Arc 2 - Episode 7 - Making Plans (They Probably Won't Happen Anyway) image

Arc 2 - Episode 7 - Making Plans (They Probably Won't Happen Anyway)

S2 E9 · Mystery Dungeon: a Path Through Time
59 Plays4 months ago

The full crew gets to hear Salena's backstory and why she might be important to this story. Is she as evil as she main crew thinks she is? Is she trustworthy? Who is she anyway?

Discord -  https://discord.gg/A7NCWyPkSd

Dakota as the PM, DM, GM

Evelyn as Hikaru Hatsumi the Pikachu

Eli as Bruce Flameback the Cyndaquil

Shawn as Sammy Pepperoni the Munchlax

Jake as Walter the Riolu

Hey guys, before we get into this episode, I do just want to throw a quick disclaimer out there. um We ended up having to start this episode like three or four times over because I ended up getting a lot of the data, like important data in this episode very wrong. So we had to go back and redo it and then it was this whole thing, but if you're listening to us on the patreon You're a liar because this disclaimer is not on the patreon, but if you go and listen to This episode on the patreon you're going to get like literally three times the content so go listen to our patreon I think you'll like it I really hope the patreon is released by the time this episode comes out and Think it is wherere we're getting very close to it. So anyway, um just be wary some of the transitions in this episode are a little bit iffy because we had a The intro from our first take and then the rest of the episode from like our literally like our fourth take so sorry about that um I hope you have fun because this episode was chaotic to make a listener on patreon. It's a blast and
So Yeah, end of world. Oh, well. Anyway, he's already had like 10 end. Hello, everybody last I am your PMU DMU GM Sean and this is a path through time with me here is somebody who's not doing the intro Yeah, that's right. It's me not doing the intro All right, sitting next to me. You know, I always feel like I'm really mean to Evelyn whenever I do this, because I'm like, seeing my left is the most hateful person on the planet. it Sitting to my left is somebody who... I struggle to come up with someone to my left who prefers ultra balls over great balls. There you go, nice and boring.
It's me, Evelyn. My favorite ball is actually the dive ball. It's the... It looks cool, you know? I like the design. And to my left is... I've got someone with me who holds the dubious title of most itemized deductions taken. Oh yeah, totally me. i I've absolutely taken itemized deductions numerous times in the past. I'm Eli. And sitting across from me is the creator of the dubious disk. I was, hold on, sorry, I was i was wondering if someone was going to make a joke about the dubious disk. I got you, don't worry. What it does, we don't know, but it's dubious. It's me, Jake.
So, um, it has been like three weeks since we recorded this. so Oh, wait, hang on. We actually doing this? What up? Hey, yeah go hey, of so I actually think of something. We said we were going to swap it up and this was going to be our intro. We're just going to roll with this. But yeah, it's been a while since you recorded one of these. So I got to make sure I don't forget something which is extremely common. So recap, everyone roll a D4. I don't have my D4 out.
is a d four No, no, that's a good question. My D4 over my shoulder and it ended up across the room. How do you accidentally? Why would you do that? Over your shoulder? Holy crap. He's supposed to be in front of you. I got a three. I got a one. Three. I got a two. I also got a three. Two. Well, that's unfortunate because I got a four. Oh. I have to remember, okay, so Jake ended up meeting, and the others ended up meeting Jake as Jake was coming out of a general shop and then you guys like argued slash talked I think it was more arguing for like most of the episode than you guys went and met Selena told Zekhiram to go wait in the inn and then
c Selena told you guys ever everything and ah think I think that's about it She told us everything but in a way that nobody heard Yeah, ah yeah um Yeah real quick. I will say this for the audience. Um, just so you guys don't have to suffer through me Explaining everything again. I did end up giving these guys an explanation off-camera. Also, you missed the part out where they thought I had that syndrome where I like my kidnappers. ah Stockholm syndrome. We did think that Walter had Stockholm syndrome for a bit because he was being all buddy buddy with his captors. I want to talk to this Selena person, man. I got questions for her.
Well, that's perfect because that is actually where we're going to open up. We are going to jump right on in using, wait, we usually need use a move. We're going to use. Splash. You know what? it's ah It was just April Fool's. I'm making a move up. We're going to use cat throw. your cat throw and oh boy there's a cat throw it's super effective my sprigotito is scared what sprigotito i've got a sprigotito right here yeah that's uh it's me askadara's signature new signature move where it just throws a sprigotito at someone sprigotito lodge yeah sure whatever okay let's get into the episode so
So, Missalina, that's your name, right? I'm sorry, I'm trying to keep up with all this stuff. you You dumped a lot on us all at once. um yeah You said you came from the future. How did you ah how jimmy meet your two friends here? Yeah, ah I mean, these two here, they've been with me for quite a long time. um Back when I first came here... Well, hold on. First, you know the whisk cache that I said told me about the orbs, right? yeah yeah I think I remember that yeah it was like what a few minutes ago yeah but he kind of kicked the bucket a couple years ago and it's not exactly right here anymore but uh did you do it so what are you what do you take me for dude I don't know I just met you
You know what fair enough honestly, I kind of kidnapped your friend, but jeez I would have only sometimes reserved to murder wait hangk wait back wait wait no back that up why are you staistically Smiling at me when you psychic when you told us it's like psychic me Yeah, only okay. Yeah, we we flash back to them to when Jake was getting when Walter was being tortured and Selena was giving her a whisk a smile You know whisk a shower cat smile so she's enjoying it you would you would kidnap Rob and torture us but you draw the line at murder I mean what no no no hey Caro she said she would sometimes sometimes kind of resort to murder there was like a sometimes a sometimes okay that's that's very reassuring
What a friend. I mean, only if someone stopped me from getting what I wanted. Now wait, hang on. I like your bandana. Why is it red? Blood. Walter Twist spreads blood. It was given to me by my mom. You be quiet. it's Good grief. I don't believe her. What are you... Look. It's the blood of the Wishcast. what She's like, well, let's be welders. She's like, I did not kill them. Anywho, these two, she just was towards the two Umbrians. And she's like, they took me in in Hawkeye when I was literally homeless. And they I ended up living with them for a couple of years. And I told them about what my plan was, what my mission was. And they decided that they wanted to help out. and
Unfortunately, because they... Well, yeah, they didn't really have any good jobs. So they ended up like losing their house. And we kind of took up residence here in this tower that was abandoned conveniently outside of the place we were just at. So we've been spending like the last few years just living out here doing random missions when need be. That's mostly Bree's work. And Bree puts her heads up just like, yep, that's me in the morning meal. And now is this tower like part of Hawkeye? Is it in Hawkeye?
Did you have to talk to the town hall about moving in here? Did you get permission? Or are you just squatters? Well, it looks like this place used to be a tourist attraction before it was deemed unsafe. And then they shut it down and it looks abandoned. So what you're saying is it's old and probably be like a polka stop. Very historic. You know, people would come here and look at it. So this is like the main plot of Rent, right?
i played too much poke fun go i just thought of the poy stops immediately I was trying to make an ah okay Honestly, Evelyn take inspiration for that just because why isn't it? Okay. Okay, that's a bias because I love rent. Okay. I love rent I Rent it's a ah it's a it's a musical. Yeah. Yeah, it's never heard of me the only it's literally the only musical I like eleven It's so good. It's you think my high school did it at some point? what i Hamilton on top
Selena's like yeah, they they they took me it I mean, yeah, we're taking residents here Anyway, we turned this place into our home and that's where we are now. It's like our base of operations. Okay, because i i have more sense I got one more question and then you like you can then then someone else can talk you got anything to drink I'm real thirsty. Uh Yeah, we yeah, there's water over there. She chest just towards the sink. Fantastic. Thank you Anyone else when she says home. This is her evil lair. Oh so i got a question uh can i have my orb back okay so here's the thing i can't trust you to your to its full excitement like don't get me wrong i think you're great you see you seem to have a comment
goal at the moment because you want the orb. I'm assuming you're trying to find the other orbs otherwise you wouldn't have this stupid thing and so we're gonna work together to do this right? You're not just gonna take this orb and run away. Well see yeah you might want to understand something here. We can't really trust you either and I mean, I guess it's fair. you You've told us your story. I think it's about time that we tell you our story. Like, you're not the only one who's lost someone in this situation. Walter raises a hand. Hikaru is just like glaring at Selena right now. He's like, what did you say? So you does not notice with a two. Walter just raises a hand at the point where he said that's the only one who lost something. yeah Walter, you can wait a second. I've already had my time with you. What do you mean you lost someone?
So, Sammy's the only one I've ever really talked about this with, but I guess we're gonna need to tell you this too. So, about eight years ago, my father disappeared and... Wait, hor hold on, hold for eight years ago? Yeah. Do you know the date? No. Do do we have a specified date? Roll roll history. ah Okay. I'm trying to think if Bruce would actually know the date because you were 10 years old. ah Okay. Roll me history and that'll roll me history and I'll tell you how vague you can be on that answer. Called it.
Uh, well, I got a 14 plus one 15. Okay. Okay. So you know about within a month of when that was. So we're just going to say it's a row March of eight years ago. Okay. So that's somewhere around March eight years ago. Like March 12th. Was it March 12th? That could be it. uh it's it's it's very strange because uh like i always thought that he was killed by some psychic pokemon or maybe a ghost or dark type or something but apparently according to my mother that was just some malamar mind shenanigans i don't really know what to believe but apparently
ah you You mentioned something about the rifts that you went through to get here, right? Yeah, yeah. yeah but the but But the thing is, that was eight years ago on March 12th. Are you sure it's March 12th? Was it around that time? Yeah, I'm not a hundred percent sure but my mother said that my father went into a rift trying to investigate it and just disappeared and we haven't seen him since. And she like gets really close to you because he's like super excited and she's like, do you realize what this means? It means our two stories are interconnected. We have to work together now.
uh if that means that i can get my orb back sounds good because uh you know that that orb has been in my family for generations i don't really know how we got it in the first place but my mother just gave that to me to protect like three days ago something like that so Selena is really important to our family uh you you might not know us because uh you're feeling the future whatever i don't know how good the the business is doing then but i am bruce flameback of flameback enterprises she's like hmm that sounds vaguely familiar
maybe i'm not sure i mean i was literally like i was like maybe 11 12 what i mean i know how old i was i was 11 years old when all this happened so that's strange yeah i mean it's just not like i was paying attention to the fortune 500 back then but that's true that makes The what but okay, so I have a deal for you, okay I will give you this or back if you can give me something that is important to you So that way I know you will not run off with this Because if you run off with that you won't get your important item back. I forget what it's called like monetary trade or whatever he's done collateral collateral collateral How about this
we if you won't here Can I can I call a huddle a quick huddle with ah the the squad here for a moment to have a moment in private time out time out If you're asking DM, yes, you guys can have a private huddle and I was also asking Selena Selena us is like Sure, yeah Yeah a best breed you want to just come over? Well, yes, just go over there. She like justice towards a corner. I Yeah, so they gather up everyone. Yeah, you guys are private, so you guys are fine. Yeah. Do you think we should bring her back to the laboratory that my mother showed us? You know, I got to be honest with you, Bruce. um I'm not comfortable how she's talking. She's talking like she owns the thing now. Yeah, I don't like it either. But I mean,
I've observed a lot of people like this. you know i I was not very social in high school, so I just spent a lot of time observing and like figuring out how people worked, that sort of thing. I mean, how yeah how about this? If Selena holds it in trust for us and like...
Who's that? What? Are you coming over there? We're talking about something important over here. Oh, no, sorry. That was me. I'm trying to ignore you guys. I don't want to deafen myself, but I also don't want to be a part of this conversation. Oh, OK. Can we trust her not just to take something else from the laboratory without us knowing and acting like it's hers immediately? Yeah, that's a good point. If Selena cooperates with us, if with us we can we can agree not to press charges.
That's actually a fair point. ah we want really want to Do like yeah and we really want to get into with the cops? Yeah, like their bargaining position is really not that good. for the to be fair yeah he still they They stole our friend, they did some not great things to us as Walter has said. not Not to us, but to him. And um they they stole from us, did I already say that? Yeah. Yeah, you did. a But I like Abyss and Bree. Besides the psychic park, they've been nice to me. flashback to when they book they also grinned when they psychic me he made it look like they all liked it when they psychic attacked yeah i'm starting to really uh really think hard about the stockholm syndrome thing again i have never heard of stockholm before besides like none of those two are nice i think i heard of something similar like stack attack a home syndrome i don't know i don't know ah did you think did you mean stack attack
that's what i'm yeah That's what I'm thinking. I don't know. Whatever it is. So so what are we doing here? They could take my guitar. don No, don't give me your a guitar. That was a gift from your mom. That's super important. Let's not give up too much ground here. Because I don't really have anything of importance to me particularly. like I mean, I've got this gold nugget here that I could give. but like that's only worth like 3000 poke or something like that if they just say no we can't really do anything because they're strong I fell out a strong man when they psychic me that's a good point again if they help us we don't have the numbers advantage I'm pretty sure Brie and Biz could have taken us down the line not to mention the other Pokemon that's here somewhere the other Pokemon that's here sorry what was that
What was the other Pokemon name? Because you said there was like one more when they were eating breakfast. There's Selena, Abyss, and Brie. That's why you said there's like one more, one guy. There was Zekrom, he went back to the inn. I got a reward. I swear there's another person. No? Was there a ghost or something? I don't know. I think there was another person. You changed your voice somewhere then. Like into like manly voice for them. That was probably for Abyss. Probably. My voices always change. I don't know. we don't know if they have more recruits or not. That's true. But what they've told us of the story, it's just the three of them working on this. The three Musketeers. That's true. I don't know what we could give them. Yeah, that's that's what I was thinking. That's important enough. That was the only thing I could think of that we could give them was
just a tour of our facility what we're using to try to find something that's the thing if they turn on against us and we're literally telling the evil team the evil team where our base of look of operation yeah but i mean have you heard what drampa are known to do to uh people who wrong their friends Alfred Alfred's not exactly a slouch in battle and my mother's not too bad either Bruce always used to warn me about that so I always tried to be on his good side That that is fair. That is very true The thing is yeah, they might be able to defeat them. But what happens if they just get a bunch of people? You know what happened to your house Walter if ah if your dad had gotten on Alfred's bad side It would have been ten times worse
I see where you get it from, the house destroying bit. I guess, yeah, Alfred did kind of raise me for almost half my life. Fair enough. Alfred's such a cold- If you want to destroy a house, hit here, here, and here.
You know that was an accident, Walter. Uh-huh, but I'm never gonna let you live it down. This one time when I was at Bruce's house and I fell and hurt my knee, uh, Alfred came in. He took me and the, uh, you know, he, he bandaged me up. It was so nice of him. Yeah. Okay. So, so what do we think here? Do we, do we, uh, use the, uh, Hey, we're not going to press charges. He's a thing. And we're like, okay. If she gives us, if she agrees to give us the old back, I don't see why. Like, okay. Walter, I know you're probably in a lot of pain.
Okay, we should get some kind of compensation for Walter's injuries. This psychic pain is like unreal. His brain's messed up. Although we did hear that Walter ended up with ah a good bit of money, right? I feel like Walter may have already been compensated. I didn't get it from him. I had to do my own job. To be fair, Walter like lives here now. He's got a new home. He doesn't have to come home to his but crisp of a house. I'm gonna live here. You said you had a bedroom, dude. a guest bedroom well you don't have a bedroom back in gale beach wow thanks for bringing that up let's be careful what we say about that oh my goodness save is done with walter did i miss something to be fair we don't want
savey does told walter Yeah, but you don't get a home back to jump back in i've been ignoring you guys for like we've just We've just been chatting in character For Selena We have two options. We haven't fully decided on one of them yet. Well, don't tell me what it is, because I'm just going to continue to ignore me until you guys are ready to jump back in. Just say my name and I'll hear you. Walter, I'm sorry. That was really harsh. I forgot your mom's still back home. And you guys, we're going to figure something out. We'll get you home. We'll do it. You don't have to live here. These guys probably suck. I'll just get it. I'll just give him my guitar.
No, dude, I said that's your gift from your mommy. That's important. She gave it to you for graduation. But it's better than giving the location of our base away. We don't have a- Can you give them one of the nuggets? We don't have to give them the location of our base. What we gotta do is just gotta- Like nothing of- I don't think they're gonna trade the power of God versus the- versus the gold nugget. I don't think they're gonna trade that. Do you think they like Bokeh McGriddles? We still got plenty of Bokeh McGriddles. Do you still have yours? I left it for a trail for you guys to follow that you guys never took. At this, Sammy's eyes widened. at the At the fact that you literally left food on the ground? For you! I wanted your munchlax nose to pick up on it. Dude, how was I supposed to find that we weren't on the ground and we took the train? How was I supposed to know you were going to take a train? We- did you know that we- oh no, you were knocked out. Great. You were knocked out. No, I was getting destroyed. and
While you guys were just sneaking along, I was gaining torturer i was getting psychic. I was fighting my own battles inside my head. and going Not to go crazy. Did they like... Did they feed you? Go on. Was there good food? Don't tell me, Walter, that they made pizza better than I do. Like, I'm gonna kick something if they made a good pizza. You know what? No, they made the best pizza. It was top stars. It outshined everything you made ever. Go down rolling for damage. ice cream ah only for damage on roll for the walter now I don't know what this is for, but if you guys are so close to each other, accuracy is not required. No, I'm just going to kick a chair. Throw me a D4. It throws a chair down all the stairs. Walter, why did you provoke him? I rolled a three. Okay, you take three damage and the turret chair is broken. Why?
Looks Selena looks like she's like what what what are you guys doing over there? Would you stop destroying my furniture stop just destroying my mind? Okay, look do you guys have a proposition for me or what you guys are my standing over there for like 10 minutes? Yeah, we're trying to talk it out Selena. All right ah Apparently you guys maybe have a pizza it's better than the pizzas that I make in my pizzeria My family makes the best pizzas down the all-cast region, and I'm really upset about that. Okay, wait, hold on Can you say that again? I just like wait what about these? i told i told i told sammy that they made me pizza just to annoy him and he he said that there was the best pizza that he'd ever had way better than pizzarina we i mean we had pizza once it wasn't
What? What are you guys talking about pizza for? Did you get takeout? Did we cater the event? my My family owns a pizzeria down in Gale Beach. You literally could have called us if you haven't pizza. You you guys live 12 hours away. You want me to call a pizza place 12 hours away for catering? Are you nuts? It's not worth it. What? Did you want us to save you or not? Well, if it's gonna be such a struggle...
if you think it's it a requirement yeah Do you want to give her your guitar Walter? take I don't know if we have no Bruce. Yeah, okay. No, I don't take guitar No, don't give him the guitar Don't you love that guitar? do Do you really want to be working with these people Walter? Like how much do you trust these people? You've known them longer than we have and Do you trust that they'll actually work with us? I trust Brie and Abyss not to do anything unless Selena says anything. Selena? I'm not sure about it her. That's what I was afraid of. I guess. Selena.
um you don't have to You don't have to give us the orb right away. um We will we'll work together with you to to solve the mystery of the rifts and the orbs together. But I'm going to be watching you very closely. And after we're done you can get after we're done, you can give the orb back to Bruce. If if you do all that for us, We will agree not to press charges for you- for you guys robbing us and torturing Walter. Wait, I- Well, that's a l- that's a little bit of an empty threat. No. Because you guys wouldn't turn me in anyway. If you guys turn me in, then your guys' mission fails too. So, I don't believe that you guys would've turned me in anyway. Selena, I just broke one of your freakin' chairs. But you see, we're not on a timeline like you are. You have a clock ticking down. We don't. Selena, I just broke one of your chairs. What makes you think I'm not gonna turn you in? You literally just tortured my friend.
you i broke a chair what makes you think i broke a chair bring it and also i'm pretty sure the police would uh return what's rightfully my family do you have any proof of that though if we were to turn you in and don'll keep it as evidence for like two weeks that's it this is what I'm getting if I don't go with you guys you guys are going to call the police on me she says rolling her eyes just so you guys could get the orb back for a little bit and just ending your guys's journey is this what you guys are saying are you guys just doing this for spite? you know what now that you're saying it that way that kind of sounds a little silly but the orb is very important to Bruce and his family that's all we're trying to say and I'm willing to give it back to you guys so if you guys have some sort of compensation
what do you need for kind not compensation yeah how about world hang i need for clo at me Look at me four legged the two legged. What do you need for compensation? Just anything that's important to you that can't be replaced I'm gonna give you something that's important to you that can't be replaced and I want the same in return I'll give you my scarf. You're what? ah He pulls his scarf out of his backpack So you you hand out the scarf and she's like, what is this? This scuff I've always had since I was little. ah though But like, I kind of always used that as like a napkin when I was eating pizza, so it's covered in pizza stains. I never really washed it. She's like, he's like Jesus, if you give it to me, I'm going to burn it. you ask You asked for something sentimental, and this was given to me as a child, and I love this. That's not sentimental. That that that that should have gone in your parents' house fire, Walter.
Selena, I have a copy of LPM's Guide to the Galaxy. What does what is that? don no That's a bad idea, Hikaru. Don't do that. Let me just give what I said I'd give up. It's a lot less important than that. Oh guys, let's convene. What just gives Selena my freaking guitar? Give him the freaking guitar, he just gives it to her. Like take it, just take it. Does she want the guitar? Is that is that what she actually wants? It was a gift from my mother. Is Walter handing her, the is Walter handing Selena the guitar? He's handing it over by showing it like here. How's the one I got for my mother? The mother I barely see ever. Wow. Yeah, she's like, honestly, fair trade. Under one condition, Walter keeps a hold of the orb.
That guitar's not sentimental to anyone else, so... The deal only stands if Walter gets to keep the orb. I'm fine with that. This really shouldn't be that hard of a decision. Why is this this a hard decision? You think I'm gonna run off with it? Walter, I trust you. Actually, no. Actually, no. I'm not gonna say anything after my previous interactions. I'm not gonna say anything about that. Walter, as long as you're not breaking down any more doors, you're not making any stupid decisions like you did with the door. ah I trust you. All right. Don't leave me alone when it comes to doors. If you see me talking to a door, just pull me away. And you can see Selena's hand outstretched for the guitar. Selena, I want you to promise me you're not going to do anything with that q guitar. You leave that on the table. You put that in this house. I don't know. Don't break it. Don't damage it. You leave that here. That's important. Walter's slowly giving it, like, arm shaking, quivering. As long as the orb is on your guy's person, I'm keeping this guitar on me. So it doesn't matter. Walter gives it to her.
Alright, and she has slightly orb. He turns around, he has a slighty tear. Yeah. I believe there's something else you need to give me too. She says gesturing to the bow of your guitar. Oh no, not the bow. I forgot the complete guitar was bowed. We just said the guitar, not the bow. It's an improvised cello. Oh no, it's so painful. you to even give it to her slowly like
like puall Guys right now So sad and she says it next to the table She's like well, that's a done deal now. You guys mentioned something about an L game sky to the galaxy. What the heck is that? ila by person No, what what is it is an item? I don't know it's I don't think it concerns you guys It's a fashion book So what now? It's a fashion book, you know, what kids are into nowadays. So, hold on, I want you to roll deception. Roll deception, she's gonna roll insight. Deception under again. I'm not entirely sure. Deception is... Cute. Nat 20!
believe it she car Yeah, she has a five she's like you gross keep the thing away from me I've got all the fashion. I need right here, and she's like like does oppose and She's like well anyway enough that that's over next step, so you need to find the next orb and I have no clue where to start do you guys have any idea what we should do I Can a wall to just or a sense the orb see if you know if you can get any distance anything else Are you gonna use your or a sense for this? Are you gonna use your sense for okay? You just gotta see if you can pick it up. It's like hmm I don't think a trail is I think it's just a flight a 20, but it should be written on your sheet I
some you wanted winninging the roll again It should be noted on the top um near the top of your character sheet. I feel like it should be either smart or beauty. I'm pretty sure it was just a flat D-twine. My thing resets, so I don't have anything for a ability. Okay, we're gonna have to fix that in the future, but I'm going to say that's gonna count as insight, so roll beauty. Uh, sure. That fell.
uh 13 13 yeah okay one three so with a 13 you can feel the humming of the orb as you tune into it with your aura sense you can feel just like this aura ish hum of noise and like feeling it's really strange it's weird because i hear humming out right now it's outside from the wind okay it's really weird so yep and that is all you sense you do not sense anything else at this time how much of it can you sense can you sense like whereabouts they are um okay so yeah i should have been a bit more specific um you can sense the orb and you can like almost like echolocation tell kind of where it is like the general sense like you can feel oh i don't know what that's north west south east can he sense both orbs or just one of them
You can feel a pull towards the orb, basically. And you can tell which direction it is, but you can't see it. You can just generally feel it in like the general direction of which which way it is. Which way is it? It's I'm assuming in your bag. So it's like I thought you're talking about different one, dude. That's what I know No So this gave us no information I think we should I think we should wait Once we get in private we can look through the book a bit more
okay we honestly haven't even had the chance to look through the book so i guess we're just gonna go you go one way we'll go the other and i guess if we find something somehow mess each other uh are you saying this to the group i mean selena in a group sure but we have no idea where to start looking I think the only yes I'm with I'm with her we have no idea where to start looking so splitting up isn't gonna really do anything since we'll both just be wandering around aimlessly right maybe try to get out maybe we can look at every every place where we've encountered a space-time rift
That's a good point. How many space time rips have you guys experienced? I've only ever seen one. I've only ever seen one. I don't... Did we? No, I don't tell you that we saw a rift and no you didn't and I'm really terrified Good to note because at this you see poke pipes up and she's like, uh, you guys saw a rift What do you mean? Okay, so like first you want to do it? You mean the one you don't know when you're talking about the one your dad you weren't there to see that I thought you said like there was a Malabar or something Yeah, no, um here, how about that Sammy or he card you want to take this one actually
Hikaru, I feel like you're the one that hasn't done the story yet. I wasn't the one that saw it. Well, Hikaru also didn't see it. Sammy, how about you do this one? He kinda saw it. So last day of school, we went to this field. We had a test, whatever. We did we went to a dungeon, we ended up in this field. Our teacher told us to get an apple, but we didn't see an apple. We got there. By the time I got there, Walter was unconscious. Bruce was, I don't know, staring into a hole in the sky. I tried to approach it, but I ended up collapsing. And as far as we know, Bruce stared into the abyss, not you. Um, and he saw like, what was it? Every possibility of everything, things that don't exist or things that do exist.
Yeah, every possibility of everything. Okay, hold on. So what color was the rift? a blue multicolored i think the story right wasn't it i don't know left the reference i went through was white and it also didn't make me see crazy things but um that's weird what what color was it actually dakota did do i i'm gonna say you guys saw it was white yeah like that's just the way i've been picturing it it's just been like a white hole in space okay so like kind of like an ultra worm
Yes, that's that's what I based it off of pretty much. Okay. Yeah, so yeah, it was it was white. It was like a tear in the sky. And yeah, I just I was drawn to it. Don't know why I looked into it. Saw absolutely everything. Not something in mind of any living being should be comprehending. And passed out. To be fair Selena, I don't think you saw anything because you said you fell into it. I don't think you would have seen it if you were falling into it. Like, what direction did you fall? Did you fall face first or butt first? And were you screaming with your eyes closed?
Well, okay, so I technically did see stuff. It was just like a bunch of tubes and like whiteness. It was really weird. And then, like I said, there was the Evelto claw that grabbed me and pulled me into a different hole. It was really strange. That might be the key to finding my dad. What, a Evelto claw? We've just got to find the right tube.
I mean... that's That's the name of the episode. We have to find the right tube. Maybe we just gotta find Celebi or White Veltol and just ask them if they know where you that is. Oh yeah, let's just go find Yveltol. You know, it's not like we'll find God presence ever. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that the multiverse is just a series of tubes. Oh, here we go multiverse theory. Here we go. Wathen, no one asked you. like do
but I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Walter. I'm sorry. I should not be taking this out on you. We're just very frustrated and we're trying to figure things out. You're a good kid. You're a good kid. Sure. You know, we were supposed to go back to my mom and report if we found anything. so we definitely found We definitely found something. yeah other we we found each other and we got the orb back i think that's mission success go back check in with mother and uh see if she knows anything else we can go from there she might know a lot more because like time travel and all this wacky stuff that i don't even fully understand okay so where do you okay so where do you want to go then you want us to go to gale beach yeah yeah yeah to be fair we don't have any way to get back there fast we'd have to take the train back or take a 12 hour walk which we're not doing
we could take a twelve We could at least take a short detour and get and get Walter's burgers back and then take the train the rest of the way. They're probably old. Hey, Carol, this is probably real gross by now. I don't think the food rots in dungeons. To be fair, Sammy is saying that's disgusting. That's where you gotta draw a line. Hey, Carol. No, Walter's right, but at the same time, I'll still eat it.
It's veggie burger meat. That's been sitting on the ground for like what four days now voice in the sky Let me tell you it doesn't matter to me It should I should say me it should Yeah, you did ri regard to take an orinberry like ten times. So honestly, what do I might wait wealthy? You heard that voice in the sky too. I know That's weird So So Selena's like, all right, ah I'm gonna pack my things and I guess we can head out, right? Once Selena added the potty. Wait, wait, hang on. All three of you coming or just Selena? She gestures towards the other two and they're like, you need somebody to watch your house while you're gone, right? Do you need me, Selena? Okay, here's what we're gonna do. Abyss, you're gonna come with me. Bree, you can stay here and...
Continue to make money freeze like ah come on really All right fine are yeah fine, I'll make us a ah billion dollars whatever i'm we need to get some food anyhow Yeah, I'll make sure the house is stopped up and you guys get back. Just go as you're like shush. Just as you guys So Selena's like yeah. All right Well, I guess we'll pack our bags and we will meet you guys by the door in like 15 minutes. So I It's not that hard getting money here. So we needed to go back home with Zekrom anyways to get him that new job and new identity. All right, so we're taking we're taking the four the four of us, Abhir, Selena, Zekrom. Anyone else who wants to come on a party with us?
no good they check out it i think it' good and so fifteen and out of here 15 minutes pass and you guys heard by the door and you can hear a thump, thump, thump, thump, thump as Selena and Abyss are burning down the stairs and they get to the bottom i're like, all right, let's head out then. And she pushes past you through the door and that is where we're going to end this episode. I have your PM, your DM, your GM. I've been Evelyn playing Hikaru. I've been Eli playing Bruce. I've been Sean playing Sammy Pepperoni, the guy who is in the tower with everyone else. I'm je i'm Jake playing Sleepy Walter. Yeah, can you tell he's sleepy? All right, we'll see you guys next time.
Hello everyone, and welcome to the midsection. I'm Dakota, your PM, your DM, your GM, and thank you for listening to this episode. If you want to interact with us more, go check us out on our Discord, which should be linked down below. Speaking of our Discord, our question of the episode this week comes in from Micah, and he asks what legends, not legends, jeez I can't speak, what megas do you want to see in legend cea and i know it's not going to happen but i think i'm really cool and would be if like each of the evolutions got a mega evolution of their own i think i'd be really sick and i know somehow they would mess up glaciance evolution anyhow so maybe that's not such a good thing but either way i think that'd be really cool
So let's thank the music producers for this episode and it's actually very short. We got goomba village and mario's house from paper mario 64 and pokemon center theme lo-fi remix by glitch x city