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Arc 2 - Episode 4.5 - Secrets Revealed

S2 E6 · Mystery Dungeon: a Path Through Time
91 Plays10 months ago

Salena reveals why she kidnapped Walter, and what her big plan is. 

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Dakota as the PM, DM, GM

Jake as Walter the Riolu


Introduction and Banter

Hello everyone, and welcome to a path of time. I am Dakota, your PM, your DM, your GM, and sitting across from me is somebody who, uh, uh, he stole my checkbook. Why is that the first thing I thought of? Wow. It's me and Jake, the person he thinks is a thief. I don't know how he did it. He's like, he's like 2000 miles away from me, but... Magician never reveals the secrets. Damn.

Recap of Walter's Adventures

so um i guess we'll do this real quick since we don't have much else for this intro let me obviously have jake here because it's our solo episode if you couldn't tell by the title so jake why don't you go ahead and give us a recap on the last episode boom all right um and by the last episode i mean the last solo episode obviously you don't know what happened in the last episode yeah um basically walter was just being the most annoying prisoner ever on the trip
that's an understatement oh yeah if um he's the person you never want to tackle on on a vacation on a road trip is that is that the entire recap no he made friends with um abyss and the other i'm brian can't remember her name her name is brie brie i should remember her name she's the one the most friendly with me
She was annoying the Glaceon half to death. Then they go to this giant tower that no one seems to see.

Walter's Mischief and 'Help Rock'

As it turns out, it's an old tourist trap. I don't know much about a tourist trap than a tourist destination. It's definitely a tourist trap. The world's largest tower. Yep, we'll go with that.
Uh, that they'll walt in a room. They let him out for some reason. Uh, Walter plays a perfect jig with a nat 20. He gets abyss and Brie on his side. Or at least like him. They, uh... Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I left a Pokemon, um, a trail for the team to find, hopefully. Hopefully Sammy's, I mean, Shawn's, um, munchlacks and like, nose can smell it.
and had lunch with them. I annoyed the collision a little bit more and went on top of the tower and screamed my lungs out, hoping they'd see me, find me, or hear me. Did you actually scream my lungs out? I thought you played like Viva Love. I know, I was doing that as loud as I can.
Okay, that, yeah, I was gonna say, I don't remember. Okay, just go to the top of the tower, just streaks as loud as you can. I'm trying to make it, but it's not obvious. I'm trying to signal for help. It's just, it's just Selena comes up there, just to hear you shrieking for help. She's just like, what are you doing up here? Heavy rock. Yes, it's this new genre came up, what's called a help rock. It's just, it's just

Morning Routine and Castle Exploration

rock, but you scream for help.
it's just a new song called help it's gotta help me have been kidnapped it's helped me i'm on the top i'm on the tallest tower help me i'm in i'm in the towers
Can't we even keep that in? I'm not sure that'll be kept in, maybe it will, but either way the Patreon listeners won't be able to hear that, so... Oh my god.
I'm pretty sure the only people who get that are people who are mature enough. Oh, okay. You don't have to be more than five years old to know what 9-11 was. I mean, come on. All right. Well, yeah, that's basically where we're left off. So with that, I think we can muddle sound on in. Never did I think we did a Twin Tower joke in this.
Suddenly there's a second Hawkeye Tower just plunked next to you. There's a second Garchomp heading into the tower. Is that a Garchomp flying down from the skies? Okay, I'm gonna stop.
We start this episode in the next morning. Walter wakes up in his bed. It was actually quite comfortable. And what wakes you up is the sunlight streaming in through the window of your room.

Confrontation with Selena

I'll put the blanket over my head and go back to bed like, no. It's the first good night's sleep I've had in a week. Roll me a constitution, which is a tough one.
uh that is a seven all right it is 10 a.m when you wake up walter has like a full like ground like shadow under the bags on the eyes like a afternoon shadow like after you just get i don't know hungover because i don't think walter's hungover but we'll go he's not hungover buddy it looks like that he this is the first good night's sleep he had in like a week
okay so yep you're up in your bed um you don't you're just in your room it's mid-morning uh the floor is yours what's he doing this morning
he's just gonna gather his stuff and he's gonna explore the castle like he'll go down to where they had lunch and see if they have breakfast ready uh as you go down to the kitchen uh the dining room slash kitchen uh you see there uh is a bunch of dishes in the sink from breakfast but there is a pot full of oatmeal sitting on the stove being heated uh like tepid heat it's like being kept warm Walter will um
He'll eat breakfast, eat the oatmeal, but then he'll start doing dishes, because at his house he's used to actually doing all the chores for his supposedly dead father. I'm not even gonna make you roll with that, because of your experience with this, your dishes are pristine. He's just humming to himself at this point.
As you're doing dishes, Bree comes downstairs and she's like, oh, you're finally awake. Good morning, I guess. I think Selena wanted to talk to you for a minute if you want to meet her up top. As long as you don't psychic me again, I'll be sure.
Look, we only did that because Selena thought you guys were going to super resist us and try and hurt us or whatever. We thought you guys stole from us. Well, I think we kind of did. But I mean, that's for her to explain. We have our reasons. Don't worry. That's not for me to explain. I can't. Can I have my power band back? Maybe if you talk to Selena, she'll let you know. What's that? Can I have my power band back?
uh oh i'm not sure i i don't know if selena would know i'm i'm pretty sure she would know that lots of like okay's after you get done with the dishes like wiped the last one off because i'm guessing on the dishwasher so he has he hasn't like laid out to dry uh yeah yeah uh i forgot dishwashers were saying i haven't used the dishwasher in so long
But yes, so dishes are done, they're all laying out to dry, and I take it you're heading upstairs. He will, cautiously. So as you get up there, you see Selena with her red bandana around her neck is staring out over the treetops, and I feel like I failed to mention this before, but there is a village in the distance. This is the village of Hawkeye.
huh so it's nothing you didn't notice it before it's not that it's not that you didn't notice it before it's just me as a GM i wasn't entirely sure if there should be a village or not but i am now saying uh because of last episode uh that you did not hear because of episode up four question mark is yeah four season two episode four uh there is definitely a village in hawkeye and so these guys are the good guys aren't they they're people they're like
What are they rebels?

Selena's Time Travel Backstory

They're the good people. Walter is so impressionable, or maybe it's just Jake that's super impressionable. I trust the people way too much. I trust them. Selena's looking out over the village of Hawkeye, and the wind is whipping her ears around. She hears you step up, and without looking back, she's like, oh, there you are.
so what you want me here for uh just now that you've been here for about a day she like turns around and actually looks at you now i just want to say sorry for what we did there back there you see i wasn't really i just not really a good way for me to explain this i wasn't really sure what you would how you guys would react i've really needed
the information about the orbs and I realized maybe that was not the best way to come along with things and So you didn't know if we were hostile or how we'd act so you decided to go straight to torture Okay She like rubs the back her head. Yeah, that's the best way to put it. I think um
to be fair I don't know where I am so not much I'm not gonna go run into the wild by myself you see that and she points over to the village that's the village of Hawkeye oh yeah I totally saw that last session last I'm just gonna make it Walter he didn't think much about it cuz he probably thought most people would just ride him out to them if he went to the village to try to escape I'm just gonna point use that as the reason he didn't try
So I'm going to let you know now, if you want to leave, I'm not going to stop you. But I just want you to know that I can explain everything when the time is right. I just am not ready to explain that yet. If you give me some time, I will, trust me, I can...
All will be explained and I feel like you'll be on my side once that's done. I just need you to give me some time to make sure I am ready for that. So in the meantime, um, if you want to like make some money for yourself or whatever, there's a mission board down in Hawkeye if you want to go like take some missions and fill your time. Wata looks like confused like, okay.

Mission Board and Tasks

It just slowly backs up, like, I'll catch you later when you're, I don't know, able to explain why this all happened. Oh, before I go, do you have my power band? Oh, uh, right. I forgot about that. Um, and she, uh, Ask Abyss, he, I think he's the one who is keeping that stuff hidden away. Uh, so yeah, go talk to him, he'll know where it is. Why can I find him? Last I saw, he was in his room, I don't know.
Walter goes cool and jets off to try to find Abyss's room. So you open Abyss's room and he's just like laying on his bed. Not like napping, but just like laying there. I was gonna say he's like on his phone or something, but that's kind of a thing. He's like, uh, he's just, he's just chilling. He's got a newspaper, like. All of you to assume that Abyss reads the newspaper.
oh no it's best next thing to a phone yeah sure we'll say abyss is like laying on the bed just like reading the newspaper or whatever he's just reading the comedy section yep he's reading the comic section Walter just knocks like abyss you know you could use your fist to knock on the door right there you go what can I do for you
I didn't want to do that because I have a metal desk and I just hurt my hand. That's why I don't knock on this. Good job. Now your knuckles are broken. Water just goes.
uh do you have my power band uh did selena send you yes all right give me a second and he hops up out of bed and like uh reaches underneath his bed and pulls out a like a bag and it has a power band it has a rock and a yellow gummy
Walter goes, hey, that's all the stuff you stole from my friends, too. Yeah, sorry about that. He lowers his voice. I was just doing what Selena told me to. Please don't hold that against me. I'm so sorry. Wow, that painting came off quick. We are falling on your trail for a while until we hit the door. What do you mean, the door?
Oh, that's how we found you guys. Your paint was on your feet, so we just followed the trail into the train. That's how I got to the door. Oh, really? Oh, that's kind of funny, actually. You got worked on covering you guys' tracks. Yeah, literally. Sorry, I did kind of step in that paint, didn't I? All I know is this one Pokémon that's mad at you for ruining his picture. Well, they're long gone now, so I don't really care.
Well, uh, did you need anything else? You got your powerband and stuff back. I'm just hoping that Sami ain't mad. That's his favorite rock. It says Pet Rock. His name's Rocky. He keeps a rock? We don't question him. Alright, we'll go with that. And he's just like, alright, well if that's all you got, uh, I'm just gonna get back to reading this. Wealth is like, alright.
I'm trying to why don't I hear Walter's gonna be not mentally but doing just some I don't know what's how does it say it like dissing Walter and Bruce cuz they've been dissing him for a while forgetting exists
Well, I also forget exists. That's how I came to play You All Forgot About Walden multiple times, except for Hikaru. So yes, I need you to add one power band, one rock, and one yelly gummy into your bag.
I saw the power band equipped it so I'm just gonna keep it here Okay, if you put things are held on slide, it does not go in your bag So that is fine and you can add plus eight to your attack put that in your temporary bonus slot hold on I got perfect rock and Orb No, I should not give you the orb. No, they gave you the good look good try though They gave you the power band the rock and the yelly gummy
Darn, I had a try. I had to give it a shot. You said eight to attack? Yes, plus eight to your attack. Under the temporary bonus section. Wow, how attack is 20? I might have actually defeated that guy. Oh my god, we both crit each other. I crit him and he crit me. Anyway, Walter's gonna...
walk out the front door i guess all right you walk out the front door and it is a uh what seems to be an overgrown path it's mo it looks more like a hiking path than like an actual driveway it looks very little use Walter just gonna go straight to the village to the board he said it was
All right, after about two hours of walking, you've reached the small village of Hawkeye. There's with a population of about 200 Pokemon, it is a decently sized village with like a general shop and it's got, well, a mission board that Selena told you about. It's got like some housing and shops and stuff, whatever you really need. It's a decently sized village, but it's not quite a city.

Orin Berries Mission

Walter's gonna look up and just gonna go to the board, look up for what's there.
So right next to the mission board, not next to the mission board, sorry, right next to the general shop is the mission board. And once you reach the mission board, you can also see that there's a train station at, uh, there's a train station there. Back of Bolt's head. If only I had counter. Wow. Okay. So you take a look at this mission board, and this is what you see.
Now before we get to that actually I need to explain how mission boards work because this is a new mechanic to PTT that has not yet been explained. I've been waiting for you guys to get here. So the way mission boards work is in every city there is a mission board. These mission boards have missions submitted by Pokemon for money rewards and item rewards.
Upon completion, they can be deposited. These missions can be deposited at any other mission board and you will instantly receive payment magically. An example of a mission would be, help, I dropped my item near Hawkeye and I can't find it. And reward would be something like 910 poke upon completion.
There are three different tiers of missions. There are tier 1 missions, tier 2 missions, and tier 3 missions. These different tiers increase in difficulty as the number goes up, but so does the pay. The missions you see on the board are as follows. Could you use some help unloading this? Dispel a per shipment of Oren Berries at the Hawkeye General Store. Buy an exploud. And the price is going for the reward is $14,940.
Yes, sir. The second mission is a Decidueye who asks, I dropped my item near Hawkeye and I can't find it. That's really funny. It's just a coincidence that I use that as a as my example. And the third mission is a rank two mission. My boss is out of control. Someone please, quote unquote, take care of them. And the reward is 6,320.
I do want to note that the first mission I listed, worth almost 15,000 poke, I rolled a 20 for the mission. And whenever I rolled 20, the reward gets multiplied by three, which does stack. So it was originally supposed to be under 5,000 as a reward, but it got multiplied by three times. So a tier one mission could use some help unloading this Peloper shipment of items of orangberries at the Hawkeye General Store by X-Wow.
Alright, um, am I able to do multiple missions a day or just one? Yes, you can take up to three missions. You can have up to three missions in your bag. They each take an item slot. Just take three then, I'll take all three. Alright, and any missions, um, the missions will expire after one week of being grabbed and the missions will refresh once that week is up.
Every town has their individual mission board but with individual with individual missions But any mission can be deposited at any mission board What was the second one find my item a Decidue I asked I dropped my I'm gonna say I dropped my power band Near Hawkeye and I can't find it. I don't know
I spoke as a draw, I don't know. Hold on, I gotta put the prices down as well. Five thousand forty. The other one for the unload shipment was what, fifteen thousand? Fourteen thousand nine hundred and forty. Also, I should mention upon completion, you will get gummies as a reward, as a bonus.
The third one was 15,000, right? 6,320. Oh my god. Sorry, I cannot remember the numbers that well. Yeah, I can tell. All right. Walter's gonna do the first one first, the unload shipment. Okay. Okay. Explode. Yup, could use some help unloading this problem for shipment of coring bears. So, funnily enough, you look up from this request and the general shop is literally five feet in front of you.
He goes, all right, this is going to be easy. He walks in. I'm going to be able to buy the whole shipment with this money. Yeah, I rolled a nat 20 on a tier one mission. And now I wish you rolled out for the tier two. So yeah, it's ridiculous. Also, keep in mind that these rewards are supposed to be split four ways. Because there's only one person, it doesn't get split.
So I'm not never gonna show my money unless they ask I'm never showing in this I'm just gonna be wondering where I'm getting this money from you enter the shop and you see a You see a kangaskhan is like Oh, hello there my good sir. Welcome to the general shop Why is it why does he sound like a dude? Because I'm a female Remember Ethan Farnsworth is a male kangaskhan. Oh, yeah, I forgot him. Yeah
He goes, I sell this, I'm help wanted sign for unloading a shipment.

Return Journey and Selena's Plan

Oh yeah, that'd be my new stock manager that I just hired. He's so lazy, I used to fire him as well. I just had to fire a stock manager a couple days ago and now this new one, he is putting out requests and he's gonna bankrupt my entire company because he's putting out rewards. So as long as it's coming out of his own pockets,
Uh, his name is Big Richard. He Explowed. What was your first one? The one you had to fire? A Tyrogue? What does that matter to you? For some reason, I think that Tyrogue is the one for the train, but that's impossible. Oh yeah, I forgot he was the one for the train. That's right. I'm just going to think of him the entire time now. Anytime he brings us up. He's like, uh, where do I need to go to help with that shit?
As you say this, one of the doors in the back opens up and you see him explode. He's like, I heard you talking about, I heard you talking about the request I put on the board. Hello, it is me, Big Richard. He's two feet tall. How big, how big does he explode? Is he small? They're like, they're like seven to six feet. All right, explode height.
I think I'm more bulky than tall. Oh, he's 4'11". He's the same height as a Lucario, so he's taller than you. Lucario is smaller than I thought. I use a human size. No, even Lucario is smaller than a person. Man, in anime, they do not get the sizes right. He's 2'4", so he is over double your height. Anime needs to start getting the height right.
It is I, Big Richard. What do you want? I mean, I know what you want. You were talking about my request. Uh-huh. Are you sure to help me unload this shipment of Oren Barrens? As long as you're paying good. Well, I've got, uh, I've got, uh, how much do I have here? Uh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh.
1,494 poke. Uh, this is, um, on the ad it says 14,940. You what?! Let me see that, and he snatches the paper out of your hand. Oh my goodness, I made a mistake. Uh, well, uh, well, uh, crap. I already, I already took the deal, so you gotta pay what it says on here. Oh my goodness, I'm gonna be bankrupt for this. Holy crap, my family's going to die.
Not my problem. Damn, my head was a bit richer and I thought I was heartless. Sorry, that came out of nowhere. In the small font on the bottom of the paper of each of the requests, it says, all writing on this paper is final, no changes may be made.
Walter's like, sucks, man. All right, let's go. And he just goes out, like, crying his head off. He's like, the berries are over there. And he points to a collection of, let me think about it, 27 crates of orange berries that need to be taken inside. Walter's like, all right. They're stacked in a cube. A fighting type should be able to get this over with quickly.
Alright, I want you to roll strengths. Which is a tough roll. Tough roll. Thirteen. Okay, thirteen. With a thirteen, you managed to get about half of the boxes in in about an hour. And now you are really tired. I want you to roll strengths again with disadvantage. Okay. Okay, fifteen.
Okay, with a 15, somehow you move even faster because you're tired, and you manage to get all the boxes inside. And as he's inside, Big Richard is in there, blowing his nose. He's like, you gotta please tear this thing up. I'll cut you 1,400, or 1,494. I can't pay this. Oh my goodness, it's gonna kill me. It's not making me feel bad.
My family is going to instantly die for some reason. This only takes 10,000. Oh, it's better than nothing. Any hands you 10,000. Okay. My family's gonna be dead for some reason. I don't know why I said that the first place, but now it is true. Walt is like here in some hands of the Boca burger.
for your trouble. Oh yeah, you have one boca burger left, like three or something like that. One, I kept it because then I realized, oh wait, sleeping just automatically fills belly. So you hand him one soggy boca burger that's been in your bag for like three and a half days. And he's like, what the man? Oh wait, I have to sense a butt.
You're really letting all your pent-up aggression from work come out here. I'm dying. He runs out of a store just crying. And you may add 10,000 poke to your character sheet. Holy crap. I'm at 13,653 so far. Oh my goodness.
oh you well uh i don't want to be too heartless uh i only took 10 and because the payment was paid upon uh or in person the mission in your hand evaporates and it is gone i was just gonna say i was going i just handed back to the exp loud i thought you just handed to the person that gives that nope these are magic contracts
magic does exist. In a world of Pokemon where all creatures are magic, you're really surprised. It is at this point that I must mention that it is approaching evening. The sun is setting currently and you still have a two hour hike back towards the tower. If you wish to spend a night in Hawkeye, you may do so, but you must find a hotel to stay at. I'll just go back to the tower, sleep and come back.
So all right you spend the next two hours I need you to roll roll me
Give me a second. Rummy Survival, which is a beauty of life. Because you are going through dense trees through the hiking trail and halfway through a night suddenly slams and it's dark outside. Ten. Alright, with a ten you do get someone lost. It takes you a little bit extra time and you end up finding yourself in a bush of thorns.
so you do end up finding a way back but it is around 10 p.m by the time you get back it took you an extra hour to get back and you must remove one hp which doesn't matter don't even bother because you're about to go to sleep in your heel anyway you're probably hoping to get a nat one i just fall off a cliff hey welter fell off a cliff hit his head on some rocks and died talk about karma i have to have the strong army map my hand so as you get back you find the front door is locked
Hello? Hello? Hello? Did you break your fist? No, because I did it lightly today. This time, not the one I just slammed in my desk. So nothing happens. And it is starting to get a little chilly outside. I think it's like beginning of summer or something like that. Walter's going to go in the woods and try to start a fire. OK. I want you to roll survival once again, which is a beauty roll.
Survival, it's a beauty roll? Yes. Beauty, beauty, beauty, 17. 17, and now I want you to roll perception, which is also beauty. 14.
okay so as you start lighting a fire you're like sparking some flint some iron you found on the ground somehow it's just like some perfectly refined iron just sitting on the ground there's like medical metal claw oh yeah you got metal claw andy and you hear the door open it's like who's that what walter is that you out there you didn't let me in when i knocked
Yeah, you realize I gotta wake up, put my, get out of bed, and you can tell this is abyss talking. I gotta run down these stairs, check who's going on, and literally we're out here for like, what are you doing over there? Are you trying to start a fire? It's cold, man. It's like 60 degrees on your get in here. Walter's walks in's like. If you had waited like five more seconds, like holy crap dude.
I'm cold, man. Oh no, you're gonna die, are you? I might be a fighting type. I'm a wimp when it comes to gold. I can tell. Anywho, get out of bed. Selena wants to talk to you in the morning. I was about to say Walter looks blue, but he's already blue. He's a little bit more light. He's a little light. He's a little more light blue.
Okay, so I take it you're going to bed? Yes. Okay, as you head to bed. Roll. If you choose to wake up earlier, I'll let you do that. Otherwise, roll constitution, which is tough. He'll wake up earlier, because he's got two missions to do. Okay, as you wake up, it is what time would Walter wake up? What would what does Walter consider early?

Debating Time Travel and Fate

I'm trying to think.
He has to do like everything at the house and probably to do everything before he left to go to school. So I would probably say 6 to 7 30 around that. Okay, that's pretty cool. Yeah, that's fair. So six o'clock you go down to the dining room for breakfast as per usual and you see it's at the entire cruise there actually. Selena looks at you she's like, Oh, hey, well, I guess we'll have some breakfast first, but I want to talk to you afterwards. Oh,
Okay. I got two missions to do.
Well, I think those missions can wait, because we're going to talk about it a little bit more important than that. Walter shows a stack of money, but money? Whoa, holy crap. What happened? I might have drawn on some explosion out there in the general store. An explosion? What does that even mean? Explosion. Well, let's just say he tried to act tough, but couldn't back up what he had to say. What are you talking about? Do you mean an explode?
It's my braces, man. I can't say that. Oh, can you? I have, like, I have them out, but there's like a bottom layer that you always have to keep on, like a bottom layer. And that always makes me slurred. All right. All right. And a hit. Get some toast real quick, and I'll meet you upstairs. Same place as last time. Walter just scarfs down and just goes up. OK, you just stuff a piece of toast in your face, and you're like right behind Selena. He's got like the anime girl toast and mouth.
Just munching it as they walk up. Well, you wanted to know why I... You wanted to know why I wanted you here, right? Shake's head. Still got toasted mouth. You don't? Shake's head, yes. Like up and down, up and down. Well, that's nodding. Shaking your head means no. Nodding your head means yes. It's not the way I do it. I shake fast, up and down. Yeah, that's nodding. So... You nod your head. You nod your head, yes. He's like, alright, well...
I've been prepared for this. I didn't sleep well last night, that's why I was up so early. But, uh... No, I don't want to know. Okay, let me start. Alright, let me start from the beginning. I'm gonna... Okay, so. This might sound a little bit crazy, but I am from 20 years in the future.
Walter just gives like a he's like uh uh-huh he's got like a he's like stone cold confused like uh sure
Okay, do you believe in the legendaries? Do you believe in the legendaries? Do you believe in the legendaries? Do you believe in the legendaries? Do you believe in the legendaries? Do you believe in the legendaries?
I'm trying to think about it. I'm trying to think of any fighting type legendaries because of anything Those are probably the only ones you'd believe in because he probably inspired by them the Swords of Justice Tarracadonia Tarracadon is that what you said? I can't say their name. Okay, give me a break. I can't speak today. I can't Tarracadon. Is that a dinosaur? Give me a break
Just yesterday we had this on a pole. I can't pronounce it. Yeah. So Walter says, yeah, I've heard of to rack a dog. No, Walter's like, uh, I think, um, to rack on. Oh, that's, I, okay. That's a start. I guess. Um, do you know about Celebi and evil tall? Walter's like, huh?
Well, this is gonna be more difficult than I thought. Um... Alright, let me start even further back. Okay, so... There are these things that are called legendaries in this universe. Most people don't know of them because they never show the presence unless it is very much needed, so... In my case, uh... Celebi showed herself to me, and we'll get more on to that later, but Celebi is like... Uh, she... I'm not exactly sure. She controls time. She controls, like...
uh onions i think i'm not entirely sure uh so she controls time and she's like supposed to keep peace in nature i'm not entirely sure but what matters right now is that she can control time and she can send people to and from different time periods and then there's this god called Ivelto who is the god of death
uh he basically can he basically is the god of yeah he's the god of death oh this is so hard for me to explain uh he helps he doesn't help he maintains you know i don't even know what he does all i know is he's the god of death and that's all you need to know for the story there is a god they're all powerful beings
and they control the way the world works most people don't know this just because they never show themselves because they don't need to it only messes things up the more they show themselves so they try not to now here's the thing i want to say back 20 years ago but no in 20 years i was an eevee and i was on this train with my mom and the train like exploded i'm not entirely sure what happened but but uh my mom ended up dying and
We ended up getting to the train station and I was like crying, it was really horrible and it is with this we were going to just transition into a flashback.

Selena's Tragic Flashback

You see an Eevee sitting on a train platform crying her eyes out as two guards at the train station come up to see what happened as they see the train that pulled up had gigantic holes in it.
Clearly there's a large explosion and an Eevee comes off absolutely crying as the other crowds of people come flooding off the train as well. The Eevee stands on the side of the platform because she had just lost her mother and while she's sitting there crying
The green Pokemon shows its head in front of her and into Celebi. Celebi is like, hey, what happened back there was terrible. I think I could help you with this. If you want to save your mother, I think I know how you can bring her back.
if you I can travel you back to right before maybe you can like make amends with maybe you can stop the train from exploding I don't know I I can help you with this and Selena looks at the Celebi the green Pokemon in front of her she's like
you could you could do that i i can you really do that no pokemon has that power so celibee is like yeah yeah of course i can i i i'm not really supposed to do this but i i saw what happened it was so horrible i yeah just take a hold of my hand and selena takes a hold of celibee's hand and they zap out of existence and when they zap back into existence they are in a meadowy field and
what Selena sees is not Selena but Ivelto and Ivelto looks down at Selena he's like you cannot be time traveling not like this this is a power only legendaries are supposed to hold if you go back to the time where you were before there will be two copies of you if there are two copies of you one of you must die because two of you cannot exist in the same time as each other
If you are in the same exact time as each other, you will instantly die and your matter will be deleted from existence. Therefore, I, out of desperation and trying to correct Celebi's stupidity here, I'm going to say, I altered your path and now you are 21 years before when you were, because if Celebi had taken you back to where she was trying to take you,
you would have died instantaneously and so would she so you are now 21 years and you have 20 ish years 21 and like a half whatever years to fix you wrong or else you will die it doesn't matter if your parents are dead like there's gonna they were fated to die at this point anyway so there's nothing you can do to stop it you cannot stop death you cannot change time
without killing yourself and altering the timeline. So I can't put you back to where you were before because I can't just create matter of nothing.
Your matter was taken from your present time and now it is being put in the past time. If I transport you to in the future, then your matter will just be erased out of nothingness and your matter will be gone for a specific time. So I put you back in the past 21 years and you have that much time to figure whatever it is you want to do out now that you're in this messed up situation.
or you're just gonna die and that's what it's gonna be so you got 20 years I that's a who are you what do you mean who am I I am evil times a god of death I this is I haven't been around much have I
look all you need to know is you have 20 years to either save yourself or die trying if you die trying well more entertainment for me i guess uh but you need to get yourself out of the situation and i'm not going to help you with this if you die great i guess you'll get to see me sooner than i thought but this is not for me
I'm gonna have a word with Celebi after this. So, you, and he points like one of his gigantic wings at Selena, have this time to figure this out. You know, go. And he points to a local village of Hawkeye. This is the village of Hawkeye 20 years before, 20-ish years before your current time. You see that tower up there? And he points towards the tower. That tower is unoccupied. You can stay there for the time being.
consider this a kindness I could have just killed you and he disappears and we flash back to where you are currently and Selena's like yeah and I know that's like a lot to take in but uh ever since then I've been trying to find my way back to my own time and
Uh, there's been like, so there's been, I've noticed like, there's been these like weird rift things going on I heard over on Gale Beach. So I decided to go take a look at it because it sounded like more of those legend things that have been going on. And I heard from the whisk cast in the village that there's like these orbs that harness the power of these legends, but like nobody believes in the legends. So I got to find all these orbs and it'll like take me back to
when i was maybe maybe i can use the power of these orbs to transport me back to my current my real time but i i don't know where they are and from what i heard the only one i know of was owned by the flameback uh company so i went to gail beach because that's where the flameback company was that's where like all these rifts were and i
found you guys. I found the son of the owner of the Flameback Corporation and I figured if anyone would know where the orbs were, it would probably be them. So I went there and it turns out you guys just had the orb on your person for some reason. So we took it and I'm gonna use it to get back to my own time. It's gonna be great. And that's where we are now.
Walter's just got the thousand yards there because he's just been told that there are gods in this world that could kill anyone at any moment of this time. They can time travel and basically go back where you were born and just snap you away. He learns that death one's a jerk.
And he's learned that this girl was told flat out, if she goes back there, then there will be a giant space-time continuum happening, and yet she's still trying. Uh, essentially, yes. Uh, if, like, two, like, two people cannot occupy this. It's like the Peabody and Sherman movie. I don't remember what it's called.
Uh, people cannot occupy the same time as each other because, well, you're going to create more matter than there is in the universe. Uh, so you cannot occupy at the same time as yourself, uh, as a copy of yourself. So you either have to zap back to the exact point at which you were, uh,
transported from initial or just straight-up die whenever it comes to that point because matter cannot be created or destroyed. So to maintain the balance of matter, if you are in the same timeline as a copy of yourself, you just instantly die and your matter is removed. Hm. Walter's like, so you're saying this god of death, Ivelto, whatever, he basically told you
you travel back there you'll die no matter what you'll die and you're still trying to get there by trying to tampering with god powers that well that's the thing fully understand that's the thing i i don't know exactly what these things do yet and she holds up the blue orb that you see like from what i know these things have the power of gods and if the power of gods can time travel then maybe i can use these things to
travel back to like if i travel back to the exact instant in like plank time or whatever that i was teleported away from or like time traveled or whatever then i don't have to die i like it'll be as if i never left if if if it's exact if i have the exact same location
the exact same time and exact same amount of matter, it won't matter. No pun intended. I'll be fine. I don't think I can save my mom. Maybe I can save my mom in the process. I don't know. But Celebi tried that with their godlike powers, and Revolta said that wouldn't work. And now you're trying to do what Celebi tried to do, but you're untrained with those powers.
So there's no telling what kind of damage you'll do to the timeline. But I have to try! That's the thing. I have to try. Or else I will die in 20 years time. Which, yeah, that may seem like a long time, but it took me a whole year to find this thing. Just drink to the orb. I can't just sit around and enjoy my life as is. I need to get back to my current time.
If I get back to my current time, also, I won't, like, have aged at all, I don't think. I'm not entirely sure about that. Like, because I've aged in the past, I'm not sure if I'll have returned back to Eevee or File B. Because I think that's, like, the whole matter thing Evelto was talking about. I have to have the same amount of matter as I did before, so I think if I use these orbs to somehow transform back into an Eevee, then I don't know. I have to try.
You can see Selena's getting visibly excited at this point.

Walter's Mission Challenges

that could lead to chaos and destruction and mayhem? But I have to try because I don't know like I've kind of given up on the idea of saving my mother but if I am able like there's a slight possibility that might be a thing but my main objective right now is just to get back to my current time
i've been well i've yeah i've been here for almost let me think i said a year i think it's been closer to uh eight months now yeah i spent about eight months i've been here and i've finally got the single orb and i have no idea where the others would be absolutely none and i have 20 years to find the the orbs
and just zero clue if they even exist. I'm going off the word of this whisk cache that's in the village down there and she said there's like some orbs and I found one of them so maybe the others do exist. Have you also thought of this? You're tampering with god powers? Exactly! And the hell does he want me to get back to my time? That if you're tampering with the powers of the gods
what to say that gods won't come looking for who's using that kind of power because they don't know who's using it but think about it this way what Yveltal was saying is that my mother was fated to die i'm not saying like but to what he's just fated i think the world is like controlled by fate which means
No matter what I do, the outcome is already predetermined. So maybe I'm already destined to succeed, or maybe I'm destined to fail. And I have to at least try, because if I'm destined to succeed, then I can't just give up now, because then I don't mean I'm destined to fail. So maybe fate isn't a thing anyway. I don't know. I have to try. I am. This is above board. I am in a predicament here.
Are you? Because I know eventually they'll fight a legendary going down this path. I know eventually they will. Probably Wyveltal or Celebi, because Celebi will have to fix its mistake. Was the train bombing a reference and not a scratch? It is in fact the same train bombing, yes. That was mentioned. The first one or the second one? What do you mean? There was only one train bombing.
I saw there were more. Pretty sure there was only one. Oh, so it was Team Rock's fault, oh yeah, that this happened. Yeah, there was only one train bombing as far as I know. One hand, I want to help her. See, the good in me is wanting to help her dream here, but the logical that I'm trying to think of Walter is,
uh what's it like i i like that you're optimistic but you do know wouldn't it just be better to be able to get to god powers and just try to make way to die but not also time travel like create a shield for you so you don't just disappear
That's not how the universe works. You see, if I even exist in the same time as a copy of myself, no matter what I do, my matter will be removed. You cannot create or destroy matter. It doesn't matter if I make a shield or whatever.
I'd have to, even if I didn't time travel, I'd have to remove. The only alternative is if I use these god-like powers to remove my previous self, therefore removing the matter that was before, while also removing me, but that will also remove matter from the universe so I can't do that. My only option is to try and get back to where I was before.
But what stops them from stopping you to time travel? Why not did that to Celebi? Couldn't they just do to you? The fact that I'm gonna die if I don't? You do realize you'll have to be so precise for this. They even have a slim chance of time traveling. And that's why these are god-like powers! Like, surely that has to mean something, right? I hate how this is making some sense.
I just want to point out that this is the very first plot point of the overarching story of everything. This took me about three months to come up with the entire story, so... You have no idea how long I spent on this story. I almost debunked it immediately by saying why Velto could just stop it. Which is probably gonna happen. Are you saying this in character?
I already said it before. I said why Valta's probably gonna stop it and she argued with me. Walter just goes, I guess it's with a shot, but it took you a year to find one. And if it'll take you multiple years to find the other one, who knows how long it'll take for you to master them or even know how to use any power.
Camping with the gods is not the best solution. Yeah, I've got 20 years to figure this out, so I don't know. I have to... I mean, I feel like once we collect all the orbs, we'll know what to do. I don't know exactly how to use these just yet, but apparently industry orbs... I think the first step we should focus on is just getting the orbs, because if we get the orbs, then we can move on to the next step and then figure out what to do from there.
Koda, why do you do this to me? What did I do to you? I was so sure she was a villain. I was so sure. And now I'm unsure. I was ready to manipulate her friends and use her against them. I was so ready to use that.
I'm glad I make you feel this way because that means I've leveled up as a storyteller. I was about to go to another avatar reference. I was about to do Prince Zula and her friends convince them to turn against her. Okay. Now I don't know if it's good to do that because her outcome seems true, but it's also selfish because she's going to be putting the whole universe at stake doing this.
That's when you wish you have a party to help so after Selena says See the reason I'm telling you this in the first place rather than just taking the orb and running is I I Need more people to help me. Do you think that do you do you think your friends are gonna be hostile towards me? If you explain that to them
Cause I kind of put myself in a bad situation here. Huh. What's it? What's it? Good thing your house is made of stone. Let's put with that. Yeah. Yeah, really. Cause I don't trust one of my members around wood. If they treat, this is how they treat their friends. I hate to see how they treat the enemies. Okay. Well, why don't you take the day to go do these missions and then tomorrow we can go see if we can find your friends.
No, they're probably on my trail. I left a trail for them. Yeah, I guess we'll see about that. I don't know. Wait, what do you mean you left a trail for them? You honestly didn't think I left something for them when you dragged me here, right? She rolls her eyes. She's like, well, I mean, retrospectively, that annoys me. But I guess that makes things easier for me now. So now I'm thinking in my head, I just I just left the trap. They're going to get jumped.
Yeah, I should not have said that. So why don't you go finish these missions and I will get in contact with you tomorrow to figure this out. Well, because okay, and Cecilia leaves contemplating life now after learning this gods. Okay. So with this knowledge of mind, are you going to do these next missions? Yeah.
He's going to do the find item first, then the stop boss. Hello and welcome to the midsection. I'm Dakota, your PM, your DM, your GM, and I have a few inaccuracies to address. In the backstory you just heard from Selena, she mentioned that she had
that she has been in the past for about a year, two years or something like that. Looking back at my notes and taking a look at some of the things we've done in future episodes that we've already recorded, Selena has been in the past for eight years already. When she had time traveled to the past, she had time traveled back 28 years, not 21. She has already been in Hawkeye for about eight years.
So Selena, Abyss, and Brie have known each other for most of that time and just need to keep note that she has already been in the past for eight years and she has 20 years to fix her mistake. That is a very big inaccuracy. I have to address right there at the start because it will affect things in the future. Going forth, that is the logic we go by.

Correcting Mission Rewards

In future episodes, when we talk about it, you will hear us talk about 28 years or how Selena started being here for eight years. That is why.
So, sorry for those inaccuracies, but other than that, we must get to the question of the episode, which this week comes in from Sean, and he asks, if your cat could be a player, what kind of Pokemon would Toppolo be?
For those who don't know, Tupelo is my cat. You've probably heard him the back of the background of the episode quite a few times because he is so noisy. He is a very gentle and well-behaved cat for the most part, other than him just being absolutely loud. So honestly, Sean's asking what kind of Pokémon would Tupelo be. I'm gonna say either a Sprigotito or more of like a Persian.
Cause he just likes laying down and being inactive for long periods of time. So I am going to go with that. I'm going to say Persian. Tupelo would be a Persian. He is a very good well-behaved cat, except for when I'm recording. Then he's constantly on my desk. He's constantly screaming in the background.
If you want to submit questions to the question of the episodes, go join our discord, which is linked below, along with all of our other social medias. Other than that, I must thank the music producers for this episode. This episode, we have Goomba Village from Paper Mario 64, Toad Town from Paper Mario 64, Time Gear Remix from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky, Rogueport from Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door,
And the last one is friend area forest from pokemon mr. Gunter and red rescue tube Sorry for the inaccuracies. Let us get back to the episode So your first mission is The first mission is by decidueye it is worth 5,040 poke I dropped my I dropped my
Sorry, it's worded as I dropped my item near place. I can't find it. I dropped my power band near Hawkeye and I can't find it by Decidueye. No, that's probably a good one. The second one is by Sentret, who works 6,320. My boss is out of control. Someone please take care of them. In quotation marks. Kmalt is already known for murder. He'll be good. Well, you've got no moral quandaries about killing someone without question.
Walt, I'm just saying this now, Walt has gone cold-blooded. I can tell. He just did not just see him strung arm and ex-blowed. Okay, so which one of these are you doing first? He's gonna do the Sid, Decidueye one first, then the boss one. Okay, so. I feel like the stop boss is stop the boss, like the boss fight. Listed on your contract is an address of the Decidueye. It is near the edge of the city.
You will go there. Yep, I figured as much. So you have there, it takes you about two and a half hours from the tower. And once you get there, you come across a wooden house with a straw roof. Oh no. This place ain't gonna survive when Bruce gets here. He just knocks on the door. Alright, knock knock and... Ow! Good job, it's not like you beat your desk in half.
It wasn't the first knock. The first knock was fine. The second knock hurt. So as you knock on the door, it opens up and you see a decidueye. It is a, uh, it is a Hisui and decidueye actually. And as they open the door, um,
says like can I help you he just holds his contract like uh you need help looking for something oh someone's here to do the power band okay cool cool cool cool uh yeah so so um
Also, I, out of character, I just now realized why the prices were so high. When I generated these, well, I generated these at the end of last episode, if you know, you know, Jake will understand, but they were listed for a party size of four, which multiplies everything by four. It is, since we're a party size of one, all of the rewards are four times larger than they're supposed to be.

Shop Negotiations and Morality

So I, but hey, it's written on the paper. No changes can be made on the contract once it's written. So I can't change that. Um, it's way higher than it's supposed to be, but I've realized that's why it's so high. What is this going to be the money bags of this team? The rich guy called killer. Yeah. He's so the destroyers like, uh, come on, Ed, come on, Ed, come on. And he like waves you inside.
And as he walks in cautiously, getting invited to a stranger's house. And as you walk in, you find that it is basically just a hut with a single table in the center. Nice digs! And like one bag on the edge of the room.
And as you sit down at this table, which this drives us to see the decision, why pulls out a teapot and some tea cups out of the bag and place them on the table. He's like, uh, can I get you like some coffee or tea or something? Oh, no, thank you. I already had my stuff for this morning.
uh okay okay i'll mix up for myself then yeah this is why it goes and pulls a stove out of the bag and places it on the ground whoa and here walter rubs his eyes making sure he ain't seeing things uh yeah sorry this is my mori poppins bug of holding
I don't know what it is. It's the Mary Poppins bag with the Maury Poppins bag of holding. It's the Pokey Poppins bag. The Pokey Poppins bag of holding. Yeah, it's got a very big inside. And as he starts making tea. So you see, I got this power band not too long ago. It was on my arm, but it fell off and now I don't know where it is. So I'm offering anyone about 5,000 poke and a sweet bean gummies to anyone who can find it.
Walter says, okay, when did you learn that you dropped it? Like, where were you? Where all the places you were when you lost it? The secret thing is I was just like out doing my gardening and then I looked down at my arm and it was gone. And she points towards the window where her garden is. You can see it out the window. Walter says, I'll have a look and I'll be back in a few. Okay, I need you to. All right, so you head outside and I'm not even gonna make you roll for it. There is a power band on the ground.
What the heck? He picks it up. Question, how much do they sell for? That is a good question. Let me see. Let me see if I'm going to just sell it. Oops, hold on one second. Power band, let me see. It is currently going for, well, I can't tell you that now because you'll have to appraise it at a shop. But I don't know how much this is. But Walter knows since he got one for a gift.
Uh, if you got one as a gift, you did not buy it, so no. Walter just gives it to the finders, like, here you go. Oh, thank you! Wow, you found that so fast! Where was it?
uh it was just on the ground what do you mean by it was on the ground just on the ground in your garden like like out there she points towards the garden yes uh money please
Yup, the contract is as the contract says. Uh, okay. Yeah, and she has you five thousand four deep. Okay, and three blue gummies. Yeah, I forgot what the glue gummies. How much do they sell for it? Well, I mean, you won't know until you get to a shop, but Walter goes to the general store real quick. Okay, you go to the general store. Let me make sure this is what I think it is.
He also phrases his armband to make sure he knows how much it's worth next time he sees one. I just think we hear in the background someone crying.
We're just a steel-headed ex-blood crying. So, yeah, he uh, so are you asking him about your two things? Oh yeah, um, I got a question. How much are- would I get for these three- for a blue gummy? Also, how much do powerbanges that go for nowadays? Are you looking to buy or to sell? Because I can sell you a powerband for about 3,000 right now. I just needed the price, but the blue gummies I'm thinking of selling.
uh the gummies i'm selling right now are buying for about 50 a piece 75 uh about 50 all right actually i should have you roll persuasion uh 18 plus whatever it is all right 75 is a deal he hands all three of them you have got to be kidding me dude oh my god
I'm a stone going killer, I do. If you tell any of the party, they are going to kill you. Why? Oh my god. Do you have any idea how incredibly valuable gummies are as an item? How much do you sell them for? It's too late. He took it. You succeeded on your roll. So he hands you 225 poke.
it is too late i can't wait till this episode releases and the discord is going to absolutely destroy you to be fair oh my goodness i already have enough IQ points i don't like here
No, you don't you're supposed to have many hundreds of IQ points. I changed the entire IQ system. Oh, yeah I'm like, how much how much do I have to do to buy them? Let me see. They are going for They're going for 3,000 apiece. I can I have three blue gummies. I can sell you for 9,000 poke. I
What does, like, how about I just buy them for a hundred each and I don't tell you when you're scamming people. Whoa, whoa! Holy crap. Um, why don't you do us a little thing I like to call Rolling for Persuasion? And I'm going to roll Persuasion against you. Mm-hmm. And what did you roll? 15. Uh-huh. He rolled an 18. So he's like, I'll sell them for you. I'll sell them to you for 3,500 flat.
For all? All right. No, for each. Sorry, man.
But before anything, Walter, he leaves the general store. I don't know if he has a pull up. He's going to pull out a piece of paper, write something like, general store, scams people, awful prices, needs to promote the guy in back, awful owner, sticks it in the board and walks away. All right, you do that and you can see the shop manager come up and just take it down immediately. Oh, that's the filing property. That's probably property. He gets arrested for that. It's my own property. You're the one who just...
Defause my property? What are you talking about? But a public, public, f-board is for the public. This isn't public. If it's for people to post stuff on, it's not, it's public. Oh, I thought you put it on his shop. No, I put it on the public board where they put jobs at. Well, that's a mission board, not a public board. No, he sticks it aside, not on the side, he just sticks it aside so it's not officially a mission. Whatever, okay, it's there, whatever. Okay, so.
Walter's got a big beef with this guy now after he just scammed me. She didn't scam you. Jake, you're just an idiot. I forgot how useful they were. Oh my god, I revamped the entire IQ skills to utilize these. And nope, they're just gonna go get sold for pennies instead. I didn't know how expensive they were, or actually how good they were. I haven't watched- You could've heard the price and just not.
uh okay so your third mission uh i'm gonna make it i'm gonna make it up this mission uh-huh it is by a centra and the offer is 60 60 6320 and it says my boss is out of control someone please take care of him and the address is listed and it is the general shop
Does he say, what was that Pokemon that runs the thing again? I forget. It was, it's a male Kangaskhan. He said, is it the Kangaskhan? It just lists the address and the boss of the address is that male Kangaskhan, so yes. Okay then. Oh my gosh. It has the address of the person who posted it, right?
Uh, no, it only lists the address of the hit. Oh my gosh, it's gonna be the explode. He's the one who posted it. Well, it says Sentret on it. Did I see a Sentret working there? Uh, you did not. Oh my gosh. Alright, Walter, take care. Do I just murk him?
Walter will go to the store again. I have an idea. I'm basically just going to rat out the guy who did this and say I'll tell you if you give me those three gummies back. Okay, so you're going into the store and
He's saying, I'll say someone has posted a job to do something against your store. Something very bad against your store. I'll tell you which one of your employees said it or posted it and put this much reward on it, if you can give me back my gummies. So you hand us a piece of paper to him. No, no, I don't hand it to him. I have it in my hand, show him, but I'm covering the part where it says who sent it.
okay okay so you show him the part that says my boss is out of control etc so you you showed us to him and he's like what the how do i know this is about me how do i know you're not just scamming me because it has your address right here it says this the place
oh my goodness it does holy crap uh why does holy why does someone have a head up uh um so i'll take back the gummies plus one and i'll rip this up and then and i won't put this back on the board uh sure yep just take the uh the three blue gummies back for free i think i think you should do one one more after having that my attitude with me i don't have another blue gummy but i've got a uh orange gummy here and he hands that to you just like i'll take another power band can i
Don't get too greedy. Why don't you roll persuasion for that? Wait. Oh, no, I thought for a second I thought the power band was more expensive that was less expensive than gummy dumb. No All right about the same they're actually about the same price, but you are asking for more now I'll just I'll just take the gummy the other gummy said Okay, so you now have three blue gummies and one orange gummy. He's like all works out in the end. Oh
you're not here to take I feel like I could take you on honestly you're not here for that are you oh no I'm just saying he starts ripping it up I would have just put it back on the board and the paper evaporates do you know who posted that I mean you just kind of destroyed it
oh yeah it was a centrip it was a what and she's like that that was an ex employee of mine he uh wow i didn't think he hated me that much jeez he dropped a crate of petra berries one time and i yelled at him i didn't think holy crap
that's not wow okay well um i'm gonna have to get the plates on that okay oh thank you question mark for robbing me but also telling me about this we'll cover cause of swear
okay yeah he was he puts his hand to the side it's like i'm not going to take a risk fighting someone in town my first week here okay you know you just have a good day and he uh whips you on he says i hope you don't
I hope there's not another one on the board tomorrow. I will might not be in the same mood You don't actually I've got an idea and she pulls out a piece of paper and you can see what he is writing He says my ex-employee is out of control. Someone please take care of them I'll just like you stay by the doors like I'll take that Yeah, I just take it. I guess what's the reward on it? It is for a party size of one for a rank 2 it is 530 poke
He looks at it, looks at it. This is a rank two and looks at it. Man, you guys, you really don't care about finding him. Your guy was promising six thousand. Oh, my goodness. Also, yeah, do you point out that the reward was supposed to be a little over a thousand? And the error made it six thousand. So he's like, well, take it or leave it. I'm posting it on the board. Sure. Why not?
I could do something while I'm bored. Maybe he'll have some pokey. Maybe he'll have that 6,300 at him when I get him. Good grief. Walter is just heartless. He's like, yeah, I'll kill this guy to entertain myself. Good grief, Jeffrey Dahmer. I'm just going to become heartless after his stepdad's death. Like, he does not give no f's. Good grief. OK. He has let his party push him around between these not existed. They burned down his house. And then they act like everything's fine with him.

Conclusion and Tease for Future

Yeah, okay, so you leave you leave the shop and that is where we're going to end this episode I've been Dakota your PM your DM your jam I've been Jacob your heartless killer Yeah, and we will see you guys next time