No, I tell you, I do appreciate you coming on. it's It was awesome to get to chat with it you. You obviously, yeah you know, you never really, you can't really get a feel for somebody's personality um through text sometimes. And, and I hate texting anyways. That's another thing. You got that going against me. Cause, cause sometimes you say something that's just like, Oh man, I hope you didn't take that as me coming across like an ass or anything else. Cause I truly don't mean it that way. But, uh, I think, I, I think you're pretty fucking cool. Uh, you're pretty bad-ass, you know, actually is super busy, super talented. You got all all this stuff going on. Um, and, uh, you know, I definitely do appreciate you taking a little bit of time and coming and hanging out with me tonight. Um, I always ask, uh, just because, uh, you know, manners and all that good stuff.