It, it, you know what I mean? It's like, it, if you set it next to a Ferrari and a Lamborghini, it would look mildly out of place. Correct. You know, granted Ferrari and Lamborghini are going to see nothing but taillights, but it does, like, if you're at a show, you're like, oh, look a Ferrari, you look a Lamborghini, you look a Ferrari, you look, what the fuck? Why is this, who put this Mustang here? It should be opened by the Mercedes and BMWs because it's, it's still got that, You know, uh, what, what the work looking for is American muscle. Well, agreed. But also when it comes to, when you look at Ferrari and Lamborghini, I always equate them to like a wedge of cheese. They're, they're wedge. You know, they, they're specific design for them on their specific style roads. Exactly. Where, where everything else is, is a chipped away brick.