Men Caring for Men: Over thinking and worring image

Men Caring for Men: Over thinking and worring

Nonsensical Network
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Glcik and Connor were joined by Chaka and Micheal Bathurst and they talked about the issues of being in over thinkers and being in a state of worry as well as other topics that revolve around the journey to better mental health for Men 

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Am I told this is my fate?
What up, everybody? How you guys doing? Happy Monday. Hopefully you survived the weekend. Some of us barely survived the weekend, but nonetheless, we're still here. Hopefully you guys had a good Monday. It wasn't too rough for you, but we made it onto to Tuesday. So, anywho, welcome to MenCaringForMen. It is part of the non-sensical network, and if you're not already,
Go ahead and give us a follow. We are everywhere. Facebook, Instagram, X and tick tock shows are live Monday through Sunday on YouTube. And you can listen anytime, any place, wherever you listen to podcasts that for the most part, they are all up to date. I've got a couple. I still got to get up, but for the most part, they're all up to date. All the replays are always on YouTube as well, but we are on Spotify and all that fun jazz.
So go ahead, give us a follow, give us a like, give us a share if you'd be so kind. um You can find us at bio dot.link slash nonsensical network. All them links are there, including a link to our merch. Buy our merch, buy our merch, buy our shit. Listen, Christmas is right around the corner. And what better gift to give to a loved one than a nonsensical nonsense hoodie or hat, big hat guy. Or a coffee cup.
i told I told my family the only thing I want for Christmas is nonsensical nonsense going on merch. Genuinely. That's all I want. And ah and a guitar. But, you know you know, give and take, give and take. A guitar is not going to keep you warm and comfy. on a cold That's what I want. That's what I want. A custom built nonsensical nonsense guitar. Yeah.
what better gets in trouble you we can You can get a guitar and I bet Nikki could arrange to have it custom for you.
um Customized, if you will. Custom spray painted with Home Depot spray painted. No, she's doing the, she's she's doing shirts and cups and hats and stuff. she's got her little She started her her business.
But genuinely go over to the ah go over to the merch store. We got some really cool stuff over there. Really just just thought I'd add that. I keep going over and checking out the merch store and seeing what what stuff we have. And I feel like I find something new every time. We've got all kinds of goodies. Yeah.
um Yes, as i showed as I said, the shows are now solely on YouTube. So if you guys want to find us live, you're going to have to come over to YouTube, hit that subscribe button, turn on the notifications, and then you'll know every time we go live. We're going to try out the YouTube. We're going to, we're going to bastardize YouTube, make it our bitch.
Sorry. that That's not Monday talk, but I still have a little, I still have a little Saturday hangover going on every he got a but Saturday stuck in him. A little, little Saturday in me. Um, Annie who Carter, what's going on with you, man? How you doing? How's, how, how you living over there? You know, we can check in and out of the way.
I have had an eventful week since we saw each other last. Please ask me about it in our Snapchat group. And I never got back to him. But I had a a little trip to the hospital the other day. I had a point with my neurosurgeon. And he was he was nervous because i've I've been having some pains. that um Because I've been doing great post-surgery, I've been doing awesome. and then over the last week or so, I started to have been more and more pain and he's like, you know, let's get x-rays and make sure that the the hardware hasn't moved. And the day after that appointment, I i was having a whole bunch of pain in my legs and it was hard for me to get up, hard for me to stand, hard to get dressed. And I was like, let's just, let's go to the hospital. Let's go get x-rays and they'll give me some extra medication, make me feel a little better.
So everything's still in place. I've got another appointment coming up here in a few weeks to probably double down. They're probably going to do like an MRI and see if I've got another blown disk, which would just be awesome. ah But that's that's the more likely scenario at this point because the hardware hasn't moved. For those of you who don't know, I've got a cage and four four screws, six screws and a couple of rods in my back. That happened back in July. And so now we're trying to make sure things aren't going sideways, but we've got got some interesting developments on that front. So ah that was that was interesting. And then today was the kid's doctor's appointments and everybody got shots and there were no tears.
No tears. Every single one of my kids got shots and none of them cried. Not even my two-year-old. You're muted, Glick. You heard it. Everyone of Conner's kids got shot today. And then that wouldn't be a surprise.
This is why you don't keep guns in the house. Ladies and gentlemen, this is why we should ban all the guns. See, this is why you should shoot and click. Nice dude. i That's, that's, that's one of those, uh, you know, for you gamers out there, you get the little boom, boom, boom, and a little banner comes up and say achievement, uh, goal achieved or whatever on X box. Because when you got multiple kids and they're all getting shots, and I remember going through it with mine,
and you get no tears. That's a win in the parenting category in the category winning i think category. It was really cool because I think that what it was, was my oldest son, ah my my youngest went first and my oldest was like, I'm not going to cry. He's like, it's going to hurt. Like, I know it's not going to feel good, but like, I'm not going to cry. I'm just not going to. He's like, I'm too tough. And my, my, my middle child, my other son, he's sitting up on the bench and he's like,
but And he's trying not to panic. He's trying not to freak out. He was like, I'm going to be strong like Carson. Ooh. And they put the alcohol swab on him. And he's like, oh. He's pan freaking out, freaking out. And he watches her stick the first one in. And he goes, I see his face changed to like, that wasn't that bad. And he he got like four shots because he had to get updated vaccines. The other two just got flu shots.
and I see him like watching her stick him. And I'm like, dude, I don't have the, I don't even watch them stick me. I hate watching the needle go in. It makes me wanna throw up. Like I can't, no. And he sits there, he watched her do it. And he goes, I don't even know why I was afraid. He's like, that didn't hurt at all. And so my oldest son sits up on the bench and he gets his shot. He just sits there like a little champ.
And Kennedy obviously didn't know what was going on. So we pulled her pants down because she has to get it in the thigh. And she just watched the boys get it. So she's coming toward her with the shot. And Kennedy just looks at her. She sticks the baby, pulls the needle out. Baby looks at her frowns. We pull her pants back up. And we're like, you did such a good job. And then she starts smiling again. And she's all happy. And she goes, yay. I'm like, oh, my god. My kids like shots.
nice it was it was quite the day but that that's that's something that i think we might talk about a little bit tonight uh is something like my middle child was doing was panicking before it even happened but we'll get into worrying overthinking Uh, yeah, dude, shots and shots have never bothered me. It's, it's funny to me when you hear people go, oh, I'm afraid of shots. I don't like needles, Bobbity, blah, blah, blah. And then they're covered from head to toe in tattoos.
ah yeah i don't like shots either but i got um've got So many shots that came to count. Hell, I'm fucking probably immune to whatever. the plague comes next just because they put so much shit in me. but oh Or your patient zero. Yeah. Or I'm patient zero. That's honestly the more likely to. But like, yeah I hate getting a shot. I hate getting shots. I have no problem with them. I've never been shot, ah but I think I'm going to agree with you. I would hate to be shot as well. con I mean, I've been shot with salt rock. I don't know if that counts or not. now I said shot you dumbass.
god you such a great No, I, yeah, the shots have never, I don't, shots don't bother me. I think maybe it's because, uh, being allergic to poison, I used to have to get multiple shots every year. Um, you know, like at the beginning of spring, I had to get three shots to kind of help being a Bigfoot and everything being allergic to poison. I mean, I had to, I had to.
move to civilization a lot sooner than I wanted to. Hi, Mandy. What's going on, Mandy? Uh you know, I had to become domesticated a lot sooner than I planned but but no, I mean, at the beginning of spring, they would, I would get three shots and uh because you know, as I said before, I almost died like twice because of poison ivy because I'm so I was so allergic to it.
Oh yeah, I had it like on the inside of my mouth and in my like, ah like going down my throat, my throat was closing up and shit like that. Oh, it was bad. And then I would get another round of shots about midway through summer. Um, so like, I don't know, shots have never bothered me. It's just like, ah do what you need to do. Where are you? Where are we putting it at this time?
What darn tootin? ah like I like, I liked that that was added at the end. last I'm 23 years young. For the fourth time.
It restarts every 23 years. as It goes back to zero. The ticker starts up again. Every 23 years. shift I have a Benjamin Button in effect. I'm going to start DAAO. I'm going to show up on the podcast here in a couple of months and I'm going to be $16 over again.
yeah i welcome gen nonsynical networks I hear you baby. My daughter is knocking on the door to the office.
but i I am not 57 years old. I am 23. That's my story. And I'm, and I'm sticking to it at the end of the day. I don't care what you, what you blasphemer say.
out of all the words that describe you've like domesticated is not isn't anywhere on my list domesticated isn't but civilized is okay oh my god she's what what were you saying she said she's adorable i opened the door and she ran away and she goes bye but no that's that's also for the kids man and they did come home nobody was grumpy or or anything like that Yeah, she's 23 in Sasquatch years. Every we age we year we age very slow. That's right. That's why we live so long. That's why she's up here. She's shit. Oh, the office smells bad now. ah Was it her or you? I think it was her. Yeah, it was her.
No, that's not like I said, nobody was grumpy after their shots or anything like that, feeling gross or anything. No, not yet. I told the boys because they go back to school tomorrow from fall break. I told the boys was like you you might feel a little not great tomorrow, but you're not sick. It's just because you had the flu shot today. Yeah. Don't don't wake up tomorrow. I don't feel good. I was always it was always a couple hours later after the kids got their shots where wherever they got the shots would be kind of sore and they would just kind of be a little groggy and grumpy. And it was like, all right, let's go home. Get a little snacky snack and everybody can lay down and take naps.
yeah good they've They've been good. I mean, they got home and they immediately wanted to go outside and in play. So chocolate taka was lucky you know I am getting so bad about this one.
ah Mondays, I really got to start doing better. I got to remember it isn't it is an open panel on Mondays. Oh, fuck. Yeah. Well, I got I think part of the reason you're not great about it is because we didn't used to do that. That wasn't what we originally. Yeah, we're still still learning. I'm still learning on Sundays as well. What's going on, Chaka? Those videos were nice, man. I like those. Those were badass. I'll definitely have to throw those up and give you a proper shout out for them, man. Chaka sent me a couple of videos he made for us.
and Oh, really? Yeah. i'll Yeah. I'll throw them over on the on the on the snapshot. Oh, yeah. But the how do you think Christopher? she I mean, I really can't complain. I did something to my shoulder last week, man.
I don't know what I did, but it was, it's been bothering me all week. Like it's, it's kept me out of the gym. Like last week I didn't go. I could barely lift my arm and it was shooting up into my neck. Uh, and, uh, I still feel it. I don't know what's going on, man. I feel like I got hit by a truck today. My whole body is hurting. I think, I think what it is, actually, I'm pretty sure I know what it is. And we had that drastic weather change that Ohio is known for. You know, like.
It's been like seventies and sixties, the last couple of weeks, like it's been gorgeous. And then last night it dropped down to like the thirties. And today it was only in the fifties. So I think, I think that has a lot to do with how much pain I'm in today. Like my hands were hurting. Um, I had no grip strength today at work. That sucked. Thankfully I didn't have to do anything like two, two major, but, um, yeah, man, just, just soar. Other than that, not mean i didn doing good. Just, just.
getting ready for this weekend. Um, we got the, we got the Halloween party at a Buckeye battle act or Buckeye axe throwing that Buckeye battle acts, Buckeye axe throwing. Um, so Blaze and I will be there live Saturday. My costume came in today. Um, so, you know, I was, uh,
and's so it's ah it's it's ah It's a little snug, but I think it's because I'm built like a Sasquatch, not because it's the wrong size. It's just, I always have a hard time finding costumes that fit me because I like all upper body and and my thighs are like 48 inches around. and you need normal You need normal people pants and big and tall shirts. No, actually I need like a combination of big and tall pants and we're normal people pants.
And then, yes, I definitely do need big and tall shorts because I'm all, it's like my, my shoulders and in my chest and everything like that is wide, wide, wide load.
but very broadsha got be Nicky gets me big and tall long sleeve shirts because I can wear normal people's shirts.
when it's a t-shirt, when it's a short sleeve, but I've got fucking orangutan arms. So yeah we've got to have the long sleeves that are, that are overly long that she wears them and it looks like they come down to here. And ah yeah ah as and i wear when I wear your shirt, I mean, you can, you can try. As, as we've discussed multiple times on here, I am built like a silverback gorilla. I am all upper body, you know,
I'm over six foot tall and and my legs are only like a, like a 30 on my length. So, ah you know, like I'm all upper body. So it's it's tough sometimes to find costumes, but nonetheless, it'll do for a few hours on Saturday night. um I gotta find one more part for Blaise and I talked about it today. We're gonna get some, cause it is a glow Halloween party.
So our costumes will definitely pop in the glow light. Yeah, right.
Um, but we're going to get like a neon colored tank top or a t-shirt or something to wear under the jacket part of it. Um, and then I'll just leave my jacket unzipped and I'll be good. So, but, uh, no, so we got that. I'm excited for that. Getting ready for that, gearing up for that. Um, definitely excited for the way Tuesday nights are going, man. I got.
Uh, Katrina Brie coming up tomorrow night. I think she's going to be fun. I said, I wanted to get more female guests and I didn't think it was going to happen, but my next several guests are all female artists and I'm super excited for that. yeah a little paint a shoulder So, um, and then we had, it we had, we had a good time. We had, it we had a good time, uh, Saturday night, man. We, we had some new faces in the chat. We had some new faces on the, on the panel. I mean, Jeff left me high and dry, but.
Uh, shout out to our followers in the chatters box, man. They, uh, they stepped up big time, uh, Saturday night and didn't leave old Glickster hanging. Uh, we got to meet some cool people like Chaka. He was in the building for awhile. Um, he was cool. He brought in his people. Um, so it was cool, man. It was cool. And the football show is going great. I can't be mad at anything. Uh, podcast wise, everything.
everything's going great. I am getting a little burnt out and a little unmotivated on the social media side of it. But we were talking about that a little bit backstage. wait we Yeah, we did a little bit of that. Uh, but I'm thinking, I guess that's about the only negative thing that I can really bitch about. It's just, just, and that's not me bitching about anybody in particular. It's just me losing the motivation to want to want to do social media. What up, Nick?
right i yeah be you good No. Um, we do have a Halloween special coming up on the 25th with, uh, PJ Dylan. I, we're going to, we're going to collaborate again fuck on Friday, the 25th and do a, uh, do a Halloween show and, and, uh, invite viewers and listeners or whatever to come up. And we're just going to be talking about like, uh, personal experiences with the paranormal. Um, he's a believer. I'm a believer.
Um, and then maybe, third like yeah, maybe, and then maybe, maybe do a little bit more of a dive into what we did last Wednesday with some local legends and stuff like that. But I think it'll be fun. It'll be a fun Halloween special. And, uh, you know, another way we can collab with another podcast out there and, uh, give them some, give them some love and get them some new followers. Hopefully. but So yeah, man. I mean, I can't really.
I can't really complain too much about too much. Oh, I don't know. why I keep you yawning. Oh, my God. I promise that what you were talking about wasn't that boring. I'm just. Oh, no, I'm I'm dog ass tired tonight. I'll give you that. ahll I'll tell you know what up, motherfucker. I don't know what it's. I think the medication that they had me on after I got back from the the hospital, I think that it fucked up with my sleep.
ah what i fuck with my sleep cause because it used to be that like I would take my meds and it would make me really tired and now I'm taking my meds and I'm I'm fucking wired like I'm bouncing off the walls. Are you on different meds? Um so they had I I'm I'm out of them now because I was supposed to take them for like four days straight and then be done with them. Um last night was my last dose but they had me on uh a different narcotic than I was used to taking. Um, and dude, I don't know what it is, but like for the last four days I've taken it before bed and it helps a lot with the pain, but then like my brain will not shut off. It just, it's just, it's going and going and going and going. And like last night I was up to like 2 AM m and I woke up again at three 30 and then I was up from three 30 to four and then fell asleep again and then woke up again at six. And I'm like, dude, what the fuck?
So I don't, I don't know if it's my medicine or if it's something going on with my head or what, but, uh, I haven't slept for shit. Yeah.
yeah yeah no i feel yeah yeah I think that's the other thing that's wrong today. I didn't sleep very well this weekend, especially. Oh my God. So, uh, Nick, I literally just said that. I mean, it's on the 25th. It's not at the end of the month, but it's on the 25th. Pay attention, Nick. Fuck. You're worse than Jesus Christ. We can just, we can just read about where you're going on the 26th. And I can tell you stories.
Uh, but no, I feel you on that lack of sleep, man. I was. I was dragging ass all day, man. I feel you brother. Uh, but ah man, we, I went, we went to bed last night and I have this damn super sniffer. I swear I'm part bloodhound and in a dead sleep, I i came up out of a dead sleep because I smelled something burning and
Dude, I started going all through the house. Where is it at? where And it I could smell it real heavy in my son's room. And then like in the bathroom, in the hallway, which is right across from his.
ah um
ah And whatnot. And I was like, what the hell? And then it started to kind of go away. So I went back and laid back down. And then it happened again. And I was like, what? and fuck is going on here. So I got up and I'm, yeah, man, for real. Like it was that like, it's like that like, iron rubber, I like to smell. So I'm like, so I went upstairs and I can smell it real heavy in the girl's bedroom. Of course, the bedroom, the girls are waking up and they're like, what are you doing? I said,
I don't know why I told him to shush when I'm smelling out. I like them talking. He's going to interrupt my sniffer. I'm looking for a fire and they're like, what? But what happened was we kicked, we kicked the AC on for a few, for a few minutes yesterday. And when Austin turned it off, she bumped it just enough onto the heat. And I didn't realize that the heat was kicking on. It was weird.
And we have a brand new furnace in the house. So the furnace is up in their bedroom. I was like, all right, it's right here in the closet. I opened up the door as sure as shit. The furnace is running. I was like, damn it. Yeah. So I come down and I turned it off and then it started going away. I was like, OK, cool. All right. Now I can go back to sleep because I don't make it. I'm not going to be able to sleep because I have to find out what's on fire or what's burning. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. So we always kind of.
It was the first time in the year. I mean, I turned my furnace on earlier because it got it got below 60 in the house. And if Nikki came home and it was below 60, it would be hell to pay. but So I kicked the furnace on and I was like, boys, you're going to smell something that smells like smoke. I promise everything's okay. It's just.
Yeah, it's just the, the, the furnace was just turn it on for the first time, went down there and made sure the pilot light was on that way. We're not just blowing gas through the fucking house. Cause the house is a hundred years old. God knows how old the fucking furnaces. Oh, like just don't panic. It's not the house. Isn't on fire. Glick. You're fine. Yeah. No, that's kind of like what yeah open your ear holes, Nick.
What's going on, Sin City? How you doing? Welcome, welcome. Hi, Sin City. i be behind So yeah, that was, that was a fun little adventure. Uh, adventures and super snicking. So, but I found it and then I was able to go back to bed and not worry about it. Turn the heater off. Then of course it got cold today and it's supposed to get cold tonight. So they're going to make me a grumpy bear and make sure I'm hot and uncomfortable when I go to bed tonight. So there's that.
Oh, I have your house is relatively, uh, relatively new, newish 99. I don't know when these were built. I'll be a hundred percent honest with you. I have no idea. They're a little bit older. I would probably say maybe the eighties. Now everybody's convinced. Uh, now on top of that, everybody's convinced that the house is haunted. So yeah. Sorry. I had to blow my nose and I felt a little bogey bogey on the three o'clock.
bo you on the landing strip. Roger. and well clear not So say we we take on our first little. Breaking break of the night here. Chris, my house is still on 1909. And then kind of. Bumble fuck our way through tonight's episode. Yeah, it's gonna be. I feel bad tonight might be an interesting one. i
I'm obviously struggling from a lack of sleep and, and Chris and I kind of put the, uh, put the topic together that we had for, we had for last week. And though we were, we both remember that, well, Chris remembered that we had a guest up last week. And so we were like, Oh, we'll just do that topic next week. He messaged me today. He goes, Hey, do you want to do this? And I was like, yeah, that sounds like something I would say. ah Cool.
But yeah, it's definitely going to be an interesting show. Yeah. well we Well, like I said, we're pretty good at but we're we're pretty good at making it sound like we know what the hell we're talking about. and If nothing else, we get we get the topic out there and and we we we achieve the mission of the show, which is to talk about. So, you know, we don't have to be perfect. Nobody's perfect. But at least we're we're talking about the problem. So.
Yeah, let's go on the break. No, we'll take a real quick break. I have a little music here from Zay Graslie, former guest on Glicks House of Music. He's got a brand new song coming out here soon, guys. Check him out everywhere. He's at Zay Graslie on all them socials and everywhere you stream music. And this is Camp Fire Cologne. We'll be back here in just a few minutes.
take an
Welcome back. That was a grassley. Like I said, he's on all them socials. He's everywhere. Check them out. Uh, I'm, I'm a fan. He was a fun guest to have on the show. Uh, we had fun shit chatting. He was an open book too, man. He's got a brand new song coming out here soon. I can't remember the date, but check him out. Show him some love. Let him know we sent you his way.
Welcome back to men caring for men. You know, if you're not already, go ahead and give us a follow. Y'all we are everywhere. Biodot link slash nonsensical network. You're going to find all them links right there, including the link to our merch. Give us a follow, give us a like, give us a share. We greatly appreciate that. Uh, what's going on? Bathurst right back at you, brother. He does. He's got, he's literally does sound a little bit, little bit like him. Um, he is a,
He described himself as an artist, as a country rap or rock star. He does a little bit of every, is mike and he's damn good at what he does. Yeah, Bathurst was right there in the shot. Song is a banger. good Yeah, dude, he's got a couple songs like that. They'll be stuck in your head. Camp Fire Cologne is good. Threw it all is good. Southern Charm is good. I could i could rattle off. I'm a fan, so.
I don't know who your BB is. I think Chris the technician is. I don't know. You should subscribe to us anyways and then tell them to subscribe to us if if they're not already. And then you you and your BB should share. yeah Share the love and so tell everybody how awesome we are so that they can they can subscribe too.
Exactly. Uh, so Carter, I'll let you lead into this. What do we, what do we, uh, what are we talking about tonight? What are we, what are we thinking about and and worrying about tonight? The fact about it is the thing is, nice i um,
upon So like i like I said earlier, before we went to break, we were gonna do this topic last week, or at least that's when we came up with the topic for tonight, which is overthinking.
um white You're saying that like it's the first time you heard it. It is. Wait, ah no, I'm talking to the chat, sorry. oh I said the topic for tonight is overthinking. and You're like, oh, yeah, um my yeah, yeah, yeah. I can talk about this back honor i totally. i I don't get mad at me. I wasn't. Hey, I wasn't overthinking and I wasn't worrying about the topic. So ah yeah the Oscar goes to.
They love me. They really love me.
I'd like to thank, just start playing the band. Just play him off. Just play him off. As soon as he gets on stage, don't even turn on his microphone. oh So the topic for tonight is overthinking. ah It's something a lot of people do. I catch myself doing it every once in a while. I used to have huge issues with overthinking when I was in high school. I had a lot of self-esteem issues. But nowadays, it seems that overthinking is something that a lot of people relate with, stress.
One of the biggest symptoms of high stress is, or of overthinking is high stress. the The more stressful your life is, the more shit that you have going on, the more you have to worry about, the more that you're going to sit there and just ruminate. Look at that. You like that word? Ruminate. Yeah, that's right. Connor knows what it's through. Got your, you got your, uh, pizora sap up your dictionary. One of the day. calendar and then But the the more you have on your plate, the more things that you have that you can overthink about, more things that you have to worry about. And something that we talked about, I don't remember if it was last week or the week before, I mentioned the the Kung Fu Panda quote. ah yeah Yeah, yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. And I think that the big thing with overthinking is just focusing on today, focusing on now.
instead of panicking about what comes next. My wife does that all the time. She's a big overthinker and she likes to panic about what comes next. And i'm ah I live by the seat of my pants as she likes to say. Which is good sometimes and it's not good other times.
No, yeah. um No, i've always been I've always been like that to a certain degree, but um I used to be really bad about it. I would overthink every little freaking thing, man. It didn't matter what it was. Like, it especially when I was dealing with anxiety, just going out to dinner, man, like going, you know, when I was dealing with the anxiety and social anxiety, just going out to dinner was exhausted because I would overthink it. And then I would start to worry and then like over silly stuff. Like I knew money was in my, I knew I had way more money than I needed in my checking account.
But I would check, I would, I would ah would check my checking account 20 times. What happens? What if this happens? Or what if I give them my card and then they steal my identity? yeah like like Just the most random dumb shit to overthink, but it it would just eat at me, man. And now it's more bills and financial stuff, but even then it's like, all right, I can't let it bother me. We'll figure it out. ah figure ah I'll figure it out. I'll make sure everything's taken care of one way or another. Yeah. I can't speak much as of, as of recently. Nine years now. i your Yeah. Nine years. A lot of when whenever I think overthinking, I always think about relationships.
I remember, yeah, I remember my high school days were all um overthinking about relationships when I was in high school. And I've got Doc relations now, he's a big over overthinker. And I keep telling him just panicking about what hasn't happened and be happy with what you have right now. and I can't speak much to the to the relationship side of overthinking because I feel i feel really secure in my marriage. um But I know that, Glick, you've you've had a few girlfriends over the last few years, and I don't know, maybe you could speak a little bit about it. and
the sad The sad part about it is, and and it and I think it comes with every relationship at some point, you start to overthink and worry ah worry about situations. The sad part about it is for me, anytime I've ever started overthinking or worrying about something, that fucking kicking the dick is coming right around the corner, and it and and and it has. you know ah And you start overthinking about the little things. Oh man, I texted her. Why didn't she text me back?
I tried to call her. Why didn't she answer the phone? Who's she with? What is she doing? vloity Blah, blah, blah. Like I said, the sad part about is, unfortunately, my overthinking was right. You know, their worship, there was, there was, there was things going on. But I think that also comes with, I think that also comes with the past and and not so much that you can't let go of the past or that you're living in the past, you know, past traumas and whatnot.
you're waiting for that other foot to drop. Um, and, and, and you start to overanalyze and you worry about things that you shouldn't. I mean, like I said, I am probably in the healthiest relationship I've ever been in in my life right now, currently and the happiest relationship. And I don't think there's ever been a time in the couple of years we've been together now where those overthink, like I messaged her and it's like three hours later that she finally messages me back.
It's like, Oh, she's at home sleeping. yeah Like that's, that's it. it turns out of ten thats That's exactly what she's doing. She's sleeping. So I don't like where, where before it'd be like, okay, what did I do? And then I'm, then I'm in my head thinking, what did I, what did I fuck up this time? Or what is she doing? You know, why is she not responding to me? Like, you know, we've been together for a few months and we talk all day every day. And now all of a sudden, right? You you know you got a new job or, or you got this or that, the other thing, um, you, uh, it, it, it's just, again, that's where the, the pass comes in. Chaka. Chaka. Give me, yeah there yeah. What's going on, brother? How's it going, man? How you guys, how you do i guys doing? Oh, wow. Michael, give me a peace sign real quick. That works.
If we, if we ever get wiener bombed by a Michael impersonator, I'm going to be so mad.
ah Well, we got, we got, we got wiener bombed on, on a Monday night, couple of weeks ago, didn't we? No, I think we got a butthole. Oh, you're right. Yeah, I know. Hurt people hurt. Yeah. Hurt people hurt people, man. It's unfortunate downside of. It's a sad relationship.
Can I talk about something you talked about earlier? And it's the reason I came up and you've got a great panel here. See? The meeting of the tortured minds. It's a beautiful thing. Okay. You were talking about, I believe, overthinking, right? Yes. Yes. Well, bye, Chris. I'm still here. I gotta find a charger.
but I'm still here. He's, he's like, we're fine. We've got, we've got the, we've got the brain. here we're good feel right The brain trust is here. We've got, we've got a co-host for me. So now he can just fuck off. Yeah. You're great. You're great. So believe it or not, overthinking is a form of addiction. It is a form of addiction. And what it is is you get basically addicted to that charge of being overwhelmed.
And Eckhart totally called it the pain body. So we feed the pain body and that in it makes us feel alive. I think it's the same reason people cut themselves. It's another way of knowing they're alive. They know it's not healthy. The other thing is too, if you're a narcissist and you believe that you can control the world, overthinking is another pathway. Yeah.
ah And clicks in the background going, what's he saying? What's he saying? Are you talking about me? What is he saying? Of course, we're talking about. clay He's not here. Yeah, everybody talks about me because I'm the greatest. Speaking of narcissists.
what I think of him as Mr. Humble. That's my that's my. I was thinking when it went, because I heard that overthinking, that's why I came up, I was like, I can relate to this this topic. yeah i like I was on the stream previously, I told everybody I'm in law enforcement. So when I'm off of work, because I'm always overthinking, but I'm not over, I'm overthinking like, you know, looking for where's the nearest exit, overthinking, okay, this always always waiting for something to happen, way overthinking to where sometimes it makes me uncomfortable, like going to the mall,
My brain is just, I'm thinking about this, this, if something happens, we're going to go here, what we're going to do. That's my way of overthinking. i like stretch last and pro I like to call that proactive paranoia. Probably, probably is. Yeah. But for you, it makes sense though. That's survival mode, right? That's, that's you looking out, you know, making sure you're going to make it home in one piece. So I don't necessarily think that's overthinking. I think that's an act of mind trying to
know I don't want to be mean. I don't want to be mean. eight Mob bosses do the same thing. Mob boss will go into a restaurant and want to sit in a certain spot because he feels he's got the greatest chance of survival. Nothing's going to come from behind him. If I'm here, my line of sight's here and then I guarantee you they want to know where the exits are.
so I'm not saying you're a mob boss, by the way. I don't know. Maybe. Although you could pass off as one for sure. OK. Yeah, definitely not a mob boss. But I think that's a it's hard to get out of that over the overthinking on my side. It's hard to get out of that mindset.
I think I do i do that too. what what I just kind of come back into it. But I do that when I'm in, when I'm out and about and in public, I always pay attention to my surroundings. I always know where the exits are, the ins, the ins and outs and stuff like that. And I definitely try to position myself in a way to where my back isn't towards the crowd or anything like that. Um,
um But I don't think that's, I good just i don't know. that's just That's just natural for me. I've always been like that.
But yeah, and just because I walked away, don't mean I can't hear you guys. Connor. What? my husband isn insane I say other than you're a giant vagina. Just walking. Anyway.
So ah can we address a couple of points and it's on topic. Okay. And I'm not trying to hijack this. I'm just trying to be helpful. So what, what they say, there's, um, somebody that I know who's been a guest on my show before wrote an article on this and they basically said, number one is become aware of your thoughts. Overthinking is kind of like a bad habit. If you're an overthinking a long time,
then you're probably on default that way. And I think if you can you know be aware and say to yourself midstream going, okay, I'm doing it again. you know you know it's like It's like the same thing as, okay, why am I smoking? Okay, why am I having my 10th beer? ah Why am I punching the wall? it's you know what Why am I gorging myself?
Thinking is a form of addiction. It really is. Do you think that's true though, guys? Are you aware of your thoughts when you're doing this, and do you try to stop yourself?
um For me now, I'm more aware of it, and I do try to try to control it a little bit better. But as i've as I've said multiple times on this show, one thing that I do do, conscientiously,
every day is wake up and try to put the negative away and be more positive, um, rather than let the negative wear at me. So nowadays, yeah, I'm more aware of it in the past. No, I'm definitely not aware of the, the voices in my head. So to say they would definitely get the best of me more times than I would like to admit. Um, but presently I'm more aware of it and I'm able to control it a little bit better where it doesn't consume me and take over and ruin in a day for me. yeah Not always. I still have my days where, you know, we all have bad days from time to time. It definitely takes a ah ah moment to stop. It's it's almost it's kind of like when you when you have an anxiety attack or a panic attack.
I don't know if any of you have experience with this, but it's it's almost like overthinking on this on this magnitude that you can't stop it. I understand what Sin City says, she can't stop it. It's not something that she feels like she has control over. It's it's tough. It takes active thinking. And if you're, especially if you're not in a fully it panicked, I guess ah you're not having like a physiological response to it. If you give yourself a second to think about what you're,
think about what you're overthinking about and and actively. try and change your thinking rather than thinking about all of the bad things that can go wrong, all of this, that, and the other, and try and live in the moment. Because like Jacque said, I mean, I have the same issue. um I go out to restaurants. my We went to the zoo a little while ago. And my wife was like, are you OK? And I was like, I'm just going to try and be here and be present and not worry about all the shit that might happen or could happen.
um And and just focus on this and it it was really really really difficult, but it took a lot of active ah Active thinking from me to say okay. This is this is where we're at. This is what we're doing Don't worry about everybody else stop thinking about this that and the other think about all my kids are having fun Enjoy the moment that you're in all I'm holding my wife's hand. We're having one-on-one time instead of Hey, why isn't that guy swinging his arms? Hey, what's in his waistband? Hey, where is the nearest exit? How do I go down this path and then get out? How far are we from the next yada, yada, yada? Can you get out from this po part of the zoo? How far is it? You know, all that. So it's it takes a level of active thinking to stop overthinking.
Can i I just, I'm kind of going through this graph here and you can tell me to yeah go away or. Shut up, Michael. Yeah. um But for me, um you you know, I'm a lot older than you guys. So i' I've been where you are. And I know what that's like to be caught in your mind and worrying. I used to worry all the time about what people thought. I would have never come on here.
in my thirties. There's no way because it would be like, well, someone will see me this way. And and and I never thought about the good end of it now where I'm i'm like, what benefit is there to this? So us being here, a bunch of, you know, older dudes talking about, uh, you know, our feelings and situations, it opens dialogue for other people. It may not happen on air, but it might happen in somebody's house.
So if you're, if you're here and you are going, you know, Glick is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Michael's an idiot. You know, you were probably the consensus, you know, and people were going, my God, Connor is way brighter than I ever thought. But everybody will connect with the different everybody will connect with ah like a different vibration. So everyone is a little strange, but what we're doing right now is we're brainstorming solutions.
And, and we're sharing commonalities and that is, I think the way we're going to heal this world is when we find common ground amongst very unique, different individuals. Is there any truth in that? I mean, uncomfortable uncomfortable topics require uncomfortable conversations. I mean,
fuck, I don't want to talk about this. No, no part of me wants to have ah have another conversation about, about all the things that I overthink about are or, or all of my problems. But I mean, there's a reason we have Monday night as Men's Health and Mental Health Show. I mean, we we have to, we have to talk about it. And that's why we made it in open forum is so that we could get more minds than just Chris and I or Glick and I up here talking about the struggles that we're going through.
And whether it's overthinking or if it's something else, or if it's depression or anxiety, I mean, it it takes a it takes a group, it takes a powwow to talk about, to get the conversation going. And like you said, Michael, whether that's here in somebody who's listening's house later on in the day, that's all fair. When I was younger, and I don't know if you guys have gone through this, I would overthink so much I'd be frozen.
I couldn't make a decision. I would be just swirling in thoughts to the point where I'd below a day in overthinking situations. What I do now, and I'll i'll do self-talk. I don't know if you guys do this. I'll go, okay, that's a step towards where I want to be. That's the first step. Okay, Michael, well done. I'm saying this not out loud and on the street, but I'm saying this in my head. Okay. That'll get me one step closer to where I want to be.
where before I would be like, well, you know, if I do this, then people will judge me and then this person will be upset and nothing ever got done. Where now it's almost like trusting that the universe will put you where you need to be with the individuals you need to be and the pieces will fall into place. And Glick has been talking about with his music that You know, all of a sudden, because he's in the flow or the gap, all these people now are reaching out to him. He's reaching out to other people. And what's happening is he's now went down a pathway he didn't even know existed. And in that he's finding, I think, new levels of perspective and maybe even this thing called joy.
oh Yeah. but but yeah when you when you could when you're When you were overthinking, you were stuck in that loop. as we We call it you stuck in your OODA loop. Have you ever heard of OODA loop? O-O-D it's like-A. It means observe orient um observe, orient, decide, and act. OODA loop is what they used back in like for military strategies. And you're sitting there and you're just going around your OODA loop. ah so That's we call it.
spent nine years in the military never heard of that. I've never, I've never heard of that before. I like that. I might have to start, I might have to start using it. What's up. but trackable I'm have to, I'm going to have to remember that and start using that. No, 100% Michael. I'm definitely finding joy. I'm finding joy in everything I'm doing right now when it comes to these shows. And and that was kind of why the conversation that Connor and I had about making this show an open panel. And and and it is the one show of the week that is solely an invite only for men. It is for many men and men only because we want to open up those doorways for conversation and hear other men's point of view and like be, as I said, Saturday night, you know, have our small platform with do our part in this change to to help
reverse the stigma on men's mental health. And the more, I think the more men that see others rather than just Connor and myself coming up here and and chatting about things, the more they're going to be willing to come up here with us and and take part in the conversation as well, or a share what, you know, open up a little bit more than what what they normally would. and How long have you guys been doing these Monday streams?
Six, seven months. Six, seven months. Oh, wow. I put a graph out about the OODA loop if you want to just show it. There it is there. OODA loop. you know I never heard of it. yeah And it's what? Act, observe, decide, orient? Observe. Observe, orient, decide, and act. And sometimes when people are overthinking, they just get observed, they're oriented, and they can't decide. they' their oool loop They're just going around and around and around until they finally act. I think one should be there, shit my pants.
I had to check myself earlier. Observe I smell something. Orient, where is it? Here. Decide, yep, that's me. Act, go change. Yep.
yeah ah Untrackable said, I heard of a mental mission essential tasking list. i't I've never heard of that, but we've kind of talked about that. You know,
Uh, setting goals, uh, not necessarily swinging for the fences, but like, you know, like I said, one of my things was, and and Mike might be having the conversation is in his head. I literally stood in front of a mirror a couple of years back and had an open verbal conversation with myself in the mirror ah to get to where to to to a kind of accept accountability.
not let the not let not the not let the past have control of me anymore. Stop living in the past and moving and actively moving forward and getting out of the mindset that I was in. Yeah. Which that's which, you know, has been for me personally.
Holy crap, it's it's been a complete 180 from where I was a couple of years ago. Because like I said earlier, you know, I do, and it's not easy, trust me, because there are some days where I wake up and and as the kids and Nikki tell me I'm a grumpy bear, and I just wake up and I'm a grumpy bear for no reason. And I grump around the house and then I have to catch myself and go, okay, hey, hey, hey, snap back, brother. What are you doing? what's what's whats What's in your head today? And I have to have that conversation with myself to get back on track.
and and stop. Whatever it is, it's got me in that funk. I have to make that conscious decision to sort it out in my head, conversate about it and take a walk, take a drive, lolly fuck on my laptop and do podcast stuff so I can distract myself and and try to loop back around and figure out what's going on. So how does everybody in the room to deal with that when when you wake up as a, you know, a nasty commungeon, uh, or, or you find yourself, you know, lower than low. I hide all my guns. So I don't kill anybody. Jesus. corneror I,
I internalize a lot of emotions. Um, and Replace them with handling like what's right in front of me Yep so like, you know, I'm married I got a child one child and ah I Get I get brought a bunch of bullshit from from just about everybody that I know But I gotta put my emotions aside and decide, you know
Is this a superficial thing? Are are you crying for no reason? Uh, do you want to go someplace that we both don't have to go? And then, and then, you know, I might give some little attitude pushback, but if somebody says, Hey, like we got injuries or, you know, there's very something important that needs to be done with the house. So it doesn't burn down or we need a new roof or something like that.
I just kind of, I click off the emotions and and I, I just become a listener because whatever I'm being told, I'm one going to have to investigate for myself. So I need all the notes before I go up there and get my own notes. And then we have to go down the road of solving the problem. But if you come to me with some superficial shit, yeah, I i might bark at you. You know what I'm saying? Yeah.
I'm very bad about managing stress once. if if i Like Michael said, when I wake up in that and that mood, just ah that shithead. I don't know why, but i'm um everybody's on my shit list today. I'm terrible about managing stress. And those are those are the days where um I try and avoid people so that I don't make myself look like an ass.
Connor, I haven't met happy. So I'm just interesting. Yeah. And then, you know, I'll just stop. and But I have a question that you said something. And it sounded like you went the long way around this. But I think you have the ability intuitively to know when to just listen, because and I, you know, not to blanket.
but if you've been married or you have a significant other, there's times when you're better off to just be quiet and listen. All right? and And let, you know, I look at, I call it the storm passing. I let i let that, and it's sometimes very quiet before the storm, but you can tell, you look at them and go, oh no, here we come. And I just wait.
And sometimes I'll wait till the next day. I might even wait till the next week and go, do you remember what, you know, you were a little over emotional then, but sometimes you can't address situations in the midst of it because you are not going to get results. Does anybody else agree with that? It's a hundred percent true. It's a hundred percent true. Especially when you're, when you're talking about it or when that stress level is high, you don't make good decisions.
Yeah, so late late I think something that i guess I guess my wife taught me because this this has been something recent and I've been married 20 years. When I wake up and I have those moments of stress and everybody's pissing me off, and like don't even walk in my direction, just one of those days.
uh, now and instead of holding on, like I usually do, like I've always done, we actually, I actually talk and eventually I can find out, okay, that's, that's what was bothering me just from talking to her, which is it's a little thing, but shit's it's new new to me and it's actually helped out and been helping me out. Yeah. Well, it's almost like training for anything. Um, when you, when you go through a training process, um, there is no failure. There's just try.
but when you're actually in the fifth
relationships can value you want to win but at the same time you might not be prepared for whatever's going on in, in that discussion with those snap. Yeah. You guys are right. Like talking this stuff out with people that you're not, and that's not involved in it. And you, you say, Hey, well, this is how I felt like this. You're, you're not talking to use, not going to make them understand. They could help you understand that they don't understand.
And then that's when you can be in the midst of saying what you're gonna say and not lose your shit. You know what I mean? Trying to explain to them what the hell, what the issue I feel, yeah. It's it's like talking to yourself, but it's better because you guys don't know what's in my head, but you guys can talk to me when I talk to you rather than me just talking to myself and always being right. And then, and then that's when things go south.
now. Yep. That's where that's where that I mean, as as silly as it sounds that positive self talk can can be a huge fucking deal. Sometimes when we can't find the positives for ourselves and and you can't get around other people who can turn that that dark to the light for you. Everything just piles on and that overthinking gets worse and then you get deeper and deeper in that hole. And sometimes you need, I mean, some friends or people that you don't know or don't know your situation to take what you see as a dark situation or or an overthinking situation and turn it into something that's way simpler and and a little bit brighter.
know Connor, can I make a suggestion? Just, it's a small one. Send it, Miguel. And it's for everybody who's out there listening as well. If you feel that what you're going to say has absolutely no value and the people you're saying it to are not going to listen anyways, get your ass up and go. Get out of that room, get out of that situation. You are not going to represent yourself at the best situation. These people don't care.
don't overhare it work Don't overshare at work. These people a lot of times are competing for the things that you need, the warm, dry, fed. But if it's your loved ones, there's times I think you need to know when to get up and leave because you love them and you don't want to put huge holes in the foundation of what it's taken you 20 years to build or two or five years. And these people are the only people who actually give two shits about you. They may not be in the best situation. I find the females, I have three girls. They're all older. They're way brighter than I'll ever be.
so I can't mind wrestling them. They'll kill me. it's not gonna Especially if they tag team, I'm done. I've tried doing that. You know what I do? I just listen or I leave. And sometimes just leaving is far better than anything you could have ever said. That's a better and stronger statement.
anybody agree with any of these things that said we disagree thank you i agree well it's it
the the the the
i was we were talking oh no you were talking i was ah it's like it's it's a matter of ahead its it's it's a matter of picking your battles and knowing when to walk away because there's sometimes where Um, you know, the the, on the rare occasion, Nikki and I get into it. It's like, i I just need to walk away for a few minutes. And if I walk away, she, she generally, and she does the same. I had to learn if she walks away, I can't because I'm like, no, we're going to finish having this conversation. I've had to learn, let her go have a few minutes and same with her. If I, if I step away, you know, let me have a few minutes, let me collect my thoughts. But you know, to go back on that circle, you know,
toxic people in your life leads to a toxic life. And I learned that lesson. My circle has gotten very small. I've cut family out and not that I don't love them. I still love them, but I had to cut them out because they were not leading, they were not doing anything good for my mental health. Um, so I've actually cut them out and and and walked away from them that and I've, and I've cut friends out. My circle, as I said, has gotten very small.
But in that happening, my life has gotten a lot better. And my new circle has gotten a lot better. And it's growing every day. And it's growing with people that have the same mindset as me, who, you know, they want they're looking to make their lives better and be in a good situation. Which I think when you surround yourself with people that have similar mindset, you all grow together because you can all kind of learn from each other. And there's not that There's not that, Oh, I got a one up. I got a one up this guy, cause he's doing better than me or, you know, I can't believe this is happening when, you know, instead it's, it's, it's weird to me too. And you see new people that know before and they're like,
Hey man, I got to show great show last night. Oh, hey, I didn't know you even listened. Also, you know, or, or, you know, whatever. Um, but now yeah, definitely getting rid of those toxic people in your life. I've had this conversation, uh, with a mutual friend of ours multiple times and mean i mean where it goes. I don't know, but, uh, we all got to make our own decisions. Glick, would you agree that time is the greatest asset that we have?
And we have to manipulate time to our favor and we can't squander it on people, places or things that really don't add value to our life. And overthinking, overthinking is one of the greatest robbers of our sanity. Donica is a spiritual leader. You're going to get some of this if you have me in the room, guys. Donica, I love you. Thank you for being here.
We would love to have you up. You would be a wonderful asset to this. It's every Monday, uh, on this wonderful network. And the man with the, even though he believes he's a Fox, uh, he's really like a big. jey bear
Yeah, as we, as we go down, yeah, as we go down the road and Connor and I were talking about this the other day, just the other day. about the potential of having guests on the show, guest speakers that are actually in this and this world and in the world of mental therapy and spirituality and stuff like that. I'm like, yeah, well, let's reach out and you know we can line up guests or we can just do the open forum like we do. um But yeah, no, time time is our most valuable thing. And I had to learn that. And and i've and body about maybe about two years ago,
I put a thing out on social media talking about people who put money and whatnot over time. And you know, you can make all the money back in the world that you lose, but the one thing you can never get back is time. Oh yeah. I would, I would give a, you know, the time that I have with the people I care about means more than I mean, we could be sitting on the patio, having a couple of beers,
Nicky and the kids and I can be sitting in the house. We don't have to go on big fancy elaborate vacations or do all the just to spend time with each other and enjoy each other's company. I think is worth more than any amount of money I'll ever have in the checking account.
i mean i hope 500 million dollars in the back in the check in the bank account, my life wouldn't be bad. i just There'd be a lot more spending time. Right. and i know I don't think you'd be here, though, buddy, if you had 500 million, would you? I think but you're wrong yeah i I could hit the lottery tomorrow and I would still do every one of these shows every night of the week. Oh, yeah. And I would love doing it. How would you manage your ego, though, if you had 500 million? Think about that. He doesn't do it now.
hey yeah I already have an ego, like I have $500 million. dollars What are you talking about? So if if I want to share this on Twitter, the link, can I do that? And can you give me the link in the private chat here so I can put it in on my Twitter? Yeah. If that's okay. Ladies and gentlemen, what's good? What's going on? That Chaka, you were saying Saturday night, yeah part of your job or something you do, you you do a lot of stuff that that revolves around.
Yeah, so i work in nuia I work in the mental health crisis bed. I'm a um a sergeant and in the prisons. So in my ah section is the mental health crisis bed. So I've been doing a lot with and I've been doing that for ah went on 10 years now in that particular spot. So learned a lot with when it comes to mental health crisis and then also peer support. I'm part of a peer support program for other, you know, officers when they're going through some kind of crisis, you know, we're there to help them. and And I've gotten some training on that. It's pretty pretty helpful. It helped me a lot, you know, so trying to help others too.
No, I agree. I think, I think in answer, as I've said, you know, Connor and I are not experts by any means. he I speak on a lot of personal experiences, you know, um, and how I've dealt and how, you know, Connor actually, and I know a lot of people go to therapy and that's great. If it works for you, I can't do therapy.
I can't do it because usually four or five sessions in, next thing you know, they're getting their prescription tablet out and they're like, you should take that. I'm like, no, I know i just want to talk to you you. You don't know me outside of here, so you're a complete 100% non-biased person. I can talk to you. You can help me out.
But I don't want your drugs at the end of the day. And that was the biggest thing at one of the biggest things that pushed me to want to do this particular show. And the fact that Connor, surprisingly, I'll say, was eager to be like, yeah, fucking, I'm in, you know, because I just want somebody to talk to or people to talk to that are like minded or even people that have gone through it. And maybe we can help somebody down the road, you know, let them know, hey,
ah yeah It's not all sunshines and roses sunshine and roses. Life is a sumbitch if you let it get to you. But it's it's not all bad either. It can be good if you want it to be good. Click. um I have a huge spiritual network and I would love to, with your permission, start advertising on my network this show every Monday.
and basically just promoted on the other shows that I do saying, look, if you want to come up and talk to individuals who are not professionals because people don't want to talk to professionals, they want to talk to people who are in the trenches with them. They don't want someone who's coming from you know the all seeing, all knowing spot. I think that's why if you do have people who are therapists who um were maybe on the street or had drug addictions,
They have firsthand experiences and maybe a little bit more empathy. And you're right, everything can't be solved with drugs. Now I'm warning you, if you let me do this, you're going to get some seriously woo woo people and some very woo woo.
I will I will say this to anybody listening to to anybody is is is I will never and unless you're doing it in a negative light. You can promote any of our shows. You can promote any show in particular. I will never have a care as long as it's not in a negative light. If I come across something in a negative light, then I got to go back to being a monster and I got to put somebody in their place. But anybody can. Yeah.
yeah Anybody can promote any of our shirts anytime. I will be very grateful and very thankful for it. As a matter of fact, you know, um, I will never tell somebody, no, how dare you promote my show. I want to grow. Please promote my show. Please tell all your friends. we We want to grow. I've said it a million times. I want to quit my job. You've got to be careful what you let in your life though. Right? Yeah. Like you, yes, it's nice to grow, but if you grow and and lose who you are,
And and you you don't even represent what you started when you started it. I love this show because you and Connor are close and and you you have banter. There's great chemistry. And I think if people see that, they feel safe. And if you give them a landing spot where they can feel safe,
see that there we go i'm getting too mushy here and you guys have to let' reel this back let's reel this back bring the macho am i not allowed to be weird on my ah um on our own own show it on is is that a pillow no no
okay keep it No, I know I I've told people a million times a Connor can attest to this ah I am who I am on this on this on this picture box that you see me on If you see me in real life, I'm the same ex exact person ah You know bla Blaze and I met for the first time last month in person um but After we did our show and after we got done at this at the gig we went back and and chit-chatted for a few hours and Um, you know, anybody that knows me will tell you I'm the same person ah in real life. As you see on the internet, what you get is what you get, man. I don't sugar coat shit. I don't, um I don't, I've never tried to be fake. Um, I, I'm just, I'm in it. I'm in a spot in my life where I'm loving life right now and I'm enjoying myself. And and and it took me a long time to get here. Don't get me wrong. I was a miserable s SOB for a good chunk of my life.
In the last like three, two, three years, I've ah finally figured out how to enjoy life and and love life and and enjoy, you know, all the small blessings I have. So I'm definitely a much better person today than I was a couple of years ago, but I'm still the same person. You know, I don't, I don't pretend to be anything. And then I, and and I don't think.
I don't think a billion dollars could change that because I'm still going to be me. I mean, the only thing that's going to change from the shows is the scenery. To be on a yacht. show you so i' be on to Like with a marble floors and a grand piano behind him.
um Earlier, Michael, you had a question about um ah when things get real tough, like what do you what do you do to kind of get out of the zone? like Another thing is music. Music always helps me out. And I was going to ask Glick, is that one of the reasons why you're doing the music review show? Does that does that have something to do with it? um Music has always been my outlet. I love music. I love all genres of music. When I was having bad days or If I was in a funk or I was at my lowest music was always there for me. It was the only, it was the only thing that was ever there for me. It wasn't a person. It wasn't a part. It was, it was music. I've said it a million times. If I'm having a bad day, I like to go for drives. And, and for whatever reason, I've discovered that Jason Aldean is my damn spirit animal. Oh yeah. Like i I love every album he's put out.
It feels, you know, he has so many songs that I can personally relate to because it's like, I'm listening to him and I was like, is he in my head as he writes these songs? Because I've lived this a couple of years back. I've talked about it here on this show. I was in a bad way and I went for a drive one day and was just driving and wound up ending up about three hours away from home. I had no idea where I was.
And it got late and there was just, uh, it was a small little town and there was a tiny little bed and breakfast that I was like, well, it's kind of late. I don't want to, I don't even know where I'm at. I was like, I had no idea where I was. I was just driving and, uh, I got a room for the night and it was, it was owned by this, uh, older couple and, uh, sat down and chatted with them before I went to bed and everything. Got up the next morning, had breakfast with them, chatted with them for an hour or two.
And I don't know what it was, but like you know Mike said, I was put in the right place at the right time. And apparently these two people, and they needed to pop up into my life and I needed ah to to meet them. And the next day I hit the road. I had to hit the old Google maps to figure out where I was and figure out how to get home. um But i I was rejuvenated. I was in a much better place, but yeah, music has always been my go-to, my happy place.
And I do listen to all genres, all eras. You know, I don't, I can't say that I have a favorite. I think I shock a lot of people with some of my knowledge, especially when it comes to like hip hop and old school hip hop, because obviously I'm a country bumpkin from, from the Midwest. And and I know, I'm huge vanilla ice.
um But, ah but yeah, man. And and I think I did, you know, I, I always wanted to do something somehow be involved in the music industry. Unfortunately, I can't play an instrument to save my life. And I can't carry a tune in a bucket. So you know, to be somewhat feel like I'm somewhat a part of something that's been so important to me for so much or so much of my life. Yeah, that show that show that show since I've started it holds a very special spot in my heart. Monday and Tuesdays are probably my two favorite nights of the week that we do.
And music is on Mondays or Tuesdays. Music is on Tuesdays.
Yeah, we actually saw a couple of months ago. That's cool, man. Yeah. And we just hang out like it's there's no pressure involved um for for the for the artist. they they It's not the boring run of it. We just we just hang out and shoot the shit. And we get to learn a little bit about them. And I generally ah try to play a little bit of their music along with the show.
um You know, take a break here and there and play one or two of their songs. Um, just let people get to know them and get to know a little bit about them and whatnot. I can't say that I've had a bad guest so far. I've been very lucky in that aspect. Everybody's been pretty cool. So.
yeah i don't know anything at i' i i don't know what that is but it doesn't sound of doesn't sound like a monday night show kind of sounds like a saturday but leave my boom out of this. I don't know you like that, JR. glix is The only one who's allowed to touch my bone. All It's turning into this. No. No, I think, you know, I think it's this is this is I got to be honest, this is exactly kind of what I was hoping for on um on on Monday nights. You know, Mondays are a little bit more low key. It's probably the most serious show on the network. But it's it's it's nice starting to see
Other guys pop up in here and and add their two cents on and even if it's you know, even if we get off topic You better not start to rain And every night she'll fall Yeah, not right now. I got too much. I got too many electronics out here on the porch. Yeah You like being out on the porch? Does that make you feel closer to nature? or is it Is it more sane out there for you? I love the ancient home Yeah, I'm closer to home. The wilderness is where I grew up with my other Sasquatch family. Okay. Is raised by wolves? No, no, I do. I love being outside. It's it's peaceful. I like I, you know, I said if I was rich and the scenery would change, it would change. My background would be the woods or the forest.
is your alter ego your other channel called jack daniels because i'm noticing you're promoting it behind you there no that's mickey sign she's got out here on the porch i i can see now jack daniels if you would like to be part of our mental health show please send us samples boy that i'm telling yeah How should you deal with those problems? I deal with it with Tennessee whiskey. Jack Daniels. As as somebody who has gone down that road before, I promise you, you will never find the answer to your problems and the at at the at the ah end of a bottle. I promise you that. I have one question. Charlie Daniels related to Jack. I don't think so. sell You know, who went Charlie Daniels, you know, the Fiddler. Nope. Never heard of.
You've never heard of them? Oh, my God. You got to look it out. Double one down to Georgia. You got a brother. Oh, OK. OK. Oh, that's all. you That's all you had to say was the name of the song. Yeah, Charlie Daniels. Charlie, you guys say you guys say musicians names and it goes, well, you say the name of a song and I might be like, oh, OK, we're good. I've probably been to a thousand concerts in my lifetime. I've been of all kinds of music. I've I've seen country a shows that I would I was forced to go and I loved it. I was I was amazed at how much I like I've been to shows that I thought I'd like and when the guy came out was on track pants on that had bleach stains.
but Now the guy was a a guitar virtuosos but you know what was really sad was two years later he was dead and I'm I'm wondering if he didn't have some mental health issues.
You know, but I'd seen them Two years earlier and it was the best concert. I think I've ever seen in my life. So I think I hit him on a bad day It's kind of wild when you when you well, it's not really in all honesty the amount of Musicians and songwriters and whatnot that have or live with Severe mental health issues Well, the road is hard, like, you know, um, you all have very different work. I can't imagine working in a prison. So I have and insane, what's the word, uh, admiration for what you do.
Uh, the closest I'd ever want to be is when you, when you watch those shows, you know, ah you know, the networks and and you, you, you see the same, and it's always the same situation that the person is drunk, high, high or drunk. Uh, they have to put them in the chair, they restrain them. And then five hours later, they're like, Oh, that's the real person. Who was the other person you deal with people at their worst. And then people wonder why.
law enforcement especially have such a rough time in life because they're they're basically cleaning up the messes that drugs and alcohol have made.
In in society is there any truth in that or am I way off? I'm cleaning up the messes. I don't know if we're cleaning up the messes That would be more I guess police officers like it's I would say they're cleaning up the messes as far as in the prisons and in what you're saying That's more jail like when they come in drunk and and the high and they let them sleep it off stuff That's that's the jail. So the prison is more of a long-term that they're crimes already, courts already, judges already sent them to prison. They've done their jail time and everything. Now they got to go to prison. It's so cleaning up would. No, I would just say, ah i yeah I guess you could say, yeah, I guess we're cleaning up a little bit, but never thought about it like that. But you are in a sense, and and I don't mean like.
sobriety type of thing. I'm talking about helping people rebuild their lives. Like if you, out of say a hundred people that you deal with, let's say five of those become productive citizens and they come up to you 10 years later and go, you have no idea the impact you had on me. I know you were hard on me at times, but I always felt like you had my back. So thank you. And There are not many people that could do the role that you do and still have the empathy, compassion piece. I've actually had, I've had that happen once. I actually seen, uh, uh, an individual that did prison time and then, uh, knew who I was and and was doing good and said, thank you. I saw it was in Walmart in all places. ah It feels good, but you know what you got to remember too. A lot of these people don't have the capacity to tell you, but.
what you do makes an impact, yeah right? And it's an opportunity to make. it's It's like the show tonight, even though it doesn't seem like much. there There might be an individual three months from now comes upon this, watches it, and that's like the clarity they needed in that moment. We've all had that, where we turn on a program or if we're religious and we go and watch a sermon and we go, that was for me.
because I'm lost and I need that right now. Or you pick up a book, or if you're into music and there's an album that comes out and a song, and it's the one thing that keeps you going.
Glick is having a party every night. Yeah, I was going to say, don't know's I don't know what's going on with Glick. I think it started raining. It might have started raining.
We lost Untrackable. That's that's cool, though. It it I love Untrackable, but he is very quick to disappear. That's right. No, it's it started raining. So I had to relocate. And yes, I I have Nikki and two young ladies here in the house and they're watching the horror movies. And so you know how that goes. Yeah, I think we're there is.
there There is never a dull moment in my house that is for sure. but so no i want Michael, you were you and Chaka were talking about you know having an impact on people and a much love on track. Well, we appreciate you being here, brother. You know you're always welcome. um It's crazy. When we started this show,
um You know, it was, I think initially it was more for us, but we obviously wanted to have an impact on other people as well. But the amount of positivity and and and like messages that we've got from women about the show was, was kind of overwhelming at first, because I didn't expect a whole lot of women to watch or listen or pay much attention to us. Um, but they love that we're doing this show. Um, they, there's a.
There's a couple of ladies that i know ah but I've known for for for several years that like that that told their husbands to tune in. um and And it's been helping them open their their husbands deal with things. So it's like, all right, so we we doing something here, right? you know Maybe a little unexpected, but but hey, yeah husbands, listen to Connor and I. We're not as dumb as we look and sound. That's pretty cool.
But what's scary is the world is changing when we were little right you were you stuffed your feelings down Be a man, right? Don't don't share that you're going through pain or you're afraid real men don't do that And then we wonder why we have people who over drink over smoke Get violent because You know, it's like anything, if you have a reservoir of pain and you keep filling that, something is going to break. It's like, when the you know, when the leather breaks.
right ah Well, that's the way that's the way ah boys are raised to be a man is to hold in their emotions, bottle it all in. Never. Never. You're sad. You better not be sad. You're not shed a tear if, you know, not to show your emotion. That's no, I said it a long time ago. I said I was taking back the phrase man up because, you know, when we were growing up, we were always told man up. Stop being a bitch. Stop being a pussy man up. The actual definition of manning up.
is to be brave, be courageous, so courage, you know, and, and, and not be afraid to back down from a challenge. So I i said, I want to say it on here, but I'm not saying it in a negative way. I'm putting a positive spin on it because as men, in order for us to show our feelings and be vulnerable and to actually talk about things in a way, we have to man up. So instead of ah going back on, uh, fell in scrape my knee and my dad told me to man up. Stop being a little girl. Now man enough is a good thing because.
There's a reason why there's such a stigma on men's mental health and why it's not taken seriously. And that, you know, I'll call spade a spade at the end of the day. Men's mental health is not taken seriously and it has not been taken seriously for many years. And now we have a problem. I think it's changing though. I do. We're seeing more and more of these programs all over the world. And that's one of the benefits of You know having youtube which is now the biggest Outlet for entertainment in the world. It's number one it it's ah higher numbers than netflix Higher numbers than prime or disney um yeah Here's here's the thing and and I want people to digest this and you guys can disagree or agree um My philosophy is
fully fill it so if you're sad feel it but don't play it like an old old record like don't play it over and over again you know because when when you're young you'll play that song that triggers you right and you're crying and you're you know the girl left you or you know i didn't get that promotion or why am i so damn skinny i don't have that problem anymore but the get here here is yeah Here is the thing, I suggest to all the men out there, if you're sad, cry it out. Get it out.
have it do And I remember there was one time I started crying and I had the cry of my life. Like the kind of cry you have when you're three years old. that kind of you know and you can't can And why'd you do that? you know That kind of over. And I swear I let go of something I've been holding on for 30 years and I felt lighter. I felt lighter than I'd ever felt.
and i went wow thank you and i even kind of said to the universe thank you for giving me the strength to address that and let it go because i've been holding it for so long and one of my old sayings that i used to say to my my buddies was you know there is a reason why you're attracted to young women and it's not because It is, you know, the looks and the freshness. I said, they're not damaged. They're not carrying baggage. If we're carrying baggage, you can't be with someone else who's carrying baggage. It's very difficult. So if you're in superficial relationships where it has to be about you and you're a narcissist, which most of my friends are on some level, all of us are and on some level, they were always drawn to young women, but then they were like,
yeah thinking and mean i have You know, besides the parts fit, I have nothing after that event to really talk to them about. We have no commonalities. And I went, you're right. Life is messy. It isn't about the deed. The deed is fun. It is. It's wonderful. and And you can, you know, do that until things fall off. But if you want to have a rich relationship, first have that with yourself.
do the work you need to do within yourself before you enter other people into it. And especially if you're going to have children. Oh my God. So I see these guys and I don't know if you know this, but Al Pacino has decided to have a child at 80. I did hear that. I did hear that. Yeah. And you know what? And you know what that is? That's your last stamp. That's yours. Like I was here. This is my seed. I can't come back, but here is and you've got even Elon Musk who's saying he wants to have like 20 kids. Yeah, I got it. I got it. I got a shout out MK. He said he's accommodated. I went through some life changing, uh, uh, like changes about 10 years ago and haven't looked back. Glad I started taking how I felt seriously. That's awesome. That's awesome to hear. That's cool.
ah Gentlemen, what I have to wrap up. I have to I have to pop off here. I gotta deal with my kids I got three littles to take care of um So I'm gonna leave you with something real quick ah Time is our most valuable non-renewable resource period Doesn't come back. You don't get more of it. Once your time's up. It's fucking gone um And this too shall pass Whatever you're going through it's gonna it's gonna It's going to pass. I don't care what it is. Worry about the time that you have right now and spending that with whatever makes you happy in life because you don't get more time. Stop worrying about this storm that's coming through. But I got a peace out, gentlemen. It was great being on here. I'll catch up with you later. Michael, it was great to talk to you again, man. Chaka, good to meet you, dude. Nice to meet you, man. We will see you guys later.
like Connor, I feel like you just dropped the mic. I was gonna say he just dropped the mic. It was kind of like you bitches. here I'm out. No, that was the only thing. i think that was I think that was one of the one of the final breaking points for me when I decided to kind of spin everything around was the fact that I'm not going to feel bad.
uh, for, for putting, you know, in a way and, and some aspects, uh, putting myself first and not allowing people to walk all over me anymore. And, um, a lot of people didn't necessarily agree with that life change and that decision I made, but like I said, I've definitely in the best place I've ever been in, in most of my life, the like the last couple of years, um, making changes and Are you talking about family friends? I've got all I've got all family members. I mean, that like I said, like I said, earlier I love them to death, their family. But look, at the end of the day, you're you're not you're not benefiting me in any way. Good. You know, like you're you're leading to stress and you're causing
you know, these, these, yeah these bad days, as I like to call them the bad days. So it's like, oh I got to walk away and I'm putting myself first. And I don't, you know, part of me feels bad, but a bigger part of me doesn't feel bad at all. Because like I said, for the first time in my life, mentally, I'm in a healthier place. And I noticed it. oh like I noticed it as someone who's observed you for a while. And you can tell that we're getting a more authentic you.
then maybe, you know, cause we all play roles. I don't care who you are. Oh yeah. and Yeah. We all play roles in some form or fashion. I think the, you know, a lot of us don't even really know our ourselves too well and we have to, we have to reacquaint ourselves.
um I had to do a lot of reacquainting. You know, the the really low points in my life, I, I would zone out, I would drink, I'd smoke, I'd i'd do whatever I had to do to get through. It wasn't every day. But ah for me, I was what you would call an extremist. So I would, and I'm talking 30 years ago, if I started the bottle, the bottle was gone. If I started, you know, having, name I see what you're saying.
Uh, if, if I had the, you know, the, the, the weed, um, I would have more clarity and I would not drink as much. It was almost like I found that if it was light, there was a neighbor that had where he grew his own and it was, I used to call it pot light and it was wonderful. It was just, it was very light mellow buzz. And then every once in a while my friends would give me stuff and I'm like, what? the i like I just I just risked my life. What the what was on that? That this that is that is not weed. What is that? Like I I'm here one time and I must have been laced with speed or something, but I could feel every hair on my arm and I might have been. God, I might have been 20. And from that point on, I was like,
Wake up, man, you can end up dead. Don't be an idiot. Don't just trust what they're giving you is safe. a And I remember when I was smoking it, they were looking at me like going, okay, when's he going to fall over?
And I didn't. And I had always had kind of a resistance to drugs because I remember I went under once for my tonsils coming out.
And the doctor went, he should be under. Why is he talking to us? This is nuts. Like she goes, look, it's in his vein. He goes, he he's been talking to us for five minutes. Shut him up. Put him more. Oh my God. I woke up. I woke up the next day. I was still high. I was gone.
And I was like, oh, my Lord, I I think I've just got a test ride of what it could be like if I was out of control. Yeah. If I was out of control. And I don't think I ever puked as much as I did after that, because they gave me too much. I went I went toxic, I think. Wow. Yeah. um But I'll tell you, I didn't feel anything. And then when I did come down, I was like, oh, this isn't good.
Yeah, Sean shawman down here says he had an issue getting knocked out for his get his wisdom people Yeah Yeah My tonsils your tonsils are supposed to be no bigger than a small peanut, right? Mine were like a walnut So I had huge holes here And then when they sewed me up that two nights later, I said to my wife at the time, I said, if I don't go in, I'm not going to make it. And she goes, what do you mean? I said, I'm bleeding. Like there's something wrong with me. And I was, I was a big guy. Then I, it was probably about 40 pounds heavier than I am now. And the doctor came in and he went, anybody else.
would have probably died. And he said, what do you mean? He said, you're such a big guy. You had enough blood to keep you going. but Weren't you getting dizzy? And I was like, oh, yeah. i said But it was almost like a euphoric. high I wasn't sure what was going on if I was still. So they showed me what was going on and it was literally shooting blood. and Oh, shit. Yeah. And they brought this guy in in the middle of the night. He looked at me with the most pissed off. Look, it was like three o'clock in the morning. I was like, you know, and he he did this. He did this process where he literally burnt my skin inside my throat and it matched it. And in 20 minutes I had no bleeding, had no nothing. I was fine. But if I had slept, I would have not woke up.
here And that's the knowing. And I i think we're we're left here with near-death experiences several times. and And some people believe that we have three or four times in our life that we can choose to exit. Right? We can choose to exit or we can fight and and decide to go on a better day. And I think You know, if, if there is a higher power, if you believe in that, uh, I wasn't done doing what I need to do. And, and Glick, I really feel like you're finally. In this staircase of life, you're starting to enter the steps with confidence and even a little bit of grace. You want to write that down? oh no No, I, I, know I, I, I 100% agree with you, man. I really do. I'm, I'm definitely a different mindset, uh, driven a little bit differently.
you know, before a minor hiccup or a little setback would, would in my world was major. Now it's like, we'll figure it out. It'll be fine. You know, ah like, uh, it's like, it's it's like, it's like old batteries were taken out and new batteries were put in and it was just like, Oh, so this is what it's like to be, uh, you know, would be ah be happy. I've heard people talk about this. It's kind of fun and this is cool. I could, I could dig this. So hopefully I got a good, another,
40 years left in me. So, you know, the last 40 years where I spent a miserable prick, yeah I can get a good 40 years of of not being a miserable prick in me.
In ah July, July this year, i had I had a close call. I actually had ah a near death experience. I was out in and that after that kind of changed my mindset for you know a little while. I've been spending a lot more time with the family and doing a lot more positive things, but it scared me. We were at the beach. It was just me, my wife and my youngest son just moved for the beach for the the day.
I had a nosebleed, uh, 10, 10 o'clock that morning. Just a nosebleed wasn't no big deal. And then we went to the, started going to the beach and then I stopped and get gas halfway there. So this is a couple hours later and I'm like, man, my nose is still bleeding. Wasn't bad. I was leaning my head back, not even making a fuss about it. Cause I thought it would stop, make it down to the beach. Got all this stuff out. Uh, the kids playing, uh, with a soccer ball and me and the wife were just chilling on the beach. And then my nose would not stop bleeding. Didn't say anything this whole time. We're at the beach all day. I don't want to ruin the day because of my nosebleed.
But it kept going down my throat and it kept going, and kept going all day at the beach. And I'm telling my wife, like, okay, my nose is not stopping. it's It hasn't stopped bleeding all day. And then so, uh, I'm driving home at this is all day at the beach and then driving home in town or eight, my nose is still, still bleeding. It would stop for a second. And you know how lucky you are. You didn't black out.
It's coming. So, so, uh, yeah, my, my nose never stopped bleeding and I came home and it stopped for a little bit. So I was like, all right, babe, I'm gonna go to sleep. I'm gonna lay down. So we're laying down now. And my stomach is full of blood at this moment. I can feel, I can feel it.
So I'm laying down and I'm stubborn as hell. to Not now, but I've been going to doctor every month since, but I was so stubborn to go to the doctor. I was like, I ain't going. i'll I'll go in the morning. So I wake up in the morning because I thought I had to go pee, before but but it was because the blood, you know, when you drink a lot of water and you feel it wishing around. Well, that was blood. I felt that, but it was all blood. and So I went to go pee. And then I remember I just vomited. It was like black vomit because blood is poison in your body. And then I then i blacked out. I ah sounded like a like the volume literally just went down. Like everything went wall. And then boom, I hit the floor. out
and So I got up because I didn't want to freak I came to didn't want to freak my wife out and i was like yeah Still got a pee. My wife was in and in the other room Can you explain because a lot of people want to know what you meant and I know exactly what you mean just before you black out Explain it's just slower and more detailed because this happens to everybody from time to time. Go for it.
Okay. So right before, and and like this made me realize that I've almost blacked out before, but this was the first time I ever blacked out all the volume. It sounded like someone just turned down the volume of the world. Everything just went wrong, really low. And then once it got to where I couldn't hear it, I was out. So I've had previous moments like that. So previously I've almost passed out before and didn't know what that was.
but um so uh still had to felt like i had to pee but i threw up ah but i threw up again a black it looked like venom the the cartoon venom And then I passed out again. Yeah, the symbiote. I threw up a symbiote all in my toilet. like And then passed out passed out again, but I almost went through my shower. I don't know what they make shower glass out of, but I think it's something from NASA because it didn't break. It just bo i bounced off, and I'm butm not a little guy. But that's when my wife saw me, and then she called 911. So i had to go to doctor I went to the doctor via ambulance. And when I got there, they said I had they had a i had a ah blood vessel, burst blood vessel in the back of my nose.
And I was going to need a blood transfusion. And so what they did, they car, they carterized the blood vessel, which is like a long, uh, it was a long Q-tip with a little silver, some kind of silver liquid on it. He said, Oh, this might burn a little bit, stuck it in my nose and it burned a lot of it. The whole face was on. fire but They car, carterized the wound, put me on, um, uh,
ah liquids, an IV, and then they said that I was really lucky. I almost poisoned myself, ah blood poisoning. Can't drink from blood, apparently. And I was just doing that all day. That's why I passed out. And that was scary. But look at where we've gone, just from us, vibing, right? And sharing, and ah you know stupidity on both behalfs. um I probably could have went earlier, but I just had, I've always had a knowing that i was I was dancing on the edge. no And I've had friends tell me that throughout my life. They said, Michael, you always were crazy when you were younger, but you always kind of knew when you were at the edge to move back. And it said and i' I've had friends in my life that are no longer here yeah because they didn't they weren't aware of the edge and thought they were in the matrix and thought they would just bounce up off off the ground, but that that didn't happen.
um I've had that experience that you're talking about and I think like is had it too is what It's like a switch goes off like I've had it from Alcohol poisoning where I drank too much and you know, what's funny. I never passed out while I was drinking It was always when I went to sleep and I'd get up to go to the bathroom and then I would take my first three or four steps and I would know and I would literally go in my head I am effed and I would be
And I've hit some really low points in my life because I didn't listen to myself or didn't have the value. Now that doesn't happen now. I, I barely drank. I, I don't smoke anymore. But back then that was me coping. That was me not dealing with my emotion or not being accountable of the things I was doing. I was escaping and through my escape.
I've been lucky enough that I was young, pretty healthy in some ways, but as you get older, like you'll have more clarity of knowing and loving yourself and and knowing your value. And I think once you know your value, you will draw people around you who also know their value. and i in this Do you guys agree with that in the room? or Oh, I agree. Oh, no. One hundred percent. I mean, that that goes back to what I was saying earlier. You know, I've started getting rid of the toxic people in my life. And it's funny because, you know, my circle got real small real quick. But in the last just in the last almost a year. I'm building up a new circle.
and it And the people that are in my new circle are are absolutely amazing. You know, I'm making friendships that I never thought in a million years that I would be making by doing this music show. I mean, guys that I talk to, um you know, i always I always bring up the Southern Outlaws Band. they They have become a new family to me. I mean, in just a short time period, they've become like a new family to me. Those those' guys and and and their manager, I call her Mama Sandy,
ah theyre they they're like a new family. They're amazing. and And I'm grateful for it. And I'm grateful for the circle that I'm finding. Because it does. It reflects on me too. Because it's like, how would I want to go back to being that miserable prick. Look at all these good things I got going on right now. Look at all these. ah Look at all these amazing people around me that, you know, are yeah Happy to see what we're doing and enjoy what we're doing here and and and even outside of it, you know It's just like yeah, I mean shoot look back. I look back on where I was five years ago compared to where I was today It's just like yeah, but you don't even get card know You have a good partner in crime now, too, right? Like oh yeah a good woman right be I really believe that um Certain individuals um Need to have a strong woman
to keep them on on the straight and narrow. yeah And then there are other individuals I have friends that are much better off not having anybody but themselves to navigate because they can't they can't do relationships, at least not healthy ones. No, I've said i've said it before on here, a good partner will make a world of difference. And somebody you said in in in recent years, bad relationships. it's It's amazing what a good relationship and a healthy relationship can do for you ah mentally.
Especially when you got somebody that's in your corner and pushes you to do better and be better Not only in life but like give chase after as silly as it may sound to some people. This is my dream Broadcasting and podcasting. It's been my dream for years and I've had people when I was younger and I had opportunities tell me it was stupid and tell me that I was foolish to think about doing it because I had a family to take care of and and and everything else and that I should take other opportunities and Yeah. She's like, go do your show. Leave me alone. Go do your show. But but gle have have you ever, have you ever heard of that? There's a gentleman, his name is Bashar. And it's ah this guy that channels um supposedly spirits, demons, whatever, you whatever you want to call it ah from the Palladian star system. And he basically said, and I've never forgot it. He said, chase your greatest excitement.
What is something that you were willing to do, even if you didn't get paid, that is then your life force. that is That's the juice of your life. Now for some people it's woodworking, other people it's creating music, other people it's reading books, some people will it's exercise, some people it's a a ministry or um We have those who are philosophers who who like to think and and dive into history, and I've had friends like that. And then you have characters like us three here, and we we love to entertain. And through entertaining, that is what fires us up. And if we can do something that betterments, you know, makes mankind a little bit better, makes people think outside the box, then I always feel like, okay,
I didn't waste today. Yeah. And then when you're gone and I'm gone and all of us are gone in this room, there will be archives out there that they can watch us. And it's funny because I used to, a long time ago, foster children. And they will always say to me in messages, when I miss you, I just watch you. Oh, wow. That's cool. That's awesome.
yeah So as I said, I definitely I definitely love what what what we do here and what we're building here. I probably get the most enjoyment out of it out of all the guys. as I'll be honest with you. This might be why I continue to add more and more to my plate. But, you know, the ultimate goal is to be able to create the shows. And and and then, you know, this show, eventually I'm walking away from it'll be Connor show.
um Wednesday nights, when when the right people are put into the right spot, I'll probably walk away from Wednesdays. um and And knowing that it's in it's in good hands and I don't have to watch and be like, geez, what are these idiots doing? i have to go I have to go save the show. you know But yeah i'll still be doing my I'll still be doing other shows. It's just I want to i want to expand and and allow other people to step up and let me step down.
because indeed the I do put a lot of time and energy into what we do here, but it doesn't it doesn't come across as a lot of work to me because I enjoy it. It's what I love to do. so and And that's certainly the other thing, these doing these broadcasts have has brought a lot of peace of mind to me and and and a lot of enjoyment back into my life that wasn't there prior. And congrats to them. Didn't you just hit um some sort of milestone for the podcast listens?
Uh, I think we, I think we hit like, um, 30,000 listens or views or something like that on, uh, on, on YouTube. Uh, I think we're on the platforms. I think I'm like Spotify and stuff. I think we're right at, or just over 40,000, um, downloads and, and replays. So, which is, which is like, I didn't even think a hundred people would listen to. Yeah.
you know, ah but ah yeah and and that's the other cool thing. Cause you know, we got a lot of truckers and and truckers hold a soft spot in my, in my heart. My dad's a trucker. Uh, some of my friends are truckers, but there's a lot of truckers that listen to us and they love it because especially inside, I'm like, I don't know how you guys listen to the whole six hour show. And they're like, I'll be going from point A to point B and the show will be playing and it doesn't even feel like six hours are gone by. And I'm, I'm at my,
my load or my own load and, and the show's just wrapping up and then I'm ready to listen to the next, the next show. And they're like, we love it, man. It helps. And I'm like, Hey, if it helps you pass the time on them roads. Cause I know them roads can be a lonely road for a trucker. Uh, so if, if we're able to help you pass the time and pass the miles, uh, more power to you, that's, that's awesome. but Yeah, I you know, I definitely yeah you know, we get our little monthly updates and stuff like that I'm i'm shocked at the growth and the continued growth every month Every month is better than the last month. and It's just like, okay maybe i Maybe maybe maybe we are doing something. All right. Yeah We had jr. Have a good night man. Have a good idea. We had a hunt we had 32 eyeballs from
ah Twitter from mine and 11 from our dear friend here. I love this hanging out with nonsensical network and You know I I'm really interested in knowing sir What is the driving force for you? I know for Glick, Glick and I, um, we're similar in some ways and very different in the other. And I think that's part of the reason why this, this works. Well, is we are, I feel like you're in the middle of Glick and me like that, that spectrum. That doesn't sound right. Go ahead. Driving driving driving force as in why do I do YouTube?
What is your passion to, to want to do this? Like, cause this is an odd event to do this. The average person, this would be, they would rather put a nail gun through their foot than do this. Yeah. I think it's just being around. Okay. Originally.
Being in crypto, yeah can't I can't talk about crypto to regular people that live in the real world. They're gonna be like, what are you talking about? So I had to go to YouTube and and eventually I was joining yeah i was like joining the chats and stuff like that and then created a YouTube channel. Now, a bunch of like-minded people, we know we can talk crypto to each other and that's how it started. But then branching out, I mean, been joining we've been doing a lot of like open panels on on Fridays or or just hanging out, doing shows like that. And then just building the community, just being around the community, was it was a big, it's a big, big thing for me now, just ah hanging out with, and the community is growing and and networking and meeting new people. It's just great. And then Lazy down here says, I like the interaction, but I like to entertain also. He has a show on, his shows on Fridays. That's where where I usually go hang out.
So what is, if we were to give this man a plug, what is this show about? i anything and everything, the Lazy Shamans show, if it this is where it originally,
like the crypto YouTubers, people were real deep into crypto and everything, and always did crypto on their YouTube, that then they started there doing their show where it was just, we can just go be ourselves and go over there and just be our she but be ourselves. And and Shaman is it you know has some really good, he's very smart when it comes to like,
you know, what you would call it, like the stuff you were mentioning that about wasn't a Bashar. Yes. He's into things like that. And then Lazy Jedi is has his brings his little what he brings to the table. You know, it's a good mix of of of people there. It's just hanging out. I want and and i I get messages from my guides and and I'm going to share this with Glick because my my guides are basically telling me to tell him the story.
um Do you like Nickelback at all? I do. I love Nickelback. You need to watch their latest biography. When they started, they were driving around for gas money. They had 10 to 12 people come to the show. They were touring all over Canada. They could barely feed themselves. They they had they had a part of their show that was like they would put a bucket and go,
All right. We have $4. We have toast. Okay. Now we have bacon. Look at that. We're up to bacon. Oh, and now we have eggs for everybody. Uh, Oh, look at this. We might even be able to buy a beer each. Thank you. They went from that to filling stadiums to having groupies in, in their, uh, their vans. They all have very different lives. They have, some of them were raising their families and they weren't allowed to go anywhere near the women. Their wives would have killed them, but The thing that that I want you to to watch it for is they had unshakable faith that it was going to work out. They didn't know how. They didn't they didn't see any kind of hope for about literally eight years, but just kept moving forward. And then over they became an overnight success after 10 years.
And Roadrunner Records took them on, which was a metal label, which I think has Slipknot. And everybody on that label was like, what the hell are they doing on this label? And the owners of the label said, we will not have a label if it isn't for them. I have the money I have now to support your projects because they are selling so well. So you need to shut up.
Yeah. Shut your mouth. But they would, they would do shows at the beginning and people would literally boo them going, this isn't metal. What the hell? This is bubble gum, uh, corporate rock. And then when they got big, they basically became the headliner, but that wasn't until I think 98 or 2000 around that time. And in one week they went from literally not being known to having two number one hits. And it was the Spiderman movie hero, I think is the song and everything changed yeah overnight. And you know, the lack of, see for me, I don't know if you know why I do it. I do it because it has been a need within me since I was little to help. So I think I would have been a minister or a criminal.
and And that is the... oh that That is the yin and yang of me, right? The extremists within me. And I sense within all of us in this room, we we we battle that. We have that, you know, the the Fred Flintstone, the devil on the shoulder, and then over here, you know, the the angel going, no, no, Wilma doesn't want you to do that. We'll never find out.
But thank you. That's, that's kind of my mindset right now is I'm going to put into work. I know it's going to be a struggle. We're, we're going to, where it's going to be an uphill grind, but I know one day, I know one day, you know, this, our shows and and myself, you know, ah we'll get there. We'll get to where we want to be. Uh, you know, eventually one day I won't be late. I won't be sitting back here on my, uh, on my bed. I'll be in an actual studio and stuff like that. Um, but yeah, a hundred percent lazy.
Yeah, you have to water to the seeds but for a long time for, to, for, to bear, bear fruit. You're building an audience. Right. And, uh, the other thing I love, I don't know where I first heard it. It might've been Anthony Robbins, but he said success leaves clues. So kind of figure out where you want to point this and figure out the things to do with the other thing. I've always loved this.
The really brilliant people in life can learn from other people's mistakes. They don't need to go through them, right? You know, like a very observant person can go, okay, well, if I drink 32 beers a night and I end up in a coma, okay, that's what that looks like. Oh, maybe I should just stick to five. Yeah. Right. Where with me, when I was younger and there was a lack of self-love at times, um,
more was always better yeah it with food. And I did not have the ability when I was young to ever be compassionate to something someone else was going through. The world revolved around Michael and I was very much in my teens.
Uh, I really thought I was the greatest creation God ever made. And that's all, that's, uh, that seems like all teenagers nowadays they until they get ah about 23, 24. And if you looked in the dictionary, you saw my picture under narcissists for sure. Right here. King.
yeah But I'll tell you, I missed, I missed the delusion of that. I sometimes miss that delusional part of that, you know, it's like little kids when you're a little bit, you know, you're three years old. Nobody owns them all. The mall's your mall. Yeah. The car's your car. The people are your people. Like the world is your oyster. And in that there is no limitations. It isn't until we're older and we hear no, no, no, no, no, no. You don't do that. Click. I think for a very long time, you heard no. And now you're hearing yes.
Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah 100% Yeah, it's and it's uh Not it it's I'm hearing the yes from myself Because I've always known like I've always had a big personality You know, I I'd like to entertain. I like to engage with people um And when I'm out in public, I'm a social butterfly if I'm home for the most part It's like if I'm home and I'm not doing this. It's just let me be a homebody. I But if I'm out, and and that's one thing I think Nikki enjoys about me, you know, when, when I first, when we first started dating, she lived in PA and I was in Ohio, but every weekend I would go visit her. And we would hang out, you know, she grew up in the same small town. And I think this was like the first time she's actually left, left. um So everybody there, she knows everybody, everybody knows everybody. And just to see how quickly I could engage and incorporate myself with
her friends, friends that she's been friends with her whole life and become a part of their inner circle so quick. I think it's one of the things that she enjoys about me because I can go out and I can have a good time and I can have fun and I can be friends with everybody.
um but that's just my personality have a big personality and and i've always wanted to entertain so this is kind of my outlet and then doing all the different shows it allows people to see look i'm not just the saint i'm not the asshole that you see on saturday night cut loose having a good time with my friends there's more to me i'm um i'm well versed with a lot of different areas and you're in onion but you like's Like just like Shax said, yeah, he's in ah like an onion. Yeah. yeah Chaka, um is any of the stuff we talked about tonight uncomfortable or you disagree with? I'm i'm interested in knowing what you think. No, I'm not uncomfortable.
with any of the conversations we had, I actually was going to bring up what what Lazy just, or what Shaman just said right here, because I was going to ask you earlier, why why do you think do you think that mindset of us being like indestructible and all that, like when we're younger, why do you think that goes away? And he kind of points it out right here, because you're programmed from a young age, you know, the boundaries are set, he says the boundaries are set by others like parents and teachers, etc., TV, stuff like that.
But it it does, that why does that feeling fade away when you get older? Of course, we can learn from our mistakes and learn from that, but why does that why does that feeling of being indestructible, being all that, go away? Why does why does it leave? Because we now we know the consequences, we've lived the consequences, and and we don't want that something bad to happen, but still that that feeling diminishes as you get older.
You know, not everyone likes onions. By biologically, the reason we change is testosterone. And when we a lot of professionals that are very successful have high testosterone levels, even in their 60s, 70s,
um Some people are hardwired for success. I think a lot of In whatever you're in you have to align to that Vibration frequency that we were talking about before the Nikola Tesla Glick is starting to understand that there is a Pattern there's a flow that if you trust that something great is going to happen and you let the universe unfolded for you or orchestrated for you, and you get out of the way. Because when we're younger, we try to control everything. And then through pain, we realize, you know, a lot of times when I've asked for help and I've i've just trusted and and let it unfold and not tried to force it, some of the best situations have happened in my life.
And I'm noticing now synchronicities are happening. And I i feel that you want chakra. Am I saying that right? chuck yeah Yeah. Um, I feel that there's even within you quantum awakenings coming and you're, you're starting to see it through a different lens. And, and when you're going to wake up one day and you're going to see, uh, a brighter, not a brighter.
More, I remember one time when I was first starting to awaken when I was younger and I woke up one morning and I looked and and I'd seen the, ah I noticed details I'd never noticed in life before because I was finally seeing what was unfolding in front of me instead of wanting to control everything around me to my favor. And when I realized that I was nothing,
in something, you know, like we we're that one little molecule of water. But if you're in the right flow in the stream, like think of the damage that water can do, right? It's destructive. But think of also the healing elements of water. You could sit in a tub and you could sew then, you know, and let's go on.
ah fuck are we doing here No, no, no, no, no, no, because no, I agree. um as As I'm getting a little bit older and stuff, I'm seeing things like that. But I've always kind of, you know, I've always had the mindset of shout out to Tony D. It used to drive him crazy when I would say this. It is what it is. I have no control. I just like like ah like shaman said focus on the goal, not the path. ah I had to learn that.
I can't control everything. I sometimes I just kind of let go of the steering wheel and whatever happens happens at the end of the day, good, bad, whatever we're going to learn from it. And I'm going to move on, you know, I'm going to take my lesson and and I'm going to move on. And, and hopefully I learned for the better. Um, but it did take me a long time to learn. I'm not in control of this thing called like, you know, whether there's a higher being or the universe or whatever it is.
some, I'm not in control. um I'm just, I'm here for the ride that I can control what I can control and what I can't control. Um, I just got to let go and, and, and hope for the best. Um, MK said, uh, none of this stuff should be uncomfortable. This goes back to what you asked Chaka, Mike. Uh, none of this stuff should be uncomfortable. It should be normalized to talk about stuff that affects you, uh, in your life, uh, negative or positive positively. And I, and I agree a hundred percent. Uh, I think that's kind of the whole,
The whole point of this show and Monday nights is to make the uncomfortable comfortable. Um, Tim Brown, Tim Brown, who is confident speaking, a dear friend of mine. And what he teaches his students, he says this all the time. He almost did a verbatim. He said, I want you to become comfortable with being uncomfortable. Mm.
And when you can learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable, then you will enter into new realms of, you know, possibility situations. Cause a lot of times we fear looking stupid. We've, we fear, um, you know, people will take advantage of us. But when you get older, you realize that if you just trust and have some intuition, don't go in blind into anything.
Kind of like her friend like a friend here, i you know i I'm umm thinking about the room. Where's my exit point? That, I'm not saying turn off all life support systems, right? yet You need to breathe. you know We need oxygen. We need food. We need to dispel um the the harmful energies. Like you said, the blood in your stomach, it was making you toxic, right?
Yeah. What are you doing in your life daily, sir, to make your life more pure, more, more enjoyable? You know, what, what are some of the habits that you've developed? Um,
So I guess bennet meditation has been something that I've probably a couple of months now that before and after work, especially is when I like to just go to the backyard and just meditate and I don't know, flush out, flush out whatever crap has gone on yesterday and what might happen today. I kind of do that before and after work every day. Okay. Um,
your Both of you believe or not are in the key parts of your life in your development believe or not you're in the sweet spot of life you really are and Think of all the stuff that you guys can get accomplished by the time you're 61. That's what I am now embarking on 62 and This is such a magical time of opportunity we have AI we have Bitcoin and the The world is really changing. The structures of life are changing. The way people view things, uh, politics, right? The way we make money now, how we work. If you had said to someone in the eighties, there's a um majority of people since the pandemic who are now working from home from all over the world. I have a friend, he's traveling now.
I don't want to use his name, but his work is not aware that he was in Bali, the Philippines, while he was doing meetings and they were like, ah where are you today? Oh, I have a client and I'm doing this. yeah but any kind of And his main thing, wherever he went was he had to have world like cutting edge Wi-Fi or cutting edge hardwired internet because he didn't want to have any giveaways and I've talked to him and you'd swear he was like down the street it was so clear and they said I picked this because I knew they had the best service yeah and he said I could have went to the other and I can't
I still want to make money, but he is now living his life in different areas. And he'll send me all these dishes and he'll go, I paid $3. I paid $2. This is the equivalent of $2.75. And it's like a plate of broccoli and bacon and chicken. And I was like, how much was that? And he goes, that was a little more. That was $4.25.
There's probably a big plate too. Yeah, and you so but it's but it's a different world. But he he said, you know, there are things here that are dangerous. And I said, what do you mean? He said the women. He said the women are dangerous here. He said, ah you know, yeah he said that they're all looking ah for the passage out of here.
no and And he said, I have to be aware of that. And they said, well, you want to have kids. And he said, yeah, but I want them to have a mother. I don't want to, he's another one that wants to build an army, but I'm hoping in the future we can get, we can get him on here because I've never met anybody that is wired like him. He has no fear at all. Um, and he does programming. That's his, his life. He's really good at it.
And because of that, there's always going to be work for him. And that's what, uh, okay. Right here. He said that he he moved to the forest. They helped him a ton. He also has a wolf dude has a wolf. Oh, blue eyes ah in the chat. I see what's going on, man.
you You have not promoted your channel at all, Sarah. Can you promote yours? Do you mind? i Before Glick goes into all the shows that he has every week? Go ahead. I was actually going to ask both of you guys to do that because I was going to get ready and wrap this up, but I was going to say open invitation for next Monday. I would love to keep the conversations flowing. And as I said, you know, we do the open panel every Monday.
and it's And it's an invite for men, specifically for the men, any any any man that wants to come up. ah Down the road, I would love to schedule guests if there's a female guest where we can schedule and and and and that's in this world or you know something similar to it, where we can sit down and talk to her. Down the road, we will do things where we invite women up here, um even even some sometimes older kids, because I want to talk about how our mental well-being, when we're going through it and when we're healing and when, cause I don't think I'll ever be 100% healed, but how our, our journey affects those people in our life. But, um, you know, we'll, we'll schedule those accordingly. Um, but every other Monday will be an open panel. So yeah, definitely. Uh, Chaka, if you want to let everybody know where to find you, uh, and what you're doing over there, that way people can check you out as well.
Cool so I started off originally it was a crypto channel so I got a lot of crypto content how to videos on if you're ever ah curious about any kind of cryptocurrency but lately have been doing I call it the happy hour which are just pop up live streams get random different subjects.
Every time but I have a set show on Sundays called Sunday shenanigans where it's just hanging out on a Sunday Sunday shenanigans and And and talking to the chat and maybe watch a few videos Fridays the lazy Shama show down there We're hanging out on Friday every Fridays at 6 p.m. PST Pretty much just hanging out. So you guys want to stop by more than welcome yeah i gonna Double check and make sure I'm following you because I'm pretty sure I am but but um I want to make sure No over here talking all kinds of nonsense. It's like am i actually following it and I'm I'm digging this this Monday stream that you got going on man. It's really ah it's really nice. I appreciate that. I'm I'm I'm really glad other guys are digging it and and i'm I'm loving the fact that you know um Mike's been coming up. I told you Saturday you are always welcome to
There we go. Turn that bell on. Yep. I was following you. Um, and I'm going to start checking out your channel as well. Like I said, I usually at work, um, if I don't catch the live, I'm when I'm at work, I'm on the forklift or I'm doing whatever. I got my earbud in and I'm i'm listening to, uh, different shows, different, different podcasts. Um,
mike Mike keeps me entertained with his AI music. I don't get to chat as much as I would like to, because I'm usually doing something, but I'll usually it throw it out live and and listen to the AI music. So I'll definitely be checking out the channel more and trying to pop in when I can. What about yourself, Mike? Where can everybody find you at? um I have a show I'm on daily for two hours and and we play a mixture of AI music, spirituality, and football insights. We have people from all over the world that come on. We get some woo-woo guests. We had Danika on the other day.
um I've tried to have Glick on, but I think Glick feels like he might grow some fairy wings or something and fly away. ah yeah he's He's a little worried. he's like He doesn't want to put his his toe in the yeah the spiritual pond with all all the the others. You know what's funny about spiritual people?
They have the biggest egos in the universe. I swear to God, because there's even in that world where we're supposed to all be balanced and enlightened and you know, there is major ego problems that go on. So I've always been kind of the peacekeeper in that. um I love what I do.
I love contributing to other shows. One of the other shows that I do and I try to help out Tony D and he tries to help me out and we've been doing it for this for a little while. I know I drive him around the bend and he drives me know and around the bend sometimes, but we have good banter and it's on Sundays at 10 30 and Rich Roberts is on it as well. Sometimes we have Ted Hicks, but it's all about football and fantasy football and I sometimes will put a sprinkle of insanity in it and prescrib that man crazy and I love it. I'm here for it. but But that's what people come in to see. I love this show. I'm hoping that we, ah especially us three and Connor, i I think this is a really strong panel and we have a diverse
uh, audiences that will benefit from this. And I know it's so funny. I got to tell you a quick story before I go on. I think you'll like this. So there's this one woman, she reads energy and, um, I don't know if I should use her name, but we were doing our football show, right? We were doing our football show and and she is, um,
oh her okay what Her name is Simone. I'll just say that. And she has people from all over the world that travel to see her. and And she's a big deal. She really is a big deal. And Tony is in the room and I'm doing a football show. We're just doing football. And Tony, I swear to God has this face.
And I can see him going. Who's this? And she comes into the room and she's just this beacon of light, right? Knows nothing about football, hijacks the show. And I look at Toni like, and I said to him, Toni, she's important to me, so calm down. And he's like, well she and you can hear him. I'll never express, right? Within 10 minutes.
Our comments were nonstop with her audience plus our audience. And all the football people were like, Tony, let her speak. She's good people. like
That's awesome. But that's, that's the ability that people have when their energy is far reaching. And I'm hoping that I can have 10% of that someday. Right.
Right. That's what I'm hoping. Whatever, whatever magic Muju does, she has on her. If some of it can just, what was the green mile? Do you remember the green mile? He shook his hand and he ended up living forever. Do you remember Tom Hanks, his character? Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And when whatever, and that's what I'm hoping that when people come into this room, they, it opens a door and then they share.
with maybe their families or their father, their mother, their brother, stuff that's been bothering them forever. And then we we heal some families a little bit or make the first steps. And that's what I'm hoping in here is is that we can make it more normalized that three kind of strange idiots get together and talk about mental health. And and another one is, I think his name's Connor. He's not an idiot though. Honestly, I think if you tested him, I bet he's Menza.
he He has a lot of traits of the mensic. I love when he did the the mic drop and thank you motherfuckers. You were speaking of the spectrum earlier. Yeah, he's on that spectrum. Oh, there we go. There we go. There we go. The True Glick. All right. Do you want to wrap up what you're doing? Then we'll just still talk in the green room. um ah If you guys wouldn't mind hanging out for a second, I want to close out with a song and then, uh, just real quick before I do that. And then I just want to get like a closing thought or quote or something from you guys. Then we'll, then we'll get the hell out of here. Uh, of course we got our shows here on the network Monday through Sunday, Monday's men caring for men and mental health show with the open panel.
ah direct invitation for all men to join us if you'd like. Tuesdays is Glick's House of Music. Tomorrow night, I'll be hanging out with Miss Katrina Brie. um i think I think she's from Vegas too. So all the way from Vegas, she'll be joining me. I'm just hanging out with up and coming artists and we're getting to know them and hear a little bit of their music. Wednesdays is WTF News. If it's in the news and it makes us say, what the fuck? We're going to talk about it. It's usually, it's it's lighthearted, it's fun, it's comedy based. We're having a good time with it.
Um, every other Thursday, my son and I get together and do a little wrestling podcast. Uh, we mainly talk WWE. Uh, I do enjoy doing the show with my son. I'm glad that he's got the bug. He a little bit harder to keep his attention for an hour. So sometimes the show gets a little off the rails, but you know, he's 11. So he wants to be outside with his friends or anything else. Uh, Fridays is blaze and Jeff doing nonsense and chill.
They're watching movies and talking about them and having fun. Saturdays is nonsensical nonsense. That is the flagship show. It is unhinged, unapologetic. We're just having a good time hanging out, talking about whatever we want to talk about. Um, that is also an open panel. We call it the open door challenge. Link's always in the chat. You guys are more than welcome to come up, uh, and hang out with us. And then Sundays, uh, we got, uh, unnecessary roughness, the kickoff to kickoff. Uh, we usually go into.
Uh, right around halftime of the first game of the, of the afternoon. Uh, we're talking football. We're making our predictions. We're making our picks just, just guys hanging out, talking a little football, having fun. Uh, that's myself, uh, Rick.
Cam and former guest of Glick's House of Music, Derek Wayne Douglas, who check him out, Derek Wayne Douglas everywhere. He just had a new song that dropped last Friday and he's got another new song that's coming out this Friday. So he's he's a busy guy in the studios. And then every once in a while on Sundays is Jeff's Garage. And you can find all those at bio dot.link slash non-sensical network, all of our social media is there. We're live seven days a week doing something, but we're all, we're having fun.
Um, speaking of former guests, I want to do one last song here. It is by Brie and she's awesome. She is an amazing, a little rock star. This song is called monster in my head and we will be right back with our closing thoughts.
Wow. We can all relate to the monsters in her head. That's Ms. Brie. You can find her on all the socials and every everywhere you listen to music at Brie Music. Give her some love. She's awesome.
Get these buttons to work here. I do want to thank everybody who was listening tonight, everybody who hung out, especially our panel. Connor, of course, he's always here with me. He's all right. These guys like him. Wait till you get to know him a little better. I'm just kidding. I love Connor. He's like a brother to me.
um Shout out to Chaka and and and Bathurst definitely enjoyed chatting with you guys um And and everybody in the chat. Appreciate y'all replay viewers. Thanks ah For hanging out and checking us out. And would that be a said Bathurst you got anything you want to say before we yeah Call it a night. Sure i thought yeah ah Final thought a minute or less what we'll do it. No just concise um Always be aware of the people that add value to your life, right? Make sure you hold those people close and sacred. And if you value that person, make sure you tell them, you know, if it's your significant other or it's your children or your mother, your father, they may not be on this planet forever. So make the most of it. I miss my mom every day. I lost her this year. I,
didn't realize how much she was a grounding force in my life and how much i I need that. And I know that I can connect to her through the other realms, but it was nice having her looniness on this planet. But she, um, she suffered a lot the last couple of years and I really wanted her suffering to end. But then when she was gone, I really realized how much I depended on her for just basic things. And, you know, if you had said that to me a year ago, when I went, I went, what am I Joe? I'm a new era. Frigging way. But so we all have within our lives of all three of us, it sounds like, uh, really strong women and intelligent women who sometimes maybe do know what's best for us.
Not always. So we have to be open to listening. And that's it. Thank you. 100%. What about you, Chuck? Are you got a final thought or anything you want to leave everybody with? Uh, yeah, men's mental health. It's not talked about enough and it should be. So hopefully we see more and more people here on Mondays. Cause I think this is very, very helpful. And also remember there is always hope even when your brain tells you that there isn't. So this is, this is a great show. Nice.
And like I always say, every Monday night, before I get out of here, a successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that of others have thrown at him. And we're building over here. So I want to see all you guys out there building as well. Build along with me. We'll build it. We'll build a community. Uh, we do appreciate y'all listening. We'll see you guys next Monday. Tune in tomorrow night, 8 PM Eastern time. Uh, clicks house of music. I'll be hanging out with, um, Katrina and we'll be getting to know her a little bit better.
Until then, later. See ya.