Season 2: The Movies that Made Millennials Start Oct 15th! image

Season 2: The Movies that Made Millennials Start Oct 15th!

S3 E1 · Haute Set
15 Plays13 days ago

Season 2 will be focusing on the movies that shaped the taste and aesthetics of the millennial generation. Ariel and Melinda will be focusing on those films that are near and dear to their hearts  (namely these 2 millennials in particular (Hi!))  We have each developed what we consider to be essential viewing for this generation we will be comparing, contrasting, and sometimes strongly contrasting. Please join us for another season full of feelings and light on facts. 

Music: Cassette Deck by Basketcase

I'm Melinda. I'm Ariel. This is Hot Set, the movie podcast about costume design.
Hi guys, we're just popping in here to let you all know that we are officially going to be starting season two of the podcast next Tuesday. So you won't have to wait too long before we get back into some good old fashioned movie action. um Ariel, do you want to tell everybody what we're doing for season two?
Ooh, we're doing movies that made millennials. Melinda and I are both of the millennial generation. Thank you, Marketing, for creating titles like this for our generations. And we definitely came up with a hodgepodge of different eras mixed together, a lot of bittersweet, a lot of rom-com, a lot of massive adventure movies. And we are really excited to talk about all of these movies. And so our format, whatever that may be, is going to be slightly new.
it's gonna be a little, again, a hodgepodge. Maybe we'll each bring a movie that made us one week and then the other we could be talking about the same movie or we could be having a healthy discussion about why a movie that made one of us is reprehensible to them.
Yeah, I think it's like a great way to kind of mix up what we're doing and also kind of get a little bit more personal about movies that influenced us just culturally or what we like, you know, what developed our taste in movies, what developed our taste in costumes, why we, you know, got interested in this field in the first place. So I think it's gonna be a good way to Um, just get real nerdy with it and real personal. As per usual, we'll get real in depth, but without being academic at all, but we are going to get deep into our feelings with some of these movies.
I'm looking forward to it very, very much. Yeah. So we hope that, you know, that you will want to join us on that journey and that you'll follow us as we go week to week. It's going to be a little bit looser of a format than picking movies from decades like we did in season one. So we're just ready to rock and roll. Oh God. The army crawling through glitter from the 70s to the 80s to the 90s to the 2000s all over the place.
it's It's going to be a good ride through memory city. And we'll see you there. Yes. All right. See you next week. Bye.