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Summerslam Preview + The New Gen Ring Is Funded!!! image

Summerslam Preview + The New Gen Ring Is Funded!!!

The Chick Foley Show
6 Plays3 years ago
Our Summerslam preview is here and we dive deep on all 10 matches at the biggest show of the summer! In the Royal Rumble, Sheena and Marco take turns predicting the matches at Takeover 36 and we all have some scorching hot takes on the imminent(?) debut of CM Punk in AEW. In figure news we discuss the successful funding of the New Generation Ultimate Ring, and where we think Mattel Creations could take the WWE line next! Our bonus segment this week features How Many Chicks and a surprise live review of Brock Lesnar’s Retro figure. All that plus Listener Mail! Check out the latest Wale x Foot Locker WWE Release Use code CHICKFOLEY to save 10% on all your wrestling figures at Ringside Collectibles. Check out the Pod Foundation Try Verb energy bars! Get your figure clothing at and use code CFS15 to save money!

Introduction and Episode Overview

Welcome to the Chick Foley Show.
What is up, Foley fan? We are back with episode 141 of the Chick Foley show. And this week we are going all in on SummerSlam and TakeOver 36.

Exciting News in Figure Collecting

It's going to be a great show. We got so much to discuss and some amazing news to recap in the figure world. But let's start by introducing the stars of the show. Sheena, how are you doing?
doing good. I feel like every time, you know, now we're, we're doing video, we're trying this, this YouTube gimmick. Um, you know, it starts, the show says, you know, welcome to the chick Foley show. Normally it doesn't matter because it's just audio, but I feel like I should like mimic it into the mic, you know, do a little lip syncing because now people can see me in my, uh, people don't know, you know, Margo can vouch for this, that little, that little half second, welcome to the chick Foley show intro used to cause so many arguments between me and Sheena. Cause you know, I'm like,
I'm really like the, you know, we'll break kayfabe for a minute. You know, I try to just stay low key and just be the host and just pitch the stuff for Sheena and Marco to discuss on here. But behind the scenes, I'm like Vince McMahon. So I'm like really trying to fine tune Sheena. Like, you know, punch it up. No, not that high, bring it back down a notch. And yeah, it would just, it would, we'd end up restarting the show like five or six times. So that's why we wouldn't even, no, cause we wouldn't even be recording. We wouldn't restart the show. You would make me like practice it before the show. And then I would get like all pissed off and be super sarcastic and be like,
Welcome to the check phone show. Too much, too much energy. You got to read it out a little bit. Yeah, so that's why we went with the permanent solution.

Weekend Wrestling Events Preview

We'll just do it a pre-take. Marco, how's life in the new crib up in Massachusetts?
Good, good, just preparing for summer something this weekend. You better get a cup of spot on the couch. I think it's going to be a long show, dude. Oh, yeah, definitely. Especially with AEW Rampage as well right after. So we'll see. Your butt's going to be numb. You need to be doing commercial squats or something. Every time there's an ad, you need to be doing squats to keep your foot flowing. Yeah, it's going to be an insane marathon of wrestling this weekend because we got SmackDown and then Rampage on Friday night.
We got SummerSlam on Saturday night and then TakeOver on Sunday. Anybody who doesn't get their fill of wrestling this weekend, you need to go check and do a rehab center somewhere because you definitely need some help. Sheena, let the listeners know where they can find you. The listeners and the viewers know where they can find you guys on social media. You can always find me on Instagram at Chick Foley. You can find Marco running the Twitter machine over at Chick Foley Show. Most importantly, you can join our Foley fam over at Chick Foley Show.
dot com we recorded uh we have our royal rumble 93 watch along that is available right now um as part of our bonus episodes and we did part one of our best tag team ever episode we recorded that last night so it's gonna be a lot of fun we're gonna drop that probably over the weekend not that you won't have enough wrestling to fill your time but you know if you if you're out during the day before all the the madness starts in the evening you want to listen to a little bit of
fun tag team talk then definitely check out our best tag team ever episode part one. Yeah and thanks again to all the premium Foley fan members who voted to help kind of fill out that list. I for the most part was riding with you guys on all your picks but get ready because Sheena, Marco and Jordan all had some scorching hot takes on some of the spots where you had these teams rank that.
So be ready for that. And then, you know, obviously we'll get a, we'll get a little Facebook discussion group going there in the group so we can kind of argue it out exactly where some of these teams should have fell out. Marco, tell us what's going on with the pod foundation this week.

Pod Foundation Updates

Oh man, besides that, besides, you know, the Patreon exclusive episode from, from yours truly, the chick fully show. Um, the, the content Kings, I call them, uh, turnbuckle tavern, just churning out episodes left and right. Oh, I think the courses, man. Yeah. They pretty much got the whole week covered right now. So you check out their new shirt. It definitely fits their, their persona. It says the other Conrad without the cash. So that's definitely on that level. I'm really living vicariously through them. Cause I love doing podcasts. I love doing the unboxing videos and stuff.
but having two kids who I adore, they're my world. I mean, I wouldn't trade them for anything. That's really like the biggest kind of limiter, you know, cause they just take up, you know, a lot of your, you want to put a lot of your time and energy towards them.
Um, but I just, I feel like if, you know, I was, I was no strings attached, like the two bad chads, I'd be cranking it out every single night. I'd be watching every second. Never leave the podcast booth. He would be like talking wrestling with everybody that would talk wrestling with him. Yeah. Yeah. They are. Yeah. Like I said, if you don't hear anything from us, you definitely hear something from the, uh, for the tropical tavern.
But yeah, so, uh, extra cooler there, their last show was they kind of stepped, it was like an extra credit episode. So they kind of, uh, ran with like more of the current, uh, things that are going on in the world of wrestling. Um, so no. Watch along technically, uh, but definitely give it a listen. So, uh, obviously turnbuckle tavern with the, they had a debate this week, uh, with a fellow pod, uh, foundation member, Mike Bellcaster joined them. Um, they also had another, uh, the turnbuckle sessions, uh, with the return.
Uh, two time Roberts. Yeah. Two time. I think it's the first two time and it's early inception. The first two to Sam and Tom that, that episode really ended up turning into a Bret Hart love fest. You know, they went over about 20 minutes talking about just what made Brett so great back then and why his work still holds up. Um, you know, 20 plus years later.
Yeah. Yeah. Besides that, the regular episode, episode 64 hit as well, uh, where they recap everything that happened on a W as, as well as everywhere else in the, uh, in the world of indie wrestling, as we like to call it. So yeah. Foundation is, uh, churning out the, uh, like I said, the, the content Kings and queen Shane, uh, do we get something going on with, uh, with our friends at foot locker and foot action this week?

WWE Capsule Collection with Foot Locker

Oh yeah. So we got to actually partner, the Chick-fil-A show got to partner with Foot Locker and Foot Action. Once again, they dropped a second capsule collection from their WWE collection. It was curated by Wale and designed by Kaz. So super, super cool collection. It's like very old school, almost got like a bootleg feel to it, which I kind of dig. And it's featuring some of Wale's favorite stars from the golden era. You know, Macho Man, Ultimate Warriors, JYD. I think there's Mr. Perfect.
Um, but yeah, some good looking t-shirts and, um, I got a couple of the crew next. So yeah, definitely check them out at the link is in my stories right now, but you can go and go to foot action. And there's a big, you know, link right there on the front to, uh, to check it out. I'll link it in the bio and then I'm sure Seth will link it in the show notes as well. Yeah, definitely hit the show notes. I think the teas and crews, everything's still available. So, so hit it up in support so we can get some more of these really unique, uh, drops from while they and.
Footlocker she and you're in the mainstream as much as possible do so food action and everything's like cranking out wrestling merch and gear like totally here for it Definitely. She and you ready to give away this Christian figure. Let's do it. All right. I didn't bring him down. He's upstairs It's the fan takeover the last figure from Christian the brand-new impact champion and we will hit the drumroll and
at angel 10 10 7 6 5. Sounds superficial. What is that? Yeah. I don't know. It's the message or screen name from like 1997 right there, man. It really is. Yeah. But there's no underscores, which I appreciate. So yeah, at angel 10 10 7 6 5, you are the winner of the fan takeover Christian. So just hit us up either on Twitter or Instagram, send us your address and we will get that shipped out to you ASAP. Yep. And Sheen for summer slam week, show off the figure we're giving away next week.
Here it is and it is awesome. Oh gosh. Yeah, but it is a really, really cool figure. This is the, from the recent, is that series 86, I believe. Yeah. Series 86, the summer slam set for this week. We had to, we had to come correct with a summer slam figure this week. And that's Ms from his summer slam 2018 match with Daniel Bryan. So.
Yep. We're taking it back to the OG giveaway this week. Just send a screenshot of yourself to Sheena on Instagram or Marco on Twitter, you listening to the show and you'll be entered. We'll announce the winner at the start of next week's episode. We want to remind you guys to always use Code Chick Foley to save 10% at Ringside Collectibles.

SummerSlam Match Predictions

And I think that about does it for our housekeeping news and notes. You guys ready to get into this SummerSlam preview? Let's go. Let's do it. All right, let's do it.
So with the advent of the the Foley picks league, we're kind of going away from the prediction championship, at least for a little bit. Marco is going to be holding that belt for a while until we come up with a new format, because I think we always we always make a big deal about on the prediction show. But between the three of us, I don't think we've ever done a great job of recap. And there were some times where we forgot to even mention it the next week, you know, and I was sometimes listeners would like mention the Facebook group like who's the champ now? And we're like, I don't know, man, we always hype it up, but there's no payoff. It was like late era WCW.
That's because I held it for so long. People, you know, they just kind of, you know, just expected me to keep having it, you know. And then, uh, no surprise that I was always the champion. I also think I kind of killed the gimmick when I just pretty much dusted both of you guys in the, uh, the Foley picks league. Excuse me. It's not even over yet. We have this giant weekend of wrestling and also I'm, I pretty much crawled my way up out of the swamp up to the top with all of you, with all of you guys. So don't, don't be discount me, dude.
And because I'm, because I am such a, uh, you know, a kind and giving leader, I rigged it up. So everybody still got a shot. There's actually for the, you know, dozen or so other members in the league on Facebook group, we're all competing for the cash. I rigged it up. So there's like, I think it is a be like a 25 point super bonus. If you hit every single match right this weekend, so everybody's still alive. If somebody can pretty much, if somebody strings together a perfect weekend this weekend, they'll walk away with the crown and that makes it fun. Cause you want to have everybody stay in the mix until the end, but let's get into it. We'll start with.
Uh, I don't even know how this match is going to go. This is, this would probably be better off as a cinematic match, but it's going to be in the ring right there in front of 50,000 people. Eva Marie going up against Alexa Bliss. Sheena, what's, what's your thoughts on this match?
I mean, you guys already know how I feel about Eva Marie. Her mic skills are just terrible. Like it's very bad acting, you know? And I know- Zero charisma. Zero, yeah. She's very wooden, man. Exactly. I mean, looks like a million bucks. Looks like she should just like- A million bucks. Yeah, like still the freaking show. But yeah, she's just, like Seth said, she's very wooden and I just feel like,
It's not doing it for me. You know, I think Alexa is definitely going to take this one. Alexa beat Dewdrop last week. And it was like there were some, you know, Lilly shenanigans, you know, Lilly winked at Dewdrop and then she got rolled up. And it's just, it's so, so ridiculous at this point. I'm really, and I love Alexa, like this is not a shot at Alexa. And I actually like Piper Niven too. I'm like, I'm, I'm ready for these two to kind of like bust out of this storyline and do something that's actually interesting and meaningful. I hate that.
Alexa saddled with this gimmick right now, but I do think she wins this and some turn of events. I'm hoping maybe something magical happens and causes Dewdrop to turn on Eva Marie and maybe brings Dewdrop to the dark side.
Yes, Lily could always possess Dewdrop and get her to attack Eva. That would make for some really, really good shit, pal. I agree. I'm surprised they haven't pivoted away from this. The response for Alexa was so overwhelming.
at, um, at Money in the Bank, you know, the crowd still behind her. People love her. She was very enchanting on her podcast. You know, she's got a great presence on social media and she's turned into a pretty damn good wrestler in the ring. So people really love Alexa. I don't think she needs all. It was cool when she was rolling with the fiend, but now that Bray and the fiend is gone, I think we just let her go back to being, you know, Alexa bliss. And we never really gotten an extended face run for her either. I think fans rated cheer. We heard it at Money in the Bank. They kind of started booing anytime she was doing like the supernatural shit also. So.
Yeah, I'd be happy for this storyline to wrap up after this and we see Alexa going back to just doing what she does best, which is being very entertaining week in and week out. Marco, what do you think, man? Are you are you hoping to see some Willie shenanigans this this Saturday night or are you ready for the doll to go back in the closet?
Um, I mean, I mean, it's SummerSlam. It's, it's one of the biggest events, uh, that they have. So you definitely, you're definitely going to see some, uh, Lily shenanigans. And, uh, I mean, it's, it, you know, it's, it tells you something when Lily, the doll has more charisma than even Marie. So she's pretty much carry spot on. She meeting the beauty, Lily, like using, using her as like an actual person, but.
She's pretty much carrying the storyline. She really is. Marco's trying to take my title as the king of kayfabe, man. Yeah. But yeah, I mean, we'll see what happens. It's probably going to be the most lackluster of all the matches. It's got to be a pre-show match, right? You would think. I don't know. The presentation from Lexa has been so mage, and they've been having her kind of main event raw some week. So I think this is going on on the main show. I just hope we get some sort of payoff to
Yeah, let's put the Alexa Bliss and theme thing to bed like yeah, it's it's just not needed Alexa doesn't need that to get over Yep, and I do hope we get a fit limits her limits her her yeah Yeah, I want to figure I want to ringside exclusive with the swing set and Lily That'd be pretty cool. Alexa, but but yeah, she doesn't need it. I think she's so much more dynamic and
As crazy as it seems, there's actually a lot more depth to the character when she's just regular old Alexa than with this kind of stupid horror movie thing. I get it. The fiend was so successful for them that they kind of want to keep something similar to that going. But now I think it's time to put it to bed. And if this is the end of the storyline and the end of this gimmick for Alexa, I would be all for it. Yeah.
Let's move to the raw tag team championship. We got RK bro, the newly reunited RK bro going up against AJ and Amos. Um, Marco, I think there's about a 50, 50 chance that this match ends with Matt Riddle and Randy Orton holding up the belts or with Randy Orton, um, RKO and Matt Riddle again, and just leaving him for dead. Uh, what do you think, man? How do you see this one playing out? Oh man. Yeah. Just, just judging, uh, you know, Randy Orton speech for my money and everyone, you know,
I think he says he has respect for Riddle. He hears voices, man. He does hear voices.
Uh, powerful if he does RKO him again, it's just like he already did it. That's that's that kind of takes away. And I think, uh, I think they are going to hold the belt up at the end of the, at the end of it. I think, I think that will get an insane pop if freaking RK bro wins the belt. So there's really no reason for, I mean, I,
I don't find anything interesting about AJ and almost continuing their reign. I feel like they need to cash in on RK-Bro while it's hot, regardless of which angle they go with, whether it's Randy turning on. We know Randy Orton's never really had any long-term friendships. It's inevitable at some point, but I feel like either way they go, if they hold up the titles at the end of SummerSlam, it's going to be an epic moment.
Yeah, they've been the most overact on Raw over the last few weeks. The crowd's been popping for them consistently. They got some sweet merch. So I'm all for seeing them have at least a short tag title reign before they eventually feud. And I'm sure those matches are going to be fire because it's a testament to how talented Matt Riddle is. It's kind of shitty as his booking has been on the main roster. I wouldn't say his booking, but just the way they've
He's still super over with the fans and I think Matt Riddle has the potential to be one of the biggest shining stars of those guys that came up at NXT in, you know, 2018, 2019. The dude's just, he's a beast in the ring, man. And he's super charismatic, so.
Yeah, I'm hoping we have a big moment for RKBro on Saturday night. And I actually think I may end up going and grabbing that t-shirt they have, the black and green one. Very, very cool. It's one of the best shirts that WWE has put out by themselves here in the last couple of years.
All right, let's go to the United States Championship match.

Damien Priest vs. Sheamus Discussion

I forget that Seamus is the US champion. I know that's bad to say as somebody who hosts a wrestling podcast. Marco, what do you think, man? Is this Seamus US title reign? Is it doing anything for you? Or are you ready to see Damien Priest, the archer of infamy, take the strap from him?
I mean, I like Sheamus as a champion. I love him as a heel. He's pretty awesome. But when he had that broken face that kind of took him out of the title pitcher and he couldn't really defend it. Like he would be on TV. What about when Ricochet stole his jacket and was Ric O'Shea instead? Yeah, that was pretty funny. But yeah, I really do enjoy Sheamus. I think he definitely, I mean,
I know some people think of it as a mid-carter, but obviously he was a world champion at one point. I think he's an awesome mid-carter. I love Seamus in the mid-card. He's an ass-kicker. His matches are generally pretty damn good. That's where he belongs. He belongs as an entertaining part of the mid-card.
Yeah, exactly. And I think it's, you know, I think it's Damon priest's time anyway. So I think he's going to walk away. Maybe bad bunny will return. Take out Seamus. That would be a cool moment. You know, behind the scenes we've heard that they're really kind of booking summer slam as this year's WrestleMania since WrestleMania was kind of, you know, it wasn't a full fledged WrestleMania this year. So
you got to have some moments. It's all about the moments. It's not about the matches. So yeah, if we could get it in Vegas, it makes sense. There's a huge Manny Pacquiao fight going down this weekend, too. So yeah, if we could get Bad Bunny to show up. Plus, Miz and Morrison have still been hanging out on the fringes of this storyline. So maybe we see them get involved. And then could you imagine a pop if Damien Priest's old friend Bad Bunny shows up? Yeah, that'd be awesome. I hadn't even thought about that, but yeah, that was a great idea, Shane. Yeah.
Get Vince McMahon on the phone right now and tell him to make it happen. It's a good idea, so it probably won't happen. All right, let's go on to the ladies side of things.

Raw Women's Championship Triple Threat

Triple threat match for the Raw Women's Championship. I don't know what's going on with this title picture. Obviously, we saw Nikki. I'm still going to call her Nikki Cross. I just can't bring myself to call her Nikki Ash.
Nikki Cross cashed in the night after Money in the Bank and won the belt in a pretty cool moment. But since then, we've seen her lose to Charlotte and Rhea. Charlotte and Rhea have kind of both just been spinning their tires going. It's kind of the old 50-50 booking that a lot of people have been really critical on WWE for over the last couple of years. Sheena, who do you see holding up the belt at the end of this one?
I think it's going to be Charlotte, man. I think, you know, breaking kayfabe really quickly, I think it's going to be Charlotte because they're going to try to do anything and everything they can to keep Charlotte because you know, Andrade's already gone, Ric Flair's already gone. If they lose Charlotte Flair, then, you know, they're going to do whatever they can to keep Charlotte, keep Charlotte happy. But, you know, in Storyline,
Rhea, I love, you guys know I love Rhea Ripley, but she just needs, there's just something missing. I don't know what it is about her character, but there is just something that is not connecting and something that is just not bringing me the championship vibes. And Nikki, like Seth said, like she's really kind of on the fringe of this storyline. I feel like she doesn't have a chance. So it only makes sense for Charlotte to really kind of like,
you know, hold the title up at the end of the, of summer slams. Yeah, you're right. Charlie's kind of just been, uh, hanging around really for most, uh, 2021, whereas on dry days, main eventing triple mania. And we all saw Rick flares living his best life down in Mexico over the last week. So the funny thing is he was, uh, you said he was gone. He's, he was on the first train smoking out of WWE. So, uh,
He was in the dining car. Wow. Wow. He's not this way to cater. Maria Ripley, man, I think it's still unclear to me all the years I've been watching wrestling. I feel comfortable calling myself an expert on professional wrestling. I still don't know if she is supposed to be a face or a heel on the main roster. Exactly. It's been a tweener, but not in a good way because it's like some weeks. She's not even a good tweener. That's the thing. There's a good way to be a tweener. Yeah, some weeks she's a baby face, some weeks she's a heel.
I think they needed to bring her up and just make her a heel because that's what made Rhea cool at first when she came in NXT. She had that edge, that mean streak, let the fans hate her for a little bit. And I think ultimately she will be a baby face, but she'll be so much more over if the fans hate her first and then you can turn her eventually. So yeah, I agree. I think Charlotte's got to be the one to walk out of here. What do you think, Marco?
Yeah, I think so too. I think it's, I mean, it's due, I mean, they gave her the title real quick and then it was taken away. So I think they just did that just for the fact that every time she won the title and someone won a Money in the Bank, they cash in on her, it happened to her three times already. So I think that was just, you know, like a novelty thing that they did. But yeah, I think it's time for them to just give her the title, just to establish some type of order in the women's division right now, because it seems like you guys have said,
seems like they're just waiting for something to happen. There's plenty of women there, too. That's the other thing. The other thing is we see the same ladies every week. It seems like I was happy to see Naya pop up again. Well, they've been releasing everybody.
Yeah, it's true. Um, but yeah, I mean, they, they, they still, I mean, obviously like they have an AOB, she's still hanging around. They haven't, she hasn't been on TV much at all. So maybe we'll see what happens, but yeah, definitely Charlotte's going to be walking out with that belt held high. All right. So at WrestleMania five, we had the mega powers exploding with Hulk Hogan and a macho man going for the world title at a battleground 2016.
We had the shield triple threat between Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns. But at SummerSlam 2021, we're getting the match to top them all. 3MB is colliding. Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre are going one on one. Marco, what's your thoughts on this one?
I've been going vested Heath, man. You can't, you can't have the three of these, man. Heath popped up at the bash at Beckley. Shout out to our friends at the turnbuckle Tavern again. They were at that show last week and Heath popped up in the, uh, the, uh, Curt Hawkins or excuse me, the Brian Myers and Matt Cardona match there. So he's around, man. He's available. Like I feel like they got to have him in Hornswall will show up. I don't, I don't see any reason why.
Uh, they shouldn't, you know, cause this, we already know beer and shanky, but I still don't know how they came up with those names. Those guys are banned from ringside. So they cleared the decks for us to get a three and B reunion in the middle of the ring. Um, it's gotta happen, man.
Yeah, it'd be pretty awesome. But, uh, yeah, it'd be pretty cool if they had him as like a special guest referee or something like that. Um, but he made the, he actually made that appearance during the, uh, during the pandemic era when there was like completely empty arenas. Maybe he had that, that one last shot against drew. And you know, we had that awesome promo that he cut and everything, which is pretty good. Yeah. But, um, you know, I've been waiting for this match, right? It was a dream match for me personally. I'm not sure if you could tell my sarcasm through.
Now I'm actually, you know what, I'm actually excited to see gender get, you know, back in action because he was a former world champ. Yeah, he's been gone for a while. And his matches of Randy Orton were really awesome. I mean, as much as people like to say he was like the worst WWE champion. He was a good old school heel champ, man. He was a good old school heel.
Yeah. Um, obviously he looks amazing. Um, the storylines been pretty, pretty decent with like, you know, stealing the sword and you know, drew just making a mockery of his stable, just speaking the crap out of them every week. So, um,
I'm actually pretty excited to see what they come up with because I know they're going to try to not steal the show, but they're going to make a name for themselves because, you know, Drew has been knocked down a few pegs since last year. He's not the champion anymore. He's kind of teetering on the mid-card status. So I think this match is going to actually help elevate both of these guys.
Can't wait to see what they actually do. I can't really imagine making this match like, like watchable almost. Yeah. We know they're, we know they're close friends. Uh, they're really close friends in real life as well. So that typically, uh, leads, you know, good chemistry and a good match in the ring. Jinder's talked about when he won the, uh, the world championship that drew was the first one to congratulate him when he came through the curve. So I'm, uh, I'm mildly intrigued to see what they ended up doing. Uh, what do you think she ended up, does Jinder have any chance of walking out of this with the dub?
Um, I mean, there, there's always a chance you're saying there's a chance. Um, I don't know though. I feel like Drew has, uh, you know, over the past year and a half, he's just, he has way too much steam and momentum. And I just feel like he's gonna, he's gonna be, he's gonna beat gender. He's gonna make gender earn it. You know what I mean? He's gonna hinder the gender. He's gonna hinder the gender. Yeah.
All right, let's get back over to SmackDown, the women's championship rematch from WrestleMania.

SmackDown Women's Championship Preview

Sasha Banks returning to take on the champ, Bianca Belair. Sheena, how do you see this one playing out? I think Bianca's going to continue to carry the torch. Sasha has notoriously fallen flat in these big moments. Ouch.
I mean, no shade to Sasha. I love Sasha Banks, but can you say that in her big moments that she always comes out on top because that's not normally true. She does got a history of being good on TV, bad on PPV. And putting on amazing matches and then just getting beat. There's nothing into her entering capabilities or anything like that. It's just the booking has not really ever been in her favor as far as that goes. This match is going to be a banger, no doubt, regardless of the outcome.
But unless they're going to do that 50-50 booking like you alluded to earlier, they're going to give it to Sasha this time and then have a rubber match. But for me, I think Bianca is going to go over this and just continue her reign. I feel like both of these women have been booked stronger than any of the three ladies in the Raw Women's Championship match. Yes, definitely. What that makes me think is that this match is ripe
to have Becky Lynch make her presence felt, whether it's before, during, or after. What do you think, Marco? Are we going to see Becky Lynch come out during this, during the Raw twin match, or on a segment all on her own? Man, definitely like to see her appear at the SmackDown side of things. Not so much Raw. I mean, it would definitely help out the Raw ladies. If she did show up, it would bring some
I don't want to say, we'll say validity today to the championship match. Um, much like we predicted earlier, that show would win and bring more prestige back to that title. So, but yeah, it'd be pretty awesome. And I think I was watching a, uh, uh, interview with Bianca Belair and she said one of her goals is to pin every single member of the four horse women. Um, so she's already paid daily. She's already pinned, uh,
Sasha, so just Charlotte and Becky. Two more to go. She's going for the big dogs now, though. Sasha, or Charlotte and Becky, dude, those are the queen of the mountain, you know what I mean? Yeah, I mean, she has a skill set to do so. I mean, size, speed, strength, I mean, she's pretty much a perfect superstar. Her and Charlotte would be epic, just because they're both so strong and so athletic. I just feel like the scout would be the limit for those two.
Yeah, one of the things actually, I just saw it as something when you said the SmackDown ladies are booked stronger. They have a lot more mike time, if you've noticed. So like, obviously, you'll see Nikki ASH. She'll do those like pre-talks before she goes out to the ring. Charlotte will have her promos, but what do you ever see, Rhea?
get, get the rank and actually have no events hates accents. You know, maybe that, that Kiwi, New Zealand accents too strong for them. It has been much more centered around just various combinations of the, uh, the women fighting each other as opposed to, yeah, not. Yeah. Sasha has been all about the mic work.
Yeah. So I think, I think that helps out a lot. Like you said, there's something missing with Rhea and I think it's just her being open and honest to be more vulnerable to the WWE Universe. Yeah. You know, not backtracking. I'm not trying to backtrack, but going to get Charlotte, who is just, I mean, she just screams heel. She is oozing heel from every pore of her body.
And then you have Rhea who looks like she would be a heel, but she's kind of playing this weird, like, you know, I will do some like crooked shady shit to beat you, which is kind of huge, but I'm kind of a babyface too. You know, like it just doesn't, it just doesn't work. Yeah. I feel like Bianca and Sasha have very defined like roles, you know, like heel and babyface.
Yeah, Reza that Roman 2016 right there where it's like, she's being pushed, but it's, what do they want her to be? I could actually see, going back to Becky Lynch, I think that could be a cool way to just start the show. You know what I mean? To really just send a lightning bolt through that live crowd, like do the summer same intro and then we start the show by hitting Becky Lynch's music.
She wouldn't need to do much, you know, it's going to be such a moment when she finally does come back, come out, cut a quick promo, and then maybe we see her, maybe we don't see her the rest of the night, you know, but I think that would be a great way to just really kind of set the table for the rest of the night. Let's go to our second tag team championship match for the SmackDown title. Sheena, do you think the Mysterios will be able to grab the belts back from the Usos?
I hope not. I really like this, the family having all the gold or whatever, but I just feel like, and I'm not really huge on Rey and Dominic as a tag team. It's all right, but I'm definitely pulling for the Usos on this one. I'm hoping that they get a big win here and it kind of brings back some, ignites a little bit of...
excitement back into the, the Roman and the family story, the Roman verse. That's what I like to call it. Yeah. The last few weeks, they've really been highlighting, uh, Ray kind of teaching, um, Dom, you know, he's the Yoda to Dom's Luke Skywalker. Typically in wrestling, these stories end in one way with the student finally turning on the, uh, you know, the master, uh, Marco, what do you think, man? Do we see the Dom heel turn happen right here? And I've been, I've been seeing that a lot, a lot of, uh,
A lot of people in the Twitterverse have been thinking that Dominic is going to turn on his dad. But I mean, I just want to see. Well, it's his dad, you know. We still have his dad. We know who his real dad is. He's got a Fox Blast first, man. And he's way taller than Ray. Yeah, so I mean. I don't know, bro. That's still up in the air. We need more read to set that straight. But what do you think? I'm going to put you on the spot, man. Are we going to see Dom turn heel Saturday night?
If he does turn Hill, it's not going to be like him just like violently beating the crap out of his, out of his father. It's going to be, you never loved me or something. Yeah, that, that type of thing. Like maybe, uh, you know,
Maybe Ray takes a pen and then Dom gets frustrated. And then like the next night he comes out and you keep your Gucci and you're Louis. Yeah. Get your ass back to Rodeo drive. You never, I was supposed to go to college, but you were buying Louis scarves. Here I am wrestling. I could have had an education.
I think I just want to see Dominic fly solo personally. I don't want to see him in a tag team with his... It was cool when they first won the tag team titles. And I think he needs to be a heel. I don't know what it is. I think it's just because he appears like such a little baby because we know he's like Ray's son. To me, he feels like a little boy. I feel like he needs to really...
turn up the heel energy to kind of like create his own, you know, persona. Whereas like, you know, Ray is just like this beloved baby face and we need, we need to heal Dominic. Yeah. I'll go, I'll go full heel and just say that I don't think Dom works without Ray. So I think when he does turn heel, it's probably eventually happening. I think that's going to be
the end of Dom's career in WWE because I think he turns heel. I think you could do a cool storyline where, you know, him and Ray have a one-on-one match. But the dudes, he's been wrestling for a year now and it's just not there for me, man. I don't think that he's, I don't think he's going to be a superstar. He's not the next coming of Ray Mysterio. Yeah. Unless he's, unless he's in a tag team or unless Ray Mysterio is right by his side.
or he's actually wrestling Ray. I don't see Dom working on his own. Um, wow. And I'll stand by that. So, you know, I don't think that's a super hot take at his, it just hurts my heart a little bit. I hate, like, I feel like I'm bullying him because he's like a little boy, you know? And I know he's like 26, I think. I know, but I'm going to ask man, I mean, I feel bad saying it. I typically don't say it, but you know, we got to maintain credibility. So I'll just put it out there that yeah, I don't think Dom works as a solo act. Let's get to,
the first of what I'm going to call the triple main event because it's really three big matches that this show centered around the WWE

WWE Championship Match Predictions

championship. We got Bobby Lashley going up against Goldberg. I saw a interesting stat on Reddit today. You guys realize that Goldberg has run as a nostalgia act for WWE.
is now approaching five years long, which was actually longer than what his original run in WCW was. So he's been a nostalgia actor longer than he was an actual main event attraction in WCW at this point, because it was November 2016. Also that it's been five years since he came back. That just seems wild. Three months from now, it was SummerSlam 2016. You guys remember the main event was Brock and Randy Orton.
And Brock busted Randy open and the crowd was actually chanting for Goldberg there in Brooklyn. They had the Goldberg chant going thinking he was going to come out and save the day. Obviously we didn't get to that point until about three months later. But yeah, Goldberg's now been a nostalgia act in WWE for longer than he was a main eventer in WCW. What a stat.
Mark, I'm kicking it to you first, man. This is the big Haas fight. Bobby Lashley versus Bill Goldberg. Is there any chance that we see Goldberg win the WWE championship on Saturday?
Oh man. I mean, I hope not. Um, I don't, I personally don't see the almighty era coming to an end at the hands of Goldberg. That's just in my own opinion. I mean, I don't know, man. There's been some cracks in the facade with him and MVP. They haven't been getting along. I think the wildcard on this one is big E with that briefcase, man. Uh, Sheena, you think any chance we see big E actually cash in during or maybe after this match? He doesn't have the briefcase.
uh baron corbin stole it oh yeah i i think that i think that'll resolve itself you know i think we see some sort of backstage skit on uh saturday we still got an episode of smackdown also for him to get it back i would love to see it i would honestly so i would love to see
Goldberg beat Bobby Lashley and just like the crowd, you know, the crowd is going to be like WTF man, like this is BS. Um, and then Biggie come out and then all their heads just explode and then him win the, the WWE championship. His dream matches to have a match with Goldberg. So yeah, I would love that. Cause I, I feel like that would, you know, it would be okay for Bobby Lashley to lose that way if Biggie ends up coming out on top, you know, other than that.
If they don't have any plants with Biggie to cash in, I mean, you can't have the all right. It's the perfect time, dude. I feel like this is the perfect time for Biggie to cash in. Yeah. I'm over why actually, why she should have lost that belt to Drew McIntyre at WrestleMania, man. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
I want to see big E cash in. I don't really care who wins. Honestly, I have grown to appreciate Bobby Lashley a little bit over the last six or seven months. I want to see big E cash in before the match starts and just a triple threat between these two guys. It does need to be longer than like six or seven minutes. I just want to see a straight up Haas fight between these three guys. Just, you know,
A lot of man meat just slapping together, man, and see how it shakes out and who walks out with a belt. I know. I want the surprise. I want him to just ruin Goldberg's day. I feel like that would be the best storied ending. You know what I mean? I just want him to come out and just squash Goldberg after a hard fought match with Bobby Lashley. I feel like that's the way to go. Where's this Goldberg hit coming from?
I mean, I'm not trying to hate on Goldberg, but I hate to hear what it sounds like if you were trying to hate on Goldberg then. I'm loving on Big E. That's what I'm doing. So maybe it feels a little harsh toward Goldberg.
You know me, I'm a big proponent of Goldberg. I love Goldberg. I just don't want him to be the one to end the almighty era. Like I said, for me, that's my own personal thing. Because I mean, where is it going to go? You know, what's going to happen after SummerSlam? I don't see Goldberg hanging around for a long time after SummerSlam, and it really is going to
not be as exciting or as cool if Biggie cashes in, you know, after the fact that he catches it on the weekly show or something like that or some, you know, sea level pay per view. I feel like that's going to be lame. So see, I like it could actually be cool if Biggie just did the ultimate babyface move and
Cashed in like two weeks in advance. Like I think I don't know I think it's too late of champions generally is like the follow-up show to SummerSlam. So yes, say hey, I'm cashing in at night of champions or classic champions whenever we're calling it nowadays Say hey, I'm cashing in and I'm gonna get my shot at the belt and give us a couple weeks to all get behind Big E You know you could get if he's back on raw who have Kofi and Xavier back with him and That just gives WWE too much time to
Like myth, the storyline, you know what I mean? I feel like if you, if you, if you, if he announces it ahead of time, it's going to give like, they're going to start thinking too hard about it and they could really, really mess it up. Whereas like, if it's like a heist of the century style, you know, it's, it's already happened and then they have to figure it out afterwards. They have to figure out what they're going to do with the champion biggie afterwards versus like they could really F things up and then make the crowd not excited. I mean, not that nobody would not be excited to see biggie become the champion.
But it could make it not as big of a moment as it has potential to be. Yeah. Right. And I kind of want him riding solo. I mean, I love New Day. I love all three of them together. But I think they should just keep the momentum going. And if he does win the title at some point, that he should just be by himself and just have those guys for support. I don't need him back with the New Day. And now they're a three man team again. And he's kind of not lost on the shuffle. But, you know, they come out whenever Kofi won. Did they come out to the ring?
Yeah, they were down there. I can't remember. Because Daniel Bryan was rocking the planets championship. Oh, that's right. They presented Kofi with the brand new WWE belt that already had Kofi side plates on it. They brought Kofi's kids in the ring and all that stuff. Oh, yeah, that's right. They didn't interfere. They were just at ringside cheering him on. I think if he does win, then
I mean, the new day is definitely going to be there, dude. They've been rolling together this long. So yeah, they're going to come out and have an in ring moment.
Yeah, they got to come out and help him celebrate and then turn on him. Swerve, take out, take out. Talk about, talk about a roller coaster of emotions, dude. So Goldberg wins. The crowd is pissed off. Biggie comes out, cashes in, the crowd goes back high. Then freaking new day comes out. Everybody's having an emotional moment.
Makes it even higher, and then the turn freaking come crashing down, dude. Can you imagine? I'm envisioning the camera shots of the crowd's faces as this happens. Wow. Yeah, it's got to happen. All right.
This is the match that I'm personally most excited for.

Seth Rollins vs. Edge Anticipation

It's about seven years in the making. Seth Rollins versus Edge. Seth, when he first turned heel and won the Money in the Bank briefcase shortly after, he had so many comparisons to Edge with the ultimate opportunist gimmick. Edge had the Money in the Bank briefcase. He was the first one that really showed what the Money in the Bank briefcase was all about.
So these guys got a lot of parallels to each other. There was that crazy angle back in 2014 where Seth brought the authority back by threatening to kill Edge pretty much. He said he was going to break Edge's neck. You know, John Cena begged for Mercy or whatever. So these guys got, they got some history. Marco, how do you see this one playing out? Rollins versus Edge on probably the biggest stage of 2021 in the wrestling world.
Um, unfortunately I don't see this as a clean one for either one. I think this is going to continue on. Uh, so I think there's going to be a few more matches between them. So I see this as like maybe like a double disqualification or it's going to be the first stop.
yeah i don't yeah you can't their money i mean edgid seven you can't just have a one-off match with between these two um it really depends on how what what edges how edge is feeling physically and stuff like that but um i can see this going on for a few more matches
At least kind of like a trilogy. So like how they did with Randy Orton and Edge. I can see that definitely happening with Edge and Seth and then they'll probably throw the universal title stakes for that at some point.
Just to give it some more some more flavor essentially, but yeah, I think this I think this match is gonna be Like I said much to everyone's dismay not a a clean win for either one It's gonna be either like I think Seth is gonna be the one they get disqualified and these it's gonna go off the rails and use a chair and
or something like that and then just completely kick the crap out of edge and then that'll fall into the next match or whatever the next pay per view is. I think it's classic champions, right? I tend to agree. This feud has had so much heat behind it, really even before they kick started it last month at Money in the Bank.
There was so much time between Money in the Bank and SummerSlam that I thought eventually we would work up to either like Extreme Rules or Steel Cage or Hell in the Cell, some sort of gimmick being put on this to really make it the end all, be all. The fact that it's not any sort of gimmick match, I tend to agree with you. I think this is going to be the first match of a series because it feels like they need something bigger than just a straight up one on one to kind of blow this one off. What do you think, Sheen? What's your thoughts on Seth going up against Edge?
Yeah, I think this is going to carry on for a while. Just the current title picture. It doesn't really make sense for Seth to win this and go on to immediately face Roman Reigns at this point. I feel like it needs to build. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. We ain't going to talk about Seth losing. Now, Seth might be queued.
That's not going to lose though. Seth is beating this old fuck. I believe that. No, I was just saying that, you know, I was saying if Seth wins, you know, it doesn't make sense for him to go on. So yes, I definitely agree with both of you guys that some sort of shenanigans are going to ensue. And yeah, you know, I'm not going to, I'm not going to speak ill of Seth Rollins on this podcast. I don't know that I've done it in the almost three years we've been running this podcast. So even during the eye popping era.
I don't feel like I was bagging on Seth Rollins. I was still defending him. All right.

Main Event: Roman Reigns vs. John Cena

It's time for the main event. This is the biggest match WWE has put on in a while. Shortly after WrestleMania, Dave Meltzer had reported in the Wrestling Observer newsletter that
behind the scenes in WWE, they really had four big money matches in mind for Roman with his current run that he's on. One was against Brock Lesnar, against Seth Rollins, against The Rock, and against John Cena. That was kind of the four matches that they had outlined that have to happen.
on this current run that he's on. And we're getting the first of those four this Saturday night. It's a rematch from No Mercy 2017. It's John Cena's first match since WrestleMania 36. So over almost two years, over a year and a half since John Cena was last in action. And he's going to be taking on Roman Reigns at the height of his powers.
since Roman returned. I mean, it doesn't get much bigger than this. These guys, I think there's some real life heat behind the scenes. You know, Roman was the guy who kind of took seen a spot as the top guy in WWE. They're going at it one on one for the most prestigious championship in professional wrestling. Sheena, how do you see this one going down?
I mean, I am always going to be at this point in time, you are silly to, uh, jump off the reins train. So he's been just running rough shot through the WWE. He it's the, you know, like you said, the, the Roman verse, the Roman era, um, Thunderdome. We're just living in it. Yeah, we're all just living in it. Exactly. Uh, seen us here for a good time. He's not here for a long time. You know, his, his schedule. Yeah.
His schedule's super full of A-list celebrity shit right now, so being the universal champion is not on that agenda. So having Roman lose this epic run that he's been on for a little short stint from John Cena really makes no sense at all. Unless, and this is a huge unless, WWE's feeling super petty, which they have a tendency to be, and they just want to stick it to Ric Flair. And since he's no longer with the company,
make John Cena the definitive world title record holder, you know what I mean? I hadn't even thought about that, man. That would be super petty. You could have him win it and then have Big E cash in then, you know, and just seeing it back to Hollywood and, you know, Roman could win the belt bag next month. I hope that's not the case, though. I feel like, yeah, I think Roman's got to win. Marco, do we see the Usos get involved or do you think Roman's going to go over clean on Cena for the second time?
I think he's going clean. I hope we don't see any so shenanigans happening, because that would only lead me to believe that he's going to lose, essentially, because you don't see this attitude adjustment. Both of those guys leave him outside of the ring and just finish Roman Reigns off, which we don't want to see, so I'm hoping they don't interfere.
I definitely see. And I just think, Rome, I just think Cena, I don't know, his presentation this whole time, it was cool to see him come back like you guys know, like I used to love Cena.
I feel like he has not evolved one iota since he left. He has no new characteristics. He still is doing the same thing. He doesn't approach Roman. He's been watching TV for the last year, which we all know, like John Cena is a psychopath. He probably hasn't been watching WWE the last year, but he's...
It's like he was talking to a Roman from like years past, you know, like his promos did not reflect the Roman reigns that we have seen in the past year and a half. Like it felt like he was talking to like, you know, post shield Roman, like, you know, post WrestleMania.
31 32 Roman, you know, like it just didn't have the same effect, you know, like I feel like he should have like looked at him like an equal whereas he was just trying to be like all jokey and hokey and Kind of like play it play it like super cool with Roman and I'm like, bro, you're stepping into the freaking, you know shark tank right now Yeah, yeah, he brought that up on that first promo he did
of the
Yeah, so yeah, yeah, I think I think that was like the whole part I think that was like the main meat of the storyline is this basically, you know? Seeing as a scene of as the same person he was and I think on when summer slam happens He said it he's gonna find out that it's not the same Like the the modern day like Hulk Hogan like he's got his gimmick he's got it down to he's like it's an art form You know, it's like it's like innately within him Yeah, well, he's not he's not the real man. You know, yeah
Yeah, we won't, we won't speak up. I mean, we'll get political on here, but, but, um, but anyway, I just feel like he's, he's just, he just like pulls it out. Like it's like, it just like an act for him. You know what I mean? Like it hasn't really adjusted at all to the, to the current time. So.
I'll keep it real, man. I really love John Cena up until a couple months ago. I want to see Roman just squash this guy. This feels like it should be a real passing of the torch moment. I think so. We should see Roman beat this guy clean, one, two, three, center of the ring to just really establish himself as the tribal chief, the leader of the current generation of WWE.
and it's going to make it that much more special when, whether it's Biggie, whether it's Seth Rollins, whether it's Matt Riddle, whoever it ends up being, once they finally dethrone Roman, it's going to make it that much more of a bigger deal, the fact that Roman beat Cena clean one, two, three. Let me give you guys both a final call. Sheena, what do you think? Roman or Cena? Who's standing tall at the end of SummerSlim? Roman. Marco? Reigns. All right. We acknowledged him.
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I love that turn bubble tabernet. I don't know why it just makes me feel all wrong. It's so nice you want to hit it twice. Yeah, I know, right? Yeah, the chads, they sound so good on the way. They have perfect podcast voices.
So we went almost an hour on this 10 match summer slam card.

Quick Predictions for NXT TakeOver 36

We want to switch it up for NXT. We're going to do our new Royal Rumble segment is going to be based around takeover 36. So I'm going to give Sheena and Marco each one match and they got 30 seconds to give us a prediction and just their overall take on it. So I got my trusty iPhone here. I'm going to be keeping the time on them and they've each got 30 seconds. You guys ready to go? Let's go.
All right, Marco, you're going first. We got LA Knight versus Cameron Grimes for the third time. This is for the Million Dollar Championship. And if LA Knight wins, Ted DiBiase has to be his butler for 30 days now. So they're really going all in on this storyline. You got 30 seconds. Go.
Yeah, so I think this is it. This is the end of the whole Knight Grimes finale, and I'm going with Grimes. I think Grimes is gonna win the title. He's gonna save Million Dollar Man from being Ellie Knight's butler, and that's the end of it, especially after that fiery promo that Grimes had this past Tuesday. There's no way he's losing this match at all.
I beat it just in time, see that? I'm getting good at this. All right, Sheena, you're up. This is the female equivalent of Shawn Michaels and Diesel breaking up for Kel Gonzalez defending the NXT Championship against Dakota Kai. Dakota Kai is finally getting her title match on TakeOver. You got 30 seconds to give us your thoughts on this match. Go.
So Dakota is just jealous that every person that she's ever partnered with has become a bigger star than her. She's the sidekick. She's the sidekick, dude. You know, freaking Raquel has beat Mia Yim. She's beat Rhea, Tegan Nox, Shotzi and EO freaking Shirai. So there's no way that little pink haired shrimp is going to be taken out. Big mommy cool. So I'm rolling with and steal your NXT Women's Champion, Raquel Gonzalez.
All right. I tend to agree, storyline-wise, Raquel's been booked so strong she should win, but I feel like she's about to be main roster bound. The main roster is getting so thin, especially on the SmackDown side of things, and I feel like she could be a shot in the arm, so I don't know. I'm not sure who it could be. It could be somebody from developmental, somebody that we don't even know exists right now. I feel like Dakota Kai is going to get somebody new to come in and help her out to win that belt, but we'll see. Should be a good match, though.
I'm rooting for Dakota, just not so much your in ring character, just behind the scenes, because she's been an NXT for like for freaking ever, dude. And I like Dakota, you know, breaking kayfabe. Yeah, I like Dakota. I was just I was just, you know, cut my promo because I really like, you know, Raquel again, she's been so strong. She's totally she's totally my type, you know, just yeah, just big, strong, brick, shithouse, badass, like love her.
All right, Marco, we got you a juicy one coming up next, man. Match of the year contender from 2020. Walter defending his NXT UK championship. He's had it almost two and a half freaking years now. He's defending it in a rematch against Ilja Dragunov. Give us your thoughts.
Man, if you see there the televised match, you're definitely in for a treat because I think they're going to go all out since they're actually on a main pay-per-view doing this match. I'm pulling for Dragunov to win this. I think actually Walter's main roster bound, the Imperium cohorts and not with the
NXT tag team championships of this past Tuesday, so that leads me to believe that Walter is under fall suit and booze his as well Wow, so you think it's coming to an end at takeover 36?
I think so. I think, I think Dragunov's due for, for a title reign. We hate to see it, but we also love to see it. So yeah, I agree. I don't really know what else Walter could do with that belt at this point. He's had it so long and I feel like he could actually, if they book him the right way, he could be a legit contender to, uh, to Roman for his championship. Yeah. He's so good at just the presence part of wrestling. Yes, exactly. He's got it, you know? Yeah, definitely.
Alright seen Samoa Joe's first match and almost a year and a half going up against carry on cross who definitely seems main roster bound Yeah, who is going to win this match?
So for those of you who know, Samoa Joe and I have a storied history. And despite spending years kayfabe wishing the worst for Samoa Joe, I'm here to say that I'm happy to hear that Joe is gonna kill you, Chant. And I wish for nothing more than for Joe to become the new NXT World Champion and just choke the life out of Karrion Kross and send him back into the main roster. So I'm going with Joe.
All right. Marco, we're leaving the main event for you. They haven't advertised this as a three stages of hell match for whatever reason, but you know, if it's a two out of three falls match and you got a different gimmick on each match, I'm calling it a three stages of hell match. So not to mention this is the undisputed finale. Very likely Adam Cole's last match in WWE. Who is going to win this last match between Kyle O'Reilly and Adam Cole?
Man, I think yeah, I think I'm gonna go with O'Reilly on this one. I Think it's it's only right that he he's the one that ends and Adam Cole if this is his you know last match in NXT and he sets them off to either the main roster or Wherever he goes after that there's another place he can go Where he has a girlfriend and some friends that he can go see but yeah, I think O'Reilly's out taking this
Yeah, I tend to agree. They're good friends in real life, so you got to figure Adam Cole is probably happy to do the favor to Kyle O'Reilly on his way out the door. All right, Sheena, last question of the Royal Rumble segment. We got AEW Rampage.
this Friday night in the United Center, the house that Michael Jordan built, Chicago, Illinois, the hometown of one of the most beloved pro wrestlers of the 21st century.

CM Punk's Potential AEW Debut

It's going to be the biggest crowd in A.W. history. Rampage, the first dance. Will CM Punk debut? And should we care?
So I'm hoping this is just the biggest troll job in wrestling because although I love AEW, I would love nothing more than to see the punk loving fans just have a freaking whiny ass meltdown when they're yet again, disappointed by the leader of the troll patrol, CM Punk, you know, the location being Chicago. And then you got Darby saying the best in the world reference Kenny with the cookie monster shirt, just leaving bread crumbs all the way up to MJF coming out to pull to personality. It would just be magical.
Oh, my God. I'm sorry. No, sorry, not sorry, but does nothing for me. I have to add to this because we can talk about this one for a minute. It's a 10 o'clock time slot. For possibly the biggest return ever, if he does show up.
What is, how does that, how does that help out? The ratings were good last Friday night. I can't remember what they were off the top of my head, but I know the ratings were really solid and they're trying to establish a new show, but I agree. It would make a lot more sense to tease it, tease it, tease it and make people buy the pay-per-view. You know what I mean? You got a pay-per-view coming from the Chicago area here in a couple of weeks.
So from a business sense, you know, I could see it. I do think it would be funny because I'm going to be watching this. So like if you if you have CM Punk show up on this and then you would really sell the pay-per-view because people are going to know he's going to be on the pay-per-view. You know what I mean? So it would be like, yeah, but I kind of grew these, you know, I'm not a CM Punk fan. I'm really not.
the bitterness he showed towards pro wrestling and more specifically just his fans, you know, it seemed like he was kind of just, I felt like he was kind of just rude to his fans over the last seven years since he left WWE. I don't know. I could really give a fuck less if he comes back or if he doesn't come back. So yeah. And I agree. Like pro wrestlers don't owe their fans. It's whatever. Like you don't owe the fans anything. Like you can do whatever you want, but I'm not going to, I'm not going to freaking, you know, be like, Oh, like I'm not just going to be like, you know, we're not worthy. We're not worthy. Yeah. When it's just like, you know, he's,
Trolling and talking shit and just being kind of like an asshole. Yeah people, you know Yeah, remember people remember people out there. He turned his back on even on his friends Yeah Yeah, I think it would be hilarious if yeah, they hype up, you know a big appearance from a major superstar I think it was I can't remember if it was Dougie Nunez or Vince in the Facebook group and
that posted, you know, hype it up. And then Friday night at the end of the show, it just Cody comes out. You know, that's what I don't get. I mean, it's an only it's it's an hour show like it does seem like for for as big of a moment as a CM Punk return has been made out to be by the internet wrestling community.
an episode of rampage seems a little, a little white. It's a step up from his talking smack appearance when he like came back as the big surprise on, you know, what was that? It wasn't talking smack then. It was whatever that shortly to be shown Fox Sports was. I can't remember what it was called either.
Uh, yeah, I feel like I can cause yeah, I feel like rampage is like the Sunday night heat of AWW, which is cool. You know what I mean? It's an extra hour resting every week, but it does seem a little, a little light for the debut of CM Punk. So I don't know. I really don't care if CM Punk never came back, I would be fine with it. I'm sure it'll be interesting if he does come back. Exactly. If he comes back, I'm happy for the people that like him and want to see him and, and pop for that.
It's going to do nothing for me personally. Um, so, you know, I can, I can be happy for you without really giving a shit for myself. You know, I mean, I've seen how people don't know the theory that he might show up at SummerSlam. Um, that would be the biggest word that he actually signed, re-signed with the WWE. He shows up at like the, the universal championship match or cause it will be because of the summer of punk. It was, uh, in our old years ago, 2005. Yeah.
Um, same thing with John Cena. He had that thing and what, but better way to like come back and, you know, interrupt and have John Cena lose or something like that. And that would be pretty epic if, if, uh, if that happened, but that would be, yeah, that'd be the swerve of the century if that happened. But no, I think.
From all intents, it sounds like him to AWW is a done deal. There's already AWW merch at the pro wrestling tee store in Chicago with the CM Punk logo on it. So I think it's all, I think it's just a matter of if we see them at a rampage or if they make us wait until all out. Let's have a drink.
All right, Shana, you can start it off this week. What are you sipping on? So I'm sipping on a highwire gauze. It is an ale brewed with coriander and pink Himalayan sea salt, tart and refreshing.

Hosts' Beer Preferences

It's really good. I've really been into like the sours and the gauzes this summer. So I'll be transitioning to all my fall beers here pretty soon. You know, I hate the pumpkin beers.
You know, not necessarily pumpkin, but you know, like some cider, some really good, you know, yeah, we got some cider out in the fridge right now. And then, you know, um, they got like the pungo, like a, a large local brewery does some really good, like, you know, fall Halloween inspired, uh, you know, like the s'more stout, something like that, everything. But, uh, yeah. So I'm closing, I'm closing out, you know, the remainder of the summer, past summer slam with, uh, with some tart refreshingness. But I do have, you know, my, my, uh, Halloween koozie here, for those of you who are watching, you can see it's my, um,
Halloween, it's by Little Shop of Gore. If you're not following them and you like creepy stuff, definitely these are like handcrafted, hand-painted. I'm not sponsored by them in any way, but I just love their shit, so yeah. They look great and they're bad-ass koozies also. They're super thick, so they're going to keep your beer cold. Yeah. I made it an IPA night. I started off with a three-notch breweries, juicy IPA. I got to be honest, this wasn't as juicy as I wanted it to be. That's what she said. That's what she said.
I think it's because I've been getting on the New England hazy IPAs and those are like straight orange juice or grapefruit juice. This is just like a regular traditional IPA that's just advertised as juicy or whatever. It was good, but it wasn't what I was looking for, so I had to chase it with broken skull IPA, which always hits the spot. You can't go wrong with that. Yeah, this is number two behind Miller White for my absolute favorite beer in the world. It's going down smooth and I'm loving it. Marco, what are you drinking?
Uh, you gotta, you gotta go with the, uh, the 11 wrestling, uh, summer long, man. We're talking, we're talking wrestling. I mean, just much like Sheena, I definitely like to switch over to the, uh, there's a bear called a pumpkin head, um, that we have around here. It's a pumpkin bear. So yeah, I'll be switching to that soon. Um, yeah, I'm excited to start dabbling in all the, the fall selections that are coming up. I've already seen them. I've hold it. I've held off. I haven't got, I haven't bought any yet. So, uh, you know, I'm going to wait probably September 1st.
That's when I'm going to start, you know, stock in the stock in the fridge with some false selections. I mean, it's already, it's, it's Halloween already when it's August 31st hits. Yeah. If you go to like a Lowe's or a home Depot right now, they have all of their Halloween stuff. Yeah. It's, it's already set. I mean, Sam was going to be crazy. So get ready for all those, uh, all those people just walking around in costumes. Like it's just, it's just regular clothes, which is pretty fascinating sometimes, but yeah.
Alright, let's hear from our good friend Pyramid Wrestling.
And if you guys happen to watch AW dynamite on Wednesday night, if you see a psychopath in the front row with the sting face paint going nuts, singing Judas and the main event, that's our good buddy. He was there. He had the glue sting face paint with the, uh, the glue inspired pyramid wrestling t-shirt on that you can find.
Speaker That was our good friend. So shout out to Scott. I just cracked up. I saw him and I was like, hey, there's a guy in a pyramid wrestling shirt. And then I went to his IG and he's like, yeah, I saw in the story that he was there

New Gen Ring Crowdfunding Success

in the house. So pretty cool. He got to be a part of that. That was pretty neat seeing the fans basically seeing Chris Jericho to the ring.
I think here on the, uh, the figure four segment this week, you know, last week we were all basically super pessimistic. And I think the consensus for us was that the new gen ring was going to get made, but it was going to, you know, Crawl across the, uh, the finish line for all the extras.
cool running style. Friday was the last day of the Macho Man early bird special. It just started up, you'd see, okay, we're getting 50 people an hour, then we're getting 100 people an hour, then 200.
And it was just that way just went up and it became a freaking tsunami. And next thing you know, we ended up smashing past 8,000 on Friday night. It's funny how much that early bird special really ended up happening because I checked today and I think it's only like 8,060. So basically like there were 8,000 people who really fucking wanted to make every tear of this thing happen. It's been dead for the last week, but thank God it's funded.
We had Marco, what were kind of your thoughts, man, as Friday went down and we saw this just crushed through all the different tiers of the crowdfunding project? Yeah, I was kind of a part of that last wave of people. I think I tweeted out the link. Because it was close. It was really close to being funded first and foremost.
Uh, just getting that, that first 5,000. Um, and, uh, I tweeted out a link, uh, you know, to be like, Hey, let's, let's, let's get this done. And, uh, just in a matter of, so I'm taking, basically I'm taking credit for, for, for hitting the first, uh, the chick bully show, uh, Twitter followers made it happen. I did the math. I, I, cause there's like a thing where you can, like, cause I did, uh, it was like the short length, like the bitly link for it. You can see how many people interact with the link and it was.
was around like 300 people that clicked that link. So 300 times 250. Hey, man. Numbers don't lie. Numbers don't lie. But yeah, no, I was out. Yeah, that was a, it was a, it was a roller coaster of a day. I mean, just seeing it hit that and then continuing, like even the, you know, joint obviously eventually happened. And then the ring skirts had just like,
Yeah, it was an exciting day. Yeah, it was crowdfunding 101. We talked about that last week, how the issue with timing and everything made it so dead at the start. And then nobody wants to be the dumb ass who's like, yeah, I was one of the thousand people that backed this thing even though it crashed and burned.
ago, but once it got successful, everybody wanted to be a part of it. And dude, the last 3000 flew by like we hit five K and then it was like, all right, let's go get doing. And we got doing in, uh, I forgot to even check it after that. And then sheer shit, like an hour later I looked and it's like, yeah, we're getting a ring skirts too. So yeah, it's pretty awesome. Uh, the, the early bird thing with adding the macho man figure in, I think that really made all the difference.
I'm going to put you on the spot to shoot a little bit on our good friends at Mattel. We got one good friend. Action Figure Attack's a good friend. Bill's kind of a enemy of the show. Big Shot Bill. We're still ready to welcome you back, Bill, with open arms if you just unlock Sheena. Just unblock me. I didn't even do anything to you.
Was Mattel good? Was this all strategic? Did they know from the start that they were going to drop the surprise macho man figure on us and get this thing funded? Or were they just lucky and scrambling and ended up hitting on something that connected with the figure community? What do you think?
They were scrambling, dude. There's no way they like, they were like, Oh, we're going to throw in this early bird special. If this thing had, if this thing had taken off like a freaking rocket, dude, like that macho man, I think that macho man was already in the works. It would have come out eventually. But I feel like they were like, we got to do something, man. Like we got to make this happen. So they went ahead and just tossed it in. Um, and, uh, you know, we talked about, you know, we're not going to rehash all the things that we thought could have made this a better launch, but, uh, yeah, they got lucky and they had such, such huge support from like, you know,
the major bros and a lot of other people in the figure community really pushing this thing and kind of like bringing people together, uh, to, to fund it. So yeah, I feel like they just, they just got lucky. And like you said, Seth, like once, once people saw that like the potential for it to actually be funded was there, I think a lot more people were willing to open up their wallets. I think it was just really just a matter of like people not wanting to like give Mattel a free $250 loan for like a month and a half. You know what I mean? So once they saw that it was actually going to happen, they,
they cashed out. You know, yeah, I think the other thing too is I think they did I think they did a pretty decent job in pivoting to from listening to what people had to say when it came to actually, you know, making this happen, you know, like you said, given just given a
$250 is a lot. Yeah. So they made that adjustment that it wasn't going to be taken right away. Just like when it was fully backed and when the actual backing ends, that's when it will be deducted. I think there was like Klarna too, if you've heard of that, that you can do like in payments. Oh yeah, the payments. Yeah. Basically like a zero interest payment system. Yeah, so you can do that as well. You can actually sign into the Klarna app and it lets you link the website too.
You can actually set up the payments that way. Like I said, they pivoted as much as they could to make it happen. They made it more consumer friendly over the course of a few weeks.
Oh yeah, definitely. Just like Sheena said, a lot of podcasts out there back to you. The major bros, you had Fully Poseable out there tweeting about it. Myself. Oh, so you're tweeting about it. Wrestling Figure News source. Who else? There's just a ton of different podcasts out there. All figure collectors out there just retweeting it, especially in those last couple of days of the March of Men.
early bird specialty attack was making the making the podcast rounds too. Oh yeah. He was going to talk to him. We were like, you know, we were like, we don't do, we don't really do interviews. Yeah. Really. We don't really do interviews, but if we did, we would definitely have you on. He's like, well, if you're ready to talk, you know, let me know. We'll talk about it. Yeah. We thought we had to acknowledge it because he was going on so many podcasts and he has been such a big supporter of, uh, you know, of us on Instagram and Twitter and show in general, like, yeah, Sheena had to reach out to let him know, like, we're not just not inviting you on.
We just really don't do interviews. That's never really been our thing, man. Shane, I'll kick it back over to you, man. We're getting a ring, probably the best toy ring we've ever gotten. We're getting an entrance stage and we're getting Ultimate Edition Macho Man, Diesel, and Doink. Which item on this set are you most excited for? I think I'm most excited for the neon entrance way. I think that's going to be just a really cool
piece for people's arena setups and things like that. It's just such an iconic piece. And the fact that it actually lights up is just epic. So I'm really excited to see that in person and to get that in hand. So that's probably the piece I'm most excited about. I mean, the ring is gonna be cool. It's gonna be the best ring that any of us have ever had, but a ring is a ring is a ring for the most part, you know what I mean? But I think that's really like a unique piece. I mean, we loved it so much that we got a custom one made a few years ago. Cardboard, yeah.
Yeah, it still looks really nice. I mean, it's like a really nice piece, but yeah, it's cardboard. So yeah, I'm excited. It's going to be neat to get an actual lineup. It does have the WWF logo on it though, which I think is definitely, it makes it a little bit more superior than the one that is. There were a lot of people in the Russell Figs forums who that was like the reason they weren't backing this. They hated just the W logo for the
It's been almost 20 years since we lost it. Yeah, come on. You gotta go at this point. Marco, how about you? Which item are you most excited for out of the set? Oh, man. Obviously, I love Macho Man, one of my favorites. I love Diesel. Also, I have a Diesel mark as well.
But doing doing an ultimate edition for a man. Yeah, I'll think you're out. I mean, I don't think you were ever going to get that in the main like line, like the main retail and those head scopes of the ultimate edition with the expressions that he has from the you get all the different joints. You get the happy.
you know, first appearing doing it, you get like the, you know, kind of like the almost disheveled doing, and then you get the really disheveled with the with the scraggly hair, the face and everything, the ballot. Oh, man, it's gonna be cool. The only thing they can really top it off is to have some type of like, like water squirting flower.
Yeah, they should have made a 9k stretch goal to get a dink ultimate edition that would have been awesome pretty awesome Yeah, that doing figure is insane dude. Yeah, I just happy he's actually I said that's the only way you're gonna get a ultimate edition doing like I don't think they were gonna that was like in the plans for doing
Yes, you do. Elite 34. Yep. But yeah, that would actually, that would still be more than anything, even the ring. So I was like, holy crap. I mean, would he, would Bill put that, the ballot in the ring when that wasn't even announced yet? I was like, Oh man, we get into the ultimate, the UE doing like he doesn't even belong with all the other ultimate. Yeah, he's going to be seeing it out like a sword belt. Yeah. Prestigious, Becky Lynch, Ric Flair, Stone Cold.
The Rock. And it's going. And now it's going. Yeah, that figure just would have happened without this crowdfunding project. So, very, very cool.

Future Crowdfunding Projects

Speaking of which, Action Figure Tag has indicated that because this one was a success, there will be more crowdfunding projects, but the next one will not involve a ring. So, let's do some fantasy booking here. Sheena, what do you want the next crowdfunding project to be?
Maybe we'll get like an actual like functioning like Titan Tron that's got like, you know, everybody's entrances like preloaded in it, you know, and yeah, be like a screen with everybody's like, you know, little, what do you call those? They're trying. Yeah, they're trying. Yeah, that's what you call them. Yeah, that would that would be very, very neat. I want the full set, though. If we're getting that, we're going to have to get, you know, like bras or ring skirts to go with our ring.
The ramp and everything I want the full entrance that would be dope because the the original Titan Tron like 90 90 slate 96 97 raw entrance That's probably my favorite ever entrance set. It just looks so You know, pardon the pun raw, you know It was really really cool. How about you Marco? What do you want to see for the next crowdfunding project? if it's not a rank and it's another set I think you I think you have to go with the the old-school smackdown fist and
Like an actual metal, like not plastic, like an actual replica of the set. Metal ramp, everything. Yeah, just with the little screen on it. The little oval screen on the side. You still have the Titan Tron with all the videos and stuff like that. I think that'd be pretty awesome. I think that's, I mean, I could probably speak for a lot of people when they'd like to see that like in miniature form.
Yeah, we discussed this on part one of three of the greatest tag teams episode. I would want to see the barbershop set, you know, give us the find a way to get Marty's and Eddie under contract since it's crowdfunding that could be part of it. You know, we'll pay to get, you know, crazy ass Marty on a deal and give us give us Brutus, Sean and Marty figures with the with the set, you know, breakaway window. I think that would be so cool. So that would be my pick.
Again, sticking with Mattel Creations, that's pretty much it for Figure News this week. It's been reported that the new retro box set with me, Gene, Bob Orton, Rodney Piper, and Mr. T is going to be about 50 bucks on there. And it's going to be basically a pre-order model so everybody that wants one can get one. Sheena, do you think this is going to be a successful model for retros to be reintroduced to the market?
Yeah, I mean, I feel like people would have bought them all individually anyway. It sucks. It feels like a big ask to fork over 50 bucks right off the bat, but again, I think- She's getting four figures though. Yeah, I think people would have bought them individually. I like that it's a pre-order model where it's like everybody that wants one can get one. So there's really not a lot of aftermarket markup for these things until later down the road, you know what I mean? But in the immediate future, there's not like a
a big markup because everybody that actually wanted one had the opportunity. So I like that model. Marco, who's your most wanted wrestler in a Hasbro retro form at this point? Oh, man.
They pretty much, I mean, it definitely has to be a female because they haven't had any female retro. And we've talked about this before with how they're built and all that stuff. But I think we have to go with definitely, I mean, if it is going to be one of the female superstars.
You probably have to go with Charlotte, I think, just to set it off, just to be that first ever. I ideally want them to go really retro and just bring back all the ones from yesteryear. So like redo a Hogan, redo a Macho Man, Ultimate Warrior, and just like mainly just knock down the resale value. Yeah. Just bring them all back out again. Series, like the whole series again.
Just go really, really retro. Because they're doing it now with these ones. It's all old school figures. I'd say just continue and just bring everyone back to the Rockers. Well, actually, you can't do the Rockers. You can do Shawn Michaels. You can do one half of the Rockers, if anything. I want to see a King Mabel. He was supposed to be in the Orange Park series.
The last set of Hasbro's that got canceled. It seems like he should be under contract. We got a King Mabel figure back in 2019. And then we got Visceral last year. So I think King Mabel could be very, very cool in the Hasbro line. We're getting Jeff Jarrett through the Zombie Sailor Heels and Faces. Yeah, we know somebody. We know somebody that could make King Mabel of ZST if you're listening. Lock that down if he isn't locked out already.
Shane, how about you? Who do you want to see in Hasbro form? Yeah, I was going to say we need some women. Since Marco picked Charlotte, I'll say we need a Becky Lynch retro. We need the man. All right, let's go to our weekly purchases. Marco, what did you add to your collection this week?
Mostly, I actually have it right next to me. Mostly, a lot of the legends actually travel to Target to pick up some things, went down the toy aisle, end up seeing- Wait, wait, wait, wait. I just noticed something. Are you wearing a Cody shirt? Yes, I am wearing a Cody shirt. Okay, we're done here. Let me find- Where's the boot button? Let me get- Just blur it out. Gene, we're going to be finishing the show. Just the two of us this week. We'll blur it out.
In post-production. Go ahead, Marco. We'll let it pass. But it's not Cody. I mean, it's not Cody Rose. It could be Cody from Zack and Cody. Zack and Cody's sweet life, if you want to call it that. Yeah, so I grabbed the BJS Big John stud. Oh, yeah. You can see it. They'd like to have a bigger. Grab the Big John stud there. Also found just on the shelf right behind it.
Those at the same target, yeah Nice and then and then I had a shipment from the from the Fig God Himself and I was pretty much the the rest of them So I'm just gonna he's the affiliate the unofficial fourth member of the chief. Yeah Is there a chase macho mixed in that
There is a chase macho here, yeah. Jordan's been killing it finding those chases. Yeah, it's actually this one right here. You can see it's a different headband there, but yeah. You can probably make this a, we were talking about, we'll give you a little sneak preview. We talked about this with the Mega Power. Since he is wearing the yellow tights, he can kind of make this a Mega Power's a macho man, if anything. Yeah, you can probably work that out.
Yeah. So yeah, those are my, uh, those are my pickups, just pretty much the whole legends, legends line. Nice. So we added one figure. She's got ready to show off. We got from our good friends, uh, Kevin and Eric up in Canada, the mannered Canadian collectors podcast. They hooked us up with Colonel Mustafa. Very cool figure. Um, I'm hoping somehow, some way we get general admin. Also, we know we got a heel Sergeant slaughter coming in elite 89 to a complete.
The trio from summer slam 91 so neat figure though And then we got a huge belt haul from forbidden figurines, you know, it's calling me, you know Kenny Omega of toy belt so Real quick We got I think the glare may may do me in on this but we got the the white and green TNT title from Oh nice For our viewers on YouTube
If anybody has not, yeah, it does sound weird. If anybody has not picked up anything from forbidden figurines, you need to do it. She is the absolute best belt maker in the business. I think I have to. Yeah, she somehow ended up getting the white and green TNT title out literally like the night he did. It was the night of, yeah. He somehow had it for sale. Got the impact, the white strap impact title. Sweet. Lucia Underground, The Gift of the Gods belt.
Got the triple-a belt that Kenny Omega is holding right now that he defended against Andrade on on Saturday night and then the classic the big gold WCW I for been figuring so Pick her up for been figurines comm She's the best in the biz at making belts. It's just these are little miniature like works of art Very very cool. So pretty much anything she she puts out we will definitely add to the collection Let's hear from extra cooler
Hey everyone, it's Nick, better known as Extra Cooler. Is there anything better than diving back into the wrestling archives and watching classic matches from the past?
Yes, there is. It's doing that with your buddies while cracking jokes and enjoying some ice cold beverages. If that sounds like fun to you, then be sure to check out my new podcast, The Extra Cooler Show, where each episode, my Survivor Series team and I review an old school match chosen by you, the listeners. The Extra Cooler Show is available wherever you get your podcasts. Be sure to subscribe and follow us for new episodes every other Thursday morning.
All right. It's time for how many chicks. Yeah. That's what I think every time when he does that thing right there, I will never, I will never forget that. I will never forgive him for it out to introduce him in Montreal for the United States Open Championship against John Cena. I mean, it really does get much bigger than that for, uh, for your debut. And he took himself out on the entrance ramp. Yeah. I was only laughing during the extra cooler thing. Cause I was thinking of the, uh, because we, cause I said, I hope.
you know, when they're, they're not doing the same thing they were with their, uh, young men. And, you know, after watching pay reviews, us, you know, fighting each other and pulling off wrestling moves, but I was proven wrong. Yeah. They sent us in our group chat that we have with them. Um, they sent us a, uh, some, some pictures and stuff of Nick having, um, I can't remember if it was Jim or Mike. He had him in a, uh, a figure four. Yeah. So they still, they still do it. Yeah. So I underestimated those guys, but yeah, that's what I was laughing.
All right, so it's time for how many chicks. So this is where I randomly select a figure from our thousand plus wrestling figure collection. She has no idea what it is. Hold up the undertakers casket. Sheen, we got we got the casket playset from ringside collectibles. There is a mystery figure in there. I'm going to hit the drum roll. Sheen is going to reveal it and we're going to do a live review and give it from zero point zero to five point. Oh, sheena, you ready to reveal the figure for this week? Let's go.
All right, here goes the drums. And it is open in the casket. Oh, we have the beast incarnate Brock Lesnar retro here.
I'm sorry, but if you don't like that music, you have no soul. I used to run. I would like my last mile, I would like hit that music and it would like push me through my last mile on my run. Yeah. And for people our age, I mean, that's basically like, like the limp biscuit sound right there. You know, it's like a limp biscuit, like outtake instrumental or whatever. So, so yeah. I almost kicked off my table.
This is retro Brock Lesnar he was from series one of The Mattel retros, you know the re-release of the has bros. So obviously there were a lot of issues with that line That's why it's gonna wait for a few years before finally coming back, but he was in the first wave coming back Sheena give us kind of your thoughts on this figure
Um, they did a good job. Facebook looks just like Brett or Brett Brock. Um, so he's just saying Brett like a thousand times a day, just rolls off the tongue. Uh, it looks just like Brock. Uh, I got his sword tattoos, got a lot of his tattoo detailing black trunks or black, sorry, black shorts with his, uh, Brock Lesnar logo, black boots and black gloves. Um, I mean, pretty, pretty decent representation of Brock. I would say, you know, nothing too, too special about it.
I, uh, to me, I think he represents a lot of the problems with the retro line and why it was ultimately a failure. So the thing about the Hasbro line, um, those figures were super colorful and bright, you know, which was a little bit of that is the product of the time they were in, but it was also the attires that Hasbro chose like hat, the whoever, you know, Robert, um,
Who's in charge of the Hasbro actually design of the figures he was always picking super cool for tires like I think one thing that really helps wrestling figure lines is if you can create the figures in a way that
Even a kid who may not be a wrestling fan, if he's walking down the toy aisle, if he sees him, he's like, Oh, that's a really cool figure. You know, I just, I want it. You know, I don't know why, but I want it. And I think with the Hasbro line or excuse me, with the, uh, the Mattel retro line, they picked a lot of really kind of basic asset tires. You know, there's so much, so many guys in black gear, you know, you had, uh,
Seth Rollins was in black, Undertaker was in black, Roman was in black. Yeah, Cena figure was in black shorts was just a green hat. Roman's all black. You had Undertaker in series one. You had that game series that really, I think the series that really killed that line was Seth when he was in the black and gray. You had Goldberg, you had AJ in predominantly black pants, and then a Dean Ambrose figure.
That's set on target shells for like years. I'm pretty sure you could probably still find a few random targets out there that have those figures sitting there. And I think that's what killed them. They were just, it was really kind of boring design. The figures weren't bad. Like even that, you know, hold that Brock up to the camera again, Sheen. It's accurate, you know, it's a good head sculpt. It looks like Brock.
but they were just boring. I think a lot of the Mattel retro offerings were just boring more than anything else. What do you think Marco? What was your overall take on that Brock Lesnar figure specifically and just the Mattel retro line in general?
Yeah, I think you hit the nail in the head with that. I would just see just the color schemes. Brock Lesnar wore red shorts at one point. I was going to say the red shorts would have been a much better choice. Yeah, red shorts. AJ Styles had tons of different color schemes that they could have went with besides just all black. Dean Ambrose, you really can't do much. Just a white tank top and the blue jeans.
colorful enough in that sense but Seth Rollins you could have definitely done something with Roman Reigns.
Not so much John Cena blue. They just shouldn't put them all in the same series. I mean, it's fine I know I like yeah, Seth wears predominantly black, you know Roman mix them up. Yeah Exactly. See me. You got me on like the camo shorts or something, you know, just camo shorts of blue even blue color on the denim shorts You could have done that the jorts. Yes So like I was just actually just thinking like new day new day was perfect
for a retro line just because they're colorful, they pop. But those didn't come around until series, I think five or six and the line was already dying off at that point. Yeah, they should have, like you said, kind of like not maybe put New Day all in like maybe one line, just maybe put them in each. Just like you said, just make it colorful, make them pop, make them pop because it's technically kids toys.
One thing that kids love is like colors and, you know, I mean, I just said, you know, full transparency at my figure room. Kids always go in there. They go for the most colorful figures. 100% man. Naomi. With that. Exactly. They go with the dark jacket that she has. They go right for it. They want to grab it. Ultimate warrior. I think I have like, good thing I have like multiple ultimate warriors because. Yeah.
They, that's the first thing they go for is ultimate warrior. Cause he's colorful. And he has all these different houses, kids. And we would, I would bring him up to our figure room and like macho man was like one of the first ones they would always grab. They loved all the macho man figures. Yeah. They thought he was a, a fireman. He said, Oh, he's a fireman. He said, he's got fire on his hat and his tummy. That's actually funny. But like I said, I was kind of like, you know, you know,
You know, like our, the dream, our retro line would be like to basically go back and, uh, you know, bring back the older ones. Cause I think it would definitely help out with all the different, you know, like the colorful characters that are back. And, you know, I know the purpose of this line was to get some modern superstars in that, like in that Hasbro form, you know, I, again, I just think it was just kind of a misstep. Um, you know, they just, the biggest stars of that time that they thought would sell like Brock and Seth and undertaker and.
johnson and everybody like they just weren't the most toyetic per se, you know, exactly. All right, let's hit the rankings. Marco, you can go first, you get 0.0 to 5.0. What are you rating Brock Lesnar's retro figure?
I mean, since it, I mean, it pretty much looks exactly like him. They get the, I mean, the body is pretty much perfect. The hand size, they didn't, they, I mean, they didn't fail on that. His hands are huge. Yeah, the UFC, they had to like, they had to make custom gloves for him because they didn't have that size. So I mean, other than that, I mean, I'll, I'll give it a,
because it's black shorts because you're talking about the color scheme. I'm going to give it a, we'll go three and a half. We'll go 3.5. 3.5. Okay, that is actually the third highest score you've given on how many chicks so far.
days, I will give it a 2.5. I think I'll give it a 2.5 because it is accurate you know as if you're going to make a black shorts Brock retro figure. I think it hits the mark. I'm going to keep it at 2.5 though it could have been higher I think it should have had the same action as john Cena john Cena had like a
a torso swivel, similar to the Ultimate Edition figures for doing the AA. I think they should have given Brock the same action for doing the F5. He's got the Series 2 Ultimate Warrior, like a real press motion for his action. It could be used for suplexing, you know what I mean?
He's got a true flexing action. So I kind of, I, I, I judge, I judge the retros and like LJN and glue figures on how able they are to do their, uh, they're finishing move. Cause that's really what you want. You know, if you're only going to be able to do one move. So it's going to take you to suplex city, bitch. You know what I mean? So he's a 2.5 for me. Uh, Sheena, what do you, what do you rate Brock Lesnar's, uh, retro figure? Yeah, you guys were way more, um,
like generous than I was. I was going to say two, but now you guys made me think like, uh, I was, I was being a little bit harsh. So yeah, I'll stick with it. I'm going to say two again for all the same reasons. It's just a little, you know, boring, a little lackluster. It is accurate. It looks just like Brett again. It looks just like Brock. Um, but yeah, I'm going to go, I'm going to go with two just for like lack of, you know, Toyota.
All right, so Brock's going to average out at a 2.7, which means out of the six figures we've done for how many chicks since we did the reboot, because Sheena just threw our scale totally out the window. Brock is the second lowest. So he ranks number five out of six that we've done. So I think he, you know.
He's a passing figure. He fills a hole in the collection. You know, you need a retro slash Hasbro Brock, but he's nothing you're going to write home about, nothing memorable. And that's really all that needs to be said about Brock Lesnar's retro figure. Shane, do we got some listener mail for this week? We do. All right, we're going to start with a couple of questions from our good buddy Charles Messing.
He says, with the collection you keep, this is specifically for you, Seth. He says, I believe you rotate the ones you display. How often do you do this and how often do they fall down, LOL? So I rotate them typically about, I aim for once a month. Usually it ends up being about once every month and a half. Cause like, you know, I keep a little reminder on my phone so it'll go off that it's time to rotate them. But it usually ends up being another week, week and a half.
um after that before I really get a chance to sit down and do it because it takes some time you know it's a shitload of figures to go through um it's a hobby that requires management you know when you have that many figures um as far as falling down there are some figures that have issues really the older ones like anything from elite series like one through ten or the original legends those ankles
were pretty weak, so you have to pose them in a certain way, those will fall down, but for the most part, I don't have too many issues, so it's kind of just one-offs. There's certain figures that I know have issues standing up, but for the most part, that's not really too much of a problem unless somebody wants to go and just start rumbling in the figure room. All right, another question for you, Seth from Charles. He says, are you all done with your Hasbro collection from the 90s? If not, who are you missing?
Yep, we're all set. I have the last couple are on the way from the UK, which that's a big tip for anybody from that's putting together a Hasbro collection. For whatever reason, those last few sets, the distribution was way better over in the
the UK so reach out to those look for it turn on international listings on your eBay searches if you're looking for the last few figures for your set, because you can find a lot cheaper prices, you know, don't get scared off by those shipping costs because if you actually do the math on it, it's still a lot cheaper to pull in those last few figures from the UK so I got a few on the way and yeah I'm all set I just now I'm focusing on grabbing these zombie savor toys and the revival of the Mattel retro lens.
All right, this one comes in from the Fig God himself, Jordan Wells. He says, if you could have Chalk Line make one pair of shorts or a jacket, what are you picking? Hopefully they're listening. So I'll kick it to you first, Marco. I mean, this is purely for joking reasons, but Ahmed Johnson, he had to go with some Ahmed Johnson.
With a bunch of, just like the red with a bunch of like the, all those knee pads you used to wear, like all the way up his thigh. Trying to recreate that would be pretty, be pretty awesome. I mean, I'm joking slash serious. So if they ever did Ahmed Johnson chalk line shorts, I'd definitely be in line to purchase those.
I'll tie in with the How Many Chicks segment. We need some Chalk Line Brock Lesnar shorts. Give me the Brock Lesnar logo, the Jimmy Johns logo, all that stuff. I think that would be cool. KO would be sweet too. The fact that WWE Shop put out some KO shorts and Chalk Line hasn't yet. I think that's a little bit of a disgrace. KO would be cool, but if I had one fake, I want some Brock Lesnar Chalk Line shorts.
I'm going a little bit off the rails here. Um, I'm going to go with a jacket and this is something that I've like personally asked chocolate about. So hopefully, you know, with the holiday season around the corner, we see this, really see this pop up, but I want a Kenosha kickers jacket, um, from, uh, from home alone. You know, I want the, the yellow jacket with Polka Polka Polka. Yeah. I want, I want the exact replica of the John Candy jacket from, um,
from Home Alone because they did have a Home Alone license for a little while. They did the little Niro's replica jackets and hats and things like that. Maybe they still have that Home Alone license and they can make the Kenosha Kickers jacket. That's what I'm going to go with. This one is from Chris Lesito. He says, with AEW trading cards hitting the market soon, do you guys have any interest in them?

Disinterest in AEW Trading Cards

I'm not messing with trading cards, man. It's a rabbit hole. I'm not going down. Marco? Marco, I don't think you are either, right? I think they're already sold. I have some trading cards that I've collected. I pretty much have all my basketball cards and stuff like that. Not many wrestling ones. I have a few. But yeah, that might be, especially if they're going to pre-order those. They're going to sell before they even
hit the website, essentially. Yeah, this is not a rabbit hole. I'm going down either. The trading card, people are just too hardcore about that. Then to actually make any money, you have to send them off and get them graded and all that stuff. Yeah. It's not for me, man. It's a no from me, but to all the people who are excited about their cards, more power to you. This is our last question for today. It's going to come in from Brian.
Vermee. That's what I'm going to call his name. I'm sure I butchered that. It's B-E-R-M-E-M-E-I-R-E. Brian, please correct me with the phonetic spelling of your last name, but I'm going to make it all fancy. He says, why is cooking chicken so hard? 12 minutes, perfectly juicy cooked chicken. 12 minutes and 13 seconds, dry as the desert.
So, as your resident shift, I'm going to go with, you need to get yourself a sous vide, man. You need to get yourself a water bath cooker, dude. That is the best.
way to cook, especially chicken breast. First of all, if you're eating the chicken breast, you're probably not doing yourself a favor anyway. You need to get that thigh meat. You know what I mean? It's stay juicy. If you're out there eating that dry ass chicken breast, the best way to cook that is in a sous vide. Get yourself a nice little stasher bag, drop that down in the low temperature water. It keeps all of its juices. You can't overcook it. You put a little sear on it after you get it out of the water bath.
Yeah, it's freaking money. I actually think the best way to cook the chicken breast is to take it out of the fridge, throw it in the trash, drive to the grocery, get a six pack of Miller Lite and a pack of chicken thighs, and then come back and cook those instead. I think that's the proper preparation for the chicken breast. Just get some Boston Market, dude. If you have it in that area, just do that. Some people have cholesterol issues and things like that that they're trying to manage. I'm not going to shit on anybody for eating chicken breast.
I hate chicken breasts. I just don't prefer chicken breasts, you know? I hate chicken breasts. I hate deep fried like Chick-fil-A or some sort of chicken sandwich. Yeah, I'm going to look at it. How many chicken nuggets and chicken tenders have you eaten, Seth? You eat breast meat. Yeah, but not just straight up grilled or oven-baked chicken breast.
Well, no, who eats oven baked chicken breasts? Does anybody in this podcast, all you, you know, I consider myself a pretty healthy person. I'm a very, you know, conscious person. I treat myself, um, every once in a while, but I consider myself a healthy person and I don't even eat oven baked chicken breast. But yeah, Suvi get yourself, Oh, I like the jewel. Um, that is my preferred Suvi. So get yourself a jewel out there. Yeah. And his name is food love. You get to program a name in the app. So he is a, his food love.
is my Jules name. So that is all of our listener mail for this week. We have some more questions. I'll get to them next week if you sent in listener mail. I didn't forget about you. All right, Sheena, remind the listeners where they can find you guys on social media.
You can find me on Instagram at chick Foley Marco running the Twitter machine over at chick Foley show and join all of the fun and shenanigans over at chick Foley with our Facebook group. We're going to have a brand new, uh, Foley Pixley kicking off after summer slam. So definitely get in before we, before we do that, because that's been a lot of fun.
Yep, we will remind you guys to use code chick Foley to save 10% on all of your orders at ringside collectibles. Send us proof of yourself listening to this week's show to enter for the giveaway for the Miz and Marco hit us with the closing words for episode 141 of the chick Foley show.
I mean, since, since I'm technically the, you know, the reigning defending chick fully prediction champion, we're not, we're not going to acknowledge the picks league. Um, we're just going to basically just going to acknowledge, just acknowledge me. That's okay. Just acknowledge me as a champion. That's that's the closing words. That's it.