The final installment in the Fox X-Men universe, DARK PHOENIX, ends the story not with a bang but with a big, fat whimper. We meander to a "conclusion" and we're left with a stinger that doesn't matter and no real questions to be answered. See what happens when you allow a producer to direct your major franchise film! Also, is blueface considered offensive in a world with mutants? Hopefully the penultimate episode of our Superhero Spectacular doesn't leave you snoozing, the way this movie did for us!
The final installment in the Fox X-Men universe, DARK PHOENIX, ends the story not with a bang but with a big, fat whimper. We meander to a "conclusion" and we're left with a stinger that doesn't matter and no real questions to be answered. See what happens when you allow a producer to direct your major franchise film! Also, is blueface considered offensive in a world with mutants? Hopefully the penultimate episode of our Superhero Spectacular doesn't leave you snoozing, the way this movie did for us!