Darko Velcek on Modern Science, True Health, Salt, Raw Foods, Vibration, and More! image

Darko Velcek on Modern Science, True Health, Salt, Raw Foods, Vibration, and More!

Beyond Terrain
240 Plays3 days ago

This week we are eager to have on Mr. Darko Velcek. Darko has an amazing understanding of health, and what it takes to be healthy. This individual has truly committed his life to searching for the truth. Darko speaks beautifully from the perspective of vibration, but of course this term is interchangeable. The logic is certainly there. 

The hymn of the episode was that everything that modern science says is backwards (for the most part). Darko has found out over many years that what is being told as the common narrative is the opposite of the truth. Trying to get healthy from the modern perspective is impossible.  

We explored the fundamental principles of health in this episode, covered examples on how science has flipped this upside down. We also discussed salt and Aajonus Vonderplanitz.

Enjoy the episode, I know I did.

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Welcome everybody to another episode of the Beyond Train podcast. I'm your host, Lee of Dalton. Today we have an esteemed guest, Mr. Darko Velchek. Very excited for this episode. Uh, actually one of you guys recommended him to me and, uh, I think he's going to be a phenomenal guest. Perfect for this show. Uh, really excited for this discussion. Uh, Darko, thank you so much for coming on today.
You're welcome, Liev. It's a pleasure to be here.
Amazing. Yeah. The pleasure is all mine. So I ask all my guests at the start of the episode, I get them to define health. So I'm i eager to hear your definition of what health is, what it means, how it manifests, any way you want to approach it, take it. And I'll let you have the floor.
Okay, well, since everything that constructs our reality is frequency, ah Frequency means movement, vibration. So health is perfectly synchronized vibration to the vibration of creation. And whenever something goes off, then this is how we manifest disease. Very simple.
It is important to understand that what we know about science is basically wrong. and Not only medicine, but everything. Chemistry, physics, mathematics, every single thing is wrong. And how did we get there? Well, we basically take a finished product, our reality, and we start to tear it apart to see how it's put together.
And we came up with the idea that everything is made out of particles. It's little particles and you put them together and this is what do you come up with. And now we have to name these particles. The only problem is that whenever you go deeper into particle and you start looking at the particle, you see that this particle is made for more particles. So you start naming them.
And then you take one of those and you break it up and you see it's made for other particles. And you start running out of names. So you start being stupid and adding stupid names to these things. ah Not realizing that you can never get to the truth by breaking the illusion. You have to first go to the source to see how illusion is created. And whenever you start talking to anybody about anything, being in health, being in physics, being in chemistry. People tend to regurgitate so-called scientific explanations. And if you try to tell them, okay, can you simplify? Well, then they start repeating the same because they simply don't know anything. They are just they just know what they have read.
and they just, like a parrot, they repeat it. And if you go the other way, if you go first into the creative part and start building the blocks, like building a palace, you don't start from the roof, you start from the foundation. And when you start building it, then you start understanding it much better.
So if you realize that everything is vibration, everything that you experience is vibration, nothing else, is electromagnetic frequency, then you can simplify things. And you don't have to know everything in detail to be able then to kind of run well with it. You don't have to be a car mechanic.
to win car races. It's enough if you know how to operate the car. Well, the same is with us. So what is happening because we don't understand jack squat. We start inventing things and we make big science out of it. Okay, so how do you eat healthy? Well, 15 grams of this and 10 grams of this and the 0.5 grams of that and Well, it's a big baloney because you will never, ever, ever achieve health this way. And how do you achieve health? Well, go go away from science. Skip the science completely. I call science Soyans based on soy. Okay, it's the worst possible thing you can eat. Well, the worst possible thing that you can come up with about science
is to go and learn about it in a school. It doesn't matter if it's physics, if it's chemistry. And people may wonder, well, if this is really so, why is it so? Because we have been kidnapped, and now we understand it, that we have a little group of people, few schmucks, that know the truth. They are on the top of the pyramid, and then they tell the little schmucks below them Well, this is like this and this, but they already twist it so they can be the bosses. Then those schmucks below them tell the schmucks below them, okay, this is like this and this and they twist it so they can be a little up. So by the time you come to the bottom, you have a big swamp and nobody knows anything. So we all guess and
If you want a teacher to know the truth, to teach, well, he needs a teacher. If you want doctor to heal, well, he needs a doctor because no matter how much we study, no matter how big diploma we hang behind us on a wall, what does that mean? It means that you are very well indoctrinated, nothing else.
And everything that you hear has been already siphoned through several things just to make sure that you can be easily controlled. So everything that we learned through our life, from mother and father starting there, through kindergarten, through religion, through our teachers and professors, everything is pure lie. And unfortunately, even they themselves are not aware of this.
So nobody knows the truth. Everybody's guessing. Doctors are practicing and they die practicing. They never actually accomplish anything.
And if you understand that those that control us, they actually control medicine. And what is their goal, the population?
So what are they going to teach doctor?
Thank you.
How to kill, not how to heal. Well, exactly, this is what doctors know the best. We never had chronic problems until doctors show up. And now we have tons of them. And not only chronic, we have actually autoimmune. What does that mean? When you are medicating someone to play with their symptoms, there comes a point where you cannot anymore suppress the symptom and now whoops what you do well then you call it either autoimmune or genetic because this way you can wash your hands well there's nobody can do nothing about it okay and this is pure nonsense because genetically yes we can
be born with genetic defects. But why defect happens? Well, because nothing is the way science tells us. So this is why I call the modern science science, and medicine mad sin. Because there's nothing to do about medicine, it is mad sin what doctors are doing. Because not knowingly to them, they are poisoning and killing people.
and they cause more death without making mistakes, doing exactly the way they have been told. They kill more people than all the wars and all the accidents put together. Because if you have seen doctor once and you die prematurely, it is his fault because he gave you, if nothing else, ah wrong information. And it starts with the food, the food pyramid.
It's kakai stuff. There is nothing correct in the food pyramid. And not even when you go to the alternatives, because nobody really knows what to eat. So they will tell you what, because of your jaw movement, because of the T, da, da, da, you should be eating hay, okay? And now because of your system, well, lingo versus, so maybe, maybe not hay, maybe you should put some seeds in there.
And then they tell you, well yeah, but the bacteria that is in a gut, it's a wrong bacteria because, you know, makes you sick. So how do you correct? Well, now you have to get them yogurt. You're not a probiotic yogurt. This is so you feel better with yogurt. So what should you eat yogurt? Should you eat hay? Should you eat seeds? Okay. So everybody is guessing because the everything is based based on statistics. And now you have,
Robert Kennedy going ahead. Oh, we make America healthy again. Well, how are you gonna do this? If you touch anything from science, you are failing. The whole system has to crash down. And this is what we are doing. We are destroying the whole system. I'm destroying the medical system. And by grace of the creator, I'm being protected so I can do my job.
And I don't have many people following me because it is so unbelievable. This cannot be true because whatever I say is contrary to everything, not something, everything.
And well, wake up because everything is contrary to everything what we have heard in anything.
So this is, so you know, very, very easy.
And what I do, I always point to nature. Nobody changed nature. So look there. want to do What happens in nature? There is absolutely not single chronic disease in nature. Doesn't exist. What they call swine flu, bird flu, they don't exist in nature. This is concoction created. this is This is invention of media. Does not exist.
Okay, and if we have some a chronic or some disease that's spread, we need to herd, well, it's domestic animals. It's not the wild animals. So if you look at that, what is the difference between wild animals and domestic animals? Well, the type of food they eat, because, and also restricted movement.
and This, again, if you replicate it, then you realize that, okay, we have different digestive systems. So you have herbivores, the strict herbivore, they have actually fermentation sack so they can ferment the food. And they eat only greens. They don't eat carbohydrate. You give them carbohydrate, they blow up and die. Has to be simply greens.
Then you have a strict carnivores that only eat meat. Those are your cats. Tigers, lions, puma. And then do everything else in between is omnivore. And then you have omnivores with tendency to herbivores like horse. And then you have omnivore with tendency to meat like wolf.
and but horse and wolf can survive on meat you can feed horse meat and horse will do perfect just look at arabian horses okay they'll do perfect but wolf you cannot feed grass vegetables and neither you can bear even though bear and wolf will occasionally eat grass because If they feel bad, they smell nature. They pick up vibration through smell. And they know exactly what way to counter what is bothering them. And they feel better. So if you see a bear grazing, it ate something that doesn't agree with him, some old thing, whatever, and now has to purge. That's it.
but otherwise it's a carnivore that eats fruit. We are carnivores that should eat fruit. But since everything is made on by with vibration, then we have to make sure that the food we eat vibrate correctly. Now what is correct vibration? If you kill the animal and you cut piece of the meat,
Well, it came from the animal, so it vibrates exactly the way it was created. And vibration, chronic vibration will show you that the meat is red, has certain smell to it, has certain taste to it, certain consistency. And you get familiarized with it. Okay, this is bear. Oh, this is lamb. Oh, this is pork. Okay, they have little differences between vibrations.
and it reflects inner smell, consistency, and taste.
ah The whole reality that now we don't go just about the body, but the whole reality of ours is based on vibration, frequencies. And our body is electronic robot with sensors. Brain receives vibration, information, and then through sensors,
it shows you, ah depending on the way how it is programmed, it shows you these vibrations in a sense of pictures through eyes, producing light, but then ah light by itself would not be sufficient, so it creates particles out of light, so it can show you picture.
then through sense of taste, some frequency you taste, some frequencies you smell, some frequencies you feel resistance to, so it's feeling of touch. Now, if any of these frequencies shifts, it will be shown to you, you will project a little bit differently. So,
You take this piece of bare meat, for example, or you can take apple or you can take a carrot, fruit and vegetable. You see exactly how they look when they are in perfect vibration, ah tuned up to the creation, energy of creation. You see how they are. And now you start heating them up with fire. Now, what do you achieve when you are heating them up? You are raising vibration.
So as you are, as you are heating them up, you're raising vibration, and all of a sudden what do you notice? Smell change. What does that mean? Well, you have shifted some frequency. And now it is through your organ of smell, it is projected differently. Then color changes. Whoops, another frequency shifted, which is now projected through your eyes, showing you change over color.
Then, consistency changes. It becomes harder or softer. ah Another frequency changes. Face changes. Everything changes because you have changed the frequency of what you are eating. So, if you can if you can now imagine that sound, vibration produces the sound, so you imagine that your body is a grand orchestra, that your vocal cords are violins, your heart is Drums, your brain appear is pianos and muscles are violoncellos. And now you go, everything is perfectly tuned. Everything is in harmony. You feel great and healthy. You vibrate correctly. And now you catch a bear, you eat it. Well, you are bringing some violoncellos into your body, but tuned together.
properly with the frequency of creation. So when it comes to your body, it makes no difference. So you are just adding bioncellos, you are adding drums, you are adding more pianos, more violins, no problem. But when you take the food, the meat, and you heat it up, it is like you are over tightening some strings because they change smell, taste, color. So Now you are bringing the same instruments in your body but they are not tuned to the original frequency. So when they come into your body they become very close to your genetic material and they start interfering with the vibration of your body. Now how is your body going to react?
If the cellular voltage is high, then your vibration cellular vibration is very firm and you cannot you cannot take it out of tune. So no matter what garbage you eat, you will be okay. But if cellular voltage is down, then the cellular frequency becomes unstable.
And it is going to be much easier manipulated or offset by the frequency that is wrong, that we're talking about it. So we tend to call this weak immune system.
I'm just showing you right now that everything we know about immune system, it's garbage. It doesn't work that way. There's nothing to do with any immunoglobulins, immunoproteins, and immune system we call white blood cells. None of it is correct. White blood cells are only garbage exposure system, nothing else. And our immunity,
our resistance to change depends on voltage. And this is what Nikola Tesla said 100 years ago. But when I heard it, I had no clue what he's talking about. Until I start digging and learning. Okay, so if you want to be healthy, you can be as toxic as you want, as long as you can keep high voltage. Well, but this is pretty difficult to do.
because the more a acidic your cells are, the less they can hold voltage. And the biggest draw on electric power is the brain. You know, brain doesn't make electricity. Brain uses it. And what makes electricity is our heart. Heart is the engine. It's not only pump, it is actually the engine.
Whenever you want to say something, whenever you want to call, whenever you want to raise your arm, open your mouth, your heart has to accelerate and produce more energy to feed the action. And this is why the more you are active, the faster your heartbeat. And brain uses more than twice the energy of muscle.
And I think they measured it on Schumacher, the race car driver. In one race, he lost 2.5 kilos. Some of it was water, but a lot of it was fat. And this is what concentration does, because if you have to highly concentrate, you're going to be wasting energy. But what wastes energy even more than this is a fear. And when we are in a fear,
we are sucking the energy from the body so we are being told that evil feeds on our fears well it's not true evil doesn't feed on us but evil depletes our energy simply by us being in a state of fear and normally it sells up properly with proper pH, then they can hold electrical charge like a car battery. So no matter what the brain uses, well, cell is going to try to keep and so heart will be the one producing the energy. But if cells become overly acidic, it's like car battery.
when you have acid and water in it, but if you run out of a little bit of this mixture and you add pure acid inside, well, butter will charge very quickly when you put it in the charger. But as soon as you take it out of the charger, it, this charges. Same is with ourselves. So the more acidic they are, the less they can hold electric charge. And if, with a fear, you take the energy out,
Well, the cell cannot hold it, and cell's energy goes down. And there is ah another trick. If you have a cell that loses more of its electrical voltage, half or more, it is programmed to proliferate.
Now proliferation is process in which cell will divide itself in a half, will create a membrane, try to put all the acids and all the garbage it has in one half of the cell and then isolate it. So the remaining part of the cell is cleaner and more likely capable of raising voltage because toxin serve as we would call it in a physics resistors, electron resistors. So more toxicity they air, more electrical resistance, you create and if you have a motor and you put resistor in front of it, it doesn't get enough in our electricity,
it doesn't run. You know, instead of, it's resistive, does not have enough juice, okay, until it stops. So this is what toxicity does in a body. And this is why cell always is trying to get the garbage out, but it needs plasma for this. And if you don't have enough plasma, it cannot do it. So when it cannot do it, then it tries to package it. So it creates protein bags and push the garbage there and seals it. So then you have a cell full of these little bags.
which now they call them viruses. Oh, it's a virus. It's not a virus, nonsense, okay? Virus doesn't exist. So what happened is if you have a lot of this and if voltage drops, then cell try to put all its stuff in one side and close, and now you have half of cell that works. Now, if the cell cannot raise the voltage again,
then it proliferates again and again. So we are told in a school, well, every few years, I don't know, six, seven years, we have a completely new body of new cells. No schmucks, they are the old cells, but you have created a lot of garbage cells on the side. Now, these garbage cells normally should be picked up by macrophage, white blood cell, to take them out. But, because we have been convinced to eat incorrectly, we start changing the genetic expression of our bodies. And by doing so, well, in particular, when we start eating carbohydrate, glucose. When we start having glucose, now we are forcing our cells to use the glucose for energy production. And when we do that, then cell needs particular enzyme
This enzyme we find only in plants. It's called a glycosid hydrolyze. It hydrolyzes glucose because glucose has to be hydrolyzed before it goes into crepe cycle for production of energy. So since glucose is a food source or or energy source for plants, we find this enzyme in the plants but whoops what happened we don't find it in any animal but we find it in humans how come that humans have it well because we start eating what we are not supposed to eat we are starting to load our body with fuel for plants it is like you have a car with a gasoline engine
And you start putting some diesel, mixing with this. So what happened? The engine starts smoking like hell. Start hiccups, okay, and start seizing. The more you put the wrong fuel, the worse problems you have until the engine dies. Well, you are doing the same thing with feeding it glucose. But this is too much for soil entities to understand.
we are creating a huge amount of problems and when the cell, animal cell, human cell is forced to produce the enzyme for hydrolyzing glucose, well,
it has to stop producing the GCMF marker, the marking protein that marks biological stuff in a body that has to be taken out, that marks garbage, which means the garbage bags, you you can have blood full of these little garbage bags and they're causing resistance. So so flow of electricity is lower, you are getting tired, the most obvious sign of toxic body is chronic tiredness. Okay, this is resistance of electrical flow. So now what happened is that the human body is not producing the marker. So when you have a proliferated cells, the part of the cell that is basically garbage is not being dealt with.
So more of these garbage bags, they start linking around, well, they create tumor. We call it tumor or cancer. So now,
because they notice that most of this enzyme, the glycosid hydrolyze is in cancer cells.
Now Soyent is going, wow, okay, maybe this is what causes cancer. Let's put this in vaccines. And so now we're filling this because we know that they use vaccines to make us sick. There is not single vaccine created ever to make us feel better. All this immuno stuff is pure baloney because now I explained what immunity is. So everything you put in a body is going to work against the immunity. It is going to be poisoning. So lowering your voltage.
So now they cannot say it's a glucose it hydrolyzed because you know why would body produce enzyme of a plant? So they renamed it in Nagalase because the gene responsible for this production is Naga gene. So they call it Nagalase. Okay it's another bologna of science and Of course, doctors are confused and they gobble all the scrap that are being fed and they don't know jack squat. So it is very difficult if you research on internet, it is very difficult, if not impossible to get to the truth. The truth comes within and we should never learn through somebody else.
You know, we should always learn from within. You are exposed to elements. And if you don't understand something, well, you just calm down. You think about it. And from the matrix, from the creative conscience field, you are going to receive the necessary information so you can continue. This is how I learned the truth.
i You know, I was not good student. I passed everything in time, but I hated school from day one. Even kindergarten, I hated it, okay? And I could not wait to get out of my university, so I'm free man finally, and do, you know, something that would interest me. But problem was that they don't like you to do what interests you.
because as soon as you start interfering with the system, well, they strip your licenses, they give you substances, and they put you to in the jail. It's very easy to be obedient. My brother is obedient and, you know, he died very rich. Just his back pocket was three million dollars. He was a physician.
Okay, so he doesn't care. He just follows the norms. And I call the norms and I call doctors 007 agents, license to kill. Because license protects them from liability. Doesn't matter how many patient doctor kills, he's exonerated. Well, he's doctor, he knows. If he couldn't fix it, it's not true. And now this less situation with call it jabs. This is what should open doctor's eyes, but they're not budging. Very few actually see the truth. Most of them are still, I don't understand, they should be good. Okay? So it is very difficult, more indoctrinated you are, more difficult for you it is to see the light.
And maybe this is good that I hated the school and I never paid too much attention to details. that And after that, when I dropped medicine altogether because I noticed that it doesn't serve anything and I went to other things, when I returned back to medicine after airing my brain for 10 years, just cruising on my boat, I start seeing things completely differently. And this is where I started I wanted to heal my dog first. Then I wanted to heal myself because I was starting having big pains. And I designed this self healers protocol. And very quickly, I cleanse and I heal myself. So my wife tried it and she had a fungal mark, white mark on her hand that was getting bigger and bigger every year. And all of a sudden, phew, the mark is gone.
And then her sister had a tumor in her ovaries. So my wife says, can you help? I said, yeah, so they're protocol. And with little help, bingo, tumor is gone. Then oh her father was diagnosed with ah rhythm Alzheimer's disease and he used to play ah baseball.
And he still loved it, but now he had the pain in his and he had two herniated discs in a bag, in a spine. And he was told surgery, knee surgery, an Alzheimer. Well, well so you know, we tried to make to some progress is slower. Well, he decided to follow my instructions. So he went, I had to leave Venezuela for 40 days with the boat.
ah to be able to re-enter again. So I took her parents, um you know, and my wife and her aunt, we went for cruise through Caribbean for 40 days. And her father started my protocol. So he dropped all his medication, all had pills, every single pill, he had like 10 pills that he was on, he had to drop them. Well, pills are the ones that are biggest cause of Alzheimer anyway.
So he had to drop them and we started, you know, supposingly bad heart. Well, I gave him a handle of anchor winch and instead of electricity, I had him zero head hand by hand pull it out. So he does ah three moves and so I said, okay, so I do some and then I give it back to him. So he pulls three times.
Well, after one week, he was doing 10 moves instead of three. So he was progressing. We changed the diet. He started hydrating with plasma. By the time we were coming back already, we were in the Granadins coming close to Venezuela about 40 days in a trip. One morning, him and his wife are coming out of the cabin laughing and kind of elbowing each other. So my wife says, so oh, what happened? And her mother says, well, we have our second honeymoon. Well, you know, because his weenies start working again. So, yeah. So basically the whole body rejuvenates. And it's not just money, but it's mine too. Complete rejuvenation comes from cleansing because what are toxins? Toxins are
out of sync frequencies. And these frequencies are not only in a food. Your thought with the bad thoughts is out of sync. And it stays in your field, electronic field around you, which in physics we called electron-electron shield. Okay? But it's nothing more than electromagnetic field. and Electrons don't exist. This is all baloney. Okay? So this electromagnetic shield is full of this, of your vibration.
And in it, you have memories and you have also toxic frequencies. And a lot of them are emotional. So when you start cleansing, you're not only cleansing the chemical, but you're also cleansing emotional. So very often people start crying for no reason. They go, what happened? I'm becoming so emotional. Well, good. Just cry. Get it out. Okay. So you are cleansing everything. And then you start feeling light.
because your body is returning the frequencies. Now, we are being told the more proliferation cell goes through, the shorter are the telomeres. And telomeres are the extension of chromosome DNA. And through them, it the telomeres catch the vibration and transmit the vibration in chromosome, which then in involves genetic, the gene that will resonate with the same vibration will start getting active.
So it's a, you know, it's like you buy a television, but you have no antenna. So you take a cold hanger and you put it in there, you bend it. Oh, I can get one channel, wow, shit, it works. And then you put two hangers together, change the, oh, I can bet, I got two programs. Okay, so until you get the big antenna, many hangers, and now you have 20 channels. Well, same is with telemers.
Now what shortens the telomere? Soyens tells us every proliferation, every new cell will have shorter telomere. So there's nothing you can do about it. You know you are getting less and that that sensitive and this is how your body deteriorates. Nonsense. It's not happening because you are not changing the cells. You are just stripping them of toxins. But the same cell is still there. If you have to change the cell, you need stem cell to replace it.
which happens, but not so often. Okay, so again, science and science do complete different things. And what happens that more toxic is your cell, the more crunched it is going to be. And this is again, program installed in us of survival. If you want to know how your cell reacts,
then you put yourself in its place. So let's say you are cool, you are fine, you feel well, and all of a sudden you hear a huge noise behind your back. Before you have time to think what could have happened, you are programmed to go in protection mode. So you hear the noise and what do you do? Okay, you cringe, you can squeeze down and then you look, you start thinking what could happen and then you, okay, television fell down or whatever happened.
So you relax, okay? If you are walking and now you're past some room and there's some dead animal and the stench hits you, how do you react? Exactly the same way. Close down and get the hell out of here before you can think what happened actually and you start breathing, okay? So natural response to sudden shift in vibration, because all these are vibrations.
So natural response to sudden shift of vibration when you don't have time to think what could cause it and to be calm about it is to go into crunch position. Same is with our cells. If you change suddenly the environment, this channel the cell is going to cringe.
And now, if you the environment remains toxic, it is going to stay in the crunch position. it is not no It may slowly and slightly relax, but it is going to be tight. Well, what happens with the telomeres when they crunch? They shorten up. So more toxic environment, the more curl they become, and they get shorter and shorter and shorter. When you start, and and what happens is, you can eat toxic food, but because You cannot sense it because telomeres are too short and they don't respond to this frequency. You will not even know it's toxic. Your body will absorb it. It is going to be harming the body, but you are not going to respond to it because telomeres are too short. They are not informing, not creating proper responses. Body is not adjusting correctly to these frequencies because what we
what what what Charles Darwin calls evolution is adaptation. This is not how evolution happens. This is adaptation, what happens. And this is what he is showing. So, body is there to adapt, adapt genetically. And if you give it time, vibration will be sent to the gene. Genes are going to start moving and the wonder responds to this Frequency will then give instructions to the cell how to behave in this shifted environment. And if it doesn't catch certain signals, it will not make these changes. Your body will not shift. It will be ah affected by toxins, but it will not do anything about it.
Now when you start cleansing, you clean the environment of the cell, telomere starts relaxing, extending, and they will start catching more and more frequencies. So now food that before was okay, all of a sudden starts giving you stomach ache and burping and oh pain and problems before it didn't. Well, because before,
genetically it was not working with now it is letting you know don't do this don't do this and if you continue then it will start shifting the body in such a way that it can survive in this environment and this is a common thing during the real cleanse not these uh Toxin ah promoted cleanse is like we have the liver cleanse and and colon cleanse. You're taking toxin to overwhelm the body. So to start cleansing out the toxin you put in it and this way you cleanse a little bit the rest of the stuff. But at the same time you're poisoning the rest of the body.
and closing the cells. So you never go deep into cellular cleanse. Only it's duct, lymphatic maybe be a little bit and blood cleanse. That's all that you have achieve. And again, this is, everything is contrary to everything we have been told. Okay. And when you properly cleanse the body, then you extend the telomeres and you start being more sensitive to many things that before didn't bother you because you could not catch them. And that's why people say, well, before I don't know what is with this protocol before I could eat this and this and now I can't. So before I was, my immune system was stronger. I could, no, no, before you were not working properly. You were not running properly. This would shorten your life. This would create other problems. But now,
Your body is letting you know, don't do it because you are harming the body. So everything thing we know is contrary to everything. And this is very hard to up absorb, especially for doctors or people in medical field.
because they are so much into their science, into their knowledge, their diploma depends on it. So now if you prove them wrong, so what do these diploma means?
Only that you have been heavily indoctrinated and that you don't know.
You know, it was really hard for, it was really hard for me to, to shift that perspective, you know, cause I was, I took a bachelor of biochemistry and molecular biology and university and, you know,
They feed you these stories all the time. Explanations, explanations. This is how this works. This is how that works. It's constant, telling stories, telling stories. You know, we criticize the scientific method quite a bit and empiricism as being flawed in itself more so than just the structure of how science is conducted. I'm really curious about your thoughts on the scientific method because you distinguish between Soyence and science. You know, I want to hear about your approach to knowing the truth, knowing science, like how do we understand stuff about our reality?
Well, this is ah again very tricky stuff because what is our reality? Our reality is actually dream state, okay? With infinite possibilities. This is why the sign is loop, infinite loop. ah No beginning, no end, okay? And now how you put science in there, well,
Everything you create becomes true in your reality. And whenever you are making experiment, you are basically having some kind of idea, why are you making the experiment? What are you trying to prove? And it is logic to your mind that you have certain you should have certain outcome from what you are doing, your expectation. And because your ego understands the process,
what is expected occurs. You get the result you are looking for. You created it. We are creators. We create. But sometimes you overlook something and something else happens. Then you go, whoa, I was not expecting this. So we call this preliminary.
Okay, so this is a preliminary study. Something we notice something happen, this is true, this is what happens. Okay, so now how can we monetize it and how can we make it really stupid so nobody can actually use it creatively? So then they go in a back room and they make final study, pure garbage, and they present it, okay, final study shows that this is dot da, da, da, da.
basically everything is just put in a back pocket or somewhere under the carpet swept so because we are not allowed to know the truth. So a lot of truthful things have been royal rife discovered that if you take bacteria and you start raising a frequency eventually you are going to hit frequency of the bacteria and it's going to start vibrating and then you amplify this frequency and bacteria bursts. And now you can kill all this type of bacteria in the whole body simultaneously through the sun. Beautiful. Yeah, but then you're not poisoning and you are actually helping body it to heal because what happens?
It is not that bacteria is causing the problem. But again, you have in a body something that the body cannot eliminate and it's bothering it. It cannot eliminate it because it doesn't have enough plasma or by you by eating wrongly, you are creating a different environment which now doesn't suit the body, cannot do how it was programmed.
so Body has to find solution and it finds it by creating ah first tries with with red white blood cells. And then if that doesn't work, then creates bacteria to help. It's a bigger, it can gobble it up. So bacteria to neutralize the toxin, it has to have vibration of the toxin. Okay, because it's made for this toxin.
So if you take this bacteria and you find the frequency that is going to destroy this, the same frequency is going to destroy also the toxin that bacteria was created to take apart. And this is what actually heals the body. You are destroying, you are shifting the frequency and it no longer is harmful.
And again, it's contrary to what we think. We think, oh, you killed the bacteria. And there's, no, no, you are killing actually destroying the toxin because you are making it to vanish. You are exploding it. Okay. And this is how Royal Rive Machine works. But because it was effective and yeah, it was actually healing his knowledge and and his microscope and everything was destroyed. A hammer um from hello New German medicine, he also went with frequencies that are causing, depending every part of the body has its own frequency, and then you create energy in your heart.
you shoot it to the brain and brain like a prism will fractal ah light into different frequencies and each frequency shows you different color of light. Brain will fracture the energy in variety frequencies and different part of the brain is related to different part of your body and feeds the energy in that particular frequency to the body. And if you interfere with the connection between the brain and the organ, then you depower this organ. And if the organ is acidic, cannot hold electric charge, charge goes down and you develop cancer. So what will depower? What will break the connection be between the brain and the organ? Well, transmission.
If you transmit this this particular frequency, now how do you transmit it? Well, thought. If you harbor a thought that is vibrating in the same frequency, and this is proven, for example, Dr. Hammer showed this in four, I think he had 4,000 proofs for for his work, right? That ah if mother is very much worried about her child and keeps worrying that day and night because child is in, let's say, dangerous area, whatever. And if she is acidic, toxic, her cells cannot hold electric charge. And the thought about sibling, about her child, resembles closely frequency of her left breast.
So by harboring the thought, what is thought? Thought is transmission of idea. So when you are transmitting, you are wasting energy. if um you want to If you want to listen to, let's say, if you are in the United States and you want to listen to Radio Sydney,
You can take a small transistor with two AA batteries, but as long as you have a good long antenna, you will receive it and you can listen to the program. But if you want to now transmit the signal so they can listen to you, well, you need 20, 30 kilowatt.
generator that will shoot the required force of energy to be able to transmit in such a distance. Well, our brain transmits multiversally.
So whatever you think is known in the whole entire universe. Multiverse, not only one universe. This is telepathy.
And this shows you how much energy you need to create thought. And if you are focusing on only one frequency, one thought, my child, what is she doing? I cannot sleep. I cannot, ah my child, my child. You are broadcasting this particular frequency and it never, your heart will just broadcast this frequency. It will never be rooted to your left breast.
And if left breast is toxic, it goes into proliferation, proliferation, proliferation, proliferation. Cancer grows. And now another stupidity. We say, well, cancer, oh, it is now going to metastasize. It is going to start going to different parts of the body. It is impossibility, impossibility because every part of the body vibrates differently.
So the vibration from here is not going to affect the other part of the body. But what makes the cancer spread? Well, you have been told you have a cancer of left breast. I'm going to die. This is it. And all of a sudden the fear of suffocation comes and you develop a pulmonary cancer.
if If you were not afraid for your own life, but you were afraid for, let's say, your family, depends on you because you do a lot of things for family. Now, if they will not have you, ah little children, tada da it's an emotional problem. You develop cancer of liver.
Okay? oh Depending on the thoughts that you are going to harbor, you are going to be depleting other parts of your body of energy and you develop multiple cancers. It's nothing to do with the freakin' metastasis. But try to tell this to the doctor. Impossible.
Yeah, very well put. You're kind of connecting a lot of dots here, I think, and I think it's going to be really helpful for the listener. We've talked about German new medicine quite a bit. Um, one of the criticisms I often hear is that, you know, it completely negates the role of toxicity that, you know, German new medicine thinks that all it's just our thoughts are creating all these disease, but you know, the toxins in our environment still play a significant role. You agree with that, right?
Yes, because if you are toxic, you are acidic, and as acidic body cannot hold charge. So every thought is going to trigger proliferation. If you are not acidic, then these thoughts are not going to bother you. Your body will still keep the voltage and no proliferation happens. So it is both things together. But also you can be toxic as hell and you can be as healthy as hell.
ah Very often, i even in one of my articles, I showed it. Old lady, all wrinkled, ah with a cigarette in her mouth, but completely healthy. No problem with health. Smiling, okay? How does that work? Well, resistance. Because she is high,
voltage. Why? Not because of cells, but because she is connected to her. She has no worry in her life. She is indulging in everything she can. She doesn't give a damn about anything. She had a good time. Her voltage is high and vibration is stable. So ah toxic food is very bad for us, but So is our emotion. Our mind can heal us and can kill us. It all depends how you use it. There was experiment. One guy that was sentenced to death ah got permission, actually was asked by a scientist, if ah he wants to be part of this experiment,
that he would die painlessly instead of being zapped with electricity. ah What they will do, they will just cut a little bit artery on his wrist, and he will slowly bleed to death, and they will put him in terminal suits so it's warm, so he doesn't even feel, body will not be cold, so he will just fall to sleep. And he agreed to this, and this guy got permission from the warden to do this experiment.
So what this scientist did, he took, it was a time of tape decks. So he recorded water dripping in the bucket. He recorded that. And then when the convict was laying on the bed, they put a separation sheet so he could not see what is done. So he had a hot arm there and they played for him video of what is happening but it is not what was happening because what the guy did he just scratched his skin nothing he was not even bleeding just make a scratch on his skin so the guy thought that he was cut and they put the video on with the water dripping so he was listening to tap tap tap and he was told that within four hours he's gonna die
Exactly within four hours, the guy was dead. There was nothing wrong with him.
Expectation. This is what mine does. Okay, so it is known. Many things are known, but it is all put under the carpet. And some things are wrong, we interpret it. And this is how we get our soils.
that nobody knows anything, everybody doubts everybody. ah We have millions different theories. None, one of them is built by anything else but one thing, which is statistics. The biggest ah scientific method in medicine is statistics.
This many people were doing this. This many people were doing that. These people were doing better than these people. But, okay, they are doing good things. So this and this thing makes a good thing. Nonsense. Because there are so many variables. Okay? And I say always that science is based on statistics, not science. And, you know, slowly, little by little, we are breaking the whole system and we are exposing the truth and it is becoming easier now when the cabal is exposed and when you start realizing that everything is controlled by them and everything is turned upside down through them because what for us is God for them is devil.
What for us is light for them is darkness. So they convert everything. And if you look in medicine, you will see exactly the same pattern. What is the most important for us is assault. What is most demonizing medicine is salt. Okay? What is another thing that is extremely good for us and we should have plenty of it is cholesterol. What is demonizing medicine is cholesterol.
Okay, so you know right on bed that someone out there knows the truth, and this is how they twist it to create harm.
Can I ask you one more question? Are you familiar with the Agenus Vonder planets?
Yeah, I was, because people start asking me, you know, of this guy, he does what what you say, da-da-da, so I watched a couple of his videos.
Yeah, he, he doesn't like salt. He says it's, you know, it's completely toxic to human beings. What are your thoughts on that?
Well, again, the only thing that he was correct is about wrong meat diet. But even in between there, a lot of stuff, like a fermented meat and eating rotten meat as a benefit, in my opinion, this is Poloni, you can eat it because it's natural frequency.
As long as you don't change it, it's fine.
And it's even easier to digest because the cells ah program to self-digest so older the animal the longer the animal is dead the softer meat becomes and before hunters when they hunt animals they never ate fresh meat they always aged it and then they ate it so he is correcting that but again ah Everything else about hydration, the water, about salt, he was getting this information from science. And he was incorporating them into his work, not realizing that science is wrong on everything.
ah Typical here is, let's say, the distilled water.
oh because now you have a lot of this alternative medical approaches and cleansing and they all claim, whoa, drink distilled water because a capability of absorption is much higher and it was going to cleanse you more.
Yeah, but you are disregarding the body. The body is electromagnetic instrument. It depends on electroconductivity. So if you put distilled water, distilled water is electric isolator. So you are putting isolation. What does the body do? It shoots it out as quick as it can get it.
But then you observe, oh, you see, when I give them a distilled water, they urinate more. So it's cleansing better. Nobody is rejecting this frequent water. This is what happens, nothing else. Okay? So because we are taking soyance in consideration, when we create our theories, we are ending up with completely wrong explanations. And now you come to a urine therapy and now you have this lunatic saying urine is not toxic discharge urine is actually distilled water it's from body distilled morons because they don't understand absolutely nothing okay you need urine therapy is viable because
your body is taking out toxins and surplus not only toxin also surplus which means your urine is actually plasma it's salty so instead of water if you drink urine at least you are bringing back the minerals that you are taking out so you are replenishing the minerals that you are losing and this is big benefit and then whatever you are absorbing from outside before it hits the blood it goes through your ah lymphatic system and it goes through analysis through liver and liver creates antidotes so if what you are putting back in your body came from your body and there is something toxic and now your liver analyzes it then it creates antidote and actually this is the healing effect okay but
We are not being told this because we think this is nonsense because blood goes through liver all the time. Well, it's a difference where it goes through and what it does in the liver. If you go to a car mechanic shop, who is the worst car mechanic?
Every day he comes with his car in the shop and he has the worst car because he never worked on his car. It's transport. Most of the blood that goes through liver is transport. Okay? But you your liver will analyze specifically things that come from outside, that comes through food, through skin. This is what is analyzed. This is why if you are being bit by a snake, ah let's say in a heel of your foot, in about five minutes, you will have urge to urinate.
Well, in urine, there will be already this toxin. If you now drink this urine, you don't have to drink much, a few drops. You can pee on your finger and lick it. Your liver will get information of a toxin and immediately create antidote that may save your life. Okay, by drinking a little bit of your urine at that moment. What is in the blood?
It's not being analyzed, it it is the cars mechanics going through the shop. It doesn't do deadly squat on itself, okay? So this is the difference. This is the homeopathy. It works slightly differently than people think it does.
And it can always be incorporated in a selfless protocol. You can incorporate, often happens to me, if I'm having a stronger detox for a few days, then in the morning when I urinate, the first urine, I peel my finger, I lick it, and this gives me information went to my liver to actually, I may not have to eliminate some toxins and have detox ah symptoms. They actually maybe,
shifted within a body by the anti-doted body producers and make it easier as a detox for me. So this could be incorporated.
And the worst, worst schmuck knowledge, we have two different problems which are highly used in alternative medicine.
And one of them is the gut bacteria, gut flora, okay, that this is the most important thing. So in which way it's the most important thing? Now they are saying, you see, you have to have a versatile flora because then it works, produces a lot of chemicals that actually work in synchronicity with your body, with your brain. Your immune system is in your gut. You are producing immunity there. You even person melon melatonin in there. It's being then absorbed. It's a freakin' nonsense. How is it nonsense? Because if you are fasting, you heal. And your flora, microflora disappears.
especially if you fast with plasma because during fast you stop poisoning yourself so now your body and you don' don't run digestion and your body has opportunity to cleanse and you give it plasma it is going to do the cleansing so even without you eating you will have diarrhea for several days cleansing and cleansing are cleansing the blood not only intestines And what happens? You feel better and better. You sleep better. You are clearer in your mind. You see things differently. Well, in which way the disappearance of a flora affected you negatively, only positively. The gut flora has absolutely nothing to do with the body's health other than
the body had to create it to deal with garbage that you are eating because it cannot digest it. You are eating what it cannot digest. And they call it, oh, you have a SIBO. You have intestinal saturation of bacteria.
Yeah, you have it. Why? Because you eat your two fucking vegetables that you cannot digest. So you have to create some bacteria to take it apart somehow. And you get a little bit of it, some out of it, but not much because you are not meant to use it. Most of the fermentation occurs in your colon and then you expel it out of your body. it jo You get more benefit eating your excrement than eating the stuff that you are eating because at least it is fermented now. This is why dogs love to eat human excrement because it nourishing.
So everything is everything is contrary to everything we we know.
That's amazing. Yeah. investigat
We never think that way.
Yeah. Yeah. That was one of the first lessons I learned was, you know, if you think, you know, something you don't.
a Yeah. It was hard, hard pill to swallow, but it's necessary. Yeah. And then every layer you peel back, you realize it's, it's quite the opposite. Any advice that you get, it's best to do the opposite when you're listening to the establishment.
Yeah, especially from doctors. Especially from doctors.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. This advice here in this episode, this is pretty good.
You can do what we we' were telling you, but other than that, no, this has been great. Uh, Darko, I really appreciate your time. I want to hear any final thoughts you have on the episode, anything you want to add or anything that you might've missed.
Well, the only thing what I can add is to employ employ people to actually pay attention to what was said and think about it because we are trained not to think. We are trained to memorize and spit on demand. And if you do it correctly and beautifully, you get high marks in the school and you become doctor.
And if you don't do it correctly, if you don't want to repeat the nonsense, then you cannot pass and you cannot go even to medical school because they need killers. And this is how they get them, 007 agents. Run away from doctor, you can have your body checked, analysis is okay, but don't expect them to heal you because they don't know how to, they will poison you.
You want to heal, go to shaman, go to tribal doctor. If you're in United States, go to Hop Indians. If you're down in Amazon jungle, go to Peewees to go to jungle healers. They know how to heal you much better. And they don't have licenses. Licenses have to go. All licenses. They are just created to constrict us and to control us. So now when we are thinking of new world we are going into, we have to think Freedom. Licenses have no say in freedom. You cannot be free if you have to have license. So, licenses, passports, all this has to go. This means open border. Yeah, open border is great. What we have now is paid invasion. It's not open border.
So this is bad. And nobody wants to leave their country and leave somewhere else. Everybody likes their customs, their people. They are forced to go out when they are oppressed in their country. Once when everything is adjusted correctly, there are people who like me who love to travel. So I want to go back and live on a boat and travel and help people around as I'm traveling.
ah But many people don't this is why we say earth is small because when you travel you always meet the same people Because there's only small group that travels everybody else stays put some people never leave the village Okay, so Don't be afraid of invasion if you don't have borders. It's not happening But we need a freedom because border is to lock you in not to prevent someone coming to lock you in there And this has to go.
And of course, if if ah what I'm talking about, if it's of interest, then go to my site.
Well played. well
Yeah, please.
Okay, my site that I'm using, I have a paid site that I pay money and I'm not using it because it is full of trolls. Because if I want now ah to have programs to keep trolls out, I have to spend three times more than I'm paying for the site. So I'm using a free site, WordPress, that was given to me for free because no trolling. Okay, it's clean.
So it's a dark oval check my name dot wordpress dot.com. That's the site. There is I think more than 1500 articles there.
And it's a search window, so anything of your interest could be quantum physics, for example. Physicists know deadly squat about quantum physics, because as soon as physicists tells you quantum tells you that, well, quantum field is a field where particles behave irrationally or erratically, he doesn't know deadly squat what quantum field is.
because there are no particles in quantum So, you know, we have to wake up and stop listening to experts. Experts know deadly squat. And schools have to go. We have to be free to explore what is of our interest and learn directly from the field as I have done. We all can do this.
Absolutely. Yeah. Amazing. Well, I appreciate your time. I know that I really look forward to our next discussion. I just love everything that you're about. You fit in perfectly here. So, um, thank you once again.
You're welcome.
Thank you. I want to thank y'all for listening. You should all know that this is not medical advice, just this for your informational purposes only. But also remember that we're all responsible, sovereign beings, capable of thinking, criticizing and understanding absolutely everything and anything.
o no and
We, the people in the greater forest are together, self-healers self-governable self self-governable, self-teachers, and so much more. Make sure you reach out if you have any questions, criticisms, comments, concerns, whatever it is, find me on Instagram, send me an email, whatever you want to do.
And if you found this informative or you liked it in any way, give us a like, share, comment, follow, whatever you got to do in the platform you're on, help us grow, help support us, that's really the best way you can do that. so And I'll just remember there are two types of people in the world. Those believe they can, those believe they can't, and of course they're both correct. Guys, thanks for listening. Take care.