Nonsense and Chill Ep 3 - Range 15 image

Nonsense and Chill Ep 3 - Range 15

Nonsensical Network
7 Plays5 hours ago

Blaze and Jay review Range 15. A low budget zombie movie made by vets for vets. So strap in, put your trigger safety on and enjoy.

Dude, hit the button. No. Wow. Look at us. Hey, Jeff, guess what? There it is. We're live. We're live. We are live. This is not a pre-record. We're not fuckering this fuckery fuck like we did last week, huh? Well, in our defense, we're not the only ones that were doing what we were doing. We're just the only ones that got doxed for it.
right technical this is true this is true um go ahead i know i'm just saying i'm just saying fuck you youtube because i know multiple i know i'm just off the top of my head 15 20 people that do does that show way more of the movie than we do and they don't get fucking doxed or blocked or whatever so So sometimes like I have a very strong feeling. about You're good. I will. I do want to let people know that it is on a rumble, which is weird. The first part is definitely on YouTube, but the second part is definitely on the rumble. I thought I thought I thought about re-editing it and trying to put it back up on YouTube. I'm still bouncing around with that time wise and honestly, guys,
I wanted to break. I wanted to break from Furiosa. So, but tonight we're doing work. As we watch these movies and then we're like, you know what? I don't ever need to watch that movie again. Yeah. But tonight we're doing, we're, we're changing up the format. We got it set up to where Jeff and I are going to watch a movie.
And we're going, you're you're going to see Jeff's reaction. This is a movie that Jeff hasn't seen. It's a very it's it's range 15. So anybody out there that and has access to the movie that wants to watch along, hey, feel free to. That'd be awesome. Might even be fun. That's what I was thinking. I was like, ah when we start playing, if people want to play along, so to speak, we'll we'll tell you when we press play and when we stop,
so that you can press play and kind of play along. yeah anthony i follow along in the conversation go ahead I was thinking if you want, we can even in the comments, drop the link to the movie we're watching.
and um website. But I don't know if that's a good idea. So I know I'm i'm going i'm going to to refer to no on that one for legality reasons.
i would yeah so yes But the movie we're going to watch and Jeff's going to go over some trivia info about it here in a moment. It's, it's range 15. It's a zombie movie. Oh, it is October. So let's get ready for the scare fest, right? yeah Um, so it is a zombie movie. It's made by veterans for veterans. And that's one of the reasons why I kind of wanted to watch it. Not so, cause we'll what Jeff and I are both veterans. So.
It'll be a a fun perspective where the humor's coming from. It is definitely anti-woke, so I don't want anybody to... so um I'm just going to give you a trigger. one I'm already in love with it. Yes. Oh, dude, it is. Yeah. oh So for for my my woke brothers out there, I apologize. No, I don't apologize. You guys, if you're in the military, you ah you understand humor, you understand you understand what we do to each other and how we joke in order to pass the time we build our co-op anyway. So for that aspect, I like it. But other than that, the reviews are atrocious. I understand for what I read, and um it's it's so bad, but
I say we're going to we're going to go over some some other reviews here in a moment as well, but I just want to put this out there. Sometimes movies are good for different reasons. That's outside the bounds of contemporary rules and criticisms, I guess so. But with that being said, Jeff.
What do you have for us? First of all, ah I'm on Rotten Tomatoes. ah Now, I know you and I don't really put a whole lot of stock in Rotten Tomatoes, but it is 83% popcorn meter, which means it's it's a popcorn movie. it's you know And I have zero frame of reference. I literally just found out who stars in this.
Uh, when I opened it, uh, because as promised, I didn't need to look it up. I forgot the name, everything. So on, and now I'm on IMDB and the tagline about the the synopsis here is veterans wake up after a night of partnering to find out.
that the zombie apocalypse has spread across the United States. That is the synopsis. That's all I know of this movie. um I do see that it does have some heavy hitters when it comes to stardom. I wouldn't say full stardom. Some of those heavy... You're heavy for different reasons. i ah Sean Austin, he's been in the he's been in the game a long time. Sean Austin, absolutely. William Shatner, absolutely. But when you're talking about... Shatner.
Well, yeah, I wasn't going to bring him up. I was just going to wait for him to pop up. So he's going to pop up. I mean, yeah, like he's a heavy hitter for for the wrong reasons. Keith David and those who don't know who Keith David is. You'll know him when you see him. He's one of those that guy actors. Danny Trejo. Love me some Danny Trejo. Just don't hit him with a water balloon. William Shatner. True.
Yeah. And Minnie Mee's in this. Martin Keebler, Keebler. Yes, that is. No, I don't think that's a guy. I see his character's name. I'm not going to give it away, but he's in here.
um and And then I have a little bit. this is I found this interesting this interesting trivia. This is the first military movie made for military personnel and veterans by military personnel with a cast of up to 75% military veterans.
yes um And and the I threw this in, and i we talked about prior to going live, I have to give out this quote. um The quote is by the character named Jack. And the quote is, it's all speculation until you jam your dick in it. That right there, I'm in. I'm ready to watch. I mean, that ah my expectations are have gone through the roof right there because that is a full that is for those of us that have been in the military in the past we've heard some sort of line similar somebody's awesome you know uh usually it was me uh we we all know that guy in the military is like well i wouldn't kick her out of bed you know uh so just say it we've all been there
So, yeah, I'm ready. You ready to roll into it? I think I don't see why not. I have my, you know, and we the way we're doing this, as as we mentioned, ah those viewing along will not be able to see. ah We're going to try to keep track of your comments as much as we can. But we are watching this separately. So you can't see it, excuse me, see it or hear it. But we can. And we're going to pause throughout and we're going to um kind of discussed in a movie throughout uh a a on the go review as it were yes oh i like that on the go in real time and i'm gonna oh here we go and you're gonna have to crank it up a little bit an inmate at street justice films i do love the animation how did i guess they were at the board
Is that dude in football pads? Yes. Motherfucker! We all go that high too. Nice. Here's the master team, Bill Whizzes. We just came to Zach Conkle. Kind of reminds me like Stiffler, but like if Stiffler was the only jarhead. Right? He's like, he's like, and like when I saw the poster, I was like, wait a minute, is Sean Williams gotten this?
So I, so from now, from, from, from, of course, my internet's like a few. So, yeah, you might have to change the, the viewing matrix. The viewing matrix. No, yeah, because you can click on scroll down a little bit. Oh, I know trauma. Usually if I do. Yeah, they got different ones. Because that's, that's some things I have, I usually do. But yeah, he, and what is his, his, the actor?
I don't see his name. But he does. it He looks like a, hey, there's Shatner. actual lawyer He kind of looks like a, a, a human version of, of, um, Sean Williams. There you go. have to that refresh I don't know, man. Like Timo would, you know, william but he's like, with distance he's Sean Williams. Scott, if you drew him, um themcation with muscles and and yeah well well he's he's he's more of the sean william scott of uh what's that uh movie with sean william scott the rock he's gonna fucking do it uh i know you i know which one you're talking yeah so boris this is this is the party before the uh the uh the apocalypse kicks off right is that dude just cute
Yeah, he just puked all over his boots. He might have to crank it up a little bit louder. I think that's as loud as I can I can crank it up. Okay.
Sorry. and this
know see pisco gas thank in there this la onro chris a fucking bre ah good
so So basically they're taking pop shots at fucking liberals in a fucking ah Gas economical fucking Ford Prius while while pissing in their gas tank. And then he said, I bet your car watches the view. ah You know what? Next time I see somebody at Prius, or somebody mentioned their Prius, I'm, oh, that line is getting thrown. I bet your car watches the view. You know what? I'm not mad at that. I'm not mad I didn't think of it.
I wonder how they got William Shatter to play in this movie. Money. Yeah, I bet i bet it was in Jordan in their acting budget. so
Was Shatter a veteran? You know what? um That's an interesting question. I don't know. And I tell you what, while you look that up, I will fix this again.
So let me go ahead and look up William Shatner here. Oh, he's Canadian. Maybe not. Got it. He's Canadian. He's Canadian.
You know, I a lot of a lot of the good comedians are good actors. I have to say, our fucking Canadian. Oh, well, he's actually well, what but ah yeah I just read that he was a veteran police sergeant. and I was like, wait a minute. And then it says in TJ Hooker. um and i was like wait a um
Doesn't really say
I know what sucks is my internet at the moment. Well, it's not always your internet. Sometimes it's that site that we're using is not the greatest. There we go. Oh, I've heard that line before. You know, that's a fucking dude. Yes. Yeah. Some.
some of that great old military, great transphobia there. Well, no, but it's also like when I was in Thailand, my buddy and I rented an apartment and we were just down from the the area where you would find all those. And we'd sit up outside drinking coffee and watch the guys stumble back from the bar. you know And we'd be like, you know, that's a dude, right?
but Like the hair of Adam's Apple is bigger than my ball. Oh, my God. Like I said, yeah, click on one of those. Sometimes you get a switch back and forth.
um It's kind of a pain, but yeah, I get that. Yeah. yeah i like So when this movie first came out, it was it was included with Prime. And now it's not. I was not expecting that. If I have to, I'll stop and I'll go back and I'll just pay for it. Oh, don't do that. just say No, don't do that. by earl'sar of So he's hungover during this interrogation. Well, he's obviously.
william not move the Yeah, he's a cop and he's interrogating dudes and He's he's giving he's giving an account and of the of the previous night happened Because dudes obviously drank way too much tonight before we've all been there Also, he's just gotten out of military I knew a guy in Guam that was a that was in a predicament where he took home somebody that other people thought was going to do what you learned from Guam at Guam being part of like Pacific Asia. There was that culture as well. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you know, it's one of those things. It's like you'll never know the truth unless you were in the room too. the movie One day. Yeah. Good luck. Next thing so tell me is you're making t-shirts for vets and selling of them online out of your
So I think these are the same guys who own Black Rifle Coffee too. Is it really? I think so. I think so. Or one of the there's there's actually a few veteran owned coffee places out there. Coffee. There's ah it's like it's like the liquor industry where you can buy like fucking liquor from any fucking distillery, put your name on it. And if you're a celebrity, you brand it and then the same kind of way in the coffee industry as well. Just buy like generic roasted chip, put your name on it and call it, you know, firehouse coffee or whatever. Right. Leroy Patriot. I like the intro. I actually did the the artist. The artist rendering of their yeah, it's very similar to our background.
I think, I think not. I don't know if you the art would be sort of reminiscent of the Walking Dead graphic novel just in color and a little bit more detail.
right but it also i've seen this style before, like in another movie, I just can't think of the movie off the top of my head. It's got, it gives you the reminder of the way broken Muslims does their thing. You know, it's like that, like we're not gonna take ourselves too seriously. Oh, so, okay, in that, I wanna, I wanna touch on that. Not best, that's the gentleman that looks like.
um Stiffler. Stiffler, yeah. Yes. Macho, Macho Man Stiffler. So this movie got a lot of bad reviews because of the acting is horrible. The production is horrible. It's just a cheap budget. I mean, even though there's like famous people in it. I think they did because it is a veteran movie. I think it's kind of like a, which is cool. I think that's fine. But I think part of it being good is the fact that
they who made it know, knows it's that bad. And that's what makes it good. You know, there's like, like, they're, they're not. Like they didn't, they didn't set out to make a, you know, they didn't set out to make Star Wars, you know, they didn't set out to make, you know, a Michael Bay fucking movie. Yeah. They set out to make a movie that people were going to shit on. And if you looked at the reviews, that's exactly what happened. And I think that in itself is kind of what makes it good. Anyway. Well, it's also, it's also redundant from from my understanding. This is shot as in like, we're in the shit zone. You know, it we've all, you know, as veterans, we've been in the shit zone. We, you know, you're in that like, it's almost like if somebody turned on their camera. Yeah. Range 15. I like that.
You know, you know what it looks like? It looks like it was like a made-for-TV production. You know what I mean? And it's clear, it's not like shaky camera or anything like that. So here we learn, we learn they're all in jail. All the buddies. All the buddies that were all drinking out, drinking shit, they're all in jail together. Okay. Hey, I know that dude. That cop that's locked him up. I know that cat.
the He's the wish version of the diabetes, dude.
um What's his name? It's going to drive me nuts. I got to look it up. There's a scene. There's a scene coming up. Oh, I can't wait. I don't see his name. It's going to drive me nuts. Got him trying to remember what else he played in.
call me for the audience does he That was that was a chick he was the that was a chick he was making out with. Wow.
it's So, what they did, it was an actual dude. So, when he was sober. Yeah. When he was drunk, it was off. No, I got it wrong. So, are we gonna talk about this?
but i can tea yeah I don't want to spoil it. Did you know it had epoxy in it before he fucked? So he glued. No. Wow. So one of his buddy glues a freaking blow-up doll into his fucking pecker. He's sitting in jail with it on his lap. I got my suspicion. He didn't know. Ding ding ding motherfucker
<unk>ho That's hilarious. That is totally something I would do. Like, we've been in that situation where we're we're gonna fuck with somebody. Like, this dude's always speaking his dick do his dick. That'll be hilarious.
fucking the dogll time get horse So, the power goes out and this is they realize, oh shit, something crazy's going on outside.
Yeah, we all know that dude too. Oh, William Shatner zombie dude. Nice. Hell yeah. Killer six pack.
the Yes, this guy will walk around the entire movie. with movie disconneced
Wow, shattered didn't last long, did he? No, no. they probably he' like those are day covered its eyes ah trouble for a second i thought you were mark wahlberg like for second i thought your remark walberg hey you guys so make the album went there for you come on stack on me let's get your tro man up don't worry about a um
and do go luck i got you i got you it's fucking looks like we're the lone survivors now he looked at the camera he broke the fourth wall in
of a course fucking captain
i with a simple jack but judging from or boy here looks like a blow of the head takes them out that sounds like pretty standard sounds real too big that did anybody see a weapons lay around ah some bullets are them someone else change the bench billy clubs it is what about a vehicle the bar is at least fifteen miles from here we're better off get the pd if how not yeah thisgu you a bit too right what's the distance here two maybe two and a half one shit let's maintain three hundred six degrees I don't know about you, but there were some deployments where we would sit around talking about zombie survivors.
ah and my My conversation my a couple couple of things on my list was quietest weapon was always a 22 more rounds or lighter um And then you know it it penetrates the brain and it fucking bounces around the skull kind of shut and it all because it slows down just enough Yeah, and then I was always like go for like know where the your your local food pantry is and Oh, 100%. Is everybody, is everybody's going to be going for grocery stores and shit? Oh, no. Walmart and Kroger's. I, well, one of the things we always said, you know, we, you know, of course being in the military, we always have this conversation, um, is I was always going for a bat because going for what a bat, a baseball bat, you know, get that good swing going. and Um, and then of course, I,
My second was always food and water. And a place to hold up. Like, like I'm a real, put me in the middle of a woods. Don't ever justify me. This is live, my buddy. We are live, sir. This is live. ah This is live. Live, live, live, mother. This is more lives than the zombies that we're watching on the screen over here.
William Shatner is ah officially dead dead. Definitely, yeah. Benji, we're watching Range 15. I'll send you the link if you want to watch. i Yeah, Benji, if you're not doing a anything, man, ah yeah come on um him in zoo can you send him the zoom lock? I don't know if he can zoom and stream guard at the same time. Let me go ahead and send him because I hear it's the zoom link. Benji, I'm going to send you this on WhatsApp.
if you want to watch the movie with us. So is that fine? Yeah. So Range 15 is a movie made a couple of years ago. I think it was like 2019 or something like that. No, 2016. 2016. Okay, 2016. Wow, it has been a while. And it's veteran made. It's about 75% cast as veteran. It's very cheaply done. it's um It's about a group of guys. But it's cheesy, funny. Oh, it's cheesy.
yeah like So, so it's got a lot of that military guy humor in it that you would imagine. But with the best, so far the best I've seen is they're, they're buddies waiting for them as they come out of the jail. He's, you know, and he gets attacked and they just, and then watch, which is something I think we you all would like, damn dude, you got and it. And there is a gentleman with a,
blow up dog glue do is dick glue do is dick yeah yeah benji in your in your whatsapp is the uh link to the zoom so you can jump in and watch um but yeah we are we're we're not showing the movie actually while we're while i'm thinking about i'm going to show the movie poster on um
on here so yeah you know so people can see what the movie poster looks like and you can you know matt best is the so pretty much the main character pretty much um and you know let in the comments let us know if you think he looks like sean william scott because he totally does at a quick glance he looks like you know that your wish version of shot William Scott. So I'm gonna go ahead. So we're 10 minutes in or 10 minutes into the show or 10 minutes into the movie. It's an hour and a half
But before we get rolling again, there is a movie poster right there. There's a movie poster. Your guns, you got your bad ass stolen. Is that the the same chick that's the dude? Yeah, yeah, yes. So, but I do want to take a quick, I do want to make a quick shout out on our, for our network. Mondays we got Men Caring for Men with ah Connor as a host. Glick is still doing the co-host.
Tuesdays is house glitz house of music. I missed I missed this week's I don't even know who he talked to I can't remember he mentioned it on Wednesday. However, he's got some Some names like he's booked through November Almost remember. Yeah, so he's nice. So that's happening every Tuesday Wednesday, of course, we do what the fuck news? Well, we have the mandatory penis stories where um That's every Wednesday Uh, Thursday's is, uh, cash is corner, cash is corner. Although they did. There's today, didn't they? Yeah. It all depends on his son's schedule. It depends on Glick's work schedule and depends on what's going on in the wrestling world. So and they're looking at getting some guests for that too. Like some rashers.
Friday is down there on the ticker. It does say whose argument is it anyways, which is not a show that's going away, but it's going to be one of those things that I work on from time to time. um it's it's It's just something that you know the will develop over time. However, Friday is primarily going to be this nonsense nonsense and chill, where Jeff and I will watch a movie, react to it, talk about it, talk to you guys about it.
Hopefully you guys can follow along if you, if you so will, please, um, please comment, interact. It's what we're here for. And then, and then Saturdays, Saturdays is, uh, the flagship show who's, uh, nonsensical, nonsense, no open door challenge where you in the audience can pop up and chitchat and bust balls with us.
Now andnja I'm going to send you the, the, well, I don't know if you can do two on your phone, but if you wanted to jump, I mean, I don't know how well you'll be able to jump up on the show as well to give you your reactions. Oh, you just unmuted yourself on zoom.
and jim i mean ah know how It's Benji. Okay. Benji, he's muted. I just muted him. He's muted. Okay. And then Sundays, we have Jeff's garage, which is, you having to show the Sunday? It's going to be sporadic at the moment. I'm still working out shit on my end. Benji, I'm going to send you this too. Steve, on your secondary phone, you can bring this up. So you can actually- So with that said, why Jeff, you were working that out. You want to go ahead and take a break?
Yeah, let's go ahead and play a little recording. So, okay, so for nonsense and chill, um our commercials are gonna be old commercials. They're gonna be about four to five minutes long. It's gonna be a block of commercials. This week is fifties and sixties. Nothing in particular, but just random old oh that commercials. some some of the Some of the subject matter, you know, it's like cigarettes or whatnot. tom it's uh what's up we forgot to mention on Sundays is unnecessary roughness uh thank you thank you Glick uh yes Sundays in the uh in in in the early hours is unnecessary roughness uh Glick's football chit chat with with a couple of his buddies uh Cam and P. Dill Dill P. and yeah I said you the studio like on dj D.G. D.D. Chizzy Jill I don't know
I know he's probably going to hear me a thing. Maybe you guys just dumping on me. I dump on everybody. It's OK. I dump on myself. So again, with the commercials, I want people to look at them as old art because that is part of this show is film and art as well as the entertainment value because I like art. So this is. like to And there he goes. So here we go. Hello, I'm Joan Leslie.
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We gotta stick that in there Welcome back of something I forgot to say earlier I Dropped the link a moment ago. Let me bring that back up our spread shot spread shot or my spread shop calm merchandise link yes nonsensical Nonsense dot my spread shop calm. There is a hyphen between the nonsensical and the nonsense I So go spread us onto you. Hell yeah. Welcome Benji. but el what's up How's it going going? How about that? I ah never stop. I don't think I've been on the network since sometime in August. Uh, yeah, I agree.
It's been a while. It's been a while. Yeah, this I haven't been to Charlotte in over 40 days and I'm down here tonight. and just So you decided to spend the night with us. Yeah, i've I've worked through two hurricanes and two different storms and I just don't have time.
And I just finally got a chance to slow down tonight. Yeah. Well, that's, well, this is a good night. This not to skip out and you can, you can watch you man watch me and and you haven't, you haven't seen this movie either. Uh, you did miss the part where William Shatner got killed by the gentleman on your zoom screen. Um, uh, you might have to mute yourself on here.
while it's playing just so that we don't get the overlap of audio because it uh like if I unmute you on zoom it gets kind of loud but uh yeah let's go ahead let's roll into that beautiful bean footage and I'm not getting any on oh there so they're still in the jail they're they're they're they're planning Yeah, they're planning. Yeah, they're in planning phase. Soldier
that awesome
That fucking guy's not. That guy's not. He just shot his neighbor. For no fucking reason. His hair. Oh, the fucking, the bleach tips or whatever you call it. Yeah. Yeah. a fourha but Right on the porch, right?
Right for all the neighbors to see.
I think you want to just maybe be like, yeah, this is horrible. It's supposed to be. It jumped the shark the moment he hit play. Yo,
fucking medieval underasses, man. Has got an oxygen bottle? Yeah. A cop that's on with some zombie ass.
He just punched the shit out of the wall. No, does that dude, they're going to beat up the dude's wheelchair. The zombie has motor skills for a wheelchair, I know.
crossthe it I think they just went to the vet clinically. I didn't realize Todd was in this movie. He just fucked Todd or Zombie. so worry about me
bro you i more of a delta but was the fourth battalion just want to get back to my men sorry fourth the tell probably there' only three i was Stolen Valor motherfucker you're dead working at the DMV
Damn. He did shit out of him. Oh, dude, he ran that freaking guitar right through his skull. what
think That blow up doll never deflates either. Right? It stays fully inflated the entire time.
yeah yeah do good job with I think Benji fell asleep. No, I think he stepped away. So he his audio wouldn't be heard. Oh, sorry. That's disgusting. No?
So they're out of jail. They they broke through. They killed a bunch of zombies. They fucking wrecked the face of a stolen valor guy. please just slide a said shit kind of zombie so do we but guys we're just trying like you and mexican ja leno and next like
um steroid
everlasting We totally fucked last week. Oh. Hold on. This dude's shirt. Hold on. What's it say? It says, hold on. Violence is the last resort. And I'm great at it. Can we reach another romance inside? Hang on. Y'all look like G.I. Do we reach out last night? It's so big. Yeah. What is it? It's really big. What are talking about? His dick was so big, it wouldn't go in. All right. Fine. You open the door.
alright but that
I spread those cheeks. I'm going in, baby. Hell yeah. Holy shit.
What's happened? I had to be. OK. Yeah, I see it now. I'm on two different phones. Yes. I'm a huge fan of, like, grade B and grade C movies. They're the absolute best. and the police Oh, this one's a gem, for sure.
but the
yeah this little textster looking but yeah look and fuck
<unk> know think there zombies or hipster my internet connection that's that's pretty zombie file It's Yeah. What the **** is that?
Hold on. Hold on. We got I gotta find this. I gotta find this. Yeah. Grunt pile. Grunt pile drawing. I wonder if you backed it up. I bet you could get a screenshot of it. This movie reminds me of like 28 weeks later. That's good. That's a good idea. Agree. Yeah. It's it's yeah's just got like a couple of different movies mixed in with I dig this. Right. And you know, as as and And it's, it's almost a parody of those movies, which makes it that much better. better impair Jeff, are you able to do a screen cut? Just leave it play.
shit So yeah, like Benji was saying, this definitely spooks a lot of different other movies. Like the Grump pile drawings are spoons of a human centipede. Yeah.
Is that a movie I need to watch? I've seen it advertised so many times when I've never watched it. oh It literally looks like seven minutes. It is. So so the the go ahead and pause it. Did you get it? no I got the screenshot. Yeah. So Benji Centipede is it's it's in German number one. I've seen the first two. ah And it's German German. It's it's.
uh horrifying this is the grunt pile for those watching that is the drawing of the grunt pile um so we analyze that i mean it's kind of self-explanatory i love this guy just off he's he's the cock waiting in his side yes i'm assuming it's the guy that threw it you know ah that's funny and so that was the screenshot from the movie which uh throughout the movie we are gonna well we'll find spots to screenshot oh yeah absolutely the oh we should definitely get a picture of the dude with a blue ball on his day yes i was wondering if that other guy that big guy was gonna save any steroids for the rest of us right jama mexican jay Leno yeah
that's what That's what she called him earlier in the movie. look hilarious
um no offen that happens a lot more than Her hair is spectacular for the zombie apocalypse. Right? They're straight from a fucking porno set, man. really impressive Yep.
is it good like the probably film is this movie right next to the fucking a awards my hey get supply we could check it at the base to see if it's still at thanks dad tom only did eleven There's a question I got for you, Jeff. Let's say you were active duty. I was active duty.
oh The answer is yes. And if a zombie apocalypse kicked off and you were like on leave somewhere or you were away, would you say check in with the base or you'd be like, no, fuck no. Okay. No, i know I'm you know, especially. by Rules have changed that moment that shit happens. Well, happens and not only that, uh, if I'm already out on leave, I'm stateside, I'm either already in the woods because I'm at my parents.
or i'm in vegas so i get outside the walls of vegas i'm good for like oh god inside vegas should be fuck yeah i would not want to be inside but you get outside vegas and you get in out in the fucking desert i'm good for a couple months well that's where the tanks are right what's that that's where the tanks you can like drive and rent is on the outside of vegas so well that's true i didn't even think of that yeah the only reason i would go to base was for weaponry and a vehicle. I wouldn't even do that though, man. it'ss It wouldn't be, I wouldn't risk that. There's other places I'd go find weapons before I went to a military. Well, you know what, you know, I get it the internet, let's assume the internet's down, but um the ah there's a website, and I just found this out the other day. Well, I found a new one, but there's a website that sells
old ah government. It's like a government auction website. Yeah. Find the holding center and give me an APC. I'm good. Yeah. ah yeah Nobody's going to fuck with me in an APC. I just think they're in a zombie. If it was a zombie apocalypse, I don't think the internet goes down.
I don't think, yeah, okay. yeah the The internet might not go down right away, but I doubt you're going to be able to jump on there and have an online auction. What I'm saying is I want to know where the location is because that's where I want to get. Correct. So I want to get there. I'm not going to buy anything. I'm going to stay. I want to take, but you know, you go that way. I go there, I get my APC and I'm gone.
yeah boing is Looting is legal during the apocalypse. Yeah, i mean especially if it's like an EMP. I mean, all rules are done at that point. Right. Yeah. If there's an EMP, there's that's a whole other story. Correct. Jeff is actually the first to go into a zombie apocalypse. Yep. Yep.
ah Okay. That's funny. Now, Glick will go first because I'm going to shoot him and be like, Glick's getting it. He just keeps running. Watch him just disappear in the woods. He's like, fuck this. This is human. This is human. Exactly. I don't have to outrun the zombies. I just got to outrun Glick. That's it.
won't be able to hold them off forever Jesus. Who is this fucking guy? Jesus, he's our Lord and Savior. that first jesus I love how they blow up dolls in a doggy-style position during this whole entire scene. Well, it's glued to his dick. Oh, I didn't catch that. When they were in jail, he's like, dude, what? Are we going to talk about this? He's like, I didn't know that it was filled with rubber cement. Apparently, they knew he was going to fuck it. So they put rubber cement in it, and when he stuck his dick in, it got stuck. So it stuck the rest of the movie.
Yeah, not rubber cement epoxy. Oh, is it a box? Okay, epoxy. Yeah. Yikes. Yeah. yeah we'll go shit goeses down we're hide by the crazy Shit goes down hide behind the Mexicans.
g len Hey, can you take some screenshots of the actors like Mexican Jay Leno and all that shit? We'll, we'll show the audience what, what, uh, who we're talking about at least. Gear up montage. Gear up montage. Superhero stuff. I love it. Some Matrix shit.
Oh, gotta love the fucking Internet of the World Midwest. So, I do have. matt John Wick style. Here we go. Yeah. Oh.
I would have to say. I've been backing up to the seat where you see the dude that's with the blow up doll and the suit. Like a couple of seconds. Okay, yeah, right there. I will never **** you. **** you. She's going to **** him by the end of the movie. He's like, I got a chance. I'll tell you what, the makeup is How do you fuck up makeup with blood though? Well, nevermind. I forgot about full moon production movies. Her tits don't even bounce, they're so fake. He's licking the gun.
This is by far, this picture of him in that suit. What's the blow up doll? It's fucking hilarious. You got to put an eagle in there. Freedom. I don't want to pause right there. What when in that case he was opening up? It was um fucking ah holsters. Tack holsters. OK, that was it. I didn't really understand what that was. Yeah, happylarious he just He thought he was happy. They were tactical holsters. OK, I found a movie mistake.
The doll is around the other way around now. I was wondering that too. That's the glorious thing though, the wind's blowing. Yeah, and he he put clothes on the doll. God, you guys need to watch. um ah oh big oh Oh, my phone's dropping. um <unk>ma getddon Oh, I have a good super grade C, but it is hilarious.
ex the wrong one ah Yeah. That went all the shit, didn't it? ah man Oh That's a go to your, go back to our history. That's why I hate go back. That's a whole lot of Kamala Harris ads. Isn't it? Ooh. Yeah, it is. Yeah. You got a lot of ads. I watch a lot of political shit, so it makes sense. There's a reason why I don't show my home screen. I get chump ads, too. Well, we're on Zoom on this side, so I think we're safe. Who's on the YouTube side? Might be no more nonsensical nonsense or a network.
There you go. What in the hell, Marvin? Yeah, the the problem with this site that we're using for those watching, it is... got a lot of pop-ups that we have to deal with. We give the name, but we don't want to give the name. Because it... Oh, man. Legal reasons. Yeah, see what I'm seeing? It... i but the movies play clear if you can deal with the pop-ups. And the pop-ups happen every time you pause.
You have a collect call from an inmate at Street Justice Films. There we go. It'll take a minute to load, but unfortunately you can't download from this site either because I already tried. I tried because that would make it a heck of a lot easier to just play the whole video. Yeah.
I have yet to find a good site where I can download these movies so we can actually watch them without issue.
and a i I don't know, depending on the cost, dude, I don't know. Oh, what the fuck? There we go. Did you find it for free? I did. Oh, well, there you go. So it is it is on Prime.
for those of you in the States. So, so we're going to go back to watching it on prime because this is what I watched it the first time.
Right about there. And that screenshot, it looked like an armless Chris Jenner. right i Like a younger version. Well, we already saw Connor. There was a zombie that didn't have any legs.
like legs I believe that the so 75% of the cast and I'm assuming they mean by zombies are veterans. So yes, like I wasn't joking early when I said they went they they went to a local VA clinic and asked for volunteers like those dudes in prosthetics and And I'm not, I'm not taking a dig at that at all. no i's I think that it's cool. fuck just Yeah. Give those guys something. what in Hell yeah. fucking right I think some, I think. who wants
fucking here at montage Yeah. Gear of montage. The only problem is I don't think he's showing on our side. It's not on my side.
it's so it's It's playing the audio, but it's not playing the video. Okay, let me... Which means it automatically knows that it's being used. because sharing it. No, because you are sharing it. It automatically knows when it's being shared. They shouldn't matter for this, though. Shouldn't. No, but I like... So, like, if if if if if we weren't live and just watching it,
It wouldn't let us all watch together. We'd have to watch. So it's not letting you see it right now. No, we we hear the audio. We don't see the video. There lies the problem with watching it on prime for us or people watching. They can watch it on prime. So you'll have to go back to where we were watching it and we'll just have to deal.
Which is not a big deal. It's kind of a pain in the butt, but whatever. And I apologize for our listeners while while you're doing that. um For our other shows, go ahead and check us out at bio.link slash nonsensical, nonsensical network. And you can watch all the shows live and pretty much every day of the week, right around seven, and eastern eight o'clock Eastern. yeah Seven, seven, seven to eight Eastern. um And
like tomorrow is nonsensical nonsense. The flagship show where we, if you want to come up and talk to us, maybe give us a solution for the problem we're having a little bit farther.
there's that just Then on Sunday, you got these two guys on Jeff's garage. Well, actually are you Jeff's garage. No, you're good. The problem is you're never around. Uh, but i' never right now Jeff's garage, uh, um,
I'm going through a little hiatus, so it's sporadic. Right now, in I don't really have anything planned for Sunday, but I'm thinking, so. The wheel is turning people. Oh, buddy, I got plans. I've been reaching out to a couple of, because Jeff's garage is more of, instead of just being about cars, I want to be more about hobbies. I'm reaching out to people with, and, in the hobby field like last sunday blaze was up here his hobby being photography talk about photography looked at some of the pictures and um i'm reaching out to a couple people at 3d print and so on and so forth so as i'm getting feedback i'm going to reach out to a couple of people see if i can get a couple of different guests and kind of talk about hobbies talk about their background you know as opposed to
having to think all the time. but yeah tranquil And just so the just does the people know that you've reached out to me to do the show and I've just been busy with all the F1 races and all kinds of like, I i go to watch parties. I've got a whole lot going on. so its' So it's not been Jeff that hasn't done the show. It's been me. I just haven't had time to do it. I'm saying that now. I blame Benji for everything. My wife does too.
i Get it. No, but it it also comes down and we're just getting back into it, but it also comes down to finding Your yeah your my and those are tactical Yeah, they're tactical holsters, yeah tax call holsters There's a special ammo. There's some special special Munitions in there too. yeah Yeah I'm not sure exactly what I But yeah, and it comes down to like, oh, Jeff garage. I was needing to do earlier. And Jeff was struggling with that time to where I was struggling with the later time, because I am already, I wake up at five, six o'clock in the morning. a mass track of dawn edmo like The last Sunday you and I are going to do, I woke up and I was like, Hey, are you?
ready to do show and I already left to go watch Formula One. I'm like, oh, okay. Yeah. Uh, so like any type of Formula One race, like I am already, I am up and I'm going to the Formula One race watch parties at like eight o'clock in the morning.
because they're not local hour time. there' They're like nine, 10 o'clock at where the races are happening. So I'm going to have the last race I left at seven o'clock in the morning in my house. so But we have two races three two races in America coming up. It's neat. But I am super big into the on garage side. so no Yeah, i'm not I'm more of the...
ah I'm actually talking to a couple of people that that actually build vehicle. That's awesome. I mean, I haven't really gotten back to it. Nobody knows. All right, here's the message to Bill Whizzes. He's being back, uncle. Every person in the military said... All right.
Nice. All right, back to the Eagles singing. I see the Eagles now. that Oh, That's that's the barbecue. That seems like Team America. fuck Yeah. motherfu day Yeah. He's got a pink block.
yeah a little bit of heck and some cocaine. co gerber great plot ah product placement right yeah
I'm making fun See, there was their coffee right there. Yeah, is they berserker coffee? Yup. That's what it is. This is why independent filming is great. Oh, 100%. The fucking tactical shit. Well, I think that's real is their stuff.
What is that South Park made movies that call like Team America? What is that? Team America. Team America world. this this Yeah. This is screaming Team America right now. they had fun on this. 100%. These guys are buddies. This is if Not Sensical Not Network decided to make a movie. yeah And we actually knew what the fuck we were doing.
This is basically written and directed by us. split call the print That playing screams lost voice. Oh man, you should have got a clip of that. Dude, this is Team America all the way right here. 100%. There's no ifs ands about it.
come bu fuck by fracis god ahchi single oh man
And zombies there's a crazy scene coming up to him. Oh, man. It's gonna be a good one.
The music is Louis Louis Louis louis Armstrong.
I think this song is coming. Creative Commons. Just like those commercials that I'm saying. Yeah. Yeah. Just like those commercials I picked for breaks. They're all Creative Commons. So they're not in a copyright law. They are.
Killing zombies left and right in firefight style. But it's toned down, and they got that Louis Armstrong jazz going on in the back. It's all slow-mo video capture. It's so genius. Dude, this is really good editing. Right? I'm not mad.
The people that gave this movie shit are shit. Well, they're they're they're huge backs, let's be honest, because he's sitting there. He's going back and forth. This is 100% TV quality right here. monitor Like I said,
he fucking sounded that fucking doll. you said nice Seriously, minus the blow up doll. That was TV quality right there. Oh, **** Yeah. And like I can said, this is, it looks like a made for TV movie, the production, but I suggest we can take the whiskey truck that they come and skate with another guy. There's one. I'll drive. I'm sure you don't want to put your a whiskey truck. If you did, I bet you fill it up with premium. It's like you're living inside of me.
She's never going to **** fucking delorean dude nice even for the wind Oh, he just ripped dude's dick off.
you boy
Okay, I got I got something to say about this dude. Uh the zombie. Oh, what's his name? I got his name here. Uh the zombie midget come out and **** ripping the dude's pecker off by trying to take a piss. It's played by beny played by the do domain meeting martin so bay elba a l e b b a um he before he passed He was also in a movie called Project X. Okay. Where and Project X was these guys these kids throw a party and it just, they throw a house party that just blows out of a portion. Yeah. And he's in the movie and he just constantly punches dudes in the dick in the movie.
but so this dude has no problem with touching dick no obviously and he just ripped that dude's dick off so yeah so dude goes behind the car take a piss and midget zombie rolls out runs by runs by rips his dick off so the guy's rolling around and then runs up to the screen and the screen and does this fucking bus hit right even the fucking penis are either one of you guys familiar with z nation Yeah. Yes. This is filmed exactly like Z nation. Yeah. Spooks on all the other zombie movies. Yeah. Yeah. Z nation is a gem. a fuck I freaking love Z nation.
I like this way better than Black Summer could ever be. Yeah. I haven't seen Black Summer. Dude, you're not missing nothing. Black Summer turned into something serious, which is completely opposite of what Z Nation was. Z Nation turned into fucking... Z Nation turned in in parts in the Stoner comedy, too. Right? Oh, dude, it is some of the best talking and shit. Grade B stuff ever. No, I loved it. I thought it was hilarious. I haven't finished it.
Oh, dude, you got to finish it. what ze I said, you know, that's why you don't know what Black Summer is. So, yeah, finish it. Quit around. around. Who covered the eyes of the syllabus? And they're laughing at it. And then feed you your own dick, you cocksucker.
oh We're going to let you turn.
So the midget zombies attacking the doing the zone. And he runs away. just ki up for you and kidding i'll kill you Like, I mean, if I lost my dick that way, I would hope one of y'all would put a bullet back. Oh, a hundred percent. I would have done it sooner than that. Yeah, I would have waited as long. I would make money after you die.
not Not directly to your suffering face. I was like, sorry, buddy. It's funny, but... That's just being an asshole. Yeah. I love the big-ass dudes in the And it's clean as shit, too. Well, they they... So they own a liquor whiskey company. And that is their promotional vehicle because it has their logo on the store.
The whiskey truck. Oh, I got you. That's why they call it the whiskey truck. Hasn't changed you. Got it. I'll take some golfers. That's a children's snack, you fat fuck. I do have a boy. Dude, this is 100% the nation's shot, right? This is exactly the same. This is why I like this so much. It's always from the glass. I don't want you getting yanked through. You still fucking better. You know, a big, a lot of fuck It's like you just go buy a video camera off the fucking just Circuit City fucking shelf and you're like, hey, always just go make a movie. just We're going to get drunk. We're going to make a movie. Yeah, there it is. anything They called it. They called it. He's like, get away from the window before you get pulled in. Did you know how big a dude would have to be to pull me through? And I was like, um it's coming. It's coming. What's he what's he doing? Answer me. You tell me, dude.
oh You're going to shoot me for stealing? What? That's right. I'm drinking slurpees for free. Shit, why not? How come the blue disappeared on this face in the second shot back? Right? It melted? You could literally take anything. They weren't going to inconvenience her. He was. This dude, you just fucking. Pull on. Pull on, Paulie Shore. We didn't choose there. That's definitely a team of Paulie Shore. Because I kind of feel like I'll be a nitrate here, motherfucker. Get the fuck out of here.
hey do d dick You look like Randy Quaid with Down syndrome. shit <unk> pu hit brady quaed with down syndrome you look like rany quain down
why' did you make me do i think i love this movie i do too i'm so not mad at this i figured you guys would like it
you You got to like have an open mind in a fucked sense of humor I'd screenshot that shit, man is oh i okay like it up to the hair cause i thought he was going to town on subject He's banging the zombie He was going to town He was giving her the business Yeah, he was It's f frozen on my side. It'll, it'll, it'll. Yeah, it needs to catch up.
Like, so. Was he? There we go. Yeah. I was going to go into that. Is he actually porking her or is he, she attacking him and he's just. Oh, he's porking her.
so but I got this screenshot. She looked up when he stopped. What was We have to discuss this. He's giving her a shot, then having a conversation and giving her another shot. I'm not mad at it. It's it's hilarious. I mean, yeah okay. So I picked my role in the remake. I'm that dude.
He is giving her the business. I hate fucking her, dude. I hate fucking her. Now, here's the thing. When I first saw it, I thought it was the one chick from the truck, the chick in the black tank top. Oh, okay. So, I was like, wait, is he, you know, but, you know, because she's got colored hair and then I saw the purple head and I was like, okay, maybe not. Yeah. So, wow.
i yeah
I'm not going to lie. I said, I will get a stroke in and then have a conversation. Get a stroke in and have a conversation. Yeah, we got this. act so low This is some bad shit. I'm going to get some freedom. Freedom fudge.
so it's who's you going to town guys all the guys just turn their head like Everybody understands exactly what he's doing. And they're like, OK, it is what it is.
I'm not mad at it, dude. That guy said I'm good. In a, in a, in a zombie apocalypse, I'm getting mine. What are you saying? There's no rules, right? Oh, exactly. He, he told you. Oh, is hilarious.
it's Just because she's not fresh. She's still fun to be around with. How the hell did this not win an Emmy for comedy? See? I agree. Prudes of Hollywood. The fucking Prudes of Hollywood. He helped her out by just caressing her ass as she gets up. Yeah, a little ass leg help up. He's just like, ah see works bro we got I Oh,
no. Big fucking vehicle. he ah She's following the truck like, wait, come back! I need more dickens. and mean more dicking I I'm in love with your DNA. She's like, jeez, jeez.
I'm not saying I'm gross. I was in here thinking about fucking zombies. They're like, fucking gross. Oh, man.
I can't believe you just fucking did that. I'll tell you, I found love in a hopeless place. Jesus Christ. I fell in love with a zombie. I found love in a hopeless place.
I bet that guy's thinking with the clearest head right now. I bet he is.
And bottle of liquor. You know, I've actually seen that that liquor I've seen in my local liquor store. I can buy that. I bet you it's theirs. I think it's called the monkey something. You see, my dad's old party, but he was an amateur scientist. He's the only one we knew that could distill wisdom. This was after his fact. An amateur scientist? That would be like using an amateur bomb tag. That just shouldn't be an amateur scientist. Like an amateur scientist. I'm going to go with the song you made.
fuck ah salt Maybe. Another zombie attack. you glory fucks cover me i'll move it on v
This is um one like the one thing they, this is how they have keys. Hovers don't typically have keys. Right. They got to play with some fun vehicles in this.
They probably own them too. Yeah.
Like that Freedom Fudge, I'm pretty sure that's so pretty nice. I know that shot to the end with the Cranium off. But like those that Freedom Fudge they talked about, basically every product you see them using, they probably either are endorsing for sponsorship or they own the company.
Like these energy drinks? Yeah. They're flammable. The energy drinks are flammable. My wife would probably drink it. Hey, I usually down two or three monsters a day, so. Wait. Guys, hold your fire. Fire cured it.
Fire. Day breaker. I think we just found ourselves a cure. a no any Funny. a pause okay So, freedom fudge homemade fudge made with with different flavored whiskey icing.
Veteran owned and operated business with 10% of proceeds going to Green Beret foundation. Awesome. Yeah. Awesome. Yeah. I like that they've done this man, because this is a spoof on daybreaker, the vampire movies where they, they did the sunlight. So this is actually thinking outside the box right here. Well, and you know, one thing you The one thing about this movie you can't fault them on is tactical. Like, the tactical, you know, as it as he comes around the Humvees, he's holding everything perfect. Where most movies you watch are like, wow, that's the way you came around the corner? These guys are trained for it. These guys are know what they're doing. So, as a veteran, when you watch
and movie and tactical things happen, you're just like, wow, you're dead. Guys, this movie got a bad review. But a lot of people, the reviews by viewers are like, it's piece of shit, blah, blah, blah. But they're also viewers that, let's be honest, they're normal people. They've never, most people that see movies,
prior to them coming out is where they get some of these reviews. And they're movie assholes. Like A-list movies or whatever? Well, yeah. Like when when when a new movie comes out, you get that sneak preview and they'll grab like 45 people off the street. Hey, you want to see a ah movie that's not coming out yet? You get to see it before the public and then you have part of it, you leave your review.
and say reviewer says, you know, whatever. And people went in to see this movie and they're like, it's stupid. It's not, you know, the production's not good. It's, you know, it is what some of the things we were talking about earlier, but those are people that are movie stops. They're like, sure. I guarantee you, Siskel and Ebert, if what if they were both still alive and watch this movie, they would give this movie, they would call it a big piece of shit. What would Jarvis call it?
Who cares? Honestly. This is actually this is not bad. I like I'm going to watch this again. Holy shit. This is actually really good. I think I'm going to watch this completely independent because I have prime. Yeah, really good. Yes. Yeah, I'm going to see if it's on my prime because my prime is different than your guys. Gentlemen, it is is approaching another break time. Yeah, go ahead and break to.
We still have a lot of something to go through. I'm just going to give you another weekly rundown Monday nights and carrying from in. Tuesdays, Glitz House and music. Wednesdays, what the fuck news. Thursdays, Cassius Corner. And that might bounce around from time to time. Fridays is nonsense and chill. Saturdays is flagship show, nonsense go nonsense, open door challenge. And Sundays is unnecessary roughness and in in the early day and then later on sporadically is of Jeff's garage with Benji and Jeff. No, no sporadically.
All I know guys is take another break and enjoy some more 50s and 60s commercials because, fuck yeah, I think this batch is a little bit better than last.
Say, who gets to make the coffee in your house? Well, you know, more often than not, when it's coffee time in this household, I get to make it. Of course, the fact that my wife lets me make the coffee tells you how amazing instant Maxwell House must be. And believe me, this really is amazing. It's a completely different kind of coffee. everything Sorry, guys, I just I just wanted to stop because that I strung those together wrong. That's a repeat of another one.
Is it? Sorry, yeah, there was some complications. So let's go ahead and go into another ad that I know should be just fine. Going out on a date? You look real sweet. Breath sweet, too, of course. Uh-oh, that's not the way to do it. Bad breath, halitosis, most often is caused by germs. And no toothpaste kills germs like listerine antiseptic. Listerine stops bad breath four times better than toothpaste.
Before Les and Mary do another song, look at this.
or That's right, blistering an antiseptic stops bad breath, halitosis, four times better than any toothpaste. Here's why. The most common cause of bad breath is germs in the mouth. No toothpaste can kill germs the way Listerine does, because no toothpaste is antiseptic.
Listerine is antiseptic, kills germs instantly by the millions, keeps breath sweeter longer. Before Les and Mary do another song, look at this. The Martins have been happily married for a year, but something's gone wrong.
Halitosis, bad breath, is no help to a happy home. Why depend on toothpaste? The most common cause of bad breath is germs in the mouth. So Betsy left Listerine by the basin where Bob would see it. You see, toothpastes aren't antiseptic, so they can't kill germs the way Listerine does, by millions. That's why Listerine stops bad breath four times better than any toothpaste. Nothing wrong with the Martin's marriage that Listerine couldn't fix.
Listerine antiseptic.
This common domestic creature belongs to us. We call him Ralphie.
I wonder where he gets that energy. Here's his favorite source, enriched cream of wheat. Every healthy bowl full has protein, calcium, phosphorus, niacin, vitamin B1, B2, carbohydrates, and a full day supply of iron. More iron than any other major cereal. Ralphie loves cream of wheat even if it is good for him. Cream of wheat guards Ralphie.
Because cream of wheat's iron stays without the all day to help keep his stamina up.
Good news, America. News about the new British process blades. Now, the new persona stainless steel double-edged blade is in your stores. Men report each blade gives 10, 15, even more incredibly comfortable shaves. To help show us Americans, this gentleman's volunteered. Sir, shave a bit with each razor, please. In one razor, a persona stainless, seven shaves old. In the other, a well-known blade brand new.
Now, sir, which was more comfortable? That one decidedly. Well, sir, you have chosen the Persana stainless, already seven shaves old, over this brand new blade. You'll choose Persana, too, for that fresh blade feeling shave after luxury shave. New Persana stainless steels, individually custom-wrapped, fit all double-edged razors. Choose new Persana.
This is the sound of a human heart. It will beat 72 times in this minute. Every beat can be a painful throb if you have a headache. This pain remedy is buffering, the one doctors recommend by name more often than any other leading brand.
Take two buffering, and every beat can mean your heart is pumping buffering's pain reliever through your bloodstream. Why such speed? Because buffering is the modern drug for pain. It is special antacids that activate the pain reliever by speeding it into your bloodstream straight to the pain. These antacids also help soothe an over-acid stomach, a common companion to headache. This message will last 60 seconds. 72 heartbeats. If you had taken buffering at its start,
buffering could already be getting into your bloodstream next time painthrabs upsets you take to buffering the fast one it's worth it don't know about you but that buffering commercial looked like something out of a Hitchcock movie a spy movie no i have an issue with the that is a blade is seven shaves old You let me shave with somebody else's razor. I'm going to punch you in the mouth. I'm so glad you said that because I was thinking the exact same thing, right? Like I love you guys, but I'm I'm not shaving after you with the same blade. It's not going to happen. That's disgusting. Five blades for 79 cents, though. Oh, yeah, but quality made blades. I mean, we're talking like the 50s.
Yeah. Apparently, health standards are changed. That razor is the oldest buck, too. After seven chase, ew, gross. I was waiting for it. With the new blade, I was waiting for it. So we're about a half hour into the movie, they have They have escaped jail after the party. They have rendezvous with two, I suspect, or porno chicks. they they gather They gather weapons through a
The way gear mont montage, gear up montage. Which was hilarious. ah love We saw a midget zombie. The ping lock, yes. And the tactical holsters. midge Mini midget freaking zombie ripped the dick off of somebody. And then that's somebody getting shot, getting teabagged by the same dick.
And i get them to. so Yeah, yeah. And then and then Mexican Jay Leno fucked a zombie painfully, too. OK, so I have while we were watching the thing, Glick said the reason why he thinks he's going to go first because he's going to try to fuck the first zombie he's talking to me. You just fucked the zombie. He didn't go first. I'm just saying. There you go. This is true.
Telling me there's a chance there's there's a chance you you'll survive fucking a zombie It shows me a pocket of papa I know Why can't I That was always going to happen on sites like this. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I need it again.
That's another one. This is a secure government installation. And you cannot walk around here without a PT belt. Easy there. I'll tell you what, they got some pretty badass vehicles for this. PT belt, no access, buddy. Whoa, whoa, whoa. I was. Do you guys catch them? Yeah. a boy The PT belt, you guys get that.
Yeah, so it was a big thing when I was in the Air Force. When you weren't on duty and you were walking around, you had to have your PT belt on, which was a reflective belt. That's so stupid. You don't want to get hit by a car.
yeah some challenge coin Do you ever carry one on you? No, I never got one.
I used to. i used had a It was a big ammo tradition. yeah he's a lot he' job Ammo challenge coins and I got i got a three-star German coin with one at one time. what I think I have my heart. I never carried mine with me. It was an ammo tradition. with law I'll explain it. It's a new gate.
That looks like me struggling with the customers gate trying to get a thing open so I can get insulation out This fucking tits are so fake man, they're like rocks she jumps up and down and they don't they don'ty and um bound I was thinking it was like a dukes the hazards spoof I think it is because she's got the Daisy Dukes on and stuff. There he is. Keep David. Yep. Yep. That's fucking best. Didn't he die? Is that a blow up, though? I think so. Sort of. You see, I fell down with my pants unzipped, and I just kind of. Oh, shut the fuck up. I fell down with my pants unzipped. I kind of just fell down. His Sam never gave that excuse. How you been?
I'm surprised as you two asked that's it still alive. And we found a cure. A cure. It's liquor. Liquor's always the cure. In my office now, that's the best. I wonder if that's a spoof on trailer park boys. i was just I was just thinking the same thing. I don't think so.
This whole crew looks like a they watch trailer park boys. Yeah. fucking just Yeah. it's in place colonel Maybe not as religiously as I did ohypia did. Well, that's because the liquor talks to you. He does. The shit starts brewing. I start to, I start the liquor talking. sir written then lay he is ghost I want his shirt.
sure That's honestly spectacular. Wow. Jeff, I'm going to let you explain the scene, my man. You explain the scene. So is she missing both arms? Both arms. That's the one I commented on that looks like a Kris Jenner, like the Kardashians mom. So this woman, this woman, this woman is a veteran. Just want to throw that out there.
But apparently, she's okay with self-deprecating humor. Yeah, because because he had her bent over like you read about behind a dumpster going to town on her. Hold on. Hold on. Is that a spoof on Jay and Silent Bob Strike back? I think a little bit. I don't know. I haven't seen him in so long. Yeah, where he's like he's going to suck him off. Yeah, he's like, why don't we go back over here? Yeah, I see where you get there. Okay. And so she's about to walk in the room.
and yeah I missed it, but is she married? She's the daughter. She's the daughter of the. Yes, yes, yes, she's of the general. Oh my God, dude, this is this is brilliant fucking writing right here.
but stub fuck ah What the fuck? She said that. Wow.
She waved at him just now. Oh, she's trying to pick it up the keys. And they're not even, they're not even acknowledged that she's still bent down trying to pick up the keys.
ah playing grass coming in purpose hacky sack this it unknowingly jesus god this he fucking so fuck um now dude this might be the
my new favorite movie i swear shit this is brilliant see i'm gonna have to rewatch this again oh oh my god this is good it was I'm actually shocked. Jeff had never even heard of this. I've never heard of that. I've said it in the comments. I've never even heard of this. Holy crap. So, she's still in the background trying to pick up these **** keys, man. And the camera is focused on her and they're having a full on conversation about the plan. Not giving a ****
and she stands up looks like Ken gets some help over me here. She literally just goes here distributed and goes back out. Oh my god, this is great.
No offense, Colonel, but I trust us more than I trust you guys. I gotta get a picture of her. Our guys are fearless. I bet I can fit for you. I bet I can fit for you. I bet I can fit for you. I bet I can fit for you. I bet I can fit for you. I bet I can fit for you. I bet I can fit for you. I bet I can fit for you. I bet I can fit for you. I bet I can fit for you. I bet I can fit for you. I bet I can fit for you. I bet I can fit for you. I bet I can fit for you. I bet I can fit for you. I bet I can fit for you. I bet I can fit for you. I bet I can fit for you. I bet I can fit for you. I bet I can fit for you.
that That is genius. That is so beyond good right there. Wow. And she's got a white shirt on that and the next thing she's got a red shirt. Right? Yeah, she changes.
coming in
but know what that stuff What the stuff, can't catch, asshole. Shuck the matter like he's like here, catch. What is it, man?
Uh, that special ops guy is in the mess hall for you. We'll tell him I still leave. Okay. So, oh Jesus. or you not this why don't you be how I have a picture for those wondering. and god We're going in. It's obviously a vet and she's okay with this but this is her picture for those wondering on like yeah and then she struggles for for like what it's gotta be good. This entire scene for like three minutes.
She, while they're having this conversation, she's trying to pick up these keys. And the guys are completely ignoring her. Completely. i created this steel risky that it was mix five seen ah sounds like a shitty internet so that's the cure whiskey and viper venom or viper vipers semen semen one of my guys and I'll be meeting with the whiskey bottle and they changed that well she's really struggling from she's not giving up I'll give her that you know at the red white and pew I know this red is sheer red white and I want his shirt that is the so
our building was compromise and mostly remaining ones we sent over the race mother said jesus christ man I'm wondering what she's going to do to sign her check on the movie. I don't know, but I want to go pick the keys up for her. I feel so bad for her. I know. I feel terrible for her, but I also just want to sit there and watch and see how she goes. She's an asshole. I wonder what the blow up dog got paid in this movie. I don't know.
I wonder if he got to keep stuff from the set. the like just keep the little thoughts So they do a cut scene to the other guys in in in the chow hall and um yeah caught him fearless yeah and they're eating hot dogs because they're fearless. And then they come back and then she's still struggling with the keys.
Him with Clinton and with Reagan. And Nixon. And Kennedy. And Kennedy. And the big Johnson. I fucking love that guy. Everybody loves that guy. Now that's the kind of man I want to see my daughter. That's the kind of guy everybody wants to see their daughter. You know, I'm going to be honest with you. I've been back over 38 years now. And if Gene Bandit asked me to take him in my mouth.
um ah I consider definitely a ditty a partier. Oh, shit. I know you you. I know you. I know you.
where the scientists are Oh shit. take the whiskey there and we to follow along in a sweet fuck train fucking can bull you and's not whiskey Why they clean up? They still got blood all over them and shit. Like I know you get hungry but go take a shower.
right You smell laly though gene zombie but animal what supposed to like zombie insects. That dude's got zombie all over his dick, dude. That's what I'm talking about, yeah. um hero a guy who has fourteen hot dogs in his mouth dude you dog fourteen yeah ah Focusing on the wrong part of the story, buddy.
Zombies, ah, you ain't 14 hot dog. Hell yeah homie.
What is his past come back? I don't know. I was thinking like Biff. Right? This, this, this is like a vet that in the storyline, he's a vet to become a Hollywood actor. He doesn't always like those like not safe for work, lifetime drama, fucking movie. He's like a heartthrob and all this shit. He's yeah. He just is yeah a narcissistic egotistic. I gotta say, I need this shirt, the red, white and pew. Red, white and pew.
the over Over the shoulder. but like he is stroking that entrance. Nice.
and this He was into it, wasn't he? That guy was into it. He was all like, oh my God, it put back me. What fuck? He's a fucking muppet. Hand it overside and over, Hand it over, son.
I'm sorry. I just think you just. This is me playing a soldier with my Batman voice. It doesn't make you gay. It makes you compassionate. You're so right. I know. Does it make you gay? No, it makes you compassionate. Geeze. Dana is my fat bottom girl. Get started to the galaxy. I'll keep an eye on you. I'll be your beauty. Stay close into second. What do you use, comment? Second. yeah That's your middle name, isn't it?
that' second like sla poetry turn the dar out of the moon she be squeezed maggie a blaed fire in the ring does that even The dude's voice man, right?
oh it's like it it makes my voice hurt because It makes me want to punch him. Right? Or like he's already been punched in the throat so he talks like that. hang there I'm trying to figure out what actor he is making fun of. You know what he reminds me of? It's like, a what's what's the what's the guy recording Doc Murray? Dan Arquette.
ah David like yeah looks like david arette trying to beat a heart okay squee I don't know. Star Trek Trooper guy was truly a hard act. The blood hair guy, like the goofy guy of Star Trek Troopers. Oh, ah you're talking about the... Yeah, he was in contact and all that. like Yeah, it's ah he's his dad is... but Put a condom on that dick, he was gonna eye fuck him on the way out. what His dad is...
hey man i don't want to fucking be here gary busey on on jeremy who yeah did the go go campaign looks so well he can actually buy people you're right got I'm sorry. I'm not a fan of Ron Jeremy. I'm not like the **** beat here. Let me go outside and get some fresh air. This movie was made. This this movie. This movie came out.
yeah that whole yeah
I haven't said anything in a while, so she wants to go along. aren they that yeah Okay, she is 100% a team player in this movie. Right?
and seemed that until man then gets' handed over to him like i'm somecomptic clon cheese so one la her my trash can just like he did my tell well He's just got his fucking Ben Bell sitting right there.
Like he's, all the time he's waiting, he's waiting. wearing theling of this movie right here He's going to Right? emily She just blasted her tits. And I, didn't yeah I'm so upset. I don't want to get pregnant during the zombie apocalypse.
um married
she's like dude it in my blood so i don't get me get pregnant right of you you right there during the zombie apocalypse that's your right yeah i'm into that can you do it my but like he pre-planned that the second she said can i come i haven't had a speaking role in a while oh my gosh Hmm. This is a fucking genius movie. Do me in the butts. I'm going to get pregnant. There's a zombie.
He's going to get smells like he did. You've got to be fucking kidding. I knew it. I knew it. Keith David's going to jump and catch him. I'm just going to leave it right there. That dumpster is clearly the place. Apparently.
See, PT belt. Hey, there's the PT belt. There's the PT belt. Fucking yellow ass glow in the dark. Fucking me in the ass. I don't want to get brain endurance off the apocalypse belt. Ew, gross. come on Gross. He said I want to drink his piss. He's so impressed.
all i see is a giant blue falcon but he's got giant what i didn't catch twenty fish blue falcon though wouldn that guy i dead kidding i
guys like that receives and I just I knew he was gonna bang that chick Oh Dude for no reason he gets out calling comes out like believe it
what the fuck is he doing with dude's a weirdo man sure you could Dude do a screenshot of that motherfucker i show the audience Especially this one. Is he spoofing Max Headroom? A little bit. It's a combination of a couple of people. OK, yeah, because that kind of makes sense, because that hair is tall. Right? Wait, do you have a sat phone in your car? I got the 2018 Lebron. The 2018 Lebron. I'm watching him every day. Ah, keep going. That guy. That douche looking ass motherfucker bag.
okay so you want The reason head is because it keeps wishing. Yeah. What the fuck I need you to take the whiskey dick and hold it with two hands. Take the whiskey dick and hold it with two hands.
You know who we also but remember what's his name uh from uh, so fucking snake plentskin snake plentskin, but also he's got when he goes real quick because yeah, uh, bill pakston He's bill pakston in weird science Yes And he made that noise where he's like, that's fucking straight up Bill Paxton weird science. Yup. That's where his inspiration is getting along The people watching again. This is, yeah I would totally punch this dude in the face. This is where you take the whiskey dick and you hold it with two hands. Two hands. You got to give him props. The main character's name is Matt Best. And he calls his second name second.
his middle name. So he's like, that's your middle name. Is it? And then the girl comes out and the dude calls out second bed. That's I got to give him props for that. Other than that, he is Bill Paxton in weird science. Just complete fucking tool. I don't think so. I don't think so. I feel like I'm at the altar. Jesus. packe stupid I feel like I'm at the altar and Jesus is packing. Wow. Bro, 26 miles is an entire marathon.
ah know um ran bostons last year one forty six full kid setting a new world record try and keep up fuck every yeah
Fuck you, Gene. Grant. He's running for no reason. For absolutely no reason, except... Like, he's in a Humvee. Yeah. That's Bill Paxton right there. He's just... Thank you! just Thank you, Matt Best.
so so white man jones bet he looks those two toddlers evil like and oh
so yeah so blow said i bet they do he They weren't even they weren't even zombie kids they were zombies He just shot them for no reason. This guy is a straight up fucking douchebag. I don't know. That was a mercy kill.
Oh, Jesus. One hour and 45 minutes later, new world record. asho So they drove.
For an hour and 26 minutes. Negative. No rules. Freedom is calling. Freedom is calling. what are dc designated for you His name is on the seat. Just remember, when you turn back and see only one set of footprints in the sand, it was then that I carried you. And talk about a Jesus call.
Look at that. When you see the footprints in the sand, remember, I carried you. Oh my God. This movie has no limits, does it? No. they i There is zero bucks given. This is spectacular. 100%.
i was late when he's gonna show up i love shot on fifteening that place only fall with my yeah ah scientists all we have to cure number two
The background is completely still he's bouncing in the sea, right? Yeah number one die cameras just being shook and. Yeah there's no. movement or Nothing it's great. Yeah.
kill this fucking microphone feel keep and is a whiskey silo just and i wonder i wonder where the whiskey's made ah be it's at that silo and you' so you probably did before you guys showed up mean drawing inside because you got it. When you use a property, you have to get permission. If they own the **** property, they got permission. I'm just saying. like That's like almost all those ad spots for all probably they're all their products. Yeah. Yeah. What? I mean, you know, the world. what God damn it. Chatter me.
I keep getting pop ups for chatter. bay Yeah, you know, what i did though rose when I watch that website, I'm just saying you do. I don't kind of funny how that works. How the hell do I just know. Whoa. What the fuck? How do I get rid of this one? Wow. That's why I keep it full screen. Yeah. Every time I try to do that, though,
There he goes. I was getting pop-ups earlier every time I i hit it. Did it just jump? Is that Sean Austin jumping out of the chopper? Yeah. Yep. Yep. Oh, save. That was Connor, dude. Right? That's fucking Connor.
He's going to lose his legs by the end of the movie, I promise.
I say that. That was like in the background. Two. Two. Two **** bottles. God damn it. Shut the **** up. Can we get the cure and keep **** moving? They gave me that bar. Who who let the blonde porno star **** carry the whiskey right yeah you
step i was He stepped on the leg of the doll. And while' tried himself and they're like, fuck we're leaving it in. Did you know that shit wasn't playing? Oh, yeah. What the fuck? Who is that? I know I don't know.
that that guy wait it looks for relax freak i got something that'll make your most He looks like a cheap way his brother. Yeah. Oh, **** a flash, but he caught the flash bang in his hand. Jesus. **** two way. with **** machete and knives
my curly guy yeah by curly eyes and he car right So so they go into this house, it apparently is an anti gun family. Yeah. and the it showed as So to solve a poster on the wall guns kill people. And then they're in there dead but with by an axe some one that scissors the girls had and then he says, no, no better way else to die.
Then throat plucking a curling iron. Yes. Did chips laying on the floor with a curling iron in her fucking mouth dead. The only thing showing us the handle. And then but the funny part was for me was as they said, they off themselves and a one guy had an ax in the chest. Yeah. That's impressive. And machete coming out of the front. Yeah.
tell um just go um it my zi here and pick on go be fourteen start we're done what the fuck down no back the
baby tell maid killers yeah we reservoir dog style no poul fault fiction well po fiction Yeah, I see it now.
yeah Yep. Okay, the bullet holes seriously fake, but okay. I get it. I like that they took every movie and decided to make it better worse. over yours good Right? I'll leave it on myself. I'll never get back. Call me. Call me. Yeah. i the gu than that
I can't say. I'll do you in the butt so I don't get you pregnant during my zombie apocalypse.
It's moment time. Is it mad? I really like his yellow shoes. I'm mad nobody's wearing a pair of Crocs. Oh, missed opportunity. I agree. I don't think I can do this shit anymore. Yeah. But not very technical. I know the weight of the world is on your shoulders right now. But it's there for a reason.
I do like those shoes though. i Those are cool. They look like Reeboks. They are. the annals of history are written on the backs of men like
Yes. The Annals, but yeah. You're one of those men. We can do this. We can rise up against the impossible, and we can save the world. Is James Best Jews have American flags on them? They're Chuck Taylors. They're American flag Chuck Taylors. I see. ah saw I saw them earlier in the movie. Yeah, I love i love Chuck Taylors.
what we do all right bring it in sister sister mother to daughter you shut of
ah bu wrestle and that is let's thats be what's what movie is that is ah banddo
Yeah, that was commando yeah commando God, I haven't seen that movie in a fucking long time. When, um, Alyssa Milano in that? Is that the one? That's the daughter?
That fucking blow-up doll, dude. She'd have to be really young to do that movie, wouldn't she? Yeah. It's an older movie. It's like early 90s. Yeah, I remember it. I haven't watched it until now. Like, seriously, if we all, if everybody from the network all decides to go out,
for like a Halloween party dressed as his movie. I'm the dude with the blow up doll. We're calling. fast thanks Speaking of Halloween, I got, I got my costume in name for the 19th. Nice. I want to be the tick with the purple hair. Right? She's okay. Oddly enough, she's the better looking one because the other one looks fake. I want to be the blow up doll.
be long now I love that he keeps covering the blow up those eyes every time there's violence. There's no there's no speaking parts. I just have to act surprised.
Now show me your O face. say I can totally do that. Are you sure? You're changing fast. We have to administer it.
It's changing fast. He's not even changing. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's crawling up your leg. Drinking it won't be fast enough. Fuck yeah. I know you motherfuckers are fucking with me. Maybe I won't lose you. Bro, I'm the medic, man. I hate to say, man, but I don't think we have a choice right now. Oh, the um. Better not be fucking with me. They mix it with the energy drink, which is the snake, venom, or whatever. What are you going to feel, Luke? The venom's seen in here.
you He's boofing it. no he's He's boofing it. Because it's faster acting. with
And then he's shotgunning the energy drink. Wow. This is a scene right here. I didn't see this coming. The fucking devil's triangle. The devil's triangle. Dude, you got to screenshot it. The devil's triangle. The devil's fucking triangle.
That's called an Eiffel Tower. I've always called it Devil's Triangle. Well, Devil's Triangle is two dudes and one chick. But well the the Eiffel Tower is when you high five while doing the spit roasts.
Oh, they got him. Tell me you got a screenshot of that. Oh, yeah, I got it. Wow. The Eiffel Tower or Devil's Triangle. tower And I've got Mexican Jay Leno staring at the camera. They're high fiving and everything. Yeah, that's the Eiffel Tower. Wow. Can't say I've never done it. More than twice. No, you didn't. I felt that Val Kilmer though. Exactly. Val Kilmer. Fucking Connor, dude. Dead to rights. That's fucking Connor. Fat Val Kilmer.
She had no arms. At least my zombie girl had arms. Damn. What are we going to do about getting in this style? I know we got to hurry up fucking fast. Uh oh. Because zombies. Her hair just stays perfect throughout this whole movie. You know, at times at times you forget this is even a zombie movie. Right? It's so it's just a weird military comedy.
today I think his hobbies are just background noise. Right? Till Danny Trejo pops out. Is he in this? Yeah. Oh, man. I've been waiting for Trejo to pop up. Oh, man. The case was not, wait, what did that sign say? The case is not really in pop up. William Shatter was in the beginning. William Shatter got beat the shit out of real quick, faster, hurry by Mexican Jay Leno.
What did that sign say in case of zombie apocalypse? I don't, I don't know. I'm having an issue. Push here. Yeah. It was like to enter. Push here. jackie guys The other video said the same thing. Yeah.
daughter was easier to range
So but the, the, the, the Eiffel tower thing that like, That's hilarious. What does it say? Non-effective personnel push here for entry. Oh, okay. please Push the fucking button. Dude, hit the button. Yeah. Sorry.
so sorry yeah that that that Oh, this is genius.
This isn't a short movie either. No, it's like yeah it's an hour and a half. Yeah. i guys room to run Why does he have all those glow sticks? I don't know. I ain't no bird dog. This dog don't know. Takes them all down.
must wait just that doc I recognized oh yeah he's another you he's been another she it with five for students viper semen you it's actually a funny story so i do love a funny I will try now I will save you Just pour it on the zombie and... pour the energy drink on her too. Yeah, it's not just the whiskey, it's the energy drink.
ah just say your see the primary element needed to choose on require All of a sudden she's super smart. Killcliffe is a developing system. A teeny blend of caffeine and vitamins creates a covenal bond shell that Viper Seaman protects it if it turns to zombie cells. Why is there Viper Seaman in this team? I I missed that part. They just get this to the lab, have them replicate it as fast as possible. We have pleasure and a privilege. And to you gentlemen, I say, bravo. She said something more like silent mob. Yeah.
I don't know where. Oh, that's a whole fucking freedom right there. That's a lot of hard dick right there. He said that's a whole lot of freedom right there. That's a whole lot of hot cure because he just got the. The heat. Yeah. hour yeah fuck jy and low car
and dream team showed up like few pairs cheap but as shameful of yours Oh, gentlemen, gentlemen, gentlemen. Hi, are you ready for another break? Yeah, let's go ahead and take it real quick. All right. Let it go into the room. Here is a report that every smoker in America ought to know about. In a recent decision,
The Federal Trade Commission says of brand X cigarettes that the use of diethylene glycol as a hygroscopic agent in the manufacture of X brand of cigarettes does not render such cigarettes non-irritating or a less irritating than other leading brands of cigarettes using hygroscopic agents other than diethylene glycol. Now if the Federal Trade decision has made you wonder about the contents of your cigarette, you can be glad if you're smoking Chester Chesterfield gives you scientific facts and names its ingredients. Chesterfield uses tobaccos pretested by laboratory instruments for the most desirable smoking qualities and kept tasty and fresh by the only tried and tested hygroscopic or moistening agents proven by over 40 years of continuous use in USA tobacco products as entirely safe for use in the mouth. Pure natural sugars and chemically pure harmless
far more costly glycerol, nothing else. Chesterfield has the newest and most modern research laboratories and factories staffed by experts. Outside independent consultants include many eminent scientists from leading universities. Believe me, friends, Chesterfield has for your smoking pleasure and protection. Every advantage known to modern science. For you, that means Chesterfields are much milder with an extraordinarily good taste and no unpleasant aftertaste.
kind of clean you like best next to those you
That's because new tide has extra cleaning power. With tide, things always come out clean and fresh as a sea breeze. More than white, more than bright, really clean. The cleanest clean under the sun.
Come and get it. A big surprise. Can you have the surprise for me? Yes, sir. It's a new breakfast cereal called maple. From now on, you're really going to like oatmeal. Take off your hat.
The hat. I cowboy hat. After breakfast. I want it now. Like maple sugar candy. That's oatmeal. Right. It says here it's maple flavored oatmeal. I want my hat.
Tell you what, I'll be an aeroplane. You be the hanger. Open the door. Here it comes. ah Loaded with delicious maple flavored. Maple. Cowboys love maple. Yeah, cowboy.
I want my maple.
but i think
When it comes to crack a jack, some kids never grow up.
All right, well, Biggie's gone for the night. I guess it got late for him. No, he's still on the Zoom. Is he? Oh, no, I think he bounced off the Zoom as well. I think he's going to go watch the movie.
well Well, we got about 20 minutes of the movie left, I think. Yeah. So we're almost there. So yeah. Glenn cracked this out. Wow, it is. Dude, we've been streaming for over two hours. I know. Well, we've had we had a little bit of technical issues. This is lie the problem of using the website we're using to watch the movie. But we'll get we'll get better at it. Yeah. All right, let's roll back into it.
back lucky
He's getting nasty. He's getting nasty.
Hey, yeah. Yeah. Pencil dick over there. He's like, you're you're haircuts, right? Yeah. Yeah.
ah me just out
is rank yep
yeah but save rule all by myself
yeah ah black huge i fucking love you and what hero So another group of veteran in combat do you show up oh Shit sort about your loss and stuff Just fucking blew her brains the fuck out. Fucking shit. The blonde porno chick has got her brains blown out. They just took a moment of silence. Okay, here we go.
You're so gross and annoying. And then she's over it. Yeah, she's over it, too. She just stepped over her. She didn't even. he's shooting. Yes. He's laying he's laying on the blow-up, doll. Yeah. Oh, is he? In the prone position, yeah. Nice. He is. And he rolled over on his back. I think he just orgasm.
Orgasm, orgasm. Oh, yeah. He finished. He finished in. He finished. He busted some shots and busted his load. Why are they shirtless all of a sudden? Look up there. Oh, no, that's somebody else. I think those are zombies. Yeah, those are zombies. I see. They're breakdancing zombies. Oh, yeah.
It's a fight montage. I see. Nice. The dude's like doing back flips and shit. Just single shot each one of them. Just pop, pop, pop. It's an all out brawl.
The up do runs out in the middle of the fight. With what a grenade? yeah What was he holding? I don't know, but these zombies can kick some fucking ass. These are like, these are like UFC fucking zombies. That's, oh shit, that's the chick with no arms come out and she's got daggers in her stumps. Fucking nubs, like duct taped her nubs, man.
is genius
it's zombie randy or and flip fly kick some ass and flip-fl flops
fight um armyie royale yeah parliamentdermanatorder sally is stuff dick We're in a ring. We're in a rescue ring.
It's a that many people wished for and never thought would actually happen. One has to wonder though. how so one has to wonder though everyone
What's up with the wheelbarrow in the background? I got an idea. Let's do this. I got a wheel on. No idea. you North American i had to rescue.
i in Federal resources. Extreme Couture GI Foundation. I think those are real, real funny. Dude is seriously. Zombie Randy Couture. That's Randy Couture. Yeah, it is.
really like really. They couldn't get they couldn't get McGregor. Right. working on Maybe the sequel. Yeah. well Oh god. if they do a seatd That would be awesome. With a roadhouse montage. That dude. That dude is seriously. Why is Because man. I don't think he has a lot of his boots. And a watch.
close and no closed shirtrks the skin I see what you did there, yeah, okay. I love how it's blurred. It's bored to be underneath other men. Yeah, it's dicks blurred. When Randy Couture is on top of him, you see from the back of Randy Couture and underneath Randy Couture's legs is a blur. Put it in, yeah! Put it in?
This movie's got a a lot of lot of good clips in it. Oh, he just ripped his arm off. admire the so really have to hand it to tim key he's gray warm Dude, these veterans in this movie are ruthless, man. They're amazing.
hey I just got a screenshot of when he took down Randy Couture there. So during this UFC zombie fight, dude rips off zombie Randy Couture's arm and another cuts over to another scene of scene of another veteran with the prosthetic arm. They ripped my arm out, ripped his other one. He just kicked Randy Couture's head.
Oh, this is fast. this Wait, what the fuck did we leave her guns back there? How else are we going to have a final epic battle? Wait, epic battle? i so tired you guys mashing your dicks together ah she just I'm so tired you guys your you guys smashing your dicks. She's like, fuck this sausage fest. Nice. Danny Trejo. Danny Trejo. Who the fuck saw this company?
I just throw them in there with the zombie fucking grenade Don't tell me over my dead body You know, my Danny Trail was a sanguine boxing champion for five years in two different weight classes However,
what are you doing? Oh, you want me to pause? No, no, no, no. Oh. I'm screen shotting, right? Danny Trejo as a zombie. Danny Trejo is a certified badass. We now have supernatural powers. He's a little fucking. Certified badass with supernatural powers. Powers. Nice. The grenade never went off. Never went off. Jumping on a dud doesn't mean shit. Oh. Oh, now he lost his other hand. Nice.
turn again. It's there to get on it. It's just squirting a little time. I quit squirting. I I just got an awesome shot. looks like they're going to go with the team approach. Now in the military, we call this an envelop where you surround the enemy and force him to fight you on multiple directions. I thought he was dead.
Yeah. Oh, like a kind of fucking Oh, he played it. The bulldog got deflated by Danny Trejo.
biggest fuck broy can't hurt me I'm big as fuck, bro. I'm Mexican Jay Leno.
damn um tim deig a wet pine tree zoie trehosio behind green Yeah. andre and io yeah Yeah. let she a home squareing to it is Danny Trejo as a zombie. he's just a different zombie right How cool is that?
wow looks like zombies radio calling his shot
He's Air Force. He's fucking tag me. Fuck him.
said t off he wont like Oh, man. What are we doing? We have to get to a place of observation. Glick, if you're seeing this, dude, you've got to watch this one. You'd love this one.
Thanks, Mike. I sent him the link so he could watch with us. I don't think he's seen it. Here comes the fatal bite. Save by Teddy. I'm worried here. My tin is still exhausted from zombie couture. Now let's not count Kennedy out yet. As a special forces operator, he's been in worse spots than this. I'm pretty sure that's not true. Right now. wait just one minute. Matt is still up. This man's kind of growing up. So a long ass ending. Right? Yeah.
He howls like a wolf. Oh, oh, Superman. Superman punch to the fucking throat, man. Took him out. Trejo is down for the count. Oh, he had a knife. Oh, did he? Oh, he did. He's got still got it on him. OK. Why is dude still naked?
I mean, do you get dressed right after a fight when there's more zombies? I don't get naked when there's a fight. That's a good point. I mean, never have I gotten in a fight and be like, wait, I got to get naked first.
that supposed to be a warthog? No. No. It looked like a fucking test knot. It definitely wasn't a warthog.
That's his apocalypse now moment. Yup. Yup. Yup. The fucking blow up doll's fixed. He's got duct tape on her face and her body. But it looks like a seatbelt. Nice. Fixer.
oh Now they're they're standing around barrels of fire singing freedom
Singing America. That's what it is. Yeah. Said freedom song. I was close. Yeah.
I think this this movie was better the second time I watched it. He's still got that thing attached the back of the base. Back of the base, Keith David. The president will be coming in at all $900 in a destination. He wants you to threaten center within one stage as he makes a speech. They still haven't showered.
they've been back in the base long enough to have to wait for Keith David. It's not like when you show up. he your entire mes Like they're the only dirty, bloody ones in the entire room. Everybody else is clean. else's breast it's only like they Just got out of the shower. Yeah. If I'm living up to your potential, that was wrong.
ah yeah less zambies you want to get some la zapi They need to do an Inglorious Basterds remake. It's like a zombie version. Oh. Killing zombie nancies. Did you decide not to shave this morning or? It's the end of the world. Fuck you. It's the end of the world. Fuck you. You didn't shave military regulations? What if I don't want it all? What if I don't want it all? There is no glue. There's no glue. There's no glue.
There's no glue at all. So he wasn't glued to that. rubber book No. He made the choice to have that blow up doll and just date the entire fucking time with Velcro.
my personal me um opened up She doesn't judge me. She just listens. Doesn't talk back.
Everybody thought I went to Walmart to get some epoxy remover to get her off of Johnson. But the truth is, I just wanted to take her out on a Get your dick off from me.
Fresh air it's exposed to it for a minute. I love that he's stopping. The ass as they walk away is nice president is on his way here right now. He should What do you think Mexican Jay Leno's got to take care of it's so, so more important than. him.
i mean He's got, he's got zombie babies to make. not mad at him she crazy couple of days He's finally get. so You think maybe after this whole thing goes over and I get away or something.
Fuck it. Let's do it. You broke me down. You broke me down. Let's go to San Jose. Just fucking with him. You ordered me. Yes. To fuck each other's brains out. All day. All night. Is that what you want? He's like, fuck yeah, I'm in it. I'm in, I'm in. Put yourself down. You're cool. What are you doing?
um me Get yourself down to 180 degrees. No, that's still. You want some food? There's a truckload of food inside and outside. No, you probably shouldn't.
i havent slept so it's still my cheat yeah i haven't slept but still my che day like she said of he gets down to a slim on eighty five she' fuck it late and she off in the fud jane rate country and he's like fucking al he's like you know she's like yeah i don't worry it is beliefd President Mattis addresses the nation.
shit Oh, shit. Is that real Mattis? way I think so. No. Yeah. on coronavirus I know that actor. is his name. Okay. dr no forever like I didn't know his name but I've seen him a million times. Yeah. What about that? I hate to single out individuals. This movie's got a lot of role or something. Whose current? Whose actions? Whose tenacity? This movie's got a lot of like known people. Yeah. It's so weird that it's not a very real. Yeah.
they're They're not known actors, but like when you see them, they're like, holy shit, I know the guy. It's like they canvassed veteran clinics and comic cons in order to get the cast together. And this douche takes all the credit. That's so good. Like, we remixed the movie. That's good. Instead of the trophies, that's it's a wrestling belt. know Yeah.
saw that video of jane taking from one of our space satellites i guess from our space satellite he would have to give him yet another medal of honor well i mean he did take out a lot of zombies yeah is that and it incredible an automatic is a shot of auto auto shotgun with the fucking oh yeah a drum ever seen those
oh yeah yeah me killing yeah at least and but that's okay it's gonna be sixty nine ninety nine that's eight easy installment
lots of people wonder what they would do if the world is ending the Oh yeah, a drum? You ever seen those? Oh yeah. Yeah. That's a thing. Love is the most powerful emotion. Oh, this is Mexican the Leno. Yeah. Yeah, he's Mexican Leno. He's going to go pick up that purple haired zombie. Baby, come back. He nubs her. He nubs her. He nubs her. Oh, my God. I can show this movie. I like it. There she is. She's not bad looking for a zombie. You know what? It's kind of like dating a jugglette.
There you go. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. She's got some face paint and blood thrown in there. She's got that doublet vibe. I get it. Hey, I'm not mad. She likes to be choked. Yeah. I dig it. And she's pretty psycho. So, you know, I don't like getting a Latina. I just don't like when she nibbles. Yeah. I don't like when she nibbles. No teeth. No teeth. No teeth. Oh, is that it?
Tim walked away MMA because after fighting zombies, a civil man doesn't believe. All right. It's a rival shooting school for men. I'm not going to, I'm not going to, I'm not going to. Yeah. Go through all that. So. Oh, man. So Jim. We just got finished watching range 15.
um OK, so. We got to do our ranking as. as You know, unfortunately, nobody got to see when we did Furiosa because other reasons.
And when we did Furiosa, we give Furiosa a, we each gave 7.5 and Rotten Tomatoes is eight. This, and so I'm adding something because this doesn't have a Rotten Tomatoes um tomato meter.
I'm adding the popcorn meter. Now it's in percentage. And it's it's an 83%. Furios was 89%. So definitely popcorn movie.
But this isn't your standard movie. this is this For me, this is like watching Robin Hood, Men in Tights, Hot Shots, Loaded Weapon 1. It's a parody movie.
Yeah, it's the parody. yeah So, so I'm going to go ahead and say I'm going to give it. and I'm to go ahead and give it an eight, eight joints, eight, eight, eight joints. And you know what? I'm going to change that 8.5, 8.5. You just had to find five out there.
no Yeah, I'm going to go the 8.5. Because, you know, the military humor, it yeah it's not something everybody gets. I get that. um But oh, my gosh. The unexpectedness of... Okay, so when you first told me about this movie, I was like, okay, it it's going to be funny, but it's not going to make me laugh out loud. I did not expect to laugh as hard as I did.
Like I've seen hot shots to the point where I can recite the whole fucking movie. Same thing with all these parody movies, like any Monty Python movie, all those movies. They made me me laugh when I first saw them. Not as hard as this. This made me laugh harder because everybody in this movie, because we were in the military, we all know somebody like them. Yes. That goes over the top of the prank or a joke. And you're like, or or is such a hard ass that they think they're Billy Badass and they're like, yeah, you're not. It's, it's all those tropes, stereotypes and shit. I like the humor part is it's, it's, it's at over the top. You're sitting, you're sitting there on the bomb pad, your, your break time. There's nothing being built. So you're sitting around the office, bullshitting, thinking about how you're going to get over on somebody else in the,
the bomb pad and you start devising pranks and jokes. And there's always that one that goes way overboard. yeah And you're like, Hey, let's not do that one. In this movie, in this movie, they're like, fuck that line. We're going to do it. in Oh, that line's a dot. That's why I loved it. It is. They didn't give no fucks about nobody's feelings, like nobody. Well, in you and it yeah it's just good.
boredom in the military is inevitable. Yes. And this is the, these jokes are a result of that type of boy exactly. ah It's almost like, it's almost like when these guys join the military, they're like, I'm going to keep a diary of every stupid thing we've ever said or did. And we're going to put it in this movie that will make, you know, years later. And they did it because like,
Nothing in here screams that will ever happen. Oh, no, like some things didn't go far enough You know because some of the stuff we saw when we were in military you're like Yeah, dude, that's too far. But in this you're like, yeah, I've seen guys take it farther So I enjoyed this movie like I'm gonna have to watch it again It had a lot of immature dick jokes that I appreciate. It had the the military military component that I felt nostalgic. The horrible writing I loved. Again, that's part of why I like this movie is because it's so bad.
I'm gonna give it a straight up nine joints. I'm gonna leave it at nine joints. I think that's fair. Again, I'm not judging this off any standard contemporary. This is based they strictly off just how I enjoyed the movie, how I watched this movie. This is definitely a movie I would sit back, drink some beers, smoke some weed, and just laugh my ass off. You know what? This is the perfect movie. like So if we were all,
there's There's movies like For instance if you and I sit around, you know, you mean click Connor ever we're all sitting around We're not gonna watch saving private ride Because nobody wants to see a bunch of grown man blubber, yeah But this we're totally watching this movie will definitely watch a grown man blubber over a blow-up doll on his dick 100% like this is you know, you know even Furiosa that if you put six of us sitting down, five, six of us watching this movie. We're not going to watch Furios. It's a great movie, but we're not, it's not.
and I'm doing this comparatively, it's not a movie that we're all gonna, like, Glick will get up, and he's like, I'm gonna go go to bed, or, you know, we're gonna walk away slowly, because it's a three-year-old, this is a long movie. This, we're all in, we're watching every scene, and we're laughing our asses off the whole time. We're not walking away. This is our, get the fucking popcorn, blaze, load a joint. We're gonna fucking laugh so hard,
that our wives are gonna come yell at us that we're still watching. And it's four o'clock in the morning. Why are you fuckers so loud? You're gonna wake the kids. I love it. I'm so glad you had us watch this movie. like i like I gotta say, my favorite joke was was the dig at the Air Force.
Yes. He is there on the Air Force. And that is one of the jokes. Like, he is, yeah. The weakest. The weakest out of all the military branches is the is the chair force dudes. Yeah. Which I was. I was a chair force dude. Yeah, you were chair force.
But, you know you know, people like me who was in the Navy, we get the same kind of stupid jokes. I ended the Zoom. and there's no point I saw that, I saw that. But, oh my gosh. this I'm gonna add something else.
um and And we both kind of go along. This is something I'm gonna definitely, this is Blaze and Jay's recommends.
Um, like for instance, they're in Furiosa. I, we recommend it, but it's like, be prepared. Yeah. Be prepared to sit for a while and take a break here and there. Cause it is a long movie where this be prepared to, you know, you're going to need aspirin. Cause you're going to have a laughing headache and you're not prepared. Be prepared to be offended too. If, if, well, not only that, like, I like, I'm not careful about the time you take a drink.
I almost did it here. Spit takes are dangerous. Oh, I definitely spilled water on me. I almost did a couple of times. yeah ah I like i like for this these guys' first movie. I think it's their only movie too. This movie came out in 2016. Oh, they got more?
That was not necessarily more, not of them, but they I was looking on IMDB and I was looking at like, I'm gonna see. So I looked up the writers,
ah but I wanna look up the Ross Patterson was the director. um He's actually, ah he directed the new guy.
with, is he really? Oh, no, he was an actor. he was He acted in The New Guy, which is DJ Quells. Okay. Oh, okay. He was in that movie. So he's actor, turned director. um I don't see anything else that he directed. Actually, he directed three movies.
uh he directed uh drunken boys live the shave eagle tour this and helical oh my god we gotta watch this helen keller versus night wolves 2015 let's watch that next week i think we should all right well there's there's a there's our movie for next week guys name name it again jeff helen keller versus i'm going to share my screen you got to see this Helen Keller vs. Night Wolves. Helen Keller vs. Night Wolves. So this will be next week's movie. Oh my, the movie neither of us has ever watched. Yeah. ah Awesome. I'm assuming it's a comedy. It's not rated. Hmm, I guess we'll find out. He wrote it too.
Jeff, do you have any last words? I'm going to start shutting this down. ah ah No, I think thanks for everybody watching. Thanks for everybody listening. um We will put this up on Zencaster as soon as possible. ah and Everybody go watch Range 15. Totally worth it. All right. So we have an outro, but StreamYard has updated, upgraded. Yeah. But so If I hit the end stream, it should play the new outro. It'll ask you if you don't want to, I believe. yeah it But if it doesn't, I just want to say good night and thank you for joining us. See you at the movies. It does play outro. and So after the outro, we'll be done.
This video has been brought to you by the Nonsense School Network. Well, we tried. Good job, dickhead. Sweet.