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Arc 2 - Episode 5 - Mission Board image

Arc 2 - Episode 5 - Mission Board

Mystery Dungeon: a Path Through Time
83 Plays9 months ago

The Crew Minus Walter decide to do missions they found on the Mission Board while waiting for Walter to arrive in Hockeioiuiouioiea.

Discord -

Dakota as the PM, DM, GM

Evelyn as Hikaru Hatsumi the Pikachu

Eli as Bruce Flameback the Cyndaquil

Shawn as Sammy Pepperoni the Munchlax

Jake as Walter the Riolu


Technical Difficulties and Introductions

But yeah, you've got to wait. Uh oh, what happened? Oh, okay. It just finished. Uh, it says Eli ran into an error initializing their session for recording. Did Eli on the call? Hello? Eli? Hello, what's going on? Oh, I think his internet might have died. Because it sounded like he was having internet troubles earlier and now he's not responding. I think his internet died. Well, I'm glad that happened when it did. Um, hmm.
Tupelo, buddy. Hey, my cat says hi. Oh, Tupelo, buddy. He is my buddy. Okay, let's hope he comes back online. Zencaster's refreshing. Zencaster, it casts your zen.
Hello, everyone, and welcome to a Path through Time. I am Dakota, your PM, your DM, your GM, and sitting to my left is somebody who owns exactly 99 d20s. I don't know where I was going with that. It's me, Evelyn, and you can hear all of them just like clattering all over my table right now. It's wild. And sitting to my left is
Someone whose favorite holiday is Pi Day. That's me, Eli. I will be baking at least one pie to bring into work. Wait a minute, Pi Day is coming up, isn't it? Yeah, I just realized. It's like three days. I just realized that. Sitting across from me is someone who is still eating candy canes from Christmas.
Oh man, I have so many Skittle-flavored candy canes to get through. They're delicious. So as you guys- Oh wait, no, it's B. Sean! Oh yeah, I'm glad you remembered your name. Me too. I'm sure nobody else out there would have known who it was if he hadn't said it.

Absent Members and Episode Format

So you guys may have noticed that Jake's not here once again. Obviously, this is the crew episode, not a Walter Solo episode, so.
Walter will not be joining us this episode, however, we may see a brief appearance of him at the end. I don't know. It all depends on how much progress these guys make. So, without further ado, who wants to do the recap? I am rolling a D4. I just found something out. You know my big die? I placed a D4 on top of it. The size of one of the sides of the D4 is the same size as one of the sides of the D20 that I had. That's how big the big die is. Coincidence? I think not. Alright, I'll roll my D4.
I got a three. I think all three of you guys had it at the exact same time. Can we start that again? Three for me, three for Hikaru and Evelyn, and four for Sean. All right, I got a two, so I guess I'm doing the recap this time, which is unfortunate because I barely remember what happened last time. All I remember is you had a phone call and we went to Hawkeye.
I don't even know if that made it into the episode, but I guess that's for future you to find out. It is not into the episode. We're going to dock your pay the next time you forget stuff.

Patreon Planning and Tech Troubles

Yeah, don't force no your pay during work time. Since when?
the funny thing is it actually wasn't a personal call that was my uh that was me getting hired at a new job so i don't know if you subscribe to the patreon you'll know what i'm talking about uh because i'll be like super excited in that way anyway uh yeah go go go join our patreon if that's even up at this point i don't know i actually kind of may have just dated myself i have to get to patreon going before this episode comes out so that's great uh
If I actually do have the Patreon by that, you'll hear about it in the midsection, so stick around for the midsection, and you'll hear more about that. Or not. And in case there's no Patreon yet when this episode gets released, there is no Patreon. Please wait. Please be patient, audience. It's all an illusion.
Yeah, there yeah, we've uh, we've got a patreon in the making currently so just be patient.

Previous Adventures Recap

It's still being worked Uh, we started last time you guys had just seen selena abyss and brie run off into Did you guys ever learn their names?
yes okay okay okay i can remember i was like wait a minute i don't think they actually okay say yes selena this and brie had just ran into the side room uh in the like back room the little dungeon place whatever um
And they took Walter with them, Abyss, or Bree, don't remember which, let slip, that they were heading to Hawkeye. And as such, the crew with Zekrom, the Lucario in tow, went through the side door, found a hatch, went up the hatch, and Bruce ended up welding the plate shut before the... It's not a vigorous, I know that. The...
Oh, Z. It's a Zangoose? Was it a Zangoose? Yeah, it was a Zangoose. Was it the bouncer from earlier, the same Zangoose? Yes, it was the bouncer. You guys somehow got past him, definitely didn't just forget about him. And he was like,
where is zekron that stupid uh bartender he's gone and so he was mad and he was about to come find you guys but bruce welded the manhole cover shut and you guys head over to the train station got confused the tyro who was manning the ticket station for a bit uh as you guys had entered again somehow and
You guys headed off to the, not Volkenburg, Hawkeye, via the train station, where you guys went to the shop, met with the guy, the list guy, and after that you guys left and were about to check out the mission board. And that is where we are going to start off. Are you guys ready to rose pedal on in? Is that a move? No. No, it is not. Pedal dance. Pedal dance or pedal blues?
Pedal, I think Pedal danced this one, yeah. I think that's the one I was thinking of. So without further ado, let us Pedal dance on in.

Mission Board and Glaceon Task

So you guys have just left the general shop here at Hawkeye, and you guys are about to head to the mission board, which is right around the corner. As you guys reach the mission board, there is a singular piece of paper
smacked on the admission board and it reads uh looking for one glaceon with a bandana reward 10 000 poke last scene in mapleville uh outcast last scene in mapleville haven't we seen this glaceon before i mean i've never heard of mapleville before yeah i haven't heard of mapleville but wasn't a glaceon wearing a scarf or something whatever that was the
The head person that took Walter away? I mean, maybe, but I didn't really get a good chance to see if they ran off too quickly. Yeah, I think, um... I don't remember what the Glaceon looked like, but I wanna... I wanna try to remember. I did see a couple Lumberians, but I don't... I don't... It could be a... It could have been a Glaceon, I was gonna say. Yeah, I just... I wanna check my memory.
uh roll history what exactly are you searching your memory for i just want to see if i want to see if i remember if the glaceon had anything read on it okay yeah roll history which is smart i believe i believe so it'd be weird if it wasn't yes it is smart okay so i'm rolling a straight d20
Well, I mean, animal Helen handling is beauty, so not everything. Okay, but like, what if history were a tough role? It'd be weird. Wow. Yeah. You gotta be really tough to make your way through those boring history lessons. I don't know. Well, I rolled a 14. Okay, with a 14, you remember it had a red bandana tied around its neck. Mmm. Yeah, okay, yeah, we've seen, we've definitely seen this, a glaceon with a red bandana before. Ooh.
Now, where's Mapleville though? Do you think it's somewhere between here and Gale Beach? Between here and Gale Beach? Yeah, probably. I don't want to go on any more adventures if we're still trying to find Walter, you know? Yeah, maybe it's off the trail, you know. Maybe it's not on the way to Hawkeye, and they were just saying Hawkeye to create a diversion.
you're telling me we could have just went to the wrong place background what background do you know what mapleville is oh yeah i'm rusted so i don't have to okay yes i actually do remember maplewood is maplewood mapleville yeah i know the name of this place um i know the general gist of where it's at but i would suggest we get a map first i think it's like uh d-m pulling up the map real quick give me a second
Mapleville, Mapleville, where are you? Wait a second. Wait a second. Wait a second. You guys are in Hawkeye. Mapleville is directly north of us. I don't know exactly where. I just know if we go north, it'll be there. Is it still in the Ventus state? Nope. It is in the teal state. It's not labeled in my memory. I don't remember what it's called. Notore?
Yeah, Naturae. We're gonna go with that. The capital is Thundertree City, so yes, Naturae. Yes, that is Naturae.
Yeah, and I think a lot of the, I think just above board, I think a lot, I think Hikaru would remember this too. A lot of the city and town names in Natori, if you look at the map, have like tree themes. I'm looking up in the city names now, and actually you're right. Yeah, maple. I didn't notice that before, but yeah. Interesting. So they somehow got
They would've gotten past Hawkeye to get there faster than we got here on a train. No, I don't think that's the case, no. What it might be is this is from a previous thing, and someone put the list amount. But my question is why is it here in Hawkeye if it's like a Mapleville thing? Is there a date on this wanted poster?
Uh, no, but there is a signature. It is sealed with a paw print and it says by Sprigotito. Sprigotito. The pan? Is it a Sprigotito? Is it a Sprigotito, or is it? Not the pan, Jim. The pan seems. Panseer? Panseer, you got eight? The panseer, yeah. The panseer, you got to figure out. No, the pan poor. No, it was the pan seer that was Sprigotito. All it says is Sprigotito.
The pan seer. Just sprigotito. Does the paw print look like a monkey hand or a cat paw? It is a cat paw. Okay. Oh, so it's probably not our pan seer friend. I'm glad I didn't have to. It's an actual sprigotito. Yeah, an actual sprigotito. Does the sprigotito not have a name? Is he just writing like, like if I was to write, help me, signed a human.
that's what it says so who knows uh i mean in the mystery dungeon games most people most of the pokemon just go by their pokemon names so i know but it seems like we haven't had any npcs that were like this yet everyone had names that's true
Maybe it's only the minor NPCs that don't get names. Apparently.
I have no idea. So maybe you need to move that Sprigotito flush off your desk so you stop naming things Sprigotito. I've got a bunch of stuff on my desk. I've got a Sylveon, I've got an Eevee, I've got a Rosasaur, not a Bulbasaur. It's got a rose on its back. I have a Sprigotito.

Tito's Bakery Incident

And I have a cat. There's an actual cat sitting in front of my monitor. Say hello Tupelo. Hi Tupelo. He's trying to sleep. I'm annoying him.
Uh, Zekaron pipes up and he's like, uh, guys, the sun's not setting. I just remembered it's midday. Uh, maybe we should get going. Yeah. We should figure out where we want to go. Do we want to stay in Hawkeye or go to Maple? Maybe we should try to find this Brigatito person. See if they know anything else or...
That might be the best idea, because I don't know. Now I'm real confused if we should make a real estate here, because we don't know what their plan is. So maybe we should just go find the spigotito first. I want somebody to roll a perception. Which is pretty good. Okay, I got a four. Oh, I got a five, dude.
You got better than me, I got a nat 1. Oh my gosh, have we all do bad? So with Evelyn's 4, which is the only one I'm considering at the moment because she's the first one to roll, you feel something smash into your back and knock you over.
oh my god I'm so sorry uh I was just here to input the remote reward money I almost forgot to oh hi uh I see you have my reward uh are you guys taking that on and you see it is a sprig of detail I don't have your reward at least request though
I meant request yeah are you guys like planning on taking that on this glaceon she stole my my baked breads out of my store window what did she steal from you again
uh she stole some bread out of my window uh the bread was worth like five poke but i'm so mad at her it's worth 10 000 to me so uh and she like in uh she like scooches over and deposits the poke into a bowl there in the mission table and it like vanishes what are you like a bacon you run you run
Yeah, I run the bakery over here and she laid gestures with her ears towards the other side of the street a couple houses down it is It's a it's a sprig of Tito's bar and It's

Strategies for Handling Glaceon

lacking the word Baker it says we serve sprig of Tito's and It's Sprig of Tito's
It is nothing but bread on the spoon. There's no Tito's. Same goes for a handshake. Oh yes, hi. Hi, my name is Tito's. And your name is? I'm Sammy Pepperoni and we run a pizzeria at Mountain Gale Beach so I kind of know a thing of cool about bread so I get it, yeah.
Oh, nice. We both have food related names. That's funny. Anywho. That is quite true. Roll for handshake. Yes, roll for handshake. Cool. Six. All right. Twelve. So you both of them absolutely miss in the air and you stumble forwards. Ugh. I'm Hikaru the Pikachu.
Nice to meet you, Cheetos. Yes, I'm Cheetos. I own that restaurant over there. I see gestures towards the bar and grill that serve stuffing with bread. Yeah, do you ever make beer out of the bread? Just wondering.
uh no but we make uh tables uh uh she puts her head so she's like no that's not what i was supposed to say uh uh and she's kind of just like starts waddling away i have a suggestion for you for your place like a bread bowl filled with mac and cheese that'd be delicious uh she turns back around as she was said a bread bowl what is that
You know, like a bowl, but it's like made out of bread and you can eat it. It's an edible bowl, but it's bread. Her eyes like start, uh, just like widening. She's like, that was my idea. I came up with it and she like runs away towards the bakery.
wait wait Tito's get back um we have something to share with you okay let's all right let's just follow her yeah okay it's just a couple steps and you come across sprig of Tito's bar and grill we serve sprig of Tito's uh and there's as you head inside that you get this fresh smell of bread and nothing but bread and not even any sprig of Tito's
that fresh baked bread smell yeah um where might she be she in the kitchen maybe and you can see you can see yeah Tito is sitting at not sit expanding at the counter and she's like oh it's you guys again anyways uh we came back yeah i mean maybe she's in the kitchen i thought she was right there she is she's standing right there at the counter you guys are like two feet from her oh sorry i didn't notice you there
we're talking sorry it's hard for me to tell where if you're actually in front of me since I can't actually see anything okay it's true both you and Tito are like below the counter height so you can't actually see each other even though you guys are on the other side of the counter okay uh i'm gonna jump up to the counter and at the same time Tito also jumps up and you guys are like nose to nose
Nose to nose, oh no. Um, sorry. Sorry about it. I'll get back to back down now. And she hops back down. Just got a little close there. You know, we just got a real quick question now, because you kind of took off before we can get any more information about this case you got up on the board. Damn it. I want somebody to roll perception again.
I think Bruce is just off to the side more observing anyways. That's much better. That'll be a 14 plus 2 for a 16. All of the bread in the display cases have been replaced with bread bowls. Man, she works fast. Bruce just glances at things like
Does like a little, the double take head nod thing that, that was real quick there. On top of that, the sign on the inside, you can see it says, we serve Sprigga bread bowls. Sprigga bread bowls. So yeah, she's like, okay, so what do you guys need?
Yeah, so we've actually seen a Glaceon that matches your description. Oh, you guys are actually here to deal with the Glaceon. Oh, okay. Yes, I can answer any questions you guys have about that. Yeah, so did you see them go through Mapleville?
uh yeah i was over there in mapleville a couple days ago i just got back from my expedition it's like a two-day journey there okay so wait before you continue so um you saw them a couple days ago you said huh yeah in mapleville uh all right because like we just we literally just saw the glaceum like hours ago
Okay, yeah, it was a couple days ago and yeah, she was She was the same glace on with the same bandana that that that That was at my bakery previous and she stole every single one of my breads. How is that even possible? She said that she stole the breads and it was She's so like just enough bread to be worth like five poke or something Do you want to roll insight?
Yeah, I think Bruce does. Yeah, Bruce sees the immediate hole in that story. Okay, we'll insight. Turns out Tito is the Boise on the hold on. That's not helpful. That will be what? That's that's another beauty role. That's going to be off board. Yes. Okay, it seems to be the troops. You don't notice anything.
Well, Bruce still says that out loud to the others. Okay, okay. Okay, so he's saying that out loud then. Yes. Bruce was saying that out loud. I think it was the first time he spoke in front of this Brigatito.
Oh, okay, so as they said, as Tito is like, oh, I'm sorry. I'm just really nervous. I don't do well with talking to people. I'm sorry. Well, that's why you and my buddy, Prusio, get along. He doesn't really talk to much people.
okay uh yeah i yeah i was only a little bit of bread uh in the storefront window but she was the same one that robbed me a couple months months weeks about a week ago and i went to mapleville i saw her again and so i decided to put up this uh bounty here with this ridiculous uh uh reward and uh i i i i mean uh if you guys are here to take care of it i'll gladly uh pay you guys for your time
all right before but before yeah when you saw her like where did she have like a place did you just see her in the wild where did you see it but she was in mapleville next to uh uh uh uh i mean i was there visiting the other bakery um uh uh um captain morgan's tavern and bar the food that sells only bread uh and
I was over there talking to my, uh, uh, uh, my sister. Yeah, she's my, he's my sister. I mean, she's my sister. I mean, wait, what? Anywho, uh, yeah, she was there and I'm pretty sure she was stealing from him. Uh, I'm so confused. Uh, if you guys go to Mapleville, I'm sure she'll still be there. Captain Morgan? Sounds like some kind of pirate reference.
Uh, I don't know about any pirates, but, uh, as we are very inland, but, uh, Mapleville is located on a river, so... Well, like, is he a sister named Morgan or something? Uh, you know what? We're gonna say yes. So she's attacked. Uh, definitely. Yeah. Um, so... We think that the Glaceon will be coming back to Hawkeye.
in the next two or three days? What makes you think that? We overheard them saying it to their accomplices. Two glaceons, one shiny, one regular. Umbreon. Umbreon, right. She has accomplices? Bread stealing accomplices?
You know, that bread-stealing business is a real lucrative thing. I don't know. Trust me, I know I'm suffering as a result. No, they weren't stealing bread. They had one of our friends. They were stealing people! Is a friend a Fido by any chance? A Fido? Nobody is also a dog. What's a dog? We went over this last time.
I don't know what the dog is. That's not a Pokemon. He's a Riolu, and he's my best friend. Oh, a Riolu. Yes, I know what a Riolu is. I can't say I've seen him around. I'll keep an eye out for him if I see him. Yeah, well, we're actively searching for him, so we would appreciate your help.
uh okay uh oh is that him right there and she points she points to zekrom no no no this is our friend zekrom the lucario oh best to meet you i'm titos
And he's like, uh, hi. And he like almost lays down because of the size difference to shake her hand. Anywho, um, so if you can, uh, show me that you've dealt with the Glaceon, I almost said killed, but I don't think you need to do that. Uh, if you somehow deal with the Glaceon, let me know and the reward will be yours. I like what you think. I like what you're saying, but how, how, um, how do we prove it for you?
uh i mean uh we just come back and be like yeah we did it uh you could bring back a uh signature from what i'm saying i have been defeated to sign the glaceon or like uh you could bring me back to her head because i don't definitely prove it uh or we could arrest them bring them to uh or apprehend them
Oh yeah, we're going to be coming to jail. Oh yeah, that's probably should have been my first thought. What do we look like? Hops? I'm not going to arrest nobody. It's not my job to do that. I make pizza, not... No. If we're going to be doing missions, we're going to be arresting people, most likely. We're either going to be saving people or arresting people and saving other people at the same time.
Oh, okay. Um, well, uh, if, uh, if I could see Glaceon behind bars, then the deal is on. Uh, but until then, uh, I'll be here at Tito's making Sprega bread bowls. But, uh, I expect some kind of compensation for these bread bowls. Okay. No, my idea. I came up with the first idea. You can't prove it.
I already wrote a patent for it and signed it. I have witnesses. My friends here, they can vouch for me. They were there.
So, yeah, Tijos is like, I already sent out a patent, my idea. No one else could have it. I've already sent out cease and desist letters with my lawyers. Can everyone sit on that? And you should be getting one soon. I'm gonna assume you've been making bread bowls since it was your idea, so you can set the cease and desist letter. Anywho, you get the glace on, get the reward. Out, Shu, get out. And she like shushes you out the door. To be fair, I don't think I really like that girl.
I suddenly don't feel so bad about taking 10,000 of her poke for such a petty theft. Wait, is that how much it was? That's how much she said she's going to give us. Yes, the reward on the paper, which you guys still have, is 10,000 poke paid on completion. And she already put it at the mission board.
I think we just, when we apprehend this glaceon, we go back to the mission board and we get the money. Yes, we can just take the money now if we want.
I want to maintain a good professional relationship with this sprigotito, even if I don't like grandma. Okay, I'm going to interject here because this is something you guys would have known. For the audience, last episode and the solo episode, you guys already got an explanation of how the mission board works in detail, so I'm not going to go over the entire thing again, but a real quick summary.
Every week the mission board gets three new missions rolled with dice using my excel sheet here. And the rewards are also based on random rolls. The reward gets you can submit the bounty or mission at any mission board across the outcast region and the reward will automatically show up in the bull at the bottom of the mission board.
It's like a teleportation system, kind of. The person who places the bounty submits the reward and it gets sent off to a secure location. That would have been nice to know before reading the mission board. And whenever you complete the missions, it automatically gets sent to whichever board it was submitted to. Fascinating. So I just feel like you guys haven't been in the outcast region. You guys would have known that already. So just a quick explanation.
Yeah, it sounds a bit like the bank from Operation E-Clock. The bank? Oh, I haven't listened to that. Yeah, it is actually kind of. Oh, well, that's unintentional because I have not listened to that. Yeah, it's also not exactly like it, but it uses the same sort of magic stuff.
Interesting. Okay. So, um, yeah, at this point, the sun is starting to set and, uh, you guys have made no progress on finding this Glaceon. Wow. That means we must have been here for like seven hours. Yeah. We must've been talking to Surukitito for a while, but also we have made progress because we know this, this Glaceon should be showing up in a day or two now.
So our plan was to just waste time here in Hawkeye until they show up.
Hello everyone, I'm Dakota, here to thank you for listening to our episode. Our show comes out every other week, Sunday morning.

Community Engagement and Social Media

Go follow us on Instagram at PMGPathortime, at Twitter at PMGPathortime, that's through spelled with a U, and at mysterydungeons underscore PTT on Twitch, where we're actually now doing live streams of one shots with the audience members like every now and then.
um definitely join our discord if you want to find out more about that because that's where i like schedule everything speaking of the discord though our question of the episode comes in from sword and buckler and he asks
Uh, since I know you have a cat, how would you describe your cat's personality? And I feel like I have a very unique cat because he is the, like, he is the cuddliest cat I've ever known. He can be extremely loud in Singapore here in the episodes, but I mean, like, he doesn't have a violent bone in his body. He's very, very gentle. But, uh, yeah, I've known him for eight years now, yeah, because his birthday was recently and he's been an amazing cat ever since, so.
But to thank the music producers for this episode, we have... Have you pronounced it Stray-a-ton City from Pokemon Black and White? We're gonna go with that. Wigglytuff Guild from Pokemon Mystery Dungeons Explorers of Sky. Artisan and Zappopico from Pokemon Skyline Violet. Kekkaleon Shop from Pokemon Mystery Dungeons Rescue Team DX. Lushjungle from Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon. And Pokemon Center theme Lo-Fi rooms by Glitch X City.
back to the chaos okay uh if you guys want to thank you guys can run errands for the next uh day or so we can fast forward or we can do whatever you guys have planned what is running errands we should we should train visiting the general shop fine buying stuff we already did this
But they might have different stuff today. Maybe they'll have berries today. I don't want to deal with them in this mess. After we do the luck. After we rest a bit.

Shopping for Supplies and Berry Economics

So we've already taken the only mission on the job board, but we could we can see if there's like a gem around here. Dojo. Yeah, dojo, gem, whatever. Oh, yeah, dojo. I'm going to say, OK, are you guys looking around for a gem? A dojo, if you will.
Yes. OK. I guess. I wasn't sure if we would want to go do sleep for the night, do that tomorrow, or if the sun's going down now. Yeah, we can sleep for the night and then do that tomorrow. Yeah, there's. OK, so you guys are looking for a place to sleep. There is a. I'm going to say there's an inn.
Somewhere in the village, it's like the rusty spoon in or something like that. Classic tavern names in. And you guys enter. You guys go there. And at the front of the desk is a grim snarl. And he sees you guys come in. He's like, oh, hello. My name's Michael. Welcome to the rusty spoon in. You guys need a room for the night? Yeah. How big are your rooms?
oh yeah uh four i can i can count uh well they have two beds in them uh so uh but each room can accommodate up to four people so up to you guys they are 50 poke a night per room okay so four people to a room uh yep but two people have to sleep on the floor unless you guys are buddying up so we just like get two rooms
i mean i am the one who's sharing the sharing the bet with bruce we've done it a few times you know people isn't that right yeah it's true it it has been a few years all right that'll be 50 poke and each uh the three of you uh split it four ways because epic rome's also paying so that's 12 and a half poke the three of you split it four ways round that down well yeah zacrom's paying too so yeah so make it 12 poke
okay you guys walk up the stairs that i described earlier definitely didn't forget to describe the room it's a your classic uh dnd tavern you guys go up the stairs to the room and you see two shoddy beds uh and a rickety wooden floor you guys spend the night the bed's very hard some of you on the floor i don't remember who was on the floor don't really care it doesn't matter uh you guys wake up the next day and your belly and health is all set to full
Yay, I get my one HP back. And I ate a citrus berry for nothing because we didn't end up doing the fight. Man, I don't know about you guys, but that, um, that sprigotito left a pretty good impression on me. Like when you guys were up on the counter staring each other eye to eye. Uh, maybe. She kind of rubbed me the wrong way the way she just kind of pushed us out of, out of, out of place. But other than that, she's not too bad.
Yeah, I feel you. Do you guys have anything planned for today? Or are you guys just going to the dojo? I have nothing else planned. I am not the DM. I don't plan things. Yeah, I can. I guess I would kind of like to check in the shaft real quick just to see if they've got any Oran berries today. OK, so you see a Kangaskhan is like, howdy, ho, welcome back. I recognize you.
um what can i get you for today oh just just wanted to check in see if you had any oran berries yet uh let me check uh and he does absolutely nothing nope no berries he does nothing wow didn't mind if i uh look around a bit see if i can find some berries soon as you didn't really do anything there can i roll insight i'm a berry i'm a sharp guy
Sure, yeah, that's beauty. Eight. He looks really tired. Cool. Even though it's early morning. Right, that was worth it. So roll me a perception for looking for this barrier. I actually know this investigation, which is... Smart. Smart. Since you're looking for a specific thing. I got a 15 plus one, 16. All right, we have a 15, a 16, a full success. You do not find any barriers. He was not lying.
Oh, no berries at all, huh? Well, no Oran berries, I should say. With a 16, I will say you found a couple of different berries. You found some Oran berries. You found some cherry berries, Petra berries. And that's it. I think we should take some Petra berries and some cherry berries. And I wonder what that Oran berry is.
Maybe we can throw it to the glaceon and see if she eats it. Maybe she might get hurt. I mean, I honestly have no idea what they do, but might be worth a try. I don't think all that tasty. I don't I don't know too much about it, but I heard that they can hurt you instead of heal you. If you eat one, so don't eat it.
but maybe we can try to get our enemies to eat it. Yeah. Yes. Are you guys picking up the or n berry? Sure. Why not? No. Okay. It's just like a, it looks like an ordinary that was just left on the floor. So you pick it up and you can see it is an or n berry cause it's all like shrivel. Somebody stepped on it and you take it to the front and he's like odd or n bear. Is that what you were talking about?
no but it'll have to do oh yes the ore and berry the best healing uh berry things right so uh that will run you about 450 poke yeah never mind throw it back all right and sure you throw it it just lands on the floor does it go splat
it does go splat sorry it actually smells pretty bad as well i don't think you should have done that well i've got i've got an item slot for patch of berries i'll take the patch of berries all right how many patch of berries um how much for five i'm about to find out um
what there's no way tell me i'm wrong you're wrong there's no way what's the price oh it's a patch of scarf i was gonna say it's selling for two and a half thousand a piece i was like what the it's a patch of scarf hold on one second uh give me a second oh yeah that's a berry uh all right they're going for 150 piece
150 a piece okay nevermind I'll just take two all right that'll be 300 that'll be 300 for two or 300 a piece whichever one you want and that'll be 300 exactly so you hand over your 300 poke and he hands you back the berries okay thank you very much mr. Kangus Khan
Yes, sir. I'm glad nobody said anything about lists But wait did somebody say and we're out I got sticks chestnuts plain seeds ground and we're gone So are you guys active with looking for the dojo? Yes, um Yeah, actually I wonder if we I wonder if there's any dungeons nearby where we could get orin berries like actual orin berries and
So as you spend some time looking around the town, you do not actually find a dojo. The town is like pretty small. It's not like it doesn't have anything big. It's not a very big town. So the town doesn't actually have a dojo. But are you looking for places that sell orangeberries? Yeah.
Yeah, I'm gonna say they're just like outside of someone's house. You see a shop like a stand a berries stand a so much arm stand Selling berries Hey there, dude, do you have any orange berries? It's a matter of fact I do I
I got Oran Berries, I got Pecha Berries, I got every berry you can think of. And they're all going for a pretty good price, too. So take your pick. How much are you selling citrus berries for, then? So the Wigglytuff is like, oh, yeah, they're going for $650 apiece. They're my most expensive ones, actually. That's a Wigglytuff. Can I take one citrus berry and three Oran Berries?
Yeah, that'll run you 700 even. How much is an orange? They're about 20 apiece. 20 apiece. So you said 640 was the citrus? 650 for the citrus berry and with three orange berries, slight bulk discount for 700 even. Okay.
All right, and whoever's buying that subtract 700 and add those berries. How much do you sell Pecha berries for? Pecha berries are going for 20 a piece as well. Darn it! I just bought two Pecha berries for 150 poke at the other shop. Oh my. Yeah, that's not a good deal at all. Yeah, okay.
Should come to you from now on I'm definitely buy locally those big chain stores will get you that's for sure. Yeah Well, could I get maybe ten orin berries? Yeah, ten orin berries that'll run you 200 We have a deal and she hands over ten how much for a rost berry I
a rust berry. That one will run you 20 poke as well. All the basic berries are 20 poke. I'll take one of those as well then. All right. And she hands you a rust berry and she tried 20 poke. Do you happen to have pineapple berries? They're my favorite.
Uh, pine up berries. Yes. We have pine up bears for I think 20. Let me make sure that's a basic very Uh, I don't remember what that one goes. Oh, that's the paralyzed one, isn't it?
Yeah, I don't even think they're in a sheet, are they? No, it's not. Uh, actually, now that I check it, we do not have any pineapple berries. I'm sorry. Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah. Well, I, um, I grew up in Gale Beach and we used to, you know, my mom and dad would make stuff with, with pineapple berries all the time. My favorite, my favorite dish is, is rice balls with pineapple filling.
That actually sounds kind of gross. Um, I don't like pineapple, so that's just a me thing. Yo guys, if you guys have done that, I'd also like to buy some stuff. I've just kind of been back here. Oh, uh, howdy. What do you want to buy? I'll also take like a 10 orange berries and like five citrus. How much was the citrus again? I might change to it.
Citrus or $650 a piece? Yeah, never mind. I was gonna say, I wasn't paying attention to the price of the citrus berry, I'm sorry. So, uh... What, $650 a piece? For citrus berries, yes. Yeah, I'll just do one. Alright, one citrus berry is the hands of a citrus berry and subtract $650. And that, my 10 orange berries still? Oh, 10 orange berries, right, and that'll be $200.
and she hands you the ten orange berries and so on and so forth okay so what are you guys doing now I had the wrong berry earlier
Yeah, I went a spearberry I had the the freeze healing and the burn healing berries mixed up but No, this is above board but it looks like a spearberries are not in the system for some reason At least they're not with the other berries I
I don't think they're mystery dungeon items. That could be why. Yeah, I don't know why it wouldn't be, but because you can get frozen in the mystery dungeon games. So let's see.
Well maybe that's why. Frozen Pokémon in the Mystery Dungeon series cannot take any damage and are immune to all damage except fire type and blast seed. Oh really? I actually didn't know that. Yeah. Pokémon will thaw out after a few turns. Interesting, I did not know that actually.
I guess that's why there wouldn't be any berry for it, per se, because you wouldn't be able to use it on yourself anyways, and most types of moves aren't going to be able to hurt you while you're frozen. So having bought all your guys' berries, what exactly are you guys going to do to... I guess you guys are passing the time until you find the glaceon? Is that where you guys' plan is?
Well, I think we should wander around the city a little more. Yeah, I guess if there's no dojo here, we could go back and check things, see if anything's changed. I mean, do you guys think there's like any new postings on the job board? It's a different day. Someone else might need help. Yeah. As a matter of fact, there might be.
Sure, as you guys head back towards the mission board and the general shop, you guys see, yes, in fact, there are three new missions sitting right there on the mission board.

New Missions and Decisions

It is in this order. It says, the first mission is a rank one mission. And it says, I dropped my special penny down the street drain. Can someone retrieve it? And that is by Shinotic. And reward is, give me one second.
Okay, sorry, I changed the party size from one to four and it rerolled the names based on for the missions. And I've dropped my special penny down the drain signed deoxys. The reward is 1330.
the second listing it's um deoxys the gimme ghoul yeah this the second listing is also a rank one mission and it is uh and it states does anyone know what the mission board is by decidueye oh my goodness okay and the board is 1370 poke okay i guess we just gotta find this decidueye
The third mission is a rank 2 mission and it states, I've located a gold mine, help me mine it up and I'll let you keep some. And that is by Alakazam. No, it does not add them. Or maybe it is. Who knows? And the reward is 1,140 plus items. Plus items. Those all sound pretty good. Is that on top of the portion of the gold? Yes.
Okay, you know what? These all sound really fun. Let's do them. Yeah, let's try to find the Sinchuai first. Seems like that one's probably going to be the quickest. Then we can try out the gold mine one, maybe. Shortest job first.
Excuse me, I hadn't had breakfast so I was just eating one of my bokoburgers. Okay, subtract one bokoburger from your bag. And okay, so yes, unfortunately the job blessing does not have an address on it. It just says decidueye. And for the audience, we sure do know where the mission board is. We just gotta find decidueye. Right, so we gotta locate the decidueye and bring them to the mission board.
um okay so yeah the way the missions board work the mission reports work is basically people go up physically to it and post it on there so it's your whoever is posting it is going to post it to the closest mission board to them so uh it's and it's like intuitive that yes uh whoever posts it is in this city all right so let's see we go to town hall and then we get like a census board and then we like look for all the people who live in town i'm sure there's like
that they've already been to because they posted the mission.
some kind of count yeah is there any kind of uh wait it's a decision yeah in my mind i was picturing a row look yeah is there any kind of like information building uh there is a there's a town hall yeah i'm sorry remember remember principal barbenheimer she's a decidua oh yeah that's right yeah
Is she from Hawkeye? I don't know. Question, maybe her cousin is. Alright, well let's check out the town hall then. Okay, so it takes you guys a couple hours because it is on the other side of the town and you guys happen to be particularly slow this day. Don't know why you just are. And eventually you guys get to the town hall. Everyone decided to walk Sammy Speed today. You guys didn't feel like expanding hunger so you guys were walking Sammy Speed.
So you get to the town hall, and as you guys open the door, it is a large-ish room, and there is a person at the desk. It is a Sylveon. And they say, uh, hello, can I help you? Hi, hey, we're looking to see if we could get the, um... Do you know if there's any decidueye who lives in the town? Uh, okay, uh, do you have a name or an address?
no we just have this job posting yes you guys have it on you so she takes the job listing from you and she takes a look at it hmm looks like they didn't really follow the uh the actual um guidelines for writing on missions you're supposed to write your address and your name on this but let me take a look
Oh, there's no, no, I can't do something like that. But uh, and she holds up a Game Boy Advance. She's like, let me look it up on my computer here. I got the census here. And see like, you can hear some beep, beep, beep, boop, boop as her Game Boy Advance beeps and boops and
Sorry, my cat is standing on my keyboard. He just deleted one of my rewards. Seriously? The reward amount has been replaced with a bunch of Ks. I don't remember what they were before, so unfortunately your rewards have been... I do remember what the rewards were before. Okay, as long as it's as long as I'll say like 10 billion.
was 1330, 1370, and 1100. Plus items. Okay. Okay. I'm gonna let this down. 1330, 1370, and 1100. Plus items. Plus items.
1100 plus items okay so after a little bit these uh sylvian looks back uh yeah it looks like there's a decidua who lives on the outskirts of the town uh that's the uh yeah conveniently that's the only decidua here oh wait hold on one second i'm getting another hit uh there are two deciduas here
One is named Barbenheimer and one is named Celine Dion.

Quest for Decidueye

Interesting. Are either one of these the one you're looking for? We don't know. Well, I'm gonna guess it's probably the other one, considering that Barbenheimer is probably our principal. I don't think Barbenheimer is a particularly common name. Well, Barbenheimer is a last name. It could be her cousin.
Well, here, I'm gonna give you the addresses of both of them and you guys can do it what you will. I mean, it's real simple, like if we could find out that Bob and Hymus pink, then that's not the one. Okay, so yeah, you go to, sorry, you go to, what am I saying? You guys look at the Game Boy Advance and you guys can see the two addresses listed. I'm not gonna gender an address, you guys just have the addresses. Okay, yeah, oh, do you also have a map of all the storm drains in the town?
The what? I mean, I can check our engineering blueprint section. This conveniently is where those are stored, but may I ask why? Yeah, well, we have another mission where somebody dropped their lucky penny down a grate and we want to locate the penny. Is that Deoxys again? Are you serious?
Yeah, it is the Oxus. That's the name I'm gonna list though. That stupid Bulbasaur, are you serious? He's a Bulbasaur? Yeah, he's a Bulbasaur, why? He's my cousin. Wow, we've been meeting a lot of Pokemon with weird names recently. This is our friend Zekrom. Names that just sound really messed, like really made up, like Zekrom over here. Who's ever heard of the Zekrom?
Hey, what do you say about my cousin? What cousin? Hey Karo, the Bulbasaur is her cousin. Yup, Dioxus is my cousin.
Oh, OK. Yeah, he I don't think you need diagrams for that. He lives over on the other side of town next to the rusty spoon cafe or tavern or whatever. That's where we're staying. And there you go. Yeah, he lives like around there somewhere. I don't know. What kind of family member are you? You don't know your own cousin. He's adopted. OK, so you have an easy way of getting the coin back that you can tell us about if you say that it's happening for Ford.
Yeah, you lift off the grate and you climb down the hole. How deep is the hole? Like, I don't know. I haven't had a recruitment before. I just know he's done this before. Okay. Well, we'll see. We'll see when we get there. Okay. Well, uh, do you guys need anything else? That's, that's all. Okay. Well, you guys have a good one then. Thank you so much for your help.
Yeah, of course. Have a good one. And you guys now have the address of... Do we want to split up and go check out the... No. I don't think it's even worth going to check out the Babenheimer one. I think we should still be up. Yeah. Let's go to Celine Dion. Yeah. At least check her first. Because Barbenheimer... I mean, again, there could be more than one Barbenheimer, though. Yeah, but do you think there's one on second? That sounds unlikely.
Oh yeah, Zekrom's there. Zekrom's just like, hey, yeah, I'm still here. It's a family name. Again, again, Principal Barbenheimer could have a cousin or a sister who lives in Hawkeye. Okay, so I think you guys are heading to the address of the Celine Dion, right?
yeah yes I will go with the group okay okay so it doesn't take you an incredibly long it takes you like an hour but you guys find the address it is on the outskirts of town if it's like in a very rural area it's not like inside the town like the Sylveon said it's on the outskirts of the town so you get there and it is a wooden hut with a straw house yes it is in fact a straw house
with a wooden hut. Did I say a wooden hut? You said a wooden hut with a straw house. I'm guessing it might be a straw roof. That is what I meant, sorry. Yes, it's a wooden house with a straw roof. Okay. Well, I say we go to the door. Yep. Okay, you guys knock, knock, knock up on the door and it opens up and it's a situation where it's like, oh, hello there. Uh, uh, may I help you?
Can I roll a perception to see if she's pink? No, you don't need to roll a perception to know if something is a certain color. She is a regular Deciduar. Hi, you must be Celine Dion. Yes, that is me. What do you need? Yeah, well, were you the one who posted the
the job mission? Yeah, I've been here forever. I can't find that darn mission board. So I went to the mission board to post it to see if anyone could find it. I don't know why it's so hidden all of a sudden. Like in the other place I was at the mission board right there and I couldn't, and it was perfectly in view. I find one flaw in your logic. It seems like you've already been to the mission board because you said you went to the mission board to post this mission and now you're saying you can't find it.
But yeah, where else am I gonna post missions except for the mission board? If I need help with something, I'm gonna go to the mission board. So that's where I posted about trying to find the mission board, obviously. Can I roll insight on that? Do you need us to take care of the mission board? Yeah, that'd be nice, actually. I cannot find that darn thing. So no to my roll? Okay. I didn't hear you. I asked if I can roll insight on what she said. Uh, sure, rolls insight. That should be... No, it's a nat 1, I believe her.
okay yeah you believe everything she says Bruce has noticed people like this at school and just like has figured out how to deal with it i would say and just like initially we're just gonna take it here like initially sammy's like talking to her like in his hand in his face and like the more she's saying stuff the more he's like you know what that makes sense i guess
okay actually hold on retroactively with your net one Sammy does not know what the mission board is yeah let's just take Celine Dion to the mission board nice I don't remember what the mission board is
Okay, I will lead the way then, I guess. Why is it always me who wants to remember everything? Yeah, you guys make it through town, leading Zekrom and Celine Dion. And Sammy. And you guys make it to the mission board finally. And she's like, oh, that's what that is. Okay, now I know where I should post missions if I ever need help for anything. Oh yeah, this place looks familiar. I think it's like a great place to stop, we won't do that one time.
Yeah, that's a good way to remember it, actually. It's right next to the general shop. Okay, thank you. Well, if you guys put your piece of paper there in the deposit box, it will work to show up. Thank you, guys. And she bids you adieu and heads off. Okay, that was something. That was the 1370 mission.
I believe that was a 1370 mission yes so divide that by four we each get 342 poke there you go including zekra
Okay. Uh, Zekrom doesn't, uh, no, no, no. Uh, I, I did, I did make that, uh, the price has a four. Uh, well, actually, no, technically, according to the rules I have written here and Zekrom discount as a party member. So yes, actually he does get that. Um, we are getting 34 or 342. Yeah. 342. Okay.
Nice. There you go. At this point, the sun is starting to set, and the end of the day is coming to a close. All right. Mission done. All right. I take it you guys are heading back towards the tavern? Yep. Yep. All right. We are going to speed through this. If you've already done it once, I need all of you. Actually, you guys can pay for the rooms in advance if you guys would like to stay for the entire time.
yeah actually um i wonder if there's a discount okay uh so yeah that for three nights that is 36 poke a person for three nights for one room
What is that all together for 36 poke per person? 115 divided by, wait, what? Where did I get the math wrong? I got 12 last time. That's 144. Oh, that's 50 divided by four times three. So 50 times three is 150. 150 divided by four is 36.6 repeating. So, I think so. 37.5. Dang, I was close. Okay, so 37 per person.
OK, so there's no discounts or paying for multiple rooms then. Or multiple nights. Yeah. OK, so you guys go back to sleep. You wake up the next day once again and you guys have two more missions. I will remind you what you guys have. I dropped my special penny down the street drain. Can someone retrieve it? And I've located a gold mine. Please help me mine it up and I'll let you keep some. All right, let's do the penny mission.
senses yeah it's right next to the inn right yes so yeah you guys oh I don't think she gave you the actual address of the place we can find it we've got all day
okay so yeah uh you just spend the next couple hours knocking on people's houses because there's actually a lot of houses in this area so the first place you knock on an eevee shows up and it's like oh yeah how can i help you blah blah blah and the next person is a
Wow, the first Pokemon that came to mind was Varisian. Uh, a... Why can't I think of Pokemon? Holy crap. It's Venonat. It's Oddish. Sir, Venonat. Venonat opens the door and the next one is Oddish. Named Varisian. And the next one you guys open is a pan seer named Varisian. What a coincidence, I know, right?
And you guys get to your final door, the last one you guys knock on in the neighborhood. And opening the door is a Bulbasaur with a rose on its back instead of a bulb. And she's like, ah, hi. How can I help you? Hi. We heard you were looking for your lucky penny. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I dropped down the drain over there. And he points towards a drain in the middle of the road. Not a drain, sir. A manhole cover.
You dropped it down that drain. Yeah. I mean, it's not exactly a drain, but yeah, it's a demand hole cover. It fell down like the slit there. Could you have opened the manhole cover? The manhole cover is like 20 times my weight. I can't lift that thing to save my life. All right. Okay. We can, okay. We can get it open for you, but can you, do you know vine whip? I, I do actually. Okay. So what if like the five of us are lifting at the same time so we can get it?
Can you pick up the plan? Yeah, let's try. Okay. You guys head over to the manhole cover and you guys start to lift it and Zekrom kind of just like lifts it all by himself and sets it next to the road. Oh, thanks, Zekrom. You're a lifesaver. Yeah. Thanks a lot. I really hope that a lot. Yeah, of course. And he points down and looks like it's a ladder. I think that might be the best one suited to go down there.
Hey, uh, uh, uh, uh, what's your name? Uh, my name is Deoxys. Uh, right, Deoxys. Uh, do you know, like, what's down there? Uh, a lot of stuff. I don't know. I've never been down there. Ugh, alright. And Zekrom starts heading down the ladder.
And all you can hear is like, I could be like, oh, what the? Oh, it's gross. Oh, I think I found it. And you hear someone climbing back up the ladder. It's like, is this it? And you see a penny covered in disgusting looking substance. And Deoxys is like, yeah, yeah, that's it. I better go clean this off. And he grabs the penny and starts heading back to his house. Cool. So now we can just go to the permission board then. All right. High five, everybody.
you know I'm glad that he went and got it cuz like Aladdin that's like basically a staircase it's a vertical staircase so
yeah uh you guys go to the mission board and as you submit that uh 13 1,370 1,330 poker yeah so 33 332 this time that we get yes okay whatever elise said yes uh 330 pokemon show up no 13 30 poke show up
and you guys split that between you four and it is and it is currently evening if you guys want to try and squeeze this last mission in you guys can or you guys can head to bed a little bit preemptively it is like late afternoon let's um i wonder if we can you guys might hit up the shop again or the maybe the berry shop
I think we should check out, see where this...

Helping Alakazam with Mining

does it say where the gold mine is on the mission? Yes, it is listed. It's like a... included on the job where I'll just say there's like a map with like a Google Maps pin posted on it. And it's like, maybe here. And is that anywhere close?
Yeah, it's not too far actually it's just only all sorts of town on the side that you guys are on past the train station Yeah, let's do it yeah, let's go
okay um sure you guys spend about an hour walking up towards the site and you guys see i don't remember what pokemon was supposed to be because it rerolled it's an alakazam oh it is an alakazam you're right uh so you see an alakazam was a pickaxe mining into the side of a hill and you can see like a large pile of dirt next to a large pile of rocks
And he's like, just like grunting as he's smacking away at this hill. But you can also see a big pile of yellow stuff next to the pile of stones. Hey, O'Zekron, can you use Metaclau on that? Just like, dig it out for it? You say this, and Ella Kazam sharply turns his head to the left like, oh, what? Oh. And he like, steps in front of his goal. Can I help you guys? The question is, can we help you?
Oh, you guys must be from the mission board. That's us. He relaxes a little bit, and he's like, uh, yeah. I discovered this while I was out on one of my walks one day, and I saw this yellow stuff in the mountain. I was like, oh, that kind of looks like gold. And so I took some of it, and yeah, it turns out it's gold. So I've been smacked by this mountain, and there's a lot of gold here. And yeah, help yourself with your gestures towards three pickaxes.
I love that it's an Alakazam swinging a pickaxe because like Alakazam just like canonically had his muscles atrophy because it relied so much on psychic power.
Yeah, that's why I need help. That's definitely why you need help. That's why I need you guys here. My muscle atrophy is absolutely killing me and I don't know if I swing this pickaxe much more. What do you need us to do? So the three of us can get pickaxes and Zekron can just metal claw at it.
Uh, sure, yeah, that'll work. Uh, Zekron pipes up, she's like, I don't know, metal claw, but okay. You got them big old shock point things on your fingers. You can use the spikes on the backs of your hand. That's what I meant. You just want me to like, punch the rocks? That's gonna hurt after a bit. Maybe it'd be better with a pickaxe after all then. Uh, sure. So what you're saying is one of us can sit out the combos? I mean, it'd be faster with all four of us.
But we've only got the three pickaxes, though. I think I see like five pickaxes over there, right? You look over, there are only three pickaxes, one of which second has already picked up. Oh, okay. Yeah, I guess. You're probably tired from all the walking today. I guess you could sit this one out, Sen.
okay i need whoever it's swinging pickaxes i need them to roll me a lock or just a flat detour one for karu
And she's going to go at it with quick attack to try to while swinging. Oh, I see what you're doing. OK, gotcha. Clever. Sure. Roll was advantage because of that. Yeah, you're swinging the pickaxe with extra force. Do you want to rolling for Zekram or do you want me to do since I'm sitting? I'll roll for Zekram. I got an 18.
Okay with an 18 and Zekrom got a 12. You got, wait what did you get Evelyn? 18 with advantage. Oh there you go okay yeah Zekrom got a 12. So within an hour you guys seem to have depleted the Orvain and sitting next to you guys is a large pile of gold.
and Zekrom's like, all right, that seems to be it. Did I say Zekrom? I meant Alakazam. Alakazam's like, all right, that seems to be it. Here, I'll split this four ways, and he separates it, and each of you can add one, what did I call it? Hold on, what did it, forget what it's called. Add one gold nugget to your sheet. Ooh, each of you. One gold nugget, okay. Including Sammy.
sweet oh it is not available a item in the item list no but i'm just gonna say it sells for like 3000 poke earth okay do you want us to add that to our item list or
uh sure yeah you can do that okay and the place is at the sun once again starts setting as the uh as the work is completed and alakazam uh is like all right if you guys have gathered all your stuff up i'm heading back to my place so uh see you guys around see you see you oh and we also get yeah we go back to the mission board to get the 1100 poke
right yeah you guys yeah you guys head back to the mission board and you guys gather up 1100 poke which is 275 each exactly yeah exactly i think i made back all the money i spent on the items oh and then what else do we get
But on top of the poke, there are four orange gummies and two yellow gummies. Oh, two yellow gummies and four orange gummies. Yeah. Okay. I call dibs on the two yellow gummies. Yeah. I mean, that makes no sense. Yep. Sure. Sounds good.
Yep. I don't know what I need, I'm full, but what I haven't. I mean, they're super effective against you, so you'll get a bonus, I believe, if I'm remembering how gummies work properly. I don't remember what type orange is. Dude, I put orange gummy in my items list, and it just says fighting, that's the description. Okay, so it's fighting type, okay.
okay and with that the day comes to an end you guys go back to your inn and you guys have one more day to do whatever you guys want or you guys can just pass the day and enjoy yourselves pass the day yeah i think today we can just start our steak out or whatever
Oh, okay. So the way this is going to work is I'm going to have, uh, just to make things simple. Um, for the entire day, I'm going to help you guys each roll perception. If something happens, you guys may or may not see it. So I need each of you guys to roll perception. Is that where I'm included? Okay. Well, I'm going to have, uh, yeah, each of you tell me what you guys roll. It's 10.
I am not getting perception rolls today. I got 3 plus 2 for 5. Okay, so... Okay, if we keep the pattern, Zekrom rolls a Nat 20, right? We got 5, 10, and 15. No, Zekrom rolled 5. I was supposed to have the Nat 20.
So even with a 15, none of you guys see anything happen for the entire day. There's just nothing. Although what you do here is a very loud screeching noise coming from the tower. And that happens around the end of the day, I believe. No, that happens. I think that happens after. What was that? Should we check it out?
Yeah, I guess we're all just running to the tower because I'm guessing we were separated at least a little bit to watch different areas of the city. So you guys are trying to get to this tower. I need. Oh, that's actually interesting. I need you guys to roll. All right. Who is first in line? Tell you who's not.
Yeah. Well, are you all running up at the same time? Yeah, I figured we'd all be like we'd all be converging on the tower because like we're at slightly different. We're like on different streets.
Okay, so you guys are all coming out from like somewhat different angles, so I can only have one if you guys will in that case. So I'm just gonna pick one of you guys at random. I'm gonna roll a d4. Eli is one, Evelyn is two, Sean is three. Four is a reroll. Three. Well, Zekram. Sure, yeah. Yeah, well I rolled a three anyway. So Sean, give me a perception roll with disadvantage.
six okay so with a six you spend a decent amount of time trying to find a way up but you are trying to go through woodlands which is what surrounds the uh there's like woodlands and fields that surround the city but on the hills of the towers located is nothing but trees and you're trying to like get through these thick trees and bushes uh you can continue up to the tower but it will take you well into the night fighting your way through these bushes
and the same goes for the other two you guys are having your own separate issues with bushes and trees okay well if we're like together now or somewhat together I'd say we should probably head back because this is about when Walter should be getting here or at least the people who took Walter
so we might want to get back to our posts and to try to be there when they get here yeah i'm gonna say you guys yeah i'm gonna say you guys are like together you guys find each other uh okay so you guys head back to your posts and i need everyone to roll perception once more but at this point i needed roll disadvantage because night has fallen
I got a nine and a six. So if it wasn't disadvantage, I would have had an 11, but I had an eight. Yeah. So even with these rules, you guys do not hear or see anything happen this night. As the darkness falls, you got to start to get tired. Are we going to just like fall asleep wherever we are?
Uh, you guys can do that if you want. Okay. I will remind you guys, do have one more room you guys are- Yeah. One more night or forever to pay for. Yes. Would we have agreed to meet back up at the end if we hadn't seen them by a certain time? And then, like, start the vigil early in the morning? What's a vigil? What do you mean? Like, did he die or something? No, like, keep vigil, you know?
Vigilance Oh Yeah, I was thinking like standing visual over someone who had died Okay, so Okay, so what are you guys doing?

Walter's Unexpected Return

That was a question to the group you think yeah, I think so. I think we would have Okay, then yeah, we're meeting back at the end for our final night. I
Okay, as you guys sleep your final night away, any further nights and you guys will have to pay for more. As you guys leave the tavern, which is right across from the general shop, you see the general store open, the door open, and you just see Walter walking out with a handful of items. And that is where we're gonna end this episode. What the heck? What? You're PM, you're DM, you're GM. I've been Evelyn, playing Hikaru.
I've been Eli playing Bruce. I've been Sean playing Sammy. This man never ceases to confuse me.
very much same and sorry for the horrible time split this is not intentional uh so don't worry it'll get better from here i swear this next episode hasn't happened yet obviously but i have high high hopes for our next episode so please stick around i'm pretty sure like 90 percent of our audience have left by now anyway all right uh so we will see you next time