No, that's, and and that that is really cool. That's something that I've noticed. You know, you, I've had artists on here from like Nashville, you know, Nashville has got a huge music scene. Obviously that's what Nashville is. And that was one of the things I asked. I said, you know, as, as a fan on the outside, looking in, you hear all the horror stories, you know, somebody would run their grandma over with a bus to get ahead of, you know, type deal. And they're like, no, actually, surprisingly, the community is very strong and it doesn't seem to matter if you're from you know, Nashville where that's music, you know, down there. Or if you're from small town, I'm i'm from central Ohio. I'm down by Columbus. I'm in a little, little town, little east of Columbus. And even our music scene here, man, that all the bands know each other for the most part, they're, they're, they're all friends. They all help each other out. You know, they're like, whether it's playing in one of the bar, amen. I just played at this bar last weekend, had a good time. You guys should try to get in there type deal, you know, or