Nonsense and Chill Ep1 - Furiosa P1 image

Nonsense and Chill Ep1 - Furiosa P1

Nonsensical Network
9 Plays7 hours ago

Tonight Blaze and J review the first half of Furiosa 

Dude, hit the button. Hi, everybody. Welcome to the new show on the not so excited. I'm so excited. I know. I can't wait to reveal. So this new show, Blaze and I have been talking for about three, four weeks. We've been talking about doing this and we finally figured it out. We did our debate show last week um where we we watched the debate with the presidents or potential presidents.
And we have a new show that we are going to be prerecording these so we can edit them ah for reasons you'll understand here in a minute. But as you see in our names, he's Blaze. I'm Jay. And we are presenting Blaze and Jay's Nonsense and Chill. They can't see your cartoon faces. I know. we Well, actually they can because Boom. Yeah, look at those fucking pretty mugs right there. That does look cool. Yeah. But tonight we're going to be watching out the way we we've figured out how to do this. We're going to be showing clips from the movies that we're reviewing and we're going to discuss certain scenes and and, you know, concept, the movie, the way it shot the whole nine yards. um But tonight we talked about this a couple of weeks ago about watching this movie.
And I had just watched it and I was like, please, you got to check the movie out. I love it. Good move. Fucking awesome. movie actually It was amazing. ah um I've never been a big fan of the franchise, but out of of the entire franchise, I like this one best. It's good. And we're watching Mad Max's Furiosa.
So we we are going to be showing clips of the movie, so And then, of course, we're going to be editing it so you guys won't be able to watch the whole movie. But you can see the parts where we discussed. As a copyright issue, so we're going to edit this and this that's why that's why we're prerecording so we can help get around the whole legalities of shit. Bring you a movie show. We don't want to do too many spoilers. Yeah, we want people to actually go see the movie because as we discussed,
ah before recording. We both like this movie. Oh, it's a good movie. But if people do want to go watch this on their own, it is streaming on Macs and Prime Video. Correct. Yeah, that's something else we're going to be doing. um We might get into into director talk ah you know depending on the director of maybe not in this movie, but on certain movies like ah this is George Miller. George Miller, yes.
Oh, I know. I don't really have a frame of reference when it comes to him. But I don't either. I just I have my IMDB dot.com shit up so I can cheat like I got the whole cast too. Well, that's the buddy. It does start Chris Helmsworth and on your Taylor joy. On your Taylor joy. There you go. And and as I warned you prior to this,
I have the biggest crush on Anya Taylor-Doy. I think she is one of the most beautiful women on the planet, and I will die on that hill. And it's so weird because I think, because this is a prequel to Mad Max Fury Road. Correct, which is a prequel to the Mad Max series with Mel Gibson. And I think Shirley Stearns, she's a very, very beautiful person. She is a beautiful woman.
I think she's better looking. made oneo my My wife makes fun of me because I like it i need tell joy because in my wife's ah description, she has alien bug-eye doll eyes.
Interesting. Okay. Like if when you when you see her face and she does she doesn't show up right away, let's be honest, she shows up a little later in the movie, but she's got really big eyes. She does. She does. She does. But without further ado. I was going to say, we're going to keep them waiting any longer. I think we should go ahead. I'm dying of anticipation over here. So if you want to hit play. Oh, yeah, that's right. I am the play guy. Yeah, you have to play button. I'm going to go turn these kids.
zoom in are draftical that's on full yeah okay just check yeah okay so this part right here the really just kind of its it i love how they do the radio overview ah why the world is like this i like so
beautiful logo reveal
Gangs of marauding black locusts across the land paper These movies are sort of visceral, too. i When I was getting these strips, I was like, no, what the world could be like? We're close.
Minus the cool guy. As the world falls around us, how must we breathe its cruelties? always like out of counseling I've always liked how they set this up as like an Odyssey type story. Oh, right.
I want to just be able to drop this down occasionally as we go over this. I like that that that this is cut in different segments, too. So, yes. um and this i Yeah, this movie does. It has five acts. This is a long-ass movie. It is long. Runtime, I think, is what, two and a half hours like that? Yeah. um I have a runtime.
run on Anyway, I will get the runtime if it's going to play. Yeah, go ahead and press play. We can't, unfortunately, due to YouTube standards, we can't show the entire movie. So we're going to be dropping it down occasionally. So there's that. they all love this I love this, ah this utopia that Furiosa's, that's Furiosa as she's like, what is she like 10, 12 here?
um eight or something like that i think yeah she's like very young at this part i think i love the little utopia garden of eden kind of area that her family lives in that she spends the entire movie trying to get back to run time is two hours and 28 minutes so yeah two yeah It's a long movie guys. So so um you might have to go through two bags of popcorn. This is definitely a popcorn movie. Yes, definitely a popcorn movie.
I just gotta, I gotta occasionally drop this down. This, so the, I love the, she's, her plan is sabotage as she does here.
I love that. She cuts the fuel line or the brake lines? The fuel line. It looks like fuel lines. up But, I mean, it's a big old honking B8 in that bike.
That thing is not quiet. so the trying guarantee I haven't seen the new Borderlands movie, but I have played a video game. This, like, that movie and this movie, even though that one's more cartoonish, this has sort of like a dystopian kind of look. Yeah.
right that scene right there that hole as it's coming back and you have that natural bridge and the I just think that's just a gorgeous like oh it's beautiful just setting I in granted cinematics movies are amazing cinematics yes that's what I was looking for cinematics whoever is the director of photography is really good
okay i'm sorry but if you hit somebody with a machete like that they're not flying off but i know it's it's hollywood yeah okay let's let's go and pause that real quick and discuss this but why is it that she hits dude and the entire bike flips over That's what I'm talking about. I mean, she didn't, she didn't Indiana Jones it and put the, in the front spokes or anything. That one makes sense. Like, I know Holly, like I get it. It's, it's, it's exaggerating. It's making it more fun and more cinematic and excitement.
But it seems like for anybody that's ridden even a pedal bicycle knows that if you get hit in the back of the head, you are not flipping over the handlebars. You might fall off the bike. That's one hell of a sword swing. All right. Let's get back into it. OK, so I have a question. Yeah, please. I have a question. This woman went in riding on a horse, all of a sudden she'd ride a motorcycle. Her whole village didn't have any motorcycles or something, or else she would've took one. How did she ride a motorcycle? She'd be like, like the knowledge, knowledge wise? Yeah, the knowledge-wise knowledge wise. She went from a motorcycle to a motorcycle. It doesn't, I mean, there's no real...
I'm assuming since she has like survival skills and combat skills, this isn't her first time. Yeah, it's not her first time. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, go ahead. I'll give you that.
he a shot
Oh shit!
She's making that freaking grey matter splatty. Yeah.
this dude tracks me up eight Okay, so yourself I speak only to them in real quick While they're arguing here just go ahead and leave it play um This this guy that oh oh One I hear he kind of reminders of the original Mad Max Mel Gibson.
Yeah. with the You know, he's got that, that feel he's big and burly like that. Uh, so it's a nice kind of callback to the original. Uh, I do like it yeah so because let's talk about the nose.
Why it's uncalled for. Why I just, I got to give my reaction to this. It could be. a good 20 minutes to realize that's Chris Hemsworth. It took it right off the bat yet there. It took me a few things. I had to pause the movie while watching it the first time and look up who the fuck is this guy? Yes. So and that's the thing, the nose really distracts from from him. It does really pull your focus. He does an amazing job in this movie. Yeah. I just don't like it for
I just don't like for aesthetically it It's almost like they're like, we need to give him something to make him not look like Prince Hemsworth. Because ah unfortunately for Chris Hemsworth, when he's on screen, everybody goes, it's fucking Thor. You know what? i As much as I don't like it, I think it has it has some bad symbolic representation. I'm i'm i'm trying to be the um um nice when I say this or or giving that I don't think. But I feel that costume portrays is what they meant to portray. I think it was because I remember him. He was in an interview and that was asked. It was about just it was just to like bring something to that character that was like the form or something different or ugly or something, which I'm which I'm thinking thinking that's what it was. But it does. You're saying that Chris Hemsworth himself is too pretty.
yes like yes i think yeah yeah okay yeah yeah Okay, I can see where they where they're thinking this is a good idea for that reason I just but when okay, so I'm just gonna say it real quick when this opening scene hits and if you're familiar with like Nazi I Nazi propaganda and shit it has like an anti-semitic kind of Jewish look to it and you know, yeah, and I that's that's a life first So when I, well, Jesus was a Jew. So when I first saw this, I'm like, first I didn't realize it was Chris films. I didn't know he was in the food. I just, he said it was good. So I pressed play. And then I saw that I'm like, what are they doing? But like I said, I watched it. I thought about it. I was trying to be
is as fair as possible and Thinking that it was just to distract from Chris and Hemsworth beautiful face because it is Mad Max all the bad guys are ugly people so it fits and You know the nose he's because he's a pretty guy and just still good-looking cat in this movie. Yeah um And the and the the makeup work is amazing Uh, but out of all the bad guys, he's the best looking one. So that's why he's also. Yeah. I just, I just, I think they could have won another round to make him look, look without. like how you are Yeah. Understood.
But let's go ahead and drop that down and we can get back to the movie. a So, yeah, let's go ahead and press play. Oh, yeah, that's on me. man You're on the play button, buddy. I am on the play button. And I suck at this. This this scene like fuck I was going to say, why isn't she pointing to any direction like the opposite or or, you know,
As we know, in the desert, if you point in a direction, you keep going straight in that direction, you could pass a city and not even know it. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So there is that whole thing. The tears of joy and those of sort of different chemicals. Yeah. Go ahead real quick. Back it up. What is it? Lessons from the wasteland. Act two. This is when we should have took a break. I remember that. Yeah. Well, we're learning.
Is that somebody that fell off? Yeah, well, they're they're actually in this scene. They're bringing in, they're in the beginning of the scene, they're bringing in a, they're attacking another crew, so to speak. Oh, that's right. Yeah. And there's the, there's the Milkers, there's the bullet makers. No, no, no, no, no. This is like, so pause it real quick and and I can explain from my perspective. Yeah. So.
the the the you have the From Mad Max Fury Road, you got the Bullet guys, you got the Oil guys, Gas Town they call it. good And then you have the Breeding Town. which Yeah, the Milkers. yeah milker um But Chris Hemsworth's team or group here, they're outsiders. they They're not part of those plants.
That makes more sense. There's other clans, there's other clans throughout the entire realm of these movies that are not like, as you know, you actually, he, what they've done is they've come out across another clan, where it's a group of like, I don't know, like 15, 20 people. And Chris Edward team is you're talking a couple hundred people, like they're, they're not small. Yeah. And,
there's, app you know, they, this scene, they, they, what's, what's, what's the, there's a, there's a term for this kind of torture they're doing. They scarecrow these guys, this guy. Oh, they draw, they draw in court, but with, the yeah yeah yeah. And, and he tells the group, but whoever kills everybody else gets to come with me.
So he lets one lift. That's right. It's like a competition to be used. Yeah. It's like an audition, so to speak. Yeah. Yeah. Go ahead and press play. And and you see Furiosa's here in the cage. stop So this is this has got to be a couple of years later, because she's slightly older. Yes, it is. It it does it does progress through her age. Yeah. So there's four of them.
We dance to Darwin. Today, we do the five bikes. Teddy! Ready? Five bikes. Oh, sorry. It's five. Go! Yeah, they got four people on in front of a bike, and the four people are going to fight to who rides the bike. yeah there I think there's 10 people fighting to get on a bike.
No, no, no, no. like it You can see each each bike had like four or five people in front of it. And they had to fight to get the right to ride the bike. Those five that ride the bike until this other guy get to become part of the plan. Oh, okay. Initiation time. Yeah. It's it's ah it's a right to...
Now I like that I like, you know, he's got everything written down on him. So he Okay, so I've seen, I've seen this in movies before, like some old wise guy, right? there Like, why do you write on your face? Like, do you look in a mirror right backwards? yeah as it Or when do you need the information? Do you have a mirror on you? Like, well, he's got a little magnifying glass there. Yeah.
But yes, the re but what about is magnifying glass and mirrors some shit? Like I have I have i have the coordinates all the treasure, but it's like behind my ear. I need somebody. Can you can you read this, Bob? Yeah. Yeah, that is kind of weird thing. But what's important here is as he he's not paying attention. Furiosa has the map drawn on her arm and she tattoos it on her arm.
the map. Oh, okay. So I did not really you can actually see that. Okay. Here she goes. She's gonna actually tattoo herself. Oh, okay. And she tattoos the coordinates. We're after after so so many years after I wonder. I think it's she' she's had to. Well, I think Hey, essentially all that entire time.
by reference to the stars and other the celestial That's I am a huge fan of this chariot and i would I want to build one and I want to it. you know like I don't want to ride it. I don't want to just ride it. I want to sign up for one of my like town's parades and fucking right right it in the beginning of the parade yeah and i'm be yeah break the coffee i here um yeah here's the thing though it he's holding ropes to steer how does that work so it's the way they're all hooked up it's like when he pulls one side it's like all
Like all the bikes are interlinked and you know, like when you, when you're steering a bike, when you go to left, you push right. So when you pull the ropes, that's essentially what it's like. Yeah, but it just seems like overly complicated. I get it. He's the most important guy. Just ride the bike, dude. Somebody get this guy a buggy. Yeah, the dude wants to roll in there like Alexander the Great Man. I'm not mad at him. I'm just saying it it's overly complicated that he's done.
no He's grandiose. Okay, I see i gotta of hide the other see how he does it. i mean he's Yeah, yeah, you see how ah you see how he's yeah, yeah. as it like height Turning radius on it too. Yeah. And now I love this, this scene here because, and I'm going to, no, well, go um,
and bla it right there and hey so that guy um I love this because it's it it's a anybody you know a lot of people that are watching Furiosa, they've already seen Fury Road.
um And you if you don't know anything about the movie, like if you've never seen it before, you're like, wait a minute, where's the gas town? Where's this? you know You're thinking, wow, this must be really in the past, really far in the past, but you realize it's in the same, you know, 10 year span. Yes. It's not, it's not that, it's not far in the past. And exactly in that, when you see this guy with the spray paint on his face and all that, and you're like, holy shit, I know where he came from. Yup. And you start to get, wow, I, you nailed down the timeline in a millisecond by Susan Scott.
I still think this shit's better than Star Wars. Nah, that's a push. Go ahead, press play. Yeah, you're pushed. Yeah.
It's Stylud. He's been baptized. Yeah, he kind of baptizes himself there. I love it. He's like, I'm in. They got the cool stuff.
He's like, I want some of this shit. Right?
they They do have vehicles. Yeah. Other than motorcycles. I have a question for you. i'm Go ahead and let it keep playing. Yeah. The reason why I say let it keep playing is because we can't show the whole thing. But um in this scene, as he's coming up to the Citadel,
Is, is he too cocky? Oh, fuck yeah, he's just cocky. He's like, like, he's like, oh, we can take these guys with no problem. But he quickly realizes I might be wrong. Oh, yeah, he is. I actually like this a good thing. Yeah, he rolls up in that bitch like he's top dog. Like he's like, yeah, you ain't got shit on me. Yeah.
Look how quickly protect and honor this the symbolism here of his cape going from white to red attractive so is is yeah epic.
i want lead um only vote Yeah, he's got to he's got this whole real, I'm the savior, I'm going to show you done.
And fuck these guys. We got this. Oh, I can take care of you. They can't do shit.
He is, dude, I forgot what's his name. Immortal Joe. Yep. and yeah The actor that plays him. I can't remember his name, but the actor that plays him was in the original Mad Max. No shit. Yeah, I actually, at least in the in the ah Fury Road movie, I don't know if it is in this.
i know He's got a great costume. Rita, look. Medicine. is risk i like Mr. Mr. Davidson. Mr. Harley. Mr. Harley. Mr. Davidson. I love it. I'm making up the past right now, because I'm curious to know what the actor's name is. Yeah, look up who played a mortal Joe. I believe he was in the original Mad Max. And that guy is the head of the jazz town, right?
among all his warriors assembled here so so go ahead pause it real quick because i i got a question for you yeah is it so is it weird that the gas town guy and the bullet guy are there at the citadel when they show up or did they cleanse because you see those those you have immortal joe standing on the far left yeah that's all that's all That's the bullet guy. And then the, guy yeah, the guy with the weird, uh, co-captive, the pilot helmet on. That's the bullet guy. He's the head of bullet town. i Oh, I was sitting there pilot. l a song Yeah, of course. He his dick in there fuckinging a love and then, and then, uh, gas town guys there too, which are the original guys from the,
uh Mad Max uh Fury Road. all Alright, I'm just looking at his filmography right now. Uh his name is Lachi Olme, L-A-C-H-Y-H-U-L-N-E. He was in Matrix Revolution, Killer Lead, Offspring. He was in Mad Max. Oh yeah, this is Fury also. Go down to the 70s. Yeah, he was born in 71 though.
Oh, wow. So so I think it was a different actor that played him back in the day. OK, I I think I heard that somewhere. I didn't know if it was true or not. So he doesn't even he doesn't even pop up on Fury Road. Really? So they got a guy. So, OK, so the guy that played in Fury Road, the guy that played in Fury Road was the original guy. So this is a different actor. OK, that makes a moral. Now it makes sense.
We are about to witness the takeoff of the first manned rocket to outer space. We pick up the count. Seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero! We're off to visit the planets. There are treats galore in the stars. Venus is loaded with candy.
pop on this butter pi but the best of them all of the
headfa theater refreshments and good I didn't know if they use the same actor You think it'd be a part that that could pull that off like Jason right exactly. Yeah and you'll never know
The loyalty that that is shown here with the with the the boys the more those guys say man they did the indoctrination that's in their heads. Oh, yeah, it's fucking straight up cold. Yeah.
to the right. fuck It matters.
Where do they get all the spray paint? shit Whatever they fucking use. What is that? It's not spray paint. It's chrome. It's what they call it. I don't think it's actually chrome spray paint. I think it's supposed to be. You know what it reminds me of? is like You ever seen the painting of takes Yeah, like sorry but if I were to initially do that jump up with those fucking two staffs in my hand and try to do that my as and yeah don right We've all seen those videos of people on rope swings trying to swing out And then they get caught and fall and you're like wow you suck like that would be me I would have just fallen to my death and like yeah, I lost
Speaking of which, did you want to show this on screen that falling goes? No, I don't want to show it just. OK, fair enough. but mis I want to watch. I want to watch. you Yeah, I was going to see it down at the bottom. but So, yeah, he he slides down and and boom, he just gives zero bucks as he falls. Yeah. Like the loyalty behind this.
Like their air, their whole existence is only to die for a mortal. joe They're comatology guys. But it's also, it's also like, you know, they, they mentioned Valhalla and they're like, you know, yeah battle. It's, it's a real Viking kind of. and genity it's It's a real indoctrination that they've gone through to get this, which is interesting that they, you can keep that going for the many years that they've been doing.
Well, look at look look at some modern legends. And now for thousands of more. Agreed. And now, we're gonna kill you! Now, we're gonna kill you! This is when he's like, fuck! I'm fucked up! Fuck! Fuck!
He's like, I overplayed my hand. Yeah. And like, said the so... the scene where they're picking up bikes, the precision that you gotta have to run a crane to pick up a bike, do the guys just practice all the time? Well, I mean, I'm gonna harken back to Hollywood magic, like the whole flipping of a footer. Right, but I mean, they pull that thing off. But I see what you mean. Yeah, this is... Yeah, Gastown, yeah.
the second fortress of the wasteland. Thank you, because I can't read it from my end. No, you're good. That's what she said. Yeah. but it's too but Some of their costumes just seem impractical. Yeah, no, the horns on this dude, like, they're way of like, like, nobody could see this guy coming. Like, how do you walk by? Like, how do you walk by somebody like, not not we're like, stab there but not only that, not only that,
If we're in a group of people and you walk my way with the horns, I'm gonna make fun of you. Yeah. Yeah. I don't care if we're in a wasteland or not. I'm gonna just like, please, why do you have fucking horns? Because we're in the wasteland. You think you're cool?
I find one, I would definitely find find one of those big ram horns and make a fucking huge ass pipe out of it. Right? That's another thing. There's not enough smoking in this movie. You know, there's nobody smoking weed.
Yeah. I like that bad. I'm not going to lie. Right. I love a big four poster and a big, you know, headboard and all that stuff. So this is the gas gas town guy. Yeah, this is the original leader of gas town.
um as as As so to the audience what they're trying to with what these two nomadic tribes are trying to do is They're trying to the They they want to take over. Yeah, they yes, they hijacked the gas town truck They painted some of their own dudes up to look like the boys from from yeah war boys the war boys and so they're trying to infiltrate gas town and Okay, like the war boys are being attacked. Yes, but it's not working because there's really no attack So he turns around and he really starts killing. Yeah, he's lucky I'm gonna just kill these guys cuz well in his defense This is me playing devil's advocate here. But oh, he's smart as fuck. It works It's a it's a functional thing and he doesn't hesitate to kill his own people.
Because he's you gotta you gotta remember he's in charge of thousand Yeah people plus Mm-hmm So he's got a man by the way to make it work But the fucked up thing was is that the people who dressed up like the war boys were from the from the opposite nomadic tribe Yeah, he's like they're not my guys. Yeah They're horny mics, you know like a double cross. Well, not a double cross, but still. Yeah, it's kind of a double cross on his own people, but it's not because he didn't kill the driver, which is the horny guy. So this is basically the Trojan horse deploy. That's a real, true and you know, which you got to think
Where does he come up with the idea? Because he's, he's got that wise man that could have been like, you could do what the Trojans did and do it. That would have been a good, I think it's giving Chris Hemsworth's character way too much credit to not have the, the old wise man go, let's do a Trojan horse.
gar ten plus played office zone yeah that would that um yeah that sounds like ah sort of the way that's the way they should have it makes character wise yeah
Are we getting up to the nipple scene?
think um Oh, I like the nipple C. It's so brutal. He's like, I don't give a fuck about You know what I just noticed Yeah. You know what I just realized? He had a nose ring in, too. Yeah. Oh, so it ripped out of his fucking nose, too. Yeah. Oh, man. Oh, hold on. I need a moment. I need a moment. That's the pain. You just play it off like nothing happened. I know. Oh. Impression. Oh. Him, boy, just coming down his chest. Yeah, he just he just doesn't care.
so So the original plan of a mortal Joe here is is to make her a wife. Yes. And the creepiness of the one of his sons that's coming up here, we'll have to discuss. Oh, that's good. Dude is seriously creepy. Oh, well, yeah. The breeders. Yeah.
I don't know if they got it good or they got it bad, honestly. Like, their day-to-day is not so good, right? Not so bad. But then at the end of the day, they, come on, they have to sleep with these ugly dudes.
Yeah, they don't seem like the artificial insemination type. Yeah. No. Not even real. They like it. Look how creepy he's like. I like your hair.
yeah like Like that dude's a predator, man. He's a predator. The strength that she has to have. what one To hold on like that? I know shit. I could not do that. I i consider myself a, not maybe like the strongest guy on the planet, but I can can hold my own weight. But can you make it across the monkey bars in one go?
Yes. Oh, I know I can because I can't. like But. but suck yourself for hours like yeah that's it that's That's physically impossible. And then, you know, the transition here where I love this, the tree grows, the hair stays. No, she did. She went up there all the time. No, she went up there. little She went into hiding without being able to leave.
video has been brought to you by the Nonsense School Network. Well, we tried. Good job, dickhead. Sweet.