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A New Era For RAW

The Chick Foley Show
4 Plays6 years ago
Sheena and Phil recap the TLC PPV and discuss the decision to revamp RAW and Smackdown. Plus they talk about their weekly figure purchases, give some WWE Network retro recommediatons, and talk about their favorite Christmas traditions.

Introduction from Jimmy's Famous Seafood Studios

We are five days away from Christmas. You're listening to the Chick Foley show, and we are ready to talk TLC, talk raw, talk a little bit of everything. Here on the show, I'm Phil Gentile, one of your co-hosts here at the Jimmy's Famous Seafood Studios. And across the world is Sheena Phelps, AKA Chick Foley, AKA the Queen of Pod Style out in Honolulu. How are you Sheena?
I am good. I am, I'm pumped. I was excited. We had a good show, so I'm ready to, ready to get into it and I'm ready for Christmas. So it's a good week.
as one of the first of the reviews i've watched live in a long time and it was it was really good let's get into the tlc let's get into some of the stuff but uh... christmas five days away we have uh... tell us more favorite christmas traditions uh... favorite christmas movies maybe our favorite christmas-related wrestling memories and uh... some wrestling figures in there as well so we got a pretty jam-packed show
Yeah, you guys can follow us on social media. You can follow Sheena at chick Foley on Twitter and Instagram and I'm I hate JJ redic and the best place to shoot us any questions or comments or Anything related to the show is ask chick Foley at Definitely hit us up there. We always like to do some listener questions at the end of the show So make sure you listen there and we've hit our 40
We were looking for 40 iTunes reviews. I think we have 43 or 44, Sheena. And only one of them was a negative one. They were all five stars. So that's good. And we're going to pick one of those later on in the show to give away those Ascension Elite figures. So that'll be pretty cool.

Review of the TLC Event

Awesome. But let's get inside the squared circle as we recap TLC.
All right, Shana, TLC over the weekend. I didn't have the highest expectations for it, but man, it delivered. There were some really great matches. And I don't think we have enough time to go through the whole car. Let's start with your overall thoughts on TLC before we get into some specific matches.
Yeah, considering, you know, since Survivor Series, kind of how the, you know, the weekly shows, Raw and SmackDown have went and they've been kind of not great as the ratings have shown. It's very surprising that this card came off as well as it did and came together as good as it did. And there were some five star matches here. And I mean, it was a loaded card. And if you watch the show, I mean, what was like 12 or 13 matches and it was just like, you know, back to back to back. And it was great. I loved it.
Yeah, cool. I had a good pace, and I forgot which podcast I was listening to earlier today. These four-hour shows, they've kind of gotten their feet underneath of them here because it doesn't feel as long as... Remember some of the... Back when WrestleMania was five hours just starting out, it just felt like it was an all-day thing. And even these four-hour ones, they seem to go a little bit faster. I guess the pre-show might be a little bit longer.
putting some matches on there, but overall the show felt pretty quick. There was a lot more matches instead of a lot more backstage interviews and promos and crap like that.
Yeah, for sure. Yeah, I agree with that. I think like you said, they kept the pace going. I don't think if I do have a criticism, I don't think that they needed to have that many matches on the car with as much quality as they had. I don't think some of those matches, I think they could have went without them. I mean, they were all pretty good, but I think there was some that just were kind of fillers that I would have probably like cut off the show just to make it a little more compact.
Well, we've only seen Finn Balor and Drew McIntyre wrestle 30 times, so we had to see that on this one. Totally, totally, yeah. And we had to put Bobby Lashley. And they changed the stipulation on that match at the last minute, so that whole thing was kind of weird. And I'm glad that that feud is over. If they did have to put it on the card, I'm glad that it's probably bringing that Bobby Lashley and Elias feud to an end, and they can both go their separate ways and do their own thing. So if anything good came out of that, at least it's that.

Praise for Bryan vs Styles Match

For sure, the Daniel Bryan AJ Styles match was probably one of the best matches of the second half of the year. I really enjoyed it, a great pace. And if you would have told us a year ago that we were gonna get a Daniel Bryan AJ Styles WWE Championship match at a pay-per-view, we would have thought you were crazy. But that match really delivered, it was really fun to watch.
Oh my gosh, those two guys put on a clinic and it was just a hard hitting match. I was just very surprised. Daniel Bryan's new move set and everything is just amazing. It was very strong stylish the way that they were going at it. I thought they both sold everything amazingly. When they were putting each other in the submissions and doing all the counters and everything, it was just incredible to watch. It just looked like they were both writhing in pain, so you just believed it.
You know I I didn't I mean I knew I had a feeling Daniel Bryan was going to win because I just feel like it's his time to shine and you know AJ's kind of you know moving on but yeah I couldn't believe he beat AJ clean though you know so I'm kind of questioning like you know so I'm assuming this just ends there ends their feud and you know Daniel Bryan's gonna be moving on but yeah that did surprise me that he just went over AJ clean.
And it's pretty cool to see Daniel Bryan use. He's so good that he can use basically the same move set. And they come off 100 different ways different than they did as a face. They just seem more brutal. It just seems like just a dastardly guy. So he's pulled off the heel turn so well. I got to give him props for that.
Yeah, absolutely. Just nailed it. Like, yeah, that was, I mean, when that match was going on, you know, I mean, I love, I love Seth and Dean, but I was like, Oh my God. Like, I think this match just stole the show and we still had two major matches left to

Discussion on Ambrose vs Rollins Match Placement

go in the card. Um, and I was just so impressed by that.
Yeah, we were messaging back and forth, and the Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins matched into either of those guys any favors. But like you had said, it really was set up for failure just where it was on the card. That 11th match of the night in between the triple threat match everyone's looking forward to and that awesome Daniel Bryan, AJ Styles match, it kind of got lost in the shuffle, and there was some boring chance there. It just didn't get the momentum it needed to. It should have been one of the first two matches on the card, I think. I know you probably agree.
Yeah, if this if this had been at a different spot in the show, I think it would have been received a whole lot differently. Like you said that spot on the car like right before the main event like that's like a death spot in the show, you know, and those two guys deserved a little bit more, you know, and I think also like
Um, it followed that hard hitting Daniel Bryan versus AJ Styles match. Um, it was right before the triple threat match where people were foaming at the mouth waiting for, you know, Becky Lynch to come out. Um, they had that awkward commentary, which didn't do either of the guys or the match at all. Any favors like, you know, so bad. Yeah. You know, and it's just like, well, they're kind of alluding to Renee and Dean and she's talking about his.
staff infection and I'm like, Oh, what is happening here? Like I don't want to hear any of this. I just wanted to put my TV on mute. Um, and then you know, you get that this is boring champ, but I think people really wanted that hard hitting high flying style match. Um, you know, but
that you normally see between Seth and Dean, because in real life, they're homies. So I think when you're friends, you can put on these killer matches. You see that all the time. But I think there was a more intricate storytelling nuance there that made for a little bit of lulls that people were kind of pissed off about. And I think, like I said, if it had been anywhere else in the show, I think it would have just, people would have been like, oh my god, that was such a great match. But because it was place where it was, people, you got the boring chant, and people just kind of like,
glossed over it.
for sure. The other match I want to get to before we get to the main event was that the return of Braun Strowman from injury and just beating Baron Corbin with chairs and him not becoming the full-time general manager.

Braun Strowman's Return and Filler Match

It was pretty awful and it was also the longest match before those final three matches, 16 minutes with all of it. It was kind of just a filler situation and I guess they had to do it because of Strowman's injury. What did you think?
Yeah, I mean I think they handled it well. I think that you know if you wanted you know Strowman to go over in that situation I think that that was probably the best way to handle it if he truly wasn't you know ready to come back and fight. Having that the way that he did it was kind of a weird thing for a babyface to do like calling in for backup and having you know all these guys come fight his battle. But it was fitting considering the circumstances but yeah like
I would kind of pop for Kurt Angle coming out. I thought that was kind of cool. But it was what it was. It served its purpose. It got barren out of power. It got brawn to be able to fight Brock, hopefully, at the Royal Rumble. And it is what it is.

Highlighting the Triple Threat Match

And moving on to the main event before we get to Raw and SmackDown, this was the match everyone was foaming at the mouth for, Becky Lynch defending her title against Charlotte Flair and Asuka, and I don't know how I did it, but I predicted the Asuka win, and this was a brutal match, and it was really, you know, head and shoulders the best match on the card by far.
Yeah, it was it was great. I mean, we knew it was going to be great. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that this was going to be an epic match. And that little package that they put together before the main event like got me so hype. Yeah, that was really good.
Yeah, I mean, WWE is like, you know, the master of those little those packages that they put together. But yeah, it got me so hype. But it was that spot where Charlotte took that freaking killer bump off the ladder, like through the announce table, like where Becky had put Oscar and Charlotte on the announce table and then, you know, climbed the ladder and then did that, like, you know, butt drop onto Charlotte. I could not believe that she didn't like break a rib because she took
all of the impact right on her midsection and in her chest and I thought that was just a killer bump. I was afraid that the table wasn't gonna break honestly because Becky's so small. I was like, oh my gosh, this is gonna be so awkward if Becky doesn't break through the table.
I'm a guy, so I was thinking about, I don't know how the physics of this works, but with Preston plants, some of the shots she was taking, I mean, how are those things not popping, man? I thought about that too. Well, she did rupture an implant not too long ago. That's why she was out.
Yeah, that's why she was out of out of work for a little while But um when she was taken when she took that bump on the announce table That was like one of the first thoughts that ran through my mind too was I was like, oh god She's gonna pop a boob, you know, um, but she did it. I mean that we know of And it was it looked amazing and then you know her spearing Oscar through the I mean not really through but into the barricade again Yeah, the women are kind of so small like they meant to plow through the barricade, but it didn't quite go over but yeah It was still a killer spot
And yeah, I was stoked to see Asuka win. She deserved it. I didn't pick her. I didn't have that on my radar that she would win, but it is definitely deserving. And the only thing I would say is like the whole Ronda thing is, you know, does that, like, you know, we've been waiting for Asuka to win the SmackDown Women's Championship. We knew it was going to happen eventually, but does the whole Ronda angle, does it kind of cheapen Asuka's win, you know?
What's cool, though, I think, is that they're allowing her to defend it on SmackDown, which I think will help her build it up. But it's kind of just like Becky and Charlotte were saying, oh, you're a paper champion. You didn't actually beat us.
Yeah, that's the only, it does forward the storyline a little bit and it kind of, you know, Ronnie gets a revenge for some of the stuff that's happened to her. But yeah, it just kind of cheapens the win. And, you know, WWE has this way of doing things where, you know, a wrestler is hot, you know, at the top of their like fandom and then they decide to give them the belt like eight to 10 months later, kind of what they're going to do with Strowman after
You know, he was, summertime, he was spring and summer, he was the hottest thing in the company, and they'll probably give him the belt six months from now, which is the same thing with Asuka. I mean, she was destroying people for the better part of a year after she got called up, and now she finally gets the title, so it just kind of feels a little flat. I almost felt like she had already had the belt by now, but this is her first win, so big on her. It'll be fun to see where they go with it.
Charlotte will be involved at some point if they do a Rhonda and Becky match at WrestleMania. But we're going to do another episode next week with our match of the year called the Chickies, as you self-named, which I love. And it's going to be hard to have some of those categories. I mean, I felt like almost all of the categories I could put a female wrestler or a female match.
there as at least a strong contender and that's you know a year or two ago you would never think that which is oh yeah it's an awesome it's an awesome place of where that where the the WWE is right now so overall was a really good card we'll have to go back and compare our our wins and losses versus each other I think I think you came out on top but I had a couple a couple that you didn't but overall was a great pay-per-view I liked it
Yeah, I give it an A, especially, like I say, considering all the, if you would have just watched the buildup from, you know, Raw and SmackDown to TLC and not really saw the car that, you know, came up to TLC, you'd be like, oh my God, like this pay-per-view is going to be a throw away. But it was a lot of fun and there was some, like I said, killer matches that I think people will go back and watch over and over again.
And as good as that

McMahon Family's Promo and Changes on Raw

was, we got to 24 hours later, Raw with the entire McMahon clan coming out and delivering a promo telling us basically why it's been so awful over the last six months and blaming it on a fictitious character in Baron Corbin.
And then Sheena, they just redid the worst match of the night from TLC over again after telling us how new and improved Raw was going to be and they were going to shake things up and now the fans are the authority. We basically got a Baron Corbin squash match again, which, you know, number one was awful and really made me think they don't know what the fans want.
And number two, Baron Corbin has been really good in that role. And just to make him the scapegoat and just to shit all over him, it just doesn't help anybody.
Well, I love how they just completely neglect the fact that Stephanie has been running raw too. And like all of a sudden like Stephanie's like completely deflected all of the blame onto Baron Corbin. Like, you know, you put him in this position lady, you know, like it's just so funny how the McMans like they all come together when it's convenient, you know, like Stephanie and Shane. I mean, that was the whole purpose of the brand split, you know, was them going back and forth and like, you know, they had this like war.
brother and sister war and you know now they're like yes we're united they're all hugging in the ring and I'm just like this is crazy.
You know, I like how Paige tweeted out, like, during Raw, like, oh, well, I guess I lost my job or something, whatever. Oh, my gosh. Did you? I heard that she did not even know that that was happening until SmackDown Live. Like, she saw, obviously she saw Raw, but she didn't know that they were knocking her out of her GM role until the day of SmackDown Live. So, like, it's so funny when you go back and you see her tweets. Like, she was tweeting, like, office memes, which were freaking hilarious, by the way. Like, she was like, OK. Like, it was the Michael meme where he's like,
explain this to me like I'm five years old and then it was where he's making the face where he's like you know got his teeth out and he's kind of grimacing it was yeah it was so funny like you know watching her tweets because she was just caught off guard but I thought she handled it really really great
Yeah, for the rest of Raw there wasn't really anything. If you're going to make that proclamation and say you're going to change things and basically tell us how much crap that we've been watching over the last couple months has been, tell me something from that Raw that gave you any kind of excitement or hope for the future besides
a couple names from NXT that are gonna come up and they're probably not gonna know what to do with and load the roster even more. I mean, it's super frustrating that they know something's wrong and they don't seem to be doing anything as far as, what if we got a Rhonda Becky match on Raw on Monday night? As much as you don't wanna waste that, that's just an example of the very top of my head. And I mean, that would get people talking, that would get people tuning in like, damn, I don't know what's gonna happen on Raw this week.
anybody anything could happen like you know brands can cross over like you know superstars can just show well that's I mean that was one of the reasons why it was so awesome when you know Becky invaded and you know that was the whole bloody Becky segment where you know she invaded raw because it was just like holy crap anything can happen you know um but uh yeah I think it's
I don't know. I just think it's weird how, you know, they're the ones like we know as the fans, we're not stupid. They're the ones that have been running the show. Triple H signs off on everything. Vince McMahon signs off on everything. Stephanie signs off on everything. And then they're like, you know, we're going to give you what you want. I think this is going to take some sort of, if the ratings stay down, this is going to take some sort of like weird turn where the, where the authority like turns on the fans and they're like, you guys, we listened to you and this is what's happened. You've run this show into the ground even more, you know,
I don't know if I brought this up on the show. I feel like I think about it as soon as we stop recording every single week. So I apologize, I've already said this. But why don't they just run back the Stone Cold and McMahon thing on SmackDown, but with Stephanie and Becky Lynch? Wouldn't that be cool to see? Yeah, that would be cool. Just something that would carry over from week to week and would build Becky up more as a monster face.
Yeah, I mean, I'm hopeful. I mean, I try to be optimistic. I'm hopeful that they do make some changes and they are bringing some people up.

Impact of NXT Call-Ups and Mustafa Ali's Success

So maybe they saw the impact that bringing Mustafa Ali up and having him fight Daniel Bryan made, people were hyped for that. So hopefully they start to utilize the talent in that way. But only time will tell. I think this is just a weird time of year two. I mean, not making excuses for WWE because the product has been kind of crap.
Before TLC, but it's you know Football and holiday season and all of those things kind of rolling over into one and I think you know People are just not tuning in right now. So we have it down here What if you were the raw general manager because I guess we are now the worthy we're the authority now What's what's the first thing that you change as Sheena Phelps if you're on the job next Monday? Oh
Oh, I would make raw two hours instead of three hours. I think cutting the show down by an hour would just make it so much more watchable. It would cut out a lot of the fluff. But from what I understand, it's not even WWE that has raw be three hours. It's USA that's demanding them to have three hours worth of programming. So if they want three hours worth of programming, what I would do as
As the authority, I would have that first hour be like your recap of last week for everybody who can't watch everything. Kind of like they do on the WWE network like this week in WWE. I would have that first hour just be like a total recap of everything so you could get caught up from the week before and then go right into the show and just have two hours worth of show.
I had something similar to that. I had, number one, I would strip Brock Lesnar of the title and that would get a huge pop from everybody and say, if this motherfucker doesn't want to be here every single week and defend his belt and be on the show, then we don't need him. And just make it, you know, kayfabe, whatever, and just pay him out or have him come back and wreck shit or something.
Do a tournament for the belt or do the Royal Rumble for the belt or something like that because that's not the main reason people aren't watching, but that has to be a big reason. That's the draw on SmackDown. You see title matches, the champion's there every week almost, so just not having Brock there. I was going to say have the first hour of Raw be
NXT matches or not even just to replace what's on the network, but just to give fans, I mean, they don't talk anything about NXT, Sheena, on Raw or SmackDown at all. And that's like one of their best products that they should be touting and getting people to like on Raw, they should be showing clips of last week's NXT or something like they do nothing. I mean, why? That's like no.
You have to familiarize and I think that's a part of the reason why a lot of this NXT talent comes up and it doesn't like it doesn't get pushed or utilized appropriately because a lot of these people who are watching Raw and Smackdown like they're not the hardcore fans like us. They're not watching NXT on the network, you know, but if you put those clips in there and show people like it will it will draw people to NXT and if I'm being honest like
If I only had to choose one brand to watch, like if I could only choose one, like, you know, Raw, SmackDown, NXT, 205, like, it would be NXT, hands down. Like, to me, NXT product is just incredible. It makes sense. It's entertaining to watch. It's easy to digest. Like, everything is meaningful. So, I love NXT. I love that idea of, like, having, you know, kind of, like, have the NXT matches be before the show.
Also, these six wrestlers or whoever it is that's coming up, why do we have to know that they're coming up? Why can't it be a surprise?
Well, because they had to have something on Monday. They were struggling, never panicking. They're like, what can we do? Oh, we can put this graphic up and just show people that these people are coming up. I was like, Lindsay Evans, Laura Sullivan, EC3, Nikki Cross, and then Heavy Machinery. Don't forget about Sami Zayn. He's coming back too. I saw Sami Zayn was coming back. Yes, I did see that. Oh, man. That's going to get the ratings way up.
I mean, I guess it was just grasping at straws. Yeah, they were just grasping grasping at straws trying to like keep and you know, I think by showing those little those little clippets like throughout the night, it was keeping people tuned in, which is what they want, right? They don't want people watching the first hour of raw and then.
Cutting out and then not watching the last two like they want people to tune in so you know by it by kind of teasing people like oh my god well Who else is gonna be coming up like I gotta stay up and watch this because you know my favorite NXT superstar might be getting called up to the main roster I think that was kind of you know their their idea of by doing that, too
Another thing they could do is, in sports you have trades. What if we did a SmackDown trade? What if you get AJ Styles for Dolph Ziggler and Finn Balor in a trade or something? Make it more sports related. Yeah, just shake things up. Yeah, it doesn't have to be a full total draft of wrestlers going back and forth, but you could switch things back.
And I forget what podcast it said, like give every wrestler a month off, or like NXT does, where the same guys don't wrestle every single week on NXT, right? I know it's only an hour, so that would be impossible. But they hype up, they have the Gargano Aleister Black cage match, and they tell you two or three weeks ahead of time that it's coming up. You have something to look forward to. What if Seth didn't wrestle next week on Raw, but we got a promo saying, hey,
Seth Rollins is wrestling Dean Ambrose in a cage match or something you know just just So we're not seeing the same people every week, and we're also keeping these guys fresher. I don't know it would be just something Yeah, I think it would definitely cut down on injury by getting these guys some rest You know like you said no matter what it is if it's just even just having like backstage presence like if they're still there And they just have some sort of you know
like backstage clip or something or some sort of pre-recorded clip. That's cool, but I do think giving these guys some time off, you wouldn't have what you're dealing with now where it was just like, you know, injury after injury after injury and having to like scramble to figure out what you're gonna do and where you're gonna go and you know how the storylines are gonna, you know, stay cohesive, you know? Yeah, for sure. On SmackDown, I'll be honest, I didn't really watch much of it, but it sounded just a lot better than raw. I would say probably because it's still just two hours and
We had some more development of the storylines and stuff. To me, SmackDown, I thought it was weird because Shane McMahon did the same thing. Like they opened SmackDown and all the SmackDown roster was in the locker room. And that's when they announced that Paige would be stepping down as GM. And you know, he was like, we owe it to the fans to give them the best product. Blah, blah, blah. Like it was basically the same feel that they had given on Raw. And I was like kind of confused because I'm like, SmackDown's great.
Like what? Why are you giving this speech on SmackDown? Like it's not like it's not like SmackDown has been crap. You know, like really like Raw has really been the one that's kind of giving us not a lot to watch.
Smackdown's been great and I thought it was just kind of weird that they were just like kind of giving it a blanket statement like all WWE has been not not good, you know Yeah, I don't know why they had the two have to be tied together I did like the clip I saw of the new day just eating giant pieces of meat while sitting next to Daniel Bryan That was so funny
Yeah, I didn't like, you know, a big, big ease cutting his eyes. Like he's just making those crazy faces that he makes. That was, that was pretty hilarious. Um, and, uh, Mustafa Ali beat, uh, Daniel Bryan clean on, on, uh, SmackDown, which I thought was pretty cool and pretty telling. And I'm wondering if that's where they're going since AJ obviously kind of like stepping away from the title picture with his, you know, loss at TLC. If, um, you know, maybe they're giving Mustafa Ali a chance to,
to step up and be in the title picture, I would be interested to see that. Jeez, what a jump that would be. That's awesome. Wow. Yeah. I need to start watching 205. I feel like I say this every week, but I was looking at some of the match of the year candidates from some of the different writers from around the wrestling biz, and a lot of them had some 205 Live matches on there that I've never seen. So I guess I need to go back and watch some of those. Yeah, I don't get to watch it all the time, but yeah, I always hear amazing things about 205 Live through, you know,
Chick-Fully followers and stuff like that. So yeah, there's some good stuff. So if you just have like, you know, random things that you want to like tune into or you have some free time, like just put on 205 Live.
Uh, I touched on earlier, but NXT, we're going to see a Johnny Gargano, Aleister Black cage match.

Gargano vs Black Cage Match Drama

I believe that's sweet, right? No, it happened. Oh, shoot. Yeah. Oh man. You need to, you need to go back and see it. It happened, uh, this week yesterday and it was a great match. You know, black really dominated inside the ring. They started scuffling like outside of the ring and then, you know,
Aleister Black really dominated once they got inside the cage, but he just couldn't finish Gargano off. Obviously these guys, both of these guys are incredible and they can just go. And Gargano at one point could have won the match clean, but instead obviously our good buddy, Mr. Blackheart, Champa came out, got involved, hit Aleister Black in the head with the door as he was climbing out of the cage, which caused Johnny to get back in the ring.
And they had a, you know, a stare down for a moment where you're just kind of like, Oh my gosh, like what's going to happen here? Cause they'd been kind of alluding to this, you know, um, Gargano and Champa like, you know, reunion and they freaking hit the meeting in the middle finisher on Alistair Black and then, you know, Gargano pinned him. And that was, that was that. And then later that night, Champa sent out a tweet saying welcome home. So.
I'm pretty pumped to see kind of like a, you know, a heel DIY reunion. I think it's gonna be awesome. I mean, those guys have really dominated the NXT scene for the entire year. And, you know, obviously it looks like they're going into 2019 pretty damn strong too.
That's awesome. Yeah, it'd be cool to see those guys on the same side together. They work well together. Oh, yeah. All right, let's get into what we picked up this week. Let's go to our Go Figure segment right now.
All right, it's my favorite part of the show every week. I hear what Sheena bought. Sheena, what'd you pick up this week? Yeah, we had, it was a small male call this week, but we finally got our hands on the elite Bob Backlund figure, which is pretty dope, comes with the blue robe and the towel, and yeah, it's pretty mage. So we got that off of eBay. And then we had one of our Chick Foley followers,
I'll give that his handle is at curb underscore stomp underscore city underscore custom underscore decals there has to be a better word for underscore i think we've talked about this before yes yes you know like it's just so funny like yeah like okay so that's his uh that's his shop and uh yeah he did a amazing uh eric bischoff um custom for us i saw that that was really legit looking yeah yeah so if you haven't seen that definitely check it out
I got into a little argument with Eric Bischoff last week on Twitter. Did I tell you about that? No. Oh my God. Because him and Conrad did a 83 weeks of Starrcade, I think it was 97, where Sting wins after being out for so long. And I was there. It was the MCI Center downtown in DC. It was the only WCW event I ever went to, and it was
you know, the buildup from Sting being out for so long and challenging Hogan for the belt. And he was talking about, you know, Conrad was giving him shit for how the ending was. And he was like, oh, people loved it. People in the crowd were cheering. And I was like, no, man, people hated it. It was it was like that. I remember leaving there thinking like, you know, I was like 15 or 16 and like just thinking, man, this like this is awful. This sucks. Like I'm never going to watch WCW again. This is so lame. Stop lying.
And he tweeted like, oh, basically, I was there. I was there, too. And your pimple-faced teenage self doesn't know what you're talking about. And I was like, oh. He did not go all in on you. Oh, my gosh. I was like, oh, man, how did you know I had pimples when I was a teenager, man? You're just like, you must be psychic, you know? That is hilarious. Yeah, you should screenshot that and save it. That's awesome.
Yeah, so that was funny. I do want to give props to a buddy of ours that his son is going through some health problems, and he's a good member of the Fig community, soda underscore hunter. Got to have that underscore in there. But soda hunter, I think he's on Instagram too, but he's a great follow on Twitter.
And, um, his son is going through some stuff right now. Hopefully everything's all good with him, but, uh, send prayers up to those guys during the holidays because that's never a fun thing. So, uh, we know he's listening. So, so, uh, hope everything's good with them. So yeah, stay strong buddy. You got this. So what did you got? Those are the two things you got this week. Yeah, that was it. It was a little pre-Christmas, a little pre-Christmas hall. Oh, we got, um, I lied. We got, um, the baby face, a, uh, stocking stuff where we got him a basic Elias figure.
Um, to go into his stocking or Santa got it for him if you, as it were. Um, but yeah, so we picked that up too. Very nice. I had a random, I don't even know if I told you about this either. I, uh, was tweeting on the Twitter account trick chick Foley show. I'm basically the one that, that tweets from there and Sheena handles the Instagram duties. I post, I would try to post every, every day or so couple of times a day at any deals I see on Amazon or, or different websites, five below and all these things.
But there was a deal on something on Amazon. I tagged Amazon, like, hey, everybody, this is only $10 now. And they tweeted me back, like, oh, thanks for spreading the word. Send us your email. We have a special Delivering Smiles gift for you or something. I was like, oh, OK, whatever. So I clicked the link and put in my email. And two days later, I opened a box. And I originally thought it was just a box of booty-o's. So I showed it to my son, Nash. And he thought it was cool. And then I'm like,
felt like heavy and there was like the elite squad logo on it. So I was like, what is, what is this? So like the front of it, yeah, the front of it opens up. Yeah. And it's just the three of them in like, uh, it's a, it's an awesome booty goes box. Whenever I see the three figures that are in it, they just have them like, you know, a picture of the figures. It doesn't have the box. So the presentation is really cool.
Yeah, I think that was from WrestleMania 32, I believe. If I'm not mistaken, I may be wrong on that. But yeah, that's a sick set. They sent that to you for free. Yeah, a buddy of mine on Facebook also did the same thing. He had mentioned Amazon on either Facebook or Twitter, and someone from Amazon's Twitter account asked for his information. They sent him some kind of
robot thingamabobber. So it must be that's like whatever they're delivering your smiles thing is they have the commercials out for it. Well, they're not going to be sending at Sheena Phelps anything. I healed off on them today over a package that's going to take a month to get here for Amazon Prime members. So maybe I'll be nicer to them on Chick-Foli and they'll send me some figs. But yeah, I healed off on them on Chick-Foli or on at Sheena Phelps. Damn you, Amazon. Send me free toys. I'll take back what I said.
Yeah, so besides that, not too much for me. I have some things in the works, but we'll see what happens with those. But let's get into our Christmas

Personal Christmas Traditions

talk. This is my favorite time of the year, and I'm actually getting more and more upset as we get closer to Christmas, because my least favorite time of the year is like five minutes after Christmas is over, because that's the longest it is until next Christmas. Yeah.
Yeah. Um, so is your wife, um, is she like one of those Hallmark Christmas movie junkies? Like I see all my girlfriends posting about like binge watching Hallmark Christmas movies and it's apparently like a popular holiday pastime. I've just never really jumped on the bandwagon. So like, you know, I was just going to check and see.
That's probably my favorite thing about my wife. She doesn't make me watch any of that stuff or The Bachelor or any of the Housewives shows. She's pretty good about, you know, she watches what I want to watch, but you know, we'll watch House, you know, HGTV and Food Network and stuff like that. But any of the real kitschy like girly type stuff that she's not too into. So that's good.
That's good. Yeah. Um, like I said, I just see people posting about it all the time and I've never done it, but I mean like, you know, AMC fear fest, like you got me bro, but like the Hallmark Christmas stuff, like I love Christmas as much as anybody, but it's just something that I've done. Be rate actors with like the same plot over and over.
It's the same plot over and over from what I understand. It's just like relationship, like lovey-fuzzy or like family drama that ends happily. Yeah, definitely not my bag. We'll talk about my favorite Christmas movies here in a minute, but yeah, Hallmark is definitely not it. Yeah, what is your favorite Christmas movie? We're on a nice segue. Oh my gosh. There's so many classics out there. It's hard for me because I love so many of them. I mean, you got like all the ones that we know and love, like Home Alone, Christmas Story, Charlie Brown, Christmas, all of that. But if I had to choose,
Just the one, it's gotta be National Lampoon's Christmas vacation. Okay, well I'm glad you said that because I'm the same way. Are you, that's yours too? Yep, yep. Oh man. We have the neighbors over across the street. We actually have Friday night. They came over, we had some beers and some cookies and watched that. We've done that the last couple years and it was pretty fun. Yeah, my favorite Christmas movie by far.
Yeah it's just so good because you know most Christmas movies are like you know feel good and have like the perfect Christmas family and I like me like I have like a semi dysfunctional family just like they do so it's like I can totally relate to them and it's just loaded with classic quotable and memorable moments and
I mean, it's hard for me to say, like I have a favorite Christmas movie because like I said, I love them all, but it's definitely, it's definitely one of them. A lesser known favorite. This is like, it's Christmas with the cranks. Have you ever seen that? Like it's like one set. Heel husband makes fun of me for my obsession with Christmas with the cranks, but it's definitely not one of the people like.
Yeah, Tim Allen and Jamie Lee Curtis, like, come on. Like, when the Scream Queen does a holiday movie, like, you watch it, you know? But, yeah, it's really good, too. So it's based on a book called Skipping Christmas. And, you know, if you like a good, just a good, feel-good holiday film, a funny holiday film, like, that's a more family-friendly one than I think National Lampoon's is sometimes.
Well, I know you like horror movies and you like Christmas. So what's do you have a favorite Christmas horror movie? Because I do. Oh, so it's a it's an odd genre of movies. It's like a subset of a subset. That is a subset of a subset.
No, I don't think I do. What is yours? There's a good one called Black Christmas. It's basically like a slasher movie where these girls are in a sorority house and somebody's in the house trying to kill them, and I guess they're snowed in or something. But there's some good ones out there. Grimlins, I would consider Grimlins even though it's not a horror movie. Grimlins is a really good Christmas scary movie that I love.
Yeah, that's a good one. I always get the debate whether Die Hard is a Christmas movie or not. I think it is, but some people beg to differ. You said you think it is or isn't? I think it is. I mean, it's on Christmas, right? I mean, if Home Alone is a Christmas movie, I mean, what does Home Alone have to do with Christmas? They could have made that movie in the summertime. In the summertime, exactly. Yeah, it just so happens to be in the spirit of Christmas. Yeah, great.
I do like your little Nero's gear from Chalk Lime. Yeah. I got the little Nero's hat and the little Nero's jacket and it is spot freaking on. Like I just love it. I mean, I love to cosplay and do all that stuff anyway. So like, as soon as I saw that was going to be like their black Friday drop, I was like on it. Um, but they, they killed it with that, with that said, it was so good. What, uh, you, you said you were getting the baby face, the Elias basic. Do you get him any other wrestling figs?
He got the, um, the wrestling buddies. We got him the Jeff Hardy or the Hardy boys, uh, wrestling buddies. And, um, I don't think we got him any more figs. Um, but he does have some more wrestling stuff. I just can't, I can't remember the Mark cave is like loaded, like, you know, all the, the grandmas and the aunts and the,
family members have sent packages and they just showed up and I'm like, oh my gosh, I have to wrap all of this. And I don't know about you, but I freaking hate wrapping presents. I hate wrapping presents. I'm so thankful that we have so many people that love us and want to shower him with gifts and shower us with gifts. But God, I hate wrapping presents. One, it's just such a freaking waste. Wrapping paper and tape, it's just such a waste. You throw it away. But the whole process of having to,
Measure it out and then if you cut it and you don't have enough like you know And then you have those odd shaped presents like it that no I just go to the mall and pay somebody like whatever ten bucks like wrap my presents Oh, I would definitely start a business where you would wrap people's present and I wouldn't do it I would just hire other people to do it, but I'm sure thousands of people would would love to sign up for that because yes
Yeah, I think there's like a, um, I think a lot of people do it for, um, donations or they do it like they have a price, but I know like a lot of like girl scouts or boy scouts or some like clubs and stuff like that. I've seen them at the malls, like, you know, raising money, fundraising by wrapping presents. And I'm like, I'm for it. I am there for that. Like wrap my presence, boo.
my my son's big into like separating all his wrestlers out into like tag teams so I I mean I have like 30 wrestling figures to give him that I've accrued over the year that you know don't want to give them all at once but I think we're gonna give them that I have the ascension once for him that I've picked up and the nasty boys
And I think the Heart Foundation, so he has a bunch. That's awesome. Yeah. And then he wants Samu Zayn because he has Kevin Owens and he knows that they're... Somehow he doesn't even watch wrestling really on TV, but he knows that they're boys. I don't know if I told him that like one time and he remembers that he knew that I need Samu Zayn because he's Kevin Owens' tag team partner. I was like, yeah, you're pretty right, man. I can't do that.
It's funny what kids pick up on. Yeah. Do you have any good Christmas traditions around the Phelps household? Christmas traditions. We always, I mean, it's a Thanksgiving, but it kicks off our holiday season as we watch Charlie Brown Christmas on Thanksgiving night. As far as Christmas traditions, I mean, we're like that family that like wakes up and like opens presents.
right away you know i know some families like wait or they'll do it in the afternoon or whatever but um yeah we get up and like christmas is over and like
10 minutes. Yeah. Then you're kind of like, yeah, but we always, since we've lived in Hawaii, um, we always go to the beach on Christmas. Like it's, it's, we spent every Christmas except for the one that Seth was deployed. We've sent, we spent every Christmas on the beach, which is a pretty amazing tradition that I'm going to greatly miss. Yeah, our last beach Christmas. So we're getting a cabin this month and going, you know, doing all that, but, um, yeah, it's going to be good.
My wife and I started their tradition last year when our families were away, both were away for something and we opened presents in the morning, our son played, and then we went down for nap and we just ordered Chinese food and we didn't have to cook or anything and it was basically the best idea we ever came up with. So I think we're doing that again this year and we just told my mom, hey, we'll be there for dessert or something, we're gonna let
let my son play and open up Legos and wrestlers and stuff and eat some Chinese food. Yeah, and just chill. And then there's no cleanup, which is like the best Christmas present of all. Exactly. And this is a super busy time. In the wine business, this is a pretty busy week. These last couple weeks here are pretty insane. So it'll be a nice departure from running around being crazy to sit around and just do nothing. So it'll be nice. Yeah, for sure. Well, so if you had to give a Christmas wish
to a wrestler, since we're in the spirit of giving and wishing well. If you had to give a Christmas wish to a wrestler for 2019, what would you wish? Well, I have the obvious ones. I wish for our buddy, Roman Reigns, to have a clean bill of health. Always. That's the sentimental one. And my other wish was for Elias to win gold in 2019.
Well, I wish that all Heath Slater's kids have an amazing year despite their dad potentially, you know, being unemployed and all those things. I just, I just wish all of Heath Slater's kids well and obviously the, um, you know,
Obvious answer Roman Reigns like we all wish him well all year long very nice. Oh, that was good Yeah, does he really have that many kids or is that just a I don't know I don't know how many kids he actually But I do I do love his little his his I got kids gimmick I don't know why but it just got over with me and that was I that was even before I had my own kids And I still thought it was funny nice Any other Christmas thoughts before we get on to the random eBay merch of the week?
Nope, we are moving on because Christmas is screaming by us. We're about to get right into it full force. Shoot us an email or tweet us or Instagram us with your favorite Christmas memories, Christmas wrestling. I can't really think of any Christmas wrestling memories. I do have one for the retro wrestling recommendation of the week, but if you have anything, send it to askchickfoli at Do you remember a short-lived wrestler by the name of Santa Claus?
Santa Claus? No. Yes. It was like the new generation. It was awful. He wrestled maybe like, I think it was Balls Mahoney actually, but he wrestled maybe one or two matches and he was basically like an evil Santa Claus. This was like 94 or 95.
Google it. Was this like holiday time or did they just like give Santa Claus a summer debut? No, at least they were right with doing it when it was like Christmas time. Right. But it was like black and red outfit. It was pretty awful. I don't know how they thought it was going to last more than like for December of that month, that year.
Maybe they were just trying to get through. You never know what the WWE's got up their sleeve. Exactly, yeah. So let's move on to our random eBay merch of the week, one of my favorite segments here. This is not sponsored, but if you would like to sponsor this part of the show, hit us up, slide into our DMs. What do you got for us, Sheena?
So we have this seven inch WWF 1985 Titan Sports large beer glass. It's got Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, and Junkyard Dog on it. It's in the cartoon form. It's actually pretty awesome. I think
that Seth's uncle actually owns this glass. And it's pretty freaking mage. So it's selling on eBay for $24.99. The kicker, though, is that they really want $20.05 for shipping this thing.
So yeah, eBayers are trying to get slick because they know they don't get taxed on that shipping. So they're like, hey, if I can sell this for $24.99, then PayPal takes its fees. eBay takes its fees. But I'm going to get this $20 shipping free and clear. So they're trying to be really, really slick with that. But yeah, it's pretty dope. I love the old cartoon glasses. Remember they used to give them to you at McDonald's and Burger King and all that.
I guess in 2018, glass isn't appropriate to give to children. I'm looking it up on eBay. Is this the one that has JYD and Andre the Giant and Hulk Hogan? Yeah, and Roddy Piper, Iron Sheik, and I think Nikolai Volkov on the other side. Yeah. I don't know if this knows where I'm living at, and I'm not in Hawaii, but shipping for me is $9.90. Oh, maybe it's just because I have my... Maybe you just get screwed because you live in Hawaii.
Yeah, you see, these are hashtag paradise problems that I'm dealing with here. But yeah, it is a pretty cool cup. So if you're going to have your beer while you're watching your pay-per-view, this would be a pretty mage cup for you to drink out of. Very nice. I like that. It is pretty cool looking.
Uh, let's go to our retro wrestling recommendation of the week. I got that one out somehow without stumbling. I'm going to go first on this one and mine is Christmas related because we probably next week we're going to do our, uh, the, the first, the first annual chickies awards. And, uh, so it'll be after Christmas, but.

Memorable Wrestling Moments and Listener Mail

I'm going to do the Monday Night Raw from December 22nd, 1997, a special Raw because this really was, in my teenage brain, was when the Raw Attitude Era really kicked off. This is when Stone Cold stunned Santa Claus.
Awesome. It was very funny. And this is like a month after the Montreal Screwjob, so we're still not into, I don't think we've gotten into the McMahon, Stone Cold storyline really deep yet, but Stone Cold was well on his way to being the biggest thing in wrestling history.
That's awesome, yeah. Anybody who heals off on Santa Claus, they're looking for heat. It's like the filly, the boo birds. They like booed Santa Claus, you know? Well, the way they did it, they had Santa, a little girl came to the ring and Santa sent her away because something wasn't there. So they made Santa basically the heal and Stone Cold called him out for being a fake Santa and all this stuff. Oh, perfect, awesome.
That's great. I also have a Christmas related retro wrestling recommendation of the week. It is Survivor Series 1992. It's Brett versus Sean. It's a champion versus champion match. Sean was the IC champ. Brett was the WWF champ. Only the world title was up for grabs in this match. But what makes it cool is obviously like any match with Brett and Sean is great. But at the end of the match, Santa comes out to celebrate with Brett.
You know, it's awesome. Brett puts on a Santa Claus hat. There is snow falling from the ceiling onto the ring. And then the Santa does like the signature hit man, you know, entrance arms out like the celebration. That's cool. Yeah. So it's pretty awesome. So definitely check it out. That's from Survivor Series 1992. And it was the main event. Brett versus Sean. I found that picture on Google images earlier this week and made it like our header on our Facebook page.
Yeah, that's awesome. Nice. Yeah, it was cool that those two wrestled back in 92 when it was before they really kicked off. It took them a couple years before they really got into their feud and everything. So pretty cool. Listener Mail, I know we have some good questions. You sent me one that was wrapping my brain up. Who's our listener question of the week from?
Our listener mail is from our friend at raw is Ryan. Um, he says, you know, if you guys had free pickup of our pick of six figure elite wave, so if we could pick any six figures to make an elite wave, elite wave out of, uh, who would we have and what tires would they be wearing? So yeah, of course my brain is like racking all over the place. And like, there's so many dream figures that I could think to make, but I was trying to be very logical. Like what would people buy? Um, was my, it was my,
thought because I had to narrow it down to something, you know? Yeah. And my first one was I would make an elite Seth Rollins from WrestleMania 34 wearing his Night King gear with like the ice blue eyes. And, you know, I'm a huge Game of Thrones fan. So to see him rock yet another Game of Thrones inspired entrance attire at WrestleMania just like made me like mark the freak out. Like it was so awesome. And the stage like turned to like ice and
You know, like I said, those glowing contacts, that needs to be a figure. And I have no doubt that it will be a figure, but it needs to happen soon.
Very nice. That's your first one, right? Do you want to go? Yeah, that's my first one. Yeah, we'll go back and forth. OK. This is a newbie, but I think it would sell pretty well. The heel Daniel Bryan elite figure with the hippie granola sweater and maybe a fickle sign with him or something. Yes. It's pretty cool. We've never gotten a heel Daniel Bryan. So maybe a real thick, pushy, billy goat looking beard would be cool.
And, you know, I think it'd be pretty badass. Yeah, I'm so there for that. And like you said, like the fickle sign and have him wearing some like, you know, earth shirt, I think would just be so awesome. Yeah. Next, I want an Elite Champa, NXT Champion Champa. It comes with the NXT title. And then he has like a crutch accessory, you know, wears the knee brace and the trunks. I think that would just be so sick. And I'm ready for a NXT Champion Champa.
Yeah, they did those DIY ones, but we still haven't gotten like a true black heart. Yeah. Yeah. My second one was a, along the lines of your first one, Seth Rollins Thanos outfit from SummerSlam this year. I just think, I mean, yours takes the cake, but I think that Thanos outfit was pretty badass as well. He's had some, I don't know who's making his gear backstage, but they need a raise because he's been killing it this year.
Yes. Seth Rollins always comes correct when it comes to like pay-per-views and you know, and he does it in, I mean, obviously like there's some that are more subtle than others, but he does it in a subtle way where it's just like super cool and like super Seth Rollins-y. And I just always love, like, I just love his entrance gear.
So my last one would be, um, I would have, uh, Andrade C and Almas from NXT takeover Philly, where he came out wearing, you know, the, the lucha mask that he used to wear, uh, used to wear before he came in NXT because he used to wear a mask, you know, when he wrestled all the time. Um, but, uh, when he got to NXT, Triple H was like, Oh, no, no.
You're way too handsome. Which I totally agree with. He has that superstar look. So he does not need to cover that with a mask. But I thought it was pretty cool to pay homage to his past and come out and have the mariachi band. So he was wearing the white gear with the green and red accents for the Mexican flag. And I just thought that was a dope figure. It will be a dope figure.
They better make that. Yeah. My sixth and final one is the Velveteen Dream Hollywood Hogan outfit from NXT TakeOver back in November at War Games 2. Just awesome. And if you're going to slowly work Hogan gear back into the consciousness of Orioles wrestling fans, that's the best way to do it because that would be an awesome thing.
Yeah, for sure. I would, I would totally snag that figure. Um, we have one more listener mail. Um, I just want to go over, it's a really quick one. Um, but it comes into us from at Seth Phelps. I think I know this guy. Oh man. Yeah. He says, Hey guys, love the show. Keep up the great work. Um, Phil gave away a set of Ascension figures when you guys hit 40 iTunes reviews, which I thought was awesome. How many reviews will it take to get him to open his retro figure collection?
Oh my god. No, man. Oh my god. Jesus, Chris. If we got 300 reviews on iTunes by the end of the year, I would do it. By the end of the year? I'm just joking. When we hit 300, I'll open it up. That'll give me time. Maybe 100. Maybe 100.
That'll give you time to take it all in and be truly ready. No, that'll give you time to buy duplicates of everything. Oh, yeah. That's right. Now that they're all at five below, man. Yeah.
Yeah, that's awesome. Thanks a lot. Thanks a lot, Seth. Appreciate it. Band of brothers. Yeah, for those of you who don't know, at Seth Phelps is also his husband, as you may know him. So he's just poking a little fun at the feelster. Nice, I like it. And speaking of those Ascension figures, we are giving them away because we hit our 40 reviews mark and we're going to give it to
I don't know his Twitter handle or his email or his actual name, but he's bigdog38 on iTunes. So if you're listening and that's your iTunes handle, you sound like a trucker or something, but hey, man, thanks for giving us a five-star review. That's all I care about. Yeah, thank you very much.
This was my first time listening to the Chick Foley show, but it will not be my last. I love the show. It was a lot of fun, and I will be listening regularly from now on. Don't worry, Chick Foley. Those smarts pissed me off too, but what can you do? I'll listen to your show while I toss back a couple of Steve Wizers and relax. Big shout out to the Hot Take Kid. Great job.
Awesome. Congrats, man. Merry Christmas. Putting both of us over. That's how you get some free figs. Those will be sent out to you as soon as you can shoot us an email or hit us on Instagram or Twitter or wherever you want to hit us up and we will get those out to you, sir.
And that's about it. Listen next week to our first annual Chickies Awards. We're going to do best female wrestler, best male wrestler, best match of the year, best event, all kinds of fun stuff. We'll talk about what we want to see in 2019 and get into a wrap up of the year that was in professional wrestling, Sheena. But I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas and everyone listening does as well.
Yeah, you guys have a very, very Merry Christmas. Stay safe out there. And while you're sitting back, after you open your presents and Christmas is over in 10 minutes, you got that lovely WWE network. So definitely check out some of our retro wrestling recommendations of the week. They won't disappoint.
And if you're having some adult beverages, don't be an idiot. Don't drive. Get an Uber. Get a taxi. I can tell you firsthand, that doesn't end well. It happened to me back in my younger days, and very costly. It wasn't around Christmas time, but it's always a cautionary tale to not be an idiot. This is the only time of year where it's OK to be a smart Mark. Exactly. Exactly. For Sheena and myself, stay classy, Marks. And we will be back here next week. Take it easy.
30 seconds in, hitting with a F5. Hitting back so hard, you feel it in the next life. Pull him over that shoulder just like a knapsack. Stocking man going down like the NASDAQ. No promise revenge, I know that I win and I know that I'm