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Unnecessary Roughness NFL Week 11

Nonsensical Network
18 Plays3 months ago

Glick and the guys make their picks and talking some shit


Introduction and Social Media Promotion

What is going on everybody? Happy Sunday. You know what time it is. It's time for a little unnecessary roughness right here on the non-sensical network.
And if you're not following us, we'll shame on you. Go ahead and check us out. We are everywhere.

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Facebook, Instagram X and tick tock shows are live Monday through Sunday on YouTube. And you can listen anytime, any place where we listen to podcasts at all at the nonsensical network or simply go to bio slash nonsensical network. All them links are going to be there, including links to our merch store. Yes, we do have merch. Ladies and gentlemen, we greatly appreciate that. If you check it out, maybe grab you a little stuff.
It is getting chilly out. We have hoodies. Buy yourself two because if you got a significant other, you know, she's going to take one.

Host Catch-Up and Personal Updates

Anywho, you guys know me. I'm Glick. Been a little bit of a hiatus. Good to be back. Got my boy big Rick in the building. And last but not least, just celebrated a birthday. He's like 53 now. Oh, 61. The and only.
yeah What's going on with you guys? You know, living in my best life trying to get healthy. I'm trying to get like Jack Paul. What? Yeah, just paid. Trying to get paid. and who Who I got to fight. 60 mil between the two of them.
Jeez Louise. Yeah, that was a lot of money now. I'll be a belated birthday I know you just had a birthday a few days back man. ah yeah twenty five big twenty five happy fifty second birthday I It's good to be in our 20s still I'm only 23 so um um i feel Like I've matured yeah That's a lie
I'm 23 with 20 years of maturity. I love when they show McAfee clips on fucking football shows. He was such a fun kicker to watch. yeah Oh, dude, I love Pat. I still love Pat. Like, you watch any other kicker in the NFL and they're like, meh, meh, meh, whatever. Nobody's having fun. McAfee just had a fucking blast on that field.
to Pat has a blast in life in general. You're right, you're right. He has a life hanging out and being alive. he's That dude definitely doesn't take life for granted. No, I would love to have the opportunity to just like... I would say hang out with him for two hours. yeah i would I would say hang out with him with for for like five minutes, but I know his personality and my personality. It's got to be two hours minimum. The sun would be coming up. be and we We would be like,
The hell just happened, you know, be like walking out of the dot of the strip club and varsity blues. Yeah. Right.

Sports Commentary and Criticism

right Uh, man, speaking of Pat, I don't know if you guys seen yesterday, he trolled that he, I love when he chose other schools, he trolled that hell out of Tennessee during game day yesterday. may Oh, it was a little with his pick.
You know, yeah he he started singing Rocky Top and Cody Rhodes was there. song Yeah, I watched that. I was like, Oh, dude. So now, ah so with that said, they're every single team in the SEC to my knowledge is a loss team. Yeah. So I don't have a clue which one of them is going to make the playoffs. I have no fucking clue.
um Oh no, Texas is just a one loss team. I keep forgetting there in the SEC now. Yeah. Texas, Texas is a one loss team right there. Yeah. I'm looking at, it well, I mean, it's the top 12 schools and technically Georgia's 12, Alabama's 10, Tennessee is seven. I don't think Tennessee, is I don't think Tennessee will fall out though.
I don't know. I don't uh I saw your uh SMU **** Mustang's one. Yeah. i Let's go SMU. Yeah, I don't know how they're going to drop that new uh the new rankings but like yeah, Tennessee Tennessee still has that that big winner of Alabama and Georgia lost Alabama. Yeah, it's like there's uh and then who else was it that Georgia lost to that was a bad look?
mississippi Yeah. Ole Miss. Ole Miss. Yeah. And then Alabama lost to Vanderbilt. Yep. Yeah, so it ended Texas beat Georgia. Who was it handed Tennessee their first loss was in Texas? okay the Or Tennessee's first loss? Yeah, was it was in Texas. It was it was Arkansas. Oh, Arkansas. Yeah. Kansas. Yeah. So, yeah, I don't know, man.
and how long other it yeah jump ball in the scc right now that's what it is i think the big tens pretty much locked in married in the fucking scc Yeah. I think the big pretty much a lot for running the, running the playoffs this year. Yeah. They're going to have a couple of teams in there. Did you see what they did? The Indiana coach extended him on an eight year contract because he's having one good year with Indiana.
I mean, you know, I think the job, I think college is notorious for jumping the gun on that. sure I agree. I agree wholeheartedly. I agree with that wholeheartedly, but also, I mean,
Indiana has been its way is notoriously bad for years. Yeah. But why don't you give him? Why don't you give him a ah new team? Because, you know, if he does good this year, players are drafting like their draft. Oh, yeah. And he's gay from scratch all over. So you should have probably waited. Give him like a three year. Give him the chance to take that new team that he's going to get after the draft and build that if he can succeed with that. Then let's talk about an eight year contract extension, but an eight year contract extension. on It's.
One good season. Yeah, it's it's it's a it's a it's it's kind of wild. I agree with you. It's it's it's definitely a definitely wild. There was I didn't watch any college ball yesterday. Oregon had a had a tight game against Wisconsin. Obviously Georgia beat Tennessee South Carolina beat Missouri. Let's go Gamecocks Penn State beat all up on Purdue.
ah SMU, as you said, they're continuing to roll. I want to see them crack the top 12. I think it's going to happen eventually. Who? SMU. Oh, sorry. I missed that. The Gators beat LSU. My Alabama was on a bi-week. They're doing their typical, well, it's in the season. Time to play the school, the parapetal. They're the big merges, sir.
Fucking Colorado is continuing to win. Oh my God. That's our phone.
why ah
I'm sorry. I'm watching the CBS man. They're showing like bills and Ravens heading up to another breaking fake tables. Oh yeah. Uh, and then of course, Ohio state rolled Northwestern. So.
Yeah, he got a concussion from that. Flattery is the best form of, or impersonation is the best form form of flattery, isn't it? Yeah. It's gonna be like the Bills. The whole lead up to it, the whole lead up to it, they did some big wrestling, like, I don't know what you call it, like a monologue. There was a, dang, man, these old men, bro, out here jumping around like that, like, come on, man. I'm worried for them, you know Where they were like save the tables and they had blue put a guy through a table But oh boy, he put through the table Did not look like he did very well coming out the other end of that Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Like man, this is rough. Like whose idea was this? professionals of buffalo to go through the tables please like We know what we're doing
Yeah. But do you know because I've seen some videos of Buffalo fans absolutely eating shit trying to go through tape. I mean, we we we do, but we may not always know what we're doing, but we have enough alcohol to at least pretend it. I mean, when you're doing shots from a bowling ball, you're doing all right.
When you drink enough to stand outside at a Bill's game in sub zero temperatures with no shirt on, you know, we can consume some booze. That's, that's, that's just, uh, let's be, let's be honest. And the same thing could be said about Cleveland Browns fans. We just have a lack of brain cells that work. Yours is the alcohol yours his lack of brain cells. Oh, no, ours is definitely alcohol. i And if you, trust me, I, it's Been around enough Cleveland Browns fans and been to enough Browns pregame. I've never been down to the Muny lot, that's on my bucket list. I wanna go there so bad. The Muny lot, that's where they tailgate down in Cleveland. My sister wouldn't let me go- I think it's like the municipal parking lot or something like like that, but they call it the Muny lot. Yeah, my sister wouldn't let me go to the big tailgate spot when they
when they, uh, when we went to the game, cause she said that I would never make it to the game. I'd be too drunk. like There's a lot of people that don't even actually have tickets for the games that go down to the top. No, no, no, I know. and There's people, there's people in Buffalo that bring TVs and generators and stuff. Just watch the game right outside the stadium, just to enjoy the fucking party. I remember, uh,
I remember years and years ago, I'm going to the Michigan game up in Epidana Harbor and there was even way back then, people still had like them old school TV set up in the back of their trucks and shit like that. And they're like, yeah, we got tickets. We just came here to party. Like, hell yeah.
ah Now, ah so they're talking about, they're talking about the three rival games today. Right now you've got, uh, the Steelers and, uh, the Ravens as a rival game. yeah And you've got the Packers and the bears, and then you've got the newest, probably hottest rivalry in the NFL. They're saying, saying the chiefs of the bills. They're saying, that's so um I don't know why they didn't put that game on, on prime time.
I know it's a four 30 game. Like what the fuck? Yeah. Like this is the game of it. This is the game of the week. What is the Sunday night game? It should have been a money bingles chargers. Oh yeah. They missed on that. And then what's Monday night, Texas Cowboys. Oh yeah. They definitely miss. Yeah. Yeah. Both of those.

Fantasy Football and Streaming Issues

Oh, shit. man I bet you came to Eli with the man and caster. They say they can get the Bills Chiefs game. Right. Uh huh. Real quick. Yeah. Anybody. Anybody in the fantasy football world. Make sure you check your lineups. We got a half hour before games kick off. I don't know that I'm. It's it's **** kiddo out. What's the deal? du Who knows with him? I've got him. Kittle hamstring is listen questionable for Sunday's game answers unlikely to play.
Now if I, if I move him out of there and then he fucking plays, I'm going to be pissed. Yeah. Right. Okay. So especially because who's my backup? tight Fucking Ferguson is my backup tight end. All right. So pop quiz, hot shot. The hell. Stroud against Dallas or cousins against Denver. you I would do a Stroud against, uh, Cousins is kind of flopped the last couple of weeks, man. Yep. So I'm slated to get my ass beat this week. you' feel village
inna Dude, last league on one of my teams, I had Jamar Chase. score 55 something points and then the rest of my team didn't do **** and I lost. Yeah. Yeah. I was like, dude, come on. My my street continue, street continued II.
I am went three and oh again last week and I had players that didn't even play. I'm in three leagues and I wanted all three of them and I had players that didn't even frickin play Um, I just want to talk for one second. My, I'm watching my son's live, my son live stream his cod stuff right now, just cause I'm showing support for the kid. He just won his first ever war zone match. The first one he's played on a new BO six. Nice. I'll take, I'll take Hockinson in Tennessee, uh, over an injured kiddo. I've definitely been on that cod lately. Yeah. It's a, I'm not a fan of the new one.
Uh, it's growing on me. I'm like, dude, they got new to me as hell. Yeah. I like, I love the, the Brown Bay zombies being back. And I liked the, uh, the movement. I like when you're running against walls, they'd be leaning a little bit. And I liked being able to dive like sideways and should still be shooting. And she could be annoying when somebody's like just murdering me over and over again, but it's still fun.
my son's having one of his buddies is in there talking shit and spamming his chat and everything so I just put his buddy in timeout because I have mod rights on the fucking on his chat that's funny so this kid's in there talking shit so he put his ass in a 600 second timeout you sit for two minutes and then go what the fuck you did 600 second timeout sounds so bad it sounds so bad that it's all but and my son and i need my friends Well, you can hate him while he's quiet for 10 minutes And I will be pissed if freaking
kidtle play Anywho, speaking of fantasy football, real quick shout out to our boys over Bill King's Fantasy Football, Tony D and Rich and Bathurst and those guys doing their thing this morning before we came up. ah And as always, I'm all behind time. Look, I've been off for a week, y'all. You have to give me a break here.
ah Yeah, kiddo. What's up? to it's I just pop over to the comments and look who's there. Tony and rich. Uh, yeah, kiddo's unlikely this week. I just had to put Ferguson in. I'm still slated to beat Tony and his league, uh, Stroud against Dallas. Yeah. I would take Stroud kiddo. Same thing. So the eighty percent chance to play. What up, what up, what up, what up.
Uh, yeah, I don't know. Uh, fortunately I, if he plays, I can swap him out and fantasy or belt games. If he doesn't play, which I'm not mad at the replacement, I'll take a TJ, uh, Hopkinson as a replacement for kiddo. Uh, in the, in the podcast league and in my personal league, I'm going to steamroll cam. So cause he's a bitch, but, uh,
Before we get into our pictures, our picture, whatnot, like my fantasy. No, you're good. um I do just want to take a minute or two. Obviously, we had a huge event Saturday night on Netflix. Tyson versus Paul Friday night Friday. That was a Friday. night Yeah, Friday night. Sorry. Friday. Yes.
ah Obviously the biggest thing that came out of that was Netflix dropped the fucking ball. Big time. Huge. Ah, they cannot handle live streaming as of right now. They've got a, I know Jake Paul made a comment about, Oh, this was such a huge event that we crashed Netflix and servers. That's not something to be proud of because a lot of people are pissed off.
Let me tell you, I didn't crash the servers. I i put it on Facebook. I stopped watching Netflix about five years ago because I got tired of the constant buffering, like constant constant, constant, constant, constant. I was like, this is stupid. I could be on the fastest Internet ever and they cannot keep up. So I stopped watching. That's the first time I actually had to download it onto my TV.
and relog in again to be able to watch it because that's how long it's been since I've used the fucking app because it started and everything on it is B-rated shit or two-year-old stuff. So I have no use for it.
They've got a bunch of new stuff on there. They've got a bunch of their, they've got a bunch of pretty good original stuff as well. You know, uh, we, we, we watch it from time to time. Nikki's got a few shows that she watches, but they absolutely fucking shit the bed and I need to get it fixed before next year because next year they're going to be doing, uh, WWE is coming to net WWE.

Tyson vs Jake Paul Fight Recap

Yeah. They, they fucking made money. They better be able to get it fixed.
So, um, I, I feel like, and, and you know, Tyson is still, in my opinion, he's, he's the goat. He's the greatest of all time. One of the best champions ever. Um, I feel like this was a bullshit fight. Jake Paul rushed you at the beginning. Fucking Tyson hit him with a three piece combo. And then all Jake did was run from him the rest of the fight. Yeah, you could also see man at one point in time.
yeah that that Yeah, but at that beginning, though, there was an opportunity that Tyson had where he literally ducked around and Jake Paul was like, his ah right side was wide open. I mean, wide open, arm down, everything. And Mike was right there. I mean, he could have uppercutted him. He could have hooked him, overhanded him, anything. And he didn't do anything whatsoever. And it was just like, nah, that's not it.
um if i you if i had paid for that i would have been fucking live it oh yeah why they go why they did the netflix thing You know Because I feel like man if it was an event like pay-per-view or something they a lot of people been pissed off But since it was free Yeah, it's like, you know No big deal Yeah, I think yeah, I think that's I agree with that. If if that would have been paid if people want to pay for that. I mean, I ain't paid for a fight in years, but.
um Tyson's age definitely showed. I'm i'm happy that he with the eight rounds, but you can tell he was getting gassed about three or the first two rounds, so yeah. ah But. I don't know. i then Fucking thank you for messing with me. He made a joke. I'll fight Logan next. And Logan Paul, I'll kill you, motherfucker. I'll fucking kill you, he said. Quote of the night, though. Quote of the night goes to Tyson. I saw you were biting on your glove. You have a problem with your mouthpiece? No, I have a biting fixation. Yeah, I will say, the other thing that drove me crazy was
The commentators, the reporters, they were all acts. I'm sorry. They were all, Oh my God. that bit whiteman Can't jump. Announce that fight. Rosie. I'll tell you what I thought. you could turn I thought Roy Jones Jr was hilarious. one joe has The best. of yeah Well, because he's knowledgeable. But the things he was saying were funny, bro. He was like, I don't like Mike Leggs at 58, man. I don't like Mike Leggs. And he was like, I think we seen about all we're going to see from Mike tonight. I was like, Jesus. Here's another thing about that. All Mike's training videos, all Mike's training videos, he was fast. He was high, low, level changes, everything. right Then he comes into the fight, and all of a sudden, he has a random knee race. Yeah. And he was real stiff and standing up. He wasn't really like, you know, yeah yeah, his side to side was good, but his level changes weren't there. Why was the knee brace? And if I was a better in Vegas or something, I'd be fucking mad. Why was his knee brace never disclosed prior to that? Not only that, I feel like man, since he old like that, they should have put them braces on like Lineman wear.
you know what i mean like he should have had some support you know because he need those legs because you could tell that too like his age like his upper body is still good but he couldn't really move himself to get in the positions that he really needed and you know what i'm saying because in his training videos he was moving like that right yeah Let's see that the difference is in the training videos You're not really worried about the other guy hitting you so you can just move forward You see what I'm saying? So he was moving forward left right the train videos, but in the real fight He can't really change position as good as he used to so he didn't want to just drive forward and leave Jake Paul the opportunity just knock him out because he couldn't really jump back to miss blows but Still he should have went forward anyway in my opinion
e the game day team and if our game day team is picking the bills chiefs game right now and yeah people they all go through richway ah the boo went bills kurt went case <unk> sure is ah Yeah Kyle's on the bills ah Yeah, I just The fight itself, i it was kind of boring. I was kind of upset. I stayed up for it, but I can't remember who said it, but one one of the one of the commentators, I think he said it best, and I agree with this at the end of the day. If Jake Paul wins, he just beat a guy that's 31 years older than him and almost 60 years old. If Jake Paul loses, he just lost to a guy.
ah right which There's no real win-win in this situation for Jake Paul outside of the fact that he got $40 million, dollars which is a huge win. I think overall, man, it was a good tribute to Mike. Yeah, I guess. You know what I mean? I agree with that. But shout out to two young ladies that absolutely stole the show that night.
Oh, my God. Yeah. And beat the shit out of each other. Yeah, that was that was what I did not expect that fight. And they were just throwing hands the whole time. That was a hell of a fight. Serrano and Taylor. Shout out to those two young ladies. They absolutely stole the show Friday night. It Man alive. I did not expect them. And and Serrano did her head split wide to hell open. Like that was it Oh, I know, right? Right. Still that doctor at one point in time. She's all that doctor. She said, I'm good. I'm fighting. yeah Hey, you want to know what's funny? My son, he's 11. We're sitting there and the and Netflix froze up and buffered.
right when they was like up close on that girl and her and it was showing that big split in her eye and she was standing there I think it was right after the fight and uh and it and it buffered it froze and I was like dang look at that and it was just like that big old cut but in the background the ring girls boobs were all in the screen and my let me know like yeah look at that with so two two thing I got two more two things left about that fight and then I'll go past I'll be done with that. Number one, the amount of trash talk from that the losing chicks team ah about the other girl fighting dirty and leading with her head. Well, I've never that would never fly to you. So you're not going to sit in a post fight interview and talk that much shit about the ref and the other opponent and get away with it like.
I was waiting for that yeah to come from the side of the camera, and just blast somebody inside of the base like. Right. Oh, yeah, they they were talking mad shit. The the whole fight, the whole fight, they were talking about shit. Yeah. Number two, they asked Jake who he wants to call out next. And he said, well, it was going to be Canelo, but Canelo hates me and won't answer me. So I don't know. And they ended right there. But at the end of the fight, did anybody see who called Jake out?
Yeah. Francis Ingano. Oh, okay. There was somebody else, too. There was somebody else, this other boxer dude. Bro, I will watch Ingano fight Jake Paul any day of the week.
ah yeah my son My son was telling me about that, but he couldn't remember the guy's name. Are we not living in the future? Remember MTV had celebrity death match. Yes. And look at where we're at now. And look where we're at now. Jake Paul, YouTube guy fighting Mike Tyson. You know what I'm saying? yeah
Well, outside, outside of the, outside of the Tyson fight, and correct me if I'm wrong, uh, outside of the Tyson fight, When Jake Paul has fought an actual boxer and his age, or close to his age, he's 0 and 1, correct?

Jake Paul's Boxing Legitimacy

Tommy Fury, yep. Yeah, so he's only beat old-ass ex-MMA fighters. hebes hasbes he's never he's never fought somebody who's outside of Tommy Fury. He's never fought somebody his age or even a legitimate boxer outside of Tommy Fury. And when he did, he lost. So it's all all Jake Paul is doing is, in and we can't be mad at him for it. Well, we can. He's a joke. he's yeah he's so He's making boxing out to be a bigger joke than what it already was. um But all he's doing is making money.
and yeah less happy money ah But here's the the the one thing I will say though is even though and I agree with all of that, but it is kind of fun and entertaining.
You know what I'm saying? Like an actual boxing fan. If you're a lifelong boxing fan, well, here's the thing. you But here's the thing, though, if you're a lifelong boxing fan like that, then it's not for you. Watch real boxing. You know what I mean? Like this is meant for that. This is more of a an entertainment thing for, you know, just for regular people who don't keep up with boxing in that way. You know what I'm saying? we didn the Since the UFC got so big, where do you even watch regular boxing anymore? exactly but see that's what I'm saying like this at least bring some entertainment value and have people actually watching boxing that don't even watch boxing it kind of turns it kind of turns boxing into like this is like the WWE w e version of boxing yeah yes i mean yes it is I'll say you know shout out to him for putting actual boxers and actual fighters on the card giving them a kind of a little bit of a spot yeah that's what I'm saying at least yeah
yeah Yeah, he is doing that. You know, that's that's cool. But but, you know, outside of that, he's a clown. he's He definitely in clown. Yeah. ah You know, like get in there and bite fight or fight if you want to claim to be a legitimate boxer. And I've been saying this since he started doing this shit. Get in there. Somebody legitimate.
Fight a legitimate boxer in your weight class, in your age range, and then, and then brag, you're beating old ass has beens, man. And then how are coming out later and saying, yeah, I was paid to take a dive. Oh man. See that ain't no good. That part's no good. Like you need to, it needs to be none of that going on, but hell man, it's hard to tell the most sports anymore. What's bullshit and what's real.
Exactly. And that brings us right back to the NFL today, because I was going to quick cover.

UFC Recap and Tailgating Culture

I was going to quick cover the fact that Charles Olivera and Michael Chandler probably put on one of the best fights I've seen in UFC history last night as the co-mate event. Olivera wrapped up but in the fifth round, in the fifth round. He had Chandler wrapped up.
exhausted and the dude managed to come all the way to his feet with Oliver on his back and drop him not once damn but once in the same minute he fought back to his feet and flopped backwards and Olivera never loosened his grip not a half an inch and when they got done that was probably the best fight I've ever seen and john jones me john jones be ah um steve a mioic and be retired last night so that's the end of him in the ufc at forty two years old
I figured he'd be getting close to retiring yep at 42 years old. They asked me. So what's next for you? He looked at Joe and said I am done. Yeah, he's had a hell of a career. Yeah. Oh yeah. fuck yeah good boy leave on boy representing who steve a Is he from, well, I know he's a Croatian American. I didn't know he was from Cleveland. Yeah. Yeah. he's He's a Cleveland boy. And he loves him some Cleveland sports. Speaking of Cleveland sports real quick, before we get into football, shout out to my Cavaliers. Let's go 14 and 0, going for 15 and 0 today against the Charlotte Harmonites. Dang, Cam said the Panthers lose today. yeahp Panthers lose. He's calling it bi-week for the upset. Is it really an upset against the Panthers though? Cleveland.
the Cleveland boy got TKOed with a body kick to the ribs last night and it was a dancing kick too. Yeah, I agree. I agree, Rich. It's like battle of the sexes between Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs. Just the fight version. Jake Paul needs to fight my own scare. I'd pay to see that. Bro, that would be a hell of a fight. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Like that's what we're headed towards. That's what I was saying about like the celebrity death match thing and now we're like living in this weird future.
Let him fight JJ Watt. JJ Watt doesn't at least play football anymore. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Chiefs chiefs are like Jake Paul, the NFL. Yes, bro. Yes. And firefighter. Steve A's a firefighter? Is that what you're saying, Wally? John Jones and his brother lived here in New York. Thanks. Hell yeah. Yeah, yeah know I know Steve A's a big Cleveland, a big Cleveland guy. He loves the city. He loves the teams.
um I know when you a couple of years, few years back when he won his championship, he was at like every sporting event and had his belt and everything that was like hanging out with the players and they were all wearing the championship belt and everything like that. and Well, John, let Trump hold his belt last night. They had a good long, like four minute conversation. conversation trump like most of his cabinet you had Vance, ah RFK, Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk they were all sitting there and then Trump and Rogan were exchanging conversation like it was it was super it was a good fight atmosphere in the garden last night it was definitely one of the better paper views
that I've never paid for. My mom continues to pay for them. I just get to watch them for free. I'm not bad. that that Nice. So I paid $119 a year for yeah ESPN+. plus If she buys two fights, she's already paid more than me, but still. So oh it was definitely a good fight night last night. And now we can get into the next round of fighting for the last yard in the NFL today.
all right let's see you get uh i really need a second device i got a bro phone and a hoe phone why do you not i just don't i and just need a tablet and i gonna tablet too yeah so speaking of um nfl let's uh let's go ahead and get into these these picks and stuff as always it is an open panel we got the link in the chat for anybody who wants to come up and make picks with us or you stay in the chatters box and drop your picks that's cool as well uh we're gonna go ahead and show last week we did have no show last week
I didn't because everybody but me

NFL Predictions and Analysis

sucks. I was up and ready, laptop open, sat here till 1230. Nobody said anything. So Derek was on the road. Yeah, I was driving. wound fucking and whatever else Eric was on the road. I didn't wake up until ah it we look it was it was, you know, all the NFL teams get a bye week. We took a bye week here at unnecessary reference. You didn't wake up until two p.m. Ah, yes, I know. It was like one thirty two o'clock. Well, he still has potato on his fucking face. I didn't know.
Um, so we we took ourselves a little bi-week last week. yeah anybody we'll do it put my picks in though or Did everybody put their picks in? I didn't know. No, we just, we just didn't make picks last week. so You guys didn't make picks last week.
oh Everybody went 0-1-15 or 0-1-16 last week. we We all had perfect picks last week. We all picked the winning teams last week. however we week week nine. Uh shout out to Derek and Cam. They went fourteen and two. Rick went eleven and five. What? every respect And I let us go. I finally had a good week. I went a respectable eight and eight. Barely respectable. I had to load. I I load three times in week nine and eight **** all three times. All of them.
Absolutely **** anyways wed week eleven Uh, wasted my time. Yeah, cam shut up. Good luck. I even let you still put picks in, but you know, showing son of a bitch. You guys should be way the fuck behind in the total. I didn't want, I didn't get any picks from, uh, I didn't get any picks from anybody last week. I don't know what you guys were talking about.
That's a lie. i was gonna I was going to make, I was going to make picks as Derek, if he wanted to send me in his picks, but it was so late that we were already an hour into the one o'clock days. I was like, no, I don't want to, I don't want no shit to be, you know, oh, looks cheap over there. Cause he sucks at picking and now all of a sudden he went perfect. I was like, screw it. We'll just skip a week. It ain't going to hurt nothing. We all know how to make crazy picks. We all know how to make crazy picks. We all know cam would have been,
pinpoint accurate. Rick would have been a Rick and Derek would have been, well, it's slightly better than me. Yeah. Middle of the road. And then I would have been out of my bullshit, which I'm going to continue to do my bullshit today. So, uh, we're going to go ahead and kick off with, uh, with my boys in Cleveland. Yeah. We got to get these games quick because we only got five minutes to start. Yeah. That's all right. We'll still be going through. It was not like going to change our minds on who we pick. Uh,
the two and seven Cleveland Browns taking out the three and seven New Orleans Saints. Um. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, the Saints embarrassed and better risk the Falcons last week. So this is going to be like, they look like the first two weeks they played. So I hate to do it to you, Glick, but I got to go with the Saints over the Brownies on this one.
they played the way they played **** last week against ah Atlanta. m Is it who that or who day? Who who dad? Yeah, that's what I thought. Who dad? Cincinnati, Kentucky's favorite football team is who day. Okay. Yeah, who that man? I'm going saint too two saint Saints Saints can iss going with the browns i mean the saints beat the falcons twenty to seventeen
yeah because they got slaughtered by the falcons You know what? know what I know better but I'm gonna I'm gonna go with my brownies. We got them dogs barking. We got them dogs barking. They're ready. They're ready today. They're ready today
Who dat? Who dat think they gonna beat the Saints? I hope so. We need that as a sound clip. how I um might have a lot of things. Oof, oof, oof. Look at all them injuries. Oof, oof, oof, oof. Injuries all over the place for the Saints. I ain't worried about that.
Derek Hart.
do want do you want to john back
said No, and don't i would cheap i I'll be 100% brutally honest with you i i top sea watson I'll be 100% brutally honest with you. I'll take Dak Prescott over to Sean Watson wow that's a fucking what about will levin so ah I'll take I'll take I'll take fucking Andy Dalton I ain't gonna lie. I'd probably take live us over Watson right now too. Yeah. Um, we got the Ravens in the Steelers and I believe yeah, they are in Pittsburgh and this I think I think next to the KC Bills game. I think this is going to be the second best game of the week. It's a good game.
I, I think it's going to be a hell of a game, but I do think that, uh, that the Ravens and King Henry are going to pull this one out. And I think it's going to be a close game. It's going to be a one score game. I'm with you. I think the Ravens win it with one score. Oh man. We are split again. I am going with the Steelers. I am. so i saw the knife She's in the, she's, she's in the bed in the living room. She has nothing to do with this.
You can see the reflection. I am not reading the script right now. Oh, I'm not supposed to read that part. Oh, my bad. Sorry. He's got the contraption over his head ready to fall if he doesn't mind. I am going with the Steelers. And as McCoy said in game day in his bold prediction, the Steelers have only thrown four touchdowns against the Ravens since Ben Roethlisberger left.
And today mccoy's bold prediction was russ throws five puddies against the ravens. Oh my god um he was he in one of the states that legalized fucking hallucinogenic drugs i don't know i yeah aren't they for game day or they out in california they're in four so were fuck he Was smoking something I don't think Russ is going to throw five tuddies, but I think he's going to put at least three on him and it will be a tight game. But what what the Ravens don't want to do is get into a shootout and I think that's what's going to happen. And TJ Watt is going to do it. TJ Watt does. He's going to fucking steal Lamar's lunch money, eat his lunch in front of him and slap King Henry right in his teeth. So.
I don't know that anybody in the NFL would actually slap King Henry in his teeth. That dude's a big motherfucker. Yeah. you'd have to jump the stupid at him There's two guys that if they were going to do it, then I would say they would do it. They're both in the AFC North and that's TJ and, and miles. So miles, maybe j I don't know. And, and, and and actually, and actually my Browns against King Henry have absolutely shut him down and denied him two seasons in a row.
last year when he was with the Titans and then then game in the game and the first game, yeah but that is that that's a week old line too though. Yeah. Okay. Well, they, did they, they, they did it this season when the Browns beat the Ravens. Yeah. Oh,
yeah hey ah when is a lead? Damn it. for sure we're We're, we're in it. wherere that We're in it. We're going to shoot out with you guys for the number one pick in Cleveland and Tennessee. and That's why, that's why I hope y'all win today. Who's going to get their number one pick? Carolina Cleveland or Tennessee. yeah You guys would squander it away on like a place kicker or a placeholder.
No, we would, no, we would just do what we we we would do exactly what we always do. We would take a quarterback with the number one pick. How many number one quarterbacks have we picked? And only one of them actually panned out for us. And then what do we do to him? We shipped him. Well, you trade, you trade your pick away, e trade your pick away. so third string on I did it twice. I mean, I guess the first guy though, before Baker, he got in trouble.
and ruined it himself. What was that guy's name? ah Johnny Mandel. Johnny Mandel. There you go. Yeah. Oh, man. Oh, money man. get The number one pick and you'll trade it away for Aaron Hernandez and then you'll look like the laughing stock of the NFL because you picked a dead guy. Hey, that's OK. And he probably I see you, Jmo. um He'd probably still have better numbers than most of your fucking rest of your team.
I voted Democrat. probably Right. You know what? It is what it is. What are you going to do? we got We got a rivalry game. Uh, another game that should be a decent one. Uh, what's going on, Brian? The, uh, what's going on gentlemen? What up in the bears. Who? Backers bears. Oh yeah. Yeah.
That's Packers. I'm going to go. i'm ah ah I'm a Bears fan second to the bills, but I'm still going to go Packers Green Bay owned Soldier Field and has for like the last 10 years. That's right. Yeah, Matt LaFleur is 10 and 0 against the Bears. Yeah, even if they're playing in Green Bay or in Chicago, Matt LaFleur owns the Chicago Bears and just makes it play against him to make himself look better. Like it's it's ridiculous.
Uh, uh, uh, Kim's going Packers. I'm going Packers. Brian, what's going on with you, brother? Uh, none much. Glad to see you. I mean, I understand you're having a little time off. Yeah. It took me a little break this week. I took a little vacation surgery done now that I got legalized with the election. ha Yeah. Yeah. Took a little, took a little vacation this week from podcasting, let Jeff ruin the network for
It's Glushawn. Glushawn. Glushawn. Glushawn. So, so, so. very much much So sex only but you're you're going trains across the board. like what i yeah became ahood rap Do what I do.
That's all good. Yeah, I took it. yeah I took ah took a little break, took a little vacay, let Jeff room the network for a week. Can't wait to come back Tuesday and put his ass back in his in his passenger seat where he belongs. Oh, he did a good job. He didt all right did He did alright. The guys did good this week. I ain't mad at him so. What else we got going on? Oh.
but but You got a, you got to pick for that, uh, the bears Packers Ryan. Um, oddly enough, I'm going to go with the bears because they're going to simplify the offense. DJ Moore is going to break out and Cole commit is going to have a good game as well. Henry fumbled on the first round the game for him.
good job recovered Well, also job came in also remember, I mean, this is like the midpoint of the year where teams were teams in the beginning were lackluster. Now they're going to really show out. Yeah, or they're going to really speak is absolutely.
you're okay so ah Thoughts on rounds and sinks. I'll go ahead and get since we're only three picks in here. He got that game. uh i'ma roll with the saints and uh what about stealers and uh and ravens man it's always a battle but i'm always gonna i mean i like both teams i really do um but we're it's okay it's okay it's okay warm kitty soft kitty little puffs of fur that's okay that's all you can do
It's OK, big bear. Who's a silly bear? oh I mean, it's ah it's it's it but I mean, but the Ravens will not be denied this year. And I know like Pittsburgh has a fight has a fight also. And I know you don't want to sleep on the couch because I know you're going you're going with Pittsburgh. But I'm ah I'm a role with Baltimore on this one. And a boy.
Yeah, but I mean, I'm I mean, yeah, dude. I mean Baltimore's there Derek Henry's like I gotta get a ring before I retire. So Yeah,
then he comes out and King Henry. I think this is gonna be an easy pick. Hi, Nicky. Rick said hi. No, no. Me fool. I'm sounding dipshit. The Steelers are on right now. I know. I don't know. I just don't know.
okay I don't know. She doesn't she doesn't have it on. She's not a fan. They're about to be. You don't have it on. You're not a fan. by back She just rolled her eyes and gave me a disgustive look. She's getting ready to score. Henry, fumbled ball your red one's in your bowl over there. what looking for I know. I don't know where the white one. I don't know what to tell you. I wish she's tassy today. She is. she's got her sunday sassy pants on
I think I think this next pick is going to be easily across the board. What? Oh, my. I believe me, I know. And you've come in here twice and I haven't paid the toll. You're fired. You're fired. You're on the couch. Lions versus the jag you wears. I think this is an easy pick for everybody. Oh, man. Hey, hey, hey. Hold that thought. Hold that thought.
Are you gonna sell us on the Jags? Aye, aye, aye. They may be shit, but dude, that defense that defense is pissed off. Hang on, hang on, hang on, Douglas. Come on, man. You gotta bag me up on this dude. I know, I know, I know, I know the big shit. The big shit, but think about it. Wait, wait, wait, wait. This is what it's like. Hear me out, hear me out, hear me out. Last Sunday night, okay, I picked Detroit to win because the last three games, the Texans offensive line was dog shit.
Okay, and the and the Texans went ahead and came out full throttle against Detroit. So I'm just saying, I'm just saying, hear me out. So you're saying, so you're saying that Jacksonville may, Jacksonville may spark it up.
Come on, Derek, you know, you know, this naha Detroit jackson Jacksonville is not the Texans didn't didn't Houston lose last week to the lions.
yes air yeah a and alito Yes. So everybody down for the Lions. Yeah, for but bris going jaggs right and I'm gonna go with Jags.
Oh, you're going to really on the Jags. He's long walk. He's long walk the bears and the Jags. So it's like, I get to find the, be in your guys's shoes. This is what it's like when I make it my wild and crazy.
and yeah Nice. Well, speaking, speaking of terrible teams, we have the Vikings and. It's time to tighten up, boys. The Vikings are and the Titans. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, Vikings, Vikings win that game. I mean, didn no tightening up. You're not taking up. No tightens up now. Tighten down. Tighten down today. That's what I said. That's what I should have put in my description. Tighten down the today. I'm going so I should put this by the way, Jacksonville is really up on Detroit three to nothing.
can we just ca with the vikings up i've got vikings obviously um i for for derek's pick i just put titans down on the on the on the on the right rick I'm assuming you going vikings are you going titans um go viking um'm a man of my word. I gave the Titans until week seven. I said week six but they had to buy week. I'm off the Titans train. I'm gone. um I've I've moved on. I've moved on. Uh Brian, what you thinking, man? Titans, Titans and Vikings. You know what? Since somebody doesn't have faith, on somebody don't have faith on their own. I'm going to go ahead and say tighten up. really He doesn't give a shot. Calvin really is going to go off. he did That's right. But he's still not going to win. The fact remains. That'd be really cool if they did. OK. 200 yards and no touchdowns. It's not uncommon.
I'm going to go Titans. Where the hell? God damn it, Cameron. If you're going to send me picks, at least send me all your picks. Yeah, Pittsburgh put three up on three.
We've got another one o'clock game. Yeah, it's ah Raiders dolphins. Yep. um greater down I hate to do it, but I'm going to go dolphins on this one, man. going do Oh, now you guys want to be on my dolphin train. I'm go i' yeah um'm going Raiders.
I'm going Raiders. are either Basically it's going to be a run game. Both teams are going to be running. so I hope they do. I want a chain running all day long. It's and I got medicine. I got I got I'm starting Madison. So Madison's going to even split five pass four rushes and the ball just went to Tyreke and he's out of the three yard line. Everybody wants to jump on my dolphins bandwagon. I've been riding all season and I'm still riding it. but so Let's go. Fans up.
If two gets knocked the fuck out though, I get a mulligan on that game. No, no, no, no, and and and no and no no no no take somebody said that he right that he it thats should be a stipulation on the dolphin the game he want no, no, no, no, no,
now you sea your fate you seaalled your fate when you make the pain all sales are final no, but dolphins raiders cameron ah He said dolphins. OK, there we go. Good. We're dolphins across the board, except for Brian. Did you say Raiders? I said Raiders. <unk>s what bruton bri Brian has lone wolf the last four games, by the way.
do you Draft into the NFL in the quarterback. ended up playing the Tight end. Why are you trying to T-bow me, man? he was tried to know The Saints are starting Taysom Hill. Exactly. He's a Swiss army. Taysom Hill is a quarterback, running back, wide receiver, and tight end. He's a Swiss army knife. yeah he just He's everything. Yeah, he just scored a touchdown. And I just said Saints.
ah We got the Rams versus the Patriots. patriots Hey, I'm going Rams. I'm going Rams. Put it out. Put it out. I took a hard hit.
You definitely did something. Uh Cam is going to the Rams. Uh as I said, uh two weeks as I said two weeks ago, the Rams are getting healthy when the Rams are healthy. They're still a dangerous **** team in the NFL, man. I mean, he happened to go we just went 50 **** and Cooper Cuff is back. So, yeah. But you said patriots so shut up even And the last one o'clock game, we've got Indianapolis Colts versus the New York Jets and Anthony Richards is bad. And I'm going to go ahead and say it. I think Richards is is ah is a dumpster fire man. I don't think he's as great as the hype behind him. Touchdown Miami. Well, to be fair, he has better he has better stats than Bryce Young. Bryce Young is a dumpster fire.
To be fair, the four of us could go start in Carolina and have better stats than Bryce. But I think with ah with Anthony Richardson, though, I mean, he's having like the RG three vibes. I'm going to go. I'm going to go a little bit going all out too early.
I don't know. I mean, I'm going to roll it. I'm going to roll Indianapolis on this one. I am too. yeah coach aon rod Finally, we can agree on something. Come to play the lottery. Eric agrees with me. We got the lottery now. I'm going home. Cam is going with the Jets. You three are going with the Colts. I too am going with the Jets.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. the conquerling
finally go to see it today onto the poor ola four or five four twenty games ah falcons
i think the bron iss really turning around. they're not I won't say they're a playoff team or anything like that, but they definitely turned it around from the last two seasons. And they're they're looking good, man. And Bo Nix is loving him some court and Sutton out there. yeah And I'm going to roll with the Broncos over the Falcons. I'm rolling with the Broncos as well. I'm going to go Falcons. I'm super torn on this game because I don't think the Falcons are going to come out and lose two in a row.
um They've been playing really good football this season. They they beat the Chiefs as far as I'm concerned. um which is that interesting i just But man, Bo Nix and Cortland Sutton, fuck. um mean I'm gonna go with the Falcons with an asterisk.
Yeah. I feel the same way. Like this is legit though. This is a tough, like a mediocre blitz in the middle of the standings teams. This is a tough game and it should actually be a really good game, but I, I, that's why I'm going to go Falcons with an asterisk because I think it's going to be a good game. And honestly, I'd like to either team wins, but I got a guy. let's ah go balkins on that Oh man.
Let's uh, let's uh, let's I would address something real quick You said something about the Falcons should have beat the Chiefs. Let's be 100% honest Let's be 100% real the Chiefs without the referees are 0 and 9 this season They have only beaten one team by a touchdown or by more than a touchdown Every other game has been decided because of the referees. They are they are maybe a one and eight, but an 0 and 19. Every game they've played has been decided by the referees. They're an 0 and 9 garbage football team. Well, OK, let's address this now. We are having the first Chiefs game since Taylor Swift had a cry about the loss of the election and tell her boyfriend to cry too because he really didn't care because his mom totally voted red. So the Chiefs go down and they they might be 0 and 9, but they're definitely going to be 0 and 10 today.
yeah So, I'm going to put that out there. The Chiefs are trash. They're also seriously injured. hate I hate to say that. Hang on. Hang on. I have proof. I have proof that the refs are being paid by the Chiefs. Oh boy. I got me too. I got chi I got ten subs. Go go go ahead. Click. g Click. Go ahead. Pull it up. Pull it up. Pull it up. You think you you think I'm Jeff? You think i can just pull stuff up Yeah. Do you think he's fast like that? Well, good point. Detroit just put a tutty on the board again.
greats the hi your I'm over here trying to share a screen. It's buffering, buffering, buffering. Jesus. Oh, man. Get it out. Is it a fucking like a AI to talk about? Oh, Jesus. It's not sharing. There it is.
Here's my proof. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, so funny enough, funny enough, I could see a stat today, the official for the Chiefs bills game today. And are we into the four 30 games now? So can we discuss this widely? No. so rather Okay. Well, I'll hold it. they still have we We still have one more game before we get to the Chiefs bills. We got to see chickens in the San Francisco 49ers.
I'm obviously going Niners, even without kiddo or kiddo place. I don't fucking know. And if they'll tell me something because you've already fucked up my fantasy football. league I'm going. I'm going Niners because Mac and McCaffrey is back. And he had a pretty good game Christian, mc Christian McCaffrey is back. So Niners, see Niners and Sea chickens, Seahawks.
Oh, um, yeah, let's go dig some gold. Wow. Yeah. Niners. Nobody got that. there i got Yeah, I did. Okay. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Most people don't know what's the backstory with the team names. I'm like,
Right. oh Yeah. No, I was looking at something else when I said that. So we got 49ers across the board. I assume that was going to be the case. ah And now so we have the main event, which should be a prime time game, in my opinion, because tonight's game is going to be a little lackluster. And tomorrow night's game, the boys in it. So nobody gives a rat's ass.
Um, but this should, this should be a prime time game. The chiefs versus the bills. rick on rivalry in The NFL, they're saying, uh, yeah, you know, um, although they are saying that the official for the game today, when he's benefiting chiefs games, they are undefeated with this particular referee. And I cannot remember his name. Um,
But I do think that the Bills hand Kansas City their first loss of the season and they do it by two scores. Because I think the Bills mafia will threaten to lynch the references if they don't fucking quit interfering.
facts. you know like I literally think that Bill's Mafia will feed the pit as they've said about the new stadium because there's been like four people that died because they fell in it already. um I think they will threaten to feed the pit, the officials, if they try to fuck off in this game.
yeah wouldn't that be a Wouldn't that be a sight to see? It's been official get tossed in the new stadium. He just goes down like the field goal post of the Tennessee game. yeah Like some out of business spot time kicks him backwards. my mar satellite The bills win by 50 billion. I wouldn't be mad at that. Yeah, I'm going with the bills. I think the bills pull it off today. Me too. Cooper looks like he's going to play. However, we are down Dalton Kincaid. That does hurt.
Hey, Hey, Dawson Knox is really good too. Yeah. noton kincaid that makes that tight end position down they might Yeah. Yeah. But, but still though, I mean, I mean Dawson Knox, I mean, he's good with the red zone and he's, he's pretty much like your, your pretty much your Mr. Reliable when it comes to crunch time, except he's got a lot of drops this season. Okay. But But Josh also puts so much fucking zest on that throw. Exactly. Like he's trying to blow the receivers ribs out the backside of his body when he throws that ball. Well, as much as I want to pick the bills, we all know how the NFL is going this year.
He's looking for this one to put him over the top to win the week. That's his plan. yeah I mean, I mean, there's no no, put him over the top and going for the Kansas City. Whereas as, as long, as long as the refs daughters get to go to Taylor Swift concerts, that's all that matters. Yes. And backstage passes. And I, what I'm hoping to do is put my, my curse onto the chiefs. That was on the bills.
So pat I'm picking Patrick Mahomes and Travis Swift for the dub. And they're going to go 10 and 0. Unfortunately, yeah even know if they you know if they get married, he's the one that has to change his name. Right. He might have to change his sex at this point. ah Right. Exactly. and He might have to be the one to carry a baby. It's possible. Yeah. Probably.
No, I just, you know, we've, we've watched it for the last nine weeks. It, you know, like I said, they've only beat one team by more than than two scores. Every other game has been a touchdown or less, and it's all come down to the fucking refs sticking their nose in business. It doesn't belong. And I, and I have another clip that validates that the route for the two And then fortunately, yeah, um it's evidence. Evidence. I need Jeff here for this. I suck at this game. um I'll gladly share. I'll share it. Hang on. um But but yeah, as much as I want the bills to win and I want Josh Allen to. and Because I need him to have a big day with fantasy football, so. like Let me know when you're ready. Alright, here we go.
Second and six, Mahomes back again, climbing through the pocket, and taking off as Mahomes gets inside the 10, and the five. Really disappointed by the secondary of Miami. This is not Isaiah Pacheco. They should come up, and they should tackle Patrick Mahomes. That's exactly right. That's exactly right. So there's more evidence. I have evidence, man.
we've uh we've seen all the uh the replays and guys literally being held guys yeah being choked slammed almost yeah yeah exactly um but yeah i'm i'm i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna go with the chiefs of that one yeah you know what i gotta have a good week here some point i don't i look man i don't blame you man that's a safe bit yeah will put it i am um we lone wo it The first set of all Brian's clearly on meth picks.
Yeah, but then when some of them come, when some of them do come in, do you happen? You're like, damn, he was right. He saw something we didn't. Yeah. If it happens, it happens. You know, that's, that's the whole point of Loewolfing.
doing the john jones trump um more than trump that yeah ah do judge see that when he won last night and then he asked trump he goes can i do it good and he did again and trump gave the thumbs up is awesome Yeah, unfortunately, I don't see the Jags Titans pulling out upsets but uh The the ah Sunday night game again, this is gonna be lame and freakin boring The Chargers versus the Bengals of Kentucky. I'm going with the Chargers. ah Although I would love to have Jamar Chase put me up another 55 points in fantasy football. That was that dude. Yeah, that was awesome. Chase Brown run the rock. I'm going to go just also.
i know so do thatookie mangles Just as long as burrow hands chase Brown the rock we're all good yeah Good luck with that. right What you thinking there? Yeah, I'm gonna go with the charges Charger Ryan what you got me Oh He's taking Kentucky Bengals another long walk. Not saying that. Oh, not saying that the Tucker just missed. What? just taylor mr Oh, he's he's missed a few this year. Another fun fact for the uh Bill's Chiefs game, Harrison Buckers on injured reserve. Yeah, he's in knee surgery.
o whoa it's huge yeah i just saw Monday night. This is Tucker's shittiest season.
I'm a loss for words. I think we all making the same pick on Monday's not Monday nights game. Yeah. And I need it to be big. You're fucking boys. Brian, if they don't fucking put me over the tower in fantasy this week, I swear on everything. Holy. You will burn every bit of fucking meat you smoke for the rest of the year. And God.
because I played Nico Collins off my fucking reserve list and dumped that fucking running back that you are obsessed with for the Giants, Glick.
but tatum tyson tater totd or whatever the fuck oh ah Tracy Tyrone Tracy Yeah, I dumped him off my fucking team to make room for Nico college to come off my reserve list because he's off I are But if you're fucking Texans don't pull it together bro, you will fuck up every dinner you smoke the rest of the year I swear for God four off kitty little um five in my fantasy right now i cannot i feel pretty oh so pretty So, we're going, we're going Texas across the board on Monday, I'm assuming, correct? Yup. Yup. Alright. And then, we've got this Thursday night in Cleveland
of prime problems versus steelers Oh, you guys got a prime time game. Check y'all out. How's that going to work? You said Browns and Steelers. Yeah. On Thursday. Oh yeah. On prime video. We've got back to back prime. We've got a Thursday night against Pittsburgh and then the following Monday against Denver.
bri probably the Cleveland and Pittsburgh, probably the only two teams in the NFL, Fitzpatrick hasn't played for. um and That is true. but Everybody loves that. Some fits magic boys. That he has the beard that I dream of having. Like I cannot get my beard on his level or, or Brett Kiesel. I have no idea. I could do my beard like that. I just keep cutting it.
Oh my God. He, he, uh, he said he spent his whole career with, uh, Pittsburgh when Troy Palomolo was doing the head shoulders commercials. oh yeah He was, uh, he was alignment. He was a defensive end. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah. The last, the last pick for for this week is a Thursday night Browns versus Steelers. Cam is going Steelers.
um want to wait who you picking likeck I'm going with the Steelers because the Browns are about to be down 14 to nothing against the Saints.
go there
there Man, that's my squad, but they are just ass this year. they they are The Browns are just fucking ass and now they just do a pass down the field to.
some god knows who and ninety he guy the one yard line and then there's three yard line. three players of the hang Oh, come on. George Johnson's like he didn't get called on a face mask because he had all the side of the motherfuckers helmet. Oh, yeah. chi has neighbor I gotta see this. So, Cam's going Steelers on Thursday night. Um Brian, what you got for Thursday night?
ain't no pass fan bro
um I'm assuming this is going to be a clean sweep. What you got Thursday? Oh, Steelers. Yeah. Clean sweep Steelers across the board. I figure out what mine and Nikki's bet is this year. We always make a bet on the games. I have not been doing so hot. yeah Obviously I would avoid this season. um I'm one in two. I would try to find a way to swing it in your favor somehow.
Alright, Rick. This is this clip. I hate people. I pay off my bets. I want Addison with a touchdown. That clip is just for you, Rick.
For your eyes only. Yeah. That's true. His Viking beard is like insane. Oh. to eyes really big boy it's not fitzmag level at all I don't know, man.
Fantasy football. um I mean, I mean, he had his own theme song name uh form too. So, I mean,
logic strategic
I mean, it's pretty cool when a Troy Palomolo of Brett Kiesel was doing the Head and Shoulders commercial. It was like how Palomolo with the hair and the Brett Kiesel with the beard is like, yes. By having glasses on and stroking a beard makes you far more intelligent than anybody else on the planet.
funny Yeah, it was like, it was the, yeah I think, I think they had it called, it it was like the Troy Palomolo's oh Oh, oh, oh. Did he make it? Oh, no. No, that stopped for the one yard line. Andy just charged it in towards the end zone, but got down to the one yard line. He tripped and fumbled on the ground, so. But the ground can't cause a fumble. The ground can't cause a fumble. This is true. This is true. All right. Those are all our picks, so we got
split between the Browns and Saints, split between the Ravens and Steelers, across the board, well, with the exception of Brian, for the Packers, Bears, across the board with the exception of Brian for the Lions and Jags, across the board for Vikings and Titans, the exception of Brian who picked the Titans, dolphins across the board with the exception of Brian who picked the Raiders, Rams across the board with the exception of Brian who picked the Patriots,
We're split with the Jets and Colts. We are split with the Broncos and Falcons. Cross the board, even Brian, with the Niners. I lone wolf the Chiefs on the Bills. Cross the board, except for Brian, on the Chargers Bengals. Texans across the board and Steelers across the board for our picks this week. This is going to be an interesting week.
And Brian's holding on to hope that all them lone wolves will pay off so he can be like, I told you guys. He truly is too. It can happen. its see What's that? I was gonna say like, this would this one would this one would make Rick by head and shoulders. This next clip, that last clip. Nice. ah Real quick, ah holy shit, how the fuck did I miss that? What the hell just happened?
What language? Now he's heard worse. He lives with me. I fucking turn the channel real quick during a commercial.
Oh, oh, why on a big ass boy? Who was that? Jerry Judy. Let's fucking go about time. He did something for your fucking team.
um no and a pass from now hard line i mean yeah it was yeah it was a those was a eighty fucking yarder at least watching it out there I don't know what Mickey's watching. She might be watching the Steelers game. Holy **** Yeah, I turned. I I literally switched over for commercial break and then I got the update on my phone. I was like, how the hell? Huh? Yeah, the Saints.
so hey jamo i see you
Um, real quick score update before we do our finals, get the flock out of here. Uh, green Bay's leading the bears seven to three.

NFL Game Updates

Detroit's leading the Jags seven to three. Minnesota over the Titans seven to three. Uh, Miami over Raiders seven to three. New England up seven to nothing on the Rams.
Indianapolis in the red zone currently three or up three nothing over the Jets the Pittsburgh Steelers are up three nothing on the On the Ravens and the Browns why in the fuck are you going for a two-point attempt? There's a flag on the on the on the field goal attempt offsides on the Saints like major offsides on the Saints So that gives them a two point attempt from the one-yard line. Why wouldn't you? Yeah, because they're Cleveland and
I mean, can you argue that? Give the ball to someone unexpected and let him punch it in. Oh, no. Jamo is going to dance around, throw it into the back of the end zone. Nobody's fucking there. They should have brought Miles Garrett out. They should have brought Miles Garrett out to play, is running back and fucking handed the ball to him. This is thist the dumb shit that they this is the dumb shit that they do. There's no rhyme or reason behind it. Why would you throw on a one yard line? Chub in the backfield, handed to Nick Chubb. Yeah.
or kick the fucking or extra point. And he just put it in the end zone. So now it's. Hi, the game. Don't leave points on the field. You're a goddamn NFL head coach. Jameer Gibbs just put it in the end zone to for Detroit. Jesus Christ, Mother Mary. I can't stand this goddamn football team. I can't stand this fucking football team move. Flip send them to flip it. Take Cincinnati and you send Cleveland down there now.
I don't want that either. Sell it and start over. Fucking idiots, man. Anyways, so there's your your your score updates. Indy just scored. So they're Detroit scored. Louisville, Kentucky is looking for a football team. No, it's called the soccer. Tooker missed again. He missed the 47 and he just missed a 50.
with the big upset. I don't think so. Wow. Wow. 89 yard pass as the longest pass. I think that Winston Square. This is not good. Alright. So, before we wrap up and get out of here and I do my little spazil. You like to add before we before we roll out of here You know, let's just hope that the, that my homes like tears and MCL and the officials all ripped their Achilles trying to run it on the field to keep up with a shitty fake play. That's all in any read, folks on a pickle from a cheeseburger. I just hope he hasn't grabbed her while he's eating a cheeseburger buddy.
buddy You got anything you want to add before we get the flock out of here? Who me? Yeah, you. Brian. Oh, I said Brian. I was holding him. Oh, That's all right. No, just the... Yeah, just enjoy the games, guys. Enjoy the games. Oh, Wilson got stacked. You got all kinds of things going on. loss. So, what you got going on in your world, man?

Music Promotion and Network Updates

Oh, first and foremost, I would just say everybody check out any of my music on any streaming platform that you choose. Derek Wayne Douglas. I'd appreciate it. And then I just had a ah a country song come out on Tuesday called better things to do. And then I got another like country type hip hop song coming out November 26. And then I got a country R and B song.
coming out December ten. Oh, nice. So, I gotta get my, I'm gonna get my **** together this week and come back from Vacation Strong and get some of those news, some of that new stuff downloaded. Uh so, we can get it up here on the network and get it playing across the board because I know you've been dropping **** Uh. Yup. Appreciate you guys being here in the chat. Right back at you guys. Right back at your root right back at you wally um Yeah. So yeah, man, i'm I'm loving the new music, bro. it' so I like you kind of doing all kinds of different stuff. You're doing your normal thing, doing your country thing. Definitely looking forward to country R and&B. I want to hear that. So it's a full on hip hop song coming too. I forgot about that, but it's just, it's in the mixing process. So yeah, doing a little bit of everything. Oh yeah. and You're all over the place.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, like I said, I am back for vacation. Took a little week off. I needed it. I needed a break. I've been going strong at this for three years, a little over three years. I needed me a little break. I think there's going to be a lot, not necessarily a full-on week, maybe just randomly taking the show breaks and whatnot, but um definitely much needed and coming back recharged and refreshed at the end of the day.
um So make sure you guys are checking out the rest of the network. Check out all the shows. Mondays, we have speedway stories and cold-blooded conversations with my boy Wally. It's the newest show to the network. He's on Mondays, right around 6 o'clock-ish. Then right after him on Monday night is Men Care for Men, Men's Mental Health podcast hosted by Connor. I think he's still doing the open panel on that.
Yes. Uh, but, um, so that is an invite to men. I believe they can come up, hit that link, come on up and hang out, shit, chat, join the conversation that they're having. Or if you've got something on your chest, something on your mind you want to talk about, you're more than welcome to do that. Uh, Tuesdays at eight ah PM is Glick's house of music. Uh, I'm back with a brand new guest this week. I'll be hanging out with, um, Texas's own Luke Angel.
I'm looking forward to sitting down with him and talk to him and chit chat with him a little bit. Um, get to know him a little bit better. That'll be cool. Uh, Cleveland intercepted the ball Wednesday nights is what the fuck news with, uh, with, uh, Jeff and I, uh, we're talking news. If it's in the news and it makes us say what the fuck, we're going to talk about it. Uh, Thursdays, I don't know what's going on on Thursdays right now. We'll have to figure that out. I think Jeff said something about Jeff's garage. I don't know. You never know that guy.
uh fridays is nonsense and chill with with hosted by blaze with jeff they're watching movies and hanging out i think they just watched it where you oh no they watched the something's guide to the galaxy travelers i don't know it's hiker's guide to the galaxy yeah that's what it is you think i watched the story goes i'm not a nerd it's from like 15 minutes ago dude you think you think i watch anybody else to see it I think I watch anybody else's shows but my own. I only watch my own shows. I'm the only one that matters on this goddamn network. What the fuck did the Jets just do? na i think i know blowome do is still the best yeah think i think I think I did pop in for a little bit Friday. I can't remember. ah but And then Saturdays is nonsensical nonsense.
But he didn't should apologetic. We do the open door challenge. We let the inmates take over the asylum. We just hang out and shoot the shit and have fun for a few hours. Doing what we do. Also moving to Saturdays, ah Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon, early late morning, early afternoon is Cassius Corner. We're talking w raslin WWE hanging out. That's cash and I hanging out for about an hour. Thursdays were just too hectic and crazy and he's a 11 year old kids are trying to keep his attention is hard to do.
and In the week with this show right here unnecessary roughness, I don't know probably his uncle Jeff if I had to guess but but makes a lot of sense yeah But Sundays is this show right here unnecessary roughness We're talking a little talking at the little NFL, making our picks, making our predictions. Some of us sound like we're on drugs when we make our picks. But nonetheless, we're having fun. We're hanging out. And of course, you know, that's Derek, Wayne, Douglas, and myself. And then whoever else wants to come in, because we do have an open door policy here as well. And I get to see Brian from time to time when he's home ah pop in. I've seen you kind of cross the board everywhere this week. I didn't realize you were home this week. You were all over the place.
I know like, like, well, last Saturday, I mean, I was home, but I got, I got i got invited out to that Cody Johnson concert. Hell yeah. yeah Yeah. But yeah, as soon as I got home, I like took five showers to get that stench of Dallas filth off my body. Yeah, I don't blame you there. How'd that work out for you? Waiting on the blood work. and of those numbersers One of those showers had bleach in them.
No, I mean, it was it was a really good show. I mean, props to Cody Johnson, I mean, because he's been in the game a while, but it's like he's always been because I remember I remember like how he'd be at performing at this little venues like Mo's Tavern, you know, because a lot of ah guys just started out or.
He'll be in Dallas at ah Billy Bob's, but then at during like the Houston Livestock Show at Rodeo, like we have like the barbecue cookoff and we have an outdoor stage and sometimes he'll be on hit. He'll be there. Aaron Watson would be there. I love Aaron Watson. by garro Yeah. And then, ah i like, a what's her name? Laney Wilson. No, not Laney Wilson, but Ella ella Langley. Yeah.
but ah But yeah, so I mean, it was a good show. So like Ella Langley started out and started her set. And then after her was Tracy Bird. And then after Tracy Bird, then it was a John Partee. And then after John Partee was Cody Johnson. yeah know so I love Texas country.
texas country he's different than country music anywhere else in the country i'm done and and also too and also too then cony johnson ah sorry what he you guys william actual first like he's like the headliners that's like actual first it was saying that What time do you have to be there big props to him 18 years of grinding. Yeah Kojo is good though, man If you like me some Kojo, yeah His special on TV was pretty good, too. Yeah, because my buddy that invited me out, like ah because some of the songs was playing. And I was just like, I think I know that's it. And he goes, you don't know Cody Johnson? I'm like, yeah, dude, man. But it's just like, I've been all over the place to where it's like, I don't like primarily. Because I listen to a whole brand spectrum of music that I listen to. yeah So normally, if I listen to country, it'd be like on the weekends.
depending on how I'm feeling, but, um, but yeah, I mean, we, and then we didn't expect the the concert was about five hours. We were trying to get out of like, hopefully the concert was going to let out early enough. So that way we could have like Uber to Billy Bob's and catch Robert or King, but that didn't happen.
Cash is a real champ. You go to hell, Wally. Yeah. Well, if you want to do a show on Thursday, do a show on Thursday as well. I don't care. Nothing going on on Thursday nights.
monday and thursday well Well, gentlemen, no, but that being said, boys, I got to get ready because I'm going to take my daughter to her third band concert of the weekend.
um love doies hu
I've only gone to one, but I had to wait for it to be done. And then now I got to go drop her off. and fun Take her to the first Taylor taylor Swift concert. Yeah, she's enough. Yeah, no, she's a she's in ah eighth grade. band And marching band and they're doing their possible this week for the varsity show this weekend, and it was Friday, Saturday and Sunday. ah They had shows. So they they bring in the I think they bring in the seventh and eighth graders to do the varsity show because for whatever reason, but next year she'll be in the high school marching band.
Uh, that means I'll be spending my Friday nights at Friday night lights to watch pregame and halftime and not give a shit about a high school, not give a shit about a high school football team.
hu So, but appreciate y'all being here. Appreciate y'all hanging out.

Conclusion and Future Engagement

Uh, we'll be back next Sunday. Uh, episode of unnecessary roughness. Make sure you turn in, tune into tomorrow.
Night. i'm there Speedway stories and cold-blooded conversations, followed by men caring for men right here on our YouTube channel. And check out all of our other socials. ah You can find everything at bio slash nonsensical network. Enjoy your football. Enjoy your Sunday. Good luck to your teams. Titans down. Panthers suck. i down Go to hell Dallas. gobel let's Buffalo and now Cleveland.
just for the back cle just just You All right. I'm out. We'll catch out later. It's been real, but they've been real on right. Later.