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Glick's House of Music: Kaylin Kole

Nonsensical Network
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Glick welcome Ms. Kaylin Kole to the house of music we got to know her a little better as we chatted about life and her music journey and we even got and embarrassing story from her !st time on stage

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What's going on, everybody? Happy Tuesday. We are working our way through the week. Welcome to Glick's House of Music. It is a part of the nonsensical network. If you're not already, go ahead and give us a follow. We are everywhere. Facebook, Instagram, X and TikTok shows are live Monday through Sunday on YouTube, Facebook and Rumble.
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Danny who let's jump right into it. Like I said, welcome to Glick's house of music. Y'all. Uh, we got a young lady coming in tonight with a voice that does not match her. She is a tiny little thing with a big, big voice. Oh, miss a Midwestern hippie, Kaylin Cole. And I hope I said her first name right because if not, I might be in trouble.
What is up? Yes, you did. You did. I meant to ask you that before we started because and sometimes the obvious ain't so much the obvious. yeah No, you did. A lot of people say Caitlin and I'm like, there's no tea.
Stop putting letters in my name. What's going on with you? How are you doing? I'm wearing my hat today. I'm wearing my hat today, too. There you go. You got to wrap it. You have to have some stuff. We got to swap. I can wear your hat and wear my hat. Exactly.
um No, but I'm great today. I just, you know, had kind of a an easy day to today. I had a write this morning, but was able to hang out with some really good people today. um But super excited that you asked me to be on this podcast. And yeah, I'm ready to answer all the things, talk about all the things and get a little rowdy. No, definitely appreciate you coming on. Uh, you know, you never, yeah you never know when you send that message. And I know I kind of send just a basic run of the mill. It's, it's a nice spring. Let's see if the conversation, you know, if they respond and then they will change the conversation, but it's just get out there. You know, it's, it's weird. This is still a new concept to me, uh, during the interview shows, but I'm a huge music fan and you know, I'm up here in Ohio and we've got a pretty decent, uh, you know, local music scene, but I've always been a fan of
going to, you know, the hole in a wall bar or local music venue and seeing the up and coming artists or the local artists, uh, over paying $300 to go see some of the larger names. So, um, when I decided to do a music show, I was like, you know what, I want to do a music show and I want to spotlight all these young artists that are coming up and give them a place where, you know, maybe you might get,
Maybe you might only get two or three eyes and ears on your music. Maybe you might get a few hundred, you know, we never know what's going to happen. But, uh, you know. Uh, and I become a fan. Uh, you know, I, uh, I stumble across as I'm scrolling Instagram and, and I, you know, just hear that split second and go, hold on a second. Let me, where was that voice at? Let me go find that. And then, and then I just, didn't I creep around on your socials and find like YouTube or Spotify or whatever and start listening. And it's like, okay, I got it. I gotta, I gotta reach out and see if we can get him or her on the show and hang out with them because their music is awesome. So yeah.
definitely appreciate you coming on. ah you know it's It means a lot to me as well because I'm up and coming as well. I'm right there with you guys. We're yeahre we're we're coming up as well. um Do you do music full-time? Is that your full-time gig or do you got like a...
Yes, I'm excited to ah I've shared with my my following in my audience um That you know, I'd like to be very personable and you know just post whatever I feel like I want to post and find the pine that authentic group out there that's you know, engaging in my content and everything like that, but I posted not not too long ago that um I decided to take the leap to do music full time about two months ago. So I had had a day job. I've i've worked so many like random ass jobs in the past where it's like, you know, ah I've done blue collar work. I've been a lifeguard. I've been a receptionist at a plumbing company. I didn't know anything about plumbing, um but I got it. and
There you go. Yeah, it was pretty cool. Uh the one of the my co-workers, I'm pretty sure hated me though because I would just I would really I would transfer everybody to him because he was like an arty guy and I was like, yeah, he might know the answer to your question. I don't um but but That's the best way to do it at the end of the day. You said you send them to somebody that knows. Exactly. I'm like, I don't know. I'm so sorry. Um, but my recent job I had, you know, this was my first big girl job. I had, you know, a nice salary for my age. I mean, I'm 23. I had a comfortable salary. I had health benefits. I had a 401k.
And I left that. Luckily, the company that I worked for was really um supportive. And I still kind of do like side hustle jobs for them here and there. But for the most part, like I'm just doing music and traveling. So yeah. Hey, can you can't do that.
but What did, you know, you're, you're still, and and and I'm going to say this because I'm an old man. You're still just a baby. Yeah. A lot of people say that. And I'm like, Hey, I'm an old soul, but a young spirit. i Yeah. Hell I'm getting ready to turn 43 in a couple of days. So yeah, you just, you're just a baby. Uh, what, what did your parents think when when you told them, Hey guys, I'm, I got this great job, you know, great benefits. I'm making good money.
But I'm going to go be a musician full time. Well, I've kind of always been like the wild child in my family. I came from a family of four kids and I'm the oldest. And I was the first one to move like super far away from home.
And kind of, you know, just have like a completely different lifestyle than the other three, which, you know, their mind's not good or bad and theirs isn't good or bad. It's just different. Yeah. And but everybody's very supportive in my family. So that's awesome. yeah I've always said, like, college will always be there if I ever need to go back.
or whatever reason, but I don't ever see myself being in college. I've been to a couple frat parties in my day. yeah And that's the most college that I've ever had and will ever want, really. you know some some people Some people just know I was that guy. like I knew I wasn't going to go to college. I knew that college was not meant for me. Now, I've been to some parties, some college parties. You're right. there Yeah.
They're fun. They're fun. They were less.
crazy than I thought because like the movies always you know like make it so much more than it actually is um but it it was still eye-opening I was like oh so this is the college experience I was like yeah I personally don't see myself fitting in in the college experience like at all on any scale whatsoever um but I'm very content with where I'm at and very thankful for you know the universe and God aligning things and just making it very um very appropriate to quit my job when i did and it it's been going well so hey that's all that matters you you're chasing a dream at the end of the day yeah and you know the old saying you miss uh 100 of the shots that you don't that you don't take so exactly and like i'm not
I'm not afraid to hear no either. I've heard it so many times. I'm kind of immune to it by now. I'm like, whatever, I'll go find this opportunity somewhere else. But I'm going to find it. Yeah, I'll go somewhere. Yeah, you never know when the right eyes or the right ears are going to come across you and go, oh, there's our girl. We need her.
What do we gotta do to, you know, what what do we gotta do to get her signed, get her, you know, get her doing whatever it is we need to have her do. I actually, one of my friends, not my friend, somebody in the music industry, I misspoke, somebody in the music industry, um I just saw him, he was on a meeting or a podcast and they were, he was talking about his latest song and but know um He was like, yeah, it seems like everybody relates to this song. and And everybody's like, oh my gosh, she's so good. And I'm just like, yeah, I have like 27 more songs like for you to listen to. But it just takes that one moment in time in that one song where everybody relates to it or it blows up for some reason. in order for you to, you know, have everybody find your whole entire discography. austin Yeah, no, exactly. you know yeah It's a matter of just keep going and don't give up. and and And most importantly, have fun with it. If you're not having fun, but what's the point in doing it? I mean, it's the same thing with with me doing the podcasting thing. This is, you know,
I'm just having fun doing it. You know, I would love for it to be what pays the bills one day, you know, but in the meantime, just having fun getting to meet some awesome people and in the long, yeah you know, on the journey and everything like that. So that's, that's awesome. I seen on your, on your profile that you're originally from Wisconsin. e I love you. so there
okay yeah like books like Oh, you see? Yeah, I can't get out of the bush light. It's basically like up in Wisconsin, we're like, all right. So like a water, you know, you can hydrate. So you'll, you'll go from like ah a Miller light to a Bush light. If since you're hiding, but we say so.
that's that's my go That's my go-to these days is Miller Lite. I used to be a big Budweiser guy, but then I was like, man, I'm old. I can't do that the bloatedness and that the headaches in the morning. And then I found my sweet spot with Miller Lite. That's all I drink now. I'm happy. But, you know, yeah being and being from the the Midwest as well myself,
What's it like coming leaving Wisconsin and you're down in Nashville now, aren't you? Yeah, I am. I'm located in Nashville. Been here for five years. Oh, five years? Yeah, moved here November of 2019, like right before COVID hit in 2020.
Luckily, I was living in a really nice situation where my rent was little to none. um So I truly believe that because of that person in my life, I was able to uh stay here and fight through it and still write and still connect when I could with people um so she was a huge blessing in my life um and I moved in with her and really didn't know her um somebody like a family friend of a friend of a neighbor of whatever um from back home knew this girl and was like oh yeah like she's kind of working out a deal where like she traveled a lot so I would
you know take care of her home and her animals um and that was basically my rent and so ah I was able to live there for a little over a year and then found myself kind of being able to be on my feet and you know that saved me so much in the long run and Like if I ever make it big, I'd love to love to do something for her because of that. fa Yeah, that's just really huge. And um yeah, but now I've been here five years. It's been times gone by very fast, but it's been beautiful too. Cause like, man,
life is hard life is super hard especially in your 20s like you're figuring everything out you're like who the heck am i yeah it's so bad sometimes trust me in your 40s you're still trying to figure your life out and figure out who you are and you know, like your spouse with you and you're like, oh my gosh, there's so much more to it. But like right now it's just, it's so cool. Cause like looking back at even, even me being 20 years old or 21, like I, I'm so much more of who I am than back then. Like really, I think I describe it like your purpose and parallel to your life.
yeah being ka about yll to make you feel like um yeah so her her Yeah. i'm just yeah no Yeah. I've just been like super content with that. everything Yeah.
thanks What was that, what was that like coming from, uh, Wisconsin to to kind of Nashville? What was that? I'm assuming obviously big, big difference between, you know, a little bit of culture shock, not gonna lie. Uh, just because like I come from, I mean, I'm a very extroverted person though. So it didn't, you know, so it didn't affect me socially too much. I feel like it would affect somebody who's,
ah not insane um a lot, but but I just, I love, I love like meeting new people, talking to them, seeing like what differences our lives have and all that stuff. um But it was a huge culture shock because of, um like just I came from a really small town and like it was like he said she said all the time you know not like bad things but just like you'd get your news from people and everybody knew everybody I'm from a small town here in ohio yeah everybody knew everybody and
singing role. And, you know, like, I go back sometimes, and I'm literally the only person in our town with a Tennessee license plate. And everybody knows, like, oh, last Kaitlyn, like, she's back. You know, um but it's just it's funny though because like some people keep tabs on me and some people are like oh so when did you move back and i'm like i have not moved back i'm just visiting um yeah just but i don't expect people to like keep tabs on me or anything but it's just it's just funny um but yeah i just came from small town like the thing to do there was like to go to the movie theater or the bowling
That's it. Or to Walmart. There are some people, like especially in high school, they're like, you want to walk around Walmart? And I'm like, sure. Like, I don't know how that's super appealing, but he's like, look at these things, survive. I don't know. We did it. It was, it was a big deal. and yeah On the weekends in my, in my hometown, we, we went to the square and we drive around the square and we Drive around the square and there was one main drag that you you drove down that main drag and then you turned around and you came by.
did another lap and then you parked for a little bit and you hung out with your friends. And then you make a couple more laps and then you come back. That was our Saturday nights. And if you're, you know, outside of football season, it was our Friday nights. Even after football, you know, if we weren't going to a bonfire somewhere. We were going to the square and it was, it was a big deal when we got the Walmart super singer in my hometown because we would do the same thing. Like you want me to just go walk around Walmart? Yeah, let's go walk around Walmart. When we got an Aldi,
it was everybody's like, Oh my God. But like we have like a tractor supply and yeah ah Taco Bell is like the only thing open past midnight. um yeah But it just is so funny coming from that. And now I mean, I spend a lot more money in Nashville than I do back home just because like, oh i even if you want to park somewhere, you know, it costs like $20. Jeez. But yeah, but I mean, you spend money, you make money, whatever. um know You can't take it with you when you go.
Exactly. And it's just really cool because like there's so many opportunities, especially around music, every single night of the week, even Mondays, even Sundays. I'm like, dang. All right. Well, if i'm if I'm bored at home, I will go and see who's playing so I can go support them or yeah know like see who's free for a drink to network a little bit and get to know them more. you know So it's nice. It's full of opportunities.
you're you're in the perfect spot for it. I know lately, like everybody I've been lining up is all out of Nashville. I'm like, man, really? we Yeah. Like all of a sudden I hit the Nashville jackpot and I'm not mad at it because, you know, hopefully I'll make enough friends. My, my fiance and I will, we're going to come down in the next year, year and a half. I've never been down there and I want to come down so bad. Um,
Good time. It's like, I'm making enough friends. I'll you all have enough people be like, all right, where do I go? Where do I go now? It's a it's a crazy town, that's for sure. um No, but it's a good time. And there are some bars where I'm like,
I want to come there. I want to go there every night just to like try one new drink. Just because like all of their stuff. Like there's this play place called the Coral Club that I've recently been obsessed with. um but Just because they have like this pumpkin spice latte espresso martini. oh It is so, it sounds like so extra but it's so good and I'm like oh my god I need the recipe.
I mean, I'm a little bit of everything, you know? Like, i I'll drink whiskey, I'll drink Bushlight, I'll drink IPAs, I'll have a pumpkin spice latte, whatever, the espresso martini. I just won't do, I just feel, I just, I don't know. There's just super something about it. I can't shoot it either.
I learned that lesson many, many, many years ago. just a Yeah. mean I was just a, just a wee little lad. And I decided to do that dance with tequila one night. I was like 15 or 16 and I ain't never been able to drink it since. i like Nope. I was at one time and I learned my lessons. Yeah. I don't, I don't like it. I don't like the smell of it. I don't, my my fiance, her and her friends drink it. Like it's water. She's also a big one into those weird.
pumpkin spice, latte, martini. She's a bartender as well. So she makes a lot of that stuff. Every month is, you know, something to do with, I think this month is Apple is the fruit of the month or something like that. So they're doing a bunch of different Apple flavored drinks at the bar. Yeah. They're doing like, they do, they have like a caramel Apple something or another. And they're not gonna lie. Some of them sound good because they've got like, uh, crown in them, the flavored crown. And I'm like, I might be willing to come up there and sip on one of those. I tried to just stick with beer these days, but I might have a sip or two of a big drink. I mean, that's the thing about being young. When you're down there, you're still young. You're having fun. You're doing your thing. You can't be mad at it. You kind of live in the life. You know, who needs college?
you get in life experience, which some might say is better than a piece of paper you put on your wall that, you know. Yeah. And you can always go back and do that. Like these moments in time, you know, I don't have a husband. I don't have kids. Like I can be a little selfish in this point of time when it comes to like family and stuff, you know, so.
but enjoy and enjoy your time. Enjoy your life and have fun. man ain't it ah where The world is is your oyster. So, they say I can't hear you. Well, we appreciate you tuning in even though you can't hear us. Oh, I know I think that's Valerie. Yeah. I'm pretty sure I know her.
um When it comes to the music and you and Do you write a lot of your stuff or do you write with people? Um, well, a little bit of both. So I started, um, love you too. But I started doing music, um, in COVID writing myself, just because like you kind of had to force yourself to do that. Um, but I started writing music when I was like a freshman in high school. Um, it was absolute balls was not good at all. Everybody says that, everybody says that, that I talk to, but you never know if you still have those, if you go back, you might find a hidden gem. It might be that one song. I do, they're tucked away in a notebook, in my closet, like for anybody else. But I remember this first song that I wrote, it's called, look into your eyes. It was for my sophomore year boyfriend, Taylor.
And my grandma to this day is like, this is such a nice song. And I'm like, the grandma, that is dog crap. It's so bad. It's so cliche. um It's got good like a good meaning behind it and everything. And I i wrote it for his birthday, of course. um But just to see that from like my latest single, like See You Tonight, I'm like,
Okay, there's growth. That's all I care about is if there's growth, because if you keep going up, that means obviously you're growing in some shape or form.
so i i Write most of my stuff with people now just because I've found a really nice group of people that I love Personally, but also professionally as well. Like they are so talented in this town. We love to help each other out You know Nashville is a very healthy I love, I love competition. I love competition because it helps me be better. Um, and me think around, like think outside the box as to how I can set myself apart with all this competition. But, um, it's healthy competition, but people are also very collaborative too. Majority of people here, I think are collaborative. students Um, and if they are, you yeah you kind of, you kind of sniff them out pretty quick. down
Yeah, then you can just avoid them. and That's what I've heard. You know, you hear you hear the music in this or you hear ah horror stories from the music industry about how cutthroat it is. And there's people, you know, people will step on their own granny to get ahead of, oh yeah you know, but.
everybody I've talked to that's out of Nashville or in that Nashville area, they're like, it's really not like that here. you know Yeah, there's a couple of bad eggs, but people sniff them out so quick and then it's the biggest small town I've ever i'd never seen.
like Especially in the music industry, like people will know who those red flags are and they will let you know about them. That's a good thing. It sounds like you guys, like you said, there's great community and that's what everybody says. There's a great community down there. So it sounds like, you know, with, with that, with, with having that good community, they're going to keep the but bad apples because not every apple is going to be good on the tree. So they're going to, you know, Hey, be wary or so and so be wary of.
of this person or this writer or this bar or, or, you know, whatever the case may be. Um, which is amazing, you know, which, which is awesome because, you know, as being an outsider looking in, you hear all the horror stories and it's just likes like, why would anybody want to be a musician? You know, this is the way it's going to be all the time. here But I don't want no part in that. but but Yeah. um But I think it's like that. and Um,
Any form of entertainment that you do, you're going to, you're going to run across people that just, you know, they're, they only look out for themselves. And, you know, that's the downside because build a good community, man. Everybody wins at the end of the day, you know, everybody's getting to do their thing. Everybody's collaborating and everything like that. Um, so, uh, I, I, nothing against it. I said this last week, I had a Jay Valor on last week and.
I love me a good sad song, a good country sad song, love song, whatever. And and I was scrawled through listening to some of your music and that seems to be the kind of like, I don't want to call it a specialty, but it's something you do very well. Aw, thank you. um It's funny you say that because like, I've been writing nothing but like sad, and not sad, sassy,
like up be in your face kind of tunes now and like empowering songs now yeah i just kind of had to get that like sad vibe out of the way i think you know like just write a bunch and then yeah put it out there's nothing wrong with There's nothing wrong with a sad song, but it's like, once you write it over and over, I don't want to be known as a sad country girl, that basic ballads only. You know, like I, there's, I've just unlocked within the past year, I've unlocked so much of my writing ability and so much of the different stylistic choices that I've always wanted to do. um And so I'm really excited for this next year of 2025 and the music that's coming out.
because it's pretty good if I do say so myself. I'm just excited for people to hear what I've got cooking um just because it's a lot more than just like the the sad stuff. so And like it's kind of like the working on, working on it vibe a little bit. it's like yeah It's like, that's a little like, it's kind of like a light slap in the face a little bit. ah that song just It's like, okay, cool. You're not doing anything. I'm going to go and do me, you know, and I'll see you later because you literally have not benefited my life at all. Yeah. yeah Hey, yeah that's, that's, there's nothing at all wrong with that. It's called growth. That's called growing up as an individual and, and, and learning, you know, like you said, you you know, you're still trying to figure out life. You're, you know,
You're young and you, you learn to set boundaries for yourself and everything like that. And if you know, you write it down in a song, ain't nothing wrong with that. No, I, I, you know, and the great thing about a good, sad country song is you don't even have to be in a sad mood or anything to enjoy it. You can just enjoy it for what it is. Um, you know, uh, so there, there ain't nothing wrong with that at all, but I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what you got coming up in the next year.
If you're going to kick it up a little bit, let's let's let's let your sass go, if you will. I'm curious to see what you do. yeah do Do your songs, and I'm sure you've been asked this, and it's it's just one of those go-to questions because you never know where it's going to go afterwards. Do your songs, do you write from personal experience, or is it more something just you watched a sad movie or something and you're like, a light bulb goes off and you're like, you know, hold on a second, let me grab my notebook. um It's a little bit of both, but it leans more on the personal experience of just.
crazy stuff that's happened in Nashville. Like working on working on it, definitely a personal experience. It's funny because my latest song, See You Tonight, um that I wrote with this girl named Grace Palmer five years ago, I still have the lyrics physically written in a notebook as to the day we we wrote it. And this was, I believe, shortly before COVID. I'm pretty sure it was like in January or February of that of 2020. But anyway, i mean I went over to her place and we wrote the song. We kind of got to know each other a little bit. You know, it's always kind of like a mini therapy session before you write a song with somebody just to kind of get to know them and where their heads at. But she was talking to me about like,
the dating in nashville and all that stuff and how it's really hard because it's not only men but like men and women just and people nowadays uh have a really hard time jogging for some reason i don't know yeah um and that's like social media yeah it's a very like fluid dating Dean in any yeah big city, I believe it's not oh yeah It's just like all over and whether you it's social media mental health. I Don't know what else but it's a bunch of crazy stuff like just not great morals I guess um
That could definitely be a factor too. Yeah. I just, I don't understand why there's such a stigma around committing to one person. Um, or like, just like being in a relationship with someone, but anyway, um, yeah I can tell you some stories. just tackle The last, the last six, the the guys, the guys liked it to pick on me and make fun of me because the last six years have been kind of a,
a wild ride with me in relationships. And it's like, maybe it's just me. i' never think peter to look at in the mirror but ah yeah no but i think good i'm I'm good now. yeah I got this one locked in. Yeah. yeah I got this one locked in. um We're good.
good um but yeah i just i i wrote that song and it was based it was kind of like on a little bit of maybe her personal life and just something that we kind of wrote but i manifested it in my own life uh like five years ago or five years later to now so how i'm like especially like just this past year i was like oh my gosh this nation I don't know why I manifested in this in my life, um but yeah, it's just, um when that happened, I kind of reassembled upon the song and I've always wanted to cut it. And so I asked Kate Malone, the producer, she's freaking phenomenal. And I was like, hey, what do you think about this one? And she was like, this one can be big. And I was like, heck yeah. So we ah went into the studio. This was my first time ever
um watching the musicians track the songs and also singing at the same time of them tracking. So it was all live recorded. um oh nice He was able to you know put all the puzzle pieces together and make it sound amazing. And the boys did a really good job. So very happy with how that one turned out. We also have we also have a couple of couple things up our sleeves with that song. So I'm excited. Well, thanks. I'm digging the new song. I'm definitely definitely liking it.
I probably looked a little weird today coming home from work. Cause I was listening to some of your music and it's nice day out here and I have my window down. I'm sure, I know I got a couple of funny looks at stop lights. What
it's not jason al d yeah yeah yeah no it's not um but it's It's funny because I was just telling the guys on the network and I was telling my fiance, I said, you know,
um really want to start working on trying to get some some female artists on the show. I've had mainly all male artists ah put it up until up until now. I've had a couple other ladies on the show and they were amazing. They little little rock stars and rocker chicks and i and and they they were an absolute ball. We had a blast um and and then the I said that and I was getting ready for My interview last week and then all of a sudden Five of my next six interviews are all female artists And I'm like it did just just happened while I'm preparing for the last Tuesday night. I was like, holy smokes this is gonna be cool, you know because I don't want to I don't want to get that reputation for only having male artists on here because there's some super talented ladies out there like yourself, you know when I when I jumped on that YouTube channel and I was like
Where is this voice coming from? because he Yeah. you Yeah. Looking at your videos and and watching, you know, say, and you are, you, you, you have fun with life. You, you put it out there and you know, doing different little stories and, and, and, you know,
some things private, obviously, because I, I do believe that social media should just be a tool. and how you know social Social life is not always transparency. and yeah But I try to keep it you know as transparent as I can. And um I just have a damn good time making content. And if people like it, great. That means my following will you know come support me if it's a ticketed event or buy my merch because they believe in me. like What I've learned too from an entrepreneurial standpoint
is that it doesn't have to be the best product out there. It doesn't have to be the best song out there or anything. It just, they, your followers or your fans or whatever, your friends need to believe in you and really like what you stand for and who you are. So the more you actually show your personality and is the better, I think.
but oh well Absolutely. 100%. I tell people all the time, what you see on these shows is the exact same person you're going to get in real life. If you see me doing something you know on social media, that that's who I am. you know I can't be anything different.
um and it it Being genuine and authentic speaks volumes. I know it's kind of a rare rare commodity these days in this world that we live in, but there are still authentic, genuine people out there in the world. And it's nice to see somebody pop up and go, yeah, I can tell just by, you know, scrolling and seeing a couple of videos or, you know, you know, outside of the music. Well, yeah, this person's, this person's a real deal. Like this is, this is who they are. We're just enjoying life. They're having fun at the end of the day. And that's a great thing. I mean, no matter how big or small your following is,
If one person tells 10 people, hey, check out Caitlin's new song. Well, maybe. eight people don't like it. Well, there's other two people, they go tell 10 people and then, you know, it yeah becomes a tidal wave. push That's what I've been trying to push with my followers, my friends and my fans and all that. It's just like, it's, it's truly, it relies on you guys at this point. Like you, you are asking for content. Great. I will give it to you, but it like, especially as an independent artist, you know, like I don't have, fivebe grand that I can back up for promotional points and everything like that. So like, you know, podcasts like this, which like your demographic might not be mine. And so they're like, Oh wait, I'll go check out her music. And then, yeah you know, it's like a snowball effect, but it is a super important for people to stream and also add to playlists because that helps the artists immensely because it is a snowball effect. When you add a song to a playlist, it'll, the algorithm will push it out to more people.
no and so i'm i'm working on a spotify bla less people know i like yo please but yeah i'm he mention to it takes two seconds if you really like yeah and plus you'll be able to have it on your playlist Yep, i'm I'm actually I just learned about this so i'm I'm still trying to figure it out and I'm working on it But I just learned that you could old man in technology that you can create a play a playlist of music you like on Spotify and share said playlist out. So I'm actually working on a playlist and it's dedicated to all my former guests.
And then as I have guests on the show, then I'll add them to the playlist. And I wanna get a good chunk of songs on there and then I'm gonna put it out there and I'm gonna share it onto our our social media and and everything like that. But it'll just be all my former guests from this year's show. so and we And we play all the music throughout the different shows. So moving forward, as long as you don't mind, I always ask, ah moving forward after tonight, um I would love to add your music to the rotation.
Yeah, and and play it on the different shows and stuff like that um You know and and it's just our little way, you know, especially if I become a fan and you know, some people I've had a couple of artists on here that came on and it was just like This is the longest interview I've ever had in my life ah mad is's like yeah you mean Your older stuff was way better than what you're doing now so Yeah. But, ah you know, and then it's like, OK, well, we'll we'll move on. Not everything is going to be a winner at the end of the day. But if it's all right with you, we were talking about the new song. We'll take a little break here. I would love i would love to play it if if you want to take a little break and and we can play it because I'm digging it. nice I'm digging it.
Uh, I like it. And, uh, like I said, um, I was, I was jamming out on the way home. Listen to it. Well, I don't know how much you can jam out to some of the sad songs, but I was still, I don't know. But we'll, we'll take a real quick break and we're going to play, uh, see you tonight. The newest song by Kaitlyn. And then we'll be back to hang out with her a little bit more and chat with her. I can.
You got me wrapped around your finger like it's nothing And I walked by and I tried to think more than just a figure? Point your finger while you figure out your shit
And welcome back to Glick's House of Music. That was the newest single from the young lady sitting right beside me tonight, Miss Kaylin Cole. Yes. All six foot two Sasquatch looking, some driving in my car, just got it cranked up today listening and singing along. So you got the Sasquatch over here jamming out. Well, heck yeah. That was my goal with that song. There you go. To make all of the manly men love it too. Yeah. Well, you got one. You got one in the book so far. I can't speak for the rest of them. I don't know. Maybe I'll get yelled at and lose my man. That's all right. I don't know. Oh, yeah.
I love that song. I'm so glad it's out. um And I think it's just yeah, it's part of just my personal self growth journey, too. It's just like, well, you kind of know that you're not supposed to be wasting your time with this person, but you kind of do anyways. But I mean, I'm very confident to say that I'd no longer do that. So nice. So sometimes sometimes it's it's I think, I think as human beings, it's hard for us to be alone. So sometimes we stay in situations that we know aren't good for us yeah longer than we should. yeah And we ignore a lot of red flags, but you know, the great thing about, you know, learning from mistakes, as long as you learn from the mistakes and you don't make the same mistakes again, then yeah, you do have that personal growth and you're able to move forward and go, okay,
This person came into my life for a reason. They taught me a lesson. and I've learned that lesson. um Let's not make that mistake again. Yeah, exactly. So, but and it's great, you know, having the outlet that, you know, that musicians have, especially the songwriters. Excuse me. You can just kind of write your feelings down on a piece of paper or get, get your iPad out or whatever, you know, and just write your feelings down and then you know, put some music behind it and gotta go that way. and and ah and And, you know, music is one of those things that um it reaches you know a lot of people, you know, and they can relate to the song. I'm sure everybody, man or woman's been in that type of relationship, you know, or a bad relationship or a bad breakup or, or the good, you know, the good stuff, you know. So music, for me, I know music, I, if I'm having a,
bad day if I'm being a grumpy bear or something like that. And I'll just jump in the car and and I'll crank up the music. And usually if I'm in a bad mood, I don't know what it is, but Jason Aldean is my go-to because I swear to God, that guy's like my spirit.
yeah He is. He's one of my favorite newer-ish country artists out there because every song he puts out there, it's like, I've lived every word he's he's ever written. Like, get out of my head, Jason. You made enough money. but But I will. I'll put on Jason Aldean if I'm in a bad mood or if I'm going through something. Find me a back country road, put the windows down and just just go. and but But that's the great thing about music and find a new artist because then you can find new artists that
that can maybe people will relate to a certain song. I'm just like, oh, yeah. Yeah. This guy or this person just treated me like crap for the last two years. And now I'm going to break up. And, you know, I actually, yeah yeah, I had a friend text me about the song and she was in all caps. She was like, Caitlin, your song's so good. She was like, I recently just got out of a terrible relationship. And this song is like verbatim wet at my thoughts.
And I'm like, well, at least it's there for that one person, you know, and that just, that makes me feel like really good that it's almost like therapeutic for people to listen to their inner thoughts being explained in a song. And they're like, yeah yes, that's, that's exactly what I'm feeling right now. And kind of cool. so Sometimes that's what it is, man. You can't. get the, you can't get the words to come out right. Uh, the thoughts aren't, they're all jumbled up in your head and you hear that song and then it's just like light bulbs go off. the you know Okay. There it is. There it is. yeah Now, now we move forward. now now we're cooking Yeah. Um, so I recently had this experience. So I've been asking everybody now, when was the first time that you performed in front of a crowd?
And what was that like for you? Oh my gosh, well if I can rack my memory. um So I believe it was when, so besides like the the talent shows at school and all that stuff. In public, it was when I was 11. And I can actually look this video up. It's on YouTube. They have not tore it down yet. um It's somebody else's video. It's not mine. but
um I remember I was wearing these nasty flip flops and freaking cargo like tan shorts and a green shirt. And i looked like a I looked like a boy. And I was like, ew. Why did I even? Why did I wear that stuff? But when I was younger, Adele was a big influence in my life, just like how I wanted to sing, how I wanted to sound.
And she has a song, Rumor Has It. I in i sang that song for this small like ah summer um karaoke idol thing. And it was in a town of like 400 people in Wisconsin. And I was 11 and everybody else in the competition was like 30 plus and ended up getting third place.
nice not a ain't not bad but at that moment then uh my parents were like wait a minute like You just went up like against 30-year-olds. Every parent just thinks their kids agree are good at whatever, gymnastics, music, ice skating, and because they're their parents. However, this was kind of like an eye-opening moment for mine because they're like, wait, she might actually have like some talent. It might not just be us thinking that. So yeah from then on, it just went from like karaoke talent competition to karaoke competition to talent competition to like now. So it's just funny how life works out. Yeah, that's a big song for an 11 year old to take on and then finish in the top three. And to even make it better. My yeah brother and sister were like,
I think five and two, no, four and two at the time. And they just marched their little hineys up to that stage and started dancing behind me. So they were my backup dancers. And then they just like sit down or go back. And I'm like, you guys, this is so distracting. Time to put my YouTube search skills to work and find a video.
It's so bad. Did you have the big curly hair at eleven? I did. I did. I did. It was short. So, it was like a puff ball. Just so bad. Oh.
Well, look at you now. Yeah. Look at me now. Don't have backup dancers. So it was downhill from there. And it's time to call your brother and sister and say, Hey, and si si needja yeah I pay you in hugs and yeah food. ah hey You know what? As, as I've learned with, with having my oldest daughter and the two younger siblings,
Well, food and ice cream goes a long way when you, I'm actually waiting for the troop to come marching out of the house to go get ice cream because we have a friend of my, a friend of my daughter. So she graduated with, did not have the best home life. And she's now living with us. And every, every time she gets paid, they can get ice cream at like nine, 30, 10 o'clock. So I'm.
waiting for that parade to happen out through the door. i like Why are you buying them ice cream at 10 o'clock? I told them I would. yeah Yeah. Whatever. I'm outnumbered here. So what do I, what do I know? I'll just say what do i know like yeah ahll just do my little podcasting thing. Whatever happens. happens it's funny well My earbuds are in. I can be oblivious to everything. Yeah.
I don't know. What's that? I don't have earbuds on mine, so. Yeah. I got to keep the charades going on. They all think I'm deaf in the house, so I wear earbuds when I do the show. I'm like, I can't hear my I can't hear the other people on the show if I if i don't have earbuds in. Yeah, it's funny. Plus, yeah that ah you know, the weather's nice. So I'm sitting out on the porch. I'm sure the neighbors really.
don't need to hear my big loud voice plus another random boy. You still know I'm talking to somebody. They don't think I'm just a crazy person just sitting here i'm talking to myself. i promise so I promise I'm talking to other people. It's not just me. yeah But outside of outside of the the music and the writing and stuff like that,
um What do you, what do you, what do you do for fun? What do you find yourself getting into? I mean, obviously the 23 year old girl, I hitting up the bars and having a good time. but yeah stupid ah sure What? sure. Uh, strawberry milkshakes fun. I told you.
i yeah haing get something I told you it was only a matter of time. We're going to McDonald's to get ice cream. That is hilarious. um Well, I, speaking of ice cream, that I love to go get food. I'm a huge foodie um in Nashville and I live in East Nashville and East Nashville is known for all the like the cool food. I just went to this place called Little Hats. It's like an Italian restaurant.
and they sell they sell Italian uh like noodles and imported sauces and goods from and I love that kind of stuff and so I love to I love to obviously like kind of window shop and you know things like that in Nashville um I'll go to bars I i don't know I just I'm kind of jaded with the bar scene to be honest Well, you're down there and you're down there. Well, I grew up in bars like in in Wisconsin. Like when I was 15, 16 years old, I was in a full band, a regional. three Oh, wow. phone And called Shock and Jane um in Wisconsin. And then I went to this other band called Spitfire Rodeo. But between the ages of like 15 to 17, I was in those bands and I was young and
one of the main singers in the band and I just I don't know it's like The band the bars are good for you know fun. Maybe get a couple drinks with your friends, but like just the Just after a certain time um I'm like all alright i'm ready to go to bed i'm ready to go wash my face brush my teeth and hop into my bed where I have a nice like memory foam mattress Okay, so I love to I love Love to sleep. Are you a closeted homebody? Do you prefer? I think the older I get, I am, to be honest. um I remember as soon as I could, at like 21 here, um I was just like always at the bar, always networking, always doing those cool things. But now I've just kind of slowed down a little bit. I don't think that's a bad thing. I think it's just like,
You know, I like my home. I like, I like just kind of honestly eating ice cream and watching an ice show sometimes, but very I'm a very busy body. And so it's very hard. I've had to work on being intentional with that kind of stuff. Otherwise I will I will um experience burnout in the worst yeah possible ways where I just i I either get sick or I'm just so tired that I don't have the energy to go out or talk to somebody or anything and that's that's real that's about as real as you can get you know when No. Yeah, but it's like in Nashville there's so many opportunities. You could go to five different places right now and network and go to all the writers rounds and everything, but is it a good idea for you to do that? A lot of people I feel like don't understand the what's the best use of my time. Just ask yourself that.
You know, and sometimes it's recharging. Other times it's, yeah, I'm going out and maybe finding a new person to write with. Yeah. But not I totally, totally, totally understand that and get that because I, you know, a couple of years back when I decided we were going to start the podcast, I'm like, Oh, this will be easy. You turn the camera on and you just talk. I do that. Great. You know,
didn't realize all the stuff that went on behind the scene. And then it was like, well, I don't want to keep doing the same show three nights a week. Let's change it up. Let's do different styles of shows. Let's, you know, we'll keep the, we'll keep the, the crazy one on Saturday nights. And that's what it is. It's unhinged. It's unapologetic. We're just having fun instead of going out to the bars and drinking and whatnot. We're a live on, you know, doing a show for six hours, drinking and talking shit and having fun. Um, but.
I, I'm always, always doing something podcast related with social media or looking for guests on those days where, or like when I get done doing a podcast or those days where I don't have anything to do. If I don't, if I'm not doing a show, I can't wait to come home, throw on a pair of sweat pants or basketball shorts. yeah My fiance and I throw on our, one of our favorite shows and just, just be bombs. Like, okay. that I don't have to think about anything. I don't have to do anything.
I don't have yeah go to worry about tonight. I've got guests booked up for Tuesday nights for the next month and a half. I'll worry about that in a couple of weeks, you know, but no, I totally get it. Yeah. yeah the The burnout is real. And it, and it happens when you, are you just so focused on, you know, whatever it is that you want to do. what And you gotta take those time. You gotta have a time out. You gotta be able to relax and,
Forget about it. Turn your brain off. Sometimes, you know, like on the weekends when the kids aren't here and my fiance's at work last Saturday, I sat and played call of duty for like eight hours with a couple of friends. It was the first time I'd done that much, but I didn't think about anything. I totally get the, uh, meeting to unwind for. You definitely got to do that. Um, since you're a foodie now, I've got, I've got mixed opinions about this.
What's you know, you got the Italian spot, but what do you think about overall the food in Nashville? I think it's very diverse. I mean, there's great sushi spots that I've seen. There's amazing um like there's like this new French cafe that I'm dying to go to. um But it's like an actual French baker like moved here, um I believe.
But theres there's this place called Dino's right down the road from me that makes the best like just the best burgers ever.
um and i also i mean they they've got some good asian food here too asian fusion and also like mediterranean mediterranean is right down the street for me i okay love that shit i will eat that every single day if i have to but so good and like yeah it's 15 dollars a bowl but it's also like two meals to be honest yeah yeah i was gonna say but Yeah. yeah Look at the portions you get. Hey, do you have, do you have a a favorite style of food or are you just like, yeah, whatever. I i want to eat it all. Uh, Greek, 100% Greek and Mediterranean is my forte. Love that stuff. I haven't had a good haven't been able to find a good Mediterranean place since I've gotten home. However, I haven't really looked that hard either, but.
Yeah, it's it's it's tough to find a good one. We, when I lived in Charleston, we had one downtown and it was amazing. I'd stop by there every chance I got for lunch or whatever. If I was downtown working, let me give you, let me give me some notes. I ain't going to be worth a damn after I get done eating it. but time for ah Yeah. Nap time extended lunch break today. like No, that's.
That's, that's something that intrigues me. Obviously the music, but you know, I like to try different foods. I'm a big, uh, uh, I'm big red meat guy. I could live off steak and potatoes if you like. Yeah. me too I love potatoes. That's my favorite food. Baked fried. Yes. yeah I don't yeah boil. I don't care. Yep. We have that conversation in my house all the time because I will just eat potatoes. I know it's not good for me.
but I will just eat potatoes. I'll eat. I'll put them on everything. I want them with i like sweet potatoes or the russet, the Yukon, the gold, the yellow. I don't care. Give me a potato. Not a big fan of the sweet potatoes, but outside of that and everything else, I'll, yeah, the baby potatoes. You don't like sweet potatoes? No, I've never been a big fan. Cause it is the the stringy, the gay consistency. Yeah, maybe it is.
consistency. Yeah. Maybe that's what it is. It just never been a big fan of. Interesting. But also, you know, all the other potatoes, i'll I'll eat them up. There's, I'll get like the baby potatoes. I'll get the bag. It's got like the red and purple and yellow and stuff. And I'll just throw them in something and cook them. Whether I, I boil them and mash them up, throw them in the air fryer and fry them up or something. I'll just throw them in and just eat them just because. Are you talking about potatoes?
Yeah good What cuz she's she's in love with potatoes as much as I am but No, it's so good and and it's Small bags are super easy to like you wash them dry them and then chop them up and then yeah salt and pepper and put them in the oven and Yeah, do whatever, you yeah, cook them up however you want them. but My go-to on Saturday nights, there's like two to three baked potatoes. And then when I come in from doing the show, because we've we've been partaking in beverages most of the night doing the show and I'm like, I'm hungry. I don't know if you get like that when you, if you get drunk, or hell if you want to, I'm a- I'm always hungry. When I get, when I get to drinking, I get hungry and potatoes always hit the spot.
solve those three, two or three potatoes in the microwave or something and and cook them up real quick and cheese, butter, sour cream, bacon bits, whatever I can find. And yeah, I'm in a big old bowl and sit down and be a happy fat kid and eat my potatoes.
beats your titer Yeah. And my fiance gives me crap every time. She's like, really? I'm like, it's Saturday night. You know what I'm doing. You know what's happening here. You can't stop it. You know, it's going down. Yeah.
Once you Blaze about the Munches. my as budd Blaze is one of my other co-hosts here on the network. nice awesome So, you got the new music.
You got an album or anything like that coming out anytime soon or? ah next are you nice Next year is a lot more musics coming out. i This year I had um my acoustic EP of Bourbon Warfare come out. That one is It has a lot of videos affiliated with it on YouTube, professionally shot with professional audio live recorded in my backyard as when I lived at this place. And it was the watered down sessions. I was just going to guarantee and ask you was that the watered down sessions. I was going to ask you what, what that was and where that came about. So yeah, those are actually really cool.
Thank you. I was driving down I-65 one day after church and I i was like, you know like what what can I do to help not only recycle the material, but also make it different and interesting for aud my audience. and I was just thinking and brainstorming and all of a sudden I came up with like an acoustic album.
It's the same songs, but just in a different light. And so I called my mom and I was like, mom, I'm going to make a bourbon warfare watered down sessions to play on the words and everything. And she likes that idea. And, you know, my mom, my mom is somebody that I, I throw basically everything past. I was like, well does this sound good or is that stupid? Cause she'll tell me like it is. And, uh, also I just value her opinion a lot. Um,
And she liked it. And so I called my manager at the time and was like, this is what I want to do. I will take care of, you know, most of this stuff. I just need your help in XYZ area. And we got it done. So it was, it was a really fun way to collaborate with the co-writers on the songs though, too. Cause they are in the videos as well.
I was going to say, yeah, you had some of the other, you know, other artists and stuff like that in the, in the videos with you. I thought they were really cool. Um, thanks you know, I'm a sucker for an acoustic, uh, session. Um,
has done
okay. I don't know what's going on. yeah Whatever. because One of my kids just walked out. I think she said she's leaving. but Love it. Yeah. I think I heard her boyfriend pull up. I don't know, but, um, no, I'm a sucker for, for the acoustic stuff. Uh, you know, uh, when MTV used to play music back back in my day.
Back in my day, when when MTV played music and music videos, I used to watch every episode of Unplugged. And CMT, they did that little thing. It wasn't necessarily acoustic, but I liked the mashups with Crossroads and stuff like that. But I'm an absolute sucker for it. So, ah you know, I definitely, I i was i was watching them and i met that Warfare, you got some great songs on there.
Thank you. ah So I actually just started doing a little spin off of this show where I react to new music and I review albums from my guests. Okay. So, uh, you will be added to that lineup as long as you don't mind. I always ask permission before I, and I, and I, and I told everybody like, just so you know, I will be honest. So something's bad.
I'll um let you know. I had a former guest talking to me, and he's like, dude, you'd be great at reviews and reactions. And I have no idea what I'm doing. But I had fun. I did it with his debut album and and had fun doing it. So I was like, screw it. Once every other week, I think i'll I'll do a little review thing, a reaction thing. so Yeah, that'd be cool. But but ah yeah, that Bourbon Warfare is, you got some great songs on there. Thank you. I just, it's like,
It's some, say it's, man, like how did she hit that right on the head? You know, like I've been in this situation before and, and just bang, you know, nailed it. Okay. Now I can put myself in my shoes eight years back or whatever, kind of travel back in time in my head and go, all right, I wish I would have said this thing. That would have really got them. Yeah.
what No, I'm excited. I'm excited for, you know, new stuff. What you know, I'm he I'm still new. I'm a new fan. So I'm getting to enjoy a lot of this stuff for the first time. It's all new to me. So now you've got new stuff that you'll be coming out with and and whatnot. are you do Do you have any shows coming up, booked up or? Yeah, I'm actually hitting the road tomorrow. So I'll be with my band. We're traveling to three different cities.
We're doing a really small miniature tour. nice But we start, our shows start on Thursday. So we are just hitting the road, getting ready for that. That's kind of what I've been focused on doing today was getting ready for the road. So. Well, hopefully, hopefully the impending doom with this monster hurricane isn't going to disrupt that or anything for you. yeah yeah No, luckily it won't. Um, it is in Wisconsin. So, Oh, wow. ah So we are traveling tomorrow. It's going to be a long travel day, but I was going to say, yeah, you got got yourself quite a little, uh, little road trip plan right there. Oh yeah. Um, ultimately do you want to do, uh, more, more tours, more cities and get to to other places outside of.
Uh, okay, what am I, uh, Wisconsin and and and Nashville? Yes, 100%. I, um, would love to, that's kind of just where my heart is at this point. Um, I just feel like the songs are, you know, relatable and really good quality of music. Um,
But I just love to use my music to connect to other people. So whether it be, you know, a song or a lyric or, you know,
whatever it may be that the person can relate to, it kind of opens that door of communication as to like, hey, let's get to know each other a little bit more. um yeah Can I do that with everyone? um but Obviously not. I don't have that time on my hands. But it's really cool when I can sit down and have those special moments when I'm on tour with just random strangers that become friends and become fans and you know follow me for years on end um and just create like a memorable time on the road where I'm just like, this is why I do it. This is why I, you know,
put all this time and energy and money and you know all this stuff faith into this music you know um so i that's where my heart is is on the road and it is so hard um it's not like an easy feat or anything but no because it takes out it takes a lot out of you especially if you don't take care of yourself Um, but it's really rewarding and it's super fun to see like who's gonna actually show up and report. And it's just, it's a, it's a neat, just a whole thing in itself. Like it's really fun. I just, I can't wait for that day where the boys and I have like a tour bus and I don't have to drive by my car.
Or rent a car or anything like that and you know like but these moments in time is what will make those moments valuable and special because You're in the starting stages of the touring now. And touring isn't always as glamorous if as everybody thinks, um which I think is funny. People are like, oh my gosh, you're going on tour. And I'm like, yes, I'm going on tour. ah But you know like I'm using my car. We're using our own sound system. We're making it work. But that's the thing. I think a lot of people need, a lot of artists need to try to make it work with what they have.
You know know, as, as, you know, I said all the time on the outside, looking in, that's all we see is, you know, we see the live performance and the show and you know, you have an awesome personality. I could tell that from before we even sat down to talk, I was like, she's she's got a great personality. She's going to be a little little fun firecracker.
But, but they don't see the road, the time on the road, the hotels. Sometimes you might wind up at a sketchy hotel, you know, yeah I tease my fiance because we've stayed in a couple of hotels and I call them murder hotels because it's like, we're going to wind up on the 11 o'clock news station at the end of the day. But, um,
Yeah, they don't see all the behind the scenes stuff. They don't see the stuck in a car for 16 hours with a bunch of smelly dudes or anything like that or the the money spent and and all the fast food and everything. But on on ah on the other hand, when you do start to learn and you get to go to all these new cities, you being a food, you think of all the great foods you're going to get to try any. I know about me. I'm not.
you Just a little bit, yeah but, uh, yeah, no, I mean, yeah, it's not all it's, it's not always what it's cracked up to be. If you ever, I will tell you this. If you, uh, if you ever find your way up in the Ohio area, uh, and I don't see it beforehand, let me know. And we'll definitely, you'll have at least two faces in the crowd yeah but you that you might recognize.
But that's what Valerie said earlier. She, she met you, uh, 10 years ago when you're singing Adele's and she's been following you ever since. I know. And that's what it's all, that's what it's all about. Well, that's, that's awesome. Um, being a woman in the music industry, has it been hard for you? Uh, or, I mean, I, obviously there's, you know, it's, it's, it's going to be tougher than, than guys, but have you,
felt any or had anything personal or anything like where you're like, man, I was a dude, I'd be doing this or right I was a guy that that person that this bar owner wouldn't have been a dick bag to me, you know. Yeah. Um, well, I think there's just like this, I I'd like to say that there's a little bit of a romance that kind of goes on in Nashville. And I would like to see more women truly have the backs of other women too. You know, and it's not, it is a competition, but you don't have to be, you don't have to be cutthroat about it. There can be competition. It could be like, hey,
I'm in your corner, but I would love to succeed. And if I end up having to get that one spot that we're both fighting for, I will, you know, respectfully give that to you. If you choose, if you, you know, get that opportunity before me or win or quote unquote, whatever. yeah Um, I just think they're like, I've, I've been in situations and I think this, you know, can be said for everyone, boy and girl, but I've been in situations where I introduce myself and to these people and they just don't take me seriously.
and I don't know if that's because I'm a girl. I don't know if it's because I'm five four. I don't know if it's because they just didn't like my personality. I don't know. And quite frankly, I'm okay with that because they those aren't my but those aren't my people. And there's so many people that get stuck on like uh people don't like me or like why isn't this working out for me well there's a reason for everything and sometimes it's because it's either not your time yet or it's because those just aren't the cards that you're going to be dealt in your life you just have to learn how to suck it up and go and figure out how it will work
Because if you're persistent enough and you make good shit and you are a good person in this city, like I feel like I'm one of the most honest people in the city. ah Maybe that's just like really pompous of me to say. oop um but some Some call it an ego, some call it conceited.
yeah others it's confident you gotta to have confidence well yeah and like i don't think there's much of an ego about being honest with someone you know that was like yeah my music's the best in the city which is not obviously there's so much more that i need to do there's so much more that i want to do but everybody it doesn't take a skill to be honest with people or respect people and I think yeah that those are two things that people need to have in order to be successful in this town and um I feel like I'm you know respectfully on my way there's obviously things I need to learn there's things that I can refine in myself but um I try not to let
my own insecurities or me being a woman stand in my own way of opportunities because I will ask for opportunities. And if people say no, then they say no. You know, it's just like, okay, cool. Thanks for your time or lack of in some cases. And I will go find that somewhere else where I am valued and appreciated for who I am. Yeah. Worst case scenario, they say no to you at the end of the day, but a yeah Again, it's one of those things, just because you get five no's, you might turn around and then get 20 yes's. I joke around, the guys the guys give me crap because ah sometimes I come off and I come off a little egotistical and whatnot, and I like to joke around and say, I'm the greatest podcast host nobody's ever heard of. And then they tease me, they're like, yeah. And I call myself the champ. i actually
have a full size championship, personalized championship belt that I had made back there, but you gotta have, you gotta, you gotta to have some kind of a swag about you. You know what I mean? It's like, like I can joke around it and whatnot, but at the end of the day, if you're putting in the hard work, if people are going to, they're going to give you the recognition you deserve and yeah just judging, judging by your social media alone, you're definitely putting in the work. You know, it's not like you're just down there going, okay,
Where's the big label at that's going to sign me and give me $50 million dollars and put me on a world tour tomorrow. you know You're actually down there putting in the work. yeah At the end of the day, that that matters more than anything. You know you just try to, you got to make the meat needle move. um yeah you know In some days you might not think that the needle is moving at all, but if you're moving, if you're doing the things every single day, like it's bound to, it's bound to move at some point in time. No. No, absolutely. and Um, I'm definitely, I'm super excited for you. I'm, I'm, I'm excited to be a new fan. I'm definitely, you know, wanting to, wanting to see what you're going to do. but Um, generally I try to stay in contact with, with warmer guests, you know, there's anything,
Anything you need from us or anything we can do if you've got something coming up and you You want us to help promote it as much as we can we absolutely will um You know new music absolutely let me know we'll get it on the network yeah you know um I'm excited to see where your journey goes for this is this is the other fun thing for me is I get to you know, I get to meet people and talk to them and hang out with them and then you know a few people I've I've built unexpected friendships with almost like family, you know? Really? Okay. And, and there's one band that, that I had on here and they're getting ready to be put out a Christmas album. Nice. They're a Southern rock band and they're getting ready to put out a Christmas album and it's all original stuff and everything. Good night. Love you. I'll see you in the morning. Um, and, uh,
The other day they were in the studio and the lead singer shot me a text message and he was like, Hey, what's your email? I throw my email. He's like a few minutes later, check your email. They sent me three songs that nobody else has heard. I'm the first, I was the first outside of them. I was the first person that got to hear him. And he's like, what do you think? I'm like, as a fan or honestly, I, you know, I was like, like, I mean, I'm just a dude, you know, but I loved them. I thought it was great, you know, yeah. result quick But.
never forget.
and very much but but pay it here But, um, you know, there's, there's been unexpected friendships built with, with artists that I've had on here and and I'm very grateful for it. You know, so, um, cause I'm just, I'm just a fan. I'm just a guy. Like I'm just here. yeah Um, but, um,
I do want to get ready and let you go. Uh, I don't want to keep you too late. So I know you got a big day on the road tomorrow. Oh, safe travels. hu Thank you. be Be careful going up there and you know, people are idiots on the road these days. So yeah, they are, but I'll have my band. So the time I think we'll go by quicker, which is think nice. What, what is so, okay. This just popped into my head and this is usually how things go. ADHD. Hello.
What is it? What is what is a typical road trip with your band? like um Well, I can't really answer that because this is our first one. Oh, a maiden voyage, huh? Yeah. So it's either like, we're gonna love each other at the end or we're gonna kill each other. So we shall see. But how you like be looking for like I have good hopes for this and I really just love the guys that I work with. And we all just, we were joking at practice the other day, we were like, our
like faces our cheeks are gonna hurt at the yeah after the end of this because we're just gonna be laughing and smiling the whole time. And I was like, this is what it's about, you know? yeah So i i've got you know I've got good feelings about this one and it's three shows. It'll be a great indicator as to how much we can handle with each other or like on stage. It's just gonna be a great It's going to be a great run to see how everything works logistically together. So I'm excited. No, that that's, that's awesome. Well, best of luck on the trip. Hopefully, hopefully you don't come back home to Nashville looking for a new band. Yeah. no These guys are the worst. Yeah, exactly.
No. You know, a long car ride can change a relationship real quick in a hurry. Yeah, I can't. So I've threatened to put friends in the trunk. Oh, hey, they speak. Speak of the devil. And then he shows up. What's going on, Arliss? He's the lead singer of the Southern Outlaws Band.
um Yeah. They've become like family to to to us. They're, they're amazing. So, um, but I thank you so much. Like I said, don't hesitate to reach out. You know, I'm, I'm only a messenger. i I just, one of the guys I interviewed the other day, he was like, Hey, click, I need your cell phone number. Okay. yeah I don't know why, but okay. Yeah.
But him and I are getting him and I are getting pretty pretty close over the last couple weeks He's a good guy, but um you know, don't hesitate reach out. Hey Glick. I got this coming up soon Hey, I got this new song coming out. Like I said, I would love to Add you to the the review show that I do that would be awesome and and and and so I'll purposely not listen to new music until I do the show. That way you get an honest, and the whole audience gets an honest to goodness first reaction. You know, I had to do that with an album that I've been waiting months for from one of the guys. And I was like, when am I going to have time to do this show? And he was like, Oh, you listen to the album yet.
Oh, cause you're the one that talked me into doing this reaction show and I want to give you an honest reaction to my first time here in the album. I heard a couple songs off of it. So I finally had time and I did it. and It was definitely worth the wait. It was great. It was a fun time. Um, there you go. And Arliss has been in the business for years and he is a guy that anybody and everybody can go to for, for, for questions or Uh, guidance or anything like that. Oh, sweet. Yeah. So, and it makes a great group of guys, great group of guys. He put me on stage for the first time. Thank God. I wasn't singing.
I can't carry it. I can't carry a tune in a bucket. That's why I do podcasting. I can talk. what I can talk. Okay. is But I can't carry a tune in a bucket, but they put me on the stage for the first time. I am seeing their concert a couple months back and I've never been on stage and I have a huge fear of public speaking. So that was like, now it's a new drug. I'm like, man when can I get back on stage? I want to talk in front of people every week. So, but, um,
No, like I said, thank you so much for coming on tonight. It means a lot to me. Uh, you know, I love hanging out and getting to know you guys. Um, don't be a stranger. Uh, I won't, you know, I won't be a stranger either. Um, and again, best of luck. Keep doing what you're doing. Continue to be you no matter how big you get. Just, just always be yourself. I think, I think you're, I think you're an awesome young lady. And like I said, I was listening to some of your music for the first time and It's not very often I get goosebumps when I listen to a song for the first time, man. come on I got, I got goosebumps. Um, listening to bourbon warfare and, uh, you ain't Jack. I was like, yeah, that's a little girl. She's got, uh, where did that voice come from? Now I know 11 years old, taking on Adele. You got no fear in the hole in the world.
Yeah, but uh, yeah Yeah, no, I like I said straight straight up goosebumps. I was like what is happening to me right now? Like I don't know what's happening, but i kind of yeah I kind of like this this is nice So yeah you having me on this Podcast and it's been really fun talking to you and getting to know you and uh yeah, um, we'll definitely be reaching out about You know, live music would love to see you, you know, do a review someday on on the music and everything. I can, I can take the criticism. I won't be, I won't be too harsh. I promise. yeah And everybody, everybody, I tell everybody, we got an open door around here. You are welcomed any day of the week on any of the shows. If you're sitting around and you come across to us and be like, Oh, I wonder what the guys are doing.
You drop a comment and in the chat and I'll send you a link and you are open door. You are welcomed anytime. Um, you can come up and hang out and cut loose with us. Yeah. There you go. Yeah. Get you a couple, couple of blues lattes and whatnot now and have fun with us. Um, but yeah, you know, um, again, thank you so much. I'll let you drop down and I'll, I'll close out before I let you go.
um is is there anything you want to say to anybody you know um that'll replay listeners or anybody that's watching live right now you know little words of wisdom or something that keeps you keeping on yeah ah yeah i what keeps me keeping on is just uh you know my my face and the why behind my music and you know i just challenge everybody that's watching you know live or repeat just like find your why dig deep sometimes it takes people two minutes sometimes it takes people two years to find that but like figuring out why you're on this earth
in what you're here to do makes life a heck of a lot better not easier but better and so um yeah I've just you know if I didn't have music I really don't know where I would be right now um but it's just been it's just been a great ride so love you see you tomorrow as my youngest. know and hey Sometimes kids are there wise. It's just like, well, no why, you know, but anything works. Um, so also don't be rude. Don't be an asshole. Um, plain simple, you know, like some people just,
are not nice people. So just spread love, spread joy. and you know But it's so funny, I'm going to say this real quick, but it's so funny because some people some people think um I will also say it's okay to disagree with people. You can still be friends with people who don't have the same exact opinion as you. um Don't wanna get too preachy, but yeah, a lot of people are just very...
very emotionally charged with a lot of things nowadays when ah somebody doesn't agree with them with the same exact thing on the topic they're talking about. And that's how we grow as people. So surround yourself with people that challenge your, you know, opinions and beliefs, but still stick through to your, your own guns, you know? hundred percent Yeah. That's the unfortunate world we live in is Everybody thinks that they're allowed to have an opinion, but nobody else can have an opinion of their own. So, you know, we got to kind of wade those waters. Yeah. Um, be a rock star on stage and be humble off stage. Exactly. Like be, be humble on stage too, but know what you're worth and know that, you know, you can have a kick ass show, but still be like, I'm a human just like anybody else.
You know, I put on my pants the same way everyone else does in the morning, you know? Like, uh, how do you know I don't get up and jump off the bed and jump into my pants? Is that what you do? Yeah. Like circus LA every morning and in my bedroom. Yeah.
yeah No, no exactly, you know, that's that's one thing that you know, I love seeing when people are The same person off-screen off stage in real life settings yeah I think it's one of the one of the things that like our list and myself and and and their group we've connected on out, you know outside of podcasting or the music stuff and and they're just good people and there's other people that i've come across and you know that they just like you i i 100 believe you're you're a good person you know and it's like yeah and surround myself with these good people and maybe some of that goodness will maybe some of that goodness will rub off on me and make me a better person you are the the people that you hang out with so the closest five people kind of represent
Who you are. That's funny. That's funny. My co-host said that exact same thing last night on the, on the men's mental health podcast. At the end, we always do like words of wisdom or whatever that pertains to the topic. We're talking about that of the night. And he said that you're the average of the five people that you hang out with. hundred percent um I'm kind of a big dumb animal. And I was like, can you get the coloring books out and get the crowns and the bait. Can you draw me a picture? you Can you break that down for me real quick? Cause I'm doing the math and it's not math. They had to dumb it down for me a little bit, but I was like, yeah, you know what? That's, that's, that's a true story. And it really is. I look back at some of the people I used to associate with compared to who I associate with. Now my circles gotten a lot smaller, but my circles gotten a whole hell of a lot better.
Yeah, it's a quality, not the quantity. Yes, 100%. And two, people like don't think. i mean Nowadays, you can post anything you want and send it anywhere you want and all that. But a lot of people don't realize the power they do have um just behind behind them being themselves. like A lot of people don't think that they influence people. But you influence people every single day, whether you try or not.
And so that's that was a tough. you Yeah, that was a tough pill. I had to swallow just doing the podcast and then because we first started, I just come on here and yeah say, say whatever the heck I wanted to say. If somebody came in and was acting ignorant in the chat, I was quick. Boom. I'm going to jump all over. All right. I'm live on camera. You're a keyboard warrior. Let's go now. I've gotten like, all right, I see you.
I'm not going to engage you, but I see you yeah um feel because i I had to realize like, look, you know, there's a lot of people out there. They might not be watching you live, but a lot of people are going to watch the replay. A lot of people are going to listen to the, you know, listen to the podcast the audio version.
and you sound like an asshole. hey yeah So it was like, yeah, let me, let me tone it down just a little bit, you know? I thought I still don't have my moments, but nonetheless, I've gotten a little bit better. But, um, yeah, we all just, we all just try to get better. We all should try to get better. Yeah. Be better.
Yeah, just do better. that's a That's what I used to say when I was working in pest control and I had shitty customers, just be better. And then I'd then i'd leave them thinking about it. what What does he mean? Be better. Yeah. But well I will let you go. I don't want to keep you too long. I got to close this bad boy down.
But no, again, thank you so much. Definitely appreciate it. You ever get up to the, you ever get up here to Ohio PA area? Let me know. And my fiance and I will be there and maybe we can bring some, bring some people with us. What is the area again? I'm from Ohio, central Ohio, but my fiance say is actually from PA.
She's from PA, so she grew up about an hour ish north of of Pittsburgh. So I love we travel a lot. We travel a lot. OK, so. So, but yeah, we want Ohio. We will Midwest. Mm hmm. Amazing, OK. We miss Midwesterners got to stick together. Yeah, exactly.
We're awesome. We're the best. I know. We are. We're the best. We're so humble.
but If you're not Midwestern, we don't like you. Get out of here. pat a job everybody Yeah. We're kidding. We love everybody. Everybody's well. We're kidding. Yeah. No. And and who knows? ah Down the road, I've got some plans for the future and you might be on stage for me one day down the road at a little festival I have in mind in the next couple of years. i want to oh So we'll see how that comes together. That's good. I've got to get an artist's ear and be like, how do I put together a show? So um I think that'll be a fun thing to do down the road. Nice. But no, again, be safe this week. Traveling back and this week, next week, traveling back and forth. Hopefully yeah you and your bandmates get closer and don't fall apart. Hopefully you guys have a great trip. Yeah, it'll great.
Yeah. You guys have a great trip and the, and the shows are good. Uh, are you going back? Are you going back home home or are you just going to Wisconsin? Uh, we're stopping through home. Yes. So yeah, it'll be good. I'm excited. Nice. Well, good luck again.
Can't wait for the new stuff. I'm already here. I'm already anxious and jittery in my seat to hear that you yeah are continuing to do stuff and you got more new stuff coming out. so and And thanks again for coming up here. Like I said, the door's always open. You're welcome anytime on any of the shows. Pop in, say hi, hang out for a little bit like and don't be shy. Send me a message if you if there's anything we can do for you or or anything like that.
Yeah, I definitely will not be sure I'm not, pepperers and yeah yeah i I'm working on mine. Cause it's like, I don't want to come across like a weirdo and be like, Hey, do you want to say what's up? Uh, the, the, the latest video was awesome. Why is this weird old guy keep messaging me? yeah so But, uh, now Um, have a great night. And, uh, and again, I look forward to seeing, uh, seeing big things for you down the road. I think you're gonna, with your personality and your talent and and all that, I think, I think the right ears are going to fall upon your music sooner than you think they will. So one can only pray and hope. Yeah, exactly. All right. I'll let you, I'll let you drop down. I'm going to do my thing. I'm actually gonna.
play one more of your songs before I get out of here, do my whole closing, closing spiel and all that nonsense, which nobody, what am I gonna do? ah um You know what, I'm gonna do Bourbon Warfare, cause I was talking about it. I just downloaded all the music tonight so that I had it on my laptop. So I'd be prepared for the this week so I can get it on the other shows.
But, um, no, again, thank you so much. I'm going to play a little bourbon warfare and then I'm going to close everything out and call it a night. Get ready for two weeks. Great meeting you virtually. And thanks for having me on the show. Absolutely. Anytime. Anytime. Bye. Have a good one. You too. Let's see.
Miss Galen Cole with Bourbon Warfare. ah see I don't know where that voice comes from, but I am not mad at it. She has got an amazing voice. um She was awesome. so Awesome. I never know how guests are going to go or how the show is going to go. I guess that's one of those great mysteries, but um she was fantastic. Definitely look forward to seeing and hearing more from her and hopefully one day being able to catch her. ah
catch her on the road, um, and seeing her live, but a huge shout out to Kayla Cole. And you know what? And I get so wrapped up in the conversation sometimes that I totally always forget them or forget to ask. I really got to be better as a host, but I can do this right now. Um, she is everywhere on social media guys. You guys can find her.
Everywhere just go into the old search box and put in Kaitlyn Cole Midwestern hippie But right there And you'll you'll come across her. She's not hard to find. She's on Instagram at Kaitlyn Cole and She's got a link to all of her other socials there as well So big of her follow You know check her out go check out her music and I think I don't think you'll be disappointed at all um and that's coming from yeah your local friendly neighborhood, but friendly neighborhood Sasquatch. I'm a fan. And so even if a big old Sasquatch can enjoy her music, so can you. a But seriously, thank you guys for being here tonight. Everybody listening, everybody that was in the chatters box.
The replay viewers and people who listen to the the audio versions. Thank you guys. It means a lot ah Hopefully you guys enjoy what we're doing here on the network. We got a lot of stuff going on a lot of stuff happening and um Tomorrow that well, we'll do run down here real quick for you guys. Um Excuse me Mondays has been caring for men. It's a men's mental health podcast um We're doing our small little part on our stage or our platform to, uh, to help you raise the stigma for men's mental health. That's obviously an epidemic and and not just America, but the world. And there's a lot of men out there struggling and a lot of men going through it who feel like they're alone. So we're doing our little part to hopefully help. It is an open forum. Uh, it's an invitation for all men. If you want to come on the show.
and take part of the conversation we're having, or if you're just going through it and you're having a rough go at it and, and you need somebody to talk to, or you need something that you need to get something off your chest. That link is always in the chat. You guys are more than welcome to come up and, and, and chat with us. Uh, we are a safe place. Nobody's going to judge you. Nobody's going to, uh, make you feel bad for feeling how you feel. It's all right to feel, you know, it's all right to feel. And I say that as a guy who had to learn that, uh, just recently.
and but nott Whatnot Tuesdays is this show right here clicks out some music and I'm doing exactly what you guys see me do or heard me do tonight I'm hanging out with with a bunch of amazing ah talented musicians that are giving me an opportunity to to hang out with them for a little bit and chitchat and get to know them and talk about their music, play some of their music. and And it's, it's quite the experience for me, especially being such a huge music fan. I'm truly honored and blessed that I get the opportunity to do that. It means a lot to me that they are willing to come up and hang out with me. You know, I'm just some
clown on the internet that was like, Hey, you want to come on my broadcast? Um, Wednesdays is WTF news. What the fuck news? If it's in the news and it makes us say what the fuck, we're going to talk about it and have fun with it. Uh, we do it in our own little comedic way, I guess you could say that's Jeff and I Thursdays, every other Thursday is Cassius corner.
And that is a wrestling podcast where cash, my son and myself, we sit down and we talk a little wrestling w WWE. We talk a little raw recap, smack down, recap, talk about what's going on, you know, rivalry feuds. And then for every pay-per-view we do our picks and predictions. So this Thursday we will be doing our bad blood recap from the most recent pay-per-view ah that happened last Saturday night.
ah Did it again. Let me rewind back to Wednesdays. This Wednesday, tomorrow night, we will be teaming up with our good friends over at another shop podcast. We're going to do a quote unquote Halloween type special show. Instead of doing the normal what the fuck news, we're going to talk ah ghosts, paranormal stuff, haunted stuff, personal experiences if we've had them.
ah Local legends local ghost stories to our area maybe our state whatever the case may be It's gonna be a good time. It's gonna be a fun show and definitely looking forward to ah Hanging out with our guys over at another shop podcast so you can you guys can find them on social media at another shot Go show them some love as well um So that'll be fun tomorrow night Fridays is either whose argument is it anyways hosted by blaze or nonsense and chill hosted by blaze and J aka Jeff They're watching movies television shows doing reviews talking about I'm having fun I am I don't know what they're doing But they're having fun and they're and they're enjoying it. So that's all it matters Saturday nights is the main event
nonsense and chill this week. There's Blaze. It's nonsense and chill this week. Okay. This week, this Friday, it's nonsense and chill. I don't know what movie they're going to do or whatever, but last week they did range 15, which is like a D like a D, a zombie apocalypse, pock, elliptic type movie. I don't know. It's, it's one of those movies that, uh, I think Blaze and I can only truly Um, enjoy, or if you have bad tastes in movies, because it is, it is, uh, it is a doozy. I've seen it. I've actually watched it twice. So, but, um, so they're doing that on Friday, Saturday nights. Like I said, that's the main event. That is the main event of the week. It's unhinged, unapologetic, unhinged. The lunatics have taken over the asylum on Saturdays and we're going six hours. Um,
We do a little thing called the open door challenge. Basically we drop the link in the chat and anybody and everybody can come up and hang out with us. You just got to hit that link. All we ask is that you turn your camera on and a reminder, nobody wants to see your penis and nobody wants to see your butt hole either. So please keep it put away. Jeff has a movie paid out this week. Here's one I haven't seen. And it's another goofy horror movie all night.
Awesome ought to tune in for a little bit. I know I got I think football Friday night and then I was gonna try to squeeze in a Review show on Friday, but I'll have to wait. We'll see. I don't know But any so there's that for Friday night ah then we got Saturday night Sundays We end up we round the week up with ah Sunday afternoon is unnecessary roughness. It is the kickoff to kickoff. We usually go right up into about halftime and of the NFL game. So we're making our picks. We're making our predictions. We're talking shit. We're talking some shit about football and having a good time. That's my myself. Uh, and my co-host Derek Wayne Douglas, uh, Rick, my buddy from Georgia and cam when he's available, uh, the four of us, we got a fun little panel going on pretty knowledgeable group of guys when it comes to football.
and And we're having a good time doing it. That is also an open forum ah We dropped the link and anybody who wants to come up and talk football talk shit we we we we let them come on in man, come on in and then join in and and and and let's let's hear your views and opinions on the NFL and Then also on Sundays is Jeff's garage. I think it's on a little bit of a hiatus right now but I think he is working on some stuff, so He'll be doing that on Sundays and you can find all the shows live On YouTube rumble and Facebook You can also find the shows and you can listen anytime anyplace where we listen to podcasts Spotify Apple Google wherever it may be
And of course we are on all the socials, Facebook, Instagram, X, TikTok. Give us a follow, give us a like, give us a share if you'd be so kind. We greatly appreciate them shares. Don't be but be afraid to tell people about us if you like what you're seeing and like what you hear.
um And we also got a merch store as well. You can go to bio dot.link slash non-sensible network. It's scrolling down to the bottom of the screen all night long. It's got all of our social media links, including the link to our merch store. We've got hats and shirts and hoodies and and and coffee cups and tumblers and stuff like that. So definitely check that out. If it's something you want to help support us that way, we greatly appreciate it.
and if you do buy something send send us a little so little selfie and we'll throw it up on our so on our socials as a way to say hey thanks you're rocking our gear we appreciate you uh with that being said guys man if we learned anything tonight we're gonna hang out with Caitlin who's don't be afraid to chase your dreams man i think that's something that we learn every every every week with the artist is don't be afraid to chase your dreams you know do what you got to do and and have fun doing it At the end of the day I'm doing it. I'm over here doing it. I don't know what I'm doing I'm just podcasting away, but I love it and and I'm hoping to make a career out of it So until next time we'll see you guys next Tuesday night on Glick's house of music where I will be joined by e who i be Miss Katrina Brie will be joining me next Tuesday
um So that'll be another fun one. That'll be another good one. She's going to be awesome, I think. Um, so yeah, tune in next Tuesday night, tune in tomorrow night. We'll be hanging out with, uh, another shop podcast on WTF news. Until then be good. so Fucking be good at it, baby. Either way, just do it.