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Money In The Bank Preview + SUPERSIZED Figure News image

Money In The Bank Preview + SUPERSIZED Figure News

The Chick Foley Show
5 Plays3 years ago
We are back and better than ever with special guest Jordan "The Fig God" Wells joining us to discuss Fyter Fest, Money In The Bank, a ton of figure news, and much much more! We also discuss the most scandalous piece of Random Merch ever, plus Listener Mail Random Merch Of The Week Check out the Pod Foundation Try Verb energy bars! Use code FOLEY20 to save 20% on the softest wrestling tees in the biz at Homage Get your figure clothing at and use code CFS15 to save money! Shop the official Chick Foley Show store at Use code PF10 to save 10% at Chalkline

Introduction and Hosts

Welcome to the Chick Foley Show.
What is up, Foley fam? We are back with your regularly scheduled programming with episode 136 of The Chick Foley Show. We took a slight break last week for some travel issues and just dropped a special edition episode for you, but we're back talking all things pro wrestling and wrestling figures this week

Sheena's Family Visit

on the show. Let me start by introducing the stars of The Chick Foley Show, Sheena. How you doing?
I'm good. I'm worn down a little bit, man. This two weeks here visiting family with the littles and bouncing from house to house and all that kind of stuff, it's taken its toll on me. So yeah, I'm, I'm very grateful for the time we've gotten to spend with our family, but I will not be upset about being back in my own, you know, my own house.
Yeah, it is. It's always busy when we come to Kentucky. Your family can be pretty demanding on your time. It's a good problem to have. But yeah, I'm looking forward to a little bit of rest and relaxation this coming up weekend back in Virginia.

Wrestling World Changes

Marco, how's life up in Massachusetts?
It's great. I'm actually opposite of Sheena. I'm actually pumped this week to talk about some of all the craziness that's happened over the past two weeks in the wrestling world. It's been a lot of changes, a lot of changes in the landscape, we'll say. For sure. Can't wait to talk about it.
Sheena, remind the listeners where they can find you guys on social media. You can find me on Instagram at Chick Foley. You can find Marco running the Twitter machine over at Chick Foley show. Most importantly, you can join our Foley fam over at Chick Foley

Community Engagement and Offers

We do have a new MIG Carter. I wanted to run by you guys. His name is Michael Matande at Man of Steel 499 is now a member of our Foley fam. So welcome to the family, Michael.
We're stoked to have you. And yeah, so like I say, guys, you can join our fully fam chick fully we buy sell trade figures, you can get access to all of our bonus content. We did release our serial wars episode for everyone last week. So that kind of gives you an idea of what kind of bonus content we put out. We do have our Royal Rumble series and we do our 2k

Upcoming Episodes and Collaborations

rumbles in the group. So it's a lot of fun, great group of people. So yeah, check out chick fully and join our fully fam.
Yeah we got new episodes of Unboxed Mania dropping every single week we had a special Funko Pop episode that dropped today and also you guys know WWE recently had their top 50 greatest tag team series on Peacock that didn't quite set well with us the way their list shook out so we're gonna do our own so we got a greatest tag teams patreon exclusive episode
coming up and it's the Foley families actually voting on those and then we're going to kind of hash out the order and discuss. So we're going to go deep. We're going to talk figures, how they broke up, what their finishing moves were, all the stats on their championship reigns. And we're going worldwide across all promotions and all eras in the history of professional wrestling.

Co-Host Announcement

So it's going to be a ton of fun. Make sure you guys follow the Pod Foundation on Instagram to stay up on all the latest content from the Pod Foundation shows, which is ourselves.
Pyramid Wrestling, Turnbuckle Tavern, and Extra Cooler, who their crew is actually going to be coming on the show next week to help review Money in the Bank. Sheena and Marco did their show last week, looking back at Money in the Bank 2014, and they're going to return the favor by showing up on our turf next week. So that's going to be a lot of fun. Sheena, remind the listeners how they can save 10% at Ringside Collectibles. Use code CHICKFOLY at Ringside on all your purchases and you will save 10%.
Yeah, and this is going to be a little bit of a different episode this week. Sheena, you want to tell the listeners why you're going to be making the hot tag to another Foley fam affiliate?

Prediction Championship Update

Yeah, we have the Fig God, Jordan Wells is going to be joining us for tonight's episode. Like we mentioned before, we are in the Hillbilly Gem Studio here in Kentucky. We're recording out of my
my parents house right now we are leaving tomorrow so i have to make all the final preps for our departure tomorrow make sure that we have you know all the things i have to make sure i've packed all of our dogs stuff all of our kids stuff all of our stuff and make sure that we get back with everything that we that we came with so
That is no easy task. So I'm going to be tagging out, tagging in the Fig God, Jordan Wells. So you guys are going to get a special treat and get to hear from him tonight. And yeah, so we'll be back to Sharpshooter Studio next week and I will be stoked to talk all things wrestling with you guys.

Remembering Paul Orndorff

And because Sheena is bowing out gracefully, but before we get into it, she is forfeiting her opportunity to take back the Chick-Bully Show Prediction Championship for Marco. So Marco, well done. You've been here before the opening bell even rang, man. So the bell stayed ringing. I would have won anyway, so it didn't really matter. Whatever. You know what? I'm still going to make my predictions public so that you guys will know who the true champion really is when this thing all shakes out.
We still got the Foley picks League in the Facebook group, which sure, you know last time I checked I'm at the top of the standings and I had another perfect run on fighter fest tonight So for all the the the other 15 members, you know, don't don't hurt your necks looking up a freaking Ricky star screwed me tonight, man I'm so pissed off about that. I would have had I would have had a perfect card. Otherwise, so yeah, I'm pretty bummed about that Alright Marco you ready to tag Jordan and head inside the squared circle not to do it. I
All right, so Sheena has officially made the hot tag and here with us tonight, it's guys night. We got Jordan, the Fig God Wells. Jordan, how is life out in Omaha? Things are good, man. Some are starting to wind down and just getting, getting killed out here with these storms. So everything's good though.
Yeah, I got to give a big salute to Jordan. In addition to being just the figure hunter extraordinaire, it was actually a game time decision that we were really kind of just cutting it close on our departure time out of Kentucky and all the stuff we still had to do to get the kid situated and get everything buttoned up and ready to head back. And I literally dropped Jordan a text message about 15 minutes ago saying, hey, dude, you want to do a podcast tonight? And he stepped up, man. So thanks from me, Sheena, and Marco. You guys ready to get into the weekend wrestling?
Alright, so we'll start off on a bit of a somber note. Mr. Wonderful, Paul Orndorff has passed away. He's made the trip to the big squared circle in the sky. Marco, you just want to share some of your general thoughts and memories on Paul Orndorff.

End of WWE's Thunderdome Era

Man, it's a huge loss for the wrestling world, definitely. Obviously, if you're an old school wrestling fan, he was at the beginning stages of WrestleMania, actually pretty much topped it off and started that whole revolution. Yeah, and started the revolution of what would be sports entertainment.
essentially, so yeah, he's definitely one of the cornerstones of of wrestling and Definitely definitely be missed Yeah, I think he he doesn't really get his due because he wasn't super colorful. He really kind of came up in the air right before Rockin wrestling when it really blew up in the mid 80s, you know, like I said Yeah, he peaked right there around WrestleMania one made a vint in that tag match against Hogan
and Mr. T, but he really laid the groundwork for the stereotypical, just kind of shithead heel from the 80s. They didn't have a real strong gimmick. He was just kind of this dude that looked like he was cut out of granite and would just always double cross his fringe. He had a couple of face turns there, but they never stuck. He always ended up turning his back on the good guys and joining up with the Heenan family.
And just being a pain in the ass for Hulk Hogan, they had that classic match on Saturday night's main event where they ended up having a tie in the steel cage match. Yeah, I'm just a big fan of Paul Wonder. We just watched, me and Sheena watched Survivor Series 87 today, the first Survivor Series. And he's right there in the main event in that as well, actually teaming up with Hulk Hogan.
It wouldn't be the chick photo show if we didn't discuss his figures. Jordan, what's your favorite Paul Ordore figure? You know, I actually really, really liked the Legends figure that was just released to him. I think it's really good to his likeness and stuff. The scale of it is really good as far as like his height and everything. So I'd probably have to go with that one. I really did enjoy that figure.
Yeah, it's a good one. I actually passed on that one. I'm regretting it now because if I decide to add it to my collection, I'm sure it's going to be a little bit more pricey and I haven't seen them on the shelves in the past few weeks. I had the original Legends, Paul Orndorff in the blue robe and I kept that one just because I like blue a little bit more than red. But his LJN figure was really, really good also. I remember as a kid.
I wasn't the hugest fan of Paul Wengorff back in the day, but that LJN always stuck out to me because they really captured just the level of ripness that he had. I think that may have been the buffest LJN figure there was. You remember that one, Marko?
Oh yeah, I was actually going to pick that as my favorite Mr. Wonderful figure. And then, you know, I'll definitely go with the last Legends one too. That one's actually, the likeness is great. Actually, that would be our, just to give a little sneak peek, that would actually be our cover art this week as a photo from Figure Kingdom.
the one that he did for Mr. Wonderful. It's also a picture of Bobby Heenan. Beautiful picture with the Hall of Fame, Bobby Heenan figure. Yeah, so yeah, that's a really awesome picture and it gives you a good likeness of what that figure looked like. Just like Jordan said, the detail on it is pretty amazing.
Yeah, the going back to kind of reflecting on his career. I know he had his biggest glories back in the early, early mid 80s, dealing with Hogan. But when I think Paul Orndorff, I remember like mid 90s Saturday night main event WCW. I wonder if I remember he had a run there with the TV title for a while. He was teaming with with Paul Roma for a little bit. It's pretty wonderful. Yeah.
And that's the wrestling that I watched a lot during that timeframe. This was kind of when Raw was still in a weird phase. It wasn't anything close to what it became during the attitude era. Saturday night's main event, a lot of times would be my most anticipated wrestling of the week. I would be, anytime I was in Kentucky for the summer, I'd be at my great-grandparents house and me and my great-grandpa would sit down and watch it. And Paul Orndorff was one of the names that really stuck out to me from that time period.
A lot of more memories. We wish the best to him and his family. And Peacock has a really cool section on the WWE Network for basically remembering Paul Orndorff. They grabbed about a dozen of his biggest moments in his career and put them all together for you. So if you're not familiar or if you just want to take a trip down memory lane, definitely check that out.

WWE Programming Challenges

All right, so much different tone, but another goodbye that we have to offer up. As of Monday night, the Thunderdome is gone. Jordan, give me kind of just your overall thoughts on the Thunderdome, like, you know, what you thought of it while it was there and just reflect on the WWE's move to the Thunderdome for the greater part of the last year.
Yeah, obviously it was a necessity for this last year with everything that happened with the pandemic and everything. It was a good move with the video screens and everything because it made you feel like there were still fans there even though we knew there wasn't. It brought some life to things for sure.
Yeah, because I mean, when they were just doing empty arena shows, it was like, well, I mean, just like NXT doing empty arena shows, there's no life to the show at all. Like you can tell the wrestlers were barely into it. I mean, it was just, it was a much needed, it was much needed, uh, bolt of life during the pandemic. So I enjoyed it. I, I, I'm glad it's gone, but I mean, I definitely enjoyed it while I was here. Yeah. Yeah. I agree. It, uh,
It's hard to put into words just how much of an improvement it was for what we had. Those performance center shows were just, I felt like I couldn't get past the thought that, yeah, it was odd. And then when they had the NXT trainees in there, but they were all standing up behind the glass, I don't know. It was just, it was weird, man. Luckily I was out of the country for most of the early months of the pandemic. I think the Thunderdome debuted like three weeks after I got back.
I watched you know, I think extreme rules was the one pay-per-view. I saw in the PC and Yeah, it was just weird man. It's just I don't know it was just It's really hard to stay in the moment when you're watching it without the crowd there. You really need that crowd To help to help it out Marco, I'm gonna put you on the spot man. What was the best moment of the Thunderdome era? How could you do this to me? There's you should say like best moments. There's a lot of a lot of things that happen in the
Notable and that pops into my mind anyway Just like that wasn't it wasn't like one of the things where you know It was rumblings them in the internet like you hear like oh Roman might return But that was not even a thought that happened because everything that happened, you know earlier in the year with him just saying like pretty much f you to WWE and you know, not doing a no-show at WrestleMania and
I'd probably say the one that comes to mind right away is definitely the return of Roman Reigns.
So you know what was going on with Roman Reigns at the time. So just him showing up and taking what was rightfully his was probably saying the best moment of the Thunderdome era. I think that kind of set forth what is now known as the Thunderdome era anyway.
Go ahead. Yeah, I don't want to give them all the credit. Definitely want to go with, because there's always a back and forth with Bailey too. I mean, Bailey was probably the best moment of the whole pandemic era, I'm going to say. I'm going to say Sasha Banks, but Bailey mostly carried that whole era on her back.
especially the kind of pre-Thunderdome era. I know they were, I was still keeping up everything online that was happening. And then like I said, I was back for a few weeks. I think they were one of the few acts, Bailey and Sasha Banks that really continued to be entertaining even when the rest of the show was kind of just going to shit and just couldn't keep up. Jordan, you got any favorite moments at the Thunderdome era?
Uh, I was glad Marco said Bailey because I honestly, I'm not going to lie to you guys. I seriously think Bailey was the MVP of the thunder dome. Like, yeah, she, she was absolutely unreal during thunder dome era. I mean, she just brought so much to it. And the women's division was not, I mean, it wasn't in a great place going into the thunder dome, but I feel like her and Sasha definitely elevated the women's division in the thunder dome. I mean,
It was just, it's hard to put into words, but man, it's, Bailey was excellent this last year. I loved what Bailey did. The other thing that I think was pretty cool that I think would have been pretty much only possible in the Thunderdome was the Fiend, you know, getting set on fire and getting hit with that arch, you know. Incredible. I don't think it's any way they could have pulled that off in front of a live crowd. So, gotta give a shout out to that.
I wanted to discuss, you know, if we would see this thing in the future. One thing I'm going to take off the table, we're not even going to speak into existence any possible pandemic related event that would make them have to bring it back out. Could you guys see maybe for like retro raw or retro SmackDown sometime, maybe five, six years in the future, then bringing the Thunderdome back out just for fun? Or do you think this thing is going off into the WWE warehouse never to be seen again?
I can definitely see it coming back as like a nostalgia type of thing. Hopefully not, like you said, not actually needing it again. But yeah, I can definitely see it coming back as kind of like a nostalgia type of thing where, I mean, I'm not sure if anyone wants to remember.
the Thunderdome times because that brings back all those other memories with it but I think it'd be pretty cool like maybe once once or twice maybe like on SmackDown or Raw to do like a Thunderdome only show and then maybe invite like you know like the most hardcore of WWE fans to like to view it and stuff like that I think it'd be pretty cool which I mean if they're gonna start doing theme type of shows on Raw and SmackDown I'm assuming that's gonna be probably one of them at some point
I uh, I still want to see it in figure form man. We I need you know, we know some stuff's coming on Mattel creations I want to see a yeah a scale Thunderdome to use for my figure Especially I didn't I can't even imagine what the cost would be but especially if it wasn't like cardboard if it was actually like little mini LCDs, you know and you could have Time left to different guys entrances. I just I don't know I've always been dreaming of having like a really high quality scale and
Entrance stage and if they did the Thunderdome they could really give you like the entire arena I'm interested to see if the new WWE video game is gonna have it in there. I haven't seen it on unless I'm missing something I haven't seen it in any of the like concept art and previews they've released but I think it'd be pretty interesting to see if they actually include it or not or if this is just something that WWE kind of wants to just You know use the men in black memory stick on us and just act like this never happened.

Beverages and Brews

All right, it is time for the weekly beverage break where we share, where we are sipping on as we talk wrestling. Marco, what are you drinking?
Oh, I am drinking one of my favorites. Love and wrestling, obviously. Double dry hopped. New England, double IPA. 8% alcohol. So, yeah. Nice. That'll get you right. Perfect beer for podcasting, for me anyway. So, I know you've mentioned this beer a couple times, man. Is it like the can art? Is it actually professional wrestling inspired or is it not related to that? Is the name just a coincidence?
No, I think the name's just a coincidence. The art is actually just like a kind of like a LED. It was like kind of like dive bar signs that you would see. Okay. Love is in pink and wrestling is in green and blue. It's a pretty cool like design, but yeah, doesn't have like anyone wrestling on it or any likenesses or anything like that. I think they want to avoid getting
you know, sued for anyway, this is all they can. So, yeah. Smart. Jordan, what are you drinking tonight, man? I'm switching between classic Bushlight and some Bushlight Apple actually tonight. Bushlight Apple is a terrific summer beer, man. I don't know if you guys have had it, but it's just perfect for summer. Is it similar to Red's Apple Ale?
So you still get like the Bushlight flavor like you can definitely tell it's still Bushlight. It's just got a hint of Apple on the back. I mean, it's it's just it's like really quenching for like a summer beer.
Yeah, I may have to try it, man. I drank a shitload of Busch Light this week. I was at, you know, the past week we were staying at my parents' house before we came up to Sheena's parents these last couple of days. And Busch Light is my dad's beer of choice. And yeah, we downed a few 30 racks, man, between fishing and even all the setup and breakdown for my son Brett's birthday party.
It's hanging out in the hot tub. Yeah, we put in, you know, Bushlight, man, the thing about it is like, I don't think it's going to win any, you know, beer of the year awards or any international, you know, beer competition medals anytime soon.
But dude, that shit goes down smooth, man. If you're trying to take some beer to pound town, Bushlight is definitely the one that you want to hit. Speaking of which, I'm drinking another basic style beer. I'm drinking a Hailman's Old Style. So this is something I never actually tried before, but it was in the fridge here that Sheena's Stepdad had a case of it and was selling it.
You know to me that it was pretty good. I tried it.

AEW Fighter Fest Night 1 Recap

It's pretty solid man It's actually made by paps, but it's out of out of Milwaukee pretty good beer again It's just your standard American light beer any you guys have old style before No, yeah, that's the that's the in the 90s. That was the beer of the Chicago Cubs So we're actually going to Chicago next week, and that's basically all we drink when we're in Chicago Nice, so it's it's not the beer of the Chicago Cubs anymore. I
No, they've moved on like Budweiser and stuff like that. But old style has become harder. It's just become harder to find more than anything. I mean, it's not like a, it's at every store in town, you know, it's, it's, it's more of like a harder to find beer.
Yeah they said when I again I would just I get really obsessive like if I get interested on something so I really did a little bit of a deep dive on old style beer yesterday when I started drinking it and sounds like that it was kind of neck and neck with PBR as far as like distribution goes but you know PBR
Got really big with the hipsters around like 2008 2009 and really kind of blew up a little bit had a real resurgence in popularity And they started brewing more and more PBR and less and less old style So that's why it's been a little bit harder to find over the last Last 10 years or so, but it's definitely solid if you need you a cold beer To you know wash the trail dust down or cool off after mowing the yard or something You know, there's a lot of stuff you can do worse than than than old style. Are you guys ready to get back to wrestling? Yeah, let's go
All right, so we're about an hour since Fighter Fest wrapped up. I thought it was a pretty good show. Excuse me, this is Fighter Fest night one. Marco, what'd you think of the first night of Fighter Fest?
I thought it was actually really good. It was pretty solid. I don't think there was any, in my opinion, any down times during it. All the matches are pretty solid. The promos in between were pretty good too. We got to see Malachi Black make another appearance.
Yeah, how bad is uh, debbie debbie about letting this guy go? He looks like he's the next main eventer Yeah, like I said Yeah, I said this before we started. I was like, yeah, I think he's gonna be the The star like that's gonna be out of all the releases, you know You know, sorry to all the people that were released from the wwe Uh, but out of all the releases, I think he's the one that's gonna be lee Like the oh my god, I can't believe you let him go um
guy, since it's like, even with the claws, he had like that 30 day instead of 90 day, too. So it was kind of like, he has he has like all the makings of, of it of his appearance in AEW, and his tenure being like, a legit like main event thing. And just by the crowd reaction tonight, you can tell he's definitely the he's going to be the guy, if not one of the guys.
Yeah, definitely. He's over like Rover. How about that coffin match, man? I think we need to have a moment of silence for the Alan Spine. No, for Ethan. I don't know. What are you talking about? Yeah, I mean, Ethan said the beating too, man. But some of those bumps start to be Alan's taking like that. The razor's edge off onto the stairs. I'm just like, yeah. I don't know. This guy is definitely planning on. He's not here for a long time. He's here for a good time, man, because he is filling up his bump card quickly.
He throws himself into like he just uses himself as like a like a wrecking ball on those and just launches himself into stuff. It's.
It's a, you know, it's amazing to watch, but at the same time, you, like you said, you just, just like, how long does he have? You know, to actually do these types of things. So maybe he's just trying to get it all out now.

AEW Fighter Fest Night 2 Preview

And, uh, you later on his career, he changes his style up a little bit, obviously. Cause he had older, you're not going to be able to do that type of stuff anymore, but, um, it is entertaining now. Cause I mean, that, I mean, for a first ever coffin match on AW, I was pretty entertained by it.
Yeah, we saw Ricky Starks grab the FTW Championship and Brian Cage is now seemingly gone. It seems like the face turn for Brian Cage is complete. Another championship news. How about the new and possibly improved? Depending on your perspective, Bulgarian inspired TNT Championship. What did you think of this one, Marco, with the white strap with the green hits?
I like it. I like the change up. I like the, you know, for a short amount of time, it's been around. It's different, you know, changes throughout its little, it's short history, you know, starting off with the mid. I'm wondering if we're going to start seeing a different strap for, or like a different belt for each guy. That's just going to be the gimmick of the TNT Championship. The black strap hasn't even been around that long. You know, it's only been there for like six months.
Yeah, it was it was obviously Darby wasn't, you know, he had the black strap. And now you know, narrow has the the white strap. But yeah, it'd be pretty awesome if each person that wins it, they kind of do their own thing and have their own type of feel to the title. It makes it like, it makes it legit. It makes it it makes it their own, which I'm not opposed to, you know, having I think that's
I mean, if that's kind of like their second tier title, kind of like their Anaconda title, if you want to call it so I think it should have its own individuality and whoever holds it should, you know, hold it in the highest regard.
Yeah, if that's what they're doing, AEW is going to be helping our friend for Ben figurines make the down payment on her next house. Because if you guys haven't seen, she does a killer job on on both versions of the TNT title. She's got them available on her site right now. And I'm sure it's going to be pretty easy for her to get the I don't want to speak for, but I'm pretty sure it's going to be easy for her to get the new design cranked out since it was just a simple color swap. And she's probably doing it right now. She probably, yes. Tomorrow we're going to see it on IG.
Yeah, her work is incredible. She's actually gotten to the point where I don't even discriminate. If I see her posting something up, I just get it, because there's been some things that I'll pass on, because I'm like, well, Mattel did a pretty good job with this belt already, and then somebody like Dougie Nunnia or somebody in the Facebook group will post some pictures with it, and I'm just like, oh my God, why the hell did I pass on this? It's incredible.
Um, real quickly, let's take a look next week to, to night two. I want you guys to just go, um, quick, like give us who, who the winner is and we'll keep it moving. All right. So we'll, we'll alternate on the four matches announced so far. Uh, Marco, the first, uh, title defense for Britt Baker, uh, Britt Baker versus Nyla Rose. Oh, Britt breaker. Of course. Okay. Jordan, this one's a B.
This one's going to be interesting. So this is the guy who actually won this belt from John Moxley defending against Lance Archer, the IWGP United States heavyweight championship in a Texas deathmatch. Lance Archer's not losing twice. I got Lance Archer in this one.
Okay, we know mocks lost his last Texas deathmatch against against Brock Lesnar there in a WrestleMania 32 So he hasn't had luck in the state of Texas. All right Marco singles match Sean Spears can use the chair Chris Jericho cannot Spears versus Jericho who you got I had Jericho Jerk you can't you can't count he's a goat you can't count him out of a I don't match like that He's always gonna figure out a way to uh to get the win. I
Yeah and who the hell is Sean Spears ever beat? Nobody and then who is actually who is Sean Spears? Can you remind me? Is he from a perfect 10 man? He's he's a He's Peyton Royce's husband. I think that's really kind of his biggest claim to fame at this point. I know Jordan I'm I'm loving you a softball for this last one orange Cassidy versus the blade
Oh my God, Orange Cassidy, this is not even a match. This is absolutely ridiculous that this is even a match. Yeah, I think that one's pretty much like a half step above a straight up squash, man. So yeah, I think Orange Cassidy is going to be a pretty good night.

WWE Money in the Bank Preview

Marco, correct me if I'm wrong, man. I thought that they set it up for Fighter Fest Night 2. The Elite was going to be going against Hangman in Dark Order in 5 versus 5 elimination. Is that for some other time down the road?
I actually thought that was a match that they promoted as well, but it looks like it's going to be something. It's not on a Wikipedia page yet, and Wikipedia is usually pretty damn quick on announcing these. Let me double check on AWS Twitter.
The only thing I'm thinking is with the progression and what's happening with Hangman and Kenny happening. That kind of makes sense that if they did promote it, they removed it because that might be a match that they're going to use as a setup towards the inevitable match-up. Yeah, so I can't... Yeah, I can see that happening for a couple of weeks.
Yeah. All right. Let's get on to the big event for this week. It is time to preview Money in the Bank. So again, as we mentioned in the intro, Marco retains the Chick-Fully show, prediction championship. Jordan, sorry, man. You got to work your way up the ranks. We're not going to give you a title shot on your first night in the territory, man. But you will be going head to head with Marco. We'll see if
Marco can defend himself looking at the You know Marco you really need to kind of restore some glory to this championship because in the Foley picks League I think you're kind of what middle of the pack, right? Or you're below the middle of the pack right now in the standings. Yeah, it's not looking great. I don't even I don't even know anymore You stop checking Now in the middle somewhere I think And then Jordan, I think what are you in third right now Jordan? Yes, I'm like that third or fourth
Yeah, I think I'm in first, man. I can't remember, but I think I'm in first place right now. How convenient is that the creator of the league is in first place? What's going on there, huh? Exactly. Who knew this would happen? All right, let's get into it. Oh, no, look. Here's 11 points for me, one for you.
Oh yeah, I'm just drunk with power. I'm really going to toss away any good will the show's had for my $70 grand prize, I wouldn't use it predictionally. All right, let's kick it off with the women's Money in the Bank match. So we got Asuka going up against Naomi, Alexa Bliss, Nikki Ash, Liv Morgan, Zelina Vega, Natalia,
and the always intimidating TBD. We'll kick it off with Jordan. I'm gonna toss to you first. Who do you think is gonna be the to be determined? Who? I'm gonna go Mia Yim. Okay. The HBIC making her return. It's about time for her to come back. I think that would be a good addition to this match. All right, Marco, how about you?
Man, I might be that this might be a long shot. All right, but uh You know, it's a lot. It's the first live crowd ever to be set when I when I go with a full capacity live crowd Any year, I'm gonna try to I'm gonna reach and I'm gonna go Becky Lynch. I
That would be awesome. That would be cool. If you want that live prior reaction and you're not going to announce that to that TBD, maybe until the actual, uh, uh, pay-per-view, just see it. Just imagine that. It's just like, they're all sitting in the ring and it's like, who's going to be the last participant here? Whoa. What would you do? You'd like to cry. I'd have tears, dude.
I don't have tears, man. I think it's a possibility. I'm not sure.

WWE Championship Predictions

It might be wishful thinking, but just looking at this lineup of ladies, I honestly don't see any of them as a Money in the Bank briefcase holder. I could be wrong, but I think that TBD is going to be the holder of the Money in the Bank briefcase.
So my pick is going to seem pretty boring after that because that would be awesome. I think that would definitely be best case scenarios. Becky Lynch makes her triumphant return. I think it's actually going to be Sonya Deville. You know, she's going on over a year without wrestling and they kind of been hinting on that on SmackDown. You know what I mean? She's kind of been, you know, reaching a little bit further with her authority every single week.
And I think we're gonna see Sonya Deville add herself to the match and, you know, cause some waves. It could be in this new blood in the women's division also. You know what I mean? We had Tegan Knox or just Knox now, and Shotzi Blackheart, who is now just Shotzi. So they each dropped half their name. And Tony Storm also started having the hype videos coming up last week. So we could see one of those three. Jordan, out of the three, out of Knox, Shotzi, and Tony Storm, who do you think has the most potential to make the biggest splash on SmackDown?
I'm going to go Tony Storm just because I've been a fan since day one. She's got it. I mean, I love Shotzi, but I just think Tony Storm has it. I mean, she's awesome.
Yeah, I'm surprised she hasn't been more successful since she came over to the States and joined NXT proper. Because yeah, I agree. She seems like the total package. She's got the look. She can cut a good promo. And she's awesome in the ring. So maybe she's one of those rare acts. We've seen it before. There's some people who are better on the main roster than they are in NXT for whatever reason. And she could be the next one of those. There's definitely a pretty big spot opened up at the top of the roster on the SmackDown women's side, though.
with Bailey tearing her ACL. She kind of summed it up perfectly on her IG account when she said that it feels like Seth Rollins in 2015 where she blew out her knee from the way to carrying the company for a year. Because like both of you guys said,
Bailey has just been on it. She's been so entertaining. She's been funny. She's made you want to hate her. And then she's delivered in the ring with her actual match over the past year. So it's a shame to see her go down because she would have been a cool addition to this match if she wouldn't have been able to take the belt off Bianca Belair. Marco, I'm going to put you on the spot first though. Who is leaving as Mrs. Money in the Bank on Sunday night? Oh, man.
I said it's hard to like any of these ladies it's hard to see them like you know when I think of the briefcase I think of the you know like kind of like the person that's gonna like tease the fact that they you know they want that title and I can only think of like Zelina Vega would be that type of person maybe Liv Morgan isn't cut
Is it Carmilla in this or no, isn't she? No, so Carmilla is taking Bailey spot Carmilla is gonna be fighting for the belt I'm gonna go with TBD. Whoever TBD is is probably gonna win the What are you making? I'm hoping it's Becky Lynch so they get something But
I'm gonna go Alexa Bliss. I just feel like they've put so much into her. I don't know, I just feel like she's the one that's gonna win it.
I am going to, similar to Marco, I'm going to say TBD as awesome as it would be for Becky Lynch to win because it would be kind of damn near poetic. You know, she gave up the belt and money in the bank. So it'd really be kind of perfect to see her grab the briefcase this time. I think it's going to be Sonya Deville. I think she's going to put herself in the mask and I think she's going to win and just be a really evil heel kind of with the abuse of authority and find some way to cash in.
and get that SmackDown Women's Championship. Should be a great match though, all these ladies can go. And I'm really excited to see what they do. Let's move to our next match. This is the Raw Tag Team Championship. These belts had been kind of missing in action for a while after WrestleMania. But AJ Styles and Omos, is that how we're saying it? Have we decided on one way we're gonna say this name?
I think they say Omos, so I think that's how they pronounce it. Omos, okay. I feel like I'm saying almost anytime I say it, dude. Okay, so AJ Styles and his bodyguard will say that going up against the Viking Raiders. I'll say this for whatever reason, the Viking Raiders have kind of been pegged as a comedy act over the past year plus, really since they started feuding.
with the street profits on the main roster. If they put these guys back to what they were in NXT, I think this match could wreck it. AJ going up against both those guys, I think could tear the house down. And then you got Omos is like the X Factor coming in and doing what he does. So I think the potential is there for this to really kind of come in and steal the show. But we'll see what direction they end up taking it. Jordan, who's your prediction to win this match? I'm going to go AJ and Omos.
Well, like you just said, they've, they've portrayed the Viking Raiders as such a comedy act. It's really hard for me to take them serious right now. Yeah, I agree.

Bobby Lashley vs. Kofi Kingston

I don't know. Yeah. I don't know what happened because both those guys are awesome, man. I was really big fans of what they did in NXT. Marco, how about you? Who you got?
Yeah, I'm going to go with AJ and almost as well, only because, you know, you have SummerSlam right around the corner. And obviously there's a lot of stuff that can happen between that time. But I think you want to, you know, if you're going to have those titles on the line at SummerSlam, I think that, you know, AJ and almost all the guys that you want in a tag team match as the champions on the opposite side. So I'm going with them to retain.
Yeah, I agree. They're definitely building up Omos to be one of the new monsters. And I don't see him taking his first loss the second time he's ever wrestling in front of a live crowd. Let's move on to the women's division. The Raw Championship. Rhea Ripley defending against Charlotte for the second straight pay-per-view. I know we were kind of all on board the Charlotte train last time.
Do we think Rhea Ripley can escape again, or is there any reason to think that Charlotte is not walking out of here with the belt around her waist once again? Man. See, this is a thing. We talked about this last time, you know, and I kind of said, I think like Rhea Ripley's, you know, reign has been kind of like stagnant almost. It hasn't worked, man. They got to go back to the drawing board.
Yeah. So I mean, you know, and now this is, this match is going to happen in front of a live crowd. So that's got to really determine on who's going to win the title or retain like, just like her walking out. What's the crowd going to react to rear Ripley's entrance and how the crowd's going to react to Charlotte when she walks out. So, you know, it could change at the last minute during that match. Like, Oh my God, they go this way. We got to go with this person.
Yeah, I feel like I feel like Rhea Ripley's gonna get a lukewarm reception and I think the fans are gonna be stoked to see Charlotte Yeah, I think Charlotte's gonna get a big face reaction when she and I think yeah, I think Like I said, I'm going with this summer summer slams around the corner What better way to sell tickets is Charlotte Flair as the raw Women's champion, so I'm gonna go with Charlotte Flair in front of a live crowd Taking that title
All right, Jordan. You know, it just seems like for like the past three months we've all thought, all right, it's just a matter of time before Charlotte takes it. I'm not seeing it. I honestly think even if Becky doesn't come back on Sunday, I think Becky comes back to Raw and that's who eventually beats Rhea. I just don't think they're giving the belt to Charlotte Flair. I just really don't. So I'll go Rhea.
Interesting. All right, so we got the first
Actually, so Jordan's going Alexa and Ria and Marco is going TBD and Charlotte. So it's good. Half the time, you know, Marco and she ended up making all the same picks. I got to come up with some random tiebreaker to decide the winner. So it's going to be some real action to see if Jordan can take the, you know, he can have some some sort of claim to the championship and maybe come back for his proper title shot down the road. Let's move to the raw main event.
Bobby Lashley defended the belt against Kofi Kingston. We got some more dissension in what's left of the hurt business. If we can even still call it the hurt business, Bobby and MVP having a little bit of animosity against each other on Monday night. Jordan, do you think it's going to come into play? Is there any chance Kofi takes this belt off Bobby Lashley? No. No. Bobby Lashley, 100%. I'm not even buying into the fact that there's even a chance Lashley loses. I'm not doing it anymore. I bet against him a couple of times it ain't happening.
I've been watching wrestling long enough. I feel like the dissension we saw between MVP and Bobby Lashley is like swerve set up. You know what I mean? It's all just a little bit of a distraction. I feel like MVP is going to come in and help ensure that Bobby Lashley leaves with that belt on Sunday night and all will be well between those two. Marco, what do you think, man? You got a rep for your fellow Bostonian. It's Kofi getting a chance of walking out with the belt.
As much as, I mean, so we kind of, we talked about this on the raw recap that I did with the OG Fig kid. And there's like a whole, there's a lot of things going on with this whole storyline. Like you said, you have Bobby Lashley and MVP.
And we also have what we kind of spoke about, which we're kind of speaking into an existence. It's really not there yet. But Kofi and Xavier, and Xavier being like the unknown guy on New Day, we'll say, like the lesser known are the guys. It's always Kofi and Big E. Those are the two big guys. So I mean, we were talking about like, you know, like kayfabe and like, what if Xavier Woods makes Kofi Kingston lose?
And maybe there's somebody kind of accidental thing that happens. Maybe he's about to win and something happens where, you know, Xavier Woods does something, you know, that makes him, you know, distracts him or something. And he ends up losing the match and there's some dissension there.
We don't know. So that was kind of like a weird thing we were playing with. But obviously Bobby Lashley is going to win. I can't pick Kofi Kingston. It's going to be an awesome match. It's not going to be a squash match like it was with Brock Lesnar, where it was just like he ran up and did a move and the match was over. So it's definitely going to be an awesome match. And I'm definitely going to enjoy it, but yeah, Kofi Kingston is not.
Walking out with that title, but um depending on where this match is placed Go ahead. I do. Yeah, depending on where this match is placed if it is the in fact like depending on where it is We're gonna go into this next thing. Well, we're gonna go into a little bit later. I want the actual money in the bank ladder match with the men But

Edge vs. Roman Reigns Match Predictions

yeah, I'm gonna go with Bobby Lashley as a winner and I'll give you I'll give my uh, two cents when we get to that point
I think you might be onto something with the New Day drama, man. So this might mean something, might mean nothing. Big E did an interview with Fox Sports this week and was talking about potential New Day breakups like a couple of different times when they were pitched the New Day splitting up, you know? So it seemed kind of, it's kind of weird that that was the topic that was on his mind this week, you know what I mean? That they're actually like planting that idea out there. So the guys have been together for
over seven years now, man. So you can't say that they aren't due for something to really shake things up. I'm just, I'm interested to see how they would, how they would play it out. Cause like you said, they could have, you can have Xavier being, you know, the forgotten member a new day who finally joins up with Bobby and MVP, or you can have Kofi get frustrated after another loss and say, you know what, screw it. You guys are holding me back and try to just go fully solo to kickstart, you know, Kofi mania part two. So I don't know. I feel like they could go ahead.
I bet there was another scenario, and this could also happen. Like I said, depending on where the men's Money in the Bank match is placed, if it's the first match of the night, what if Big E wins? Kofi has Bobby Lashley on the ropes, like he's getting ready to win, and he cashes in at that point.
Yeah, that could be cool too. It takes that away from Kofi, that movement that he could have had again. Yeah, I'm a big fan of the money the bank match is going on early, so that way you already have the briefcase in play for the same night cash out.
possibility. There's a huge... There's an underlying... Like I said, we talked about this on the raw recap, but there's kind of like an underlying storyline where you don't know what's going to happen. Summer's Land is the second biggest pay-per-view, I think, of the year next to...
you know, it's like the summer's version of WrestleMania, essentially. So a lot of a lot of feuds end or begin leading into the next year. So who knows? You could see like a triple threat match at SummerSlam between the New Day for the WWE title. Who knows? Who knows if that's the work. So that'd be awesome. But like I said, we're just speaking craziness, but we'll get to the meat and bones later. So we kind of
We kind of talked around a little bit. Let's go ahead and dive in before we get to the Universal Championship match, the men's Money in the Bank. So this is definitely one of the most loaded matches we've seen as far as overall star power goes. A lot of times this is a lot of upper mid card guys with, you know, maybe one or two main eventers split in.
It's different this year. We got some serious serious superstars in this match. You got Ricochet, John Morrison, Matt Riddle, Drew McIntyre, Big E, Kevin Owens, Shinsuke Nakamura, and Seth Rollins in the Money in the Bank match. Jordan, I'll kick it to you first, man. Who do you think is walking away with the briefcase?
Okay, so here's my first thing. How many of these guys either don't make it to the ring or how many people get added into this match is the first thing. Because either somebody's not making it to the ring or somebody's getting added in. With all the Cena rumors swirling, man, Cena come back, win the briefcase, challenge Roman at SummerSlam. Beautiful.
That would be, I'm going to go with the surprise and I'm going to say that Cena comes back and wins. Wow. Jordan coming in swinging for the fences. John Cena to win money in the bank. That would be a, I think that'd be his second time, right? He won it before I think and, uh, failed to cash in and get see him punk at raw 1000. So, all right. Very interesting pick for, uh, for Jordan Marco. What do you think?
See, I don't think Cena needs a Money in the Bank briefcase challenge Roman Reigns. I think he has like the star power enough where you can just walk in and do it. I mean, that's, that's just me. You're not wrong. I just think that just to add another element to it, I don't know. I just, I just feel like they got to introduce Cena back to us. Cause I mean, how long has it been since we've seen him wrestle? It's been since the Fiend beat him at WrestleMania 36.
I mean, I mean, yeah, supposedly he's like, that's not really a wrestling match, but okay. Supposedly speaking of parents, like when they're back at live crowds. So like, which is not this money in the bank, but you know, I think Smackdown or that the July 23rd Smackdown was the rumor that's out there for his, uh, his comeback, but I mean, they could always, he could always sneak in, you know,
Yeah, they could change it up, definitely. But I have two, actually, people that I think could win this. Like I said, Big E, just because for my fantasy storyline with The New Day, that's my own pick. But another guy, I think.
that definitely wants to win a title. And as said, on a on a certain show called Talking Smack, and I think his name is Seth Rollins. I think he's ever go. I think he's taken that I think he's taken a briefcase. But he's going to be that menace.
that I've been talking about earlier. When you have that briefcase, you have to be that person that's unstable, that you don't know what they're going to do, when they're going to do it. And just think of all the different ways he can match that briefcase with his awesome drip that he has going on with his suit. So I think it just plays into it. I think Seth Rollins is taking that briefcase. I'm not sure if he's cashing me that night, but
Yeah, I think so. I don't think he's going to get a chance to match the briefcase. I think Seth is going to win and I'll go ahead and get the prediction started for the main

Roman Reigns' Fan Reception

event. I think Seth is going to cash in and edge is going to somehow cost him his cash in and he loses. You know, I don't, I don't know exactly how it's going to play out. If he's going to do it similar to WrestleMania 31, where he starts up a triple threat and, uh, somehow loses out, or if it's going to be like post-match and.
and then maybe Edge screws him over. But I think that, I think he's gonna, I think Seth's gonna cash in. Roman is gonna somehow escape with the belt and we're gonna have Edge and Seth set up for summer. So now I pray that I'm wrong. I'm hoping that somehow, some way Seth gets the world championship, but you know, Romans, he's finally got the Usos united behind him. The bloodline is all together. Hopefully, you know, the bloodline's blood alcohol content is under legal limits.
Yeah, they may want to change the name of that faction from the bloodline I don't know if they want to bring that name back cuz yeah, maybe maybe not do anything referenced in the blood with those guys right now, but I think I feel like Roman Reigns has got a straight up
Yeah, take a trip to Uso Penitentiary. I think Roman has just got a stranglehold on that Universal Championship, and I see him carrying it all the way to WrestleMania. I think it's going to have to be on a really big stage for somebody to take it off of him, and I don't think Money in the Bank is that. So yeah, I'm picking Seth wins, and Cash is in the same night, but it's unsuccessful. I'll kick it over to you guys. Jordan, what's your pick for Roman versus Edge?
hold on. I want to touch one more thing on the money in the bank. Okay. So Marco, you just said Cena doesn't need the money in the bank. Rollins doesn't need it either. Like I get what you guys are saying and to set up the feud, but Rollins does not need that briefcase either. Like if we're going to go with people that need it, you're a hundred percent right on the big E thing or like someone like riddle or something like that. I mean,
I just don't think Rollins needs it like Rollins can walk in and challenge for a title tomorrow and I would be perfectly fine with it.
Yeah, yeah, I mean that that is also true, but I don't in this landscape now where he's kind of like an afterthought for Roman Reigns I Feel like he has to work his way. He feels like he has to like prove himself that he's a Like a title contender. He's not even being acknowledged like like if you watch Smackdown the past couple weeks Roman Reigns isn't even like even looking Seth at Seth Rollins as a as a threat at all
So he's not even looking at him as a person that can walk in and actually take a title shot from him or ask for a title shot. He's looking at Seth Rollins and Seth Rollins himself engaging from that promo that he had. He wants to prove that he should get a title shot. So I think that's why he's in the Money in the Bank match in the first place.
That's why he's in. That's the first time being in Money in the Bank since 2014 also, man. Yeah, he's the afterthought now. He's like, Roman Reigns is the, like they say, he's the center of the WWE universe and he just chews off Seth Rollins like he's nobody, like he's never even seen him before. I think him having that briefcase gives him all the power that he needs to hold over Roman Reigns' head if he needs. Well, it's not going to go that long anyway.
Yeah i agree with that i think no matter what it's gonna get flushed out by summer slam whoever when i just i don't feel like this is gonna be a long they're not gonna hold this this briefcase out there till wrestlemania again cuz it kinda runs the momentum of it you know it's just
It worked when Rollins did it, but now it's almost like WWE's forgotten about it. Oh, when are they going to use it? I agree with Seth. It's going to get flushed out quicker this time. That night, yeah. It seems like they like to alternate years, too, if you look historically. Miz had it for damn near nine months, you know what I mean? Whereas with Brock, when he won it in 2000... Obviously, Otis won it, held it for a long time, lost it to Miz.
but we were about nine months between money in the bank and the actual cash in where she looked the year before that, I think Brock held it for maybe like a month and a half and he cashed in on set. So they really do like to kind of, you know, go back and forth each year for how long the money in the bank contract holder actually has it.
You know, Jordan, we still gotta get your pick, man. Roman versus Ed. Stop dodging it, man. Stop stalling. Who's legal with the universal team? I mean, obviously, if you go about my pick for the money in the bank, I'm obviously picking Roman because I think Roman and Cena are wrestling at SummerSlam for the title.
I love Edge. I love the comeback. It's been awesome to watch. And I think this is going to be a, I think this match is going to be really good, but we finally get the one on one match, but Roman's just too much right now. I mean, he just says he's, he's the best guy they got in WWE right now. So yeah, Roman.
Yeah, I think he's the best professional wrestler in the world right now. As far as total package goes, in-ring, mic, presentation, everything, he's the best. Marco, close it out. Roman versus Edge, who wins? I mean, there's no stopping the reins train. We said this plenty of times on the show.
I mean, it's just going to roll through as long as it wants to. There's no stopping it. He's definitely winning. Obviously, it's going to be an awesome match. I mean, he's going against the ultimate opportunist. So who knows what Edge is going to do in the match to actually get the title because he is pretty determined to win. But yeah, it's the Roman Reigns, man.
It's it's really hard to predict anyone else beating Roman Reigns unless like like Jordan said it's a John Cena or all the rock or Stone Cold comes back or somebody Bigger Hulk Hogan whoever whoever it is. It has to be a big name to come back and actually take that that strap off a Roman Reigns and you know, it just one of those big names, but Not happening firm
Jordan, what do you think the actual fan reaction is gonna be for Roman? You know, obviously he was in front of the live crowd at Mania, but that was a weird crowd because it was partial capacity and in the open-air arenas, sometimes the crowd reaction doesn't really translate unless it's really, really massive. Sound like he had a little bit of a mixed reaction there. What do you think it's gonna be on Sunday? Is he gonna get cheered or booed?
I think it'll be the boozle outweigh the cheers, but not by much. I mean, dude, I get everybody booing Roman for the last couple of years. I get it. But man, you got to celebrate what he's done the last eight months. Like the run he's on right now. I mean, it's, it's his best run of his career by far to me. Um, so I feel like the booze are going to outweigh the cheers, but I feel like he's still going to get enough cheers where you're going to hear him if that makes sense.
Yeah, it's I know WWE wants him getting booed now for a change. I don't know. I mean, it's a good thing he's going against Edge because Edge is pretty much universally beloved. But I think it's going to be hard for people to boo Roman, you know, dude is freaking badass. In addition to what we all know, he's overcoming his personal life with his battle with leukemia.
But again, he is just doing the best work of his career. And he's just cool, man. You know what I mean? Like, he's not the heel that you want to hate. You're just entertained by him because he seems so evil. But he's still, like, you know, so powerful and stuff. So I'm interested in that. What do you think, Marco? Cheers or boos for Thunderdome Rome on Sunday.
It's definitely hard to engage on what the fan reaction is going to be, but it might be, I think it's going to be mixed. I think it's going to be mixed of chairs and boos. I think he's going to still have those lingerers from years before booing him. I think it's going to be a newer generation or a newer crowd cheering him on. You might hear a mixed chair. It's definitely going to be loud though.
when he comes out. It's not going to be like a murmur of chairs and boots. It's going to be a loud mixture of both, I think. Kind of like how John Cena was towards the end of him kind of disappearing. People like John Cena sucks, that type of thing. It's going to be that. It's going to be the people that think it's cool to boo Roman Reigns when in reality they should be cheering and acknowledging the tribal chiefs.
Yeah, and I feel like he's actually even leveled up some since Mania. I'm still pissed that they didn't debut the new theme music at WrestleMania, because that new theme music is just so perfect for his character now. I think that would have been the right time to roll it

New Wrestling Figures Excitement

out. But yeah, it's going to be very interesting to see how he is received in Fort Worth this Sunday.
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go figures where we cover the latest and greatest in the world of wrestling figures and talk about what we've each added to our own personal collections reminder this segment is brought to you by our good friends at ringside collectibles the number one worldwide retailer and wrestling figures use code chick foley to save 10% on all your orders at ringside and here we go
All right, we have a loaded go figure segment this week. So, Marco, let's get right to it. Take us away with figure news. Yeah, we're going to kind of speed through this because obviously we were on hiatus last week, so there's a lot of stuff that happened in figure news. Obviously, usually it's kind of like a lull, but for some reason, obviously SDCC
is right around the corner, so a lot of stuff has been popping up. But first and foremost, Ringside, we have AEW Unmatched Series 1 out for pre-order. Have you guys, have you done your pre-orders for these, or are you picking and choosing out of the series? Yeah, so actually, you know, I'm glad she's not here on the show, so I can really heal off on her. Sheena kind of screwed us on this one, man. It was just a combination of Sheena,
ringside collectibles they double teamed me and you know kind of just kicked my leg out from under my legs so damn it was 137 central time last week when the pre-orders went live literally I got the email so you gotta remember we've been in Kentucky since last Tuesday and me and my dad were actually going out to this spot deep in the sticks man that he had heard was like a pretty good fishing pond and
and literally we're going down the driveway of my parents' house. I get the email notification.
that the pre-order was live. Before I could even get the text message sent out, we were already out of service area, man. And we were out in the boonies. And if you guys know, aside from wrestling and my family, my other big passion in life is fishing. So I wasn't about to tell my dad, hey, turn around, go back up the driveway a little bit so I can get these dressing dolls pre-ordered.
I just didn't have it in me. I guess my shame got the best of me being a grown ass man, this hyped up on figures. So the whole time I'm going fishing, I'm like, again, I'm out in the boonies, man. I'll send you guys some video of it. We're deep in the woods in this fishing pond. And I'm still hopelessly checking my phone every 10 minutes to see if maybe half a bar will pop back up on the service. Nothing, dude. My phone's like, it may as well have been a middle finger looking back at me wherever your little service indicator is at.
I ended up being like three hours later before I got back. So we did go ahead and get the set pre-ordered, but it was pre-ordered too. Because Gina, they heard a fit. She was busy taking care of the kids and going ahead and prepping stuff for Brett's birthday party. It's not like she was just sitting on her big Bundy style.
But yeah, she was definitely a little bit of sleep at the wheel on the drop for that one, but I got them pre-ordered so you guys will get your figures first. But I'm definitely excited to see these when they come out because it looks like a really, really great set, especially that Darby album. That's the one I'm most excited for. How about you Jordan, where do you think the best figure in the set is going to be?
Um, the chase bread baker is phenomenal, but yeah, that, that Darby, it kind of makes me not need the chase Darby anymore. Cause I say this is just as good. Um, I, I pre-ordered these as well. I I'm in pre-order number two as well. Cause it was just, it was a crazy day at work. And by the time I saw it, I was like, damn it, but yeah, I'm looking forward to it. It's going to be awesome.
Yeah, definitely. Actually, I think I've been pre-ordered, too, as well. I think I missed out on the first wave. Oh, OK, sweet. Yeah, we're all the same boat. It's no big deal. I didn't even know this was going to happen. It was just happened to open up Twitter and I seen
Ringside pose and I was like what the heck they're already doing this Obviously going right to the page. It's you know second pre-order. So it's still it's still on pre-order too I'm looking at it right now. So it's mid August which obviously it's not too far off But yeah Set up on like, you know if
you know, any of our good friends at Ringside are listening right now that, you know, a feature to be introduced in the future. If you have an account with Ringside, maybe you could go ahead and like set up like automatic pre-orders, you know what I mean? If you know you're going to get every Elite set or every AEW set, just go ahead and click that and they can just, you know, as long as you got payment on file, they can go ahead and hook you up where when it goes live.
Yeah, that's a good idea. Yeah. Maybe I'm just a psychopath and that's something only I would take advantage of. Take it easy. You're not going to be fishing out in the boonies every weekend. Yeah. They could do like a, like a text message, like, Hey, these pre-orders are. Yeah. I don't know about you guys. Like, you know, if I get a text message, I pretty much check it within, like if I got my phone on me, I'm checking it within like one minute.
Emails, I'm a little bit more passive on, you know what I mean? I email my set and my thing for three, four, five hours before I get around to looking at it. So yeah, I don't know. We'll hit up ringside. We'll come up with something better. We'll start working on getting a better notification system out there.
Yeah, definitely. Moving on, WWE Series 122 featuring the hot mess, Chelsea Green, who actually seems like an ROH now over the weekend. Did you guys get to see her make an appearance there? I saw some of the clips off of social media. I wasn't actually watching when it happened, but yeah, I saw that, yeah, she's back. Yeah, so yeah, so in Series 122. That's a world show, right?
Yeah, it was the best. They announced a women's tournament and she's going to be in it. So, yeah, it's pretty exciting. But, yeah, so the 122 series consists of Drew McIntyre, Charlotte Flair, Damian Priest, and obviously, like I said, Chelsea Green, who is the variant. She's in purple for standard. And then the variant is all black, everything. So, I mean, that's the first of mine, too.
I believe I got some purple Chelsea green and Damien priest who I haven't checked. They should be at my house in Virginia right now I'm not sure if they made it yet or not though
Yeah, they are available right now. They're not actually up for pre-order anymore, so they are available to purchase on Ringside. So it's the, yeah, Damian Priest and Chelsea are obviously the first in line or new in line. And it's the, Damian Priest, he actually has the taped up ribs, which is pretty cool for a first-time figure. I was just looking at there as well.
Yeah, so they're all available to purchase right now on ringside We'll move on to some some news on the I think this popped last week as well. So the WWE legends Bruce beefcake and DDP That they that they're online only that's from action figure attack. They're not going to be in target stores
So if you miss a pre-orders, they should be stopped again once they come back and stop I think it's as a target sent emails Saying they're coming July 20th So if you missed out I had an email today for mine because I have to Brutus because I'm hoping to get the chase that I got another delay today saying they're available with July 27th. So I don't know if anybody else got that if that was just me But yeah, it looks like July 27th now, but I'm really hoping to get a blue briefcase blue
Beefcake, um, I know people were cleaning up on getting the chase Ted DiBiase from the pre-orders last time So i'm hoping that uh, it's the same thing this next time around Yeah, so they are they're going to be back in stock Obviously, we're not in stores. They are online only so Download that app that target app sign in put on your alerts Whatever you need to do if you need if you want those two figures and uh, you'll definitely get those alerts um
We did talk about this, too. This is actually pretty cool. So FigHail, have you guys seen this? Yeah, I got this. Again, this is another item waiting for me in Virginia when we get back home, man. It's pretty cool.
Yeah, we didn't talk about this last week or the week before, but Fig Heel actually came up with a book. It's the ultimate wrestling figure checklist. It's on Amazon. It's 500 plus pages. It pretty much features everything from past to present.
product. I think Matt Cardona actually took a photo of him with a copy of it as well. It actually looks pretty cool. I think you can get it in Kindle form too as well. If I'm not mistaken, I think I've seen it on there. I could be wrong, but it doesn't keep it back.
It's kind of like help support our friend and is like a collector's item then actually look at it people flipping through the pages I think this is what I'm going to use because right now I have this gigantic complicated ass Microsoft excel sheet that I used to inventory on my figures Yeah, I think we're gonna switch it up and just use this book now
He actually downloaded the Kindle version, like the preview, just to see what it looked like on the inside. Do you actually get a preview of it? It's legit. It's pretty in-depth. Any collectors out there that have full lines and they want to keep track of everything, definitely pick this up. Like we said, it's fellow fully fan member, FigHail. That's a lot of F's right there that he has to throw there at once. But yeah, definitely pick it up. It's on Amazon right now.
to purchase. Sheena has in her notes here. I hope we're not, you know, spilling any tea for Fig Heel, but she was actually chatting with him today. And this is going to be, he's planning on this being a yearly thing. So you'll see an update, you know, every year, a new version of this will come out with all the new product edited.
like an almanac almost, like a yearly digest, like an ultimate wrestling figure checklist digest, which is pretty cool. With so many different companies making figures now, we need something, man, because it's freaking complicated keeping up with all the different releases. It's a damn near full-time job.
Yeah, he did. Yeah, good. Because a lot of people out there doing their own type of like, like you said, like Excel spreadsheets and keeping their own lists and stuff like that. But you have the wrestling figure database too, as well out there, you know, keeping track of all the figures and stuff. But yeah, now you have a fake heel, letting his hand and finding that dish in there. So that's awesome. So yeah, definitely go pick it up, help support a friend of the show and, you know, get your get your collections up. He's here to help.
So this was some news that was brought up last week as well for WWE Legends Series 11 and 12 for the releases anyway. Legends Series 11 will be available late July, early August at Target, Target exclusive obviously. And then WWE Legends 12 is available this fall.
Target so pre-orders start in July for the fall Release of series 12, so They didn't really show I think they showed series 11 right or No, we've seen both sets. Yeah, so sure. Yeah, that's right Yeah, cuz 11 is a bam-bam Big John stud macho and Scott Hall and then 12 is junkyard dog Kevin Nash Piper and Mr. Ass
That's right, Junkyard Dog with the Harley Race crown, the King crown, that's right. Yeah, so are you guys picking up these whole sets? Are you picking and choosing? Are you guys going about these... Yeah, I think I'm going with whole sets. I may pass on Billy Gunn, but yeah, everything else I'm grabbing for sure.
You don't want the DX Army set, dude? I know it's bad saying that because I'm a resident of Norfolk, Virginia where the actual DX invasion took place, but I already have two Billy Guns. I don't think I need two Road Dogs. I have the original Elite Road Dog.
I got the China that I want and I already got like nine Triple H figures. So I think I'm all set on those guys, man Maybe when I start seeing people actually have them in hand, maybe I'll change my tune But but yeah for now, I think I'm passing on the DX Army How about you Jordan? What do you uh, are you looking at the series 11 to 12 and if so, what ones are you picking? Are you going with the whole thing or are you?
Yeah, so I'm going full sets on both these. So since they started rereleasing legends, I've got every legends figure including chases. So yeah, I'm definitely going going the whole set. So I'm excited about the bad man.
That's the best one. I love that thing. He's one of my favorites. Not in my top 10, but definitely one of those guys I can easily slip in there if anything. Bam Bam was definitely one of a kind guy. You definitely want him in your collection if you don't have him already, if he missed out before. Let's move on to our favorite, one of our favorite lines, the heels and face design from a zombie sailor. Yes.
We talked about this before. Double J is entering the field, the hills and faces field, signing that contract on the dotted line. He's coming. They actually had a hand sculpted photos. Did you guys get to see these?
Yeah, it looks Yeah, and it looks like that he's gonna be pre-orders or he's gonna be an individual Released figure and it looks like pre-orders going live here in San Diego comic-con zombie serious and details will be released soon Yeah, yeah, definitely. I just love that they're making it true to the the plants or the orange card figure, you know, I
Yeah, they showed the sketches for it. It's the same color scheme and everything. It's going to be pretty epic. I mean, if you're a Hasbro fan and you're collecting all these, this is right up your alley, definitely. This is a definite pre-order, right?
Oh yeah, for sure it is. I'm all in on this line, man. I plan on supporting this line as long as it's going. And not to just be a hardcore shill for a zombie, but like I said, there's enough good stuff coming with this that even if there's a few guys that I'm not super hyped for, I'm still going to get them just because I want this line to keep going. Because I'm all about just adding more cool figures to the collection. And unless something goes crazy between the prototypes and the final product, it looks like this line is going to be on point 100%.
Oh, yeah.

Iconic Wrestling Managers

Yeah, he's definitely he's definitely picking and choosing who he wants. And these are in these in these series, and he's actually doing a very good job with these as well, because speaking of which, he had two signings the week we were we were gone. Hercules Hercules Hernandez and the manager. Yeah. And the slick, the legends is going to have this part of the faces. Yeah, we're going to have the full Powering Warrior now.
Yeah, it's gonna be awesome. Yeah, the slick did a video promoting it as well. Did you guys get to see that? Yeah, slick, Roma and Hercules Hernandez in in Hasbro form is going to be incredible. Slick's one is creeping up my list of most wanted Mattel figures also.
Yeah, I was actually going to say that we talk about Slick a lot on this show. Every time we talk about figures, Slick always pops up at that point. Yeah, he's in the trio of 80s managers that we need, Alisa, with Slick, Mr. Fuji, and Captain Lou Albano. I don't know what we're waiting on, especially Captain Lou. I think he might be my most wanted Mattel at this point.

Mattel WWE Elite Squad Panel

Oh yeah, definitely. He might be that. I mean, I'm going to move on to the next section. We actually don't have it in here, but the Mattel WWE Elite Squad SDCC 2021 panel will happen July 23rd.
at 11 a.m. GMT, Pacific Time U.S. and Canada, but they obviously announced the Sargent Slaughter with the exclusive to the Mattel Creation site. Yeah, it's gonna be a variant as well, the Black Card variant. Obviously, you guys see the photos of it. This is probably, I mean, last year was awesome, Mr. T with the old school VHS,
tape box and everything but this one they uh they went above and beyond on this one here it's pretty insane and i just said no because i did put this out on twitter the black card of that is a is a random so when you order it the pre-order it
It did you're you're not you're not sure what you're gonna get. You're gonna get the blue card or the black card There's no separate pre-order for the black card. It's you order it and then you know, you get shift at random So good luck to anyone that gets that black card because that actually looks pretty cool as well. So Both

Future Figure Releases

of you guys I'll start with I'll start with Jordan thoughts thoughts on this that's reveal from sergeant slaughter and
That this is phenomenal. I absolutely love the ultimate editions. I have every one of them so far. This is phenomenal. I'm definitely going to try to get a couple just to try to get one of the black card and one of the blue card. And I don't open my ultimate edition. So
If I don't if I just get two blue cards I might just open one just so I can have an open one because that figure is phenomenal Like this is like you said, this is by far the best SDCC Reveal they've had for a figure. This is phenomenal. I was so excited when I saw this Seth I'm hoping we get some more. I hope we get a few more LGN inspired releases, you know They can honestly make this a yearly thing for San Diego Comic Con I'd still love to see
the LJN Ultimate Warrior remade in elite form, you know, the orange trunks with the black boots. I think that would be cool. And then we just mentioned a few managers that would make for great elites that were in the LJN line. So yeah, I love it. I'm all about it. I wasn't really like the Sergeant Slaughter figure I want right now.
is Heal Slaughter from his world title ring in 1991, the Iraqi sympathizer. So this wasn't even the slaughter figure that I wanted right now, but I was still super stoked to see this thing get revealed. And I'm looking forward to adding it to my collection. So yeah, I'm all about it.
Well, so they have so the agenda for the for the for the 23rd actually has another Mattel creation to reveal coming. So it's a it's a WWE item reveal. So we don't we don't know. It could be give us that stage, man. We want it.
Yeah, so at the 23rd, you have the Mattel Creations reveal, another one. Ringside Collectibles reveal. And then a Legend Series 12, they're going to talk about that as well.
Yeah, so there's going to be two unknown figures popping up on the 23rd, a Ringside exclusive and a Mattel Creations exclusive, so you never know. You might get that warrior that you're, that you, because that'd be actually pretty awesome, a Mattel version. I actually have that LJN.
With the hour and trumps that may be pretty sick and uh in an ultimate form Yeah, i'm worried that i'm letting my my imagination get the best of me on this motel creations thing um because uh, you know You want to compare it to hasbro pulse where they're releasing stuff. That's like
Super like desired by collectors and it's just doesn't quite work for like mass retail But I've been browsing the rest of Mattel creation stuff and it seems to be a lot of like kind of like artistic inspired stuff I'm afraid we're gonna get something like you know, like a Rob Shamburger style painted figure like It's like it's an elite figure but it's got like Rob Shamburger paint job on it or the other thing wait
It would be cool. I would probably still add this to my collection, but I'm really, I almost didn't even want to speak this into existence, because I feel like if I say it, it's going to happen. A clear John Cena elite, you know what I mean? Because now you can't see it. Similar to that pop we got a few years ago. Yeah. I mean, tell me that doesn't seem like something they would drop, man.
Oh, just an empty box and just put John Cena on it. Well, we already know what the ringside is going to be. The ringside release is definitely going to be Cody Rhodes in the suit. So get excited, Seth. Oh my God.
I mean, it has to be the, uh, it has to be from the, the, the gear that he had that, like the Assassin's Creed inspired gear. It has to be that where he had that match, the, uh, UK versus us match that he had. So if they're going to do a ring side, hopefully it's that, but we can all hope.
I mean, I mean, Seth's probably not hoping about that, but I'm hoping now. And Elite 36 Stardust is still the best one.

Collection Additions and Nostalgia

Let's move into weekly purchases. I'll start I purchased some stuff, but honestly I'm not even sure what all it has arrived or not So I'm gonna save all the packages that are in Virginia for me for next week's weekly purchases So I didn't actually have any purchases, but I had some like weekly additions to the collection I rated my attic once again in my parents house and in preparation for starting my Jack's
bca collection which is going to be next i'm pretty much closed out the hasbro's i'm starting up on wcw galub and after that i'm moving to jack's bca's um i sniped about 20 figures that were still collection worthy again if you guys have listened to the show for any amount of time you know that
me and my brother were very, very hard on our figures. Like we had some serious death matches, just all kinds of crazy stuff. Like we played hard with our figures. They were well loved and well used. The downside on that is a lot of them are collection worthy at this point. But some of the later Jacks PCA's that I think there were some of the figures I got once I was older, you know, like
8th grade timeframe when the fig fed was starting to die out a little bit. It was like, you know, late era WCW that we didn't have as many viewers and not as many people were tuning in. So I wasn't really having the hardcore matches anymore. A lot of those are still in really good shape. So I'll get some pictures and get a post up in the Facebook group so you guys can see what all I have. But that was it for me, just some attic finds and it was nothing too crazy that I did find the executioner, which
I think it may be the rarest Jack's bone crunching action figure. So I found that in pretty much perfect condition. I just couldn't find his little like grim Reaper tool. So I got to track that down somewhere. But that was it for me. Marco would you add to the collection this week.
Yeah, nothing too crazy. Last week, actually maybe this, maybe Saturday, maybe, I don't even remember. It's kind of like molding the weeks, but finally got the last piece of the Fan Takeover Series 2, which is X-Pac, the NWO X-Pac actually arrived.

Collecting Habits and Humor

that happened. That showed up. So I have all the figures from that line. I mean, my XPOC collection is shaping up. I have all the elites of XPOC. I mean, the only thing that you kind of want me to get is the green card, but that's probably not going to happen anytime soon. The green card XPOC, that's a little bit out of my price range.
So I'll settle for the elites right now, and we'll keep it at that. But yeah, that's pretty much it. Obviously last week was kind of like a holiday week, so it wasn't much going on, essentially. But it came to shipping and stuff like that. So I'll have more hopefully next week. All right. Jordan, how about you? What's your new collection?
So I had a heavy Funko week. Of course you did. I added, yeah. I added the last four Falcon and Winter Soldier Funkos to my collection this week. Oh, I did get the Stone Cold and Ric Flair Ultimate Editions this week. Awesome. Finally. Nice. You unboxed those a while back because we unboxed those when you were at our house for
Uh, for all out weekend. Yeah. My bad. Yeah. It was nice finally getting those in hand. Um, the rest was just Funkos. I don't remember which ones, but that was the only two figs I got this week. Did you make your, uh, your middle finger modification? Like I so expertly showed you how to do while you were in our house. I don't open the box.
I don't know why you're not getting this. Marco, you should have reminded me whatever we realized that Sheena wasn't going to be able to do the whole show that Jordan was an MOC collector. I couldn't. Yeah. Anyways, Harry Potter fans, the way that
The way that Voldemort felt about the half bloods and the mudbloods, that's how I feel about MOC collectors, man. Like, Jordan, we got to convert you. Marco used to be MOC also. We just peer pressure the hell out of him to turn him into a loose collector. And Marco, hasn't it been so much more enjoyable?
It's so much better when you actually get to get the figure in your hand and actually get to see the detail and the accessories that come with them. It's a whole different experience. I mean, it's great looking at it in a box and stuff, but you got to get them out.
You don't go and run for you get to see your fingers do you get to see the work in the back of them there's more space to when you're putting them when you're placing them everywhere like you can actually put more out as opposed to like boxes that take up a lot of space.

Unique LJN Elizabeth Prototype

Fellas, I got some news for you, okay? I don't know the last time you guys looked at eBay or anything, but have you guys seen what all of our 90s figures in boxes sell for now? I mean, I don't know if you guys like money, but I love money. When I turn 50 years old, my daughter's probably not going to want my figure collection or my phone cost.
When it comes out to it and you guys are like, Hey, how's your figure collecting going? And I'm like, well, I'm a millionaire now. And you guys are like, Oh, cool. Fair enough. I remember this conversation. And in your defense the other day, I was, uh, as I was going through my, cause it was a huge tub of action figures I found in my attic and I'm seeing all kinds of turtles, like some super obscure turtles figures. I actually had police Academy action figures.
A lot of the Marvel Comics Toy Biz figures, I would literally, as my mom was sitting there watching me going through them, I was like, I wish I could go back in time until, you know, eight-year-old me just don't open any of this shit, dude. Like, if all that stuff was able to see you, like, yeah, I probably wouldn't be doing the podcast right now, though, so maybe it's a blessing in disguise. I'd be off in Cabo San Lucas somewhere, sipping on a margarita.
But that's just part of the collector's game. Some people do it for an investment. Some people do it for the love of the game. And in Jordan's defense, I know he was kind of healing off on the loose collectors, but he definitely has the hardcore love of the game as well. So don't let him fool you. He's not in it just for the money. This motherfucker loves his action figures. Am I right?
Oh, I probably have 500 loose figures. Let's not get it twisted, fellas. I have an entire loose set of retros, the majority of the Hasbros. And then when Seth first started hanging out, all my figures were loose. So I still have a ton of loose figures. So let's not get it twisted. I got a ton of Loosies too. All right, so speaking of Loosies, perfect tease. We got a wild figure for random merch of the week. Let's get to it right now.
Hey everyone, it's Nick, better known as Extra Cooler. Is there anything better than diving back into the wrestling archives and watching classic matches from the past?
Yes, there is. It's doing that with your buddies while cracking jokes and enjoying some ice cold beverages. If that sounds like fun to you, then be sure to check out my new podcast, The Extra Cooler Show, where each episode, my Survivor Series team and I review an old school match chosen by you, the listeners. The Extra Cooler Show is available wherever you get your podcasts. Be sure to subscribe and follow us for new episodes every other Thursday morning.
Random Merch of the Week is where we scour the deep recesses of the internet to track down hard to find and never before seen wrestling merchandise and share it with you, the Foley fam. You can find links to purchase our rare finds in the show notes of every episode. This segment is brought to you by Pro Wrestling Tees. Visit the official Chick Foley show store by searching Chick Foley at or hitting the link in our show notes.
All right, so we have, before we go any further, if you're listening with kids in the car or whatever, you may want to fast forward it about 10 minutes on the show and then pick up at the listener mail section, because it's gonna get a little bit spicy here for a minute. Jordan, I know you were late edition. Me, Sheena, and Marco discussed this item earlier today. I messaged you on Facebook, Messer. Did you get that link? I got it.
Have you had a chance to scroll through and really look at the pictures of this figure?
I had a chance, and it is really something here, fellas. All right. So again, as always, the link to this item will be in our show notes, along with all the rest of our partners. So any of the awesome sponsors you've heard so far will have links to their product in our show notes. So feel free to support them without going any further. So this is the resin prototype of the LJN Elizabeth.
you're gonna scroll through, you're gonna see the pictures. Luckily, there were some modifications made to this figure before it was released as part of the LJN's Wrestling Superstars line. Marco, I'm gonna toss it to you, man. Tell us some of the differences between this prototype and what we actually saw get released in the line. I mean, it's kind of hard to,
The figure is very anatomically correct. Well, we'll say that there are things added to the figure that made it look presentable to the masses. We really need Sheena here.
So the actual, before we go into this one, the actual LJ and Elizabeth that came out was kind of Barbie doll style. Like the body was pretty much smoothed over. And then she had a, I think she was painted, right? And then she had a cloth skirt. Is that how the actual LJ and Elizabeth was released? Yeah.
Yeah, so this is the resin prototype of just a figure so it's missing the actual skirt so that's for starters everything and whoever made this prototype I got to think that only thing I can think is maybe originally this thing was going to be
It was going to be like a full length cloth dress because they made Liz anatomically correct, if you will. Starting off at the top, there are molded nipples, which I guess that's possible. I mean, free the nipple, right? That's like a movement online. Guys have nipples. It's acceptable for them to show it.
you know, life sustaining milk comes from those things. So I think we could probably accept that. But then...
If you go down a little bit lower, there's another feature on this figure that I've, I'm not sure I've ever seen it on any toy, much less any wrestling figure. Again, hit your show notes, take a look and scroll through. I will try not, you know, I don't want to get too vulgar, but let's just say she was not going to be the third member of the Bushwhackers with what she's got going on down here, you know, in her nether regions.
It's crazy. This thing is wild. I just wonder, like, I wish I could have been a fly on the wall back in, you know, 1986, 1987, when whoever the sculptor was, like, shows up to the production meeting. And he's like, hey, I knocked out that, you know, Miss Elizabeth prototype you guys were looking for. Here you go. And just seeing the drawers hit the floor as they send this guy back to the drawing board. So check out the notes. Go ahead, Marco. Yeah.
So the only thing I can think of is when they, since this is the prototype, the only thing I can think of is they're trying to make it kind of like a Barbie doll almost. So like you said, have a full cloth skirt or a dress as opposed to just a cloth skirt. That's kind of like tear away. So it's going to be fully clothed. That's the only thing I can think of or a reason why you would make this version of Miss Elizabeth.
that's what i'm thinking i'm thinking it was going to be fully clothed and it was just some jokester back at lj end in the 80s who was like you know what let me add in a few little details here and i'm thinking this thing was made as a joke i mean i don't i mean if you know this is a toy that's going to be going for kids why would you give it a freaking bush
Well, I mean, like I said, it's the 80s. We'll say that. Let's preface that. It's a different time than it is now nowadays. But like I said, I think they were going for the Barbie doll type of thing, because if you see the Barbie doll, it's pretty much the same thing.
They have nothing going on down there though. It's just smooth plastic. Yeah, it's smooth. This is like detailed. This looks like straight up like, you know, Ron Jeremy 19, you know, late 70s porn flip.
I mean, it's freaking got realistic texture, dude. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe that's why they kind of like like mix that idea of, you know, having that type of a figure because it is a rubber, you know, material and stuff like that. It is kind of it's almost like skin if if if you will. Yeah. So, yes. You know, it's the most I got to ask.
Why? Because I'm looking at the prototype. Why didn't they paint it? They painted the hair on her head. Why is it just textured down there? And they painted shoes to look like maybe they're like, okay, you know what? That's a step too far. Like we'll leave that out. But you know, this thing's wild. You can add it to your collection for the low, low price of $40,000. So maybe if you don't want to take a reverse mortgage out on your house, you can afford to grab this thing. It is definitely a one of a kind.
It's yeah belongs it belongs in somebody's figure collection, but yeah the seeds it's being sold by drew Nick J Yeah, so we'll post the link up take a look cuz this this is it's a crazy item man And if you got the coin, I think you definitely have bragging rights over just about any other Wrestling figure collector in the game. Are you guys ready for some what's your mail?

Non-WWE Money in the Bank Speculation

Yeah, do I let's do it?
Bear with me normally Sheena kind of quarterbacks this segment, but we will work through it as good as We can so let's start off with John Swallow He says pick one male and one female currently outside of WWE to be money in the bank winner. Who would they be? Jordan we'll start with you. You we know you love women's wrestling more than just about anybody pick a woman That's not in WWE right now to come in and win the money in the bank
Oh, that's a good question. Um, woman that's not in WWE currently. I think I would go with Britt Baker, honestly. Okay. See her come in and, uh, be a Britt two belts. Yeah. I love me some Britt Baker and I would love seeing her in WWE and seeing her with the money in the bank would be awesome.
All right, Marco, I'll toss it over to you for the dues. Who would you like to see come in outside of WWE to win Money in the Bank? Outside of WWE. It's always weird. I have this thing with Money in the Bank that has to be like a character that's going to do something with a briefcase, something creative. So I'm going to go with a Sammy Callahan. How about that? Sammy Callahan coming in and winning the Money in the Bank.
Uh, imagine that, imagine that Ron, he has that briefcase and all the things he would do with that briefcase and the teasing and the, the, the threatening of cashing it in and stuff like that. It'd be pretty cool. I'm going to go Kenny Omega. You know, he's already the belt collector. Imagine this dude in addition to having all the belts is walking around carrying a briefcase written cash in on Roman or Bobby last time he wants. I think that would be pretty cool.
Let's move on to Rob Regina says hey guys if you could go back in time and change the outcome of One Royal Rumble Royal Rumble match winner easy for me to say which rumble and who would it be Marco?

Alternate Royal Rumble Outcomes

I'll give this one to you first. Oh That's rough Probably the last one we watch I want Sid I want Sid. What did the Royal Rumble? And you want to write the wrongs for me not any to rumble. We just watched a few weeks ago Yeah, man
He's on his way in a Hale Hogan match. Yeah, let's go with that. I mean, I was a, I was a Sid Mark back in the day. So, uh, yeah, I'm going to go with Sid where I run for 92. All right, Jordan.
I'll do Royal Rumble 1990. And instead of Hogan winning, I will go with Mr. Perfect winning the Royal Rumble. Nice. That was they were the final two, right? Yeah. Yeah, I agree. For Hogan to win. Yeah, you could add Perfect Glenn with Hogan getting screwed over by Bobby Heenan or
somebody else in the Heenan family some way. Rob actually gave an answer. He said he would do it in 1993 and have Macho Man Randy Savage win instead of Yokozuna and do Macho Man versus Brett at WrestleMania. That would have been pretty incredible. I'm going to stick with the same rumble, but go with a different person. So this one's kind of coming out of left field, but it's something I've kind of had in the back of my mind for
for a while. I think that Scott Steiner's solo push came about five years too late. You know, it was really kind of late 97, early 98 before he started to go solo and start getting his push away from his brother. At that point, he was really kind of just fully the freakzilla roided out of his mind. Wasn't anything close to what he was in the ring. If you saw Scott Steiner in the early 90s, the dude was incredible. Like he could do the Frankensteiner, which was basically another word for the Hurricane Rana.
He really made that move popular in America. And he had some crazy power moves also. He had this Steiner screwdriver, which was like a combination suplex power driver. Go back and just like YouTube that it looks incredible. And obviously he had the charisma because we heard those promos. He was cutting his big Papa pump. They were off the chain. I think have him kind of just come out of nowhere and when the 93 rumble and start his
Start his solo push right there. Imagine Brett versus 1993 Scott Steiner at WrestleMania. And I don't know if you have Scott go over. It could have been just a really awesome challenger for Brett to beat. But yeah, I would have loved to see Scott Steiner get his solo push back when he was still at his peak in ring. I think that would be pretty cool. Am I batshit crazy for thinking that? Or you guys think Scott Steiner could have done something if he would have had his solo push start a little bit earlier?
That's interesting. I think it's an interesting take. No, I don't hate that at all.

Nostalgic Figure Feds

He was definitely, I think we talked about this on the tag team saying they weren't even like, I think they were like way, they were way up high. They weren't even near the top 10 of that. He was definitely the star out of the two. He was super athletic for being a giant, giant ass dude, even in the tag team. I mean, he just seemed to get bigger when he went solo, but no, definitely not. That's actually pretty,
pretty awesome scenario i would i wouldn't hate that at all all right let's move on to charlie messings question he says don't be shy in your figure fed days how did you play did you do pay-per-view events with the call of the action banners entrance ways did you do shows like raw or superstars um i'll start first so my figure fed was off the chain dude actually had a binder where i kept up with all the title histories and
and big paper views. I made an entrance way out of the stands that came with the Jax BCAs, because that was really when my figure fed was at its peak. I had an awesome fig fed one with the Hasbro's, but it kind of just lined up with like my age and everything when the BCA started hitting that I was really able to take it next level. My dad had one of those old school 25 CD changer, CD players hooked up to a stereo system in our living room. Do you guys remember those when those were a thing?
Yeah, so I would load up I had like WWF full metal CD obviously but then for the guys who didn't have interest music I had a bunch of other stuff like just actually real world music I'd use for their intros like
different guys had like, you know, it was all my dad's music. So it's like dad rock was all of my guys' interests. I had a lot of like, you know, a lot of guys had Steve Miller band's music. I think for Owen Hart, I use like fly like an eagle by Steve Miller band for some reason as his intro. But yes. Boy, that didn't pan out well. Oh God. Taking a dark turn.
But yeah, I had so everybody had interest music. I had a custom Goldberg that I made by taking a Steve Austin head and putting it on a black trunk psycho Sid figure. And for him, I actually went out and got spark where so I had a full Goldberg entrance with sparklers and everything. Obviously, I had to get on the back porch for
for that one be I went all out like if obviously I could own it now but I kept this thing going as I mentioned earlier, really until the latter parts of my eighth grade year, and for like that last year and a half like I would have been absolutely mortified if
if all, but maybe like my absolute best friends knew that I was still doing this. Like anytime I had a couple I had two really good friends that were like also in on it and stuff. And so I didn't care. But if any of my like more casual friends came over, all of my shit got thrown in the closet. Closet door got shut and that closet door was not to be opened under any under any circumstances because I just I wouldn't even know where to begin because at this point I was already into girls. I had like girlfriends and stuff and like
Not that I was ever like, you know, the next Joe Montana or anything but I was like the starting quarterback on our middle school football team so like I was I was a popular kid like I was, you know, I was like a traditionally cool kid, and I just had this extremely like, you know, looking back now I'm like it was really cool that I did this and was using my imagination but
at the time I was just mortified because I felt like it was like the dorkiest thing ever that I was doing and you know I guess I was kind of felt shame looking it's kind of sad now I guess that I was really hiding this thing that I freaking loved but uh but yeah that was my fig fit it was pretty elaborate and I also went to elaborate links to kind of hide it from from my friends and stuff once I got a little bit older and was still playing with them how about you guys
Okay, I guess I just don't need to silence. Jordan, you want to go first? I mean, nothing close to that. I literally would make like a stage out of our TV stand and then like pause the TV in the background.
on a Superstars logo or something like that. But I had stairs that went down from our TV stand to the ring. Nice. But yeah, I didn't keep track of anything like you did, you weirdo. But yeah, I mean, I definitely had some- I'm talking about having a great city, man. If I was doing, I think Mayhem was one of my shows, I would know what city it was in. It would be Mayhem out of San Juan, Puerto Rico or something, man. That's the detail I was going into.
So like I, I guess I didn't do as much like that with my, um, figs as I did with my wrestling buddies. Like dude, the wrestling buddies got the full, we would, uh, put a mattress on the floor and jump from the top of the couch and stuff on the wrestling buddies. But, um, I didn't get as elaborate as you, Seth. I mean, that, that sounds pretty elaborate and I'm not surprised at all because I know. Mark, go have it to you. What was your, uh, fig fan light?
Yeah, nothing to elaborate like that. Mainly just like week-to-week shows and maybe like a special, like a Saturday night's main event type of thing. No paper views or anything like that. Just kind of like how AEW does it now. They'll do like a theme type of shows, that type of stuff. But yeah, nothing too intricate. Definitely didn't keep any records.
I hardly remembered who had the title at one point, but just a point I wanted to do as a champion if I didn't remember. But yeah, nothing too deep like you were. You kind of... Yeah, I knew I was insane. I wouldn't say overboard. The W.C.W.F. was the name of my big fan. It was World Championship Wrestling Federation. So I just kind of did a straight up hybrid between the two companies there.
Let's move on to our next question.

Wrestling Hollywood Figures

Kevin Harrison of the Mild Mannered Canadian Collectors podcast. He says, with the inception of the WWE Hollywood line of figures, what's one of the top ones you want to see made? I'll go first. Sheena spilled the beans on the ones that me and her are both hoping for. We want to see suburban commando Hulk Hogan, Shep Ramsay. I think it would be such a cool
cool thing to have in toy form. He's so toy-etic and obviously Hogan figures are always going to sell well. So that's my pick. Marco, how about you? What wrestler in Hollywood do you want to see made into a figure? Let's see.
you definitely don't know holds barred to with Hogan as well or do like an elite elite version of or a two-pack maybe about Zeus and Hulk Hogan you could do that you could uh the only the only thing that's i'm not sure how that like deals it'll work because i know that's like that first line is with the universal
Studio so like those those figures that are there, you know, it's like in partnerships I'm not sure if they could just willy-nilly make any type of you know wrestler into a like Holly there Hollywood persona or anything like that, but uh Yeah, definitely definitely that one. I'm trying to think of who else Maybe that's maybe the wrestler. Maybe Randy the Ram. Maybe they can do that. They can actually make a figure form of a
Vicki Rourke, yeah. You can do Jimmy King from Radio Purple. Oh, COVID has thunder lips, could be cool.
Yeah, you can do body slam as well. The movie body slam. If you've, if you see that with that Roddy Piper, um, you could do that one. Uh, what about, uh, what about Andre, the giant from the princess ride? So that's a good, so that would be cool. Well, they're actually so about sure from, uh, so McFarland toys is actually doing a princess bride line. They actually revealed that today.
Yeah, so it could be a cool thing. It would be the giant, you know, AKA the big show from Jingle all the way in his big Santa suit and every there Santa like that could be a good one. Yeah. Or him as a or him as what do you call it? Captain Insano from the bar. Oh, my gosh. Yeah, they could do that. But obviously he's not WWE anymore, so they can't do that. You can do Hogan as Mr. Nanny to do that. You can do Rock is a tooth fairy.
All the guys that were in the longest yard. What was the guy's name in Billy Madison, the Inglorious Blob? If you want to branch it out to just wrestling characters. The Revolting Blob. The Revolting Blob. Yeah, there you go. Yeah, that would be cool too, man. That'd be pretty awesome. All right, let's move on. Two more questions. All right, so Zach Hertzler wants to know favorite money in the bank winner and worst money in the bank winner. So Marco, I'll kick it to you for favorite. Give me your all-time favorite money in the bank winner.
Oh man, it's always a toss in between.
Dolph Ziegler and Seth Rollins, obviously. That's a good toss up. Both of their captions were pretty awesome. Yeah. Because I was actually there the night that Monday Night Raw, because we went to the media before that. And they were chanting us, because I don't think he was at that media. And I remember the crowd just saying, we want Ziegler, pretty much the whole show. If you actually go back and watch it, you'll hear that chant happen. Oh, that's a huge pop, man. We want Ziegler. I forget who it was.
I can't remember who it was, man. If somebody on the Steve Austin show, though, they said they were actually leaving, and they heard the pop from outside the building when Dolph Ziggler cashed in. Oh, yeah. It was insane. It was ridiculous. But yeah, definitely, man, that's hard. I mean, I'm going to go with Ziggler just because of that, because of the night before them chanting his name, and then the next night him just cashing it in, and the crowd going, like, absolutely insane. All right, no shame in that.
And Jordan, give us the worst money in the bank winner of all time. Oh man. Oh man. So Otis is obviously the easy thing here. But I'm not going to go Otis. I'm actually going to go just because of how much of a let down it was when he cashed in. I'm going to go Damien Sandow. Oh yeah. I always liked that. Was that another wooden briefcase that he had? I always liked that. But yeah, he was.
He was a weak money, the bank winner anyways. I mean, how, who could ever expect him to be a world champ, you know? He was over. All right. Same as Cody with Stardust. I feel like his most over time was when he was Ms. Dow. Yeah.
All right, last question is gonna be from Jordan, who's actually on the show. He wasn't planning on being on the show when he sent this question in, but he's got a good one. We're gonna make him answer it first, all right? So yeah, you thought you were gonna put us on the spot with this awkward-ass question, but now you're gonna get a taste of your medicine. Jordan says... You're the only one that's gonna answer it.
Yeah, I like that, Mark. Oh yeah, Jordan, you're the one that's going to answer it, man, because you clearly got something in mind with this detail desk question. If you were going to get a wrestling tattoo, what would you pick? Also, it has to be a tramp step or a face tat, so choose wisely. So Jordan, tell us what you're getting and tell us where it's going to be.
Yeah, exactly. So God, this sucks that I'm on the show now because I was really ready to hear these answers. All right. So if I had to absolutely get a wrestling tattoo as a face, I would do a face that first of all, because tramp stamps just not going to look good on me. The face that I might be able to pull off. I'll go with a Brock Lesnar sword under like my right eye.
Oh my god, dude. Wow. Who the hell is going to buy insurance from you, dude, if you got a score of your eye? Not to break KJ here, but Jordan is a hell of an insurance salesman. So hit him up if you have any insurance needs. But yeah, he's rocking a freaking sword under his eye. I don't know if that's the guy I want to be trusting, my security of my most valuable assets and all my life.
Yeah, I don't know how that one's going to work out. On that note, let's wrap up Episode 136. Jordan, I want to say thanks again for helping us out tonight in a pinch. Again, me and Sheena, we got a shitload of stuff that we got to do to get ready to head back to Virginia with the littles. We got both our kids and both our dogs here with us. So it's definitely a happening in the words of Grillo Monsoon, getting everybody headed back on the road to the East Coast. And Sheena is buttoning down all the hatches for that. So Jordan,
Thanks again, man. You know you're always welcome here. And it was a blast having you on. You can find Sheena on Instagram at Chick Foley. Marco, where can they find you on Twitter? Chick Foley show traversing the the wastelands of Twitter.
And remember, there's going to be a ton of awesome figure reveals over the next week and a half or so. A lot of new pre-orders should be going up at Ringside Collectibles. Make sure you're using code ChickFully to save 10% on all those. And Marco, as the reigning, defending, undisputed ChickFully show prediction champ, you get the final words of episode 136. Let's hear it. Just stay safe out there, people. That's all I get.