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Arc 2 - Episode 13 - Let's Get Rid of Zekrom image

Arc 2 - Episode 13 - Let's Get Rid of Zekrom

S2 E69 · Mystery Dungeon: a Path Through Time
64 Plays6 months ago

Hooray! We're getting rid of Zekrom!

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Dakota as the PM, DM, GM

Evelyn as Hikaru Hatsumi the Pikachu

Eli as Bruce Flameback the Cyndaquil

Shawn as Sammy Pepperoni the Munchlax

Jake as Walter Fisthands the Riolu


Introduction and Banter

Hello everyone and welcome to the Path of Time. I am Dakota, your PM, your DM, your GM. And sitting to my left is somebody who only likes tortilla chips and no other chips. It's me, Evelyn. You know, that actually is... it's not exactly true, but I do love tortilla chips. I like dipping them in hummus and guacamole. I like the chips that have guacamole in them. And to my right, you have been pre-qualified for the black card.
Oh, that's um, that's that's fun. they totally I know exactly what that means. I am Eli. I'm guessing that's some sort of great card that I feel like I probably don't want, but I think it's I think it's like related to like a green card, maybe it's like a soccer. It's a soccer thing. No, Eli was right. Well, yeah, the the black card is like one of the most exclusive cards in the world.
So if I just got her like a Pokemon card, painted it black, would I be rich? Sorry, I'm a credit card. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I don't know what that is. Well, yeah, there's like, there's one from American Express that's like the most famous one, but there's like other ones too. So what, it's just a credit card with no limit?
it's a credit card with like a five thousand dollar annual fee it's a credit card for the rich that's what it is yeah but yeah exactly something that i don't want so yeah we'll we'll just ignore that uh pre-qualification and sitting directly across from me somehow currently having rain fall on his head
You know, it's very uncomfortable to be the only one in the room being rained on. Like, everyone else here is super dry, but I am soaking wet. How is there only a cloud above me? Hey, hi, I'm Sean. And, uh, sitting directly to my left is someone sitting to my right.
Huh? I don't know where the fuck I am. ah right ja Is in the middle of he's he's in the middle of nowhere it's like oh no, what's the way he's not in a liminal space He's like, and I'm in a limbo Limbo, that's what I'm looking for. You're in limbo. You're both on the left and the right but not center It's in the middle of this one you entangle me until get out of it soon enough Flashpoint where there's two of me but You want to talk about the flash I could talk about the flash I love the flash let's do it.
Oh, right. You guys are supposed to be... Oh, right. It's coming back to me. Sorry. ah if so It's been so long since we've recorded this.

Recap and Dice Roll

We've recorded this more regularly. It's been exactly a week and a half. Yeah, ah it's too long. This time, we actually are on schedule. This time, we're on schedule. I know. We've actually... Well... Okay, I think the thing is I'm just not ready for it. All right, so I think we're doing the recap next. Cool. Everyone, roll me a d4. Why? You're just gonna do it anyway.
Probably find out. All right, everyone were ready for yeah com I got a 2 1 1 All right, who didn't roll I haven't yet I gotta find my d4 There we go. I got it 2 Yeah one yeah It is doing it again. OK, but I did just edit the episode earlier, so I don't mean to remember everything that happened again. Dakota, how does that happen again? I know. I think we should change the rules like whoever gets highest goes does the recap. How about we? and weed Let's add up. Let's get my other house. Yeah.
no No, it has to say the same we've done it the same since the very beginning that We're just gonna see how long this streak is gonna last because I'm sure it's gonna keep going. Oh wait next arc It's go it's gonna be me Evelyn or Eli Yeah, cuz the first arc was Sean and this arc it's mean so

Character Developments and Plot Inconsistencies

next arc. It's gonna be one of you guys No my luck i've been getting really strange luck with uh with rolls because like last episode i got like so many like nat ones and twos and stuff like in that 20s when it came to the mom check you killed me but no walter so let last episode so last time on dragon ball scene uh we you guys woke up after dealing with the mob boss
Her name was, uh... Yeah, that's it. Yeah, Ziakanda Obitsi.
and you guys woke up after defeating well alfred defeated that why am i having episode 10 you guys woke up the next morning and you went out to get some breakfast after debating what fuck we know you guys did have that pre-night scene okay hold on start over we'll look back uh the night before the night you guys you guys fuck go down come on you got it spit it out i Don't think I'd do I do this every time Okay, so before you guys went to bed Sean was trying to convince Walter Sean Sammy was trying to convince Walter to go use the giant TV downstairs to watch a movie, you know i don't have what movie it was yeah it was a detective piggach it was And like a weird against inconsistency I wanted to bring up about TVs and movies it's like
we had stated before that we watched like in the episode that we that we willed movies into existence we stated that we watched a movie during a sleepover but then the last episode were like what there's no TVs besides the one downstairs in the lab i never said no projectors There's more than one way to watch a movie. could have a You have like a really, really long flip book. It's just an hour-long flip book. It's like 14,000 pages. I want my money back if that's a movie.
It's just you one guy with a tiny notepad. no no when how do it's just like a Big stack of cards and there's one frame in each card and god forbid if you drop that stack of cards oh my way never getting the like yeah married terrible straight hold Together they're stable together, but they're stable together in the center because someone just hates movies So, yes, um no absolutely that never actually what The stapled in the middle that doesn't work
Too bad whoever created that idea really hates movies So you uh, it ended up not even happening. So that whole scene just didn't matter You guys woke up the next day and you guys went over to the kitchen where you saw that Alfred had a piece of paper well specifically I think Evelyn saw the paper had the list of everyone's names, but Walter but we had no information about this list and The list reveals a big thing, and then that's it. There was nothing after that. No, there was. That that was the lead up. It had Evelyn saw, or Hikaru saw, that the list had everybody's names on it. For what reason? But it didn't have. I actually never did explain that. That's what Hikaru was trying to figure out.
Well, you ask ah you can ask read what's his face about it later if you really want to. We did ask Alfred about it. Alfred dodged the question. Yeah. yeah you kind of yeah walk last name out Yes, because initially he didn't want to spill the beans, but Eli, or I keep giving names confused.
Bruce ended up convincing his mom, and then dragged Alfred, and then Miss Flameback dragged Alfred into into it. And by that point, the list had gone from there. I guess, mind you guys didn't ask him about that. He was initially trying to dodge questions, but then Miss Hatsumi had him spell the beans, so. Wait, Miss Hatsumi did? Miss Flameback.
i say This ah sounds to me yeah yeah miss saty was nowhere near the situation i lets that his are who was ro She broke in with full French cuz like she's like honestly I would have liked that better than what actually happened then that it no and Realize why my mom was there Why do I have so much issue speaking in the recap?

Twists and Family Dynamics

Because I'm trying to remember things in the correct order and I actually say at the same time. So you want help? What ended up happening is Miss Flameback. What was that Alfred? No, it was Alfred. Alfred explained what ended ended up happening. It turns out that Alfred ended up killing via mob loss and Xerox. Again, sorry, Curtis. We killed your character. ah And
um Alfred talked about how the fact that he's done this in the past and he tried hiding it from you guys, but the truth kind of came out. um On top of that, we also found out Walter's last name, which is Fist Hands. And again, I'll go over what that means. In our parent podcast, Not a Scratch, the main characters are Kyle Longgrass and Ralph Fist Hands.
um And Aynard had given me permission to use Ralph's father as a character in the story. So Jake is now playing Walter Fissant, who is Ralph's dad. So that's where that is. Afterwards, Walter accidentally showed his mom the hit contract he had because apparently Jake um above table forgot that Veronica was in the room and he just whipped out this hit contract. I was like, hey, look at this, everyone. To be fair.
they were talking about dropping bodies already so i assumed they had her walk away yeah well you just showed your mom that you were intending to murder somebody no not and and that are alive that dead alive please remember dead or alive i don't remember if i said dead or alive but we're gonna go uh no it was um yeah he wanted the sense of taking care of but he said i could take him back just because if he wanted to go with that i think the contract says it's literally a hit contract but uh Different types of hits. Sure. Yeah, definitely. Uh-huh. Anyway, um, so, um, Veronica ended up getting unhappy. Uh, she ended up having, like, a panic attack, fainted, went to the hospital. You guys went to the hospital with her, shattered some doors along the way, and that's enough. And we left off with, um... And we introduced the best new NPC.
which what bests dop ski of front Front doorfish but yes yes that fret doorfish i love that fret door hope get hit list on him why because his name has door it i okay i guess yeah you guys shagger two walter's rivals are doors It's like the kung fu painter ah my old enemy door doors doors So yeah, we ended the episode with Veronica chasing. Should I keep calling her Veronica? Or should I call her Miss Fist Hands? That's up to you. I should just call her Veronica. I think we should just call her Veronica because that's what we've been calling her. Yeah, just for consistency. Maybe she has a maiden name. Yeah, Fist Hands. That wouldn't be her maiden name. What do you mean? Oh, wait. Unless she and Vince weren't married. What was Vince's last name?
vince's last time i didn't reallys the last name so I'm gonna say it's just best hands. Oh No, so Vince is where the fist hands name comes from That's not I don't have anything planned. to pass This is set is like the stepdad. So I'm prettyy i have nothing i'm pretty sure and ki would kept vincent veronica Okay, would I kept their original last name and not took in the stepdad's last name so I to just wass i just step up were they married i don't remember yeah I don't yeah, just I think I have no idea nation was that i Veronica just looked for any random person to marry so that they could help take care of her kid Yeah, that is yeah, that is what happened. I just don't remember if they got married or if it was just like a He was just staying with her. I don't know. We've been saying dad this whole times his father
so i would have assumed they were married but i guess that's up to you Oh, so Vince isn't, uh, um, Walter's biological father? No. New theory. Walter's dad's. Walter's actually dad. To be fair, at this time and place, I don't actually have anything planned for that. So, uh, who knows? That might be a plot point in the future or might not. I don't know. Remember when we've all been saying that Walter's dad's alive? When we think of my aunt's, it's actually the other one. Wait, wait, wait. What if Vince's last name is Van Gogh?
oh god oh my gosh that'd be so funny i i don't think i could do that though so yeah anyway we left off with veronica chasing walter into the sunset so uh shawn pull us up a random move
like a recap and a the recap ended sooner than i expected yeah element That's why I said the recap ended quicker than I expected <unk> Oh it went longer than I expected I don't know, I felt after the whole Fist Dance thing you were going to keep going because you ended it at the beginning of the episode. You didn't talk about... Well, I kind of speedran through the whole hospital thing. Yeah. And then of we just ended up talking about Veronica and the Fist Dance fans. Anyway, for you can cut that out and go from the random thing if you want. I think we're fine, but we'll see. Edgar's discretion, we'll see how it goes.
Cotton Spore! Alright, let us spore on in. Actually, hold on, wait. Is spore on separate move? so yeah oh cottons Oh, yeah, no, you're right. Spore is a... Yeah, no, you're right. Spore is... So, cotton spore. Yeah, cotton spore on in. I don't remember what kind either lowers your attack or lowers your spore. God and spore. Eldegoss is saying maybe there's a pain favorite. I don't care. Oh, yeah, that's right. It's Eldegoss. And as soon as I saw them, Eldegoss, I lost all interest in the line. Yes, it reduces speed. And I think spore is just a paralysis move. No, it's sleep. It's one of the only it's one of the only 100% accurate sleep moves.
I see. Okay cool. So there is a big difference between the two. One makes you slower and one makes you much much slower. It could just mean you get tired so you don't run as fast. Well i if you're sleeping you're not exactly running anywhere. So it's just saying. Anyway let's get anyway. Anyway let us sleep spore on a spore sleep. ah no and sleep where no no cons jesus its only me one of these i say that did sound right
let us cotton spore on in so we're dump cutting uh to the next day you guys are you guys woke up once again uh in the the flame back residence you guys woke up and you can smell uh boca mcgriddles frying on the the stove the boca mcgriddle fryer griddle it's called a griddle sure you need it'll be brittle yeah it's a griddle mcgriddle it's a griddle mcgriddle griddle griddle mor this is christ i really hope my face palm picked up on that and and i had a good face palm for that one with how what are you guys how's walta looking
Oh, ah Walter has a gigantic thump... I can't speak today. Walter has a gigantic bump on his head. So he's starting the episode of TAS Health? Yes, Walter is our half-elf because Veronica beat the shit out of you. Oh my gosh. That doesn't sound like a Veronica thing to do. She was not happy. Huh. How would your mom react if you showed her a hit contract?
more confused than anything i don't know it depends on if your mom is a hitman herself she's fair enough but i sure hope not many people's moms are hitmen but my hit mom yes wait i now have a new character submission hit monley the headlong we need a hit yes we need a hitman hitman yeah monley her name is lee she's a hit mom
why I love it. OK, cool. What are you guys doing? ah Well, Bruce knows what to do, and that's get to the food before Sammy does. All right, yeah cool. You guys are waking up the same time. Who's going to hang out? You guys, you guys smell the food out there? You smell that? That's the that's the that's the call of the wild. And for me, I'm the wild. Let's frickin go.
yeah up to roll off to see who gets to the food yeah yeah you guys need to roll d speed and i feel like one of you guys has a much higher speed than the other oh it's d speed not just a d20 huh yep i've already lost just double my speed exactly much like this is the slowest speed in the entirety of pokemon yeah you're a tank and not a runner i got an eight No, I rolled a one. You're already gone, dude. Oh, no. He tripped on his way out. He tripped on Walter. Sammy likes to think he's fast. We can get to food, but in reality, he is not. Yeah, Jake, yeah. so Walter was sleeping on the floor because he tried cuddling Sammy again. No, no. Walter ended up tripping over him trying to get to the food. Why is this deja vu?
Okay, so as you guys head out to the kitchen and you can see Walter big chef had on he's kicking up a bunch of walterre poca mc riddle wal well um become chef I did this last time I called him Walter. It's Alfred. do You see Alfred aish He's cooking bokeh McGriddles on the bokeh McGriddle griddle and the air smells amazing uh he looks at you guys he's like uh good morning guys i uh uh make us some breakfast go ahead and have a seat walter's out with the red he's going back to bed walter out no walter walty eats with them uh alfred i'll take the entire stock you did it too you did it too it's your fault you had it in my head uh all right what was that i didn't actually hear what you said
Alfred, I'll take your entire stock. Just dump dump it all on my plate. Just pour it into my mouth. You can see, oh, Walter. Goddammit, I did it again. i don't I don't get this. You can see that Alfred already has a plate full of like 20 Boca McRiddle sitting on a plate and it has a label that says Sammy on it.
hey are you one step ahead of me there walter yeah he's like i'm done believe walter walter yeah who is this walter guy you're talking about here he says narrowing his eyes at you sammy stop talking to me i'm trying to go back to bed what

New Mission and Tools

that you go back to bed i got tired of you trying to snuggle me again last night i'm not i know i'm big and soft and cuddly but dang i we've gotten real close recently you know we're pretty good friends now but i not to stay away from me while i'm sleeping i'm um man i'm an animal and in bed whoa wait what you hear that ladies oh my god that's a that's a clip for the patreon jesus
Oh, that's a great one. That's a blooper right there. Jesus Christ. Don't cuddle me too hard, Baltimore. I'm an animal, Ben. Okay, what do you got? Fellas, friends, I fell out of my chair and just laughed on the ground.
yeah oh jesus christ like in my mind I was just thinking that he like kicks and moves around a lot and i've never raised for that so for whatever reason that translated to and immediately once i put it like je wrong ah okay So Alfred gives you the sideways look like what the hell alfred i'm like i'm say way nine doesn't I'm just gonna go sit down shes friends. I'm just I don't know what's going on. It's been a wacky morning already
Yeah, Walter's like, oh my god, Alfred just turns towards the chairs at the table. And he's like, these the food will be finished soon enough. Ms. Flameback wishes to speak to you. Whenever she wakes up, that is. Alfred, you got any berry juice in the fridge?
Uh, probably. Oh, you'll have to dig through all of the bocca McGriddles and the fridge, but yes, we should. I can't remember how to do a British accent anymore. But yes, we have a burger in the freezer. We ran out of space. the We got another shipment earlier this morning. Bruce, I was just assuming those were the ones he's good about, but here he was telling him not to cook, but i you know, they maybe they did. Yeah, all right. So yes, there's some orange berries in the fridge.
okay i will get the glass and then sit down cool i take it if someone's sitting at the table not walter i said he went back to bed all right everyone except walter right somebody might have to get walter out of bed should we just mute jake for the rest of the session then oh yeah see you guys got it he went to bed bruce i'm not doing it this time last time i did it he kicked me in the face i'm not doing it well you know he's got vacuum way ready he forever tries to wake him
Well, they're still asleep in bed now. Well, everyone else is in the car roof. Wait, hang out. What if I just bring the bed into the kitchen and we can he'll be here, but just the. Yes, go grab the bed. Pick his bed up. Brilliant idea. Is that what you're doing? Yeah, I get him. OK, I need you to go straight. You bring my a tough modifier. You bring him. You bring the loft into the kitchen.
Yeah, because I think he said we all had our own cots. So that that that that, you know, that makes, that checks out. Yeah, roll go ahead and roll strength. That's a tough. Nat, why'd you throw him out the window? That's a d20, right? um um That's, yeah, it's been a while, right? Okay. Yeah. If Bruce goes to help him, was that given like a help back? If you're giving him help, then he can roll his advantage. Thank you, I need that. Nice. Alright, in that case, I'm going to have Eli roll because he's helping.
okay that's much better you're strong advantage or something he did yeah i thought you did well if you both are doing i feel like if i feel like it makes sense if each of you roll one die oh dang i rolled with advantage but now it doesn't matter oh let's see well i got a 13 plus one 14 Yeah, that'll do it. So, with your guys' combined strength, do you pick up- My strength was the three plus one. Oh. Yeah, so you guys pick him up like a stretcher and you haul him out to the kitchen. What are you guys doing with him? Alright, good. Now I'll just press him for the mission. Okay. We can just burn his sleeping body. We can just do a weekend to burn his sleeping body at the table. Put some sunglasses on. Yeah, he's awake.
Sure, I feel like Walter's not sleeping through this but sure so you put him at the table, but he's in a cots. We're still laying down No,
Walter's not sleeping through that he didn't fall asleep in my sleep
What the? Why do I smell food? we' at that breakfast table ma man there's like fifty boconback girlsds here that i ate Why am I here in here? Mrs. F had some sort of important thing she wanted to tell us.
Yeah, as you say this miss flame back I keep on the same this house to me for some reason miss flame back enters the room She looks kind of groggy. She's just like, oh you guys are awake. Uh-huh. Great Regret shout about something real quick. I See it sees Walter on the bed in the kitchen. She's like they I wanted to sleep, they would not let me. Walter says as he's laying limp on the cot. Yep. Puts the blanket over his head. Sure, okay, whatever. Anyway, he's he's not going to sleep, right? Probably not. Walter, get up. Walter ain't budging. He's hurt.
Can I push her eyes can I push can I tip the bed up and slide him out yes roll strengths again So you go to keep it up and just nothing happens Walter doesn't even notice oh nice freeze and knowing around You know, I think I'm still hungry I gotta I gotta to eat some more food that gets my my strength back. Oh Yeah, I'm just playing backslide. Okay guys, seriously, just anyway. Uh, where's sacrum? He needs to be here too. Yeah, he's still in bed, isn't he? Great. Okay. Um, I'm going to go get him real quick. You guys get some food. Are they eating with those carrios? We have Riola's and the carrios are still in bed because I don't feel like dealing with them. So they're in bed. There's too many NPCs. Hey, it's just a Riola and the carrion line. We like to sleep.
We're dogs. When we sleep, we sleep hard. I love that. Selena was interested in this major character, and then he sidelined her over the last two or three episodes. Actually, no, no. It does make more sense if they're there for that. So, uh, Selena, Abyss, and Brie wake up. They enter the kitchen looking like they just woke up, and they're like, and, uh, Abyss is just like, oh, well, that was quite a day yesterday. Is everyone all right?
to be fair i'm a yeah i'm five were a year no No raging moms came after me okay just take samy As long as everyone's not in a frenzy this morning, I'd like an actual peaceful breakfast for once. Oh, that doesn't happen in this house yeah well then you but you know can shoot at this because i did a breakfast is almost gone brief is there family gonna come down and bring the Breakfast too pre sees the giant stack of bokeh mcgriddles and she starts walking over to alfred and she's just like hey alfred uh can i have a plate real quick and alfred's just like uh yeah just take a pic i guess i thought alfred went to go get zekrom no nobody wants to get zekrom yet shoot
Alfred's still pumping out broken McGriddles. At this point, there's like 150 of them sitting on the to counter. Come on, let's grab grab let's grab some So you rock away with like 40 pounds of Goka McGriddle and Walter where Alfred puts up a figure just to say like uh okay not a word not a word sir okay uh yep okay okay those were for Sammy but that's fine anyway I guess I'll just make 40 more 50 more hour minutiae
Also, my voice has changed significantly. I don't know what happened to me. You guys ever like think about how like our backpacks have just kept these Book of McGriddles so fresh? Like the the ones that we've kept since the beginning of the act, they had not gone bad. Like, that's so surprising. Your guys' bags smell rancid. Not mine. I was going to bags. I should go check mine.
You just stick your hand in and you just feel mush. I go up to Bruce. I put a hand on Bruce's shoulder. Bruce, the voice up in the sky does not like us to have fun things, apparently. Day. That's unfortunate. So Selena goes and sits. Speaking to that voiceless guy of things that he likes to forget about, Arabella walks into Reckless 2.
Yeah, wait, oh my god, I forgot about Arabella last episode So how are my vocals doing? Way too many NPCs one thing at a time so Selena goes and sits in the chair next to Walter's head and Abyss kind of just sits down here next to her and you can see Breeze sitting at the head of the table just absolutely chowing down on Boca McRiddles and Ms. Flamebacks just clears her throat. She's like, I guess I'll go wake Sekiram then. And she heads out of the room. Where's Selena? Selena's sitting right next to you. Oh, there you are. Right next to your head as you're trying to sleep. It feels good. It feels like I have AC right now. She's poking at your face.
yeah Here's over your head and she's like Walter. What are you doing? Blanket mode where blanket slowly goes above his head. I'm going back to bed I'm going to have her try and yank the blankets off of you. Do you want to try to test that? Oh, yeah Okay strength for that Well post strength I got 18 Don't have my physical guys Blanket mode Okay, she rolled a 12. So she unsuccessfully tried to pull the blanket off your head. She just sits back down and rolls her eyes Okay, whatever I Got some feeling injured. I'm wanting to go back to bed. Oh Yeah, let's raise that half elf. Yeah
Okay, so at this point, everybody's in the kitchen, Arabella walks in with Zekrom and Miss Flame back in, everybody's at the table. After some time, all the Book of Burgers, or Book of McGriddles, are distributed between everybody, and uh...
Miss Flameback, who is now at the head of the table, she pushed Bree out of her seat. Because that was not Bree's seat, that was Miss Flameback's seat. She just pushed her out of the seat. no not like like like get out and literally Get out of my seat!
She just pulled the train out from under her. i just meant like metaphorically she asked brie to get out of her seat but i don't feel i like there's no way i feel like there's no nice way you can word that at at this point
Metaphorically yeah she asked her to get out of her seat get out Pretty much. So this flame back clears her throat as everyone's eating. She's like, okay guys ah Just real quick. It's not that big of a deal. But uh, you guys are heading back to volkenberg soon, right? Yeah uh so i've provided zekram here with uh an employment at one of our facilities in uh volkenberg i'd like you to drop him off if you can just make sure he gets there safely um and that'd be great uh can you guys feel that yeah no problem um there aren't any other imminent threats to his safety right
No, I mean we literally, I mean, she glances at Arabella. Yeah, she glances at her but I mean, no, not that I know of. Yeah, we can totally be his tour guides. We've been there for like, we've been there like twice so we can give him a nice tour around the city and we can be his bodyguards and stuff.
I just, he tends to deliver to his new job. We've got him a hotel and everything to stay for the moment, so. Yeah, I'm just curious. Just me to make sure he's safely delivered. I'm just curious, but what kind of facilities are you gonna be working at? I was just gonna ask you so much for manufacturing facilities.
We're recruiting prototypes for the DBAs, you know, and we are, we just need a little bit more labor to work on that and just need somebody who can work with like the plastics of it all just like stuff. You know, I, you know, manufacturing job.
I had like a question about that actually I saw Alfred using this funny little GBA that he uh you like yesterday is there like one that we could borrow from you so that we can be in contact with you if we have a need to oh right uh you just reminded me yeah actually I meant to do this last episode but it completely got derailed she pulls out uh five six GBAs one two three four five no five five gbas sorry it's like six wait no one two three five shotton ah squared five she pulls out some gbas with different colors uh and i'm going to let you guys pick what colors you want your tba oh oh man uh shoot blue
so we'll go one by one. Selena's getting a light blue one because of course. ah Eli, what about you? Bruce is gonna take a dark blue one. Okay, Dark Blue. I'm going to have you guys memorize this because I'm not going to remember it. Is this going in our bags, by the way? Or is this just separate? Yes, this will go in your bag. We should have like a key item slot for things that we don't, yeah like, we're going to keep but not get rid of. Actually, you know what? Fair. Fair. Actually, if you want to put in like one slot below, you can put it as like a key item. That's fair. Oh, yeah. um I'll take a... Do you have... Do you have... Fuchsia?
uh she fishes around in her bags of prototypes she pulls out a dark maroon one or sorry not dark maroon lightish maroon and she's like oh this is as close as we got i think is it uh okay well what about purple it's it's fuchsia but yeah it's basically it's whatever color you want it to be really all right so wait so what ah you said light maroon you said it's fuchsia i'm just wording it that way okay Alright, uh, Sean. I am struggling to find a- to think of a color that Sammy would like. Okay, we'll come back to you. Uh, Jake, I need you to roll Constitution to see if you're even awake for this. Because if not, we're giving you a random color. What? I was just talking to Selena! You were not talking to Selena! You were going with blanket over your head!
10. That's true. 10. Nope. I am going to pull up a random color generator. Great. Oh, I just did red, but yeah, me too. I got Orient red. I got on I'm pulling up a random color generator. All right, you get leaf green. Oh, it is hex number 2d 572c for anyone interested.
I think there actually is a GBA with that color out there. So perfect. All right, and what about you Sean?
Have you decided yet? Yeah, yeah, okay, so oh, yeah, right just make sure you can disconnect No, I'm good. I was trying to think I was gonna do green, but you just gave him green So I think I'll do I mean if you if you want another green one you can do that No, I I kind of I didn't want to pick a color that someone else already had so I was like I was trying to narrow it down You could do a dark green Well leaf green is a dark green Okay, okay, I'll pick I'll take it Sammy will take a yellow one
Okay, cool. You got our get a yellow one. All right. Make sure you write that down with your GPA because I don't know what is important in the future. But if it is, I'm not going to remember it. So put it in your new items products that we just made. Yeah, you can just like type it anywhere as long as I don't have a. phone I'm just putting in items. Yeah, that works. Yeah, I just didn't want to take them out of my eyes in a bag. Yeah. Yeah. So I just put it in the normal bag spot. we don't I didn't want to miss the spot.
Yeah, so she hands one to all of you guys and then she chucks one at Walter because he's still not out of bed. And it hits him on the head and clatters to the ground. I'll wake up after that. All right, is that gonna entice you to wake up? You didn't get to choose the color of your GPA. Hold on, I gotta roll to see if that hit me, if that woke me up. Yeah, that got me up.
ah Okay So you got hit in the head with a green GBA and she's like this is a or prototype GBAs we might be getting upgrades in the future just because we're prototyping this and this and she points it looks as if wrong is actually What you are gonna be manufacturing? So I'm sure when you get to the facility you might have one of your own I don't know what the manager's policy is at the moment. So I We'll see but this is what you you're gonna be manufacturing and it acts as a Basically, it acts like a phone you can send text messages. You can send phone calls hologram calls and It also has a map on it of everywhere that you have explored So it updates via our tracking system all the different places you've been so the more places you go It's basically just like the fog of war for video games. So
and she she like shows you how to navigate the apps and stuff and like uh so you guys now basically have a phone awesome we finally have phones awesome i will exploit the crap out of that this is like our equivalent of the uh pokey nav or something yeah basically yeah it's a gba all right who wants to come up with the pokemon equivalent of google
ah She point she says there's no such thing as Google you guys cannot Google things and not until yourtra Internet i'm guessing guys, I have a great ice idea for a app. Yeah, it's called a poodle What we you search up things on the internet There is no internet yet. I Think happy a little bit too overpowered. He says we have access to apps just not the internet so work with that with wellll yeah special We've got a map, we've got a cell phone, like actual like phone calls and we've got a text. Facebook. Facebook requires internet. Yeah, you guys have learn Facebook. What about like a list of all the good places? That would update as you discover them on your map.
I dig it. I dig it. That's cool. Beep, beep. Did someone have a horn quaff outside their house? Yeah, somebody just had a car horn just went off. I heard that one. Beep, beep. Okay, so yeah. She's just like, yeah, I just wanted to make sure you guys had this before you left. a And I just need you to deliver Zekrom if you can. And I think you guys you guys know what you're doing in Vulcan River, right?
Does this thing come with music? Not exactly. I mean, that's a bunch of things we you gotta to go take. Yeah,
yeah we gotta we gotta talk to Blair. We gotta to take a friend. Zekrom to his new job. We gotta talk to do we gotta go to the College of Valkenburg for Hikaru. She wanted to go there.
I think you guys are missing the main points though. ah need You guys need to do the... She's glancing at Arabella and Veronica. Literally talking blue is the first thing I said. yeah yeah Yeah, you need to talk to her about, you know what, and you also need to investigate the bank if you guys can. I don't know if that's been resolved yet, if it's been too late or whatnot. if That was like a month ago. That was like three days ago. That was like two weeks ago.
Was not three days ago. It was not three days ago and at least was like sp Three days ago, we were still in Hawkeye. If you listen to the show, it's been at least an a week or so. All right, in the Discord, if you guys can tally up how many days it's been, or at least give me a close estimation, I don't think it's been 14 days. It has definitely not been three days. We spent a week in Hawkeye. About a week in Hawkeye.
You guys did spend four days on Hawkeye. That is true. We spent almost a week in Hawkeye. I think it was five. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think it... Yeah. i Well, you guys didn't spend a week in Hawkeye. You guys spent four days in Hawkeye. Yeah, we spent four days in Hawkeye. We did... We spent at least two or three days in, um, Volkenburg the first time because we stood we stayed at a hotel. Yeah. For like a night. So that's two or three days. Okay.
I didn't think we were actually gonna go through the math here. So that's at least, that's at least more than a week. people do that but that's but i mean nothing to scored you that We only have so much recording time. But at minimum it's been a week and a half, not three days. Okay, cool. Go, go, go. Cool. So, uh, right. Okay, cool. So, Miss Veronica, Miss Veronica, it's not the right name. Miss Flameback is just like, yes, uh, yeah, yeah, that's pretty much it, yeah. So, uh, what are you guys gonna be leaving?
As soon as we can. Hikaru, do you want to do something with your mom? Hikaru wanted to go to her mom, so I think we're going to go after that. Yeah, we're going to go stop at the Hatsumi's shop on our way to the train station. OK. Make sure you guys don't tally too long. but Yeah, I think that's a good idea. Hikaru, does your mom sell any cash? 100% cash is still there. Does your mom still sell, like, skateboards or roller skates? Just something that can go a little faster.
Oh, you know, she might. Um, I'm not exactly sure, but you could, we could come into the store with me and and we'll, we'll, we'll check. Hi. Okay. So were you guys departing? Yeah. we're gonna also I still have a train ticket in my bag. Um, is that good for the trip we'll be taking? I think that was, are you talking about out of ah above board?
Oh, I think that was I think you were supposed to expand that the last time we went on a train. I think that might be from like the first time that we were given the train ticket back in arc one, because I noticed I still have that, too. Yeah, you guys shouldn't have any. I don't have any tickets. Yeah, you guys shouldn't have anything. OK.
Let's go.

Travel Plans and Pirate Cosplay

OK, so you guys heading out then? Yeah, after we finished shooting our boca burgers. Okay, so you guys finished up being boca burgers. Is Walter actually out of bed yet? Yeah, see, I'm saying he got clonked exact same spot where the bump was. yeah So he is just holding his head just just gritting his mouth right now. Okay, so cool. Y'all have, I'm gonna say five boca burgers to take which if you guys wish.
Should I get rid of the old ones? uh if you still have some i guess you can keep them and mean unquestionable quality yeah like know but as i said at this point ah because it was sitting so long i think i might treat them like grimy food because they've gone bad for sitting there for like weeks man you don't like fantasy in this fantasy game you're just like no it's got to be realistic to this to my standard that food is bad now Recycle it, Sammy. You guys could keep it if you want. It doesn't really matter to me. I cannot recycle any items at once. Well, I can't do... not i can't do it What is 98 times 100? 98 times 4. That's 9,800. I did the math wrong the first time. 98 times 4 would be 3.92.
Yeah, I can't I cannot recycle 392 items at once. Thank you for the thank thank you for doing the math there Bruce I can't do that many items at once Ironically, I think there was a Zango soup once one at three hundred and ninety two book. It was Yeah, that's what said that was what? All right, give me this exact amount because somehow I know you all have the exact same amount Somehow somehow well to be fair well okay if we'd done that and it would have avoided a lot of the things that just happened we're not no let's go no we're not bringing up that discussion Walter's still mad he didn't get to finish them off his kill got stolen all right okay so okay cool so you guys are heading out um your party consists of all of you guys and you also have zekrom abyss brie and salina and tow all right who's gonna mess with us
We got like all the types down. We got a big- Oh yeah, you guys have a party of what, eight? A big party of eight people? What? Bring it on, universe! There's just a little magic harp. He's just like pumping his fists around. He's like, I wanna fight, who wants to fight me? I'm sorry, the magic harp is pumping his fists. Oh yeah, somehow he has a whole human body that's buff.
walter so yeah great come out of your
sure's pumping its spins i'm imagining Walter saying get come at us universe and then Arceus just descends from the sky and you mortals kind Strike me down zoos Okay,
okay so you guys are heading to miss out to me this place um yeah, yep yep yeah Okay. Oh, by the way, I, I listened to episode two arc, Jesus Christ arc to episode one earlier today, at least the portion that was important. Um, every episode of that hots miss hotsome is on screen. and She has a different accent.
Yes, that's what we said last episode they're like no it's one star the Southern accent this time. Yeah. but So yeah, I was validating that wasn't 100% sure. Okay. Wait, the very, very big thing. We made a cat. We we made a cannon that we made a castle and it turned into that Pokemon. That's like a ghost castle. Pokemon is still there. It's just the same. Yeah, that's right. It's still there.
As you guys walk up to the house you guys don't see any sentience Sad castles, but who knows you might get snuck up on if you're not careful Who's going in the restaurant thes the store there's eight of you guys me well, I think I think the NPCs can stay out here They'd have no reason to go inside unless they want to buy something Okay, are we filtering out all the NPCs for this one? Oh Yes. Yeah. All right. Cool. Well, it's going. So I'll go inside because he doesn't get jumped by that sandcastle. So all the important characters. I don't know. He invented Sami inside. So the other two want to come in. We finally got Dakota to admit it. The NPCs are not important characters. Walter was not an important character in arc one. You watch your mouth.
Hello everyone and welcome to the midsection. I'm Dakota, your PM, your GM, your GM, and thank you for listening to this episode. If you're interested interested in joining our Discord, it is linked to below along with our Patreon with all of our bonus content. The question of the episode for today is from Nathaniel the Leafion.
And they say, would you agree with my theory? According to the biological taxonomic system, if Eevee and its evolutions entered the real world, they would be ranked in the Domain Eukarya, with the Kingdom Annamilia and the Phylum Cordata. The class of evolutions are interesting. You might expect them to be in the class Mammalia because of their physical appearance, but some of their other traits point away from Mammalia.
First of all, evolutions have large, hard eggs instead of giving birth to live young, much like the class avis. Not only that, but they go through the process of evolution, which is the best compared to the process of Metamorphosis, which neither Mamelia nor Avis is known to go through.
They also could not be placed in the class amphibia due to being warm blooded and having fur. Due to this, we can conclude that Evianus evolutions will be placed into its own class order genus and species. As you must be well versed in your knowledge of evolutions, I wish to hear your input on this. I hope you did your biology homework.
So the uh music producers for this episode we have tote town from paper mario 64 shaman village from mystery dungeon explorers of sky and red rescue team base it's called rescue team base from pokemon mystery dungeon uh red rescue team thank you and let us get back to this chaos
So as you guys enter, you see Queen is once again destroying the merchandise. You can see Miss Hatsumi is sitting at the counter wearing a pirate's hat and a hook on her hand. And she says, YARRRR! WHAT'S SHE DOING MALATTIES? WELCOME TO MY STORE! AHH HIKARU! YOU CAUGHT ME DOING MY PIRATE CAUSE PLAY!
Oh, it's a pretty convincing cosplay. um you Are you trying to get some free donuts? What? What? No, I'm not a police officer today. I am a pirate. Yarrr! She says pumping her fist to the side. Uh, Hikaru, I think something's wrong with your mom.
Aboveboard there's a thing where if you go to Krispy Kreme on talk like a pirate day They will and you talk like a pirate. They will give you free donuts I don't know the last time I've actually been to Krispy Kreme's I have never been to a Krispy Kreme. Yeah Unfortunately, there are Krispy Kreme's in my area anymore. I think there's actually one very close to me. the living I believe I have an ex I'm not gonna get into that um anyway anyway so your mom's like or she called her what can i do for you today uh yeah actually i was um i was thinking um would you happen to know the move surf not in the slightest me laddie i don't know actually know how to surf even though i run this darn surfing shop she does know how to surf it's her backstory i thought i thought she was a surfer
Yeah. right Oh, wait a minute. Actually, uh, I mean, surfing, there's a difference between surfing and just controlling water to make a wave. Yes. I know how to surf with a surfboard. She's a, she's on a low and right shoe. She has her tail. I mean with my tail.
She happened like a She good? You've never learned the move surf before, right? Have you? I don't think so. Sorry. Later the scurvy is getting to my head. Okay. All right. Well, um, thank you anyway. Love you. a You're not going to ask where you can get surf. Oh yeah. Um, yeah. Where can I, where can I learn surf?
Oi, I sell some right here and she hands you a TM Serf. You have a TM Serf? Wait, how much for the Serf? That'll be 6,000 poke. Wait. 6,000 poke. I thought she was just going to give it to you. How about I give you TM for MTTM4? Hold on. Sammy. Yeah, what up?
gives him the reuse suck the used vacuum punch to him recycle this uh okay sure yeah i'll i'll do that and then he takes the wave it has been more than a day because it's been at least two or three yeah you can use recycle on it all right we'll trade okay so sammy's using recycle on the used vacuum wave gm is that what's happening yep Okay, cool. You put this thing in your mouth. No, no, no, no. No, no. I explained in the shopping episode that that's not what happens. Jeez. All right, cool. What part? All right. Then what part of you do you put it into? I don't put it in anything. It's just a different. It's different way each time for a different object. It's the same object. We did it in a team last.
wait a minute what if what if the mover cycle is just like like the mover cycle itself is just like the program disc drill where it like actually restores the disc do you guys know what i'm talking about yeah nope i think There's this a program. I think it's called disc drill. Is that what it's called? Disc drill? Data drill? Something like that. Hold on one second. Disc drill. I want to make sure what I'm saying is correct. Yes. Disc drill. Okay. It's a program that you can um run on like empty USB drives or like flash drives and it will actually pull back the data that was still deleted off of them. Neat. And this is relevant. Why? the data
because once Because once you use a TM, which is a CD, the data is deleted off of it. So if you use disk drill on it, it comes back. All right, because it's not really deleted.
My man, I think I'm adding weird realism to this fantasy world. I don't know. ah I was just pointing out the similarities. Anyway. It goes here, plus 500 poke. Anyway, how does how does Recycle work? As we stated in the shopping episode, he he hands it to Sammy and he holds into his hand and some magical aura appears around it and returns it to usable condition.
Wow, that's really boring. You don't like swallowing regurgitated again. No, because that was commented last time. Well, I say that's boring. Well, you try to use it against us when we recycle TM to get money back. Well, I think that's because money isn't used. It's just traded. It doesn't get destroyed whenever you buy something with it.
So that's not how Recycle works. Anyway. Anyway, so he does now have a perfectly good Vacuum Wave TM. Walter's like, is this good enough for Surf? YAR! How much he'd be asking for this? but For the Surf, it's TM. Trade. Roll Persuasion to see if it's worth 6,000 poke. Can I get an advantage because his daughter's also asking with me?
Okay. Yeah, just for persuasion. What's that under? Smart. Persuasion is cute. Yeah. Persuasion is cute. All right, it's really dependent because either it's an unnatural one or a two.
Ah, what a difference. She looks at that. She's like, what is that? A donut? That thing looks terrible. Well, can we just do something for you two? I don't know. Just like, do you need an errand or a favor? What do you need? You could give me 6,000 poke. To be fair, Mr. Seacar, I think it's a little outrageous. You ask him 6,000 poke from your daughter. Like, she's just trying to learn this one move. And that seems like a lot to ask of her.

Negotiations and Humorous Urges

WOAH! I! Especially since you- Especially since you know she's applying to college. It's already gonna be broke soon anyway. WELL BABY SHE SHOULD GET A JOB! She works for you, doesn't she? No. How about a paraband?
ah Uh... Do you really want to give up your power band for this? I am- Walter's desperate because he knows how much Kara once learned to serve. I was just gonna say, ah I was gonna give you guys an alternative if you guys didn't want to buy it, but okay.
It seems a little ridiculous. Walter, hold it up if you're not stopping him. Mom, don't worry about it. Let me see. Huh, 6000 is actually not that bad.
Compared to I will say it it is as I say it is a reduced price already from the 8,000 it was before sure I mean if I'm not sent straight, we'll get enough money. Yeah, well I don't think you're finding that center Walter Walter I think also you're not gonna get a lot of money I don't think you're gonna get a lot of money if we help you they're usually the payouts based on how many people do the job You guys don't come when I turn them in
walter's committing fraud
the that die man the world's tough
isn't isn't surf hugely found in some dungeon somewhere like wouldn't it be easier to go find it there then gel out 90% of our money on it. but You could also just ask Mr. Hatsumi for an alternative, like I suggested. do you I asked if there was anything else I could do and you just said, yeah, give me the money. This is true. Yeah, because you guys didn't. Oh, that is kind of true. Also, like, no not to me. yeah I think if we want to use probably like go back to the store and get slur from that window. He was selling it for pretty cheap.
that but that That's a bad idea, Sammy. It's fine. You know, I don't need to learn Surf just now. I was just curious if he knew um if you knew who could teach it to me.
If you need to learn a move, there's a move tutor in Volkenburg College of Volkenburg. He also sells the folk tackle you were asking about before. I think, yeah, that's what you said before. Why'd it sound like you tried to rap real quick? I don't know, that was less of a pirate and I don't know what it was. It's you tried to rap with it. Just like any access I try.
Well, if I'm gonna drop thousands of poke on a TM, and I feel like it should be the Volt Tackle, so... Just gotta talk to the move tutor and tell him pirate-hat to me sent ya, and I'm sure he'll, uh... words... a Sorry, this pirate accent is very hard. I'm sure he'll give you a discount. Yarr! Yeah. Okay, Mom. Yarr!
oh brother this guy stinks i i got a question i'm trying to stick to the bit okay this is hitsamu hitsamu wow my mind her name to death my mind combined hikaru and hatsumi together um yeah you just anagram for name to death you got like some kind of like i mean
Yes, you because what do you say? Do you got like some kind of like skates or something like you used to get around a bit quicker some kind of? um i we do me lety We sell skateboards we sell boards and we sell skates what do you be needing?
have a car accident well we point out This accent is like actually hurting my throat. Now you're turning into a wrestler at this point. You're turning into Hulk Hogan. yeah Are you ready? My brother. What do you want? my What kind of age do you want brother? Let me tell you something brother. You ain't a Wolverine.
Okay, so yes, this is what hats. That's how to me is okay. Sean wants a skateboard But practically a pair of skates might be better like in like x and y we can just get a car and I can wheel you around Okay, no buys a wheelbarrow
Shopping cart, uh, can I just get them? Yeah, anyway at first like I feel like that'd make it yeah easier to decide Yeah, you can see them on the wall. You can see customizable skateboards for 3000 poke skates for well, i'm just gonna say if they're all at the same price. They're all 3000 poke And they're all customizable. You can get a long board a surfboard a skateboard or skates I feel like skates cost me the same much as a longboard. It's not very equal. Sorry, I said a longboard. I meant a surfboard. Sorry. I know a longboard's a skateboard. ah But they all functionally do the same thing, except that the surfboard can be used in the water. Guys, I think we need to go about dungeons to get more money. We're kind of broke. As much as I like really want to do this, I do not have 3,000 ballots. I only got 1,100. Is it a dungeon nearby?
Oh, I should give the effect of it. Um, while you're using the item, your speed is doubled up to 20. Is that something I can have equipped at all times? Uh, like the running, i like basically I'm looking for running shoes. Something to make me go faster. I feel like there should be a caveat with that because like if you're battling with skates on, it might like give you disadvantage on moves or something. I'm not sure. as What if I lead you? read Yeah. Can I lend you $2,000? Sammy, can I lend you $2,000? I mean,
mean that's awfully nice, Hikaru. Dakota, how would it work? I have like 1,100. I'm trying to s think of that i right now. OK. I have 11. I'm 29.
I'm gonna say it just flat out gives you plus five speed whenever you're using it Which you can use it whenever basically like a running shoes Can I just do running shoes like I'm just looking for something to increase my speed like having a decent it's not very good yeah Yeah, yeah, you can the skates are basically that like Chris said they're customizable food So if you just want them to be running shoes, so what you're telling me is there a pair of Heelys?
Yes, there's a pair of healers on the shelf. Question is, are they in munchlax size? Yes, there's quadruple XL. Okay, I have the idea and I will definitely take you up on your offer, Evelyn, if that if you're okay with that. Don't forget to try to haggle.
Bruce, what did you hey, Bruce, you want to help me haggle? He's very good at haggling. work I don't know if that's how that works, but sure. Yeah, okay Yeah, I think I'll take that how you do first if you need the extra help haggling I can always come over and see what I can do Okay. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks. Thanks so much. I Think I'll take the those those what those shoes there with the built-in wheels that looks like you can take the wheel out. that ah du I Think they're called wheelies
I'll take the wheelies. Uh, your those be Heelys on themselves over there. Oh, ah do you be wishing to try out them Heelys? Yeah, if you don't mind out there, I could try them on. All right, go ahead and give him a try. He's straps on the Heelys, walks around for a bit and all right. All right. Yeah, that's pretty good. And then he puts the he's he slots the wheel in and starts to wheel around a bit.
And you just start zooming. Whoa, look at you go, Sammy. Guys, I need so much one dexterity. Oh, boy. Oh, it's just a fun roll. OK. Yeah, I'm just trying to look at what is Dex under. How about without the wheels in? They boost the speed by five with the wheels in. They boosted speed by seven.
I feel like that's a little overpowered, because the wheels are what's giving him the speed. The screws by themselves won't give him any extra speed. That's why I like the idea of the healers, because it's like, normally they're fine, but you slot the wheels in and boom, you're a little faster.
yeah Sounds good. What are those? Is there a box? Oh, Dex is cool. Okay. I was looking at the wrong terms. Okay.
Yeah, something like that. Yeah. Cool. Yeah. I don't have anything in cool. So let's see. I got a nat one. All right. So you run face first into one of the shelves of merchandise. Ow. And you know you knock the shelves over and quits their sides away. Walter does try to catch the product so they don't break. ah hu Sure. Sure. You roll acrobatics. We all just jump in.
I'll jump in, do the whole cool slide catch everything. Yeah. And instead of jumping at the merchandise, for some reason, Walter jumps at the door because that's an at one. Do you like to be related? I just have a feeling it's the jumps, the door doors will be goes flying outside. But Walter gets disadvantage and all door related roles.
Sure, so what happens is you do that, but the door's closed, so you jump through the door.
You jumped 180 degrees in the wrong direction. There's a Wily Coyote-style hole in the door now. That's Walter shaped. Oh my gosh. Walter! And you you face plant right in front of Selena. Everywhere we go, we must destroy a door.
That's the new rule. Everywhere you go. Takes the one that suggests they're going to be door-related, so. Now listen, he says to Selena, listen. You want to believe how that happened. I don't even want to know at this point. As Sammy takes the Heelys up to the counter, he's ready to cash out. Alright, that'll be three thousand, okay? Three thousand's a bit of much. Can we lower it down to like two?
I don't know how good is your persuasion. Against her. I still can't afford. I need to, I need to see, I need to see what the options are. I need her to oppose. That's about gonna die, Shale. I've got a 2 and a 1 in the same, in a row. yeah It should be. It is cute. I think it's just opposing persuasion. Yeah, I'm gonna have the wrong persuasion as well. That's 10 plus 2 is 12. Those cute girls.
She ruled a 16. She has no modifier because she has no character, she didn't. Ah, I see, I see. Hmm. Unfortunately, the price is quite firm on these, you see. Why is she rapping? I was just asking to kind of save you that of some money because Hikaru was offering to help me pay for these, but if you're not going to budge on the price, that's fine.
3,000 be at the price you see I'm gonna say see seven times because of the seven seas Okay, why I will okay mom I will pitch in 2500 Or that be 2500 and do be the Chinese of Blooms and such Buddy, I see what you're trying to do. Stop trying to find a rhyme with it. I am NOT
I'm not trying to rhyme with it. I'm just trying to throw it as many pirate words as I can. Argh, the bloons looking fine, lass! Yarr! Doobie, three thousand bloons I take!
Here be your Heelys. Now, what color are these Heelys? Oh, I imagine them being like two different colors, like the base is like a white and then there's like trim around the front and on the H logo. That's like. I don't want to keep that. That's like orange. Yeah, we'll do orange. Kind of like that orange orange and white new 2DS XL model that was released. Yeah. OK, cool. Did you deduct the other 500? I did.
OK, I'm so interested. If we all walk out and walk back again, it has a different accent. All right. Sammy has become the fastest character. Actually, I don't think so. I think Eli eli is still fast. We're tied. Right. no No, I think Evelyn is still the fastest. Yeah, my speed is 12. Oh, geez. Peaches are fast. Wait, hona but how fast is Sammy? I have a D6 in my speed.
Okay, so you have 11 now. Yeah. So he's one faster than Bruce now. Okay. Now what the slowest character do you want me to just change my speed completely or is that just leave it at six and then do like... I'm assuming you're gonna have your healers on most of the time so you can just go ahead and add five to it at the ah temporary bonus section. Okay. what yeah Wouldn't you put it in permanent bonus?
Because he can take the shoes on and off. Right, okay. I can't do permanent bonus because that's my sta that's my stat. This should be a permanent bonus. Yes, because we had to look at his because his Munchlax's speed stat is zero. So yeah, we had him put the six in the permanent bonus just to give him a speed stat. Yeah, I see that's right. Yeah, because Munchlax has a speed of zero in his system. Yeah. OK, yeah, I see. Munchlax, Munchlax just don't move.
okay don't move their statue they do not move at all ah Walter walks in exactly through the same shape of the hole of the door hey Mrs. Hikaru's mom I also had this movie that I got a couple days ago it's called Detective Pikachu wasn't sure if you guys wanted to borrow it while we were gone but like I can't watch it on the road like if you guys want to watch it's got a Pikachu and it's pretty good
Who are you talking to? I said Mrs. Hikaru's mom. I got this movie. Do you guys want to watch it? Oh. Oh. Or I see a movie in Doobie. Unfortunately, I don't have a screen to watch this on. That Doobie unfortunate. ah That's OK. I'll just take it with me. Doobie it.
As far as I've heard, there's exactly one screen in this universe.
Well, we know that's not true. That's definitely not true. Because movies are a Haku and Mom, is there any dungeon nearby? Yes, there do be the beach cave around the corner if you do be searching for doubloons and items of such.
Thanks insert more pirate words here What do we gotta go take the train we don't have time for a dungeon We need money but We need money for more stuff yeah Is there a mission post sign no, but this Monday's money and dungeons there is yes, yeah, that's known this as characters Yes, there's one in every major town and gale beach is considered a major town. I oh yeah But dude do any of the mission boards actually have missions in the dungeons like ah Depends on what I've rolled for it because all of my dungeons are randomly generated ah Sorry, all of my missions are randomly generated. So and how does it whatever how does it randomly generate those missions? Is it an AI? No, it's actually a preach a preset list that I created. I have 60 separate missions that I create preade So okay good
To answer your question, no. We could also find that Team Surf in there. Maybe. Yeah. Team being a reward is very rare, so you guys could try for it, but it would not be very rare. Well, I think he might. In the Beach Cave dungeon, there could be a TM Surf. Oh, I see. Also, you know it is a Beach Cave.
Also, we need more fighting experience. We begin thrashed every fight. Yeah, we could use the experience and the money. Samura has his name healers and everything. You guys don't need to do it. Are you guys doing anything else in Gale Beach? No. Is there a map of the type of Vulcan town of the dungeons?
Vulcan tone whatever town time we're going to I can't remember the name Yeah, Vulcan town that's where Spock is from right? ba fuck why does that a sound familiar Oh Star Trek yeah is that is that a town in star trek No is a Vulcan that that's his race Oh, I don't know where I started, sorry. Anyway. The Vulcan town has a place. Is there a map of Volkenburg in the dungeons near it? Like a brochure. Wait, hold on. Are you asking if you can find a brochure of Volkenburg in the dungeon nearby?
He's asking if there's like, is there a map of the dungeons? Oh, a map no, there's no, there's no map of the dungeons because the dungeons changed so often. Like what about the locations of the dungeons? The locations of the dungeons, yes. I thought you just meant like an actual map of the dungeons. No, just where they're at. I think that's something we can look at. On the GBA map app.
Well, it updates once you find once you visit places, so... If it's places you haven't visited yet, it won't be on the map. Actually, I wish I just went to the dungeon and left immediately, just but we could just know where it is. You guys could definitely do that. No. We'll go to the a alarm clock store. Just going to the train, right? Yeah. Oh, you guys could go to the alarm clock store. It is considered a dungeon. It's a dungeon. Wait, what? Wait, oh shit, I didn't...
i forgot you guys didn't go there well you guys know now i forgot you guys haven't listened to it yet uh whatever anyway yeah so you guys well fun fact so if you guys want to go to a dungeon uh i didn't mean to spoil it but yes the alarm clock store is the dungeon so uh but your characters don't know that always a crowd of people around it then yeah don't the pokemon usually avoid the dungeons at least the regular only one way to find out i know there's exactly two people listening to this right now that know exactly why this is but you guys have to find out on your own so are you guys going to the train station yeah yeah let's let's do what we want i cool damage me just on vis is ba player
all eight of you guys fast forward you guys pay 60 bucks for your train ticket and you guys are having a welcome bird the next day I'm just gonna say why not and this is why it's been a month because taking the train takes 12 hours yeah because well it's faster than not a scratch not a scratch like canonically their trains go less than a mile an hour at their top speed that's what's so funny like the math no wonder did do they get bombed a lot the trains go less than a mile an hour should ours be slower then because we'll later date we'll later date trains no the trains go like 20 miles an hour here but it's a really long way to boulkenburg
Anyways, they downgraded once in the future. It's a steam engine. It's the 1920s. I think the trains are a little bit faster than like 20 miles an hour, but still. Anyway, um so yes, you guys are now in Volkenburg. It is, I'm going to say next day, I know you guys left in the morning, but fuck it, you guys next day, because I don't feel like dealing with nighttime and hotels and stuff. So I need, however, I need Sammy to roll constitution with disadvantage.
I'm so, it's so funny that I missed out on doing this the last time we took the train. I know, then we have the flashback. Yeah. Right. The flashback that didn't make it in, actually. It did not make it in? Oh wow, okay. and listen this for the patreon then Disadvantages 5.
Alright, so with a 5, you have an unreasonable urge to punch one of the ah support beams in the train. Oh, I thought you'd say part 1 team members. I'm like, oh no. Okay, do I punch the support beam?
um with a five you attempt to punch the beam but you're not sure why you don't take any damage from maybe just like lightly hit one of the support beams it seems like you did this without any uh without like any input from yourself like your body did this automatically okay uh question for that is am i conscious or am i doing that while i'm asleep Uh, I'm gonna say you were awake for that, for simplicity. Okay. Everyone else around you was looking at you classically. And, uh, Sammy just looks at his hand, confused, like, why did I just- Why did I just do that? Yeah, a better way to put it is it feels like you were under mind control. So, yeah, when I said- You good, Sammy? Yeah, I- I think so? I don't know, I just had the weirdest urge to punch the support beam.
Ah, I've been there, I've been there, I've been there, except for doors. I see you found your enemies. Not me looking physically at Dakota. I know. Well, there's a place, time and place for everything. But not now. I'm taking the train. But not now, says Professor Roke. OK, so that's all that comes of that for now. So you guys fast forward. I know that little snippet didn't make much sense, but I think in like arc 20, that's going to make sense. So stay tuned. It's going to take a long time. I don't know.

Arrival and Escort in Volkenburg

all I know is I have a plan for that in the future so I know you guys are gonna be questioning that for a while but there is a plan with that so don't don't think I didn't do it for no reason I mean I've been questioning it since the first train ride so I know I know you guys get a question it even further so you guys get to Volkenburg it is the morning of the next day I think you guys are technically supposed to arrive no yeah you guys were supposed to arrive today cuz miss playing back set up a Zacrom needed to be delivered the next day, which is now today. So it is morning and you guys have arrived in downtown Volkenburg. Hey Zacrom, question. You're fully evolved and you're way older than us, yet we're protecting you. Explain that. of You guys are escorting me. Also, I'm not that much older than you. I'm only 24.
I bet you evolved though, so that counts as well. Yeah, because I had a happy childhood, so... Daaaang. Don't fuck you. Sorry, if someone had to say it. Alright then, I'm... Alright, uh... Keep the vacuum waves to yourself, Walter. Do not... Oh no, you see a light coming from his palm. He's about to be a match right now.
okay so uh zekrom speaking he's uh says uh according to um miss miss flamepack the uh production facilities uh in the industrial part of local bird it should be that way he she says it's in the down the road past the uh three monkeys abandoned store so he points down the street and you can see the three monkeys abandoned store She says it would be down there with the smoke room, I guess we'll see it labeled. I would assume that Bruce knows like the locations of at least all the facilities on like this side of the Elkhast region. Yeah, I'm gonna say you you gen you know ah generally the area of sin. You don't know like, I don't know if you've ever been to the facility, but you just don't really know what direction it's in.
yeah like i i know where it is even if i've never been there just because like been around my parents managing it all that's fair yeah it's fair so we just head on right over there all right and so you guys walked down the street you guys passed book of mcdonalds uh and yeah After some time and we just thought it's a big smell of the fries No But I want but I want some fries he's just pushing you as you can push with the wheels No, no, no, I want my book of fries you go on
This is so much easier. This is a great idea. Yeah, Sammy has wheels on him now, so you can just get wheeled around forever. No, let's keep going. Come on. Okay, okay. Wait, we have to make that a thing. If someone's pushing Walter... I keep saying Walter for everyone. Whenever someone's pushing Sammy around, they get advantage on their strength check. All right. He pushes on wheels. Oh, wait. So that means rolling down the stairs is going to be a lot worse now. Oh, no. Especially since you got rid of Defense Carol.
No, I still have Defense Girl. Yes. Yeah, because Defense Girl would do anything anyway. Yeah, I have five moves right now. I haven't gotten rid of them yet. Okay. So after some time, you guys get to a big building. It looks kind of like a factory because it is a factory and it says Flameback Enterprise is on it.

Surprises and Reflections

t za um There's big glass doors for the front doors, I swear to god if you guys destroy these ones And you can see a guard sitting outside the door welcome look at those age ulti on Can I throw Walter at the door Sammy don't encourage him? What? the wait Are you throwing Walter at the door? what I Mean are you actually doing this? I mean it's a big glass door. I He should be okay fine. Roll strength. Roll strength. no, no. Walt is too confused to put up a fight. He's like, wait, what are you doing? Put me down. Put me down. Sean, roll strength. I'm in cur i mean encouraging his hatred for doors. Bruce, I think Bruce is going to do an opposed strength check to- No, don't don't. No, I rolled that one.
Sammy falls on his face. Because he's not using a laser.
yeah guys like Yeah, it's really hard the left things when you're on wheels can talk to him, right? Yeah, are you talking about the guard? bruce is gonna like over likece joe's handyard Okay, so as you guys walk up to the guard you see the jolting it's like hey hey guys, all right, what's going on? the Well, I'm Bruce and I'm here to deliver Zekrom here to his new job and Sacrum, and he looks at uh, Delicorio, and he's like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I was told to tell Reginald about him. Uh, can I just really quick see an ID from both you guys? Yep. And he takes Sacrum's and your SID, and he's like, yep, alright, everything's gonna be in order, just stay right here and I'll be right back.
The Jolteon comes back with ah Reginald, the Alolan Executor, and you just see this giant, um well, Alolan Executor, and he's like, hello there! I am Reginald! You will be with me today, Zekral! And Zekral is just like, what the fuck?
He looks super taken aback and, uh, uh, he's like, I'm just like, uh, uh, okay. Um, who are you? Have fun. Why? Why? I am retro. I am demanded to plan some manager at this building.
Misplaying back told me you were gonna be coming today. I'm going to get you set up with Your hotel and your PPE for today. Come with me and he walks inside the building his head trailing behind his body yeah weird that they use like as his braed size fit in there You guys think it's weird they use like standard sized doors for when this Except for when like this guy works here, but he's like twice the size of the building. Oh about ba's kind of only like 16 feet tall or something okay to be fair I exaggerated a bit but ba he's really tall and the doors like the size of but to you know about the size of Zekrom maybe you probably go down one of the cargo bays you guys have now left ah how you guys have minus ones like roms oh never mind executive tour is 35 feet tall
Thank you. Oh, geez. Okay. Yeah, I think it's one of those things where ah where he his body like walks through the corridors, but his head like trails behind him for like 30 feet. Maybe he just wraps his his neck around his body and just like, kind of like Flamigo ties its neck in a knot. It's that neck tied in a knot.
his head is just wrapped around his body several times yeah that'd be so funny okay cool so zekrom has a left and you guys are left feeling slightly more alone than you were before oh you guys somehow somehow you guys feel exactly 12.5 percent more lonely nah i think i'm gonna miss this sex never a little long one in that guy was walt is doing well okay
Walter just at the whole time that Zekrom was just his replacement. Walter, we never try to replace him. All right. And ah you guys head, you guys head back down the street and I need someone to roll perception real quick. I'll do it. My roles have been shit today. you Actually, chi in and no, no, no, no, I need I need I need Evelyn to roll perception with advantage. Perception was advantage. Yeah, this is something you would probably notice.
she feels a disturbance in the force 19
nineteen All right. With a 19, you guys are walking down the street a little bit. And as you go down a few blocks, something catches Hikaru's eye. And you see a big billboard next to this large campus that says the Volkenburg College of Volkenburg. And that is where we will end this episode. I've been Dakota, your PM, your game. I've been Evelyn playing Hikaru. I've been Eli playing Bruce. I've been Sean playing Skate Sammy. Skate Sammy.
I'm Jake, wondering, being Walter, wondering why Sammy tried to throw me. Cause it was a door you and you have a blood rage against doors. Oh, blood rage. Hey, that's between me and the doors. You do not push it when it happens. It's between me and the doors. All right. All right. You, you handle your door things. I'll handle my food.
food food food entertained sound so depressed when you said are you heavy your door things i how to bit i couldn't think of a thing yeah no elis right train thing their healing Okay, cool we'll see you guys next time