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Nonsensical Nonsense: To hot to handle

Nonsensical Network
15 Plays4 months ago

Just another wild adventure for the big show of the week lots of guests hanging out and some fun conversations 



Chaotic Introduction and Technical Jokes

Welcome to the fucking show.
Hey, y'all better look the fuck out today. My crayons are short, the box is full, my bottle of glue's topped off, from my helmet's on tight. Baby, we bought the rhythm with the tism. Let's get with it. Suck my dick and eat my asshole, you sons of bitches.
that but What baby? What is up, sir? How are you? You're muted still. There you are. What's up? You can't tell me I'm muted when I'm not saying anything.
You just shrugged your shoulders. Is that what we do now after so many years? usually you know thirty but here six power I'm to save my thoughts. that this work isn't there I don't want to talk to you.
Hey, I didn't even have a chance to respond. You're like, you're a **** muted. You're a **** brick. Let's get on. Let's get over it over with. Jesus. How long are they doing this goddamn show? Chaka. What up, brother? How you doing? What's up, sir? MK. It's Saturday night. You know I'm not wearing pants, buddy. Yeah, I haven't worn pants in three days.
but a short channel that go yeah right i yeah Go ahead and do your intro and I want to bring that up. I want to discuss that. I can't walk around my house naked. I can't do it. Even if I'm home alone. I can't do it. I'm not that guy.
and Mainly because I'm afraid I'll catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and go, Jesus Christ! Yeah, I'm not even remotely ready for this show tonight. I'm going to tell you what, we're going to end it and then we're going to restart. I don't have anything. I don't know why this motherfucker, he will literally sit in that chair all the way up until we start. As soon as I

Platform Accessibility and Merch Promotion

hit the go live button, he disappears. Yeah. Well, he was on the phone with his wife right before we went live.
Unexcusable. God damn it. Yeah, I got to get. We're fired. And we're going to be on the road all fucking day tomorrow, too. Shit. Where are you guys going tomorrow? I'm going to do that here in a minute. Yeah, I am right in my head somewhere. am I might. I got to refocus a lot going on over here on my end. So I got to refocus anyways. Oh, you're getting tech operation. I get it. OK. Yeah. Yeah, that's it. um Welcome to Nonsenseical Nonsense, everybody. Happy Saturday. We are part of the Nonsenseical Network. If you tuned in last night, last night was a very busy night here on the network. But we are everywhere. We'll get into that here as well. We learned something last night, too. We did learn something last night. We'll get into all that here in a few. But welcome to Nonsenseical Nonsense, part of the Nonsenseical Network. If you're not following us already,
Shame on you. And if you don't know who we are, and that's why you're not following us, well, shame on us. But we are everywhere. Facebook, Instagram, X and TikTok shows are live Monday through Sunday on YouTube. And you can listen anytime, any place, wherever you listen to podcasts that all at the nonsensical network, or simply go to that bio slash nonsensical network. It's scrolling right down there at the bottom of the screen. All them links is there, including the links.
to or the link to our merch store. So check that out and get you some stuff and do like the video says.
Wow, how long did that take you? share. I didn't do that. I think ladies did. Did he? Yeah. suck it, you stupid fucking prick. I don't know. What do you two assholes did it? I, I, it wasn't me. It wasn't me. It was me. I do not have time to be making little three second clips and we know Connor's not doing anything. I'm the one who made that. Thank you, Jeff. Wow. I'm impressed, sir.
I just seen it down there tonight. When I logged into the into the fucking stream yard, when I made the studio, I just seen it. You know, you know, you get blade you get blazed and I shit for making videos, but have you seen some of the videos Blaze makes? They're fucking amazing. No, because mine I throw together. Let's be honest. He he put some artistic influence on it and it's like Blaze.
Yeah, he he's really good on stuff. We could we could we could still do it Monday. I just I know I'm ready for Monday. I'm ready. out I'm coming up. Let's gonna do it. I just got I've got everything. I don't have an interest on the hell you can just place is actually working on it. I told you I'd have it ready last night.
but we have But we

Stream Yard Operations and Political Discourse

have the logo, we have the title. I just got to send you over the email. Send me your email again real quick. And while I'm thinking about it, I will know give you a amin an admin rule.
You're just going to start getting lots of grinder posts. Yeah, just so many. You guys act like I don't know how to get in contact with him. I already send him D pics every morning. oh Listen, all I know is I keep getting alerts on You know what? bliss I'm just saying it. I don't know. Until I get a definitive answer. I don't know if Blaze has logged into StreamYard if he's using his admin privilege. I i don't know. Oh, well, I'm just going to remove it. I think he's using his admin. I think he's using his admin privilege.
Because when he, when he, you know how when we drop our camera down? Yeah. This is different than mine. And mine is always the same as yours because I don't know how to change it and I don't want to fuck with it. Yeah. We need to get him logged in. Yeah, because I'm logged in. Send him the log in information. Oh, that's cute. Do you think I know it? Where is he? Yeah, I'll take care of this. Who plays? Yeah. He's, I think he's not Lord Eshin.
I think he's driving. He and I were talking today because I watched, so last night we watched Terrifier and we got done and we finished. We were both like, I'm going to fucking bed. I'm fucking tired. And I got upstairs and turn on the YouTube for real quick. I'm like, is it fall asleep? And I saw the, the,
the Trump interview, but she away yeah three hours. I watched every second of it on, uh, on Rogan. Yeah. It was actually not bad. Uh, it's a little, yeah and it's uh,
Trump's irritating. yeah he You know what? There were times where I was like, today, today, Junior, let's get over with it. Jesus Christ, get to the fucking point. But he waffles a little bit. He does. And Blaze and I were talking about it today. Well, he's out driving around. And I was working in between calls. We're messing back. work Because Blaze and I get into these weird arguments about left versus right. But but we constantly go, who's that?
Blaze. Oh he is sir. He's communist. There's a difference. but He's he's he's under. i see It's he's under. It's funny because because we we do this thing where where we both get animated and then all of a sudden we're like uh this isn't that you. I'm just spitballing here. I'm like it doesn't sound like it. Like If you can hear our messages, we were like, no, that's not true. It was this. I'm not deciding you and then set the situation. and So him and I had a conversation a while ago on on his little on his
political kind podcast and he asked me some questions about like what my beliefs are because I i tend to stay fairly center.

Celebrity Weight Loss and Public Reactions

I lean right for sure. like there's There's no doubt about that, but I try and stay open-minded and I allow people to say their arguments and I kind of think about it more critically than fuck you and your thoughts.
Oh, if your thoughts make sense, but you're left, I'm like, I don't know, fuck, that's actually a good point. so We had a really good conversation about it. So I actually like having political conversations with him. But there's there's a certain person on TikTok who we've may or may not have had on this show at one point.
ah but I see as TikToks and it's only political stuff and it's just the most aggravating thing of the world. It's like little snippets of somebody saying something. First of all, you're a piece of shit. Let's post to TikTok and start a political debate back and forth because it would be like the views would be insane because there are people that do that. They literally just shit on each other.
because of their political belief. And I'm pretty sure it's a whole fucking stage. But I was like, dude, you and I have conversations all day long about political shit. Because when when Trump and Kamala were doing their debate, we watched it live. It's Kamala, dude. Yeah, I don't fuck. They're both retarded. But okay I've been corrected on it one time in my life, and I think I've messed it up.
a few times after, but like, the that i I didn't, I genuinely did not know until this year that her name was pronounced Kamala. And before that, before I had been corrected on it, I was just like, why is everyone getting like so up in arms? Like it it looks like it's pronounced Kamala. Like I don't know why that's that's the first way that it pops in my head. And this gentleman that I was speaking to corrected me on it. And I was just like,
Okay, no so chill all right Kamala, I'm sorry Yeah, well, you know I'm sorry, but how many times? Well, yeah. That's my funny thing. You guys have so little respect for the other side that the UK was their fucking name, right? I'm like, what? No, I just didn't know. I miss Polk. Words are hard. You know, it's like when I type stuff out, I type really fast, and I'll type your name wrong. You don't get all pissed. We find it funny because Jeff can't spell his own name. So it's like, I get that concept. It's it. But, yeah, I sat there and watched that debate last night. What are they? Come on. What's up?
I don't care honestly. I don't care honestly. Kamala. Kamala. Is that what your name is? Kamala. You're gonna come back a word solid?
Kamala, the Ugandan destroyer. Nice. No, I, it's ho. Where the fuck are you at, Wally? Yeah, Wally, why don't you come on up?
Speaking of which, I mean, yeah, drop that link one time. No,
no but have you, I know you're not, and and like, this is something Blaze and I were talking about when when I found it is he's like, I'm not the biggest Joe Rogan fan. I said, I'm not either. But it's, it's like the the video was up for 12, like 10 hours and got 10 million views.
it It it's one of those it broke the internet thing not that I give a shit, but it was actually interesting But it was also their parts are fucking hilarious and ah Like Rogan barely said a lot like he didn't talk a lot. He just kind of let Trump do his thing and It was, you know, as you and I discussed when we started, when we, when we first did interviews, it's more of a conversation than, ah let me ask you a question, you give me the answer, and then I'll ask you another question. um It was just a conversation, but it was interesting.
But the funniest part was he he was talking, I can't remember who it was he was talking about. And he it he was just like, guy's an asshole. and it he got it He said, what a stupid ass or something like that. And I was

Podcast Operations and Travel Plans

like, you know, you don't see presidents doing that very often. Just call people assholes. And I don't even think he said asshole. I can't remember what he said exactly. Blaze sent me the link today.
or like ah a clip of it where it said, or maybe I saw on TikTok. I don't remember. But I laughed my ass off when I saw it. And then they they they got into a discussion. Trump asked Rogan a question. He was like, ah who's the greatest fighter you ever... yeah And then they talked about yeah and MMA and fighting for a while. And I was like, I honestly don't care. There he is. Hi, sir. question What's up, gentlemen? ah Wally, check your email. Yeah, take time. Jesus Christ. You want to calm down over there, Tony D? You're coming in hot. Every time somebody's in the car. Well, check your, check your email whenever you get a chance. I sent you a link for the admin role for StreamYard. And yes, yes, it is. Um, yeah that'll get you access to StreamYard and then I'll see if, uh,
Maybe. oh yeah hey Hey, Blaze, you have the. Hold on. I think I got to change my settings on here. ah you got your longest i think right Okay. Just cause we're. Yeah. i I just dropped his admin. I just, I just dropped his admin role. So okay.
But yeah, it, like I said, it, it's, it was a very long interview. and it was one of those things where i I was hoping to fall asleep during it, but I i was wide awake the full three hours after we finished a three-hour episode. I'm going to drop down and come back. All right, cool. But where are you guys going? You said you guys are getting ready to go somewhere. We're going to PA tomorrow morning. We're getting up at like 8.30.
Driving out. Uh, Mickey's son's coming in from Italy. So he'll be on for a few days. So we're going to go up there. You guys want my spaghetti recipe? like ah That was my joke. That better. I hear you through my phone. For some reason it's, it's my headphones are hooking up to my phone, but I can't hear you through my headphones. Weird.
I can't hear you at all. That's odd. It's so weird. Let me check your settings. here It was a short three. Yeah. if It was like it fucking went like I need to be good. Let me try to refocus here. Like I said, I am yeah not like you ready at all. sir very mo You are. You are. have like your mind let me yeah i got run in here and I'll be up shortly. All right. We'll see then. You are, you are kind of the bench line tonight there, buddy. I am. It just kind of like all came over me at once. Like right, right, where right. boom Right. Right. But we were getting ready to start. It was just like, yeah, I got to tell dipshit that ah he'll be on his own Monday. Um, because, you know, I don't know. I guess it'll just depend on what's going on Monday.
I may try to pop in for a little bit. At least get the show started. I don't from my phone i don't know of what what I got going on Monday, but I should be able to pop up if you can't. And then I still got to do the show Tuesday. We'll be coming home Tuesday night. I was like, are we going to be holding time to do the show? And then he's like, well, no, I just figured you i man could do the show there. And then, then we'll leave after you get done doing the show. I'm like, It's gonna be a long day at work one day. I'll try to sleep in the car on the way home. um

Creative Content and Celebrity Transformations

Yeah, I know. Trump's been all over the place. A cool interview to check out. yeah I don't think it's very long, but he was on Undertaker's podcast, Six Feet Under. oh no yeah yeah yeah trump's saying Trump's a huge wrestling fan and he's actually in the w WWE Hall of Fame.
Yeah. I saw it. I did see a clip a long time ago where he was like, he came out and does like slammed Vince McMahon and it was fucking hilarious. Yeah. So they actually have a clip that's going around where Undertaker was like, you could be like me and Kane and Vote for Donald Trump or you could be like Dave Batista and vote for Kamala.
Hey, I got a question. What is up with Dave Batista? Nobody fucking cares. Because he's like stupid skinny now. ah He did that on purpose. He lost a ton of weight. He just was tired of being all big and bulky. Yeah, he just no he he just he was just tired, you know, the the work and the energy and effort and everything like that. And he didn't. And and he did it for his career because he didn't want to constantly be pigeonholed into. Oh, he was he was like, I want to play with my acting chops. He said he he said he he actually specifically said he did not want to end up like the rock and only play certain type of characters. Fair enough. So Dave Bautista put his head in so big. Right. He looks like a bobblehead.
You know, the same thing happened to it. Like you lost weight, like he would. Well, there you go. OK, cool. Yes. Hey, guess what? Nuts. They're talking shit. No nuts. You're on your own one day. I'm not going to be there because we're going to be a PA. So I'll pop up. I got you. But Jeff said he'll come up. You know Bathurst will be there. Chris said he'll hang out for a few after his show.
i'll I'll look at one intro that you do and then I'll come up here and I'll just say, Hey, it's Monday night. Let's go. And that's gonna be my whole intro. There you go. We're on YouTube. Have a good day. I see you've been listening to Cassius intro.
ah the Welcome to my show. It's the greatest show ever.
It's probably the greatest of all time. I don't like to shoot my own horn, but two, two, okay? two know like ah Nicole she lost a bunch of weight what like in in the in the early 2000s, and she looked like a bobblehead too. Well, would you lose a bunch of weight real fast like that? Like everybody that does like the, ah the that so that I know somebody personally who did those epic and I think she always just had a big giant watermelon head, but that's beside the point. I wonder what the skin looks like. What's that? I wonder what the skin looks like. Right. When you do that, when you do that, when you do the gastric i bypass operation and you lose all that, look at, uh, look at, um, what's his name? The, the, the leather guy from, uh, good boy. yeah I can't remember. Al Roker.
um When he dropped all that weight, but yeah, when you- What was the guy from Mike and Molly? With the real big guy, he played a cop. Yeah, he yeah he's lost like the Zucchi kind of shit. No, no, no, no, no, no, that's ah Kevin James. The dude from Mike and Molly, Molly was played by, what's end with what's that chick's name? ah Melissa McCarthy played her.
Yeah, that he was a cop and she was like a schoolteacher or something. They end up getting married Billy Gardell and Melissa McCarthy. Yeah, he looks he looks like Scary thin Like the dude like ah a sip breeze will blow that dude over where he was like ten of me And the other thing that's crazy when people lose a fuck ton of weight real fast like that with like noticed it I noticed it a lot with like It was epic. When they lose a ton of weight, it real fat it ages them like 15 years. Have you seen John Goodman lately? Jesus. Every day, Batista, he doesn't even look like himself anymore. He looks sick. yeah I thought he was sick like he had cancer or some shit. Chaka, chaka, chaka, chaka, chaka. Chaka, two fingers. There he is. Oh, OK. That works. He brought him up quick for a Saturday. I'm not worried. what up Saturday, I don't care. What's up, sir?
That was chilling chilling. see but i mean What's going on? I don't mind when people lose weight. It's just like if you're unrecognizable and you look ill, how is that any healthy? Any healthier than you being a big fat shit. You guys are talking about Olympic. Is that what you're talking about? No, we were talking about. because lost a lot Wait, he looks sick because of the the.
health issues that come along with having all that extra fat around all of your organs. Oh, no, I get that. Like, I mean, but yeah, you don't look super you don't look super great, but that's because of your previous decisions. But would you rather not look great and live another 20 years or look better? I could die tomorrow crossing the street. I don't want to die tomorrow knowing I could have had a piece of cake today.
Right. Right. Right. But I think that people of certain sizes are having more than just a piece of cake a day. No, I agree. I mean, I'm i'm one to talk. There is that. But it's like like. but Yeah, you can have your cake and eat it. You just don't eat the entire cake. Have a slice. Yeah. Hey, Bruce was my hero, dude. From Matilda. That dude ate that whole big fuck you cake. It's Paddington.
um You know, like, like, I don't mind like I get losing weight for your health and all that fun stuff. That's fine. I have no problem with that. But if you're literally look like you're wearing somebody else's skin, that's you look worse.
right And they say the skin will snap back, but when you lose that much weight, it doesn't snap back. A lot of people have skin reduction surgeries. Yeah. It's like, Hey, you just got gastric pot bypass. Here's a skin reduction for free or 50. Yeah. sounds It's part of the deal they've got going on right now. Well, what's that one guy? He, he, he, he was on that my 600 pound life. He lost like he's down to like two 50.
and just with exercise. He didn't do guys for bypass or I was that better. You just exercise his fucking ass off. Listen, I get from like. He was 700 pounds. There's this. I don't understand how you get how you weigh that, how you how you gain that much weight. I don't either because that's horrifying. I don't know. I weigh more than 170 and I'm like, look, I need to go for a whole bottle of salt. I got up to 292 and I panicked.
I'm gonna get a second one before you do it. I'm three. I'm 320 right now. Yeah, but how tall you don't look I'm six foot but that's a losing i lost you can count I'm five three if I wait as much as you don't slit your wrist like taking up this whole screen do i like get I'm five three it's not something that like it would be obviously noticeable. Like you and Glick, you're both over six foot. You guys don't look. Oh, I didn't read the chance. Who else? I got that one. You guys wear it well. So I shared this on X. I made characters of all you guys in the background, if you could see it. Was that me with a cigarette? Yeah. Well, yeah. I see that. I got your cigarette. I got your cigarette hair. I do have red hair.
Nice. Why is it? Chaka, why is it that out of everybody on there, you are just jacked like you fucking read about? Because I made it.
It's gained 400 pounds. Is that is that Chris with the fucking with the stupid long hair on his shirt? So that that's. that That's supposed to be. glick Send that to Glick, send that to me. That's

AI in Creativity and Humorous Personal Stories

hysterical. Dude, he looks he looks like the dad from fucking um How to Train Your Dragon. yeah Oh, shit, he does.
The first thing I thought about was but fucking Stoic the Vast from fucking How to Train Your Dragon. I've never seen those movies. You know, they're they're making a live action how to train a dragon. yeah My oldest son used to love that shit. It's it' so Steve Irwin alligators. Everybody actually dies. You know, Brian, Texas Brian and I are sending each other back and forth things that we keep finding on YouTube. It's like if Game of Thrones was set in the 40s or was made in the 40s. Have you seen these things? They do it for everything. Like if the Witcher was made in the 40s or something. They're hilarious.
Oh, the AI generated ones? Yes, the AI generated like story telling where they show pictures. And they were they were doing a Game of Thrones was rednecks. And and and Khaleesi was Khaleesi was next to an alligator with wings. I was like, you know what, I'm not mad. um and You see this.
Oh, lazy Jedi's in the chat. What's going on, Lazy? Oh, Lord have mercy. He just made that. but but Listen, Jeff is about two and a half feet too tall in that. with this We'll see everybody. Everybody's sitting down. Anyone has ever called Jeff and two are too tall. I'm I'm on a stool. cause i'm You're right. I made you the tallest. I like that. Yeah, it's cool.
Yeah, Jeff needs to come. Why do I have a Corona? Wait a minute. I fucking hate Corona. I wanted you to have. Hey, Nikki, I'm on a stool. Shush. Yeah. Let's just Jeff's on an extension ladder. All right. Still just five foot tall on his wife's heels. I'm on him. No way. Doesn't mean he's all taller than Jeff.
Yeah, even with why you gotta be so rude back there. I still haven't put this. This your old shit behind us. Why did that cut you so deep? um yeah You know what? You know what this calls for, you know, you she's not watching. We're paying attention. I know, but Jedi, what's going on with your brother? And I think it's in the building. I've been sick for three days. I can't kick this dang cold, man.
Well, you're not supposed to kick it. You're supposed to drink liquid. You don't kick it's ass, you beat it's ass. There's a difference. We were hanging out over there on the Lazy Shaman podcast last night and we finally got the truth. I told you, don't admit you got domestic abuse on live.
Yeah, what happened to Chaka last week, he got that black guy, he lipped off to his wife and she turned around and hit him with a spinning back fist. I'll never say, is she here? right yeah I do that myself. She's not here, is she? So my wife and I were having this all but my one time we're having this argument the other day.
mute my camera i mean i can turn my camera off but i don't know about mutin you maybe don't maybe don't walk through the camera naked next time and he won't have to turn it off at all hey that's what's going on man triumph bat and miguel Yeah, I'll try to stop. up I'll try to stop by Monday. bans I don't know if my wife has any. or There was this one time where Michael called me like intelligent past my years or something like that. And I felt like super special. And then up and then I watched the next 10 minutes after I left and he called everybody else in the room intelligent and amazing and spiritually great. And I was just like, oh, I'm just I'm just a fucking pawn in your.
fuck you michael Thank He was just being nice to you because he didn't want you to you. be left out. He was like, I can't. I love Michael. He loves to go on those fucking tangents, man. He'll sit there and he'll I'll be sitting there zoning out because he's on a tangent. And then I'll just hear, Connor, what do you think about that? Like in a very intellectual voice, I'm just like, fuck. You're like, wait, oh, shit. Yeah, robert ducks are good for bathtubs anyway.
yeah Yeah, he got me. He got me on the first day I met him. He he did a long spiel and then and then he's like, chocolate, what's your opinion? I was like, uh, I wasn't paying attention. I was mesmerized. Yeah, I was listening. I was like, you do very well spoken. On this network was being real equatious. Jesus Christ. Well, there's Jeff's big word of the day. I didn't buy a big word of the day. I use that word a lot. bla Blaze and I do that. We do all these big words at each other.
You know what my favorite big word is? But that's not really that big. Coitus. Coitus. I like that word. Oh, it's a good one. That reminds me of big horses. OK, but coitus just it makes it sound a little bit dirtier, but still sophisticated, right? Like you can say it to your wife in the bedroom or you can say it in church. Hey, you want to go have quite a still be OK. No, see, if I say coitus to my wife, I feel creepy. Makes me kind of feel like. So you like that's what I feel like that would be creepy and said to Alyssa a lot. Hey, you want to go have that coitus?
ah that has You're giving him way too much credit. that's to me sound he literally does this smell like chloroform don't sounds like a word That sounds like a word that I can slip into a conversation with my wife. and She's like, what's for dinner? I'm like a coitus and I got some beer. Pizza and meite pizza. Yeah. And then you you you you just pull a click at the end and be like, good game.
Angel scratch show. What's up, man? I have a question for you because ah we have a conversation with the boys. Chris is not going to. After you're done doing the deed, you give her a tap on the booty and say good game. Would your wife kill you or not? OK, I'm going to I'm going to put this out there because me and my wife talk about this. I'll go ahead and and let you guys know because it's only between us, right?
We don't say good games, but ever since that movie, ah Along Came Polly, me and my wife, every now and then, if the session is is is up to par, we give a high five and we say 50.
I always end with the move, I'll get you a towel. yeah whatever is their own no is i My daughter fell and this is her currently.
She's laying on the of her foot. Yeah, yeah she's doing an impersonation of you. love blah bru but apple do but but but mo edge hard buddy I've been on the phone all day. i been I do that, too. So, this is the first weekend I've worked, well, I worked, what, two, three Sundays ago, but for like two hours. This is the first week in a while that I've done. I'm going to be doing seven days in a row.
non-stop since eight o'clock in the morning. So, and if you include the shows. What up, JR? What up, Angel? Like yesterday, I got up, I was up at six. And I worked at six until right until about five minutes before Blaze was like, hey, the studio's up. I was like, shit! so Oh, how did that work out for you guys? Were you able to stream on Facebook and on YouTube? no Yeah, we are actually we were actually, we were both on YouTube at the same time.
Really? Through the same stream art? Yeah, through the same stream art account. Did not know you could do that. That's cool. I didn't either. We found it out by accident. We didn't either. And I told Jev and them. I said, and they didn't let me know. I got the notification. I said, let me know when you guys go live and I'll drop YouTube because I figured we were going to go over. And then they went longer. You guys went longer than me, than us. We were. We did another session.
No, I jumped. No, I jumped. I jumped with the lazy shaman. Oh, OK. That's what it was. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, I jumped when i when when we got done and I left your guys and it was streaming on our network. OK. Yeah. Like, yeah. I see. Yeah. So I jumped in. Motherfuckers are still alive. At least I did three hours and we were fucking exhausted because we had both worked all day.
And then we watch, you know, what we do is we bring up, I bring up a zoom meeting and we put the movie on there so we can watch it. And then we talk about it on the screen and that must be hard to go Hello, I'm Jeff and I'm calling from pyramid scheme USA and I would like to sell you something. You are such a dick.
and hello you old you are such a du How hard is that? to You would last you six hours. you would No, because I'm not going to call a bunch of fucking companies and bother them and harass them. That's my job. 150 grand last year, motherfucker. I'm not mad.
yeah i'm buy Welcome you welcome to walk to sales, Glick. You're an asshole. I know. I know how your numbers correlate because you're also the same guy that said that you made it from Ohio to the border of Texas and Mexico in four hours. So 150 grand is probably more like 1,500 pesos.
yeah I'm not buying it. that's why i paid off the house yeah yeah usually usually i don't know houses paid off 10 years ago and ah good god i've heard enough of that yeah see anyways uh but yeah we watched we watched terrifier too the problem with terrifier is i can like completely remove you from the network all together right by all means Oh No, whatever will I do with my Monday nights back? Oh gosh Yeah, and shut the fuck up Connor. You have no room to complain you do one night a week That he wanders off but but hear me complain
Yeah. Do you see what I'm doing right now? I'm on the podcast. I'm also being forced to play fantasy football. My daughter is in the same room as me coloring around open doors and stairs that go down another 30 feet. Oh yeah. Yeah. Hey, I walk around. Your daughter is more cognate than you are. You just wander off. You just get lost.
You know how many times your Nicki's come on. Have you seen Connor? Listen, that will happen late at night. That's why we end the show at night. Yeah. Yeah. That's what happens when you buy a house with 5,000 stairs. You just get laid off on your way up. Listen, I made it out of the way up. Connor, some ice cream. I was going to hop back on the podcast for like a stuck at base camp. All right. I'm over it. Operation Stuck Point. Yeah.
like My legs don't work. ah You know, God forbid I ever open up about anything on this podcast ever. I mentioned one thing that my therapist says to me and it's the rest of forever. No, no, no. If you liked it, you wouldn't be such a fucking inconsiderate jerk. Words are hard. Fuck you. honor honor I have a question for you, Jeff.
I have a question for you um you. Jeff, I have an answer for you. Have you met Glenn? Yes, I have. I remember coming to him. yeah tell is mother fuck i remember coming to You He's going to usually get you forever. I'm going to tell you guys two stories. Okay. ah One is about a friend that I've known as of now for a little over five years.
Be nice. Who I called in crisis. And the other is about another friend who I've known for somewhere between two, the one and a half to two years. And I called him in crisis. This is a story about how those went. Story number one is the the person I've known for a little over five years, who I would consider one of my good friends. I called him around 930 at night. Dear school district.
driving to go to driving to go to the nearest Dairy Queen because my wife had asked me to get ice cream. i want just to of My wife let me go for a drive. So I called him and I started talking to him. He let me talk. you And as soon as as soon as I finished talking, he ah he says, stop, you're being a bitch.
i pay essential i know all That's essentially all he said for the next 10 minutes and then we hung up with each other. Now, that was the first person who I've no longer considered a close friend. So the second person that that i called I've known him for about a year or two.
um it they queen at ten o'clock night you' I've known him for about a year or two. I called him having a serious pat but we can your mikes rest up it's problematic it's been a problem day problematic week problem he ains he lets me talk and he said, dude, I know exactly how you he's li who do you think is who?
That's right. Jeff, technical the douchebag on the podcast was the one you care. And the host, your holiness, go Buckeyes, the Glick over here. Call but called me a bit
but in what call you did it But did it work? Did it work, though? No, it just made it up on the phone for over an hour. Nikki said, I remember that conversation and the first thing out of my mouth was why are you going to get Dairy Queen at 10 o'clock at night? You fat ass.
and i'm going and wonder why the agree death smell or Dude I've been through the same thing he immediately put me at ease and then and what the you immediately tang you saved him my wanted stupid at the end of our conversation and fat all in the same in album our long conversation yeah Did you get the dairy going did i gary him i needed it after talking to him my damn yeah get a yeahl case We were on the phone for over an hour. And at the end of the conversation, we were laughing and joking around. I called him a bitch. But I sat on the phone with him and let him talk and vent. And I was there for him. And then at the end, I called him a bitch. And I said, I love you, buddy. It was not 10 p.m. Dairy Queen closes at 10. It was before. And it's like a i got right before they close. It was like 10 o'clock my time. It was like 10 o'clock my time. That's a fucking you problem. And it was like that makes it like six p.m. my time because I was in El Paso, you dumb cunt.
I don't think you know how time zones are. Why do I always say cunt when I'm running out of breath? I was going to say. I don't think you know how time zones work.
I was west coast, he was east coast. texas is not west coast We were Mountain Side, so it was a two hour difference, not a three hour difference. so you on the four oh Yeah, so it's Eastern, Central, and Mount East West. It's still only 7 o'clock. Either way, either when it was 10 o'clock. Either way, you're a fuck. It's 8 o'clock at night. Ice cream makes sense. God, I can't wait on you. Ice cream makes sense for breakfast. Don't get me wrong. You did barely get the tea out when he said kind you said... kind
he did yeah out of but yeah i dialed When I say like this usually at the end of a sentence and it's always a run on and it's like my drop the mic moment and I so I have to get it out before I take another breath. Maybe i just I know you're not going to put that in my beer. What is wrong with you? There there is absolutely nothing wrong with dairy clean at 10 o'clock at night.
You know, on Tuesdays, the kids usually go out for ice cream at like nine o'clock in the morning. and i like buck dick How about you go to suck a big hairy dick? How about that? Fuck you and your bad friend, miss. Nobody needs you anyway. ways you're you're any it Please, check it out. Look, I need you to vote for Trump and call yourself the champ.
Look how big you are in this picture, Blaze. I am not that big. Right? I'm not that full. I was doing jock of shit. I was doing jock of shit. I was like, why is Blaze a fat shit? And tell me that Glitch doesn't go the vast from fucking how to train a dragon, dude.
does It's a perfect representation. His arms are hairy in the chakras face. Hang on. I'm doing it. We're we're doing this.
I think that god is a great representation. I do. I do like that. That is that is a cool picture though. We made it. Don't get it. Don't get it. It's dope. I like it. It looks dope as fuck. Here. I'm gonna I'm gonna have Jeff pull up a side by side. I want some more. Yeah, go ahead. Send them to me.
yeah always remember that i don
I need to get you on WhatsApp because like please I use it constantly. We have like a two hour conversation today.
I'm going to remember that I'm a bad friend and I should suck a big hairy dick the next time you call me in crisis. And we're like, you know what, Connor, that bullet you should have been saving, you should just go ahead and eat that. ah why you like i did wait to just call you in crisis anymore he calls me just just just like i did i drove called i i will never call you in a price said why he's learned his lesson he's like call me a fat shit call me a bitch called jim
hey jeff what kind of what kind of energy drink is that that you're drinking on and this is an amer Ampere, I haven't heard of that. Ampere? It's It's a knockoff monster. and Snapchat, because I don't have your real phone number because you live in Mexico. But they only cost like a buck. Oh, nice. I've lived in Mexico for 20 years. Oh, nice.
Yeah, actually, well, Blake, I don't think you know her, but one of the friends I went to high school with, I don't think she went to Career Center, but she's here. And right now, she called me today. She's like, hey, I'm in town. I'm like, good for you. You're an hour fucking away from me. Have fun. So I overheard you guys talking about Monday night's new show. And I do have an intro song made. Yeah, it's dope. I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready.
what what god do you need to send it to me no i already uploaded it did it not load it's it's in the back it's background music so you can barely hear it oh oh hold on let me turn it up because i got it lowered oh my gosh click's got 400 000
He looks like no, no I don't think so.
It's not like ah what I wanted more. I was looking for more. Did it say or has years in a safe space? I don't think it's a safe space. i know I thought it did. but ah I was like, clicks over there. No, no, I don't think so. AI puts together words that are never used in songs. That's how you can always tell. Yeah. Yeah. I still don't use wild ride. It's one of my favorite songs. wonuny's Wild wide ride is pretty good. That one's just funny.
I find it hilarious.
I love that song. like Next motherfucker that meets my goddamn mic. Who's muting it? Jeff muted me. I did not. Don't fucking put that shit on me, but Ricky Bobby. One of you guys muted me. That person does that, does that AI music shit.
Not shit. the And it's alwaysrics are always the lyrics are always super crazy. Yeah. Like the rap ones seem to like be more. Itself is really cool. Yeah. The music itself is really cool. But sometimes in the lyrics, but sometimes they just throw in some of the most off the wall, off the wall words. It's just like, yeah, yeah like, yeah.
sori space like one six morning music is more glix forte so i'll let you fine find this it's all no it's fine no it's fine i like it It's not up to me at the end of the day. Yeah, very, very true. It's it's up to it's up Wally.
so you have to say to me so i can all I haven't met Wally.
I have, but I couldn't pick him out of a lineup right at the moment. When I see him, I'll know him instantly. Halloween's next weekend. Is it really? It is. That's yeah's why were that's why that's why we're doing Verifier 3 tomorrow. I have to watch it tonight. I still haven't watched it. Terrified 3? Yeah.
I never got a chance to watch it. I started, I started watching it before we watched two, but I had done that with two when we watched one and I got confused. I was a good at advice i was about to talk about a scene and I was like, Oh wait, this is like a movie, my bad. So I don't want to confuse the people.
the art class right strange people Damn straight.
Sorry, Chris. I'm just in one of those moods. Blake's got me ah upset. Talking about water, water, water in the chat now. What's going on? We have a moderate. No, we don't. Oh, is that. Oh, that's right. You share the chat with Shaka's. That's right. Let's be honest. Yeah, I see the link. I see the link icon now. Nobody gets the moderate battery lights. I don't believe I have.
I have learned so much on TikTok. They got a lot of fucking stupid words since yikes. Are you a sub supporter now? That'd be hilarious. No, no, God, no, but I, I've been engaged. I'm working on it, buddy. I'm working every day. I'm like, Hey, tech. I have. So I ran into this TikTok debate channel that I've been engaging in the last few days.
And it's been fun and frustrating at times, but yeah. I love when you get all animated about it. Oh, man. Each other? Yeah.
You know, I wish you guys could have heard that. Oh, I do. I'm going to say this. When it comes to debating, I'm going to say this. I won't lie. I'm going to say this. Blaise is terrible to debate because he's a communist. And so everything that comes out of his mouth, you might as well just throw in the trash.
Sure. I love you, Blaise. Yeah, it was but it was hilarious today. I was talking to Blaze about politics and he starts going off. He's like, I just want to know I'm not that you. yeah Well, no, because I had just. gotten I had, so I had just got done. So I did a speed debate thing today and I thought it was only 20 minutes. I was only going to be able to, no, it turned into, I was up there for an hour taking, it was me taking on a Trump supporter one at a time for an hour straight. So when I got done and I'm sending you those messages, I'm still in like, uh,
So that's why I apologize. it' like that's I know more than you. You're dumb. ah That did come out a couple of times a day to somebody. I'm the Ben Shapiro of the Communist Party. Fuck you. know that you know the Ben Shapiro, the Communist Party is. I think it should be Vosh. I probably do. like want You know what? You should look at Vosh because Connor actually looks like Vosh.
Here, I'll find a situation like that. I don't like that you compared me to somebody I've never heard of before. Fair enough. You know what? You're right. That was probably not me, but... thought i you just written but I thought you just listening to the debates. You're getting up there. and actually in the air was lying yeah my yeah but blaze is and abing with blaze It's not easy because I'm not that smart and he's like way smarter than I careful not to like overexpress some of my opinions on things. I was occupied i find politics in important in those speakers.
No, it is. I just don't want to be like it's stop be down the moment next month. Nobody will having debate about it who's better because, so you know, oh, this is why I'm so ready for it to be fucking over. Oh, you have no idea. I'm so tired of letting him win already. It's just getting good. Honestly, at this point, I don't care if Kamala wins. I'm just I just want it to be over. um Four years later, we'll have a whole new problem on our hands.
Yeah, we'll be back at this four years from now. Yeah. Karina, tell me, tell me, tell me Connor doesn't look like Bosch. All right. Well, it's been awesome being on the show. he's going to go do his bo show I've got to go to the bedroom. I'm going to lock my daughter in here because she doesn't need to see me ending at all.
We're gonna circle back. You guys will have some interesting stuff on what the fuck news this Wednesday.
Enjoy you stupid badass bitch. This is why I only call Jeff for anything anymore. Let's go get some ice cream fatty. The world doesn't revolve around you, buddy. you imagine Nobody gives a fuck that you want to kill yourself. Just do it and quit fucking talking about it.
Don't talk about it. No. Speaking of Blake, before you go, Connor, speaking of people that look like somebody else. Before you go. Before you go. any you really know that You really thought he was going to rage quit. No. No. Check this out. Tell me this doesn't look like Blake.
It does, kind of does. Yeah, kind of does, kind of does. And Steve Mead, Steve Mead's got this 30,000 watt escalator. He had some looking fella. Is it painted red with fucking Make America Great Again on the side? Because that would be hilarious. No, it's got four SMD 18-inch subwoofers and 30,000 watts. It's insane.
Oh, it doesn't go. I think it would be great to get a picture of like either in a vehicle that had like a Trump flag or holding a Trump flag with like a smile on a face and thumbs up just so that we can have that same photo. I worked at a place in my area for a little bit in the in the owner was a very right wing Trump supporter and he brought in beer. He was thinking because I lived in the area I did and he brought in beer and he gave me this.
hold script
but i just kept just because it's funny this honestly I feel like Blaze could deal with some some Trump like memorabilia for once is all finally over and He's just he's gonna be like fucking what's his nuts from but the two bears podcast? Who's got all the Nazi memorabilia? Yeah, he's he's gonna have a whole bunch of Trump memorabilia. I this for his story, man. that's I don't actually support Trump. It's just for historical
note and that That Steve Mead guy, this is his home stereo that he built. My god, my balls were out of its sack. It is insane. That picture makes me want to throw up.
Those are 36 inch subwoofers. Jesus. he actually He actually has a brand deal with, I think, Rockford Fosgate, and they make speakers in any size he wants. So you can actually go on to Rockford Fosgate's website and buy his 18 inch subwoofers. They're called SMDs.
But, like, he was building... Sound of mass destruction? No, Steve Mead Design is his name. Oh, okay. Well... Sounds of mass destruction sounds better if you ask me. I agree. I remember having Fosgates back in the day. Right? was i i't ah way i couldn't I couldn't live without a stereo system. my being gus When I first ah got with my wife, my my Toyota Tacoma, the whole back was just full of speakers, man. And then we started having kids and I slowly had to take the speakers out because for the seats and I'm just like, ah. And now you're rolling six by nines and you still think you're cool. yeah I know because I'm there myself. No, like I had an S-10 extended cab. I had ah four 15s in it. I thought it was the coolest thing on sliced bread, man.
And then I just kind of gave it up when I joined the military. I was like, I started working on the engines instead of the fucking scenario. Well, now my son's getting all in the car stereo. So that's cool. He's I get to help him with his.
ah check Kevin go online and check out Steve B design on YouTube like he's he built some really wicked stereo system but the guy is so detailed oriented that like a lot you'll see a lot of people um half-assed their stereo system when they install it like you know rats nest of wires and shit everything in this dude's truck is just looks like it came from factory if not better is it need any any AD No, it's... ah um m me yeah M-E-A-D-E. Okay. Just like the drink. Yeah. Just like the booze. He's got a... he He built a... I don't know what year Tahoe is. But he's got a Tahoe. It's got the four SMD18s. His S-Blade's got three of them. He's got Alexis with two of them. I just realized Connor left. I didn't realize Connor... Well, I just realized he left.
Now you upset him. You triggered him. Yes, I did. He's going to lock himself in his room and start watching watch videos. He's going to come out a communist.
That's what's going to happen here before we started. I'm just saying. No, but it's like. um The way that I builds.
is like, I don't build like that. I'm like, I just want to hear it run. and I'll fix the wiring later. This guy's like, it's got to be perfect before I put it in. No, can't do it. But no, it's it.
It's it's that that weird algorithm on YouTube where I find all this weird shit. I'm watching one guy. He's doing a 270Z, like a 76 270Z. He's restoring it better than factory.
What does that mean? Better than factory. So when in the seventies, when they built cars, they weren't like the gaps were terrible. And, and the, oh, yeah, they would send the metal. Yeah. Be a crack in the middle where you couldn't see it. He's fixing that crack that you would never see.
I see not he's got a show he's got a channel called my mechanics dude never says a word you never see his face he just plays music and he restores things but he does it in a way where I don't give a fuck who you are if you're not fascinated and and amazed you have no soul Here's this dude on on YouTube. His channel is called Big Stack. And all he does, he's from Australia. All he does is ah smelt metal. And it's just the most awesome thing to fucking watch. Like, he's just watching some dude melt metal. Last night, I spent like an hour watching this dude on TikTok make marbles.
I was like, yeah we even know
this is fucking awesome. Right? It's one of those things like, you know, my wife the other day, she was, we were, we were watching stuff together. And she's like, how can you watch this? I said, it is fucking fascinating. She's like, why? He's throwing a rock in a pond. I said, awesome.
He found a stick. That's a cool s stick. Fuck you. ah You know? But it's like, no, but ah the one guy I watch, he does, he, he forges. You know, like, forges steel. And he's doing a 1 billion stack with the Damascus Steel's knife. So what he did is he took eight strips.
you know, welded them together, forged them, then cut it into multiple pieces. Eight times this is this. And and now he's he's he reached over a billion layers. Wow, that's and it's pretty interesting. Amazing. I haven't seen that. That would make one hell. I'd make one hell of a katana. And that's the thing. Like, have you ever seen the domestic swords knives and shit? It's a beautiful fucking process. They are. They look amazing. But this guy builds these.
And you know, he's like, I'm doing a million layer Damascus night. Well, he did the million layer. Now he's doing a billion layer. But wait, there's more next episode. There's a trillion layer. He wants to do a trillion. But like, he's like, okay, so I have this, like this stack is, you know, 200,000, you know, and he's writing math down on whiteboards. And I'm like, dude, I lost count at 50.
I want to hear a cool math story real quick. It's like a heart touching one. So my nephew, he's in the last year of elementary school. And he is a smart kid when it comes to math. So he' is ah so they gave him a little like extra math, a little bit higher. And there was some miscommunication. And they it in at the same time, he was home sick. So he just got everything, and he did it you know online. There was a miscommunication. He was sent high school calculus, and the dude has been doing it.
Wow. Yeah. You're a fucking nerd. You're a fucking nerd. No one likes you. No one likes you. you. Sorry, you made me laugh, but I was like, yeah, nerd. I just think it's fucking cool as shit.
I couldn't do calculus now. I couldn't either, man. like mean Math is one of the subjects I always struggled at. I'm not going to lie. I get it. i think I think it's cool that you guys watched Hot Tub Time Machine 2. I was terrified to start my my college math class, and I'm on week two right now.
and like I'm sitting here during your barefoot our gym like they're doing like grade math questions and I'm like, this is easy. Good. hell you Yeah. and aren't they yeah yeah about yeah but they stay down my me ah change i mad they did I was so nervous that it was going to be too hard for me. And I'm sitting here like a fucking like in 10th grader and a fourth grade grade class, just being irritated. Yeah. yeah If I have anything over 20, then I have to take out my phone.
My son, it seems like the younger generation gets a higher level of math because my 13 year old, I got four kids, 13 is my youngest. Now he's bringing home homework. It's above my my education. I'm like, man, you you're 13 and it already surpassed my whole high school yeah math. Yeah, the the school that my kids are going to. That's why I married a woman smarter than me. So I'm like, hey, the kids are doing math. That's why that's why she's in so why she's in France and you're in Mexico. She's smarter than me. That's what I'm saying. like I get I get I get emails from his teacher now. algen He's in fucking second grade.
Wow. There's no reason a second grader should be learning algebra. No. in no absolutely now behind it If second grader can't learn algebra, they should be learning it. No. And and here's here's my my caveat to that. the The reason why I think they're doing this is because basic math you can do on your calculator when you're three.
because you've been playing on an ipad or tablet since your birth so does he me you know basic math is you know it's right there you know well i'm getting i'm giving uh emails from his teacher because uh she she's saying that she doesn't want the students to use chat gpt they called her she's all are you aware i go yes i told him to use chat gpt because i can't help him
You're the teacher. Is he showing his work? Okay, we're good. Send her an email back. He's no longer using chat GGB. He's using seamless AI. Don't worry about it. Yeah, right. He's up. I got someone at the door. I'll be right back. Yeah. How about you mind your own fucking business, bitch? Agreed.
Because, you know, when we were kids, teachers are like, you're not going to carry on a calculator in your pocket. It's still funny. yeah Right? I know, right? That's why I go with Skynet. They're the perfect AI. Yeah. Can you imagine how much AI would have helped back when you were in fucking high school? Dude, not just not with AI. ah probably would The internet alone, the way as good as the internet is now, when we were kids, and, and you know,
During fucking death bowl Uh, oh my god, dude I would have gotten laid 10 times more than I did I got laid a lot. You think the fact that you had a 1.8 average had anything to do with the amount you got laid? No Just in the gym, weights equals dates School weights, school weights Bye-bye to me a long time. Let's be honest I only graduated because my my uh English teacher. My English teacher paired me up with the smartest girl in the room. that So it was, she was shy. And she said, she'll write the report. You put it in front of the class. Done. Let me know what it's done. Jim Fox up to the desk. Where's those knee pads?
Oh, bro. I got calluses. Don't worry about it. no Honest, honest.
Don't worry, Michael. I gave it for great. The only game you get an F. just take it You didn't get an F. You gotta be. I thought I thought you were gay if you got the D.
That's what I was thinking. Oh, no, I got A's, baby. I'm good. Yeah, you got A's. I can't even pour my drink.
Oh, the only thing I ever got in high school is a B and E. yeah Right? I got one of those too.
Oh, high school. Ah, yes. I got lots of C's in high school. Now I got an F one time and my dad almost killed me. Oh, Jesus. I got, we're doing donuts in the parking lot. I failed. I failed my final for 12th grade math for algebra three. And I got a 50, like a 58. And the only reason I walked at graduation, shout out to Mrs. Hummel. She gave me test corrections for the math final. Yeah.
I was like, I don't think you're allowed to do this. And she was like, shut up and do it so you can walk. I don't want to see you next year, mother fucker. She was like, you're supposed to be joining the Air Force. You couldn't have just done one test correctly. Just one. Just do the fucking math questions so that you can get out of the bathroom. Pass the ass back, lady. Just get me out of here. I seriously just did enough to play sports. See, average.
right there. just that was my my do i was I was forced to play sports because when I was in junior high, I used to, well, at one point I but do it hit that like button.
but it was it's one of the things that they're like, you have too much aggression. We're going to make you do sports. I was like, all right. You need to stop masturbating on the bus. So we're going to send you to sports. It didn't work, right? Because we think you have wins. That's why everybody thought the cool kids were on the back of the bus. They were having a big time in the contest.
No, at a track meet, my girlfriend and I at the time went on the back of the bus and knocked one out. And we got kicked out of school for three days because somebody found out. Yeah, we were masturbating on the bus. No, we were having sex. oh Nowadays, everything would be all recorded because these kids. Oh, yeah, we would. Oh, we would add it on fucking. film Holy fucking shit.
yeah exactly That's the one thing about our generation. We did dumb shit, but we don't have any proof. Yeah, there's no proof of it. The shit that I hear about, because my neighbors my neighbors two houses down, have three high school age kids. And the shit that I hear about, knowing down on the at the fucking high school campus here, granted we live in the fucking hood. But like the shit that I hear going on is wild. People having sex in the bathrooms, people getting caught having sex at the gym, people smoking weed in the building.
Like we used to get caught smoking weed, like on near the football fields or outside somewhere on the campus, but inside and no fucking way.
Yeah. Like people would walk through the school smell like pot and you're just like, whatever, like their family smokes. They probably smoke too, but like who gives a fuck as long as they don't do it here. But like people are getting caught at the school, getting arrested at the school for smoking on campus inside the school. like du you can't fucking i struck and have fear do You have to be. It is hard to freaking hide weed smoke like that. I mean, that's just dumb.
We're just going to. Hey, but what's funny though, what I get a kick out of is these kids, they they think they do hide it though. Like yeah, put on whatever and I'm like. And he smelled like a winner. I just don't know that brute crystal trail away. I used to feel that cigarette about people who smoke cigarettes because I was like, dude, if you smoke one, I can smell it on your fingers. Yes. Like, let alone your clothes. And my buddy's like, oh, you just, I just make sure I do it right. I change my clothes. I put on lots of cologne. I put on deodorant all this. I wash my hands real good. I'm like, dude, I can smell you from 10 feet away.
And then I smoked and I real i started smoking when I was 18 and I realized, oh shit, it's because you can't smell it. yeah when you fucking swim you're the one who's doing it. I started smoking to cover the smell of weed. I was at a football game in high school. actually worked i was my it was like my It was like my sophomore year and we were smoking weed. I was like, shit, my mom's going to pick me up. So I started smoking my friend's cigarettes. I get in the car and my mom picks me up. She's like, what's that smell? I'm like, oh, crap. my sash And she goes, have you been smoking cigarettes? I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's it.
My son has been using, I got, I caught him. ah He's been using incense. And I'm like, dude, you're 18 years old. You don't like incense. You're 18. a fuck anymore.
weed like it's all right yeah barr by the way kind because Sometimes sometimes escaping reality is a good thing. Dude, I find it funny. You know what? I, like I said, and I've said it before, I've smoked weed, but I just, I become, I just, it makes me sick.

Edibles Experience and Drinking Stories

I literally get violently sick. Dude, I find that shit so funny because my wife is, she's one of those people like when she can partake, like she's cool with it, but when she can't, she's like, she realizes all the bad sides of it.
And so like i I usually, I'll take an edible or something like that every once in a while. It helps with my the pain that I have in my legs and it makes me feel better all around happier. And um'm so I have so much more tolerance for some of the bullshit that my kids try to put me through. And when I take it and my wife's not also getting high, she's like, yeah, I need you to not.
Last night she went out and bought some and she's like, we're taking these right now. like Whoa, what happened? but honors What fucking changed? Connor's bionic legs has a THC protocol, right? dude Yeah, I have I had my doctor take one of those little etching pens and I had him etch my prescription for weed on my fucking mechanical legs.
That way I walk around, I smoke a joint. I'm going down the street. Fuck everybody.
It's shortens your life. I'm 62. I'm still here. I don't know, dude. Willie Nelson, he's up there. He freaking smokes like a freight train, dude. I think he just turned 115 or something like that. I don't know. I wouldn't be surprised. Yes, but you can't argue that weed shortens your life respectfully.
You might be able to say, hey, it can cause us some long term, term lung issues if you smoke it, maybe, but I don't know if there's any facts behind that or if there's any statistics to back it. But when it comes to shortening your fucking lifespan, every old person that I know that smokes weed is happier, healthier than I've ever seen them when they were. The Bluetooth device is really too pale. The Bluetooth device is connected.
Did that say blue chews? Yeah, counters like the Bluetooth. Counters like the Bluetooth. Oh, I thought it said blue chews. The Bluetooth device has been disconnected. He needs help with that, too.
and I love that the guy... That's like my drill in my in my side drawer so that I can screw it in when I need it.
It's not one of the new ones that just has those little attack pins that you just push in the fucking bullshit me that new one yeah You know what? Like, you know, those pi like, Jeff, you know, the pins that you have on the car where you like pull it out and then just pull it right out. Yeah. Yeah. It's got those clips. But the one that I have, you have like there are little teeny tiny screws. And if you lose one, it would cost 40 fucking dollars because a specific one because you have the dick dash one. And it's just it's excessive. I'm tired of order one. that You're awfully quiet, it' night dude. What's up? What? Rubbing one out.
I asked Glick, he's awfully quiet tonight. I asked him, what's up? He's rubbing one out. I'm up here on a Saturday night, so he's over there mashed up. He's like, Connor's here. I can shut up tonight. Yeah. Dude, I'm not even hot. I've had two beers. That's it. like Wait till I fucking smoke some weed or I go fucking take off.
What'd you say? What do you, what do you drink? You said you didn't like Corona. What kind of beer are you like? Um, so I mean, tip typically if I'm like drinking to get drunk, he's a white colt kind of guy. tips It's, ah it's usually Miller light, uh, or make a lobe. Although I don't really like make a load. I just can't stand the life. Um, I like Coors and I like Miller, but right now I'm drinking, uh, Sam Adams, October Fest is my favorite beer of all time. That's that's a good beer. Along with, that is a good beer.
I would say my my top three are probably Guinness Original, the original Drought Stout, and then Blue Moon. They're just regular Blue Moon and the fucking Sam Adams Oktoberfest, my favorite fucking beer of all time. I like Guinness. But like all of those beers are not beers that you should, I'm not saying that you can't, you just shouldn't use them to get drunk off of because they're so fucking heavy.
yeah They make me so full, so fucking fast. So if I'm drinking and just like have a good time and drinking Miller Lite or Coors Lite or something like that, a light beer that I can drink like 20 of and still not feel like I'm throwing up. If I drank 20, I would die. Jeff drank one bottle of wine that was probably cupcake brand from the fucking store on the show one night and he was asleep in his front yard halfway through. But in my defense, i I gave up drinking 10 years ago.
Oh, OK. Except that one night. Not but not not because a Jarvis feels bad. I felt bad for Jarvis. And now I'm glad that he felt bad. No, it's not like I gave it up because I was like an alcoholic or something. I just I was like, yeah, what's the fucking point?
I just yeah. But yeah, and that's just God damn. You're damn right. Happy. Happy. It's good to see you. On the show, I kept calling Glick bitch for like a whole night. This part of my life is called. It was fucking hilarious. You know what? That is exactly what I'm going to do from now on. I'm just going to start calling Glick a fat bitch. Oh, no, I kept calling it. What was that I was saying? I was like, calm down there, team. I was like, calm down there, team. This guy says right there, fairground got it right. That's why I drink IPAs.
i drew a lot of eye knees too and actually he says dr is too i um' only i've only found one that i've liked and my brother fucking loves that shit Oh, this is one of his favorite brands that sparkle dust or whatever the fuck it is. Oh, I think the sparkle does. Yeah. Voodoo Ranger. I've been drinking a lot of Voodoo Ranger IPAs. Voodoo Ranger has one IPA that I really love. And then that's that's that's it. I have not found a single other IPA that I could drink consistently. Zombie dust, I believe, is Floyd. Right now I'm drinking a California Nevada.
ah here in Nevada, cool little thing. I feel like when you get drunk is hilarious. Hey, who me? Yes. That night you got fucking hammered on a Saturday night. Oh my God. It was fucking usually I wake up the next day and I feel like I did something like he was he was all loud. Like 90% of time blazes Ben fucking Stein. See, this is this is where you where you lose me. This I agree with fairground right there. Fairgrounds got a good point.
I, I see I, I, the IPAs. I think, I think Guinness is what sick. They're like fucking 5.8, something like that. Yeah. And see honest okay i like heres my favorite beer, like without a beer.
Tell me tell me you have an alcohol problem without telling me you have an alcohol problem. Bear ground. My favorite beer is vodka. Let's do a break. Oh, your comments scream. I'm a raging alcoholic. He said like know the alcoholic. No, he's kind of the alcoholic. All right. You got to grab me. Yeah, it is about time. It's less than 40 percent that it's water. Oh, my gosh. Angel scratch.
Quattro Locos for life. The original four Locos I've only had one time and we used it in a game of Kings Cup and I'm the one who cracked it. And it was it didn't end well.
The problem was we were at the end of the night, we had run out of regular Bud Lights and we were on Bud Light Platinum. So everybody had a Bud Light Platinum as their sipping drink. And then we had run out of those and I finished off my night by chugging the rest of my Bud Light Platinum and a Four Loco. And I threw up everywhere.
The last time I had four locos, I had family over, we had a barbecue, it was great, I had fun, but then when I woke up in the morning, everybody was mad at me. I was like, what the fuck happened? I don't remember what I did, but I guess that was an ass, and it was four locos. That's not fucker. I had a blast. Those are the greatest nights. I had a great time. Everybody else had fucking problems, but I had a fucking great time. I woke up, I was like, this is ridiculous, but I had a great time.
so no more fun no The worst one was was the night that I drank fucking three champagne flutes of ah the Jose Cuervo. Oh, Jesus Christ. So so i worked I worked at a bar and it was my birthday and they they found out.
and they they were do it they did on on Thursday night was the wet body contest. So they pulled me up on stage, you're gonna give the trophy to the winner. Okay, cool. Oh yeah, um i'm by the way, everybody, it's Jeff's birthday. And then they hand me this giant champagne flute full, like almost overflowing of Jose Cuervo. And everybody's like, chug it, chug it. And I was like, mother fucker. There's like 1,500 people in a bar. So I'm like, all right.
Next thing you know, I'm 3D. Jesus, this was bad. I didn't make it to the door before I threw up. Jose is terrible. i You ever had sparkle donkey? That's a good clear tequila. parkle be I even smell tequila. It's a small batch tequila place. It's like a sipping bag. It's sipping sty.
But that name reminds me of back in the day, they had these alcohol energy drinks. They were called Sparks. You guys ever? Yes, I used to. Yes, I used to fucking get bombed on those. You get like hammered, but then your heart's like going nuts. but There's nothing. there's nothing worse's not cu there drunk There's nothing worse than a drunk blazing that can't go to sleep. Yes. oh Nothing good comes to that. Yeah. Just fuck up and fall asleep.
Man, I flashed my nuts on every just about every ATM camera in Fairbanks, Alaska. why isn't it fucking read It was and and that was not now that was not a good night not our code message that wasn't an easy task either to do because everyone knows, you know, every one of those ATMs in Fairbanks, Alaska is inside a lobby. There's no outside because of where the you so but so I had to like sneak in some of them. Like after somebody opened the door, it was weird. It was not it was where are these
Whoever came up with that idea of energy drinking beer, I mean, I guess people drink Red Bull and and and and drinks, but that that one was just there was a lot of energy. drink During one night, one night, my buddy and I went to the bar and he's like, wrong story. It was it was vodka and and Red Bull. And I was like, this is really good. Man, I've knocked the shit out of those and next, you know, I'm wide the fuck away, but I can't stand up.
yeah um why the my like but my legs experience I in the middle of the night and that's that's and look like Connor all night, man. This is like all over the **** I will see what happens around Christmas time, but for the first time ever, I remember I was earthquake beer. I don't think I've ever had earthquake beer. She said we never drank together, have we? glitch what's energy
We've never drank to you. Uh, no, no, not outside of on the show. Not in person. yeah hair drown I feel sorry for you. That's going to be a first your ass. I will not be keeping up with you. Karina, is it earthquake logger 10% is that what you're drinking? I've never heard of that. and i'm I'm going to request that after six, you don't tell me that I need to keep up with you.
b i don't Like I got an idea yeah mean i don't that it always starts and Somebody will be like why aren't you keeping up with the rest of us? I'm like, oh I got you i'm a attack I've never been that guy. I can't because I know my limit. I use like like why don't You keep this so is earthquake a beer or is it a mixed drink? I'm um um i'm looking at it right now. If it's the one she's talking about, it's called earthquake high gravity lager. 10%. Oh, I've seen those. Okay, I know. has a red has a red Yeah, it's like those 24 ounce cans. yeah Yeah, that probably tastes like a shitty beer watered down with vodka. Malt liquor. It's a malt liquor.
see like That's another thing with with like high alcohol content beers. Anything that's 8% or over is just watered down with vodka. It's crappy beer watered down with vodka. You know what trips me out is my my son is 21. He just started to be able to to drink, right? That his beer of choice he came over is Miller High Life.
He's like, he's like, you're dead. I mean, those are like babies stored for at Vegas, you know, for a dollar. Those are the dollar beers. But that's the one he likes is Miller High Life. That's why he buys them because he's 21. He's broke. My brother is open. He's officially 30. His favorite beer on planet Earth. And he's an IPA guy is fucking is Busch Light or no, no, no, no. PBR. Sorry.
Oh, I was going to say boyfriend. what's his boyfriendly That's his favorite beer of all time. And this is a guy who likes k craft who likes the ideas. He loves everything that's bougie and he's sitting here drinking a boyfriend. I'm a bougie guy when it comes to weed and beer and fucking in bourbon. I'm not going to lie. there's sos I am. no why i have I am. I am. I am a communist. I hate the bourgeoisie. But you know what? I am bougie when it comes to my beer and weed. it I don't know what you going on got going on the week of the 25th of December, but you should really make it out to Columbus. The 25th of December? Right around that time frame, yes. Why? What's going on?
either the weekend prior or the weekend after. You need to be out there. What's going on in Columbus, Ohio? I'm going to be in Columbus, Ohio, spending time with Glick for the first time ever. OK. I told Glick, I told Glick last week, I was like, dude, when the snow hits, I don't travel. I'm telling you, I would love to get some blazing weed.
But you have that sweet as lesbian soccer mom car. It'll do greatness.
I don't have my own. I don't have my

Social Media Shoutouts and Band Success

own. I buy what I can around here. Are you driving a Subaru Outback? No, I got a I got a Kyria. Listen, I gotta I gotta give a shout out to everybody. Everybody in the chat, man. Appreciate you guys. And then I got there's 43 watching on on X, man. Appreciate you guys.
And ah shout out to Chaka, dude. You've gotten a lot of comments on here. A lot of it is at Chaka. A lot of shit is Chaka. You're and I want to fuck you. Let me write that. Whoa. I'm just reading what they're back. I'm flipping that boy. Don't you? Whoa. I'm flipping that. but I'll be right back.
That's all I needed. go Thank you. to political mission for tonight see This is this is why I told Glick earlier that when I get to about a year out on my sentence in college. And I start looking for like real jobs. I'm going to step away from Saturdays because on Saturdays I stop worrying about my filter and being professional. who whoa whoa And then after I get a job, I'll come back.
Because once I work for them, if they fire me, then I can claim like. You haven't been here in like three months. On a set. Yeah. Why'd that start? Why'd that start, Jeff? Because you're gay. Because he's a fast stupid bitch. du We've already been over this. There's nothing wrong with nipples. Tell me that's not the best part of the booby. But you're canceling yourself. He is canceling himself. The first thing that hiring managers look at is what?
them nipples i agree with you fuck them they're gonna look at this and they're gonna see one saturday night they're gonna say me hear me say one anti-semitic thing ah so don't say anti-semitic things jokingly you need you need to be out its ultimately in ohio what's going gonna going keenly oh And then they're gonna say the n-word so you know you can get away i and apparently that's happened more than twice on this on this I've done but once but butal i would love to And I was voting
who's Who's also watching this on something else? Is that really? i think blazy's cliping your he's cutpping your I'm trying to clip that part. i knew what it was doing That's why you haven't sent me the link to our fucking conversation. you he was hating do wanna meat He wasn't even like secret time you like the else one like it fan this up so you know what i'm doing This fascist fuck sits down i do i with me on my podcast. So the reason why I haven't sent that to you is since I've had it, I have not logged onto my own streamer account since then. Yeah. Yeah. we I felt like we had a really good conversation that day, genuinely. and Hey, there he is. that trap i'm just gay I didn't throw it in the trash. I promise. Honestly, I would love to go back up there um on a night because we had such a good talk.
What's up, Happy? Hey, what is up? Happy Saturday night, everybody. Hope everybody's doing good. Yes, sir. Great. he's He just came out as gay. He told Chucky he was going to write his dick. He did. ah place clip That's funny. That's not true. I did not say I was going to. I said I would like to. There's a difference. That's funny because I just came in as gay.
but Oh my gosh! Who was it? To to to the to the lovely Mrs. Chaka, he is not doing anything wrong. Please don't beat him up again. This is all the doing of Connor and Connor alone. He has turned him down and refused his is aggressiveness multiple times on this show. So so the the Monday night stream, I'm going to have another shiner and be like, yeah, no more Saturday. I got the trouble, guys. I can't come to work.
Chaka's going to come in Monday and be like, guys, I really got to talk about something, but I don't know if I can. who are like We can see. Wait, is she here? It's OK, buddy. This is a safe place. You'll be fine. Chaka's wife, somebody else told him in public that he wants to ride somebody, ride Chaka's dick. What do you tell Chaka about you and my guys? He never said, no, you should really get in here. Yeah.
What do you tell Chaka to find out where Chaka is? Oh, you got to peek at me. Woo! Don't worry, Chaka. You'll have deni- you'll have plausible deniability because you won't remember anything that happened anyway. There you go. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Just remember, if it smells like clover, take a deep breath. yeah See, I'm friends with this guy whose name may or may not rhyme with Chill Rosby and, uh...
He's he shared with he shared with me some tactics. but yeah We were talking about that last night when we were watching Terrifier 2. I said, Blake, the next time you're hurt in Ohio, I got an idea. Slip, click, Kamali. Me and my wife are watching old school.
He doesn't have his camera on. All you hear is the maniacal laugh. She does her friend and then gets mad at her friend for getting mad at her. And I was like, Blaise, I got an idea. Next time you're Ohio. All right. I got a resource. Do it. Yeah. You got a glass. what's that you know what We never went on break. That's all right.
It's Saturday. We got another five and a half, four and a half hours. You guys you guys never took a story. Michael, let me tell you something, dude. I'm not in the control seat. It's wild. What songs do you have here, Glick? Are these bottom new ones? Just back there. Fucked in the new songs. I mean, there's all kinds of new songs. Yeah, but you act like I actually read them. Dude, fucking, I'm telling you, dude, you got to, you got to,
Get to get to homeboy what the fuck's his fucking name? fuck me came Forget i i saw forget i was suit you know what we gonna party I have I have the break song tonight I'm gonna play Southern Outlaws band because as click told us last night. They are now number two on the what chart is it fuck? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah that i um shout out to our very good friends are listening company and Dave and Mike and all them at Mama Sandy. They are number two on Pandora's list of rockabilly music. Number one being Leonard Skinner and number two being. was The Tennessee Whiskey guy. Yes, Chris Stapleton. Chris Stapleton. That's that's un impressive.
That's awesome. I find that impressive as fuck. So it was dude that's saying that campfire something song. this song du what That's ah Zay Graslie. Zay Graslie. Yeah, I forgot his name and I've been wanting to check that dude out. Yeah. So yeah. Real quick, before we go to break,
Don't forget, everybody follows at the slash nonsensical network. You can find all our links to all our social media, even the link to our merch, and you can go ahead and spread us on you. um But we're going to play a little good for the soul by Southern Outlaws fans.
Good for the soul.
It's good for the soul
It's good for the soul
There we go. Now I can hear this. Yeah. is very loud That was Southern Outlaws Band with Good for the Soul. Welcome back everybody to Nonsense called Nonsense, the show where everything's made up and nobody gives a shit. um It is the Open Door Challenge tonight. I'm going to go ahead and drop the link in the chat. So if you want to come up, you can. I can click the right buttons here.
Uh, don't forget every day, every night, we have a show every night on the show, on the network. Mondays is men caring for men after the new show. Uh, Oh my gosh. What's the name of the new show again?
Speedway stories and cold bulleted conversations. That is the one we need to add it here. Uh, of course, Tuesdays Glick does his thing where he's interviewing people. You're pretty booked up, aren't you buddy?
Uh, yeah, about midway through November. Nice. I gotta start. I gotta start harassing people again. tuesday I'll have, uh, Riley born on last Tuesday. Last Tuesday I had Adam Jones on. We'll get, we'll get some of his music up here tonight as well.
Okay, and then Wednesday, Glick and I go over the news that make you say, what the fuck? Of course, we find all the news that is news that makes you say, what the fuck? thursdays Every other Thursday, sorry, is Cash's Corner where they're talking, Ashland. You guys don't have one this week, you have one next week, correct? Who let the goddamn Canadian in? Jesus.
the There goes the neighborhood. What's going on, Steve? Hey, would it be possible to get the link sent to me so I can pin it on my channel also? they don want Sure, sure. Glick, I'm going to turn it over to you once. On X or something? What? Say that link that I just sent you on WhatsApp to Chaka. What can I mute you guys? Oh, you can't. You have to jump out. I've been messing with that problem. I know. i I can't. I'm trying to hear the clip, but I can't. There's so much over talk.
i know Friday's nonsense and chill where Blaze and I watch a movie. We're actually having a bonus episode this weekend ah Tomorrow actually we're going watching Terrifier 3 Saturdays of course is tonight's event in the open door challenge where you can come up and give a shit whatever ah Sundays there is Two, three shows this weekend, but two unnecessary roughness where you guys talk to footy football, and then Jeff's garage occasionally as I'm working on it. And then, like I said, we're do this Sunday, we're doing nonsense and chill in Jeff's garage where we're going to do a horror car breakdown, and then we're going to watch Terrifier 3, all in the same episode. That is the network. Am I forgetting anything?
I don't know. I'm not paying attention. Fair enough. What are you going to do? You said you're going to do us yeah ah what ah what a what breakdown? A horror movie breakdown? We're doing horror cars. Like, you know, like possessed cars in horror movies.

Horror Movies with Cars and Tesla Tech

So like if if somebody drove a car,
That doesn't count. It's got to be cars that are trying to kill you, but the car itself, like we're doing, wherere we're, we're going to talk a little bit about Christine, the dual, the semi truck from dual, uh, the movie, the car and, uh, shit, what was the other one?
Oh, maximum overdrive. That's the one I was thinking of maximum. That's what with the the green goblin on the front of the diesel truck, right? Yes. That's that's awesome. It's Glick's favorite movie.
Jesus Christ, the guy says the movie's fucking overrated and all of a sudden he becomes the worst guy in the world. It's a fucking overrated movie. It's a good movie, but overrated is all hit up. Are you done? Because you're done. ah You're not allowed to say that anymore.
It's an excellent movie. um Overrated. overrated. Overrated. Yeah, see. But I'm still the chair. So suck my dick.
and eat my asshole. With the. Well, baby. Well, baby. The Glink has spoken. Snuck it with the order. but I love that movie. God damn shifty Canadians. What? Oh.
Tell us how you really feel. I didn't say that. I didn't like the movie. I enjoyed the movie and I enjoyed every time I watch it. I think it's it's just overrated. It's not as good as everybody makes it out to be. It's not like oh my God. This is the greatest movie that like I didn't say that. What movie we talking about? I haven't seen that in so long. I don't mean I don't know if it's good or bad.
You know, have you seen the guy that he bought? He helped the original. He tried it. home
How long is that list of horror movies? We're only doing the four. We're just doing the four. I think that's about all there is. And I want to fuck you. Let me ride that dick.
Ah, yes. Cheers. you know
That's the problem that I ran into because I was looking up. I was like, what? Well, the only other car on there that that could be considered possessed, and we're not really going to bring it up, but the rate with Charlie Sheen. But that car wasn't trying to kill people. Is it really? I've never seen it. It looks stupid. Yeah, actually, I think he did kill people. Did he? I don't know. I haven't watched it.
I can't be bothered to watch it. It looks stupid. But yeah, because I put in a list. I looked up a list of. Oh, my God, I'm going to strangle him. What time are we starting tomorrow, Jeff? I thought we were going to do what I didn't know. this I didn't know this was up here.
non-sensical network different flavor yeah you sent that to me i posted it up here i didn't know you posted it up there oh my god What's wrong? I posted it up. I posted it up here. I put it up there tonight. I started putting it on all of my hands. fucking Christ, Jeff. I put it on not such a chill.
I put it on. yeah i I started putting it on. I started putting it on all the brands the other day as we were doing shows. Oh, but play we haven't we haven't used it yet because I forgot about it, but it's it was that's that's kind of a rough draft. I was waiting for like the rest of the shows to know when you sent it, I put it on nonsense and chill because we used it last night. and I I used no, I put it at the end without the without the track. Oh, don't hassle the half, bro.
What's wrong with the half? Yeah. i seen ah commercial how's how's the how's everybody How's everybody doing in chat? i want I want to hear from chat real quick. How's how's everybody doing? like same one Oh, if you you think I can get the link so I can post it? and i send like I sent it, I had already had it and I sent it to you and your DM on Twitter. oh cool you you Send it somewhere else I can.
No, I had it because i i think I think I may have to send it to Cameron because he acts like he's never been here before. I've been rights away from me.
so i know night writer to you see they needed to for a new motion There's a Tesla commercial with David Hasoff and it's a Halloween commercial and it's a Tesla Model 3, I guess, that's trying to be a Night Industries 2000. If there was any car that was going to be possessed and kill people, it would be probably Tesla. Agreed. I have no argument there. That would actually be a good good movie. You see one of those. It worked down on the side of the road. I get that. Yeah, yeah. A mix between like that movie. ah
I robot and maximum overdrive. Yes, I like that idea. That's actually that. I think that cell Hollywood get get on it. speaking spin on it of Get on it Dwayne the rock Johnson. yeah all ge Don't don't put that yeah don't don't put that out there because you know who he'll make that movie and it'll be just as stupid as every movie. It'll be him and Kevin Hart and Kevin Hart's the voice in the car. I already don't want to see it now.
You've ruined it. No. Speaking of speaking of Tesla, those new robots, I don't know what they cost, but would you buy one? A robot? What are you talking about? You haven't seen these things? Tesla came out with robots. That doesn't sound that doesn't sound safe. Oh, yeah. i've said Those things are crazy. I don't know if I want one or not.
They better look like GoBots or I'm going to be like, you know what they look like? They look like I robot. Yeah, no, shit I'll tell you what. I i won't buy an Alexa. Do you think I'm going to have an Alexa that can follow me around? I wipe my own ass, dude. I don't know if Alexa would wipe my ass. I'd be all right with it. This is what they look like. It's called the bidet. It's just water. as ball
True. The day, sir. No, but but song must be a he did a like where everybody showed up and he showed off new products. He built a taxi. It's like a mini bus. And it looks like it came out of iRobot. And then he built a self-driving taxi that looks like it came out of iRobot. And then he built these. And this that's next to the iRobot movie.
That's what trished me out. Why does he got to make him humanized? Why does he got to make humanoids? It can be a square box. It won't gotta be a human. Like Claptrap from freaking Borderlands. Yeah, he wants everybody to relate to him. I don't like that. Hey, but Claptrap had storage. These things, they're kind of skinny. They ain't doing much. Well, that just means you can take them easy in case they... I like junk in my robot trunk.
Did you guys watch that Borderlands movie? I haven't seen it. I watched it. I watched it once. For God, I watched it, started watching it again and realized, oh, this movie sucks. Oh, yeah, I've heard. I've heard. shit I just I haven't seen it, but I just can't picture Kevin Hart playing the type of character that he's supposed to be in that movie. in that movie I was honestly, now that you said that he's in it, I forgot he was in it. I was more focused on Jamie Lee Curtis' character. And that was probably the only character that was good. What was that? The rest of it was just like. What was the guy from Guardians of the Galaxy? What's his name? Which one? The one that lost a lot of weight? Drax. No, no, the other one. Chris Pratt? Chris Pratt. He's got a new movie coming out with robots in it.
I saw the trailer yesterday. He's an interesting feller. He is. yeah He's got a new movie with ah what's with Millie Bobby Brown in it. It's called... Shit. I heard that she's supposed to be playing in the new remake of some horror movie franchise doing what we're doing. i I want to say Nightmare on Elm Street, but I think I'm wrong when I say that. They're redoing that. Electric State. I hear a lot of rumors. I'm not sure.
And you know, talking about these robots and stuff, especially like going down the lines of the movies and stuff. ah My six year old daughter just binge watched like three terminators back to back to back this evening. Oh, Skynet. Exactly. Skynet is exactly what Elon Musk was talking about the premise of the Terminator movies being. And at the same time, he's doing it.
He is. he's just Starlink is Skynet. Starlink is Elon Musk. The other thing is, there' they there was a company, and I don't remember the company, they had put two AIs talking to each other and had to shut it down after like three hours because they didn't know what they were talking about because they made up their own language in three hours or less. Now, we'll just turn the power button off for a few years and turn it back on. the set a john Why waste the space? We'll just have a storage facility for the bad robot. Just turn them off for a while.
Well, you melt them out and make good robots. i that hard go to be And also when they, uh, when they turn on us, we're going to have to go back to grunts and, and whistles so that way they don't and understand our language. Like the Amazon people that make noises like animals. i got more Day. I got to worry about my sex back to me is the day I'm going to know what's that full on next to kin.
The movie with Patrick Swayze. At the end of the movie, he's in the graveyard with his family and they're whistling and making animal noises. So they know each other. I don't think I've seen that movie. You've never seen Next to Ken. No. Oh, I love that movie. The only problem I have with that movie is Helen Hunt is in it. I don't like Helen. She's got a weird face. Jeff just wants to put the robots.
What's that? Hey, I'm not mad at it, buddy. Jeff just wants to fuck the robots like everything else. Oh, to be the first guy to fuck it. Little known fact, they shut down two AI robots because in 15 minutes, they they created their own language. So we should understand them crazy. shit That's exactly what I just said. And that's what leads to the human robot wars, Jeff. fucking Yeah. See, that's when we call in Keanu Reeves. He'll save the day. Yeah.
the the the weight staff at their foreign restaurant speaking native tongue and they don't understand what it's gonna happen imagine when the robots are doing that should quality but the problem is is there's a certain group of people like we have to give them robots right You know, so that's why I think they shouldn't be made like humanoids because people like that think they need rights now because they look like a human you know robot Well, they they made that one robot that looked like a dog and like it won't fall over and Then they made it like we we talked about it on what the fuck news those robot dogs You could buy a fucking belt-fed machine gun for it ah no but
either way And I was like, you know what, now I want one. And I also, I can destroy. I also read reading reviews on videos where they were kicking that the robot dog over just to show its balance. And people were like, I can't believe they're kicking that robot. Kicking the dog. oh man i feel you i feel you on that one i feel you on that this kind of it's it's an amazing yeah i don't believe Like the, ah the Like they do ones that are they're similar to some of the real robots, but it's um ah CGI. But it looks good and they start messing with the robot to like test its comprehension.
and uh they give it a shotgun to to execute the dog and it turns around and start shooting at the feet of the humans and then the robot and the dog run away to safety with the shotgun so i saw one it was i i think it was actually real they were they were demonstrating how they they built this robot that's humanoid and it was it was built for like your own personal security guard and it it it had a gun and they're like, look, you can't knock it over. And they pushed it it a couple of times and it drew on the guy pushing on it. And I was like, yeah, I'm not buying that because I tried to push it over for fun. they're like down by my What about that movie? That makes you think of that movie chappy. You know what I'm saying? Like, yeah they're super capable compared to like a human strength.
but they have AI enforcement, uh, programming. So it's like, if you touch me, that's a fence on a law enforcement and that's punishable by death. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. But on top of that, when like, even if like they, they, in these robot movies, they talk about the three laws of robotics, you know, you know, it can't hurt a human. It can't put itself in harm unless it's trying to save a human, blah, blah, blah, blah.
I'm sorry, people can hack your phone right now. You think they can't hack a fucking robot? Yeah. A fire stick wasn't made to get, what is it called, jailbroken, but people did it. Yeah, exactly. no yeah like if If an AI robot became sentient enough to function on its own, would hacking it be ah be a thing? what Well, but look at it like this too.
They did have a robot that became sentient. They had it working in an Amazon warehouse and it was literally a stack of boxes. After 20 minutes, it realized that his job was pointless and shut itself off.
It killed itself. That's not sentient. That's nihilist. It was like this job is fucking existential crisis mixed with. We talked about that. I don't want to fuck news because it was like this job. That's interesting. No, that's interesting, though. That's interesting. I mean, we have um we have strictly mechanical, um you know, industrial machines that don't have any A.R.
Some of them don't have any electronics at all, but you mess with that machine without having your own human conscious and it'll literally chew you up and spit you out. Oh yeah. The whole, I get it, you know, having a robot to help you around the house, but you don't need to give it AI. We have a room. No, I want to Rosie the robot from the Jetsons. She was awesome.
I want Marvin from fucking yeah the Guide to the Galaxy. I want a depressed robot. I was thinking Marvin the Martian from WB. Marvin from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a giant robot that is depressed and has Alan Rickman's voice. I've never seen that movie either. Oh, that's a great movie. I love that. That's what I hear.
I heard he gives, he gives you the answer to the universe, which is like, yeah, two or some shit. Like have you seen the Finch, the Tom Hanks, you were talking about chappy. This is kind of similar, but Tom Hanks creates the robot. Yeah. That movie's weird. Yeah. I kind of liked that one. I liked the weird that movie, but like,
like I could imagine a room attacking you by **** sneaking up and tying your two your shoestrings together is about about the maximum I can imagine. I want to get a room button and and attach a claymore to it just in case bouncing Betty. Oh, you're **** Yeah. Go ahead. Come on in. My door is unlocked. Come on in.
No **** It's a room. You had mentioned the ah you had mentioned the other night about a yeah uh somebody sabotaging packages before package thieves that thing's been a that thing's been a thing for a while there's a guy on youtube that that's his glitter bombs yes oh my god very extra extravagant very extravagant freaking uh to the point he 3d printed a a holder that holds four phones, and they're cheap phones, but they were, as soon as you lift it up, they turn on and start recording in four different directions. It's got four different stink bombs in it, and a spin, it spins out, and it's got like a, almost like a centrifuge that spins out the finest grit, glitter on the planet. it's like you walk And then he sets it on somebody's porch and wait waiting for somebody to steal it.
And it makes lights and sirens noises. It's genius. We have a theory over here that um glitter cannot be created nor destroyed. It just moves from place to place. So like, yeah, it's going to be glitter in that building where, you know, or wherever that bomb goes off until ah that structure is deleted and then sifted out.
and the the glitter elves we'll then collect it and package it and sell it back so that way the next well victim cannot you're not wrong speaking of glitter we did that we did that we were doing a what the fuck news and i found this article that some a reporter went to a glitter factory where they actually make glitter And they said, who's your biggest buyer? And they said, we can't tell you. It's an airline. Wow. Nope. Because if they, areas mpa it airline sign it and airlight it's airline, it's air, it's a airplane thing. Is it really? Sure. It's not Diddy. Could be Diddy. No, that was maybe oil.
ah Glitter is the cockroach of materials though. He can't not be changed. It is. Diddy's impact on the baby oil market has caused inflation on baby oil. I sold my stock because Diddy got caught, I'm gonna say.
Didn't you screwed up you screwed over Jonathan and Johnson you passed Johnson and Johnson's stock dropped like you fucking read about dude did it really yeah i was justed It dropped like 50 points that is like right off a cliff dropped and when we it But it went back up because oddly enough people started buying the stock and I was like really And you're like, Well, I guess I guess we kind of do need it for our sex acts. Well, there's there's rumors that that wasn't baby oil, because why would they confiscate baby oil? And they they were saying it was because there is somebody came out and said, ah Did he drug them, but she didn't eat or drink anything the entire time she was there. But she did get baby oil on her.
I don't think that's how that works. Well, they were saying that it was like topical, like a GMO. Like a topical roofie? Where the fuck? Yes. Where do I get this? I don't know. Call Diddy. He's in prison. You can't hard to find. him like i'm la i'm I'm sitting there lathering myself up for a suntan and next thing I know I'm fucking passed out. places like you man You imagine if it was actually topical if there was a topical roofie Could you imagine the amount of perverts that fucking beaches? Yeah, we put oil on your weight No, that exists never mind I was gonna say you've never been to Cancun buddy i got so i got somebody and wo up your Yes, GHB That's what it was. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Yeah and like topical
but if you remember that movie, what was it, old school? When they had to go get the the stuff for the the the the wrestling and they, you know, they come back. with like and k y Yeah. Oh yeah. They needed the KY but they only came back with like hand sanitizer sized bottles. Like, no, we like, you we we need industrial amounts for what we're about to do.
So I could imagine like if you fucking swam around and 50 gallons of baby oil maybe maybe you ingested some of them drugs that was in there. Oh, yeah. No, it was like that ain't no party like a ditty party. I don't know how true it is, but I heard Elon Musk bought some of the tapes and is like he's going to leak them. but And I was like, you know what, I'm not mad at it.
that raise dad The whole like the whole diddy thing I honestly don't care um I I wouldn't mind seeing Hollywood burn, but Then where would we would get our all our awesome Michael data, please I I wouldn't say burn. I'd like a hard reset though you Agreed and well, I actually watched something on YouTube last night. It was the What was it? The woke, the five wokest bombs of 2023. And they, you know, they were talking about like these five movies, they gender swapped and and and made all the guys these cucks. And then these movies made no money. Like, I don't know if you've seen a Dial of Destiny, Indiana Jones, but he's a broken person in that.
I didn't even see that one. But ah even the the streaming shows, like the Acolyte, the Star Wars Acolyte, didn't do very well. The Witcher season three, Henry Cavill left. He's like, fuck this. You guys have fucked this up. Yeah. and And they made it all about like, I guess they lost like 92% of their audience right after Cavill left, which because he's he's still in it, but he's only the entire season, the season three, he's in it for an entire five minutes.
I never really got into the Witcher. I played the video games. The first season was good. I'm going to have to check it out. The first season is good. Everything after that, it just goes woke and stupid. I think it can be tough to make that jump from video game to like screen. Within the same audience, you always have that overlap. But as good as video games can be getting,
Um, that interactive part of it still gives that, that level of engagement.

Video Games to Films: Challenges and Nostalgia

And when you're practically playing a movie, but you get to choose your own path versus going off a script that seems to, you know, you have noticeable, like you said, manipulations that might have real world connections that don't make any sense in the story or to like throw draw out a, um,
to draw out the name for money. Like how long can we make this a cash cow for? It doesn't resonate too much with gamers. Whereas yeah, there's always going to be people that watch, but they're watching because it was their favorite game and they want to go back to the game. Like when they did fall out, and it's a decent show, but, and I never played the game. So I didn't have a frame of reference, but, um,
What was the other one they did? They're supposedly talks of Red Dead Redemption or become a movie or a TV show, which I think would be good as long as they don't fuck it up. But you have movies that like Last of Us, oh as long as they're true to the story of the game, I'm in. But if they're going off on this weird tangent, it's like that didn't happen the fucking game. Yeah. Then they're killing it.
I think Fallout did a decent job because there were so many different directions, but Happy, you were talking about being able to make a choice like on the movies. Netflix did that with the Black Mirror. I don't know if you guys have seen that. Okay. That was actually pretty cool. It took me and my son like five hours to get through that one show. They did an episode of like Bear Grylls on that where you could, it was like a choose your own adventure Bear Grylls thing. And you get to a certain point like, should we go down the river or up the hill?
And you could pick. There was like two or three things like that. It was really kind of cool. And, you know, you you you end up watching it four times because you want to try each option and see what happens. I like that interactive-ness to it. Unless it's too predictable. Yeah. and Well, it's like those books. When I was in younger, they had those books where you can choose what happened. Choose your own adventure books. Those were awesome.
there's a show that uh really stuck with me but it wasn't a video game or a choose your own adventure but when they did that um west world the hbo series oh yeah i fucking love season one and season two is like wait a minute season two they they lost the plot season one was yeah i never made it to season two because we uh got rid of cable but that season one again blew my freaking mind like i i loved it Now somebody was talking about that the other day. I was watching them on YouTube. You cannot find it anywhere. Like usually HBO, when they, because it was an HBO series, when HBO makes something, they keep it on their platform forever. Westworld, they removed because it went so fast, dark downhill so fast.
that people were outraged because granted, the the the concept of Westworld was was all these robots that you could go in and do whatever you wanted. And then at the end of the season, at the beginning of season two, the robots are like, fuck this, this is enough, we're taking over. And you're like, wait a minute, what the fuck? And it just goes, it it lost the plot really quick. Season one was excellent.
I think what made season one good it was because you didn't, you couldn't quite figure out what the hell was going on. And then once you figured it out, where are you going to go with that, you know? Yeah. And then season two was just like, we've, we've lost the plot completely. But like, like I never, I played Last of Us once. And they, the one thing that really, when suddenly the movies like fall or shows like Fallout and Last of Us,
when they show scenes done in real life or done in the show that you would see in the in the game, people lose their minds, like, this is the most amazing thing you've ever seen. But if they don't do that, they will be trashed by the fans. You know, the the the video I was watching yesterday where they were bitching about this woke stuff, they they are actually called the MCU, the MCU,
Because but in 23, there was no male heroes. All the male heroes were put in the back. They're like, no, the women got this kind of thing. And it and those, you know, Kathleen Kelly from Disney, she, as as Cartman from South Park said, put a woman in her and make it gay.
And she destroyed Star Wars. She destroyed the MCU. All this stuff. This bitch still got her job. If you and I were to do that, we'd be fired day one. it The retardedness of Hollywood what has gotten ridiculous. where it' like what i don't mind like For example, the Marvels. Not a terrible movie. Not a great movie. However,
It was shoved down your throat, the wokeness and it drove me insane. I don't mind what this, if it's, if it's subtle, but it's like, you have to do this. I think that's something that, um, that spawns from, like I was saying before about that cash grab. Like, uh, I'm not, I wasn't, you know, it was even before I was born.
I was never really specifically a sci-fi person or, you know, space or whatever type. But when I watched the remastered versions back in the nineties, it was the first time I'd ever seen it. And we went to all the, you know, the three movies when they would come out and um I loved it. But that was, you know, the remaster was just like, you know,
We invented the remix type of thing. So then, you know, they started continuing on. Then you have like five different cartoon series is now, and then you've got, you know, these different branches of series is slash movies coming out all under that star Wars label. But it's, it's like, how long can you stretch this name?
before you dilute it to where it's the same bullshit and you've removed all the fantasy because we're just watching reality TV. ah oh it's already luic George Lucas is like, just like ah god george but George got out right in time. wait let me tell yeah is he He's like, wait, you're offering me how much money? take it It's yours. I'm out. And you know, and they'll continue you to make money, but they're not going to have Multigenerate like i mean I'm not gonna teach my kid about Star Wars through This stuff. I'm gonna teach my kid about Star Wars from fucking Star Wars, you know, yeah Yeah, well like the Mandalorian I enjoy but everything after that I was like fuck this I couldn't get into it. it Just I was ah ah I can't be bothered
Now, The Mandalorian, they're making a movie. So I don't know how that's going to be. It was a good show, but I don't know how the movie is going to be. They're going to fuck it up. They're going to fuck it up. That's what I'm afraid of. I'm calling it now. You know, as Glick said, when Diddy got arrested, Diddy didn't kill himself. um Star Wars didn't kill itself. Disney killed it. I have no problem with like, OK.
Remakes, I have no problem with a remake as long as it's good. I do. I I can't stand remakes Well, like for instance, uh, what was the one I watched the other day? I can't remember what it was called I don't know the technically um The captain american movies are remakes. Yeah, because they made them in the 70s So that's a that's an upgrade as long as you're upgrading the story making it better or or even if you yeah the the problem I have with a remake like uh Long while back. I I read that they were gonna remake big trouble in little china And I was like, but okay. I hope they I mean, I hope they don't do it the way they talked about doing it And then they were like we're gonna have kurt russell as the rock and I was like, nope. Nope. Don't fucking do it You will fuck it up right there Okay, the the thing that got me is my favorite movie
of all time is white men can jump. I love white men can jump. They did a remake. they Oh my God, I was so pissed. My wife's right here. know that I was a't mad the whole time. yeah hey dude It's on prime. It's horrible.
it's It shouldn't even be called White Man Can't Jump right off the bat. The dude's dunking it. I'm like, does this really mean the whole premise of the dude jumping? What's the White Man Can't Jump? That was the whole point of the fucking movie. That was the whole story. this is this one is i was so this is the worst That's the worst remake ever.
One of the good remakes and Blaze just started watching it. They remade, they made it into a series, was interviewed with a vampire. Now they, they played around with, you know, gender, not genders, but, uh, I kind of dropped off watching it for some reason. i remember It's long. It's long and drawn out and they made it's it good. It's good. It's extremely gay.
which was completely fucking pointless, but the the context of this the the show was it went along right with the Brad Pitt Tom Cruise movie with the exception of these two guys were gay, and the the little girl that they made of Vampire is now a crazy black chick. It was a good show, but she's nuts, dude. She becomes psychopathic.
um Well, I just I don't know why they can't come up with original and that's not just not not just movies music also because my kids my younger kids listen to music that I thought was great and they think it's the best music. Yeah.
and the movies are the best movies that did our did we peak already do we you when they' well you know they they said there's only like what is it like six or eight different types of movies like man versus nature man versus man man versus you know whatever uh there's only certain what out so every version of a movie has already been made the problem is Hollywood needs to crank these movies out. It's like, back in the 40s, one movie would come out, or like, it was like, eight movies a year would come out. Yet nowadays, you got eight movies a week. And so the the the Keeping Up with the Joneses part of the movies has killed movies, because
The only thing that makes a movie good is a good actor. But if you promote a bad actor or a good plot and a good story, and good writing makes a good movie. Well, but if you don't, but if you, if you have a good story, good plot, everything's perfect. But you put in me as opposed to, you know, Henry Cavill, who can act in circles around anybody, you got a shit movie.
You put Jeff in a beer commercial. I'll lose interest in beer. Exactly. So that's the point. Well, like, I like to look at, um, I like to look at like, um, military related war type, like movies. And, uh, and I would say, um,
um but I would say like black Hawk down. was you know it's a combative story of you know you know you you kind of come in touch with the the helicopter pilots and the and the Rangers and the separation. you know It's just a very inclusive story of what happened um in that very short time frame. If they tried to remake that movie, um I will shoot you.
um But what i but I would say, there's so, you know, just under that um the umbrella of military slash war, there is so many stories, so many pages written, so many letters, so many untold and, you know, things that it's like if you just stop trying to retell the same shit over and over again and get some, like you said, good writers, also some good actors.
um You know, the um I think almost every single story that comes out of, you know, that realm, it has potential to, you know, it doesn't necessarily have to be like an action thriller or anything like that. It could be a ah fucking love story. Well, you know what? One of the greatest military movies, it's not a military movie that I've ever seen, is the movie Basic. Basic.
it's it's ah um I saw that. It's Sam Jackson. Oh, that was so stupid. So stupid. Oh, that movie was so fucked up. I still don't understand if anything happened out in the woods. Uh what's his what's his name? It's Sam Jackson and uh oh my god. I can't remember his name. John Travolta. Yeah.
was a drunk but that's what i was thinking yeah john dealta sam jackson Where it everything like it's it's it's a bunch of guys, you know, they're they're special forces They got no the world or the during a hurricane out in the jungle and but only two of them come back and then they're doing a In bet those movies like that. That's an excellent movie But you have right actors in it You have great actors in it. If you were to make that movie with like the six of us, or you just fucked that movie up. It'd be range 39. I think that'd be a badass movie. I'd be i'd be in. You know, maybe John, all the salary I'm in. One of the best military movies, and though it is a fictional story, but politically, it it's it's it's written very well as Starship Troopers.
Oh, yeah, I dug it start. It was good. Have you ever seen? I like the way you love i like if it is that movie if you look past, if you look past some of the bad acting, I understand the story itself is is is a good um ah reflection of like past events that's happened in our human history. Yeah, but also like um like back in the day, like the indie horror movies, like maybe like a a John Carpenter, if you can get past the unavoidable cheesiness of certain perspectives it's like oh it's way funnier because is good though some cheeses are definitely but my yeah i like cheese can if they can update star wars you don't have when they they did the remastering of star wars where where you know the when star wars came out hey jeff hold hold hold on hold on jeff i i want I'm sorry, did you just say fictional someone's clearly youre not prepared for the war up ahead? I'm sorry. I'd serve my time in the military and I understand. I was making reference. I was making and I'm sorry. I'm sorry to be contrarian, but
I think you took my point and totally just dismissed it. I wasn't saying that the story was good because it was fictional. I was saying it was a good story because it's a reflection of historical politics. No, the thing is, when Hollywood makes a movie, they edit it for Hollywood to make it more interesting. That's the problem, you know, Blade's not bad. Yeah. That's the problem I have when you're remaking a war movie. What were we talking about? What war movie?
Oh, we're just talking about movies in general when we relate to war and et cetera. So and I was I was making a comment. I was making a comment about Starship Troopers, even though it was a fictional story. It does have a lot of references to historical past events. So right. And the only reason I ask that is because the way that that came across plays. And I feel like I've known you long enough to know this is that was I apologize. I miss the joke. I'm sorry. my Got it.
yeah that was that was a that was blazer. You triggered a bunch of veterans real quick. Yeah. That was blazer's nicest way of saying **** you and so all I yeah all I heard was no, if I wanted to say **** you. That was if I **** you but this is this is like whoa. what i all the veterans just went wait a minute fictional what no but like what i would say actually i do i like him in case he's gonna need to worry about it if you take a movie like i see your little eyes when they remastered star wars and added like movement to certain things that didn't move in the original movies why can't you do that the classic horror movies or you know make them you know kind of update them
That would be interesting as a, like, you don't change anything except for you make the CGI better or whatever. That would be something, and then you re-release the movie. That would be something that we I'd be down for. Go ahead, go ahead. To remaster, which which movies were you talking about? which Well, well so so so here's my thing. if you yeah and and If you look at Star Wars, the first, you know, A New Hope,
in in 77 when it came out or whatever it came out 76 77 movies is old job of the hut job of the hut was a dude this is it just a big fat guy then when they remastered it they removed him and put in what job of the hut is a giant fat slug so if you could do that with star wars do that with something like you know uh and
you know, maximum overdrive and make the make it a little more believable for our I thought Jabba was like that in the original movie. I'm so confused. Yeah, he was a guy. Yeah, he was a guy. Really? Yeah. Oh, I actually did not know that. I saw a picture of the other day. Yeah, I didn't know it either. Please, please educate me. I did not know this. Yeah. Oh, wow. But I think it comes down to money. They're not going to redo maximum overdrive when it's. Oh, I agree.
but in that overri maximum overdrive is one of those movies. They would just remake to remake not. Yeah, not get it out of hardware. Make it and it'll it'll get ruined. Yeah. Yeah. Plus, it's got Stephen King money. So, you know what I mean? Yeah. Well, yeah. So, speaking of though, the the Pennywise. Now, the Pennywise reboot, I thought was okay. I thought it was great. I thought it like didn if you wasn't scared. What was he? Yeah. So, this that jump scares it
through the for the rematch. Tim Curry's it though. Seventy-seven, ninety-seven, and two thousand four. I did not know that. Oh my. Right. Oh my. Lucas Film. I kind of want to rewatch the original original then. And you almost can't find it. It's almost. Yeah. because it When it hit theaters, he was already a job with the big slug. Yeah. By the time it hit theaters.
Oh, yeah, it was originally a big bad guy. I have to. Real quick, guys, I want to take a real quick break because if I don't make my bladder bladder, I'm going to wet my pants. So I love I love how how some of my blazinism have caught on. I do. I need a t shirt. I don't make my bladder bladder. I'm going to sweat.
What's this song? I'm going to make my bladder splatter. What's this song called? Put your glasses on. He's like words. No, it's because it it cuts off. Words are hard. Because it's nonenical nonsense. Words are hard. So beer drinking machine.
which kind of explains the gentleman tonight, by Adam James, I'm gonna play because I guess, because he looks like he's gonna pass the fuck out. I think he's like napping. So yeah, everybody follow us at bio.lights.nonsense or.nonsense on network. If you find all our links, and then of course, hit some of our merch and place it because I do it and I'm creepy.
spread us onto you. There you go. That wasn't good either. um Yeah, that was Joseph's Creepy and stuff. I said it. So here's Adam James with Beer Drinking Machine. and i
I like that. I'm not mad at that at all. That was Adam James, a beer drinking machine. I can't say that. And shout out to the 50 people that are watching on X and everybody on YouTube.
But yeah, we are back. Welcome to back everybody. Don't forget, follow us everywhere at bio slash nonsensical network. We do have our merch store on there, all our social media, Mondays, Men Carried for Men, Tuesdays, Glitz House of Music, Wednesdays, what the fuck?
i'm sorry sorry No, I'm watching. I'm recording Terrifier 3. I just saw a scene. next ah and ah I don't don't spoil it yet because I got to watch it tonight. There's every other Thursday's cash is ca in corner Friday's nonsense and chill where tomorrow we're watching Terrifier 3. Saturdays, of course, we do this, the open door challenge of nonsensical nonsense, the flagship show, Sunday's unnecessary roughness and Jeff's garage when I get around to it.
um We're talking about a few things tonight, and something popped up on my FYP the other day. What does FYP stand for? For page or you, Paige. Oh, okay. You fucking idiot. And Blaze, I wanted to show you and you this and get your reaction most of all because you are a motorcycle guy. What do you think of Tesla's new motorcycle?
Oh, Jesus Christ. what are You already hate it. aren you kind Shouldn't you love that? um my did my My dig just went extra limp. It looks like a robo cup, like a robo cup. I think we can transition him.
and then this is the other version. This one just looks looks like Tron. Yes, Tron. Thank you. That's what I was thinking. yeah That does. this I can't get into the electric vehicle thing. Is it self driving?
I just don't want to drive you home when you're too drunk. That is the only advantage to having an electric car because if I get drunk, this **** better drive me home. I did hear that one of those. like anymore jeff chevy has their has has a self-drive mode that they have one and in the road I heard those bikes are self positive-leveling. were they meddlings again yeah don't I didn't hear that. So all okay so all motorcycles are self-leveling over seven miles an hour. Agreed. But this one will sit there. yeah That one doesn't need a kickstand.
yeah Yeah. What do you what do your gasses do about that? They're blaze fucking tree. I got nothing. I can answer that question. I can answer that question. You know what my answer does that my electric vehicle can't get pussy. I just want to. I'm asking Chris to get an electric vehicle, electric vehicle driver isn't about you, Jeff. This is about the fossil fuel lover blaze.
Yes, please. I mean, you know, we mag a piece of shit. Yeah, I'm watching. I'm watching Chris Jericho get killed right now.
What are they? Michigan doing genuinely. ah It's 16 to 10 at the end of the third Michigan's league. Is that what's going on? Is your football game on right now? Yeah. Oh, I'm watching. on watching the mission That makes sense. OK. Yeah. I thought maybe like. Yeah, football's for losers. Let's get back to Star Wars. Thank you. Listen here, Happy. I don't know. Star Trek is better. Nobody asked you, Connor. Actually, hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. College football. All right. I'll follow college football. Oh my god. What was that? There's a power ranger in my office.
Nice. Oh my god. I didn't know there was a blue one. All right, watch your mouth. I'm going to make sure that they can. That is awesome. Honey, I shrunk the Power Ranger. Yeah. Don't go Power Rangers. You can never say he's not your kid. He looks just like you. ah it's You're muted, by the way. Yeah, he did it on purpose. Still muted. Oh, he he I thought he was making it so.
the kid. He's talking about why he said watch our language. Imprompt to daddy time. not
That's what by his own kid. Look at that. Learn how fighting the hood or something. Yeah, he does live in the hood. You got to give him that. He's throwing haymakers left and right boy. There's a pale ninja turtle in my office. That is a very paranoid turtle.
dab your dad holy shit wait yeah hurdles and power rangers I want to see him. I want to see. I want to see our Ranger fight a Ninja Turtle. I I'm down. but Hey, they did a cross. name let me give you guys pearls free i Go for it. Go for it. And of course, he's rocky out the best Ninja Turtle. Right? dude Oh, heck yeah. Heck yeah. and Those muscles almost look real. That's kind of terrifying. They're bigger than her dad. I'm forget yeah a bad guy.
You know what? The Ninja Turtles cartoon song? The Ninja Turtles cartoon defeated Elon Musk's robots because the Foot Clan were all robots.
oh Yeah. So I'm just saying. That's what we need when Elon Musk. That's right. they not entire the You're right. In the 80s cartoons, they were robots. They were robots. In the video games too. In the comics they weren't. Really? The comics were a lot darker too. They were. That's right. everything yeah I never read the comics. I watched the The reason why there were robots in the 80s because it was more kid friendly. There was no. Yeah. yeah it was like yeah so but now the last Ronin and stuff. I definitely want to see that if they do it good. and you guys are I have that on deck. I have not yet read Ronin. I want to. oh I heard I hear great, great, great things about it. Yeah, they're supposed to be making a movie of it. The last Ronin they did with Keanu Reeves. No, no, no. Ronin is a is a is a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Yeah. Oh, with ah what what was the rabbit?
I can't jimbo something.
The rabbits in it. Dude, the 90s. Live action. Oh yeah. Rocket Ninja Turtles with Casey Jones. Everybody thought Casey Jones is the coolest fucker on the planet. What was that guy's name? I did. He still, I still, my wife watches Law and Order with him and I still. Yeah, he's on it. That's Casey Jones. Every time I see him, Casey Jones. You know what's wrong with Casey Jones back in the days? They didn't freaking hire Ryan Reynolds to play that character. Ryan Reynolds was like, well, I don't care. Still would have done better. It was the 90s. I don't care.
Ryan Reynolds. He was still doing comedy. Like waiting. Yeah, exactly. Have you seen they they they were going through one of the studios and they found one of the old costumes and it had rotted. It looks creepy as fuck. Have you seen this photo? It is so fucked up. Oh, is it a Ninja Turtle costume? Yeah, it's one of the Ninja Turtle costumes.
yeah yeah It's like all all the paints like scraping off of it. It looks moldy like. Yeah, it looks like it was like Friday night, Freddy's kind of thing. Yeah. Here's the Donatello one they found. Oh, Blue Eyes, you never seen a Ninja Turtles movie or cartoon or what? You were an American. I don't know who this bluein look it at. Look at that. Look at how fucked up it looks.
see oh that i'm really i'm disappoint oh there's blue in i see really blue eyes i want to say i saw like ah body so um you are i've always seen the hit never i've only seen the head i've never well they they have is this a photo of the bodyuit they found i mean that looks pretty intact I was throughout the 90s. Okay. aaron Fair enough. Fair enough.
there Oh, Glick, Nikki got me that got these for me yesterday for like five bucks. It's a little coasters. Well, well, fuck. Oh, shit. Fuck. Yeah.
I jumped. Fuck. Pardon my language. You drunk and party. Oh, fuck. Yes. Dude, honestly, you know what? Being I heard the idea is nice because all I need is a six pack and I'm just I feel good.
the Oh, I just got that fucking drug in it too. Oh, what's because Iran is about to get a whole bunch of Ohio State packages. Yeah, they're hey, free t the-shirts. Oh, but this one has a tag. Boom. The security tag still attached to this one. Yeah. Why they all got security tags?
but same before flight Has anybody got the tool to take a security tag of them? I used to have a bunch. This security tag looks interestingly like a grenade. I used to have a bunch of those removal for flight tags that got rid of them all.
But you know how people follow instructions. If, if the tag says you need five friends to remove this tag, it's kind of like the holy hand grenade. You're going to go get five friends and you're going to remove this tag. And next thing you know, it's just like five birds, one stone. You know what I, you know, what I learned in my time in the military is don't always kill, but they will fuck you up. Yeah, they will.
I saw a video on YouTube that somebody fished out a grenade out of a canal and it was yeah magnet fishing stick. Yeah. was' like It wasn't like an inert one, I don't think. Believe it or not, that happens more often than you realize. Especially in places where there's been war. I have no, and no, no, no. Well, obviously, but it's like I saw a guy. He was magnet fishing.
like 400 yards from a base, and he found test missiles. I mean, he thought they were real. That sounds like something that would happen in Florida by Tyndall Air Force Base. I agree. She's not. That sounds familiar. By the way, and I don't know if I've done this before. That story sounds familiar from Tyndall Air Force Base. Go ahead. There is a new show on HBO+. plus I haven't seen it yet. It's called It's Florida Man.
and they're real stories reenacted by good actors of Florida stories. ah Florida has crazy stories, man. Oh my God. The first episode is this dude that he goes on the internet and he puts in, I'll do anything for money. And somebody gave him four grand to cut off the seller's toes and then eat them.
Wow. Wait, say that again. So for instance, if you went online, you said, I'll do anything for money. I pay you four grand to cut off my toes and you eat them. Okay. yeah get yeah You're to give me four grand to eat one of your toes.
No, to eat my toes off my foot, like put my toes off with a knife and then cook them and eat them. It is a true story and it's on this. It's Florida man. As long as I can cook them, I'm fine with that. I'll do it. or i got I got an air fryer. I got an air fryer. We're going to have hot winged toes.
Dude, there's not a enough money for me to become an example. That's one of, like, I think there's gonna be six episodes. Each episode is somebody telling the story and then and and a decent actor re-acting. I believe um one of... I gotta look up. I'm always saying I'll do... Like, Anna Faris plays one of the characters. I'm always saying I'll do, because I know there's there's probably nobody out there who's gonna be for grand to eat their toes.
but at they i mean i've got four grand and i have at least five extra toes i'm just saying that if they
that's yeah thousand thousand per He didn't drop his beer. dollar or now Only $4,000 for cannibalism. How is it that low? There are- I'm sorry. There's no fucking way.
let alone a part of a part of your body that is as nasty as your fucking toes. So he said me like your bicep or your fucking like quad. I'd be like, all park is in lower but that Randall, Randall Park is in it. Sam Randall Park is the the Asian guy from Ant-Man and the Wasp.
Um, Sam Richardson, Simon Rex, uh, Anna Ferris and Jake Johnson. Jake Johnson was in that, uh, the new girl TV show. That's why you like sucking on your girl's feet. Yeah, sir. go to Florida boys. But I watched the trailer. I, the trailer popped up on my, on my YouTube channel.
And I was like, what the fuck is this? And I watched the trailer and I instantly went to HBO. I gotta see if this is here. Is it out yet? And only the first episode is out, but there's gonna be six episodes total. Anna Faris plays a girl that ah wanted to be a mermaid. Almost drowned.
It's got ah what's what's a Juliet Lewis is in it. She plays a chick that's in love with a rabbit. Like it's Julia. Julia Lewis, that's the one that played in National Born Killers, right? Yes. I haven't seen her in anything in so long. I've always liked her. She looks the same. I was crazy. and She doesn't look like she's. Thank you, Connor. But we all know.
that conor absolutely loves you're and i want to fuck you let me ride that day you ah
meanro oh carter carter yeah no idea please conter didn't know i clipped it didty oh shit He was away when you played the first time that Connor absolutely loves.
i didn't love you ah me like i did like but in all serious if you get a chance go to youtube put in it's florida man and watch the trailer it is so fucking weird i literally sat there going I put in Florida man in Google and I'm inundated with thousands and thousands and thousands of stories you want to there's a there's a 2000 There's a Reddit channel called Florida Man, called Florida Man News. It's where 90% of the stories I do on Florida come from. And they're just like, what the fuck? Well, I was doing a, uh, for a minute there, I was doing, uh, like the body cam reaction videos. And then after about a couple of days of doing that, I noticed everything was from Florida. and I was like, damn, every, all these videos are from Florida. People out in Florida got either nothing to do or way too much meth. I don't know.
Hey, fellas, I got to jump off. I got to get ready for work. I appreciate you let for letting me jump up and hangwaka any time to stay longer. yeah did I'll call it if we're going to work. Fuck your job. That's I I wish I wish I could wish I could say that. Yeah, you and me both, buddy. All right, fellas. Much love later on. Glick, what's what's the what's the game update?
I ran into another guy and I thought you were watching him. Uh, I am watching Penn State versus Wisconsin. What's this? I don't want to give any, I mean, without his watching f's name versus Wisconsin because he doesn't want to watch Michigan go lose. They're actually doing good. It's a 24 to 10. Michigan's up. It's 20. It's 24 to 10. I'm, I'm keeping, no, it's on the big 10 network. I'm not paying for the big 10 network to watch one game. Uh, no, the new kid that's playing the 90s actually playing really good. The new quarterback.
Uh, for Michigan, fourth, one of the on Grady. Yeah. Yeah. Dumb Grady. Uh, Dave, Dave, uh, David Warren. Uh, no, I'm watching, uh, Penn state, Wisconsin. It's fourth quarter. It's 14 to 13. So Miami smacked the dog shit out of Florida state. So we don't, that's okay. Ohio state almost lost

Movies, TV Shows, and Streaming Preferences

a fucking Nebraska today. Unranked Nebraska. That made me want to cry.
I want to cry every time I watch any football. Because I have a light. Why do you want to watch movies? You you I didn't. You weren't paying attention. You cry every time you keep standing up. We was like, why would you watch it then?
First and foremost, why are you watching it? And second of all, you don't have a fucking life. You never leave your house broke. You sit at your house and watch TikToks and movies all day long. You don't have a light. My life does not revolve around football. I watch football one day a week. Calm down. Really? I watch football, okay, two days a week. I'm sorry. I watch football two days a week. And then you talked about it on Sundays.
Yeah, because I do a football show. This is the longest conversation I've ever had about football. That's why he watches football so we can talk about it on Sunday. yeah Your entire life revolves around. Stick up for him. That's the reason why we watch movies and talk about them on Friday. Your entire life revolves around watching movies and televisions. And you you spent the last three hours talking about movies. Quit being a liberal, please. No, don't make me spoil tale of fire 3 for you, Jeff.
oh Yeah, cuz I'm worried cuz tears like on my list of things I must watch before I die I spend one hour a week talking yeah Another thing I'm forced to do this month. I'm forced to watch these fucking movies Yes so Some dumb bitch instead of going out the front door goes back in the belly Dude, I think you're gonna do I think you're gonna like Terry going to go into it though. I've liked them. Where do you live? Where do I live? Yes Kentucky. What state Kentucky?
confused West West North South right where they keep it. Where to live Kentucky? what states I think I think it's I think it's kind of considerable considered central. I'm on the East Coast. I'm like literally 20 minutes away from the time zone change. Blaze lives in bret you Kentucky. So I could go Brandon Bird. Easy enough. There you go. Somebody's going to Google.
Yeah. I had to tell somebody earlier. I lived in Brandenburg because they wanted to be a tough guy and try to intimidate me on the internet. Oh, I would've totally like my doors unlocked. Come on over. I'm like, I'm like, I'm in Kentucky. He's like, one minute Kentucky too. I'll come to your fucking city and I'll fucking rip. I was like, Brandenburg, I'm right here. Door's open. You can come in. You may not be able to make it out, but you can come on in.
What are we doing, Blaze? You're closer to me than you are to Glick. What are you doing with your life? I know. not smoking weed with Connor and going to Glick and drinking beer. Oh, you're so sweet. Can I see it? I have my beer. I have my beer drinking buddies. I got my weed smoking buddies, but I'm neglecting my weed smoking buddies. It's legal to smoke weed in Ohio, and it's not like you dine when you come to Ohio. I know, right? That's why you go to Ohio. That's why Saturdays, when you guys are at the bar, it blazes nowhere to be seen for 15, 20 minutes.
But to be fair, Weed is cheaper in Illinois, and he's closer to Illinois than Ohio. Is he really? Yeah. Chris, show me, too. I think so. Just checking. Yo, Christine. I got to check, because we've been fooled before. Chris, the technician. Yeah.
Let's make sure it's you. Show us your penis. it and point a heis let's not to ask of that he so but It puts the penis in the pants or it doesn't get the ah chance to come up.
You kind of. develop I did. I did. I it but but that but but Good job. you can yeah Damn, we got we got connor Connor Biden and Blaze Harris. Yeah. Is that what it says? Oh, no, it still says the dang thing. Nobody's going to do that. Come on, Jake. Thanks for giving me that idea, Blaze. I am drinking tonight. No fucks given. Come on, Blaze and Connor Biden. Honestly, I thought about taking a half a gummy because whole a gummy fucks me up.
And I've had enough alcohol to make me a little tipsy. So if I drink alcohol and then take a gummy, I'm going to throw up everywhere. and bla if they don't If you mix, do you get sick? If I mix too much, yes, I do. Yeah. Glick is hilarious when he's on gummies.
It's going to be a short. It's going to be a short night when Connor comes up here and drinks because he's going to have four beers and pass out on the patio. And I'm like, actually, no, I've already. I've been i've already told my wife and the clock is my love but I can spend time with my family because I actually love Jeff. I'm like, some of you fucking piece of shit. Jeff said Glick has done gummies. I want to see Glick on gum. Oh, it was hilarious. I think it would be gummy right before it would be amazing. Then about halfway through, Nikki came in and gave him another half.
I need you to find that show and tell me what episode it is. Oh my God. The first, the first, the first, the first time I did gummies, it was cool. The second time I almost died. So I said, you know what? I'm good. So then why don't you take it a third time to see if the first or the second is the truth. You can't die on gummies. Just get rid of them.
No, no, no. You can drain out. when Last time I smoked weed, I grew up for a good 45 minutes. Nick, you found passed out and the niki found me passed out in the shower.
The same time. i get better um you that makes sense So, so that actually makes sense. When you take too much THC, there is this like a condition that makes you want to take a shower and it's, it's weird, but that does happen. Well, it does happen. we She gave me, ah she gave me a gummy right before we started right as we were starting the show. I barely made it to the first break. It was a Saturday night.
and And I barely made it to the first break. And I started throwing up, like violently throwing up. And when I get sick, mike I like to get in the shower. I like to turn the shower on and lay down in the tub. Well, that's where she found me, like an hour and a half, two hours later. And then I and i was just i was dead. And then I came out here in about a half hour laying on the bed. I don't know if it was like a second wind.
But that then I got hungry as hell. And I was just like, you know, it was an excellent conversation because he was all over the table. Chris. No, the the first time, the first time i just i mean but first time I took a gummy was when we were up in PA and she gave me a quarter of a gummy.
No, we were in P.A., we're at her house in P.A., because Tony was on. That was the night that I got up and did the because we were getting ready to leave. And Tony's like, he's too fucking messed up. And I got up and did the Ric Flair strut and was dancing around like. Yeah. We started the show and she was awesome. It was awesome. We started the show and she gave me a quarter of a gummy. And then about a half hour, 45 minutes later, she came over. She's like, you feel anything? I'm like, no, these fucking socks.
So she gave me another quarter of one and then I still wasn't feeling anything. And then she gave me like a half of one and why she was stuffing him in his mouth. She was like, here, he's like, well, this after the first time I ever did it, I think I had a gummy in a half or gummy in a quarter or whatever. And a half and it it it wasn't until after we finished the show that it kicked in and I was just like,
on cloud nine, bro. We went to the VFW. We messaged me like 15 times from the VFW. Yeah, we took the VFW. And DJ Bill was there, and Nicky propped me up against the wall and told him to babysit me. And I was just like, hey, what's up, buddy? Yeah, I was like, what's happening to you? too And I was stashed in as a motherfucker. He kept sending me fucking videos on Snapchat like three hours after we finished the show.
And I was like, fucking go home. I was I want to know at the VFW, how many people are stoned at any given time? At the VFW, none of them are all. They're probably all fucking plastered. Well, one of the two. No, I was in my mind. I don't know. I'm not sure all of you. We had.
I've only been to me. I don't want any more. Give her give me the. Nikki Nikki. I'll I'll take the gun. I'm a **** caller. I'll take it there and all three of them had the long hair, the beard, the **** like the the tie-dye shirts like they were hardcore 70s. more kind of guys like heads like they they swarmed me.
I don't know if it was because I was fresh meat and they'd never seen me before or if I just screamed pot head to them, but like they saw me and went straight for me. They're like, Oh, he sure does. They're like, they Connor has a pretty mouth.
you got birdie mile
thanks all the old dudes that that were there like the really old guys that were there looked like they were just fucking having a couple of beers or They were just sitting there talking about old times But I was only there for like and then
the heads up like you what's up
I don't know. That's what happened in the butt. I'm watching the video. You know, they might be drinking beers but they might be cruising. Never mind. I'm not going to say anything. One of the one of the five teams with long hair said something about stopping off at Diddy's house. I was like, nah. So, I just I just chilled out vf up and then i went home
nice you will not catch me on video evidence anywhere i gotta say um if i was in that same situation i'd have gone to the ditty party i'd like to say i'd say no i don't know how i should
throughout which as you was You brought out the baby oil. You can't just say that's when I'm like, you know what? I gotta go. Hey, it's 2020 but if I if if somebody's like, hey, I got a mansion on a secluded area in a really private place and there's gonna be a bunch of famous people there and you know your dude he leave bunch of ladies there and they all put out they have to because I pay them to And it broke back in the day. The only stipulation is you got to get a wiener in your booty at the end of the night. yeah Well, they don't tell you that part. That's the only catch. If I pass down, who cares, right?
not Speaking of but for um martin first, ah I got a question it for you, Happy. if If you went camping with a buddy,
And you woke up and your butt hurt really bad like you just had a really long night. And you woke up the next morning you but we're just killing you. Would you tell anybody? I'd be pissed there was no coffee.
You wanna go camping? Yeah, you wanna go camping, bro? I've always got coffee with you. I've heard that one before. That's a good one. Good. I'm always bringing coffee and eggs.
think wavels you glicker and connor and i went camping one night and conorw woke up said i had a dream someone beautiful woman was jerking me off and i said yeah i had the same dream glick wo up and i had a dream i was excuse me you know it's it's funny that there's like these versions because like There's been nights where I woke up, didn't know where I was, did some self checks, didn't mess my pants. My pants were still on, you know, no aches and pains, you know, make there were him i'm everywhere or or sleep on the floor. You know, there's been some awkward situations, but at the same time, uh, you know, when you do things like that, you find other people that do things like that. And sometimes you're the one that doesn't pass out.
But maybe what happens to them is, um, it's all the things that didn't happen to you. Like, Hey guys, I'll be bright but bathroom. I'll be right back. 20 minutes later. It's like, wait, what's going on? And you go in there and pants are off and it doesn't crap himself all off the toilet and stuff. And you got to drag them out, clean them up, keep them alive. Not you throw them in the shower and turn it on and go back outside and keep drinking.
John went to go take a shit and then all of a sudden Sean films with it went with him and then he didn't come back for another half hour. You came back crying.
ah We did something in college. um I was one of the lucky ones, I guess you could say. And this dude way over did it. And you know, you were 18 years old. And and we like there was like ten of us taking care of this new so nobody got in trouble because him getting in trouble that way could have got all of us in trouble so we you know we took care of him but ah we shaved one of his legs up to the knee and the ladies had the ladies had some ah special objects that we put close to him and took pictures of
and it was like hey if we ever have to waste our saturday night taking care of you like this again these pictures will become like front page news, right? Nothing better than blackmail on a friend. Well, I mean, we were dorm mates, but, uh, yeah, we were definitely friendly. We

Hot Wheels Collectibles and Hypothetical Scenarios

were close enough to take care of each other and get fucked up together. But, uh, at the end of the day, you just wasted all of our nights.
Somebody tries to take care of me after a party. I tell them to fuck off. I'll be here. yeah and he wouldn And if I'm not, then call the cops. If I showed up, that's all that matters. I showed up to the party. As Blick said, I don't leave my house. If I'm so hammered that you think that I need help, just let me die. Yeah. agree No, I'm going to shave your leg and embarrass you the next day. I'm going to surround you with nildos.
yeah Somebody's going to say, hey, take care of him. And I'm going to be like, hey, go fuck yourself. And I'm going to pass out and you can just leave me there. I'll be all right. I promise. okay Yeah, I'll be fine. I'll be all right. I got a bear trap back there. I promise nobody's going to hit. All right. Chris,
chris how are you doing tonight, man? I'm good. You've been quiet since you popped in here. I feel like I'm talking over the ability. I was talking about Chris, the technician, not you. You'd be like, fuck off. Turn the camera back off and go away. Go back to your football.
Good Glad we had it. Yeah, that was that was quick.
yeah I bet you it's the only way to shut the fuck up. Yeah, Chris is a man of few words. I need Chris to be a man of more words because happy is a man of few words, but every time he opens his mouth I laugh.
Comes out with a gem, I'm telling you. He does, he does. Every time he opens his mouth, man, I just get this feeling inside of me. Nevermind, you know what? I'm gonna stop. Anyway. You do.
Connor? This is what you're doing. This is what I want you to do. Any questions? but I didn't ask you about this, guys. the
that movie apparently ruined his career. o I still have that reference for him to fill out.
ah but
as you are life farm You can clip this. Glick, you are by far the sexiest man man I have ever met and if there ever was a champ, I would say it's you because just by looking at your description below your name, I can tell that you are a winner.
You know, you know how, you know what he says when you butter him up like that? Set my deck and eat my ass all you sons of bitches. but What baby? With the spoon.
We've got to play with the clips in a while. so Yeah, we haven't done that in a bit. We've set some people up. I haven't hit her. that That's what she said in a while. What is this one?
Who added the sound effects to that? Holy like I remember taking the picture. but yeah i thought you would I thought you added the the bubble. I I added the bubble word. I added the bubble word but I don't know. as soon as we saw it. That's hilarious. Hilarious. You know, believe it or not, you'll find that sound if you go on to YouTube. but big Bigfoot sounds. There's like 60 **** videos.
half of them are glickx saying would you suck my dick and eat my asshole that's 59 of them it happens what are you gonna do here if you're in the woods and you want to see a squash suck my dick and you're from the background eat my asshole what the fuck there's a squash in these woods
have you seen watching um have you seen that Sasquatch hunting show? No, you know, they got all that game. All that. Ohio, Kentucky, Pennsylvania. I'm telling you, it's all the places that click goes. Right.
Alright, everybody touch.
loser <unk> make
up ah a tree sickers I that big what and
a So, believe or I found that one Spotify. And I was like, this is the funniest thing I've ever heard. ah and So I had to fucking download it because I was like, this is. I came here to have fun, not to cry. So. mean tears to my use is
the fifth
who things you ain't jack Who knows? He's not gonna say shit. He got fucked. Who you ain't Jack?
Kaitlyn Cole. Sorry, I was talking to Marty. Kaitlyn Cole. Kaitlyn Cole. Kaitlyn Cole, you ain't Jack. ah Once again, everybody go ahead and like and follow, share.
ah I'm going to go ahead and real quick throw up the banner at the bottom bio slash nonsensical network. ah yeah Go to my spread shop and spread us on our link.
Yeah, Kaitlyn Cole, you ain't Jack. I like that song. That was kind of nice, a little bit mellow. um Welcome back, everybody, to the nonsensical network. What did you say? I like a lot of her music. She's got a really good voice. Yeah, she does.
um Once again, we are back. Nonsensical Network, check us out, slash nonsensical network, where you can find all our links, including including our link for our merch, where you can spread us on you. um Once again, Mondays, Men Caring for Men, Tuesdays, clicks, House of Music, Wednesdays, what the fuck news. Every other Thursday, Cassius quarter, Fridays is nonsense and chill Saturdays. This is the flagship show, the Nonsensical Nonsense Open Door Challenge.
Sunday's Unnecessary Reptus and Jeff's Garage, and this Sunday, we have Nonsense and Chill in Jeff's Garage. um Yeah. So, welcome back. Welcome back. Do you remember the cartoon? and With the ABC cartoons, they had the the ah three 70s cartoon disco dancers. They'd screamed, the welcome back, welcome back. And then they would bow their heads down and they' their wigs would change.
No. are the only It was like a weird thing as they were coming back from commercial. I don't know if it was ABC. I remember that scene and that sound, but I don't remember them together for some reason. But I know what you're talking about, because it was the cartoon ladies with the the big to do's on their head with the same little ribbons. And when they bowed, it's like they came up with different hairs or different heads, even I don't even remember. No, I think it was their hair.
Um It had to be the 90s cartoon I definitely remember that scene. I just and so what I don't know. I can't place it in my head I don't know where I saw I I remember seeing it well because the your cartoons, you know Saturday morning cartoons and come back from commercial And they they it was they were like 70s style haircuts like these chicks had these giant kind of afros and they would Now that bend down and their hair would switch. Yeah. Roll together. Hmm. I did not remember this. I, I, I don't know why I thought of that. I'm sure it's not a Mandela effect. No, no, no, no. I remember it vaguely.
Sorry, I got, I got a mint. It's gonna drive me nuts.
Do you guys believe in the Mandela effect? Oh, 100%. Really? I don't know. Is it gonna get me yelled at by Blaze? No, i' and i I mean, Jeff said he believed it. I said, oh, OK. I mean, well, well, the reason why I say I believe it is there's there's, you know, like they have the Berenstain Bears versus the Berenstain Bears, you know, that I think that just comes down to mispronunciation, pronunciation. But there is things that, you know, like people were talking about the fruit of the loom thing. There's a lot of them that have that. Like I do remember like they have the Monopoly guy one where
The Monopoly guy had a monocle, but apparently he doesn't. But somebody found a box of monocles. I think over time, just like advertisements change, and we just don't realize it until we realize that years later, like, that wasn't the way it was. Well, and that's the thing. It's like when they, they, when you find them, even if you find the old version,
It's like the new one, like they scrub it from existence kind of thing is is what the Mandela effect is. Hmm. Yeah, fuck you, Glick. OK, what happened? Sorry, I don't know. What were we talking about? I don't know. I was i know I'm on my I'm on the my Adobe Express right now. We were talking. Not watching, I'm talking. No, so. Oh, I just found a gem.
ah Blaze, I'll be honest, dude, you're close enough to me that we can have booty cars now. I just realized. You're within two hours. All right. I used to drive that shit for fun. Driving is fun, I think. It used to be fun. I love driving.
When you drive fucking 16 hours, twice a month for fucking work. I have a question for you gentlemen. I found this eight and co and I sent it to blaze and I want to kind of get your guys's, um, take on it so you can pick two of these.
at Where did I oh my gosh, we had a long conversation today You can only pick to Number one you never have to cook if think cooking again an alexa they can follow me Number one you can never again Number two you have perfect skin forever number three you can breed of any book in tell you Number four yeah Always wake up feeling refreshed or number five, never have to wait in line again. Which two are you picking? I'll actually send this to myself so I can put it up on screen. I can just open it here.
So can you can kind of see why why is that so slow. I found a couple of these the other day and I was like, huh, interesting.
Are you reading fucking 17 magazines now? No, that like I said, these pop this chick does this on TikTok. And this is like one of her corner ones.
This is one of her corner ones. Dude, when Glick says she spent too much time on TikTok, I don't think he's lying. There it is.
but what I remember you stating that to me. I just didn't look at, it well, I glanced over it. I was like, I don't know what it's trying to tell me. one ago I can only pick two. You can, you you never have to cook again. You have perfect skin forever. You read any book instantly. Always wake up feeling refreshed. Never have to wait in line again. This is like, dude, are we, is this, are we a bunch of fucking women? Like, are we a bunch of little fucking 17 year old girls? Like none of that's practical in my life because then like,
i think I think number four, I think number four is practical. Always wake up refreshed. I agree. i Show it again. Waking up refreshed. It all seems to be kind of superficial. I don't care to lay in line because usually I wind up striking up conversation with somebody in line and I make new friends.
ah my skin. I'm a dude who cares what my, if I have, yeah. yeah Um, one that i I don't cook very often, but when I do, I enjoy cooking. So I'd hate to cook. Yeah. I mean, yeah, let's just just like, but you know, somebody's always gonna be cooking. These are your decisions. So if you could always wake up feeling refreshed,
You know what, uh, maybe you've designed yourself in a life where you have a partner that cooks or maybe you prepared and you've got some microwavable breakfast because you got to get up early as hell and nobody else gets up that early. Or you make enough money to where it's like, Hey, I can get up early and hit up the waffle house.
and I'm going to wait in line and I'm going to make good with the, the staff. So next time I don't have to wait in line so long. This is, like this is the one I found interesting. Maybe, maybe this is me just being dumb, but I'd rather be able to read a book instantly because I've been a slow reader my entire life. And that's agreed. Right. Listen, I'm doing college right now. And the other day we had a lecture and they had us read an article mid lecture.
And she took it down at a certain point when she thought everybody had read it. And I was like, hey, what the fuck? And she was like, hey, what did everybody learn? Yeah, I was literally halfway through that article. And I was like, yeah, I learned I'm a really fucking slow reader. I was like, I learned I need to read faster. And she was like, I'm sure that's not true. You're in college. I was like, OK.
i think he got anegger when you guys checked it was what like does the story behind that picture I think if if something's worth reading Then it must have been written by somebody who actually did something and can be talking from the heart So if if reading something is so important That's the emphasis on do shit and stop reading other people shit so that way you can write your own no but like for For example, if one of the best examples of being able to read something instantly is, you know, like, there's a there's the ultimate there's there's a book out there that I i found and I want to order it off Amazon. It's called The the Ultimate Guide to Re-inhabiting the Earth or something like that, or re-establishing, and it shows you everything.
Like, you know, granted, I know how to grow my own food, but it shows you step by step on everything from any part of the genre. The book is like this fucking bit. But the one I found interesting out of this check, this one, is you could travel anywhere for free. I like that. Always be happy and content. Don't care. Unlimited timed with your loved ones. All bills paid for life. I want that. And you can learn any skill for free.
ah Learn any skill instantly. I'm taking four and five. Bills are paid, and I can learn anything I want to learn instantly. I'm about to be the greatest airbrush artist on the planet. Always be happy and content. No, I'll figure that out as it goes. yeah I'll be happy when my bills are paid.
I'll be able to spend as much time with my loved ones as want, as I want. If I learned any skill as, if I learned every skill, because if I learned every skill, that means that I've learned how to make money in any way that I need to. Well, that's, that's, that, that comes along with the being able to read any book instantly from this one. If you can read any book, I can literally learn everything I need to know about like, makes money on like,
to the point where Elon Musk, I'm like, I can buy and sell him. All right. Like nerd, nerd moment for a second. Like, don't get me wrong. I hate reading. Reading is fucking miserable. It is one of my least favorite things of all time because I'm so slow and I'm such a bad reader. I read the same way I talk, which is with a lot of stutters and way too much. Wait a minute. I got to look back at it again.
And the ability, I've read some books that are like, kind of like, Oh shit, no fucking way. And the ability to read that book, like just by like seeing the cover of it. That's a win if would be fucking wild. I could go to the bookstore and walk out with enough knowledge to fucking take the world. Yeah. I mean, I'm not mad at it. That's what I said. But would it make sense to, um, if, if all your bills were paid for,
And this is where I'm having a hard time finding like the the other one that I would pick to go with it. But if all my bills are paid for and I'm me, right? But I put, you know, I have a family. Everything's in my name. I go backwards. I go to my parents. I take everything. I put it in my name. All bills are paid for. Now they're covered. I got my siblings. I can, I can go over all my neighbors.
You know, I won't have any power over how your freedoms or anything, but as long as the properties are on my name, your bills are covered. You can kind of cover the entire world because it's it's a magical request. You know what I mean? The genie is doing it. Well, and that's why I said if I was going to pick two out of this, I'd pick four and five, you know, how bills are paid for life and then learn any skill instantly. So, and because there's certain things that money can't buy.
you know, if I, if I want to make something, because I would rather make it than buy it, you know, built and instead of bought, then I want to have the skills to actually do it. Yeah. So, and that was one of the things that kind of countered me from picking travel anywhere for free, because I was like, okay, bills are paid. I'll just, I'll buy it. Exactly. So it kind of cancels that out automatically.
So it'd be, you know, bills paid for and time with loved ones, I guess, because anywhere we want to go, the bill's paid. Yeah. So, but again, free can mean aside from just the monetary, it can be like, Hey, just because you can go anywhere, doesn't mean there's not something going on there that you probably don't want to get mixed up in.
You know what I'm saying? So. Yeah. I choose carefully, I guess. Well, you know, I have the, I watched this other guy on TikTok and I don't have any of his videos, but he does a, he does a hypothetical. If you had X power, but he does the caveat to it. That gets stuck in my head. Like if I had three wishes, you're like, Oh, you get three wishes. Anything you want. Can't wish more wishes, bla blah, blah, bla blah, blah, blah.
But you don't get exactly what you're wishing for. Like, if you want to learn how to fly, you become a housefly. Who is Chase Wright? Oh, that's Doc. Oh, that's Doc. What's up? There he is. I've never met Doc before. Hey, Doc. At least I don't remember. He looks like he's in a lot more hands. This is my best friend forever. Hey, hey, keep the camera above the waist, killer. Yeah.
Oh, I have clothes on the pants. Good. I don't care what you have on Doc. We just don't want to see your, your Schmeckle. I've already seen your Schmeckle plenty of times before. They don't need to see it too. That's my new word of the day. I watched that. Have you seen, have you seen that booby crazy stupid love with Steve Carell? I have not. Dude, it's hilarious.
Is it hilarious, dude? like totally It's ah what's his name? um what's what's What's the guy from the fall guy? The new one. ah Ryan Gosselin is teaching Steve Carell how to, you know, pick up chicks because he's recently divorced and all this stuff. And he's talking to him in the sauna. And Steve Carell just kind of he's like, dude, you want to put some clothes on? He's like, my Schmeckles been in your face for five minutes. You're just complaining now.
ah And I was like, I've never heard somebody say that. I've heard Schmeckle, but I've never heard it in the context of the penis. It's a cock blaze. Yeah, I get that. You guys. all right So the other night, Jeff and I was watching a movie, Terrifier 2, and the dude was wearing a shirt that said just the tip. And I made a joke.
And I made the meme. I made it. But I don't think I should share. I don't think I should share. I don't know if we can share it. Yeah, I don't think we should. Can you share it on a Saturday night though? No. I don't think I can share it anytime. Because even though it is a prosthetic member, it still looks like still a member. member Yeah, yeah, we don't want to see weiners on the on the podcast. No, it's such a good so i will not mentioning any names I will say chase right the second yeah this, is covered.
um the farsh not the I will say this, the tip is covered. so conor oh Connor is on WhatsApp.
Really? I am on WhatsApp. Yeah, here. i've sent it to car and I've been on WhatsApp since fucking 2017. Yeah, I know. I'm sitting here looking at past messages I've sent to you. whats ah i delete I don't have you on WhatsApp. Because we have Snapchat. I sent it to you, Connor. I almost never used it. Stupid Mexican. I almost never used my Snapchat.
It got way too quiet after I said that. To be fair, to he is he is genuinely Mexican. He is a Mexican. All I heard was a racist remark, folks. That's all I heard. He's an Anglo-Saxon in Mexico.
You know, technically, I've been in Mexico almost longer than I look in the States, but I'm more This looks more like an arm on a really fat old chick with one of them fucking like wingtails on their triceps. It does. It does kind of. It does. Yeah, it does. It does. But now that you've seen it, do you think we should share it?
ah know No, no. I didn't think so. Because it's the shaft. You know, it doesn't look like that. Even though it does look like that, it still looks like what you think it looks like. It's just an arm with a wing. That's all. No, but like in Terrifier 2, I was wearing a shirt. It says, just the tip, I promise. And it's got a knife with blood on the tip. And we thought it was hilarious.
And then Blaze came up with this idea of to put this on T-shirt. I said, I don't think we can put that on my spread shop. That looks like chocolate, not blood. Oh. It wasn't supposed to be blood. Somebody just got it. Somebody just got it. somebody never I wish I had a light bulb I could pop up real quick. I really do. Never mind.
I'm sorry. I got a very dirty sense of humor. I i just sorry the right place buddy i just took gummy. Give me 45 minutes, and I'll be even worse. You're fine. He put it up there. i' I'm not doing this. I'm calling it now. What are we doing? Oh, you think I'm going to put it up there? No. No, somebody added it. No, don't put it up. Don't put it up there. No. I'm trying to think of a place where we can be. I didn't do it. I didn't do it. I swear to God I didn't do it.
It was slick. I know. You guys sound like the biggest group of fucking bitches right now. You're not lying. You're not lying. You're not lying. We got that fucking strike on fucking YouTube. So don't, don't get that shit.
um That's what I was worried about. Yeah i gotta We got a strike on YouTube over something. I told you multiple times not to fucking do and then you're like I'm gonna fucking do it anyways because no no no no no was in the show was I the one who wants to watch movies and put the movies up and I said you can't do that places I can't do the show you can't and I told you you can't I didn't do the show yes you're right on YouTube but I'm the awful does so I could do it this is the problem this is the problem I have
There are literally 60 to 80 different channels that literally do what Blaze and I did, but we're the ones that get the strike. They awesome they also they also are a lot bigger than us. They also take the right pass. Jeff, but i know youre I know this is a hard thing for you to take, much much like a dick. This is very hard for you to take and for you to do.
They put in the hard work behind the scenes before they did that. They didn't just turn their channel on and and and fucking start playing videos. They went through all the right channels. They put in the work before they started doing it.
just like I did before I started playing music. Once I realized, hey, we got to be careful playing music. And then I was like, OK, now I have to put it in the work and figure out how exactly do we get to play music? That's why all my ad breaks are all common or creative comments. I think it's better so to have a friend like me who has a friend on the board of YouTube.
um And I can make sure that you don't get struck because he likes the way it tickles. You know what I'm saying? a
I'm serious. You see more stone than I am. And I have to bow down respect. The real question is when we get thunderstro always happy is always mellow. I feel like that's not even him. snow That's not even him stone. That's just his his every level. He seems stone though. But that is that's his normal.
composure fuck yeah he's like i'm gonna open my wide eyes up why yeah his the whites of his eyes are too perfect if they were just a little bit bloodshot i could believe it and but i think he's i think he's sober dude if you got a higher a high enough tolerance your eyes don't turn red that fast you can still be stoned but your eyes are still i told you my wife took that fucking gummy last night and holy fucking ah which I started to feel it and I I went upstairs to go check on Nikki to make sure she was doing okay. And I turned the light off and she goes, Hey, but why are you standing in this car? Her eyes are like this.
so um our job you are right like Bro, can you see? And she was like, yeah, why? Because I can't see any part of your eyeball at all. If you got pulled over right now, you'd be fucked beyond belief. He's the Give him the old Chinese eye. How's my driving, man? I think we can blindfold me with some floss.
What'd you just say? He said you can blind on me with some what? Oh, I heard hired balls and I was i got excited. I'm sorry. Get some bat wings. I was thinking blaze Blaze was looking forward to a Spartan helmet. I'm sorry.
He got four grand. got poor grand actually i'm Careful I know how far away you are and now i can find all i gotta do bos and just on doors I had a football trivia for you guys, but I can't find it Okay, good. Well, I promised my wife I'd be off but off at 10 is 10.04. I'm I'm peace in the outward direction. Goodbye yourself, Connor. You got it. It is good seeing you on a Saturday, homie. Yeah, I actually get to let loose. Oh, yeah. That's right. What? No, it's okay. bro I'll just go fuck myself.
All right. Love you. Bye. Make sure you use Diddy's oil. It was good. Do not end the show. OK. I don't get to see Connor unless he comes up on Saturdays, because I don't hit Mondays up very much anymore. What's up, Jack? What is a football guy? What is a football team that has their name on their helmet? All of them. Ole Miss? No, no, no.
The actual name is written on the helmet. Ole Miss. and NFL or college? No, it's NFL. NFL, the AFC and the New York Giants. The Giants used to have their name on their helmets. Now they just have a NY. Yeah,
No, not Buffalo's. I'm actually trying to get to the end here. jets it what yes two are yes one yeah the yeah the jets the jets if john i didn't guess so good I think I think the Steelers have it on theirs. I know they're the the 49ers know the other one. The last one I.
I, I just saw the last one. Uh, the Dodgers. No. that's a pretty it a peace i mean that The I'm just making sure you're not be there. No, no, no, no. I think, and it might be new. No. in all english Is an older team? Old.
Oh, before we were born old? No, no. ah Well, I don't remember them being in the Super Bowl ever. I mean, I know they have won a Super Bowl, but it was a long time ago.
that no That being they have won a Super Bowl, that makes a list. Let's just say I thought the Chargers had, but I don think they just have the Lightning Bowl. No, but no that was new. That was new. Yeah. Oh, my.
Yeah. Old team. Terrifying three has a sex scene in it. Nice. I can't wait. steps um in now i I'm excited. um i Apologize. i Apologize. You want the answer? I know. I know the Chiefs have. yeah yeah Yes. Yes. That's awesome. He shakes his leg.
I'm sorry gamma spoil this part ah so i'm going to ill try to get on i not i know when lost stiller i know i know when you' be at One point in time when Washington was like West Coast what? No, that's well. Yeah, I mean that leaves the Raiders which are not West Coast anymore and that leaves the Niners which just have the SF on the helmet. Oh, why? The Rams are the West Coast now. They were St. Louis. Well, they were West Coast back in the in the 90s. Put it that way. Yeah, and originally they were the they were the l LA Rams way before the night. Well, it's not the Rams. They were the same ones in the 90s. I know them as West Coast now. So I said the Raiders. It is the Raiders, correct? Yeah.
No, I was running through all the teams in my head trying to think because the Washington commanders or football team or whatever, they've got some helmets that had, when they were the football team or whatever they had, it was the W and it said, Washington commanders. It was like a throwback helmet.
Oh, shit. Yeah. The Raiders are in Vegas now. I got another one for you and I hope it has. I want it. NFL team with eight, hold on, let me read it again. There are eight NFL teams with one letter in their logo.
One letter in their logo. So their logo only, wait, hold on. Washington is a W. Correct. You know what I just realized? The Chicago, the Chicago do the,
The C sometimes. Yeah, and Green Bay. Yeah, Green Bay is the G. I think the Titans Tennessee is the T.
Sometimes the Browns have a B logo. So Chicago is correct. Washington is correct. Titans is correct. The Bengals. The bangles is correct. bangles Yeah, the bangles have to be as well. There's two of these on here that I don't... um i'm I'm assuming they're correct, but I... Oh, I see it now. Okay. We said Green Bay, right? Yeah, but Green Bay is not on here. Well, there should be, because, I mean, that's their fucking... What's on their helmet is a giant G. Is it? Okay. Yeah, it is. Yeah, this is the Packers. Sorry. and Yeah, the Packers. This is the last one they picked.
Like I said, the Browns, they they typically go with the B. It's either the B, the L, or the B. So you said the Bengals, Washington, Titans, Chicago, um and Green Bay. You're missing three.
Just one letter? Correct. A letter in their logo. Dallas sometimes has the D. Nope, not Dallas. Oh, my God, Jeff. Two of them are a little bit. Yeah, maybe. ah Number number. The next one is the Falcons. Even though it's two Falcons, it actually makes an F.
not Baltimore has a B on the Raven. yeah that And the eagles, the shape, the outline of the eagle, but the the wings on the eagle are an E. Those two birdwoods, that's why I didn't get it because I've never looked at the design like that, I guess, but that's cool. They show that they show the ah logos after they pick them. And I was like, yeah, that's far fetched. Okay. I guess I'm looking at, I'm looking at. Falcons.
I'm looking at the Falcons. I can see that because it's a. But then they are just shut it out like just below the. Yeah, and then the Eagles, the the back part of his neck is an E. Where the where the white turns gray. And you know, maybe that's why Baltimore was a little bit of a questionable one, because, yeah, they got the bird. They got the bird on there, too.
but the But the B is little in the middle of the bird, right? Yeah. They literally have the letter B thrown out. Yeah. Yeah. I'm trying to find the Eagles. I'm not buying it with the Eagles, bro, because they just got wings on their helmets. Well, here's one. This I found interesting. NFL teams without an animal. Wait. Read that correctly.
And about team six out of all teams without an animal or a letter on their logo. The Jets.
Oh. It scrolls. Oh, Jeff, tomorrow is going to be amazing. I'm I'm sitting here watching this movie on mute and I all have to say show the last one.
Watching Terrifier movies on mute is so much better. You got the Patriots, you got the Chargers. Correct. You got the Browns. Because they don't really have nothing on their logo or helmet. The Texans. I wonder if the Colts would fit into that because they technically don't have an animal in their logo. The Colts is correct.
c colt is
Yeah, Dallas Yeah, I believe Dallas is on it I lost the video I'm trying to find it again Dallas Tampa Bay and New Orleans. I think I got your six. I think I named seven. Okay. Yeah, so I Have The Colts the Cowboys the Buccaneers Tampa Saints I said Tampa. That's the Buccaneers, Tampa Bay Buccaneers. The Saints, the Browns, and then number six is Chicago, because they have a seat. The logos just... The Bears... How old is that? Because the Bears logo is literally a bear. It's a bear's head. No, but their logo on their helmet, it's just a seat. I'm sending in you the video. Check your TikTok.
But they got, like this guy, is his name is Joey Felix. He does all these. And i I'm always curious on how you would do one, because I don't know shit. Like this one is, can you name four? Yeah, damn, it worked fast. Can you name four and NBA teams that don't have blue or black on their logo? Four of them. Four NBA a teams? They do not have blue or black in their logo.
uh the cleveland cavaliers correct the phoenix suns correct the l.a lakers oh no actually no phoenix suns their background is black they're they have black and little yeah i already don't like this because has like no because the the oh okay black because he's called because the basketball has black lines uh
Yes, Lakers. I said the Lakers. So the Celtics. Let me get to the end of the end. I think the Celtics have black and green and black. OK, it's actually. So the answer I need to scroll back. So so the Cleveland Cavaliers. The LA Lakers all that little leprechaun.
How are are the Lakers not in there? there So it is the Cleveland Cavaliers. He's being ticky tacky because the fucking Lakers have a basketball and he's saying the Lions on the basketball. Lions on the basketball logo. I don't like this guy because he's a douche. Atlanta Hawks is red and white. The Milwaukee. The Houston Rockets. The Milwaukee Bucks. Yeah. And Sacramento Kings.
I could, I could understand of like, uh, as a, like a, a main color, but to say like, absolutely no black, think that's na doe ah I think absolutely no black kind of needs to be part of the question. Um, NFL teams with, with red, with one red uh,
any more, any of them. with all the goddamn color rushes and shit like that. like i only twenty minutes I've made cents on TikTok. Nice. Chief says one. The Redskins. No, they're not Redskins anymore. No, they're not on here.
at um
The Cardinals. ah No. Did they have a rock of red helmet? Arizona they have Atlanta, ah Tampa Bay, Buffalo, San Francisco. These are all teams that have red helmets and this guy's going to go, no, they don't. But they do. buffalo has rest Washington, the Falcons. I don't know. I don't know what this team is. blue and white hole thing. That's the Buffalo Bills. this one Oh no, that's the, that's the Houston, that's the Houston Texans.
Oh, yeah. ah the I didn't even know they would rock a red helmet. And then Washington Commander. it It depends on what uniforms they're wearing. A lot of the teams that have red in their colors with their color rush, there's a couple of teams that have some sick fucking color rush, all red uniforms, like red pants, red jerseys, red helmets. Miami was wearing some sick uniforms tonight. They were blacked out, man. Those were fucking cool. Miami Hurricanes.
Um, I love when they do like the special games, uh, cause I just saw a short where some college team, like they were doing their throwback uniforms or whatever, or maybe it was at the other day that airbrush yeah airbrush helmet we were talking about. Yeah. it They made it look like the old school padded leathers and they were all hand done. That was last week, uh, Indiana versus Michigan. The, the actual uniforms that they wore were.
Fucking idiots looking but the helmets were cool as shit No,
you know but I always love to see that especially when they do like um Like the military Academy rivalry games and they and almost every player has a different ah custom helmet based off of the You know military occupations Within that force so like if you're in the Air Force You've got like different planes on your helmets and if you're in the army You've got like different jobs on your helmets like but it's like action and it's all custom I think that stuff's pretty sweet. I like anything custom Honestly, I do anything that's custom one off. I love it. Yeah Actually saw something today um Back in 89
Lamborghini put out go-karts that look like Lamborghini Countachas. They only made 20 of them. They sell for $150,000 if they're destroyed right now. Like if you have one that's complete, like you can barely tell it was that, it's $100,000.
There's one guy, he has one in his garage. It is, um it's only been ridden or driven or ran once. And he was offered 1.2 million and he won't take it. I was like, that guy's a dickhead. 1.2 million? Both of you are dickheads. One for not taking it, you for spending 1.2 million on a go guard. I mean, if you've got the prime example, you are the market.
Well, I get that, but it's like, if if you, speak like if Glick became a millionaire tomorrow and he's like, I bought a Lamborghini go-kart that costs 1.2 million, I'm going to smack him in the face. But like, you're an idiot. I could have built that out of fiberglass. You're an asshole. I don't care if it's original. I get it. If you're a collector of Lamborghinis or you're a collector of that thing to have the one remaining good one, that's understandable.
But at 1.2 billion, that's what's hard. I'd rather build it. And it, and it, and it's one thing to kind of like stumble upon or like be inherited. a bar find Yeah. But you know, like, uh, your grandfather died and you know, so many things are being written off and given to, you know, your parents and your aunts and uncles and stuff like that. And there's like, well, there's this go-kart in here.
just ah take one of the families is going to take it to the house and let the kids use it. Yeah. Let's just say they maintain it and until one day, some shit like this goes down. A conversation happens about, Hey, uh, era Lamborghini nostalgia is like at all time high. Oh yeah. And, uh, and somebody actually was like, Hey,
I thought that was just a go-kart. Let's go check that out. And next thing you know, it's like, but then somebody offers you a million dollars for it. But like, if you're good and then you find out what it but somebody's willing to pay for it, they're like, no, you I'm not selling it to you. And also the kids aren't probably going to touch it anymore. No, it's good. It gets somebody hung on the wall. Well, it's like, you know, um, those Hot Wheels nerds, you know, there's a, there's a pink,
I think it's a pink Volkswagen bus that has two removable surfboards from the sixties or seventies. They're worth like 150 grand. If you have one, and even if it's a shit condition, but it has to be this certain pink and it's a red and white, yu red and yellow surfboard. It's like 150 grand. It's a hot wheels. And I'm not a super nerd, but, um,
I'm a bit of a Hot Wheels nerd and that's why I took this picture for my avatar was because this is a ah Dodge Viper RT Hot Wheels and the reason why it's untrackable is because this was a model with the side pipes and the side pipes don't mesh with the orange track so it grinds and you do not race And I'm, you know, I, i I've always loved Hot Wheels, but I got back into it because ah of, you know, my daughter and toys and stuff. I'm like, well, if, if we're going to play toys, I'm going to show you some better toys than than dumbass dolls. Right. We're going to play with physics today. yes Have you seen the guys on YouTube that set up those crazy elaborate, um,
um Hot Wheels tracks that goes through their entire house. And then they have that, there's a there's a certain Hot Wheels, I think you have to order off Amazon, but it holds a mini camera and records the entire thing. it's say yo it It is a collaboration between GoPro and Hot Wheels to where they designed a a Hot Wheels carriage.
so that way you can click in and click out your camera so you know for charging and purposes and stuff not and those like you said POV of a Hot Wheels that's traveling for about eight three to four minutes of track like you think a race a good race in any race even a drag race is like two seconds a hot wheels like, okay, let's see if we can make a ah three second track with the turns and stuff like that. Three seconds, but you got these fucking guys a hundred feet. You know, three, you're watching like three to four minutes of what's going through through the guy's house. They, they add cardboard to the, cause they don't have a quarter. It's fucking nuts. It's, but you know what? It's almost like an ASMR thing.
And there's also another side of it too where they there's some you know those The the length of the ride and the ingenuity in the track That's what the click is there. I think and I love it But there's also another side where it's like very theatrical with zoom-ins if you've ever seen like model train setups and They do that they build the cities. There's people on the side of the road. there's ah yeah you know, wildlife and bridges and jumps and curves and stuff. And and pool yeah it's still maybe only like a 10 second race. But it's so zoom zoomed in and it's commentated. It's got, you know, ah some comedy in it. And it's just immersive because you don't see anything that's like real life size.
Yeah. Well, it's like I watched this one guy on YouTube. He does a scale model vehicle, but RC. And he goes out and drives me. You don't... The guy never speaks.

Advanced Hobby Tech and YouTube Creativity

But I saw the one video. I think his name is Earthquake Something. Earthquake Shake or something like that. But he took a... I think it was like...
3 quarter inch piece of fucking pine wood took a hand saw and cut it down so it was two pieces and then hand carved it and made it into the body looking as real if not better than the original truck and then put an RC body on it and then drove it and he puts it out in the woods and he's driving around he's still not speaking And if you came in at that point where the truck is like coming over the a roof or over a small hill, you're like, why are you watching a guy drive through the woods? No, that's an RC car. Like it's so detailed, it's ridiculous.
it's oh yeah It's the, any hobby nowadays can be taken so far to the extreme that when we were kids, that extreme was unheard of.
And a mildly. Yeah, we were um like tying sheets around our neck as capes. And then if we were lucky enough, our parents had like a one of those, what was it? The mini VHS recorders. And you go for about a minute and then run inside and put it in the the converter. And I do. Yeah. Hey, what did I look like? Right. Well, even, even when it comes to, to, uh,
stuff like that dressing up. They got those Ironman helmets that like you can literally go Jarvis open the helmet and it opens. They're three grand. I know because I looked it up. But they're also welding helmets that do that. Where I was like, and dude, if I was a welder. yeah i've I've seen those and um considering something that we talked about earlier with the glitter bombs.
Uh, like those micro techno engineers, like how small of a servo do I need? Right. Like to lift my, this little plastic face up, you know, it's probably it, it that helmet probably takes less power than that bomb did. You know what I'm saying?
Well, it's it's like i watch I watch a lot of 3D printing guys because I'm super into 3D printing. And the one guy, he actually has detailed plans. You can buy you can buy the plans for like five bucks. And he'll give you a link and directions on everything you need to order to make your Ironman helmet function. I was like, you know what? Wait till I get my 3D printer. But it's like but the ingenuity that it takes to like
There's a guy on YouTube I'm watching They they call it that his nickname is Russian Russian Iron Man He is literally making a functional Iron Man suit Like he has the pulse reactor. It's hydrogen. It's H. H. O gas That he it's wearable And he he made he made the chest plate, the chest thing for the Ironman has. And it's just LEDs, but it's hooked up to a battery that sits on his thigh. I think it sits on his thigh like yeah like you would a pistol. And it it actually holds water and produces HHO gas, which is when you remove hydrogen and oxygen from
your fucking water, and then it goes up his arm through tubes, and then he can fire it. It's genius. And, yeah, it's it's super technical, super boring to watch him, but once he does it, like, he was practicing it, and it's shooting his arm back. And then he he actually took the HHO gas maker that he built and then put it on a, like, a 50cc pit bike,
and gained like 30 horsepower. And I was like, really? The technology is there? You just need some crazy idiot to do it first and then get it out to the market where we could go go out and get that technology. Because I'm not smart enough to build it myself. I'm going to blow myself up. And he says constantly, do not try this unless you know what you're doing.
Because this guy, I guess he's he can't be more than 30. But he's he's obviously studying. And he does the most amazing drawings of everything he builds. And he's got it full on, blueprinted out. I believe I've got to remember what his name is. um
Bob the Builder. Is.
they were like
I got to scroll down through here. and did it get
Hey guys, it and actually might be about time for me to go. um I hope to see you again next time. Get the fuck out of here. Alex Lab. Alex Lab, if you want to check him out.
Alex lab. Yeah, as in like laboratory. I got you. Nice. Well, you guys take care. Have a good, uh, rusty weekend. Yeah. Hey, you too, brother. Be safe out there. We'll probably, you know, you're always welcome to pop up anytime. Yeah. Anytime. Come on up. Uh, Glick, you want to take everybody to break. I I'm about to float.
My back teeth are. pluming Them, uh, them, uh, Energy drinks getting to you there. Kimu Sabi. I'm just using this as glass at this point. um It's water. but and try my glass Why don't you just get it? I would actually get up and go clean a glass. I was going to say best guess. I don't know. Maybe a kitchen. Yeah, that that means I'd have to go in my kitchen. but but why you You know what? And I got to get this. I've got to actually.
My boy dropped a new video this morning off the album, but I got uh, james luker dropped dropped uh first album or first ah video I gotta go get that but Like a music video in the meantime. What's that? Yeah music video for one as opposed to a photo and then the music playing over it Yeah, they did an actual music video. Um i hey I gotta go watch it and I'm also gonna go grab it so we can get it up here. But speaking of James Lucre, we'll do a little ah moods off of his debut album. So we'll be back in just a few minutes. So Jeff, can you go
That's just the way it is.
Not bad. I like that. I love that fucking song. He went off. He went off on that song. Boy's got a voice like that. Yeah. great date One of the greatest lines, man. My trigger finger has moods. I can still get the goosebumps every time I hear them say it. Yeah.
The geese are flying, as Bill and Steve say, or run another shot. The geese are flying. Right. What's that, Chris? You get a new call, do Yeah, dude. Yeah, man, I got an Xbox. It was already uploaded three days ago before I couldn't play it.
But it uploaded and it was ready to go, so I didn't have to wait yesterday. I got on the airplane a little bit. I played a little bit today. I hate that I have to start all over again with level one and all the guns are bareboned and they don't have like. Nuketown 24 seven or anything yet like that. I'm loving the zombies. Zombies are back. ah So I'm definitely loving that fact.
i'll play to played me a little round of zombies and went in there and fucked some shit up.
Yay, Tommy. I mean, I love killing me some. So you watched you watched The Walking Dead, didn't you? Yeah, I watched. yeah I watched. um I don't know. what Was it season five, season six? I stopped watching shortly after they killed killed my man, Abraham. Yeah, I was like, yeah I'm out. I'm out, you know, because He's a cool guy. Yeah, he was one of my favorites, dude. He's just like a big country bumpkin dude. Like, I don't have no time for shit. I started to watch the Daryl Dixon show. As much as I like it, I've seen that. Yeah, I've seen previews. They're like in England or some shit like. No, he's in France. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like, it's just like, how the fuck did you get over there? Oh, he took a boat.
Yeah. Where did you find a boat? Where did you find a boat that took you from America, from Atlanta, Georgia? and No, it was like a sailboat. He did a sailboat. So you sailed across the ocean. Right. And that's what that's where my problem was. I was like, really, dude? Yeah. we've We've seen people do this in real life, and they usually give up halfway through because, yeah, they give up halfway through. I mean, yeah, that was my thing. Like, how the fuck did you get from Well, originally they were in Georgia and they were like in Virginia and they did they moved, which is yeah which is makes more sense. yeah on you But sending them Mexico, don't send them to fucking France. It doesn't make sense. Yeah.
Like there's just a ship that's like still functional after years of a zombie apocalypse. No, you took a sailboat. Well, it's like, uh, so Kevin started watching Walking Dead. He's like, dad, this is really good. I said, I know I've seen it. Like, is in he's like, I really like Glenn. I was like, yeah, good luck with that one. You know, Glenn of course got taken it out same time. Abraham did, but, but I was like, you know, he's like,
you know he's He's watching YouTube and watching all this stuff about Walking Dead, and he calls me into the room, and he's like, Dad, did you know Glenn dies? I said, oh, buddy, do I? Yeah. And he's like, you didn't tell me? I said, why would I spoil the fucking life-ruining scene that ruined my life, too? Because that was heartbreaking.
I'm kind of over the whole zombie television shows. I agree. It's so, I mean, I love playing the zombie games. The problem I had with it is it, it was like, Oh, much like Terrifier two too long. You can cut about, guys david don't get me wrong. I love Glenn. I thought he was a great character. Also, he didn't even make it out of the first book. Right. Daryl Dixon died in like the second page. but Really?
Yeah. But they became favorite favorites and they said they kept them alive. But I did like the Glenn character. You know, obviously everybody likes Daryl Dixon. Um, I got over Rick real quick. He's still arrived. Yeah. he's the guy trying to kill him a someone Yeah. No, Michonne and him are a couple.
I think the show's called the ones that lived or something like that. You know, no I, I, I stopped watching. Like I said, season five, season six. Um, I watched the first season of fear of the walking dead, which was kind of the quote unquote prequel. Yeah. Shaka Shaka said it just now. The moment Glenn was fucking bashed, dude, that show changed. I'm not saying it changed from the worst, but it changed.
It was jeie did got admit the know is definitely different. the The show went totally different from the graphic novel. yeah just yeah it It was good. It was just different.
and I got Terrifier 3 to successfully record. Nice. and happy I actually got it set up so when we're done, I can watch it. It means I'll be down here for another. How long is it? I'm not going to tell you. Oh, you're such an asshole. I know. It's shorter than the Joe Rogan experience with the Trump card last night. ha ha yeah
I'm telling you, buddy, you should watch it. It's two hours. It's two hours. I probably will watch it. And I'm sure by the time I watch it, the electional From what I did see, from what I did see, from what I did see, Joe Rogan actually was the most intelligent person in that whole entire conversation, which is very weird to say for me. Wow. That's a biased opinion. No, actually it's a non-biased opinion.
Because I literally think Joe Rogan is one of the dumbest people like in like multimedia. ah But yet his interview guest last night was even dumber. yes see I think that's your bias showing up, buddy. Because I get it. It's not. He waffles. It's not at all. He does waffles. Trump. trump trump You know what? I don't want to get into this right now. I'm sorry. sorry Come on, let's have an argument. No, no. You left wing liberal communist pussy. This is not the form for that.
I enjoyed it. Like I said, we got done last night and I fucking, I was like, I'll watch a little bit and I'll go to bed. Next thing you know, I'm like, fuck, it's been three hours. I know. I'm sitting there trying to go to sleep and we're sending messages back for, this is my fault too. Yeah. But at one point I'm like, okay, I'm done. I'm going to bed. Well, same thing today. Cause we, we got as it because today.
I turned on YouTube and the first thing that popped up was a, um, with some clips from that, uh, commentated by Midas, Midas touch. And, um, so that's what, that's what spawned that i would love the conversation. i you you My TikTok algorithm to yours, I really would. Cause I guarantee it's a hundred percent, 80, 180 degrees. Oh, I'm sure, but I'm sure mine's like full of more educated people too.
that's just your i mean i'm all the right yeah No, no i no, I don't. I don't say that at all because I literally, I i don't listen to like news. I listen to like lectures.
Okay. Well, see, the the weird thing is, is, like, my TikTok, I, you know, it's it's it's a shit ton of car stuff. Very few politics, although it's sprinkled in there. But it's usually, you know, it'll be something funny. Of course, we all get the stupid dumb broads that dance or whatever. um But it's it's it's usually restoration, crafty shit.
I don't watch TikTok. I just go on there and debate. I don't actually watch anything on TikTok. Oh, really? I don't know. Yeah, no, I don't watch anything on TikTok. Occasionally, yeah, but no I I literally i't well I don't watch anything on tick tock if I sense This is something my wife was saying this the other day She said, you know, if if you she said Jeff if you send me something I know it's gonna be something I like because you know what I like like if I like the the football trivia that I was doing while you're away I Debated sending that to Glick and I was like, yeah, he doesn't watch fucking tick-tock. So
But like you, I know you're you're huge in the AI. So I sent you all those AI programs because I was like, I'm not going to test them off. I know who will. Blaze, here you go. So some of them are, since some of them has point me some has pointed me to some different apps. Man, I am drunk. I'm not going to lie. I love getting you drunk. But ah um But like the other things I found is like yeah there's a couple of people I followed that they showed. It's like websites. You didn't know that they existed. I fucking love those because like there's there's literally a website that you can go on to and it's an entire flight simulator game and you can pick any fucking airplane. It proves that the Internet has no end. Oh, oh it's ridiculous.
the The AI ones, they get a little bit redundant for me. But I do, I do like seeing a bunch of the AI art show up on my page. I fucking love it. When you go on, when you go on YouTube or TikTok, do you go on there and just let the algorithm show you stuff and you go on there and specifically look for things? Very rarely do I look for things. I let me whatever pops up on my FYP pops up on my FYP. Okay.
when When I go on YouTube or TikTok, I don't really go on TikTok for looking for anything, but when I go on YouTube looking for something, I specifically type in what I'm looking for. yeah I do that on and do that on YouTube.
um like when i When I started the Jeff's Garage podcast, i I started a YouTube channel for it. And the problem that I had with YouTube prior to that was my kids used my YouTube channel.
So I have like, I get 4,000 subs. He's got algorithms to care about. Zero care about. but My kids watch that. I don't know if you've seen this guy, Mark McPyer. I can't, I don't know how to say his name. Mark McPyer or something like that. Yeah. He's actually got a funny, but it's him and his buddies play these fucking video games. Um,
But my kids will watch him for days on end. no And I'm like, I don't want i want to see that shit. So I've designated the rule, like, if you can watch all the YouTube you want on my old page, stay off the Jeff's Garage podcast YouTube page. So I have all my car shit, all my movie shit. I have, like I said, I watch a lot of, I like to watch people build shit.
My new favorite is the... Have you ever heard of these guys that grind hard plumbers? They take... they They literally take Barbie power wheels and then turn them into an ACB.
I just watched them take... There's a... There's... It's a... I can't remember what it's called. It's a little Honda scooter style motorcycle. It's got 4 horsepower. And they put a 700cc street bike motor on it.
is fucking Why don't you, why don't you do that show in Jeff's garage? The thing is though, it's like, unless I have somebody else to talk to about it. Yes, I get that. I can't, I can't, I can't do it. I can't, I'm one of those people who can't do it. I can't host a show by myself either. No, I get that. To find somebody that can keep up with all the stuff I watch is impossible.
because I watch everything and anything. Back in the... We know. We know. Well, back in the early 2000s, there was a show on... Back in the early 2000s, the only thing I fucking went on the web for is E-box World. No, no, no. No, I'm talking about like regular broadcast television. There was a show called Dave Tracy's Gears.
And it was it was one of those car shows where he would build cars, but not in a single episode. It would take a month to build the one car. It's like, today, we're going to show you how to take your 86, you know, full-size van and make it cool and your new grille and show you how to do it. It was like, you know, a very motor trend TV kind of style. I love watching his shit.
Word. But like, I can watch stuff like that and just fall asleep to it. And then, you know. you've gonna past me know ah love You know, when I fall asleep to, I fall asleep to thunderstorm sounds. I do too. I do the one on the 10th. I do the one on the 10th. I play the one with the 10th. I like that one. You know, when I fall asleep to.
Sex. True. I'm saying it because I'm single and I'm jealous. No, I'm joking. I mean, that's not a good thing to fall asleep to. in and yeah ruy night not talking Now we know why I believe he's a single. He's just like, oh yeah. yeah like Just figured it out.
middle I guess sleep is boy said, I said, you know what I fall asleep to and believes it's like sex. like that You're not supposed to fall asleep. Now we know what there's a reason why click has 14 different exes. He falls asleep 30 seconds. Sleep is more important. I don't care. who yeah bla that won't grow up But to put it on you, yeah, you like it.
and arch olympic about it now we fall asleep too we fall asleep shows married day i I do that too. You know, my newest thing I found I found a whole bunch of audiobooks that they play in one Episode on YouTube and I'll put those on and then lie down and like 10 minutes in I'm asleep. I'm i'm actually listening to Hitchhiker's got it in galaxy book completely different from the movie you'll do that Sometimes so she's got a little audiobook app or or what is that thing? Is it audiobooks where Matthew McConaughey reads to you?
It's calm. I want Matthew McConaughey to read to me. Read to me, right? I'm in. All right. All right. All right. All right. Are you ready to go? I get older. Could you imagine Matthew McConaughey reading you good night stories from Penthouse fucking Forum?
ah I would be out of fluids by the end of the night. He's reading Dr. Seuss. He does it like he does those beauty commercials.
even in je like his The universe is vast. is like
Bobcat Goldwaite can read to you. to I will never be able to sleep. I never liked his stick. I didn't like his stick. I liked his stick. I mean, I liked his stick. I never liked him. I never liked him. Why not? I just found it annoying as shit.
chris rock in there what is the deal with green egg seen hey motherfucker It's annoying when he talks like that on the regular, like during an interview, like his characters, it was fine. Yeah, but his actual voice because he's not like that. Yeah. Cause I remember way back when he was on an episode of, um,
Tales from the Crypt. He was uh, he was a but he was a aspiring ventriloquist and his voice was wise there's Episodes one remember of that episode. Oh my god blast from the past childhood. Yes I used to go to sleep too when I was younger on the weekends um remember when we first got hbo and it was just like what is this a hidden gem called tales from the because I knew about creep show. I love the creep show and I used to read the film show comics and stuff like that. But we had that first time that I heard the kikko the Krip Keeper cackle. I was like, this is my new favorite show. I love it. I still do. Because I don't know where is the monster. You guys have to watch the show monsters.
It was a show in each week. It was a different horror story, but it was called monsters. It was, it was, it was some good TV. I think, uh, well, there's actually a couple of things called monsters. Well, this was, no this I'm not talking about, I'm not talking about series from 1988 to 1990. That's the one.
A horror anthology about a family of monsters watching different horror stories every week on their TV. That's the one. Amazing. That's actually a really good show. I'm not mad at that. thats That's actually a good concept. They should break shit like that back. That was like I was like the wish version of. It would be great to bring shit like it would be great to bring shit like that back. But we got people that watch stuff like Jeff and then.
Yeah, I'm fucking with you, man. No, but like, oddly enough, I don't watch a bunch of weird shit. I just watch. Oh, I watch weird. It's like what I do. If it's not like serious. On YouTube, the stuff I watch on YouTube, it's like ASMR of the mechanical.
You know, it's like people building shit. I love watching Adam Savage from Midbusters. He's got a ah channel. It's called Tested.
And he just builds it. He just turns on the camera and builds something. I fucking love it. You know, I watched one episode of his where he... It was weird. It was that same show, but...
he, instead of talking about making stuff, he actually talked about the difference between agnosticism and atheism. And I caught that segment. Really? And I was really, I, yeah, yeah, I did. Dude is like, it popped up on, it popped up on my, my, my, my, my algorithm algorithm. And when I heard him say all that, yeah, right. I was very disappointed in Adam Savage's philosophical view on agnosticism and atheism.
Well, you know, uh, he does, he does lives every once in a while where people will send in questions. And I think that's what I watched, but, but my point, but my point is like, I've seen, like I'm aware of his show and I think it's good, but for some weird reason, my algorithm, that's the one I taught. And it's not, it's not tainted. It's not tainted. Cause he's still, he is a very smart individual.
And i do i I hold that guy in a very high... um I have very high respect for that guy. Yeah. Well, the one thing I find... i You said you watched just the one episode or have you seen a couple of his episodes? um familiar I'm familiar with his work. He's got a weird obsession with boxes.
Like he, everything he buys, he's like, I got to build a box for this. I'm like, really, dude? he's And space suits, like spacesuits. He is an eccentric individual. Yes. I'll say that. But in the best way possible. I don't, I don't think there's any person that, that isn't,
Is an eccentric that is a bad person at the same time too. So no, but like when I say Let's hear us do that. way possible serial killer i Yeah, on the day ah love yeah Wow, I know words words they hardon humbly oo Words are getting harder when I'm drunk. Yes, they are No, but like uh One of the things I've i've watched him do, ah yeah we've all seen the the Ron Perlman's Hellboy.
He built a full-size replica of Hellboy's gun out of a solid chunk of aluminum. Like he put it on the lathe and he milled it out the whole nine yards. It was like a nine-part series.
And for nine weeks, every time ah my kids and I, it's hard look and we would watch it like, oh my gosh. it's It's like that weird mechanical perfection because he does strive for perfection in his build. Like if I built it, I'm like, I cut it out of wood. There you go. It doesn't look a thing like it, but it's the same size. Close enough. We've seen some new here.
It functions, go play with it. But he he built it like, well he did he did do a lot of work on a lot of movies. I'm gonna show y'all example of Jeff's. Hold on, that. Oh, my YouTube channel? No, i had i had I had a picture in my mind, but I can't remember where it is now. Something I built?
something you made on for for the internet. And I'm like, oh that's good. If we were going for the toilet paper roll holder. I'm talking about Jeff's garage and fucking nonsense nonsense and chill. fucking chin The garage.
like but It's a garage. you took You took a picture of a garage you found on Google and Plastered. I put i Our our thumbnail and put it on the garage door. It's on the garage door. It is on the garage door. And it fit the garage door, so I was happy with it. Give me all of five minutes. I did. That's how long it took you. Well, I was my Internet was slow that day, too. So.
I'm looking for it. Oh, it's like one of the I swear I go to download shit and then I forget where I fucking download it to. Damn, one of the things one of the things I know about Jeff is if it's easy and it's quick, it'll be done as long as it doesn't involve any actual work.
I will find this. I downloaded this picture and I forgot where I fucking downloaded it to. That's how fucking drunk I am. I thought it was on. I thought it was on. People, people, people. Somebody come help me with my computer.
I don't think there's anything wrong with the with the computer. I think it's. No, it's definitely me. No, it's all me, man. It is all me. You know, I kind of want to watch this TV show, Monsters. I don't know. It's actually a really good show. I don't know. It's a it's a it's a great it's a great show.
but it's one of those like hidden gems because like I said, it was literally the Wish version of Creepshow or Tales from the Crypt that turned out to be a freaking gem. I remember asking my parents to stay up late on Friday nights to watch it because I'm pretty sure it was Friday nights. I'm checking the website.
I'm going to check the website. where are we watch our movies at, please. Ah, it should be on there. I don't know. I don't know. It is. I don't know the expanse of that website yet. It's there. All three seasons.
Uh, 24 episodes a season. Oh, nice. Yeah, it's a good show. Yeah, I don't need to leave. Well, then me and Link, i might i might I might want to watch it eventually one day. We might have to watch an episode or two. There you go. I don't want to watch a episode. Well, you know, I thought about doing a full series of something, but it was like, oh, that's a lot of work.
like to watch like a full TV series episode, speaking, speaking, there is become redundant. Here's, here's just a lot of work when it comes to online. It looks cool. the why What the hell? why want it shug on Okay.
So he took something I made and pasted its Google picture. Yeah, yeah. It got the point across. I did it for a thumbnail. Fair enough. I made it for a thumbnail, so it didn't have to be great compared to somebody else's thumbnails. My thumbnails are pretty good. Not your actions though.
ah dear yeah Again again Jeff when you do in order of what I do for this network, then you can criticize anything i ask why employ you do You do anything for this network you don't get to criticize anybody all you had to do is act For three years, I've been asking, hey, guys, I want you guys to post on social media. Hey, guys, I want you to help me make clips. Hey, guys, I want you to do this. Hey, guys, I want you. And you know what it happens? Absolutely fucking nothing. So I can make when you do a quarter of what I do for this network, then you can criticize anything at all that I do. OK, I suck. rich I make sure I can criticize all I want. When do you make clips? I put fucking out of the other day.
I like hormones.
i yeah I can't say much because I don't do much. I just like make shit like pictures. Funny song. i yeah I asked Blaze. I said, hey Blaze, I need a little help with this new show. Hey, don't worry. I got your Glick. Jeff failed you too. I saw his picture. Which one?
Yes. Is this it? That's not the one. What in the fuck is Cincinnati? Oh, that's not even Cincinnati. This is Texas or Vanderbilt. That's not the one I wanted. I was trying to find the the the Terrifier 3 thumbnail. Thumbnail is not any different than making a logo. You you act like creating a thumbnail. It's like some kind of creative masterpiece. I don't. I know it's it's it's not a creative masterpiece, but I didn you know put some thought behind it.
I go to Blaze and mainly because I know Blaze is already paying for all the AI crap. I don't know if you're paying for the AI stuff, Jeff. so that i raise for yeah some of it i bla just told me like trial Blaze was me all the crazy shit that he can do on his laptop last Saturday night. and I was like, Jesus Christ, dude, why aren't you making fucking logos and shit for all the shit?
Because I just got the basic free shit. You know, you're like, yeah I could do two pictures a day. I'm still trying to learn some of this stuff, though. My logo maker is really cool because I'm still learning that and that's all 100 percent free. And I'm still learning that. And the great thing about it is the more I learn about it, the more I can do with it. Like I just i discovered and thens simple stuff, too, that I discovered, yeah like my biggest problem is I can't remember where I fucking save shit.
My biggest problem is I've got to you label, yeah you know, the funny thing is, you know, Blaise will share his screen before we go live. He labels everything and then can't find it. I know, right? I don't label anything, but I have a folder for everything.
So, like, if it's for the network, it goes in a network folder. If it's for work, it goes in one of, like, 15,000 work folders. But I don't label anything. So, like, when I go to find exactly what I'm looking for, I have to watch everything and be like, oh, yeah, that's the one I wanted. Because I don't label it. My computer just decides where to put it, and I don't know where to fucking put it because I never fucking pay attention. No. When you save, save as. I do. I do say that. I just don't look at the freaking...
Oh, I have my computer set up that anything I say will automatically go to my download folder. I sent you that picture. Which one? I should be able to find it right here. There it is. I found it now.
Cool. Okay, sweet. Was that the terrifying one? No. No. man Chaka actually made a clip from tonight's show and sent it to me.
I made it. Okay. What do you want to see? I want to see. Talk about this.
That's the one. Yeah, I have it saved. That one, I think, I think that one looks better than that. And I'm not saying that to be buy. I okay. I'm saying no, but no, but at the end of the day, I did mine in less than five minutes. Where are you? I'm sure you spent some time on, but that reminds me. oh was i mean the line lay there I will send me the link track cartoon thing i thought i saved it i want to lay there I'm going to go to sleep. And then it's like, I get this spark of like, I'm going to create something instead. And then I'll just start finding shit together. Right. ah jordannna send you But I think this is a dope ass fucking thumbnail. I can't wait to post this on fucking YouTube. Like that's just fun.
What was that? You sent me the, I thought, did you send me the link for that cartoon maker? Who? I did not. I told you it was a cartoon-ified. Go to go to to Google Play and type in cartoon-ified. Oh, that's why. Because it was on my phone and I didn't have my phone when he told me.
but My kids had my phone at the time.
cartoon if I caricature make or what's that? Is that like the uh that's how that does our faces like this. Yeah. kimberleys Yeah. What? You uh you shit yourself over there bro. Almost. You need to you need to go check. I'll stop. I'll stop just shy and wet.
He's like, I trusted a little too long. My kid did on the airplane yesterday. Did he really? He shat himself. Oh, shit. Yeah. I want to ask him about that tomorrow. Oh, I will. Trust me. Apparently, Jay, Nicky's oldest one, shat himself on the plane yesterday. You know what? I've been here. I wish I knew somebody that had a kid in high school. I knew that went to high school. It was the worst day in one life. that we could get a couple diapers and I would give it to. I'll tell you what, Glick, go to a mom and pop style convenience store and some of them are selling them in packs of three. I had a DoorDash delivery the other day and it was at Walgreens and I went by and I walked up to the register. I was like, yeah, I'm here for a DoorDash and the lady fucking popped up this big bag of adult diapers.
And ah she had this look on her face like, oh my God, this is the most embarrassing thing I ever have to do. I took those diapers. I hit confirm and I swung those bitches with pride. I was like, this is going to an old lady that needs her fucking diapers. And I was happy about that. I was not embarrassed. So it was not your diapers. Why would you be embarrassed, dude? Exactly. We've had to pick up some of the craziest shit.
but when we do or dash oh um sex toys. Apparently Nikki picked up sex toys. awesome I have not had that opportunity yet. I want it from CVS. Really? I don't know. Yes. CVS has a whole array of sex toys now. Yeah. Behind the counter. Oh, behind the counter. That's not fun. I don't think any my sex toys behind the counter. I keep them up front. and Personal.
Right? you Put him on display like a real man.
just bro Up and inserted. wait like Whoa. Calm down there, buddy. Jesus. Don't you tell me how to live my life. Don't tempt me with a good time. Never.
Don't you tell me how to live my best life, you son of a bitch. He said up front and inserted.
I hear you twice. Yeah. Who's listening to us? I don't know. It's not me. Not me. um this I'm going to play. Chris, you're so quiet tonight, man.
and I'm gonna hear you guys talk. My little girl.
my my My screen on my side is frozen, so all y'all are frozen. And I see Chris over here like this. Judy, sexy time music.
Well, he's is' going to start doing things terrible to himself. No, not in front of the camera, at least.
You know, I saw clips of this movie. Now I want to stay and watch the whole thing. What's that? Terrifier 3.

Military Anecdotes and Humor

I thought you guys were watching it in advance.
We do, what's that but neither one of us has watched it. it's like yeah Because the one thing we noticed, then we why he's will on yeah we watched one and then we watched two, both of us, prior to watching one online. And then we, I, at least for me, I kept going, that scene's coming up. And I was like, oh shit, that's the second movie.
so i i' seen one and i see I had already seen one and two before Jeff ever did because I like horror movies. so this this This was definitely a first for Jeff. Not only that, pre-watching the movie because when we do our show, we're watching the movie behind the scenes. right sort of like a Just to let us know where we're at during the conversation. but
Because I am a stoner, and that's just the way I have to do things. Yeah. I don't give a fuck. What up, though?
So ham. Is that so ham? So ham. What? That ham's so. So ham. What's up?
India. Nice dude. Hell yeah. Well, welcome. Welcome to the US. s So. Welcome to the US. s yeah Welcome to the. Welcome to nonsensical nonsense, man. Hey, for those listening, we do have the open door challenge. We've got about an hour left of the show, so come on up.
drop that lane. I almost put the link for monsters.
I got it.
i just back you show be like what the hell is it since not um but
Oh, man. Unfortunately, unfortunately, Connor has left this tonight. But in English, and I want to fuck you, let me ride that. day yeah
hundred I want to ride that day.
You know, it doesn't make it any better when you guys quote him. It doesn't. It doesn't at all. It's not meant to be. Not at all.
What? Guess what I got? What'd you get today? A raise. I hope it's a raise. Oh She just started a new job. I remember you saying that. Yeah. How's how's that going? Yeah, it's a new job. I don't know. Hold on one second. Yeah. I was going to say, yeah, find out how the new job's going because somebody got in trouble. Well, somebody's in trouble.
All right, Chris. It's all in your hands, dude. Carry us on. Oh, it's all you, buddy. You got this. Tell us the story. He's like you motherfuckers. I'm not happening. That's okay. Neither do I. I am fucking dry, dude. Well, you're not. I have a story. I have a story. So, what? I'm ready.
alright so this was
Don't Well, look at my I'm following it. Sounds better. Well, I'm following it. There was nothing to see. You didn't want to see it. Right? Exactly. Exactly. Oh, he's talking. I thought he was talking to Nicky. And I was like, wow, she's mad because he saw something. I muted him because I thought that's what I thought was going on. You can hear me now. OK. He's obviously talking to somebody on the phone.
It sounds like he's talking to us some of these kids. Anyway, like if you hear me, I muted you because you're doing that. Yeah. um But yeah, tell us your story, Blaze. Oh, this was at my first base. um And this was at my second shop. I had already worked trailer maintenance, and I switched over to storage maintenance. This is just to mean issues, terminology, but that's not important.
I get there and I'm in the smoke shack and it was during the winter. So it was snow all over the fucking place. right i'm so um So I'm at the smoke pit. I'm smoking a cigarette. Just me and a few other airmen. Well, this one staff sergeant comes out and remember this is like my first base. So I'm like a peon.
He comes out and he makes this comment as he's smoking a cigarette that, you know, back in my day, when we had new people in the shop, we'd whitewash them in the snow and blah, blah, blah. And then he, he flicks a cigarette, puts it out and goes back inside. And the moment he leaves every other airman out there fucking tackles me, throws me in the snow and whitewashes my ass.
no i get enough clear dude I'm not pissed at them. i dude I pick up a big fucking bunch of snow. I make a fucking snowball. I walk into the shop and across the office, I chuck that shit and I hit that staff starting across the fucking face.
He gets up, he runs across the fucking shop, picks me up on my blouse, throws me on the table I'm standing in front of, rears back, he's about to hit me, but he stops. He stops because he know he fucked up. Anyway, I get an LOC for insubordination, but it never left the shop. I don't know what punishment he got, but it never left the shop because if it had left the shop,
He'd be fucked. Oh yeah. on this Yes, yes. Because he instigated the hazing and I defended myself. I never got hazed. Oh, dude. My eye got hazed a lot. No, I won't say I got hazed a lot.
But a lot of people wanted to push my buttons, I guess, sort of say after that point. i stand because i had you swept the age this one Because I had this reputation that what's what's this I wasn't part of the in-group because I didn't accept that sort of treatment.
okay so yeah yeah so when i was in the navy i you know when you're on if you uh you stand a post occasionally night night oh crap the first time you saw the equator uh perfect children all of you i had literally had an lt come over and he says she does you're on watch tonight so but We need you to by crossing the equator. We need you to stand on the bow and let us know when the when you see the buoys so we don't hit them. Yeah. Because he had me believing that there were buoys just wide enough for the ship to go past and motherfucker. I'm out there respects the whole night.
I shit you not, dude. I'm up there. Shit. And next morning I'm like, did we, did we cross? And he's like, yeah, about our you motherfucker.
they're clasping their as
you That reminds me of story. That reminds me of story of a fucking new crew chief. So ah here's, here's the thing. jets like an F-16 does not take a key to start. This new crew chief didn't know what to believe that day. They had this motherfucker walking up to the wing commander's office asking for keys for an F-16.
The wing commander fucking The wing commander was a little bit compassionate. He did give this airman like a little ribbing, but he came down harder on that airman supervision for doing really. Yes. Yes. Did you say, did you say?
Wing commander or wing? Wing, wing, W-I-N-G, wing commander. Wing, as in clapping legs. Yes. It's Air Force. The Air Force had wing commanders. We had, because like, because the Air Force lives in fucking ah cosplay land, just like Space Force does, yeah so. Yeah. So we make shit up like... Last two branches, last two branches in, get to make up all the shit.
Fuck yeah, we do, dude. We make up that fucking crazy cool shit. Like laser. Like sitting on a desk and putting your feet up. I had a couple of jobs like that. Yes, I did. I'm not going to. I know. You were in the Air Force. Everybody in the Air Force was a cushy job. But I only worked in munitions control a couple of times in my career. Other than that, I was out fucking humping bombs.
And I think any job you had, ah I'll take any job you had in the Air Force. Oh, I bet. i I bet you would, man. You living on and Navy, man, living on aircraft carrier. Fucking sucks.
Eight weeks of buds. I'll take any. jesse That's why the Air Force has the smarter people, though, because we know where to go.
Not the Navy, not the Army, not the Marines.
That's why Marines are called Jarheads, because they're empty. Agreed. Nicky's son's been living the life in Italy for the last few years, so and he's an Air Force. Exactly, exactly. He had a deployment and he was at like a five-star hotel going out on the town door network.
m patchey and we and enjoying it at the same time. There's nothing wrong with that. Yeah. we said Is this kid in the military or is he on freaking vacation? very Right. However, he has 24 weeks of floods. I will literally take any job at the airport. I spent trading 24 weeks of I spent two years living on an island of Guam. And was not hard at all. I fucking loved it. like it There was a lot of hard work. but Hard work for the Air Force is like nap time for the Navy. Dude, I was a munitions troop. Please stop. That was a lot of hard work, a lot of explosions too.
But there's never anything wrong with explosions. Yeah, there is. There is. There is. There is some theres some bad things. The first couple of times. It's pretty cool. My point. My point being is. If you can if if you can find a job, regardless of the military, or not that you get to travel the world and experience different cultures and literally why I joined the Navy, it's do it, do it. Literally why I joined the Navy.
if you If you want to join the military just to explore the world and you're okay with that, fucking do it. You know what? My my recruiter told me something that literally was the best thing anybody can tell you before you join the military. Don't watch TikTok. No, no, no, no.
it didn't exist No, they said don't watch you If anything seems if anything seems mildly interesting to and they asked for a volunteer volunteer I Agree. Yes. Yes, you know like I that I was helping out one of the one of the mechanics and they had to I At first I thought it was a joke. They had to check the propeller on a battleship. And he's like, we need a volunteer that can scuba. And I was like, you're fucking with me. I'll fucking do it. I'm in. And we scubed all the way down to a propeller of a fucking battleship. It was fucking insane. It sounds fun. It was blast. Couldn't see shit, but it was he literally
He was like, he you know he wanted to fuck with you. He's like, go get the propeller wrench. And I was like, are you serious? What's a propeller wrench? It doesn't exist. How you get that while you're underwater? No, no, no. It was be because we're getting ready to dive. And he's like, go get the propeller wrench. And I was like, what's it look like? he It looks like a really big pipe wrench. I said, how' how's really big? It's about 18 feet. And I went,
He's like, that's bigger than I am. I was like, Jesus Christ, dude, what's it weigh? He's like, a lot. And I started to walk away and he starts giggling. I was like, you ask. Cause he was dead serious. And he's like, go get the propeller. It's 18 feet long. And I was like, I don't think you're quite prepared to deal with what And then when you get down to the propeller, it's like 15 of me tall. And I was like, yeah, that wrench didn't exist. I know why he laughed.
do But for like a good minute, I was like, motherfucker serious? Did you go ask for it? No, no, because I started to walk away. I was like, sure and he starts giggling.
And I was like, yeah, you got me there. He's like, i said I couldn't hold it in. He said, if I could have held it in, if I could have kept a straight face, would you go on and ask for it? I said, a hundred percent. It's like asking keys for a fucking age heater. Yeah.
Well, ah when I first started in construction, now, Glick knows this, I've been building stuff since birth. But first day on construction, right after high school, before I left for the Navy, they were like, go get the board stretchers. I get doesn't exist. They're like, Oh, I was like, Yeah, I know all the tricks. yeah What is your opinion on a muffler bearing?
there in There is there is there's actually a park called a muffler bearing there is there is what you think it is No, exactly. It's not what you think it is. Yeah. No, the other thing is the blinker fluid. I've done that to the kids. I like that. Did you know you can go to O'Reilly's dot com and look up the flux capacitor and they have the part number before it? Yeah. The part number is I think it's 1.21 GW gigawatts. I think you're right. Yeah. Yeah.
know I just think that's fun. Like out of all the auto parts store, when O'Reilly goes, I have a part number for, for a flux capacitor. I mean, that is the company to work for. That's just right. No, the best one. So Toyota landfruits have a.
have a seal between the transmission and the and it's it's between the it's I didn't want to go down into a deep car conversation. No, no, it's okay. ah No, but this is where it's funny. It's not's okay. But here we go.
it's a great It's a one more story for you. No, yeah the the joke is you go into O'Reilly's or a Pep Boys or whatever and say, I need a transfer seal, and you give them the part number. Can you you call them and say, can you tell me what it looks like? And when you see it, it literally looks like a cock and ball. You have to tell me what the seal is. Let's see. I can't remember what it's called. I have to look it up. Yeah, I believe it's for Toyota. Cock and ball seal. The cock and ball seal, yep.
I think it's a transfer. Don't don't ever blow a seal. No, you'll end up like Mark and Brian.
Do not do not molest the wildlife. There's a pack of dolphins out there that will that will grape you to death. And then your show will have to be AI. They got raped by dolphins while trying to blow a seal.
Game over boys. It's a what? Pump gasket. It's a what? It's the gasket that you're, you, you ask for is for a water pump for a, I think it's an 86 Toyota. And I have a picture of what the water seal or what the, what the water pump looks like. But you, the joke is you call pet boys and you say, can you tell me what it looks like? So I can see that's the one I need. And it looks like this.
Oh, OK. That looks like a that looks like a dick with a ball stack. It does. It absolutely does. It's missing. It's missing. It's the tip. It's missing just the tip. I can't find that right away.
There's an Instagram page called it's that looks like a dick.
Have you heard? Why am I not surprised you know that? I just found it because I put in I put in my Google search Toyota seal. It looks like a cop. Or is this is this is this kind of like you accidentally watching tranny porn for four hours. um Look at this. This is hilarious. Hold on. You accidentally watch tranny porn. Wait, what? Yeah, just just before.
no yeah he he spends four hours and they try to look for pictures that look like after he said it and i question him i'm like what
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. He's like my wife's right around. I have to look at fucking. I look at.
Jeff's like, there ain't nothing better than two trainees banging each other. Let me tell you what. You know what you know what the better thing is? Dude, if your tranny is banging, you might want to change the fluid.
and they're saying There's a TikTok video where this guy, he's driving to his car and it's like he built this souped up truck or whatever. And his buddy's like, you ever blow the motor? He's like, no, but I blew a tranny. He's like, oh, really? What car? And he's like, Bob.
Oh God, why am I having this? Jesus Christ. I was like, Jesus Christ, I didn't see that coming. No, he says, he says, he says, no, I've had a fluid train. He's like, what car was it? He was like, him, her.
I saw that the other day. i was Oh my god. Why am I laughing because it's so funny. I saw that on TikTok the other day and I'm lying in bed. I was getting ready to get up to go get up for work or go to the store or something. and I'm watching TikTok and I saw it as I'm getting ready to get off the bed and fell off the bed laughing.
Oh man. He's like, you ever blow a motor? He said, nope, but I blew a train. He was. Really? What kind of car? He hurt. I wanted to use that joke. I saw that. I thought that was funny. I spent 20 minutes today trying to fucking argue with the guy who thought fucking they then could not be using singular vernaculars. It was weird. I have to use that joke. I can use that. I mean, they, them are plurals at the end of the day. Technically, them are also used singular too. Yeah, I know. We're basically breaking all laws of science and English grammar just to appease people that belong in a loony bin.
No, not. No, not. Yes. How can you do that as a singular place? And my broaster is one of those people that I firmly believe belongs in a loony bin. Not because not because he's my broaster, but because he's a lunatic. Yeah, I know Jeff. He's a.
he's this person and they like to do this and blah blah but yeah you can use that but it's not proper grammar that's not proper grammar it is it is proper grammar using they and every every dead english teacher is rolling over in their grave right now i don't care how my pronouns are we and us words, words are not, words are not prescriptive. They're descriptive and they change over time. So it makes sense. Oh yeah. No, trust me. Those words like yeet and on fleek and shit like that. That's in the dictionary right now. So yeah, the English, it ain't no wonder people, you know, like the English language is one of the wonder why other countries hate America. Let's be honest. Wait, hold on. Hold on. You think English words are the only ones that change over time?
Well, I don't know. I don't know. right So I don't know. No, I'm not saying that. All words, like all words work that way, though, didn't no matter what the language is. I don't know. I speak English and I barely do that very well. All I know is my new pronouns are we. Me too. Me too. Me too. That's OK. I identify as a problem. So I'll be right back.
He absolutely is a fucking problem.
in a goddamn menace. A menace to society while drinking gin and juice. Don't be a menace to self-central logic in your gin and juice. What are we saying to the new man we meet, kids?

Appreciation for Comedy and Movies

i make a movie yeah I love that goddamn movie. Okay. It's a good movie, man. You have a problem. The Wayans brothers, man, they are comedic geniuses when it comes to some of their shit, man. Yeah, I you know. I've always been a big fan of the of the Wayans. They do some pretty good serious movies, too. I mean, you know, was it um ah Damon was in The Last Boy Scout with Bruce Willis? Yeah. i love that movie
oh that's an oldie I ain't seen that in a while. Dude, you should, you should pick a movie and come up on our show one night and we'll review that movie. Yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. and Talking to Nicole over here. The TikToks. She used her full name.
Nikki, what's your favorite movie? Nikki, what's your favorite movie? you know he This is currently yelling in my ear. What's your favorite movie? I was going to say, you know, he's got headphones on, right? I do. I do. I don't care.
beauty and the beast
Sweet Home Alabama, she said. I do like that movie. Is that the one who re-spills food? Okay, I've seen that, yeah. That's the one where she's yelling at them. She gets back home from the divorce, right?
Yeah. Yeah. Cause that's got that one line where she's yelling at him like, and he's like, you're a hoity toity bitch or something like that. yeah Why won't you sign the papers? No, the best, the best is she comes. She's like, hi honey, did you miss me? He says, no, but from this distance, my aim is
That's like the alunddy Al Al Bundy. You miss me with every bullet so far. now No. No, but it's also got what's his name from Tremors. Earl. He plays her dad. What's his name?
ah I couldn't tell you. Oh, my God. I know his name. I think I know your dog. Earl. ward Fred Ward. Fred Ward. With the mustache. No. Fred Ward doesn't have a mustache.
And then I don't know who the fuck you're talking about. you You'll know him instantly as soon as I show him to you.
it's a It's... It in Tremors with Kevin Bacon. Okay. There's a lot of people in Tremors.
not really There's a lot of people. Yeah, there's one guy the guy I'm thinking of. He played in a show with Michael J. Fox. That's the guy I'm thinking of. Hold on. Loading. This guy. Yeah. No, that's not the guy I was thinking of. Sorry. I was going to say who? who a
Michael J Fox. Yeah, he he was in Trimmers. He was the he was the militia dude. Oh, oh yeah, his name is. um He played he Michael Gross is his name. He played Reba McIntyre's husband. I think yep, that's the guy. Yeah, he was he was the the survivalist, so to speak. Yeah, he played in a show with Michael J Fox.
Oh, yeah, he didn't he played he played on family ties. That's the one. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. See, I just have to explain it. I don't know the names, but Jeff does. Yeah. I love family ties. See, that's see on a on a show when we review movies, that's some good fucking skills to rely on.
that's because I've seen all the movies. Yeah, exactly. Like, like i so I stopped having a Netflix subscription because I was like, I've seen it this all. I've seen everything here. And everything else is born. Dude, I have not I've been I honestly, I've been going to YouTube more for shit because I can't find anything good on Amazon or fucking Netflix or Hulu anymore. It's just like and problem it's just all fucking regurgitated recycled bullshit when it comes to fucking I watching something this ah started to watch something the other day that i I wanted to see. I think it was on Prime.
yeah Was it Jeff Smalls? No, daas no ah Legend. The Tom Hardy movies? Like Legend with Tom Cruise? No, Legend. It's Tom Hardy plays a gangster, but he also plays his twin. I don't think Tom Hardy's the great actor everybody thinks he is. Oh, dude, he's genius.
I think, I think you're, you're, he's, he's not bad, but he's not bad, but he's not like great. Like, honestly, like, okay. So they might be take good role he played great as Bayne. I liked him Tom Hardy in Venom is a reason why I don't like Venom. I think he sucks at that role. Really? Yes. I only watched Venom because Tom Hardy was in it. I watched Venom because I like Venom. Tom Hardy ruined Venom for me. Really? Yeah. I didn't like the second one. He sucks at that role. Harrelson's character. like i don't That franchise,
is overrated. It's not good. It's not great. It's not good. Like the Venom franchise sucks.
But this isn't a discussion for right now. No, no, no, no. No, but like i watch I started watching Legend. I can't get into it. That's the problem. It's not that they're bad. He's a bad actor or anything. It's just the slowest movie in the history of the world.
Like you've started to watch it. Legend. Is that the one with the twins? Yeah. No, I haven't started to watch it. I want to watch it. I want to watch it. I just, I don't like, I don't, I don't have a lot of time to just sit down and watch movies. Um, and typically like,
If I'm not doing this, Nikki and I are watching Criminal Minds or we're watching, you know, we, we randomly watch movies together. Um, or not really, we, you we Sundays and whatnot. We will watch movies. We'll watch movies with the kids, but like today, well, last, last Saturday, you know, um, with Nikki having to work all day, which I only got a couple more Saturdays of that. but Um,
I might try to watch a movie or something. Cause I don't really have any television shows that Mickey and I don't watch together. So there's some, some random movies out there. Like last weekend, I think I watched, um, or the weekend before I can't remember when it was, I watched the new Winnie the Pooh movie, which I actually liked the second one. It was much better than the original. And then today, because all these, all these old characters and filmmakers are now just doing it just to spite Disney.

Horror Films with Disney Characters and Photography Ventures

And I love it.
Oh, these characters are reaching their hundred year mark. So they're free use. Once you hit a hundred years, you can't copyright a character anymore. So it becomes free use. I just watched this movie called mouse trap and it was a horror movie with the killer in the movie wore the old 1920s Mickey. You remember like the steamboat, ah steamboat Willie. yeah i nice Yeah. The steamboat Willie, like Mickey Mouse. out So.
Yeah. it And it was a decent movie, but then the ending was just really dumb and like, like there was no closure at all at the end of this movie. So I was just like, that was kind of a huge letdown at the end of the day. Well, no, but like, I still haven't even invent finished Bad Boys for life. Because it's a little slow for me. Well, Nikki and I watched that to together because i was so I was so upset and I was so angry because we had to spend the whole day watching a bad boy's marathon. And I was just so mad. and Really disappointed in myself. I was so, so I didn't like it. Frustrated. I glad it that they're like didn't really do anything. I didn't like it. I mean, the only part I liked was Reggie whooping everybody's ass. That was it. ever other than that reggie yeah Reggie cook. Reggie cook, bro. Oh, hey. My man was like, yo, Ridge, you got
You got incoming and Reggie went off. I was like, let's go. The smartest thing Reggie does in that scene is crank up the TV because he's playing war games. Yeah. He's playing like Call of Duty or something. He cranked up the room. I love josh the show.
Five and a half hours ago. Five and a half hours ago. yeah I see that now. It was like seven o'clock. Come like I i am ah got yelled at. That's what Austin was calling about. ah Because I'm starting to promote my OnlyFans again.
she wait why why hold the oh Why is Austin angry about your O.F.? That's because she's because she's like your your kids follow. Yeah. And I'm like, well, don't fucking follow me. And then her friends got that part. Hawk to a girl was was there. and She was like, can I get a discount? She's going to take it up with my manager. like He was like, you know,
Do you? Who has it? So because I know you, you're going to be double. Which one? Is that clip on here? Oh, no. I don't have it. I know it's on. It's on. It's on. What's up. What's up. Is it? OK. That's a fun. That's a good clip. I thought we had it on here. I didn't know. Like when you say when you say you have an OF, I honestly always thought you were just joking. No, I really have an OF. Please. No, he does. OK.
Uh, and it was, and I, and I was, I was, uh, I was honestly joking about it. Uh, and Nicki was the one that told me to do it. I was like, all right, put my wiener on the internet. Cause we, we talked about it. We talked about it on the show. And like we, we talked about one night we're like, would you ever?
that loss
no So it's it's there's there's there's there's no nudity on my only fans but I didn't say there was But not much is left to the imagination
Sorry. and malcolm and I'm sitting here. I feel sorry for your daughter's friends because they're like finding that stuff. I'm joking. I don't care. No, I do. read But here's the but here's the thing I have a separate Instagram page for it. You know what I mean? I don't put it on my personal page. Okay. So ah but yeah.
Yeah. And now my, my personal tikok page, my personal take down page. I told him, and I told him from jump street, you know, the kids all know that I have one unfollowing. It's that easy. If they don't want to see unfollow.
Yeah. Okay. Well, tell your friends not to but can follow me. then i don't know what's really cause They're making that choice. Not you. yeah Yeah. I'm forcing them. They're all of age and consenting adults. I'm not, it's not like I'm going to be like, are you following me? Give me your phone. Now subscribe to my OnlyFans. Boyfredo is yelling at her. Zavante, Zadarius, Zavante, Harris.
Junior, the third, was yelling at her, don't you knock your dad's side, Hustle. Don't worry, Dan, I got your back.
but We all got a hustle, man. We all got to put food on the table in the day, boys. Speaking of hustling, if anybody wants a photographer for their OF page, I'm available. Blaise, Blaise, you want to take my naughty pictures? I don't care. It's all professional. Look at your shots. No, no, I'm serious. I have that line from personal and professional. well you know Why you keep putting my dick in your mouth? This doesn't seem to be professional. Not super professional. No dick in my mouth. Zero dicks in my mouth. i So be professional. Ladies is like, don't question my artistic
Creativity. doing Exactly. no but if you know No, so so I had a friend, I had a friend, I had a friend in Michigan and he asked me if I would take those ah risque bedour photos with him and his wife. And at first I said, no, this is like when I really started getting into photography. But now me now I'm like, yes, I will. I'll do it. Just stick.
Nikki, Nikki has a friend that does that. And we had talked about doing one of those couple of shoots, but it was stupid expensive. Oh my God. It was like, yeah. Ridiculously expensive. You guys do like, an I would do it for free because I've never done it before. And and I would like to do it for the experience. So blas will do free, but the water photos. Yeah.
know but like i i Only because I've never done them before so you would have to be patient with me as the artist as well. and he's never done it before but he would like to so like when i page my first move year i worked in a but costume it's it's she says like best fine score that's score um's cool that's cool i have i but i have I have a photographer mine for my only fans now.
Next time we're at the rest stop, boys, we'll take some pictures for my OM. Cheers.
No, but it is something it is something I've rethought and it's something that I do want to do. but yeah you i just Because I've never done it before. Because I haven't done it before and it is it is a personal thing. i wanted to do I want to do it with somebody that wants to do it, is comfortable with me doing it,
And as a learning experience in, in, in all that stuff. Yeah. And I get it. It's like when I first started doing body piercing and tattoos, I, I did, you know, the first time I ever had to pierce a nipple, everybody's like, Oh, you're going to see your boobs. Yeah. I'm not looking at that. I'm making sure I have it straight. Exactly. That's exactly Jeff. I'm not there to look at boobs. I'm layer. I'm there to take photos.
right Oh, yeah. You know, like, the first time I ever had to pierce a clit, my friends were like, Oh, my God, you're going to see her naked. Yeah, but once again, I'm making sure I don't do it wrong so she doesn't lose feeling in her sweat. Yeah.
Yeah, you're not worried about doing the job right. I'll think about it later, but you know, it's what it, you know, the first time I ever did one. That's kind of a double for both of us. I kind of scared the shit out of you. That goes both ways. I didn't realize that. Wait, hold up. Hold up, Jeff. I want to hear Glick's story. What's going on? Yeah. What are you doing? Oh, Nicki's over here sending me TikToks. It's going both ways? Oh, okay. Nicki sent me TikToks and, uh,
Nikki gets nothing but won't shit cocks for me, by the way. Yeah. The one was like 400 pounds when he dies. Every time I find a cool recipe, I said it to Nikki. But then she did. She sent me one that said, forget going to a haunted house. Let's go to the cemetery so I can show you where you will be if you ever entertain another woman or decide I'm not the one for you. And then the last one she just sent me was this guy sitting in the car and he was like,
Hold on a second. I gotta wait for it. He said, boy, I swear I'll never understand how some of y'all motherfuckers are brave enough to cheat shit. My wife watches serial killer documentaries to relax and falls asleep to horror movies. Plus her bestie is even crazier than she is. I ain't trying to end up on the back of a milk party. I said that goes two ways.
We don't put missing persons on milk cartons anymore. That's unfortunate, because it was always funny. We don't have cartons. but Because I already have my alibi, and I already have my alibi, and I know that they won't extradite me from Mexico, so I already have my spot in Cancun. And that's going to be my alibi, and he's coming with me.
But but the great thing about it is I've talked about doing it so much that they're not even going to think about looking at me because they're going to be like, this asshole has said it so many times. There's no fucking way wait do that he would actually do it. I don't look at you until you do the show and you're just in the other room. No, no. You're so Sheesh. No, that's weird. Glick looks like he said Jeff OJ OJ got away with it.

Debating Notorious Trials and Justice Perspectives

Then he wrote a book called If I Did It, basically describing exactly how he killed both of them. He shouldn't have gotten away with it. Yeah. Well, I think everybody's going to agree in there, please. No, I know. I know. Actually, I went to school. I went to school with somebody who was related to him. Incidentally. And when I, when I brought that up, he was very, very offended by one person out of like 9 billion.
He was a family member. So there is some, yeah, it might be. Yeah. But I'm sorry. The way that court, the way that court trial went, he's, dude, do you want to see, if you want to see a good docu-series, the OJ Simpson trial docu-series on HBO with Cuba. I'm not going to watch really good in a while it. I probably is, but I'm not going to watch it because I've already seen the real story. So I agree. Yeah, high yeah, we live in of it. No, I think this is really good. I think this is why I'm not huge on crime shows is because the reenactments I can just like go look at the the the real shit. You know what I mean? Yeah. But the difference is like a lot of the stuff you see on reenactments the like you're good over. her
Speaking of crimes, I got something. ah But wouldn you if it wasn't videotaped or something like that, it's crazy photos don't give it that accuracy. But speaking of crimes, what do you think about the mendede Menendez brothers getting out? um menendez Thank you. I don't. I'm not really that knowledgeable on that whole case.
you didn't know the i'm not here i know I know there's a show out now, and I try to watch me, but I just can't get into it. A governor or or somebody is trying to get them out. Like Monday.
Okay. They might be being released. They were sentenced to life without parole. Why? Why is the governor... He's trying to change the law. And some... ah When I find the TikTok again, I'll send it to you. It was what it's... like He's like, Please do. We didn't have those rules that... Because they got sentenced to life without parole. And they're like, We shouldn't have did it so harshly kind of thing.
It's right up your alley. It's very left wing. He's really left wing about it, but he's really like, playing okay he's like, they should have been enrolled at 40 years, but it's only been like 20 and they want to, they want to let these guys out. Do they want to let those guys out or is there? so the white ho will that was no no i don't know just i just like i I wanted to bring it up because I know you know know i say it's really left-wing quote-unquote well it's california buddy I Don't I don't that doesn't mean anything dude just because ah like a court trial ah a court trial Doesn't a Court trial decision
isn't so much a political the decision other than it's just a just like it's it i'm trying to i'm trying to find a way to tiok i just said no it's just not not everything you disagree with is is left wing is i guess i didn't say that no i just learned a lot of right-wing things too but wait But you made it sound like, you hold on, you made it sound like the Menendez brothers are getting off because of left wing politics. And I just, I don i last seen i literally just been i don't I don't see that connection. I literally just set you a clip in kickoff.
like im so so basic Basically, basically, what they would they justice. Do you think justice has a left or right wing bias or just just a hundred percent having justice bias? Really? Depending on where you are. Yes. Interesting. And the reason why I say that is like, if if look at, look at something like Uh, do you think, do you think justice should have a right or left wing by a hundred percent? No. Okay. I agree. And I, and I, and I agree with that. So when I make my, when I, when I come to a conclusion on something, I'm not coming at it coming at it because I'm left wing. I'm coming at it from the position was just served or not. These guys, these guys, because you're a left wing communist.
they kill on earth I have because I apply critical agent to it. Yeah, absolutely. And and they they. Oh god damn. No. No. Oh my god. You just mean my balls hurt with that. It's called a. Oh, Jesus. He called me a. four my bells my bottles there hurt but go to say like dead looking at my feeling is like
Honestly, when it comes to flurfs, the majority of them are definitely right. What is it? What is a flirt? My letter. Okay, yeah, those goes floorur fucking retarded. A flirt is a bold statement to make. is is a bold mistake not that i invisible nothing It is a very bold statement a very bold statement for me to make and I will i will i will i just I just, I just want to go back to the fact that I said that you're like, Oh, my balls. You made my balls hurt. You made my balls hurt. gle You did. dude That was like a verbal punch to the balls, man. That was like, that was like a little ah lyrical punch to the testicles. We can change your name to the fourth for night.
you call me and be like word night figure i' be a flirff night reflect So, so I think, ah you know, to go back to the original question that Jeff was asking as far as that, and I haven't really followed it a lot. I kind of followed it a little bit, but then I just got disgusted by it because there, the Menendez's dad were somehow linked to one of the Hollywood weirdos that yeah, one of the Hollywood diddlers that like to order, uh, the pepperoni pizzas and stuff like that. And then they, then they now why this didn't come out 20, 30 years ago, 30 years ago, that their dad was sexually out with sexually abusing them. And along with the other abuse that was quote unquote happening to the, to the guys. Um,
So they use that card and I think that's why they, I don't know, are they getting released? ah i mean my District Attorney George Gasson has filed a petition to re-sentence the Menendez brothers yeah on the possibility.
So it has nothing to do with, it has it has nothing to do with politicals. views or stances or anything like that. it doesn't and they they They just, they just, they, they played to what is going on in the world today with the essay and the, and you know, like the Me Too movement and the Weinstein's and the Epstein's and the Diddy's and everything else in the world, the Cosby's, they, they played to that and it's going to, and it's going to, and it seems to be going in their favor right now.
Yeah. If there's any truth. Go ahead. What's up? Go ahead. No, I was i was i was just going to say those shows that were discussed, that we are disgusting. Disgusting. That we are discussing. Yeah. they're Well, they are definitely disgusting. They're there for entertainment value only. Right.
Yeah, no, and that's, and that's the thing. I mean, at the end of the day, was ah and this is just, this years to life this is just my opinion. This is my opinion on the whole case and the whole situation. Um, they're spoiled little brats. They're spoiled little rich kids.
They weren't getting their fucking way. It was 100% of premeditated murder on their parents. The night of the murder, there's a famous basketball card out there that's worth God knows how much of a player that was barely mediocre. But it happens to show them in Indes Brothers front row court side at this basketball game the night of I think it was the night of the murders. Or the day before day after or something like that.
So that's what it boils down to is a premeditated attack on their parents. They murdered their parents. They should rot in prison for the rest of their fucking lives. I agree. ah If they were abusing you in one way or another. Well, there's there's there's ways around really fucking adults when it happened. There's there's weight is there's ways around it. You can go get help. You can do whatever you need to do. And I'm sorry, but I feel like, uh, you know, capital punishment should be a thing and they shouldn't sit on death row for 40 years or 50 years on our dime. If you get a death sentence, you get maybe a month until you're done. Yeah. That, you know what? That's a good segue. And if, Hey, if any dudes are out there having some like turmoil, freaking thoughts in their head, you just got to get some shit off your chest just so you can just like vent Mondays, men caring for men. Come on up.
And, uh, vent and avoid killing someone. Yes. That was kind of an morbid way to put that. I'm sorry, but, uh, don't murder your parents seriously. My point is coming to me caring for men and, yeah you know, Hey, we it's.
yeah that Yeah, this this whole case was was sensationalized from from the Jump Street from the very beginning um igra And very suspiciousized and and they did the day they murdered somebody they they shouldn't even be sitting in prison right now They should have already been off a long time agreed. They were sentenced 50 years to life on two counts of first-degree murder and this this Under California law, they would be eligible for useful if they were under the age of 26 when convicted. They've already served 30 years in prison. Now this district attorney's office has filed a petition to go before a judge oh hey shock saying that they've paid their debt to society. No, they didn't because those two people they killed are still dead.
Who are we to decide if they pay their debts to society or not? That's the problem I have with this district eternity. An eye for an eye. Yeah. Well, that's like a biblical reference. I don't, I don't, I don't buy into that. Well, i i makes, makes the whole world blind. let's be I will do unto you as you do unto me.
I'll match my life with yours. I'm fine with that. saith i the g neglectck but who's in i'm I'm only playing devil's advocate here. i know I understand. I'm not taking the Menendez brothers freaking defense, but what if I'm just saying, what if Because of some abuse onto them, it drove them to feel like they had to defend themselves. They were over 18. They could have moved the fuck out. you they're good through This If they were like 14, 15, maybe I could... But please. But they were over 18. They could have got the fuck out and they had definitely... I'm not i'm not defending them.
Right. I'm i'm im i'm i'm trying to, I'm just, I'm trying to look at the whole scenario as a whole because we don't, we don't, okay. So we all know that Blazin is a socialist.
We all know blazing has different values and or well view it's flurfs. I don't, I don't, I don't think, I don't, I don't believe like free will exists. So I do think there is a level of, I, there's a level there's a level that we don't necessarily have complete control over our our choices.
And when it comes to Mendendez brothers, all I'm saying is maybe their parents did push them to the brink of insanity or some sort of mental um revocation that they couldn't think straight and they did do something heinous. Now, if their parents were as abusive as they say they were, and I'm not saying they are, hypothetically, that there should be some consideration that that their actions weren't completely all their responsibility.
Well, I don't have a frame of reference when it comes to the court case, but why wasn't that brought up in court? That's sad. I have one last thing to say before I hit the in-stream button. yeah things It is six hours, and this is deep right now. I'm sorry. I know. what if I wish I had brought it up earlier. I forgot. But what if what if Jimmy cracks corn, and I don't care? I don't yeah i don't care if Jimmy cracks corn either.
There's a lot of what-if factors in the Menendez trial. Exactly. There's a lot of what-ifs. There's exactly. But at the end of the day, I don't think they should have spent the last 30 years in jail. I think they should have already been executed. But that's me. I don't. I think life is good. I'm okay with life, but I don't think capital punishment is the way to go. Yeah, I have a love-hate relationship with capital punishment.
I'm i'm fire swads um'm right completely again i am completely against capital punishment. i'm right back iron squads public hangings stone a motherfucker to death Do it all. i don't i don't corner i Draw and quarter them.
and don't that murder begin