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Turkey Day Extravaganza

The Chick Foley Show
6 Plays4 years ago
Sheena, Marco, and Seth recap their Thanksgiving happenings, review Survivor Series, preview Wargames and Winter Is Coming, have a huge Go Figure segment, and an extended Listener Q&A Session in addition to all your normal favorite segments!

Thanksgiving Episode Introduction

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody. We're here with a special Turkey Day episode of the Chick Foley Show. It's Thursday night. Everybody's kind of getting up from their tryptophan turkey-induced comas. And it's time to talk some wrestling. First off, I want to thank all you guys for all the amazing support for the show. Thanks for everything this year. And for the rest of 2020, we're going to be here for you discussing all the ins and outs of the wrestling world. First off, let me introduce the star of the show, Sheena. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
Marco, how was Thanksgiving up in Massachusetts? It was good, man. Just ending off the night with the dearest and dearest friends. Just talking wrestling. That's how you end the night of Thanksgiving. Yeah. Hell yeah.

Giveaway and Toy Drive Success

All right. So we'll get right into it. Without further ado, we were running a giving away all this past week for at Manny is cool to check him out on Instagram. That's at Manny is cool. And then the number two, no underscores or anything. He's giving away an enamel gobbledygooker pin.
and a t-shirt, and one second while we hit the drum roll. And the winner is Cody Baker at barber underscore bake. So Cody does have an underscore in his Instagram name, but we're not going to hold that against him. Congrats, Cody. I'm super stoked. I'm glad that you're going to kind of believe the turkey is really obnoxious. Hey, it's the last time I'm going to get a chance to use that. That's true. That's true.
for a whole other year. It's trying to pay us back for all the turkey that we ate today. All of his cousins. It's officially getting deleted from the soundboard right now. Oh man. Okay. So yeah, Cody, awesome. You'll be hearing from Manny is cool to set up, you know, delivery for your pin. I got one of those pins a couple of years ago and they are so beautiful. Manny is awesome. So stoked that you won the Gooker giveaway.
And Sheena, tell them about our toy drive we got going on right now. So we are in the final push from the last couple of weeks of our toy drive. You guys, it has been such a huge success so far. So many amazing donations, you know, with toys and monetary donations. You guys have just really showed up and just made this so awesome. And we're making this a super special Merry Christmas for so many families out there. So I'm so proud of you guys.
Um, the details are always going to be on our Instagram and Twitter as well, but you can send monetary donations to my PayPal. Don't make fun that I still use a Yahoo email address for my PayPal. It's ancient. I've had PayPal forever, but it's Sheena Phelps, the number two at Um, we accept any monetary donation. Just make sure that you do, uh, note that it's for the toy drive and that sort of thing. And then we have our PO box set up and the PO box addresses. Let me grab that real quick. PO box one, four, three, nine, three.
that is Norfolk Virginia two three five one eight so make sure if you're sending any toys we're gonna be dropping everything off on the night so just make sure that he gets here before December 9th we are going to be raffling off you guys so we have an awesome awesome giveaway courtesy of our good friend Jordan Wells
fully fan member, good friend of ours. He donated a decade of domination, Mark Henry figure, like the figure that everybody is looking for out on these streets, hunting Walmarts for, um, he donated that to our toy drive for us to host a raffle to raise money for the toy drive. So 100% of the

Social Media and Patreon Promotion

raffle donations will go toward the toy drive myself and the heel husband will be doing shopping for that. We post everything that we purchase on, on all of our accounts and everything. So,
Stay tuned for details on that. We'll be posting them on Instagram tomorrow. Yeah, and just keep a look on Sheena's Instagram also. She's posting those details for the Toy Drive Daily. So if you happen to miss it or if you want to recommend it to a friend, just direct them over to your IG account and there's still plenty of time to get your donations in. Marco, where can the listeners find you at on Twitter?
You can find me at Chick Foley Show. I'm actually running a surprise Thanksgiving giveaway. It's called the Chick Foley Show Thanks Giveaway. Play on words there. See what you did there. Yeah, just head over to Twitter if you haven't already. You haven't told the next show to enter. So yeah, I won't spoil what it is. So head over there now.
Check it out. And Sheena, where can they find you on Instagram? You can always find me on Instagram at Chick Foley. I'm there every day in the DMs in the story. So, you know, hit me up.
And then we also have our Patreon page at Membership starts at just a dollar a month, and I really think you get just a ton of bang for your buck, literally, for that. You get into our Facebook group where we have a lot of awesome deals on figures, some communal figure hunting going on, and just a lot of really fun figure talk. I'm cracking up every day at some of the wild stuff that people posting there. Dougie Nunnia, I'm talking to you right now, buddy. So the guys definitely, they keep it, it's a hard PG-13 in there, so maybe keep the youngsters away.
But for the adult collectors, it is a really fun place to be. And last but not least, we want to talk about Figure Friday. So newest episode of Figure Friday is going to be going up tomorrow again at Me and Sheena are going to be unpacking the AW Blood and Guts set, the new Jushin Liger from Ringside. And then we're going to be doing Elite 82, Jerry Lawler and Keith Lee. So take a look at that. We always unbox them. We usually grab a few figures to do some comparisons with.
And we just have a lot of fun with it. So let us know if you guys have any special requests. We're not just doing new figures on that. We'll also occasionally bust out some blasts from the past and just do some detailed looks and glamour shots on those. And it's a lot of fun. So let us know what you think of those and we'll keep that content coming for you guys.

Black Friday Sales and Discounts

And lastly, we want to talk about our friends at and the Black Friday sell they got going on.
Yeah, so they have an awesome Black Friday sale happening. So definitely check it out. So many discounted figures and you can also stack the code on top of the figure. So use code CHICKFULLY. Anytime you check out, it helps support the show. It gets you extra discount. And like I said, just scroll through. There's lots of elites and basics on sale at Ringside right now. So this is like their one big sale of the year. So definitely check that out.
All right. And with that, it's time to move inside the Squared Circle. So this segment is brought to you by our good friends at Omage. Sheena will be getting our personal Omage link up on the IG account tomorrow. So I'm sure they will have some tremendous sales going on for Black Friday. So definitely hit them up. Yeah, it's 25% off for the Black Friday sale. Awesome. Yeah, you can't beat that. They do have the best tees in the game.
And it definitely helps support the show anytime you guys use that link to make your purchases So it's something you're already buying just use our link. So let's get into the chicks top six This is where we discuss the you know, sometimes it's the six most important Sometimes it's just the things are interesting to us the biggest stories of the

Survivor Series 2020 Recap

week. We'll kick it off with story number six Survivor series 2020 is in the books that the tagline on this show was best of the best I don't necessarily know if it was the best of the best shows but
But I had some fun with it. Sheen, what were your overall thoughts on the show? I thought it was good. Again, I'm always a fan of the short and paper views. I thought Drew versus Roman was really good. I thought the tag team match was really good. I was stoked. I popped so hard to see the Gooker come back and win the 24-7 title. So there was a lot of fun things happening on the show. I thought it was good.
Marco, what did you think? I know we talked a little bit before we hit record that you weren't feeling it. Let's hear your thoughts on it. I didn't think it was that great of a pay-per-view. They've had a few good pay-per-views before this one. For some reason, it couldn't carry over.
Even with like Payback, Payback was like the breakout one that people didn't think was going to be really good and that was like the best one in recent memory. I think it was really like the Survivor Series matches that kind of did it in for me. I didn't think they were that great.
especially with what happened with Jey Uso being the last person in the ring. No one got eliminated on the other side of the thing. I think it was more of a match. True, but we saw later on in the match how that played out. You know what I mean? Yeah.
done by roman and then he came back into the you know he came into play during during roman injury yeah i get it but yeah that that uh other than that yeah but my uh my match of the night was definitely sasha bangs in aska um um definitely sasha pulling out get the win which was awesome a lot of people think that was gonna happen but
Um, you had to pull it, pull it, pull it for the blueprint. And, uh, you know, I told you Sasha was going to win. I know, uh, Seth, we, we both said that Sasha was going to win and Seth told us like there, there was no way in hell that, um, that Seth or that Sasha was going to pull it off, but she did. We were right. Yep. Yeah. I was definitely surprised by that. Marco, what was your match of the night?
Like I said, definitely the Asuka-Sasha Banks match. I really did love the Roman Reigns, Drew McIntyre, but I feel like every pay-per-view at Roman Reigns is, and I always say that's my favorite match, so I want to switch it up a little bit. So yeah, definitely that one. Just an awesome back and forth outside of the ring, inside of the ring, definitely two.
Yeah that's just i mean it was just a wrestlemania quality you know level match you know i mean like there was no way that it was gonna be a bad a bad match i'm excited to see you know eventually like once they once they meet again you know hopefully.
in the WWE format that we know and love with some fans there and that sort of thing and like the big stage and whatnot. So yeah, I think it's going to be epic when those two meet again. Yeah, it reminded me a little bit of the Survivor Series 2018 match between Charlotte and Ronda Rousey. How you got this, you know, WrestleMania main event caliber match, but
You're not going to give away the finish to that on Survivor Series. So if you guys remember that one, Charlotte, they had a nice match going and then Charlotte just ended up attacking her with the kendo stick out of nowhere. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. That's when Charlotte like snapped, right? And like, you know, just totally like went crazy. So we had kind of a, you know, a little bit of a, I guess it wasn't an inconclusive finish, but it was definitely not a clean finish. And it left you wanting to see Drew and Roman go at it until we can't get a definitive winner. But yeah, I think that was pretty much unanimously the match of the night with,
honorable mention to the Street Profits versus New Day, because that one was pretty good also. What was you guys' big let down? Shane, what were you most let down by on the Survivor Series card? Let down? I mean, I thought the Battle Royal was kind of just a monumental waste of time. It was just kind of like the forgotten talent match, you know, it was just like sad. I'm trying to think, what was your big let down, Seth?
Yeah, I think the men's elimination match. It was just, if you looked at it on paper, like it was really, like the build was all over the place. So I guess I really shouldn't have had my hopes up too much, but I remember like the morning of,
Me and Jordan were looking at the car and I was just like, dang, these are some stack teams. You got Seth and Jey Uso on the SmackDown side. Yeah, and Seth sacrificing himself. And the raw side was just loaded with studs. Yeah, I still don't really understand what the whole deal was with Seth doing that, but apparently that was the way to get him off TV for a while. But yeah, I was very disappointed because traditionally that match has been pretty good over the last few years since we've been doing the brand warfare thing.
I think the big letdown for most people is going to be our number five story, which was the farewell to the undertaker.

The Undertaker's Farewell Critique

So we had about 20 legends come out. They all had their own individual entrances. We heard people's themies. We haven't heard in years such as
Savio Vega The Godlands, you know these guys we haven't seen forever They're out in the ring wondering what's gonna happen and all of a sudden Kane comes out in full gimmick like full reindeer comes out in the mask ready to rock like it's bad blood 97 all over again Then we see the same video that had been aired a couple times on the pre-show and I think they even showed it on SmackDown on Friday night and it comes back and the rings cleared out and we just get the Undertaker's entrance, you know vent said a few words and then and then Undertaker
30 minutes to get down to the ring. Yeah. Kind of posing the ring. The, the hologram Paul bearer was pretty cool. That definitely, I think that hit everybody right in the fetal spots because we weren't expecting it, but, but then it was over, you know, so they, it was with the weird time where WWE did exactly what they told us they were going to do. It was going to be an Undertakers farewell and that was it. But I think pretty much everyone was expecting somebody, you know, Bray Wyatt.
to come out and cause a scene, but it didn't happen. So I posed the question to you guys, you know, true or false? Have we seen the last of the undertaker for real this time? You know, I don't know. I just, I mean, I thought that I had seen the last of the undertaker at WrestleMania 33. I was literally in the building. I was
Tired and pregnant after like a what felt like a 30-hour show and we like watched Undertaker completely, you know disrobe his hat his gloves the the trench coat all of it was remember We started to leave because we were so tired that show was so long cuz like we got there like three o'clock in the afternoon Yes, and it was almost midnight or maybe slightly after midnight like when
As soon as Roman hit the three count, I think we stayed and watched Roman get his pyro and then we started leaving and we get like halfway out of the stadium. And all of a sudden I was like, wait, I think something's going on. Cause people are still saying, and then we went back like through one of the tunnels and saw the undertakers farewell. And I was just like, wow, we just saw the undertakers retirement. Yeah. And it was really emotional, you know, cause like, like you said, like it was the, it was the whole like, like symbolism of him leaving the hat and like the coat and everything folded in the ring.
And you know, like Undertaker, obviously that took a whole 30 minutes because he's, he moves very methodically and very slow. Um, so I thought that was the end. Obviously, you know, we've come to find out that was not even close to the end at all. Like we've seen Undertaker so many times since then.
I just feel like, you know, Undertaker is such a man for the business. And traditionally in the business, you know, you go out flat on your back, you know, giving somebody else the rub, you know, giving somebody else the over. So it's really it's it's hard for me to believe that like, like him just going out and having that little like kind of fizzle in the ring is going to be it. And again, I didn't understand. I thought, you know, when they said that everybody was they were bringing back all these legends, I thought it was going to be kind of like a Hall of Fame esque.
situation where they kind of like commemorate Undertaker for a minute and then obviously we see Undertaker come out but it to me it didn't make any sense to have all of those guys come out and then just clear out like why didn't we just have Vince do the introduction and then Undertaker leave. Do you think this is the end? No, I don't just because you know we saw Shawn Michaels come back damn near 10 years after he retired
So I never think any retired ten years earlier than Undertaker true I think You know we talked about a little bit last week, but the cinematic matches it it really opens up the possibility is really endless especially for a guy with a Supernatural gimmick like the Undertaker if he was to come back for it for one more match Who would you like to be against Marco?
So before I answer that I'm gonna say I'm gonna go opposite of you guys and I'm gonna say he's not coming back at all. I think that was it. It was the 30 years to the day he debuted.
Very symbolic. Yeah, I was very, very symbolic. I'm a symbolism person. And I think that's all you'll see of him. Um, as far as you'll see, you'll still see him in and around the WWE universe. You just won't see him in any action. I think he's like pretty much done with wrestling. He's really old. He can't move. He, he, he said, and he's broken down.
fourth wall that we've ever known of him. Yeah, he said in countless recent interviews that he can't perform the way he wants to perform, that he's not going to perform in the ring. He doesn't see that right now as far as his in-ring ability.
Yeah. He said if he did have a last match, it would be AJ Styles in front of a live crowd, which is probably not going to happen anytime soon. Yeah. Because AJ Styles is probably going to be gone at some point. He'll probably retire. He's going to start breaking down. So I think it's the end as far as the end ring undertake. I don't think it's the end of seeing him anyway. He did sign like a 15-year deal or something like that. So I think he's going to be like an ambassador.
type of role and stuff like that, show up on TV, do appearances, all that type of stuff. But yeah, I think he's all done. I was getting a thousand bucks a pop on a cameo. I'd, I'd, I'd stay doing that too. You know what I mean? Exactly. So what was, what was Undertaker's last in-ring match was his last in-ring match. That one with, uh, with him and Roman Reigns against Drew McIntyre and Shane McMahon.
Was that that was an extreme last year? I think it was the last time we saw him in the ring. When was the Saudi show with DX? That was 2018. Oh, Jesus. He had a Saudi show against Goldberg after that. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's right. Goldberg. And I think the next one after that was him and Roman against Drew. Yeah. And yeah. Yes. And that was awesome, too. He was like that was like rare form, like young. He looked like a younger. Did they come out like they had like a.
Yeah, they had like a gimmick, right? Wasn't it like the bone dogs or something? The graveyard dogs. The graveyard dogs. Yeah, graveyard dogs. Yeah, I still would like to see him get one more match with Roman. You know, he's talked about how much
about how much regret he has for their WrestleMania 33 match not coming up as it did. They had that unfortunate spot where they tried to do the reverse tombstone. It just didn't quite work out. And I would have loved to see him and Roman get the proper match because he's even talked about how he thought that Roman should have been the guy to kind of end the streak. So I'd love to see them go one more time. Probably cinematic would be the way to go. You could do something cinematic but in ring similar to what Edge and Randy Orton did.
earlier this year, but that'd be my pick if we had one last match from Undertaker, but it was definitely kind of an awkward way to him to go out after all those years to have to go out to an empty arena. They didn't really make that much use of the Thunderdome while they were there either, so I'm sure we'll get at least something else from the Undertaker. If not another match, he's got to have at least one more proper farewell whenever or if ever things get back to normal. Yeah, what if they announced him for the Hall of Fame this year?
So I've always thought for him, the year he goes in the Hall of Fame, I think that he should be the only inductee that year. We have legitimately, we talked about that on the show, yeah. Really? Yeah, we think that- Must have been while I was gone. Yeah, I think it was while you were gone. We actually, I think Mike Lanham was a guest on the show we talked about. Yeah, he's had so many different incarnations, like you could kind of do the full Hall of Fame treatment for each one, you know, you could have somebody come out, like, you know, have somebody like Bruce Prichard, his brother Love, come out and
you know, induct Undertaker from 91 to 95. You could have like Shawn Michaels or somebody do 96 to 2000, you know, something like that. And then, you know, close it out with Undertaker's big speech. But because we kind of talked about like, you know, it just it just would not work with him standing up there with somebody like the Bellas, you know, no offense to the Bellas. But it's just like, he is just in a league of his own. His career is in a league of its own. And just there's no way to properly induct Undertaker in like,
a segment of a night, like you need an entire night that is devoted to Undertaker. Yeah, and the thing is, you know, he's been so loyal and done so much WWE over the years and he'd be in rare company because the only other person they've ever done the solo induction for is Andre the Giant. So yeah, if you had Undertaker and Andre the Giant is the only two people to ever get that honor, that'd be a pretty damn cool way to go out. Yeah, I think so too. All right, Marco, any final thoughts on the Undertaker's farewell before we move on?
Oh, real quick on Survivor Series. I feel like I feel like we have people that are listening because remember we said Survivor Series needs stakes. Literally on Raw they came out and said like, Oh, the person like since you guys won the Survivor Series match Team Raw, whoever we're going to choose who gets to be the number one contender.
for this match. So I just wanted to add that in there. Every time we say something, it feels like it comes to pass. Somebody's listening. Who's our mole here? Maybe it's our buddy Alex Pierce. Maybe he's just listening to the podcast every week and taking notes and taking them back to WWE. I don't know. But there's definitely somebody that is running this stuff up the flagpole to quote Cody. All right.
Number four, our two war games matches for this year are set. I got some hot takes. I'll let you guys go first. Sheena, what's your take on the two war games matches for this year? I mean, it's OK. I feel like, you know, obviously we're so used to seeing undisputed era in the war games situation. They're kind of like up there. They pass up the horsemen as like the first team you think of when you think of war games. Yeah, it's like synonymous under undisputed era synonymous with war games. I like the Maca faction. I think I think, you know, Oney and
Danny, Danny Burch, I was a good kid, remember his name, Danny Burch and Pete Dunn. I think all of those guys are amazing and I think it's going to be a really fun match. The women's, however, all these women are super talented, but again, it's just kind of like, I feel like this kind of came together super fast and it just really has no building. I feel like it's kind of forced, right? Like why are we, why are we forced into under two war games matches? Yeah, I agree. Marco, what's your take?
Yeah, I don't mind. They did that before with the men's and women's war games, so it's not a huge surprise that they're going to do that. It does look like it was pulled together rather fast. But if you think about all their individual storylines, they all intersect with each other.
It's not like they're just rushing this like this group versus this group like each lady Had a had a feud with one of the other ladies on the other side of that team So like for the past pretty much the past few months. So if you like go back even know who shots these team is, right?
No, they I think they announced shots. He shots. He said they did Rhea in vermoon. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. So like yeah, so all these ladies all intersected at some point throughout the past few months so it's good so it is kind of like a long build up to this point if you like if you want to go back and do you like research or just watch all the other shows and stuff like that and see
All the singles matches that all these ladies had and stuff like that You can definitely put the pieces together so I could see how it just looks like Oh, we're just throwing this match together just have a ladies one But there is there's history between all of them and I'm excited for it I mean the building around this is just legitimate good long-term storytelling on WV's part on NXT's part NXT's part I should say yeah
So the thing I worry about is that if this ends up being similar to Hell in the Cell on the main roster, where you have a match that needs a feud instead of a feud that needs a match. Because like you said, the story's all kind of tie into each other, but I don't think they've built to the level where we need a War Games match to settle it. To me, War Games is right up there equal with Hell in the Cell. It's like the ultimate blood feud.
the final match in a big storyline that goes off. And these guys, you know, to me, this feels like a classic Survivor Series elimination match. You know, we have a couple of people team up for a tag team match. I have no doubt the actual match can be really entertaining. It's actually pretty badass, but I like to see War Games just be a little bit more special, you know? And I think Undisputed Era and Pat McAfee's team, I think they've earned it, but I don't think the females are quite built to the level where it should get a War Games match. I agree with that. What'd you guys think of Tony Storm's heel turn?
I mean, I don't know. I mean, maybe it's because I've been trying to watch NXT and AEW simultaneously for the past several weeks, but I don't know what the build has been like or what they've been hinting to for Toni Storm trying to heal, but it caught me off guard. I was surprised to see her like jerk Ember out of the moon or out of the moon.
And, you know, beat her up. So yeah, I mean, I'm here for it. I think Tony kind of has a, I think she could turn on a very heel persona. She already has kind of a heelish look, even though she's been a baby face, you know, just kind of like the backwards hat, you know, the street gear, I think she I think she could, you know, be a really good heel.
Yeah, to me, the women's division at NXT, it's really fluid with the heels and faces, you know, so you got the Kodakai, it was like a really hardcore heel and stuff, but for the most part, these guys kind of go back and forth depending on the match. And, you know, if it, if it balances the scales a little bit and gives somebody else for Io Shirai to have an awesome match with, then, uh, then I really dig it.
All right. We're halfway through the chicks top six. It's time for our weekly beverage break where we discuss what we're sipping on for this week. So she and you go first. What are you drinking?
So I'm so excited that I don't have to be jealous of Marco anymore because I am sipping on the finest of IPAs. The Steve Austin's Broken Skull IPA from El Segundo Brewing Company, the best IPA in the world. So this is our last one though. So come next week, I'll be jealous of you again.
Yeah, Jordan came in, spent the weekend with us and they brought us eight broken squad PAs and it was, it was tremendous. Just as good as I remember. Yeah, he brought, he brought these two Kobe Bryant beers too. They were like called mama mentality. I don't know if it's just, it was like a limited release, but he was said he was only able to get two of them. So if you can get those, they were freaking good weren't they? Oh yeah, they were excellent. They packed a punch too. On point, yeah, oh yeah. They definitely made survivor's shoes go down a little bit easier. Yeah.
Marco, what are you drinking this week, man? Oh, man. I got two beers. I got one on deck. So I have my first beer. They're wrestling inspired. So the, of course, Lord Hobo, Free Bird. Of course. Golden Ale. That's my first beer that I'm doing right now. The one I have on tap, the one I have on deck is the Broken Skull IPA. That's my... Oh, man. See, I just cracked the top on my Broken Skull. I finished a different drink that I was having. And for the beverage break, I went ahead and cracked the top.
What do you get, Seth? So I'm drinking, I'm actually going with the hard stuff this week. You know, Miller Lifestyle hasn't responded to my DM, so I'm giving them the week off. I'm drinking, it's a cocktail I created myself called the Drunken Gingerbread Man. So what it is, I got, it's a Christmas take on the classic bourbon and coke. So I got a special blend of Maker's Mark. This is smooth and spicy. It was made- It's really good. Yeah, it was made specifically for Virginia Liquor Store, so.
Pour a shot of that over rocks, hit it with a splash of Coca-Cola Classic. And then you put a half shot of gingerbread flavored syrup on the top of that and stir it up. So, you know, the gingerbread just perfectly complements the bourbon flavor and, you know, that bourbon packs a punch, but everything just goes down real smooth and tasty and puts you in the holiday spirit. Sounds good. It is really, really good. Definitely recommended.
And Sheena actually had it as her drink of choice on another podcast this week. You wanna tell them about it, Sheena? Yeah, so I sat down with Dylan Polniak from Have a Drink With Me, and we talked about Christmas movies, so I wanted to bring our Christmas-inspired... He's a huge wrestling fan, too, so definitely give him a follow. It's Have a Drink With Me, or H-A-D-W-M, on Instagram. I had to think for a minute.
But you can follow his or you can listen to his podcast. Have a drink with me on all major podcast platforms. But yeah, we talked about it. And he he's actually he said he hates gingerbread and he loved it. He was like, I love this drink. So I was telling him how the heel husband invented it. And it was like our signature cocktail at all of our Christmas parties and stuff. So if you get a chance, you guys makers, Mark, it's got to be original Coca Cola. Don't be trying to bring no Pepsi to the game. Don't be trying to bring no no flavored Coca Colas, like red label.
Coca-Cola and then gingerbread syrup. Gingerbread syrup is a little bit tricky to find. So give yourself a little head start, like if you're going to have this for a party or a socially distanced party, I guess I should say, or just sip on. You order it from Tarani, but you have to have it shipped because Amazon's charging like insane prices for it. And you used to be able to buy it at Starbucks, but they don't serve gingerbread anymore. So, but yeah, give it a try and let us know what you think.
All right, with that, we move into the top half of chicks top six.

WWE Match Stakes Discussion

Story number three. So we talked about it plenty of times on here. Wrestling is at its best when it has stakes, especially on this weekly TV that, you know, we're spending 10 hours watching every single week. So like Sheena talked about, they ended up adding some stakes after the fact for the Survivor Series match. The winners got to have a series of singles matches to qualify for a triple threat this Monday night.
to be the number one contender at TLC against Drew McIntyre. So we saw Matt Riddle beat Sheamus. We saw AJ Styles beat Randy Orton with an assist from The Fiend. Also, did you guys happen to see the camera work? They actually caught The Fiend in the background running and jumping over the barricade. No, I missed that. You guys didn't see that? No, I didn't see that. It looked like somebody's husband came up from work early and the side piece was jumping over the bushes or something.
Yeah, they moved out. They got off it real quick, but you can see the theme hopping over the barricade and then running into the rain. It was pretty funny just seeing Bray move that fast and everything. But yeah, and then we saw Keith Lee beat Bobby Lashley by DQ. So this Monday night, we're going to see, I don't know why I've been calling him Matt Riddle, just Riddle, remember? So we're going to see Riddle
take on AJ Styles versus Keith Lee with the winner going to fight Drew McIntyre. So what'd you guys say? Who do you guys think the biggest threat is? Who's most interested? Who do you guys want to see go to TLC and get the shot at the Scottish Psychopath? Marco, I'll let you head this one off. Oh boy, biggest threat.
Biggest threat is probably AJ Styles because he's in hail mode right now, sort of. I'm not sure what he is. He's kind of teetering in between. I'm going to go with hail. Plus he has that giant of a band by his side. Bodyguard is insane. He's probably the biggest threat and he's been champion before and he's done what he has to do to get the championship.
He kicked Dean Ambrose right in the nuts to win his first win. He has no problem kicking the Scottish psychopath right in his junk to win the title. Right in his tater tots, as Roman Reigns would say. Suffering succotash. But most interesting would probably be Matt Riddle because we already seen- I agree.
We've seen Keith Lee already face Drew McIntyre, awesome match. But that really would be interesting as well because that's a different type of skill set that Drew McIntyre hasn't faced yet that I can remember in recent memory anyway. He's fought the Powerhouses and Keith Lee.
Braun and all those guys, he's, he's fought the, you know, the high flyer guys. He's fought the, uh, with a ricochet. He's fought like tons of times. Um, he, so that's kind of like the AJ Styles match up there. Uh, but nothing, no, nobody with like an MMA background with like, kind of like a, like a superior wrestling skill.
and ground game and stuff like that, which is pretty cool. But my biggest thing with that is I love Matt Riddle. And we've said on the show countless times, I thought that he is a future superstar and all of the things, right? But recently, on this most recent episode, he just looked so goofy. He was talking. Yeah, he looked like he was dumb. And he's not dumb. I don't know if he's the bro, chill. I mean, I lived on an island for six plus years. I know those bros. It's like they switched him from being a stoner to just being an idiot.
Yeah, he was talking to MVP about making brogurt and I'm like, you can't be talking about making brogurt one week and then like going up against Drew McIntyre the next week because you know that intensity that Roman and Drew brought to their contract signing like
that is main event level, like, like tension, you know, and I cannot see Matt Riddle up there like being jokey and goofy. And it meshing well with Drew McIntyre style. You know, I mean, Drew McIntyre, he's shown that he's super charming, super charismatic. I mean, he can he can go back and forth. But I just feel like Matt Riddle is going to have to have a change of character to be a little bit more serious. I mean, they were talking about how they
they wanted to change Big E because he was like throwing pancakes and being too goofy and whatnot. I'm like, but you're going to give riddle of number one contenders spot. You know what I mean? So, um, I don't know. It's just a little bit offsetting because I liked his character before when he was just kind of like a chill, cool bro. And now he like, he's like, uh, he's like freaking Polly Shore or something. You know, you had a thing to like,
just to break Kfabe, break down the fourth wall, if you will. He's on the main roster now, and they're just gonna amplify whatever
whatever makes him his character they're just gonna turn it up even more so like yeah it's like yeah even that or they're just gonna take a gimmick like a character Zara was a freaking killer on 205 live like he would destroy people now he's a ninja and it's it's you know it's it is what it is you can't take him seriously now anymore but um
Yeah, that's what they do. I think you kind of nailed it, Marco. I haven't really heard anybody put in the words like that before, but yeah, they really do. They take the character from NXT.
They, they dilute it down to one note. You know, they give it all the complexity diluted down to one note and then turn that one note up to 11, you know? So that's why. And that's probably a big reason why a lot of the cash-ins have, not the cash-ins, the call-ups have, have fallen flat. You know, I do think in ring, you know, once the bell rings, Matt Riddle and Drew McIntyre would be the best match out of three of those. Even though all three of those guys can, can definitely go in the ring, but I just, I'm a huge fan of Matt Riddle. The one saving grace he has is that we know Bruce Pritchard is in charge of creative right now.
in WWE and, um, back before he was resigned, working with the company on, uh, the podcast with Conrad, he was on record stating that he thinks that Matt Riddle has more potential than anybody in a WWE right now. So he does got a big fan backstage and that can go a long way towards helping you out. But, um, you know, it'd be interesting to see how this goes. We definitely need a change of a character from what he's been doing the last couple of weeks. Definitely.
All right. Number two,

AEW Dynamite Excitement

this is the big one. You know, any other week, this would be number one, but a huge match coming up. This is, this is a match that I think people would be willing to fork over 50 bucks to see on pay-per-view, but we're going to be getting it on free TV next Wednesday night. We got the AEW Winter is Coming edition of Dynamite in the main event. Jon Moxley defending the AEW Championship against Kenny Omega. What are you guys thinking about this match?
First of all, can I just say I marked out a little bit, even though Game of Thrones let me down in their final season, just a smidge, I did mark out for the Game of Thrones branding. The winter is coming and you have Mox and Omega on the poster with all the winter Night King style
Walker graphics, which I really loved. This match is going to be epic. We've only seen it, I think, one other time in AEW so far at Full Gear, right? And it was Unsanctioned. It was Unsanctioned. Kenny Omega is quick to point that out. Yes. Jon Mosley actually has not beaten Kenny Omega, but in the Unsanctioned match, yeah.
Yeah. So, um, I think it's going to be awesome. Um, I, I think there is something's going to happen in this match because again, like Seth said, like this is a match that you're going to pay $50 for, um, something that you're going to want to see on pay-per-view. So I think there's going to be some sort of hijinks. I know there's been some, um, some like whisperings around that, uh, Kinta might actually interfere in this match. Um,
Due to the fact that John Moxley is the IWGP US title holder, this would give Kinta a chance to, they could co-promote with New Japan. That would be beautiful. Yeah, they would co-promote with New Japan, have Kinta win the IWGP US title so Mox could drop it because obviously with the world and the situation that we're in right now with COVID, Mox is not going to go over to Japan because of the quarantine regulations. He would have to miss too much time on dynamite.
And he's got a pregnant wife at home. Yeah. So when he would come back, he would have to, he would have to quarantine again, you know, be away from her. Somebody gives Sheena the pencil. She's booking some gold right now. Especially if we can get Kinta versus Mox in an AEW ring, that would be amazing. That would be awesome. I mean, we've already seen AEW co-promote, you know, with NWA and everything. So I love the way that they're opening doors to other promotions and kind of giving them the rub. And I mean, who would not, I mean, if they could book
for a pay per view so obviously put off put off moxley and omega and then like at the next pay per view we could get freaking mox and kenta you know and i think that would just be i don't think it'd be pay per view they have another super sized um dynamite episode in january it's i think beach break is the name of it because
WWE pulled back the trademark for bash at the beach. Did they really? Yes. I think you got a w beach break and it's either beach break or beach blast I won't say it's beach break though going down in January. So yeah mocks versus kenta. I'll definitely be watching we were huge today with Tommy fans back in the day So I'm sure that would be an outstanding match That I kind of get the same vibe that one way or another just the way the build is gone with you know mocks getting knocked out last week and then
Kenny getting jumped for even gets a chance to get to the ring this week. I'm not sensing that this is going to be an epic, you know, one-on-one classic where we get a clean finish. I, you know, my, my kayfabe sense is telling me that we're going to get some shenanigans one way or another on this match. You know, I'm hoping that it ends with Mox leaving with a belt just cause you know, he's far and away my favorite wrestler in AEW. And I'm not the biggest Kenny Omega fan, at least in kayfabe. I respect his work, but the, the character that he's got right now, I'm just, I'm not a fan. Marco, what, what's your take on Mox versus Omega part two?
Definitely can't wait. I'm a huge fan of Kenny Omega So we becoming more of a fan of John Moxley He's been he's been the the the champion for a very long time So I think he might be longer champion than Jericho if I'm not mistaken The longest reigning champion in a so you gotta give his gotta give his credit. He was rated number one In pro wrestling illustrated as the number one wrestler
this year so he is he has the accolades I'm definitely looking forward to this they can't angle I do love because the last time that New Japan
And AEW kind of did a crossover. It was a Russell Kingdom 14, I believe. And Jericho was there. I forget who he faced. I forget. And John Moxie was there as well. So they both appeared at Russell Kingdom. It was a whole weekend. It was a week actually where Liger retired. He had his two retired matches.
Yeah, I'd love to see if we could get Okada over going up against some AW. You guys all would love that. Okada's probably my favorite international wrestler right now. Well, Mox has already come out and said that he's not gonna be at Wrestle Kingdom. You know, I mean, obviously it's all up in the air regardless of whether he said he was gonna be there or not. But he's already come out and said like he's not gonna be at Wrestle Kingdom. So I can only imagine a scenario where, I mean, they're not gonna, they're not gonna have their US title, like, tied up, you know, in a situation where, you know, if Mox can't travel, that he can't.
Yeah, Jonathan Goode and not defending US titles is starting to become like, you know, the most dynamic duo of all time because, you know, Dean Ambrose had the US title in WWE for about a year. I think he had it for almost a year or a year change and only defended it like.
Six times and now same thing with that New Japan is John Moxley So don't give this guy a US title if you're looking to see a definitive weekend John Cena, he is not he is not gonna do the open challenge It's pretty ironic how just for various reasons it's worked out that way twice in a row All right, so with that we will move to Our number one story of the week and it is happy Thanksgiving.

Community Engagement and Gratitude

So again, like we said at the start of the show We just want to thank all the listeners
love you know, we had a really awesome review come in today. That stuff means the world to us. You know, we never take it for granted. And we just we really appreciate you guys taking an hour out of your week. We know there are just so many options out there. I mean, the options are endless. There's no niche that's too specific to find a podcast you have to listen to. So the fact that you know, the amount of people every week that decide to listen our show, listen, it really means a lot, you know, we don't take it for granted. And
We take a lot of pride in being able to entertain you guys and inform you guys and just give you something to escape from the day to day grind and just zone out a little bit and listen to people who love wrestling just as much as you do. So thanks for that. Sheen, you want to read that review? Yeah, so this review comes in. Like I said, it's really awesome to get, you know, we got a five star review and it's from JD Rock 34. So thank you, JD Rock. He says, a podcast that is a must listen.
I don't have a big commute, so when I listen to podcasts, it's during the time I run errands. So the podcasts I already listen to, it's hard to choose. After listening to this podcast for the last couple of months, I will yell on the mountaintops that this podcast is a must listen. It's full of great entertainment and you really feel like you're in the conversation of a few great wrestling fans and collectors. This is definitely one of my favorites to listen to. Do yourself a favor and don't miss out.
You guys, those reviews mean so much to us. Believe me, I know, like I listen to tons of podcasts and I probably only... I subscribe to 74. Yeah. And I've only probably left reviews on like a handful of podcasts. So I know it's just like not a natural thing, but you can't understand how much it means to us like for the time that we put in and you know, show up every week when we get those awesome reviews. And it really helps us spread the show, helps people find us, helps people, you know, discover
discover the Chick Foley show. So if you get the time, please, just leave us a rating and a review. You don't have to, you know, leave us a couple words, we're gonna start reading these things on the show whenever we get them in. So we really appreciate you guys taking the time to do that. Because again, I listened to a ton of podcasts, and I totally get it. I don't review all of them. But we're just asking for you guys to just you know, take a take two minutes out of your day, rate and review because it does help the show more than you than you know.
All right, so that's enough with the sappy stuff. Let's get down to the grub. We love sappy stuff. Marco, give us a rundown on your Thanksgiving spread you had.
Um, went a little basic this year, uh, since we didn't have a lot of people. It wasn't a week. Yeah. Yeah, it wasn't, it wasn't a, it wasn't like a huge, uh, family gathering. Uh, it wasn't an FTC level spread. It's okay. Yeah, no, yeah, we, we had to go down to the, uh, to the basic, to the basic people, uh, sort of. No defining moments or ultimate edition. Yeah, no, it was, uh, it was basics. Um, but yeah, um,
So, just at the regular first side, just stuffing mashed potatoes, corn, what else? Of course, cranberry sauce in the can. You get a... In the can. It was so good. It was shaking it out here that side. I shook it. I opened it up. Oh, yeah. Shook it and just heard that.
That noise, I was just like, oh my God, this is great. It's the greatest noise ever. The greatest sound ever. Okay, so here's the most important thing. I need to know, I've already talked to your wife via DMs, so I need to know your take on the Popeyes turkey that we recommended. Oh my God. All right, so yeah.
Yeah, Popeyes Turkey is, so preparing it, I was like, just taking the plastic off and everything, I was like, oh my God. It was almost like opening a figure. If you're an MOC collector, you're missing out because you probably want to keep this Popeyes Turkey in the packaging. That's how good it was. In the packaging. Yeah.
Just unwraping and then doing the Cajun butter injection too. I had a lot of fun doing that. That's the key. I was looking at different videos and I got tips from you and stuff like that and see what other people did and how they injected it and stuff like that. I was doing that, I was like, oh my God, this is the greatest thing ever. I should have just had my wife do it because she was a phlebotomist before she became a lab technician. Yeah, she's good with the needle. She technically did that, but I was like, let me try it.
They made a ton of difference. I literally put that butter in everything, I think. I think I put it in the mashed potatoes. I put it in the gravy. We had some Cajun seasoning. It is, yes. My wife got some Cajun seasoning, which she went shopping this past week. I sprinkled that on the corn and stuff like that.
the whole thing. It was a Cajun spread. Here's the review from your wife. She wrote me a poem and says, thank you for the Popeyes idea. I hate, in all capital letters, I hate her. Yeah, she does. But my God, that turkey was amazing. All the clapping emojis. It is delicious.
Did you just eat some of the... Did you guys just cut it up? What piece of the turkey did you eat, Marco? I usually have the dark meat, guys, so I love that. We're dark meat or something here. This was juicy enough where I could eat the white meat. The white meat was good. That's how good this turkey was.
The whole turkey was fantastic. There was no dry dryness. I mean, obviously, if you overcook it, you'll probably get the dry. But it was seasoned so well. I think obviously the butter helped out and stuff like that too. It was like everything, every aspect of it was moist. I had a drumstick today, but yeah, I'm already looking forward to making some sandwiches, having breasts and everything.
I think I'm going to make a plate right after we get done taping tonight. Yeah, our buddy Kenny, it's funny because our buddy Kenny Daniels, a fully fan member, he got the Popeyes turkey too. And I saw on his Facebook today, he was like, y'all need to get this turkey next year. He told his followers, y'all need to get on this turkey because it is so funny how many people like roll their eyes and they'll just be like, what a fast food restaurant giving you a turkey, but y'all don't understand.
People think I'm playing when I tell them about it. No, this is like a legit turkey that's got a ton of TLC put into it. Popeyes didn't just throw in their wrapper on a turkey. On a butterball. Yeah, Popeyes takes a lot of pride in their food. That's the thing about Popeyes. You go to them, the customer service is always shit. You're never 100% confident they got your order right.
Like, you know, it's always a mess. Whoever's behind the counter, but the food is always on point. That's never the issue. They take a lot of pride in their stuff. And the same thing with these turkeys, they put a lot of TLC in it. It's getting the Popeye stamp on and it's the same quality you'd expect from some of their beautiful fried chicken. Yes. And I've known a lot of people that put a lot of love into their turkeys and like do all the things and spend all day, you know, brining them and
you know, putting butter under the skin and everything and it cannot hold a candle to the Popeyes turkey. You know what I mean? Like it just does not, it just does not compare. So I recommend you guys, it's too late this year. You might be able to call your local Popeyes if they have any leftovers. Yeah, you might be able to grab one for Christmas. Yeah, you could grab one for Christmas. So call and see if they have any available. But if not, heed our advice and next year, like go to your local Popeyes. And it's so easy. I mean, that's another thing is like,
just the ease of preparation on Thanksgiving when literally you have so many other things that you need to do, like not having to worry about brining the turkey and doing all that kind of stuff is incredible. And I can tell you, we've had at Turkey for 10 years, we've had several guests over, different people, we've actually took them home to our families and all these things, and they all, I've never had anyone say that they didn't like the Popeyes turkey. Everyone loves the Popeyes turkey. That's great. It's delicious. So what would you guys do for desserts, Marco?
Uh, we had two different pies. So I, I love pumpkin pie. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We had this, we had this conversation. The wife went to work at two. So yeah. Um, so yeah, definitely. Yeah. Not that pie. Uh, so we had, um, apple pie and we had a sweet potato pie as the, uh, cool up, not, not, uh, not spray can cool up.
But I like both. I like both. Yeah, I don't have any, I don't have any issue. I don't have any discrimination between either ready whip or cool whip. Cool whip is my favorite. We weren't a little bit lazy on the desserts this year. We just got some takeout from a cheesecake factory. She didn't run down the slices we got. So yeah, we went to Marco's favorite, um, you know, FTC restaurant.
Cheesecake Factory. We got an Adam's peanut butter cup fudge ripple. We got a chocolate chip cookie dough. We got a pineapple upside-down cake. And then we got a key lime. They had, I saw on their website, they had a peppermint bark, which I love all like anything like peppermint.
flavored for holidays like I love it, but it wasn't available until after Thanksgiving so if you're a cheesecake fan, they are going to have their peppermint bark cheesecake available to you after Thanksgiving but I totally forgot like literally I told you guys I used to work at Cheesecake Factory bartend server trainer the whole thing.
Um, I forgot how rich cheesecake factory cheesecakes are. Like I took like two bites and I took like two bites and I love sweet things. Like I can eat a whole pint of Ben and Jerry's, but I took two bites of that and I was like, holy moly. Like this is going to hit my gut like a brick. So yeah, the cheesecake, uh, cheesecake factory cheesecake is, is delicious, but man, you don't, you don't need a lot of it.
All right, so that's enough of the food discussion. Let's go around the table now. We'll do a little spin on the classic family tradition. Let's say what we're most thankful for in the world of wrestling. Shina, you go first.
So in the world of wrestling, if we're talking to all aspects, I'm going to say I'm most thankful for just like the, just the wrestling community. Obviously our Foley fam is amazing. And then just the wrestling community in general on our Instagram, like we have so many amazing people that we've been able to befriend and connect with. And honestly, like, you know, the world was basically a dumpster fire this whole year. And you know, Seth was gone this whole year and being able to,
jump on there and it sounds so silly, but being able to jump on social media and like, you know, talk to my, my, my friends on social media and my wrestling buddies on social media. Um, it was just such a helpful, just so helpful to help get through those like lonely times when he was deployed and we were isolated and we were confined and locked down and all those things. So, um, I am more thankful this year than ever for the Instagram wrestling community. All right, Marco, how about you?
Uh, probably the same, uh, probably extended to the, you know, like the Facebook group as well as like Twitter. Um, as far as I just being thankful for all the people out there that like, you know, like, like you said, just the past year, just the past few months, um, pretty crazy. Um, like you said, be locked in, locked in your house and you know, obviously your family is, is they're going to be there for you. But obviously you want that connection with the people.
Yeah, but I mean you want that you want that connection with other people so like I think we talked about those like countless amounts of times I think like we spoke to each other or or chatted with each other more than we did our actual friends during that whole whole time Marco Marco was well, you're my actual friend. I consider my actual friend. We are actually I think it just made me Marco Marco shoots People that you see in person say
Marco, I will have to say Marco checked in on me countless times like he would just like he would just hit me up and just be like, Hey, are you doing okay? I'm just checking in on you. I just want to make sure that everything's okay.
Um, so yeah, you know, Seth, it's, it's so funny that, you know, Marco and I are so, are, are, have the same kind of answer, but Seth missed that whole quarantine period where everything was like legitimately, like you were in your house, like locked down, like obviously other than essential workers. Well, I was on quarantine.
you know, a piece of floating steel. True, but you would have been you would have been on the archery. You know, I was like, oh, people got to stay in one place all day long. True. But you would have you would have been doing that regardless of the pandemic. It was hard for me to you know.
Start up to go fund me to help with you guys suffering on that you know you would like guys in jail They're like, oh you have to be stuck in one room for a couple of years But I can't I can't feel any sympathy for those guys because I was locked in my house with two little minions who needed me like every hour of every
every day and I couldn't like take them anywhere or do anything or you know and to order groceries in and we literally were like confined to the house so yeah Seth got getting to like sleep in his bed you know through the night and everything I'm like okay I can't feel too bad for your quarantine situation.
So you guys both had really great answers, kind of hater-proof talking about how awesome the online wrestling community is. And I definitely agree with that wholeheartedly. But I'll go in a little bit lighter direction. I'll say I'm just thankful for the state of the wrestling figure game. It was a little segue to our next segment. Very true, yeah. We got back into collecting wrestling figures hardcore at the end of 2014 at the time.
Mattel was really the only game in town. That was it. And obviously we love Mattel and everything that they crank out. But you know, variety is the spice of life. And now we have Mattel. We have Funko. We have Super 7. We got Jazzwares. We got Master Republic. We got, you know, we're going to talk about the next segment. We got Chella.
cranking out toys. Eagle Moss. Yeah, there's just so many options to get these awesome figures for whatever you like to collect. If you like to play with these things and do, you know, figtography or if you're an MOC collector or if
You know, you're looking to get these things to go get signed. The opportunities are endless. And I just love the amount of options that we have for wrestling figure collecting. And I think it's only going to get better going forward because the one good benefit of the quarantine is people have had a little bit of free time to dive a little bit deeper into their hobbies. And I think it's definitely helped out collectibles and stuff like this. For sure. Good answer. All right. So with that, it's time for everybody's favorite segment of the week. Go figure. Here comes the money. Here we go.
All right, Go Figure is brought to you by our good friends at Ringside Collectibles. Reminder, use code CHICKFOLY for all your orders there for 10% off. Marco, take us away with Figure News. Oh, yeah. Our favorite time. So a lot of fun stuff happened while we were out where we were gone.
We spoke about this at the beginning of the show. This show might end up going off the rails. Exactly, definitely. You have the Black Friday sale, which started yesterday at 7 p.m. A lot of great deals on there. I think the biggest one that I've seen that I had to grab because I didn't grab it before was the Io Shirai. It was like 14. Oh yeah, that was a good deal. It was like 14 bucks, right?
We got a lot of new stuff in from Ringside Collectibles. Collectibles, I can't even talk. Collectibles, so many bears.
I was like, yeah, pretty insane. So yeah, yeah, sure. I have a $14.99. So just take that. The sale is so massive. This is the perfect time to, if there was any figure that you were on the fence about getting, now is the time to pull the trigger. Because you're not going to get a better price on these things. And you get free shipping if you spend enough. Just a perfect time. Yeah. And it's a lot of the recent lead series too that are on sale as well. So definitely take a look and see.
go through it. The other great thing that everyone's been waiting for is the Blood Brothers two-pack is back in stock. I think there was a lot of naysayers on that. When it first popped up, they're like, oh, there's obviously the height difference and all this type of stuff. It proved that it was the biggest. I think it sold out super fast.
Dude, it's a beautiful set. It looks awesome in person. I'll admit, I was one of those naysayers. When I saw it, I was like, eh, it's cool, but I don't know if it's something I need. But the blood, the paint on the blood stuff, it just looks really stunning in person. The packaging looks awesome. There's actually some texture to it for the blood drops or whatever. I think this would be the absolute perfect set to get signed. I'm not a big autograph ham, but
you know i know for our friend our friends jeff and scott over philly posable they're big on the autographs this would be such a cool piece to get signed by cody and dustin for your collection yeah and i was actually gonna bring up uh jeff and scott because they they talked about like the blood and everything and they're like they're they're big fans of this set and i just thought like they're like yeah i love how you know mattel hasn't pulled the trigger yet on just
going for like you know blood splatter like you know special editions or anything like that. But I love how AEW is just kind of like pushing the boundaries because I mean let's be real that that match was very very very bloody. It wasn't match of the year for Pro Wrestling Illustrated. Yeah so I mean it was very bloody so you'd be remiss not to make that set and to make those figures without the blood. And it was an online exclusive so like you know they were talking about how
you don't have to worry about kids seeing this in stores because it was an online exclusive. So like AEW and Jazzwares and everything, they kind of have that flexibility where they can just have a ringside exclusive or a different exclusive where it doesn't have to be on pegs if it's all bloody and everything. So I love it. I thought it was awesome. Very cool set. Yeah, for the naysayers, I think you need to take a second look. Yeah, definitely. Obviously, the WrestleMania 37 elites are all in stock right now. So yeah, definitely pick those up there. I think
The China figure is stunning. We got the China in hand. I'll talk about it in the verses, but that China figure looks incredible. Yeah. Yeah, I actually picked up the whole set, so that's on its way. I actually got the notification, I think, yesterday for that, so can I get my hands on those? You got to have Paul, you know what I mean? You had to have that. He's a two for one because that Paul can go with Legion of Doom or AOP. Very true. True, true.
And you get Rocco, you get a micro figure. Yeah, Rocco's, you know, he's been at the top of everybody's wish list for years now. We're finally getting him. Yeah, finally getting him. That's all I really wanted was Rocco. So if you just ordered the China, you just get Rocco. That's pretty much it. But I mean, you know, the thing I love is that if we're opening up the door to Rocco, that means that we are one step closer to the Gooker. Ringside actually posted a picture of the Gooker today, like with the 24 seven title. So I'm like, dude,
I think it's closer than ever hearing the demand for and they've already built it. You know what I mean? So the figure already exists. They've already done it. Just reproduce and make it a ringside exclusive if you got to like sell it for 40 bucks. I guarantee you if you know Steve Ozer or
Big Shot Bill, if you're out there listening to it, I guarantee you that figure will sell out. I have zero doubt about it that it will sell out. There's like 40 comments under here and it's like, we better get this figure. When we get in this figure, release the gooker, give us this figure. I need this. It was such a good job they did it on it too. They're just teasing us that they made this gooker that's just picture perfect. It's beautiful. Yeah, that's awesome. But the fact that he's now a champion in WWE, I really do feel like we're close to the number two it happened.
making it only two-pack, though our truth are there with it. Like our truth, gobbledygooker, 24-7. Yeah, with the 24-7 title.
If you guys saw, Sheena posted the picture today. I want to see, I want to see a two pack with Mean Jean and include the egg. You know, Viking Hall, at Viking Hall Toys, one of our premium Foley fam members, he posted the picture today. Like we need, we need the egg and we need Mean Jean there and it'll be excellent. You know, you could even do, you know, you could do in the box. You could have Mean Jean tripping like how he did when he tried to dance with the Gooker.
That'd be pretty funny. Speaking of the Googer, you've probably seen the clip floating around on social media. On Main Event, they did the biz TV with Retribution. Yeah, Main Event was weird this week, man. I haven't watched it yet. Main Event was good. If you definitely watch the Ricochet and Jeff Hardy match,
Yeah, we had Ricochet and Jeff Hardy which if you told me like three years ago Ricochet and Jeff Hardy are gonna fight I'm like, okay sweet which that's gonna be at WrestleMania, right? No, we get it on main event on Main Event. Yeah, maybe they're gonna set put some more effort into it in the main event, which would be cool Yeah, the awesome. Yeah, so gobbledygooker Ran into retribution. I'll just cut it short It was bad. Yeah, they took him out. They took out the they took out the gooker. So I
If they can be any more Yeah, you want to be the biggest heels in the freaking company. Yeah, I was very I was I was upset about I was like, what the hell? He's he's just buying his own business. He's an innocent turkey. Yeah He just he he just over his 30 year on Sunday as well Leave Britney alone Oh
So this isn't on the notes, but the Leiger, Jushin Leiger's still in stock, the silver chested Leiger, as well as the black and gold Leiger, too. So definitely take advantage of that while they're there. They're definitely going to disappear at some point. Like a lot of the Storm Collectible figures disappear rather fast, so definitely jump on that as soon as you can.
We'll jump into other news. I get my news from our wrestling figure news source. He's actually really cool. We actually chat on our Twitter. We go back and forth and stuff like that. He loves the show. He loves everything we do and stuff like that.
So, yeah, as I told, I was like, yeah, I use your news for our segment sometimes because he comes up with some stuff. Obviously, some of the stuff is from Action Figure Attack as well. But for the most part, they're always posting stuff. So they're talking about doing more of the vehicles for the WWE vehicle. So they're saying there's a possibility they are selling. They are selling well from Mattel right now. So like the ambulance. And I think they have that Corvette too at Braun Strowman. So wait.
I'm still waiting for the slambulance to go on sale. I can't pull the trigger on it at 40 bucks. If I can get it on sale for like 25 bucks or something, though, I'm getting that slambulance. The Target had that 25% off any one toy, man. Where are we at? I've been telling you I want the slambulance. Listen, I posted about that in the group. You're in the group, you know what I mean? Follow the post, bro.
I'm definitely interested in that. I think that would sell like crazy. That's the next question. Nothing has been confirmed but there are so many potential options they'd be interested in doing. Since the options are open, they are going to create more vehicles. What are you guys looking for?
I mean, we'd be remiss not to do Undertaker 30, have an Undertaker 30 hearse, you know what I mean? Yeah, the hearse from SummerSlam 92 or WrestleMania 9 would be cool. The DX tank, I think, would sell great. You know, especially if you get, you know, we haven't had a basic China yet. Let's get a basic China with the DX tank. I think that would sell. Marco, you remember like late 97, early 98 when Stone Cold had that pickup he'd roll in, it was a black. I don't know if it was an F-150 or like a Chevy Z71, but
It was decked out in like stone cold, uh, like, you know, vinyl graphics and stuff. Like that can be pretty, that can be pretty cool. Stone colds pick up, you know, I don't think the beer truck's going to be an option. Obviously that'd be incredible. I mean, we got a milk truck. Why wouldn't we get a beer truck? Oh, I guess just because you can't get a beer to kids. True. Yeah. You could do stone cold in the Zamboni though. Yeah. The Zamboni, I think the four wheeler would be awesome. I'd like the four wheeler just because it wouldn't be gigantic. You know, it'd be easy to store because
Again, we talked about that's kind of the biggest limiter on our collects right now is just space But yeah, four wheeler for stone cold would be pretty cool. Yeah, I'm not trying to look open a parking lot in the the market I know one vehicle that they would probably make right away would probably be Becky Lynch in the yeah that like giant monster truck The man monster truck. Yeah, that's that's a definite Remember you got the you can have the Hogan and the giant monster trucks from Halloween Havoc 95. Oh
Now Hulk Hogan through the giant off the roof. Yeah, he came back to life miraculously. Yeah, he came back to win the World Championship. I feel like I feel like we just need just a generic white limo. I mean, does everybody like that? Like, you know, we need the black.
That would be cool. That's still to me one of like the best intentions ever. It was a WCW episode in 98 where basically the camera, it was like a freaking Marty Scorsese shot. Like the camera picked up, the NWO music started playing and the camera picked up the limo, pulling up backstage and basically followed like, you know, all 20 members from the limo all the way out to the ring. And it was when Rodman was with them and everything. It was just freaking awesome. So I think an NWO limo would be cool.
Um, this is not Mattel, but I'm still waiting for Sue's fan. Yes.

Collector's Items and Recommendations

Yes. We need Sue's van. Yeah. Jazzwares, if you're listening. Washable graffiti, breakable windows, all of that. That would be awesome. All of the things. Yeah. We need a Sue's van playset. Yeah, definitely. The iconic black town car, too, that has to be made at some point. Every time in a black town car, back in the, uh, the attitude era for some reason, always. The man in the stooge is hopping out of it. Yeah.
Um, what else you always gotta have, uh, you gotta have the door open and you see just the feet come out and then it goes to a commercial. Yeah, you should just get some prop feet with like dress shoes on, you know, but you could just like take figure photography. It's just like a loose set of feet.
who's in that who's in that car we'll come back from commercial but yeah so this is this is actually pretty cool I seen this earlier on Twitter so Nick Aldis you know he had that uh kind of like a retro figure that he has yeah it's like has bro style yeah he's doing like a bundle obviously limited edition bundles like 50 bucks
I saw that, he's only going to be 100 of these. Yeah, you get a pin, you get a 8x10 signed by him as well as a figure in the original packaging and stuff like that. Did you see a picture of the figure on card market? Yeah, it looks pretty awesome.
Yeah, it looks great, man. It's definitely like a Hasbro style car, just reimagined a little bit, but I was impressed. Nick Aldis, obviously, he's not the most exciting guy for a figure, but it looks great. They did a great job on it. If the price tag wasn't quite so high, I would definitely add it to the collection, but no offense to Nick Aldis. I'm not trying to drop 50 bucks for a Nick Aldis figure. Is that the price for it, $50?
I think it's available a little bit cheaper in some workplaces. It's actually kind of been meaning to look into it, but I know originally the site in the UK that was selling it, yeah, it was going for 50 bucks. Yeah, it's like a bundle going on. It's like an eight by 10 that signed by him and then like a bimble pin as well. If I get it, I'm busting that thing open loose and just having it for display or whatever, and I can't quite pull the trigger.
Great job. And for our first time out for cello, I think they executed really well. Did you see that cello is making a has bro style blue meaning next
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We see. Yeah. And his podcast co-host is actually getting one as well. So it's like blue beanie. And I forget his co-host name, but yeah, I don't know how the co-hosts end up getting in there, but you know, it's pretty cool. It's definitely cool to get a blue meanie because he's one of the most underrepresented guys in wrestling figures. I'd be soaked if I was like his co-host. I was like, what I'm getting at. I'm getting a freaking figure. And they're actually in scale with the retro. So.
Yeah. So I put Nick Aldis next. I think it was the Shawn Michaels one. Yeah, it's right there. So this is one that everyone's been talking about. Obviously, Zelina Vega, she's not with the company anymore. Not going to suck if Vegas can't. So it looks like they are working on saving the figure, the collector's edition figure for us.
Zalina Vegas, Zalina Vegas. So there's no confirmation yet, but they are trying to to keep it going. So we know what the collector's edition from for Elite 83 is because I can't even keep them straight yet. No, Elite 83 is Michael Hayes, huh? Yeah.
Yeah, so maybe they can get her for Elite 84, the collector's edition. Maybe that'll be soon enough to get her out. But we definitely need her. The Battle Pack figure, it was good enough for a placeholder, but we definitely need a better version of Zelina, because she was definitely always entertaining. In her three years, she was there with the company. Yeah, it did happen with Zack Ryder and Brian Myers, or Matt Cardona and Brian Myers. So the figures came out after, albeit it was with the Edge heads.
Yeah, we've seen it's been a couple times with people may able to sneak one out after they got released So hopefully Zelina can get in there cuz I'd love to see her get another figure wasn't it for a while there There was like it was like that It was like the figures always came out after the release it wasn't there like a big cast and inzo set that came out after after they got
so their pops came out right around the time they got released but uh but no because Enzo was supposed to have a retro that's what that was like the one thing that that you know Enzo is like the uh the rhythm and blues Greg Valentine of the retro sets like the figure was made and stuff but it never came out yeah that's right um so last but not least uh wwe royal rumble elites uh
Looking like they look like they're going to hit shells in January 2021. And obviously that set is Ultimate Warriors, Stonewall Gold, Steve Austin, Yu-Manga, and Titus O'Neil. So can't wait for that. That's actually a pretty sweet set. Yeah, those are going to be awesome. I think I'm adding all of those, except maybe the Ultimate Warrior, just because it's the Warrior from what, Warrior 1.89, right? Yeah, with the yellow ICU title.
Pretty pretty plain warrior the yellow I see titles cool But she you know if you guys don't know she knows like an expert custom belt maker and yes We've had we've had the yellow I see title for a while, but it's good to finally get that belt But yeah, I think that's really the one of the warriors more playing attires We've got in figure form and I don't really got any kind of emotional connection to 89 Royal Rumble were ultimate warrior so
but I'll definitely begin. We're getting stone cold with the golden e braces, which is very cool. And then Titus O'Neill finally getting in a lead man. I think he's.
We'd have to go crush the numbers on it, but he may be like the longest wait for an elite figure because he's been with WWE damn near the entire time. They've been with Mattel. Yes. He's just now getting a freaking elite. It's pretty wild. He was supposed to be in the NXT line and obviously that, uh, that line came to an end and they had a pretty good tag team run. What was his freaking time? Like, you know,
Yeah, they had a pretty good little run there. So I was shocked that he's, he's still never had definitely be getting Titus. And then umaga probably, probably be getting him. I want to see what he looks like. We already had, we have the umaga from elite 40, which was awesome in the black tights. So I don't know if I necessarily do one in red tights too, but it looked like the face scan is a little bit upgraded and stuff. He's not very toyetic. He's got small fans. Yeah. Umaga is awesome. And you know, rest in peace. Obviously we missed him. I think umaga could have been a legend if he would have, uh, you know, being able to, uh, you know, stay with us a little bit longer.
Yeah, definitely. That's it for the figure news. What do you have for weekly purchases, Margo?
So we already spoke about this earlier, so the Blood Brothers two pack. I definitely recommend getting, obviously it's a ringside exclusive. When you do order it, obviously use Code Chick fully for 10% off when you do. Definitely won't be disappointed. They're two for two right now with the exclusives for Jazzwares, the first being the little bit of the bubbly Chris Jericho.
Oh, we finally, Marco, thanks again for that. We, during Survivor Series, we down, not one, but both bottles. Two bottles of the Buble. Oh, we got turned up on Survivor Series. Yeah, it had us feeling right. Oh my God. Suffice to say, you know, broken skull sessions came on right after Survivor Series. I didn't make it through, man. Playing the broken skull IPA. The mama mentality. And the two bottles of the, a little bit of the Buble. I got through about 20 minutes of the Undertaker skull. And you had it, you had broken skull too, I think.
Yeah, that's what I was saying. Yeah, we were seeing a broken sky PA all day. Yeah. To get the Steve Austin, Chris Jericho, two on one handicap. In Kobe. Yeah, in Kobe in there. Three pointer from downtown. Yeah, it was good. Again, I don't have like a super refined palate for champagne. I've had a really good champagne and I've had like, you know, just regular old grocery store champagne, you know, and to me, like you make a mimosa, it's all the same, but this was really good. It was really smooth. I enjoyed the a little bit of the bubble.
I'll say this, this is how I know it was good. So yeah, tasting it, I couldn't really tell a whole lot of difference between it and Corbell, just off the shelf from the grocery store. But any time I've ever gotten drunk off Corbell, I've always had a splitting headache the next morning. So like I said, I took all those drinks to freaking pound town, dude, but I was up at 5 a.m. and made it to work by 6 the next morning and was just...
Killing it at work the next day too. So me too I'm a little bit of the bubbly. Yeah, I'm a lightweight and it didn't give me a headache Is it a Marco you not to top your head is it still available for purchase or is it is it gone now? I haven't I haven't checked. I actually I ordered myself a couple bottles actually gone a bit cuz birthday's at the end of the year, so New Year's Eve you get it you get a celebrate with a little bit of bubbly so but I haven't checked because I was gonna buy a couple more bottles, but I
Actually, it's a great idea for a for a Christmas gift present for you the wrestling fans in your life if you have to
Yeah, we definitely enjoyed it. And thanks again for that, Marco. So sorry to interrupt you. Go on with your weekly purchases. Yeah, no problem. So yeah, so definitely not the two-pack. Definitely get that. It's a must-have, I'd say. Definitely. I mean, it could be in the top 10 figures of the year, or top 20, or whatever you want to have numbered. It's definitely in there. The second thing I got was, I actually got the Undertaker gift set from the WWE Legend Shop.
Oh nice that came in to a lot of a lot of cool stuff in there as so there's a lot of a Old-school undertaker accessory so you get the you can actually put on the mask that he wore when he had that like yes argument so you have that mask actually gets like a rubber like type of Latex mask that you can throw on there comes it to the his uh his gray gloves his undertaker gloves as well
It has a his tie like his big Undertaker gray tie which could probably wear with an actual suit if you want because it's it's a legit like size of a tie so Have to
Also comes with a 30-year anniversary t-shirt, a poster, and oh, it comes with kind of like those micro-brawlers, I think it was what they call them. Yeah. And a Paul Bearer. So you get both. So yeah, so that was a pretty cool surprise. I got that on. It's supposed to be delivered tomorrow. It actually came a few days earlier, so that was pretty awesome.
Other than that, uh, nothing. So waiting on my other ringside orders, uh, to pop up. Can't wait for the, uh, WrestleMania, uh, 37 line to show up. So that's all I have. Yeah. So we're, we went heavy this week. So starting off so Sunday, like I said, our, our friend Jordan Wells, he's at Midwest ATL FALC F A L C on Instagram and Twitter. You know, he's, he's been our friend for a long time.
He came out and spent the weekend with us for for my birthday. And one thing you want to do, you know, he knows I'm known for my epic figure hunts. And if you guys keep up with him in the Facebook group, he's always crushing it on on the figure hunts. He want to go out Sunday and do some big hunting. And of course, I struck again. You know, the first Walmart we went to, you guys remember last time I made a dedicated day for figure hunting. I found that case fresh shipper, you know, was totally sealed up today. This past Sunday, we went I found not one, but two cases of the brand new
Yeah, master of the universe series for and that's a set with Jake Jake the snake mr. T Seth Rollins and the fiend So I found both sets I found one set I on the pallet soon as we walked up I see there was a whole palette of toys and I see you know, did W Mattel some like shit Let me grab this so walk down I grab it off the case walk down now a little bit tear into it and bam mo to series for Jordan's a big collector of that whole set so he took those first four and
I was like, all right, let me go back and see what else they got. So I'm poking around. I don't see anything at first. I walk all the way around the palette. Then I get to looking deep and right buried in the middle. It was like at the bottom in the middle of the stack was another set of WWE Masters of the Universe. And I can't get this thing. I'm not the biggest guy in the world. I'm 5'8", 170. So I'm like, shit, dude, how am I going to get this out of here? Jordan's huge, though. Jordan's like, how tall you say Jordan is? Probably like 6'2", 6'3".
Yeah, he's a big guy. He's a heavyweight. So I'm like, hey, dude, are you good at Jenga? Like, how are we going to get this thing out of here? He was like, watch this swaggy. He still calls me swaggy P. That was my nickname from a long time ago. And he still calls me that. So he he goes and basically lifts up the entire palette above the bottom row and lets me slide this box out. We end up getting scolded by a lady at Walmart.
Running up to us and if you guys need something let us know, you know, I guess she thought we was gonna hurt ourselves I'm like, alright lady, we're good sure enough another case fresh set of Motu series for we ended up distributing those to the The patreon group. I kept the fiend. We're giving the fiend to the babyface our son for whatever reason. He is It's kind of I'm kind of ashamed to say this his all-time his favorite match is the fiend in Goldberg from
Super showdown last year, you know, the match that had the smarks going up in that place because he loves Goldberg, you know, he's he's like Goldberg since he was a really, really little guy. Just I think it's the intensity and the pyro like it just really kind of conveyed even for a little kid like that. And that's why I say, you know, people that hate on Goldberg, like, no, Goldberg is a star, you know, this kid who'd never seen a wrestling before. Milly sees Goldberg and lets his onto him. Like when Goldberg comes out, like my son is, you know, doing the Goldberg chant and everything. He's into it.
Yeah, he's always want to watch Goldberg fiend so we kept the fiend for a Christmas gift for him. So that was fun. And now to like my online get so we got I scored a Chris Jericho retro I shared it in the Facebook group I got lucky just trolling eBay. You guys use eBay safe searches because you never know what you're gonna find some people out there aren't super experienced and they have poor listings that a lot of people just don't see.
I was able to get a the Chris Jericho retro figure for 325 plus shipping so I think it ended up coming up like $8 total. Wow. I got an awesome figure and was you know another step close to completing my my retro Hasbro collection. Awesome. We mentioned we got the complete set of Elite 82. Really really cool. Yeah it's a cool set. Gronk's obviously the the most interesting figure in that just because
It's crazy that we've got a freaking Rob Gronkowski figure in the WWE elite line. We got the WrestleMania elites. We're looking forward to busting those open over the weekend. The Blood and Gut set, which we've already talked a lot about. We got the new Justin Liger exclusive.
Really cool figure. You know, I hope Storm Collectibles gives us somebody else new. They're giving us Hulk Hogan and they're giving us Jushin Liger. Hopefully they can go find somebody else that Mattel is just not able to get the license to and get some more excellent figures cranked out. We finally made the chick fully custom. So we talked about a couple weeks ago that the decade of domination, Natalia, people were seeing more of Sheena in that than Addie. So we took the head sculpt off of that, put it on the basic 103 Becky Lynch.
And we got a custom sleeveless cactus jack shirt from Eminem figure clothing and the flannel shirt from battle pack 38 brie bella put it all together and now Sheena has her very own Mattel figure. It looks awesome Yeah, you guys were so sweet in the comments like all the people who follow on instagram. They're like i'd buy it I would totally buy a chick pulley figure. Oh So yeah, i'm super stoked. It finally had my own pretty cool um
We try to make it work with some Bret Hart glasses on there to really complete the look but they're all just too big you know they don't work so I don't know maybe down the road we'll hit up somebody who's good at uh and making the custom accessories to hook up something else to really finish it off but it looks great as is um also speaking of customs our buddy Alex Pierce who we mentioned a little bit earlier in the show he hooked us up with the
Brian Fillman Hollywood Blondes custom so we got another stunning Steve Austin basically just took the trunks from it and then put it on the Elite 47 Brian Fillman that Pillman figure already came with a not an exact match to the Steve Austin vest from Elite 81 but it's pretty close match to the Elite 81 Hollywood Blondes Austin vest.
We now have the Hollywood blondes in our set. You never know if Mattel's going to be able to get these guys out or not. So I'm really happy to go ahead and get that. And then we get the Macho Man Pop. So I think a lot of people had issues with this. It was about a week and a half ago on WWE Shop. It went up the listing for the Diamond Edition. Macho Man Pop. So you guys know the Diamond Edition Pop's got the glitter and stuff on them.
you know, part of the fun, but they really pop. So everybody was excited to get that, but it looks like everybody that ordered them from WWE shop got the regular version with just the flat paint, which is still a cool pop, but it's not the special edition that you're looking for. WWE shop, they list so much merch. If you ever look, it's just a ridiculous amount of stuff that they have on there. So I'm definitely not, you know, coming off the top rope on them for making a mistake, but this is something that's happened a few times before with them. The funny thing is we actually got two of them. So we still kind of got more than we bargained for with these pops, but
It definitely wasn't the one we were looking for. Luckily GameStop threw up a listing last night. Sheena was on it. What time did you get that? Like two o'clock in the morning? Like 2.30 in the morning. Yeah. 2.30 in the morning. Sheena hooked it up and got it worse. Hopefully GameStop gets the right one. Back in 2018 when the Epic Moments Hardy Boy set was dropping, it popped up on WWE Shop.
we end up ordering it and we got that weird WWE shop exclusive set instead that was in like the original Elite box. And then somehow once we fought for return, we got like two or three sets of the Epic moment. So yeah. I picture WWE shop with like the Scrooge McDuck style, just swimming pool of like cash from all the sales that they make every single day. They just throwing. So they don't even give a shit. Like if you ask for a return, they're going to send you like three of whatever you asked for and stuff. And like, you know, half the time they'll be like,
Like, do I need to send this back? They're like, nah, don't worry about it. We'll just send you what you ordered for it. Like, they don't even care. Like, they were just bringing in the dough by the fistful. So that's one thing I'll say about them. They can be a little bit sloppy at times, but they always make it right. And they usually go above and beyond for you. So that was it. So yeah, it was definitely a heavy week for us. And tomorrow, we're looking forward to digging into some online Black Friday sales to make the weekly purchases epic for next week also.
Awesome. All right. So that wraps up. Here comes the figures or excuse me, go figure. It's, it told you guys we're drinking the whiskey and we're getting the hard stuff tonight. So it's getting a little tipsy. So we're too deep to do any rewind. We were drinking during Thanksgiving dinner too. So it's been a, it's been a long day. All right.

Podcast Recommendations

It's time for quarantine and chill.
All right, quarantine is chill is where we give you guys a recommendation for something to watch outside the ring to help pass a time where everybody's cooped up inside. So Sheena, you wanna go first? Yes, so I failed you guys last week. Obviously I didn't fail you guys, cause I said you should listen to the Young Bucks or read the Young Bucks new book. But knowing that we were coming up on Thanksgiving week, I wanted to share something that is off the beaten path. It is not a wrestling related,
listening option. It's a podcast, This American Life, obviously like the original podcast. Every year they do their what's called the poultry slam. Not the poultry slam, the poultry slam. Poultry as in like fowl, as in like birds, right? So they do poultry slam. So back in 2011, so it says, we bring you the sort of annual holiday tradition, the poultry slam, stories of what happens when humans and fowl collide.
including the tale of one notorious turkey who unleashed a long reign of terror on an unsuspecting neighborhood. So this was in 2011. So if you ever listen to this American life, you know, they, they kind of like break their episodes up into acts. So if you go to act two, it's called murder, most foul. I'll link this in the stories tomorrow. I'll link this actual episode from, um, from Apple iTunes. So you can go and like, you know, swipe up and listen.
but it's called Murder Most Foul. And it's about a turkey named Tom who unleashes, you know, chaos on this whole neighborhood. And, you know, he actually has a family and like all this crazy stuff. It is like one of the most entertaining stories. And I feel like it's so crazy. Yes. It's one of those stories that like stuck with me for so long. I mean, how long ago did we listen to this? It was nine years ago when we listened to that. It was 2011. Okay. So yeah, we listened to it when it first came out. So 2011, when we listened, we kind of had a like, you know,
informal holiday tradition to listen to it like in the morning everything's given but yeah it's basically like yeah this wild turkey in this town up in massachusetts that just rained terror for years and then you know just talks about kin is basically like if scarface was a turkey yeah that's how badass this turkey was yeah and it's and you know the way that you know they tell the story so the
Sam Bungee or Bungee, I don't know how you say his name. The way he tells the story is just like the way this American life people do their podcast. Like it's just so engaging and like it just captivates you. So listen to that. It's called Murder Most Foul. It's from 2011, their poultry slam episode. The last line of the audio story is that, well, I'm just going to just, it's a little hook for him. It said, you know, he lived like a bird, but he died like a gangster. Yeah. And so like, you know, if that doesn't hook you in, make you want to hear what the hell happened. Like, I don't know what will.
Yeah, so it's very, very entertaining. If you don't want to listen to the whole episode again, it's Act Two, so just skip forward to Act Two, and it's about Tom the turkey. Tom the turkey. So that's what my quarantine and chill recommendation for this week. Marco, what you got for us? I think you guys mentioned this before, too. Maybe Sheena, the oral sessions with Renee Paquette. OK, get over that. We have Renee. Yeah.
Yes, it's the first episode. You don't have to deep dive or anything like that. The first episode, she interviews her husband, John Moxley. It is quite the entertaining episode. I'm not going to give- It is so much fun. Yeah, I'm not going to give away the end of it because it's a story from John Moxley. Didn't make you LOL at the end. I actually like him personally. When you listen to him speak,
And he's like, he doesn't change from his promos. Like that's when you see my W speaking and doing his promos. That's who he is. Obviously he turns it up a little bit because yeah, super like that. He's legit the same person if he's doing an interview. It's a weirdest thing ever. It's funny because listening to that episode, I just kept thinking like,
You know, John Moxley, you know, obviously, you know, John is the real person. Yeah. What's his last name? He's real. Good. Good. That's right. Good. Um, him as a report, like him and Seth, you know, are just like the same person, like listening to the stories that Renee and I am Renee. I am one year, Seth Rollins.
No, Seth, you know, he'll husband Seth. Yeah. Like, so I am, I am totally Renee and he is totally John good. Like, like just their dynamic. Like, you know, Renee is like the super bubbly, like super social. And then you have John who is like very quiet, like, you know, friendly and like just has a heart of gold, like a good deep down person, but just very kind of like.
stoic on the outside like that is like me and Seth to a T so when you when I was listening to that I was like oh my god like no wonder Seth loves Jon Moxley so much it's because he is Jon Moxley you know um it's just weird because it's been most multiple people that before have like seen picture me in the background I've been like oh I thought that was like yes I've heard yes I've totally heard people say they like the heel husband looks like it looks like Mox too so that's really funny well back when he was in Ambrose
But yes, definitely, I love that recommendation, Marco, because it was such a fun listen. I thought Renee did an amazing job. And just her, obviously, her and John have such a great rapport that it was a super fun listen. I hope she's not done in the wrestling world. I'm really hoping that after she has the baby and stuff, she can come back sometime. She's too good for wrestling. I feel like she needs something else. I hate it when people say that.
I've heard that people always say that about her. I don't know that's like the like the line about Renee is always Oh, she's too good for us. I'm like, what does that mean? Like the wrestling is the frickin best wrestling is wrestling is the best if you can be Unfiltered Renee unfiltered is freaking gold but Renee under the freakin thumb is Not great. I'll see the AW podcast and what's up Marco? What do you got for?
I think what people mean when they say she's too good for wrestling is they see her in other forms of media. Normally you don't see any other... I don't see no offense to Charlie Caruso or anyone there, but I'm just using her as an example. I don't see her on Good Morning America or a morning talk show or on a red carpet talking to celebrities and stuff like that.
I definitely see. Those chicks are all interchangeable. Those chicks are all interchangeable and I don't mean that offensively. Maybe you can say she's versatile. She can do stuff outside of wrestling. Yeah, she's versatile. That's a good way to

Mike Tyson vs. Roy Jones Jr. Fight

put it. She's versatile, but I also feel like she's her best when she's not having to do some sort of cheesy backstage segment where she's completely on script. Let's go to A.W.
Yeah, I watched Renee on Total Divas and you know, all the things that I follow her on social media and everything. And she's just like, she's like one of the most like smart, witty, funny humans. I loved her little talk show that she had on WWE where she would interview. Yeah, I think it was unfiltered. I think it was unfiltered. Yeah, unfiltered. When they let Renee actually go unfiltered. Yeah, she's got a ton of charisma. You can see it on our backstage, you know, interview set. That's why people loved her so much. Yeah, definitely.
but yeah i just uh you know i just i hope we're not done with her in the world of wrestling so marco i think for your pick you've taken us inside uh the square circle with the boxing gloves and and we're not talking ruddy piper and mr t so so what do you got for us yeah no so uh so this weekend about if if everyone knows if you're a boxing fan you definitely know
Uh, you have the return of iron Mike Tyson, uh, stepping out of retirement as well as, uh, Roy Jones Jr. Uh, they both step in out of retirement to do kind of like an exhibition fight. I believe it's like eight rounds. How are they going to go? The COVID is like the, uh, the WBC frontline championship or something like that. Something like that. I think it's like a.
Maybe a little more like a charity type thing that they're doing but uh you have the co-mate event is actually this is what I'm more interested in So the co-mate event is if you guys are familiar with social media YouTube all that stuff Jake Paul if you guys are familiar with me I mean if definitely if you're watching YouTube and you're in that if you can you definitely and Jake Paul is the monster online Yeah, he's freaking one of the most successful youtubers out there actually he's actually facing Nate Robinson and
Definitely as he definitely has some skill and I think people just want to fight him So like I think anybody that has a chance to fight Jake Paul. They'll do it It could be anybody I like I might even do it if I if if I have the chance to do it so but uh You know so the big the main focal point is uh Roy Jones and Tyson if you guys are familiar with you guys boxing fans at all or
Yeah, I'm familiar about these guys. If it's a big boxing match, I get into it. I'm not hardcore. But yeah, I definitely know Roy Jones Jr. and Mike Tyson. Roy Jones Jr. was my boxer choice on the old Fight Night game on PlayStation 2 and Xbox 360 and stuff. And obviously, everybody knows Iron Mike.
Yeah. So obviously the consensus is Mike, Mike is just going to kill him because if you guys seen any, any of his recent training videos, they're scary as hell. And the way he likes and Mike's a true heavyweight, you know, Roy Jones Jr. He won a heavyweight championship, but he had to put on some weight and it was more of like a.
More of like kind of an exhibition type deal when he went up and won that that heavyweight championship from John Ruiz. Yeah, yeah 2003. Yeah. No, Mike Tyson looks scary as hell like if you see like the like if you go on his Instagram right now There's a lot of like photo shoots. He's taken recently for this like for the he he looks like young Mike Tyson, but just obviously bald head in a tattoo on his face like he's
Yeah, what's what's the cost on this event man? I can't lie to you starting to get me sold on this man. It's it's 50 bucks Do we know for sure this is gonna be a shoot they're not kayfabe in this thing I know it's a real it's a it's a real like so wasn't gonna it was so early it wasn't gonna happen like something happened where like
It was something with the promotion like it was gonna be you know like Tyson versus Jones and Jones versus Tyson that type of thing and who's gonna get more than You know like the the lead like who's it who's who's who's selling this fight more and obviously Tyson he's he's a bigger the two obviously if you're a boxing fan and a lot of people do know Mike Tyson was you know
Obviously nobody's Michael Jordan but he was like on that level as far as like being a sports star goes you know he was as big as big gets back in the in the late 80s and early 90s yeah you say Mike Tyson you know who you know who it is if I say Roy Jones you might go oh yeah oh who is that I have to show you a picture my grandma my grandma might not know Roy Jones my grandma knows Mike exactly
Yeah, it's 50 bucks. It's not like $70 or $80 like the UFC fights or anything like that. So I am considering actually buying this pay review. Obviously, I'm a boxing fan too, and I was a huge Roy Jones fan. I was a fan of both these guys, but definitely a Roy Jones fan. I legit to this day still go on YouTube and watch Roy Jones highlights because that dude was like,
oh he was awesome he was insane he was like the matrix like nobody could hit him he had a round to watch all his stuff go ahead yeah he's the only boxer in history to have a untouched round there was a round when the dude did not touch him once like he did that guy did not win a punch whatsoever yeah it was uh
He was like Floyd Mayweather with the skill and stuff, but he also had the power. I don't feel like his fights were ever boring like Floyd Mayweather's fights are sometimes. So yeah, Roy Jones was awesome. And the cool thing about him was most of his fights when he was coming up were, a lot of them were on HBO. He didn't have a lot of paper heat fights. So I really feel like I've kind of followed his career as he was coming up because most of them were just on regular old HBO.
Exactly. Yeah. So, I mean, I can go all day, but I'm going to pick, I'm going to, I did a who you got. I'm going to go with Mike Tyson because Mike Tyson looks like he, he wants to kill somebody because he hasn't boxed in a while. And you know, I think he has, he has a lot to prove obviously from, um,
From his previous fights if you fall to like recently and like he's just doing it pretty much for money But now it's kind of like he doesn't really have to fight. He's just doing it just to prove himself and he looks great I mean if he's seen it like I said go on YouTube. I think you can find like all the training I think they do like document. There's a documentary on their fight and he looks Ridiculous, he looks scary as hell. So maybe that's why I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go Roy Jones
I think Tyson's gonna lose on some kind of DQ. I think we're gonna see a headbutt Maybe he'll bring back the ear biting gimmick like he did against Evander Holyfield Yeah, yeah, I think yeah, I think Tyson's gonna lose on on hygienes I don't think Roy Jones gonna straight up knock him out or beat him on decision But but yeah, I my my you know, my heart's telling me to buy this thing can be entertained but my brain is telling me like dude something stupid is gonna happen and you're gonna feel like such an idiot and
for spending 50 bucks on this. I mean, I might just do it anyway. It's a Saturday night. I'm not doing anything. I'm not going anywhere. I might as well just get entertained at some point. So I'm going to do it. But that's enough. Enough boxing talk. Well, we'll get to the next. All right. Let's go. It's time for random merch of the week.
All right, random merch of the week is where usually if we bring you some sort of forgotten wrestling merch that we find in one of the dark corners of the internet or eBay, and this segment is always brought to you by Pro Wrestling Tees. This week, we're going to take a different spin on it, and we're just going to hype up some of the Friends of the Shows Black Friday sales, which should be kicking off here in a couple hours, so she'll lead us off.
Yeah, so obviously start with Pro Wrestling Tees. They're running their annual Black Friday sale. It's 20% off most things, up to 40% off, depending on what you purchase. But we have a lot of friends that have shops in Pro Wrestling Tees. Our buddies over at Running Pod, Fig Heel, obviously we have our shop on Pro Wrestling Tees. OMG, our buddy Joey Harrison, check out his shop. So there's lots of great guys that you can support there. Again,
those sales go and help support their shows, just kind of help keep them motivated. And you can rock and promote some really awesome people doing some really awesome things in the wrestling community. So that's pro wrestling tease. They are having their Black Friday sale chalk line. They're going to have a Black Friday drop. So we've already talked about that. Go to their Instagram to check out what they got going on.
10am Eastern, it's going down. And you're going to get a second shot of those Sasha Banks shorts that sold out in about two minutes last time. Super, super quick. We love our friends over at Chalk Line. I know we've said this on the show before, but they have a huge presence in the wrestling community, but it really is a small business. I want to make sure that we're all shopping small and supporting artists and supporting creatives.
this season, especially now more than ever with all the things that are going on. And it's literally just like a handful of guys that are making this operation happen. And I know, like I said, it feels like a big business because we see so many people rocking chalk line and all the things that they have going on. But those guys over there, they're just incredible. So make sure you always support those. Those dudes are Buddy, Nick, Kamia, Extra Cooler,
The official artist of the Chick-Fully show is running a 40% off sale on his shop, which is insane. You can go in. He has tons of prints, so many amazing things. Our print that we commissioned him to make last year, the WrestleMania six warrior versus Hogan.
is up there and you can get it for 40% off and hang it in your marquee that looks so so amazing and I'll tell you guys the so in addition to you know his art is just incredible you know the actual quality of like you know the drawings and stuff and everything is awesome but also the the print shop he uses the stuff comes out great like she mentioned we have the the WrestleMania 6 picture and then I also have
some of the smaller just four by six pictures that he's done that are hanging up in our figure room. They always come out looking super crisp. And you'd be shocked at the quality they are for the amount of money you're going to pay for these prints. Yeah, for sure. And so you use extra thanks at checkout for that extra cooler sale. And my last one is
our buddy, Lance, shy be, I don't know if it's shy beer, she be, um, I'm not really good with phonetic phonetic names. So I'll say when shy be, um, he created this comic and long before we had the podcast, like one of the first people that we, we, you know,
partner. Well, he's just amazing for the title. He does this like online comic. And it's all wrestling related. It's just so so entertaining. We love it. We have both of his books. We have the for the title and then we have the for the title complete collection. He also has all kinds of amazing pins. We have so many of those.
he is doing a 40% off sale. So that is, if you go to his shop, it's I'll be posting all these in my stories. So if you don't have a piano, if you're driving or whatever, just keep an eye on the Chick-fil-A stories because I'll be linking all this stuff for you guys to just swipe up. But definitely support these guys. Artists, they work super hard. It's just a passion project for them.
And, you know, Amazon, Jeff Bezos doesn't need any more of your money, you know, support, support the mark artists, support the creatives. Um, and, uh,

Support for Small Businesses

your use. I deserve this at checkout for Lancia IB. All right. What do you got Marco? You got anybody for a random merch?
Yeah, so I have a so actually there's a gentleman I've been following for like forever and actually ordered Something off is off his site. So his names are on Instagram. It's Jedi Jack yeti It's like Jedi like return of the Jedi
Jack, the name, and then Yeti, all in one word. He's an amazing artist. He does a lot of cool holographic or hologram stickers and stuff like that. But also, I think I spoke well this while back. I ordered on his site, he has this Raw Is War poetry book. Oh, yeah. It's 97. It's poetry based off of Raw's War in the year 97. How are we going to talk about this book? My favorite year ever.
Yeah, no, it's really awesome. Like I said, definitely go to his Instagram. That's where most of his art is. And he actually- Yeah, that's incredible. I'm looking at it right now. Yeah, so he actually got tapped by the Young Bucks. He actually designed their newest shirt on AEW Shop. See, listen, you gave them the Chick-Fully rub, dude, and they got the rocket strap. Listen, Marco was on this. This was like freaking six months ago when Marco was talking about this guy.
Yes, I think it's a young bucks and it's like a black and white photo. Yeah, it's on the AW sharp right now in pro wrestling tease, his design. That's awesome. Oh yeah, it looks so great. I'm looking at it right now. I guess he's an amazing artist. Definitely check him out. He's not doing a sale or anything, but his stuff is like two bucks, three bucks. So it's not anything super expensive or anything like that.
He actually sent me a few of the stickers when I ordered the book. I actually have an Andre the Giant one if you go on his site. It's a really cool Andre the Giant holographic sticker that he sent. But yeah, he does literally everyone. Undertaker, Paul Bearer. Yeah, just go through his Instagram page and you'll see. If you're into art, I'm into art because I was a comic book nerd back in the day, still have a little bit. So I was always into different types of art forms and stuff like that.
This guy's really awesome. So yeah, definitely check out Jedi, Jackie Eddie on Instagram. Perfect. Cool, man. All right. Well, while our black Friday plugs out of the way again, stay in tune with Sheena's Instagram stories to get the links to all this stuff for tomorrow. It's now time for the retro wrestling recommendation of the week.
All right, you guys, so we are here with the Wrestling Nation of the Week. This is where we typically give you something to go back and listen for on the network, or to watch on the network. Sometimes we'll pick a past pay-per-view. We usually try to pick something relevant with what's going on, whether it's like Survivor Series season or SummerSlam season or Mania season. We kind of go with the
the theme of the month. So I do want to check in because we started this new thing, it's called the Chalk Line Check-In, and the heel husband every week wears a pair of Chalk Line shorts while we're recording. He lives in these things around the house regardless, but I just feel like they need to get some love and they need to get some shine. So we're going to do a Chalk Line Check-In, and I'm going to be asking the heel husband every week which shorts he's wearing this week while he records this week's episode. So Seth, what are you wearing this week?
So today I went with the classic WCW Monday Nitro Chalkland Shores. These ones released back over the summer, sold out pretty dang quick.
And I'm loving them, you know, hopefully chocolate will get a re-release on these sometime down the road. Maybe we'll get a pair of NWO Nitro from that one ill-fated episode back in late 97. But yeah, obviously love the Chalk Line shorts and you can't go wrong with any of these. So definitely recommend everybody pick up the Sasha Bank shorts tomorrow when they drop because those were awesome. And the cool thing is that, you know, I'm rocking the WCW shorts and it's a perfect tie-in to
My retro wrestling recommendation for the week. I let it, I let off the segment for this week and I'm going with Starrcade 1991.

Lethal Lottery Concept

So Sheena posted the, uh, the box art to this on the, the feed today. And it's got a concept that, you know, we've talked about a lot that they should bring back the, the lethal lottery. So for the, the younger friends that weren't around the lethal lottery was where.
they randomly paired up people in a tag team. You know, they did it twice. So they started getting anyone. It was a battle bowl where they randomly paired up these tag teams and all the winning teams competed in a battle royal at the end of the night.
I think they fought for, I think it was the winner got a ring, like similar to the AW Dynamite ring now. But there was a Clash of the Champions episode where the Lethal Lottery was a tournament. The random pair tag teams worked in a tournament, and then the winning team ended up going one on one for a shot at the championship. And that's something that I've always thought they should bring back. Tony Schiavone's talked about it on the What Happened Win podcast, that one of the problems with that
with the way WCW did it is they did it as a real shoot you know the actual pairings were a shoot like they literally drew out the names and just called wrestlers from backstage to go out and wrestle so one yeah so one you don't get any storyline
tie-ins, you know, you don't get stuff like Sting and Ric Flair being a tag team or, you know, something like Drew McIntyre and Randy Orton teaming up, something like that. And two, the guys didn't know who they were even teaming up with until five minutes before the match. So they had no ability to like sketch out the match or plan any spots or anything like that. So I think if you kayfabe this thing and had this tournament nowadays, you know, it sounds, it's got NXT right all over. This would be awesome for an NXT event.
I think it would be really great. But yeah, we've never seen anything like the lethal lottery since then. So and definitely go back and check it out. Start getting anyone if you want to see what this is all about. And just think about how it could be applied to modern day wrestling. Awesome. All right. And now it is time for our listener Q&A.
awesome so you guys came correct i put out the call in the facebook group for some q and a i don't know if we'll get through all of these tonight but it's no worries because we are going to do a fully loaded q and a episode next week so stay tuned for that if i don't get to your question tonight we will definitely get to them tomorrow we're going to put an all call out for more questions so
I'm gonna start with our good buddy. We've talked about him a couple times on the show already, Jordan Wells, top three Christmas movies. And he says, I know you won't answer this because you're too damn selfish. So Jordan stayed with us last weekend and he spent three days with me and Sheena. So we let him know that, we let him into some of the inside stuff. We do some of the weird stuff we do. And we let him know that Owen Hart's famous 1994 promo where he told Brett,
All you had to do was tag me, but you're too damn selfish. That's a phrase me and Sheena use around the house. All the time. If she takes out the trash, but doesn't put a bag in, all you had to do was put a new bag in, but you're too damn selfish. That's why he's coming in here. Too damn selfish is a catchphrase around our house. Top three Christmas movies. Home Alone is definitely number one for me.
I probably go Christmas vacation. And then let me think about Marco with some of yours. I need to ponder for number three, dude. Oh, boy. Yeah, this is usually this is a you don't want it. You have to like walk on thin ice with these choices because people think offense to these. Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to go number one. Definitely Christmas vacation for me anyway. Oh, good. Yeah. Number number two. Oh.
I'd probably say Home Alone 2. Home Alone 2, okay. It's more Christmasy. It is a lot more Christmasy. Have a Christmas in Manhattan, yeah. What? Dude, Home Alone 1 just screams Christmas at every aspect. It does, but to say Part 2 is more Christmasy. I feel like when I picture Christmas in my head, a lot of times I'm picturing like Manhattan. Have you ever spent Christmas in Manhattan?
No, I haven't, but I just picture like, you know, cities like decorated with lights and stuff and the big Christmas tree and everything. I know. I mean, I can't say that I've ever spent Christmas in a house like Kevin McCallister's either, but you know, I feel like the more the more homey feel of the of the original, like that's the Christmas I'm here for, you know. But yeah, Home Alone, Christmas Vacation, definitely, definitely top two for both you guys. Number three.
The third one would probably be Scrooged with Bill Murray. Scrooged is good. You can't argue. That's a good. That's definitely a top five Christmas for sure. What about you, Seth? Get a third? I'm going to go with Santa Claus. I really like Santa Claus. Santa Claus is so good. Yeah, I love Santa Claus.
There's some parts out there that are just like too sappy for me, but it's still pretty good, so I'll probably go say it again. Yeah, I have to agree with both of those choices with Christmification. Obviously, I love all Christmas movies. I have my favorite. It's a cult favorite. I don't know. Maybe I'm the only person in the world that likes this movie, but it's Christmas with the Cranks.
So I actually read an article that's been actually picking up steam over the last 10 years. Really? Yeah, I think a lot of people our age just really latched on to that movie and stuff. It got horror views at the time, but it's become a cult favorite. It's good. I do like Christopher Grace. It's based on a book and, you know. Canceling Christmas. Yeah, and Canceling Christmas. And so like the lead character is way more like menacing in the book. But I just feel like Tim Allen and freaking, oh my gosh.
Jamie Lee Curtis does, screen point Jamie Lee Curtis. They just kill this. And I love, I relate to Nora Crank so much because she's so into the theme. She's so into Christmas. Like that is me in a nutshell. I love that movie. If you've never seen Christmas with the Cranks, it is such a good- It's a very warm movie. Yeah. Yeah. It's really, really good.
All right, awesome. Thank you, Jordan, for that question. So Mike Lanham comes in, he says, eliminate a holiday and all that comes with it, decorations, the meals, any gifts, et cetera. But you can only choose from one of the three major holidays, Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas. Say goodbye to one forever. I'm going to pass this one over to Marco first. Oh, man, why would you do that? I know. Say goodbye to one forever. Yeah, Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas.
You know what? I'm just going to save everyone the, I'm going to probably answer this for all of us. I'm not sure. I'm just going to say, just get rid of Thanksgiving. Because what happens is Halloween comes and then it's automatically Christmas anyway. So Thanksgiving's like the forgotten. You can have a big family time. I don't need a holiday to have a big meal.
Yeah, and you can literally have the Thanksgiving-esque meal at holiday. Most people are at Christmas. Most people do. They'll just swap a ham with the turkey instead of at Christmas. So yeah, I would definitely get rid of Thanksgiving. I love having Thanksgiving. I'm here for it. I love it when we get to spend it with our families and stuff like that. But if I had to say goodbye to it forever, I would not be so mad about it. Here's a hot take. I would argue that Thanksgiving isn't even one of the big three holidays.
Like, it falls within the, quote unquote, holiday season, but I think like 4th of July probably is a bigger- Well, Valentine's, Valentine's Day. Yeah, Valentine's Day. Like, when Sheena was giving me a little pregame on these questions, and before she finished it, before she even got that whole question out of her mouth, I was like, Valentine's Day done. I think Valentine's Day is the dumbest holiday out there. Like, I hate Valentine's Day. It's just, that's the one that I really feel like it was created by, like, you know, the greeting cards and candy companies, you know?
For sure. But yeah, I think Thanksgiving, I love Thanksgiving, but you lose the lease with Thanksgiving, especially compared to Christmas.
And, uh, Halloween. True. And ironically, uh, Christmas or, uh, Valentine's day was our first date, you know? So maybe I have something to do with your choice to. I hate it. I know it really was, but, um, that it has nothing to do with it. Okay.

Is Die Hard a Christmas Movie?

Awesome. Thanks, Mike. So our next question comes in from Tom, our buddy, Tom Slaney from the running podcast. He says.
Is Die Hard a Christmas movie? Yes, it is. It definitely is. And one, it takes place at Christmas. So that's all you need to classify yourself as a Christmas movie. But I will tell you guys, so there's another podcast. I know we're going a little overboard on the podcast recommendations this episode, but the stuff you should know. Great podcast, highly recommended. They have an episode all about Christmas episodes and it breaks down
all the different tie-ins that makes you die hard really is a Christmas movie. Even aside from taking place at Christmas, there's a whole lot of subtle hints that really tie it into the Christmas spirit. So I would say it is. Marco, I'll pass it to you.
I mean, I say it is as well, but there's one person that says it isn't and that's the man that's in the movie, Bruce Willis. He actually came out and said- Yes, Bruce Willis literally came out and said it's not- It's not Chris's movie, so I mean- He can't do stuff anyways, because I think he's never even stayed true to what Die Hard was supposed to be. John McClain started out as just a regular cop and then a few episodes later, all of a sudden, he's James Bond.
I don't know. To me, honestly, I don't think simply taking place during the Christmas season, make sure Christmas, this movie came out in July. It didn't even come out during the Christmas season. So it didn't even come out during the holiday season. So it's not like a, it's not a holiday. But it took place during a Christmas party. It took place during your
And there's some Christmas songs, but there's no like underlying Christmas elements to it. Like it doesn't have anything to do with like presents or family or Santa Claus or, you know, just the holiday. Any of the holiday spirit in general, right? It just happened to happen during Christmas.
Yeah, I think yeah Christmas Christmas is a backdrop of this movie. It doesn't mean that it is a Christmas movie. I mean, I've been coming to terms with this for a while. And I always thought that Die Hard was a Christmas movie. And then like, as the years go on, I'm like, people are right, man. All right, we're right. We're still under two hours. So let's grind on this little bit. First off,
Takes place during a holiday office party. All right. Okay. That's Christmasy, right? It does not make a Christmas movie. It has Christmas movies. Die Hard Soundtrack is loaded with Winter Wonderland. Three songs. Let It Snow. Three songs. Christmas in Hollis and Ode to Joy. Okay, four songs. John McClain's wife has a Christmasy name. All right. Her name is Holly. John McClain's wife is named Holly. Yeah. Okay.
There are presents involved. All right. He buys snack cakes for his pregnant wife. Harry gives a Rolex watch as a company present and the FBI gives Hans Gruber access to the Nakatomi vault after shutting off the power grid. Santa Claus is in it.
We're Santa Claus in the Die Hard, I don't remember that. It's been very many, very, very many years. So I'm referencing right now. You remember that the first person John takes out is Tony as they stumble down a flight of stairs during a fight early in the film. John sends Tony's body down to Hans in the elevator wearing a Santa hat and the message of now I have a machine gun, ho, ho, ho. John McClain has holiday spirit no matter what the situation. But does, so, okay.
That was my next question. So what holiday elements does the man cuz like the main character if he doesn't have any holiday spirit It's not a Christmas names. John John the Apostle
Oh, God. That's true, yeah. John is like the most popular name in the known language. Keep in mind, this movie took place in the 80s. Prior to that, the last time it snowed in Los Angeles was 1962. And the movie ends with it snowing in LA. And the screenwriter, screw it. Screw what Bruce Willis said. The screenwriter, Steven DeSouza, said that Die Hard was written as a Christmas movie. So I think I've made my case. All right, Tom. All right, Tom. So according to SES Research,
It's a Christmas movie. I have a problem with Christmas movies not having a Christmasy elements or theme to them. Like I feel like they need like the family holiday gift giving like the whole Christmas.
You know, I mean in Home Alone, he smashes the burglars in the face with a, you know, the iron with that kind of stuff that I would argue, but that's almost more violent than anything. It takes place very hard. I'm not down. This family straight up abandoned him. So if we're talking about, you can't, you got to be like harder to be a Christmas movie. That's Home Alone also.
You know the second one he did fire bricks down from a rooftop Yeah, you don't have to be you don't have to be light-hearted to be a Christmas movie I mean Krampus Krampus is a Christmas movie But you don't have to be light-hearted. It just has to have like Christmas like, you know Kevin is longing to be with his family toward the end He took his family for granted and you know holidays are all about being together as a family You don't think John McClain wanted to be home?
with his wife on Christmas. Exactly. I don't know how it's not a Christmas movie. The case four is so overwhelming against the case against. The only case against is that it's an R rated action movie.
All right. I'm going to do more research, but for now I'm going to confuse it. Yes. Die Hard is a Christmas movie. So Tom, you have your answer. Tom, I would be interested to know whether or not you think Die Hard is a Christmas movie, but that is going to wrap up our Q and A for today. Again, we're going to have a fully loaded Q and A episode next week. So stay tuned for that. It's going to be super awesome. We're going to be hitting you guys up for more questions. So we're open to anything. Doesn't have to be wrestling related.
Um, and we love, love, love our, um, our listener questions. So you can find myself on Instagram at chick Foley. You can find the MVP Marco Denton at on Twitter at chick Foley show. Make sure you subscribe. Like we said earlier, drop us that drop us that nice review. Check out our patreon, our Foley fam chick Foley and always use code chick Foley.
when you shop at Ringside. So everyone have a happy Thanksgiving, have a safe and wonderful Black Friday. Make sure you check out all those deals, check out those small local shops and artists, and we will catch your asses down the road.