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49 Plays4 months ago

The Patreon is now live! You can find us on Patreon at Mystery Dungeon: A Path Through Time.

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Discord -

I know im terrible at explaining things so here's a rundown of the Tiers and their benefits:

Every Member gets a shoutout in the beginning of the episode during the intro*

   Bronze Tier:  $5/Month - Clips and Deleted scenes from the podcast as well as any saved VoDs from the Twitch Channel (Audio Only), Discord name color, and possible future exclusive benefits. 

   Silver Tier: $10/Month - Exclusive access to our BRAND NEW SHOW!! Mystery Dungeon: Side Quest has just started and is now available for all silver tier members. This tier includes all benefits for the bronze tier as well.

   Gold Tier: $20/Month - Access to all raw and unedited recordings of Mystery Dungeon: A Path Through Time as well as access to episodes as soon as they're recorded, so you'll always be about 5 episodes ahead of everyone else. Includes all benefits from the Silver and Bronze Tiers.

   Salena Tier - $40/Month - NO EXTRA BENEFIT. This tier is exclusively for the most die-hard fans who want to support the podcast and fund the editor for the show.

All proceeds go towards editing costs and recording software payments. No money will be kept by any of the hosts as this is a non-profit show and we always will be.

You can link your Spotify account with your Patreon and listen to all the Patreon content via Spotify, rather than using the Patreon App.

*If you wish to stay anonymous, contact me via discord or by emailing us at [email protected] 

Dakota as the PM/DM/GM

Micah as Blair the Absol

Jake V2.0 as Robin the Spheal

Hello everyone and thank you for stopping by to listen to this announcement as you can tell from the title We've got a couple exciting things to talk about including our new patreon which as the time of this recording and the release of this recording actually is Released right now like literally writing out if you logged on to patreon and typed in mystery dungeon colon a path through time You will see our patreon is alive and you may be asking what does this contain? Well, I we have four different tiers that all contain different types of content and to start with we have our bronze tier which is five dollars a month and this contains a bunch of deleted scenes some funny moments and random bits and bobs and extra content that we just decided to randomly post on the patreon
And you also get a dis new sub i can speak a discord username, color, you also get a ah shout out in the middle of the episode. Not even in the middle of the episode because I know a lot of people skip the midsection of the podcast so all people who join the discord are going to be shouted out in the intro. so everyone can hear it because i don't want anyone skipping these because we really appreciate the extra income um this silver tier contains a brand new show that's right i am starting a completely new campaign with um so with some of my friends and some of which you've probably seen on the discord if you're on the discord by the way go check out the discord it is linked below um
it is starring mica who you probably know a spirit on the discord and jake no not that jake jake 2.0 you probably know him as mint on the discord he just happens to share the same name with uh jake who plays waltz or the real though the So we have a completely new show and it is actually turning out really great. We just started recording it and it is amazing. Now this show is going to be in raw audio format, so it is not going to be edited. It is going to be long form content. So expect each episode to be like two hours long. But speaking of raw audio,
Our gold tier contains all of the raw audio for for Mystery Dungeon a pass through time, from starting from arc 2 and upwards. the The reason I don't have arc 1 is because we had changed how we did our recording in arc 1, so some of the footage from arc 1 is kind of lost. or very hard to obtain and put together so um all of the raw audio from starting from arc 2 episode 1 up to present is released also and the probably the biggest benefit of all is the fact that
all of the raw audio is posted as soon as it's recorded so i like literally were recording and i post um i post uh the raw audio to shawn to start editing if you didn't know shawn who plays sammy is our editor um and i literally sent it to him and then i send the raw audio to jake who plays walter and he posted on the patreon because see he's kind of our patreon manager at the moment and um so i think at the time of this recording um the newest episode is either seat arc two episode 11 or episode 12 i think it's one of those two i don't remember because i don't actually know if we're recording next weekend um so is that is 20 a month um and i know it sounds like a lot but i um
I need, I'm going to be fully transparent with everybody of where this money is going. None of this money is going to be going to anybody except for Sean because all funds from this Patreon go directly to funding his editing. so if you guys didn't know I pay Sean for editing and um all the proceeds from this patreon are going to be going directly towards that so um it'll help me pay for Sean's editing and on top of that any extra benefits will be held in a savings account to pay for our suncaster membership which is like $180 a month it's ridiculous not a month sorry sorry $180 a year geez if you imagine it was $180 a month that'd be nuts
So, all the funds are going to be saved for that. However, we do have a fourth tier, and that is the Selena tier. If you are a fan of Not A Scratch, who is the parent podcast to this one, then you probably know where this is going, because Not A Scratch also has a fourth tier that is the same thing. It is $40 a month, and it is only there for those who wish to actively financially support the podcast. because either you've got to be insane or absolutely rich to actually want to join us here it is literally only there for you to support the podcast it is the exact same as the gold tier i will not stress that enough you will get no extra benefits from joining selena tier except you we will probably be praised so because we could definitely use the extra money um
so that is where all the money is going and i also don't think i said it but the um the silver tier is $10 a month so i'll run through that again because i know it's a lot of information the bronze tier is $5 a month the silver tier is $10 a month the gold tier is $20 a month and the selena tier is $40 a month
On top of all of that, I know a lot of people don't like using the Patreon media player to listen to like extra content, and thankfully, we are connected to Spotify as well. If you subscribe to our Patreon, you can sign into your Patreon account on Spotify and listen to all of our extra content on Spotify. if you subscribe and go to spotify look up mystery dungeon a path through time space hyphen space patreon you will see a completely separate show it'll have the same banner i might change or i might put like patreon on the logo or something like that but it is specifically only it only has
patreon content on it so all of the raw audio all of the um all of the mr dungeon side quest will be on there and everything uh based on the tier that you subscribe on so if you're in bronze tier and you go to the patreon only the bronze tier audio will show up on spotify if you're on silver it tier then only the silver tier audio will show up along with bronze tier I don't remember if I said it, but all the content in each tier contains all the content from the tiers below it. So silver tier has the content from silver tier and bronze tier. And the gold tier has content from gold tier, silver tier and bronze tier.
So you're not missing out on any extra content. um And in the same vein, the Selena Tier contains everything. So both the Gold Tier and Selena Tier contain everything. The Gold Tier is the best book for your money because it literally contains an okay it cans in so much extra content and I will tell you why. so i think uh we are releasing this promo here at the start of no no no at the same time we're releasing episode seven arc two episode seven so i think the final time after editing for episode seven was like 40 minutes it's a very short episode because we ended up having a lot of audio and stuff but all that stuff was recorded so if you go to our patreon and look at that episode it is literally two hours long
So it is almost three times the content just be from raw audio alone and it is hilarious or us dealing with audio mess ups and stuff. It's hilarious. There's so much stuff in here. Like there were some really funny bits we had to cut because it was inappropriate or it couldn't be part of the show. So um also, yes, um all of the content posted on the Patreon is unedited and unfiltered. So if you do not like swearing or something, be warned, it is going to have some kind of swears. So watch out for that. I think that is everything. So with that, at the after I'm done talking here, I'm going to play you the Mystery Dungeon SideQuest promo trailer. So here we go.
As Zetsu touches the ancient fragment, you guys hear a lot of crack, and you look up and see the sky shattering apart as if made by rock. With this, you also hear a very loud voice. Who dares disturb the sacred resting ground? Those who have done wrong must be punished. As you hear these words, Zetsu creamed and she only get pulled up towards the crack in the sky, falling into the ancient portal.
i thou spare thee witness read the tale of my so stop me if you wish you are so will be ho them let thought to ratggled mountain the zo and the old <unk>re As the voice fades you hear a loud thunderous boom as the crack in the sky shudders closed and then all is silent. There is nobody around you guys.
Robbins shouts out, can you repeat yourself? Say what?
The only one left in the field is the Drober who originally had the the shard. And he's like, what the? ah where and Where did everyone go? And yeah, as you look around, once again, there is nobody left in the fields.
Blair has like the blankest stare on her face trying to process what the hell just happened. Robin is also confused but because he wasn't paying attention.
I can just imagine that ah that Robin has a so called a very slow reaction time. oh Like slow poke yes, yes ability is oblivious wait that That works so well, yeah He's very slow and very hard to Understand things it takes them a while the comprehends Yeah, yeah, the dropper pipes up is like mountain dread spire You mean it's a mountain and and the in the ice and hands of the West
Nobody's ever conquered those mountains before. Oh, I've been there before yeah
Noah has been there and survived. Oh yeah, I was there. What what do you want? Well, I would think that being an ice type spiel, it would be a little less dangerous for him. The drill bird just looks at Robin. He's like, the fuck you have. but ah He's only been to like the lower parts of the mountains. He's never gone up. Nobody's ever been at the top of Mount Drenspire and survived. Also, where is everyone? he and He looks around frantically, and everyone is just gone. Robin finally realizes, oh, where did everyone go?
Blair's mind is just breaking at the seams currently, because she's actually able to process what the hell just happened. What do you think that was going to do? to The drill burst, like, i It looks no different than any of the other artifacts you've been digging up today. I don't know why this one was special. And you didn't need to take care of it into trying to try and inspect it before giving contact to other entities or other people? I want you to roll perception, both of you. Okay. Let me see here. Oh god. Where? Okay.
No. Biaster is no. What did you each of you get? Five. I got three. Okay, the only thing you guys can glean is that the dropper is wearing latex gloves.
Those are some nice gloves. The dropper's like, what? That has nothing to do with the situation right now. a I gotta go let the mind boss know. or the or And he just starts running.
Thank you for Mt. Pyre and Mt. Pyre exterior from Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire. Thank you for listening to this announcement.