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A New Era Of RAW? Plus Fyter Fest Recap and RSC Preorder News! image

A New Era Of RAW? Plus Fyter Fest Recap and RSC Preorder News!

The Chick Foley Show
6 Plays5 years ago
Sheena and Phil recap Fyter Fest, Elite 70 preorders, and discuss their exciting 4th of July celebrations (or lack thereof). Patreon page:

Festive Introduction and Host Locations

Born in the USA, it's the Chick Foley show on the 5th of July. Hopefully you all had a happy and safe 4th of July holiday. Uh, Sheena and I are in the studio here. I'm in Baltimore, Maryland in the Jimmy's famous seafood studios. It's a boy, the hot take kid. And I got Sheena Phelps and, uh, in her home now in Virginia.

Challenges of Watching Wrestling Live

What's going on, Sheena? Not a whole lot, man. Kicking it over here on the East coast. Um, it is, it's pretty, it's so different over here. Like the last few weeks watching wrestling over here, I'm just like,
I don't know how you guys stay up so late. Yeah. It's been a, it's a big trouble for me, but that's the best thing about Hulu is I don't have to stay up till 11 o'clock watching, watching Rob, but yeah, you're probably so true. Your body's trained to like go to bed early and you still get all your wrestling and it's probably a big change.
Oh yeah, by five o'clock, I've already taken in all three hours of raw. I mean, I can go like go for a run or do whatever, go enjoy the evening and then make dinner and like still have like life. And over here, um, the other night Seth was like, uh, it comes on at eight here, right? So he gives like eight, nine, 10, 11. I was like, wait a minute. The last hour of raw hasn't even started yet. And he was like,
Seth was like, no, we still got an hour. I was like, I got to watch that shit in the morning, dude. It gets in the way sometimes. But it's been better the last couple of weeks. We'll get

Engagement with Listeners and Patreon Shoutouts

to that in a minute. But you guys can follow us on Twitter at Chick Foley show. You can follow Sheena on Instagram at Chick Foley. And the email address to drop us a line, ask us any questions, or hit us up is askchickfoli at We have two new Patreon subscribers this week, Sheena.
Patrick Harris not Neil not Neil Patrick Harris just Patrick Harris and I want to give his he's got an awesome Instagram account and a website What's his what's his IG account so we can give him some love? Patrick Harris hold on I thought The turnbuckle we got Patrick Harris over at the turnbuckle. So yes, I'm awesome wrestling content over there So definitely give our man Patrick a follow. I
And my brother from another mother, Kevin Harrison from the Baltimore Least Squad signed up. So both of those gentlemen will be enjoying our extra content, some episodes, our weekly show notes that Sheena puts together. I just did an unboxing video for a retro series 10. And Sheena, you're doing an unboxing video this weekend at some point?
Yeah, I got me some Velveteen Dream Action to be unboxing. I ordered it from Ringside and it came in and man, it's sweet. I cannot wait to show you guys that.
Very nice. I've been having my eye on that figure as well. So I'm looking forward to that. It's slash Chick Foley show. If you do anything, if you listen to the show every week, it's a dollar a week to get Sheena show notes emailed to your inbox and access to our Facebook group where we buy and sell wrestling figures and talk wrestling almost all day long. So it's it's definitely worth the dollar. So check it out. slash Chick Foley show.
Ringside collectibles she now finally has a coupon code for all of our listeners. It's chick Foley all capitals chick Foley and You can get 10% off now, which is pretty sweet. We can start saving ourselves some money
Yeah, I'm just cracking up that you called it a coupon code. I mean, I've always just called them promo codes or things like that. But it's just so funny. I watch too much extreme couponing, I guess. It's extreme couponing. And the fact that you say coupon and not coupon. I think coupon is like the southern way to say it. People are like, oh, I got coupons. And then in the northern eastern part, it's like coupon.
But yeah, that's pretty funny. We do have a code, whether you call it coupon code or promo code. So yeah, definitely use that to get 10% off your ringside collectibles orders. We also have one on Collar and Elbow. It's We've been singing the praises for their shirts. You just use code CHICK, C-H-I-C-K, for 10% off there. I'm about to place an order on there for some hoodies as I'm praying the weather gets cooler. I love the fall.

Weather Chat and 4th of July Experiences

As much as I love the summer, like once 4th of July is over, I already have my mind on football season.
So I'm hoping for some cooler weather in the next couple months.
dude, it's been a heat wave over here. I thought, you know, living in Hawaii for so long that I would be acclimated to the heat. Like, I mean, I've dealt with some pretty, some pretty hot weather, you know, down on the Island, but man, this is like intense. Like we were walking into the grocery store the other day and I was like, I feel like I'm taking a death March. Like this is like going through the parking lot. I felt like the sun was just so oppressive and like beating down on my head. Um, you guys over here, this is like a different type of heat. I don't know how you deal.
Yeah. I mean, even though we're close to the water here, we still have pretty humid. I mean, we went yesterday, the 4th of July, they had a big like, uh, this, the town we live in has like a competition for kids. Yeah. They had like, uh, one of those put the egg on a spoon thing and like a wheelbarrow race for the kids. So we went there. Yeah. It was like nine o'clock in the morning. It was still, we only lasted like an hour. I was like, Oh God, it's so freaking hot.
hot here, man. Get me out of here. Perfect outside beer drinking weather, though. It was like 9.30 in the morning. I was already thinking about how many beers I was going to drink at the cookout because it's just like you just need to hydrate. Yeah. That was my next question. Was it beer friendly since it was like a kid's field day?
I mean it was at 9 30 so that would be a little bit over the top but uh it's five o'clock somewhere yeah you could bring mimosas or something i just i didn't even think of that we just packed some water bottles and uh that called it a day but uh yeah i had a pretty good fourth of july we were able to cram as much stuff as we could into like a 12-hour period did the did the parade here in town i set off some fireworks in the backyard just some little rinky dink ones from target because i wasn't gonna
Make my kids stay up till 9 30 because I know he wouldn't go to sleep And I'll cook out across the street with some neighbors. It was a good time. Would you end up doing?
uh dude it was like the most uneventful 4th of july ever we stayed here with the baby face just chilled um this is the first time in six years that we have not watched fireworks um yeah normally um you know we we go and we watch them across the harbor we lived right across from you know like our backyard was basically pearl harbor arizona memorial and they always did a big huge fireworks show right over the harbor um we could literally just walk out our back door
but it rained here all day. I don't know if it rained up there for you guys but it rained all day here and I think it kind of like killed some of the festivities and then you know we were gonna have to drive like you know I don't know like 20 minutes which isn't bad but I mean with traffic here in Virginia Beach like it would have been like
an hour getting back home and they didn't start till 9 30. So we ended up just putting the baby face to bed, chilling out, you know, getting the house, uh, continue to unpack the house and stuff. So yeah, most uneventful 4th of July ever, but stranger things launched. I was going to watch some of it last night, but I ended up crashing out. I was like, you want to watch this? She's like, no, I'm going to fall asleep right away.
I know, that was my thought. I was like, God, I could totally tune in, but I'm afraid I'll fall asleep, and I don't want to be that person. But I do plan on getting in some Stranger Things action today. The trailer looks pretty sick, so I'm excited for that. I've heard it's the best season yet, so I'm extremely excited to tune in and see what my thoughts are.

Fyter Fest Review and AEW Critique

One last plug before we get to the action., you can find not only our shirts, but any wrestling shirt you can imagine from any retired wrestler, current wrestlers, AEW shirts, they're doing a Code America 20% off all weekend. So our new Patreon member, Patrick Harris, he was on the highest level we have. He gets a Chick-Foli shirt. So I've already got that ordered and sent down to him and I saved 20%. Don't let him know that, well, I mean, I'm sure he doesn't care. He's just getting a cool shirt from us.
And we have some cool designs in the works. I'm going to unveil those to you pretty soon. Our good buddy Extra Cooler is putting something together for us. So that's going to be pretty fun. I'm not going to let you see it until it's ready, because I want a live reaction on air.
I know you did that last time, and it didn't disappoint. So you got pretty big shoes to fill. You unveiled the Queen of the Ring design to me on air. And so I hope, don't let me down, dude. Don't let this one be like a wet fart. Oh, jeez. Yeah, that was a case of contention in the Facebook group. People were pretty upset that I banned the phrase wet fart. I guess they were. I know. I didn't know people were such a fan. People stood behind the wet fart phrase. I was like, wow. I guess we're going to have to be pro wet fart here on the show.
Exactly, exactly. But yeah, if you don't follow Extra Cooler, it's at Extra Cooler. He's a big deal, you guys. So definitely go over and follow him. We love him. Just an awesome artist. Make some really, really great stuff. So follow him over on Instagram, at Extra Cooler. All right. I'd like to start with Fyter Fest, because I have quite a few thoughts on this. And it was the furthest thing away from today. It was almost a week ago. Overall, thoughts from you on Fyter Fest. Let's start with how we had to watch this thing.
Um, I mean, it was free, you know, I, I can't, I can't complain that it, yeah, I can't complain that it was, uh, it was free 99. I mean, that's definitely a price that I can, I can appreciate and get behind. Um, I didn't mind watching it on the streaming. I didn't have any issues with my streaming. Did you have any issues or glitches or any like, you know, lag or anything?
No, once I was able to actually log on, I missed the first, I missed the pre-show and I missed the first match or two because I thought, I asked everyone on Twitter, I was like, how do I watch this damn thing? I have one of those fire sticks, but I just never, with the move and everything, I just never had it hooked up because I can get all that stuff through the PlayStation.
So a couple of people were like, hey, just get on a YouTube app, and you should be able to get on there and watch it. So I was like, OK. I didn't do any kind of prep for it. I set up a BR Live account a couple of days ahead of time. So I had that set just in case. But I got on YouTube, and there's nothing on there. So then I had to scramble and try to find that fire stick.
And once I got on there, I downloaded the BR Live app and logged in and it was fine. The connection was good. It was just kind of confusing how to set it up. I mean, they posted an article, AEW did about it, but I was just, you know, going to let people sit on Twitter, which I guess I thought it was going to be on YouTube. I guess going forward now, I have a BR Live account, but yeah, having it free was definitely a plus. I mean, I can't complain about it. The quality of the stream was really good.
Yeah. Um, it's a heavy flow stream. Yeah. The heel, the heel husband is my like technician. Like anytime I need like any sort of technical support, like he's the guy that sets everything up. So like, you know, when he's gone, like, I don't know what the hell I'm going to do. I'm going to be like, Oh no, show me hell. Like, you know, so, um, I always depend on him to like, get these things set up. I just sit back and enjoy them. You know, like I'm just like, okay, what time does it come on? I'll be in the living room, you know, ready, ready to go. So.
Um, you know, he's the one that always, always sets those types of things up. So obviously like, I don't think he had any issues. I miss the pre-show and everyone was, uh, I got a lot of, a lot of tweets that people were dying to know my thoughts on the, uh, AW buy-in or whatever it was called because it was, I guess pretty awful. So I will watch that for next week's show and give you an honest reaction. Did you watch the, the buy-in, the pre-show?
Yeah. Um, there was, there was a couple of matches that were, um, good. I thought the, um, the tag match, like the best friends, SCU, uh, the private party, like that was a really fun match and a great way to kick off the show. Um, but the other two things, the, um, Jabali and Nakazawa and the whole librarian, like the Levobates blue pants thing.
I was like if you're if this is what you're using to get people to like I mean obviously fighter fest was free so you didn't have to buy it but like no you know they call their pre-shows buy-ins but like if this is what you're using to get people to buy into like your main show
you need to step it up a notch like put put some of your big guys on the on the pre-show you know what i mean like just to get some interest um granted like i said this was free so people probably just kept watching regardless but yeah the whole alley versus levobates and the um nakazawa fight i was not
I was not really into, but the tag match I thought was a lot of fun. So yeah, if you don't watch anything else from the free show, you definitely need to watch that tag team match. Yeah, people were all over that private party team. I'm going to go back and watch that match. But I guess the hardcore match between, I don't even know who this Alex Chibale is. Is he like a journalist or something? People were talking about him. Is he a wrestler?
I mean, I assume so. He's wrestling, right? So I mean, it was a hardcore match. They used all of the like the props, you know, this was obviously like they were making fun of fire at the fire festival. If you guys don't know about the fire festival, there's a whole documentary on it on Hulu and Netflix.
but basically they had brought in all the props like the little pools and the tents and all of these things and the whole theme was kind of like you know mocking fire festival so they were using all these props during the hardcore match. At this time I can't remember what we were doing but I was like I had one eye on the TV and kind of one eye you know on the baby face or whatever the heck I was doing but yeah I definitely didn't catch my attention too much.
Fire Fest was over two years ago. I had no, I did not make the connection between that and this wrestling event. And I've seen those documentaries. I just didn't, I guess I kind of knew about it with the spelling of Fighter Fest, but it was a confusing connection to make there. It was funny because until Heal Husband made that connection for me, I didn't even, I had the same. I didn't make the connection and I watched both those documentaries. I knew all about the Fire Festival and everything, but yeah, Fighter Fest.
It just, it sounds like the name of a wrestling pay-per-view, right? Fighter Fest. I never, I mean, I knew, I knew it was spelled, you know, F-Y, but I didn't, the connection never, like, and I didn't make the connection until I like saw it and they were talking about like the cheese sandwiches and they had the tents and all this stuff and they were supposed to fly first class and coach. And I was like, Oh, I get it. You know what I mean? Like I was like, okay, now I get it. But yeah, like you said, it wouldn't, if you didn't know, or if you don't know about the fighter festival, you'd be like, what the hell?
Is this stuff like what are they doing? Why do they have models and tents and you know, like all this shit?
All right, let's get into the matches. Let's talk about some high points, and we'll get into some low points here. Yeah. I continue to enjoy MJF. I think he's going to be a pretty big star. I don't think people are saying, well, somebody tweeted out that AEW has made more stars already than WWE has in the last year. Oh my god. Which is maybe the worst tweet in the history of Twitter. Yeah. I wouldn't even call MJF to a star. He's a star in the AEW. But I mean, if he showed up on Raw,
be crickets. 10% of the crowd would know who the hell he is. And that's going to change as they get on TV and they have more events and stuff. This is their second event. I'm not trying to bag on him there or anybody there, but it's too early to say anything like that. But he's what the Miz should be on TV. He can talk on the mic.
He has a similar style to Miz. He's not like a high flyer. He's just kind of a chicken shit guy in the ring and he's fun to watch and he's awesome on Twitter. So that was the high point for me and that match was really good, the four way match. Hangman Page, I got a little Twitter beef with your husband. Well, maybe not beef, but I haven't seen enough from him in the two matches that we've had to really know anything about Hangman Page.
Yeah. I saw the heel husband was going back and forth talking about like, dude, he's a freaking star. Yeah, he probably is. But I mean, is there anything from these two events that show me that he, I mean, he was in that battle royal and you can't really showcase anybody's skills in a battle royal. And in this match, it was just kind of like, just same thing in WWE. There's a couple of guys in the ring, a couple of guys are outside. I mean, he had some great moves. I just haven't seen enough from him to really, okay, this guy needs to be the first champion.
You know what I mean? I think they would have done a better job of building him up. If he's gonna beat Jericho, I would have liked to see him like, okay man, this guy is legit. He's gonna face this company.
True. But I feel like right now, especially in these, you know, blossoming stages of AEW, they are still very in tune to the hardcore audience. Like the people that follow the indies very closely. Um, I mean, everybody knows who everybody that's watching these shows, I feel like knows who hangman is. And I know once they get on TV, they're going to be able to develop these storylines and you know, carry these things on and things like that. So I feel like right now, I mean,
You've got to start somewhere, you know what I mean? And you've got to put your aces in places. They know Hangman's going to deliver. They know Cody's going to deliver. They know these big names are at the top of the card. Whether we know it, whether we've ever seen these guys wrestle before, we're just depending on AEW to present us with the best product. And I feel like that's what they're doing. At this very beginning stage, we're just going to have to take it for what it's worth.
Obviously we know but I mean you're kind of talking about people who are just now like kind of you know coming over from WWE and you know tuning into this brand new product and they may not know who these people are and whatnot. Again I think it's just the way that they're presented like if you present somebody like a star.
They're going to like people are going to be like, oh, this guy must be the best, the best wrestler in the world. You know what I mean? Like this guy must be the, you know, the champion or he must be, um, he must be a mega heel. So it's all about how you present these people from the beginning. Um, and you know, I mean, I know once you see more from hangman, you're really just going to love him, but I thought this match was good. I, um, I loved that jungle boy came out riding Luchasaurus, like riding. That was cool.
I was like, well, I don't understand what's going on here, but I really like it. Um, and like you said, talking about MJF, I mean, I feel like, you know, you kind of touched on, you know, if he came on raw, nobody would know who he was, but I still feel like he's the type of guy that would demand your attention and demand a presence, you know, like command a presence. And I think, um, it wouldn't matter if people knew who he was or not. He would, he would play off that. Like, I don't care if you freaking idiots know who I am or not. Like, you know what I mean? So I think.
Um, he is a star. He's a very, very in tune with who his character is, who he's trying to be, who he's portraying. Like I just, I just love it on all levels. Um, you know, and Seth, um, while we were watching, obviously he was going for hangman. Um, he's like, who are you going for? And I was like, well, I mean, I think hangman, he's like, what do you mean you think hangman? Um, and I was like, um, and I was like, I'm kind of like, I would like not hate seeing MJF win this. And he was like, what?
He could not believe, but I mean, I feel like he wins me over with his, you know, heal tactics, like that little promo that he cut beforehand. I was like, oh my God, like he is such an asshole, you know?
Yeah, he plays the role perfectly. I think somebody we follow on Twitter tweeted him like, this is the way you have a gimmick, blah, blah, blah. And I don't think they even tagged him. But he tweeted back like, this isn't a gimmick you freaking loser. Get out of your mom's basement. Oh my god, that is so funny. This is who I really am. He knows what he's doing, and they've done a great job with him so far. It's fun to watch him.
The one thing I want to say about AEW, the fucking entrance music and the announcer voice, all the volume is off, none of the song, it just sounds like WCW. Yeah, it's got a very WCW vibe to it and it still feels, even at this level where they're putting on bigger shows, they're getting a lot more attention, they're getting a lot bigger audience, it still feels very,
indie and i don't know if that's intentional i don't know if they're trying to stay true to that feel you know and whatnot you know not trying to go like big production i mean they have pyro and all that kind of stuff you know but at the end of the day like it's still it just doesn't
have the production value that WWE has and I mean and I guess you can't expect them to you know I mean WWE has been doing this since like you know the beginning of time for all intents and purposes and they have the best in the business working for them and you know AEW is just getting started but it does feel very I mean especially
with the commentary I was kind of talking to you about this um the commentary just is very lacking like the match like calling the matches was fine like JR did a great job I mean he can still call a match just fine um but it's the in between like matches that's really really lacking I feel like they need some video packages they need something because those guys cannot
carry like they couldn't transition and there yeah they're used to like there being some kind of buffer there and they almost went like the first like four or five matches were just like boom boom boom boom boom they had nothing in between to kind of like give you like a palate cleanser and bring the crowd down the crowd was pretty like the crowd was getting hype on certain spot on the big spots
But just normal action, they were pretty quiet. But it was kind of an in-between crowd. But they were definitely there to watch some AEW. They were pretty into it. I just feel like you're right. They could have done something in between some of these matches just to kind of... I know they wanted to make a little bit of a shorter show, but you definitely need something like that.
for people like me who don't know who, I don't know who Nyla Rose is and these women wrestlers. So give me like a three minute package of like something this girl Reho can do. So I'm like, oh, okay, cool. So that's who I'm about to watch, all right.
Exactly, exactly. And they need that just because, again, they don't have the Corey Graves and the Michael Coles and the people that can carry those segments when there's downtime. You know what I mean? They can't depend on J.R. to do that. He just doesn't.
have that you know no offense to JR the man is a legend but um and he like i said he did a good job calling the the calling the match and the play by play but yeah they they gotta do something else to to step up the production value and really get some and maybe you know maybe all the stuff that they're taping out i don't know what it is like you know maybe it's some sort of licensing thing maybe they can't use the footage from you know um other other indie promotions and things like that so maybe that's why but i mean you can make your own you know what i mean like these guys have the
the capability and the money to now make their own promo packages and stuff and like video packages. So why are they just giving us nothing? You know, especially since it's three months in between shows or whatever, you know, it's not like they're doing a back to back every week type of thing. Like take some time and get and build a little bit on these characters. I mean, you could do it and it would just help you out tremendously.
Yeah, I totally 100% agree. So yeah, hangman came out on top. Um, he got the, he got the pin on Jimmy Havoc and, uh, you know, I think it was good because I think, I think eventually they're going to build to a hangman's MJF specific.
So I thought it was good that hangman got the pin on Jimmy. It didn't take anything away from MJF And you know, I don't know where I don't know where jungle boy is going But I'm excited to see cuz I actually kind of I like I dig him, you know, yeah Go ahead. I just I would think they would they would benefit from having a secondary title Not even don't even have to call it a cruiserweight title, but they have a lot of smaller guys I mean hangman page kind of towers over a lot of these guys and he's what six two six three. So I
If you built like kind of a, I don't even know if you need to call it a light heavyweight or cruiserweight or something, but I mean, that's he's a guy that would shine in that for sure. For sure. I want to get into Cody versus Darby Allen for a minute, because this match will win. This match like was very controversial in a lot of ways, not not Cody and Darby specifically, but the ending of the match. But I want to get your your overall thoughts on this match and then I'll kind of touch on what I what I thought about it.
Well, I was just assuming that, OK, Cody's going to squash this guy because he's the owner of the company. He's got a big match coming up. The guy's 22 years old. He's a young guy. And it was good to see this is how you build more people and you make people seem important by having Cody go to a time limit draw with Darby Allen, who I enjoyed in the ring. I had never seen him before. I did watch that show on Viceland, the wrestlers that everyone's been talking about.
The first episode is all about ROH and Evolve and following them around and he's kind of the star of the thing and you learn a lot about him. For me, I mean, he is tiny. He's freaking tiny. Yeah, that was my very first observation is like this guy is like so
skinny. I don't know that I've even seen a wrestler this skinny before. 175 Live would be a good show for him, but he can go in the ring. I'm not taking anything away from him. He was killing it out there, and a couple of spots that he had were pretty scary. That backwards jump onto the side of the ring apron was totally unnecessary. You can do some serious damage to your back with that, but I guess he knows what he's doing better than me, obviously.
the coffin drop yeah let me just tell you when i watched that like Seth was doing something and he was like you know on his phone or on his laptop and i was watching it and i was just like oh my god and Seth was like what and then they showed the replay and i mean
There is just nothing. I don't care if you know what you're doing. I don't care if, you know, wrestling is predetermined or whatever. Like there is no way to take that bump softly. I mean, as, as we know, I don't know if you know Phil or if you've heard, but the ring apron is the hardest part of the ring. And he literally just like jumped and put his spine on the corner of the ring apron. And it like, to me, like that is a very unnecessary,
risk and bump and you know it didn't even to me didn't really even do anything for me other than just make me be like holy shit this guy's crazy yeah it wasn't a move it's not like if you would have hit I mean it would do more damage to drop an elbow on somebody from there instead of just drop your back like if you wouldn't have moved out of the way that that move is basically designed for someone to move out of the way and for you just to crack your back right
Yeah, yeah, like literally, yeah, there was nothing, you know, he didn't do a flip. There was nothing like very visually stimulating about it. I mean, it's called a coffin drop. So I mean, you know, you're just kind of like, you know, basically like falling back in a corpse position. Yeah. But at the same time, like I just feel like that was.
That was crazy. I mean, it definitely got people talking. And like you, I had never really seen Darby Allen do anything before. I hadn't really seen him do much work before this. But I thought that they really did a good job kind of giving him a backstory. Like at the beginning of the match, they were talking about him. He was dragging out this body bag and all this stuff. And they kind of told his backstory about how he was in a car crash and it changed his whole life and yada, yada, yada. And I really liked that part of it.
I thought the body bag was really cool until it actually came into play. And then I was like, man, they ruined that little body bag spot. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There was a spot on this wrestler show where somebody put him in the body bag and then dumped like a whole bag of thumbtacks inside the body bag and zipped it up and like power bombed him. And I was like, oh, and he had to go to the hospital after that. I'm not going to give too much away from the episode.
Uh, it's just like, you know, and he's like kind of a parkour skateboard type of guy. Like remind me a lot of like, uh, Bam Marguera, like some of the videos with his friends, like doing silly stuff, like, you know, definitely a, definitely a different, like, you know, a different type of superstar for this. That's not involved, you know, not one of the owners of AEW and kind of just a different.
For sure. Different personality, so I did like that. Yeah, and he looked good. I liked his music. Again, I liked him dragging the body bag. I thought it was kind of lame that Cody put him in the body bag and then kicked him and then was like, oh shit, I got to get this guy out of a body bag to pin him. So it was a very awkward transition for all of that. But like you said, I love the time limit. I love the time limits on the matches for AEW. I hope they keep this going. I hope they don't
botch it like WCW used to do, like, you know, when they would, they would time some matches and then other matches like they wouldn't. So like you knew if it was like a timed match that there was either going to be a time limit draw or, you know, something was going to happen. Like, you know, the only time they ever called it out was whenever something was going to happen. So I hope they keep this consistent and keep the time, the time limits on the matches because I really, really liked that. But again, we know time limit draw, he barely missed, he barely missed the pin at the very end.
but that's not what got the freaking wrestling world on fire. So, you know, the, the match was over all this stuff. Uh, Sean Spears, uh, known to all of you and XT and WWE marks as Ty Dillinger came out, um, and just showed up out of nowhere. Right. And obviously like, you know, we haven't been, there's no really storylines developed for these things. So this just kind of like happened and we were like, okay, cool. Like, you know, Ty Dillinger's in the, in the ring or Sean Spears is in the ring. Um, and then he hits.
Cody on the head with a chair. Um, and it was a botched chair spot. I guess the seat of the chair went up and then the back of the chair like cracked Cody's head open at one. I saw at one point, I was like, Seth, I think I saw Cody skull. And he was like, are you sure? And I said, yeah, I'm pretty sure his head is like busted wide open. And to me, whether it was bossed or not, I mean, I know people take chair shots all the time, but,
it was just unnecessary and I don't know if he was intending to bleed or if it was like whatever but I feel like the Rhodes brothers are so known for just being able and you know obviously dusty like bleeding all the time that when they do bleed you're like oh my god seriously again you know like why do I have to see the Rhodes brothers like bleeding all over my freaking television every time they're on there but this was like bad.
I hated the entire thing. I hated that a WWE jobber out of nowhere comes into the ring who was already in this battle royal last month. So it's not like this is the first time he's been on AEW. No one in the crowd gave a shit because he's already been there before. The chair shot to the head was completely unnecessary with everything we know about
Brain injuries and all this kind of stuff you could have done. I think it's and tell me if I'm wrong I think it's better when Brock Lesnar or somebody else comes out and beats up Seth Rollins And then like pretends to leave comes back and gives him another f5 that comes back again It's like oh my god. This guy's getting his shit beat out of him You don't even need a chair you just like you're just like a real relentlessly whooping someone's ass a chair shot to the head is just so so unnecessary and even worse at the
the Young Bucks backstage were laughing it off and saying, oh, it was supposed to be a gimmick chair. Well, now you're telling us it's a gimmick chair and you're basically pulling the veil back on everything here. I mean, I would just go with it. If this is what happened, you got to deal with it and just say, hey, we didn't know Sean Spears was coming out, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Just play it off as an angle. It's professional wrestling. Shit.
Yeah, I mean Sean Spears, he did some sort of interview recently I saw and he kind of played it off, you know, I mean he did kind of just roll with it and you know, I mean I know there was a lot of people like giving him a lot of shit for it. And here's the thing, I know that he didn't, he wasn't intending to like give Cody a concussion or bust Cody's head open. I mean I know that's never any wrestlers intention to
like injure another wrestler, you know what I mean? But when you do unnecessary things like that, I mean the possibility of something like that happening increases tremendously and it's just not needed, you know what I mean? And like there's a reason why WWE stopped doing a lot of the things that they stopped doing and why a lot of the things got like basically banned.
It's because they saw the long-term repercussions from those guys from the 70s and the 80s, all these legends that had these chronic issues and died early in the post-Benoit era. You know what I mean? Chris Benoit, they said his brain was that of a five-year-old. He'd taken so many bumps and shots and all that stuff to the head.
There's a piper to be paid for that, you know what I mean? You're not just gonna take these shots to the head and have a concussion on your brain and have no repercussions long-term, you know what I mean? Especially when you just continue to re-aggravate those things. It's one thing if I get in a car wreck and like, oh my God, I have a concussion, but I'm a normal everyday Joe and I just go to my office and I sit and I have time to recover from my concussion and all of that. But when you get a concussion,
And then you're expected to go out in a couple of weeks and wrestle again and get hit again and take bumps again like.
Dude, there's no reason for that. It's so funny to me because AEW claims, oh, we take care of our wrestlers, we take care of our talent, blah, blah, blah. We have health insurance. I'm like, well, you're going to freaking need health insurance if they keep doing all these pile drivers and all these freaking chair shots and all these things like this and all these coffin drops to the ring apron. Do you know what I mean? Because you're going to need to have these guys covered because they're not going to be able to walk in a few years.
Yeah, it's just sad. Hopefully they learn from their lesson from this and don't do this going forward because, you know, we've seen Mick Foley has talked about having memory issues and stuff like that. And I'm surprised he hasn't had more long term effects than anyone else. But yeah, it was just, you know, they did it just for the shock value. I'm sure like they know that this isn't something that wrestling fans want to see. Right. I mean, true. My thing is, is like my concern is is that with these the matches that they're putting on now and the pay per views that they're putting on now,
They're kind of setting this expectation that AEW is a little bit more hardcore. It's a little bit, you know, more raw and things like that. You know, no pun intended. Um, but what's going to happen when they get on TV? Like they're not going to be able to do these types of stunts and things like that when they're on television. You know what I mean? Like TNT is not going to allow them to like crack people over the head and like bleed out, you know?
Yeah, so why? Yeah, exactly. You're not going to be able to do it on TV. And once you have sponsors and pay-per-views and stuff where you don't want to do it there, I mean, there's definitely a niche audience for it. I mean, people enjoy seeing the hardcore matches. I think you could. Oh, yeah. I enjoy a good hardcore match every once in a while. You know what I mean? And I think there's a way to do a hardcore match where it's not just inside. I mean, I thought the Moxley.
Uh, Joey Janelle match was really good. I didn't feel like there was any, like, I mean, Joey Janelle is a freaking bat shit crazy. Like, let's be honest, like, you know, there's no telling what he's going to do, but I didn't feel like there was like a lot of like completely insane things. I mean, the tax and all that, I mean, that, that stuff aside, I mean, that's the stuff to be expected from a hardcore match from these two guys, but there wasn't anything like, you know, the chair shots, they were like, you know, that could really, really like injure you, you know? Yeah.
moving on we had the six-man tag match lucha brothers versus omega and the young bucks which was another spotfest type of match but super entertaining really fun match probably one of my favorite matches on the card here I did not enjoy the
Young Bunk's entrance, I don't know anything about video games, I guess. Oh my gosh, it was awesome. There was like a black screen for a while, then the announcers didn't say anything, and I'm like, what is going on here? And then the Kenny Omega thing flashed on the screen, and he was dressed up as a Street Fighter character.
Yeah, you know, it was like Ken and Ryu was, I thought, I popped for the Street Fighter gear because who won? It was kind of cool. Cause you know, the whole night they had been kind of like playing off like, Oh my God, our luggage didn't make it. Like we don't have, they told us we would have ring gear. We don't have ring gear. And Kenny was like, I got you. You know, and they kept saying like, you know, do you think he's going to have any ring gear for us? And you know, they were like, I don't think so. And then they come out in, in the Street Fighter gear. And then they had the little Street Fighter moment in the ring. I thought it was awesome. I think for a match like that,
Um, a high paced match where it's not like super serious. I feel like those kinds of spots are, they add a little bit of fun and a little bit of like whimsy, whimsy to the match, but overall I thought this, so here's the thing. Let me just preface this by saying like these types of matches, these are just different. You have to know what you're getting into when you go into like a young bucks Lucha brothers match, like you, there's not going to be a lot of like selling and a lot of, you know, necessarily like deep.
storytelling like this is a match to just like basically showcase athleticism showcase wrestling and that's what they do best so I take like you know there's a lot of people that have an issue with that they're like oh my gosh like you know these guys don't sell anything they literally like you know fly over the top rope and you know do all this stuff and they just like bounce back and keep going
But when you watch the Bucks and you watch the Lucha Brothers, you just have to know going into it that that's the style of wrestling that you're going to be presented. And you either like it or you don't, or you just choose to accept it. And personally, I really enjoyed it. I thought there was a few unnecessary pile driver spots and stuff like that that always make me cringe. But overall, I thought it was a good match.
Yeah, there's a lot of those on this card of just, you don't see pile drivers that often in WWE. I think they're outlawed, but some of them are pretty brutal looking. There was one in this match, but there was a couple moves that Pentagon launching Ray Phoenix over the ring corner onto one of the young bucks outside of the apron, which was badass. And there was an awesome move, one of the young bucks. I don't know the difference between the two of them.
The one with the red pants was on the top rope and did kind of like a twisting Hurricanrana move with one of the guys onto the outside. Two of the guys were waiting on the outside. It was just super athletic. It was fun to watch. They definitely don't sell, but I've learned that now from the first match I watched with these guys. It was a fun match. I don't know.
I mean, is this the style that they wrestle with all? I mean, is there ever going to be a Young Bucks like when there's a tag team title? Is this the type of matches we're going to see in the tag team division? I mean, I feel like the Bucks can give you whatever you want them to give you. You know what I mean? To me, in my opinion, the Bucks are one of the best tag teams in the world. But I feel like right now they're just here to put on a show, get some highlights, like really freaking show out.
And you know the Bucks are always going to be high flying, I mean that's just part of who they are. But I feel like they could develop and give you whatever, like storytelling and stuff like that. But I feel like right now with just putting on these shows and really trying to be entertaining, this is where they're at and this is what they're giving us.
Yeah, it was a fun match. The finale was an unsanctioned match between Dean Ambrose, Jon Moxley against Joey Janela. And I did like starting by turning the lights off and turning them back on. I like dancing. That was a cool little touch. This isn't a real match on the card or whatever. But some pretty scary spots in this one. And I think the star for me here is Joey Janela. I hadn't seen too much from him again. And he is a crazy motherfucker.
You know, I just, Dean Ambrose is, I mean, John Moxley is Dean Ambrose to me with, with some hardcore elements mixed in. I don't really see him being, it's not like he pulled out some moves that I was like, Oh my God, he can really wrestle. Like, you know, he's doing the same things as he was. He just is allowed to do these kind of hardcore matches. And I still don't, I've never been a Dean Ambrose fan. I don't think I ever will be, but it was, it was a fun match for sure. They did some crazy stuff.
But what's so funny is that, to you, he's Dean Ambrose because you started watching him, you're familiar with him strictly from WWE. But to a lot of people, this is his comeback.
freaking going to Dean Ambrose was like a complete separation of what he was, what he was on the Indies, which is John Moxley, which is this hardcore, just like crazy, like legit lunatic, not like the WWE watered down version of the lunatic, like John Moxley is like a hardcore lunatic in the Indies. And I feel like a lot of people are very happy to see this full circle moment. I mean, myself included, I mean, I'm glad he definitely looks,
He looks to me like he is enjoying it more. He looks to me like he's having a lot more fun. I don't know how you can have a lot more fun freaking being, you know, like DDTing someone into tax. Like I don't know, you know, I don't know how that is enjoyable or why you would ever want to do that or get hit with barbed wire chairs and tables and all that stuff. But, you know, to each their own.
I enjoyed watching it again, you know, the more you see from Joey Janela, I think you're gonna be like whole, like legit, you know, you're just gonna see the 10 layers of batshit crazy that this guy is, but I thought it was good, and you know, you never wanna see a wrestler pull out a little, like, linen bag, you know, like, you know, you know there's nothing good in there, and then when they, you know, when he spreads the tacks out, you know, you know me as like a Mick Foley mark, like, every time I see tacks, I'm like, oh my god, like,
I mean, have you ever stepped on a tack? Oh, God. Yeah. Yeah. It's awful. I mean, I can only imagine like the feet first thing or going backwards on it. The feet first thing. That was like that was like that was like very dirty. And like I could not believe I was like, oh, my God, that's up to me. That's worse than going on the back. You know, like just one of them. And like I thought his feet were going to be covered in them. I guess, you know, your feet are kind of tough, though. And his feet are probably all sweat, you know, sweaty and stinky.
true but yeah i mean when he went in in the back i mean he got it worse he i think he got it the worst whenever he went down on those on those tacks i mean he like literally spit one out of his mouth i don't know if you saw the little gif of him like spitting a tack out but i thought the match was good again i loved how they took the lights down and um you know we're just like you know this is
like AEW fighter fest is over. You know, what happens beyond this is like, you know, you can stay if you want to. But, you know, we're not we're not responsible for anything that happens here. I thought that was a really cool, a really cool moment. And I like that Kenny came out and attacked my favorite part.
Yeah, you know, I mean, he came out and just freaking demolished him. I thought it was a really good full circle. So you can really tell that they're starting to create these connections and integrate these storylines and keep the fluidity going from one show to another. So I feel like the more we see from AEW, the more we're going to like it, the more we're going to enjoy it. Again, I don't feel like at this point that it's
straight up competition with WWE. Um, I do feel like it is a great alternative. I'm going to be tuning into both. So, um, yeah, I, I enjoyed the show overall. I thought it was actually better. In my opinion, it was better than, um, double or nothing. It's probably a hot take. I don't know how people, I'm with you on that double or nothing was just too long. It just was, you know, they, they definitely have, this is their sweet spot right here. You know,
Yeah, yeah, I agree. I agree. I would have paid money for this. I don't know if I would have paid $50 for it, but I'll probably pay $50 for All Out. Yeah. Or I'll watch it with somebody or go somewhere to watch it. Well, we have Fight for the Fallen coming up is their next show. So stay tuned for that.
Do we know anything about what's happening on that? Yeah. Um, that's the same night as the Evolve show, right? That's why everybody was freaking out. Yes. Yeah. Um, you know, like, uh, I think it was Kenny Omega had, you know, had words to say to WWE about hosting the Evolve show, um, getting their panties in a wad because WWE, I'm like, dude, come on, like,
find something else to complain about. Like it's really not that big of a deal. WWE streaming, streaming a show and you guys are putting on a show. Like, you know, again, like I talked about last week, you guys ask for competition, you're going to get competition. So this is on July 13th from Jacksonville. It looks like it's Kenny Omega versus SEMA, the young bucks versus Cody and Dustin, Adam hanging man page, where's Kip Sabian. And then they got a six man tag team match with Sean Spears, MJF.
Joey Janela Darby Allen Jimmy havoc that'll be a good match I don't know if this one is free or not or where this is showing at but this is So this is this is a week away Yeah, I don't know anything of where this is showing at. Do you know any do you know where it's playing at?
Uh, the heel has been my I don't know. I mean, I'm assuming it's going to be on BR live as well. Um, but we'll keep you posted on, you know, all the, all the details for, for fight for the fall. And, um, and if you know, if you know any details, obviously hit us up, hit us up and let us know. This is the problem. We both just watched this show last week. Wouldn't we both know when this, like what day this is, how to watch it? Is it the same way? Is it cost money? Is it free?
Heel husband and i had this exact conversation the night of fighter fest. Seth was like i can't believe he's like they don't do a very good job marketing these things and marketing themselves he's like i watch and read about more wrestling than anyone and i had you know you have to like dig and find the information about how to watch these things and when you know all the information like
Why if you're trying to really build this thing like put some money into marketing and ads and you know all of these types of things and letting people know like how and when because there was no hype around it like I mean other than like like I said we're kind of in a bubble so it's hard for us to like understand the bigger picture like the wider WWE audience
Didn't know about fighter fest. Do you know what I mean? Like us the the small three to five percent that's like hardcore wrestling fans we knew but even like I would say probably half of that three to five percent probably didn't even watch fighter fest. You know so I feel like they need to do a better job like getting these shows out there and marketing these shows and really getting eyes on the product.
Looks like Fight for the Phone is streaming live for free, according to Take that with a grain of salt. It'll be on BR Live, but that's just an article I had to pull up that took me three different Google searches. But yeah, I mean, let people know, especially if it's a free show. You want as many people to tune in as possible.
Yeah, and we host a podcast be cool for us to know then we can tell everybody listening and then maybe they will tune in but So yeah overall a pretty good show I have a couple complaints here But it's their second show and they seem to be getting better and I like you said I don't think it's a serious contender for WWE or anytime soon, but it's definitely a nice alternative. It's something to watch on I like the Saturday night pay-per-views You know, that's a that's a nice little
Yeah, that, that was a good feel. Yeah. I liked, I liked having Saturday night, you know, because you don't have that dread. I mean, again, especially myself here on the East coast, you don't have that like Monday morning, like, Oh shit. You know, like this thing went to 11 o'clock. Like, Oh my God. You know? Um, but, uh, yeah, that Saturday night is, is a clutch time spot. That's called the Sunday scaries. The Sunday scaries. Yeah, that's exactly. Yeah.
All right, let's get quickly into Raw and SmackDown here, and then we'll get into our weekly purchases and other segments.

RAW and Smackdown Highlights

Yeah, let's get into Raw. Wow. I don't think it's Paul Heyman's effect yet, but we talked about last week Paul Heyman taking over on SmackDown as the executive director and Eric Bischoff. How can you say, OK, keep going, but how can you say it's not the Paul Heyman effect? I want to know about this. Keep going what you were saying, and then we're going to talk about that. OK, yeah.
Eric Bischoff taking over on SmackDown. Well, Paul Heyman has been part of the creative team, you know, all this entire time. I don't think one week is what, you know, I think he's like, OK, guys, we're throwing everything out the window. We're just starting over now. You know, like they're still going on storylines that they've had written, I would assume. I mean, Paul Heyman, Paul Heyman would have been a part of that. You know, he's not brand new to the WWE, but it's like whenever anything good happens, it's like somebody else. But if something bad happens, it's Vince McMahon is his old piece of shit, you know, like.
Okay. Okay. So here's the thing. It wasn't new storylines per se, right? Yeah. They, they have to go with what they already have written, the plans that they already have in place, the pieces that are already in motion. But you're telling me that Vince McMahon was like, you know, God damn it, pal. We're going to start, we're going to start Monday night with no promos. We're just going to go right into wrestling. Like, no, that is not a Vince McMahon move. Like when is the, I can't remember. I cannot remember a time.
in recent history where Raw has opened the show with a match with no like
10, 20, 30 minute promo, right? No, it's been years. Yeah, we literally just talked about this not too long ago, about how they should just start raw with a match, you know, get the crowd hype, you know, and then all of a sudden like, here it is. And I'm like, Oh my gosh. They're listening to us, Sheena. They're listening to us. They're here. We have a mole in here from WWE listening to the Chick-Fully show. Um,
But, and also, I mean, Braun and Bobby Lashley is not a new concept. I have been crapping on Braun. I mean, they had a tug of war match. Was it last week or two weeks ago? They had a tug of war match. And I was just like, oh my God, like, what is happening here? Like, why am I seeing Braun and Bobby, Bobby, Bobby Stroman, Bobby Lashley on my freaking TV screen. And all of a sudden they come and like do this.
thing that feels like a holy shit moment in the opening segment of raw and it really what I mean you know Corey Corey Graves literally said holy shit which again caught my attention because I was like wait a minute did you know his mic was hot or was that staged obviously you know we know now that you know it was
that was produced, you know, 100%. But in that like moment, my knee jerk reaction was like, I was caught way off guard. When have you ever heard Corey Graves say, holy shit, you know, like on like impromptu in the middle of like a worth not even the camera wasn't even on him, you know, and like there's explosions going off, they cut to this strange camera angle, like
I was like, okay, you got my attention. You know, and if you're telling me that Ms. McMahon, after all these years, just like, I mean, he probably like signed off on it and said like, you know, maybe he had a little bit of input, but that was, to me, that was the Paul Heyman effect. Maybe I'm, I could be completely off base, but I, after what I've seen for the last few years, this felt totally different.
Yeah, no, it was, I mean, I agree with you a little bit. I think, yeah, they're tweaking things as they go and working with what they've already have in place. But it definitely was different. I mean, I think now, are they going to rebuild the stage and just do it next week? Do we have a whole new staging? Do we have a whole new set up for Raw? I mean, we've had the same look for Raw, like since the attitude era, really. Yes. From what I understand, they are getting a new set for Raw.
Which again would make sense why they just basically bashed their way through it. Maybe it's kind of symbolic. We're crashing through to a new era, people. We've been promised a new era since the middle of last year, but now we may actually be getting it. And I also read an article saying that WWE is leaving the PG era behind to kind of attract more of a teen audience and things like that. I mean, we saw that with Kofi throwing
the bird to Samoa Joe. We saw, you know, the holy shit and the whole weird Maria Kanellis. Like, we'll talk about that. Oh, my God. Let's get into that. Holy shit. Well, the way Corey said, holy shit, like it was just a very like you made sure to say it like, you know, that's not how people curse. You know, it's like he was like reading off a script. But in the moment you're in the moment, you're right. It was good.
Go back and watch it, yeah. It was like 30 seconds after everything exploded. It was like, holy shit.
yeah maybe i was just like caught up in the in the whole action of everything but it to me in that moment i haven't rewatched rawl but yeah i was like oh my god like that was it felt so real you know um but again i could have just been my my total bias of like seeing something new um they did you know they they played it off i mean they were on that that side camera angle shot which we've never seen before i've never seen that angle before um they were on that side camera angle shot
for an extended period of time it felt like years basically in like raw time you know i was like oh my god like how long are they gonna be here you know and they finally wheeled them out took them to a you know a local medical facility um and you know they kept talking about it throughout the night you know oh my god i think brawn is ruptured his spleen
It's a very specific injury. Oh, my spleen! I literally laughed out loud. I think it was Renee who said it. She was like, you know, word just came in that, you know, you know, send, send all your good thoughts out to Braun. You know, it's coming in that he's ruptured his spleen and I just busted out laughing, which is not your typical reaction when you hear somebody's like ruptured their spleen. But it was just like you said, it was a very, very specific type of injury to just like announce on TV. I think it's my spleen.
My back's okay, but my spleen is killing me. Who called and told you that? I don't know. But I thought that was awesome. And also, let's just talk about how long have we been begging for the club? And I feel like Paul Heyman was just like, damn it.
We're doing the club. We're going to give him the club. You know what I mean? Like there's no way that like Vince just all of a sudden was like, you know, well, we got gals and Anderson back here. Like, you know, maybe they should join up with AJ. You know, I mean, like how long, I mean, it's been years that we've been asking for this and we're finally kind of getting that, that heel, that heel club again. So.
Well, they did just resign, which is kind of made the news on the Internet. But yeah, Gallows and Anderson are staying around, which is good. I'm sure they maybe wanted to wait for them to confirm they were going to stay around and do this for them. But I'm with you. I think Finn Finn needs to do something. I've never seen an intercontinental champ less relevant than Finn Balor right now. And he's a big name and he has a title and he's not even on the show. So.
have him show up or have them show up during his match at Extreme Rules or something and help him keep the title or something and just make this like a heel faction that goes across both brands and it's just wrecking shit. Yes, and all of these guys are so incredible. I mean, we know Gallows and Anderson are amazing. We know
AJ Styles is one of the best wrestlers in the company. We know freaking Finn is an incredible, an incredible talent. Like these four guys together, I mean, it just feels right. Like if they don't, if they don't add that the Finn piece, I feel like they're really going to be missing a huge opportunity to capitalize on something, to turn Finn heel, to finally get this like, you know, this
complete club action. You know, we kind of had this like misfit club, you know, on and off for, for the last, you know, however long, but, um, yeah, I love heel AJ. He'll AJ's when he's like, he's like heel Seth to me. Like I love, I love when AJ is just like a sniveling little country heel. Um, and to add, to add Finn to that would just be so incredible.
And I think it's better to have AJ and Seth on different sides of the spectrum, you know, the biggest guys on the raw, maybe, you know, having one heel makes, makes a lot of sense.
Well, true. We don't have a main event heel. You know what I mean? Like we don't have any, we have a bunch of like mid card, you know, heels right now, but we don't have anybody that's in that main event spot that really feels like a star that is a hardcore heel. We have some tweeners, you know, like the Kevin Owens is and the things like that. Uh, but we need that, that, you know, main event heel and AJ is the perfect, is the perfect candidate for that. So I'm so glad that they made that move on, um, on raw and, uh, you know,
I think him and Ricochet are gonna have a really good feud. I did like how, you know, they're really worried about Braun Strowman and Bobby Lashley, like, you know, whispering, like, okay, all right, let's go look at the replay five more times here. Yeah. This is terrible. This is terrible. Okay, let's look at the replay here. Oh, my gosh. Yeah, they showed a lot of replays, and then they showed a lot of replays on SmackDown, too. Like, I mean, I'm pretty sure, like, half of SmackDown was just raw replays, so... Exactly.
But yeah, so that happened. Let's just go ahead and get this out of the way. Let's talk about Becky and Seth and Maria and Mike Kanellis.
because I had to watch this feel like through my hands. Like, you know, I, Oh my gosh, it was the most awkward, especially as a mom and as a woman who is currently pregnant. I was like, she just set pregnant women back like a hundred years. You know what I mean? Like it, to me it felt so
weird and cringy and just like soap opera-y. It was like very daytime television, you know?
Yeah, also the interview with Becky and Seth was just like, oh my gosh, what is going on here? Go ahead. I'm hoping they're both going to lose the titles as much as it pains me to say that, and then they're going to blame each other for losing, and one of them is going to turn heel. I guess that's where they're going with this. Don't you think it'd be pointless for them to win now with all this? I think they're going to win. I mean, I don't think that.
I think they're going to win. Let's just say that, but.
To me, this whole build to it, how they're being like, like, their chemistry on screen is so weird and cringy. It's almost like they're like a sitcom couple. Yeah. Like, Heal Husband's been calling Seth sitcom, Seth. You know, like, that's not his that's not his arena. Like, you know, we don't need a laugh track. You know, like when he's like, you know, oh, it's becoming like, you know, she sleeps with her belt. It's becoming a problem. Like, you know, like I felt I could feel the laugh track coming like, ha ha ha. You know, like it was so weird for laughter.
Yeah, and then Becky being like I don't know like being like the man of the relationship You know I know she's the man, but it's like she's trying to like Emasculate Seth you know what I mean and not that like Seth should just be in charge because he's the man You know I mean I don't I don't believe that you know um, but it's just like I feel like they don't have a very symbiotic
chemistry or relationship you know she's like well I don't want you to lose my title well don't lose my title you know and I felt like the whole conversation was very awkward and it didn't feel natural at all you know and you would think two people who are in love and two people who are a couple would like have each other's backs I mean like even like Miss and Maurice you know what I mean I mean I know Miss and Maurice have a lot more
established. I mean, they've been married for freaking forever, but they have a lot more just like natural chemistry together, you know, um, and even like, you know, uh, Naomi and freaking Jimmy, like even they have a lot more natural chemistry together as awkward as Naomi can be sometimes.
But Seth and Becky, I feel like this angle could really have an effect on their actual real life relationship. Because I feel like people are bagging them so hard on social media and all this stuff. I feel like, man, this was a bad idea to put you guys on screen as an on-screen couple. Yeah, I don't like where it's going. And I only can see it ending badly for some reason, which I obviously hope it doesn't. But please, Chelsea.
Yeah, but getting back to the Maria, if you missed this, you guys.
You don't need to go back and watch it. We'll kind of give you a quick brief recap, because I'll save you the cringe-worthy. Don't watch it. I'll save you the cringe-worthiness. So they were talking about Baron and Lacey doing a backstage interview. And all of a sudden, Maria and Mike Canella show up. And she's talking about, well, Becky, you may be champion, but I pushed an eight-pound baby out of my uterus. That was actually said. That was actually said. I need to get that for the outro. I'm going to play that during the outro. Just that line.
We can play that after, after I have, you know, the baby face number two, uh, we can play that as like as the outro on the, on the show. Like I pushed an eight pound baby out of my uterus. Um, that was a big ass baby though. That is a pretty big eight pounds. I mean, that's a pretty like average size baby, but that's a, that's on the bigger side for sure. And Maria doesn't seem like she's like that big of a lady. You know, she's pretty, pretty small chick. Um, but the, the part to me, so they just resigned their contracts too. So.
Here's the thing to me is like she completely annihilated her shoot husband on TV. And I don't, I don't know about you Phil, but I don't know, you know, not that Mike Kanellis was a big deal in WWE, like as of late anyway, but I don't know if he'll ever recover from this. Are you ever going to be able to see Mike Kanellis wrestle and not just think about how his wife completely
like demolished him on tv yeah uh i mean they were complaining about you know leaving and then they signed a new contract and you know here they are staying but uh you know he must have pissed somebody off because you know there's a lot of different ways you can go without having to do a gimmick where you're just basically been cucked cuckold by your wife you know like yeah i mean she like basically cut off his balls on live television and she just signed a new contract but she's pregnant so like
Why would WWE re-sign her, you know, I mean, I guess there's some legalities, like I'm not saying you can't sign pregnant women or whatever, like don't be DMing me being like, pregnant women is their rights. I know, I get it. But I'm just. I checked her insides when they signed the contract, Sheena. I don't know if that's a prerequisite. True. Very true. I didn't say her pee on this stick before you, before you re-sign your contract. True. Um, but anyway, so she's got this pregnancy angle and she,
basically says, she also says this, not only did she say on TV that she pushed an eight pound baby out of her uterus, she also goes on to say to Mike Kanellis, you know, I can't believe you're the father of my children. You, I can't believe you were even man enough to get me pregnant. Um, you know, the only man on this show is Becky and maybe the next time I'll have her impregnate me.
Yeah, but don't they have a kid? And then she said she was pregnant now and they have a kid. So what is she saying? Saying that somebody else is? No, I don't think she's saying that. I think again, I think she because she she implied, you know, oh, you said you were going to protect us. You said you were going to win this fight, blah, blah, blah. And this was after she called him her bitch.
You know, me and my bitch versus you and yours. Yeah. After she said that in the promo segment, um, the backstage promo segment, and then she gets on the mic and calls him out and says, you know, she, you know, he's not man enough to, you know, have, be a father and all this stuff. And it was literally the most cringe and you know, this is saying something. It was the most cringe thing I've seen on raw.
in a very very long time and raw has been pretty repug lately so the fact that i can say that like i mean it's been a long time before i've had to like cover my face and like peek through my fingers like oh my god oh my god oh my god i can't believe this is actually happening you know and nobody was surprised to see mike canellas on raw he's from 205 live no one was like wow what are you doing what are you guys doing here like you know
wildcard pal. Mike Kanellis. Yeah. So that was pretty, pretty awful. We'll play that on the outro, but I mean, I guess it's good to give somebody else a shot at being on the show, you know, that you don't get to see that often. I guess so. Yeah. They're trying to keep maybe trying to keep Lacey and Baron away from me, away from Becky and Seth until extreme rule. So they thought they would insert, you know, another couple, Mike and Maria Kanellis, which didn't turn out, didn't turn out well, but we did see somebody that I was excited to see.
Um, we're the street profits. So Charlie Caruso was doing an interview segment and all of a sudden the freaking street profits show up. Angelo Dawkins and Montes Ford just like show up and cut a little promo. Um, and I was very excited. I don't really know what this means for them or why, you know, why they showed up. But, um, you know, I enjoyed seeing them. It did kind of confuse me though, because
They showed up, they're the tag champions for NXT. They had their tag titles on, I guess this is a new era. We can't talk about anything that's happened in the past. But why didn't the War Raiders have the tag titles whenever they came up? They were the tag champions whenever they came up.
Yeah, and also, if you notice, at the very beginning of the show, they showed a quick shot of the Street Profits. Hey, Nash! Yeah, you hear him, huh? So, yeah, Street Profits were just like a millisecond clip, but I guess they kind of spoiled the surprise. It was right after they introduced all the matches for Raw, and I was like, oh, wow, I guess the Street Profits are there. So that's rare that they do that. They don't often spoil, I mean, they don't make technical mistakes like that too often on Raw.
Yeah. Are they going to stay up with the tag team titles? I know, you know, like you said, the War Raiders had to give up their belts and I don't think so. I think maybe this is kind of like what we've been asking for. Like maybe they're putting some of their NXT champions on Raw, you know, just doing little cameos here or there. Maybe maybe fight a match here or there just to kind of maybe get some attention for what's going on down in NXT. I could totally see that. I don't.
I mean, don't bring them up now. You know what I mean? No, no, no. Why? These guys have been fighting for so long down at NXT to get their freaking shine. And they are so over in NXT right now. Let them have their shine. Let them have a good tag title reign. And then when the time's right, bring them up. But I hate how these guys, as soon as they win the titles, everybody's like, bring them up to the main roster. I'm like, no. NXT is a perfect place for these guys right now. Let people.
let the titles mean something you know like just because somebody wins a championship does not mean that they should automatically come up to the main roster you know what i mean like just think about champa and his freaking title reign you know like i loved it and i feel like they just need to let these titles like marinate down there so keep the street profits down i mean i loved um
I love seeing them, but again, I don't want them to be, you know, every week on TV, like on raw. I even told the heel husband, I was like, I need to use the street profits, like, you know, same initials. I totally need to use that logo for myself. You know, yeah, no, build the team up. And then when they lose the belts to somebody, you know, you build someone else up and then you move them up. But yeah, doing it now defeats the purpose of building them out to be from the champs. The same thing you did with War Raiders. So yeah, I mean, it was cool to see them. They add a little bit to the show.
I did not watch SmackDown anything eventful happened on SmackDown this week? Let's see let me go Ali Ali gave some weird they're doing like a weird thing with Ali, you know continuing just having him do this backstage You know or it's not really backstage. It's like an outside like Street promo where he talks about
helping the youth and changing minds and having people believe in themselves and all of this stuff. I was not there for it. I was like, oh my god, I'll leave. Be quiet. Andrade beat Apollo Crews. I was so, so excited to see Andrade on TV. That was pretty awesome. Let's see, Amber Moon beat Mandy Rose.
Let me, SmackDown was pretty uneventful. Oh, the Kofi and Joe thing happened. Um, I don't know if you like read any highlights or anything like this, but you know, Kofi came or Joe came out and you know, challenged Kofi. And in true Joe fashion, he like starts bringing up.
Kofi's family and I don't know what it is Like I don't know if this is the writing like the writers want to make Joe seem like a total creep stalker That should be on like, you know investigation discovery, you know for like stocking family families, you know, yeah, he's always like Dominic and what's AJ Styles his wife's name My god, it's like Mandy not Mandy Oh
But I just remember Jill like coming in the camera and being like like saying it all like, you know sinister, you know like Mandy You know, I can't remember if that's her name. This is why we need the intern to figure out. I know Wendy
Oh, Wendy. Yeah. Um, you know, and he like showed up at AJ's house and now he's like, you know, unless you shake my hand, um, I'll, if you shake my hand, I promise that everyone that, um, you, that you love will be, will be safe, but otherwise, you know, then you can't protect them or something like that. And I was like,
But why though? This is your job. You're a wrestler. Why are you going after the man's family? And he was talking about how Kofi had his kids at WrestleMania. And obviously, I don't know if you saw the clip, but Kofi looks for a moment like he might shake Joe's hand and then gives him the stone cold Steve Austin bird right to the face, which was kind of shocking. We don't normally see birds on live TV, middle fingers.
But yeah, so, you know, we got we got Kofi, Samoa Joe action, which I'm excited about. Samoa Joe's got a new haircut. It's kind of like a slicked back Italian mullet. I don't really I don't really know the size cut. The size cut tight. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What they're kind of doing here. But I think that was the biggest takeaway from from SmackDown. It wasn't after an awesome raw. It kind of under delivered as far as like, you know, as far as like being like best show of the year or anything like that.
Yeah, come on Bishop get your act together get your act together damn it. All

Wrestling Memorabilia Purchases

right. Let's get into our weekly purchases
ladies and gentlemen every single week she and i will let you know what we purchased as far as wrestling figures memorabilia clothing everything in between groceries groceries handheld video games uh... that i bought this week
Have you busted that thing out yet? Yeah, I have a video of Nash playing with it. He has no idea what's going on Yeah, you know he's used to playing PlayStation 4 and now he's like at this little handheld video games What are all these little squares dad? I don't understand
Yeah. It's basically like Donkey Kong where the kid we did as our Sheena had founded on eBay for our retro wrestling, our random merch of the week. Yeah. And I found it for five bucks and it's basically like an attitude era, a little handheld video game. We basically have to run back and forth the left and right up the levels and fight guys. And you know, it's, you know, he's, he, he played with it for like three seconds. Yeah. Sorry, man. That's my childhood, dude. Yeah. This is, this is what we had, you know, like this is what's going to happen when you get grounded. I'm going to give you one of these to play with.
Do you want to go into some ringside news first or get into our purchases? You can bust into some ringside news if you want to and give our thoughts on that. I think that was on the 1st of July. We had some pre-orders for Elite 70, which is the demon Finn Balor, Shield Rollins.
EC3, Johnny Gargano, Heels Ziegler, and Vince McMahon, which is the one that I preordered. I was shocked to learn that you guys don't do any kind of ringside preorders, but you always get fakes from ringside. Why not do the preorder? I don't know. I just feel like I want to wait till it's in stock. I don't know. I just feel like
If it's meant to be, it'll be. So we just buy them when they're in stock. We've never been much on the pre-order thing. Oh, speaking of pre-orders really quickly, let me interject. We ordered the Entertainment Earth Macho Man on a pre-order. I just said we don't do pre-orders, but we got that on pre-order.
Um, but they called or they, they sent an email and they said that the card that we had preordered with, um, was, but yeah, it was my card. So it's, it's expires this month. So they were like, you know, please call us, which was really cool. Then they could have just like ran it and saw that it was like almost ready to expire. It's not expired yet, but they're like, it could, it could expire.
and then just like said screw it like you're done with your pre-order but Entertainment Earth you know as screwed up as their launch was they took the time to email us and say hey please call us you know and put a new card on file for your pre-order before it ships because Entertainment Earth they don't charge you until your order ships so we'll call them get that taken care of so if you are in that same situation if you did for whatever reason if your card was set to expire you did an Entertainment Earth pre-order make sure you check your cards make sure you check the expiration check your email
because you don't want to miss out on that. So I was very grateful that they emailed because that thought hadn't even crossed my mind. Yeah, I wouldn't even think of that. Yeah, you order stuff and then you just forget about it, you know, and then all of a sudden like a new debit card came in the mail and I never even thought like, hey, entertainment Earth hasn't charged me yet. So yeah, I was very grateful that they
that they sent that email. So I wanted to give a shout out to them and a warning to anyone else who may, you know, may have lost your debit card between now and then and had to get a new one and or your stuff's about to expire or anything in between. Make sure you give them a call and update your payment information before those things ship out.
I had an email from them as well. Just basically the subject was just order status and just, it was just a pointless email saying you don't have to do anything. This is just to confirm your order and just check the release date at the bottom of this email. And the estimated release date is July, 2019. So not very specific with when it's coming, but there's a link that you can check your order status, but it looks like mine is good to go. I got two of them.
Yeah, but that's good. That's good though because you know a lot of people were scared that they oversold and things like that because of the because of the You know website being so glitchy and stuff like that So it is good that they sent you a follow-up email like hey, just letting you know Everything's good with your macho man. Like we're gonna get it to you sometime this month like no specific date But you you will get it So yeah, that is good. I like I like people who who follow up and keep you keep you in the know, you know, I
Also on Ringside, we had the pre-orders for Basic Series 100, which has a brand new look. These are really cool. Yeah. These are John Cena, a rock, an undertaker, a Shawn Michaels, and a stone cold Steve Austin. We just have kind of the prototype looks for them right now. But I'm not a big Basics guy, but I feel like this is a cool move to set 100. You do kind of the five biggest guys in the history of the company outside of Flair and Bret Hart. Pretty cool look to them.
Yeah, yeah, they are gonna look different, you know, they're gonna be kind of like the gray the gray figure So I think it's a cool a cool thing to just change it up and do something really special for the you know, basic 100 I mean because think about that like 100 series of figures. That's a pretty huge accomplishment You know, I don't know. I mean obviously I don't have the stats on that but I mean how many other lines of toys have had like a hundred series of the same
Thing you know yeah, I know that's it's pretty impressive for sure then we had some battle packs announced battle packs 61 which is the Iconics AJ and Daniel Bryan and The Usos again, so some battle packs, and then we had something called micro maniacs I Don't have any idea what these things are they're just like kind of a little Like a little thumb wrestler type of size thing and that was the first thing that they announced on ringside You were like oh, man. That's that's the announcement darn
We should have known that we were in store for something bigger than that. Yeah, I saw some people were hitting me up in the DMs with those little micro... were they micromaniacs? Is that what you called them? Yeah, micromaniacs. Yeah, micromaniacs. And I was like, oh, well, that's not super exciting. I mean, I know some people are really into that. You don't find like the mystery minis and all those types of things.
Yeah, that kind of stuff is just like I feel like that's like desk fodder. You know, I can't go down that rabbit hole. It's just going to just collect dust and stupid. Yeah. Yeah. And we did get an Andrade NXT Elite ringside exclusive, which kind of worries me that this line at Target is not going to continue because that was one of the three or four, I think, with Titus O'Neill. That was supposed to be a ringside, you know, supposed to be for target target. I don't know if they've just canceled that line and they're going to, you know, release this one on ringside or what we should get some clarification from our ringside.
No, I'm pretty sure that the latest news on that is that the NXT line is not continuing at Target. Oh, wow. OK. Yeah, so I think it's donezo. So I'm glad we're getting this Andrade. But yeah, no more NXT elites, which is kind of sad.
Really love the NXT line. I love the box. I love the packaging. I mean, I just I loved everything about it You know, there was some really great figures that came out of that line and obviously the potential was there for so much more But yeah, we'll see what WWE I mean, they're constantly changing, you know, so I'm sure they got something else up their sleeve that they won't ever put on pigs and
Yeah, I mean, they've had so many cool sets that have been canceled. I mean, the Hall of Champions and the Flashback ones, now this. Yeah. That last set of NXT elites was awesome. And people, I mean, I guess some people weren't able to get them just because their stores didn't have them. But I mean, everyone that I saw, I mean, we found a bunch. We were able to help out some people on, you know, Patreons and Twitter folks. And people just want, I mean, I love them. They're great figures. It's crazy that they're going to cancel that. So that's, hey, you heard it here first.
Yeah, yeah. It's a pretty sad day, but I am glad, again, that we're getting that last Andrade figure. And just as a reminder, for anyone who, if you do pre-orders on Ringside, you can use code CHICKFOLY at checkout for 10% off your order. That's the coupon code, baby. That's the coupon code, baby. Get your coupons out. My mom used to have this little plastic box of all our coupons in a filing system when you go to the grocery store. Oh, yeah. You do. Say like $10.
I wish I was better at that. I do not have the time or patience to like cut coupons but like I know a lot of people who do and they are like religious about their about the coupons so I mean I love me a good promo code listen I will I will rarely buy anything online without without a promo code which is why we partner with a lot of these people to try to like get you guys some some promo codes that you can use to save you save you some dollars
I know people get their feelings hurt or get butt hurt that we partner with these people. We got some really awesome artists and brands and stuff that we reach out to get you guys some good deals and stuff and people are like, oh, you guys are selling out, but you know what?
We try to do whatever we can to help you guys out and anything we get from these companies goes into giveaways for following us on social media. If you listen to the podcast, we're doing giveaways every single week for stuff.
Yeah, dude freaking I listen I want to commend you feel because I know you take like it's I'm on Instagram I'm in my little Instagram bubble and I mean I have I have my fair share of like trolls and all those things that you know come around but for most part you know my DMS and stuff like Instagram is a pretty friendly place and I know you're over there on I know you're over there on Twitter or it's like a freaking war zone, you know constantly I
Um, so I want to commend you for taking the brunt of the, the Chick-Fully show drama and people, you know, being the, you know, petty or whatever over there to you. So I do commend you for, you know, trying to, trying to keep your shit together for the most part.
Again, you know, to the haters, we, you know, let me just, let me just give a little, I'm going to break into our go figure segment real quick and give a little bit of a heel, a heel Foley promo guys. Like we do this, we do this podcast every single week. We put a lot of time and energy and love into not only this, but our Facebook group and our, our social media platforms

Addressing Listener Criticism

and stuff. And when we partner with people and things like that, we partner with them because we enjoy one, either their service or their product.
I'm not gonna come on here and blow a bunch of smoke up your ass about shit that I don't use and or buy, you know what I mean? I'm not trying to sell you on some bullshit that sell you watches or something, you know what I mean?
So when we partner with people, we're doing it, one, to get you guys discount codes and promo codes and stuff like that. And two, because we value our time. You know what I mean? If people are gonna get mad because we partner with people and be shady about it, if you wanna do stuff and you wanna do it for the good and to be altruistic and all that stuff, cool, cool. But I value my time and if people wanna send us things and people wanna give us promo codes,
I'm not going to be mad at that and you shouldn't be mad at that either. You know what I mean? So that's what I got to say about that. And let me just also add that like, are you putting Nash through college doing this podcast? No, no, no. I'm not even putting gas in the tank.
You know what I mean? So let's be real here. I'm still in the hole. We've given away more figures than most people have bought this year. You know what I mean? The Chick-Fully show always gives away so much shit out of our own pocket, out of our freaking for the love of the game. And I ain't going to stand for anybody talking shit. So if you want to talk shit, come up in my DMs and we can chat. And I'll come correct. Man, you're bringing the heat today, girl.
Yeah. So anyway, I just had to get that off my chest because I feel like every time I sign on to Twitter, I'm like, God dang. Y'all some crazy ass mopos over here. I'm going to go back to Instagram and hide where people are Instagram is like my refuge, man. I go on there. There's so many people posting. We need to put a list together because there's so many awesome folks that are that are putting together photography and like just making some some cool like wrestling like Fourth of July, like our buddy.
Uh, Q's town is doing some cool stuff. Q's town underscore collector and a bunch of people. There's so many guys that are, that are putting together some cool like figure photography and stuff that don't even deal with any kind of like, you know, they just do it because they love it. They're not, but the last thing I'll say, if you're, if you're good at something,
Never do it for free. Never do it for free and never knock anyone else's hustle. You know what I mean? If you want to get out there and, you know, give all your shit away for free and not get nothing for it. Cool, cool. But over here at Chick-Fully, we're trying to help out our followers. We're trying to value our time. And, you know, we put a lot of, like I said, a lot of love and energy and everything into this podcast and into interacting with you people and, you know.
if you, if you're going to hate just that unfollow button, you know where it's at. You know, speaking of giveaway, Sheena, we're going to pull the bulldog off the, off the pile here. Uh, we're doing a ringside exclusive Hardy boys two pack giveaway. That's about 50 bones on ringside collectibles. We're going to give away one for free. All you had to do was, uh, uh,
What did you have to do? God damn it. We're doing so many giveaways. I can't even remember. Just tweet us with a screenshot of you listening to the show and you're automatically entered. So this is not a crappy $5 figure from Big Lots. This is a $50 two-pack. It's going to go up in value. Sheena unboxed these Hardy boys a while ago. We were given a set away for free.
next week on the show. We talked about this last week. If you already entered and sent in a screenshot, I already have you on the list, so you don't have to redo it again for this week. But if you're listening and you want to win something, all you have to do is basically click a button and you're entered to win. So that'll be given away on next week's show. Yeah, for sure. Let's just go ahead and get into some good news. What did you purchase this week, Phil?
Oh, this week I purchased, well I did a pre-order like I mentioned for that Vince McMahon Elite, which I'm looking forward to. We don't even know what it looks like yet. I purchased a couple eBay items. I did a basic 83 Kurt Angle, which is, he's got the black suit with the turtleneck and he looks like he got eyebrows waxed and this looks like he was a freshly shaven person. He just looks like an alien or something.
and I got the the Summer Sam Basic from last year, Kurt Angle. So my Kurt Angle collection is coming together nicely. I'm looking for, oh, I didn't need to give props to one of our listeners who gifted me a Kurt Angle Funko Pop. He just sent it. Awesome.
So one of the stores nearby him was doing a good sale on them and he's sending one over to me. He just got here yesterday. It's gdubscollects on Instagram. Definitely deserves a follow. He's on Twitter as well. Been a long time listening to our show and I appreciate the hookup dude. It came in great. So I'm looking for a couple more
Rare kind of jaxy type of Kurt angle items. There's one like a pump-up thing where you pump the arms up I don't know if you remember that back in the day But I'm looking for some like some right now. I have all the kind of normal Kurt angle stuff I'm looking for some like Kurt angle mugs or pencil sharpeners or anything. I'm looking anything Kurt angle So if you come you need some Kurt angle random merch exactly yeah, let's just change the segment to just Kurt angle random merch and I'll just buy everything and
Yeah, next week next week. I'll try to pull some Kurt Angle random merch for you for sure I did buy I went to Ollie's again and picked up those summer slam elites. It's the Matt Hardy version 1.0 edge Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins and a bunch of our folks in the chick Foley Facebook group needed them So I'm actually shipping them out today and I just remember that the post office probably closed today So I'll probably ship them out tomorrow
didn't they give all the, at least here in Maryland, the governor gave all the state employees off today, which was pretty cool, so I'm sure. Oh, really? Yeah, give them a little four-day weekend. That's how you get voters, man. You give them four-day weekends. Yeah, you write about that. So yeah, I picked up some, for those guys, just charging them retail plus shipping, I think they were like $9.99.
Walmart's and Target's have been going to, you know, every single day almost and we haven't seen anything and we're already seeing Elite 67 on Amazon and in 17 dreams on there, you can get them like in two days shipping. So if you're looking for that Elite 67, hop on Amazon, man, because they're on there and the stores are not seeing them.
yeah it's pretty it's pretty crazy speaking of elite 67 um we did pick up that like i said earlier we we did pick up that velveteen dream um and i can't wait to unbox it for you guys because it looks it looks awesome um we also got a loose elite 19 Dolph
Um, pretty cool. He's got like the little, the little shirt tied around his waist. He said it's not, it's not showing off. And then he's got the show off vest. Um, a very, very, very good looking, good looking doll figure. Um, and you were talking about Amazon dude, you know, I mean, I've been living in Hawaii, which is basically like, you know, anything that's getting mailed to you, um, you can just expect to like, you know, Oh, it to be a week, you know, whether it's Amazon prime or, or not. Um, and a week is like, good. If I get something in like five to seven business days, I'm like, hell yeah, this was awesome.
Seth ordered, I don't know if you guys saw this on the Instagram feed, but the heel husband ordered the SummerSlam Elite Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella. It's where Daniel Bryan's wearing like the Seahawks colors and Brie Bella's got like the, you know, flannel tied around her. I mean, pretty, really great figures, right? Um, and it said, we were just testing it out. It was like, you know, order by one o'clock and it will be there by eight o'clock tonight. And we were like, we were like,
No way. Right. So we went ahead and ordered both of them and sure enough, same day delivery. Like I kept getting notifications and it was like, you're, your package is nine stops away. Would you like to track it? I was like, holy shit. This is how the rest of the world's been living. Like this is crazy. Same day delivery. Apparently there's a distribution center. Like I don't know where it's at, but it's like super close by. Um,
But yeah, same day delivery on elites. My mind was blown. We have a distribution center here in Baltimore, and we get a bunch of stuff like that. I've never seen wrestling figures that arrive that quickly, but that's cool. Usually, I can get on there, and if I need deodorant or anything, I think it's anything like the size of a Bible. As it's our distribution center, anything that small or smaller, you can get the same day because they have all that.
They have all the small stuff there. They can just box it up and go and bigger stuff comes from somewhere further away. But yeah, Amazon Prime is Prime Days on the 15th and 16th, which is in another week or two.

Wrestling Merch and Memorabilia Tales

So yeah, they'll have some deals on there. We'll cover that. But yeah, I mean, they have the Mabel Elite for 1999 on there as well. And you know,
They don't do the best job of packaging up stuff from Amazon. Did you have any kind of like packing peanuts or any kind of bubble wrap in yours? I'm sure they probably did. Yeah, I think there there was bubbles like they were like the big bubbles. You know what I mean? Like the bubble packs. Oh, the plastic like the plastic bag type of thing. Not a cardboard box. OK. Well, no, no, they were. No, I'm saying like it was it was a cardboard box. But inside was like the like the big bubble packs. It was nice. Cool. Yeah, the small packs. But I mean, you know, we're
That's, it's so funny because like, I know MOC collectors really, really worry about that, but that's never even been something like, I wish they wouldn't put the plastic in there because it's like bad for the environment. But me, I'm like, I don't care. Like I'm gonna take this thing out of the box anyway. But I know a lot of MOC collectors really like, you know, Amazon is not the best about packaging their stuff and keeping the cards mint. But, you know, free shipping and, you know, getting those deals and not have to go into Walmart and Targets, which have been abysmal lately, like it's totally worth it.
And I have it at my seven 11 down the street here as an Amazon locker. So if I'm ordering a bunch of stuff from there, I don't want the wife or maybe it's a gift for the kid or something. I don't want somebody to see what I'm ordering. Uh, I can have it sent there. I can pick it up whenever and just put in a code that door pops open and it's beautiful, you know? Oh, that is really cool. I didn't even, I didn't even know that existed. Like I said, these are things like I'm learning more about the mainland every single day.
You're like a caveman that came back to, you know. Dude, it's crazy because you think, I mean, six years doesn't seem that long, but like think about how much has changed in six years, you know, but like the island, it just all kind of stays the same. Things don't really progress as quickly as they do over here on the mainland, you know, with like the same day shipping and like all these different things like Amazon lockers and, you know, it's pretty wild and I'm pretty pumped about it.
I don't know if I've talked about this here on the show, but I have a PayPal account that I use quite a bit. And certain websites don't take PayPal. Certain stores do, too. But on PayPal, if you log into your account, they send me a PayPal debit card. It took like two seconds to sign up for it. It's free. And then you can just swipe it at any store. You can probably use it on Amazon, because it has a credit card number associated with it.
just use that as your PayPal funds run low. So that's the best way to do it. Healhusband has that. Yeah, it's awesome. I mean, because when he was selling off his sneaker collection and everything, like everything was going to PayPal. Anytime he sells anything on eBay, obviously it goes straight to PayPal. Yeah. And instead of just like transferring that into our bank account, like he just uses that as like extra like fund money. You know what I mean? Like that's like his fund money account is his PayPal account. And
Yeah, it's pretty cool that you can just access it straight from the PayPal debit card. So that is a really cool feature.
We did get one request from one of our followers that they want us to start doing these retro review things where me and you watch like a match. And the first request we got was from our new Patreon, Kevin Harrison, who wants us to do the Survivor Series match where the men on the mission and the head drinkers were all dressed up like Doink the Clown. I think that was Survivor Series 93.
We will that that will be our inaugural. I told him I don't want to do any like I don't want to do like a Matt classic. I don't want to do any Bret Hart Steve Austin matches. I want to do like some cool like from the vault type of hidden stuff that, you know, just kind of maybe it's not the best match, but it'd be fun for us to talk over and make fun of. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, this is like all the people came out dressed up in clown makeup that were not doing the clown. So these are the types of things you have to look forward to.
That's right. Uh, let's get into our rain. Do you have anything else that you purchased this week? Sorry. No, that, that, no, that was it. Yeah. Yeah. I'm just waiting to see some more stuff in stores and I'll be buying more. So random merch of the week. What do you got?
Yeah so the random merch of the week you know last week we talked about the in your house VHS's you know I always try to do a little high low action right like that was like I think it was like what six grand for those VHS's so I wanted to get us something that was a little more manageable a little more budget friendly for for all of our you know working-class people baby.
And we got this big John Stud drinking glass. I love these old painted drinking glasses because they just speak to my childhood. I have so many of them that I've collected. I actually sold a ton of them at a yard sale. They weren't necessarily wrestling, but I mean, I had the McDonald's glasses and Snoopy and E.T. and all these different Star Wars drinking glasses. And they just remind me of growing up and when they used to give glasses. Now you can't give kids anything that's not plastic. But this is...
one of the titan sports one it's just got big john stud on it it's like a painted you know an illustration of him super cool it's twelve dollars and sixty cents uh with four dollars shipping and the guy's got a hundred percent hundred percent feedback so um it's definitely really cool we'll post a picture of it it almost looks like a beer glass like it's got like the little the smaller bottom to it and i know there's one out there and it's like got hulk and andre and like it's got like a cast of characters on it and i've always wanted that glass
I've always wanted that glass, but never, um, never actually got it. Sorry. Bye. Love you. I'm going bowling today. Have fun Nash.
Yeah. I found this, uh, whole Kogan, that's a whole Kogan, Roddy, Roddy Piper, Andre's giant chic. That's the one. Yeah. That's the one. I love, love, love that glass. Did you find it on eBay? Of course. Yeah. How, how, how many, uh, how many dollars is it? 30 bucks or best offer.
Okay, best offer, okay, cool. Not bad at all. Now you got me looking at Hulk Hogan glasses, man. Now I wanna start a whole collection of wrestling glasses. Oh man, those things are addictive. Seth and I used to go to collector shows and antique shows and we would always pick up those types of things. And like I said, now maybe if I just did wrestling specific, because like I said, I sold a lot of them before I moved from Hawaii. I used to have the complete Star Wars set. It's like Muppet baby. I mean, I'm talking like everything. I'll have to find it.
Yeah, the whole, we had a lot of glasses. We had two people at that point in our life and we had like 40 glasses. So if you ever were thirsty at our house. Do the dishes like once a year. Yeah, and you can't put those things in the dishwasher too, which sucks, you know. So you gotta hand wash all those glasses. But yeah, you never had to worry about having a drinking receptacle at the Phelps house. But yeah, the wrestling ones I absolutely love. So we'll post a picture of this Big John stud.
Um, I hope one of you guys buy it because it is, it is pretty rad. Um, and I'm gonna, I'm gonna have to take a look and see if I can, you know, maybe pull the trigger on that one that I've always wanted now that I'm like looking at this one. So, there you go. What's, uh, what's our retro wrestling recommendation of the week?
So the retro wrestling recommendation of the week, we're just coming off of a 4th of July holiday.

Classic Matches and Creative Ideas Discussion

And we saw so many pictures of our favorite wrestling legends in their patriotic gear, the red, white, and red, white, and blue. And there's so many iconic images, but
i would say one of the most iconic is definitely sting wearing the red white and blue flag jacket and the red white and blue paint and this is from great american bash 1990 and this is where he took on sting oh sorry yeah he took on rick flair for the nwa world heavyweight championship
Um, and it was, it was a great match and I just thought, you know, kind of appropriate for the time of year and it being great American bash. I would give anything if they would bring great American bash back as, as a summer pay-per-view instead of like extreme rules or, you know, something like that. I think having a great American bash back would be so awesome. But yeah, if you know the defining moment sting figure of
with the red, white and blue paint. That's the event that this is from. Um, and like I said, it's when he won the, the NWA world heavyweight championship. And there was a lot of, a lot of shenanigans happening, like the Steiner brothers and Paul Orndorf and junkyard dog were like around the ring trying to keep the four horsemen out. Um, so yeah, it was, it was, it's a good match. So definitely go to your network, check out great American bash 1990, um, and watch sting versus Rick flair.
Yeah, that's a very iconic looking figure that defining moments. And I got to go back and watch this match because I've seen it before, but it's been a while. And that was peak, you know, peak staying with the, the face paint, you know? Oh yeah. Surf surfers staying. I love.
I mean, I love me some, some surfers staying that great American bash outfit was, was super mage. Like, you know, I mean, it just fits so perfectly. I mean, obviously, obviously got a defining moments figure made after it. So we had a WWE, WWE did the great American bash for a little while, but they, you know, maybe a couple of years and then stop for some reason. I don't know why. Yeah. It's a great, I don't know why they didn't use all those Halloween havoc and all those WCW events.
Yeah, absolutely. I would love for Halloween Havoc and Great American Bash to come back. We've done war games, they brought back a war games gimmick, so we're treading on that water, but I'm like, come on, just go full bore. Who gives a crap about some of these bull crap stomping grounds? Why do we need stomping grounds? Give us Great American Bash, you know what I mean? Come on. You'll sell more views with just a name than anything else. Just a name, exactly, exactly.
What else do they have? Bash of the Beach? You could do like a whole summer series. You could do Summer Slam, Great American Bash, Bash of the Beach. Yeah, totally. And I mean, you know me, I love a theme. So I'm all for that. Instead of just making crap up, stomping grounds, give us something that actually has some history behind it, some nostalgia feels, it pulls in a new crowd, it stays with the theme of the year, and it's going to keep the old heads like us. Like, oh my god, they're doing Great American Bash, or they're doing Bash of the Beach.
Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. Alright, let's get into our listener mail. What do we got for listener mail? So, this one comes in to us from Carl Fitzgerald. He says, greetings Chick Foley and Hot Take Kid. If you both could have Funko Pops and or retro Hasbro's of yourself,
Would your pops have a chase and or what would your real wrestling action be? Keep up the great work guys. God bless and may all your fig hunts be successful fully fan for life Carl Fitzgerald Thank you so much Carl for sending in that that email and me Yeah, I would love to have like Funkos and retros on myself. Like I'm not even gonna lie I would probably want if I was gonna have my wrestling action I would want like the you know, Jake the snake Roberts like, you know punching action so I could like punch some people out
Um, or like, you know, Roman Reigns, like Superman punch, um, action. Like I would totally be down for that. And if I had to have a pop, my chase variant would be holding the baby face. So like I would have like my regular, my regular pop and like my chick Foley gear, you know, like my, uh, my Foley vest and Foley shirt and Bret Hart glasses, like the whole, the whole, my whole Mark gear. And then, uh, my chase variant would be holding the baby face and the baby face would be wearing a pair of Bret Hart glasses too.
Man, you thought about this a lot. Who sent this question in? Carl fits Gerald. Oh, that's right. Carl. Yeah, he's a good dude. He's a good dude. For my retro, I definitely want that Superman punch. That's my favorite of all the retro motions, as I mentioned several times. I don't know. For my pop, I don't know. I probably want maybe to be holding a bottle of booze or something. Yeah, just so you got to have a boozer weight chase variant, dude. Like a 12 pack hanging out of my teeth, like the boozer weight title.
Dude, that would be so freaking mage. Yeah, you could have a title hanging out of your mouth and you could have like a six pack in each hand. Oh, there you go. Yeah, I'm totally there for that. Yeah, I think that could be an awesome, awesome chase variant for you, for your pop. Oh, we're sleeping on that t-shirt design for sure. We got to get these rolling.
Dude, the boozer weight's gotta happen, dude. I already told you, I have this vision in my mind of the feel, the boozer weight champion with the belt and the six-packs, and then instead of the having the bear tattoo on the knee, you gotta have my face tattooed on your knee. I like that. I'm totally there for that shirt. All right, what's our next question we have anymore?
Yep, yeah, we got one coming in from the MVP, Marco Denton. Hello, my favorite people. I hope you both had a safe and happy, relaxing 4th of July. Thanks for the sweet ringside discount code. You're welcome, Marco. See, this is what we do for.
On to my question. I know you guys like the non-wrestling related question, so I feel it's my duty to continue the tradition. I want to piggyback off of the pet peeves question and ask you both, since you're working professionals and are in contact with a lot of people, what are some positive and negative qualities you are looking out for when you have met and or are meeting new people? I hope this gets you thinking. As always,
You both rock and are God's gift to podcasting, figs, and all things wrestling. Thanks for reading. Peace out. Marco always with the flattery. I love reading Marco's emails because I can always count him to make me feel good and make my day. So thanks, Marco. Thanks, dude.
Um, man, yeah, I do. And listen, um, you know, I'm a, I'm a healthy fitness coach. I'll actually touch on that in just a little bit. Cause I had some people hit me up, but, um, I, I do contact a lot of people and talk to a lot of people, but even before this, I would, I worked in retail for many years. I was a bartender and server for many years. Um, I worked in a bank, so I've always worked with the public. Um, and I guess it's not just people that I've worked with. I think just in general, when I'm meeting people,
I just look for people who are, one, just like warm and inviting. I think that's a good quality to have. I feel like I have that quality when I'm meeting someone new, being able to make them feel comfortable or welcome. I think being warm and inviting. Secondly, people who just don't
like tell you too much about themselves right off the bat. Do you know what I mean? I look for that in a positive quality in people and I feel like that's a negative quality when people overshare like when you're first meeting someone they like overshare everything about their life like leave me a little mystery you know what I mean leave me thinking about you and being like you know what I want to call there I want to hang out with them like so we can talk more like don't leave me like oh my god like I would never hang out with this person
they are freaking crazy you know and i feel like people do that and sometimes maybe they just do it out of nervousness but i feel like some people just don't have any like concept of like like having a filter you know and they just like spill out their whole like their lives troubles and their drama and their mama's drama and their dad the baby daddy drama and i'm like
Oh my God, like somebody please save me from this conversation. Have you ever had that conversation where you're like sitting there and you're just like looking around for like one of your friends and like you just want someone to rescue you? Yes, you know, and you're like, oh my God, am I gonna have to tell this person like, okay, sorry, I gotta go poop. You know, like something just to like, something just to like- I just had a wet fart, I gotta get out of here. Yeah, sorry, I just wet farted, I'm gonna have to leave, you know? But dude, that's something that I look for. What about you?
I have one that immediately comes to mind and this is hard to find when you're when someone is genuinely like ask you a question like it wants to get to know you and like cares about your answer as opposed to like when you're talking and you can wait you can see that the person is not even listening they're just waiting for you to stop talking so they can tell like oh whoa I did this blah blah blah you know like okay wow don't even react to what I said
So yeah, it's rare, but I always try to do that when I meet somebody new at a party that I don't know, like, oh cool, what do you do? And I don't automatically tell them what I do, because I don't want to assume that they care, nobody cares about what I do. So then I'll tell them, oh, I have a podcast, and I sell booze, and blah, blah, blah. But it's just rare to actually get someone who is interested in knowing about you and getting to know you. So I always try to do that with other people as well.
Dude, that is spot on. Yeah, actually being a good listener is such a good quality. And it's something that you probably don't even know you're not doing. Because like you said, you're already thinking about the next thing. When that person's talking, you're already thinking about the next thing that you're going to say. When you should really just be digesting what that person is telling you and responding to what that person is telling you. And like Phil said, don't assume that those people care.
What you don't think just because you ask them what they do for work you know they tell you don't automatically assume that they care what you do you know. So that is such a good point is like being being a good listener and finding people who are actually good listeners and like engaging in in conversation you know and i also appreciate like.
And I also appreciate it in a friend. We have some friends like this that we just absolutely love. They're just easy hangs. You know what I mean? You can just hang. And if we go fishing together or if we go watch TV, there can be silence without anyone feeling like they have to feel the silence. And I feel like that's when you know you've met your tribe and your people, when you can all just sit down and chill, drink beer, hang out.
not everyone has to be talking all the freaking time, you know what I mean? And it can just be like super chill. So I love friendships like that. But yeah, as far, and so those are like, I think those are both like positive, they can be taken from the positive and the negative side. If you're doing them, it can be negative. If you're not doing them, it can be positive and vice versa. So yeah, that's definitely what I would say for sure. Those are the things that come, I mean, I'm sure there's a list of like a thousand things, but those are things that
that like come they come immediately to my like when i meet new people and i feel like i feel like i'm very observant and i'm very perceptive of people and get a good judgment of people like a very good snap judgment do you feel like that about yourself or do you feel like you misjudge people no i think i can i can i can judge people pretty well off right off the bat and i think the podcast has helped me too with like sometimes you'll be saying something and i want to
Like obviously we're going back and forth. We're both like there's things we both want to say but I'll like Focus on listening to you and kind of write down so I don't like lose my train of thought But then I'm also being able to listen to you So I'll like kind of all right I want to talk about this next but I'm gonna like wait for her to like react to what you say and then bring up what I say so the podcast has definitely helped me do that as far as like being a better listener because you know and
if you're just talking and I don't even like address what you say it's like a one like we're just like two separate podcasts here so you know we have to we have to interact together and that definitely helps but yeah I don't know I think uh I know I can meet some people right away and if I go to like a group of friends and I have some friends who I fucking hate their friends and I almost don't even hang out with them anymore
because like their friends are like they're not bad people they're just like god this like I've like I would go over there like New Year's Eve or something and would sit down we'd have drinks and be at a table and no one would even like hey well hey man I'm Ralph this is my wife what's your name like no no interaction at all like
fuck man like okay I'm not like there's 10 people here I don't know so I'm not gonna just be like hey hey what's your name what's your name you know I'm not gonna like be the one to be outgoing all the time but yeah sometimes just making people feel inviting is like a big thing and I like I don't know I hate having like you know I've lost friends or I've lost touch with friends because man I don't want to hate if I go there it's gonna be like the people that I like are the people hosting the party but they're gonna be so busy entertaining these 40 other people I'm gonna have to like talk to all these assholes I don't like so
Yeah, I am definitely the social, the social butterfly in our relationship. Like Seth is like the antisocial, like he likes who he likes and he'll hang out with who he likes. But I mean, he, it's a very small circle. He's like, he's like you, like he likes somebody, but if he hates their friends, he's like, I'm not going to this thing. Cause like, you know, like I would rather just hang out with them one on one.
then to go to this thing where I'm hanging out with all these freaking jabronis who I don't like, you know, which is, to me, it's always so weird when you have friends that you love so much and like you love so much about them, you're like, how did they attract these people? You know what I mean? You're like, why do they like these people? Like if they like me, what does that say about me? Like, am I like these people? I don't understand, you know? It's funny how different relationships form based on different things, you know, because we all have, we're all like multifaceted and we all have different,
aspects of our personality and our personal life and things like that that draw us to different groups of people like I mean I have so many different pockets of friends that are like so polar opposite you know what I mean like I have my wrestling friends I have my like you know fitness friends my eco friends like all these different pockets of people and just like my friends from like you know growing up in high school and stuff and then you like if I ever brought all those people together I feel like the world would just like explode you know
Yeah. We used to do a big summer party at the house here, and it'd be awesome to have my work friends, my friends from different things, from college, from high school, and my wife's coworkers, and just a good mix of... So then you always have somebody to talk to. That is the best thing about hosting a party. You can get all the people you want to talk to in one place and get... Yes. Yeah.
Yeah we hosted we host a lot of parties like when we were back in well obviously before we had kids I mean you know those days those days now we're just gonna be hosting birthday parties I'm sure you know the struggle oh yeah come to come to Brad's birthday party um but yeah like you said it's funny because when you have all when you're hosting you have all of your people and you get to talk to them um but yeah it's we always I don't know why it always worked because like we have such like I said we have such different groups of friends but when we would have a big party
We always made sure that everybody mingled with everybody else.
You know, had a good time. You know, obviously there was a lot of booze flowing too. So that always tends to loosen things up. And we had ping pong and, you know, foosball and darts and like things for people to actually do instead of just sitting around looking at each other, which I feel like is an important part of any social gathering, have something for people to actually do. But yeah, I love this question because it really, it really hits home with me because I'm a social person and my husband is not a social person.
Cool questions, man. I like that. We have a bunch of questions. We asked for questions on our Facebook group, and we got like 30 of them, and last week we read like three. So we will answer those all next week if we'll have more time to do a full Q&A segment. For sure. I do want to give a props to wrestlingfigs316 on Instagram. I don't know if you follow this person.
They posted a picture of like a bunch of wrestling figures at a barbecue and it's freaking amazing. They have like stone cold in the background fishing. He's got like a razor Ramon with the shirt undone. He's got a Coco beware, smoking a cigar with like some fake smoke coming out of it.
Oh my gosh, I just looked it up. It's amazing. And this dude is like super talented. I don't know where he got like the background spot here. I guess it's like a plant with some rocks by it. But check him out. One of the cool people on, we should definitely make a list of all the people that we have, our fans of that do this wrestling photography stuff. Because it's way more talented than I would ever be, that's for sure.
Yeah. I mean, well, it looks like he just started his account, um, last July. So he's officially who on the 30th, he'll be one year. It looks like, uh, with this, with this Instagram account and the man only has 415 followers. Like give this man a follow. Yeah. Cause like he's got all the little, you know, micro minis, like the little props and everything like cokes and ketchup. And like you said, the stone cold with the fishing pole, like I can't even, and there's a Coors light and some cigarettes. And where did you get all those little tiny things from?
Oh, there's people that specifically make those. We have a lot of those too. Um, but you just go on, you go on eBay and like, you can search, um, you know, micromanage. I forget the scales, like one 12 or something like that. I don't know. Like I said, heel husband does all that, all that kind of stuff for me, but, um, he, you can find anything that you want. I mean, like I said, beer, like workout equipment, um, yeah, pizza. And a lot of them will come in these little kits where it's like a bunch of stuff. Like you just get like a pack of food.
You know or a pack of workout equipment and stuff like that But yeah, they really if you're a figure photographer like those types of things like set you apart having those little those little props Yeah, and he's got this like the summer slam hacksaw Jim Duggan here with the flag and the you know fireworks background. So yeah get wrestling figs 316 no underscores. Thank you wrestling pigs for not having any underscores in your in your name
Straight up. Give this guy a follow. He follows Chick Foley and I don't follow him back. I'm officially following him. Come on, girl. I know. Well, you brought him to my teaching. You just followed me on Twitter like yesterday. We've been doing this podcast for goddamn 10 months now.
With the I hate JJ Reddick. Yeah. Oh, God, I'm such a heel. You're all good. Go ahead. I want to jump in really quickly because we were talking about people not caring about what you do as a profession. I did want to jump in because I had a lot of people hitting me up in the DMs asking about because they know I'm a health and fitness coach. It's part of my bio. But how they can get in touch with me if you want to get in ring shape or if you just want to
Get you get a little bit of get you healthy on you know I'm saying coming off 4th of July I'm sure we ate a lot of hot dogs and drink a lot of beer So if you want to get in touch with me you can always email me or hit me up over at my personal account It's at Sheena Phelps sh een a ph elps I do offer You know like a free little you know if you want to go back and forth and let me know what you got going on We can talk and see if I can help you out or if it's something that you're gonna need you know
medical professional or anything like that for but hit me up over there or coach Sheena Phelps at you can send me an email and I run I run monthly boot camp so hit me up and we'll see what we can do for you get you in get you in fighting shape for before the holidays get here and we eat all the cakes and pies.
There you go. That's perfect. Yes. Uh, yeah, you can follow Sheena also at Chick Foley. You can follow me on Twitter at I hate JG Reddick and the email again is ask chick Foley at Patreon is, uh, slash chick Foley show. We have a bunch of cool stuff going up there and you can find our t-shirts at pro wrestling tees.
Sheena, next week I guess we'll be previewing Extreme Rules and previewing, what day is, no. Okay, so that next weekend is we'll be previewing Extreme Rules and Fight for the Fallen, because that's on the 13th. That's a week from tomorrow, yeah, wow.
And they're cranking out these AEW shows. So that'll be a cool, a cool day. And the next week will be, I think we'll record on that Thursday, the 18th, because that is the day Zach Ryder and Curt Hawkins are doing a panel at Comic Con with, I think Kofi Kingston and Seth and Becky, and they're going to unveil a bunch of new stuff. So we'll push the day back to that Thursday.
and record for Friday morning and have all the cool stuff that's coming out for Cindy O'Comicon. So we got a bunch of cool stuff in the next couple weeks, so be sure to tune in and follow us on all our outlets. Yeah, for sure, man. And thanks for listening, man. I didn't think we had a lot to talk about today, but man, with these last couple episodes, we've really been bringing the content. We're about to hit the two hour mark, but that's good. I think we flowed well. But stay classy, folks. We will talk to you next week. Appreciate it.
What? Impulsive? Impulsive? Me? Impulsive? No. Facts. Tell him I'm not impulsive. Him? Impulsive? Never. Well, wait, wait, wait. Let's look at all the facts here, all right? Look, we know one on one you can be Lacey and I can be Baron. But at Extreme Rules, okay, the stakes are raised a little bit because
Well, if you get pen, I lose my title. And if I get pen, then you lose your title. I wouldn't advise you lose my title. Well, I wouldn't advise you lose my title.
That I was gonna ride, I haven't yet But there's still a chance I might've known to work That I still wanna go