one completely redone the year I want and everything. And it was, ah it was like 130, 140,000. I was like, geez, yeah I gotta, I gotta hit the lottery or something. You know, maybe there's something in business. share When I make it big, I'll come back for you, don't worry. I appreciate that. I'll be here, I'll be like, hey. No. I'll do what you said. Yeah, I have it recorded. No. Several years back, I got my first Chevy and and I'm a bigger guy. ah hi why The guys on the network tease me and call me a Sasquatch.
But, um, I was driving, I was driving a Ford pickup an hour, either way. And I was spending about, and this has been, jeez Louise holds my daughter 19, about 17, 18 years ago. And I was spending about $200 a week in gas. And I was like, I gotta, I love my truck. Don't get me wrong, but I gotta get something. So I kept my truck. It was an older one. So I had that, but I went out and bought a brand new Chevy Malibu.
And, and I fell in love with it because I didn't think I'd be able to get comfortable in it, but I was so comfortable and, and it, it great on gas. yeah Yeah. And I had that for a little while. And then, uh, the unfortunate downside of marriage is the divorce and I went through a divorce a few years back and I bought a brand new, uh, uh, Chevy Cruz, which everybody made fun of me. They're like, dude, what are you doing? You do no way you're comfortable in that car.
And I was, I love that little Chevy cruise. I thought it was the greatest thing on the in the world. And I just upgraded it a couple of years ago for an Equinox. Now they make fun of me because I drive a mom mobile, but I'm like. They're gonna make fun of you no matter what it seems like.
but Like i so I still drive an hour to work every day and it's yeah it's an SUV with a you know Like I get the same gas mileage in it that I got in my cruise. So I Sorry, have you seen gas prices these days? I'm not I'm not spending $200 a tank just to drive a four by four pickup truck you know like you're out of your yeah You don't have to tell me twice. I know exactly my truck is just I think there's an actual lawsuit with a Chevy right now because with the Silverados like I have. Mine's not mine. My dad owned an asphalt company growing up with my uncle. So my uncle gave me his truck um and he they took very good care of their trucks because you know they owned like 40 or 50 of them for all their foremen and all that. It was a pretty big asphalt company. like they' They're still known in California as one of the... you know um
But yeah, like the trucks are so, and I guess they did something where like even my truck in the certain year that it was made, it eats up like fuel, like crazy shit, a big lawsuit because it's like almost like, I don't know how that happens, but yeah, they're like, it's a big one too. It's not like, we'll give you $15 as a class settlement. It's like $2,500. Yeah.
i like I got one of those checks for something. I don't even remember what it was. It was for like $10. And I was like, what is the AT&T or something? Yeah. I was like, what am I going to do? What am I going to do with this? It's still sitting on the counter. like Right. It's like, it's not worth the effort. Yeah. No, I imagine, I imagine that you probably, uh, get some of the same looks that I would get when I get out, when I would get out of my,
my little cruise, you know, big old giant getting out of a cruise and then seeing you jump out of a big old truck. What the hell? Dude, i all of them, all the musicians, which are, a lot of them are male. Um, they, they're always like, you drive a truck. Oh, you drive a big truck. Okay, cool. We know Katrina and her truck. So like everybody's, yeah but I, I drive a few different cars. Like I borrow my friends. The ones I was telling you about, I got the Bronco, they have like eight cars and, um,
Right now, I'm driving their daughter's challenge a charger. Oh, nice. But it's all decked out because they they know all about cars. They own a few car shops and stuff. so yeah they ah Yeah. Yeah, it's so funny. I'm like, dude, it is kind of nice being low to the ground. like But there's something safe about ah like feeling good like up in a truck. And I learned how to drive in a truck because my dad did asphalt his whole life and owned a asphalt company. So he taught me how to drive when I was like 11.
You know, sitting on his lap and then eventually I would, I knew how to drive by the time I was like 13, a truck too. i I knew how to like back a truck into like, uh, to, with a trailer to get a boat out. I know how to do all that. He'd be like, get in there and do it. Like I'm scared. i He's like, you're going to do it. And then I, I know I could do anything I could just, you need it. I got it. I'm here. ah Yeah. Hey, you got one up on me. I can, I can, drive I mean, I've, I've worked construction and work on farms, but pretty much my whole life.
I can drive trucks with, I cannot, for the life of me to save my life, that I'm 43 years old, cannot back a truck and trailer up. My fiance makes fun of me. shoes She's like, I can do it. I'm like, great. If wherever the situation there's, I have no shame. I i have swallowed that prize a long time ago. You know what? is I don't care if you're male, female, child, a dog. If you can back this stupid truck and trailer up,
do it because I don't want to mess with it. Yeah, like, I'm not going to screw everything up. Yeah, I know. And my dad is super impatient. So he'd be like, get up there and do it. And I'd be like, I just need a minute to make sure. And he's like, no, you don't. Just do it. yeah Tough love, tough love.
I used to work for my uncle. we we We ran heavy equipment and stuff. And when we built the shop, I was like, hey, can we yeah can we build a back entrance so I can just pull around with the trailer? Just back it up. I'm like, no. they You're like, okay. i my is Yeah. Right? Yeah. No, I see. It's not easy. And actually I say that now, but I haven't done in a couple of years. Yeah.
So is it something you remember to do? Is it like riding a bicycle? I don't know. and Hopefully. Yeah. It seems like anybody who can do it can just, you could just do it. i like My dad's a truck driver. He's been a truck driver my whole life. And and i it amazes me sometimes watching him back that truck with a trailer, and know you know, he put it like,
Like it's not going to fit there yeah in between two other trailers or a building or you know, and I'm like, that's not going to fit there. You just straight out of the building. I want to hit the the other trailers around. You would have, yeah, you would have had a, I would have just left the trailer in the yard and let the, let the, the yard don't come and get it. I hear you do it. This is what you get paid. yeah I dropped it off.
Yeah, it's not an easy thing. It's it's definitely not. But yeah, there's truck drivers. I don't know how they do it because I cut them off all the time. And I'm just kidding. I do get i get annoyed driving driving in Vegas because they can drive in the fast lane. They can drive in any way. And you know, it's like those two lanes on the 15 that go into California, it's like such a pain in the ass. Anytime you want to drive, it's just... yeah But you know, it's not really the fault.
Yeah. Yeah. It's not, but it's not their fathers doing their job, but it's like some of them are, they'll just like swerve right out in front of you. I'm like, are really, but I'm not, I'm not allowed to do that to you because I'm, you know, but yeah, I know the rules don't apply to them. It's like, it's i can't i like, this is my, yeah, I can't tell because I have a stance about, uh, like I love motorcycles. Want to get one one, but well, and all the stickers I see look twice, save a life.
No, and like I understand that, but there's a lot of people on motorcycles that drive like assholes. Yeah. You know you see them on the freeway doing 160 and they're doing wheelies and swerving in and out of traffic. Like if they don't care, why should I care at the end of the day? you yeah yeah Yeah, exactly. And yeah, a lot of them do drive crazy like that. And the semi drivers are like that. You know, I got to respect them. they They're the heartbeat of America. Without them, we wouldn't have all of our stuff that we enjoy, but there's a lot of them that are assholes out there and drive like they like they own the road and can do whatever they want just because they're bigger than everybody. It might be bigger than me, but you hit my car and I'm still alive. That truck ain't gonna be bigger than that lawsuit I'm about to file. Yeah, exactly, right? Yeah, no, I have too much road rage.
I'm not that bad, but I like my friends make fun of me because I'll say I'm like, oh, it's fucking Californian. And they're like, aren't you from California? words' You know, like, yeah I guess that's true. Fucking on their phones. Fucking garage girl, girl. I don't flip people off. i I'm too scared because you never know how people are.
I have to I have to be better about not pulling people off because you he love oh I have I have I and have the worst road rage and and it and I live in a state where it is an open carry state and we also it is non-fermented concealed carry, we have stand-your-ground, we have all like, we're we're we we're basically the Florida of the North up in Ohio at the end of the day. So, you know, but I tell my fans, I'm like, you know, if if i if I could have a genie grant me one wish, I would wish to have like superpower of telekinesis, just so I could
flip cars off the freeway, out of my way. yeah That would be cool. See you later. up into the Up into the trees you go, have fun. Oh man, I would love that too. Now and now next time i'm I'm on the road, I'm going to be imagining that. like I do it every day. Every day. iset That's what stops me from flipping people off. I'm just like.
See, you know, it's a little piece of mind like one of these days. like Do you think you have to be a good driver to have road, like, you know, because how can you have road rage if you're not a good driver to begin with? Like, and yeah. then How do you know other people are dumb ass drivers? yeah I'm a great driver. ahll If you don't believe me, I'll tell you. but yeah I'm a good driver too. Yeah.
And this, I got my first car accident here because the people drive crazy here. When I moved here from this center of LA where there's like probably 10 times as more vehicles on the road, traffic, you know, my insurance doubled.
There's so many accidents here but like because the city like literally never sleeps. There's a lot of tourists that don't know how to yeah drive, I guess. I never thought about the tourists. I never thought about all the drunk people that, because you know can drink until 7 AM if you want to, literally. like It's not like LA, but at 1.30 AM, they're slipping on the lights. Everybody get out.
It's very rare unless you know, it's it's not really like that even the clubs stay open to like pouring so anyways But I got in my first accident somebody ran a red light and hit me and i've never been in an accident my whole life So I wasn't in a truck. She hit my driver's side She just completely ran a red light like and I couldn't see because there's some anyways, but if I was lucky I was in a truck because yeah Because if she hit my door exactly on Oh jeez Louise Yeah. And I think, I think a tourist cities, I know I used to live down in Charleston, down in South Carolina. And, uh, it's funny. And we were just talking about this the other night on one of the other shows. When I, when I came back home to Ohio, my insurance was like cut in half, but you couldn't drive anywhere in Charleston without, you couldn't get on the freeway because every day there was multiple accidents, uh, you know, and it went down. Yeah. There was accidents everywhere. So it was, I must be a tourist city thing.
Like when you get a bunch of, and, and, and Charleston's also a transplant city. So there's a lot of people that move there from all over the country because of the, there's one, two, three military, we have the airport space and Navy base. And then the coast guard, the coast guard has their thing. And then Boeing's down there, like Boeing's big factories down there. You get a lot of transplants, you know, so you have all those.
combinations. Well, this is how we drive in New York. and This is how we drive in Ohio. Well, this is how we drive. in so Yeah, exactly. I think that's what's happening here. Yeah. Yeah. and Like a whole bumper car is basically taking your life in your own hands, you know risking your life every day just to go to work. But yeah, I came home and it was just like my insurance was cutting half of us.
wild why why does this not This doesn't make make it make sense to me. ah Progressive man. Like I don't know what's going on here. I'm not mad at it. Don't get me wrong. I'm not mad. and I like the new rate. Trust me. But um no, I was I was in one accident when I was 16. I drove my car off a cliff. But oh my gosh. But i mean i wasn' I wasn't the Bronco, was it?
No, I had actually the first cars I had was, uh, was a little, uh, it was actually right before I bought my Bronco. Uh, it was a little Plymouth horizon. and It was a little, it was a little shit box driver, yeah buddy, me and a buddy were coming, coming back home or I was taking him home after, uh, practice and we were on, and I, like I said, I grew up out in the middle of nowhere. We were coming down a back road as a gravel road and a deer came down off the ravine and I hit my brakes and just.
lost it in the gravel and oh i right off a 250 foot drop off. We rolled it and flipped it, walked away from it. Uh, you know, thankfully no major injuries. I've got a scar on my face that you can see when it gets cold out. I just put a new radio in it. We didn't have it secured. The radio flew out and hit me right in the face and cut me just under my eye, right down my cheek. But that was the only accident I was ever in. And I moved to Charleston and we we were down in Charleston for four or five months and some lady for whatever reason, she was driving an F 150. I had my Malibu at the time and we were in a traffic light. The light turned green. We all started to go. And the next thing I know she, I mean, she jammed on her break cause her ass in came up and I went right underneath this F 150 how I didn't get ticketed. I don't know because I read that her, but she was a lunatic and that might be something different.
Yeah. They they chicken ticketed her and said it was her fault. I was like, Hey, I'll take it. I ain't mad at it. Cause she was driving a company vehicle and the company was like, take it to the shop, whatever it costs, let us know. We'll cut you a check for it. So we don't have to file through insurance and all that stuff. I was like, all ah Okay. Cool. So, you know, can do that's well enough so yeah So apparently if you're underneath another car, you're not rear-end. You're not technically rear-ending them. Good to know. yeah i yeah i get Yeah, I can't. That happened so long ago. I can't remember what it was that he said she she did something wrong. But there was no reason for her to jam on her brakes like she did. And I was just like, fine by me, because my my whole hood was just like accordioned up. And I was like, them cars. Oh my gosh. I can still drive the car. I just went home and
basically jumped on the hood and smashed it down the best I could. And, you know, oh my god ah while I was trying to get it, get it fixed. But I, you know, shout out to the, ah to the company that I owned the truck, because I sent them an estimate and they said, you can come pick up a check this afternoon and get it in the shop. And they asked me how much a rental was going to cost and everything like that. And I was like,
I don't know. I'll go find out. so i you like give me Give me those like expensive. I want to drive around. you know yeah i want that actually i had that I had a guy from Canada hit me when I was moving back home to Ohio.
And my, and my crews, we were on the freeway in West Virginia and he hit me right down the passenger side. We were merged. He was merging and didn't look and just bang bounce. Ah, then because they pissed off my insurance company, my my agent, I drove around for four weeks in a yeah brand new suburban. you That was 100% paid for by that guy's insurance company. I was like.
I ain't mad at it. OK. Yeah, take it, man. That's awesome. Yeah. I love big cars, though. I do, too. I call it what you want to call it. I don't care. But I love a big truck. And I miss not having one. I haven't had one for a few years now. And I miss not having it. So I totally, like it's yeah like you said, the that it's that security factor. You feel safe in it. It's like driving a tank. Like, come on, I dare you to hit me. I'm fine. You know? Yeah, exactly.
You're going to screw your shit up. I ain't mad at the end of the day. Great. Yeah. But yeah, it saved it saved me from a pretty big accident. So it was cool. Yeah, no, exactly. I mean, I couldn't imagine, you know, being in, you know, like and and like a charger or something like that, or even even in my like my Equinox, man, somebody hit me in the driver's side door. um' I'm cooked at the end of the day. it's Yeah.
Yeah, for sure, for sure. Yeah, she still got me good. I hit my head on the window. I was like, Oh God. and I was just annoyed with the whole thing. I was on my way to a show and I'm sure nobody believed me. Like, Oh yeah, you just got an accident right now. I feel convenient that you get to do an accident on your way. I'm almost like, should I lie and say I'm sick to cover up the actual real excuse? I can't conquer yeah that but Look at my truck. Here's a picture. Look at my truck. Yeah, man. It was messed up. I had to bang my head into the window, elbowed something, like, oh, man, I did all this damage. I need ah so my neck in my back. Yeah, yeah. And then you have to do it in a certain amount of time. So I i was like, ah if i if my head's not bleeding, I'm good. I'm going to be OK.
I'll be fine. I'll be fine. Yeah. Well, you know, that's what they say that you never really feel the pain until like a couple of days afterwards. because You get all the adrenaline. and and Oh yeah. wake up Did you wake up one morning and you feel, I feel like a truck hit. Oh wait, a truck did hit me. well chuck
She was in a little Lexus too. It wasn't even like a, it was like a likex Lexus SUV. But my truck sits high. Yeah. She got me good. She hit, yeah, she, ah she did like $7,000 worth of damage just from, and I go slow. Like I take my time because everybody always runs that light. So I was surprised I didn't see her and I don't go like slow, but she should have ran it anyway. I mean, it was a clear, yeah And then she she goes, I'm blind. I went, I think she was like 50 something and said that she went blind in her right eye. She's going blind because of another accident she got into in an airbag hitting her. I'm like, so so what you're saying is you shouldn't be driving. Is that what I'm getting from this? It's about time to take your license away. but She wasn't that old either. She was only like maybe 50, late 50. She wasn't that old.
have the get her off the streets yeah They have this great thing called Uber nowadays. yeah
And hell, anymore, you can get anything and everything door dash to you at any time, day or night. I don't know. But the Ubers out here are ridiculous in Vegas. I can only imagine. Because I know they do like their surge stuff. And there's always something going on. So I'm sure the Uber drivers are always On the surge prices in in vegas Yeah, it's it's always on there is no such thing as surge because it's always on surge So I don't know. I don't even know what it would be called if it wasn't But it's all that it's all the shows and especially if like you're at a show like it sucks because there's some people They spend all this money vegas is already so expensive like on the strip you know, it's
I thought l LA was bad. It's like, this is terrible. But I don't really hang out at a casino if I'm not gigging at one or something like that. But yeah, the Ubers out here are ridiculous.
they really are. And there's so many of them. It's like, how's it so expensive? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I shoot. If I moved to Vegas, I probably that's all I probably do. I mean, I did it when I was down in Charleston for a little bit, not because I needed the money. It was i my ex-wife and I were splitting up and we yeah had this big house and I would come home to this empty house. And I'm like,
I've used to my kids being here, you know, and it was just like, yeah, it's hard. Yeah. I got to get out of here. So I just would Uber on the, on the weekends or in the evenings. And when them search, I loved, I love Friday and Saturday night when there's search prices hit because I'd be like, I work, I work in Charleston. I worked for a pest control company and I took care of downtown Charleston and all the islands. So I knew all the hotspots. Yeah. And I was like, and I know my way around. So he's like, I know all the ins and outs to make my rides quicker and faster. And then most of the bars and restaurants downtown I took care of. So they were like, Hey, we didn't know you were, you were an Uber driver. Hey, tell them to drop your name at the door and we'll take care of them and we'll take care of you on the backside. I'm like, all right, cool. You know? So I was like, business.
they would hook them up a little something by dropping my name. And then the next time they see me, they were they were hooking me up on the on the backside. I'm like, hell yeah, man. i I got you guys. I'll bring everybody here. You'll have a pack house. But this is the only spot I'm dropping people off at.
Yeah. Every night. it why this so that This is the best bar in town. I promise you, you'll have a great time. But, uh, yeah, if i if I lived out there, I would quit my nine to five and just, just, just Uber, you know, especially like on the weekends. And it's not even something that you have to do on the weekends. You probably do it seven days a week and just make a killing. And it especially once you learn the area, because that's one thing, even when I'm, when I travel and I go out of town.
if I, you know, I take an Uber a lot and because I, if I'm drinking, ah it's a whole hell of a lot cheaper to take an Uber than it is to get a DUI or anything else. For sure. I'm like, yeah I always ask, it Hey, what's, what's fun to do around here? Where's, where's it, you know, if you got somebody who knows the area and knows the spots. Like, yeah, then how do I get you every, how do I get you every time? Like, you know? Yeah, absolutely. I would love that. Hey, can you wait for me or can I hit you up when I'm done and you take me back too? Yeah.
No. Um, you say you don't, you don't spend a lot of time unless you're gigging down there. What do you, what do you do in your free time? You just, are you a homebody or do you like to get out and do things? That's not the way it works here. Even if I were, you know, we all go out, if there's always there. I literally get invited to something. I'm not joking you Monday through Sunday. I, I,
I like going out here. I just, I, um, there's a lot of cool spots over here. Like the place I sing sand dollar. It's not on the strip. It's been there since I think. The 70s used to be like a biker spot. because sandal Yeah, the one that you um you played the song I sang there. And I do a lot of like, the owners are really great with everyone and all the best musicians hang out there after their gigs or play there. And so they have live music like seven nights a week. So we're always we're always over there. but then um
Um, I would like to pretend that I work out or do something physical I need to because this is good for your mental, you know, but and I don't really work out. Um, I just do music. I really don't have a lot of time. I mean, um, I'm playing guitar, I'm trying to get better at guitar. I play keys or I play the key, you know, piano already, but, um, there's always something like appointments for my, like I've started taking vocal lessons, even though I never had before, just to make sure I'm all like trained and I'm doing okay.
um So I'm not putting strain on my voice. So like there's always some appointment or rehearsal or getting a set list together. I mean, I have my own business too, like my own LLC for my music and all that. So, nice you know, there's all that kind of stuff that getting started with your first LLC and, um, writing music, just like, um, doing writing sessions with other big writers in town and, um,
preparing for gigs. It literally goes on and on. I don't think people understand how ah much work it is kind of to be a musician. it just is like You don't just go up there and just be like, go like yeah, let's jam out. like Yeah, you can do that. but and And that's really cool too because so like you don't rehearse for everything. you know If the people, the musicians are good enough, they'll They got you, you know, like they know how to can exactly do that. And there's something beautiful about that too. um But I used to box and I'd like to like get back into kickboxing or boxing. Cause I really love it. And it's like a nice way to do something I love, but cause I don't like working out at all. um
i but but i'm doing ah I'm going through that struggle right now. i like ah I got all kinds of high hopes and expectations. I'm going to the gym. i'm going I'm going to the, gym and then I'm on my way home from work and I've dealt with the traffic and it's like, I got a show tonight. Maybe I can take a nap before the show. Maybe I can take a nap before the podcast or I could just go home and get something to eat. I can play video games or, you know, then I'm running late. Then I'm running late to do, to do the podcast, a podcast because it's like, oh crap, I should have done show prep. And now I'm, now I'm doing everything. Show's supposed to start at seven and it's like,
We're starting at 7.30. It's like, with it I'm my own boss at this. Anyways, who cares? Nobody's going to yell at me if I'm a half hour late. Right, right. So, yeah. So, you know, there's a lot of that. um I hate to sound like one of those people that's like, all I do is my art, my craft. But i I really am passionate about it. And I think that's kind of what gives you, you know, gives a person, I guess, drive. And then it doesn't really feel like work when because I had to prove myself a lot when I moved here. um to get the good musicians like I used to work with like.
just some kind of difficult people. And then you know, all of a sudden you have all these like great people wanting to help you and saying, Hey, I'll play with her or also about, and I'll play, I'll play for Katrina. Yeah. I know Katrina. When are we going to jam again? And helping you build a band too, which is really cool. So, um, that helps me a lot because then that's and another thing is finding a musician to play sometimes for ones that are just like more of an acoustic vibe. Um,
or building a band out, you know, there's just a lot. So, um, but yeah, so that's really all I do to be honest. I mean, I do, I do well a lot because all musicians, that's the way you show your appreciation to your other musicians. yeah Like, even if you, yeah, even if you go and meet someone, they'll say like, I know that you're working right now. Like you're not, you might be sitting there having a drink, but you're, you're working, you're there because they know you're there to meet them. And, you know, so it's, it, the respect goes both ways because they appreciate it, but.
Yeah, it's it's like networking. You know, we do a lot of, there's a lot of different people that pop up and will come on the different shows or, you know, and and we try to shout them out. if If I can't remember to shout them out, I always, oh, oh, you know, so-and-so is live. Let me pop into their, let me pop onto their show and say hi. Yeah. Okay. yeah such a name Yeah. Yeah. You want to, you, you, you, and you, you kind of want to build a reputation for yourself. So people don't think that you're,
You know a jackass at the end of the day. So I definitely I definitely get what you're saying now Do you have a regular band that you that you play with regularly or are you kind of like? so depends on my it depends on like Yeah, it depends on the gig and um But I always have to as like kind of the band leader or the front man front person You have to build your band unless like that one that you saw um Like I'm gonna be playing my original song live at this gig on Thursday But that band, the video you played earlier, the Lenny Crawford, you know, It Ain't Over video, that band is what I would, like, we we were kind of like working on a project. So that would mean when I go and like make an EP, maybe there are the musicians that go in and truck, because we have a chemistry, you know, like we have a certain charisma. Just that, that was, we didn't rehearse like two of those dudes I had never even played with before.
But my, the guitarist, Carlos Guerrero, he's a really like, everybody knows him because he's a great, he's one of the top guitars in town and he just like, he's incredible, you know, so.
um I would like that to be kind of like a band, but you have to build certain bands different ways, but like like that band works really well. We just kind of discovered that I've worked with several of them individually separately, but we all came together and had no rehearsal and I picked the hardest songs and Um, we all just fell into our places and it worked and I mean people don't notice anyway If you're not a musician, right like I mean listen, it's terrible but none of us are gonna be terrible we're professionals but are we gonna be like the best we wanted to be And hit the notes we wanted to and hit the you know Everybody has their you know jam out enough take another solo You know all the things like so my guitar that guitarist he he leads a band really well And he spends with the owner like I said, it's not like a big
Allegiant Stadium You know, it's it's a it's a cool bar where it's known for music. It's really really young and it's on like all the like the spots I'm like all the what are the what are the like ratings that they do then? like the they like the Yelp reviews are in or no, like the official like they'll do it on so like a big a big website like it's like the top 10 something in Vegas, right? Like they're on the top 10, even though they're not in a casino or hotel. Yeah. They're just, um, notable friend, all the, like, you know, they'll be famous people, musicians that would stop in there. Like, I think the killers played there randomly didn't like play there. They came in and played. Cause what happens is you'll see like a dude that, um, there's a dude panic at the disco. I work with him. Um, he used to be the front man for that for a panic at the disco. And, um,
Like he played my original like a couple of weeks ago with me. He's and he's actually in my video, on my promo on my Instagram. But yeah, like you'll see somebody, you know, and then they'll cop up on stage and start jamming with the band, right? So it's like more of like, it's where the musicians go to kind of like watch music because a lot of times we we don't want to do that. Like we, that's what we do for a living. We go out for a living.
We drink, we could drink while we work. It's kind of fun. You know what I mean? Like you could literally have a drink on stage if you want to. I mean, there's a lot of times you don't do that, but you know, it's like one of those more chill spots where you could just enjoy your other musicians and hang out and chill. and yeah It's a great spot. Yeah. Nice.
I'll have to add that to my list. That's what we do. vas You do. Hey, let me know and I'll definitely i'll get a list going for you um of all us the cool the cool the cool kids where they hang. which but yeah You can just be the tour guy. Be our tour guy. Hey, we're we be in town this week. Yeah, I'll be your Uber. There go. There you go. Yep, I'll do that.
He shows around, takes to all the good spot. Yeah. We'll have a good time. Yeah. I got, like I said, I got a buddy of mine who goes up there a couple of times a year and he's like, it's not really that expensive. Look like you can get a flight plus hotel and it's like X amount of dollars. And I'm like, not too bad. I was like, but the downside is, is how much am I going to spend when I get there? Oh yeah. They know what they're doing.
You want a cheeseburger and a Coke at one of those places in the food court? You're looking at $35. Yeah, exactly. and i'm not i mean nothing i done Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against you know a good cheeseburger and ah and a Coke, but if they um ah you know I want to go somewhere and get a good steak. And I know it's going to cost me a fortune, but you know Hey, gotta to go to the the heart attack, whatever cheeseburger heart attack. And I'm like, why that's 10 pounds of food that I'm not going to eat. Yeah. Like just so I can look at it and be impressed by the size. Yeah. a burger Sounds good. What's your favorite burger spot where you live at least don't really have a favorite burger spot outside of the, the normal run of the mill franchise places. We don't really.
yeah five Guys I know oh, yeah, we got fine I Don't get it man cuz I'm just gonna go to in and out at that point I You know, I got trying and now I've heard so much about in and out and um i never trieded in and out we' We don't have in and out out here how come we have five guys but you don't have in and out it makes no sense I ah Yeah, they're kind of blowing up. They're everywhere. I don't get know. It's delicious. Is it? I've heard. ah Yeah, I've heard a lot of ah good things about it. Five guys burgers are, they're good. But if I go to five guys, I go for the fries because them fries are, they hit the spot every time and cover them bad boys and some vinegar and, and
catch up in rock and roll, man. Yeah, it definitely was like an East Coast thing, but I love it. And it's one of my favorites, but you know, the quality of everything is just, you can't, you don't know anymore. Like, is it, yeah you know, you feel it. Yeah, outside of the franchises, there's really not a place that I can think of down in Charleston. Henry's is my go-to. It's ah it's a bar and restaurant. That's my go-to for,
for food period, but they, they, they make a really good, uh, burger, but that's a really cool bar because it's three stories. And they got like the restaurant, like a restaurant okay style on the first floor. And then up on the second floor, they actually have, it's a, they have a bar and they do live music, but across from it is like a dance club. And then they have the rooftop bar and you get a beautiful view of, of, of downtown Charleston.
from their rooftop bar. So, but- It's like a little berry thing, huh? Yeah, and they make killer burgers and their seafood tacos are, oh man, fresh seafood, fresh caught, they make tacos. Oh man. Man, they were one of my, not only one of my favorite places to go, but a favorite customer of mine too. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, got it, got it.
But yeah, that's cool. That place that stands out here, you know, five guys, you know, they make a good burger. if McDonald's, Wendy's, whatever you're in the mood for. and It's all the same. Yeah, know you can as at the same time yeah yeah yeah that's that's gonna be my problem if I ever come to Vegas is I'm going to spend so much money on food. big Yeah, there's some good spots though, man. There's some really good spots.
eat. At first I was a little I had to learn because I was like oh suck there's no like mom and pops but there are you just have to live around here for a bit to know them and the ones that aren't good they're really good. Yeah you got to get those yeah we yeah we have those here and you can never go wrong with a mom and mom and pop joint and there's not a lot of those left it left like still around because no and all the big ones are We have a really good Mexican place here. Um, and I think the thing that makes them so good is their grandparents immigrated here.
i Like the sixties and they, they opened up their first Mexican restaurant and like the early seventies, but it's, and I've had friends that have come up that ah that are from Mexico.
And they're like, this is tastes like just same as back home. Um, but as the family has grown, they now have multiple restaurant. We have two here in town where I live at, but and that's man, it's so good. But they bring it out on this freaking platter that, you know, a single meal is enough for four feet. What is like, what am I supposed to do with
you' like to yeah I put the rest of my pockets and then took off. or Yeah, you can never go wrong with a good. I'm a huge fan of local, but I would have meant do you have to get off the strip? I'm assuming you'd have to get off the strip to find places like that, wouldn't you? Or do they have some places like that on the strip still?
I don't want to say no, but no. I don't think so. I don't want to say I know for sure, but like there's ones right off like. um golden steer, but then that one got so popular because some influencer on TikTok and now you can't get in there. So they ruined it for the locals. Cause you can't. be Yeah. Cause it's a small little, like, you know, like talk about like mafia. It looks like somewhere a mafia would meet up to have dinner. Like, you know, one of those sopranos, like, nah yeah, nice. It's a cool spot, but it's small. It's not, it's, you know, it's not a, but it's right off the strut, but it's right off Sahara. So it's like kind of a across from fountain blue.
um And then there's one called herbs and rye, which is, um, that's a little further off the strip, but it's, um, not too bad. It's nothing like you're going to drive 30 minutes or anything, but to get out, it depends on where you're at on the strip. Cause I mean, nobody wants to leave the strip. That's the whole point. They don't want you to leave off the strip. They want you to spend all your money over there. But, um,
There's another one. It's called herbs and rye. And it's just such a cool spot. They serve like after 11, it's called industry hours. So everybody can get it, but it's like for the industry, people are getting off of work. Cause you know, there's a lot of that.
I mean, that's like a big thing, right? Like you, everybody knows somebody that's a bartender or a server or something. Um, and the half off steaks and it's like really good food, like super good food. So I like that they take care of like the people take everybody who's in that kind of like hospitality, entertainment, you know, we all kind of know each other in certain ways and we take care of each other. And I think that's cool. But yeah, there's, I don't know. I don't think there's a lot of mom and pop every once in a while, I'll see like a random,
restaurant and in a hotel or casino, right? Because I think those can be privately owned. somehow they have to do it through I don't like the casino can't own all of those right like let's say McDonald's is it doesn't mean the casino owns that McDonald's maybe it does because maybe I'm talking about a chain I don't know but you know what I'm saying like there's certain restaurants where they change them because they're like oh the owners and I'm thinking in my head of the casino and they're like no no of the restaurant in the casino and I'm like oh okay so you know it's kind of confusing for me but I don't know but yeah yeah I don't know there's like too many
Yeah, they they they want to appeal to the masses, you know what I mean? Yeah, there's there's something like with but they call it some kind of monopoly type law, because like up here in the north, ah we have rallies. But if you go down south, it's checkers. It's the same exact thing. It's just called something different. You know, um like we have White Castles up here and down so down south, like Florida, they have crystals.
similar to white castles, but not the same. Um, but yeah, so they, some, some companies fall under that. Uh, but yeah, I mean, I, I do, you know, not so much when I'm a tourist, but if I get the opportunity, I'm i'm real big on, on local by local shop, local. So yeah, we got, yeah look we got some local pizza shops that have been here for a million years. And I would much rather order from them because it's better.
And it's probably you know then your Domino's or Pizza Hut or whatever, but also their local business, they've been around forever and you know, want to slide some money their way. Let's keep them around here a lot longer. Um, I think that would be the one, that would be another big draw for me is for Vegas is ah mafia basically built that place, the mob and stuff like that. Like I just want to check out all the.
all the old mafia places, like where they hung out and everything like that. is yeah well they was Yeah, I mean, it's a big it's a big thing out here. and there's you know um
it's a It's something that people miss that have lived here that I've been living here for years and years. And usually a little older than me, like but people that were, like I met this guy at one of the games I set up in the owner's box at the baseball games after I sing, right?
so i meet all these like really cool people as my second season being the kind of house singer they have they like they have other singers that come in and sing for different things like if i'm booked or if they want like a dj or something but like i'm mainly the one that they call um because i know them you know so and then like i know all the people too and it's important to them so um I met this, you know, politicians, you meet all types of people up there. So I met this, um, guy, he's a ticket. He used to own kind of like a ticket master, but obviously smaller wasn't a small scale. He did every, like he, you could tell this guy had experience or money. Like you could just tell, like he knew what he was talking about. So he said, you know, there's people that they're like back when the moms ran everything, it was ah better because people actually treat like there was more, um,
it was less corporate and people took care of each other. And like, you actually knew the person, you know, it was like, it was just different. It was run different. it was And so it's kind of funny how,
like people want that back because it's more of a personal feeling than a like you're just in a corporation just get in line and you're you know you're just another number room here you know that's not how it really was um apparently i've heard it a lot of people different people say that like well about you know back when they ran it it was better you know it's kind of funny because you wouldn't even think opposite maybe yeah there's definitely a lot of lobster jokes out here you know about our water, about how many dead bodies are in the source we get all our water from. I think, so I don't know, it might be real. I have no idea. I mean, we all know how they used to take care of problems. So, you know, lots of desert out there and lots of lots of places for people to
Never be seen again. So very well done. I mean, go missing. Yeah. I have a buddy of mine. He's full blooded Italian. His family is like, I love him to death. But his uncle used to always say, and he had that New York Italian like mobster accent. He used to always say accidents happen every day. You got to be careful. You never know. You know.
One day you're walking along and you might trip and fall. And it's like, I don't know if you're directing this at me or if you're just like saying like, what are we doing here? Did I piss this guy off? What do I do? What are we doing here? Where's this conversation going? Yeah, yeah. There's accidents every day. Yeah. I will fight my way out of this house if I have to.
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, the Italians are no joke. Like, being half is only part of it, you know? Yeah, exactly. Yeah. now i and and And it's that kind that that kind of history is the you that ah true crime. History and stuff like that is something that fascinates me. And know just to be able to walk some of the streets at some of these Big name mafia guys once upon a time walk down and be like, okay Now, okay, this is making some sense. Okay. Yeah, I seen this in a document. It's just cool. yeing Yeah, like Yeah, like when I did the mob museum um show and then like I was they put me in the paper like ah the the um, Las vegas like daily journal or review or whatever and
I didn't know they were going to do that. It just happened. The guy that writes, he's pretty big. He covers a lot of light big big things out here. um but he So you know I started getting a kind of a name. So one of the women, she saw me somewhere else play at this place called the Smith Center. It's a pretty big room. It's like pretty classy. It's a ticketed event. um And I sing with my friend who won America's Got Talent, um oh wow who was like, who was, yeah, he's kind of like my mentor, a really good friend, and I'm good friends with his wife too. And so anyway, but um she had seen me there and she's like, oh my God, you sing here. She's like, next time you're here, I'm like sending people down, telling them how amazing you are. And she's like, next time you're here, I'm going to give you a private tour. Like I'm going to give you a tour. Like we don't really, I don't know if they would truly do that.
um So I felt like a celebrity, kind cause there was a lot, it wasn't private, but she gave me my own. She like showed me each room, like want to take photos in each one, but she's like, and this is the courthouse. And I was like, is this people were in there. So like, I couldn't go in there cause I had a show in like 10 minutes, but I was like, it's like, that's the original courthouse. It's still in there. So they built this whole thing around that courthouse where it's all like all the monsters, all the big time, you know,
big time, uh, bosses and I, I really want to believe that the place I speak, cause it's like sits like this and then downtown's like here. So it's like right off the freeway. and and And so you have to go down like under, and then the museums on the top, probably like the courthouse was there and they built it around, but yeah I want to believe that that was a jail down there. It might be, it might be. It very well could be. I mean, you you never know a lot of the older,
architect architectural works and stuff like that, especially um the old jails, you know, if they were set on top of with the courthouse and it was all one building, they were generally down below. So and very well. Or they could have just built it and then all my dreams are killed. yeah That's a cool spot if you get a chance to check it out.
Yeah, we won't do any research so that we'll we'll keep your dreams alive. that That's you saying where they locked up all the old mobsters. I'm just going to delete the Google app off my phone right now. There you go. I'm not going to be able to help it. Yeah. Well, you know, the apps all listen to us. So you're going to get on Facebook or something. And it's going to be like, did you know that the the mom? ah It's not even a little clubhouse. They lie. Oh, right. I know. I thought that too. I'm like, what if they're just lying? Like, I'll be so mad. I'll be so mad. No, but I think it's known to be a a legit spot. So it's cool. Yeah. A lot of times. When you come on in.
Oh yeah. Hey, we we get out there. t ah You might not remember me. I know you're a big famous musician now. Yeah, I know. I don't think it happens that quick, but I mean, maybe I'll be like, you know, I remember I got you. yeah You want to deal with VIP tickets for the, you know, when I play an Allegiant. yeah they go ah I joke around, ah you know, well,
I'm a Browns fan for now. I don't know how much longer that's going to last, but yeah I've been a Browns fan my whole life. And I said, this season I'm done. I'm a free agent at the end of the season, which, which, yeah which team wants me, which, which team you want me. I've been loyal to the Cleveland Browns for 40 years. way too long Yeah. Yeah. I'll tell my dad was with the giants. Yeah. Before he passed. And it's fandom is something else, but no I know I,
I'm like, man, when they built that stadium out there for the Raiders, just seeing video and seeing seeing the games out there, it's it looks like a nice stadium. yeah It's gorgeous. Whether you're going to watch a game or catching a concert or something, like it would be something to just to go, just to be inside the stadium. It's beautiful. and The outside is gorgeous, too. I mean, when you drive past it, it's just like, it's so brilliant. I mean, it's just it has so much brilliance in it, like the way they built it is super nice.
yeah does uh have you uh have you got the opportunity to uh i'm assuming you have but get inside the sphere yet or have you seen the show at the sphere you know what i actually have not but i that place i was telling yeah remember that place i was mentioning to you earlier the um the promenade remember i was telling you how i was singing there a bunch of dudes and but uh it's right across the street from there like you could just look up and see it so i like literally a block over No, so but it's crazy. I've never been there. Um, I just like I said like enlisted somebody that and This is somebody that I really like and artists are really like I just don't like to i'm around people all the time, you know, so it's like just go and see random and I can see how that's fun for other people but for me i'm like if i'm going to spend 800 on a
eagle the for the eagles that, you know, the eagles are here. I want to make sure that I really, know like, want to be there because even though it is... They're amazing, of course. It's just like, I mean, then I'd probably go see they're like, but I have a, like I have a friend that, um, I guess he has like box tickets to the, uh, to the Chris Stapleton out here, which those are just crazy expensive. Yeah. I had a legion and, um, I might go to that one. Obviously if I get like a VIP ticket to this, um, festival too. So it's like a lot of times it's like someone giving me a ticket.
So a lot of times if I'm buying it though, I'm like, cause I don't ever have to buy it. It's kind of like, you know, I want to be pickier, I guess about work. They're all so expensive. so Yeah. Yeah. i to say that the the The price factor is huge, but else you're getting them for free. I mean, what that's the, that's the best deal you're going to get. Oh yeah. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly.
tickets free. I'm there to be in a singer, man. It's a first I get like, my friends make fun of me all the time. They're like, Okay, we now miss like, like, my real close friends are like, I'm a celebrity because I like i know i like once you know, like I kind of where I live, I know ah I just know a lot of people from singing. Like I even when I would sit up in those but and the basement in the owner's box, like you wouldn't think that I would just rent. um I would know people every time that I already knew not from the baseball team, you know, just like, oh, oh, yeah, they're like singing here now. So, you know, it's cool. I like that about Vegas. It's like really where we live in this area. I was going to say for it for as big as Vegas is and as busy as Vegas is,
it almost feels like in the industry in like in the entertainment industry and the hospitality it almost sounds like a small town ah you know it's like a it almost sounds like a small town feel everybody knows everybody yeah like they call it what do they call it a big small town or that's that's what they call it anyway like um they have you know that saying like it's a It's a big, small town. it's like it's it's It's weird, yeah, because you think that they're so like it's so vast. and it's not it's not we all know like Like I said, all the musicians all know each other. It's not like LA, where you know you got like thousands. you It would be impossible to know everybody. or yeah Yeah, exactly.
It's very easy to like, know a big group of people here and like actually know them. Cause it's the people that you see are a tourist. They're not living here. Yeah, they're not living. You know what I mean? Yeah, with being a singer, I'm sure, you know, you're, you're, you're running in that same circle. You know, everybody kind of see, Oh, well, so-and-so is playing here. Oh, I just played there last weekend. Oh yeah. Or I want you to meet this guy. You should play with Katrina. Okay, cool. You know? So yeah, it's a lot like that.
Yeah, nice. Okay, you can't beat that. I love hearing, because, again, as as a fan, you you hear all the horror stories and how it can be, and I mean, um the and a you know any any form of entertainment can be very cut through. People will step on their own mama to, you know, their grandma to get ahead. But yeah I think that's one of the coolest things that I'm hearing about getting getting to hang out with with like you and and and other musicians that are still coming up, even with Nashville, I'm surprised at how many good things I've heard about the inner workings of Nashville.
um because you always hear the badge, you always hear the negative. So it's cool to hear that there actually is a really good community out there, people who look out for each other, take care of each other and and and have the best interest for each other in mind. And it's not like you're literally out there walking into the octagon every, every Friday night, you know, just to, just to do a gig. No, no, the people out here are great, but it does take time like anything else, you know, like,
Because it's, everyone knows each other. There's a trust thing that's more valuable, I think, than it's somewhere in LA, right? Where you kind of have to, like, people want to know that they can trust you as, not just as a like a talented musician that they play with, but like, you cool person, like, should I recommend you for this? I don't know you. And because that trust is already built between them, everyone, that you kind of have to earn it. But once you earn it, then you're like, no, everybody, you know? And it's like, everybody's,
You're cool. Everybody's cool with you, you know? so Yeah. what you get Once you get a reputation, yeah once you get a reputation of being a decent person and and whatnot, then you're you're guided into the right direction so you can avoid yeah the scumbaggery, if you will. so Yeah. really Yeah, it's crazy. Because i there was a group of musicians I always wanted to... I i was like, how come i they won't play for me? How come I can't...
get into those groups or how come not that I can't I was just like why can't I'm just as good as that singer this singer or I I could kill that like I'm why and so it's crazy to see now only two years later doing this whole time like I'm already with the people I used to think like that about, you know, like they're telling, they're telling all the people, have you like, have your Katrina sing, man? She's talented. Like, you know, like they're actually rapping for me and now it just feels normal or like, or, you know, I'm playing with some of the, like the best musicians. Like I just admire them and respect them so much. Like for being in a band with me, you know, like I like to take care of my band and treat them with respect. And I don't like a lot of drama when it comes to that. Cause it's like, it's come out, you know,
It's like a family, you know, you you get in your like things, but we all kind of like adjust to each other. So it's really cool. Not, not every day is going to be sunshine and rainbows, but I don't necessarily mean every day is a bad day. No, that's, that's, that's awesome. that that is Yeah. Um,
Yeah. I don't want to keep, I don't want to keep you too long. I can talk to you for hours. I'm not going to lie to you. I'm not trying to get ready, but I don't want to keep you too long. I do want to get ready and and and wrap up here. Um, but I do also want to let you know, uh, open door, you got an open door policy here. Um, anytime you want to, you want to come up, we do multiple shows.
A lot of our shows are just kind of hanging out, doing whatever. um If you got something you got upcoming or whatever, hit me up on the social media. and and Okay, right on. um You know, like I said, you got an open door policy. ah You're welcome to anytime. Like I said, I would love to chat with you.
again. Yeah, it's a very cool thing. The other cool thing about about doing this is I get to meet a lot of really cool people. And, you know, and then continue moving forward, you know, continuing a relationship, you know, yeah. from um So yeah, any anything you you need, you not necessarily need, but anything we can do. to you guys like can Can you transfer me that $5,000 I was asking for last Yeah, remember how I said, I don't do a lot. I need some ba money. Remember that Uber we were talking about? I was too expensive. I thought I'd take my chances. Yeah. ah No, that's cool. I would love that. I would love that. And I appreciate you for having me on because you know, it's like new for me. And I just, um, like, I think this is a second, like kind of,
Podcast type of it or not really interview, but for me it feels like that but it's cool when it's not that and when it turns to be like yeah Oh, you know, we're just you're just talking and it's just you have that natural way of talking to people and so that helps too That's really cool. Yeah, I would love i would love to come back on and talk about stuff I have the other you know other um music coming out and so then you know, there'll be something there But yeah, we should definitely do it again and I appreciate it. It was really fun. It was cool getting to know you Absolutely. Absolutely. So, uh If it's all right with you and I know you got the new song out, but you got a couple covers on there. And, uh, I was actually, when I was downloading earlier, you've got a cover of, uh, Rihanna's diamonds. And my daughter was here. We were, I was putting her boat and she was like, who's that? And I, she couldn't see you because I had the, I had the screen down while I was uploading videos. And she's like, who was that? And I was like, I know kids love me. That's a good thing too. I'm like, I was like, um,
Katrina, the lady I'm having on tonight, and she's like, oh, wow. And then I popped it i popped it back out so that I could, and she was like, oh my gosh. And I was like, what? And she was like, I just didn't think she was going to look like that. And I was like, is this a bad thing or a good thing? Like, yeah insult my game. I know. You're like, I'm going to wait to tell her this at the end of the episode. So just in case, I'm not like, click. Yeah. No, that's a lot of people do say that yet. Yeah, no.
That's the other funny thing doing doing these shows with my kids because I've got I've got 11 15 and 19 My girls are the oldest and my boys are younger. So not a lot of the musicians. He's like, yeah, this song's okay He's a he was like he just wants to go play fortnight. Yeah at the end of the day but yeah but But my daughters have you know, they'll hear the music as I'm downloading and preparing and and doing stuff and Oh my god, who is that?
where can I find them? And then next thing I know they're in the shower and they're singing along to their songs. And I'm like, that's cool. That's really cool. you can so nights out Yeah. And she don't, and then they tell their friends. And so, yeah no, but, uh, she was like, Oh my gosh, I like her. And I was like, okay. Okay. head on we can be friends Look, there's our YouTube channel. Go follow her. Um,
So we we we take we take breaks on our other shows and we play music. And I always ask, ah but I would love to continue to play your music and add it to our rotation if that's all right with you. Yeah, I would love that. Are you kidding me? Sure. yeah And then I am currently working on because I just learned this from a former guest because I'm an idiot and I don't know how anything works. On Spotify, you can create your own playlist and share that playlist now.
Yes. So um yeah, I want to add you to to the playlist. I'm, I'm, I'm still working on it and figuring it all out, but I would love to add you to the playlist if that's all right. And once I get i that i'm able to add to it, so, but I'm going to start pushing it on our social media as a way to, uh, not, you know, help you guys get more ears on what, what I do become a fan. I'm not going to bring anybody up here all willy nilly. I've actually.
had to tell a very good friend of mine that a friend of his is not a good musician. And I don't think he talks very well. But he's just not good, man. Yeah, you can't. Yeah, that's a tough one. That's a tough one. Yeah. Yeah. It's like, I'm not going to bring a guy on and blow smoke up his ass and hype him up. And then people would be like, yo, click.
We were listening to this guy. You were so fake. He's wack. We're not listening to your show anymore. I'm like, hey, I got a reputation here, right? Yeah, I know. That's all part of it, man. don't don'tor Don't ever feel bad. You shouldn't feel bad about that. like yeah There's always that one person you're like,
Okay, yeah, yeah. i mean we' We're gonna see you. you know A for effort, but yeah yeah. It's not for everybody, man. It just isn't. And the good thing about music is you could do it whether you're good at it or not. i mean But when it comes to people choosing, you gotta let them choose. but's says that's It's for the people. It's not for us. It's for yeah people who need the music, like need to hear the music in some way or another. you know I know I can't do the music. That's why I do podcasting.
i i I have had a good guitar for about 20 years and I couldn't, it it's a great hat rack. I couldn't play the first chord on it. right and i'm here Cannot carry a tune in a bucket. Now in my car, i it't when if um if nobody's home and I'm in the shower, I think i i think I'm freaking Bruce Springsteen or Mick Jagger or whatever. I'm the singer on the planet, but I put on a hell of a concert in my car.
yeah yeah a hell of a concert in my car Let me tell you what, but but you'll never Yes, you'll never catch me singing online or on stage anywhere. I mean, it might catch me on stage.
being an mc at a concert you know but uh outside of that i will not be singing i'll do what i do best and that's we all have our strengths man but yeah i know i would love that and that would be awesome if you if you could yeah if you want to put my song on on the playlist and um yeah yeah this is really cool it was cool it was really good getting to know you i'm glad that you reached out it's kind of like for me a little bit more surprising and also random because i didn't know how you found me Um, but it's all it doesn't matter because it's exciting and it's cool that you it's almost even better that you don't live here because it's like I like to like Make these kind of friends, you know, like what yeah with within the music You know somewhere other than where I live, you know, obviously so yeah, it's cool I appreciate sure you having me on and i'm hungry because we're talking about food so much. I know that's what I was just thinking I was like, man why What can I go make real quick because I know we're gonna sit down and watch tv and
I kind of want something to eat because we started talking about food. I'm like, fat boys hungry. I'm going for it all. I'm going to get steaks. I'm going to get in and out. I'm going to know just just everything. But sure.
She's gonna play this with me when you have it, you know, that'd be awesome. Absolutely. Once I get it all done and created, I'll i'll be sending it out to to everybody that because I'm going to try to put everybody on there that as long as they've got music on Spotify, um it know it'll be on there. um Like I said, just a little, another little way that I can help, you know, I help promote you guys you guys out um and and get get some more ears on you. But yeah, like I said, you know, anytime anything you know we can help promote or anything like that or you know yeah that's so cool man that's awesome if we're if i'm ever rich and famous from podcasting and some crazy old lady hits your truck and you know i'll reach return hey you need a new truck i got you a bronco i want a bronco and i want i want a classic there you go just so you know yeah i'll get you we'll get you a red one we'll get you a nice red ah classic bronco that'd be awesome all right now that was so cool
But no, welcome to the non-sensical family. Like I said, you're welcome to anytime. When the new music comes out, lets me let me know. I'll be watching. That way i can yeah I can get it up here and I'll be playing it. um
What's up, Bill? I hear another shot. Another shot podcast. These are our boys. This is a friend of mine that does a podcast. Oh, nice. Oh, OK.
Yeah, I think right. Yeah, it really is. Yeah, once yeah he's obsessed with mine. But up and before before I let you and I'll let you drop down and I'm going to do my spiel and close out and I'm actually going to close the show out with your with your newest song tonight. um right We're gonna I'm gonna end the show. But before before I let you drop down and let you get out of here do you anything. I always ask people if there's like a a quote and like something that that resonates in your head and lives in your head or if you have any advice for anybody maybe new musicians that are coming up and thinking about maybe maybe uprooting and like I'm gonna leave my small town and move to the Nashville or Vegas or LA and pursue a ah music career anything like that that you want to throw out yeah yeah I mean I would say you know it's really easy to get
Look, being a musician and really wanting to do that as a career where you're, there's nothing wrong with having a side hustle, but like you want to focus all your energies into your passion and your career like anybody else, but it's not easy. And so I would just say that creating original music It's kind of, it does the opposite. It actually, creating original music actually brings more things to you, even if they're like doing covers or doing shows. Like people take you, I think, a little more serious if you have something that you've created of your own. I mean, that could just be a cool cover, you know? That could just be a really cool cover that you just kind of redid yourself. I mean, there's so much you can do, but I would just say like, if it's really your passion, you really have the balls for it and the guts, because it's,
you have to have thick skin and you have to be able to fail a lot and learn a lot and just keep going. If you have that, then, you know, then go for it. Don't wait. Like I waited a little bit too long and I think that, um, but see, that's not the right mindset either because yeah, I'm not 21 anymore, but I wasn't ready for it, you know, then. And, um,
I wasn't experienced enough and I've learned so much in two years. I mean, like literally I can't even, it's it fathoms me that I've even, it feels like 10 years for me. So I think if you, I think if, you know, if a person's really passionate about the music, yeah all the other stuff kind of falls to the wayside, you know what I mean? Just not to be scared, not to be intimidated. You only have one life. Like if music is such a powerful and if, you know, it's such a powerful way to communicate with people and it's a gift. And if you,
You don't want to waste that gift. You know what I mean? Just because you're fearful of letting go of the day job. And there's so many great places where you can make money and make a living off of music and then maybe do a side hustle. I mean, if you need to, but yeah not in Vegas though, if you're if you are talented and you work hard and you're willing to learn, you can make a whole living out here. So, you know, I would say that to anybody. Yeah. I mean, I would say you're, you're you're never, you're never too old to,
to, uh, chase after your dream. I mean, I was 40 when I started doing this and this has been a lifelong dream of mine is to do radio or podcast. And then, and I was 40 and I was just like, and I had that, that initial thought too, was I really kind of missed, I missed, I, you know, kind of missed the ball here, but we started doing it and.
And it was a little crazy at first, you know, but we're finally figuring things out and kind of, and we're three years into it. So we're kind of, ah yeah you you know, well, I am, I can't speak for the other guys around me, but
they're a little feral yeah right it's okay we'll work on them but yeah yeah i know i would just say that yeah and there's it's it really is never too late i just learned how to play piano last year and i know how to read play and like i'm an i'm not a teenager you know and it's possible if you hire a dedicated and and nine months i learned how to play a whole new instrument Classic music like but I studied every day and I sat down every day and I took lessons every week for nine months Mm-hmm just depends on how bad you want it And I think that a lot of times ah there's a correlation with talent and how bad you want it You know, yeah, it's unfair like somebody was telling me it's kind of unfair because you were given like a gift
And I had to work so hard to get to so that level. But for you, it's just like you have something special and it's kind of not fair, but it's also like you actually appreciate it. Like you're not a snob. You know, you don't think you're better than anybody. You always want to learn. There's always something you can learn from somebody. Oh yeah.
Um, and so I guess actually the thing I would really want to say and I think this is important is um Not to compare yourself to other people. I think that is such a hard thing that people A lot of especially musicians. It's very easy to compare yourself So I think if you just compete with yourself And the only person you're comparing yourself to is yourself. And I think that's the best advice. You always have a confidence. You know, it's like, at least I'm failing for me. Uh, who cares when I be things like I look stupid on stage next time I want because I know better, you know? So yeah, that's it. yeah The only person I'm in competition with is myself. There you go. Yep. Yep.
Well, thank you so much for having me. I appreciate you. I will definitely come back on. I don't want my laptop to die. I don't know where my charger is at. But i I would love it if, yeah, you played this song. That would be amazing. Oh, yeah. We're going to play it. I do. right Yeah.
Again, but it's the network is all guys and then they're like playing this chick or shut up and leave me alone. I like it Yeah,
yeah I mean the guitarist on it it's a cool dude from LA I mean he he does like death metal bands and he loved it, you know, he was like I love this tune like I mean You don't have to like, it's not really a, it's not really a track for a chick, ah for a girl. I'm not talking to a man. I'm talking to my own reflection in the mirror, yeah the whole entire song. But it's one of those songs that has double meaning. Like Amy Winehouse's Valerie, like she's shucking to her herself. Like, why don't you, like I miss, it's essentially the same thing. I'm talking about how I miss my, like who I was before my dad passed and like all that grief and like,
The person you kind of turn into while you're grieving for a bit I think everybody turns into somebody different you could you know all the phases of grief And the ways you deal with it, right? And so that's what this song is about and it's about me missing him and missing myself Because it felt like I lost a piece of myself So I think it could be healing to a lot of a lot of dudes, you know, but I get what you're saying You guys will like me because this next EP, I have a raspy voice, so guys like my voice, so they'll get over it. They'll like it. I was going to say, the female artists that I listened to, Stevie Nicks, I love Stevie Nicks. So you said Stevie Nicks earlier. I would love to see a video pop up on your YouTube of you doing a Stevie Nicks song. I think you would absolutely kill it. Oh, yeah, I'll definitely throw it up there. You did a Janice song.
bit sh yeah Absolutely kill it. Yeah, i I did. Yeah, man. I sang scorpions. Come on. I do Aerosmith. I do all these. do I do Guns and Roses. I do. Oh, wow. ACDC on a good day because they're hard. but Those vocals are just. I don't even. I'm going to the jungle. That's on my set list. I'm going to attempt that maybe. But we'll see. Yeah, I'm not even a singer. I destroyed my vocals thing in ACDC and and um yeah
um Guns and roses and stuff like that. and And I'm not even a singer. I just like to sing in the car. But no yeah we play we'll be playing We'll be playing everything on here. Definitely looking forward to the new stuff. um Thank you. and And like I said, don't be shy. Don't be a stranger, you know? Oh, no. we won No, we're homies now. ahll yeah I'll try not to be creepy guy in DMs or anything like that. but It's OK.
You don't have to worry about that. Mostly I'd be like, oh, the song was great or something like that. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I like about you. That's cool, man. Appreciate it. So no, I do. Uh, thank you again for coming up and definitely look forward to doing this again down the road, hanging out with you. Yeah, for sure. Um, yeah. Go to hell with, uh, Bill. um yes his versus is angelic I like this guy.
he he's ah He's a buddy of mine. He's a goofball. We're actually going to be doing a show at the end of the month together, a little, names about ghost and paranormal and stuff like that. That's another, I'm weird. I'm all over the place, but I'm really big into the paranormal. I'm definitely going to tune into that. Yeah. We'll be doing that on on the 25th. I think it is. Oh, nice. sure It'll be early for you because we're, we're two hours ahead of you. So.
It'll be an early time for you. Yeah, but the replays are always up on the replays are always on YouTube and they're always up on um up on. We're on all the major podcasting platforms, so yeah, I saw that right on dude. That's cool.
Yeah, we'll be up there. So I will let to you drop down and I'll close out the show. Again, thank you so much. Definitely look forward to watching your star rise, so to say, and get brighter and brighter. I think it's inevitable. no matter ah you No matter how long it takes, it's inevitable, you know. ah yeah one day yeah yeah you'll sell out the all legendary i think were Yeah, see you're manifesting for me. OK, right on. yeah too Me too. Yeah, exactly buddy. Thank you so much for having me. I appreciate it. Yeah, no worries. OK, have a good one. No worries. All right. Yeah, me too. We'll be in touch. Absolutely. Bye.
ah Yeah, OK, it is the 25th. I thought so. um Watch the replay. Shout out to Katrina. Um, she is amazing. Y'all. Um, that was, I love doing these interviews because I never know, I never know how they're going to go. And I've been blessed with a lot of really good interviews. Katrina is everywhere. Uh, Katrina Brie, you can find her on Instagram. She's tagged in all of our posts as well. Um, I'm actually going to play you. This is her, her first release. Uh, and it's called special again.
So I'm going to play this and then I'm going to come back and do my whole, my whole spiel. And then I'm going to get out of here. Appreciate you guys listening and definitely appreciate you guys being here. Make sure you go check out Katrina. You guys seen here tonight. She's awesome. Uh, she, she has a, an amazing personality and definitely looking forward to, uh, having her back on and hanging out with her again.
There you guys have it. Excuse me. Brand new from Katrina Brie. Special again. It's a very beautiful song. I'm digging it. Definitely, you know, a little backstory behind it, you know, as Bathurst said, and as I've said a million times over again,
Music is definitely very healing. There's a lot of people out there that use music to heal. So I'm definitely excited to hear more and see more from Katrina as as she continues to grow um and whatnot. And again, huge shout out and thank you for being on. again yeah She's everywhere, guys. Katrina Bree on all them social medias. You can find her. And if you have a hard time, just go to ours and she's tagged right there in the post that uh that I put her on here for tonight's show. So, it's super easy to find it. Appreciate y'all being here. If you're not already, go ahead and give us a follow as well. We are everywhere. Facebook, Instagram, X and TikTok shows are live Sunday through Monday on YouTube and we're
Everywhere and anywhere you listen to podcast, you can listen to us anytime, any place, all at the nonsensical network, where you can simply go to bio.link slash nonsensical network. All those links are there. Uh, you can also check out our March. We have our, our little merch line going as well, but all kinds of goodies there. Um, but most importantly, give us a follow, give us a like, and, uh, give us a share. Appreciate y'all being here. We'll be back tomorrow night. Actually real quick run through.
Mondays is Men Can for Men. It's a men's mental health podcast show. ah Last night's show was awesome. We had Chaka on there. Michael Bathurst joined us um from their respective shows. Chaka does some Bitcoin stuff and um also does this happy hour show. I was catching some replays today. You can find Michael Bathurst everywhere at Michael Bathurst.
He's doing AI music and football. He does a little bit of everything, spirituality, football, um and AI music. And Shaka is, I can't remember his channel name.
to to
Oh Lord, anywho, I'm gonna figure it out.
um But you can check out my guy, Tony D. Belkings Fantasy Football on Sunday mornings. There it is. I found it. Sunday mornings, I think they do 10th in the morning.
They're doing fantasy football Getting you all ready for the yeah for the day Sundays ah Chaka crypto on YouTube um He's there a and Fireman rich at fireman rich Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays Getting you up and going for your morning with a cup of coffee and all that fun jazz But uh, sorry, I got a little sidetracked it happened squirrel um But yeah, over here on the network, Mondays is Men Care for Men. It is an open panel forum. We had a great panel last night, a great conversation. Tuesdays is Clicks House of Music. I'm hanging out with up and coming artists and kind of shooting the shit with them a little bit, getting to know them a little bit better. Next week, I have Adam Jones coming up. Adam sure yeah adam Jones is gonna be joining me next next Tuesday night.
Wednesday night is WTF news. If it's in the news and it makes us say, what the fuck is going on in this world? We're going to talk about it. And we do it with our own little comical satirical way in nature. Thursdays is Cassius Corner. That is a wrestling show that I do with my son. We talk a little WWE, make pics and predictions on paper views and all that fun stuff. It's fun little father son thing that we do. Fridays is nonsense and chill with Blaze and Jay, Blaze and Jeff.
Uh, they're watching movies, man, and just talking. Yeah. They're just like hanging out, watching movies, talking shit, you know, having a good time. Saturday nights is the, the main event, nonsensical nonsense. We call it the open door challenge. We dropped the link in the chat. Sunhenge. It's unapologetic, man. We let the lunatics take over the asylum. And then we wrap things up on Sundays with unnecessary roughness, your kickoff to kickoff. It is an NFL show.
We run down the games, give our picks and predictions and comments and talk some football shit. We have a good time doing that. That's myself. One more guest to this show, Derek Wayne Douglas and Rick and Cam joins us from time to time as well. And that's also an open panel. So if you want to talk some football, we dropped that link and you guys are able to come up and chitchat with us.
But yeah, check us out. Jeff's garage is on a little hiatus, but it's eventually coming back on Sunday evenings But check us out all to non sensible network We appreciate you guys listening. and We appreciate all you guys that follow us and enjoy what we're doing here Hopefully you guys are enjoying it. I work very hard and and and I have a great cast of characters with me that We try very hard to bring some entertaining content. So hopefully you guys are enjoying it and And don't be shy. The cheddar's box is always open. So we'll see you guys tomorrow at 7 p.m. What the fuck news? That being said.