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2021 Is Here! Super Sized Figure News + Bullet Club Reunion Fallout! image

2021 Is Here! Super Sized Figure News + Bullet Club Reunion Fallout!

The Chick Foley Show
7 Plays4 years ago
A jam packed episode to kick off 2021! We have 2 weeks worth of figure news to discuss plus all the fallout from the Bullet Club Reunion and the rest of the busy new year in wrestling! Use code CHICKFOLEY for 10% off at Shop the official Chick Foley Show store at Shop Homage and support the show when you use this link Become a premium Foley Fam member at

Welcome and New Year Celebration

Welcome to the Chick Foley Show.
Happy New Year Chick Foley theme and welcome to episode 110 of the Chick Foley show.

Holiday Travels and Wrestling Events

This is our first episode of 2021 and we are ready to bring it this year. It's been an awesome last couple of weeks of wrestling. This is going to be our first show going back to the tribe.
in true format in a few weeks. You know, for Christmas, we did something a little bit different. And then we had the awesome chiggies last week, which were a ton of fun. So we really got about a week and a half or two weeks of resting to get caught up on it. We got some awesome stuff to discuss with you this week. Sheena, tell the folks a little bit about what we've been doing the last week, because we are not in the normal sharpshooter studios. We're in the the hillbilly gym slash ricochet, Kentucky based chick foley show studios. Tell them what the what the family's been up to last week.
Yeah, so we took a trek across. We headed west to Kentucky to visit our family. And, you know, my and the heel husband's family both live in like the same vicinity, but it's like still far enough apart to be like, you know, not convenient. So, you know, when you have two kids, like it was, it was already kind of like a pain in the butt when we come home before. And, um,
you know, have to bounce back and forth between families, but add two kids to the mix, a pandemic, trying to do it safely and socially distanced and all the things, you know, and kind of keeping boundaries and whatnot. Like it just adds a whole new element of just.
madness to the whole thing. But we've had a really excellent time. Like we stayed down with Seth's family for a few days down in the country. And then we headed up to the big city. Well, you know, it's not really a big city. It's kind of like on the outskirts of like a city to my parents' house now. And you know, it's been awesome. It's totally worth it for the grands to get to see the babies and you know, all that

Wrestling Updates and Patriots Season

kind of stuff. And the babies love seeing them. So it makes it worth all the headache and hassles and horseshit. But yeah, it's been interesting. Keeping up with wrestling on top of all that has been Struggle City.
Yeah, the wrestling world hasn't slowed down one bit. We had Wrestle Kingdom. No, I don't care what we're doing. Going down out in the land of the rising sun. And then we had the Brodie Lee tribute show, which was something else. Oh my goodness. And then we had, in addition to that, we had two major shows with New Year's Smash and New Year's Evil. So again, ton of stuff to discuss this week. Marco, how's things been going up in Massachusetts?
Pretty good. Just uh, you know coming into the new year strong Any football to look forward to like you aren't used to your football season being over this early man You know, it's funny I haven't like really watched any like not not since they've lost but like I really haven't been falling with this whole season with any any football really like I started at the beginning and you know kind of like
petered off a little bit for some reason I don't know why but uh I think when cam got weird when cam got really kind of killed the hope for the Patriots you know cam looked great those first two weeks you're like okay maybe they're still going to be able to do something and it seemed like he just never really got his swag back after uh after he returned and yeah the Patriots were pretty much done for yeah so yeah it is kind of weird not having a uh a playoff run this time around but I mean that was a given that was going to happen once once Brady said you know
see you later to tell us we were just like, yeah, you know, hopes and dreams are going to be in a, you know, in a bottle floating in the ocean for now until it washes up on shore. We can open it up and take that note out again.

Social Media and Community Engagement

But yeah, I mean, I'm gonna enjoy the Super Bowl regardless, because you know, it's, it's a big game. And I actually want to see how they're gonna present it this year. It'd be different from obviously, last year, the years before. So I'm kind of intrigued on how they're gonna do it.
Yeah, Shana tell them where they can find you guys on social media. You guys already know you can find me on Instagram at Chick Foley and you can find the MVP Marco didn't over on the Twitter machine at Chick Foley show. One more thing I want to let you guys know you may have noticed it it's been in there for the past three episodes I think but I kept forgetting to mention it on the show.
We have some awesome partners that help us bring the show to you guys every week between Omage, Pro Wrestling Tees, especially Ringside Collectibles and our good friends at Chalk Line. If you go to the show description on pretty much all the podcast platforms, I know for sure it's on SoundCloud, Spotify and Apple Podcasts. If you go in that show description, you can actually use the links in there to get some of our partner stuff and buy some awesome merch and help support the show. So make sure you guys are checking that out.
And then Sheena, tell them about the premium Foley fam. Yes, so you can go to, learn about how to join our premium Foley fam. We talk about it every week. It's just an amazing group of figure collectors, wrestling fans, just all around good people. We call them the Foley fam because we really do have a family atmosphere in there. We had some good figure hunts going down today. I did a couple. Our buddy Jordan did some. We had a few others. Jordan is killing the unrivaled game. He grabbed a couple of Ultimate Edition Hollywood Hogan's for the Foley fam.
Um, and the cool thing is that we, we got a really good, healthy sense of humor going in the group. So even when we're kind of empty handed, it's always usually good for a few laughs with either of the, uh, either the people that are actually doing the live video or people in the comments clowning them for something. I know our buddy Jordan today, uh, he looked like he was the freaking undertaker at WrestleMania. I never thought he was going to get to that toy section.
Yeah, he was recording the car. I could hear the Undertaker's music in my head as he was walking that out. This is bad of me. Me and the Bretman, we were going to pick up some food for dinner for our family. And I got the notification, or as I'm pulling out of the driveway, that Jordan went live. So I hit the button, because I had it just going through the speakers in my truck. And I'm like, all right, I can listen here if he says anything. And as I'm leaving the driveway, I see Jordan's walking. I drive for about five minutes. And all I can still hear is just the hustle and bustle of a department store.
I get to a stoplight, went down and checked my phone, the motherfucker's still walking me. And I'm like, Jesus Christ, Jory, would you hurry up? He had some choice words for me when I let him know what I thought of his pace. But yeah, that's the kind of fun stuff we have every week. I'm laughing at something in that group almost every single day. My boy, Dougie Nunya, he likes to keep it the R rated with a hard R on that, on some of his humor. And I love it, man. He's a really great guy. So it's a lot of fun. I'm talking about some of the video content we have going up on the feed also, Shane.
Yeah, so we have an episode of In Heel Husband's House. If you haven't checked out our earlier episodes from last, I think it was like last June, we recorded a bunch of episodes where we went up into Seth's attic at his parents' house, dug out all of his childhood figures. We kind of went over him, talked about him a little bit, and now we're bringing part four to that series. So we brought some figures back up to the city with us. We're going to record some of that. This one's going to be all bone crunchers also for the people from the late 90s.
Yeah. So all bone crunching action. And, um, we also tracked down after like a year of hunting, you guys, I know most people have already tried these by now, but the heel husband and I found, uh, the superstar bars, the new modern superstar bars. Yeah. So have you had a Marco? Yeah.
We did a taste test and we recorded it and put it on the Bully fam. Make sure you go check that out if you're part of that. Definitely join. It's a dollar a month to get into our Facebook group. We buy, sell, trade retail plus shipping. You're going to make your money back on that dollar just on the eBay savings easily.
100%, you know, and if you join any of the higher tiers, you get all of our bonus content and all that kind of stuff. So lots of fun stuff. Also, it helps support the show helps us provide giveaways for you guys. You know, we do a ton of giveaways, like we're we're, I mean, we keep it we keep the figures flowing out of the of the fully house. So yeah, always something going out. Yeah, so it definitely helps us help you

Top Wrestling Stories of the Week

guys. And again, it's just a great group of wrestling fans. You can ask anybody that's in the group. It's just it's just awesome. So we'll
We'll quit all the self-promotion. Well, actually, one more thing. You got to use our code at our partner's ringside. Chick Foley always saves you 10%. It's the best code in the game. So with that being said. All right, we're going to move inside the squared circle with Chick's top six with our kind of six favorite stories of the pro wrestling week. This segment is brought to you by Omage. Again, there'll be the link in the show description. You can hit that.
One thing we wanted you guys to check out is the new rock'em socks. There's been a few different pro wrestling related socks come out over the last few years. Stance has had some there's been some on pro wrestling tees but these new ones look awesome. They got stone cold, Bret Hart, HBK, so all you know all the classics. Just a cool way to add a little bit of swag especially feeling like an office job where you know you know you don't get to express your personality every single day with what you're wearing.
Yeah, and you know if it's on but just gonna be primo. Yeah, assuming top quality. Yeah, really nice stuff. And before we get to the chicks top six, we did the we kind of wrote the show this afternoon. But let's talk about our thoughts on SmackDown. You know, first thing I want to talk about is Shinsuke Nakamura. He has
definitely not living up to the potential we all thought he had really since for the last year he had a cool tag team run with Cesaro but anybody that saw him at NXT and really even that first year you know maybe first year and change he was up on the main roster knows that Shinsuke is capable so much more than that we saw some flashes of that tonight looked awesome in the gauntlet match that
that counter he had for Dave Bryan's flying knee when he hit him with Kinshasa, which is incredible. And I love Roman Reigns. He's my second favorite modern era wrestler besides Seth Rollins, but I want to see Shinsuke Nakamura kick Roman Reigns ass after the way they cheated him tonight. What do you guys think of that gauntlet match? Mark, I'll toss it to you first. Yeah, it was awesome.
Yeah, that was great. I was actually intrigued because I thought, obviously, he was going to win. Spoiler alert, if you didn't see it, Shinsuke did not win that gauntlet match at the end. But yeah, I was definitely intrigued because I'm a huge Nakamura fan. I thought they're going to go into a program with him and Roman Reigns that should have been
really awesome and different as well because I'm really interested on what the storyline is going to be. I'm hoping Shinsuke is still in the mix somehow. He comes out next week, he's like, hey, I didn't lose. I got cheated or whatever. I don't think we're going to get Adam Pearce versus Roman. I don't know. He's a good athlete though. He's a good person.
And he was just like this like undercover badass that we had really wasn't even on our radar and all of a sudden Roman at the rumble the good thing is we have a second authority figure on smack now now with
Sonya Deville making her reemergence as Adam Pierce's assistance. Maybe she'll be the one that stands up for the bullshit that went down in the main event tonight. It's cool for like, you know, we're always big fans of long-term storytelling on this. You know, it makes sense that Roman was a little bit scared of Shinsuke because if you guys remember,
the 2018 Royal Rumble, it came down to Shinsuke and Roman and Shinsuke hit him with the Kinshasa and tossed his ass to win it. So the one time that Roman Reigns is really tangled with Shinsuke Nakamura, he did not come out on top. So it makes sense that, you know, he doesn't want to put his belt up for grabs against this guy, but he's glad to see Shinsuke back elevated. What is it about gauntlet matches, man? That seems to be like the one way that they can, that they can always get a baby face with a little bit of steam. If you got, you remember, that's how Kofi mania got started with Kofi coming up short in the gauntlet match.
And then way back in early 2018, if you guys remember before Illumination Chamber, Seth Rollins had a gauntlet match where he wrestled for over an hour. Ended up losing, but that really kind of set the motion, set slow build to get back to the main event. You know, he won the Intercontinental Championship at Mania the next month.
And a year later, he's beaten Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania. So, gauntlet match definitely seems to be the one thing that WWE can definitely get right when it comes time to get some steam and some real momentum behind a good guy. And I'm glad to see Shinsuke back doing his thing where he belongs. Yeah, they even put Baron Corbin in this match and it was still excellent. So, you know what I mean? That says a lot. That says a lot.
I was shocked that Daniel Bryan didn't, I was kind of like, you know, I was waiting for it, you know, and then when Shinsuke got over, I think that just like made me super hyped for Shinsuke, but I was also shocked that Daniel Bryan didn't get the over on that. Looking on Twitter for kind of instant reaction, it seemed like everybody was really, really hyped to see Nakamura back doing his thing tonight. What were you gonna say, Marco? Yeah, obviously the word around
like the social media is, you know, Shinsuke is getting buried and they need to do better with him and all that stuff. But I think tonight, obviously, that's not the case. He's, they had him pretty much at the end of the the gauntlet match. And I think like the reason why they do great with gauntlet matches is if you put the right the right talent in,
Um, to run those gauntlet matches and be that one person to like survive until the end. Um, I think it's, they do it perfectly that way. Like I said, with Seth Rollins, with Kofi, with Shinsuke, with, uh, with the new day when they had the tag team gauntlet match, Biggie and Xavier Woods had to outlast all those different tag teams and stuff like that.
be it they had to buy with the Uso's. But still, that was pretty much like it started at like nine o'clock on SmackDown and it didn't end until 10. So they went in pretty much an hour to give or take the commercial. So we'll say maybe 50, 45 minutes, give or take. But yeah, you put the right talent in there. That could get the job done during that whole period of time. Yeah, you could definitely knock a gauntlet match out the park.
What do you guys think about the the dirty dogs Bobby Roode and Dolph Ziggler taking the tag belts in the street profits? Yeah, I was not expecting that. I mean they looked good. I like Bobby Roode's new look I like you know, the the trunks and the the vest, you know Even though I thought his original look is definitely by far superior It's my it's my favorite like the robe and just like the whole the whole nine, you know how glorious it is but I
I did, I did, I did think they looked good. They looked more like a tag team. They are just using Dolph's music right now. They don't have like their own like tag team music. The name is Repug. I kind of like it. I like the t-shirt. I want to see, I want Bobby Roode. I want a new elite of like the gear that the guys are wearing tonight. Like next week. I want Bobby Roode with the denim and the leather jacket. Looking like Triple H and new Dolph also, you know, they were wearing Hart Foundation inspired gear. You know, it was the old school pink and black attack. You can't lose as a tag team.
when you're rocking those colors. How long do you think they're going to hold the titles, Marco? You think it's going to be like a flash in the pan type situation and Street Profits are going to get the belts back next week? Yeah, I think so. I don't think it's going to be like a long run like the Prophet said, but they kind of like planted the seeds weeks in advance that they were going to win. The Street Profits just got by them by a hair every single week. It definitely was a shock that they did win tonight, but
They kind of like set the motion for that, you know, they were going to win the titles at some point, you know, they'll definitely go into a feud. Hopefully it's a Royal Rumble. I'm not sure if they want to back at Royal Rumble, but I enjoy that tag team. I think they I think they're awesome together. What was it? Remember that name before? Was that Rudolph? Yeah, I called him. I called him the glorious show off.
That's a good one. Yeah, that's a good one, too. Yeah, definitely. You guys have to play a lot of universe on WWE 2K. I'm pretty scared. Don't you wrestlers? I'll give you a tag team name in about 10 seconds.
You guys talking about the street profits getting the belts back I don't think we're gonna see that you know you you got you got to go You got to go a little bit deeper. This is you know they've held those belts for over 300 days now, right? They acknowledge it on SmackDown that Montez Ford's coming in to this match with a bum wheel He had an injured leg I think we could all agree that he's kind of been the star of the show for the last year and
They have one night that he needs Angelo Dawkins to step up and carry the carry the load. They come up short and they lose the belt. So I hope I'm hoping this plants the seeds for Montes to strike out on his own. You know, we have been high on Montes for going back to really the first couple of times we saw him on NXT. I think this guy has potential to be one of the few people that we see standing tall at the end of a WrestleMania holding the belt as a face or as a heel because
I love the guy. He's a military man, former Marine, awesome in the ring, tons of charisma. I think if he turns up that charisma a couple notches too high, he could be a hell of a heel. People would love to hate this guy. Oh, absolutely. He treads that line right now. You know what I mean? Just being on the verge of obnoxious, but just lovably obnoxious.
I think he could be great as a heel in the mold of Seth Rollins from 2015 where you know he's a chicken shit heel he avoids the fight does whatever he can you know tip the tip the odds in his favor but when push comes to shove he can still go in the ring and you know he's a he's a legit main eventer. Yeah so I don't know that's probably just a little bit of wishful thinking on my part but I'm ready to see Montes go solo sooner rather than later because sometimes with these tag teams they stick around for maybe six months too long and you see somebody kind of lose their momentum from a
from that breakout singles run. Marco, was there anything else on SmackDown you wanted to discuss before getting the chicks top six? No, not really. I mean, there wasn't anything too crazy on that. Nothing crazy, yeah. Yeah. It's nice, you know, between Raw and SmackDown, you can already tell that WrestleMania season is getting here. There's definitely a little bit more juice, a little bit more energy to both shows. You can tell they put a little more effort and more thought into it, which is always good. So I'm really excited to see where we go over the next few weeks.

Bullet Club and AEW Storylines

All right, let's get to it. The number six story of the week. Oh yeah, get those fingers up. It's too sweet. The Bullet Club is back. So we saw Kenny Omega and Phoenix put in a awesome match for the belt on Wednesday night and Phoenix came up just a little bit short and afterwards Kenny Omega wanted to keep the beat down going. Mox comes out to try to make the save and who else? The Good Brothers.
Gallows and Anderson show up and and take out mocks, you know, the young books come down. We think they're going to help out. Suddenly, they're super kicking people and all five guys still at the two suite at the end. And, you know, it's a full on Bullet Club reunion. Kenny Omega even walked over to the camera and said, you guys made me flip the switch to kind of indicate that he's going back to his old self.
And it was, it was cool to see, you know, I was marking out there at home, seeing it just cause we've been, you know, it's funny cause you see people in Sheena's IG comments saying that she's like a WWE show and only likes big stuff. Like we've been supporting the Bullet Club from way back, you know, when people, when, when they were kind of like, before AEW was even like an idea.
We were spending a nice chunk of change to the Mad Reaper getting Bullet Club Elite figures made. We had the Bullet Club Chalk Line jacket, which is still one of the most rare Chalk Line jackets there is. We've always been big fans of these guys. We've always loved the NWO and DX vibe that they had going, being wrestling fans from the Attitude Era, and it's awesome seeing them back. Marco, what did you think as this was all going down on Wednesday night?
I was obviously shocked seeing the Good Brothers there, but there was that kind of thing going around that you could have Kenny just showing up on Impact and not reciprocating. And then obviously you have the six-minute tag coming up on their pay-per-view with the Good Brothers. So it was only right that the Good Brothers show up on TNT in prime time, not to add.
Yeah, no, I loved it. I loved every minute of it. I love, I love blue gals. He's probably my favorite out of the two. Um, just cause he, yeah, big, he doesn't care. He, he knows, you know, he's, he's just like a, just a regular dude. He's just like a funny guy. He's like, you know, he's just a regular guy. And that's, that's.
On the last of the old-school wrestlers, you know, they'll still wrestle a case of beer after every after every match Take himself too seriously and all stuff. So it was good to see him. I do love Carl Anderson as well machine gun as he as he was known in New Japan, but uh, yeah, I was I was kind of shocked that the the young bucks came out because I was expecting like maybe like maybe like a
like a hangman showing up or something like that, or maybe coming back in the fold or something, but he was completely out of it. So maybe then, maybe he might show up. Who knows? I'm not sure what's going on with that, but I've always been hanging around. Yeah, the butts need to work on their acting skills, though. Honestly, I never once thought, like, I was like, oh, yeah. Like, they came acting like, you know, what's going on? What are you doing? Yeah, they definitely do. I was like, oh, my gosh. Just go ahead and put your two sweet signs up. Like, we know it's coming, you know? Any time the chips have ever been down, they've always sided with Kenny.
Yeah, I have to go back and eat my words just a smidge because I was totally ragging on Don Callis and the whole impact of the appearance that he made in the RV or whatever. The more I see Don Callis, I guess it's because he's becoming more of just a character on AEW and that sort of thing. I'm used to seeing him with Kenny now.
I feel like it's good for Kenny. I kind of like it, you know what I mean? I feel like he really adds a lot to just my hatred, my kayfabe hatred for Kenny. So I'm kind of here for it. As much as I was down on it that first week and even after the second week, I think I'm coming around to the whole Don Callis situation.
Yeah, he's, he definitely, I think Don Callis will ensure that they're still getting booed, you know, if it wasn't for Don Callis, they would, the guys together would just be way too damn cool. And they'd be getting cheered all the time. So you got to have him there to kind of get a little bit of the heat. So it looks like we're setting up for kind of like mocks versus versus the Bullet Club, you know, almost
You know, I don't want to draw the comparisons to broadly here, but you know, somewhere to steam went up against the NWO. I'm here for it. I think that's an awesome story. Mox is my favorite wrestler in, in AW. You know, I'm still a shield Mark from way back. Who, who could he recruit to help him out though, Marco? Who do you think is in the cards that could come and help Mox out to, to kind of take these guys out?
I don't even know. It's kind of, it's sort of like a, like almost like an invasion angle type of thing going on. So he's going to need like equal star power and firepower at that. Maybe the way it will come over from NXT. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. The only thing I can think of is he made, the first thing I thought of was like, all right, he's getting, he's being attacked by the good brother. So I'm assuming he's going to show up on impact
Yeah. And attack them at some point. His teammates are probably going to be maybe a tag team from Impact or... No, I didn't think about that. Yeah, so I think that's what's going to happen. Cody is facing Sir Pentico. He got attacked by Sir Pentico, so he's out of that picture. Yeah.
You have like team Taz against like staying and all that stuff. So I'm assuming it might be someone from AEW like it might be like a maybe like a singles guy but I think like the beat of his team is probably going to be impact.
You know who I was thinking? You mentioned Hangman. I could see Hangman coming in, because he's at the Bullet Club. And then the Dark Order are kind of like the biggest babyfaces in the promotion right now after Brody Lee's untimely passing. So you see Hangman bringing his misfit buddies from the Dark Order over to help out Mox when he gets these guys. That could be a cool underdog story. So we know the Bullet Club's got a rich history. It's been a lot of members. If you could cherry pick anybody from any promotion across the world, former Bullet Club member,
Who would you take to add to the mix, Marco? Oh, man, you got I think you have to go with the originator, the guy that created it. The one print prints. Yeah, I had to go with him. I was going to say AJ, but I was like, I was like, you got to go with Prince. He he brings out like, he brings like that badass like element to it. Not that they're they're not bad asses, but he did like just like just the way he was in New Japan. He's just the coolest man. Yeah, he's a cool. So they're like obviously you go with like Tom Tom good.
It would be cool to bring in also, but they kind of already got two tag teams You know, I feel like they need a couple a couple more singles guys It would be cool to see Finn start throwing up the two sweet little bit more and if you remember back in the attitude era when like DX and the NWO would kind of like acknowledge each other on TV Oh, yeah about the two sweet like yeah, it's kind of be cool to see Finn Balor do that You know who I think a current Bullet Club member they could bring over and the stories already there bring Kenta over to kick mox's ass, you know
We talked, yeah, we talked about Kansas in the bullet club already so you got you got the built-in storyline now it's the story lines going across two promotions and Bring him in that could be really cool Sheena you got anybody you want to see?
I mean, I said like Adam Cole. Adam Cole would always be good. It's never gonna be bad to add Adam Cole to any show. Yeah, cool thing is there's just there's so much history here to tell, you know, the Bullet Club was that they kind of flamed out a little bit before they really ran into the ground like the NWO. So it'll be, you know, it's a lot of cool stuff they could do with this storyline.

NXT and Raw Legends Night Reviews

All right, with that, let's move to story number five.
So across the airwaves on Wednesday night, NXT was putting on New Year's Evil, another one of the supersized NXT shows similar to Halloween Havoc. We saw two of the people who have really been some of the MVPs for NXT over the past year have what looks like was their last match with Rhea Ripley and Damian Priest. Marco, out of those two swan songs for these guys, which one did you prefer? Who had the better last match in NXT if they are indeed head to the main roster?
Oh boy, you have to go to Rhea, the last women's standing match. Both matches are brutal equally, but not even equally. Actually, the last women's standing match was way more brutal. But yeah, definitely that match. It was obviously inside the ring, outside of the ring. Someone even got stuffed into a walker at one point. They were like Dakota Kai.
She got something to unlock her. But uh, yeah, that that was a definitely the better of the two She broke that like she broke that segment of the fence off with her with her handcuff and like started beating Rhea Ripley with it Yeah, that was all this so sick But uh, she did the yeah, it's that that match. I mean the Damian Priest match was awesome, too I did we were talking about this before the show started like I think that match show like why Damian Priest was pushed to where he was and
When did we turn babyface on Damian Priest? I was always a Damian Priest, guys. It was you. When did this happen? I feel like we've been so light on Damian Priest. It was really in that brief North American title run. I feel like he kind of... Right before he won it, we were kind of like the shitter get out the pot mode with Damian Priest. He won the belt, which we were like, okay, let's see where this goes. And even though he had a short reign, he was killing it. He definitely getting that belt. I don't know if it motivated him or whatever.
But he definitely started going a lot harder in his matches. And the Halloween Havoc match was badass. And then he really showed out in that triple threat with Johnny and Leon Ross at the last takeover. I'll give two kind of informal on the spot cheekies to these guys. I think Damian Priest is definitely the most improved NXT star of the USA era. And then I think Rhea Ripley has the best moment that we've had that NXT on USA when she beat Shayna Baszler for the Women's Championship last Christmas time.
Shana had such an epic run with that belt and that was just an awesome match. I'll never forget her hitting that rip tide off the second rope. That was awesome.
In the main event, we saw Kyle O'Reilly come up short once again to Finn Balor. Another hell of a match. It was a little bit quicker pace, a little bit different feel from their takeover match. Kyle O'Reilly once again gave Finn hell, but it ended up with him having to tap out. And then we had kind of the, it was a little bit of a weird scene afterwards. You know, Finn started to show a little bit of respect and then it seemed like he was kind of just taunting KOR a little bit. And then the undisputed era was all in his corner, just kind of pumping him up. And he just looked dejected. You know, it looked like he was trying to figure out what do I got to do to beat this guy? What do I got to go? Yeah. What'd you guys think of that main event?
I mean, like, I mean, I think you touched on, dude, it was fast pace. It was killer. I mean, we've been shown what Kyle Riley's capable of. I'm just wondering when he's going to finally have his moment, you know, who he's, who's he going to have his moment against? Cause it doesn't look like it's going to be Finn Balor. Yeah. Finn's got his number. So, um, where are we going with this? Because I feel like.
It would be a damn shame if they just let Kyle O'Reilly fizzle out because he's definitely proven himself in NXT as a top competitor, as somebody that can go out and put on hellacious matches against the best of the best. I don't know what's next for Kyle O'Reilly. Yeah. It seems like the undisputed error is behind him.
Roddy and Adam Cole are off going to try to win the dusty roads classic again. So it seems like they're, they're not in dissension in the ranks, you know, they're tighter than ever after the last war games match. And they're, they're committed to getting this guy to the top. Um, definitely seems like we're going to see something else from him. I don't think he's done in the main event. You know, I've, I've seen these kinds of story beats before from David B. So it looks like maybe we'll see Kyle Riley takes, you know, take a half a step back for a couple of months. But like Finn baller said, I always like to say, you know, sometimes
shoot arrow forward, you got to pull it backwards first. So maybe we'll at 2021, we'll end up being a year of Colorado, one of the next two championships.
The other big news that our buddy, the artist, I used to think he was a serial killer. Now I guess he's just like a sketch artist. Dexter Woomis dropped, is that we're going to have the women's Dusty Rhodes classic coming up. We're on record on this show as claiming that the NXT women's division is the best single division in any, in any pro wrestling organization right now across the world. So I'm really hyped for this, even though we don't have a lot of
strongly to find tag teams in NXT. I'm a big fan of these tournaments when they do have a lot of just slap together teams. The original Dusty Rose Classic back in 2015, it was a 16 team tournament. And I'd say a little less than half of those teams were just slapped together singles guys, you know, they ended up and someone made really good runs. You know, Finn Balor and Samoa Joe won that tournament. So there's some badass teams you could put together for the women. Mark, are you hyped for this one?
Oh, yeah, definitely. Obviously, you got to see like the Candice and Indi probably team up and jump in there. I definitely would like to see Ember Moon and maybe shotsy together. Yeah, that'd be a tag team. But yeah, I mean, depending on obviously Ray is gone. Maybe she might be in the tournament. Who knows? We don't know what's happening or how fast she's gonna move up to the main roster. I feel like Rock Hill's kind of got, she's a little bit
got her own thing going on i don't know if they'll put her in the uh in the tag like her and dakota kai as a tag team i mean i i mean they they do have like a robust roster but at the same time do they have enough to do this tournament and i think it's gonna pretty much be all hands on deck so they got like jessamine and marina you know you can always grab a couple people off the main roster remember neville came back and was involved in the 2015 dusty roads classic so
I'm a big fan of just making this thing, make it like a big deal. There should be main roster people that want to be in this tournament. How much longer is Chelsea out? She's still hurt, right? Yeah, she broke her wrist. She's going to be out for a while. Looks like it was a bad break too. I think everything they need to add in is that the winner of this... They've already said the winner of the men's is going to get a shot at...
at Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch. We need to make, we need to go ahead and announce that the winners of this are getting a shot at the women's tag team title. And I really want to see them go back to that concept that they originally announced that those women tag belts would go across all three brands plus NXT and NXT UK. I think that's something that could really make it awesome. Like how cool would it be just on a random NXT episode? Suddenly you got Charlotte and Oscar showing up and you know, throwing down an open challenge for anybody to come out and fight them.
Yeah, I mean, Bailey and Sasha did it. So they showed up on NXT and had a title match. So yeah, it's definitely not far fetched. All right. Anything else we need to discuss from New Year's Evil? No, I think those were the high points for sure. All right. Story number four. So we know the raw ratings were in the tank in the end of December.
some of the lowest ratings in the history of the, the illustrious show. And we, I don't know if you guys saw that meme that was going around on IG and Twitter, you know, it was the, the, the guy from the flex seal where that giant tank is leaking out. They had Vince McMahon, it showed ratings dropping and the flex seal was another raw legends night and Vince McMahon slapped it on there. It seems that's what they go with. They must was talking about the ratings did bounce back in a big way. So it works. That's why they keep going to this.
I thought it was a little bit tired. Oh, Marko, what was your overall thought on this version of Legends Night? All right, I've stunned Marko into silence with this question. You there? Yeah. OK, so Marko's gotten his stuff together. Maybe did I piss you off when I kind of took a shit on Legends Night there? Oh, no, no. I mean, yeah, I mean, that's one of my favorite nights of the year. What did you think of this version of Legends Night?
Um, uh, be honest, did not think anything of it. It wasn't a.
Yeah, it's interchangeable any other legends night that's ever happened like I could watch a legends night from 2000, you know 20 2018 2019 it wouldn't matter and it always feels exactly the same They always have the same little gimmicks. They always have the same cameos. You're gonna hear who you're gonna hear damn You're gonna hear you know, like, you know, I want to get brother, you know, you're gonna hear the same little things I like this one was a lot weaker than the I was I don't feel like they've really done a bang-up job Yeah, it was but you're right. It was kind of the same
Tired cast of characters and it was just they were like they were just going through the paces the one thing that was really cool We were when all the legends came out to see Keith Lee's entrance. That was pretty bad. Yeah, and I remember I saw that I was like, oh shit Okay, maybe Keith Lee's about to win this championship. Yeah, that was cool And I hope that silences everybody that we're going nuts last month saying that you know Vince hates Keith Lee Keith Lee's getting buried if you watch the Keith Lee documentary on the WWE Network Vince McMahon is behind this guy All right
They're going to do something big with Keith Lee. I know he came up short on Monday night, but he had a hell of a fight with Drew. Looked great. That Spanish fly was ridiculous. Insane. I've never seen that much humanity to a Spanish fly. Like if I saw that move on WWE 2K, I'd be like, all right, dude, this is kind of unrealistic. This is like, you shouldn't be able to do this. But Keith Lee pulled it off. It was awesome. But aside from that, I thought it was a little weak. I kind of think they need to change up the cast of characters. Get more rotation for the main event level guys.
give me Shawn Michaels and Steve Austin one time give me Hogan and flair the next. Let's bring back Brett and Holland Nash for another one. And then let's get a little bit kookier with the the mid card. You know, I like seeing to Tonka there but let me see somebody like freaking you know, Aldo Montoya, Max Moon, let's get some of those random guys from
you know, the 93 and 94 editions are raw. Some of those crazy characters that we had. See some of those guys make a cameo. They could do funny stuff, you know, you got the 24 seven title. It's all kinds of cool segments you could do with that. But Marco, what do you think they could do to kind of kind of make Legends Night a little bit more interesting for the hardcore fans? Because I really think it's the lapsed fans that are coming back and watching that the hardcore fans, I think, for the most part, were kind of shoulder shrug on this year's episode.
Well as I was watching it without what I was thinking what they should have done is Do more in ring stuff with the legend so like you know not that not every single legend has to be in the ring but like you know do the beat do the behind the scenes or the backseat stuff with like to Tonka like you said max mood or all the Montoya or Duke the dumpster like do like random stuff in the back with those awesome
Yeah, but then you feature like obviously like the Hogan's in the flares and if you get like Austin back Austin in the ring like those guys should be in the ring like interacting with like the younger the younger guys are the are the up-and-coming guys not like every single segment happened in the back
Because that's, you're like, you're diminishing the whole thing. So like, you see you're telling me that Hulk Hogan is the same thing as, as a boogeyman, having a back. It just goes to show you that they throw these things together because they're not weaving it into the storylines. I mean, like there's no there's nothing of any consequence with any of the legends that are coming back, you know, like it doesn't it doesn't mean anything. So they're just like, yeah.
I was excited to see Carlito because I was like, okay, Carlito is coming back. Maybe he's going to make an actual comeback. I think he's still got some juice left. I'd be interested in seeing him do some things. He didn't even end up showing up. No. I guess it was like I was reading it was like a miscommunication with both parties with WWE and Carlito. He wasn't supposed to be there anyway.
I think she was at the last legends night too and I think I asked myself like when did Alicia Fox become a legend? Like she was she like she stands out so much like standing up there with those guys I mean whatever like I'm not trying to hate on the girl like Alumni night or call like raw reunion like yeah, I like I like raw reunion cuz I
That makes it a little bit more like a field event. Didn't they have a big flare on the Raw reunion last year? He was one of the main features. We're like, this doesn't really fit. It wasn't really on the glory days of Raw. Yeah. All right. So yeah, I think we're kind of collected. Everybody likes Legends Night. It's always fun seeing some of these guys from the past come back. But there's definitely a little bit of room for improvement on next year's edition.
Oh baby, you hear that jazz flute, you know what time it is.
Time for the weekly beverage break on the Chick Bowl show. We always like to knock back some alcohol when we are watching and talking wrestling. And this is where we go around and just talking about what we're sipping on this week. So I'll go first because mine's boring. I got the tried and true. I got a styrofoam cooler full of Miller Lite. So I'm going full redneck now that I'm here in Kentucky, but it's ice cold and it's going down smooth and it's 2021 Miller Lite. So you guys still have a chance to be the official beer for us all year long.
Just answer those DMs, right? We're in your DMs. Yeah, you guys all got me sitting on red, so I still got a little bit of pride, but go ahead and check those DMs and hit us back. Marco, what are you drinking? I am actually drinking a new IPA I happen to pick up today. It's called the Triple Lindy. From Hobo?
I don't know Lord Hobo. It's a Mayflower brewing company, but it actually has Rodney Dangerfield on the can. Interesting. So if you know... No respect. Yeah, exactly. But I know there's a lot of young people out there, but there was a movie called Back to School, and the Triple Lindy was the move that he actually pulled

Debate on Drew McIntyre vs. Goldberg

off. It was like a diving move. So it's a triple IPA called the Triple Lindy.
I thought it was pretty clever. I like the can, I like the look. It actually tastes really good, so I'm glad I made the right choice on that.
Speaking of Northeastern IPAs, I'm still waiting to try that Dream Team IPA that you got me off. He's not going to let you forget that one. He got me off. That is nowhere. That is nowhere to be found. Yeah, I checked out that brewery. They don't distribute to Virginia either. So if only I knew somebody that had access to that beer, probably there was a way that they could get that beer.
That's my one wish, dude. I really, really want to try that beer. Not only, you know, I'm a dream team fan. Early 90s NBA is my thing. Oh, cool. And I read the description of that beer. It sounds right up my alley. So Marco, I know you can make it happen for me. I know, I know I can. I'm just, I even go to the back of like, if you, the liquor stores here, if there's like a, there's like a back area, like a, like almost like a bean walker. You have to go through the bean and curtain. Yeah. I even go through there. Just to see if it's easy. Yeah.
Yeah, they have all those other, like the one offs there and stuff. And it's, I see the same company that makes that beer, or that IPA is, it's there, but it's just, they don't have the, I'm not sure it was like the summer thing. So maybe during the like spring, summer time, it'll pop up again.
Now you guys got me wanting it. Seth just wanted it so long that now I feel like I need it. It wasn't even on my radar, but I was just so desperate to get it. No, it's a really good IPA. It's my second to the Broken Skull IPA as a smooth drinking IPA, so enough of that.
Sheena's got something special this week. Speaking of Broken Skull, I'm having what is formally known as a Broken Skull Margarita, but I put my own spin on it, and it is my WrestleMania 17 Margarita, or it's actually WrestleMania X7, if you will. If you know anything like Stone Cold Steve Austin, he loves his, whoa.
What the heck? That was so Siri competent for some odd reason. Siri, Siri's running. Siri did not like my drink choice. No, she didn't.
So this is the Broken Skull Margarita. So Stone Cold Steve Austin gives his absolute perfect margarita recipe. I'll read it to you really quickly. It is three ounces of Patron Silver, one and a half ounces of Triple Sec, one ounce of Lime Juice, a few drops of Agave Nectar. You pour it over fresh ice in a low ball glass with a salted rim. And then you add an ounce of Grand Marnier on the top as a floater. And this is like his his perfect margarita. However,
Instead of Patron Silver, I'm using The Rock's Terra Mana Tequila. So we got a little... It's the WrestleMania 17. Yeah, we got a little Rock action, a little Steve Austin action going head to head. So it is my WrestleMania 17 Margarita and it is...
divine. It is so good. I love a margarita. I don't know if you know that about me, but I freaking love a margarita and I love like a fresh, like not super syrupy. Like, believe me, I'll drink a Texas, like, you know, big fish bowl margarita. Like, you know, I love that with some good Mexican food. Give it to me. But if I'm just sipping on a margarita, I want it to be like that fresh crisp, like light, you know, flavor.
You want the minimal number of ingredients? Yes, the minimal number of ingredients and I want them to be like all like real ingredients. I don't like like a pre-made mix, you know what I mean? Like fresh lime juice, like the whole, the whole nine. So this is, this is so, so good. So I, I definitely recommend it. We'll get, Sheena will post the, uh,
the recipe up in the Patreon group and Facebook. All right. But just remember, so it's one drink, but there's three shots of liquor in this. So this isn't the type of thing you want to be making any major life decisions on. No, no. After knocking back a couple of these, it's going to put you on your ass. Exactly. And the thing that made this really awesome is that I've been looking for Taramana tequila, like in our local area, you know, in Virginia, it's all like, it's all ABC stores, you know, it's all government mandated. So our, you know, the ABC stores are good. No, they've treated us well over the years.
Sometimes the selection can be a little bit lacking on the boutique liquors. Yes, and I walked in I walked into this this freakin It's a liquor barn. It's basically Walmart full of liquor Oh my gosh, like it had been so long since I've been in like an independent liquor store like that Like I mean and this is like she's like the Taj Mahal of liquor stores Yeah, I was like overwhelmed like Seth's driving around with our kids and I'm going to get I'm going in to get stuff with you know For our drinks tonight
And I was just like completely like, holy moly, like the selection. I mean, they had like cheeses and olives. Like it was like a whole like drinking bar experience in there. So yeah, Liquor Barn, thank you for the teremona tequila. I got the silver teremona tequila. There's also a gold teremona tequila, but it is, it's really good. It definitely puts you in the mind of a Patron silver for sure.
All right. So yeah, the recipe will be up in the Patreon group. Check it out. And always, always, always drink responsibly. Let's move on to story number three. All right. So this is a story that has caused a lot of dissension amongst the Foley fam. We get people on both sides of the tracks on this one. Yep. Sheena, I'm going to put you on the spot a little bit right here. OK. Tell me why Drew McIntyre versus Goldberg is a bad idea in 2021.

Marty Scurll's Departure from ROH

Well, Goldberg is not a spring chicken first and foremost. And also Goldberg has had hit or miss matches over the last couple of years when he's been in WWE. So it's like, you know he's capable of bringing the excitement, bringing the pain, being awesome, but he's also capable of bringing a wet fart. So I think it's with what we've seen Drew McIntyre and where we want to see Drew McIntyre go, this could be really good or it could be
Really, really bad. OK, Marco, I will now toss the ball to you. Tell me why Drew McIntyre versus Goldberg is a great idea at the Royal Rumble.
I'm not sure if it's a great idea, but it's a good idea. It brings eyes to the product. Don't back down now, dude. You've been stoking the Goldberg fire on all the Soapburg. He does no wrong. He didn't squash anyone in minutes. He had a few missteps along the way, but he'll definitely squash anyone. No, it brings eyeballs to the product. That's why they bring him there. He's a name.
He's one of the biggest names out there. Like, you can't go wrong. Don't go over there. He does all the rounds. He's always on ESPN. He's everywhere. You can't go wrong with Gober. He's on the Atlanta Falcons. He's a former football player. He's seen as a legit athlete.
and a man that will take Drew McIntyre's title if he wants to. And then he had a drop of a dime. Spare, jackhammer, game over. But yeah, I think people are saying the same thing when The Rock came back and faced CM Punk at Royal Rumble. He's in it with the title, which he actually did, which kind of stunk.
But I think, I mean, I think it's a good idea. I think it's, it, it, it brings, it intrigues people because they're like, what the, what the hell, what's a match going to look like with Drew McIntyre and Goldberg? I know for a fact there's people at work that I could tell them, dude, Goldberg's fighting for the championship and they would watch it. Yeah. They'll watch it. Honestly, I have to say,
I don't really care what anybody else thinks. Drew McIntyre versus Goldberg is my son, the babyface Brett Phelps. That's like a dream match for him. He loves Goldberg and he loves Dewey McIntyre. Dewey McIntyre versus Goldberg.
Yeah, if you added freaking Finn Balor into this mix, dude, his little head would explode. A fatal four way between Drew McIntyre, Goldberg, The Fiend, and Finn Balor. He wouldn't be able to handle it. It would just blow his little mind. I think it's good. Like you said, Marco, I think Goldberg's going to bring eyeballs.
I'm assuming Drew's going to be able to handle this guy after all the challenges that he's faced and stared down over the last year. I'm thinking Drew's going to be able to win this match. And it's a huge feather in his cap saying that he beat Goldberg. You know, Goldberg is people complaining because he wins so often.
Oh, Siri running in again. Siri's just jumping in everywhere right now. But the thing about it is, when somebody wins that often, like a Goldberg, like a Ultimate Warrior in the tag team ranks like the Steiner Brothers, it means something when you beat them. That's something that can go on Drew McIntyre's resume. Like, I have a clean victory over Bill Goldberg. It really is a big deal.
Ideally, they would kind of have a rotating cast of legends. I think this is a good kind of card to play as the Booker. Let's bring in a... If we have nothing else going on for a one-off, let's bring in a legend and have somebody wrestle them and see what happens. It'd be nice if there was a rotating cast of characters, but unfortunately, it's a credit to Goldberg. He's the only guy from the attitude area that's really in good enough shape to still come out and put on a believable match in the main event.
Stone Cold Steve Austin's obviously taking really good care of himself, but he has his neck injuries that's limited him and the rest of these guys, you know, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, those guys aren't even anything close to being in condition to get in the ring, you know, so sadly Goldberg's lonely, they can trot out. If I had one criticism, I would say that it has become a little bit played that he's the only guy from the, you know, the quote unquote legends division that we see keep coming back and fighting and, you know, giving these guys a good match or sometimes putting them over.
But I'm still here for it. You know, it's always interesting. I love Goldberg. I 97 98 was kind of my my peak of being a wrestling fan. I've never got to get tired of seeing him. And the thing is, one day there is going to be a time when when Goldberg can't wrestle anymore and we're going to miss him, you know, when you.
Yeah, that's it. Yeah, that's it, Tom, which he's lying to himself because he's he's definitely gonna miss him. Don't deny it, Tom. Our buddy Tom from running. Yeah, when you correctly, when you use correctly, Goldberg's awesome. You remember SummerSlam 2019 when he fought Dolph and beat him and then came back like three more times in spirit. And that was awesome.
Yeah. And Goldberg, you know, he brings a star power. He's a legitimately good dude. Good husband. Yes. Good father. Yeah. I just love the guy. And I want to see, I really hope that him and Drew put on something that's entertaining and is something that we can look back on fondly once it's all said and done. I hope so too. All right. Let's move on to story number two.
All right, so we know this is a little bit of a hot topic. We're going to try to keep this discussion PG and wrestling related only. Totally kayfabe. This guy's definitely, you know, he's no angel. He's the villain, all right? Apparently in kayfabe and as a shoot.
I think we're kind of generally on the same page that while this guy is definitely not innocent and has some sins he's got to atone for, I don't think he should have any kind of lifetime ban from the world of pro wrestling. The villain, Marty Skirrell, is a free agent. Him and ROH have parted ways after they really haven't, he really hasn't had anything to do with ROH since the last year, since all that. Yeah, he was supposed to have like creative control, right? When he signed his contract, he was the hottest free agent in wrestling at the end of last year.
signed a contract with ROH to be basically the head of creative for them and also be able to kind of travel around and represent ROH around the world and now that relationship has ended.
Probably a little bit due to COVID, but mostly due to some of the substantiated allegations that came out about Marty Skrull over the summer. And you kind of missed that whole thing. I missed it. I know you've kept up on it. When all that stuff was popping off, you were like out to elsewhere. I missed some of the hottest parts of it. But Marty Skrull is, he's definitely been one of my top two or three favorite non-WWU wrestlers for a long time. So I read up on it again.
guy definitely made some choices. He put himself in some situations that I never would. Um, but I, me personally, I think with, you know, the right amount of time pass, I think he is worth, you know, getting a second chance in wrestling. Um, what do you, what do you guys see for him going forward? Cause he is, it is going to be a big deal. It's going to move the needle when he shows up somewhere. And I think he is going to show up. I don't think he's done in wrestling. What do you guys think he's going to be at next? I mean, honestly, I think
He definitely has an AEW vibe to me. I feel like his whole gimmick, the villain gimmick, all of that is gonna just translate so much better in AEW. And that's all his best friends. Yeah, 100%. The fact that he's not in AEW already is just a crying shame. I can't believe that he didn't come over during its inception and whatnot.
Um, but, uh, yeah, I mean, NXT would be amazing because we've seen some pretty wild gimmicks like he has an NXT, but the problem with NXT is there's that expectation to go up to the main roster. And I don't, I definitely don't feel like he was going to translate well on the main roster. I remember his, uh, probably the best match he ever had was with, uh, Ocada at, um, all in. And if you guys remember right before Ocada hit,
the Rainmaker, he taunted Marty Scrull by doing, he did the Hanson or he did 205 saying that Marty Scrull's destiny was to be on 205 Live. So that's definitely a concern that's out there. Marco, what do you see? What do you think Marty Scrull's career path should be going forward? I mean, I'd probably just
take out NWA on that one. But I was gonna say AW, but I'd probably say like maybe even impact too. He probably like just have a big name on impact and a name that's everyone knows. I wouldn't hate to see him go back to New Japan as well.
Yeah, but be the villain there is what start the villain enterprise is in New Japan too. So I'm thinking New Japan or impact also man. I think what he needs right now, I think he needs a year to go and To go and put on some really good matches. All right, put on put on some good matches and
be awesome with the fans, and just be a generally good dude. Because maybe he's just got the wool pulled over my eyes, dude, and I'm just a sucker for him, because I think he is so freaking cool and such a good wrestler. I think Marty Skrull is a... I think he's a good person that made some bad mistakes when he was... It was really a one-time thing. I think he made a bad mistake and some bad decisions one night, and I don't think that's the person he is. Obviously, there's consequences for everything, especially when you're in the public eye.
But again, I think, you know, I think with enough time and if he can establish a track record and rehabilitate his reputation, I think we could see him go somewhere for a year and then come back to either NXT or AEW. And I think he'll be freaking awesome when he does, man. I hope that the rest of the wrestling world can give him a chance to redeem

AEW Tribute to Brodie Lee

himself. You know, that's my hope for the villain. For sure.
All right, so now we will move on to number one. So it's about a week and a half ago now, but we have to discuss this. It's definitely the most important thing that's happened in wrestling in, you know, a long time. The Brodie Lee tribute show. I'll go for, you know, I'll start it off or kick it to you guys. I thought AEW did a great show. The closest thing we've seen to this would probably be the Owen Hart tribute show the night after he passed away.
WWE definitely, they took a little bit of a different vibe with theirs. They basically put on a house show, you know, they put on a series of matches with no real storyline implications and just, and they spliced it in with guys giving their tributes and it was stone cold, you know, holding up the beer for Owen. There's definitely totally different circumstances with the way the two wrestlers passed away. AEW had a little bit more of a focus on making everything kind of tied in to Brody's legacy and his friends and stuff. What did you guys think of Brody Lee's tribute show?
Well, I was actually watching it. You were driving. We were headed home to, you know, to where we are now to visit family and stuff. I was watching it on my phone with headphones in and Seth was, you know, the kids were in the back asleep and Seth's like listening to something else, listen to a podcast and I'm watching AEW.
And I mean, I'm, I mean, the tears are just like flowing during the whole show. It was so emotional. It was so just like, it was touching and heart wrenching and just seeing, you know, rowing came out and just seeing like everybody just like be so vulnerable and emotional. And again, the fact that AEW just allowed them to come out and be human.
express their emotions, just have a fun night of wrestling that was really focused around the dark order. They had, you know, Moxley had a really great tribute, you know, Orange Cassidy, or not Orange Cassidy, sorry, Darby Allen had a really great tribute. And it was just like, I don't know, I, you know, looking back on it, you know, after all the things that were said, you know, we kind of touched on it,
last week after we heard of his passing, this was before the tribute happened. We were kind of talking about his legacy and stuff. And it really just, having a little bit of time to process it, I think the thing that, because you know, this touched people in a way that I haven't seen a
you know, celebrity or superstar passing touch people in a very, very, very long time. And I think the fact that there was so much focus on, you know, what an amazing man, friend, husband, father he was really made people just kind of relate it because, you know,
Ultimately, we can't relate to being, you know, amazing wrestlers, amazing talents, amazing athletes, anything of that nature, right? Like you hear it all the time when superstars pass away, like, oh my God, he was so amazing in the ring. He had, you know, all these five star classic matches, all these things. But the fact that like the majority of the things that were focused on were him as a person and really humanizing him and really focusing in on what really matters. I think it really just touched us in a way that,
you know, had they just focused on what he accomplished in the ring or what he was able to do in the ring, it wouldn't have resonated the same. You guys agree? Oh, yeah, definitely. Definitely. It was all about the kind of person he was and how much everybody just loved him. Yeah. Marco, what did you think of the show? Oh, man, I think she didn't hit the nail in the head with everything. I don't think he had to elaborate anymore. But for me personally, it was obviously super emotional.
Just everyone performing that night was pretty much in tears. Yeah, which didn't help out like you you as a viewer watching it cuz like
Now you're in it. I think that was probably the best tribute show I've ever seen for anybody. The whole show was dedicated to him. They forget storylines, forget everything else. He was the focus of it, just like the kind words from Darby Allen and John Moxley and Eddie Kingston too.
There's a video of him floating around. I'm not sure if you've seen it where he has kind of like a pep talk with everyone. Like he's standing in the middle of everyone in the back. It'll make you cry if you watch it. It's just like a heartfelt, like we were out here performing for him type of thing. Like literally everyone's out there. They were a tag team from way back, man. They were at Roughnecks back in 2008, 2009.
Yeah, man, the big rig, even like the FTR, they changed the name of the finisher to the big rig of Brody. If you follow Big E on Twitter, he's still talking about Brody Lee, man. He's probably one of the most hurt people from that loss.
Yeah, even even his family like yeah, I guess they like talked every day like they're like really really close friends Yeah, I follow his wife. She's been posting my big use definitely like Brian's best friend She also like I'm not sure if you guys see that she also posted like a statement about like, you know
use him as a means to bring all the organizations together and trying not to blame one another on different things and stuff like that. He was wrestling. That's what he did. It didn't matter what organization he was. He touched everyone in a positive way. Her message was, that's what she wants. She wants a positive message throughout the pro wrestling world and stuff like that. Bring the way to go instead of being competition.
Yeah, like I said, it was super emotional. I think I tweeted out, a lot of people actually agreed with me. I tweeted out and I said, if that was the last show for last year, I wouldn't be mad at it because that was probably the perfect ending to a year that we had last year.
Yeah. And the moment with, um, I don't know. I don't, it wasn't on the actual tribute show. I think it was after the tribute show or maybe I'm, I can't remember, but whenever, um, they had Brody Lee Jr. out in the middle of the ring, um, and they presented him the TNT title and then, you know, Tony conferencing in the TNT title. And then I really couldn't even hardly watch that part distract me. Cause like, I remember he talked to Sheena about this dude, but like watching that, like it started getting me like choked up. Cause like, you know,
His this this suit that his son was in, you know, you could tell it was like maybe a touch big, just fit kind of awkwardly. You know, something about like, you know, this little guy having to like grow up, you know, way before he's probably ready to manage. Yeah, it's awful, man. You know, luckily, it seemed, you know, it's been awesome to hear by an A.W. and really everybody throughout the wrestling world really rally around their family and kind of lift them up. But yeah, just, you know, hats off to Brodie Lee, man. Hell of a wrestler.
He entertained the hell out of me from the moment I got back into wrestling in 2014 until his dog collar match with Cody back in October. He even made a Cody match good. That's off to the guy, man. Even more so, I use him as inspiration to keep trying to be a better dad and a better husband every single day because it seems like we're as good a wrestler as he was.
He was 10 times even better just as a person. Yeah. And can we give him the credit for actually, you know, making them improve the TNT title? They retired the TNT title and now we have a new and improved beautiful TNT, TNT title, which looks
which looks way, way better than the original, but yeah, they gave Brodie Lee Jr. that red strap TNT title, you know, and kind of just like retired it for life. No, he's got a built-in storyline now. When he debuts ten years from now, he needs to come back with the red strap TNT title. Yeah. And whatever the chance is, you know, we're going to get the double belt WrestleMania 10 ladder match. Yeah. He's got his first pay-per-view match already lined up, man.
Yeah, so if you watch that Brodie Lee tribute and it did not bring a tear to your eye, you definitely need to check your pulse because it was, I mean, emotional to the highest degree. And like Marco said, that was the last show of AEW for 2020. It was a great way to go out because it was a super fun night of wrestling, a super amazing tribute, and I thought they did a beautiful, beautiful job.

Wrestling Collectibles and Figure Hunting

All right, there's no smooth transition from that. It's time for Go Figure. Here comes the money. Here we go.
Go figure is our segment where we talk about the latest and greatest in wrestling news. We discussed our new ads to our collection and have a little bit of fun. This segment is brought to you by our good friends at ringside collectibles. Again, make sure you guys using code chick Foley to get 10% off all your orders there. That is the world's number one, pressing figure retailer. They've been deep in the game for damn near 30 years at this point. And there's a reason it's because they're the best. Marco, take us away with figure news.
Oh boy, we have a lot, so I'm going to try to speed through this as fast as I can, try to shorthand it as much as I can. A lot of this news, I always give this guy props. He's tied with ringside, so wrestling figure news source. Always dropping the bombs on Twitter. He's like, what Woj is for the NBA, this guy is it for wrestling figures. Yeah.
Yeah, he's awesome. He also reports the stuff that Action Figure Attack does as well, which there is news from Action Figure Attack in here as well that I'm going to get to a little bit after this first news. But as everyone has seen, Royal Rumble elites, they're starting to hit the target stores. Very, very rare. My targets are completely barren.
They're not putting anything out right now, so I probably wouldn't see any. Seth went into the target here in Bowling Green. It was, I mean, it was okay. So there wasn't much there, but what was there was good. So there was an elite AD Bailey, which is an awesome figure. We gave that away at Chick-Fully Rumble a couple weeks ago.
There was Legends Paul Wondorf, which again, cool figure. And then there was actually two of the legends, Eddie Guerrero. This is my first time seeing that figure on the pegs. That's a beautiful figure. We don't actually have that in our collection because I'm more of a fan of long haired Eddie. And I got those figures in the Hall of Fame, Eddie Guerrero and the Hall of Champions, Eddie Guerrero from WCW. So I wasn't the biggest WWE era Eddie Guerrero fan, but beautiful figure. They had two of those actually on the pegs and then
They also had the Black Series Jar Jar Binks, which we've kind of we sold off our Black Series collection. We were about 50 years deep on Black Series and we sold those off whenever we were expecting the little guy because we kind of his room was kind of the Star Wars room. We just need to free up some space.
But that Jar Jar Binks one of the best ones I've seen that figure looked amazing I was surprised nobody bid on that, you know, I threw it up in the the group I thought somebody would uh would claim that one but they didn't so there's a Jar Jar Binks setting at the the target Here in Bowling Green, Kentucky, but other than that, yeah, it was uh, it was slim pickings. But what was there was good? Yeah, no, I guess like the I guess what's happening is I guess they're only getting three random figures from the wave to that's
So that is very weird. And it's some stores are even charging $21.99 for the figures, which is scalper prices. Target, go to scalper prices. I know our legends. So the Target, we ended up getting the legend set in Virginia Beach. I think it was something similar to that because Sheena was there. She got a tip from the guy that works in the toy department.
And she had the case, you know, basically the day they were getting them, we were expecting to get a case fresh set, but it was actually like hodgepodge. They were in some random box. It was like, it was like they'd already been out of the case before Target got them. So I don't know if this is something new that Mattelzoo and to try to help out with distribution or something. But yeah, that is kind of weird. They're just getting three figures from the set, especially because I think Steve Austin is the most heavily packed on that one. So I think they're going to see a lot of places that may end up just getting stone cold.
He's going to be the pegwarver you think of the, uh, no, Steve has done a good job of spacing out the Steve Austin figures for, for the guy that's. I think without a doubt, the biggest star in the history of wrestling, um, at least, at least to the hardcore fans. He is. Um, there really hasn't been a ton of elites of his, so, uh, they did a good job spacing them out. So you're always going to grab still cold. And this one's kind of unique with the gold vest. That's the first time we've gotten that vest. Yeah. Yeah, definitely.
Yeah, but other than that, the other thing that's going on with figure hunting, obviously with Pop Finder and Brick Seek, they're shutting stuff down. They're censoring Brick Seek and Pop Finder.
I get results for PlayStation 5 man. I don't know. Well, yeah, so so if you guys don't know the history of the reason why that's happening is because it because of the ps5 and because the Xbox series s a Lot of people were using obviously pop finder and you know go to storms and stuff like that So, you know, obviously target made it strictly there only you can only purchase the systems on on the app You can't walk into a store and buy it
You can't walk into a store. So if a Target store has a PS5, you cannot walk in there and buy it. They don't even put them out. What the hell? The PS5 and the Xbox Series X are the hottest consoles ever. Xbox said the Series X and Series S console was their best console launch ever. Think about how heavy hitter with the 360 and the original Xbox were. Yeah. Wow.
Yes, I guess I'm behind because I did not realize true, but I didn't realize that they weren't even putting them out on the floor. No, so yeah, you can't walk in willy nilly and just buy one. You have to go on the Target app, see if it's in stock and then you purchase it on your app and then you pick up in store. If you walk into a Target like the ones I have, there's signs everywhere.
Yeah, Xbox, PS5 is not in stock. Order it on the Target app if it's available. I go to Target anymore. I used to go to Target several times a week, since 2020 happened. It's like my target is too far between. And my brick-seek has been totally accurate, too. I checked brick-seek, so we went to the
uh the walmart out in this place called central city kentucky which is out in the country uh me and my dad were going there to get some stuff for a little cookout we were doing at the house and you know i figured okay let me go and check brick seat to kind of adjust my expectations accordingly and it said it was six plus aw figures on the peg so i'm thinking worst case scenario i can grab some series one
for the Foley fan, but I thought there may be like some serious two or possibly even serious three there, get some chase action. I show up, there's nothing on the pegs, man. Like absolutely nothing. There's a couple pallets out. I'm thinking maybe around the pallets. There's nothing there. So yeah, I think it's kind of back to old school. Me personally, I'm not even checking those things anymore, which I used to be freaking surgical with using BrickSeek and Pop Finder. Like I'm talking like I had no wasted trips to the store, but now I'm back just rolling the dice. I'm hitting up the store I see and just hoping for the best, which is kind of fun. Yeah.
I was telling somebody in our group the other day, like they just found like a blind, like they went in blind and just found like the figures they want. I was like, dude, honestly, that's the best feeling in the world. When you go in, not knowing what's there and you turn that corner and you see what you're looking for. Like that, that ultimately is the best feeling. Obviously having the assistance of pot finder and brick seek and things like that is super helpful. And it saves you time, saves you gas and all those types of things. But those blind finds are, they, they give you the most satisfaction for sure. Yeah, yeah, definitely.
But yeah, they so yeah, that's the reason why pop finders started because of all the hassle with the the ps5 or the Xbox series X So when you actually go to search for something like even if you search for a figure you get like that notification saying You know ps5 aren't in sock or whatever. So it automatically just runs to that It got so bad. So so people are so basically doing the same thing they do with figures like going to go and
Hey, I see you have these in stock. Give me, give me it. And I'm like, yeah, I've done it. I've done it. Guilty as charged. Yeah. And obviously it's after holidays. So like, uh, they're also doing like, you know, aisle resets and stuff like that. So if you, you do walk into like a Walmart and targeted there, there's nothing there. You got to think it's, if you worked retail before, that's why I'm not really shocked by seeing like Baron or no pegs on, on, on the like figures on pegs or,
no merchandise on pegs anyway because it's it's after holidays and it's still trying to like get all that stuff out that's and stuff hasn't probably come in because obviously covid is happening so yeah you know the shipments aren't as fast as they were before covid so you get a you know give them some time to get that stuff out but it'll it'll definitely get out if they are popping up you see pictures all over social media with you know the royal rumble elites popping up and all the targets and uh even some of our rival series three
AW figures popping up. It's happening. It's just going to take some time to roll to the area. Don't fret. Don't get upset. Just go old school and just go regular hunting. You feel that intuition. Just go-
these AEW Series 2 chases have been hitting so are good. Oh my god, yes. The official customizer of the Chick-fil-A show. He posted tonight that his brother found three freakin' mocks chases, man, in one fell swoop. Yeah, I've seen that. That's incredible, man. Like, how does that happen? I don't know, Mark, I don't know how hardcore of an office fan you are. You guys remember that time when Michael Scott did the golden tickets and all five golden tickets went to the same place. That's what happened to me. Oh, yeah.
I've seen it multiple times. I've seen multiple people that are posting like, yeah, I found like, you know, two, three, four chase figures in one day. So it seems like they're definitely all getting packed together and getting sent out in bunches. So if you find one, like if I find one chase, like at a Walmart I go to, I'm hitting like every Walmart within a 30 mil radius. These things are straight.
hard cash right now as far as few years ago. I'm anti reselling, but some of these things are going for so much money that, you know, at the end of the day, I got a family and I got responsibilities. We're financially comfortable, but we can always use a little bit of extra jingle, you know? So if I can make 800 bucks on a figure, I'm going to do it. That's insane that they're 800 dollars. Especially the Mox one. Who the heck is paying that?
To me, it's just the rarity. Obviously, dude, shout out to Jeremy and the team at Jazzwares. We love you guys. And the Chase Darby, I'm on the hunt for that. I want that. That's so awesome. Obviously, I'm not in a position where I'm going to drop 500 plus for one action figure. But I want that Chase Darby. That one is awesome. But the other chases they've done so far, it's really just been the rarity, which I like because I don't have to have them. And the people that that is kind of their niche for collecting, they can get them.
But yeah, the Darby I got I got a half man that the pink MJF is really cool to you Plus it comes with the dynamite diamond ring But yeah, it's insane how these chases are hitting right now So that's kind of what's gotten what's giving me motivation to still hit the you know pound of pavement and and hit all these different Walmart's to see what I can find you definitely have to have that addition if to To go out there and hunt even if it's like, you know
Like that rare thing. I would probably say I agree with you. Those two chase figures are probably the ones you have to get the Darby out and the MJF with the language. It's pretty awesome.
Speaking of rarity So action figure attack was on the on the message boards answering Stuff about the elite 83 edge And apparently the the hands that it comes with if you if you've seen it it comes with like the two sweet Fingers opposed that wasn't listen up. Do you hear the two sweet hands didn't he?
Yeah, he had the two sweet hands. So basically, it's going to be a running change. Obviously, it's going to go back to the rock hands in the later ones. So basically, he said if you do have the two sweet hands, you do have a slightly rarer figure. And those hands have it there without the deco. Well, there you go, Marco. The plain skin.
the chase edge man i know right i mean well i mean i actually did uh order the chase edge like the actual now in stock at ringside i used coach but yeah so uh yeah i was like i was reading that i was like i was like
holy crap I was like let me check mine just to see you know he does have the two sweet ends it looks kind of weird him doing it too it's like because you you see that the hand gesture it's a distinct difference yeah the the hard rocker thing that's like what Brett Hart used to do and then the two sweet that's like yeah
Yeah, you know when you see you like he never did the two sweetie, but obviously you could use them for other figures and stuff like that You could use it for your your AJ Styles and stuff like that even though Yeah, it won't be gloves on his hands, but you can still do it I saw I saw some people on the Russell figs forums were like I don't know what the what the big difference is and I was like dude Just get the hell out of here dude. Yeah totally different hand signals man
I know. It bothers me sometimes because I do the, I use the, you know, I call it the too sweet emoji all the time, but it's really, it's really a rocker emoji. Yeah, really wrestling fans, like, yeah, they identify it as the too sweet emoji. But yeah, I always bothers me just a little bit because I'm like, it's not quite the too sweet emoji. It's more the rocker emoji. If anyone from Apple is listening, get us a too sweet emoji. Get that in there.
Also, we need redheaded emoji characters just for the record. Actually, yeah. You guys are totally profiling us and not letting us have an emoji. You need the ginger emojis in there, don't you? You're afraid we're going to steal everybody's souls. That's true.
You open up your emoji

Lucha Libre and Retro Figures

keyboard and there's no emojis left. It's to see the ginger one just sitting there by itself. But moving on to one of my favorite tag teams ever, the legend.
Yeah, I'd be a sittin But yeah, so they have the legends of lucha libre They're uh, they're gonna be I didn't find a date yet, but they are closing the pre-order soon Let me pull up my email and see when I pre-order. Yeah for the penta the phoenix I did pre-order those and I while back In the sets to the other hardcore sets. Yeah, they had with the two extra The heads that come with it too and I was july 25th my pre-order date. What's your pre-order date Marco? I?
Let me check real quick. That's not the, that's not the oldest pre-order that I have in my, in my email. Super seven in JPW.
I'm going to be very excited to compare them to what jazzwares did not because that's obviously jazzwares is making a whole lot more so it's not a fair comparison um it'd be like comparing like the Mattel figures to some of the stuff that storm has done but it's always fun comparing and contrasting what these different guys do I really like the black and red colors on these so I'm a little bit more excited for these guys than I am the
the AEW series too, but yeah, they look awesome. And I hope that these sell well enough that we can get some other Lucha Libre Legends coming out in this line.
Oh, yeah, definitely. They did say like, you know, they they put a presser on saying like, you know, you know, it's been taken a long, obviously a long time because what's happening in the world and they're not able to ship it out. But I feel like anybody that has any delay on anything now is just like, oh, it's just what's happening in the world. So it's just you're right. And I think I call bullshit on Super Seven for that because they're a little bit bigger company. These guys, they've been very, very transparent in their reporting. They did actually have the factory that these guys were originally going to be produced in did end up getting like totally shut down due to the pandemic.
So they had to totally ship production facilities on these.
You're right, I think across the world, people use COVID as like a blanket excuse to push back their delays and not have a sense of urgency on stuff. I do think that the, what's the actual, is the, isn't the overarching company called like masked underground or something like that, I think, and the legends of Lucha Libre is under there. Masked Republic. Masked Republic, yeah, that's what it is, yeah. So Masked Republic, I will give them the benefit of the doubt that they've had a little bit more hurdles to overcome than most when it comes to the pandemic. For sure.
Yeah, so yeah, I mean, they even they came out with a like, you know, statements saying when they actually started showing like the new decos and stuff of the of the figures, like they're actually glad that like something like this is happening in the world because now they're taking a lot more time to make it a lot more detailed and look more effort into the figures and stuff like that. So like when you do get it to be blown away by which I'm super psyched to have like two sets of lucha bros just like you said to compare.
I just hope they feel as good as they look, man. I hope they don't feel like a cheaper thing once we get them. I don't think I added this in there just because we're talking about the Lucha Bros, but there's a... So the Ray Phoenix figure for the Unrivaled series
Apparently, on his arm, he has that red clover leaf. The clover leaf? Yeah. Some of the things... Yeah, they're missing, yeah, on his arm, but I checked mine. It has it. Thank God. But yeah, so that's my assets when a clover leaf tattoo isn't included. Yeah, that would have been... I actually would have kind of been upset if I looked at my figure and it wasn't there.
Fun fact, Seth's dad has a cloverleaf tattoo. See, that's why I would have been upset. It's kind of like a... Mr. Phelps. You can't be without a cloverleaf tattoo at all.
so we'll move on to uh to the to the retro so there's a there's a lot of retros being made yeah put this on here but the uh but uh the major bros again retros those are awesome zombie sailor detailed user they got has got it's got me itching man it's got my mouth water and they said that they already have a ton of people on board with this so we know everything zombie sailor does is freaking first class so
I'm really excited to see how this line comes to fruition. If we get another retro line, I'm all about it. I'll be snapping up everything they release. Yeah, for sure. Oh, yeah, definitely. They look super awesome. I can't wait to see the paint jobs and all that stuff. We will never sleep on retros ever again. Oh, no, definitely not. Also, we talked about this on the shows before. Blue Beauty has a retro album. Actually, we ordered that this week.
Nick Aldis, he has a retro and all ego Ethan Page from Impact. He also has a retro figure coming out with our cello toys to switch blades. I've seen people that already have the cello figures, the people that already have Nick Aldis, everybody seems to be pretty happy with it. Yeah, and his looks pretty awesome too. You gotta think, as they're doing that, they're gonna get better and better too, so this one might be better. I cannot wait to get that blue meanie. Oh yeah, the blue meanie looks awesome.
Podcast co-host also has a retro figure which is in the meanie man for such a toy edit guy He had his wrestling figures are few and far between me at all. So always glad to see the meanie get his Get his due He's he's make a deal with uh Somebody to get some on some more some more figures out there Get the blue world order. Yeah, they're figuring long overdue but um, I
Yeah, you have a switchblade J. He also has a retro figure coming up with a different company. It's a, well, it's a two company. It's, it's an eye candy tattoo. And nerd clothing. They're coming out with a, I got it. My only experience with nerd clothing, I got a young, it's, it's very similar to the chalk line style jackets, but they did a jacket for the young bucks. Yeah. That looks really good. The sketches look awesome. You know, if it comes out half as good as the sketches look, this thing is going to be sweet. You know, and again, we need some awesome switchblade figures.
I'm very excited to see what these guys do. And hopefully they can keep the new Japan line going because there's a lot of really Toyota guys. And the thing is we need to support these smaller ventures, these smaller endeavors. You know what I mean? Like ultimately, like the success of these leads to other things and bigger companies. You know what I mean? Like whether we want to believe it or not, bigger companies are watching these smaller companies and what they're doing and what the success is and what we're buying and things like that. So if we really truly want retros back, we need to be buying retros from these freaking
smaller providers. And take a chance and pre-order these figures because if these guys can see that the support there and the interest is there, they'll invest the money to perfect it. You know what I mean? Absolutely. If they're barely getting by, they're not going to make two of these things. You know what I mean? But if they see their response there, even if this first switchblade figure isn't perfect, exactly what we want, maybe the next time when they do Ta-Nehisi or Okada, maybe it will be freaking awesome. Yes.
open up those wallets a little bit, help them out. Unless you just want nothing but Mattel, WWE again, which is awesome. Nothing wrong with that. Help some of these smart companies out. Yeah. I definitely think these companies making these retro figures and obviously the Mattels of the world are looking at this as well. If they are popular, if they are doing a great job of making that line relevant again,
Mattel will come out with a retro line, maybe you might get an AEW retro line too as well, which is, you know, Jeremy might be like, Hey, this, this might be, this is a big thing right now. Let's do a separate line next to our arrival to make a, you know, retro line with all the AEW figures. So yeah, definitely, definitely support all these, uh, retros that are coming out.
Even if you can't financially support them, even if you don't have the money to purchase them or whatever, share these posts, save these posts, tweet them, comment on them. All of those things help these guys get more exposure and it gets them in the hands of people who do want to purchase them or can purchase them.
Don't think that just because you're not purchasing something that you can't support. You can always go to Instagram, save the post, comment on the post, share it in your stories, tag your friends, all the things. And those things are just as helpful and just as supportive as actually buying the figure. So don't feel like just because you don't have the funds or the money or the means or whatever, or it's not even something you want to add to your collection, that you can't help these things get off the ground. Because by using your platform and your social media and things like that to share, it's just as important.
Hell yeah. Definitely. All right, let's move on to our ringside news. I think I mentioned this before, the Edge variant is actually back in stock on ringside. Use Code Chick fully when you do purchase that. I think actually the whole series.
is in stock right now, so that whole series you can pick up. It's an awesome series. Dusty Rhodes, Sasha Banks. Dusty Rhodes is so freaking cool. I wasn't really into that figure when I first saw the sketches come out, but I see it in hand. It's a must-have for your collection.
Yeah, definitely drew another Drew McIntyre. He's he's becoming the the go-to guy with all the figures And also you have King Corbin which I thought I said was gonna be the sleeper figure it is pretty cool person He's got some cool accessories. Oh, yeah, I mean you got some stuff. We haven't seen before
Yeah, definitely. But yeah, definitely pick that up and use a code check fully when you do. The other news that happened too is the Super 7 Ultimates appeared for pre-order the Good Brothers. Those look insane. Perfect timing too. Yeah, perfect timing. I'm going live today. They'd be on AEW. Yeah, the same thing Sheena was talking about.
It was really my thoughts on these, you know, Mattel released some awesome elites of the good brothers. So I don't necessarily need these figures, but they look good. And I really want to encourage super seven to keep making wrestlers. So yeah, I got these on pre-order right now. Who knows when we'll see them. If I see them before summer 2022, I'll call it a win. The box looks incredible.
don't even know what our final accessories these guys are gonna come with you know there's these guys are still in work so there's gonna be some more cool stuff aside from all the different head sculpts and hands you guys are seeing so far yeah great figures and I just can't wait to get some super seven figures in my hands yeah
Yeah, definitely. Like she just said, like the box or the packaging. The packaging looks awesome on those figures too. If you looked at the major bros too, their figures, which actually, I guess I
They're looking at fall 2021, I guess that's it. That was the news that they came up with. So if you pre-order those before those soon, but I'm hoping that that might be in a bid year, you might hear something that's going to be pushed up a little bit before then. So that's what I'm hoping for at least summer 2021, mid summer.
Maybe end of summer 2021. Super 7, just give me something. Give me something in my hands. I don't care what it is. Yeah, I don't own any Super 7 figures. I'm really excited to get some in hand. Yeah, I can't wait to see what the big fuss is about, as I like to say, but I know they're going to be awesome too. Just the accessories I come with, the major bros are pretty awesome. They come with their own figures. Those tiny figures are freaking awesome.
That's the coolest thing, is that they come with those actual figures. I thought that was so cool. Those are cool for any photography or anything like that, to have your own scale action figures with your figures. That's so mage. Yeah. Obviously, the New Year's sale is still going on right now. There's a lot of cool figures. Definitely go check that out. They have a link right on the page, on the main page, so you just click on New Year's sale.
You can shop all the figures that they have. A lot of great stuff. Remember you can always use Code Chick Foley to stack an additional 10% off on some of those awesome prices they have going right now. We added a few basics that I've been meaning to catch up on to the collection through that sale.
Yeah, the other cool thing is a lot of new figures, like we just mentioned, series WWE Elite 82 is actually on that New Year's sale page. So definitely every single one of them are on there, drunk. I actually know 82 and 83 are there as well. So definitely shop around. Like you said, double sack that discount and get some figures in your hand too.
What else was there for all the pre-orders? I will get we'll do this one first and I'll get to the second one. So first pre-order ultimate edition 8 is that for pre-order? That's uh, that's edge and macho man
They are for you. I think I did it like that day Great we still haven't even seen the final Sketch is a macho man with the jackets gonna look like and stuff I know that's gonna be great and the edge looks cool, too I think it's gonna right now kind of like the the main edge figure in my collection is the ringside exclusive the one that came with the rated-R Championship all those years ago, but I think this was gonna escape is gonna replace it as kind of the main edge in our collection and
Yep, and then also you have the Ringside exclusive Ultimate Warrior for pre-order. Insane. It's a crying shame that he's no longer with us because that thing would be so freaking choice to get autographed, man. It's such a huge window. Everything

New Japan Pro Wrestling Figures

about it looks incredible.
I'm not sure if anyone else got this. I'm not sure if this is breaking news, but I did get an email saying that the manufacturer has pushed back the release of the RSC exclusive Ultimate Warrior from February to March, I believe.
It's, uh, February to March. Well, that was very upsetting. What are we going to do with ourselves? I was like, no, but that's weird because most of the time I feel like half the time with those ringside exclusives, they ended up showing up quicker than you expect them to. You know what I mean? I feel like I see the announcement and then like two weeks later they get shipped. So I'm hoping, I think our buddies at ringside will come through for us. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's, it's, it said the manufacturer, but it's not ringside at all. Usually what you see in MOC picks, it's usually a good sign, man, that, uh, things that beer sooner rather than later.
I mean, they could be like the demand like they didn't think obviously people are gonna pre-order the crap out of this so that that could have been an issue because it's another warrior figure to some people but so I guess we're like oh my god this is the greatest thing ever so those people probably went crazy and just pre-ordered like insanely and they probably weren't expecting the the mass amounts of pre-orders and stuff like that so I'm hoping it does come on time if not I could definitely wait for it's not a not a huge deal I am a
warrior fan at heart so I do want it in my grasp but if I have to wait a little longer I'm a patient man. Moving on, last but not least, New Japan Pro Wrestling Series 1 and 2.
Still up for pre-order on Ringside. Figures look awesome. But judging off the pictures, they got the potential to be the best wrestling figures we've ever seen. I don't say that lightly, but they look awesome. And we finally got to see the boxes. They look cool. We saw some unpainted prototypes. Yeah. I'm just hoping I get these things, dude. Like I said, I pre-ordered these things back in November of 2019. So Ringside has been holding my money for, you know,
over a year now obviously the economy's been up and down but i could have done something with that money put it in the stock market or something ringside i feel like ringside should be giving me some dividends off of that man they took it when i placed the order man but i still got any figures in my hands i mean yeah but it's like a kickstarter campaign dude yeah it's damn near what it feels like
So it does, so it does look like they're, I mean, it looks like they're all like, they're starting to move them around. So like February, March, I know they just put back, took my hero, Ishii back up on as a pre-order too. He was actually missing from the line on ringside, but now he's back up for pre-order again. Cause you can only pre-order Okada, Osprey, and Tanahashi as pre-orders, but it looks like they're all
It looks like Okada and Osprey are February. And it looks like if you pre-ordered before, you'll probably get it earlier. But it looks like the pre-order two for Tanahashi is in March, so. Yeah, Tanahashi looks crazy with the guitar and everything. Dude, so my fan or figure out all these, I do love the Evo. Evo is going to be pretty awesome. But that Naito with the multiple soft good,
He has like he has the two t-shirts the hoodie and then he has the two belts as well as all those two hands and the heads Yeah, it's part of that. I think he's a he's probably the best one out of all them. I don't know Man that okada looks crazy. Also, you know, I definitely definitely they're all there. I definitely want the okada but that Naito looks pretty good. Yeah, same like just all the accessories. I can't wait to get these guys in hand
But yeah, they're April 2021 for the series too. So definitely pre-order those if you haven't yet. But yeah, it looks like all the series one are starting to do the pre-order two sets for our rig side. And that's pretty much it. That's all I have for our offering. That was a lot. That was probably one of the longest ones. Like I said, we had about a week and a half or so. True. What weekly purchases did you have this week, Marco?
Oh man, so I had the delivery from you guys, from the Edge Baron Corbin and...
was a edge band cordon drew back a tire from 83. So I've got those got those in. I had to order another ringside exclusive. Jushin Liger, the new one that came up because I stored it and then I want to go take it out again. And one of his horns broke off. Oh,
Did it break or did it like just come unconnected man? It was like a it was a clean it was kind of like a clean break
Yeah, no, it was a clean break. It was like there was no connection. I was like so upset because I had it stored because I didn't have it on display yet. So I put it like in the plastic bag and all that stuff and I stored it. I took it out and I seen a hole in the bag. I was looking at the side of his head and the hole was missing. I was like, you got to be kidding me. I was like, we're all staying out now. So now that all three are on display, all three wagger figures. But I get that.
He presents a unique challenge. So my figures that are on display, I have them in totes in the closet, but my Jushin Liger custom that I got from Showstopper custom figures. He's under the sink. I moved him. He's now underneath the TV. He used to be under the bathroom sink. He's like the vice president when shit's going down. He's in a safe undisclosed situation.
Kids or even where I could like mess with it cuz yeah, whatever we he can't you know showstopper did an amazing job on him It's just the unique nature of Jushin Liger. He's the horn in the ass is Toyota. Yes He's been asked to make a toy like when I got it because showstopper is located in the Philippines and one of his horns got broke off Yeah, they're just super fragile luckily it's you know, it's easy to make a clean reattachment was just you know the tiniest little drop of superglue and
But yeah, Jushin Liger is a he presents some unique challenges for storage as a 100%. Yeah, he needs like his own little like head bubble, you know, to like put around his, his whole head gear. Oh, yeah. So I also received the my birthday gift from you guys, the the royal rum the chick fully Royal Rumble inspired
logo t-shirt. Yes. If you haven't wished Marco a happy birthday yet, make sure you wish the MVP a happy birthday. Yeah. Yeah. So you're like a week late, but that's fine. That's all right. Nothing has a timeline in 2020 and 2021. You don't know. That's true. Everything just like melts together. Just still one big long year that we're celebrating Christmas. But nothing else. But just because we spoke about Showstopper,
We have to bring up the fact that Mad Reaper
with the three-pack of the Jurassic Express. We get to talk about this. We spoke about this on our chat, but we get to break the exciting news from Matt Reaper that happened to him, who he got the shout out from. Yeah, Jeremy Padour posted him on his Instagram, which I thought was just so freaking awesome. He posted the figures that Matt Reaper and BEW
Animations made and yeah, I thought that was so super cool. The Reaper is he truly is the man Like we can't say it enough. I know I know we kiss his ass a lot on this show, but like it's deserved There's a lot of things actually we have to my study and this is no shade I got a handful of guys I've gone to Alex Pierce is a man. Yeah, Alex Pierce does some awesome work for us. Um, I
Elite alpha figures has done some awesome stuff showstopper has done some crazy years for me Scribble does some good stuff They're all kind of their own lane But if you're looking for somebody to like make you something from scratch, you know, that's not not a repaint you know doing some serious like sculpting and
and getting creative and putting all the tiny little touches that you wouldn't even think about. But then when you get in your hand, you're like, this makes it incredible. Reaper's a guy. He really is. It sounds cliche, but he really is a freaking artist when it comes to doing these customs. So hats off to him. If I didn't know that Jeremy was going to get us those three figures in the AEW line, I would be all over those customs because they were awesome. And I'll tell you what, Jeremy and Magic, the lead designer for the Unrivaled line, you guys got your work cut out for you to top that Luchasaurus figure.
that the Reaper and the BW animations put together, because that Lucisaurus was, you know, it was an awesome set, and Lucisaurus was ready to stand out. They nailed that guy. Thanks for bringing that back up, Marco, because with all the stuff going on the last week and a half, that actually slipped my mind a little bit.
No, no, you definitely need to get that recognition because you get recognized by one of the lead figure like a godfather figures. Yes. And he's saying like, wow, this is this is mind blowing. And he recognized your figures. You know what I mean? That's a huge shout. Yeah. I mean, if he might even draw inspiration from those, that's the other thing too. So like if you see those figures come down the line, like
know that they're probably drawn inspiration from the Mad Reaper from his showing. We're not like, you know, blowing smoke or anything like that. They are awesome. Go to his page on IG. Definitely take a look at Adam. He actually has multiple pictures. So you see him in the package as well as individually. They're all amazing. Yeah. Who is that?
It's it's prebo. Yeah, it's at Mad Reaper on Instagram and then at b e w underscore animations. They did a collaboration on that. Yeah, grassy express set. So yeah, follow both. Follow both those guys. Hats off to both those guys. Incredible work.
So my weekly purchase this week was a little bit light. We, again, we've been away from the house in Virginia for a week and a couple of days now. There's a shitload of packages at the house from eBay, from Ringside Collectibles, and from a couple of hookups I've had both in the Foley fam Facebook group, again, join at And then just from some of my various, various hookups I got on Instagram.
I'm not going to include any of those. I'll have a supersized weekly purchases for the first time. We're back at the house here. Luckily in Kentucky. I had I got lucky today at Target and found the NECA cartoon series turtles of the Baxter and splinter to pack which is awesome. That said is so beautiful, especially that Baxter figure. He really just pops. I mean splinters cool too. We all know how important splinter is to Ninja Turtles.
But that Baxter figure, the Baxter Stockman, the fly guy, he just really pops. They nailed the sell style animation.
It's like the cartoon just came to life. So if you see it, you'll know what I mean. Really can't stress enough how awesome the cartoon line is from NECA. And then going back to, like Sheena had mentioned, we found, we were going back through the toys in the attic at my parents' house. When we did it last summer, I wasn't back in the Hasbro and retro game. I was still sticking strictly to Mattel elites.
Um, but I, you know, in the meantime, I've, I've kickstarted my Hasbro collection and I went through the worst possible. The only, the only figure that was salvageable for my collection was, uh, I had a narcissist. Let's literally, it was in good shape. Um, I told you guys before me and my little brother, Tad and our, and our best friend from, uh,
kind of grade school age, RC. We used to have like, it was basically like the CZW of wrestling figure federations. Like we gave these toys head, gave these toys tail. Whoa, that took a turn. Yeah. Bad blooper there. Yeah. We'll edit that one out in post. But we gave these toys tail. I was already thinking about how we used to set their heads on fire and stuff. You know, that was kind of the,
That was kind of like the closing angle from kind of the WrestleMania or whatever of our figure fed. One year we had a whole set of LJNs and it was LJN Ultimate Warrior versus King Kong Bundy. And the event ended with King Kong Bundy sitting Ultimate Warrior on fire and then going into our friend RC's above ground pool. So yeah, it breaks my heart when I see these figures now. I really just want to go back in time and tell myself. But think about how much fun you had though.
True. It was a blast. I wanted to say A, you know, don't play with them or B, just, you know. Don't give them head. Play gently. Yeah. But I

Entertainment Recommendations

did find a Lex Luger that we could salvage and then the Jax dumpster. I can't remember what place that it was. You know, Jax had a few times where they released like accessory packs and they had a really cool dumpsters like spray painted up. I think it was inspired by the WrestleMania 14 dumpster match between the New Age Outlaws and Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie.
And yeah, we picked up, I found that dumpster still in perfect condition. And it looks like it's in pretty good scale with the Mattel Elite. So that's going back to the collection also. So that was it for me for weekly purchases, but stand by next week. Did we talk about the wrestling buddies last week? The major brothers wrestling buddies? I don't think we did with the purchases last week. Yeah, we grabbed the major wrestling buddies, the major wrestling figure pod wrestling buddies also, those are great. They were very close to the original line of wrestling buddies.
hats off to the guys for putting those out. Hopefully we can get a few more of those also over the next year. We need a swaggle wrestling buddy that's about half the size. That would be awesome. Oh my gosh, that would be so awesome. A half size swaggle wrestling buddy. All right, so with that, it is now time for quarantine and chill.
All right, quarantine and chill is where we give you guys some recommendations. Hope you stay Tranquilo while everybody's still in lockdown or semi-lockdown while the pandemic's still happening. Marco, hit us with your recommendations. Oh, man.
This is the number one thing on Netflix right now. If you're not on it, I've been on it since the YouTube series when it was on YouTube. Cobra Kai, probably one of the best shows ever. Have you guys seen it? It's on my list of stuff to watch, but no, I have not. We have not watched Cobra Kai yet. Oh my God.
They do a great job of tying everything in from the movies, as well as little Easter eggs here and there and stuff like that. I'm not going to give anything away, but all three seasons, third season came out this month. But the first two seasons were first they were on YouTube, YouTube Premium. That's where they had the idea first. And then they just moved everything over to Netflix and they got to deal with Netflix.
It's a great show. If you're a fan of the Karate Kid movies, you just want to see some nostalgia and just a great show with great characters, definitely watch it. You can probably binge it pretty fast. I've heard nothing but great things about Cobra Kai. I did a guest spot on Have a Drink with Me podcast. You can find them at Instagram at HADWM.
Um, I think that's right. Yeah. And they actually, he did an episode about Cobra Kai before, um, before my episode come out. So definitely go check that out. And yeah, Cobra Kai, I've heard nothing but like awesome things. So I'm excited to watch it, but yeah, it's just, there are so many things to watch right now. It's insane.
Marco, I hadn't actually heard about this, so I saw it in your show notes for this week. Tell us about Michael Keaton, possibly quoted as Batman. Yeah, what the heck? Yeah, so there's rumors that Michael Keaton is going to be the mainstay Batman for the upcoming DCEU movies, as they call them. So yeah, replacing, obviously, Ben Affleck is no longer playing Batman. And obviously, if Robert Pattinson playing the Batman when that movie comes out. Yeah. Cedric Diggory.
But yeah, it's super confusing, but if you follow DC, they have a thing called the multiverse where there's different versions of every character. So there's a different Superman, there's a different Wonder Woman, Flash.
Green Arrow, Batman, there are all these different universes and stuff like that. So I'm not sure how they're going to play it out, but obviously Michael Key will play like the old, like the multiverse. There is a old Batman. There is Batman when he is old and he's still in crime fighting and things like that. So I'm assuming he's going to play that role.
Um, but, uh, I'm not bad at it. A lot of, I mean, I mean, I grew up on Michael Caine as a first. Everybody always has an opinion on who's Batman. You know what I mean? Like, I feel like anytime, anytime Batman changes, people are just like, Oh my God. You know? Seriously, anytime there's a new Batman, because it's, yeah, it's Batman and it's Batman and Bruce Wayne. So like Michael Caine is probably the best Batman, not the best Bruce Wayne out of the Batman costume. Uh, the best Bruce Wayne.
Yeah. That's, that's a rough, I mean, it probably has to go to Christian Bale, right? Christian Bale's gotta be the best Bruce Wayne, but he's the worst Batman. I thought Michael Keaton was pretty damn cool, man. I think I would go backwards. I think I would think Michael Keaton was probably.
the best, uh, the best Bruce Wayne. And then I think, uh, Bruce Wayne in multiplicity. You know what I mean? Like, exactly. It just worked. It was crazy. Yeah. That's what everybody said. People were, if you ever go back and listen to any other like watching the documentary, people were outraged when they heard that Michael Keaton
Was cast as Batman, but he was so freaking cool in that role, you know, I mean Christian Bale had more of like a James Bond type vibe going on cuz he was just so slick but I feel like Michael Keaton was just really cool as hell now I had a harder time buying Michael Keaton is like a badass who's gonna like fuck people up, you know We've seen him in Terminator You know, he was freaking American Psycho. He's been a few other things where he's looked really tough Like I could buy him kicking some ass
But I thought Michael Keaton was cool as hell as Batman. Yeah, he's definitely up there in the mix Yeah, it's definitely him and Christian Bale are definitely you know in the mix for the best Batman's of my lifetime Yeah, definitely, you know, you know, he's obviously Michael Keaton. He was a stand-up comedian. So yes No one have doing comedy roles and all that stuff and then like and then you hear him coming up like he's Batman The 1989 movie they're like what the Beetlejuice. Yeah, I don't even know why Jews Timber actually we could probably do a whole podcast on a
on Tim Bern, because I couldn't go down a rabbit hole with him. Beetlejuice, was Beetlejuice after Batman? Yeah, Beetlejuice was before Batman. It was before Batman, right? Yeah, it was Tim Bern. I got the taste for Michael Keaton. Yeah.
Yeah, then obviously he had Batman return, too, as well. Then obviously they he didn't do the next movies and we don't we don't speak of those. Actually, maybe we'll speak of the Batman forever because I'm a pal. They had some cool storyline. Yeah, the set design. I like like the set design and the character design of like the Black Lives Forever. But then Batman and Robin, they like turned it up to 15 and it was just true. And maybe it's what Obama knows. Yeah, I know exactly. Mr. Freeze and all the freeze jokes and
All that stuff, it got pretty crazy. I just have a soft spot for Val Kilmer because his birthday is December 31. Val Kilmer's a damn good actor, dude. I don't think he really got his just due. He didn't get a fair shake. I think if he would have been Batman in Tim Burton's Batman and then Batman Returns, I think he would have went down as possibly as good as Michael Keaton and Kristen Bay. He definitely didn't fit in because he's such a serious actor and he didn't fit in as well with the campier Batman Forever.
Yeah, I think yeah, I think yeah, you're right. If he was in more of like a darker version of Batman, I think he would have did. I mean, if you want to, if anyone will move off of this, but if you want to see Val Kimmer in his prime, I definitely recommend seeing The Saint. The Saint is an awesome movie. He's like a master of disguise in it. Oh my god.
I'm gonna take it in a different direction. We're gonna go with a music recommendation. So I'm a big country music fan, but I wrote a list of a lot of new country man. It's mostly kind of like
Anything from like past nineteen ninety three I really don't mess with but I've been a big fan of Morgan Wallen over the last year. Awesome dude he definitely you know he's accessible enough that people that are into like the more modern country sound can get into it but he's definitely got a lot of like retro. He's a young guy I think he's like twenty eight.
But he's got kind of like an aged voice, if that makes sense. And yeah, he's an awesome songwriter. His song is stuck in your head all day long. And he dropped a double album today called Danger. So it's 30 tracks deep. If you're not into country music, give it a listen. I think it's just I think it's good quality music that's going to kind of go beyond the genre it's in. I think if you like music, you'll like this. So Morgan Wallen.
dangerous give it a listen and then give some of his old stuff a listen as well. All right, so we're running a little long here. So we're going to jump right into the retro wrestling recommendation of the week.
All right, retro wrestling recommendation of the week is where we give you guys a wrestling choice from years gone by to check out the segments brought to you by our good friends at chalk line. They got some awesome stuff dropping this month and including just a couple hours before showtime and we find out they're going to have their first
Kids jacket and it's one of their all-time best the satin Classic heart foundation chocolate satin is the best jacket on the market. Yeah, check them out on Instagram Google chalk line They had a lot of amazing stuff Marco. What's your retro wrestling pick this week?
All right, because we love Goldberg over here. I want to just give you guys a glimpse of
that he can do a longer match than five seconds as most people think he can do. How long do you have in 1998, DDP versus Goldberg for the world title yet? No, it's a really, really, really good match. I know it sounds kind of weird to be saying that Goldberg match is really, really good, but it actually was obviously with DDP in the ring. You can't go wrong with that.
if you look at the clock time it is like it says it's like 18 minutes and 20 something seconds but literally like 10 minutes of it is their entrances yeah yeah so like it's really like a maybe like a 12 or 13 minute match i think it's probably his best entrance i think it's that or maybe the episode of nitro when he won the belt from hogan was his it seemed like the pyro was just turned up a couple notches on both of these nights yeah i wasn't i was gonna go with the hogan but i feel like that's been like running to the ground like that whole match and this one's uh you remember this was the night when
because the Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior match went long, the DDP Goldberg ended up getting cut off on like half the country's pay-per-view feeds. So I ended up showing it the next night on Nitro and it ended up being, I think it ended up getting, the record ended up getting broke by a tag team match a year later on Raw, but at the time this was the most watched wrestling ever, or the most watched wrestling match ever on cable when they re-aired their main event.
Pretty historical match. Probably, I think it's between this match and Goldberg versus Brock at WrestleMania 33 for the two best Goldberg matches ever.
Probably this is really kind of the peak of DDP's career even though he would go on to win the belt later on. I don't think he was ever more over or in a more high profile one on one match than this night back in 1998. So yeah, great choice Marco and definitely recommend you guys checking that one out. I won a year prior. I went in 1997. We're all about getting the Royal Rumble spirit and I recommend checking out the actual Royal Rumble match from 1997. This is kind of when we're still planting the seeds of the Attitude Era. Bret Hart's there.
Steve Austin's there, kicking ass, you got Vader, you got the Undertaker. A whole lot of just really interesting characters, you know, and this is leading into WrestleMania 13. The world title would be up for, in a lot of turmoil over the next two months. Shawn Michaels wins the belt back in the main event from Psycho Sid, and then forfeits it about three weeks later when he said he lost his smile. But Awesome Rumble, it's probably my second favorite Rumble, aside from Royal Rumble 92, and it's really a fun show if you wanna watch the whole show. So Royal Rumble 97,
is my pick. So you guys got two great choices to go check out over the next week while it's going to be cold as hell across most of the country and everybody's going to be inside. So Sheena, remind everybody they can find you guys out on social media. All right, guys, as we get out of here, you know, you can find me always at Instagram, at Chick Foley, and you can find our favorite asshole, Marco, running the Twitter machine over at Chick Foley show
Join our Foley fam, for dollar a month. Come buy sell trade figures with us. Just talk, talk wrestling talk, be a cool wrestling fan and join the fam at And yeah. Yeah. Make sure you use code CHICKFOLY at Ringside Collectibles for any figure purchases you make. Marco, our first episode of 2021 is in the books. Do you have any closing words for the Foley fam and all the listeners worldwide? Oh my God, Jesus. No pressure. That's a lot of pressure.
I'll just say this, whether you think you can, whether you think you can, or whether you think you can't, you're right either way. That's what I'm going to say. Wow, that's like Henry Ford. That's something that you want to have. It is Henry Ford. Yeah. We're going to have to marinate on that one. All right. The first episode of 21 is in the books. Remember, subscribe, rate, and review. Thank you guys for listening. Jake Foley Show out.