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Open Mic 12: John Soileau of Coming Down The Aisle image

Open Mic 12: John Soileau of Coming Down The Aisle

The Chick Foley Show
8 Plays2 years ago
This week The MVP walks that aisle with Pod Foundation member and host of the “Coming Down the Aisle” podcast, John Soileau! We talk everything from comedy, impressions, his frat days, his alter ego “J Bone”, and much more! Use code CHICKFOLEY to save 10% at Find all thing Chick at

Welcome Back & Pod Foundation Gauntlet

Who the hell told you tonight was open mic night? Oh, welcome back everybody. It's been a few weeks.
And you know, it's, it's, it's episode 12 of the, of open mic with the MVP. You know who I am. He, he is I and I am him as a, as Jay-Z once said. So, uh, yeah, welcome back everyone. Hopefully, I mean, hopefully you missed me. If not, I understand as well, but you've heard enough of me, um, during the past few weeks, obviously. And more to come. I'm obviously, I'm obviously on the raw down, the Turbuckle Tavern. I'm on the chick Foley show, which we just had an episode last week, a mailbag episode. Definitely listen to that.
Um, and this time around, you know, it's, it's, it's another interview, another, another day, another interview. And I feel like this interview in particular is the, this is like, you know, this is like the pod foundation infinity stone, the infinity gauntlet. Cause this is the last, the last piece of the, uh, the pod foundation, uh, the, the gems that you put in the, in the glove.
and when I snap my fingers, everything else disappears pretty much.

Impressions & Podcast Chemistry

So I've had Turnbuckle Tavern on, I had those guys on, they were awesome. Obviously the Chick Foley show, Sheena and Seth, I've had on here, I've had Nick from the Extra Cooler show, and now I'm rounding it out with coming down the aisle, J-Bone has entered the chat. Oh yeah, freak out, freak out, no money, freak out, I'm staring right at the video scope, yeah.
You saved the worst for last. Oh, boy. Yeah. I mean, I mean, if you don't recognize that voice already, you definitely heard that. It's my impression of the commercial of the commercial that you do on the shit Foley show. That's that's how you get to know everyone is the all these like unique voices. And you're the only one that does impressions on your. So that's that's that's. Well, you know, I'm.
Mine are pretty limited. I would say you're the impression king. I don't know. People like to put me and Mike Bellcaster in the pit with each other, but Mike's great, dude. He's good, too. He's awesome, Matt. I mean, pretty much all the impressions that he does. I mean, when he drops those little voice notes in there.
I mean, I've never heard him do a Triple H yet. But I'm so I'm taking the Triple H crown. Well, look at the crown. You have the inside track being from Northeast, you know, Triple H, of course, North. Yeah. You kind of got the Northeast, I guess. Yeah. You know, track on that. You know, he's a Midwest guy. You know, it's just it's hard for me because, you know, sometimes I'll slip into a Cajun exit.
I started with the water boy, Bobby Boucet. My name is Bobby Boucet. I am the water boy for the mud dogs. But you definitely need the variety. You listen to the raw down. All three of us are throwing out impressions. I mean, young Anthony, obviously, we don't like to get from props all the time.
He has a pretty good, he does a pretty good Roman Reigns. He does a good brawn too. That's pretty awesome. I can't even do that. That's like, he gets, he gets deep with that, that broad voice. But yeah, I mean, I don't know where it comes

Origins of 'Coming Down The Aisle'

from to be honest.
Such a little body and a deep, deep voice. But yeah, I mean, I like doing it sometimes because like, I mean, obviously with the Chick-fil-A show, we don't, we get, we seem like we're a little bit more serious, but kind of like the, uh, we're kind of like the first take or, uh, one of those, like, kind of like those debate shows that you see on like ESPN. So like we don't get into the, like the, the, the, um, I was almost at the depressions.
I know we do get into depression sometime. That's a that's a that's a good thing. But no, I like to do our impressions. And I really get to do them on the chick fully show. So when like, you know, obviously, raw down, you know, my show, I can do it. So I mean, it, you know, it takes you out of the out of that, like seriousness to sometimes it brings a little life to the
to the, you know, to your character. Right. Show, too. Yeah. As a kid, I was like, oh, yeah, that's still do like I like watching like people who do impressions and, you know, trying to try to see if I could do it. You know, I got I could I could do pretty good. Chris Farley, too. Or Adam Sandler as well. You know. Oh, really? Let's see. I just put myself on the spot. I know. Right.
Shampoo is better. It goes on first and clean the hair. No, conditioner is better. It goes, needs to have silky hair smooth. Oh, really, fool? Really? Stop looking at me, swan! That's it. That's the point right there. That's stop looking at me, swan. Another New Hampshire native is Adam Sandler. That's another. Oh, that's the river in the river. Did you know that? I didn't know that. Yeah. Yeah, another. Now if you watch his movies and you
like seeing like way back in the day you can kind of hear the the northeast northeast accent a little bit. Yeah. Okay, that makes sense now. Yeah, yeah, I never really thought about that. But uh,
Yeah, I could do that. Actually, me and my buddy in college, we used to do actually Boston accents. Hey, I'm Sticky Mike. I'm going over to the thin way back. I'm going to get a brat. I'm going to get a beer. I'm going to see Big Poppy hitting over the fucking wall.
Yeah, so I was Stinky Mike. And actually, here's a funny story, too. But I forgot what his name was, but we would give Boston

Solo Podcasting Challenges

characters. So for a while on Twitter, I went by Stinky Mike, like as my hand. And Stone Cold Steve Austin asked a question one time.
It was something about, what do you want to see more on my podcast? I said, hey, let's see some more athletes, sports athletes or something. He goes, you're damn right, Mike. I'll get him on there for you.
Another time actually was as we're talking about, I think I already pitched this, but I actually taught Stone Cold how to hashtag. I actually mentioned that last time when I was on the Chick-fil-A show a while back, but yeah, I taught Stone Cold how to actually hashtag. Really? Yeah. I don't remember that. Yeah.
And I actually asked him through his podcast email and he confirmed it, but, uh, this is whenever he did the broski. He had the broski headband. I don't remember that picture. And I was like, you know, I was kind of getting into Twitter and trying to, you know,
At the time, it was pretty accessible. People were pretty accessible, you know? Yeah. It wasn't as many bots and all that stuff. But I said, damn, Steve, you got to hashtag that, man. Because at the time, the writer revolution, hashtag writer revolution was going on. Yeah, yep. I was a fan, of course. And he goes, I don't know what the hell the hashtag is.
Well, goddamn, kid. And then from then on, he started hashtagging. I'm like, holy shit. That shit you're not. A week later, he started hashtagging. And I was like, huh, that's cool. So then I was like, he had an email account like on his podcast. And I said, let me just ask him. I don't care if he makes it on air. Just see if he just answered me back for it and didn't make it to the show.
uh but he answered me back and uh he's like yeah you know at the time kid i didn't know what the hell the hashtag was and so yeah you know i figured it out i don't know i guess somebody you know smarting them up to it or something he asked somebody but
Yeah, that's crazy. Yeah. Yeah. Are you sure you're good at shooting? I don't know what to shoot or what I want to shoot. Oh boy. Yeah. So yeah, it's the truth.

Connections & Network Support

So yeah, those are my little smaller interactions with wrestlers, you know, as far as on the social media.
Pretty crazy. That's awesome. I always say this too. When we do the show, obviously we've never, all three of us, I always say this, I think I say this on pretty much every show that I do here. We're not hanging out all the time, obviously we're in different states, but you wouldn't know that if we didn't tell you that. You would think that we were all just friends just busting each other's balls. I always think to myself,
if you like if we were to like be like together or like if we're living in the same area I would think that we would be hanging out 1000% 1000% you can tell like someone's personality you know right away like it doesn't obviously we're miles like miles and miles apart but like you could always tell like if someone you're gelling with someone or not yeah um and you can tell when it's you know it's like you know fake or forced or whatever it is but I always think to myself like you know like
I think all of us, in a weird way, all these shows could easily fail if we didn't gel with each other or learn how to interact with each other.
It is just weird. Like we're on like a crazy streak. We're like, we're doing all these different shows with different people that, I mean, I've never met anybody in

Balancing Podcasting & Personal Life

person. Yeah, me neither. Like you wouldn't know that, like I said, like with, with Sheena, Seth and Jordan, you know, jumping in, like you wouldn't know that if you listen to the show, you would think it's just four people just, you know, shooting the show with each other, talking about wrestling. Yeah. Especially you like with, with, uh, on, you know, on the chick Foley show, because I mean, how long have you done enough? Like going on three years?
I think so. Yeah, probably. Yeah, that's crazy. Yeah, that's crazy. So I know I started, listen, Chick Foley, like, um, probably so.
It was definitely during the pandemic. I think it was summer of 2020, I believe. Like early summer, like May-ish, something like that. And I'd always heard the Chick Foley name. I didn't quite know what the deal was. And then I actually
Someone talked about Chick Foley in the major pod group. Yeah. Brian Myers always used to like bring up Sheena's name on the show. Yeah. He always used to give her props. And so he still does. Yeah. So Brian Myers, we can talk about that. He's fabulous and meeting person, but he's a great dude.
You know, so, you know, I was in the, so I kind of was going to go through a hard time at the time because I got laid off COVID, you know, all that stuff. So, and I was like, man, I'm just going to get into collecting. Like I'm going to dive right into it. It's something that kind of make me happy, occupy my time because started off slow. And then like I said, I was listening to a major pod group and then.
And, uh, and I know we're kind of going off subject, so forgive me. But, uh, and then I started listening to Chick Foley and I got, you know, join that, join that Patreon. And of course it was, I was like, man, this is super fun. You know, like joining like two really good groups. And of course, you know, Chick Foley group is fabulous. Never any drama. Sometimes you get a little bit of drama in the major pod group here and there, but just kind of ignore it and move on. But seriously in the Chick Foley group, there's never a drama. So.
But it's kind of, and that's kind of where we started my podcast journey too, was in there, just kind of meeting people. And like you said, now, like, you know, I've got a collection of friends that I've never even met.
Yep. And, uh, I talk to more than, you know, my, my friends that live here at home. Exactly. Yeah. So, uh, and I think maybe because I see them in person, so I kind of take that for granted a little bit, but, uh, um, you know, so yeah, it's, it's, it's just wild, you know, uh, how that happens.

Social Media & Fraternity Tales

So, I was told, I was actually told my wife about that. I was like, I was sitting there thinking over there. I was like, I was like, I never thought in my wildest, like,
dreams that I'd like have friends all over the, like pretty much like spread across the country and even in other countries. If you think about it, like you have like Nick storm over in Australia, Phil, Phil done it, even though he gives me, gives me shit all the time. I mean, he's still a good dude, but just like, no, like, just, just knowing like, holy crap. Like if I ever traveled to like, you know, UK, I could like hit up Phil and be like, Hey, I mean, I'm going to be there on vacation. Maybe we could like meet up or something like that.
Like, oh, I'm going to, not that I'm going to go to Australia anytime soon, but hey, I'm going to Australia, maybe we can call up Nick Storm and we can like hang out in Australia or something. That just, that blows my mind. Like you'd have those types of like.
connections and interactions and stuff like that, which is pretty insane. And Tommy, obviously, Tom likes to open his doors to everybody. He wants everyone to live in his house, I think. Come see my 70-inch screen and down in my basement. Play with my Duke of Hazard toys. Actually, I don't like to do the normal, like, how'd you get into wrestling? We'll get into that stuff after.
the name for like, for your podcast, because you kind of brought it up already. Yeah, coming down the aisle. Like, was that like the, was that like the first name that you came up with? Was it where you try to like play around with different types of names? And what was it? What's the meaning behind it? So, um,
I was trying to, at first I wanted to build, start off by having a little bit of a social media presence before I actually started podcasting, kind of build that a little bit. So that was the first thing though. You got to come up with a name, right? So I actually went to the major pod group. I don't know who it was and I wish I could, maybe I could go back and find out.
Um, somewhere on Facebook, but, uh, so I did like, I came up with some certain names and again, I don't remember what they were. Somebody actually suggested it. Um, and, and then like, it was in the poll and that one like kind of went crazy and I kind of started thinking.
Like, okay, like that could be cool because I knew I wanted to talk about figures. So like, yeah, coming, coming down the figure aisle. And then of course, you know, I knew I wanted to kind of have like guests on. I didn't really know exactly how I was going to do it at first. Um, you know, this, this was kind of, it was going to be like, and it still is, but like, like a hobby thing, you know, where.
I didn't know where I was going to go. Um, and, uh, so at first I was like, you know, it'd be kind of funny to, uh, and I have a buddy of mine that actually gave me an idea. Uh, shout out to Rob, big Rob in Baton Rouge. Uh, but he, he's like, you know, we have, um, he's kind of a wrestling fan. He's a mediocre wrestling fan. And then we have another buddy named Ian. Um, like he kind of like.
you know, pokes fun of us for watching wrestling, like, Oh, okay. What's, what's the deal? But he's like, he's like, you know, you should have Ian on and, uh, you know, like, and like, she showed the shittiest matches kind of like mystery science 3000, you

Personality & Comedic Influences

know, or something like that. Uh, so I was like, okay. All right. So, and this is like before I started. So my first guest was my wife. Uh, the time I think, uh, we're only dating, I don't think we were engaged yet.
Um, and, uh, so I was like, uh, and this wasn't a shitty match, but I think it would be a cool match to start off with. I think it was funny, but we watched, uh, we LC her not knowing anything. So I picked the match. So we watch we'll see. That's our very first match. We didn't go to the classics. And he did, uh, do Mr. Perfectors versus Sean Michaels or Mr. Perfect versus Bret Hart or anything like that. Uh,
We went straight to WeLC with Hornswoggle. So anyways, it was definitely fun. So we recorded, again, I recorded off of my phone at the time. Not really knowing anything about audio. And then I was like, okay, now how do I form? I don't want to talk about like news and stuff. So if you ever listen to my podcast first, I do like news and kind of some opinion stuff. Try to keep it like around 30 minutes because
doing a one man show. It's hard. Um, you know, I know a lot of people don't want to listen. One person bramble on. So the meat and potatoes is the coming down the aisle segment. But what I do is grill a position is segment edge, which is the news and notes. So like you're about to get her out, go out then the coming down the aisle segment, which is like a, like I said,
in my mind, it's like when you're, it's the most exciting part of the match, right? The entrances, things like that. Um, and, and of course then we have the actual match that we watch. So that's the match. And then, uh, then we go into the finish, which is my third segment. Um, and, uh, that's what I do. Uh, we talk about figures and just miscellaneous stuff. So, uh, keep that one kind of small as well too. But yeah, the whole idea just kind of just,
Like, I was like, okay. And I love, actually, I think I do a pretty good Fink impression too. Coming down the aisle, please, here at 224 pounds, Fred the Hitman Hart. So when I went back to my Fink Fed days, I did, I announced, I announced the wrestlers coming down the aisle and use the Fink's voice, you know? So, but yeah, anyways, that's just kind of where I did it. And then I started kind of,
building a like a logo and that's kind of been my logo ever since I do want to do. I am trying to work with Nick and trying to get a updated logo. I'm working on that. So that's a little bit of news. But uh, you know, that's what that's how everything kind of came to be. Yeah, I want to know about like, because everyone asked me this to like, do it a one man show because obviously this is you know, I'm
This is technically a one man show. I'm by myself. I don't have anyone to play off of. As far as like a like a co host to ask, you know, help ask questions, stuff like that. I'm kind of like navigating this myself. Like, how do you feel like doing like being by yourself? Like, you know,
just pretty much talking to yourself essentially. Well, I use, so I use like the StreamYard and I could go like to like the audio route or something like that. Just like, um, you know, just doing straight audio, but I use the StreamYard because what I do is I'm like watching myself the whole time. Yep. So it's almost like I'm having a conversation with myself.
They're like, yeah, isn't that right, J-Bone? Yeah, John, that's so right. That's one of my split personalities come out, which are John Swallow and J-Bone are definitely two different people. We can talk about that. Oh, yeah. We'll get into that then. Yeah, definitely.

Sports Fandom & Personal Interests

That just helps a little bit, but like I said, the meat and potatoes is
is the fact that, you know, I have a guest on each week. It's it's tough, you know, trying to book that each week. You know, it's I know it's it's usually and I like to spread it out a lot. Like, you know, you're on this week. You know, last time you were on was like a year ago. Like, I just like to spread it out. Like, yeah, that way, you know, people kind of miss you. You know, like, you know, people are going to be reoccurring like yourself.
and other people from the POD Foundation. But, you know, I'm lucky that I do have, you know, POD Foundation kind of helped me out. I've had somebody one time like two hours I'm supposed to like go on, like it was on a Thursday and I record on Thursdays. They're like, yeah, I can't do it.
Oh, and that's what I had to like reach out to the pod. Got to go to your friends. And I think it was Jordan that actually saved me on that one. So, but, uh, yeah, so it's tough. Um, and you know, I just, I kind of have like an idea, like a layout of what I want to talk about. And, uh,
Sometimes I'm kind of ramble a little bit like, uh, uh, you know, last week's episode and it it's, you know, especially it's tough. Like when there's like a tragedy, you know, like it was with Jay Brisco, because I'm trying to convey that, you know, what that is. And then, and I'm necessarily have like someone to bounce off on, you know, kind of did that with Brody Lee, you know, um,
It's sometimes hard, and sometimes I'll bring somebody on, and I actually thought about that with the Jay Briscoe, but the timing of everything happening, it was just so tight. I was like, I can't make it happen. Unfortunately, I didn't get to, but I try to do it as justice as much as I could.
But, uh, it's tough, you know, um, I do everything by myself. Now I will say too, I want to shout out to, uh, I do the list, just kind of like a bonus episodes or every two weeks we'll do. Um, and, uh, I've got a guy, uh, that I'm getting met through the major pod miles Weaver, the ultimate miles. Um, and, uh, so we do like a top 10 of a certain topic last time was top 10 raw moments. Um,
And that idea kind of got birthed from, uh, uh, actually it was, uh, me, Tom and miles. We, we got, we sat down and we did like a macho man episode because this is the time whenever that, uh, hit piece came out from A and E on the macho man. So we were kind of wanting to like,
You know, you know, obviously we're biased because all three of us are big macho man fans. We're like, I don't know how much of this stuff was really true. They were talking about, but, uh,
Miles is really good. He loves, he doesn't, I don't think he posts them much anymore, but he used to do like lists in the major pod group. Like, Oh, this is my favorite top 10 WCW. Top 10, whatever he used to do it. And, uh, so I said, Hey, Miles, why don't you do like your top 10 macho man moments? And we may have to revisit it. Cause I didn't give, I don't think I gave mine and
That kind of idea kind of spawned a little bit like in my mind. And I was like, let's do like a list every month of something. At first it was monthly and now it's like become so fun. We kind of do it biweekly now. In fact, this week we're going to be doing, I'm not sure when this is going, but we'll do top 10 entrances.
But yeah, luckily I kind of have that and have him there too. And I've never really told him this before, but I would like to have him like on full-time, but he doesn't really watch a whole lot of current product. I mean, he'll say that. So it's kind of hard to have somebody on that doesn't watch the current product in the
as a co-host in that regard. Plus, at this point, I've done it so long by myself. I know how to schedule things and adding somebody else to hop in, but he's great. Miles is great. He comes up with a lot of the lists for me. They got list ideas and helps me out.
But it's tough, you know, doing social media, I do the social media, I do all the social media posts by myself. I do the, you know, making all the reels and I've learned how to do all that, you know, doing YouTube, promoting it. And, you know, putting the shows together, it's all me. I'm the producer, the editor, the host. I wear a bunch of damn other hats.
And then I gotta be a husband. Yeah, that's the other part. You gotta balance the, I think I talk to everybody, anyone that does a show or stuff like that, how they balance the work that you do for a podcast. You have actual, if you have a day-to-day job, how that's going. If you have a family, whatever, either a wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, what have you, how that goes along. For me, I can relate to that, especially the
You know, cause here, if you do like an interview type of show, like I'm doing, you got to do it on their time, on the person that you're interviewing. It's not like when you want to do the show. So like, there's, there's been people that I've like either, like, I think it was one instance where I had to like reach out to someone in the, in the pod foundation. I forget which one. Cause, cause I, I think we, I've missed a schedule. I think it was for, uh, I figured who it was crap. And I forget, but anyway, like the, my last one where I had, uh, uh, Queen G on there, uh,
She was like, that took a little bit of time. That took a few months, because she does a lot of stuff too. She has conventions and she does all these other things. So that was a set day for a few months. So I was like, all right, I know, I asked her in October, I know November, say, that we're going to sit down and do this interview. So there's things that happened there. So in between time, now you got to go, oh, I have this one coming up, and now I have to
you know, try to find some, like a couple more people in between. And I, for me, what I do is I just like scour, like the, like, like Instagram or Twitter. And if someone's like interesting to me, I just reach out to him and see if they can do a show. It was like, like, um, who, like, uh, over the moon. So like you, she's been on, uh, she's, she's been, she made the rounds and, uh, and the pod foundation and turbo, the tavern, something that she was awesome. Um, so I caught one of her there.
Marie shadows I thought would have heard from Twitter cuz I follow her on Twitter and stuff like that and we've interacted before so she she was awesome, you know There's a few other people that I want to you know, bring to the the full this year if we get some time down But there's some more recurring ones. I want to do too Obviously, we're but Jill Ville
They are Aaron. Great dude, awesome dude.

Comedy Appreciation & Anecdotes

That was my highest rated episode, I think, with him on it. He's great. He's in my... It's a great time too for me. So he's been on...
I think three or four times. So he's kind of in a rotation with me. He's the only one that's in a rotation every six months. We'll do like a women's wrestling roundup kind of thing. And that's what I used to call it when he had the podcast. So we will sit down kind of like I said every six months, it'll be March. We'll be the next time he'll be on.
So, uh, you know, we, we, it was just good timing. I feel, because it's right before WrestleMania. And then the, then it'll be September, which will be right after summer slam. So it's like, okay, you get your full force. What's happening in the women's side by that time in both of the major promotions. And, um, you know, so yeah, he's, he's awesome.
And he's another dude that like, you know, just hearing his process too. And here now he does, you know, cause he, he, he's a one man Joe himself. So he, I mean, he, he does like, if you ever watch his videos, if we go search Lumberjill, like he does his own story. Like he has like storylines going, he dresses up and all of a sudden you're like, very, very unique. Yeah. Very like, dude, like when I had him on the show, I was just asking like, and then just him explaining like, you know, the times that he does it and like, you know,
You know, because he has his daughter too that he takes care of and stuff like that. So like, just like hats off to the dude. Like, yeah, like, like one man, like just doing one man shows is not, it's not easy at all. Like it's, it's, it's like, it's, it's, it's very time consuming too. Cause you gotta like try kind of thinking like, what? Like for me anyway, it's like, I mean, I try, I try to not go in like with like a set things, like set lists of things to ask about. Cause that kind of gets like boring.
I kind of just like to have it as a conversation, like kind of like how we're doing now, like it go anywhere. Hopefully it doesn't go to left or too far, right? But, you know, like, just like, you know, just try to keep the train going and, you know, hope for the best. But I definitely want to get into the two personas. So Jay Boone and John.
So I never heard this. I never heard you actually separate the two. I always thought they were one person. So who do you want to start with first? Do you want to start with Jaybo or do you want to start with John? Let's start with John.
Let's let's you know get into like the you know, like yeah, you know What makes you you because from what from what I like when I always watch like obviously I watch you I were doing the show and stuff like that for raw down But I I feel like you're like just like you're just like a generally like funny dude. You have a great personality You know like you just don't people aren't I mean obviously some people are born with that type of stuff like and other times it's developed like your personality like me I wasn't born with a
the most outgoing personality. I developed that late in high school and going along and working jobs and stuff like that and interacting with different people. That's how I guarded my personality and my wittiness and my funniness. I like to think I'm funny. Absolutely. Do you feel like you are always just an entertaining, funny dude or is this something that- I think so. I remember I was a kid.
So as a kid, I, uh, I loved, uh, family feud, you know, with, uh, the one with, uh, Ray Combs. Okay. And then, uh, so I watch, I love watching that show and I love of course wrestling. So, uh,
those are two things. And I remember being at my grandparents' house and just pretending like I'm Ray Combs. Like, let's see what's going on now. And so I think my mom would say definitely I was like kind of a ham, as they say, you know, like hamming it up, you know, for everybody. And like, and of course, I would love like, like I mentioned earlier, like announcing like wrestlers to the ring and
doing my think impression and oh, so and then here's another thing. So my mom, of course, which I got to try to dig them up and some point I know they're at my mom's house. So I would actually ask my mom like, Hey, mom,
record me. So she'd take her camera out. And I just like sit there talking, especially about wrestling. My mom would ask me questions and, uh, you know, uh, and I'm sitting there talking about, you know, Oh, um, you know, we got Hulk Hogan versus, uh,
versus, uh, Sid Vicious at WrestleMania eight coming up, you know, and just sitting there just talking about it. Uh, I was like, uh, hold this big ass camera. Okay. All right. That's a guy, the long hair guy. Yeah. Okay. At the face paint. Okay. All right. Yeah. Yeah. So that's kind of where that started. But yeah, I would say so like, so yes, I mean like for, for what you see, like especially on roll downs, what you get.
Um, and maybe I'll, I'll turn it up a little bit, you know, just like, like a, kind of like a wrestler would, right. Um, the J bone character.
So the name J-Bone itself was a college nickname. And it stemmed from my buddy Matt Parham. Shout out to Matt. He's my best friend. He lives in Texas. And we went to college together. We're in the same fraternity. And he started calling me that. And it came from wedding crashers, actually.
There's the scene at the end where Will Ferrell and Owen Wilson are talking and he's like, yeah, how's Jeremy? Yeah. J-Bone. So he started calling me J-Bone actually from that movie and it just like,
duck around the fraternity. That was my name. Especially in college. I've drank and done some stupid things.
in the day. I'd have to maybe apologize the next day. I'm like, sorry guys, that was J-Bone talking. It was J-Bone doing those things. We're building a brand new fraternity house at the time.
The dumbest idea is to have an, have that, have, let us have access to that house while it was being built. And it was a three story house. So I remember, uh, somebody likes, like we had like a printer and we found like in one of the closets or something. And I'm like, Oh, I know how to dispose of this.
Oh, yeah. So I went up all the way to the top floor. Now, mind you, I have a printer. And if anybody knows, like building a house with different level stories, you don't just have the stairs. You got to climb like a ladder. Yeah. Like a wood ladder. They kind of have. And I remember going up to the top and throwing that some bitch like, ah, you know, whatever. Just typical.
shenanigans. Nothing harmless, but it was, you know, you know, we'd have our advisor come and be like, you know, he started calling me that, but at first he would call me John and he would always like rock his feet. John, Jonathan.
We'd have a talk again. Say, yeah, what's up? What you got? We shouldn't throw things up. Like a child. I was like, look, his name was, we'll call him Mr. Morgan.
You know, it wasn't, it wasn't me. It was J-Bone doing it. You gotta understand. It's two different people. Yeah. So that's kind of, that's kind of where the thing, so.
J-bone is John Swallow turned up by like a thousand. How does he, uh, has, uh, has a wife take to J-bone? Does J-bone show up? Okay. All right. So one thing with J-bone, like that, like a certain look in my eyes happened and she got like, Oh, you're J-bone right now. Like, yeah. Uh, like if we're out and about.
So that that's what that happens, but I've definitely
know how to control J-Bone now, you know, as I get older, you know. But he definitely, you know, when he comes out, it's gonna watch out, you know. You can definitely, you can definitely see it. You can definitely see it on, if you want to see it, definitely see it on Rawdown. Sometimes it'll come out. Sometimes I'll say something to the shit's sake. Oh my God, dude.
Not anything bad, but uh, you know sometimes uh, well, I guess it was that one bad thing, but that was just so lax The Finn Balor, yeah We couldn't stop laughing for like, I don't know. I was embarrassed about that I think the rest of the show we like couldn't stop laughing. That was that was one of those that was one of those moments It was a moment. Yeah
But, uh, so for, so obviously college days, all that stuff. So as far as like, uh, like fun, we'll say fun time, uh, J-bone, uh, fun. Are you a, so there's, so there's a people that like, you know, you know, they can have a good time. They can drink and stuff and they get angry and they like to start fights and all that stuff. And then there's people that like to drink and just have a great time and just have fun and laugh and,
You know, act a fool. Like, is that which word? Which one are you? I'm going to say you're the fun time guy. Oh, yeah. I'm acting a fool. You know, I'm acting a fool. So here's a story. So this is my birthday. This is probably 10 years ago, I'd say.
that we have a, there's a big festival around here that plays where I live in Lafayette, Louisiana. So there's a big, you know, there's a lot of festivals around here, but there's one big one. It's called International DeFestival. It's just like a lot of
Just like it says, you know, a lot of, you know, international music groups come in. So the big guest that year was Ziggy Marley. He came. Awesome. Yeah. So he came and, you know, it's really, it was really cool. And I, uh, so this was like a month before my birthday and of course, you know, watch it. Good time.
Fast forward to my birthday next month. And we were, you know, it was downtown Lafayette. I didn't know where I was at. I was so drunk. And so I was like, I called my buddy, my buddy Ross. It was my roommate. And he wasn't, he wasn't out. He had to work the next day. So I said, Hey, man, can you come pick me up? And he's like, Yeah, where are you at? I was like,
I don't know. And we still have this this day. And he goes, Well, can you tell me what you see? Like, where are you? What bar did you come out of? Which I know would bar to this day was but across the street of this bar was this like big park thing. That's where they have the festival. And I go, I look at I guess I recognize the fencing. And I go, Rastafarian.
He goes, what? Rastafarian. That's where I'm at. There's no Rastafarian theme bar. And he goes, are you finally, I guess he pieced it together. He goes, are you by the park?
Yeah. He goes, stay there. Don't move. How'd you end up there? You, you remember? Oh, no, I mean, it was like right literally right across the street from the bar we were at. So I just like walked there. You know, it was like maybe a hundred feet away. I didn't, I didn't know where it was at. So yeah, that's, that's good times, Jaybo. Um, yeah, I mean, uh, I guess sometimes I get angry, but you know,
who does, you know, but I mean, nothing like crazy, you know, I don't get into fights for sure. Um, in fact, I'm probably, I probably call some fights and I've gotten a wave out of it. That's just me being stupid, you know? Um, but, uh, in fact, I remember it was one time
Uh, this guy got knocked out. It was one of my, one of my buddies and I go, Oh shit. Uh, and it, it all kind of stemmed from me starting to her fraternity chance inside the bar. Uh, that's when he kind of started. Uh, so yeah, I saw him getting knocked down. I was like, Oh, I had to scoop him up from the ground. So it's all right, buddy. My truck. I said,
All right. Just stay here for a bit. You'll be okay. Uh, yeah, some, some interesting moments, like I said, so. What am I actually, one of my good friends, his name's John as well. He, uh, we went to, uh, uh, WrestleMania 30, um, in New Orleans. We, uh, urban street, right? Obviously like all my friends, we like, we, we, we, no one gets into art. We're like the fun time guys. We like to have fun.
But I like to be, I'm the type of person that's, I like to remember things. So I don't get like too crazy where I'm not going to remember things the same day, the next day. I mean, but one of my other, one of my friends, uh, he's like a wanderer when he drinks. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. So he just disappeared one night and, uh, I think it might've been the night before Wrestle media. Uh, cause we've seen everybody like.
We've seen Roman Reigns and the Usos and stuff like that. We've seen Pat Patterson and his significant other. It is crazy. Yeah. Real quick, people roam around. I remember me and my buddy Dom, we were just walking around, walking up and down the street. We're like, oh man, we're probably going to run into a lot of people.
And we both go, you know, we don't want to run into Dean Ambrose because he looks like he's like, doesn't look like he wants to be like, like near anybody. He just looks like a loner type dude. Literally like we walk out of a bar. We see him like on his like cell phone by himself, no one around him, just like pacing back and forth. That's like a date. Bourbon Street seems like a dangerous person. Like he does like long scraggly hair back then. I had that crazy like Dean Ambrose hair and he's just like on his phone, like walk a bit like, holy shit, it's fucking
Should we go don't even don't even go but that disappears it literally like we we I think we want it to every single bar
that whole street like you if you don't talk about from the beginning of Bourbon Street all the way to the All the way to the end bars we went to as well We are really fun. Oh, yeah. No, we yeah, we went in there like afterwards I'm like how about stuff but pro tip like if you're going around Barbara Street stay down there. So I
Oh, it's fun, dude. It's, you know, they have a nice gift shop there. We went in there. My buddy, John, again, grabbed, uh, grabbed some, uh, grabbed some, uh, stuff in the gift shop. It's pretty cool. Uh, but yeah, no, he just disappeared. We couldn't find him. Like we were up on the balconies looking down. Like we, like, I think what bar was you like go up and look at down at everyone, like walking around the street, trying to like spot him, like, like, so we ended up, we had to find him. Like, I figured, feel where we found him.
I think we just found him wandering around the street. He wasn't in any of the bars and stuff like that. We lost a guy one time during a badger party in New Orleans. It's easy. It's easy to lose somebody. Especially in New Orleans, especially in Bourbon Street. He found a massage parlor.
That's why we went missing. I mean, at least it was a good, when it got relaxed a little bit, you know. Yeah. I mean, the muscles were tight from drinking, you know, just, you know, just needed, you know, a little neck rub, you know. Oh, man. All right. I'm going to stop before.
Yeah, there's other things that could happen that that has happened. Crazy man. I haven't visited a whole lot of big, big cities, I would say, you know, I've been to New York. Yeah. I've been to Orlando, you know, all your cities in Florida, Dallas, Houston. Yup. Been to Phoenix. Phoenix has a little fun down.
You know, I feel like all the other cities are like kind of special ones I've been to New York is also its own animal. Yeah. But, but, but New Orleans and I think New Orleans and New York, man, they're just like two unique towns that like, you just got to be there to experience like craziness. Especially with like, especially like during like the like WrestleMania towers. It's like all things. It's fun. It's like having a good time. Just like,
You know, if you, if you got to argue with someone, it's going to be about wrestling. It's not going to be about anything personal. Yeah. So I was going to be like, yeah, dude sucks. And you get like, no, it can suck. That's the end of it. No, no wrestling fans again to a fight with each other over a.
over wrestlers and stuff like that. But it was an awesome time. I definitely want to transition into the personal side of J-Bone. So I always ask this question to everyone that's on the show. Not anything personal, like go back into childhood. But besides the wrestling and collecting and stuff,
Is there anything else that that you do that you have interests in sports and stuff like that? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I'm big into sports. I mean, I love baseball and football. Of course, my two teams are the Astros. I know.
They're like the new evil empire. They don't do anything wrong. I guess because of the cheating scandal years ago. But I love it now. It's like, you know, all eyes on them, you know, especially as a kid when they were like kind of like the lovable losers for a while, you know. Yeah.
But, uh, yeah, so that, and of course, and same thing with the saints that were definitely always a level losers. Like they kind of became a evil empire too. Um, but, uh, you know, yeah, I mean, I like spin. I've got a, I've got a good, uh,
My wife and I rescued a dog last year. His name's Enzo. Not because not the Enzo, the wrestler. He was not named after that. That just happened to be his name. And we were like, we're going to keep it. I'm sure it's going to be hard to change it. And we liked it. So we're like, yeah, we'll go with Enzo. So he's a sweet pup. So I like spending time with him and, of course, my wife.
you know, just together. We watch, you know, watching movies and TV shows and stuff like that together and spending time with family, you know, definitely, you know, kind of the usual stuff. But as far as like,
I'm a pretty diehard wrestling fan. And I would say wrestling is probably, especially over the last, you know, since, especially since I've kind of got back into collecting again, uh, collecting figure figures. I would say wrestling is my number, become my number one passion, really close to football. And then like baseball's like a little bit behind it. Um,
Yeah, I don't know. I just said, I've just, one thing that really brought me back to a lot was, was AEW that, you know, and I know a lot of people from my,
you know, our age group kind of after talking to a lot of people, it's kind of like the same song and dance. You know, it just was something new, something fresh. And it was exciting, you know, exciting to kind of watch that progress. And, you know, of course, I'm still I've always been a lifelong WWE fan.
No, depending on where it gets sold. Gonna be real on that one for a second. But, uh, uh, but, you know, um, you know, I just, I absolutely love collecting. I kind of click, you know, of course, collect wrestling figures. I like collecting like baseball, old baseball magazine, sports magazines. Nice. Got a collection of those. Um, so do dabble in some cards, but kind of have to, you kind of have to find your limit a little bit. Yeah.
in the collecting space because it can get crazy. I would say that's probably about really about it, you know, currently, you know, pretty, pretty normal stuff, you know, but so with the
Do you like any other, like, uh, you know, obviously, you know, wrestling and stuff like that. Do you like watch like UFC or any other combat sports boxing? I need to go back and actually watch that. I haven't watched that even yet, but, uh, uh, I used to be in the UFC. This was like probably, you know, the time, like right on time, Brock Lesnar was in it. It wasn't because of Brock Lesnar. No, I would say it was, I was like,
sort of into wrestling. I was, I was watching one more of the old school stuff, like getting like the wrestling DVDs and watching that stuff. Um, I would have been going to catch the WrestleMania and then I was pretty much kind of, it kind of followed along. Um, but that I was really into like UFC. In fact, I was like a couple of USC DVDs, but, um,
Forrest Griffin was my guy back in the day. Oh yeah, of course. I love Forrest Griffin, man. And of course, man, he was on 18. Oh, Rampage? Rampage, yeah. Rampage Jackson. Yeah. I love Rampage Jackson too.
And those are two different fighters completely. Oh yeah. Obviously they're two different classes, but Rampage, you know, he's more of like a pro wrestler, what I call pro wrestler in the main fighter. Yeah. You know, kind of, you know. He doesn't get back with the chain and the, and the howl and all that shit. Yeah.
Forrest Guffin is, well, he was just like this silent quiet type, you know, almost like you're going to reference anybody from wrestling, like Dean Malenko, you know? Yeah. Just like in there to do business. And he was, he was just super fun. Another guy that like to was a Clay Guida. Do you mean? I don't know if you remember. Oh, Clay Guida. Yeah, of course. Yeah. Carpenter. Yeah. Carpenter Clay Guida with the crazy hair. Yeah. He was, he was, and then there was a Russian guy, man.
Uh, he would just knock people out with his kicks. Oh, uh, it was a beer. Um, yeah. Yeah. Crop, man. Oh man. That dude was, uh, he was, he was a bad-ass for sure. Yeah. Um, yeah. So I got into it a lot. And then, you know, like, uh, I was definitely watching up till probably like Ronda Rousey and I enjoyed Ronda Rousey.
I don't quite, I guess maybe I'm not that much into it, but I don't understand. Like, I guess we're, you know, the UFC purists hated her, but I guess I kind of see it now being a wrestling purist. But, uh, I was definitely watching it and then whenever she kind of like went away, I was like, all right, you know, I was, um,
modest fan, like a fan, I didn't really have a favorite. I guess my favorite would probably would have been Rousey watching that because it was like watching Tyson back in the day, you know. Yeah, I just heard. Yeah. I remember. Yeah. My uncle would get, my uncle's about 10 years older than me and he used to would get the Mike Tyson fights and, you know, would go to his house or, you know, you know, go to his house and watch him and stuff like that back in the day. And
I remember that as a kid having, you know, Mike Tyson punch out and stuff like that. But, uh, you know, it was fun to, uh, it was kind of like that ride, you know, watching Tyson. Yeah.
you know, do his thing, you know, she was kind of the same thing. And then look what she lost. I was like, uh, kind of took all your, all, all the way around yourself and the way she lost to like, just like, Oh man, that was brutal. Yeah. To me, it was like the, for the USC was like the personalities that they had back in the early, early 2000s, late 2000s. Like they had like, he related, like obviously like, like you said, with the same song and dance when it came to wrestling, like, I think I stopped watching wrestling like around like 2000,
to 2003-ish and kind of like transitioned into watching UFC. So like watching like Chuck Liddell and Tino Ortiz and freaking out, you know, like Frank Mayer and all the like, all the like, they all like Rich Ace Franklin, I would see Anderson Silva, GSP, like all these guys have like, they're all like, like, not that they're like wrestling personalities, but they all had these like, unique
like characters, like they're like these unique characters that you can kind of like, if you were a wrestling fan, it kind of made it easy for you to transition into UFC back then. Cause it was like, Oh, you have the, you have the ice man, you have this, you have the virtually, you have the spider, Anderson silver, like, and they all had these like different unique things. And I just, I remember, uh, who was it? It might've been Chuck Liddell with this freaking club.
wrestling to that. Cause he had like these like larger than my characters and stuff like that. No, no, it's definitely. Oh, I'm sorry. I vividly remember his, uh, his last match, like, and then, you know, I've remembered like Joe Rogan saying like, Oh, that's, that's it. That's it for him. Yeah. And I'm like, really? Like, I mean, like, I know you got his ass beat, but like,
Damn. Like that, Joe, you're going to put in and he was right. Like that was it. I think maybe he had one more fight after that. I think it was after the rampage match. Yeah. Yeah. And he got his ass beat. And that's what kind of when we came in a rampage fan was like, damn, that dude, he beat, he beat the shit out of Chuck Liddell. Yeah. You had Randy Kotor at the time in his mid forties, just dominating two different divisions.
like hit titles in both division, like two different, I think it was like heavyweight and light heavyweight. He had titles and it was like, it was a crazy time, dude. Like back then watching that stuff, obviously Brock Lesnar coming in and, you know, doing what he did. Like what did it, he won the championship on his third fight, which is insane. Yeah. Oh yeah. I remember watching that. It was like, wow. You kind of make that comparison to, uh, they did that with like, I mean, if you watch wrestling now, Logan Paul, you know, when he was facing Roman Reigns and it's like,
You know, Paul Heyman's going, you know, Brock Lesnar won his, won an achievement ship on his third fight. And this is Logan Paul's third fight. So they kind of like made that parallel type of thing, which is pretty cool. But yeah, man, just.
Um, as far as like, well, uh, one thing I want to add real quick is a lot of those early UFC fights were actually, uh, in my hometown. Like the very first one, I'm trying to look up where they were at. Uh, like when they were like sanctioned or they are not sanctioned, like, um, this is like, okay, so I'm looking at one UFC 22. Um, so I grew up in a town called Lake Charles, Louisiana. Yeah, it was, it was there. Uh, UFC 24.
So let's see. You'll see 22 was, uh, let's see. Oh, that it was, uh, Frank, right. Uh, Frank Shamrock defeated Tito Ortiz. Like, so this is like some legendary stuff. So here's your C 24. I'm trying to see real quick. I don't know the Ted Williams defeated Steve Judson. I don't, I don't recognize any of these other names, but you know, I remember like.
thinking like as a kid, like, man, like, I like asked my mom, like, hey, I didn't really know what it was. I thought it was wrestling, you know, like, hey, there's wrestling at Civic Center. And my mom, I guess she knew what it was. She's like, yeah, you're not watching that. She's like, you're not going to watch that. You guys are really sure to kill each other. I was like, ah, all right.
But yeah, anyway, sorry, I just wanted to throw that out there. But yeah, like the early and then obviously, I don't know how many more there were, but obviously, like after that, they went to Vegas. So they came for come and ever come back to like, I mean, things get crazy. You never know.
Taxes or something like that or venues pop up. You never know. It's a pretty rundown building taxes in Louisiana. Hey, Louisiana. And that's one thing that's kind of hard for like professional wrestling kind of grow in the state is the, the, the commissioner is just like, really like the athletics commission. Yeah. Like as far as like the rules and stuff, because
Louisiana, let me get it to Louisiana politics, I guess for a little bit, but they're just, they're greedy. Like Disney world was supposed to be in New Orleans originally. Oh wow. I didn't know that. And the governor at the time, uh, he, he was like, you know, they struck the deal and he was like, well, he wanted something. He wanted a little bit more percentage from them from, you know, for building here or something like that. Yeah.
And they had like Orlando in their back pocket and they're like, uh-uh. And went, Orlando was a swamp. It was a Florida swamp. Yeah, it is a swamp. It still is. But I mean, like now it's more of a concrete jungle with the swamp. Damn.
But yeah, yeah, it was. New Orleans could have been huge at the time to this day. That's like imagine New Orleans with a Disney world. That's that's where. Oh, my God. I can't. It would be crazy. Bourbon Street, dude, Disney themed. He's like drunk, dizzy characters walking down. You can see that anyway. Yeah. Bourbon Street probably. Yeah. He was like Goofy Mickey. Mickey Mouse is here. Why?
well well gosh so like as far as like I always asked us to like for are you like a movie buff I'm not a big movie guy actually I mean I watch some stuff I like a lot of comedies my wife is the movie movie buff she I think she she makes funny
So there's a lot of classics that I know there are classics that I've never seen. Like Terminator, never seen Terminator. I think I watched it once. Yeah, she makes fun of me about that. I've seen 15 minutes of Ace Ventura and I was like, yeah. Ace Ventura 2 is probably the funnier of the two.
we'll let you know on that one. Yeah. So now I love Dumb and Dumber, you know, and Dumb and Dumber is one of my favorite movies of all time. I just, I don't know. I just never clicked with it and never went back and watched it. It might've been, I don't know. But I like, I love comedies. Like that's my thing. I like making people laugh and
I feel like it's a good comment that makes me laugh. That's what I kind of connect with a lot of times. When we're on roll down, one of my favorite things is making you laugh. Honestly, I try to see how many times I can pop Marco. That's one of my favorite things. But yeah, I love comedies like Step Brothers and
All those Judd, Judd, Judd Apto. Yeah. Knocked up. Love. Knocked up. Great. Of course, super bad. Man, if you watch super bad. Oh, you know, if you can watch. I was going to say, you can watch any of those comedies nowadays. Knocked out. Not sure. Because that kind of if you if you follow, you didn't watch the whole thing. But if you follow the storyline,
Yeah. Well, yeah, you might not be. I know what you're talking about. Yeah. Um, but yeah, a lot of those movies, like four year old Virgin, um, four year old version, kind of like it off for like all those, like all those like girls out. Actually, no, you had like you had old school too as well before that. Did you see old school? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I love it. So blue goes streaking.
Going back to real quick, we actually had, in my fraternity, in my chapter specifically too, this was back in the 70s, but we had the oldest ever initiate in any fraternity ever. So we had actually the blue- You had a blue- There was a guy named, his name was
Basically the story went is, uh, whenever he, his, his best friend was, so my fraternity is Kappa Sigma Fraternity. Uh, his best friend, uh, was in Kappa Sig and he said, uh, he goes like, like one of his like dying wishes was like, try to see if you can join Kappa Sig, you know? So he did it at the ripe age of 68. What the hell?
I think, I think that's what it was. I think it was either 68 or 72. One of the two, one of the two, I think it was 68 in 1972, if I remember right. Cause I get the, maybe it might've been vice versa. Uh, you know, he might've been 72 and 68, but he ended up becoming like really important figure within our fraternity. Like he like passed on like a lot of wisdom and like was like very, very instrumental. Like our chapter where I'm from, I mean, East eight is like,
They actually do a lot of good things and it's continued on a lot of times. It's exciting to see, but it's not just party and all that stuff. A lot of community service opportunities and things like that that they do, but he passed on that wisdom.
Hey, he was not even he did not shy away from the hazing, especially in the 70s. He was a thing. He's not so much a thing anymore because you get in big time trouble. But, uh, yeah, they were David Hayes. What the heck? They make him wear a diaper. So, you know what? Now they have to have some inspiration.
for old school for that, for that. I don't know, but they might've like searched around and see if there was like an old, an old person that, uh, that joined a fraternity at some point. Cause that he made the, I mean, he's, he's a key figure in that. Joseph, Joseph Houston, Barbara was the guy's name. I'm sure you can look him up. That's insane. Um, yeah. If he read any petroleum jelly fights.
Oh, man. So for comedy, do you like stand up? Is that something that you- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I love stand up. Actually, one of my favorite comedian stand comedians, which he's kind of got, he's a little edgy, so he's a little out there. But my newest one is Shane Gillis.
Oh yeah. Shane Gillis. He's super funny, man. Some of his bits he does is hilarious. He's talking about Alabama football and Al at the time, it took him until 1972 to become segregated.
He's like, 1972, we had somebody light it on the boot at that time. He's like, it wasn't until they went to USC and they got their ass kicked by a bunch of black guys. They said, oh, let's bring them on the field.
Oh man. One of his favorite lines, he's like, you know, you look at like, remember the Titans, you know, he goes, football brings everybody, everything, everybody together. That town was like, you know, completely divided, four weeks in there, four and oh. But at the end of that week, they're like, those are my brothers.
I think he's got a special on YouTube. Check him out. He's super. In fact, he was on the Joe Rogan's podcast. So I love him. I'm drawing a blank right now. Burt Kreischer. If I had to compare like your kind of funniness, it's probably Burt Kreischer. Yeah. Yeah. He's not trying to be funny. He's just like a funny ass dude. Like those guys that are just like, you just know that they're funny. Like if you,
Like back in the day, if you listen to Opie and Anthony, when they were on the air, they would have like, you know, like Bill Burr, Jim Norton, Patrice O'Neil. Oh, yeah. Oh, man. All those dudes, like they all like, obviously they were all friends. They all, you know, did comedy together and stuff like that. And they're all, I mean, a lot of, pretty much, actually Bill Burr, Robert Kelly.
Patrice, they're all like, they're all Boston comics. So they have like, the, you know, these attitude, that type of stuff. Like, just like, that's where I kind of get like, a lot of my like, comedy from is like, you know, listening to Oh, Opie and Anthony back in the day. And then like, listen to all those comedians that Joe Rogan was one of them, he was a repeat person that they had on all the time. And obviously, they, they, they were in Boston, they were a part of like, Boston's like radio, like, the early days and stuff like that. They're like,
the answer for Howard Stern, essentially, back then. And then they ended up moving back to New York. But while they were in Boston, they had all these comics on. Like you said, Patrice, and Joe Rogan, and Bill Burr, and Robert Killian, all these guys. So just listen to them. And that's how I got my... That's why I crafted my comics, because whatever they were saying was fucking hilarious to me. And I thought it was funny. So I would take bits and pieces from each one and
you know, steal their bits and stuff. I kind of craft my own type of comedy. I'm like, Oh, this is a type of comedy. I like the, like, you know, like the, it's, you know, they're not trying to be funny. They're not like, they're not coming in with like, you know, Oh, it's cold outside. Oh, I guess they're just having regular conversations and they're just like, you know, just being funny as hell. They're shitting on each other all the time. And, you know, and I, you know, like, if I ever like, you know,
If I ever get to speak to Sam Roberts, I would definitely want to ask him about that time that he had there on that show. He's a part of all that stuff. He was getting...
He's good. He's good. They're attacking him a lot too. Back in the day. Yeah. Yeah. I'll go back and listen. Yeah. I didn't know, you know, he obviously feared. Well, that's another thing. Like, that's why I don't think you can like guys like him. You really can't break. You can't break that dude. Like he, he took shots from like the greatest comedians that that like some of the greats essentially like while he was on that show, like, like if you could take jokes from them,
and still make it in the business. I get, you develop like bulletproof scam, like I mean, Sam's awesome. Yeah. I love Dave Chappelle. Dave Chappelle is my primary all time favorite. He's a, he's, he's the king. So whenever I, um, the one only time I went to New York, I went with, uh, it's kind of like, uh,
like, quote unquote, my senior trip, but I was already in college, you know, I didn't actually go on a senior trip. I was just like, ah, good. Um, believe it or not, after I said, you know, he used to party and all that. Uh, so the, uh, we went, uh, it was my mom and I, we went to New York with my aunt and my cousin, my cousin actually went to, um, uh, it's a sister school, Columbia, uh, Fordham, Fordham university, which is like, um, I think it's like, uh,
upper part of Manhattan. I think that's where it's at. But anyway, so he was actually visiting the school to see if he went through my cousin's super smart. He's a doctor and he's unbelievably smart guy. But that's where he went to school. So he was going to visit the school and see if that's where he wanted to go. So he took an opportunity. It was like during Mardi Gras.
And we're like, yeah, you know, we're not gonna do Mardi Gras this year. Let's go to New York. So we went to New York. So as we're planning our trip, mom's like, what are some things you want to do? I was like, I want to go to some comedy clubs. So we started like looking it up, like, you know, going to some comedy clubs. The first one she finds is she like, there's a one called Caroline's. Oh, yeah. I was like, okay, like, let's check it out. Girl famous. And the comedian was Paul Mooney. Oh, no. And we went.
We went. It was awesome. And he did all the shtick, the ask a black guy shtick, all that stuff. And my mom was laughing. It was good signs. Did anyone leave? I've heard times of people, he got too uncomfortable for people.
Like some of his comedy and he's just like, people just like, I'm out of here. They just like, no, I don't know. I mean, maybe, but I was, I was having a great time, you know, because it's like being a Chappelle show fan, like, Oh yeah. You know, like, I mean, it's, you know, and that's what I think like, like Dave Chappelle, he's good because he crosses like all lines, like, Oh yeah. And Paul Moody, Paul Moody is the same way, you know? Yeah. Like, you know, uh, of course, you know,
you know, being you know, you know, why it's a little bit uncomfortable, some of the like, the verbs, but, you know, like, you do you like, it's funny, you know, yeah. But he's, he was hilarious. We both enjoyed ourselves. In fact, my mom was like, let's find some more comedy clubs to go to.
So we went to the comedy seller we found and we just kind of showed up there because we thought we had to get like tickets and stuff. Yeah. So we just show up, but you could just show up there, these comedy clubs, comedy seller. And this was around the time Dave Chappelle was
You know, he quit Chappelle's show and all that.

Dave Chappelle & Comedy Club Stories

And, um, there was, um, um, shoot, uh, Greg Gerardo. All right. Yeah. He was there. Um, the guy used to, uh, um, Daryl Hammond, he did, uh, Bill Clinton and stuff like that. Now he's there. They're the announcer.
Um, and, uh, um, somebody else I'm trying to think, but Dave Chappelle was sitting in the back of the, of the comedy club. Holy shit. And I just like way in the dark, like drinking, probably, probably, probably, you know, puff, puff passing, you know, which is fine. Um, and, uh, I just remember like we left and I, you know, nobody knew until like,
like he got up and like left and then people like kind of turn around I didn't even notice I was more so I was still like whatever people's like surrounded I'm like crazy trying to get his autograph kind of trying to get pictures and all that it was it was wild seeing I was like cool I didn't even try to get near that especially like
You know, I'm like in New York, you know, my mom and like, we're like, let's just get in our cab, go back to the hotel. You know, but it was like, no, they're crazy to see. Like he got bombarded for sure. So that old week I saw basically, I saw Paul Moon live and then I saw Dave Chappelle. I was like, man, what a week. That's great, dude. Most people can't say that at all. Yeah. Yeah. So he, um, yeah, he's definitely my favorite and like, and
Social media, they try to keep canceling, but he's, he's uncancellable in my mind. He said it is special. It's fake social media.
Social media is not a real place, as you would say. That's a pretty good taste. I don't care. Social media is not a real place. I remember being in high school and like, especially that season two, like all of my friends, we were in first hour.
Yeah. And it was like, you know, I remember it came on Wednesday nights and it was like Thursday morning. It was like, Oh my God, it was so, we were in bad class. I'm like, I know our teachers get annoyed. We sit there talking about Chappelle's show.
I remember whenever the DVD set came out, I was actually working at Circuit City at the time. Shout out to Circuit City, RIP. They were doing a lot of RIP's. Oh, man. City, geez. Yeah, yeah. I used to call it Circuit Shitty. It was. Yeah, it was. But I've worked in the DVD section, and so we have to hide those things.
Like not, I mean, we plan to put, we're obligated, you know, to put a few out, but like, most of them we couldn't put out because they get stolen, you know?

Retail Adventures & Hidden Content

Yeah, but I remember like, oh man, season two, remember, like I'm putting out the movie, like putting out the DVD and like, I just want to buy you tonight.
I couldn't legally, so you have to go street date. So the first thing I didn't went Tuesday morning, remember that next morning? And I'd buy that DVD or whatever DVDs. I remember vividly going by season two, I was like, dude, I love this.
I worked for Best Buy back in the day. I worked there too. It was a hide shit dude. Maybe that's why we get along so well. Best Buy people. We used to hide shit all the time. When a CD or a DVD came out, we'd be like, nah, you got to put this aside. The way that would suck is they would have to... I think they would do inventory checks in the morning. People would come in and count how many fucking new releases and shit.
So you have to like, I figured out we did it, but yeah, I used to hide a bunch of that shit too. Oh, I got to get this movie, special edition steel case. Now put this aside, put this somewhere. Believe it or not, I actually, I worked at geek squad too. Oh really? Yeah, I say I didn't do geek squad. We were the ungeekiest geek squad of all time. Cause we would party. So I remember I got just another J-bone story for my 22nd birthday.
Um, I'd actually got some bands to come out to play. We were like in the country. Uh, and one of the guys lived like in the country, uh, that I worked with, he's like, dude, let's, let's, let's get some bands, like some guys that we knew that, uh, played in bands and they came out.
And they're like, you know, just pay us in beer. So I got like a keg and made like, I made like some juice, special juice. You know, I mean, I got everybody. So I invited a lot of people from work.
I got everybody that worked the next day came to my party and everybody was like hungover. Dude, do you really work for Best Buy if you didn't like roll in like on a Saturday morning meeting? Oh dude. Literally everyone that is in attendance is hungover because of a party that we all had the night before. There was one night where we drank literally it was like till five o'clock in the morning and our meeting was at six.
Yeah, but you said it was like Saturday, like I walked in there with a full on gorilla costume. Like, what are you doing? And I guess from there before it's fun. I'm here. Oh, man, we might we might have to do a separate a separate show. We talk about Best Buy stories. Oh, man. So so many fun, some interesting stories, too. Oh, yeah. You know, interesting cast of characters that I have now from
Yeah, there's a lot of guys that I still talk to you, and there was one, I also used to call it worst pie. But yeah, some interesting things you find on people's computer. We'll just leave it at that. Oh, yeah. Yeah. One of my friends, actually a couple of them worked for Geek Squad, and I used to travel back there.
Like in the back area where they like, you know, taking care of, it's probably not supposed to, but you know, statute of limitations that don't work there anymore, obviously. So I say this now, but yeah, I used to go back there and like shoot the shit and stuff like that. They'd be like, you're like, Oh my God, you have to find out what I found on this computer.
And then like obviously there's a times where I go we get a call we had to call authorities They said we did that after this and they said like a whole sting operation Oh, yeah, I remember yeah in the back and you know, just tell them you know that you have to show them something and
Yeah, it happened a few times and I was working. I was like, all right, see ya. And I knew about it ahead of time. They're like, yeah, we gotta, we have to call the police for this. I know. I can't, it's something I can't unsee. It's, it's horrible. Yeah. They didn't show it like, they just told me, they're like, you know, I'm the one that found it. Oh yeah. See, yeah. One of my, one of my buddies that worked there was like, like, yeah, man, we have like, obviously we like to joke around and stuff. He was like, yeah, but we have to like, that's what we have to take seriously. We have to call. Holy shit. What'd you find? He was like, he's like, I don't want to say, but, uh,
Yeah, it's not good. Whatever you think is the worst thing you can find on someone's computer, that's what it pretty much is. I remember one time this one guy had all of his adult collectibles on his desktop.
Well, not a desktop, but it ain't all organized. What is that? I cover my buddy that worked at Geek Squad. That's a thing. A lot of dudes organize it by folder or the hiding in the folder. It'll be like, I don't know, yo.
yearly receipts or taxes, tax preparations, click on it, there'll be another folder, then another folder.

Episode Reflection & Sign-Off

There was a guy one time, there was a guy one time that he had, he had it labeled Dane Cook. I'm like, Oh, she's got Dane Cook on
It's fun. This is fun. I made it. It's wow. We went over it. Wow. One 20. Jeez. I was expecting to go this far.
But, uh, man, this is great, dude. I'm at the happy one again. Definitely. We gotta do it. Like I said, we have to talk about some, uh, some best buy stuff, I think. Cause that's, I think we can entertain.
for a while. We probably have similar stories. We can probably compare and contrast with Best Buy stuff, but I think that's a possibility. Let's do it. Thank you for coming on, dude. This is great. Obviously, I'll see you again later this week. You'll see me in about 15 minutes when we're coming down. That's true, yeah. We're going to be on, spoiler alert, I'll be on J-Bones next episode of Coming Down the Isle.
Yeah, we're going to do that after this. And, uh, yeah, keep the, keep the momentum going. Absolutely, man. So, uh, yeah, definitely. Thank you. Thank you again. And, uh, thank you everyone for listening. If we, uh, if, if, if we entertain you, hopefully we did. Um, if we didn't, then, you know, I'll try next time and, you know, blame J-bone if this episode is awful. Blame me. Nah, I'm joking. But, uh, all right. Well, uh, we'll talk to you next time.
Peace out.